Reading time: 8 minutes

The desire to sleep comfortably arises in all people, regardless of gender, age and occupation. You may be a student, a housewife, a businessman, or the director of a large corporation, but this does not affect this natural need. But what is needed for this? The answer is simple - comfortable bedding, but, first of all, a cozy blanket is responsible for this.

The size of the blankets are divided into several categories:

  • Single or one and a half;
  • Double;
  • Euro size;
  • "King size.

The last two items were originally varieties of a double blanket, but increasingly began to act as independent categories.

The main purpose of a double blanket is to provide comfortable sleep for two people. However, even if you sleep alone, but on a large bed, you cannot do without his participation.

The size of the duvet is directly proportional to the size of the bed. The larger it is, the wider this bedding should be.

But it is not entirely correct to focus only on the size of the family bed. Now more and more often among couples it has become practiced to use two, and not one blanket. This may be due to such factors:

  • Allergy in one of the spouses. In this case, it is necessary to choose the filler that is most suitable for both.
  • Sleep features. When one of the spouses strenuously "pulls" the blanket during sleep.
  • Different levels of "warmth". Depends on your "comfortable" temperature and. These levels are not always the same for spouses, someone is hot even under a light blanket, when the other cannot warm up even under a thick duvet.

Down duvets need constant fluffing. It is better to do this daily. In sunny weather, they need to be aired and dried in the fresh air.

Their cannot be stored in vacuum bags, because due to constant compression they will lose their thermal properties.

Can't be erased. For cleaning (at least once every 2 years), such blankets must be dry-cleaned.

Woolen products also need constant ventilation and drying. They easily absorb moisture, wind and fresh air will help get rid of the unpleasant "aroma". During storage, it is necessary to ensure the supply of air and protection against moths. Allowed as manual laundry in warm water without the use of bleaching and coloring agents and dry cleaning.

Bamboo is not demanding to care for. However, there are rules that should be followed in order to extend the service life:

  • Dry cleaning is better than wet cleaning;
  • If wet cleaning is used, dry on a horizontal surface;
  • Do not store in vacuum bags, as the material is deformed;
  • When washing, do not twist and use bleach.

Silk blanket is the most demanding in care. It should not be cleaned frequently. When used, it needs a duvet cover (preferably made of silk) to keep sweat and sebum off the surface. It must be periodically whipped and ventilated.

In order for excess moisture to evaporate from it, it is better take out in the sun in a duvet cover, since it does not tolerate direct sun rays. It is also impossible to iron, it recognizes only steam exposure.

Blankets with artificial fillers are the easiest to care for. To give freshness, they can be washed both in the machine at a temperature of 30 degrees, and by hand. Such products do not need to be ironed, but you can simply hang them to dry on a clothesline. So that they do not accumulate dirt, moisture must be washed 3-4 times a year.

Thus, the choice of the size of the blanket is up to you. Manufacturers offer a wide range of options, based on your inner feelings, but do not forget about the size of the bed!

Do you want to buy a practical and warm product for sleeping? We suggest paying attention to, the characteristics of which are given in our article.

Do you prefer natural? Then a bamboo or camel blanket is for you. We will help you make the right choice.

A good blanket makes a night's rest many times more comfortable and calm. Perfectly matched, the blanket should not overheat the surface of the body and interfere with the free circulation of air. Under such a blanket it will be comfortable at any time of the year, and the service life of a successful purchase is estimated for decades. You can buy a double blanket of good quality and trusted manufacturers without unnecessary problems, using some tips on choosing a filler, size and manufacturer.

Standard sizes for a double duvet and duvet cover

An important selection criterion will, of course, be the dimensions of the product. There are several common dimensional grids of double blankets on sale. Manufacturers usually try to combine dimensional measurements with manufactured bedding, but sometimes completely unique non-standard options come across. Let's try to figure out which blanket is better to choose for sleeping.

Length and width for adults

Summing up, we can say that the usual dimensions of a double bed are in length and width:

  • 175×210 cm;
  • 175×210 cm;
  • 175×215 cm;
  • 180×210 cm;
  • 180×215 cm.

The Euro standard is slightly different from the usual dimensions due to the difference in metric systems.

European standards

Euro sizes of double duvets:

  • 200×220 cm;
  • 212×225 cm;
  • 220×240 cm.

You should also not forget about possible problem when buying a non-standard blanket - you simply may not find suitable bedding sets. Therefore, for individual use, it is better to buy blankets according to the size of existing duvet covers. For a gift, it is better to consult with future owners. Today, a good double bed is a significant investment, so the purchase should ideally fit the intended purpose. As for the sizes of baby blankets, see them.


The classification of such materials is initially carried out into natural and synthetic. It is a mistake to assume that artificial fillers are something obviously harmful and dangerous to health. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve absolutely amazing success in this area, not only contributing to the conservation of the planet's natural resources, but also providing humanity with unique materials.


  1. Wool- the undisputed leader among such "stuffing". Camel wool blankets are very popular. The advantages of the woolen option do not need additional advertising, most likely, the choice will be made according to the price measure.

    The origin of woolen blankets can be very diverse: camel, sheep, cashmere and the most prestigious - merino wool.

  2. fluff It is also quite common, especially in downy feather beds, pillows and, of course, blankets, traditional for our region.

  3. The exceptional properties of natural silks could not go unnoticed in such products, so it is also used in the tailoring of blankets, the only drawback of which will be the elite cost.

    A silk blanket will be a prestigious and expensive gift.

  4. Bamboo- exceptional material. At the moment, the textile industry is experiencing another hype about the use of bamboo fibers and it is difficult to imagine light industry without this raw material now. One of the main manufacturers of such blankets is Ivanovo. Reviews of bamboo blankets from Ivanovo can be found in this article.

    Bamboo has become very popular and seriously competes with cotton for the following qualities: light weight, hypoallergenic fibers, durability, resistance to deformation and good moisture resistance and thermoregulation.

  5. Traditional cotton does not give up its positions, especially since there are also enough adherents of the usual cotton fillers. An example is an adult flannelette blanket. Some inconvenience in the use of cotton is observed due to the long drying time and the relatively heavy structure of the fibers, but positive qualities still more. Patchwork quilts are also often made from cotton.

There are many more types of synthetic fillers, and this is not surprising, given the number of new materials and fabrics that are annually certified for use in home textiles. Not all such experiments end happily, but many synthetic materials have firmly entered our everyday life and deservedly belong to high-quality and inexpensive analogues natural materials.

Basic synthetic fillers

The expected degree of warmth of the blanket will also depend on the type of filler.

Classify these types of warmth blankets:

  • summer;
  • lightweight;
  • standard;
  • warm;
  • especially warm.

When buying, you should specify the labeling of blankets and choose according to personal preferences.

Range, manufacturers and prices

The cost of home textiles traditionally depends on the material used, the brand of the manufacturer and even the presence of decorative elements (embroidery, openwork inserts, additional lines). Modern shops of the corresponding profile offer a wide range of goods from leading world brands.

Common manufacturers of double blankets can be called:


This video will tell you how to choose the right double duvet.

As you can see from the above material, the textile market offers a wide variety of modern and traditional types of double quilts. All of them may differ in cost, material, but among all this diversity, you will find perfect option a comfortable blanket, you just have to find it!

The choice of duvet is an important factor in ensuring maximum sleep comfort. It should cover the body, have the necessary headroom on each side so that the user does not have to bend their legs and adjust to the features of insufficient size. The sizes of blankets are measurements of length and width, they are different, have their own classification, thanks to which it will not be difficult to choose the right size.

What are the sizes of blankets?

The definition of clear dimensions was due to the need to properly retain the heat of the user's body, taking into account comfort. The dimensions of the blankets, measured in the free state, are subject to the developed standards (for example, Russian GOST R 51554-99), they have differences in different countries, may allow a slight deviation from the established norm (no more than 3%).

In our country, the size range was developed at the beginning of the 2000s with the expectation of a married couple of average build, so the sizes of the blankets were compact and far from always satisfying customers, because there was not much variety, and the size itself was often not enough.

To date, two systems of measuring length and width are known: European (metric), used in European countries and English, used, in particular, by American brands. The first system is simpler and represents data in centimeters, labeled with only numbers or with units of measurement (for example, 150 x 200 and 150 cm x 200 cm). The second system is more complicated, since measurements are indicated in inches and feet, which is inconvenient for customers, is an obstacle to choice, does not provide full understandable information about the size of the model they like, and often forces the buyer to look for the right thing in another store.

The Russian size range of blankets today consists of 8 different parameters for children and adults. At the expense of foreign companies, the range of measurements has been significantly expanded, allowing you to choose the most convenient option for the existing furniture or taking into account the features of the build of a particular person (relevant for overweight users). For convenience of choice, the established sizes are divided into several groups, the number of which at one time increased due to the production of special furniture, called "Euro".

To date, the existing dimensional grid includes the following dimensions of blankets:

  • children's;
  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double;
  • Euro;
  • non-standard.

There are non-standard sizes in each category, because often such blankets are made to order for specific furniture of a non-standard plan. Some brands that offer their goods for sale try to enter measurements in a table to make it easier for the buyer to navigate when choosing the right size.

What affects the measurement of the size of the blanket?

The error of standard sizes is explained by their volume, material of manufacture: the standards are based on technical data, taking into account the production technology. By the type of manufacture of blankets can be:

  • woven made on a special machine;
  • quilted, with a filler covered on both sides with a cloth;
  • non-woven, felted;

  • fur, one-sided or two-sided plan with a fur base;
  • knitted, in the form of blankets made of yarn, as well as supplemented with a woven base and insulation.

Measurements of woven and felted models are much easier to carry out than quilted products with bulk filler or knitwear options, elastic materials that have the properties of stretching in different directions. Moreover, if the smaller size has greater accuracy, measurements of spacious blankets for two users of these types will be approximate. Despite the fact that measurements are carried out with a rigid ruler, it is difficult to measure the length and width of models as accurately as possible to the millimeter, therefore, an approximate number is taken as the basis for measurements, often rounding it up.

Equally important to the measurement is the texture of the blanket. The surface of the product can be smooth, napped (with short or long nap, fur), which complicates accurate measurement and leads to a small error. Some manufacturers do not round the measured result, writing the exact parameter on the product label (for example, 142 x 163 cm).

A separate topic is the size of the blankets " homemade". These parameters do not depend on the size grid and are often performed arbitrarily, further implying the tailoring of a suitable duvet cover. If the model is made in the form of a blanket-plaid and does not need a duvet cover, it is even easier: the craftswomen do not rely on standard sizes, making the product in the desired format, taking into account the sizes that are convenient for them.

Many "homemade" products do not turn out in a given size, since during the manufacture the blanket decreases in length, width, or even both. For example, this is typical for knitted products with textured braids and plaits (the blanket becomes narrower), pom-pom products (they become smaller after washing), the Bombon blanket (it becomes significantly smaller when the squares are filled). For this reason, craftswomen make an accurate calculation before work and often make a sample, because the finished blanket must obey the dimensions of the furniture for which it is intended.

For children

The size range for children initially consisted of two parameters: 75 x 100 and 100 x 150 cm. Today, these dimensions are more diverse, the line of category parameters is divided into infants (newborns), toddlers, preschoolers, schoolchildren and adolescents.

A distinctive feature of these blankets are non-standard shapes of products: these are not only the usual blankets in the form of a rectangle or square: there are special transforming blankets for cocoon mattresses, similar to covers, the dimensions of which depend on specific models. Such blankets provide protection for the baby from cooling, while not having excess material. With regards to classic sizes, the smallest parameters today are for the cradle and stroller. They don't obey specific parameters cots and are 90 x 90, 100 x 100, 100 x 110 cm.

The options for the crib are a little more spacious: their length and width are 100 x 140, 110 x 125, 110 x 140, 100 x 150, 120 x 140 cm. The variability is explained by the different dimensions of the furniture. Moreover, brands often set their own standards, therefore, in addition to generally accepted norms, blanket manufacturers have to adapt to the characteristics of specific furniture. Sometimes companies produce both furniture and bedding for it, which is very convenient and allows you to immediately purchase a ready-made set without worrying that the accessories will not fit.

The sizes of teen blankets depend on the age and height of the child, although sometimes they mean a full-fledged model of a single blanket. In general, the size range for teenagers consists of three sizes: 160 x 80, 120 x 160, 140 x 160 cm.


Single plan adult models are designed for a single user with an average weight of up to 90 kg. Such dimensions of a single blanket are 80 x 180, 120 x 170, 120 x 180, 120 x 200, 140 x 170 cm. However, sleeping under such a blanket is uncomfortable, because modern people are used to more comfort. Therefore, manufacturers offer more spacious products with parameters of 130 x 180, 130 x 190, 140 x 190, 140 x 200 cm. The latter sizes are dual and can be included not only in the single line: they are often called one and a half.

One and a half sleeping

One-and-a-half duvet sizes are single-user models that have a more comfortable coverage area. The name has nothing to do with the number of people: this is a spacious blanket for one, although earlier, due to the lack of large blankets and furniture, two had to huddle under it. The size range consists of several options that differ in length and width: 140 x 205, 145 x 210, 150 x 200, 150 x 210, 150 x 215, 150 x 220, 155 x 215, 160 x 220, 165 x 200 cm.

More spacious dimensions are included by some companies in the line of products for two: according to some sources, models with sizes from 150 cm wide are classified as double blankets, although this issue is debatable. Therefore, the size range of each country may differ and not obey the general figures.


Blankets for two are no less diverse a category than a line for children. In addition to the classic dimensions of 170 x 200, 170 x 210, 172 x 205, 180 x 200 cm, it includes models that are more spacious in length and width: 180 x 220, 180 x 230, 180 x 250, 190 x 230, 200 x 210 cm.

The largest dimensions are the parameters 230 x 270, 260 x 240, 280 x 250, 250 x 300 cm. Such products are produced by trademarks of Italy, Belgium, France, Portugal. However, in our country, such sizes are rather rare, because choosing a duvet cover for them is a real problem. Products manufactured in Russia comply with the 280 x 240 and 300 x 240 standards, but it’s not easy to buy a case for them either.


The Euro size category is one of the most popular today. It is worth knowing that the size of the euro is not a single parameter, as many mistakenly believe. He owes his appearance to furniture, which has the same name. Like the other duvets in other categories, the Euro is designed to fit the needs of the furniture and is designed to give the duvet enough space for two users to the maximum.

The line is divided into "Eurostandard" and "Euromaxi". The second sizes are called King size or royal. Sleeping under such a blanket is comfortable and there is no need to huddle. The size range of the category includes products with parameters 195 x 215, 200 x 220, 220 x 240, 240 x 260 cm.

Choice of bed linen

The choice of bed linen depends on the model of the blanket: if a blanket model is purchased, it is enough to buy pillowcases and a sheet in the same style for it, or color scheme according to the design of the quilt itself. If the blanket does not include a duvet cover, has a fur, knitted texture or a complex multi-layered decor, you can purchase covers for a general design idea. decorative pillows or a couple of capes on the backs of chairs. In this case, it is not necessary to buy bedding to match the duvet-spread, because it in itself is bright accent room that does not need repetition and support.

Bed linen is purchased specifically according to the size of the selected blanket, taking into account the measurements of the bed and mattress. In this case, not only the coincidence of size matters: it is important to take into account additions (for example, pillows). Despite the fact that bed linen often does not depend on the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesign, it is selected as a set. Therefore, one duvet cover is not enough: it is preferable to choose a set with pillowcases.

Do not forget about the bedspread, which gives the sleeping place a neat look and closes the bed from mechanical damage, protecting it from dirt, accidental moisture. The color of bed linen can be any and usually depends on the preferences of the buyer. It is advisable to avoid depressive and flashy colors that exclude the creation of a calm atmosphere (red, black, dark gray, steel, cold blue).

Light colors visually make the size of the blanket larger, a pleasant pattern creates the right mood for relaxation. Delicate shades of pastel colors are preferred (pink, sky, lilac, coral, mint, beige, turquoise, gold and other tones).

How to choose a duvet cover?

Choosing a duvet cover is not such a difficult task. However, when buying, there are nuances that you should pay attention to: this will allow you to choose a textile cover as accurately as possible:

  • You need to select a model for the specific size of the blanket with as little margin as possible. However, today brands offer fairly accurate sizes of duvet covers, so buying a “centimeter by centimeter” after washing can turn into a problem: the blanket inside the cover can form folds, gather in a heap, which is ugly in appearance.
  • It is worth considering the type of material: synthetics are undesirable, because having an attractive appearance, not every fabric allows moisture and air to pass through, which negatively affects the microclimate under the blanket. Natural textiles are hypoallergenic, do not harm the skin, do not cause allergies, make the blanket warmer even with thin fabrics. The best cotton fabrics are satin, coarse calico. They well close the cover of microfiber, percale, teak, jacquard.
  • In a silk duvet cover, a blanket can slip, gather in a pile. In addition, such material is very wrinkled, which does not look very neat. If you want to choose a quality case, you should pay attention to the product with a zipper.

Manufacturers overview

For a more detailed idea of ​​the dimensions and appearance blankets, you can look at the products of proven brands that have a lot of customer reviews:

  • Dargez– a wide range of blankets (more than 1000 items) of various types, including all-weather types of one and a half, double and euro sizes with different type filler (siliconized polyester fiber, cotton, Swan down microfiber, down, semi-down, Tencel, Vaitel) and various cover fabrics.
  • Togas- a line of closed-type quilted models of various sizes with filler in the form of natural wool in satin, microfiber in anti-stress textiles, Austrian and Masurian goose in batiste, cashmere in silk, characterized by a wide range of prices (from 4,200 to 80,000 rubles and more).
  • Ecotex- closed quilted models of one and a half, double and euro sizes with a budget cost of a light and standard plan, made of bamboo and DownFil microfiber, camel wool, merino, equipped with a cotton cover made of teak, poplin, satin jacquard, percale soaked in aloe vera extract.
  • Kariguz- a variety of models: from lightweight to very dense and warm for one, two users and euro sizes, made from natural raw materials (camel and sheep wool, goose down, cashmere, bamboo) and synthetic filler for different seasons, having cassette, quilted and combined type of production.

It is important to take into account the size bed, habits and preferences that provide a comfortable stay. The main criterion is that this sleeping item should not hinder movement, be too large or small.

Classification of modern blankets

The modern market offers a large selection of blankets of the following types:

  • double euros;
  • double;
  • one and a half;
  • children's;
  • custom size.

Different manufacturers may offer the same type of product, but with slightly different different sizes. However, there are some standards. For example, one and a half and children's blankets have a width of up to 150 cm, and double ones - up to 200 cm. Non-standard options can be from three to five meters wide.

Blankets for babies are usually offered in sizes 110 x 140 cm or 140 x 140 cm. There are also square products for newborns with sides from 120 to 140 cm.

One and a half blankets most often have standard size- 140 x 205 cm or 155 x 215 cm (EUR). More rare options are products with dimensions of 160 by 220 cm, 160 by 205 cm, 160 by 215 cm.

Double blankets according to the standard have a size of 172 by 205 cm or 200 by 220 cm (euro). Often on sale you can find products with dimensions of 195 by 215 cm, 180 by 210 cm and 200 by 200 cm. Some manufacturers offer a royal blanket, the size of which is 220 by 240 cm.

Features of choosing a duvet cover

In the process of buying a duvet cover, it is important to remember that for a comfortable sleep it is better to choose an option a little bigger size than the blanket itself. Its size is recommended to be taken with a small margin. The ideal size of a duvet cover is one that is 5 cm longer and 5 cm wider than the duvet itself. So it is much more convenient to fill the blanket, it will not stray in one place.

It is also worth saying that most often modern kits do not shrink, so you should not worry that after the purchase it will become smaller. However, if you still have some doubts about this - buy a duvet cover 5-10 cm larger in width (just in this direction a shared thread of fabric is laid in most of the bedding).

In order for the sleep to be as comfortable as possible, and the preparation of the bed pleasant, it is important to choose the right size for the duvet cover. This is one of the main points in the process of choosing a bed item. Knowing the size of the blanket, and adding 5-7 cm to it, there is a high probability of making a successful purchase of a duvet cover.

Textile blanket - composite element bedding, without which you feel rather uncomfortable during sleep, especially in slushy autumn and frosty winter. It differs depending on the sewing technology (it can be quilted and cassette), filler (it can be natural - wool, silk, bamboo, fluff and artificial - holofiber, synthetic winterizer). The filler, in turn, affects the weight of the bedding product, the degree of fullness and warmth.

Any blanket, as well as a mattress, pillow, has its own dimensions. It is under them that bedding is selected. And taking into account the many manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, one may encounter quite significant discrepancies in the parameters.

What are the sizes of duvets?

Firstly, it is worth mentioning that blankets are divided into children's, one-and-a-half, double, euro-, "royal" and non-standard sizes. Their names speak for themselves, they are intended for children, for one or two people. The name of a lorry (the so-called family blanket) is not associated with the number of people that it can cover, but with a product width of 1.5 m, and it is sewn for both teenagers and spouses who are used to sleeping under different blankets. Each of these blankets has its own characteristics. They may correspond to certain standard values, or they may differ, differ from them. Let us dwell in more detail on what is the size of a double blanket.

How to choose the right double duvet?

When choosing this bedding, the size of the bed, the parameters of a person (height, physique) should be decisive. As a rule, the blanket is selected according to the width of the bed or slightly more, plus no more than half a meter. In addition, it is necessary to take into account personal space that provides a person with a comfortable sleep. It is determined by the distance of the elbows spread apart, but not more than the distance of the outstretched arm. For women, it varies between 0.8-1.1 m, for men - 1-1.3 m. For a married couple, these figures are summed up. By the way, not only every person, but also every nation has its own personal space for sleeping. A correctly sized blanket will help eliminate its tension, drooping, or even searching on the floor.

Double duvet size: standard and exceptions

A double bed has several parameters, which in our country are (in m) from 1.60 to 2.0 or more. They differ in different countries. For example, in Europe the width of a double bed starts from 1.4 m, in the USA it is even less - from 1.35 m. Depending on the parameters of the bed, the size of a double blanket is (in m):

  • 1.72x2.05;
  • 1.75x2.05;
  • 1.80x2.10;
  • 1.80x2.15;
  • 2.0x2.0;
  • 1.95x2.15;
  • 2.0x2.20;
  • 2.20x2.40.

The last size is considered to be the size of the euro-maxi, it is also "king size" or "royal". The two preceding it are euro-sizes, with 2.0x2.20 m being more common. All sizes of the euro blanket and the double standard used to be equal to the double. Now more often they position themselves separately.

In accordance with GOST R 51554-99 “Finished textile products. Bed blankets. Dimensions, measurements, markings» bedding sizes are:

  • 0.75x1.0,
  • 1.0x1.50,
  • 1.50x2.0,
  • 1.80x2.40,
  • 2.0x2.40,
  • 2.20x2.40,
  • 2.80x2.40,
  • 3.0x2.40

As such, the concept of “the size of a double blanket” or “the size of a half-sleeping blanket” is not listed in GOST, only indicators are given.

For a number of European countries (Germany, France, Italy and others), the most popular is the size of a double blanket 1.80x2.20 m. However, some of them are characterized by dimensions that are unique to it, for example:

  • in Belgium it is 1.70x2.10, 1.90x2.30;
  • in the UK it is 1.80x2.50, 2.0x2.50, 2.80x2.50, 3.0x2.50;
  • in Spain it is 2.0x2.10;
  • in Italy it is 2.10x2.50, 2.30x2.70.

Quilt size and weight

The weight of the product directly depends on the size of the blanket, the type and density of the filler. If we give as an example the standard size of a double blanket 2.0x2.20, then it will weigh:

  • on fluff - within 0.9 kg;
  • woolen - 1.8 kg;
  • bamboo - 0.75 kg / 1.5 kg (depending on the density of the filler);
  • silk - 1.1 kg;
  • on tinsulate - 0.95 kg;
  • on holofiber - 1.5 kg;
  • on synthetic winterizer - 1.1 kg.

Of course, these data are relative and may vary slightly. If you decide to purchase a bed blanket of the required size for yourself, the main thing is the filler that meets your wishes and criteria, and only after that - the color scheme. Well individual order no one has canceled according to your parameters yet.
