
by the most fast way The transfer of information from one person to another is the printed word. Depending on the tasks and target audience, a set of means of expression Russian language can vary significantly. It is important for both the reader and the writer to know how to determine the style of the text, because this will give an understanding of what is written, and it will also allow you to outline a number of possible techniques with which it is easy to convey thoughts to the reader.

What is text

It is customary to call a text any speech that is recorded on paper or in electronic form, while it can be artistic or journalistic, in the form of a document, letter, etc. In fact, the text contains at least two sentences, and they must be united not only by meaning, but also by grammar. The description of events or objects, destinies or actions in the text is always predetermined by the main theme, message. Regardless of the style, the subject of the written should be clearly outlined.

As a rule, it is not so difficult to understand what will be discussed in the text, because the authors bring the topic up, making it the title. For convenience, intermediate subheadings are also used, which give direction, explain to the reader what awaits him in one or another semantic part of the text. Interestingly, the same information can easily be presented under a different “sauce”, for diametrically opposed audiences or cases. So, how to determine the correct text style?

The concept of functional speech style

In various fields of journalism and literature, there are varieties of language. The word "style" has many definitions used in fine arts, architecture, design (in addition to literature). If we talk purely about literary meaning, then this is a set of expressive (artistic and other) elements inherent in writing a text. Functional speech styles look like this:

  1. A narrative is a time-bound account of events that take place. The sequence in this type of text does not always correspond to chronology, but is always related to it. The narrative form requires the use of words: “while”, “after which”, “then”, etc. These words mark events, tying them to a specific section of the chronology.
  2. Description - a statement of the qualities of the object of discussion. This type of text often uses adjectives that reflect distinctive features subject: “beautiful”, “big”, “wide”, “thin”, “light”, “fast”. The description can use adverbs to compare with other objects of the same category "longer", "faster", "smaller", "deeper".
  3. Reasoning - this type of text contains three mandatory elements: assertion, proof and conclusion. Initially, a certain thesis is indicated in the argument, for example: “Does UFO exist?”. After that, evidence follows, an analysis of the veracity or inaccuracy of this statement and, based on the evidence, a conclusion is made about the correctness of the original statement.

What are the styles of speech

In the Russian language, there are four main language styles that differ from each other in different sets of techniques and characteristics and have their own main features of the text:

  • official business;
  • colloquial;
  • art;
  • journalistic.

In each specific case, the author must know how to correctly determine the style of the text, which functional styles of the modern Russian language to use in order to convey its essence to the final audience. For example, the question of what is text style is easy to answer if you know that:

  • For correspondence with business partners, superiors and subordinates suits the official business genre.
  • And for personal communication and correspondence, conversational is more suitable.
  • The description of events, places, emotions and experiences is best achieved with the help of an artistic style of presentation.
  • The journalistic style of speech is designed to convey thoughts through the media - magazines, newspapers, the Internet. However, media texts cannot always be called journalism; in some cases, a colloquial or scientific genre is used.


As a result of this style of presentation, an article, report, interview or essay is obtained. The grammar and style of the genre provide for ease of reading and perception by the widest masses of the target audience. The journalistic style almost always does not imply an appeal to the reader, because the presentation is in the third person. You can find examples of this style in any newspaper.

In a separate variant, the scientific and journalistic style is sometimes distinguished. In this case, the text uses reasoning on scientific topics. The author makes an assumption at the very beginning, and throughout the article, essay or note provides evidence of the veracity or inaccuracy of this thesis, and at the end draws a conclusion based on the arguments given. Scientific style language tools involve the use of precise definitions. Examples of journalistic style are common, it is difficult to confuse them with others.


The main application of the style is oral speech, and its expressiveness and understandability for the general public makes it popular in journalism. Such text uses colloquial expressions and accepts a direct appeal to the reader, asking questions and provoking an emotional perception of what is written. Written colloquial style differs from oral, because. using text, it is more difficult to convey emotions expressed by facial expressions or gestures.


Unless we are talking about literary magazines, this genre is not used in periodicals. What is a literary text? It involves lengthy reasoning, descriptions, dialogues, analysis. The task of the artistic style is not the transfer of information, but the maximum immersion of the reader in the work, the excitation of emotions, fantasies, and the impact on feelings. This genre provides for the possibility of lengthy reasoning, subjectivity in assessing facts, events and phenomena. The length of the text for those who use the book style of speech is not limited.

Official business

The official style of speech is intended for business communication both within the team and in correspondence with third-party organizations. Official business is also used in oral communication when it comes to business relations. The goal of this text style is to convey as many facts as possible from one person to another without the use of evaluative adjectives. Standard phrases and repetitions are widely used, which in other styles are perceived as flaws or even errors.

The official business style provides for a dry enumeration of facts, figures, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, a certain system that determines the construction of written sentences. This type of text is different from all the others, it necessarily contains two elements:

  • Descriptive part - here the accomplished facts are stated, the possible consequences.
  • Action - a requirement, a request, a proposal for the commission of certain acts is indicated here.
Watch a video about speech styles.

Examples of texts of different styles of speech

Several models of using different genres to present the same situation using text:

  • Publicistic. “This morning, Baba Nyura, going out into the barn to milk her cow Zorka, was quite surprised. She discovered open door V utility room and there was no animal inside. “Who took Zorka away and what should I do without her?” Baba Nyura turned to the local district police officer Ivan Golovin with such questions. An investigation is underway."
  • Colloquial. “I go, Stepanovna, into the barn, but Zorka is not there! I already called her, shouted, went to my neighbor Petrovich - maybe he saw something ... But since yesterday evening he has gotten so drunk that he still does not leave the house. I went to the district police officer, he said: "Write a statement, we'll figure it out." Well, I wrote. I went home through the cemetery, I look, and my Dawn is grazing in the clearing!
  • Art. “The light morning haze had just begun to dissipate, and the first Sun rays touched the lush grass of the front garden. The roosters began to yell their simple morning calls, and the village of Gulkovo began to wake up. The door, which had not been oiled for a long time, creaked lightly and Baba Nyura appeared on the threshold of the rickety wooden hut. She was looking for her cow."
  • Official business. “06/17/2014 at 9-30 a citizen of the Russian Federation Egorova Anna Zakharovna applied to the police station in the village of Gulkovo with a statement. Essentially questions asked she explained that on June 17, 2014, at approximately 4:50, she discovered the loss of livestock (cows) on the territory of her own household. The animal was in a separate outbuilding. Egorova A.Z. stated that the cow could not leave by itself and demanded that an investigation be opened under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The application was registered in the register of crimes and offenses. 06/17/2014 at 16-00 Egorova A.Z. again turned to the police department of the village of Gulkovo with a statement that the animal she was looking for had been found and the applicant had no claims against anyone.”

Speech style chart

A great tool for those who don't know how to define text style. The proposed table contains the main style features. With its help, you will learn how to determine the style of the finished text, what are the styles of speech in Russian, the stylistic affiliation of the document that needs to be created:




Official business

Style functions

depict, describe

Communication, conversation

Report, prove a point

Convey information

Scope of style


Household communication, personal letter

Social activity, cultural, political, economic relations

Office work, lawmaking, creation of normative documents

Style genres

Poetry, fairy tale, drama, novel, short story


Reasoning-explanation, message, essay, newspaper article

Certificates, statements, instructions, orders, samples, laws, plans

Character traits style

Use of any kind of syntactic and lexical constructions in all possible combinations

Emotionality, simplification or ignoring of grammatical rules, slang words

Imagery, logic, evaluation of events and phenomena, accessibility to the general public

Accuracy, impersonality, standardity

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How to determine text style and type of speech

It originated in the vastness of the Roman Empire. Then the addresses that the rulers pronounced before their people were called Publicus. In translation, this means “public” or “state”, because the life of every citizen then depended on the slightest fluctuations in the laws. You can find such a long-standing example of speech in historical sources, documents and protocols. It makes no sense to retell those long texts, since they contained many deviations and auxiliary phrases. However, it is on their basis that the modern “public” type of speech that our politicians and patriarchs use has grown.

What is this style for?

A modern example of a publicist is any speech by a politician in the news, at debates. The essence of such a statement is to convey to people any information that is important to them and may further affect their lives. The speeches “pushed” by the representatives of the authorities are filled with appeals, are cognitive in nature, focus on an important thought, but are devoid of a creative (artistic) color. Also, the purpose of such a saying may be to encourage the masses to take any action. A vivid example of a journalistic style of speech is the campaign program of any candidate for deputies, as well as the announcement of new laws.

Features of speech style

Paradoxically, a statement built according to the laws of society is most often contradictory. Many people cannot be fully understood, they are ambiguous, veiled, full of generalized phrases and statistics. The speaker makes comparisons, cites some facts as examples (often “twisted”).

Now we will give an example of a journalistic style of speech, and it will become clearer how, with the help of oratory, its character can be radically changed. Let's take the field of biological experiments and imagine that we managed to cross a Maine Coon cat and a Cocker Spaniel dog.

Publicistic style of speech. Examples

Lab X scientists have done something! After much effort, they nevertheless brought out an animal that combines the appearance and character traits of both a cat and a dog. This beast is both loyal and wayward. He is able to protect his master, but he will not do it openly, but cunningly, waiting for the right moment. With full confidence we can say that such animals will become the most best friends in each family.

An act of cruelty to animals was recorded in X's lab. A group of biologists spent several months conducting grueling experiments on living cats and dogs, resulting in the birth of a mutant never seen before by the world. It is difficult to understand what will be on the mind of such an animal, perhaps with its help "scientists" will try to seize power in the state!

Both in the first case and in the second, the journalistic style of speech was used. Examples of texts show that with its help one or another phenomenon can be presented as a miracle or as a real hell.

Speech has found wide application in various fields human life. In particular, it is used in magazines, on television, in newspapers, on radio, in party activities, in public speeches. Among the areas of its application, documentary films and political literature, designed for the mass reader, should be noted.

Journalistic style is a functional type of literary language. This concept is closely related to the concept of "journalism", which, in turn, due to the peculiarities of the content of works related to it, is considered to be a literary rather than a linguistic concept.

The peculiarity of this style lies in the breadth of the lexical scope of the literary language. The publicist is able to use technical and scientific terms, while he can go beyond the literary language and start using simple (in some cases, jargon elements), which, however, is desirable to avoid.

It should be noted that the journalistic style of speech does not apply to all texts that are posted in the media. So, for example, decrees, laws, resolutions presented in newspapers are official business publications. Articles submitted by scientists on topics are scientific publications. Often on the radio you can hear reading novels, short stories, stories. These works are works of art.

The journalistic style of speech can deal with any topic that has penetrated the public spotlight. Of course, this circumstance makes it necessary to add special lexical elements to speech that require explanation, and in some cases, rather detailed comments.

At the same time, certain topics are constantly in the public's attention. Thus, the vocabulary related to them acquires the coloring of a journalistic style, and the composition of the dictionary is replenished with a formed circle of lexical units characteristic of it. Among the topics covered constantly, one should single out politics, information about elections, the activities of the parliament and government, statements by statesmen and others. Economic topics are also important.

The pronounced morphological features of the journalistic style are expressed in special ways of using grammatical forms.

So, for example, often in the meaning plural the singular is used: “Stamina and understanding in a Russian person have always been present ...”

The use of plural nouns that do not have it is also characteristic. For example: authorities, risks, budgets, strategies, mafias, searches, freedoms and others.

In order to attract attention in journalism, imperative ones are used. For example: "Let's think ...", "Look ...", "Pay attention ..." and others.

In order to emphasize the significance of an event, the present form of the verb is used. For example: "The fair opens tomorrow."

Characteristic of the style is the use of such as: on the basis, in the interests, for the reason, in the light, on the way, taking into account, in the course of and others.

The inverse word order is also quite typical. This allows in many cases to put the topic in the first place in the sentence.

Rhetorical questions are often asked to enhance the emotional impact, to reinforce the expressed thought. For example: "Why are these people worse than others?"

The genres of the journalistic style of speech are usually divided into three groups: conversation, review, review and others), informational (reportage, note, report, interview) and artistic and journalistic (essay, feuilleton).

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Department of Political Science and Political Management

Journalistic style (characteristic of one of the genres, the language of one of the print media)


Characteristics of the journalistic style

Genre differentiation of journalistic style

1 Genre groups

2 Publicist article

Language means of journalistic style

2 Journalistic vocabulary

4 Journalistic style syntax

Article language tools

Headlines in magazines




When a teacher gives a lecture, a scientist makes a presentation at a scientific conference, diplomats take part in negotiations, students take exams, or a student answers a lesson, their speech differs from that used in an informal, everyday setting: for festive table, friendly conversation, in the family circle. Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved during communication, various language means are selected and peculiar varieties of a single literary language are formed - functional styles. The functional style emphasizes that the varieties of the literary language are distinguished on the basis of the role that the language plays in each specific case. Scientific works, textbooks, reports are written in a scientific style; reporting, financial reports, orders, instructions are drawn up in an official business style; articles in newspapers, magazines, radio and television appearances are based on a journalistic style; when discussing a variety of everyday problems, a conversational style is used.

As part of the journalistic style, the newspaper variety is most widely used, therefore, in linguistic literature, this style is called newspaper-journalistic. This style is also used in magazines. Newspaper-journalistic speech is designed primarily to influence the masses, so it takes into account the interests of readers as much as possible. An important feature language of a newspaper or magazine is its general availability, communicative significance. And the task of my work is to figure out whether it is really possible to agitate, convince, propagandize with the help of linguistic features of a journalistic style. The purpose of my work is to study the functional features of linguistic means and genre differentiation of journalistic style in the analytical weekly magazine "Kommersant Vlast". The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that the language is studied in its functioning, and, in addition, journalism plays an important role in the communication process (it affects the consciousness and speech of people). The material of my research is words, phrases, fragments of texts of the magazines "Kommersant Vlast" No. 13, 14, 15 for 2013.

1. Characteristics of the journalistic style

1 Definition of journalistic style

Journalistic style is a historically developed functional variety of the literary language, serving a wide range of social relations: political, economic, cultural, sports, everyday life, and so on. This style is used in agitation-mass work. It is used in socio-political literature, periodicals (newspapers, magazines), radio and television programs, documentaries, some types of oratory (at meetings and rallies). The purpose of the journalistic style is to influence listeners and readers for agitation and propaganda of socio-political ideas.

2 History of journalistic style

Publicism as a type of literature appeared in Rus' already in the 11th century. This, for example, is the "Sermon on Law and Grace" by the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion. Publicistic style was present in various works of the XV-XVII centuries. Its further development in the 18th century was associated with the publication of the first Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti and the creation of a number of magazines. The journalistic style finally developed at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries in the texts of A.N. Radishcheva, V.G. Belinsky, F.M. Dostoevsky and others. In the 20th century, A.M. Gorky, A.N. Tolstoy, K.M. Simonov.

2. Genre differentiation of journalistic style

1 Genre groups

Publicistic style is used in many genres. There are three groups of genres: informational (interview, reportage, note, chronicle), analytical (article, correspondence) and artistic and journalistic (essay, feuilleton, pamphlet, essay).

For modern newspaper and magazine speech as a whole, open invocativeness, sloganism, rhetoric, and unreasoned directiveness are less characteristic. It is more characteristic of analyticity, evidence of presentation. After all, the form of restrained, calm evidence can be expressive, that is, expressive and turn out to be the embodiment of the influencing function of journalistic style.

In modern newspapers and magazines, a significant place is occupied by dialogue forms of presentation (interviews, conversations, opposition of two points of view, etc.), as well as informational and analytical (article, commentary, etc.), and, for example, essays and reports are becoming rare phenomenon. New genres are also emerging: "straight line", "round table". It is a pity that these new genres are not yet in my researched journals.

And there are simple interviews, informational notes (for example, about cultural events for the current week), polls, statistics. From the artistic and journalistic group there are essays and essays. But most of all, of course, in journal articles. Here is the article we are talking about.

2 Publicist article

A journalistic article is an analytical genre in which the problems of social reality are deeply and thoroughly considered. The main stylistic feature of the article is considered to be logical: the formulation of the problem, its assessment - analysis of the problem, the reasons for its occurrence - the program of actions to solve this problem. For example, the article "Let's Live and Divide" discusses the problem of dividing Gazprom. The reason for the division is a completely new situation in the European gas market: gas prices are falling due to the flow of cheap eastern liquefied natural gas. To resolve this problem, our leadership, in connection with the adoption of the third energy package in 2009 ("a set of rules prohibiting companies that simultaneously produce, transport, and distribute gas from operating on the EU market"), thought about dividing Gazprom into several companies: mining, transportation and distribution. The emergence of new large gas producing companies, Rosneft and NOVATEK, should also reduce the gas monopoly on the market not only in Russia, but also in the EU countries.

A journalistic article involves the inclusion of various inserts (a vivid description of episodes, mini-interviews, illustrations) to enliven the discussion. In this article, for example, these are inserts that, according to Kremlin officials, “consultations on Gazprom are still of an exclusively informal nature” and that “the situation on the gas market will increasingly resemble the oil industry, where there are several large producers and one infrastructure monopoly". The article also contains a noteworthy mini-interview with Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov about the possibilities of implementing the third energy package. For an impactful effect, the article also includes photo illustrations of the Russian leadership and the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, discussing the Nord Stream pipe project, which may be unclaimed in the conditions of the "shale revolution". What the "shale revolution" is can be seen from the subtitle of the article: it is "a process of technology achieved in the United States that allows commercial-scale exploitation of natural gas reserves lying in shale formations", which can significantly undermine the authority of Gazprom.

Before displaying the linguistic features of the article, I would like to talk in general about the features of linguistic means in a journalistic style in the journals under study.

3. Language means of journalistic style

1 Functions of journalistic style

The usual form of implementation of journalistic style is a monologue. And the main principle of journalistic speech, the basis and feature of its organization is its "openness", a direct, direct expression of the author's "I", because the author of the journalistic text addresses the reader with his thoughts, feelings, assessments. In journalism, all assessments belong to the author and it does not matter whether he speaks on behalf of a certain social group, union, party, class, or on his own behalf. Therefore, the speech structure of journalism almost always has an emotional and personal character. Publicistic style has many functions. I would like to focus on two main ones: informative (message, transmission of new information) and influencing (influencing the mind and feelings of the reader). Journals often have several functions: informational, educational, educational, organizational, analytical-critical, entertaining. However, the main function, which incorporates all of the above and is most directly expressed in the style of speech, is influencing-informational, with an emphasis on the aspect of impact. These two functions determine the composition and organization of language means of journalistic style. The informative function of style requires the use of commonly used vocabulary, standards, stamps, because neutral vocabulary facilitates the perception of new information, facilitates the communication process Standard is an exclusive and characteristic property of magazines. The vast majority of journal speech stereotypes are positive or negative. The influencing function of style contributes to the formation of evaluative vocabulary, since the task of a publicist is not only to report events, phenomena, facts, but also to explain them, give them a social assessment, and lead the reader to the "necessary" conclusions. Newspaper-publicistic speech is devoid of conventionality and, as I have already said, in journalism the author's "I" appears openly, and we have one stylistic layer - the author's speech. However, the monotonousness of journalistic speech is not a sign of the latter's poverty. On the contrary, it is precisely in this property that its expressiveness and strength lie. Whatever we say a publicist, the structure directly expresses his "voice", evaluation of emotions, train of thought, enthusiasm, excitement about the topic. The activity of the author's position makes journalism a powerful means of influence. The use of linguistic means is largely determined by their social and evaluative qualities and capabilities in terms of effective and purposeful impact on the mass audience.

The journalistic style is characterized by the alternation of standard and expression, logical and figurative, evaluative and evidentiary, economy of language means, intelligibility, conciseness, consistency of presentation with informative saturation. Hence the appraisal, invocativeness, and polemicism characteristic of the journalistic style. Journalistic speech is designed primarily to influence the masses, so it takes into account the interests of readers as much as possible. An important feature of the language of journals is its general accessibility, communicative significance.

2 Journalistic vocabulary

The property of combining the opposite is most clearly manifested in the vocabulary of a journalistic style:

is the use of standard, stamped words and phrases: played a key role, the human factor, solutions, economic content, achieve goals, face challenges, export;

The use of expressive, expressive, emotional speech means: personifications ( the ground is slipping away from under your feet, the dips are swallowing buses, a busy intersection), metonymy ( President's right hand, pocket frames), metaphors ( mountain of books, shale revolution, article salt, warm welcome). Publicism is emotional, effective, expressive, but the publicist does not draw reality, but directly and openly agitates, convinces, propagandizes. Here "belief is primary, it is expressed in the word, its meaning, emotional nuances." Journals are in dire need of expressive means, but this expression is social character, it is purposeful, evaluative. Metaphors are used here not so much for imagery as to create an evaluative effect, positive or negative. Usually concepts that are important in ideological and economic terms are subjected to metaphorization: electric rivers; bread industry;

The combination of words related to both book and colloquial vocabulary: homeland-chaos; thoughts-disassembly; socialization-poor guy;

use of socio-political words: power, deputy mandate, constitutional strengthening, Kremlin officials;borrowed words: president, press service, interview, curator, consulting, monitoring; various economic, political, philosophical terms that are rethought and get a journalistic coloring: strategic direction, head of state, bastion of stability, lowering differential.Indeed, unlike other styles of the literary language, in journalistic persuasion acts as the main function of the language, and it has an agitational character. This is manifested primarily in the choice of language means. And since the issues treated by journalism have a political content, political overtones, the choice of language means is conscious, purposeful. The use of words that are associated with the expression of ideological concepts cannot but be influenced by social groups, classes that put different content, different assessments into the same words;

The use of so-called newspaperisms, professional journalistic vocabulary, neologisms: Medvedev's four-year plan, presidential apparatus, Putin 3.0., arbitrable, default, deja vu, Duma member;

Journals are not characterized, although possible, by highly specialized words and expressions, dialectisms, argotisms, poeticisms, barbarisms, individual neologisms, that is, everything that can cause difficulties in understanding the message is excluded.

3 Morphological means of journalistic style

The morphological means of journalistic texts are distinguished by their originality:

nouns with suffixes are actively used - awn, -stv, -nie, -ie(position, independence, innovation, cooperation, execution, association), with international suffixes and prefixes -ism, -ist, -ation, anti-, counter-, de- (bureaucracy, administration, anti-corruption, countermeasures, optimist); adjectives with prefixes inter-, all-, general-, super-(comprehensive, universally recognized, interdepartmental);

commonly used forms passive participles past tense ( accomplished, accomplished, successful); superlative adjectives ( the most important, the brightest, the best);

common words formed by addition ( socio-political, business associations, chambers of commerce and industry);

The 1st person form of the verb is common, since the narration is usually conducted on behalf of the author.

3.4 Syntax of journalistic style

The syntax of journalistic style texts also has its own characteristics. It is characterized by:

elliptical structures, i.e. phrases with a missing element of the statement, characterized by brevity, dynamism, increased energy: arbitration is a voluntary case, based on the results of each exam;

Nominative sentences, especially in headings: "king, lady, ballet", State Duma;

Interrogative sentences (How will Thatcher go down in history? And what is the meaning of life?);

introductory words ( first of all, in the first place, really, besides).

4. Language means of the article

Now let's return specifically to our article "Let's live and share." Along with the standard socio-political phrases ( corruption, infrastructure, stronghold of stability, state, national treasure, ministry, reform, oil industry), highly specialized terms are used: " shale revolution", shale gas, long list of candidates, gas market, gas business, gas monopoly, ministry of energy, management, EU authorities, lobbied for construction, Nabucco gas pipeline, energy package, spot market. The main linguistic features of the article also include means of linguistic expressiveness: personifications ( weigh all the arguments, the European Union snapped, the monopoly turned into a tool), metaphors ( hands did not reach, the cornerstone, it is impossible to solve in one fell swoop), epithets ( encroachments of "Gazprom"), alliteration ( let's live and divide), phraseological unit ( provide retroactive discounts). The article contains an abundance of means expressing the logical connections of statements: conjunctions (composing however, and, but, or, subordinating if…then, bye, so what, how, to, on which), introductory words ( most likely, finally, firstly, secondly, true, however, means, in particular, according to Vlast).genre journalistic style article

Whether or not to be imbued with the problem discussed in the article, to agree or not with the conclusions and opinions of journalists, is the business of each reader. So, on the example of the analysis of one article from the magazine "Kommersant Vlast" No. 15, 2013, we examined the linguistic features of the analytical genre of journalistic style. Of course, each genre has its own characteristics, but in general, they all perform the informative and influencing functions of a journalistic style.

From the foregoing, we see that all language means are expressively significant, since they embody the journalistic idea. That is why the problem of choosing an accurate, bright, effective, expressive word is so important in journalism.

5. Magazine headlines

Separately, I want to talk about the headlines in magazines. After all, it is the title of the headings, headings of articles, notes, subheadings, sidebars that are a kind of guidebook for readers of magazines. They attract the attention of the reader, inform him about the topic of publications. The journals have developed a clear system of heading materials, models of heading structures, their placement. For better orientation, publications are grouped into thematic collections. The journal has its own permanent headings, which should attract the attention of readers, they should not have fuzzy wording. The studied journals contain such headings as "Vertical", "Resignations and appointments", "They are about us", "Week", "Question of the week", "Political economy". Briefly and clearly. And if the heading signals the general direction of the publications placed under it, then the heading names the topic of a particular material, and with the help of subheadings, you can emphasize the most important points. For example, the title "No doubt" - the subtitle "High-profile cases of arbitration courts in Russia" or the title "Let's live together" - the subtitle "What is the shale revolution".

The title should not just name the topic, it should inform about the fact, event, formulate the attitude towards it, convey the author's position. These journals have a large number of structural heading models and techniques for their lexical and phraseological expression. Among them, verbless constructions clearly predominate: "Command hour, "King, lady, ballet", "History"; two-word sentences: "Keep stamps", "Spare". Such names are short, expressive, easily perceived by readers. Also for magazines two-word constructions connected by a union are characteristic, which can give the reader more information.For example, "Drill and ice", "Fact and profit". Interrogative sentences are stylistically significant: "When will you repent?", "Why do you not like Americans? "Naturally, not only the structure of the title is important for the reader, but also its content. And the expressive elements should not contradict the content of the material, its genre. But often there are "blunders" in magazines when the title contradicts the content or sounds meaningless ("Thatcher of discord" ), or there are spelling and syntactical errors, or inaccurate information is given in the content, especially in last year's issues, when articles were regularly published by a student of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University Evgeny Ponasenkov, distorting historical facts. For example, in his article "Kommersant Vlast" No. 35,2002, pp. 77-78, he wrote: "And then the envious of Napoleon Alexander I was forced to go to the Treaty of Tilsit." In fact, the facts of envy of Alexander I to Napoleon are not confirmed by anything. On the contrary, Napoleon always envied Alexander and other hereditary monarchs of large states and fawned over them so that they would recognize him as their equal. One can even recall Napoleon's passionate desire to intermarry with some monarchical house in Europe.

Thus, journals should be dominated by headlines that attract the attention of readers with informativeness and accuracy of content. After all, they help the reader to choose the materials most deserving of his attention. And they should be real landmarks, a kind of signals on the pages of the magazine.


In conclusion, I would like to say that, based on the analysis of the analytical journals Kommersant Vlast, I was able to get acquainted with the functional features of the language means of the journalistic style and understand all its style features, namely logicality, imagery, emotionality, appraisal, invocativeness. The studied journals mainly consist of articles that belong to the analytical genre and are characterized by the presence of both standard phrases and highly specialized social and political terms, and are also enriched with means of artistic expression and various syntactic constructions, which, in turn, perform, along with the informative function, the most important the function of journalistic style is influencing. The information in the magazines is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the reader, so that he has a certain attitude to public affairs, and it does not matter whether it will be positive or negative. Indeed, for a modern publicist, the main thing is to convey information to the reader so that he comprehends it, draws the necessary conclusions for himself. And if earlier a socio-political journal was a party, public, trade union or state body and was aimed at convincing the reader that the author's position was right, now, in the era of glasnost, democracy and freedom of speech, the reader himself forms his own worldview, agreeing or not with author's position. Yes, the studied journals enlighten, inform, agitate, are easy to read, the headings are clear and understandable, they have a lot of expression, they call and make you think about social, political and economic problems, despite the fact that the speech journalistic structure is emotional and personal in nature. That is, journalistic language perfectly fulfills its communicative function. But, I think, the evaluation, emotional, aesthetic or logical, is made by the reader himself.

And no matter how grandiloquent it may sound that the world is ruled by news today, to convey this news to the reader and listener is a very difficult task for a publicist and journalist.


1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. "Russian language and culture of speech", 2005.

Bushko O.M. " School vocabulary literary terms", 2005.

Baranov M.T., Kostyaeva T.A., Prudnikova A.V. "Russian language", 1984.

Kozhina M.N. "Stylistics of the Russian language", M., 1993.

Kozhina M.N., Duskaeva L.R., Salimovsky V.A. "Stylistics of the Russian language", M., 2008.

Maidanova L.M. "Workshop on the modern Russian language", Yekaterinburg, 1993.

Karaulov Yu.N. Encyclopedia "Russian language", 1997.

Kozhin A.N., Krylova O.A., Odintsov V.V. " Function types Russian speech", M., Higher school, 1982.

Magazines "Kommersant Vlast" No. 13, 14, 15 for 2013 and No. 35 for 2002.

Tags: Journalistic style (characteristic of one of the genres, the language of one of the printed media) indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of obtaining a consultation.

Today, the journalistic style of speech is becoming popular, in demand, as the role of public speech in modern communication is increasing dramatically. A person of our time often has a need to constructively build a dialogue, competently argue a position, and refute the opponent’s point of view. You can learn this by comprehending the secrets of journalistic speech.

In contact with

What it is

What is publicism? These are works of literature, journalism reflecting the topical issues of the life of society. "journalistic" is translated from Latin as "public". Publicists and journalists write about what interests most of society.

Therefore, the main task of the authors is to influence the thoughts, feelings, actions of the addressee through information, induce to action, influence the formation of public opinion, moral choice, and spiritual development of readers. In journalism there is no place for fiction, conventions, it orients the readership to a specific fact, thinking about it.

Important! The journalistic style is used mainly for pressing issues of the political, social, household, economic, sports, cultural life of society.

Signs of a journalistic style

Characteristics of journalistic style, text:

  • the problems of today;
  • addressing the general reader;
  • transfer of information;
  • variety of topics;
  • emotionality;
  • call to action;
  • open author's position;
  • logic;
  • the accuracy of the facts;
  • imagery.

Linguistic features of publicistic text

The main principle of the selection of speech means in the material presented by the author is public accessibility. Speech in the media or in public is built in accordance with the style in question. This explains the use of neutral.

The publicist's lexicon is saturated with words from the field of politics and economics, which is due to interest in socio-political topics. The impact function is realized thanks to evaluation tools verbal expressiveness (scribbler, paper maraka, hook-maker), words with a figurative meaning (nazi hotbed, election race).

Syntax is distinguished by a combination of constructions colloquial (incomplete, nominal sentences) and book speech (isolated members, subordinate clauses, inversion).

Linguistic features of journalistic style
Lexical book words (sons of the fatherland, fatherland);

socio-political vocabulary (freedom, democracy, progress);

neologisms (bioterrorism, rover);

borrowing (speaker, marketing);

sustainable turnovers (make a difference, common sense);

epithets (fatal combination of circumstances);

Comparisons (love for a son, like madness);

(disease of the state);

colloquial vernacular expressions (to sharpen the laces, let the duck go).

morphological an abundance of adjectives,;

forms of the genitive case;

past, present tense verbs

· with suffixes -om-, -em-;

The use of the singular in the meaning of the plural.

syntactic features of journalistic style appeals (friends, citizens);

introductory combinations of words (according to the statement);

· rhetorical questions, exclamations;

Incomplete sentences (The road - to the young!);

Presentation of thoughts in the form of a question, answer;

gradation (country, homeland, fatherland);

Parceling (You need to live cheerfully. Freely.)

Genre originality of journalism

A wide range of social, political, moral, ethical, philosophical problems determines the genre diversity of journalistic literature. Conventionally, they can be divided as follows:

Newspaper genres:

  • note (a concise message about a new event in the life of society, significant to others);
  • report ( operational information from the scene);
  • interview (a conversation with a person in the form of questions and answers, intended for the media);
  • article from a magazine, newspaper (reasoning based on the analysis of facts in their cause-and-effect relationship, including a clearly expressed position on the problems being disclosed).

Genres of fiction:

  • essay (a short story about a real event, person, phenomenon, which differs from the literary one in its authenticity, lack of fiction, including open reflections on the subject of the image);
  • feuilleton (denunciation of social vices, built on the basis of one or a group of phenomena close to each other);
  • pamphlet (denunciation directed at a whole system of views, ideology, such as fascism).

Oratory genres:

  • oral presentation (communication with the audience in order to convey to the listener important information, prove your point of view);
  • report (detailed discussion on a given topic);
  • discussion (collective discussion of complex problems).

Signs of similarity with other styles of speech

The journalistic style is not closed, it reflects the features of other functional styles.

What unites scientific and journalistic texts? The composition of both is based on reasoning. First, an important problem is put forward that worries the author. Then an analysis is given, an assessment of a possible way to solve it. The publicist gives examples from life, facts, refers to an authoritative opinion, which he uses, confirming his point of view. In conclusion, conclusions and generalizations are made. In such texts there are no scientific studies, conclusions, although they are characterized by a logical sequence, strict validity, general scientific terminology - this is the main characteristic of the journalistic style.

The connection with the business style is indicated by specific figures, precise facts that are used to reveal topics of concern to the author and the public.

So, unlike other varieties of speech, journalistic style is not strictly regulated, because in fact, what is journalism? She is characterized by emotionality, expressiveness, the style of a publicist allows for the variability of norms, for example, the use of expressive means of artistic, colloquial language.

Syntactic features of journalistic style demonstrate a connection with artistic speech, which is manifested in the use of tropes and stylistic figures of speech (metaphors, comparisons, epithets, personifications, metonymy, hyperbole, litots, etc.), in reflecting the individuality of the writer (speaker). Through the word the author influences the imagination and feelings of the addressee, based only on real events, not allowing fiction.

Attention! Knowing the similarities and differences of styles will help to avoid mistakes in determining the stylistic orientation of the text.

An example of journalistic style text

In order to more accurately understand what exactly the described style of speech is, it is necessary to use examples of texts. This makes it easier to analyze and pay attention to key points.

Fragment of the article by A.N. Tolstoy “Moscow is threatened by the enemy”.

We stand as a wall against a mortal enemy. He is hungry and greedy. Today he decided to attack us and went to us ... This is not a war, as it used to be when wars ended with a peace treaty, triumph for some and shame for others. This conquest is the same as at the dawn of history, when the German hordes, led by the king of the Huns Attila, moved west - to Europe, to seize lands and exterminate all life on them.

There will be no peaceful end to this war. Russia and Germany are fighting to the death, and the whole world is listening to a gigantic battle that has not stopped for more than 100 days ...

Our task is to stop the Nazi armies in front of Moscow. Then the great battle will be won by us.

This should be known! How to prove that the text is written in a journalistic style?

  1. Determine whether the task of informing, influencing is realized.
  2. Find out the scope of the presented material.
  3. Identify the main style features of publicistic speech.
  4. Find the language means inherent in this style.

An example of stylistic text analysis

(fragment of the article by A. N. Tolstoy “Moscow is threatened by the enemy!”).

Scope of the text - periodicals. A work written during the Great Patriotic War, contains a fiery call to the fight against the Nazis, addressed to compatriots. In every word, line, one feels the author's experience for the fate of his beloved homeland, people. The writer appears before the reader as a true patriot.

The purpose of the author is to tell about the terrible test for the Soviet people, about the approach of the enemy to the capital, to encourage a decisive struggle for the freedom of the fatherland, to instill faith in a quick victory, which cannot be won without defending Moscow. "No step back!" - this is the author's position, and each sentence emphasizes this.

The idea of ​​A. N. Tolstoy corresponds to the genre of the work - the article. It is intended for a like-minded reader who shares the feelings of the writer, so the reflection is conducted from the 1st person plural (get up, our task).

  • comparison (let's stand as a wall),
  • personification (the world listens),
  • epithets (mortal enemy, craven coward),
  • phraseological unit (fight to the death),
  • expressive repetitions (more expensive, homeland),

Comparison of the Nazi offensive with the barbaric campaign of the Huns, who destroyed everything in their path, was not used by chance. In this case, journalistic style is used to show inhumanity, cruelty of the enemy, thereby emphasizing that the Soviet soldiers face a difficult battle. Thus, all the signs of the journalistic style of the fragment proposed for analysis are evident.

Journalistic style: main features

Russian language Grade 11 Week 12 Journalistic style of speech


In conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize the importance of journalism for a modern person. Thanks to her, you feel the spirit of the time, you are always in the center of events, you feel your involvement in what is happening in the country, the world, and you form as a person. In addition, listening to news, reports, interviews, reading articles, essays in periodicals on a subconscious level, you learn the language means of expressiveness of a journalistic style, which helps to increase the level of speech culture.
