In the diet of every person should be present foods that contain magnesium and calcium. Only in this way our body gets the opportunity to function normally.


By this " building material"for teeth and bones is calcium, which is responsible for the stability of the nervous, cardiac and bone structures. If the body receives enough calcium, then the risk of developing such terrible diseases as osteoporosis and other bone pathologies is close to zero.

In addition, due to the high content of calcium in the teeth, in case of trauma to the face or jaw, the risk of serious complications is also minimal.

Calcium is needed:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are in the lactation period;
  • professional athletes;
  • persons suffering from heavy sweating.

This macroelement, which is part of tissue and cellular fluids, contributes to the successful coagulation of blood and a decrease in the permeability of the vascular walls. Thus, it prevents viruses and various allergens from entering the cells of the body.

Calcium, which is found in a large number of foods, is absorbed with some difficulty. This is especially true of cereal products, since they, as well as sorrel and spinach, contain substances that “conflict” with calcium. They form non-digestible and insoluble compounds.

The absorption of calcium is actively prevented by confectionery sweets and concentrated carbohydrates, which promote the formation of digestive alkaline juices.

The trace element from dairy products is well enough absorbed. Normalization of the process occurs due to lactose.


Magnesium is involved in supporting the intestines and heart muscles. If the human body contains a sufficient amount of this trace element, then the removal of harmful toxic substances will be systematic and timely. Magnesium also accompanies the strengthening of tooth enamel.

"Cooperating" with calcium, this microelement plays a preventive role in the prevention of nervous, cardiovascular and urinary pathologies.

  • stressful situations;
  • high levels of protein in the diet;
  • the rapid formation of new tissues (relevant for children and bodybuilders);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • the use of diuretic drugs.

This element actively performs an anti-stress function, fights overwork and improves efficiency. In addition, magnesium salts stop the development of malignant neoplasms.

Magnesium is actively absorbed in the colon and duodenum. Only inorganic salts are problematic absorbed, while amino acids and organic acids are absorbed quite well.

Calcium and magnesium deficiency

Magnesium and calcium deficiency today is not so rare. The main symptoms indicating that the body has a serious deficiency of these macronutrients are:

  1. Fragility and fragility of bones.
  2. The crumbling of tooth enamel.
  3. Crushing of teeth.
  4. High cholesterol.
  5. The appearance of kidney stones.
  6. Pathology of intestinal peristalsis.
  7. Increased nervousness.
  8. Increased irritability.
  9. Numbness and "stiffness" of the legs and arms.
  10. The appearance of spasms.
  11. Pain in the region of the heart.


Cases when a supersaturation of calcium and magnesium is observed in the body are also observed quite often.

An excess of these elements is characterized by:

  1. Fragility and fragility of bones.
  2. Increased irritability.
  3. Progression of the pathology of the digestive tract.
  4. The appearance of arrhythmia, tachycardia and other cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Lethargy.
  6. The development of hypercalcemia (relevant for children under 2 years old).

daily requirement for calcium

According to most modern doctors and nutritionists, calcium or foods containing it must be consumed daily. The daily requirement depends on the age of the person and his state of health:

  • children (1-12 years old) - 1 gram;
  • teenagers (boys) - 1.4 grams;
  • adolescents (girls) - 1.3 grams;
  • pregnant women - 1.5 grams;
  • nursing mothers - 2 grams;
  • adults - 0.8 - 1.2 grams.

daily requirement for magnesium

As for magnesium, here daily requirement in it is from the mass human body about 0.05 percent, or 400 milligrams. Children under the age of twelve are recommended to consume at least 200 milligrams of magnesium daily. The dose for pregnant women is increased to 450 milligrams. Athletes, as well as those who are exposed to serious physical exertion every day, need 600 milligrams per day to maintain the body “in good shape”.

Deficiency and overabundance of this element in the body can be easily avoided. To do this, you need to know which foods have calcium in their composition.

Seeds, nuts, legumes

If you make a kind of hit parade of products in which this microelement is located, then plant foods will be in the top positions:

  1. beans;
  2. peas;
  3. beans;
  4. lentils;
  5. green pea;
  6. almond;

Fruits, berries, vegetables

Despite the fact that calcium is not contained in vegetables, fruits and berries in such large quantities as in legumes, it is extremely necessary to eat these foods, because they contain many useful elements and microorganisms that contribute to the absorption of this microelement.

You need to include in your diet:

  1. apricots;
  2. broccoli;
  3. grape;
  4. strawberries;
  5. nettle (young);
  6. watercress;
  7. gooseberry;
  8. seaweed;
  9. peaches;
  10. radish;
  11. turnip;
  12. salad;
  13. celery;
  14. currant;
  15. asparagus;
  16. cauliflower;
  17. citrus;


A fairly large amount of calcium is found in fish and fish products. It is desirable that salmon and sardines be present in the diet.

There are many foods that contain magnesium.

Nuts and seeds

To normalize the functioning of the body, it is necessary to eat the following foods containing magnesium:

  • sesame (seeds);
  • cashew nuts;
  • nuts (cedar);
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • peanut.

Legumes and cereals

A sufficiently large amount of magnesium is found in wheat sprouts and bran. You should also include in your diet:

  • buckwheat;
  • barley groats;
  • oatmeal;
  • millet groats;
  • peas (green);
  • beans;
  • lentils.

Greens and vegetables

Greens are very rich in magnesium. This microelement is contained in a specific pigment - chlorophyll, which has a green tint.

Magnesium in its composition, have products such as:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • arugula.


Magnesium rich:

  • squids;
  • shrimps;
  • flounder;
  • halibut.

Dried fruits and fruits

A large amount of magnesium is found in:

  • dates;
  • persimmon;
  • bananas;
  • raisins;
  • prunes.

Despite the fact that the level of calcium in dark green vegetables is quite high, its absorption is difficult due to oxalic acid.

Product Amount of substance (mg) % of daily allowance
Lemonade (powder) 3 098 310
Spices (basil, dried) 2 240 224
Tofu 2 134 213
Savory, ground 2 132 213
Whey (milk dry) 2 054 205
Marjoram, oregano (dry) 1 990 199
agar agar 1 920 192
Thyme, thyme (dry) 1890 189
ground sage 1 652 165
Smelt (dry) 1 600 160
Spices (oregano, dried) 1 597 160
Dill 1 516 152
Pudding (chocolate) 1 512 152
Spices (mint, dried) 1 488 149
Sesame 1 474 147
Cocoa (powder low-cal. mix) 1 440 144
Spices (poppy seeds) 1 438 144
Chocolate cocktail. (low cal.) 1 412 141%
Beverage (low-calorie orange) 1 378 138
Parmesan 1 376 138
Spices (chervil, dried) 1 346 135
Spices (rosemary, dried) 1 280 128
The milk is skimmed. (dry) 1 257 126
Spices (cilantro leaves, dried) 1 246 125
Spices (fennel) 1 196 120
pasta 1 184 118
Milk (low fat) 1 155 116
Children's food (oatmeal) 1 154 115
Mexican cheese (filled) 1 146 115
Spices (parsley, dried) 1 140 114
Spices (tarragon, dried) 1 139 114
Beverage (fruit flavor) 1 105 111
Cheese (emmental) 1 100 110
Cheese (Switzerland Gruyère) 1 011 101
Spices (cinnamon, hammer.) 1 002 100
Cheese (poshekhon, TV) 1 000 100
Cheese (Lithuanian half) 1 000 100
Cheese (charcoal hard) 1 000 100
Cheese (Dutch bar) 1 000 100
Milk (dry whole canned) 1 000 100
Cheese (cheddar, hard) 1 000 100
Sesame (whole roasted seeds) 989 99
Tofu 961 96
Cheese (Swiss) 961 96
Mozzarella cheese) 961 96
Cheese (Swiss low fat) 961 96
Sesame 960 96
Cheese (Soviet hard) 950 95
Spices (cumin seeds) 931 93
Product Amount of substance (mg.) %Daily Value
Bran 781 195
Agar-agar (dry) 770 193
Seeds (poppy partially defatted) 760 190
Basil, dry 711 178
cocoaovella 701 175
Spices (cilantro leaves, dried) 694 174
chives 640 160
Spices (mint dried) 602 151
Pumpkin (seed dried) 592 148
Pumpkin (seed fried with added salt) 550 138
Pumpkin (seed fried without added salt) 550 138
Seeds (sesame) 540 135
cocoa powder 519 130
Watermelon seeds (dried) 515 129
Cocoa powder (unsweetened) 499 125
Almonds (kernel, roasted) 498 125
Mustard (powder) 453 113
Spices (green dill, sushi) 451 113
Millet (bran) 448 112
Poppy 442 111
Spices (celery) 440 110
Cotton (seeds, roasted) 440 110
soy flour 429 107
Spices (sage ground) 428 107
Spices (parsley dry) 400 100
392 98
Fennel (seeds, special) 385 96
walnut 198 50
Quinoa (no heat treatment) 197 49
Celery (dry) 196 49
Apricot (seeds) 196 49
Algae (marine) 195 49
Tomatoes (dry) 194 49
Spices (turmeric, hammer.) 193 48
Beans (raw seeds) 192 48
Peanut butter 191 48
Spices (fenugreek, seeds) 191 48
Beans (gold) 189 47
Beans (large northern) 189 47
Peppers (sweet, frozen) 188 47
Peanuts (raw) 188 47
Beans (red) 188 47
Beans (French) 188 47
Irish moss (seaweed raw) 144 36
Spaghetti 143 36
Rice (brown) 143 36
Macaroni (whole millet dry) 143 36
Caviar (pink salmon) 141 35

In addition to eating foods rich in magnesium and calcium, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive measures.

Surely, in childhood, your parents persuaded you to eat dairy products, assuring that it is very useful for a growing body. And this is true. These products contain calcium, which helps to strengthen teeth and bones, is involved in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency is considered a dangerous phenomenon and provokes the development of many diseases. Let's take a look at which foods contain the most calcium.

Calcium is a vital element for the human body. Almost all cells, including nerves, heart and muscles, need this trace element to function properly.

At an early stage, calcium deficiency makes itself felt by the development of caries and the deterioration of the general condition of the teeth. The most dangerous consequence is osteoporosis. With this disease, the bones become brittle, the risk of fractures and their deformation increases. According to statistics, in Russia 34% of women and 25% of men suffer from osteoporosis.

In addition, a reduced level of calcium negatively affects the activity of the neuromuscular system: bone pain, numbness, and convulsions appear. Heart failure can also develop, which is not amenable to drug therapy.

Also, hypocalcemia can cause the following diseases:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • subcapsular cataract;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • arthritis;
  • depression;
  • osteochondrosis.

Calcium deficiency can occur in children. IN early age it is especially dangerous: the formation of teeth is disturbed, various nervous disorders appear, the lens of the eye changes, etc. In the future, multiple sclerosis may develop.

Foods containing calcium

Everyone is well aware that a large amount (about 75%) of this trace element is found in fermented milk and dairy products. However, not everyone knows that these products are digested only with a minimum amount of animal fats. For this reason, preference should be given to low-fat dairy products.

Also, a large amount of calcium in food is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts and greens. The percentage in them is less than in the "milk", but it is quite enough to replenish the daily calcium intake.

Below are several tables showing the calcium content in 100 g. product. Let's start with dairy products.


Parmesan 1200
Powdered milk 1000
Cheese Russian 900
Cheddar 720
Mozzarella 520
Feta 360
Cottage cheese 200
cow's milk 120
Kefir 120
Egg 110
Sour cream 10% 80

Seafood and fish

The record holder for calcium content is sardine. It is very useful to eat canned fish, as the bones are crushed in them. Seafood contains more vitamins D and K, magnesium, which promote the absorption of calcium.

Canned food "Sardine" 380
Mackerel 250
Salmon 210
Shrimps 100
oysters 83

Seeds and nuts

Vegetables and greens

To ensure the availability of calcium, vegetables should be eaten boiled. Many vegetables contain oxalic acid, which greatly complicates the absorption of this trace element.

Berries and fruits

Interesting! Meat products quite poor in calcium. The fact is that in the body of mammals and birds, most of the calcium is in the blood plasma, and not inside the cells. Therefore, the calcium content in meat is insignificant - less than 50 mg / 100 g.

daily intake of calcium

For each age, the required daily dose of calcium is determined. This must be kept in mind when including certain foods in the diet.

The norm is:

  1. For children under 3 years old - 600 mg.
  2. For children under 10 years old - 800 mg.
  3. For teenagers - 1200 mg.
  4. For adults - not less than 1000 mg.
  5. During pregnancy - 2000 mg.

It is enough for children to drink a couple of glasses of milk or natural yogurt a day to ensure a sufficient amount of the trace element.

How calcium is absorbed by the body

Not all types of calcium that enter the body with food are fully absorbed. The mineral is not able to dissolve in water. When ingested, it is only partially converted into soluble compounds.

It is important that calcium is supplied to the body from food. Otherwise, the element will begin to come from the bones, which, in turn, breaks the bone tissue.

The absorption of calcium from foods varies greatly - from 20 to 90%. When drawing up a diet, this moment should be taken into account. Much depends on the products themselves. Almost all calcium is absorbed from dairy products. A little worse with fish, vegetables, fruits, herbs and nuts.

The absorption of calcium by the body depends on the following factors:

  1. An excess of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, a lack or excess of fats negatively affect.
  2. Calcium is quickly absorbed from those foods that contain the required amount of phosphorus, vitamins B, C and D.

From this, the question is quite natural: Which foods have the most calcium in an easily digestible form?. These include:

  • milk, cheeses, cottage cheese;
  • seafood;
  • greenery;
  • poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds;
  • fruits (dried figs, dried apricots);
  • berries (currant, kiwi).

Important! One more thing to take into account important point- Preservation of calcium in the body. To ensure this, it is necessary to reduce the intake of salt, coffee and fatty foods. An active lifestyle also favorably affects the absorption of calcium.

Calcium is essential to human health. To do this, it is important to know what kind of food it is contained in, and the features of its absorption. Of course, foods rich in calcium are milk, cheeses, poppy seeds and sesame seeds. It is slightly less in other products.

Everyone knows that calcium (Ca) is a very necessary mineral for the body, which is often associated with the health of bones and teeth. However, it performs many other important functions.

For example, scientists have found that low blood levels are a risk factor for developing hypertension. It also helps control appetite and facilitates the process of losing weight. It is believed that products made from this mineral can increase the feeling of satiety after eating.

There are various alternatives to dairy food, which is often erroneously considered to be the only source. Vegetables, fruits, seeds and seafood also contain a lot of calcium.

In order for the body to use it properly, it also needs other nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin D (we will analyze them in detail in the article). That is why it is best to get Ca from food, not from supplements.

The amount of calcium that you need to consume every day depends on age and gender.

  • up to 50 and under -1000 mg / day.
  • from 51 and older - 1200 mg / day.
  • up to 70 and younger - 1000 mg / day.
  • from 71 and older - 1200 mg / day.

Now it's time to find out which foods contain it the most. So let's get started!


Topping the list is milk. It is one of the most popular and simple sources of Ca. A cup of whole milk contains about 276 mg, while skim milk has 316 mg.

If you're lactose intolerant, try drinking soy, rice, or coconut milk.

It's just a versatile product that has a lot to offer. nutrients- protein, vitamins, phosphorus, zinc and, of course, calcium. There are about 100 different varieties of cheese, some of which, shown below, have it in very large quantities.

Swiss 1144
Parmesan 1009
Camembert 954
Cheddar 952


Whole milk yogurt is another source useful element, which also contains vitamins A and C, proteins, potassium, phosphorus and healthy fats.

A cup (250 g) of yogurt contains about 296 mg.

It is also rich in micro-organisms that aid digestion and cleanse the intestines.

cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are known to have high levels of the mineral. Below is a list of commonly used and available vegetables.

Legumes and beans

They are excellent sources of calcium, protein, iron, zinc, potassium, folic acid, magnesium and fiber.

Available in canned, dried and fresh forms, they can be prepared in a variety of ways. Here are some of them.

Greens leafy vegetables

Spinach, collard greens, kale, and watercress are rich in vitamins, iron, and oxalates. Below is the amount of Ca per serving.

dry fruits

Dried fruits also have high levels of calcium.

Dried fruits Calcium content per 100 g, mg.
Almond 251
figs 241
Raisin 82
dried apricots 71


In these small juicy fruits, it is not contained in such a large amount, but still.


One serving of seeds can fill the required daily requirement.


The following are the seafood that are the most calcium-containing.

What diet should be in osteoporosis

The most important nutrients for people with osteoporosis are calcium and vitamin D, which helps the body absorb it.

  • from 1 to 70 years - 600 IU / day.
  • after 70 years - 800 IU / day.

To determine its content in the body, you should conduct a test for 25-hydroxyvitamin called a 25-OH test.

Food is the best source of these two micronutrients.

Milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products are rich in Ca and other essential nutrients for bone health, such as phosphorus and protein.

If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy food, then replace it with:

  • soy and almond milk;
  • cereals;
  • green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli and spinach
  • seafood (salmon, oysters, perch, clams, sardine and shrimp).

Sources of vitamin D include orange juice, cereals, and certain types of fish, such as salmon, tuna, trout, and mackerel.

Olive oil, soybeans, blueberries and foods rich in omega-3 fish oil and linseed oil useful for increasing bone density.

Patients with osteoporosis also need protein for joint pain and general health, but not in too much. Many older people lack it in their diet, which can lead to weak bones. In this case, it is useful to eat dairy foods with a high amount of protein.

Remember that eating salty foods leads to calcium loss. In addition, you should limit your consumption of processed and canned foods.

Alcohol, caffeinated beverages can also reduce the absorption of the substance and contribute to bone loss. Therefore, they should be drunk in moderation.

Where is magnesium, potassium and calcium found at the same time

Magnesium, potassium, and calcium are essential for maintaining healthy joints and ensuring proper muscle function. They are all electrolytes that conduct electrical impulses in the body that affect the functioning of the heart, muscles and nerves. These minerals help keep the body hydrated and control blood pressure.

Their deficiency or imbalance can provoke muscle cramps, muscle pain and the development of arrhythmias. To meet the needs of the body in all these three substances, eat the following foods.

Product, 100 g The content of magnesium, potassium and calcium, mg.
Pumpkin seeds 262, 919, 55
pistachios 121, 1025, 105
Sunflower seeds 325, 645, 78
Spaghetti 18, 44, 7
Swiss cheese 38, 77, 791
Apple 12, 35, 10
Spinach 79, 558, 99
White rice 12, 35, 10
Celery 50, 430, 72
Chinese cabbage 8, 11, 29
Blueberry 6, 1, 6
Egg 11, 163, 7
Leek 2, 4, 6
Honey 2, 52, 6
Milk 11, 150, 125
Yogurt 11, 141, 110
Beet 23, 325, 16

What foods contain vitamin D and calcium

Did you know that you need vitamin D for better absorption of calcium? Most of the Ca that we consume is in an inactive form, and vitamin D comes to the rescue in order to transfer it to an active form.

When these two micronutrients interact, nutrient absorption is improved, bones are strengthened, and heart, muscle, nerve, and digestive system health is maintained.

There are many food sources rich in them, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, tofu, cabbage, broccoli, eggs, grains, shrimp, kale, Swiss cheese, fish oil, margarine, nuts, cereals, cereals, and mushrooms. Fish include cod, salmon, tuna, sardine and herring.

If there is a shortage, you can use supplements, such as Alternative option. But still, food remains the best source, since it also contains other useful micro and macro elements, as well as fiber.

Table of food sources of phosphorus and calcium

Phosphorus (P) is another element that must go in tandem with Ca. As new research shows, he simply needs it for better strengthening of bone tissue.

Experts even argue that taking calcium without enough phosphorus can be a waste of time.

When taking calcium carbonate, the absorption of most of the phosphorus can be blocked. If this happens, then Ca will not be of much use, because the basis of bone tissue is just made up of both elements.

Here is a table with their quantitative content in food.

Product, 100 g Phosphorus content, mg Calcium content, mg
Processed cheese 1000 712
Pumpkin seeds 843 55
sunflower seed 642 78
Hard cheese 610 1004
Almond 500 264
Walnuts 507 101
Egg yolk 501 129
Hazelnut 291 114
Cottage cheese 222 164
Oatmeal 380 92
Red beans 504 143

As you can see, high levels of calcium are found not only in dairy foods, but also in many other foods. useful sources nutrition. By using products from a diverse list, you can simply satisfy the need for it.

In this article, we will try to figure out why the body needs calcium, which foods contain the most, how much to consume and what contributes to its better absorption. It is worth noting that the mineral in question is involved in almost all human life processes, and, accordingly, its deficiency is the cause of many dangerous diseases.

The main properties of calcium

Calcium- a necessary and practically indispensable macronutrient for the life of the human body. Without his participation, it is impossible to ensure the full functioning of most vital systems, for example, the brain, skin, muscles, heart, nerves and blood vessels. Also, with regular intake of foods high in calcium, you can ensure the strength of teeth and bones over a long period of life.

Due to the high chemical activity in nature, this mineral is not found in its pure form. However, a large amount of it can be found in living organisms inhabiting our planet. Eg, bone tissues and the teeth of an adult contain an average of 1-1.5 kg of calcium.

Why is calcium needed?

The use of food rich in calcium, as well as trace elements that contribute to its absorption, is especially important for the following organs and their systems:

Also, the intake of calcium-rich food and its sufficient assimilation contributes to an increase in resistance to infectious diseases and sudden weather changes. In addition, this mineral helps to strengthen immune system and skeleton.

Daily intake of calcium

For a full life, the body of an adult should receive 0.8-1.3 g of calcium daily, while 0.3-0.8 g is enough for a child. However, even with the use of mineral-rich foods, one cannot be sure that it is volume required by your body. The fact is that calcium is a water-insoluble substance, therefore, it can only partially be converted into soluble, and, accordingly, compounds absorbed by the body.

It is extremely important to ensure that required amount macronutrients came precisely with food, since when they are deficient, the lack is compensated for by the bones. This can lead to a violation of the structure of bone tissue, which provokes the occurrence of such dangerous diseases as osteoporosis and rickets.

Main Causes of Calcium Deficiency

In the course of numerous scientific studies, it has been noticed that motor activity is one of the factors for better absorption of calcium from food, and also contributes to its faster transition into bone tissue. Therefore, most often the problem of deficiency of this macronutrient is faced by people leading an inactive, mostly sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the disadvantage given substance it is quite possible to call the most active problem of modernity and total computerization. At the same time, athletes and athletes receive more calcium, which contributes not only to strengthening bone tissue, but also to building muscle mass.

Important! However, it should be borne in mind that intense muscle tension, visiting saunas or bathing activities suggest an active sweating process. With sweat, not only harmful microorganisms and dirt are removed from the body, but also a certain amount of macroelements necessary for its full functioning.

Also, the following factors can lead to calcium deficiency:

  1. Wrong nutrition.
  2. Dysbacteriosis and intestinal upset.
  3. An insufficient amount .
  4. Lack of measure in the use of sugar, salt, alcoholic beverages, caffeine.
  5. Diseases of the digestive system, thyroid gland, kidneys, as well as pancreatitis.
  6. Long-term use of drugs with a laxative or diuretic effect.

With a significant lack of calcium in a person, a pronounced deterioration in blood clotting, muscle pain, fragility of bone tissue, cramps of the lower extremities during a night's rest can be observed.

Why is too much calcium dangerous?

Dangerous for the body is not only a lack of calcium, but also its excess. If you consume foods containing this mineral in excessively large quantities, then there is a risk of encountering the following troubles:

  1. Excessive stimulation of the nervous system.
  2. Dehydration of connective tissue cells, and, accordingly, a decrease in their functionality.
  3. The development of urolithiasis.
  4. A significant increase in the concentration of urates.
  5. Difficulty in moving joints and cartilage, leading to gout.

If there is a lot of calcium in the body, then it is recommended to use distilled or so-called soft water containing a minimum amount of macronutrients. A two-month course of such hydrotherapy contributes to the dissolution of excess amounts of minerals.

Products with a high content of calcium (table)

Each person has their own culinary preferences, so the following table of calcium content in foods has been developed to compile a diet that is right for you.

Productcontent in 100 g, mg
poppy seeds1450
parmesan cheese1300
hard cheeses740-1100
powdered milk1000
young nettle leaves713
processed cheese520
rose hip257
flax seeds250
milk chocolate240
White mushrooms187
dried apricots170
coffee beans147
ice cream140
cottage cheese120

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However, it should be borne in mind that the calcium contained in each of the products listed in the list has a different level of absorption by the body, the rate of which can vary from 20 to 90%. Therefore, the preparation of the diet should be approached very responsibly.

The following factors serve as an obstacle to the entry of calcium into the bones of the body:

  • increased content in the body of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • deficiency or excess of fat.

The ease of absorption of calcium is facilitated by the intake of vitamins D, B and C, which should also be taken into account when choosing food.

Products containing calcium in an easily digestible form

For those wishing to compensate for a mineral deficiency through a balanced diet, nutritionists recommend studying the following list of foods:

  1. Seafood.
  2. Fish liver.
  3. Cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products.
  4. Berries.
  5. Greenery.
  6. Sunflower seeds, zucchini, poppy, sesame.
  7. Fruits.

It is also worth remembering that the heat treatment of products leads to the transition of the mineral to an inorganic state. Such calcium is not absorbed by the body, but gradually settles in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder, forming salts. But fresh vegetables, fruits and seeds, on the contrary, are rich in easily digestible calcium of organic origin.

It is also worth noting that breast milk is distinguished by a high mineral content. For this reason, those on breastfeeding children are less susceptible to rickets and tolerate teething more easily than formula-fed babies.


What contributes to the dissolution of inorganic calcium?

As already mentioned, inorganic calcium is not absorbed by the body, but settles on the walls of the veins. The most massive accumulations of this substance are observed in the region abdominal cavity, where, due to physiological characteristics, there is a reduced intensity of blood circulation. The main danger of the accumulation of such substances is an increased risk of tumor formation, both benign and malignant. In the process of cleaning the blood, the liver sends inorganic deposits to gallbladder where they gradually accumulate. Mineral residues are transported to the kidneys and bladder, which provokes the formation of stones and sand.

Beet juice well cleanses the body of inorganic deposits of mineral matter. It is in this food product that contains a lot of sodium - the main calcium antagonist. Thanks to regular intake beetroot juice you can purify the blood, dissolve calcium deposits on the walls of the vessel, increase the lumen of blood flow, stimulate the lymphatic system and reduce the load on the heart muscle.

Calcium and Vitamin D

In order for the human body to receive and assimilate the optimal amount of calcium, the intestinal tract requires a sufficient amount of vitamin D, the natural synthesis of which occurs under the influence of the sun. This vitamin also contributes to the prevention of such dangerous diseases as rickets, periodontal disease, osteoporosis and rheumatism. Without it, it is not possible to fully perform the following physiological processes by the body:

  • blood clotting;
  • uninterrupted work of the heart;
  • tissue growth;
  • balance of the nervous system.

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Under the influence of the sun, human skin synthesizes about 90% of the vitamin D necessary for full health. However, the natural process of obtaining such substances is usually hindered by people's fear of sunbathing and excessive use of sunscreens.

Important! Despite the usefulness of sunbathing, it is worth remembering that the most useful ultraviolet radiation of the sun is in the morning and in the evening, in places with clean air.

Some doctors recommend using synthetic drugs to eliminate vitamin D deficiency, but their absorption requires some effort from the body. So the benefit of this approach is relative and can lead to the deposition of calcium salts.

The daily norm of vitamin D with a significant deficiency is 400-600 IU per day, which can be obtained through a balanced diet and a carefully selected diet. The largest amount of this vitamin is found in such products:

  • mackerel;
  • Cod liver;
  • herring;
  • tuna;
  • raw egg yolk;
  • fish fat;
  • butter;
  • pig or beef liver;
  • cottage cheese;

A leisurely walk under the gentle rays of the gentle sun also contributes to the synthesis of vitamin D, which will not only improve your well-being, but also cheer you up. Without this component in the body, it is also impossible to carry out the natural process of exchange between calcium and phosphorus, which in turn is the key to excellent absorption of the mineral substance.

Calcium-rich preparations

Calcium is one of the most important minerals that is responsible for the health of the human body. It contributes to the full growth and strength of nails, teeth, hair, bones, and therefore its significant deficiency can affect a person’s well-being, regardless of the number of years he has lived, gender and lifestyle. So if a balanced diet fails to keep your calcium levels up to required level, then you should resort to the help of special preparations containing not only this mineral, but also many other useful components to support immunity.

The most popular drug complexes today to maintain the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals in the body are the following drugs:

  1. Calcepan.
  2. Vitrum-calcium D3.
  3. Calcevit.
  4. Alpha-D3-Teva.


Vitrum-calcium D3



These medicines are produced from natural ingredients using a special technology that allows the human body to receive the amount of organic calcium necessary for a full life and the substances that promote its absorption. Such complexes are usually prescribed to avoid bone fragility, a dangerous decrease in bone mass, and improve the recovery process after injuries.

Any medication should be taken after consultation with your doctor, who will not only help you choose the right remedy for you, but also tell you the optimal dosage and duration of the course.

Important! Do not forget that any drug has a number of major contraindications that should be considered before starting use. Otherwise, you can significantly harm your body and spend a long time on its further recovery.

Modern vitamins and mineral complexes are designed in such a way that the body absorbs almost all of the calcium contained in their composition. Therefore, such drugs are prescribed both for the prevention of diseases associated with a deficiency of this mineral, and for the recovery of the body after complex injuries and fractures of the upper or lower extremities.

Good afternoon friends! To feel good, be beautiful and full of energy, it is important to eat a balanced diet, give the body the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. One of the vital trace elements is calcium. It is not produced by the body, so it is important to systematically consume foods rich in calcium (Ca).

What food contains Ca in large quantities, not everyone knows. Dairy and sour-milk products are considered to be the main source of the substance, but the matter is not limited to milk, sour cream, cream and kefir. There are many foods of plant and animal origin that can fill the body's need for this trace element.

About the useful properties of the element

Before you figure out which foods are rich in calcium and start compiling daily menu, you need to understand what benefits the trace element brings to the body. There is more of this mineral in the body than the rest. It is found in bones, nails, hair, teeth. This is why Ca-fortified foods are often prescribed for fractures. Calcium is also involved in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood clotting, transmission nerve impulses.

If you do not eat foods high in Ca, this will lead to bone damage, as well as disorders:

  • cell metabolism;
  • metabolic processes;
  • reproductive function.

With a lack of a substance, insomnia, a feeling of anxiety, weakness, constipation, migraines, exfoliate nails, hair fall out, and teeth are destroyed. To prevent the appearance of such symptoms, you should know the daily intake of the trace element. Adult men and women need 1000 mg of the mineral per day, children under 3 years old need 600 mg, preschoolers - 800 mg, adolescents 1300 mg.

During pregnancy daily rate is doubled. With age, calcium is washed out of the bones, so older people need 1200-1400 mg of the substance per day.

Mineral absorption

By itself, calcium is poorly absorbed by the human body. To improve the process of absorption of the mineral, it is necessary to consume food that also contains phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins D, B and C. But it is important not to overdo it. With an excess of these minerals, the rate of absorption of nutrients slows down.

The product with the highest calcium content will not benefit the body if it has a high fat content. Fats form compounds with the trace element, which are deposited on the walls of the intestine in the form of toxins. Protein-rich food contributes to the full assimilation. nutrition with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are indispensable for bone diseases, as well as for people who lead an active lifestyle and watch their figure.

Where is a lot of Ca found?

It is generally accepted that kefir, cottage cheese, milk are the best suppliers of calcium for the human body. Yes, there is a lot of this mineral in such food and you can use it at any time of the day without harm to the figure, but besides dairy products, there are others that are not inferior, but superior to milk or sour cream in terms of trace element content. The richest are plant products, namely legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, lentils).

A little less substance is found in greens, fruits, vegetables, cereals. But daily consumption of these products allows you to fill the body's needs for trace elements. A mandatory component of the diet of a person who cares about his health and the condition of the musculoskeletal system are nuts and seeds. Sesame, poppy, almonds - add them in ground form to any dish.

The list of the most calcium-containing foods includes meat, fish and eggs. They do not differ in the highest rates, but they contain the necessary protein and auxiliary elements. The highest content of Ca in this group of products belongs to the sardine. There are 300 mg of calcium in 100 grams of this fish.

The exact amount of calcium in different food groups can be found in the table below:

It is important that the food is balanced. Lack or excess of any substance can adversely affect health. If you are not getting enough calcium from food, you can compensate for this with medications. In the pharmacy you can buy calcium carbonate and citrate. It is worth drinking pills only on the recommendation of a doctor, because an overdose of drugs threatens with serious diseases of the internal organs.

Now you know what foods you need to eat so that the body functions normally, the bones are healthy, the hair is shiny and silky, the teeth are snow-white, and the nails are strong.

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