Due to the fact that the 3rd blood group arose much later than 1 and 2, at the stage when humanity entered the era of migration, representatives of this group have a strong immune system. The digestive system is quite stable. Therefore, the owners of the 3rd (positive and negative) blood groups can have a varied diet. It is well digested and absorbed by almost any food.

However, nevertheless, scientists were able to identify the most favorable products for the body of the “lucky ones” with the third blood group. And also not recommended products that can provoke a decrease in resistance to stress, the development of depression or emotional overstrain - psychological nature. Problems with the nervous system can trigger a digestive failure. H, we recommend the article.

Therefore, following a blood type diet is very important, and this article will help you.

Nutrition table for 3 blood groups:

  • Meat: rabbit, lamb, lamb.
  • Fish: halibut, mackerel, salmon, sturgeon (caviar), pike, cod, flounder
  • Vegetables: beets, eggplant, broccoli, peppers of all kinds, carrots, cabbage
  • Cereals: rice, oatmeal, pasta from rice flour
  • Legumes: beans, soybeans, vegetable beans
  • Dairy products: goat's milk, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese
  • Wheat bread, rice cakes
  • Fruits: banana, papaya, pineapple, plum
  • Beverages: green tea, all kinds of juice (without tomato).
  • Spices and seasonings: ginger, curry.
  • Olive oil.

Acceptable products for infrequent use:

  • Meat: beef, turkey, liver of all kinds
  • Fish: trout, herring, carp, squid.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, asparagus, all greens, leafy vegetables, pumpkin, cucumbers, garlic.
  • Cereals: brown rice, pasta wheat flour premium
  • Legumes: white and green beans, green pea
  • Dairy products: butter, whole milk, soy milk
  • Fruits: all types except prohibited (see below)
  • Drinks: lemon water, coffee, apple cider, red and white wine
  • Spices: all kinds, except allspice.
  • Others: mayonnaise, pickles, jelly, jam, mustard.

Category of products prohibited for blood group 3:

  • Meat: chicken and other poultry, pork.
  • Fish: perch, all seafood, crayfish
  • Dairy products: ice cream
  • Oil: sunflower, corn
  • Legumes: lentils, chickpeas
  • Groats: corn, buckwheat, wheat, rye, barley
  • Vegetables: corn, tomatoes
  • Fruits: coconut, persimmon, pomegranate.
  • Beverages: tomato juice, alcohol.

Eating leads to a gradual set of excess body weight. For those who want to lose weight without making any special efforts, it is enough to build a nutrition system in which the blood type diet will become the daily norm.

  • 3 blood group negative - alternately swimming, fitness, yoga.
  • 3 positive blood type - alternately running, fitness, Pilates.

Separate nutrition according to blood type is the law of maintaining health. By eating the right foods, you are laying the foundation for continued energy replenishment.

An exemplary menu for a diet for a separate diet for 3 blood groups.


Option 1: Omelet, vegetable saute, rice cake, juice

Option 2: Cheesecakes with condensed milk, tea

Option 3: Oatmeal with banana, cocoa

Option 4: Toast with turkey, herbs and cucumber, coffee

Option 5: Rice porridge with apple, tea


  • Dried fruits
  • Fruit and milk jelly
  • Pancakes with cottage cheese and strawberry jam
  • Assorted nuts
  • Fruit salad


Option 1: Soup with turkey, grilled salmon with rice, beet salad with garlic

Option 2: Vegetable soup, veal in cream sauce casserole with broccoli and zucchini

Option 3: Borscht with beans, pasta with vegetables and basil, coleslaw with cucumber

Option 4: Peasant fish soup, grilled flounder, Mexican salad with cheese

Option 5: Soup with meatballs, stewed liver with rice, radish and arugula salad.

Afternoon snack:

  • Charlotte with apples, tea
  • Cottage cheese casserole with cherries, cocoa
  • Millet toast with strawberry jam, milk
  • Dessert cottage cheese - jelly, juice


Option 1: Rabbit stewed in its own juice, potato casserole with mushrooms

Medicine has long known that the characteristics of the body depend on genetics. In particular, such a factor as a blood type, which is given to a person from birth, genetically, largely determines the most suitable lifestyle, including the diet.

American scientist Peter D'Adamo proposed his own nutrition system, depending on the blood type. Medical scientists are still arguing about the fidelity of this theory. Existing scientific studies cannot yet confirm the effectiveness of D'Adamo's nutritional system.

Product table

You can briefly familiarize yourself with useful, harmful and neutral food in the table:


With this type of blood, without fear for health, you can eat:

  1. any fish and seafood, mackerel, sardines, flounder, cod, salmon are especially useful;
  2. from meat - lamb, rabbit meat of medium roast or stewed;
  3. from cereals - millet, oats, rice;
  4. fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, curdled milk;
  5. chicken eggs;
  6. olive oil;
  7. from cereals - millet, rice, oats;
  8. many vegetables, primarily all types of cabbage, carrots, eggplants, beets, Bell pepper, green leafy;
  9. berries and fruits: bananas, plums, cranberries, pineapple, grapes;
  10. among spices, the most useful are those that regulate digestion: ginger, peppermint, parsley, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper;
  11. from drinks - green tea, water with lemon, tea from ginger, rosehip, licorice, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, black tea - sometimes;
  12. pineapple, cranberry juice;


Some products, despite their objective dietary contraindicated for owners of group 3. Among them:

  1. poultry meat;
  2. from vegetables - tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, radish, radish, olives;
  3. from fruits - pomegranate, persimmon, avocado;
  4. from cereals - corn, buckwheat, wheat;
  5. from legumes - peanuts, lentils;
  6. from drinks - strong alcohol is strictly prohibited, beer and tomato juice are undesirable.

Also considered unhelpful white pepper, cinnamon, allspice and such nutritional supplements like almond extract, gelatin and cornstarch.


It is believed that there is a list of products that are neutral for the owners of a particular blood group. They don't do any harm, but supposedly they don't do any good either. That's a moot point, but you still need to know such products for those who have a 3rd blood group, so that, if possible and for safety, you can replace them with more useful ones for yourself:

  1. veal, turkey meat, pheasant, buffalo, beef and liver;
  2. seafood - scallop, herring, squid, tuna, trout, cod liver;
  3. dairy and sour-milk products: whole milk and whey;
  4. almond, pecan, Walnut;
  5. white beans, green peas;
  6. fennel, zucchini, onion;
  7. mango, kiwi, melon, tangerine, currant, blueberry, grapefruit, fig;
  8. black tea, citrus fruits, apricot juice, white and red wine, thyme teas, chamomile.

Some of the neutral foods are best consumed only if there is a lot of physical activity, such as playing sports. These special products include:

  1. butter and linseed oil;
  2. herring;
  3. hard cheeses;
  4. coffee;
  5. Orange juice;
  6. apples, strawberries, cherries, watermelon, cranberries;
  7. Walnut.

Sample menu for the week

For the descendants of nomads, it is not difficult to make the right diet. Their digestive system is adapted to the assimilation of almost any food.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, egg, rice cake, black tea with milk.
  • Lunch: soup with beef meatballs, cabbage and carrot salad dressed with lemon nipple and olive oil, apple compote.
  • Dinner: mackerel in foil, bell peppers and grilled eggplant, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal milk porridge with almonds, green tea.
  • Lunch: milk soup, beet salad, lamb stewed in sour cream, pineapple juice.
  • Dinner: homemade yogurt with roasted hazelnuts, rye bread, orange.


  • Breakfast: cheesecakes with cherries and sour cream, black tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup, pea cutlets, mint decoction.
  • Dinner: fish casserole with vegetables, ginger tea.


  • Breakfast: millet milk porridge with raisins, green tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: beef meatballs, stewed broccoli, cranberry juice.
  • Dinner: sardine stewed in milk with vegetables, dried apricot compote.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with banana, rye bread with Adyghe cheese, black tea.
  • Lunch: spinach salad, beef soup, pear compote.
  • Dinner: stew of zucchini, carrots and herbs, fish cutlet, mint tea.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal pancake with cheese, drinking yogurt.
  • Lunch: mackerel soup, cucumber, parsley and dill salad with lemon and olive oil, cherry compote.
  • Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls with beef, cabbage and sour cream, tea with sage and licorice.


  • Breakfast: omelette with green beans, toast with apple jam, tea with milk.
  • Lunch: milk soup with cauliflower, beef hedgehogs in a creamy sauce, carrot juice with cream.
  • Dinner: baked trout, grilled vegetables, kefir.

Features of the diet for weight loss

Blood group 3 owners are rarely obese. But sometimes it becomes necessary to lose a few pounds. In this case, prohibitions on:

  1. fried meat;
  2. pork in any form;
  3. chocolate;
  4. sugar;
  5. fats.

You should also especially avoid products that are in principle harmful to representatives of this type of blood. But during weight loss, they are especially dangerous.

  1. Corn, wheat and sesame slow down the metabolism.
  2. Lentils prevents many useful substances from being absorbed from food.
  3. Peanut interferes with the functioning of the liver.
  4. Buckwheat interferes with digestion.

If you need to lose weight, people with blood group 3 need to compensate for the restrictions with a large number of products that are useful for themselves.

  1. Vegetables and greens. These products promote good peristalsis and help digest animal protein.
  2. Dairy. A large number of dairy and sour-milk products contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals and easily digestible fats.
  3. Chicken eggs. During a weight loss diet, you can eat up to 6 pieces per day.

For the descendants of nomads, fasting is completely unacceptable, either as a way of healing or as a way to lose weight.

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The D'Adamo Method is not a diet, but rather a correct way of life that helps to activate health reserves and helps to avoid the onset of ailments. You may not agree on everything with nutritionists who advise choosing foods depending on genetic factors, but this approach will definitely not only not bring harm, but will also significantly improve the body.

Weight loss up to 3 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is from 950 kcal.

According to doctors, the preparation of an individual diet, taking into account the blood type, can significantly improve health and prevent various diseases. In addition, knowing the principles of nutrition for your blood type helps you choose foods that promote weight loss or weight gain. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the diet intended for people with the third blood group, which, according to statistics, are about 20% on our planet.

Diet requirements for the third blood group

The owners of the third blood type are called nomads. According to historical data, such blood was formed as a result of migration processes and the domestication of domestic animals by humans. People in whose veins the blood of the 3rd group flows are characterized by the following features:
- stable nervous system;
- good immunity;
- developed system of the digestive tract;
- propensity to combine physical and mental labor;
- susceptibility to fewer diseases than other blood groups.

Before compiling a balanced diet, people with the third blood group need to learn about foods that can lead to weight gain or weight loss. Based on this knowledge, you can calculate the diet based on your goals and desires.

So, weight gain foods:
- corn (it can slow down the metabolism and the body's production of insulin);
- peanuts (contributes to the occurrence of hypoglycemia - a decrease in the amount of glucose in the lymph below the permissible norm);
- lentils (reduces the level of absorption of nutrients by the body);
- buckwheat (impairs metabolic and digestive processes, and also helps to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood);
- sesame seeds (can also cause hypoglycemia and slow metabolism);
- wheat (provokes a decrease in insulin production and helps to deposit fat more actively).

And here these foods can help you lose weight and maintaining your slimness:
- low-fat meat and fish, eggs (contribute to the acceleration of metabolism and minimize the development of muscle mass dystrophy);
- green vegetables (activate metabolism and help the intestines work properly);
- dairy products, fat-free and low fat (supply the body with vital calcium and boost metabolism);
- licorice root (normalizes the concentration of glucose in the blood).

Let's now look at each product category in more detail. This will help to create the highest quality and useful menu.

From meat products for people with the third blood group, mutton, lamb, venison, and rabbit meat are considered the most useful. You can eat, but in a limited amount, turkey, various livers, veal, beef, pheasant fillet. And it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet chicken meat breed, duck, heart, pork, meat of geese, partridges and quails.

As for fish, sardine, pike, halibut, hake, salmon, flounder, sea bass, sturgeon will be especially good for you. You can also eat catfish, croaker, herring, scallop, shark, yellow and silver perch. It is recommended to refuse from crayfish, lobsters, pike, crabs, stone perch, beluga, mussels, octopuses, shrimp and turtle meat.

Speaking about dairy products, we note that the most acceptable is the use of cheese made from home-made goat or sheep milk, home-made cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, goat and cow milk with a minimum percentage of fat content. Butter, whole milk, whey, edible casein, cream cheese, soy cheese and similar milk, various hard cheeses and buttermilk are considered neutral dairy products. But processed cheeses, blue and American cheese, various glazed curds, fatty ice cream are harmful to the body.

As far as fats and oils are concerned, it is recommended to supply dishes mainly with olive oil (of course, moderation is important). From time to time, cod liver oil and linseed oil can be introduced into the diet. It is desirable to refuse sunflower, peanut, sesame, cottonseed and corn oils.

Among the seeds and various nuts, no particularly useful products stand out at all. Those that can be allowed occasionally include American nuts, sweet chestnuts, almonds, walnuts, and pecans. It is recommended to exclude sesame seeds, paste made from it, peanuts and the same paste, sunflower seeds, sesame halva, poppy seeds and pine nuts.

From bakery products, rice cakes, millet bread and the same bread are popular. Gluten-based bread, rye meal bread, soy bread, oat bran muffins and spelled bread are considered neutral foods. No need to say rye and wheat bread.

From cereals and cereals, it is especially useful to use rice, oats, and millet. And it is better to refuse amaranth, barley, rye, corn, buckwheat.

Legumes recommended include dark beans, lima beans, vegetable beans, and red soybeans. Occasionally, white beans, green peas, copper beans, green beans, fava beans, broad beans, and shell beans can be consumed. Avoid lentils, cowpeas, mutton peas, corner and radiant beans, black beans, and spotted beans.

Especially healthy vegetables and herbs are considered cauliflower, sweet potato, beets, green and yellow bell peppers, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage. It is also recommended to introduce a sufficient amount of parsnips, broccoli, carrots, beet leaves, hot capsicum, young mustard into your diet. Slightly smaller quantities should be consumed white peas, zucchini, spinach, fennel, mushrooms, dill, green onion, fodder turnips, asparagus, ginger, chicory, all types of onions, potatoes, lettuce, kohlrabi, Japanese radish. Nutritionists advise to refuse pumpkin pepo, olives, corn, ordinary radish, Jerusalem artichoke, artichokes and soybeans.

Recommended berries and fruits are bananas, cranberries, grapes, plums, papaya, pineapple. Apricots, elderberries, oranges, tangerines, peaches, blackberries, strawberries, currants, kiwi, figs, strawberries, raisins, grapefruit, nectarines, mangoes, lemons and melons are recognized as neutral. Undesirable coconut, carom, prickly pear, pomegranate, rhubarb, persimmon.

If you want to supply food with spices and spices, it is recommended to choose ginger, parsley, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper. Avoid allspice, barley malt, tapioca, edible gelatin, cornstarch, white pepper, and corn syrup. It is desirable to exclude ketchup from sauces and, of course, frankly high-calorie and fatty additives of this type.

The most useful liquids for people with the third blood group are green tea, juices from papaya, cranberries, pineapples, cabbage, grapes (preferably freshly squeezed). You can drink, but not often, black tea, apricot juice, regular and decaffeinated coffee, various citrus juices, water with lemon juice. From alcohol it is better to opt for wine or drink a little beer. It is not recommended to drink tomato juice, various kinds of soda, seltzer water and liquids containing strong alcohol.

by the most useful supplements, on the basis of which, for example, teas can be prepared, are rose hips, sage, licorice root and ginger. You can drink drinks and eat dishes with the addition of echinacea, curly sorrel, goldenseal, dandelion, St. John's wort, verbena, chamomile, smooth elm, strawberry leaves, valerian, thyme. The ban applies to hops, aloe, gentian, shepherd's purse, hay, stigmas of corn, coltsfoot, hay fenugreek, red clover, linden.

If there are no contraindications, it will not be superfluous to engage in some kind of sport. For owners of the third blood group, it is most appropriate to load the body with yoga, swimming, tennis, exercise bikes or riding a regular bike, running, and you just need to walk more.

Speaking about the timing of the diet, we note that there are no specific time periods for its observance. The basic rules must always be true, because they do not contradict the principles of proper nutrition. If you wish, allow yourself small digressions from time to time. But remember that everything should be in moderation. Be sure to listen to your body and do everything so that nutrition affects it in a beneficial way.

Diet menu

An example of a diet for the third blood type for 3 days

Day 1
Breakfast: portion boiled rice in the company of apple slices; herbal tea based on St. John's wort.
Snack: banana.
Lunch: a bowl of cream soup made from carrots, mushrooms and potatoes; boiled salad chicken egg, a small amount of sardines, hard cheese, lightly seasoned with olive oil or low-fat sour cream.
Afternoon snack: cucumber and carrot salad.
Dinner: a slice of boiled beef with stewed eggplant and sweet peppers.

Day 2
Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water or low-fat milk with pieces of dried fruit; a cup of green tea.
Snack: a couple of plums.
Lunch: cream soup based on broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower; any fruit.
Afternoon snack: about 50 g dried apricots.
Dinner: stewed hare and a few tablespoons of rice with vegetables.

Day 3
Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese mixed with an apple; a glass of berry juice.
Snack: banana.
Lunch: a portion of mushroom soup with vegetable fried; salad of beef slices, cucumber, Chinese cabbage and cilantro.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: low-fat baked fish fillet with boiled green beans.

Diet Contraindications

All owners of the third blood group can adhere to the diet described above, unless they are shown another special diet. And then with a competent approach and mandatory consultation with a qualified doctor, it will be possible to eat according to the rules of the methodology with some modifications in any case.

Benefits of a diet for the third blood type

  1. You can eat hearty, varied.
  2. A wide range of allowed products allows you to plan a menu based on your taste preferences.
  3. Suggested food is available. There is no need to turn to outlandish culinary ingredients and refuse the usual food.
  4. Along with improving well-being and strengthening health, by adjusting the menu, you can both lose and gain weight. The diet is universal.

Disadvantages of the diet for the third blood group

  • Despite the fact that you can eat a lot, there are certain prohibitions. If you want the diet to be effective, some foods need to be abandoned or significantly minimized in your menu.
  • For sweet tooth and lovers of high-calorie baking, the introduction of new rules may not be easy.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that for the effectiveness of the methodology to follow it for as long as possible.

Revisiting the diet

You can stick to a diet for the third blood group, if you feel good, whenever you want.

Characteristics of people with a third negative blood group

The third blood group began to form during the Great Migration Period. During migration from one territory to another, people tamed animals. Thus, a new power source was born. The evolution of the digestive system was determined by the consumption of meat and dairy products. Representatives of the third blood group are figuratively called "nomads".

People with the 3rd blood group are characterized by flexibility, stable immunity, poise and patience. They easily adapt to changes and have a strong nervous system.

Among the weaknesses of the representatives of the 3rd blood group are:

  • tendency to develop diabetes;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • predisposition to colds and viral diseases;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • susceptibility to depression and stress;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Table of products for representatives of the 3rd blood group

The diet for the 3rd negative blood group (B (III) Rh-) should include meat, fish and low-fat dairy products. Vegetables and fruits will also be useful. You need to eat regularly, often, in small portions.

List of products for people with the third blood type:

Products that positively affect the body Products that negatively affect the body Products with a neutral effect
Lamb, rabbit, eggs Goose, duck and chicken meat, bacon, broiler chickens, pork, heart, ham Beef, veal, turkey meat, lard, liver
Salmon, perch, flounder, cod, river pike, mackerel, pickled herring, hake, trout Smoked salmon, caviar, eel, crustaceans, seaweed Herring (salted and fresh), carp, tuna, catfish, river perch
Yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, cheese, skim and goat milk Ice cream Whey, cream, casein, whole milk, cow's milk cheese, processed cheese
Olive oil Sunflower oil, corn, soybean, peanut, margarine Butter, linseed oil
poppy seeds Peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds Walnuts and almonds
Millet, rice, oatmeal, wheat bread, oatmeal cookies and cereal Buckwheat, pearl barley, barley and corn grits, rye flour, wheat, barley, wholemeal bread, grain and rye bread Semolina, pasta, rye gingerbread, crackers, durum wheat flour
Cabbage, carrot, beetroot, pepper, sweet potato Potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, radish Onions, cucumbers, beets, mushrooms, celery, lettuce, asparagus, zucchini
Pineapple, banana, cranberries, cherry plums, grapes, plums, apples, coconut, cranberries Pomegranate, persimmon, avocado, olives, barberry Orange, grapefruit, pear, watermelon, cherry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, currant, cherry, peach, blueberry
Herbal tea (rose hips, ginseng, raspberry, licorice root) Linden tea and coltsfoot Herbal tea from hawthorn, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, strawberry leaves, valerian
Green tea Coca-cola, lemonade, spirits, cognac, vodka Black coffee, red and white wine, beer

Nutritionist advice. The disadvantages of the diet for the 3rd blood group are:

  • exclusion of certain staple foods;
  • doubtfulness and controversy, lack of scientific validity;
  • variability of results, which complicates the final analysis.

Speaking about the Rh factor, it is worth noting that scientists doubt the decisive influence on the choice of certain foods. To argue that the benefits of a diet are determined by blood type alone is to recommend the same diet to everyone, regardless of place of residence, age and gender.

The use of diets by blood type gives a short-term effect of losing weight. A poor diet without certain vitamins, minerals and trace elements, nutritional errors are factors that worsen nutrition and reduce the calorie content of the diet. Such diets can provoke various diseases.

How to lose weight for representatives of the 3rd blood group

To lose weight, you need to limit your intake of sugar and fatty foods. Proper nutrition combined with physical activity. For people with the third blood type, swimming, yoga and tennis are suitable. You can often ride a bike, go jogging or go in for sports walking. It is not recommended to use loads that lead to excessive fatigue.

Diet by blood type 3rd negative with an exemplary menu:

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
First Oatmeal porridge, boiled egg, low-fat cheese Fruits 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g baked beef, beetroot salad Cottage cheese with herbs (100 g) 200 g stewed liver, vegetable salad with olive oil
Second Cheesecakes, licorice root tea Fruit salad 250 ml vegetable soup, 150 g steamed fish, 100 g vegetable salad poached egg sandwich 200 g boiled beef, 100 g fresh cabbage salad
Third Banana porridge, coffee Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g baked lamb, 100 g fresh cucumber salad Fruits or berries (100 g) Baked fish (200 g), grilled vegetables, green tea
Fourth Omelet with vegetables, banana, green tea Chamomile tea, trout sandwich 250 ml vegetable soup, 100 g porridge with steamed fish Fresh carrot-apple juice, low-fat cottage cheese Fresh cabbage salad (100 g), 100 g boiled meat
Fifth Orange with cottage cheese and honey, green tea with a spoonful of honey Fruit salad 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g baked fish, 100 boiled beets Boiled egg, whole grain bread, 1/2 tomato 200 g boiled fish, fresh cabbage and cucumber salad
Sixth One hard-boiled egg, oatmeal, low fat white cheese, green tea Glass of fresh cranberry juice, cottage cheese with honey 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g boiled fish, herbal tea Orange Boiled lean beef (200g), grilled vegetables (150g), tea
Seventh day Frittata with vegetables, apple, coffee Cottage cheese with herbs and bread 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g stewed liver, 200 ml fermented baked milk Fruit salad 200 g baked fish, 30 g cheese, fresh vegetable salad, green tea

Eating according to the blood type helps speed up metabolism, improves performance internal organs and systems, and also cleanses the body. Compliance with the diet provides the body with the necessary nutrients and helps maintain normal weight. For weight loss, a balanced diet is combined with physical activity. The diet of people with the third blood group includes meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Features of the diet for people with the third blood group are described in the video below.


Every person has a certain blood type. Although it's hard to believe at first glance, our blood affects the character, lifestyle, preferences - and it all depends on one of the four groups. Accordingly, the food regimen for each group is different. What is beneficial to some may be harmful to others. Since the third blood group is less common in people than the first or second, its owners will not be out of place to know information about their group, as well as about the features of food adaptation for themselves.

The third blood group is B (III). The statistics do not lie that these are active, energetic and creative personalities. They have the ability to visualize, are able to reduce the negative effects of stress through relaxation. They have a strong immune and nervous system - the roots of such features lie precisely in a mobile lifestyle. This blood type was isolated as a result of the migration of masses of people in antiquity, now it is approximately 20% of the population of our planet.

People with type B blood are practically not in conflict due to the flexibility of the psyche, it is easier for them to find a workaround than to rush into the fight against obstacles. They can easily adapt to new surroundings, always looking for new sensations. They easily find a common language with people, while for the most part they are nonconformists and egoists. They cannot live within the conditioned framework, and all the time they try to disrupt the order in the way they want.

With a decrease in resistance to stress, and the desire for new sensations, depression can occur. Sensitivity and impressionability put pressure on the psyche, this causes emotional overload. Such people need to control and streamline their lives so that there is no overstrain, and the body does not lose its ability to resist.

Almost any food is suitable for blood group 3, they are "omnivorous", thanks to a strong immune system.

Poultry, meat.

Useful: rabbit meat, lamb, lamb meat, venison.

Acceptable: beef, turkey and pheasant meat, buffalo, liver of various animals.

Avoid: chicken, bacon, goose, partridge, quail, chicken, ham, pork, duck, heart of any kind of animal.


Useful: halibut, flounder, salmon, sea bass, sturgeon (and its caviar), mackerel, haddock, sardine, pike, cod.

Permissible: squid, carp, rainbow trout, herring, striped catfish.

Avoid: rock bass, anchovy, crab, shrimp, smoked salmon, lobster, clams, octopus, eel, crayfish, striped bass.

Eggs and dairy products.

Useful: goat milk, eggs, homemade cheese, yogurt, kefir and skim milk, pressed cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese.

Allowed: butter, buttermilk, soy milk and whole milk, cream cheese, milk sherbet, Eden cheese.

Avoid: processed cheese, ice cream.

Fats and oils.

Useful: olive oil.

Permissible: linseed oil and cod liver oil.

Avoid: sunflower, peanut, corn oils.

Nuts, seeds.

Permissible: walnut, almond.

Avoid: pine nuts, peanuts, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Bean plants.

Useful: red soy, dark beans, vegetable beans.

Permissible: green peas, white and green beans.

Avoid: lentils, chickpeas, black beans.

Cereals and cereals.

Useful: oatmeal, rice and oat bran, rice, millet.

Avoid: corn flakes, buckwheat, sprouted wheat, rye, barley, cornmeal.

Sweets, bread.

Useful: millet bread, rice cakes.

Permissible: bread from rye meal, from soy flour, gluten-free bread.

Avoid: hot wheat buns, rye bread.

Pasta, grains.

Useful: rice flour and oatmeal.

Permissible: brown and polished rice, wheat flour of the highest grades.

Avoid: whole grain flour (wheat), rye flour, barley flour.


Useful: eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, almost all kinds of peppers (green, yellow, hot red, capsicum), carrots, beet leaves, parsley, parsnips, beets, yams.

Permissible: swede, potatoes, greenhouse mushrooms, green onions, leafy vegetables, cucumbers, asparagus, onions, horseradish, dill, pumpkin, spinach, garlic.

Avoid: corn, tomatoes, olives, radishes.

Berries and fruits.

Useful: pineapple, banana, grapes, plum, papaya.

Permissible: watermelon, apricot, orange, grapefruit, pear, lingonberry, cherry, blueberry, melon, blackberry, raisin, strawberry, strawberry, kiwi, fig, currant, mango, lemon, raspberry, blueberry, dates and tangerines, peaches, prunes, apple, elderberry.

Avoid. Coconut, pomegranate, persimmon, rhubarb.

Liquids and juices.

Useful: pineapple, grape, cabbage, cranberry.

Permissible: water with lemon juice, plum, apricot, cherry, apple, orange, grapefruit, carrot, cucumber, apple cider.

Avoid: Tomato juice.


Useful: green tea.

Permissible: red and white wine, beer, coffee, black tea.

Avoid: ethyl alcohol drinks, seltzer, soda drinks.

Infusions (herbal teas).

Useful: ginseng, ginger, raspberry leaves, parsley, peppermint, sage, rosehip.

Permissible: white birch buds, elder, alzina, hawthorn, valerian, smooth elm, St. John's wort, green oak bark, strawberry leaves, burdock, mint, dandelion, chamomile, yarrow, sorrel, echinacea.

Avoid: aloe, cassia, meadow clover, mullein, linden, coltsfoot, rhubarb, hops.


Useful: ginger, cayenne pepper, curry, horseradish, parsley.

Permissible: agar, anise, basil, vanilla, cloves, vinegar, cardamom, Bay leaf, coriander, honey, paprika, nutmeg, mint, rosemary, soy sauce, brown sugar, salt, garlic, dill, cumin, sage, chocolate, saffron, tarragon.

Avoid: Edible gelatin, barley malt, cinnamon, cornstarch. Peppers - fragrant, white, ground black.


Permissible: mustard, marinades, pickles, jam. Mayonnaise, jelly.

Avoid: ketchup.

Foods that lead to weight gain in blood type 3:

  • Corn - slows down metabolism, weakens insulin;
  • Lentils - interferes with the absorption of nutrients;
  • Peanuts - slows down the liver;
  • Sesame - metabolism slows down;
  • Buckwheat - slows down digestion;
  • Wheat - slows down the metabolism.

It is important to understand that a certain group meal is not a tribute to fashion or a short-term hobby. It's a lifestyle.

Each blood group has its own food items. It is important to know what to eat to maintain the health of the body. Active people with the third blood type need products that support the pace and rhythm of their lives.

Diet for weight loss 2,834 views

A woman with the third blood type, as a rule, has a strong immune system and a good digestive system. The principle of mixed nutrition is suitable for her, since many products are very useful for her, and they are well absorbed by the body.

Basic diet rules

Women with the 3rd blood group of a positive Rh factor will be able to lose weight and gain the cherished harmony if the following recommendations are observed:

  1. The diet must be composed of meat dishes(rabbit, lamb). Also on the menu can often be fish and chicken eggs.
  2. Exclude from the diet should be chicken in any form, lentils and corn, as well as all seafood. These products will negatively affect metabolic processes, causing fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.
  3. As for cereals, of all the existing ones, the emphasis should be on rice and oatmeal.
  4. Dairy products with a reduced fat content should appear on the table daily. Do not forget about beans, soy and beans.
  5. Of the drinks, soda should be banned, as well as tomato juice, pomegranate and linden tea. But you can drink raspberry tea, a decoction of licorice and ginseng. It is possible in small quantities natural coffee.
  6. To speed up the process of losing weight, it will be necessary to completely eliminate buckwheat, wheat, corn and peanuts. These foods reduce insulin production and cause fluid retention. And all this leads to a significant slowdown in metabolism and a deterioration in the functioning of the intestines with the stomach.
  7. But pomegranates and tomatoes contribute to the exacerbation and development of gastritis, so they should also be excluded from your menu.

Prohibited and permitted products

In order to eat and at the same time lose weight, your diet should be composed of foods that will speed up metabolism and improve digestion. At the same time, the calories that come with such food are not deposited later in the form of folds on the waist and abdomen.

  • What can
  • What is not allowed
  • Neutral
List of recommended products for women of the third positive blood type
type of product Name Nuances of use
Meat Rabbit, lamb It is recommended to cook the leanest pieces, first removing noticeable inclusions of fat from them.
Eggs Chicken and quail You can eat boiled and cook steam omelettes from them.
Seafood Flounder, pike perch and cod, trout, mackerel and hake. In fact, almost all types of sea and river fish are allowed, which are best baked in the oven, stewed with vegetables or made into soups.
Dairy Yogurt, kefir 2% fat and goat's milk, sour cream and cottage cheese, cheese and cow's milk Cow's milk is tedious to take with a reduced fat content
Seeds and nuts Crushed poppy seeds, coconut These seeds can be added to salads and baked goods.
Oil olive
Legumes Beans and soy in any form
Cereals, grains and cereals Rice, oatmeal. You can bread from flour of the second grinding, rice cereal, oatmeal cookies It is better to cook porridge from cereals without adding butter; instead, you can use a little olive oil.
Vegetables All varieties of cabbage, rutabagas, peppers, carrots and celery Vegetables should be eaten raw as often as possible.
Berries and fruits Banana, pineapple and apple, cherry plum, grapes, plum
Juices and drinks All fruit juices, as well as cabbage and cranberry juice Juice is better to squeeze out yourself

TO prohibited products for beautiful persons with a third positive blood type, include:

  • pomegranate, persimmon and avocado;
  • duck and pork, as well as all semi-finished products and meat products from them;
  • all seafood;
  • ice cream;
  • corn and buckwheat;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • tomatoes, ketchup, tomato paste and juice;
  • all carbonated drinks.
  • All these foods must be eliminated from your diet. Even their minimum amount can lead to weight gain.

In addition to products that adversely affect the metabolism of women with 3 blood groups, there are list of neutral products. They can be included in the menu, but they will not contribute to weight loss. It is better to start using them after the result has been achieved in order to maintain normal weight and at the same time not limit yourself in nutrition. This:

  • beef, liver, lard;
  • processed cheese, cream, full-fat milk and whey;
  • almond, walnut;
  • butter;
  • beans, peas;
  • semolina, pasta, freshly baked bread;
  • spices.
Day Menu
Monday Breakfast: one hard-boiled egg, turkey patty, a glass of milk and coleslaw with celery.
Snack: banana soufflé.
Dinner: beef broth, green tea and rice waffles, baked apple.
afternoon tea: a glass of skimmed milk and a lean bun without toppings and glaze.
Dinner: carrot salad, baked pike perch and a jar of yogurt.
Tuesday Breakfast: mint tea, boiled rice porridge with mashed apple.
Snack: one banana.
Dinner: mushroom cream soup, as well as a salad of cheese, sardines and eggs, dressed with sour cream.
afternoon tea: carrot and bell pepper salad.
Dinner: a piece of boiled beef with baked eggplant.
Wednesday Breakfast: tea and oatmeal.
Snack: a few plums and homemade cottage cheese.
Dinner: broccoli and cauliflower soup, rabbit stew.
afternoon tea: some grapes.
Dinner: rice with vegetables, apricots.
Thursday Breakfast: warm fruit drink from berries, low-fat yogurt and one apple.
Snack: two cheesecakes and tea.
Dinner: mushroom soup with rice, warm salad of beef, Chinese cabbage, swede and celery.
afternoon tea: plums or cherry plums.
Dinner: fish cooked in the oven with green beans.
Friday Breakfast: a jar of yogurt and rice wafers.
Snack: one small apple.
Dinner: baked pike and kale salad.
afternoon tea: banana puree and fruit drink.
Dinner: rabbit meat cutlets, bell pepper.
Saturday Breakfast: tea, crumbly cottage cheese with plums.
Snack: apple pancakes.
Dinner: lamb stew with carrots and cauliflower.
afternoon tea: yogurt whipped with bananas.
Dinner: a piece of boiled beef and green peas.
Sunday Breakfast: cottage cheese pie, cranberry juice and one apple.
Snack: Beijing cabbage salad.
Dinner: stew of vegetables and pike perch, a bowl of mushroom soup.
afternoon tea: a few slices of pineapple.
Dinner: rice porridge with plums, herbal tea.

If you follow such a diet for one or two weeks, then during this time a woman with a 3 positive blood type will be able to get rid of excess weight and improve her overall health.

Now excess weight is a scourge for most of the inhabitants of developed countries. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the quality of nutrition. That is why blood type diets are becoming more and more popular. This approach allows you to give the body optimal nutrition. It also reduces the risk of overweight, as well as losing weight with an existing problem.

The difference in nutrition is associated with the genetic characteristics of the body. It is assumed that the groups originated in people who lived in different conditions. The third group appeared among the nomads. Therefore, nutrition for owners of this type should be appropriate. But, at the same time, they respond well to a change in nutrition, and can eat a wide variety of foods.

Foods for blood type 3 positive

The best option would be to use the most suitable products for nutrition. After all, despite all the versatility, such people also have not only products suitable for themselves, but also negatively affecting the body. First of all, the psychological state suffers. Therefore, nutrition for blood type 3 positive should be as balanced as possible.

Since the owners of such blood come from nomads, they can easily eat meat food, and plant foods will also not be superfluous. But, here it is worth remembering that not all products can be used for food.

First, let's see what you can use:

  • Meat. You can definitely eat lamb and rabbit meat;
  • Vegetables. Here the list is quite large. Recommended: eggplant, broccoli, beets, carrots, other similar root crops, peppers, cabbage;
  • Fish. The list of allowed products here is also solid: mackerel, salmon, halibut, pike, sturgeon or caviar, flounder, cod;
  • cereals: oatmeal, rice flour pasta, rice;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes. Soybeans, beans, beans;
  • Dairy. Useful include the following: low-fat cheeses, especially goat cheeses; cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • Rice cakes, millet bread;
  • Ginger and curry;
  • Fruits: banana, apricot, plum, pineapple;
  • Green tea,
  • Almost any juice;
  • Olive oil.

Foods to be limited:

  • poultry meat: turkey, beef, as well as veal and liver;
  • Fish: herring, trout, haddock, squid, carp;
  • Vegetables. Asparagus, greens, salads, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, garlic;
  • Green peas, others canned legumes, green and / or white beans;
  • Pasta from any wheat flour, as well as brown rice;
  • Whole milk possibly butter;
  • Soy milk;
  • Any spices except allspice;
  • Pickles, mayonnaise, jam or jelly, mustard;
  • Lemon water, coffee, red and white wine.

There are also a number of products that are completely prohibited for consumption;

  • Chicken, as well as other types of poultry, in no case be pork;
  • Ice cream;
  • All seafood, crustaceans, perch;
  • Vegetable oils. Soybean and sunflower;
  • cereals. Buckwheat, corn, wheat, barley, rye;
  • Lentils, and also chickpeas;
  • tomatoes, corn;
  • Fruit forbidden: pear, coconut, pomegranate;
  • Drinks should not be consumed tomato juice and alcohol.

Be sure to eliminate all junk food from the diet, it is the use of it that will lead to gradual weight gain, as well as other health problems. A food table for the 3rd blood group will help you control your nutrition.

Food table for 3 positive blood types

Mutton Turkey Chicken and other types of poultry
rabbit meat Beef, veal Ice cream
eggplant Liver Seafood
Broccoli Herring Crustaceans
Beet Trout Perch
Carrot Haddock Soybean oil
Pepper Squid Sunflower oil
Cabbage Carp Buckwheat
Mackerel Asparagus Corn
Salmon Greenery Wheat
Halibut Salads Barley
Pike Potato Rye
Sturgeon cucumbers Lentils
Caviar Pumpkin tomatoes
Flounder Garlic Corn
Cod Green pea Pear
Oat groats Pasta made from any wheat flour Coconut
rice flour pasta Brown rice Pomegranate
Rice Whole milk
Eggs Butter
Soya Soy milk
Beans All fruits except those prohibited
beans Any spices except allspice
Low fat cheeses pickles
Cottage cheese Mayonnaise
Yogurt Jam
Rice cakes Mustard
Millet bread Water with lemon
Ginger and curry Coffee
Banana Red wine
Apricot White wine
Plum Jelly
A pineapple canned legumes
Green tea string beans
Juice (almost any) White beans
Olive oil

Diet for 3 blood types positive

Let's look at the nutritional features for people with a similar blood type. It is worth noting that such a diet does not give a quick result, in order to get a positive effect, it is worth making it a stable habit. Any failure will lead to a negative reaction of the body. Be sure to keep track of the content of all the necessary substances in food.

A feature of this group of people is their good adaptability, they respond well to changes in diet, as well as to a variety of foods. Therefore, the blood type 3 diet is a separate diet. This allows you to accelerate the metabolic rate, which, together with the use of certain foods, gives an excellent result.

Since people with this feature can eat varied, making a diet for them will not be a problem. Below we will show some options for pairing dishes that are ideal for them.


  • Cheesecakes with condensed milk. regular tea;
  • Sauté the usual vegetable, classic omelet, rice cake, any juice;
  • Buckwheat porridge with banana, tea;
  • Toasts with natural turkey, regular greens and vegetables. Coffee;
  • Rice porridge with apple, cocoa.

Snacks can be used between main meals;

  • Milky fruit jelly;
  • Suitable dried fruits;
  • Pancakes with jam or cottage cheese;
  • Any fruit salad;
  • Nuts.

Sample lunch menu options:

  • Turkey soup, grilled fish with rice garnish, beetroot/carrot and garlic salad;
  • Vegetable soup, veal with a classic creamy or similar sauce, casserole with cabbage and zucchini;
  • Peasant fish soup, grilled mackerel, salad with cheese;
  • Borsch with beef and beans, cucumber salad, pasta with vegetables, basil;
  • Soup with beef meatballs, liver stew with rice, radish salad with arugula.

Be sure to add an afternoon snack to your meal plan. This will prevent you from feeling hungry between meals.

The following dishes may be included in the afternoon snack:

  • Charlotte with apples, tea;
  • Wheat toast with jam, regular or soy milk;
  • Charlotte with apples, tea;
  • Dessert cottage cheese, juice.

Dinner is also an important meal. It can include the following products:

  • Stewed rabbit, potato casserole with any mushrooms;
  • Grilled trout, brown rice side dish, cucumber salad;
  • Pilaf with lamb, cabbage salad, cheese with celery;
  • Oatmeal with suitable fruit or jam, cocoa;
  • Potato casserole with vegetables, slightly salted herring.

This sample list dishes from which you can make a complete menu. Please note that you should not eat the same thing every day, the food should be varied, then there will be no problems.

Products for blood type 3 negative

You can often hear questions about the difference in the list of products for people with a third negative blood group. In fact, there are no special differences here. You can use all the same products. The same products are prohibited. But, here it is worth paying more attention to nutrition. Negative Rh makes the body more receptive to nutrition. It is necessary to completely eliminate prohibited foods from the diet, and also be very careful about those allowed for limited use.

Diet for blood type 3 negative

It is necessary to take into account the exactingness of the body of such people. The diet for blood type 3 negative should be as varied as possible. In principle, you can use the menu described for a positive Rh, but be sure to remove products that can be used to a limited extent. Thus, you are guaranteed to avoid many problems with the body.
Many people attribute the inability to control weight loss to the disadvantages of such a diet. It decreases gradually over the long term. Therefore, one can often hear about the low efficiency of this particular approach. But, in fact, the effectiveness of the technique has been proven by a large number of studies, in which there is no doubt. If you are faced with the task of achieving the most rational nutrition, then it makes sense to adopt this diet.

In most cases, people with the third blood group quickly get used to dietary adjustments and some changes in the environment. In addition, they have excellent immune system and hardy digestive tract. It is noteworthy that the Rh factor is in no way reflected in dietary recommendations. That is, for people with a positive blood type and a negative one, the list of prohibited and recommended foods will be the same.

Diet for blood type 3 for weight loss

It should be built around meat, eggs, sea ​​fish, lamb and rabbit. It is better to abstain from chicken meat, oil and sunflower seeds, corn, seafood and lentils, and, if possible, completely exclude them from the daily diet. Rice or oatmeal is perfect for meat as a side dish. It is recommended to eat soy, legumes and beans daily. At the same time, one should not forget about various fermented milk products, it also plays an important role. It is recommended to drink teas with raspberries, coffee in moderation, decoctions of ginseng and licorice. In no case should you indulge yourself with carbonated drinks, pomegranate juice or tomatoes.

It is undesirable to eat wheat groats and buckwheat kernels. The same goes for various overly spicy, smoked or salty foods. It is generally better to refuse fried foods, as such foods worsen the condition of the liver and incline the body to obesity.

Do not abuse persimmons and peanuts.

Periodically, the body needs to be "charged" with useful trace elements and vitamins, as well as adhere to an active lifestyle. If you can’t run in the mornings or evenings, then such a workout can be replaced with a walk (it is advisable to do it immediately after dinner). But at the same time, it is also not recommended to overload the body too much, so all loads must be carefully balanced.

Diet for blood type 3 negative: sample menu

  • Breakfast. Ideally, it should include at least two soft-boiled eggs (several times a week it is allowed to cook them in a pan). To improve the taste, you can add various herbs to the eggs. Alternatively, a breakfast including cereals(it is allowed to add a little creamy in limited quantities), a small amount of sugar and a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch. For a second breakfast, a light salad dressed with olive oil or low-fat yogurt is perfect. The feeling of hunger can be satisfied by eating a medium apple or ten to fifteen walnuts.
  • Dinner. Any dish of beef or liver with rice (it is better to purchase unpolished and unsteamed rice). It is better to use herbs as spices.
  • afternoon tea. A salad of legumes and vegetables will do. Wash down with fat-free kefir.
  • Dinner. For dinner, you can cook flounder in the oven or on the grill. You can also stew fresh rabbit or young lamb. Be sure to prepare a salad of boiled eggs. It is better not to eat white bread for dinner.
  • Before bedtime. If hunger torments just before bedtime, you can eat about a hundred grams of fresh low-fat cottage cheese. You can add some dried fruit to it if you like.

Diet for blood type 3 positive: sample menu

  • Breakfast. Two are recommended for breakfast. boiled eggs with some rice. As an alternative, sandwiches with butter and cheese are suitable (it is undesirable to eat them more than twice a week, since they contain an organ amount of cholesterol). You can drink everything with freshly squeezed pineapple juice or hot green tea sugarless.
  • Lunch. Ideally, the second breakfast should consist of a salad. It may include white cabbage, carrots, beets, sweet peppers and lettuce. You can fill it with either olive oil or low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner. For lunch, you can cook a light soup of rice or buckwheat with fresh vegetables. In the oven, you can bake mackerel (preferably alternate with sturgeon) or sea bass with herbs.
  • afternoon tea. Light fat-free cottage cheese with sour cream, wash it all down with 1% kefir. It is impossible to eat heavily before dinner, so the portion should be balanced.
  • Dinner. It can be both meat and fish. Lamb or turkey meat with a small portion of garnish is perfect for him. You can use rice or potatoes (in limited quantities). You can make a salad if you like. Fish dishes may consist of river pike, mackerel, hake, walleye, cod or trout.

As you can see, the menu is built around meat and fish dishes, as well as around fermented milk products and eggs. It can be adjusted according to the individual characteristics of the body. In this case, strict sequential intake of certain products is not required. What matters is the type of food you use.
