Soy sauce- a great alternative to table salt, butter, seasonings and mayonnaise. It pairs perfectly with salads and meat dishes. In addition, it does not contain cholesterol, which fans are so afraid of. healthy eating. So it's no surprise that soy sauce is the #1 recommendation from dietitians promoting proper nutrition in the name of slim figure. Is soy sauce bad for our body? To answer this question, let's try to understand the composition of the mysterious dark liquid.


Soy sauce is a dark liquid with a characteristic aroma inherent in it. In the production of soy sauce, the method of fermentation of soybeans under the influence of special fungal cultures is used. This product gained the greatest popularity in the east, becoming one of the most sought-after spices in Asian cuisine.

The composition of real soy sauce contains vitamins of the entire group B, trace elements calcium, zinc and iron, as well as 20 types of amino acids. In addition, the product is rich in antioxidants, which are essential for keeping our skin healthy and youthful.

The nutritional value of soy sauce is only 50-60 kcal per 100 g of product. So you can safely use it to season dishes if you are on a diet.

Soy sauce: beneficial properties and effects on the body

Impressive chemical composition high-quality soy sauce makes it a good tool for the prevention of a whole list of diseases. And the regular use of this product has obvious benefits for the body, both for men and women. Benefits of soybeans:

  • prevents early aging of the skin and the whole body;
  • reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms;
  • exhibits a slight sedative effect, helping to fight tension headaches and insomnia;
  • prevents the appearance of edema and skin dermatitis;
  • has a supportive effect on people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • due to the high content of estrogens of plant origin, they help women cope with painful menstruation, adapt during menopause, get rid of the manifestations of menopause and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Soy sauce is high in protein. This allows it to be used as an alternative to protein foods for people with intolerance to animal protein.

Indications for the use of soy sauce

Soy sauce, as a source of phytoestrogens, is useful for women during the period of ovarian failure. It is especially important to include the product in the daily diet for girls who are faced with the problem of early menopause when it is impossible to use hormone therapy (for example, varicose veins). In addition, soy sauce is recommended for such diseases:

  1. Intolerance to animal proteins. Protein is an important building block of cells. And its lack in the body provokes many problems. Soy is an excellent source of vegetable protein.
  2. It is also useful for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Eating soy sauce in food helps to recover faster after a heart attack.
  3. For patients who are obese or just wanting to lose a couple of pounds of extra weight, soy sauce will help you "survive" unleavened food and salads. The amount of carbohydrates in it is minimal, and there are no fats at all. And the taste and aroma will give odds to any mayonnaise.
  4. For people with diabetes, in the complex of maintenance therapy.
  5. In chronic cholecystitis to prevent exacerbation of the disease.
  6. As a prevention of constipation in an existing chronic problem.
  7. In the complex treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In such situations, soy sauce is included in the diet menu.

Harm of soy sauce: myth or reality

But if soy sauce is so good for the body, where do the myths about its harm to health come from? The whole problem is in the production technology and the dishonesty of manufacturers supplying low-quality products to the markets.

The shelf life of high-quality soy sauce is up to two years without the use of preservatives. During this time, it retains all useful substances, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

But manufacturers often neglect the rules for making soy sauce. To increase the pace of production and reduce the cost of the supplied product, add:

  • artificial colors, flavors and preservatives that can cause severe allergic reactions;
  • sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, as well as a whole list of alkaline liquids that carry a huge threat to health;
  • GMOs, known for their adverse effects on all organs and systems.

What can really harm high-quality soy sauce obtained by natural fermentation is the deposition of salts, the formation of kidney stones and an increase blood pressure with excessive use of the product. Since the product contains a large amount of salt in its composition, then you should not be zealous with it. And with a moderate inclusion of soy sauce in the diet, it will only benefit.

It is forbidden to eat soy sauce for children under the age of three and people who have contraindications to the use of salt.

How to choose healthy soy sauce

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for men and women are obvious. And so that the fragrant seasoning does not cause the same harm to health, you should choose the right soy sauce. Today, a huge assortment of this product is presented on store shelves, and at first glance it is difficult to figure out where the fake is. Our recommendations will help you with this:

  1. Do not take soy sauce on tap. Producers tempt with the price of a draft product, arguing its reduction by the absence of packaging costs. In fact, the liquid in the containers has little to do with real soy sauce. Yes, and it is easiest to mix counterfeit into such a container.
  2. Buy soy sauce in clear glass bottles. First, it cannot be stored in plastic. Secondly, you must see what is splashing in this bottle. The color of real soy sauce is dark brown but clear.
  3. Read the label. If you find various preservatives in the composition, such as E220 or E200, return the bottle to the shelf. High-quality sauce has a fairly impressive shelf life and does not need the use of additional artificial additives.
  4. In real soy sauce, you should find wheat, salt, and soybeans. All other ingredients, including sugar, regular yeast, vinegar, anise, or peanuts, indicate manufacturing errors. There will be no benefit from such a product, but serious harm can be done.
  5. Also it is worth paying attention to the amount of protein contained in the product. The minimum rate is 7%.

And, of course, everyone should understand that a high-quality and useful product cannot be cheap. The production of real soy sauce is a long fermentation process that can take up to 2-10 months. Plus packaging and shipping costs. Therefore, do not be tempted by low cost, in this situation, saving can be harmful to health. Here is the answer to our main question about possible harm soy sauce.

Originally an Asian dish, soy sauce has gained great popularity in our area, replacing many seasonings, and in some families even salt. But not any ink liquid inside a bottle with the desired inscription is worthy of being called a real soy sauce.

Is soy sauce bad, which we consume, for health?

Very often, instead of a healthy Asian seasoning, we are sold a mixture of hydrochloric acid and carcinogens like chloropropanol, especially if the sauce is bought at the nearest supermarket or food stall.

The first wave of scandalous revelations of soy sauce swept through Europe and the USA at the beginning of the 2000s, when samples of products from Asia were found to exceed the permissible value of chloropropanol by thousands (!!!) times. The sauce from Vietnam turned out to be especially deadly, in it the excess of the norm was up to 18,000 times. Producers from neighboring China, Hong Kong, Thailand, the Philippines, and Tajikistan were not far behind the Vietnamese.

What is chloropropanol, or 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol, in terms of school chemistry and biology? This substance, whose carcinogenic and mutagenic properties are well known, is a product of acid hydrolysis. Male rats that were given chlorpropanol during the experiments became sterile, which clearly demonstrates its inhibitory effect on male fertility. Given the mutagenic properties, the consequences of eating foods with chlorpropanol by their ancestors can manifest themselves not only on children and grandchildren, but even on the great-grandchildren of exotic lovers!

Following the traditional technology, soy protein for sauce is broken down with the help of natural enzymes produced by fungi from the genus Aspergillus. The splitting process is very protracted and takes about a month. In order to speed up the process, many manufacturers have switched to a faster (and more profitable) process of heat treatment of soybeans with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, which is then quenched with alkali. Such a product is ready to be bottled and sent to the store in a few days.

How to distinguish healthy sauce from poison in a bottle?

Exceed the allowable dose of chloropropanol several times, something else could be done about it. At least then, reducing the amount of product consumed could bring the amount of carcinogen consumed closer to a safe level. But there is only one way to neutralize a dangerous concentration that exceeds the norm by thousands and thousands of times - by completely abandoning such a product. And in order not to deprive yourself of pleasure, you need to learn how to choose a safe sauce among a battery of similar jars.

Here are the main parameters by which you can determine how safe the soy sauce of a particular manufacturer is.

  1. Natural soy sauce is always expensive, because making this seasoning with the right technology is not a cheap pleasure. Moreover, it is necessary to analyze the cost of a product of a particular brand in all stores or supermarkets, and not focus on an overpriced price in a single “gastronomic boutique”.
  2. Natural soy sauce is light brown in color and clear in appearance. The blacker and richer color, the more likely it is that a surrogate mixture is filled in the bottle instead of the real product.
  3. Natural soy sauce is always accompanied by the inscription "Natural fermentation" or "Product of natural fermentation". The absence of such marks is the first bell that a liquid of unknown origin may be under the lid.
  4. Real soy sauce is poured exclusively and only into glass containers. Thus, the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the product without dyes and preservatives. By the way, do not forget to carefully study the composition for the presence of the latter.
  5. The most reliable manufacturers of soy sauce are companies from Japan and North Korea. True, sauces from these countries reach our stores much less often than fakes.

Soy sauce is a base in Asian cuisine, a fermentation product of soybeans. Sauce production began in China in the 8th century BC. e., from where it spread to the countries of Asia, and from the 18th century to Europe. According to the classical cooking technology, beans and crushed grains are mixed with mold mushrooms and lightly heated. Before the technological revolution, sauce in vats was exposed to the sun during the day, and production took many months. After the sauce is boiled to kill microorganisms and mold, filtered and poured into containers for further storage. The benefits of soy sauce depend on following the technological standards of production. Quality product stored without the addition of preservatives up to two years. There are Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Myanmar, Filipino, Singaporean, Taiwanese and Vietnamese recipes, all of which are similar to each other, but differ in flavors at different stages of production.

Useful properties of soy sauce

Soy sauce contains many amino acids, minerals, C, E, K, a large amount of B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Nutritional value of 100 grams of sauce: proteins - 10 g, carbohydrates - 8.1 g, calories - 73 kcal. Soy sauce does not contain saturated fats and cholesterol. Slows down aging, reduces the number of free radicals, a prophylactic against the development of cancerous tumors. Soy products, including sauce, should be consumed by people with animal protein intolerance, overweight and obesity, cholecystitis, constipation, arthritis and arthrosis, blood pressure and blood circulation disorders.

Contraindications and harm of soy sauce

Frequent use of soy by children leads to disruptions in the endocrine system, increases the risk of thyroid disease, and in children under the age of three, it can cause an allergic reaction. The high sodium content (the sauce is quite salty) can lead to disruption of secretions, water retention, increased excitability and hyperactivity, a feeling of frequent intense thirst, excessive sweating and frequent urination. Benefits of soy sauce for women. Soy isoflavones, similar to the female sex hormone estrogen, are beneficial for women, but soy consumption by pregnant women can harm the development of the fetal nervous system.

soy sauce for weight loss

Adding dressing to a salad will help replace part vegetable oil and reduce the overall High-quality sauce promotes the absorption of nutrients, improves digestion. It is worth remembering that in two l. - the daily norm of salt, it is recommended to use no more than 1 tbsp. l. sauce per day. Great importance has a combination of products. The sauce will well emphasize the taste of low-fat meat and fish dishes, cereal cereals, vegetable salads and soups. Simultaneous use with sour-milk products can cause indigestion.

How to choose soy sauce for the benefit of the body?

A quality product cannot be cheap. The price of a quality sauce is several times higher than the price of a chemical one, this is due to the cooking technology. You should not buy draft sauce, it is better to opt for certified brands at trusted points of sale. The sauce is sold in exclusively transparent glass bottles, the content is transparent, has a dark brown color. The composition of the sauce includes only soy, cereals and salt. Additives E200, E220 and others also indicate the chemical way of manufacture. An important criterion is the protein content, they should be at least 6 grams.

Remember that only high-quality soy sauce will benefit the body and will not harm!

Soy sauce is able to reveal the taste of the products with which it interacts.

In addition, it has a lot of useful properties.

Soy sauce is not only tasty, but also healthy

Soy sauce is widely used, primarily in the preparation and serving of Asian cuisine. Let's talk about the benefits and harms of soy sauce.

What is soy sauce made from?

The preparation of soy sauce is the fermentation of soybeans. The fermentation process is affected by fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus. The finished product has a liquid or thickened consistency (depending on the exposure time), dark brown color and rich aroma.

The soy sauce recipe originated in China around the 8th century. BC. and quickly spread throughout East, as well as Southeast Asia.

In Europe, the sauce gained popularity in the XVIII century. thanks to the Japanese version of the recipe by I. Titsing.
In the middle of the XIX century. a monopoly in European countries receives a Chinese recipe for the product.

Ingredients of soy sauce

What is soy sauce made from? Classic soy sauce contains only natural ingredients, namely soybeans, wheat, water and salt. But, to speed up the process of "ripening" and reduce the cost of the product, flavor and aroma enhancers, dyes, preservatives and other additives are added to its composition. Sometimes the product does not even contain soybeans. Manufacturers replace them with the concentrate of the same name.

How real soy sauce is made - see the video:

Why is soy sauce salty

1 tbsp soy sauce contains 335 mg of sodium.
Many global manufacturers of soy sauce produce a product with a reduced salt content.

However, soy sauce without salt does not happen at all!

How much salt is in "light" soy sauce? On average, the percentage of sodium in such sauces is about 8.2. However, this option contains a large number of chemical additives, therefore, it is worth considering what is better for the body, salt or soy sauce of dubious naturalness.

How to choose soy sauce

In order to purchase a natural and healthy product, you need:

  • give preference to sauces packaged in glass bottles. glass is an ideal container for storing soy sauce;
  • the composition of the product should not contain unnecessary ingredients and additives;
  • the color of the liquid should not be too light.

You will learn about all the rules for choosing real soy sauce from the video:

What is the best soy sauce? The highest quality has long been a product under the brand name "Kikkoman".
His recipe was invented in Ancient China about 2500 l. back and kept secret to this day.
In Japan, domestic production of this soy sauce began in the 17th century.

Kikkoman contains only basic natural ingredients. The fermentation process takes from six months to a year or more.

Calorie reference soy sauce 73 kcal / 100 gr.
The ratio of BJU in soy sauce (g.):

  • proteins 10.3;
  • fats 0.0;
  • carbohydrates 8.1.

How much does soy sauce cost? The price of soy sauce depends on its quality, composition and manufacturer.
On average, a bottle of "Kikkoman" with a volume of 150 ml costs about 400 rubles.

Shelf life of soy sauce. In order to preserve all the useful substances in the composition of the product, the aromatic liquid should be tightly closed with a lid immediately after use. Due to its high salt content, an open bottle of sauce can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to 18 months.
The shelf life of a closed bottle is 36 months.

What do they eat with

Soy sauce is widely used in cooking:

  • The most seasoned sauce with a thick consistency is ideal for marinating meat and for sushi;
  • light and liquid suitable as a dressing for green salads;
  • for "revealing" the taste of seafood, meat and vegetable side dishes, rice-based dishes.

Balsamic vinegar, like soy sauce, allows you to give dishes a unique taste. How best to use balsamic vinegar you will learn

Teriyaki sauce is prepared on the basis of soy sauce. To prepare Teriyaki, soy sauce is mixed with wine, water, liquid honey, fragrant spices, dissolved starch and stewed for about 30 minutes, then infused.

You will learn a detailed recipe for Teriyaki sauce from the video:

Is soy sauce healthy?

The natural product has a beneficial effect on human health, contains antioxidants, amino acids, iron and zinc, vitamins gr. B. The substance niacin, vitamin B3, helps the heart, normalizes the percentage of fats in the blood, increases the level of "good" cholesterol and lowers bad.

You may be wondering that you can lower your cholesterol with statins. Harmful or useful statins for lowering cholesterol, you will learn.

Isoleucine is good for the liver. Soy sauce contains a low percentage of carbohydrates. This means that regular consumption of the product can help control weight.
What are the benefits of soy sauce for women? The product slows down the aging process in a woman's body, and due to the high content of phytoestrogens, it helps to minimize the symptoms of menopause and cholecystitis.

During pregnancy and HB

Soy liquid contains phytohormones isoflavones, which suppress thyroid function and cause hypothyroidism. This disease can lead to miscarriage. Also, the consumption of soy contributes to a decrease in pressure, disruption of the proper formation of the brain in the fetus, and can cause allergic reactions.
Avoid soy sauce during pregnancy

Moderate consumption of a natural product, about 40 ml / day, 1-2 times / week. when breastfeeding, you can start only after the baby is 6-8 months old. Excessive consumption of the product negatively affects the function of the thyroid gland, brain function, and can cause colic and allergies in a child.

Is soy sauce okay for kids?

The children's menu should consist, whenever possible, of natural and simple products. Frequent use of seasoning can become a habit and the child will refuse to eat healthy lightly salted foods.

At what age can you give soy sauce to children? There is no single recommendation regarding age, but you definitely should not offer this product to children under 3 years old.

Is soy sauce bad for kids? The inclusion of this supplement in the diet of a child is undesirable due to the high salt content, and allergic reactions are also possible, especially in babies. With the regular use of soy sauce in cooking for children, there is a risk of thyroid dysfunction.

Benefits and harms for men

Soy and products based on it contain phytoestrogen, a plant-based analogue of the female hormone estrogen, which reduces the production of the male hormone testosterone. As a result, the number of active spermatozoa also decreases.
Excessive sodium intake leads to the accumulation of salts in the joints and adversely affects the liver.

Soy sauce in large quantities can adversely affect the liver

With regular use of soy sauce in combination with exercise, young men increase muscle mass due to phytoestrogens.
Sodium, which is part of the sauce, has the ability to normalize blood pressure.

Is it possible for weight loss?

There is no consensus on the use of soy sauce when following a diet. There are both pros and cons. It is recommended to regularly include soy sauce in your diet for those who are tuned in to fight extra pounds. because as part of this product is low in carbohydrates, almost no fat. Soy sauce is a good alternative to table salt, enriches the taste of dietary dishes.
Olive oil can be an original and less calorie dressing for a vitamin salad in combination with soybean sauce.

During the “ripening” of the liquid, the process of formation of prebiotics begins, which have a beneficial effect on digestion.

The cons of including soy sauce in diet food when losing weight, the content of carcinogenic substances in the finished product due to the hydrolysis process is included.
Genetically modified soy is often used as the main ingredient in the sauce. The influence of products containing GMOs on human health is still a little-studied area.
Soy product can be used during long-term diets to bring a bright and original taste. diet meals replacing them with salt. Unleavened dietary rice combined with soy sauce will easily turn into a tasty and nutritious dish for weight loss.

Soy salt replaces salt and adds flavor to diet rice

If we talk about specific types of diets, then, for example, eating buckwheat with soy sauce for weight loss will become less effective due to the high salt content.

When using salty soy sauce, in addition to table salt, water is retained in the body, respectively, it will be more difficult to lose weight.

Thus, soy sauce can both benefit and harm in the process of losing weight.

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The homeland of the sauce is Southeast Asia, where soybeans have been known for more than 5 thousand years. In Russia, this product became popular in the 90s of the last century. Lovers of Japanese cuisine arranged real soy baths for sushi and rolls, although the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun themselves consider such an attitude to a rice and seafood dish to be real barbarism.

Why is this fragrant seasoning so loved by the people and what benefits does it bring to the human body?

Varieties and flavors

In Asian cuisine, various seasonings and spices are very common, designed to emphasize the taste of dishes and give each of them individuality. A special role is given soy sauce. There is evidence that the average Japanese consumes about 7 liters of this product per year. It is added to meat, fish, seafood, vegetable salads are seasoned with it. Five types of this liquid seasoning are considered traditional in Japan:

With all the variety of products offered, most buyers prefer traditional version soy sauce because it has harmonious balanced taste suitable for most dishes.

The classic recipe can be very different from a variety of cooking options. Traditionally, the sauce as mandatory components should include:

  • soya beans;
  • wheat grains;
  • salt;
  • water.

Chefs around the world are trying to invent their own original recipe sauce. On the basis of soy sauce, dressings for vegetable salads, marinades for meat and fish dishes, gravy for side dishes are made. Often dill, garlic or other spices are added to the dark liquid, taken as the basis of the seasoning. Sometimes in the composition you can see caramel, starch, flour, meat broths, honey. Taking into account the presence of additional ingredients, it can be very difficult to answer the question of what soy sauce is made of, the composition of which is far from traditional.

Unscrupulous manufacturers of goods can add dyes, flavors or preservatives that are harmful and dangerous to the human body. This greatly reduces the cost of production, but the resulting semi-chemical liquid cannot be called soy sauce. Moreover, such production contradicts the entire centuries-old history of the creation of this seasoning. After all, the classic soy sauce - natural product, created as a result of natural fermentation processes that take from 6 months to a year or more.

The main disadvantage traditional recipe is the cooking time of the sauce. To speed up the process, a special starter is sometimes used, consisting of bacteria that promote fermentation. This reduces the production time to one month. At the same time, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to feel the difference in the taste of products prepared in the classical way or according to the accelerated version.

Calorie content and nutritional value

People who strive not only to eat healthy food, but also monitor their weight, are wondering how many calories are in soy sauce. It should be noted that soybeans themselves are not dietary product. 100 g contains about 360 kcal. Since water and other ingredients are also present in the sauce, there are much fewer calories in 100 ml of the finished product - 53.

Concerning nutritional value, then most of all classic fragrant seasoning restrains carbohydrates - 7.61 g. This is 2.8% of the total daily allowance. In second place are proteins 6.28 g (4%). Fat only 0.04 g (0%).

Both the calorie content and the ratio of JBU depend on the type of sauce. For example, 100 mg of Tamari contains 60 kcal, proteins - 10.51 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 5.57 g.

Benefit and harm

Soy sauce is considered very useful product for the human body. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and blood circulation, liver and intestines. In addition, it helps to get rid of insomnia, relieves headaches, has a calming effect on nervous system, reduces the risk of cancer.

With more antioxidants in this fragrant liquid than in vitamin C and red wine, ladies can stay young and beautiful longer. To alleviate the symptoms of menopause, to reduce pain during menstruation, phytoestrogens present in the sauce help women. It is because of the content of these substances that there is a lot of controversy about the advisability of drinking soy sauce by men. Scientists believe that the moderate use of liquid seasoning does not pose any danger to the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Vegetarians love the product very much as a source of vegetable protein. In addition, the sauce is rich in B vitamins, iron and zinc. Due to its low calorie content, this liquid seasoning can serve as an excellent alternative to mayonnaise, which is very important for people who are trying to lose weight. In addition, the sauce does not contain cholesterol.

Glutamic acid, which is naturally formed in the sauce, is completely harmless to the body. That's why liquid seasoning can replace salt in the diet for diabetics, but you need to get the approval of your doctor before using it.

In order for the fragrant seasoning to bring only benefits, you need to remember that the daily dose of the product for an adult should not exceed 1-2 tablespoons.

Unfortunately, all the wonderful properties of the product can be forgotten if the production technology has not been observed. Then, instead of being useful, he is able harm the body. From the use, especially excessive, the following diseases can develop:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • heart attack;
  • kidney disease.

There are people for whom adding aromatic spices to food is contraindicated. First of all, these are pregnant women and children under five years of age. In addition, the use of this product should be approached with caution by everyone who has diseases of the endocrine system.

How to choose a quality sauce

Since only natural seasoning can bring real pleasure to gourmets and benefit the body, the issue of buying a sauce should be taken very seriously. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Another point to pay attention to is the price. Unfortunately, high-quality soy sauce is not a cheap pleasure. For example, 100 ml of a product produced by the Kikkoman trademark costs about 1 thousand rubles. This sauce has a classic composition and the absence of non-natural ingredients, and its use is very beneficial for the body.

A Heinz product, the recipe for which provides for the presence of caramel as a dye, is sold at a price of 9 thousand rubles per 200 ml. This sauce is especially good as a marinade. It gives meat dishes a beautiful rich color and a pleasant enveloping taste.

For more affordable price you can buy products of the Vietnamese company Umi. The composition of the seasoning is somewhat different from the classic, but contains exclusively natural substances. But the Maxchup product from Thailand, which costs 400 rubles per 200 ml bottle, is replete with preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers.

Thus, before purchasing a product, you must definitely familiarize yourself with its composition and manufacturing conditions. This information should be presented on the label. Knowing the recipe for a natural sauce, making the right choice will be much easier.

Let this fragrant seasoning give new taste sensations and benefit the body!

Attention, only TODAY!
