Blackberries have long been growing in forests and on river banks, and now they can be found in our gardens (domesticated varieties). With the massive appearance of dark berries, the question of their long-term storage invariably arises. Today "The World of Berries" will reveal this topical topic to you.

They are rich in minerals and vitamins that are important for our body. Exist different ways preparations of this berry, allowing almost to fully preserve its benefits. Blackberries are dried and frozen, they are used to make jam and marmalade, marmalade and delicious compote, as well as fragrant juice, dark wine and liquor that is original in its taste.

blackberry picking

Wild blackberries scare away those who want to feast on them with their sharp thorns. Domesticated varieties are absolutely not prickly and, moreover, differ more large berries , so it’s a must to settle them on your site. Regardless of habitat useful berry the harvest season begins at the end of July and lasts until the end of September (like raspberries, the berries do not ripen at the same time). It is recommended to collect blackberries at intervals of a couple of days, putting them in small baskets. If necessary, tender berries can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

dried blackberries

Fully ripened berries are suitable for drying. They are dried in the sun, poured onto flat trays in one layer. After 2-3 days, blackberries dry in the oven or in a drying chamber at the beginning at a temperature of 70°C, and closer to the end of the process - at 45-50°C. Store the finished product for no longer than 2 years.

frozen blackberries

Ripe blackberries are washed, the stalks are removed, dried on a linen or clean paper, poured into a cardboard tray and frozen. The finished product is poured into portion packs and tightly tied.

Blackberry compote

  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Citric acid - 3-4 g
  • Water - 1 l

Blackberries are placed in jars, poured syrup or raspberry juice(in the second case, the amount of sugar is increased to 400 g per 1 liter, and citric acid is not added) and pasteurized at 80 ° C (0.5 and 1 liter - 15 and 20 minutes, respectively).

Blackberry jam

  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Blackberry - 1 kg
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Citric acid - 3-4 g

Blackberries are dipped in boiling syrup and boiled until fully cooked.

Blackberry Jam

Prepared berries are placed in an enamel basin, put on low heat and heated, without boiling. Hot blackberries are rubbed through a sieve. The mass is brought to a boil, sugar is added (800 g of sugar per 1 kg of puree) and boiled until the volume is reduced by about a quarter. Some add applesauce to the mass (250 g per 1 kg). The finished jam is laid out in jars and rolled up.

Blackberry Jam

  • Blackberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g
  • Citric acid - 4 g
  • Pectin powder - 40 g

750 g of blackberries are poured with a small amount of water (maximum 3 tablespoons), heated and rubbed through a sieve. The puree is boiled for 10 minutes, pectin mixed with powdered sugar is added, and the remaining whole berries are thrown in. After boiling for 3 minutes, sugar is gradually added to the jam, not allowing the boil to subside, boil until the grains disappear completely and introduce citric acid, pre dissolved in water. The foam is carefully removed from the surface of the jam. The finished product is laid out in jars, rolled up, turned over, covered and left to cool completely.

Blackberry syrup

  • Citric acid - 6 g
  • Blackberry juice - 1 l
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg

Blackberries are sorted, washed, crushed, poured with water (750 ml per 1 kg) and sent for 12 hours to a dark and cool place. The resulting mixture filter and measure, determining the amount of juice obtained. It is heated to 80º C, add citric acid and sugar, bottled, closed with clean corks, turned upside down (this is convenient to do in a box) and covered with a warm blanket.

Blackberry juice

  • Blackberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Citric acid - 5 g

Clean berries are poured with a small amount of water, steamed over low heat, rubbed through a fine sieve, added sugar and citric acid, poured into a clean container and pasteurized (0.5 and 1 l - 15 and 25 minutes, respectively).

Blackberry wine

  • Blackberry - 5 kg
  • Honey - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 3 kg
  • Water - 10 l

The sorted and clean blackberries are placed in a stainless pan, crushed and filled with water(6 l). The mass is placed in a cool place for 3-4 days. After that, it is filtered, the berries remaining in the pan refill with water(4 l), mix and filter after 5-6 hours. The liquid of the first and second stages is mixed, all sugar and honey are added there, everything is mixed, poured into a bottle and closed with a water seal. After fermentation is complete, the wine is bottled and corked. Six months later, it is completely ready for use.

Blackberry liqueur

  • Blackberry juice - 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Cinnamon - 15 g
  • Powder nutmeg– 15 g
  • Cloves - 8 g
  • Cognac (vodka) - 1.5 l

All ingredients (except alcohol) are mixed, brought to a boil, carefully filtered, allowed to cool and mixed with cognac or good vodka.

How to prepare blackberries? We hope that this question will no longer confuse you. Good luck preparing!

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Evgeny Shumarin

Reading time: 9 minutes


Blackberry is a shrub covered with thorns, belonging to the genus Rubus (Pink family). The blackberry fruit is a black-purple berry that looks like a raspberry. Although the blackberry grows everywhere, America is considered its homeland, where it is actively cultivated. Gardeners in Mexico were especially successful in this. In Europe, the berry is almost never grown.

Types and varieties of blackberries

There are about 200 types of blackberries, two of them are common in our country:

  1. Blackberry bushy, or kumanika - a bush covered with thorns, has sloping stems. The berries are sweet and sour, with a blue-violet color.
  2. Gray Blackberry (Ozhina) - a bush with straight shoots with small thorns, like a raspberry, covered with a whitish bloom. The berries are rather small, covered with a bluish bloom.

To date, more than 40 varieties of cultivated blackberries are known, we will name the most famous of them:

Nutritional value, calorie content and composition of blackberries

Blackberries have many health benefits. One of them is low calorie content. 100 g of fresh berries contain only 36 kcal.

Nutritional value of 100 blackberries:

  • 5.3 g of carbohydrates.
  • 2 g of proteins.
  • 0.5 g fat.

The composition of blackberries (in 100 g):

1. Vitamins:

  • 15 mg vitamin C.
  • 1.2 mg vitamin E.
  • 0.4 mg of vitamin PP.
  • 0.1 mg beta-carotene.
  • 0.05 mg vitamin B2 (riboflavin).
  • 0.01 mg of vitamin B1 (thiamine).
  • 17 micrograms of vitamin A.

2. Minerals:

The benefits and harms of blackberries

Useful properties of blackberries:

  • Due to the large amount of vitamin C, blackberries are an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
  • Decoctions of blackberry berries and leaves are used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, including gastritis.
  • Leaf infusion is used to reduce blood pressure and treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • Studies have shown that blackberries prevent the development of cancerous tumors.

What harm to the body can blackberries cause?

  1. For all its merits, blackberries are a strong allergen, so it should not be consumed by people prone to allergic reactions to foods.
  2. The berry will not bring benefits to people suffering from kidney disease and high acidity.

Blackberries in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics and athletes

Blackberries are very useful for pregnant women . It restores metabolism, normalizes the digestive system and saturates the body with energy.

How to collect, consume and store blackberries?

  1. Blackberries begin to ripen in August. In this case, as a rule, the bush is picked in batches, about 10 times per season.
  2. Ripe, but not overripe, the berry should be firm to the touch and have a black color with a reddish tint.
  3. Harvest blackberries only in dry sunny weather. This is best done in the morning when the dew dries on the fruit.
  4. The berry should be picked along with the stalk, otherwise it will doubt and quickly give juice.
  5. Blackberries can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. At a temperature of 0 degrees, the berries remain fresh for up to three weeks.
  6. Blackberries can be dried and frozen. It is not recommended to wash the berries before drying.
  7. Best of all, blackberries are combined with pastries, any dairy products and berries.

What dishes can be cooked with blackberries?

Blackberries for diet food

Blackberries are a negative calorie food. This means that in order to digest the berry, the body has to spend more calories than it contains. Thanks to this remarkable property, blackberries are used as a component diet food. For example, it can be consumed during a berry diet.

Losing weight is offered the following menu:

  • Breakfast : 250 g berries, mineral water or green tea.
  • Lunch : a glass of fruit juice.
  • Dinner : vegetable soup, fish or chicken with a side dish of rice, buckwheat or vegetables and a light salad.
  • afternoon tea : 250 g berries.
  • Dinner : vegetables.

General energy value products should not exceed 1000 kcal . You can continue the diet from 2 weeks to a month.

This unpretentious prickly shrub with sweet and sour black berries is very common in temperate and warm climates. Blackberry is found in forests, near rivers, in the mountains. Recently, the plant, which, like raspberries, belongs to the Rosaceae family, has been successfully introduced into garden culture. Its main feature is long flexible stems, seated with straight or curved spines. In some localities, the forest blackberry is called the bramble; there are also names close to the Ukrainian name of this plant, ozhin or azhin. Berries are small drupes collected into one fruit. As they mature, they acquire a deep purple hue, sometimes with a bluish bloom, and a characteristic sweet and sour taste. Wild blackberries are more productive than forest raspberries, and bear fruit in late summer - early autumn. The garden berry is distinguished by a sweeter taste, large size, and the crop is harvested until frost.

However, it should be remembered that medicinal properties more pronounced in wild forms.

Useful qualities

Although the fruits of blackberries are not as fragrant as those of raspberries, their sweet and sour taste is liked by everyone without exception, and many dishes can be prepared from them. The inherent purple color gives beautiful view jam, juice, liqueur, allows you to effectively decorate desserts. The fruit pulp is a complete multivitamin complex containing a lot of nicotinic acid and tocopherols. The plant is valued by trace elements, phenolic compounds, which give it unique properties, including the prevention of oncology.

At the same time, the calorie content of fruits is very small, and fiber fibers contribute to a gentle cleansing of the intestines. As a result, during pregnancy, low-calorie diets, during the recovery period after a disease, the berry is simply irreplaceable.

Although blackberries are not used by official medicine, it has been proven that eating them fresh contributes to:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on all processes in the body;
  • improving bowel function;
  • normalization of sleep and sedation.

Other parts of this plant also have healing properties. The leaves and stems contain a large amount of tannins, vitamin C and minerals. The root of this shrub also finds application.

Cooking recipes

For culinary purposes, ripe fruits of forest and garden species these plants.


Berries are very useful to eat raw, but you can make juice from them, which is not only tasty, but also has medicinal properties, especially for anemia.

  1. To increase the yield of juice, the fruits are doused with boiling water, then rubbed through a sieve.
  2. To increase the shelf life, this mass should be boiled with sugar syrup (half a glass of sugar and two glasses of water are taken for 1 kg of raw materials).

Fresh wild blackberries keep in the refrigerator for about a week. Common methods of harvesting berries are their freezing and drying. Compote or tea is prepared from dried fruits, and defrosted ones retain all the properties of fresh ones. Blackberries mashed with sugar are healthy and tasty, from which you can cook many healthy dishes.


Nice taste, very beautiful colour and therapeutic use has liqueur. To cook it:

  • ripe berries are kneaded;
  • transferred to a wide-mouthed vessel for 2/3 of its volume;
  • pour sugar to the top;
  • after a few days, the floating pulp is removed;
  • the remaining juice is left to ferment under a water seal for 2 weeks;
  • bottled and sealed tightly.


It is much easier to prepare blackberry tincture: ripe fruits (2 cups) are kneaded with sugar (1 cup), and poured with vodka (half-liter bottle). Withstand for a month. To improve the taste, aroma and healing effect, sugar in it can be replaced with honey. Therapeutic use also has a product based on dry berries.

Treatment with tinctures

Various recipes that include berries are used for a variety of diseases. First of all, it is used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic, usually in the form of tea from dried fruits.

From leaves and flowers for diarrhea

Traditional medicine recommends an infusion of leaves and flowers for diarrhea and even dysentery. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials (preferably with the addition of calendula) to a glass of boiling water. This amount is drunk during the day in three divided doses before meals. Children can be recommended powdered dry berries - half a teaspoon three times a day. A decoction of the leaves is used to rinse the mouth with stomatitis; Also, with this disease, it is recommended to chew fresh herbs.

From dry fruits

Effective therapeutic action has a medicine made from dried blackberries on vodka (in a ratio of 1 to 10). It is a very effective remedy for hypothermia (up to two glasses at a time) and for the prevention of beriberi (no more than 50 g at a time). Of course, such medicine is contraindicated for children and pregnant women.

From the root

Healing properties has a shrub root. You need to prepare an infusion from it like this:

  • pour a tablespoon of chopped root with a glass of water;
  • boil for 20 minutes;
  • add boiling water to the original volume;
  • then insist for at least an hour.

It is used as a diuretic and for urolithiasis (before meals, 2 tablespoons three times a day), as well as for gargling for sore throats.

  • 100 g of crushed root is evaporated in 0.5 l of water until the volume is reduced by half;
  • then add a glass of red wine.

Take before meals twice a day for 100 g.

The use of the leaf for skin diseases

Fresh leaves are used externally. Mashed blackberry greens are effective for lichen and chronic skin inflammations.. Lotions from the infusion of leaves are recommended for the treatment of eczema. Alcohol tincture has a good effect on pain in the joints and the treatment of wounds.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of blackberries, except for individual intolerance. Berries are not recommended for people with high acidity.

What can be cooked from blackberries - TOP 10 recipes from the magazine website

Two "relatives" blackberries and raspberries have only a certain external resemblance. Some people think that blackberries are black raspberries, but this definition is not entirely correct. The flavors of these berries vary greatly. No matter how you describe them, it is certainly better to try blackberries once than to hear about them a hundred times. Many people rarely use this berry - for example, raspberries in our latitudes have become much more common. However, those who are already familiar with blackberries try to include them regularly in their diet. Its special "blackberry" taste allows not only to use the berry in its pure form, but also to combine it with a variety of other ingredients.

Blackberries are one of the components of many unusual dishes that will decorate any celebration. Delicious desserts and delicious salads, refreshing aromatic drinks - all this can be prepared from blackberries. The recipe of each dish, which contains a sweet and sour black berry, is a truly unique culinary masterpiece that can satisfy the most demanding gourmets, please guests at a festive feast or pleasantly surprise your soulmate during a romantic dinner.

Blackberry Recipes

Recipe 1.

Ingredients: 1 cup of blackberries, 2 medium oranges, 100 g of Adyghe cheese, 1 bunch of arugula, 45 g of walnuts, 30 g of dried apricots, 30 ml of lemon juice, 55 ml of olive oil.

Wash the arugula and let it dry a little. Cut nuts and cheese into medium-sized pieces. Peel the oranges, separate each slice and remove the film. We cut the washed dried apricots lengthwise into 3-4 parts. We put arugula, prepared oranges and dried apricots in a salad bowl, add oil, lemon juice. We mix. Spread cheese, nuts and washed blackberries on top.

Recipe 2.

Ingredients: 180 g blackberry, 180 g melon, 3 tsp. orange juice, 1 tsp. honey, 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, mint leaves.

We wash the berries and lay them out on a paper towel to remove moisture. Wash the melon and remove the skin. Cut the melon into neat even squares in size proportional to the size of the berries. We lay out the blackberries and melon slices on a plate in rows, alternating them with each other to make a pattern in the form of a chessboard. Top with honey and orange juice. Garnish each serving with mint leaves and a scoop of ice cream.

Recipe 3.

Ingredients: 1 cup blackberries, 2 medium apples, 30 g sugar, 470 ml water, 1 tsp. potato starch, thick cream for decoration.

My apples, peel, remove the core and three on a fine grater. We wash the blackberries, let them dry a little. We leave a couple of berries to decorate the dish, and squeeze the juice from the rest of the blackberries with a crusher. Boil the water, add the squeezed berries and leave for 15 minutes under the lid over low heat. Then the resulting broth is cooled and filtered. Starch is diluted in cold boiled water. Bring the strained broth to a boil, pour in the diluted starch, blackberry juice and grated apples. Turn off the heat when the cream soup begins to boil. Cool first at room temperature, leave for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Pour in portions, decorate with the remaining berries and cream.

Recipe 4.

Ingredients: 500 g young veal, 200 g blackberries, 220 ml red wine, 15 g honey, 170 ml water, 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce, ½ tsp. dry paprika, 2 garlic cloves, basil leaves, salt.

Wash the meat, remove the films and cut into medium-sized pieces. We place the chopped meat in a container, pour soy sauce and sprinkle with paprika. Stir, leave for 45 minutes. In a deep frying pan, mix water with wine, add blackberries and keep on low heat for about 40 minutes. During this time, half of the liquid should evaporate. Chop the garlic with a knife. Add honey, garlic and meat with marinade to the pan. Salt the sauce as desired and simmer for 50 minutes under the lid. Serve the finished dish in portions with a side dish, decorate with basil leaves.

Recipe 5.

Ingredients: 290 g flour, 300 g blackberries, 180 g cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 90 g butter, 400 ml heavy cream, 40 g sugar, 160 g powdered sugar, 200 ml yogurt, 20 g gelatin, a pinch of salt, ½ tsp. l. baking powder, 6 ml vegetable oil, form for baking baskets.

Melt the butter in the microwave or using a water bath, let cool. Sift flour with baking powder. We drive eggs into a bowl, add cottage cheese, sugar, salt, melted and cooled butter. We mix everything. Add flour, baking powder, knead soft elastic dough. Roll out into a thin layer, from which we cut out circles using a small cup. We grease the forms for baskets with vegetable oil, carefully lay out pieces of dough in them. Leave the molds with the dough in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Bake at 185 degrees for 20 minutes.

While the baskets are cooling, prepare the soufflé. To do this, wash the blackberry and let it dry. Then grind the berries with a blender. Mix cream with powdered sugar, beat. We dilute gelatin in water according to the instructions, and then warm it up to 70-80 degrees until dissolved. Carefully add yogurt, gelatin and blackberry puree to the cream. Yogurt and gelatin should be at room temperature when mixed. Mix the soufflé and confectionery syringe fill baskets. Before serving, the dessert should be cooled in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6.

Ingredients: 200 g flour, 80 g brown sugar, 3 eggs, ½ cup blackberries, ½ cup cherries, ¼ cup currants, 1½ tsp. baking powder, 10 ml vegetable oil, a bag of vanilla sugar, 25 g powdered sugar.

My berries, pitted cherries. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add half the brown sugar and a sachet of vanilla sugar. Beat with a mixer. Add the sifted flour and baking powder to the egg mixture. Knead the dough with a spoon - it should not be thick. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put the berries on the bottom. Top with dough. We bake at a temperature of 175 degrees, 30-40 minutes until tender. 10 minutes before the end of the time, it is necessary to turn on the top heating in the oven. To understand if the blackberry pie is ready, we pierce it with a wooden stick - it should remain dry, without dough. Then we turn the berry pie on a dish, decorate with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7.

Ingredients: 140 g shortbread cookies, 55 g butter, 110 g blackberries, 25 g gelatin, 210 g fat cottage cheese, 150 ml high-fat cream, 110 g sugar, 70 ml water.

Grind the cookies at low speed with a blender or with a rolling pin into large crumbs. Place room temperature butter in a container with cookies, mix thoroughly. We tamp this mass on the bottom of a detachable form, leave it in the refrigerator. While the cake is cooling, prepare the cream.

My blackberry. We leave 8-10 berries for decoration, and grind the rest with 70 g of sugar. Whip the cream with 40 g of sugar until a stable foam appears, add cottage cheese, blackberries with sugar, beat again. We dilute the granulated gelatin according to the instructions in cool water, then heat it until dissolved - up to 70 degrees. Cool slightly and send to the cream. Stir, pour over the base of butter and biscuits. Refrigerate until the cream hardens. Decorate with blackberries.

Recipe 8.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of blackberries, 840 g of heavy cream, 720 g of sugar, 750 ml of water, 150 ml of white wine, 2 eggs, 4 yolks, 180 g of dark chocolate, 60 g of flour, 62 g of gelatin (50 g in granules, 12 g leaf), 40 ml lemon juice, zest of half a lemon, 30 ml liquor, 20 g potato starch, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, detachable baking dish with a diameter of 24 and 26 cm.

Beat two eggs with 60 g of sugar until a visible increase in its volume. Sift the flour, gently fold in the beaten eggs. Line a 24cm tin with parchment paper and grease with oil. Pour the dough and bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. While the cake is cooling, prepare the soufflé.

Pour 25 g of granulated gelatin with 100 ml of cool water. Put the yolks in a saucepan, add 70 g of sugar, grated zest, add wine and 20 ml of lemon juice. We send the pan to a water bath and beat its contents with a whisk until it thickens. Remove from heat, add swollen gelatin. This mass must be cooled to room temperature. Whip 340 g of cream with a mixer and combine with wine cream. We put the foil in a detachable form so that it covers the bottom and sides, and pour the cream. Put in the refrigerator to chill.

Prepare the jelly layer. Pour sheet gelatin with 100 ml of water. Dilute starch in 100 ml of cool water. Pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan, boil, add 150 g of sugar and washed blackberries. Let simmer for 5 minutes. We filter the broth, grinding the berries through a sieve to remove the seeds. Then bring to a boil, pour in the starch solution. Cook, stirring, until thickened. Then cool to 70-80 degrees, add gelatin, 20 ml of lemon juice, liquor, mix and cool. Pour the jelly into the mold on the cream and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. We spread the biscuit on top and send it to the refrigerator for 7-10 hours.

Preparing the chocolate layer. Dilute 25 g of gelatin in 100 ml of water. Boil 150 ml of water with 440 g of sugar. Add the remaining cream. When bubbles appear, remove from heat. Add gelatin and grated chocolate, beat. We free the frozen cake from the sides of the mold and turn it over into a larger diameter mold. We cover the top and sides with chocolate mass, refrigerate for 3 hours.

Recipe 9.

Ingredients: 1.3 kg of blackberries, 1.3 kg of sugar, 1 large lemon.

We wash the blackberries, separating the stalk. My lemon. Grate the lemon zest. Squeeze the lemon juice into the bowl with the zest. Place the blackberries in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour sugar into it, add lemon juice with zest. We put the pan on a small fire, leave, stirring regularly, until the sugar dissolves. After we keep the jam on high heat for 10 minutes, constantly stirring. Sterilize jars and pour hot blackberry jam into a hot container. We roll up the jars with lids. We sterilize the filled container in boiling water, which should reach the shoulders of the cans, for 10 minutes.

Recipe 10.

Ingredients: 1 cup blackberries, 400 ml high fat milk, 400 g vanilla ice cream, 1 medium orange, 8 ice cubes, 4 lemon wedges, mint for garnish.

We wash the blackberries and lay them out on a paper towel to dry the berries. We clean the orange, separate each slice, remove the films and remove the seeds. In a container we place blackberries, peeled orange slices and ice cream. Using a blender, we turn the contents of the container into a homogeneous mass. While continuing to beat, gradually pour in the milk. Put two ice cubes into the glasses and pour the cocktail. Decorate with mint leaves, put lemon slices on the sides of the glasses.

Recipes that include blackberries allow you to cook not only amazingly delicious, but also healthy meals. This berry is a natural vitamin complex, which leads to a general strengthening of the body and, as a result, an improvement in well-being and mood. Those who include blackberries in their diet provide themselves reliable protection from colds. In addition, the beneficial substances from this berry help fight atherosclerosis and improve blood composition.

The content of vitamins in blackberries is so high that in terms of its healing properties it is in no way inferior to raspberries and other berries recommended for the auxiliary treatment of many diseases. Another advantage of the blackberry is its ease of transportation: it is possible to collect berries in the forest and deliver them to the place of processing without loss, as they fit snugly against the stalk, and do not move away from it, like in raspberries.

What vitamins are in blackberries and how is it useful

Wild blackberries form thorny impenetrable thickets in forests and on hillsides. garden varieties blackberries are devoid of thorns, but they have all the useful properties of wild ones.

IN folk medicine A decoction of the fruit and leaves was used as a diaphoretic. An ointment for the treatment of acne was made from the leaves, water was made from the juice of the fruits, refreshing the skin of the face and neck.

In Rus', they knew well how blackberries are useful: a root boiled with honey was recommended for dropsy, root powder boiled in wine was recommended for urolithiasis; leaves and young shoots boiled in wine - for rinsing the mouth with purulent diseases, as well as with throat tumors.

A decoction of the leaves has been used as a douche for bleeding and excessive discharge in women.

Fresh leaves were crushed and applied to areas with eczema and trophic ulcers of the legs.

What vitamins are found in blackberries, and what properties do berries have? Blackberries contain a lot of vitamin C, provitamin A, B vitamins are present. Potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, nickel, copper, fiber, fructose and glucose, organic acids, pectins are contained. The seeds contain fatty oil. Fresh blackberries strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, and normalize all body functions.

What else is blackberry useful for, and for the treatment of what diseases is it used? Berries have antipyretic properties, are used in the treatment of kidney diseases, diseases Bladder and stomach and intestinal diseases.

Useful and joint diseases.

Blackberries have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

All parts of the plant are used in medicine. Leaves and roots have a wound-healing, astringent, anti-inflammatory effect.

Along with the beneficial properties of blackberries, there are contraindications: it is not recommended for use in diseases of the stomach and small intestine.

What can be prepared from blackberries: jam recipe

What can be prepared from blackberries for a sweet table? garden blackberry used to make compote, jam, marmalade, preserves, jelly, syrup. Jam, marmalade and syrup are obtained from wild-growing forest blackberries.

For the recipe for blackberry jam with apples, you will need the following ingredients:

500 g blackberries, 500 g apples, 600 g granulated sugar.

It is better to use sour or unripe apples. Peel them, cut into pieces, pour a small amount of water and boil until softened. Remove stems from blackberries, rinse, add to apples and cover with sugar. Cook the jam with constant stirring, removing the foam until it turns into jelly. Arrange the boiling jam in jars.

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