Today, plums are grown in many Russian household plots. Thanks to scientists and breeders, more than 2,000 varieties have been bred that differ in the structure and size characteristics of fruits, pulp structure and color, taste and chemical composition. To get the most out of a valuable product, it is important to know the health benefits and harms of plums.

Among the wide variety of plums, there are dark purple, reddish and yellowish fruit colors. All of them are united by a unique chemical composition, which may differ slightly for each of the varieties. On average, plums are 80% water. The fruits contain a lot of fiber, pectin, organic acids, vitamins A, B, C, E. Fruits contain a high content of macronutrients - potassium, calcium, magnesium and many others. They are a source of trace elements - iron, iodine, manganese, zinc.

In the blue plum

The dark blue plum variety is commonly referred to as "Hungarian", such varieties have dense juicy pulp, so they are often used to make prunes. 100 g of blue fruit contains 42 kcal.

In red

Red plum varieties are champions in folic acid content, they contain a lot of iron. They help speed up metabolic processes, remove salts and excess fluid from the body.

100 g of red fruits contain only 46 kcal.


Dark plum varieties contain a large amount of flavonols, anthocyanins, leukocyanins, which have unique properties in the form of a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and their strengthening.


Yellow plums contain a large amount of keratin, and in terms of vitamin E content, they are not inferior to rose hips. Varieties of this species are effective for the treatment of bronchi, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

How to choose a good product

When choosing plums, you should be guided by the appearance of the fruit. Regardless of the color of the skin, they should be evenly colored. As the fruit ripens, the shade becomes more saturated. You should pay attention to the absence of cracks, dents, spotty formations.

It is recommended to try to press on the surface of the peel. Excessive hardness indicates insufficient ripeness of the fruit, too soft pulp will lead to rapid deterioration of the product. Ripeness is determined by the rich aroma, the more pronounced it is, the more ripe the plums are.

Beneficial features

The usefulness of plums for the body is explained by the chemical elements present in it. Pectins contribute to better excretion of radionuclides and carcinogens. When eating fruits, the following effects are observed:

  • blood thinning;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and reducing the risk of thrombosis;
  • improving the functioning of the muscles of the heart;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • pressure normalization.

Plum promotes the removal of fluid and bile, is considered a laxative. To eliminate the problem of constipation, it is enough to eat several fruits a day.

For children

For a child, plums are a valuable source of vitamins, so when they are included in the menu, the risk of beriberi is reduced significantly. Often children suffer from constipation, and with the help of a fruit or a decoction based on it, you can achieve normalization of the stool without the use of medications.

For men

Plums should be included in the diet of men who love fatty and unhealthy foods, who abuse alcohol. The fruit helps lower cholesterol levels, which inevitably increase when improperly organized meals. The fruits help to normalize the functioning of the liver, removing harmful substances with bile. Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death for men, and plum helps reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

For women

Fruit normalizes work nervous system women, which helps the body cope with stress more successfully. The fruits are considered effective tool, with the help of which the effect of tissue regeneration is obtained, therefore this property of the product is actively used in cosmetology.

Masks, scrubs, various skin care products are made from plums.

Due to the ability of plums to improve digestion, speed up metabolism and remove toxins, they are often present on the menu of people who control weight or want to lose weight. The dietary fiber of the fruit helps in the rapid reduction of body weight and further maintenance of it in the normal range.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no prohibition on the use of plums when carrying a child. present in pulp folic acid contributes to the proper development of the baby. Many pregnant women suffer from edema, and due to the presence of potassium in fruits, excess fluid is naturally removed. Dietary fiber of fruits improves digestion, which acts as a prevention of constipation. Vitamin C helps to cope with viral infections, the appearance of which during this period is dangerous.

Use in traditional medicine

In the composition of traditional medicine recipes, plum is often present. It is used as an ingredient in the preparation of decoctions to relieve constipation and normalize digestion.

Use in diabetes

Patients with diabetes should be careful when eating fruits. Plum does not belong to the category of products that carry a high risk for the body. Its low calorie content and low glycemic index make it possible to include it in the diet of diabetics in the initial stages of the disease. Patients with this diagnosis often suffer from pressure, blurred vision and kidney problems, and the use of plums helps to solve these problems. At the same time, it is impossible to abuse the intake of fruits; diabetics are not recommended to exceed the daily rate of 200 g.

With pancreatitis

With the diagnosis of "pancreatitis" plums are not prohibited for consumption, but it is necessary to peel the fruits. It contains coarse fiber and acid, which can exacerbate stomach diseases.

With oncological diseases

According to studies, phenolic acid contained in the plum can slow down the growth of tumors. Such a substance is a poison, but when it enters the body, it only affects cancer cells. Regular consumption of plums contributes to the prevention of cancer of the mammary glands, stomach, colon, and respiratory organs. It is recommended to include in the diet not only fresh and dried fruits, but also smoothies.

For the recipe you need:

  • 5 plums;
  • 1 banana;
  • 10 raspberries;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1⁄2 cup water;
  • cinnamon to taste.

The main ingredients are whipped with a blender. Such a drink will give energy and positively affect all organs and systems of life. In the absence of digestive problems, you can take orange juice instead of water, which will saturate the body with even more vitamin C.

With diabetes

Plum contains a fairly large amount of sugar, so including it in the diet of diabetic patients can provoke a deterioration in the condition. Particular care should be taken to include them in the diet of people with type 2. It is better for diabetics not to use prunes in their diet, since it has a higher glycemic index, it is better to give preference to fresh ripe fruits.

The undoubted benefits of plums for athletes

Due to the small number of calories, plums are often present on the menu of those who are losing weight or athletes resorting to body “drying” programs. At the same time, due to the rich composition of chemical elements, when eating fruit, the risk of their deficiency in the body is reduced.

Is plums good for weight loss

Plum for losing weight is considered a unique product. Simultaneous combination of low calorie content and high content nutrients helps you reach your weight loss goals faster. Improving digestion and speeding up metabolic processes contributes to a faster disposal of body fat.

What is the best way to eat food

Plum is a versatile fruit. The fruits are consumed fresh and dried. They are suitable for making jams, jams and purees. Juices, smoothies and compotes are prepared from fruits.


Dried plums are called prunes. The nutritional content of it is not inferior to fresh fruit. It is an excellent way to satisfy hunger if you need to provide a quick snack.


The use of fresh plums is the most in a simple way improve well-being, since it does not require any force to process the product. The disadvantage of freshly harvested fruits is a short shelf life, so heat treatment methods are often used to extend it.

Compotes and preservation

Compotes are a great way to use the valuable qualities of plums in winter period. Such a drink is always at hand and can be used if necessary to reduce pressure or get rid of edema.

The benefits and uses of plum stones

Product Consumption Norms

Plums are introduced into the diet for children from the age of 3 years. It is necessary to give fruits gradually, starting with 1 piece. In this case, if diarrhea, bloating or colic occurs, the product should be discarded. In the absence of negative reactions, the number of plums is gradually adjusted to 3-4 per day.

The norm for an adult depends on the presence of contraindications and the individual characteristics of the person. On average, the daily amount should not exceed 300 g. During pregnancy, it is worth limiting yourself to 6 fruits per day.

Contraindications and negative effects

Excessively large consumption of plums can cause an upset of the digestive tract. Do not include the product in the diet in the presence of diarrhea or diarrhea, as this will aggravate the situation. Fruits should not be included in the diet if the following indications are present:

  • younger children's age;
  • rheumatism;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • problems with the patency of the bile ducts.

Plums should not be consumed if there is an allergic reaction to the product. Neglect of such a restriction can lead to negative consequences, ranging from minor itching to anaphylactic shock.

Plum trees are not long-lived. IN middle lane few of them reach the age of 20.
But, this did not affect the popularity of culture. She is loved by people from all regions.

After all, not only high taste, but also medicinal properties of plums are well known. The Queen of England, Elizabeth II herself, eats them for breakfast.

Other members of the royal family prefer candied plum - plum sweets. In fact, these are just dried plums. And it is not at all necessary to order them in a London patisserie.

The hostesses will prepare such a dish on their own, especially when they find out about useful properties(and contraindications) plums for women's health.

What is useful plum for the body of women

The debate about whether plums weaken or strengthen has long subsided. Most people know that it is an excellent laxative. However, this is not all that the fruit is capable of.

Significant benefits of plums for women are noted when eating fresh, dried and dried fruits. The bark, leaves and resin of the tree also have a healing effect.

Health Benefits of Plums for Women

The use of these fruits is indicated for diseases such as:

  1. constipation - pectins and fiber stimulate intestinal motility;
  2. metabolic disorders - the pulp improves appetite, removes toxins, relieves inflammation;
  3. atherosclerosis - clears blood vessels from cholesterol plaques;
  4. diseases of the heart and nervous system - potassium and magnesium in the composition of the fruit regulate the functioning of the heart muscle and the transmission of nerve impulses;
  5. kidney disease - helps to remove excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling;
  6. hypertension - helps strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure;
  7. iron deficiency anemia - the iron content in the pulp is high.

Decoctions and infusions of plum leaves treat periodontal disease, purulent non-healing wounds, inflammation Bladder and kidneys, colds.

To preserve beauty

Cosmetologists believe that plum for the face is an emergency, because the fruits contain antioxidants. And infusion of leaves (5-7 pieces, brewed in a glass of water) wipe the face instead of lotion. A plum mask also gives a positive effect.


Nutritionists recommend eating plums in small quantities (about 5 pieces per day) but regularly. Use should be limited to people suffering from chronic diarrhea, urolithiasis, gout, rheumatism and diabetes.

On the one hand, the product relieves inflammation and swelling, on the other hand, it is known for its diuretic properties. Therefore, diseases in which fluid loss is not desirable are contraindications. And there is a lot of glucose in the product.

Is it possible to eat plums when losing weight

calories plums fresh low. She is from 40 to 55 kcal/100 g. However, after drying, this figure increases. AND the nutritional value dried plums (it is called prunes) is already about 250 kcal / 100 g.

Despite this, nutritionists answer the question: is plum useful for weight loss, positively. The product normalizes metabolic processes in the body. At the same time, the metabolism is activated. So plum is suitable for weight loss. This does not mean that you can eat it without measure and lose weight.

Rules for organizing unloading days on plums

  • Divide 1 kg of ripe plums into 5-6 doses.
  • In addition to plums, you can use water and green tea without sugar (not less than 1.5 liters of liquid).
  • A fasting day is arranged no more than once a week.
  • weekly fasting days help to get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight in a month.

To enhance the effect, practice a mono-diet. For this, plums and water in the same quantities are consumed 3 days in a row. Repeat it 1-2 times a month. But only if there are no contraindications.

Diet on plums to cleanse the body

  1. For breakfast on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of freshly prepared plum juice without sugar.
  2. After half an hour, you can eat a cracker.
  3. The rest of the meals are carried out as usual.

The diet is designed for 2 months. The first results will be noticeable after a week: the work of the intestines will improve, you will feel lightness.

Is it possible to plum while breastfeeding

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, beneficial enzymes and acids. But is it possible for a nursing mother to plum? After all, they weaken the chair.

Mothers are worried about whether this will affect the well-being of the baby. It is better to refuse the product in the first weeks of a child's life. After all, up to 3 months, the baby’s digestive system is only getting better.

Raw fruits are introduced into the menu very carefully, observing the well-being of the baby. Later, the baby will already respond normally to such a product in the mother's diet.

Plum to a nursing mother will even help to improve the child's stool if he suffers from constipation. Just do not be zealous, otherwise you will have to deal with diarrhea and colic already.

Plum during pregnancy

The benefits of plums during pregnancy are not disputed even by skeptics. Moreover, the useful properties of the product are preserved even after heat treatment. The expectant mother can be introduced into the diet of prunes, plum juice, various jams, compotes and mashed potatoes.

Pregnant women often face the problem of constipation - regular consumption of these fruits will help to forget about it. And in the 3rd trimester during pregnancy, plums will help remove puffiness. The fruit has diuretic properties. It helps the kidneys to function normally and remove excess fluid.

But it is also known for its choleretic properties. Therefore, draining during pregnancy can bring discomfort. The fact is that gallbladder due to the increase in the size of the uterus on the last lines is displaced.

A strong outflow of bile during this period is not desirable. With a disease of the digestive tract, you should also limit the amount of plums in the diet.

Plum face masks

The mask has a positive effect on the tone and elasticity of the skin of any type, has a moisturizing and softening effect. Plum, as a rule, is crushed and applied to clean skin of the face 2 times a week. The exposure time is 15–20 minutes.

Wrinkle honey mask

Grind one ripe plum and mix with 1 tsp. honey. The recipe is suitable for all skin types. For very dry add egg yolk.

For oily skin

Mix plum puree from 2 fruits with apple (1 tsp) and grated carrots (1 tsp), add white wine (1 tbsp) and 1 whipped protein.

For acne

Grind 2 boiled plums, add 1 tsp to the puree. garlic and onion juice.

From age spots

Add sour milk to plum puree. You can replace it with kefir or yogurt. The ratio of components is 2:1.

Plum pie - fast, tasty, nutritious

Your family will love this incredibly simple cake. Prepare for the test the following set of products:

  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • chilled butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cold water - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • a pinch of salt.

For filling:

  • plum - 400 g;
  • granulated sugar - 130 g;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yogurt - 150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • whipped protein - 1 pc.

Cooking technology:

  1. chop the butter with a knife;
  2. add the rest of the ingredients, knead the dough;
  3. put the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes;
  4. at this time, the filling is being prepared, for this you need to combine all the ingredients for the filling (except plums);
  5. spread the dough in a thin layer according to the shape, form the sides;
  6. put the halves of pitted plums on top;
  7. fill everything with filling;
  8. bake for 1 hour at t - 180°C.

Or you can do this:

Plum is a seasonal fruit with a sweet, tart taste and a very pleasant aroma.

Along with eating fresh fruits, plums are also dried or canned. Dried plum is called which is covered in detail in a separate issue. This product is no less useful in preventing health problems.

In total there are about 2000 plum varieties, but the most popular of them are the traditional plum, cherry plum, blackthorn and blackthorn. All varieties are low in calories, well known for being high in phytonutrients, so adding this product to your diet is good for your health.

What are the medicinal properties and benefits of plums of various varieties (black Hungarian (Eel), blue, red, yellow, white) and her relative cherry plum why these fruits are useful for the health of a pregnant woman’s body, is it possible for a person to eat plum stones, is plum and its calorie content effective in losing weight and is it possible to get better from it, are valuable substances stored in plum juice and jam, how to properly freeze fresh plums for the winter , does this fruit have harm and contraindications?

Useful and medicinal properties

Plum is rich in substances that promote proper digestion and good metabolism. Plum fruits have a mass healing properties affecting health and longevity.

General health benefits of eating plums:

  • neutralization of the harmful effects of free radicals that accelerate the aging process;
  • protection against the development of diseases such as asthma, arthritis, heart attack and cancer;
  • improving memory by neutralizing damaged cells;
  • help in regulating the work of the digestive system and relieving constipation;
  • diuretic and laxative effect;
  • boosting the immune system;
  • maintaining the health of the eyes, mucous membranes and vision;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • support for the healthy functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • an increase in homocysteine ​​levels and a decrease in the risk of a heart attack.

In addition, studies have shown that the consumption of stone fruits such as plums helps in combating metabolic syndrome due to the presence of biologically active compounds.

The benefits and harms of white, red, yellow, blue plums and the black Hungarian variety

Plum fruits vary in color and size. The color of the skin varies from white, yellow or dark red to blue or black. The fruits contain juicy pulp, the color of which also has an extensive palette from creamy yellow to crimson red.

A variety of shades indicates the presence of useful substances in the composition of the product:

  • Plums with dark skin or pulp are more nutritious. The darker the plum, the more useful properties it has. Although dark fruits have a relatively low content of vitamins and minerals, the presence of anthocyanins (reddish-blue pigments) protects the body from cancer by destroying free radicals.
  • Plums with light skin or pulp have a high content of vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A is important for vision as well as maintaining healthy skin and muscles. Consumption of fruits, which contain vitamin A, protects against lung and oral cancer.

Fruits with more intense color contain more anthocyanins and phenolic compounds therefore show higher antioxidant activity than plums with white or yellow flesh. A particularly popular dark variety is called "Hungarian". The fruits of "Hungarian" are sweet in taste, but not juicy, so they are dried and prunes are obtained.

The benefits and harms of plums for the body of men and women

What are useful for women's body:

  • Regular consumption of plums improves bone health, especially after menopause. Substances in the composition of the plum compensate for the loss of bone mass caused by hormonal insufficiency of the ovaries.
  • Plums are especially good at preventing breast cancer. The antioxidant composition of plums and phytonutrients stop the development of breast cancer by killing unhealthy cells.
  • Plums, rich vitamin C, along with other antioxidants, support healthy, radiant and youthful skin. The use of prunes reduces dark spots and wrinkles. The extract is used in various skin care products such as face wash and compresses.
  • Women who consume plums and prunes regularly will have healthy, strong and Thick hair. Plums are a highly pigmented fruit that not only fights hair loss problems, but also retains its natural color, preventing premature graying.
  • Plums are also effective in treating irregular menstruation.

Proven Health Benefits of Plums for men's health it was not discovered, which, however, did not detract from the incredible benefits of this fruit for the body as a whole.

Thanks to chlorogenic acid and selenium present in plums, anxiety is reduced and serotonin production is increased.

Is it possible to eat plums for pregnant women and nursing mothers with breastfeeding(GW)?

  • The benefits of plums during pregnancy are dictated by the abundance of numerous vitamins and minerals; this fruit, with reasonable consumption, is unlikely to bring significant harm to the expectant mother. These beneficial components are vital for the health of the mother and the growing child. They are involved in improving vision, the formation of bones and tissues.
  • Plums are involved in the fight against fever, helping expectant mothers to relieve fever without harm to health.

Is it possible to eat plums with pancreatitis and gastritis

In addition, ripe plum fruits without peel in moderation (3-4 pieces) are harmless for pancreatitis and gastritis, but not on an empty stomach.

Can diabetics eat plums with type 2 diabetes?

The question of whether plum is useful or harmful for diabetics is not so unambiguous in its decision. In general, plum is an excellent remedy for preventing various complications of diabetes. For example, in type 2 diabetes, they slow down the aging of the body and oxidative reactions, help to cope with a common problem - constipation. Dietary fiber and antioxidants in the plum complex help to prevent malignant processes in the gastrointestinal tract, they accelerate peristalsis and prevent stagnation of toxins. However, the plum is like a fruit with high in carbohydrates and low glycemic index should be consumed carefully, avoiding a dangerous rise in blood sugar.

The benefits and harms of plum stones

Plum pits, peeled, are good for health. They contain essential oils which can effectively deal with ascariasis.

The benefits and harms of plum compote and plum jam

Thermally processed plum fruits (compotes, jams and jams) contain 20% less useful substances.

What is the difference between cherry plum and plum?

Many people confuse plum with cherry plum, but they are completely different fruits. Cherry plum is a better source of dietary fiber than plums, and also contains more vitamins A and C:

  • Vitamin C essential for maintaining the skin, ligaments, hair and tendons, as well as supporting the immune system.
  • Vitamin A essential for eye health.

In addition, cherry plum improves digestion, produces a laxative effect, and from its seeds they make Activated carbon. Compote or cherry plum juice increases appetite, reduces the tendency to obesity, and helps in the fight against gastritis.

Chemical composition, nutritional and energy value of plums

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) are in the drain?

Plums are a nutritious, low-calorie snack (49 kcal - 100 grams) and an impressive amount of fiber. The presence of fiber helps prevent constipation and improves digestion.

What vitamins, macro- and microelements are contained in the plum?

Plums have an increased ability to absorb iron in the body. This ability is due to the high content of vitamin C in the fruit. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, improve blood circulation in the body and prevent anemia.

Can you eat plums at night?

Plums are eaten only in the morning, because they also contain glucose -. Eating plums at night will have the opposite effect - excess carbohydrates will be deposited in the body in the form of fat. In addition, the laxative effect of plums will not allow you to sleep peacefully.

The benefits and harms of plum juice

Plum juice is the source fiber. Fiber-rich foods are low in calories, and fiber makes you feel full. Drinking fiber-rich juice will cause you to eat fewer calories, which in turn will help you lose weight.

Excessive consumption of prune juice can cause side effects– risk of gas, bloating and constipation.

What goes with plums

Fresh plums bring the greatest effect on health. A handful of plums, combined with cottage cheese, or whole grain meals, increases the intake of fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants.

Plums match:

  • with fruits (apples);
  • with citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime);
  • with vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, eggplants, carrots);
  • with spices (cloves, ginger, cinnamon);
  • with dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
  • with cereals (oatmeal, barley, millet, wheat);
  • with milk and fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream);
  • with honey.

Plums are very tasty. adjika, spicy plum sauces, and from "Hungarian" and cherry plum they make a famous sauce "tkemali".

How to choose a good product

Plums available all year round, but the juiciest fruits are sold during May to September. Plums with a slight whitish bloom indicate no over-processing. It is necessary to avoid buying soft fruits with bruises. Ripe and ready-to-eat plums yield to light finger pressure and have a sweet aroma.

Product Consumption Norms

enough for an adult 3-4 plums a day for maximum health benefits. Children can be given 2-3 plums a day.

How to store fresh and dried plums or cherry plums for the winter at home

Unripe plums can be left to ripen at room temperature. Since this fruit tends to ripen quickly, check them every other day to make sure they are not overripe. After the plums ripen, they are transferred to the refrigerator for several days.

Is it possible to dry plums in an electric dryer?

If you need to keep the plums for a longer period, they can be dried in an oven or electric dryer. Dried plums are stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place where they will retain their beneficial properties for several months. Storing this product in the refrigerator will extend the freshness up to six months.

Is it possible to boil and close a plum with a stone?

Hydrocyanic acid, which supposedly poses a danger, is destroyed when heated above 70°C. Accordingly, before closing the plum, it is necessary to boil the fruits.

Harm and contraindications

People who suffer from kidney stones should not consume plums as they contain high amounts of oxalates (oxalic acid) contributing to the formation of kidney stones.

Plum is one of those products that has a wide range of useful properties with a minimum number of contraindications for health.

What type of plum do you like best? How often do you eat plums? After you have learned about the health benefits of plums, will you include them in your diet?


Dear readers, today we will talk about the plum. How useful is it for our health, is there any harm, what are the contraindications when using plums. Every season I can't wait for real, ripe, juicy plums. We always buy a lot of them. And I want to eat enough, and make some preparations from them.

Its sweet, slightly sour taste, teasing and spicy aroma is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. What a variety of plum varieties we see. And yellow, and red, and beloved by many "Hungarian" and even wild plum - thorns, which many grow in gardens. In season, we can choose its varieties depending on our preferences. And to begin with, I will tell you a little story about these wonderful fruits.

Plum in history

Currently, over 2000 varieties have been bred. homemade plum, which occupies one of the main places among other plum cultivars.

The first mention of plum trees is indicated at the beginning of the 4th century BC. in the works of Theophastus, a student of Aristotle. They describe not only appearance fruit, but also a variety of uses. It is obvious that the origin of the domestic plum begins in Western Asia, from where it then ends up in Egypt and Greece.

And in treatises of the 4th century AD, a large number of varieties of domestic plums are mentioned in the gardens of the capital of Italy. Then, in the first half of the 16th century, King Francis I from Italy brought one of the varieties of plums - Renklod green to France.

There is a legend that this variety was named by Francis I in honor of his beautiful wife, whose name was Claudine - Claude, and since she had a quiet and immaculate character, the prefix "Rhine" was added to the name. Since that time, green renklod has been considered not only a royal gift, but also received the status of the king of renklod, the quality of the fruits of which could not be surpassed by any variety of plums.

And this is the famous Renklod plum variety.

Why is plum useful? Health benefits and harms

So what is the use of plums? What useful properties of plums attract the attention of fans? Let's try to understand this and find out what is included in the composition of the fruit.

The pulp of a ripe plum contains vitamins necessary for a person: thiamine, folic acid, carotene, vitamins E and C, pyridoxine and riboflavin. Thanks to the routine, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and arterial pressure. And that is not all!

Plum fruits contain a large composition of chemical elements, such as:

  • 20 mg calcium;
  • 87 mcg copper;
  • 0.1 mg zinc;
  • 9 mg magnesium;
  • 4 micrograms of iodine;
  • 0.11 mg manganese;
  • 4 mcg chromium;
  • 18 mg sodium;
  • 214 mg potassium;
  • 20 mg phosphorus;
  • 0.5 mg iron;

Plum calories 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of plums

Many nutritionists and doctors advise regularly including ripe plums in your menu, because they have a beneficial effect on almost the entire human body.

Plum pulp is rich in pectins and fiber. Thereby digestion is regulated , intestinal motility is stimulated, a mild laxative effect is exerted.

Sodium and calcium make plums useful for those who suffer from hypertension and other diseases. of cardio-vascular system .

It turns out that not only the fruits are useful, but also the leaves, resin and bark of this fruit tree. They are used to treat and prevent many diseases:

  • Plum protects our vessels. The substances contained in the pulp of the fruit cleanse the vessels of cholesterol plaques, prevent atherosclerosis ;
  • Plums are rich in vitamin C, which is very good for strengthening our immunity ;
  • Plums are rich in pectin. And this is very good for the work of the digestive tract. The high fiber content helps in the treatment and prevention of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Athletes be sure to include plums in your diet, because potassium increases muscle contraction after training;
  • Sour taste of ripe fruit increases appetite ;
  • Phytocoumarins promote vasodilation , prevent the appearance of blood clots, improve blood circulation in the body;
  • Potassium regulates the water-salt balance, removes excess fluid, normalizes the work of the heart ;
  • Protects nervous system;
  • Anticyanin, which gives plums their purple color prevents the appearance of cancer cells and is considered a prophylactic of oncological diseases;
  • Stimulates the production of red blood cells therefore useful in anemia;
  • Pectins contribute removal of radioactive substances ;
  • For constipation, as a mild laxative, you can use a decoction of branches, bark, flowers;
  • Plum juice helps in the treatment of colds , with diseases of the throat, as it has antibacterial properties.
  • Compresses with mashed leaves or with resin, help rapid healing of wounds and pustules .

How to choose a plum?

First of all, we pay attention to the appearance of the plum. It should not be very soft, otherwise it will just be an overripe plum. No cracks, blackness or moldy areas. The plum should remain firm to the touch.

How to store plums?

Taking into account all the beneficial properties of plums, the “fresh fruit season” can be extended for another month. To do this, you just need to know which plum can be taken for storage.

You should choose an unripe plum with a thick skin and a white waxy coating, plucked 5-6 days before ripening. Can be stored up to 20 days in the refrigerator in an unopened plastic bag.

For longer storage, the plum should be taken ripe, washed well, removed all the seeds, put it on a small plate, a small container in one layer, put in the freezer. And when they are frozen, we already collect and fold. We will freeze clean, beautiful halves of plums. We store everything further in the freezer. When frozen, plums retain their beneficial properties.

Of course, you can make jam, jams, compotes from plums - very tasty and fragrant. But you need to know that all vitamins are destroyed in this case.

My favorite plum garnish

Once I tried to cook such a plum side dish, I really liked it. Perhaps you will like it too? Plum fresh, a little fresh red pepper, a little chili and cilantro.

Yellow plums: the benefits are undeniable

Yellow plum is popular due to the high content of carotene and vitamin A. Regular consumption of this vitamin complex has a positive effect on vision, regulates the metabolism in the body, stimulates cell renewal and improves immunity. In addition, yellow plum can be used to prevent anemia and anemia.

What are the benefits of plums for women?

And one more detail! Plums contain a number of fruit organic acids:

  • Apple;
  • sorrel;
  • Lemon;
  • Amber;

Under their influence, the acid-base balance in the body of women is regulated, the motor function of the intestine is enhanced. Using plum in the form of masks or peelings, you can nourish the skin well and cleanse the face of dead cells.

Under the influence of vitamin P, the formation of collagen is regulated and increased, skin rejuvenation occurs. Rutin reduces the development of cancer cells and reduces the likelihood of breast tumors and cervical cancer.

Vitamin K regulates blood flow in the body and prevents bleeding during heavy periods.

Plum pits: benefits and harms

The stone of a ripe plum has a very hard shell, which makes it difficult to get to the nucleolus.

Like other stone fruits, the kernels of the stone contain a large amount of amygdalin. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, under the influence of enzymes, hydrocyanic acid is formed, which is considered a toxic substance and harms human health.

Useful properties of plum stones are used in oriental medicine. Ancient Chinese healers believed that plum seed tincture was an expectorant and used it to treat coughs and bronchitis.

Very informative and interesting about the beneficial properties of plums is described in the video:

Can pregnant women eat plums?

A woman during pregnancy should pay attention to the plum, because it replenishes the body future mother and her child with useful substances, improves immunity, reduces swelling, helps get rid of nausea and cleanses toxins.

The content of vitamin E in plums is very important for women during childbearing. Thanks to him, the placenta is formed without pathologies, and the pregnancy proceeds well. Regular consumption of plums will help to avoid the appearance of varicose veins and improve blood circulation between the uterus and the placenta of a woman. Potassium in the plum is needed for the development of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, providing oxygen to a growing baby.

In addition, the benefits of plums during pregnancy are that it regulates metabolism and is able to maintain the weight of the expectant mother in the normal range.

Plum for our health and beauty

In numerous recipes folk medicine plum is used as the main component. Here are some of these recipes:

For old calluses

You should take a few ripe plums, cut in half and remove the seeds. After that, the halves of the plums must be boiled in milk for several minutes, cool a little and apply hot to the corns. When the halves of the plums have cooled, they must be replaced with others. In total, 5-6 procedures should be done.

To reduce pressure

Finely chop a ripe plum and make a tea from it. To improve the taste, you can add half a teaspoon of honey.

With atherosclerosis

In a blender, knead 100 gr. drain until juice appears, add half a teaspoon of honey. Drink daily before meals for a month.

For constipation

In the evening, 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, eat 6-8 ripe plums.

As we can see, the benefits of plums are enormous. But what else do we all need to know?

Plum. Harm. Contraindications

What is the harm of plums? Despite the fact that the plum has many healing properties, in some cases it can be harmful. It should be used especially carefully in the following situations:

  • For diabetes and obesity . The sugar contained in the plum can exacerbate these diseases. And there is a lot of sugar in plums: 100 grams of plums contain 11 grams of sugar (that's 2 tsp!);
  • During an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • For gout and rheumatism . The ability of plums to remove excess fluid has a harmful effect;
  • With urolithiasis also need to be very careful.
  • children it is undesirable to give a large amount of plums, as abdominal pain and intestinal upset may appear

When using a large number of plums at one time, it can be harmful to a completely healthy person. You can eat up to 6 plums at one time. It is unlikely that any of us is limited to this number of plums, but the recommendations are just that.

Here is such a wonderful fruit - our plum. Eat regularly fresh fruits throughout the plum season, be wise with harvesting. I already talked about the subtleties in today's article.

And for the soul, we will listen today Sheet. Comfort. Performed by Chinese pianist Lang Lang. Not so long ago we listened to this work performed by V. Horowitz. Both performances are excellent. But Lang Lang is always a special pianist for me. So many emotions. It seems that he just soars, so dissolved in the music. No matter how much I listen, there are always amazing emotions.

I wish you all harmony, spiritual fulfillment, joy of life and, of course, health.

see also




