Healthy hair has long been considered the pride and adornment of a girl. That is why every beauty strives to give them the most well-groomed healthy look, despite all the experiments that women do with their hair. Really beautiful look thick, long, healthy hair. But to achieve such well-groomed hair can be quite difficult.

Ecology, malnutrition, stress and, of course, many modifications do their job - they become dull, thin, brittle and stubbornly do not want to grow more than some small length.

Salon care products help restore hair beauty, but you can achieve such a result, and for a longer time, with the help of home recipes. Before you make your hair thicker with homemade recipes, it will not be superfluous to check your general health and make sure that the cause is not a chronic disease.

The simplest and most effective way to increase density are nourishing hair masks - with yeast, honey, mustard and even nuts. More details - further.

If you need to grow thick hair at home, one of the best means will become a yeast mask. Yeast stimulates the activity of hair follicles, increases growth, thickness and even pigmentation of hair, which should be taken into account. In addition, yeast, unlike mustard or pepper, nourishes and does not dry out the scalp.

The components needed are the following:

  • a tablespoon of dry yeast;
  • Egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • A decoction of oak bark for fair hair or chamomile for fair hair;
  • Burdock oil - 1 tablespoon.

First you need to pour the yeast with a decoction of the selected herb and stir in the yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a dark warm place for the yeast to swell. After that, you need to add oil to the mixture and apply from roots to ends until it has cooled.

It is better to keep the yeast mask for about an hour, wrapping your head with polyethylene or a special thermal cap that maintains temperature. The most important thing is to keep warm so that the yeast remains viable. You can wash off the mask with warm water, no shampoo is required - the yolk and yeast together act on a level with a high-quality mild shampoo.

The course of treatment is 10 procedures every three days. then you need to take a break for two months and repeat again. The result will not keep you waiting. Yeast is a great way to make hair thicker and thicker.

honey luxury

Honey is a universal source of nutrition for any epithelial tissue, which includes skin, hair, and nails.

To make this miracle mask, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • collection of herbs of succession, calendula, chamomile and oak bark;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • 20 drops of jojoba oil.

First you need to make decoctions of each herb. To do this, the herb is steamed in a water bath at the rate of 1 teaspoon of herb per 100 ml of water. The decoctions are cooled, mixed and all other components are added to it. The mask is applied to clean hair, slightly towel-dried. You can wash off the mask with water without shampoo. It is enough to do the procedure once a week.

mustard mask

Another way to make your hair thicker is to use the properties of mustard. It is somewhat softer than red pepper, for example, and stimulates hair no worse.

For cooking you will need:

  • Two tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • The same amount of coconut and burdock oil;
  • One egg yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar.

Mustard must be poured with oils warmed up in a water bath, sugar and yolk. Mix everything thoroughly until sugar dissolves, add a couple of tablespoons hot water. The mixture must be applied to the scalp. It is not recommended to apply on the hair, the mask will dry them out. The ends, starting from five centimeters from the scalp, should be lubricated with coconut oil. Hair should be insulated with cellophane and a towel.

After half an hour, the mixture should be washed off with a mild shampoo and wrapped with a towel again. Within a month, increased hair growth will be noticeable.

In addition to external influences through masks, hair needs a change in “lifestyle”. What does it mean? A special washing regimen and improved diet. But first things first.

Here's what you need to change in your life to grow beautiful long and healthy curls:

  • regularly massage the scalp. For this purpose, there are both ordinary wooden brushes and special massagers. to significantly enhance the effect, you can add a little cedar and castor oil to the brush. You can wash it off after the massage, or you can leave it overnight.
  • refuse hot water for washing hair, the temperature should be slightly warmer than body temperature;
  • it is worth refusing to wash with tap water - it contains a lot of salts that damage the structure of the hair. Boiled and filtered water makes hair clean and soft;
  • in cold and hot weather, it is better to wear a hat or use an umbrella. If the scalp is still comfortable, then the hair reacts extremely painfully to changes in temperature. As for artificial heating - curling irons, hair dryers, irons - it is better to forget about them altogether;
  • enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, vitamin complexes and trace elements.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that there are times when you have to get rid of hair. Serve thick ones for one, and get rid of unwanted ones for others. There is a remedy for this too.

To choose the right compositions for masks, it is better to use this table

Vitamins and oils Effects and Properties
Vitamin A (oil form) Improves the condition of blood vessels, provides elasticity and recovery
B vitamins (oil) Nourishes, softens, gives elasticity and shine
Vitamin C Improves blood circulation and microcirculation of the scalp
Vitamin E Stimulates growth and improves the condition of the scalp
Castor oil Improves microcirculation and enhances growth
Coconut oil Nourishes and enriches with vitamins
Burdock Malso Stops hair loss and moisturizes
Shea Butter Fights breakouts and dryness

Coffee grounds and soda for unwanted hair

These two ingredients have long been circulating the internet as controversial hair control products. Recipes advise making compresses with soda solution in the proportion of 1 glass warm water for 1 teaspoon of soda. According to the advice of users, you need to keep the compress for at least 12 hours. However, with sensitive skin, irritation may occur. The solution does not need to be rinsed off. To achieve the effect, you will need at least 10 procedures.

Many women dream about how to grow long hair- because they are an important indicator female beauty. All men look back at women with luxurious hair. However, not all ladies manage to grow hair of the desired length.

Do you dream of thick hair, but nature has endowed you with a very modest mouse tail? Don't worry. Many pop and movie stars also do not shine with thick hair. If you look closely, Diane Kruger, Cameron Diaz or Uma Thurman, just like you, are the owners of very thin hair who do not want to keep styling. But thanks to the tricks of stylists and proper care, their hairstyles seem simply chic. So why don't you follow their example and try to make your hair thicker? And we'll give you some tips.

How to grow long hair fast

  1. In order for hair to grow faster, first of all, you need to control that the scalp and hair are healthy. Also, our tips on how to quickly grow long hair will help you.
  2. You will definitely need to visit the hairdresser, where the tips need to be cut a couple of centimeters. So the damaged ends of the hair will be removed, the load on the hair follicles will become less and there will be a significant improvement in the nutrition of the hair.
  3. Every day it will be necessary to build a variety of high hairstyles: buns, knots, etc., so that the ends of the hair are hidden and they are less affected by air, which is not always useful.
  4. It is necessary to make sure that hot air and high temperatures as little as possible on the hair. If not necessary, do not use a hair dryer or curling iron. Due to the hot air, the hair becomes brittle and thin and begins to fall out. If an additional stimulus acts on them, the goal will not be achieved, and the hair will not become long and beautiful. Dry your hair naturally.
  5. Carefully monitor the constant moisture of the ends of the hair. You can use special moisturizing lotions, hair conditioners or jojoba oil. Thanks to nutrients the ends will not flake.
  6. It is necessary to protect the hair so that it does not fall straight Sun rays. If you are going out in the sun, you need to wear a hat or sunscreen. Ultraviolet is harmful to hair, it makes them dull, dry, brittle and not elastic.
  7. Hair needs attention and care. No need to rush when combing or styling - you can damage the hair follicles or the hair itself. For the same reason, combing wet hair is not recommended.
  8. Hair can often be injured with ordinary hair clips or elastic bands. It is necessary to use special protective oils against mechanical damage.
  9. Make sure that the hair is not affected chemical substances. If your goal is to quickly grow thick long hair, then you better refrain from dyeing and perm, otherwise only harm will be done to your hair. When such drugs act intensively, hair loss begins.
  10. Also, hair begins to fall out in the presence of nervous overload or stress.

How to grow thick long hair

Mask recipes:

You can make your own masks. Most masks should be used before you wash your hair. Consider some recipes on how to grow thick long hair, with which your hair will be nourished, strengthened and grow better.

Aloe and honey mask

For example, you can prepare a mask of aloe and honey. You need to take thick, fleshy leaves of aloe and squeeze two tablespoons of juice out of them, honey (one tablespoon) and one egg yolk are added to the aloe juice. The hair on which the mask is applied must be dry. The duration of the procedure is one hour. Then the hair is washed, covered with a nourishing balm or conditioner and rinsed. This mask is done once a week.

Mask of garlic or onion

And you can cook a very healthy mask of garlic or onions. One onion or garlic (several cloves) is taken and rubbed on a grater. The resulting gruel is rubbed into the scalp for thirty to forty minutes. The hair is then thoroughly washed. This mask does not have the most pleasant smell, but thanks to it the scalp is perfectly stimulated. See also Contrast shower

Mask of oil and cognac

You can make a mask of oil and cognac by mixing burdock and Castor oil(one tablespoon each), add egg yolk (1 pc.), cognac or balm (one tablespoon) to them and mix the mixture thoroughly. It should stay on the hair for an hour.

Mask with brewer's yeast

To prepare a mask with brewer's yeast, you need to add brewer's yeast (six pre-ground tablets), aloe juice (one tablespoon) and an oil solution of vitamins A and E (ten drops each) to a mask of oil and cognac. The mixture also remains on the hair for an hour.

Yeast mask

To prepare a yeast mask, prepare a mixture that includes warm boiled water (one teaspoon), yeast (one tablespoon) and one whipped protein. The resulting mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. After it dries, the head is thoroughly washed.

Dairy products mask

To prepare a healthy mask from fermented milk products, ordinary sour cream, kefir or yogurt is rubbed into the skin and left for twenty minutes, then the hair is thoroughly washed. All fermented milk products contain large amounts of B vitamins, which nourish the hair very well.

Oil mask

After the hair is washed, the oil mask works well. Cedar and rosemary oils (ten drops each), tea tree oil (fifteen drops) and aloe juice (one hundred milliliters) are mixed. The prepared mixture should stand for a week in a dark place (stir it daily). When the week has passed - the mixture can be used. Rubbed into the skin after washing the hair.

How to make hair thick

Of course, today there are many "salon" methods when you can achieve the desired hair density quickly and without problems - for example, building. There are cold extensions, and hot ones, and hair lasts for several months - you just need to follow certain rules.

You can also wear overhead strands - it's even easier, and less expensive. If you want to make your hair more voluminous - please. Just a few minutes, and no outside help is needed: the hair is attached to very comfortable hairpins, and the strands are beautiful and look like their own - they are made from natural hair.

But after all, this is all, although it is beautiful and convenient, but not your own, not native. After all, the hair thick and beautiful, always considered the best decoration women, and they talk not only about external beauty, but also about internal health.

do a head massage

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Beautiful, thick and well-groomed hair is not only the pride of a woman, but also an indicator of the state of health. In addition, men pay attention to long, shiny curls, so you need to know how to make your hair thick using simple tools. Just a few women's tricks will help you increase the amount of hair at home, without resorting to the help of beauty salon specialists.

Hair is not always thin and faded by nature, perhaps this is a consequence of improper care for them. To avoid this trouble, you should follow these simple tips:

  • Do not pour shampoo directly on your head. Pre-dilute it with a small amount of water in the palms of your hands, then evenly, with gentle movements, distribute through the hair.
  • Rinse thoroughly with plenty of warm water shampoo and conditioner, because their particles can make curls heavier.
  • For rinsing, use pre-prepared decoctions. medicinal herbs or water diluted with vinegar (for 500 ml of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar). This procedure is desirable to carry out after each shampooing.
  • It is not recommended to use hair care products that include silicones in their composition, because they not only take volume, but also lead to split ends.
  • Do not constantly use styling products.
  • During shampooing, apply shampoo 2 times.
  • Dry your hair naturally, use a hair dryer in the "cold air" mode.
  • Previously, our grandmothers had thick braids, thanks to the fact that they washed their hair with laundry soap. This method of care deserves respect, but those who have sensitive scalp cannot use it.

How to strengthen thin hair folk remedies

Not knowing how to make hair thicker and thicker at home, it is recommended to pay attention to the following folk remedies:

  • Honey mask.

Composition: 2 tbsp. l. melted honey, the same amount of milk (warm).

Application: all components are thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. Stir until a thick creamy mass is formed, which is applied to clean strands. Put a cap or plastic bag on your head, leave for 30 minutes.

  • Oil compresses.

Ingredients: for a compress, use coconut, burdock or jojoba oil, because they have almost the same properties.

Application: take 1 tsp. one of the listed oils, using a cotton swab, apply to the roots, massage the scalp and hair, after 40-45 minutes, rinse your head with a mild shampoo.

  • Bread compress.

Ingredients: a small piece of the pulp of Borodino bread (only black) and a glass of water (hot).

Application: pour the pulp of bread with water, wait until the bread swells. After 15 minutes, apply a compress on the head, after which wrap the hair with a terry towel. Completely wash off the compress exactly one hour later with warm water, but only without shampoo.

  • Gelatin lamination.

Composition: 2 tbsp. l. edible gelatin and 5 tbsp. l. water (warm).

Indication: lamination can make curls thicker, shiny, strong and voluminous.

Application: dissolve gelatin in water, wait until the mixture swells. Then gently mix everything, adding 1 tbsp. l. any balm (mask). Leave the resulting composition for half an hour.

Burdock oil to increase hair density

Burdock oil is one of the most popular pharmaceutical preparations that has shown excellent results in hair care. How to make hair thicker with burdock oil? It is recommended to use only a pharmacy product - it is easily washed off and does not make the hair greasy.

  1. First you need to wash your hair well, apply oil.
  2. The oil is used in its pure form, or mixed with yolk, onion juice, honey, pepper tincture, egg, henna, mustard.
  3. To enhance the healing effect, after applying the oil to your hair, put on a plastic bag, warm your head with a towel.
  4. To achieve a therapeutic effect, such masks should be used for several months.

Homemade Vitamin Shampoo

To make hair thicker and thicker, use special vitamin shampoos. To prepare such a remedy, you will need:

  • burdock oil;
  • vitamin E and D;
  • rosemary tincture;
  • castor oil;
  • liquid base;
  • shampoo container.


  1. Take a container (250 ml) and pour the base (about 150 ml), add rosemary tincture (80 ml), castor oil (1 tsp).
  2. Add burdock oil (2 tsp), (5 drops) and E (1 capsule).
  3. The container is tightly closed and everything is thoroughly mixed (the vial is shaken for 1-2 minutes).

The resulting serum is used as a shampoo, it should not be very thick, it is used every other day.

Recipes for effective home masks

  • Mask with almonds and milk.

Ingredients: almonds (1/2 cup), milk.

Application: to make such a remedy, the almonds are thoroughly crushed, a little milk is added - the mass should be similar in consistency to thick sour cream.

Usage: the mixture is applied to clean hair, left for 2 hours, then washed off with plenty of water (warm, but not hot). To achieve the desired result, this treatment procedure must be carried out at least 4 times a month.

  • Mask with cognac, vodka and salt

Ingredients: it is necessary to take in equal quantities (½ st.) honey, cognac, salt (sea or table), vodka.

Application: everything is thoroughly mixed, poured into a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for 2 weeks.

  • Kefir mask will help restore hair density

Is it possible to make hair thicker using kefir? Yes, and the following mask will help with this:

Ingredients: 1 glass of kefir.

Application: slightly warm and evenly apply the kefir mass over the entire length of the hair, intensively rubbing into the roots. Then the head is wrapped in polyethylene, covered with a towel. The mixture is washed off after about 40-45 minutes.

  • Onion

One of the most effective masks for thickening and strengthening hair is onion. Ingredients: onion (1 pc.), 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, honey, olive oil.

Application: it is necessary to peel the onion, grate, squeeze out the juice that has come out. Add honey, mayonnaise, olive oil. Apply a not very thick mixture to the hair, wrap the head with polyethylene, insulating it with a terry towel. An hour later, the mask is washed off, the hair is rinsed with any herbal decoction.

  • Herbal decoction

To give density to the hair, it is necessary to use decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs.

Ingredients: equal proportions (2 tablespoons each) of dried mint, sage, basil, rosemary, vinegar.

Application: thoroughly grind the components of the mask. Pour herbal mixture apple cider vinegar, insist 2 weeks. After the specified time, the resulting product is necessarily filtered, for this 2 tbsp. l. dilute the tincture with 1 glass of water. Rub into the roots in a circular motion.


Tatyana, 25 years old: “I have always had thick and silky hair by nature, but I began to constantly dye it - there was no trace of the former beauty. For a long time I picked up professional products that would give hair density, but they did not help and gave only a short effect. I decided to try homemade masks and after a few procedures the result exceeded all expectations. But most importantly, in order to achieve the desired, such masks must be used regularly.
Albina, 40 years old: “Permanent employment at work did not make it possible to properly care for the hair, and by the age of 40 they became dull, brittle and very thin. A friend advised me to try folk methods. I had to spend a little time to find a suitable mask, but the result was really surprising - after a month, the hair became thicker, stopped sticking out in different directions, and the styling process turned into a real pleasure. As an additional care product, I use Pantin's Instant Nourishment Hair Spray.
Veronica, 35 years old: “I always used only store masks and balms, professional lines for the treatment of hair loss, but one day a friend literally forced me to try folk recipes beauty. The effect after application was amazing - the hairs became thicker, volume and shine appeared. I gave up expensive products, I make masks only from natural ingredients and no more chemicals.
Olga, 23 years old: “I always wanted to try homemade masks, I heard a lot of positive reviews about them, but I didn’t have enough time. After the birth of the child, the hair became very thin, she was worried about falling out. Thanks to easy-to-prepare homemade masks, it was possible to restore the hair. Now I have voluminous and lush hair, I hope that with natural cosmetics this effect will remain forever.

It is no secret that every woman dreams of having thick hair, and those who are given such a gift by nature have to carefully look after their curls. To do this, it is not necessary to overpay huge amounts of money for salon procedures or extensions. There are many available and effective methods increase hair density, which can be used independently, at home.

According to studies, more than 40% of men and about 50% of women face the problem of exhaustion and hair loss. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons:

Causes of Hair Loss
Salon procedures Frequent dyeing, chemical straightening and curling strands, frequent use of styling heaters - all this adversely affects the health of the hair.
Hormonal disorders and changes During pregnancy and lactation, hair may fall out. An unpleasant phenomenon can cause menopause in women.
Unbalanced Diet Often hair loss is the result of strict diets. Human body suddenly ceases to receive the necessary trace elements and vitamins in sufficient quantities. In order for the hair not to fall out and become thicker, it is necessary to include foods rich in vitamins E, B, A in the daily diet. These are a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially red ones, milk and animal products.

We have listed the main causes of weakening and hair loss. In most cases, you can solve the problem with homemade masks from natural products and competent care.

There is an opinion among the people that if you shave your head, your hair will become thicker - this is a myth. Cutting hair at the root can not increase the density in any way, the results of numerous studies confirm this. However, such an extreme act can achieve a certain result. The body will not need to transport nutrients along the entire length of the strands, so all the forces will be spent on strengthening the hair follicles.

The density of the hair is laid at the genetic level, and depends on the number of follicles. For a number of reasons, many of them may be in a dormant state, but following some care rules and using special masks will help awaken them and increase the density of the strands.

The concept of the density of curls is relative. It often happens that the hair is thick, but does not hold its shape and the hairstyle looks inconspicuous. Beautiful appearance hairstyle will have if the hairs are thick.

  • Water procedures should be carried out 2-3 times a week with moderately warm water, in no case should hot water be used.
  • Temperature fluctuations contribute to the death of the follicles, so in the cold season you need to wear a hat and avoid overheating in the sun.
  • Head massage promotes blood flow and oxygenation of curls. The procedure is simple, you need to carry it out with the help of natural oils. Cedar oil is considered the most suitable for these purposes. Slightly moisten the fingertips with the product and rub it into the hair roots with light circular movements, starting from the temporal zones, smoothly moving to the occipital and parietal. The optimal duration of the massage is 10-15 minutes. After you can wash your hair and rinse with a decoction of herbs or lemon water.

Recipes of folk masks for thick hair

Surely many have wondered if hair can become thicker after home treatments? The use of home masks will help to some extent increase the density of the hair and give the hairstyle an attractive appearance. Many of them are designed to thicken hairs.

  1. Almond mask for thick hair
    The mask consists of 2 components. Grind 200 grams of almonds on a coffee grinder, add milk until a creamy consistency is obtained. The prepared mixture should be distributed over the strands and scalp, left for 2 hours. This drug helps to stimulate the growth of new hair by awakening the follicle.
  2. Intensive thickening mask
    For the procedure, it is necessary to purchase a Dimexide solution in a pharmacy, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes better penetration useful elements deep into the hair structure. Mix 30 ml of burdock oil and 5 ml of dimexide, add 10 drops of vitamins E, A. You can include a little lemon juice, then you do not need to rinse the strands after rinsing. Apply the mask evenly on the hair and leave for an hour. Full course treatment is about 2 months.
  3. This recipe came to us from India, the mask completely stops hair loss and stimulates the follicles. Pour a bag of colorless henna with boiling water and leave for two minutes. Add 2 teaspoons cocoa powder. Beat the egg yolk with a mixer and add to the mixture. For additional nutrition, you can add a tablespoon of burdock oil. The duration of the mask is about an hour. After shampooing, it is recommended to rinse the hair with an acidified solution.

To increase the density of hair, external application procedures are not enough. Health problems with a curl are often associated with a lack of vitamins in the body. To compensate for the lack of essential substances, it is necessary to balance the daily diet.

Many ladies dream of thick and voluminous hair, but not all of them know how to achieve such an effect. Hairdressers offer a variety of treatments, but they tend to be expensive. For those who wish to have thick and strong hair, it is important to choose the right and effective methods care.

For full hair growth, it is important to follow the right diet, which includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Pay attention to foods that contain vitamins C, E and P. The hairline consists of 90% proteins, as a result of which you need to eat a large amount of protein. Also choose products containing zinc and copper.

Zinc accelerates hair growth, awakens the bulbs and rejuvenates the scalp. Foods rich in zinc: strawberries, wheat, corn, tuna, rice and oats. It is also found in coconut milk, eggs, herring, beef, buckwheat, apples, carrots.

Copper has a beneficial effect not only on hair, it also helps the female genital organs and eliminates some diseases. Copper can be found in peanuts, hazelnuts, peas, beef and pork liver, cucumbers and eggs. It is also found in poultry, rice, wheat, rose hips, oatmeal, pasta, walnuts and lentils.

It is important to understand that replacing one vitamin with another is unacceptable; you need to eat all foods rich in both copper and zinc.

If you visit the pool or sauna, wear a swimming cap or a special headdress for the bath.

Unlearn to wash your hair daily, gradually switch to the procedure, first every other day, then two. If this is not an option, use shampoos designed for daily use.

Exclude the 2in1 balm + shampoo from the list, they have absolutely no positive effect. A full-fledged conditioner is already reduced in duration of application to 3 minutes. What can we say about 2in1 products, where the concentration of active substances is reduced by half, or even three times.

Give preference to hair care products that include protein and keratin. These cosmetic products will wake up the hair follicles, due to which the hair will grow better. They also smooth the scales and make the hair smooth.

Means are very easy to prepare and do not require much effort. Take 0.5 liters of yogurt and pour boiling water over it, then add the juice of one lemon and rinse your hair. After the procedure, rinse them with warm water.

Nettle Shampoo

  • fresh nettle - 1 large bunch
  • food vinegar - 250 ml.
  • apple cider vinegar - 250 ml.

Pour the components with 1.5 liters of boiling water and put to simmer on a slow fire, stir constantly. Wait 25 minutes and strain the broth through a colander. Rinse your hair without rinsing it with water afterwards. Nettle promotes hair restoration, penetrates deep into the shaft and gives volume. The vinegar will wake up the dormant follicles, which will allow the hair to grow faster.

Tansy Shampoo

  • medicinal tansy - 40 gr.
  • chamomile pharmacy - 30 gr.

Add herbs to 700 ml of water and brew them for 5 hours. Strain and rinse your hair.

Bread shampoo

  • rye bread - 5 slices
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • burdock oil - 50 ml.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour warm water over the bread and knead it. Add oil and mix the ingredients, turning the mixture into a porridge. Infuse for 1 hour, apply to hair and massage head, rinse off after 5 minutes. It has been scientifically proven that hair becomes thicker when using bread shampoo.

Gelatin Shampoo

  • egg yolk - 3 pcs.
  • gelatin - 35 gr.

Beat the yolk with a whisk or mixer. Soak gelatin with water and let it brew for 25 minutes. Mix the ingredients so that the gelatin and yolks do not form lumps. Rub the composition into the hair until a thick foam forms, massage the head and leave the shampoo for 5 minutes.

Homemade products require attention to detail, but their preparation is not difficult. It is important to respect the proportions and follow the recommendations.


  1. Before applying the mask, massage your head with intense movements and comb your hair with a natural bristle comb. It will not be superfluous to exercise, which will restore the outflow of blood. As a result of these simple manipulations, you will increase blood circulation, due to which the composition of the masks will be more effective.
  2. Keep the mask for the time indicated in the instructions. Many products irritate the skin or have a warming effect. At some point, the scalp gets used to it, as a result of which the effectiveness decreases.
  3. The duration of the use of funds should not exceed 1.5 months. Skin and hair must rest from constant treatments, even if they are folk remedies. Make masks with a break of 2 weeks, then repeat the course.

Honey mask with beer

  • banana - 1 pc.
  • chicken yolk - 2 pcs.
  • honey - 30 gr.
  • beer - 300 ml.

Mix all components in a blender and apply to hair, keep at least 1.2 hours.

Cognac masks
Cognac-based products make hair thick, give volume, accelerate growth, make hair shine and improve blood circulation.

honey mask

  • cognac - 45 gr.
  • honey - 50 gr.
  • olive oil - 40 ml.

Combine the ingredients, spread the composition on your hair and wrap your head cling film. Wait 5 hours or apply overnight.

Sea salt mask

  • sea ​​salt - 60 gr.
  • cognac - 70 ml.
  • honey - 70 gr.

Infuse the mixture for 10 days, then apply to the curls. Hold for 1 hour and rinse with melt water.

Oil based mask

  • sunflower oil - 45 ml.
  • olive oil - 40 ml.
  • burdock oil - 70 ml.
  • corn oil - 60 ml.
  • almond oil - 60 ml.
  • cognac - 50 ml.

Combine the components, apply to your hair, wrap your head with cling film and a towel, then wait 50 minutes.

Mask with vodka

  • birch leaves - 45 ml.
  • vodka - 120 r.

Pour birch leaves vodka and insist for 8 days. Apply the mixture to your hair every day and keep it on for 45 minutes. The course is 21 days.

Tea based mask

  • tea with lemon balm - 330 gr.
  • vodka - 600 ml.
  • burdock oil - 50 ml.

Combine the ingredients, wait 4 hours. Cover the root zone with the composition and wait 5 hours. The mask is repeated no more than 3 times in 25 days due to the drying effect of vodka.

Pepper mask

  • chili pepper - 20 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 80 ml.

Squeeze the juice from the onion convenient way, add pepper and onion. Apply to hair and keep for 20 minutes. Wash off with water ahead of time if it starts to pinch a lot.

coffee mask

  • coffee grounds - 55 gr.
  • ginseng oil - 30 ml.
  • chamomile officinalis -35 gr.

Brew chamomile and add ginseng, leave for 6 hours. Pour thick, apply on strands and hold for 6 hours. It is recommended to apply at night and wrap your head with a towel.

Mask with cocoa

  • cocoa beans - 80 gr.
  • egg yolk - 3 pcs.
  • kefir - 60 ml.

Grind cocoa beans in a coffee grinder and pour kefir into it. Beat the yolks and mix all the ingredients. Cover your hair and wait 45 minutes.

Herbal mask

  • honey - 80 gr.
  • chamomile - 45 gr.
  • St. John's wort - 50 gr.
  • calendula - 55 gr.
  • ginseng - 50 gr.
  • mint essential oil - 10 drops

Brew herbs, add liquid honey and oil. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, keep the composition on your head for 3 hours.

egg mask

  • quail eggs - 7 pcs.
  • honey - 40 gr.
  • burdock oil - 35 ml.

Beat the butter, pour in the honey, preheating it in the microwave. Add oil, cover the curls with a mass and lie down to rest for 5 hours.

mustard mask

  • dry mustard - 65 gr.
  • sparkling mineral water - 100 ml.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • linseed oil - 35 ml.
  • almond oil - 25 ml.
  • burdock oil - 30 ml.

Pour the mustard with water, add an unbeaten egg and butter. Let the mixture stand for 30 minutes, apply to your hair for 35 minutes, cover your head with a bag and a towel.

Can't get thick hair? Temporarily stop painting them, if possible (overgrown roots are not very visible, there is no gray hair, etc.). In no case do not do a perm, even in the most expensive salon. It will make your hair curly but not thick. Apply masks and use homemade shampoos!

Video: how to make hair thick and voluminous
