The most common problem that prevents users from opening this file is an incorrectly assigned program. To fix this in Windows, you need to right-click on the file, in the context menu, move the mouse over the "Open with" item, and select the "Choose a program ..." item from the drop-down menu. As a result, you will see a list of installed programs on your computer, and you can select the appropriate one. We also recommend checking the box next to "Use this app for all TXT files".

Another problem that our users also encounter quite often is that the TXT file is corrupted. This situation can arise in many cases. For example: the file was not fully downloaded as a result of a server error, the file was damaged initially, etc. To fix this problem, use one of the recommendations:

  • Try to find the desired file in another source on the Internet. You may be lucky to find a better version. Google search example: "File filetype:TXT" . Just replace the word "file" with the name you want;
  • Ask to send you the original file again, it may have been damaged during transfer;

The TXT format is the most common format for storing and transmitting text data after . TXT file can be a formatted/unformatted block of textual information implemented as a sequence of lines.

Formatting tools can be applied to any text block of such information and set: font size and style, line spacing, as well as other style elements depending on the user's needs.

On Windows, the TXT file is named “ Text document". If the TXT file is in the software package to be installed, then it will have the name “ Readme(in the vast majority of cases).

TXT is the most basic format for representing text data, but it forms the basis for more specialized extensions such as , and .

TXT text document can support editing not only on PC with different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux), but also on iPhone and iPad mobile devices in Android system. Also, Txt eBooks are supported on mobile platforms.

Software to open TXT files

Txt program for most Windows users - traditional “ Notebook” or standard Microsoft Office tools (MS Word).

It is noteworthy that work with the TXT extension is implemented on most Internet browsers ( Internet Explorer, Opera and etc). Among other common applications (for which you first need to download a Txt document) that support creating / opening / editing files, we can highlight:

  • Staroffice (Windows OS);
  • Geany (Windows OS);
  • (OS Windows);
  • Apple textedit (Mac OS);
  • Caliber (Mac OS);
  • Planamesa neooffice (Mac OS);
  • gedit (Linux OS);
  • Kwrite (Linux OS).

One of the programs Kingsoft office for Android or Officesuite viewer can be used to display text information on the screen of iPhone, iPad or other mobile devices.

How to convert TXT to other formats

  • TXT -> ASCII (recommended software - Microsoft windows notepad);
  • TXT -> ASC, TXT -> AWW (recommended software - Ability write);
  • TXT -> CBR (recommended software - Free online file conversion);
  • TXT -> DOC, TXT -> DOCX, TXT -> ODT, TXT -> PDF, TXT -> RTF (recommended software - );
  • TXT -> EPUB, TXT -> SNB (recommended software - Caliber);
  • TXT -> LWP (recommended software - Ability write).

This software supports its work on the basis of Windows OS.

Why TXT and what are its advantages?

We can say that the TXT extension is one of the most versatile formats for storing and transmitting text information. TXT files are perfectly adapted to a wide variety of text editors, including internal OS applications.

You "re here because you have a file that has a file extension ending in .txt. Files with the file extension .txt can only be launched by certain applications. It"s possible that .txt files are data files rather than documents or media , which means they "re not meant to be viewed at all.

what is a .txt file?

Plain text documents saved in the TXT format can be created, opened and edited using a wide variety of text editing and word processing programs developed for Linux systems, Microsoft Windows-based computers and Mac platforms. The content of these .txt files is unformatted ASCII text that can be saved as .txt documents in small file sizes. Almost all smartphones are bundled with applications that offer compatibility support for accessing the content of these TXT files, while the Kindle device from Amazon can also be used to open and view the content stored in a TXT document. Popular Microsoft Windows text editing applications like Microsoft Notepad can be used to create TXT files, and this program can even be used to save these unformatted text documents in HTML and JS formats among others. The Apple TextEdit application also has support for opening, viewing and modifying the content of a text document in the TXT format, and this program can be used to also create text documents and save it in a format with the .txt extension. There are many applications developed for various Linux distributions which can create, open and view the text content of these .txt files, and with this wide cross compatibility support, users of different platforms can share their TXT documents most likely without encountering problems or issues.

how to open a .txt file?

Launch a .txt file, or any other file on your PC, by double-clicking it. If your file associations are set up correctly, the application that"s meant to open your .txt file will open it. It"s possible you may need to download or purchase the correct application. It "s also possible that you have the correct application on your PC, but .txt files aren't yet associated with it. In this case, when you try to open a .txt file, you can tell Windows which application is the correct one for that file. From then on, opening a .txt file will open the correct application.

applications that open a .txt file

Microsoft Notepad

Microsoft Notepad

Notepad is a basic text editor used to create plain documents. It is commonly used to view or edit text (.txt) files, and a simple tool for creating Web pages, and supports only the basic formatting in HTML documents. It also has a simple built-in logging function. Each time a file that initializes with .log is opened, the program inserts a text timestamp on the last line of the file. It accepts text from the Windows clipboard. This is helpful in stripping embedded font type and style codes from formatted text, such as when copying text from a Web page and pasting into an email message or other “What You See Is What You Get† text editor. The formatted text is temporarily pasted into Notepad, and then immediately copied again in stripped format to be pasted into the other program. Simple text editors like Notepad may be utilized to change text with markup, such as HTML. Early versions of Notepad offered only the most basic functions, such as finding text. Newer versions of Windows include an updated version of Notepad with a search and replace function (Ctrl + H), as well as Ctrl + F for search and similar keyboard shortcuts. It makes use of a built-in window class named edit. In older versions such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows 3.1, there is a 64k limit on the size of the file being edited, an operating system limit of the EDIT class.

Microsoft WordPad


The Notepad2 application is a more advanced text editor for Windows developed by Florian Balmer. This program originated from the original built-in Microsoft Notepad which is why it is also effective and fast even when it is small. Notepad2 also has a lot of features such as syntax highlighting that allows a text or a source code to be displayed using different fonts and colors. This syntax highlighting feature of notepad2 allows users to write programming language easily and distinctly. This amazing function of Notepad2 is also owing to several other features it possess such as auto indentation, regular and expression-based find and replace feature, bracket matching, newline conversion, encoding conversion as well as multiple undo and redo features. These features make the function of the simple Notepad more advanced and it makes Notepad more interesting to use either to open files in .txt format or to write HTML codes. Notepad2 also supports many programming languages ​​such as ASP, C++, Perl, Java, etc.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a word processor program that is packed in the Microsoft Office Suite . It is developed by Microsoft Corporation, generating a .doc file extension when the file is saved. A document file format (.doc) is a text or binary file format for saving documents on a storage media, mainly for computer use, like typing text, charts, tables, page formatting, graphs, images and other documents whose content is created and edited. Contents of these documents are printable in any sizes and are capable to open in other devices provided that its operating system is able to read DOC files. This .doc file extension has become extensive de facto standard for office documents, but it is an owned format and is not always totally supported by other word processors. A variety of programs that is able to open this type of file, and different operating systems and have installed programs that can open a 1ST file are: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Word, IBM Lotus WordPro, and Corel WordPerfect.

Apple TextEdit

Apple TextEdit is a text editor program and an open-source word processor too, which is first used in NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP, but now integrated in most recent versions of Mac OS X. It is also considered a GNUstep application for other operating systems that are Unix based, like Linux computers. This program is operated by Advanced Typography by Apple so expect several advanced typography related features. The main function of this software is to read and write documents in plain text, HTML formats, Rich Text Format, and Rich Text Format Directory. It can also open Simple Text files but does not have the capability to save documents of that format. Mac OS X version 10.3 supports Microsoft Word documents, while Mac OS X version 10.4 can open and save Word documents in

Files with .txt extension.

We all come to LiRu with different computer knowledge. Some were given computers by children, grandchildren - have fun. You have to slowly get involved. We are learning to work on it, but something passes our attention. Here I am faced with the fact that someone does not know about text files. I think that for lirushniks they are needed.

There are many text files with various extensions. We will talk here about .txt files. These files open in any computer, because everywhere there is a notepad program.

If there is a NOTEBOOK program in the START menu, then by opening it, we get a new open file of this format and we can immediately write in it.

If this program is not in the START menu, then you can open the file as follows:

We find a place on the disk where we want to place our file.,
It can be some folder or directly on the disk.
Place the mouse arrow on empty place and press the right mouse button, in the drop-down menu select the item create, and already in the submenu - the item create a text document, hover
mouse pointer to this point and press the left button.

And this file appeared in our folder. It's called "text document". You can immediately rename it. I called it "for the post".

The file is currently empty. Open it up and start writing your notes.

When we write down information. we must keep in mind that if the computer crashes or we close the file and forget to save it, everything is lost. Therefore, periodically press "file -" save ".

- The extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last dot.
- The computer determines the file type precisely by extension.
- By default, Windows does not show filename extensions.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs with which you can open the TXT file.

Pale Moon is a modification of the Mozilla Firefox browser, which has become the favorite of millions of users around the world. What makes Pale Moon different from its prototype? First of all, the browser is distinguished by high speed, which is one of the main requirements when visiting sites. Pale Moon is specially adapted exclusively for Windows, which allowed us to optimize its performance as much as possible. The downside is that the browser will need a modern processor with SSE2 support, but at the same time, if you are the owner of the latest generation processor, you will not find a better browser. This will be noticeable by the amazing speed of his work.

Recently, more and more electronic books, magazines, brochures appear on the Internet, and all these files are usually in PDF or DjVu format. This program will help you view DjVu, PDF, TIFF and similar files on Windows OS. STDU Viewer is a lightweight, simple and decent replacement for Adobe Acrobat. The program includes all necessary tools for reading and searching for fragments in a document. The program is available in several languages, including Russian. Among the advantages, a wide range of scaling options can be noted: scale on the screen, scale on the selection, displaying the entire page in full screen or only in...

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Many MS Windows users have long noticed that a standard notepad is a rather inconvenient program to use. This free text file editor can replace it, providing support for the syntax of a large number of programming languages. The program contains a fairly wide range of options and is characterized by minimal consumption of processor resources. The program makes it possible to simultaneously view several documents at once and edit them without closing unnecessary windows. An option has also become available, such as editing the same document in different places, which is very convenient...

With the easy-to-use Caliber program, library management becomes truly convenient. Caliber helps you organize all your books into an organized library. The program allows you to perform these operations in a relaxed mode in a relatively short time. The program is also equipped with a useful function of converting the text formats most commonly used in e-books Oh. In addition to the various utilities included in the program that serve to convert formats, it also includes a news integrator, as well as a function that allows you to synchronize data with an electronic reader.

AkelPad is a small but handy and fast text editor. The program works with text documents in single or multi-window mode, fully supports Unicode strings on Windows systems, as well as Unicode code pages. Using AkelPad, you can even edit files that have the Read Only attribute, as well as preview them before opening them. Other features of the editor include a multi-level rollback system, a list of recently opened documents in the program, storing the code page for a file, as well as the position of the insertion mark and the last search/replace line. Supports d...

Notepad2 is a simple application that allows you to type and edit text. It will help in creating HTML pages, programming in various languages ​​(CSS, Java, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Perl, PHP) as it is able to highlight the code. The program is built on the principle of a simple notepad, it is lightweight and compact. This text editor checks all brackets for pairs, supports auto indentation. Notepad2 not only supports ASCII and UTF-8 encodings, but also knows how to convert them. Allows you to roll back unwanted operations many levels back. Supports block selection of text elements and has numbered lines...

LibreOffice is a free software package for working with text, spreadsheets, databases, and more. At its core, this is a free analogue of the well-known Microsoft Office with the addition of new features that are not in a similar paid package. The interface of this package is similar to the old versions of the "office", so almost any user can figure out the application. Especially if he has ever worked with office applications. The package includes several applications that perform the same functions as their counterparts from Microsoft Office. For example, the Writer program is an almost complete copy of Word with support for all popular file formats, including ...

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Bluefish is a powerful program for programming and web development. It has many functions for developing websites, scripts, as well as program codes. The program works at high speed, can download hundreds of files in a matter of seconds. It will open more than 500+ documents at the same time without any problems. There are very useful features, like a good file search, as well as unlimited "Undo" and "Redo" functions. Automatic recovery in case of unplanned shutdown. Integration of external programs and external filters. Language support, namely online help information. The program is under development, but it already supports 17 languages...

PSPad is a very useful code editor suitable for coding programmers who write in multiple languages. Suitable for those who need highlighting the program code. Can easily replace popular tools. PSPad will prove its worth when dealing with complex code syntax. It was created to help all types of users. The program comes with an impressive list of templates. There are features like syntax highlighting, macro recording or search and replace functions that are common to these applications. It comes with a HEX editor, an FTP client so that the user can edit the code directly...

Sigil Ebook is a file editor that works with EPUB, HTML and TXT formats. The utility is great for editing books with the EPUB extension. Sigil Ebook makes it very convenient to create e-books with easy page navigation and separate display of book content. The following editing actions are available to users: copying, adding text, replacing the font, changing the text. When working, the functions of enlarging the edited image, turning on automatic page layout and setting a bookmark for further work with the book are available. Opening files is carried out from the main menu of the interface or...

CocCoc Browser is an interesting web browser created by a Vietnamese company. It looks like a Google product, but has a simplified interface design. The program is based on the core of the world famous Chromium engine. The features of CocCoc Browser include the ability to seamlessly bypass site blocking, upload files in multiple streams. Quickly catches streaming video and allows you to download content from popular resources. The browser allows you to search for the information you need by entering key queries in the search bar. If you lose control of one tab, the user can switch to another without losing data, because...

The CoolNovo program is a browser written in the likeness of the Google Chrome browser, which is not unknown to us. Actually, the program uses almost the same engine and core. However, the developers of the CoolNovo program did not dwell on the idea of ​​completely copying the browser. Some features have been added to the CoolNovo program that are available in Chrome only after installing some add-ons. CoolNovo has almost the same Sitebar as Opera, the ability to control the browser itself using only mouse movements, full support for sites that can only be opened in Internet Explorer, and so on. In addition, the CoolNovo program has...

Iridium Browser is a browser based on the same Chromium, created by a German team. Has improved safety performance. Controls the transfer of data and protects the privacy of users. Page loading speed is quite fast. The browser is characterized by stable operation. Supports the latest innovations in the world of web technologies. It features a minimalistic interface. Has several extensions installed that are not in the Google Chrome store. All Google Chrome extensions are compatible with Iridium Browser. It differs in that it blocks the automatic transfer of information to third parties who want to access ...

Vivaldi is an interesting web browser that offers the features of older versions of Opera. The browser is suitable for computers with old components, it takes into account all the wishes of the user. Built on top of the Chromium core. Supports site preview when hovering over a tab. It has a traditional express panel that allows you to switch between bookmarks and history. Download manager, the same as in older versions of Opera. It has many settings to improve the configuration of the web browser for the needs of the user. It is possible to turn off the search field, leaving only the address bar. Now the address bar...

Citrio is a reliable, simple Internet browser that makes it easy to navigate the Web. It has dynamic page bookmarks, download elements. Allows you to view the history of all visited websites. It has a modern, neat interface. Browser functions are governed by settings, so that the user can customize everything to their own preferences. Citrio allows you to manage all downloaded items from special window. Can be easily paused or resumed separate element, party. Allows you to manage your recently saved items. The browser acts as a torrent client. It is able to load...

Polyglot 3000 is a program that quickly and automatically determines what language the entered text is written in. As accurately as possible determines any language from a list of more than 400 languages. Fully supports Unicode. The program is very easy to use, any type of user can handle it, from beginner to professional. It also supports the interface in various popular languages ​​such as English, French, German, Russian and others. To guarantee the user a correct operation, Polyglot 3000 shows how accurate the definition is in percentage terms. The program is exclusively for the Windows operating system and supports...

QIP Surf is a browser from the portal, which has a clear interface and a number of additional features that make it much easier for the user to work with the program. QIP Surf is built on the popular Chromium engine, which is used in most new browsers. This guarantees the safety of work and high page loading speed. In addition to the standard features that any browser can perform, QIP Surf allows you to listen to popular and favorite radio stations right from the browser window, eliminating the need to keep several programs open. Also, the program allows you to link accounts to...

Chromium is one of the fastest and most powerful browsers now, on the basis of which most popular analogues are created, such as Opera, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser. The developers of Chromium have done a good job of making it fast and secure. Chromium is well protected from malware, phishing sites, and the like. Based on its own database, it blocks sites that can damage your computer and fraudulent web resources. In addition, there is an anonymous browsing mode, which is called, as in Google Chrome, "incognito". The browser takes care of the user's privacy and does not send any information to the Google servers.

Superbird is an excellent web browser. The program is distinguished by its speed of work with the Internet. According to tests made by the developers, Superbird opens and loads pages faster than Google Chrome. Also, the interface of the program is very similar to the Google Chrome interface, so you don’t need to get used to something new. Another plus is that it is completely private, Google Chrome collects and sends user data to its servers for a variety of purposes, such as statistics, while Superbird is completely anonymous. Supports many plugins and has a minimal load on the system. Superbird in development and all the time...

Xetranslator is a handy utility for automating the translation of words or text from a foreign language into any required one. The translator knows about 80 different languages, even Latin, Mongolian, Swahili, Hindi, Czech, Esperanto. Processes large text files, words or sentences. To start automatic processing, you must activate the "Instant translation" function, then the entered text will be translated immediately. If the speed of text processing is not important for the user, then for a high-quality translation, you must click "Translate". In addition to translation, the program allows you to change the background, text color or change the font size.

Titan Browser - a program designed for fast and safe surfing on your favorite pages on the Web. The web browser is based on the standard Chromium engine. Thanks to this core, the browser has improved performance. High processing speed and excellent anti-malware features make Titan Browser a very useful application. Distinctive feature program is to protect against unauthorized installation of various panels and add-ons. But such a browser feature does not allow useful extensions to be installed. Titan Browser is not significantly different from a basic web browser. It also supports vk...

The Waterfox browser is based on the source code of the popular Mozilla Firefox application. It is intended for use in 64-bit Windows operating systems. Waterfox implements almost all the functionality specific to Firefox. In addition, the optimization of the code made it possible to offer the user higher speeds of working on the Internet, which allows, accordingly, to perform more tasks in a fixed period of time. Waterfox differs from its predecessor with a special assembly. It is compiled strictly under the 64-bit system of machines running under the control of ...

NI Transliterator is an interesting program that helps you convert transliterated text. Works with Russian and English languages. Provides minimal text formatting. Allows you to download documents in RTF format and save them after processing. Supports popular transliteration systems and user-specified tables. Works with GOST 16876-71 and Russian-English system. NI Transliterator supports converting characters in text to either uppercase or lowercase. The utility works with the function of changing the encoding of Russian words and helps to count the number of characters in any text. Count function...

Cool Reader is another good program for reading e-books, which combines not only a multifunctional file viewer, but also a "talker". In general, this program is very conducive to preserving your vision, because it adjusts the reading of the text to your eyes as much as possible and makes it smoother. The program understands paragraphs, headings, can change the font, use a smooth transition, etc. Another feature of the program is the support of synthesizers. Those. Cool Reader can use any synthesizer to read a book, in which case you can generally go about your business and not ...

WindowsOffice is a convenient and small analogue of the usual office suite. Includes the necessary programs for working with text documents, spreadsheets. Allows you to edit all documents, even early versions of MSWord. Suitable for daily use, does not require activation. Works much faster, save documents without freezes. Maintains a collection of templates. With WindowsOffice, the user will be able to perform the same operations as the counterpart application. Allows you to insert different images into the document. Has a version for tablet devices. Lightweight, fast...

Cent Browser- updated version with the Chromium core, which combines all the necessary functions for fast Internet browsing. There are also versatile options in the browser, such as tab bar scrolling, super dragging, and the ability to control the behavior of tabs. But its main feature is the function of mouse gestures, which allows you to perform any operations without delay and makes browsing Internet resources as comfortable as possible. For more productive work of this option, the browser has an extensive section for setting it up. Another feature of the Cent Browser web browser is the ability to hide using...

Cyberfox is a fairly well-known browser for working with 64-bit systems. In fact, this browser is based on the popular Mozilla browser, but it is faster and much more stable than the prototype. The developers claim that the Cyberfox browser is one of the fastest browsers to run on 64-bit systems. This browser supports all the features of Firefox, ie. installation of plugins, the ability to change skins, convenient settings, etc. The authors simply modified this browser, and also added additional elements to it that increase the stability of the Cyberfox browser. The program has a fairly low system...

Slimjet is a fast and powerful web browser. It quickly opens and loads any pages quickly, it is also reliable and stable in operation, because it has built-in protection against phishing and additional settings privacy. The program has many useful features that users often need, for example, a built-in tool that downloads videos from Youtube. It has a photo editor where you can apply a mono effect and also supports fast uploading of photos to the Internet. A built-in plugin that shows the weather in the desired city on the desired date and much more. Slimjet is very flexible in settings and allows users to...

Chromium Secure is a browser that focuses on protecting user data. It's just that the stability and high speed of the Internet browser is no longer relevant, a good browser must also succeed in protecting personal data. It must be reliable, fast and stable, all these characteristics have Chromium Secure. The browser is developed on Chromium technologies and allows you to use all its add-ons and features. Also flexible and easy to use. Quickly opens pages, has stable operation, without freezes and crashes. Blocks Cookies and other web tools for collecting information. Prevents tracking...

1st Browser is a handy web browser that makes browsing various social networks easier. The browser supports features such as sending colorful emoticons. Just click on a bright emoticon in the conversation menu and the interlocutor will receive it. 1st Browser also has a wink option. The wink is presented as a flash animation that is seen by both interlocutors. Installing the browser is extremely simple. If desired, you can click on the animation, and it will expand to full screen. Just download the installer and follow the instructions. All features will work only if 1st Browser is installed on both interlocutors, otherwise friends will not...

Neuron is a full-featured web browser based on the core of the free Chromium browser. One and important distinguishing features program is the presence of the so-called "nix" function. Thanks to the “nixie”, it is beneficial to use the browser during working hours, when the boss can unexpectedly drop in and check the work. The function is launched when hot keys are pressed, which the browser user can define and configure himself. The "incognito" mode will not allow cookies to linger on the computer and litter it. There will be no trace of them in the registry after the program is closed. All browsers based on...

Komodo Edit is a handy code editor that supports a wide range of different programming languages. The program gives users the opportunity to work with several files at once, writing code will become more efficient using the autocomplete function, tips. The application allows you to automatically highlight variables when they are selected. Using the editor, you can view files in other programming languages. The program supports syntax coloring, indentation. Can check syntax parameters, snippets used to store source column code. It has an easy editing mode and supports drag and drop of elements...

Tesla Browser- good combination minimalistic design of Google Chrome, versatility of Yandex. Thanks to the unique Yandex search, the user will be able to set different queries with the same meaning, and then the search engine will quickly recognize them. You can enter requests directly in the address bar of the browser. It is characterized by high speed of query processing and page search. Tesla Browser contains all the functions of Yandex. Through a web browser, you can easily access all known services of the domestic search engine. The user can synchronize the browser with a Google Chrome account.

Torch Browser is a convenient and safe web browser with a user-friendly interface and additional features. This browser has fairly low system requirements and high speed, which allows you to visit any site without fear and with comfort. A distinctive feature of the browser is the presence of additional tools and features. So, for example, it is possible to use tabs for easy navigation, as well as post the necessary links on social networks with just one click. In addition, the browser has a built-in video grabber that allows you to download videos from a site where you only ...

Yandex.Browser is another browser, the creator of which, as you might guess, is Yandex. This browser, like many others, is based on several popular engines that have long been used by both site creators and browser developers. In general, a distinctive feature of this program is the availability of cloud services from Yandex. So, for example, the user can easily use the translator from Yandex, since it is built into the browser. If the user tries to open some unsafe page, then Yandex.Browser will inform him about it. In addition, all downloaded files pro...

Maelstrom is a convenient, modern web browser that offers users to connect to the Internet using the peer-to-peer protocol. This protocol allows the connection and loading of web pages between computers, bypassing the server. Such a connection will work better when connecting a large number of users. Thanks to this type of connection, the user will be able to receive data that is blocked, but also keep his stay on the network a secret. This browser can be easily synchronized with other BitTorrent applications. Today this project is at the stage of beta testing.

Orbitum is a web browser with a user-friendly interface and integrated access to social networks. This browser runs on the Chromium engine, which guarantees the security and stability of user data. Provides a convenient browsing experience and warns the user about visiting sites that may pose a threat to the user. In addition, it has all the necessary functions for working on the Internet, for example, it supports tabbed browsing. Allows you to chat with friends on social networks without leaving your browser directly. In one window you see a list of friends in a social network and you can sort it by status...

AOL Shield is another web browser based on the world famous Chromium core. A distinctive feature of this application, developers from AOL consider the increased protection of information and user data. The list of features that make visiting sites safe is quite large. AOL Shield protects against keyloggers, phishing sites, form hooks, screen grabbers. Thanks to this protection, the user does not have to worry about the interception of personal data. The application supports all plugins and themes that are available for Google Chrome. Supports encryption of information entered by the user in real time...

There are a lot of programs on the Internet that allow you to edit the source code of another program, file, etc. However, most of these programs are just a text editor like notepad. They differ from the above editor only in that they have syntax highlighting. However, in some cases, this functionality of the program is not enough. A programmer may need to quickly find different parts of a document. And now, finally, a program has appeared that allows you to solve this problem. The program is called SynWrite. Its distinguishing feature is the presence of a navigation bar with a tree that...

CometBird - today is one of the fastest and most productive browsers for daily, convenient and comfortable Internet surfing. The CometBird browser was based on the free portable Gecko engine, which was also used by Firefox specialists to create the world's most popular Internet browser of the same name. Distinguish by any outward signs and the CometBird interface from your more hyped older brother is hard enough. The Internet browser CometBird has some advantage - it is the expansion of the possibilities of working with it due to the presence ...

ToolWiz FlipBook is a utility that converts text files into 3D e-book format with just a few quick mouse clicks. Toolwiz FlipBook is a simple and easy-to-use converter that allows you to download a TXT document and run it as a 3D virtual book. Creating such e-books requires uploading a text file and specifying the author's name together. The width and height of these books can be easily adjusted. The pages in the book turn with beautiful effects. The application supports over 200 effects when creating and turning pages. The book is saved as a separate executable EXE file, ...

Comodo IceDragon is another browser based on the Firefox engine. It has almost the same capabilities as Firefox, but has several obvious advantages. The most important of them can be considered more high reliability, compared to the original. This is achieved by using alternative DNS servers, as well as special components included in the package. The program has the ability to check sites for reliability, using both the DNS server and the built-in tools in the browser itself. The browser monitors phishing attempts and blocks them, thereby preventing you from requesting personal information.

QupZilla is a source code browser that uses the WebKit engine to display web pages. This browser was released relatively recently. The developers of the browser felt that other browsers did not develop in accordance with the wishes of users. It is for this reason that the QupZilla browser was created. This browser has a clear and simple interface, as well as low system requirements (they are much lower than those of opera, mazilla and other browsers). This browser supports almost all features of modern browsers, ie. the presence of a password and forms manager, the ability to remember web forms for different users, in ...

Calligra is a unique application that provides a set of useful utilities for interacting with various documents. Includes a range of useful programs for working with any text, databases, spreadsheets, presentation files. The application has a Flow editor for creating and modifying flowcharts, diagrams. To work with complex vector graphics, there is also the Carbon program, which is not inferior in terms of a set of options to other editors. Calligra includes a dedicated Author app for writing your own books. One of the programs in the package is responsible for creating and editing drawings (Krita). It is a great replacement...

UC Browser is a modern, multi-functional browser that is different from its other brothers. The web browser dialog is divided into three areas: My Navigation, My World, and Top Sites. My navigation displays the most popular sites in a tiled menu. The "Best Sites" tab contains the most famous Internet resources. The My World tab displays the user's most visited resources. It is a computer version of the popular web browser for mobile systems. UC Browser allows you to customize mouse gestures and set keyboard shortcuts for quick adjustments.

What should be a quality Internet browser? Firstly, it must be fast, as well as convenient to use, it must guarantee the security of connecting and working on the Internet. And now, another project has appeared that can boast of all these qualities. This is Comodo Dragon. The browser is based on the open source Chromium code, just like the well-known Google Chrome. As you know, "Chrome" is distinguished by great performance and speed, and it was these main qualities that it adopted from the "predecessor" Comodo Dragon. Outwardly, they practically do not differ, except perhaps for some Comodo differences in terms of management...

K-Meleon is a fast and convenient web browser. It was created specifically for the Windows operating system and runs on the powerful Gecko engine. It also has a highly customizable interface. Supports tabs, various mouse gestures, a modular macro system, flexible management of security settings and many other functional tools that are included in the browser's basic set. Supports many themes and connection of external modules. The presence of its own bootloader, which is also included in the basic composition. It is possible to download the necessary add-ons to the browser. K-Meleon is under development, so new versions and new versions are often released...

BlackHawk Web Browser is a Chromium-based web browser that is slowly gaining momentum. Appearance and the functionality of the program does not differ much from its predecessor, with the exception of built-in extensions and some additional functions. In other words, this is another clone of the popular browser, although the developers claim that this modification works much faster and more stable due to the optimization of the program code. This browser is developed by Netgate in order to attract new customers for their products. Like its prototype, BlackHawk Web Browser also has a multilingual interface.

RJ TextEd is a code editor that can be used to create html pages, or to write other programs or work with php. A distinctive feature of the program is the presence of a preview of the resulting web page in one of the browsers. Moreover, all the changes you make will be immediately visible in the browser itself. An internal browser can also be used as such a viewer. However, creating a web page in such an editor is not very convenient, since all the functions necessary for this are in different places. But in php, this editor shows itself perfectly. When working with any code, you can...

Safari is a browser developed by the famous Apple company, which, at the same time, works with the Windows operating system. This browser is simple and fast, with full functionality for full-fledged work on the Internet. The browser has a built-in search, RSS reader, favorites system and a module for automatically filling out forms on the site. Like all Apple products, the browser has its own unique features that distinguish it from all competing products. So, Safari is one of the fastest browsers, while having extensive functionality. So, for example, it includes a reliable blocker ...

Exportizer is a database utility. It is good because it allows you to export or simply copy the necessary databases to the clipboard. It works quite simply, all your included programs appear in the main window, where you can easily find out the superficial data of the included programs. In order to copy databases, you just need to right-click on any program and you will have options to choose from. You can export data to different formats such as TXT, RTF, CSV, HTML, XLS, XML and DBF. The Exportizer has a wide range of settings that gives the user complete control over the database...

EditPad Lite is a small but powerful text editor that replaces the standard notepad. This program has all the standard features, ie. copying text, highlighting, cutting, etc. In addition, EditPad Lite has a built-in dictionary and allows you to check spelling and punctuation in your texts. In addition, EditPad Lite recognizes regular expressions, and also supports various text encodings. In addition to all this, this program has a history of undoing actions. Thus, you can not only undo and redo actions, but also undo any one of them if you go ... Wyzo Browser is another browser built on the Firefox engine. This browser is notable for its speed and security. When developing the Wyzo browser, the latest technologies were used to ensure the safety of the user, as a result of which surfing the Internet has become much safer. This browser is designed to work with video and audio content, so it does not need to install any codecs or add-ons. The program already has everything you need to watch the video directly from the page. In addition, the developers have added the ability to manage tabs using mouse gestures to Wyzo Browser... Soft4Boost Document Converter is a simple application designed to convert, convert and view various types text files, as well as JPEG, HTML, TIFF formats. The principle of operation of the file converter is simple. You only need to add a file, determine its format, specify a folder to save. The application supports the function to convert multiple files at once. Supports the ability to add passwords to PDF documents. Allows you to change file names and extract images from all types of files. Helps convert files into HTML documents and publish them as web pages. Application pre... Tor Browser - package software for anonymous surfing on the Internet. The package consists of several modules that provide a secure and anonymous visit to any site. This is primarily the Tor program itself, a portable version of the Firefox browser, as well as several other components that allow you to properly configure the browser so that the latter is forced to use an encrypted connection to work with sites. Tor technology is based on the constant encryption of all traffic that passes between the site and your computer. The Tor network consists of a large number of computers and is run by volunteers. ZipZap 9.0.571 Epic Browser is a full-fledged web browser from Indian programmers based on the well-known Mozilla Firefox browser. The browser includes over 1500 India themed skins, has a built-in file-based antivirus, and side panel, which, in turn, includes a large number of entertainment-themed widgets, links to entertainment resources, and even a free and simple text editor with formatting support. Despite the fact that the speed of the browser is noticeably behind its predecessor and is only available on English language, nevertheless, Epic Browser has the right to exist in Russian ...
