Smooth Valakas(Penis Detrov, Zhmyshenko Valery Albertovich) is an online game streamer who became famous thanks to the image of a 54-year-old grandfather. Records video by straining the vocal cords and speaking with an accent.


The real name of Valakas is Denis Sukhachev. According to The Question user, Denis used to have a real page on VKontakte, where you could find out his biography (the account has now been deleted). According to these data, Sukhachev was born on September 13, 1989 in the city of Rovenki, Luhansk region of Ukraine. Now lives in Samara. There is a wife, Alina, who plays the role of Valery Albertovich's granddaughter.

Valakas started streaming in 2009. On the first streams, he played Lineage II and commented in the voice of an elderly man with a Ukrainian accent. Twitch nickname - GLADIATORPWNZ . It has over 150,000 viewers on its YouTube channel.

Sukhachev is known under several images: Glad Valakas, Valery Zhmyshenko, Denis Petrov and Penis Detrov.

It is believed that Denis himself distorts his voice without resorting to special programs, but the Internet is full of "revelations" on which noise is heard when using the so-called. masks.

Denis is also a musician. The Genius website has information about his studio GVS, and on the Internet you can find clips and joint tracks with rappers (mostly comic).

Valakas has his own army of fans who love the insane look. On his latest streams, he not only comments on the games, but also has fun in every possible way, collecting donations. For example, he communicates on Skype with random people or records a conversation with prostitutes.

Valakas' wife is also a streamer. Her name is Alina, nickname on twitch a1most_over. Users found a connection between the characters - Denis appeared on one of the girl's streams. In addition, the network has a lot of joint photos, including wedding ones. On the streams of Valakas, Alina plays the role of her grandfather's granddaughter and constantly quarrels with him.

Glad Valakas in real life


Glad Valakas is known not only for his image, but also for many branded phrases and words that were disassembled into quotes: Chi, sho, kavo, la, stupid atdihaem, stupid pazhelaya borrov (or crawl), s.x.s (sanya huy sasi) etc.

In addition, many memes are devoted to the work of Valakas. VKontakte has several

The biography of a man named Glad Valakas is covered in darkness. No one knows exactly where the voice recorded on the video came from. A man's fantasy is what you need! Thousands of subscribers laugh at the videos on the YouTube channel, but the main task is to learn at least a little about where Glad came from.

What is known from the biography

Quite a difficult question, how old is the streamer. If you listen to the voice during the video, then an elderly man appears in years, who is 50 years old or more. It is not even known whether the real voice was recorded or faked. Valakas encrypted the video so much that even relatives sometimes cannot recognize him in the video. As you may have guessed, the streamer's real name is as unknown as his real face. So to say, the man is a mystery to the fans.

First job and streams

The beginning of the work was as follows: the man distorted his own voice so that no one could recognize him. Filming videos about the passage of the game Lineage 2, he began to record his own comments. Over time, the stream (chat in video games on Twitch) was bursting with laughter from other players. Many advised Glad to start a career as a commentator or upload videos to YouTube.

Valakas listened to his colleagues in the game and began to promote, singing songs in the video, filming on camera and even more distorting the male voice beyond recognition. Time passed, Glad became more famous, a thousand subscribers appeared on the channel.

Creativity on the web

In addition to the stream, Valakas is seriously involved in the release of music. The unusualness of such an occupation is that a man uses a special program, going live. In other words, fans see how the streamer creates songs. Another fun: call random numbers and play a scene with real people. Listening to what phrases and bans Glad says - you will laugh! The channel with music includes not only rap songs, but also others:

  • "Stupidly rest";
  • "Zygote";
  • "Minecraft";
  • "Bass Pivas";
  • "Garbage".

It's funny if there are such records in your playlist, and if until now you had no idea whose work it was, then be calm, Glad Valakas tried for you.

Glad Valakas in real life

In life, a man, most likely, with an appearance like normal person. Everyone in his own way imagines the appearance of this humorist. On Instagram, the streamer often uploads a photo of what he looks like: a big-eared guy with a strange face. Of course, this is a joke and a desire to confuse the fans. Glad is unlikely to show the original of his own photo, as he prefers not to shine in public. The man does not go into details about how things are with his personal life: it is not known whether he has a wife or a girlfriend.

All in all, personal life Not only is it hidden - it is under lock and key. Glad does not respond to subscribers' comments about revealing the veil of heart affairs or responds with a caustic rude manner (looks like he is defending a personal front!).

Here is such a strange biography of a man named Glad Valakas. There is nothing more to add. Watch the YouTube channel carefully, watch the comedian's jokes, listen to the fresh music created. Perhaps, after a while, he will reveal his true face, tell about his name, but at the moment this is unlikely to happen. And you know, it's even more interesting to watch a man. There must be some secret to life!

Glad Valakas is the pseudonym of a streamer whose channels can be found on Twitch and YouTube. It has a well-developed image, a characteristic distorted voice and set winged words and expressions. Known under other pseudonyms, such as Zhmyshenko Valery Albertovich and The real personality and method of changing the voice are the subject of controversy among many streamer fans, there is still no one hundred percent accurate answer to the question of who Glad Valakas is.

Carier start

Glad Valakas began his career from the streams of the popular game Lineage 2. He acted as a 54-year-old man of Ukrainian origin, according to some sources, his voice was distorted by straining the ligaments, while some fans claim to use special programs and even an experimental mask with a built-in sound chip.

He became famous thanks to the unusual slang, which was soon adopted by numerous fans. Also known is the avatar of Glad Valakas. The photo "Drizzy and Kazzy" by Roger Balen, which depicts twin brothers from South Africa who are sick with an unknown illness, or rather the face of one of the brothers, has become a trademark of the streamer, there are many pictures and memes where Glad Valakas is depicted in this way.

Current activities

Today, in addition to streaming computer games, Glad Valakas is often engaged in creating music on the air, and also, for a financial donation, plays pranks on friends of his subscribers or calls random numbers. He constantly comes up with new images, you can see that the streamer's voice has also changed over time.

He has a devoted army of fans who often use Glad Valakas' signature expressions in speech and create many fan videos and other fan art.

Real personality

From the very beginning of the streamer's activity, the fans had a question: "Who is Glad Valakas?" His old fans claim that he is Denis Vladimirovich Sukhachev, who was born on September 13, 1989 in a small town in the Luhansk region. Sometimes you can also meet the name Petrov, but it is most likely a pseudonym. After the start of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine, he moved to Samara. Before moving, he owned his own recording studio and collaborated with local rap artists.

This information and a photo of Sukhachev could previously be found on his page on the VKontakte social network, which he deleted with the advent of popularity. Also, according to some reports, it is known that Denis has a wife, Alina, who sometimes acts as the granddaughter of Valery Albertovich Zhmyshenko. He is also engaged in streaming, has his own channel on Twitch, where subscribers noticed Denis himself several times in the background.
