Garden paths made of trees are very popular among the owners of country sites. On the outdoor territory Not only the appearance of elements is played a huge role, but also convenience. In order to be easy to get to any construction, arbors or flower beds and are used by special tracks. They can be made of various materials, but not all of them are quite high-quality, durable and beautiful. If you choose the most suitable species The elements from which you can lay out the garden track, the tree will be cut in the list of leaders. Such material has several important and indisputable advantages. They relate primarily for such a moment as low cost, durability and a pleasant appearance. If you lay out the design correctly, it will become a real decoration of the local area, and will serve for a very long time. But when the master stops his choice on a tree, he should take into account that this material requires special care. Without the fulfillment of these requirements for the year or two, the garden track will turn into a negleous path, which will be very difficult to move.

For the manufacture of the design, several types of wooden material can be used. Some masters stop their choice on wooden barBut there are no such paths not too beautiful. If you use a garden parquet, it will be expensive. Therefore, if you take the best price and quality ratio, then the ideal option There will be a garden track made of sleep. So that everything looked good, you will have to work hard, but the result should be excellent. Such tracks from the spirits of the tree will become a real decoration of the yard and will surprise all the guests.

Start stage of manufacture

It cannot be said that this option is the simplest, as there are several important and complex stages here. If they are mistaken at these moments, then in the future the tracks will not look as I would like, and can also be easier to come into disrepair. However, if you spend strength and time, you can achieve excellent results. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not violate the basic rules.

The garden paths of this type are called the paths from hemp, mannings, chumbs and dies.

Regardless of the name, the principle of performing the workflow does not change. In any case, it will have to be properly treated with wood, and after qualitatively laying elements to achieve a good result.

The very first stage will be the preparation of the tool. It is necessary that after not spending time in search of a particular device.

To create on its part of the wood track, you need to prepare:

  • wooden elements;
  • cyanka;
  • manual chainsaw;
  • bucket;
  • level;
  • brush;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • gravel and pebbles;
  • rolled waterproofing;
  • water.

Only after all the necessary elements are at hand, you can go to the next step.

Spil preparation

This is one of the most responsible works in the manufacture of wooden tracks at the local area. From how correctly the sleeves will be prepared, their durability, and the quality of the track itself.

In order to beautifully issue a seamless area with wooden sleeves, you can take various materials. But experts recommend pine or oak wood. Larch suits well. These materials will be able to withstand heavy loads, and this is important quality for tracks. Experts note that with proper processing larch, oak and pine can serve until 20 years!

In order to properly prepare the sleepers, you need to take one-piece logs.

They are cut into pieces, no more than 20 cm high. It is worth noting that the height of the spike depends on its diameter. The average size It will be 15 cm. This is enough to build a high-quality track that will not be afraid of mechanical impact.

After the log is divided into pieces, each element must be cleaned of the crust. It is continuing, so it is not suitable for use on garden paths. Moreover, the bark quickly begins to rot. This is an unacceptable characteristic for high-quality material.

During the cleaning of elements from the crust, it is necessary to inspect each speech. Those units that have cracks or chippers can be immediately removed, as they are considered defective. If you leave the cracked items, they will quickly come into disrepair and get squeezed under their feet.

Cleanted from the Cora Spike can be processed. This is necessary in order to protect the elements from rotting, aggressive impact external environment and any trouble that can negatively affect the state of wood. Best of all the Olife fits for these purposes. Processing can be carried out in various ways, but in general, it is very easy to work with the oil.

To begin with, it heats up to boil. Then the wood is abundantly lubricated with oil. Next, you can use an antiseptic. Similar biosis for wood is very important if it is often the influence of moisture and temperature differences.

After processing with oil and antiseptic wooden sleeps need to be left in this state for a couple of days.

The following will follow the final processing stage, which is to use bitumen. This is not a mandatory part of the work, but experts recommend not to skip this step. Use bitumen only on the side that the sleeps will fit down. In this way, you can protect the garden paths from the tree from rotting.

With wood work very interesting. Here you can use quite a few different ways to create a unique design. For example, wooden spiles can be artificially aged. So the household territory will acquire a calmer atmosphere. In order to give the elements of the antique effect, you need to take copper Kuner.

You can start further work only after all the hemps are completely dried.


An important step is the correct markup. From this point it depends on how comfortable wooden tracks will be after laying. To begin, it is necessary to determine how the prepared material is enough for some path. If the billets were made smoothly so much to bed 1 track, it is necessary to choose the central territory. This will allow access to most remote objects.

The optimal width of the garden path is considered to be 35 cm. This will be enough to be able to freely pass 1 person. But if the territory allows, you can make a garden path half meter. So it will be much more convenient.

After the width and future garden track route, the master calculates, you can go to the next stage. But in order not to get confused in the future, it is worth pulling a durable thread along the future track route.

Trench for track

The width of the pit should coincide with the estimated size of the track. As for the depth, it should also be equal to height of sleep. If they are 10 cm, then you need to dig a trench of the same size. If 20-centimeter sleeves will be used to create a garden path, respectively, the pit must be the same.

This uses waterproofing or plastic film, which is laid out across the entire width, length and height of the pit. Half the height should take rubble or gravel. This is important because the stones create drainage and do not give liquids to accumulate, which prevents wood rotting.

At the last stage, a stone pillow is aligned. To do this, take the sand and carefully fall asleep it into the trench so as to get the most flattened and extinct line. This is necessary so that the wooden sleeps be laid smoothly and did not look either in the end.

At this stage, borders can be installed if they are provided. Although in fact the garden tracks from wooden spils look great and without them. If the master still wanted to supplement this beauty by borders, you can put a brick on the edge of the trench, decorative stone, wooden bars, leaf iron or lamps. Alternatively, you can set up vertically several wooden sleeps, the same ones that will be laid out to base the track.

After completing this work, you will need to be put in the trench 2nd layer of the pillow. For this, sand is applied, which is aligned and is widely wetted with water. This is an important point, since the pillow must settle. If you skip this step, then after laying wooden sleeps, the track can turn. As a rule, such paths do not stand and the first rain.

Laying wooden elements

After the most sophisticated stage Works will be completed, you can start creating a creative task. We are talking about the layout of the prepared wooden spins in the trench.

Options for how wooden sleeves can be posted, there is a lot. Each wizard chooses the most suitable option for itself, based on the size of the elements and the width of the track.

The distance between the details can be done any. But it must be borne in mind that in the case when the spears are too far, it will be inconvenient to walk in the garden path.

So that the wooden elements are not hacked, and they sat tightly in their place, you need to drive them into the pillow. For this, a wooden cynica is used. Strong hard on the spokes should not be cracked. But also to ensure that the wooden element is firmly installed in the right place, it is still necessary. When laying sleeps, you need to constantly use the level. This will avoid the drops and the appearance of dangerous steps, which in the future can lead to injuries, since for these protrusions will be stuffed.

How to care?

After all the sleeps are laid, you can enjoy the beauty and a special atmosphere of the beautiful and well-groomed area for a long time. But it must be borne in mind that in this case we are talking about the tree, so if the tracks will not be paid due attention, they will quickly come into disrepair, and there will be no trace from beauty. Experts note that when oak, pine either larch, and a larch can be taken for the manufacture of garden paths, and several dozen track. But such options require mandatory care.

In order for the tree to keep its nice appearance, it is necessary to clean the sleeve once a year with the help of sandpaper. This is a simple procedure that is performed quickly and does not require serious physical effort. Immediately after processing, we need to apply a layer of olifes and antiseptics onto a layer.

This is the most important cargo care rule. If they were laid correctly, then additional work Perhaps no longer have.

In order for the track and remains beautiful, you need to follow the appearance of cracks in the spiles. Such elements should be replaced immediately, as they not only spoil the appearance, but quickly rot. In this case, the masters should be in the reserve a dozen appropriate wooden sleeps in order to be able to promptly replace.

Pros and cons

Experts highly appreciate this option for the design of the local area. It is not necessary to keep track of wooden tracks every day, because to maintain their normal external view just once a year to devote wood a little time. Among the advantages of such options, it is also worth noting the economy of this method of design of garden tracks and ease of work. All stages can be performed by the owner of the house, even without having special skills. If you need to repair the track, then this procedure takes 15 minutes from strength. Garden paths from the spikes of the tree will be the perfect option for those who love popular in our time eco-style.

But also should not be noted a couple of minuses that have this method of design of the local area. First of all, it concerns the high probability of rotting wooden elements if the speakes are processed poorly. But this can be avoided if you properly approach work and perform all the steps. With wooden tracks you need to be very neat after the rain. Wood can wet and become slippery. But it is corrected, because if every year IPICH process with sandpaper, then there should be no excessive slip.

Given all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of design of garden tracks, it can be called an ideal combination Prices and qualities. Such projects will look great on any plot. But you need to take into account that some types of wood do not carry sharp temperature drops very well. If the track will be laid out on the territory with a harsh climate, it is better to choose more material stable materials.

This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to make a beautiful and durable track from the spikes of the tree with their own hands. The paths are an integral component of the country exterior. The functional purpose they are performed is to combine individual zones on the site. Such a simple I. original solution Allows you to decorate the garden and will delight the owners for more than one year.

Stages of the arrangement of the spell track

There are many materials, thanks to which you can implement the idea of \u200b\u200ba wooden track. However, the most attractive of them, of course, are a sleeve. They possess external attractiveness and more reliable when due processing, rather than artificial materials.

Before laying sections, it is necessary to conduct appropriate training. To begin with, it is necessary to perform a sufficient number of elements that is calculated based on the length of the garden path, as well as its widths. It is recommended to pack the material with a small margin, since during the laying of the track some sections can be in disrepair. Consider what other materials are necessarily necessary to implement such an idea:

  • sand;
  • pebbles, gravel;
  • geotextile or dense polyethylene film;
  • chainsaw;
  • building level.

It will also be necessary to prepare auxiliary toolkit used during laying of sections. In addition to the rubber Cyanka, you will need a shovel, as well as buckets and brushes. After preparing the material, you can proceed to the manufacture of wooden sections.

Spil preparation

The main building material of the wooden path - sections made of hemp. Wooden Material It is obliged to undergo a thorough preparation. From this depends on the operational period of the path. The manufacture of sleeps is performed in several steps, however, before this it is necessary to select the source material.

Important!For such a goal there will be no wood. Experienced masters Recommend to use solid trees. The leaders in this case are oak and larch. The shelf life of oak cuts is about 10, and larch - more than 25 years.

Some people prefer pine material, as it is very common and costs pretty cheap. However, such a track will not last more than 5-6 years. Under the influence of adverse weather conditions and in the absence of proper care, this period may decrease to 3-4 years.

So how do you perform sections yourself? It begins such work with the cutting of logs. The corresponding photos will help to understand the technology of manufacture of sleep. The height of the sections should be approximately 20 cm. It is worth sticking to this indicator. You should also remember one an important rule - The larger the width of the hemp, the more high there should be a blank. Compliance this rule Allows you to make a durable path.

Finished sections need to be treated with special antiseptic means. This will protect the workpieces from temperature differences and insect pests. Olife is also suitable for such a goal. Oil paint You need to boil, then immerse each workpiece into it. Effective methodallowing to protect wood details - using bitumen. It must be applied to the lower part of the cut.

Laying tracks

The dimensions and location of the track must be calculated in advance, since without this it is impossible to calculate the number of slices. The first thing to be done when laying the path is to remove the top layer of the soil in the garden. The depth of the trench is calculated very simple. It is necessary to add 5-10 cm. The width of the trench is entirely dependent on the size of the path itself.

Next step - laying waterproofing material. Geotextile is the most suitable material. It must be positioned on the day of the trench. Next, you will need to perform a drainage system. Sand, gravel and crushed stone suitable for this.

Note! During the creation of sand-gravel pillows, it is recommended to use the construction level. This will avoid drops of height of drainage materials.

At the next stage of creating a spectacular path on a plot of wooden sleeps, curbs will need to make borders. This is not a mandatory event, but if there is a desire, it is best to use wooden columns or decorative bricks for this.

Next, it is necessary to install a sleeve, and fill the gaps between them with sand. The distance between the sleeves should not be too big, as it will negatively affect the integrity of the coating. At the end of the work, you can proceed to decorative finish Garden path.

Designer design track

The space that remains between separate round elements can be filled with not only sand. There are many different ideas that are easy enough to realize yourself. A rather popular option to fill the cavity is crushed stone or pebbles. The material falls asleep in the intervals located between the cuts, after which it is thoroughly tamped.

Another popular decoration method is grassland between the elements of the path. Also for decorating the top of the sections, paints and varnish materials are often used.

The ends of the sections can be painted both in one color and make them multi-colored. The second option looks particularly effectively and unusual. Such a path will be a real decoration of the exterior cottage plot. However, it is worth remembering that for such a goal it is recommended to use special coloring compositions that differ in good resistance to moisture.

How to fill the grass cavities? To do this, it is necessary not to fill them up to the upper line of the earth. It is worth leaving a small margin (about 5 cm). Next, cavities are filled with soil containing grass seeds. Specialists recommend using low grain, which will not spoil the appearance and will not reduce the functionality of the path. You will answer the question of how to make a beautiful and original Woodwood track will help special videos recommended for watching everyone to decorate your area with your own hands.

The last way is to use multi-colored pebbles. It also needs to be carefully tamped so that it easily as possible as possible in the empty gaps between wooden cuts.

Care track

The path made by such a method needs to be careful. If you close your eyes to this fact, then the track wear will significantly speed up, which will reduce its use. Correct care Includes several events.

For example, it is very important to clean the paths every year. To do this, use a tight brush or a metal scraper. After cleaning, it will also be needed to process with special antiseptic substances.

In this article we figured out how to make beautiful track From Spilov natural tree, Following the phased instructions. We should not forget that competent decoration will significantly increase the attractiveness of this project and decorate your country area.

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What else can you decorate the walking path in the country?

The tracks on the country area are not only the necessary element for marking the territory and movement on the site. It is also an element of decor carrying aesthetic load. The process of creating country allets is simplified due to the availability of in stores required tools and materials. Form and material manufacturing depend on your preferences.

Manual how to make a wooden wood path

To perform work, you will need tools for processing and preparing wood dies, tools for preparatory work and paving pedestrian allek and construction Materials: Geotextile, sand, gravel, rounding, cement and others.

List of necessary tools and materials

The basic list of tools almost does not change, whatever material you choose. You will need:

  • shovel bayonet and shovel Soviet To create a trench, the removal of soil and frustration of building materials;

  • angle grinder (Bulgarian) for cutting material coating and disks to it. Cutting discs The grinder is selected depending on which material you will cut: wood, tile or stone;

  • measuring tape for 5 or 10 m;

  • level for layout and laying;

  • building cord for marking;

  • rake garden To level the bulk material in the track. Sand can be divided by the opposite side of the robble (not toothed) or use a special smoothness for sand;

  • sadden car for the transport of material;

  • kelma construction For submissions of sand and concreting;

  • rubber hammer for laying and sedenting coating;

  • water tanks;

  • vibroplita For rambling rubble, sand, covering tracks. If the layers do not catch up, they will begin to see the action of moisture. To prevent sediment, use vibrating plates. Tool can be rented at construction equipment stores;

  • for the track from the spikes, you will need grinder machine For wood processing.

Important! So that gardening alleys did not bother the grass in the summer and did not glare in winter, when designing, it is necessary to provide a slope in one direction or on both sides of the center. In the second case, the Alley Center will be above its side.

Auxiliary building materials:

  • decorative coating is laid on the "pillow". Its appointment is to keep the path shape and prevent the soil deformation. For two-layer pillows sand and gravel will be used;
  • to stabilize the soil, geotextiles are used - with a width of 2 to 6 m wide, insulating different soil layers to protect the coating from failures;
  • for formwork, you will need boards;
  • you will also need the main material. In this case, it is round. Rounded is cut into round circular for decorative coating.

Spil preparation

To create a track from the spikes of a tree, choose a dry rounder or logs of different diameters. Preparation consists of two items: preparation of the main coating - wood dies and the preparation of the place for the future track.

Wood preparation:

Processed wooden elements need to dry high quality.

Did you know? The first garden tracks from the wood are known from the history of China's garden-park design.The durability of such alley depends on the quality of the material. Solid and very solid wood varieties are more durable. Apple tree, walnut, birch, beech, Ryabin, ash, are attributed to the solid in the steppe and forest-steppe zone. And the highest quality track will be from acacia - it refers to the very solid rocks of the tree.

Marking track

Track outline Follow the construction cord. For a curved form, use additional pegs in the places of bends. Evaluate the work done and, if necessary, correct the scheduled lines.

Straight angles are controlled by the Pythagore triangle with the aspect ratio of 3: 4: 5. The circle is placed by the construction cord of the desired length. If wooden dies are laid out in the form of patterns, then applying the layout of the centers and the boundaries of the patterns before starting the laying of the material. The recommended width is 35 cm, which corresponds to the width of an ordinary person.

Preparation of the foundation

The next step is to prepare the trench for future alleys. Width is marked with a construction cord. Depth will be 25-50 cm, depending on the thickness and structure of the pillow. Sequencing:

If the site is located under a slope, then the alleok can also be made taking into account the slope of the site.

Failure of the drainage layer

A formwork from the boards is installed along the contour of the pit. As the basis and drainage layer, we embarked in the trench of the gravel layer and sealing it with vibratory. To enhance the gravel seal are wetted with water.

The purpose of the drainage layer is the removal of rainwater with alleys.

Did you know? Use synthetic fabrics in road construction Started in the first half of the last century. Now geotextiles strengthen the slopes and shores from shuffling, use in drainage systems and during the construction of roads. In the country's dacha, the terraces and alpine slides are formed using geotextiles, artificial reservoirs are created.

Cutting pillow

We drag the bottom of the trench and the side walls of geotextiles. It prevents contact of different soil layers and blocks the flushing of its upper layers, functioning on the principle of double-acting filter. The material varies in density. For a garden path, a density of 200-250 g / sq. m. For laying of spikes of a tree used two-layer pillow. The lower layer of the pillow is formed by sand, and the upper - gravel or pebbles. Gravel does not accumulate moisture, which will prevent wood from destruction.

The thickness of the sandy layer is 10 cm. To accurately, you can apply a layer marker on geotextile. Each layer is tamped by vibropilet. Sand or gravel is wetted with water for sealing. The density of the rammed layer of sand should be such that when moving it does not remain there. There is a layer of geotextile between sand and gravel.

Installation of borders

On the geotextile on the sides of the pits, a solution of skinny concrete B7.5 is laid out. On the concrete we install curl rounder. Possible variants of the border -amine or concrete walls.

Important! Skinny concrete contains a low amount of binding substance - cement. Such a concrete is susceptible to cracking. To avoid this, it is necessary to add a bitumen mixture.

Laying Spilov

When the curb is rigidly fixed with cement (4-5 days), start laying the main part of the track coverage. Pillow poured cement mortar liquid consistency. On top of cement, with a setting, a centimeter (thin) layer of glue on a cement basis is tested. Wood dies are placed on this layer and fill the space between them with gravel or pebbles.

Natural materials are appropriate in different styles landscape designTherefore, among the diversity of all sorts of country tracks, fasteners are often found. If you decide to make a path from the boards in the garden, the wooden floor on the terrace or the track from the woods of the tree with their own hands at the cottage, see the photo possible options, Examine all stages of the preparation of the site and wood, methods of laying the tree and the peculiarities of the coating.

Comfortable and beautiful passage on the lawn

What attractive materials made of wood

The attractiveness of the materials made of wood for the construction of cottage "ways of communication" is caused by:

  • Availability. Of course, the prices of wood will grow up, but the cost of wooden tracks remains lower than that of stone coatings, clinker bricks, paving slabs. In addition, you can put in the case unused when the construction of buildings on the cottage lumber and the fallen trees on the site.
  • High decorativeness. The unique texture is beautiful in itself, it allows you to create a unique coating with a copyright design.
  • Easy work. The construction of wooden tracks does not assume the presence of special theoretical training and special practical skills. It is enough to be able to use a saw, shovel, hammer.
  • Ecology. Natural material is safe for health, perfectly harmonizes with the environment, especially popular among eco-style fans.

The natural decorativeness of wood - each cut has a unique pattern

Disadvantages are also present: the paths from the tree are not too durable, are subject to invasion of insects, fungus, mold. Nevertheless, it is possible to use them from 7 years to a quarter century, depending on the type of wood. However, this requires: competent processing of blanks to laying, correct installation and a reliable basis arranged in all the rules.

Tree is perfectly harmonized with the environment.

Preparation of the base for the capital

In order for the garden trail to be missed, did not fail, did not bother weeds and eventually did not crumble in the coming year or two, for her it is necessary to prepare a reliable bed (foundation).

Marking of contours of the path

This is a simple, but enough labor-intensive occupation is as follows:

  1. On the territory to outline the boundaries of the track with the help of a cord stretched between the knitters. On the bends of the track, the pegs are often located, with an interval of no more than half a meter (depending on the radius of curvature), and on the straight portions, the pegs can be driven through 2 and even 3 m. Denote the contour of the winding path can also be sand, chalk powder, lime.
  2. If you plan to install borders, it is planned to provide an appointment with the width of the bed.
  3. Within the markup, select the soil about 20 cm, controlling the depth of the resulting trench by a template or ruler. It is necessary to do it in dry weather: the rain spilled in a trench will significantly reduce the quality of the base.
  4. If you need curbs, install them by setting up. Under the borders is desirable to add from the compacted sand.
  5. The bed is tumped, to ax a geotextile or Pat film to protect against germination of weeds and prevent sending.
  6. To be put on the bottom draining layer of gravel or rubble small fraction with a height of 4-10 cm (depends on the stability of the soil). The gravel and sand mixture can be used (9: 1). Carefully tumble with a rink, vibratory or manual homemade traam.
  7. For some types of tracks you need to pour over the sandy pillow of the same height over the drain layer. It must be poured gradually, layerly, moisturizing and good tamping every layer.

The beginning of work on the preparation of the foundation

After that, you can start laying in the garden of a tree of one or another design.

How to lay a path of wooden sleeps

The advantages of using wooden sleeps (sections, slices, chumbachkov) As a material for paving the tracks, many daches and homeowners have already been rated. The trails paved with charming blobs allow you to comfortably move along the site, organically look among the green plantings, perfectly shake flowering flower beds.

Wooden spil trail emphasizes the beauty of greenery and flowers

Where to get a spike of wood

Finished spiers from various wood species offer many manufacturers. You can even buy already processed special compositions Billets that will only remain correctly mounted on a prepared basis. This option is good when the budget allows.

However, if at least a glimpse to look into the prices, you can experience some disappointment. For example, untreated larch sections with a diameter of 30 cm and a height of 10 cm. Domestic manufacturer is offered for 150 rubles / pcs.

The uncomplicated calculation shows: the material for the 9-meter trail of 60 cm width will cost 9000 rubles. Excluding the cost of delivery and processing before laying. And if from the sideline, cluttering a plot, to make a tree of wood for a path with your own hands, the same path can be coated with a practically gift.

Production of sleep can be independent

How to make a speech do it yourself

Cheaper than finished sections, it will also be billets, dried independently from the acquired rounder. Tools for work will be needed:

  • petrol or electric saw;
  • roulette or pattern;
  • pencil or chalk for marking;
  • babel for Okurization.

The source material can serve any breed of wood. However, if there is a choice, then from coniferous breeds it is better to take a larch, pine, and from deciduous - oak, alder, hrybro, acacia. Tropicks from larch, oak will last longer. But you need to keep in mind that the wood of these rocks is complex in processing. The selected tree should be necessarily dry, otherwise the sleepers laid in the ground will be quit, crack down - work will go to the pump.

To make a speech, you need to perform such manipulations:

  1. Clean the barrel from the branches.
  2. Okractor trunk with a rigine or other tool. Perhaps someone will prefer to clean the bark from the bark.
  3. Using a template to lay a log along on equal parts of 10-20 cm. The thicker is the trunk, the more height is needed. So that the sleepers securely retained in the track, to make them a height of less than 10 cm undesirable.
  4. Disturb the barrel by tags.

Woods are ready

Cutting cuts with special compositions

Before proceeding directly to the laying of the Woodwood Walkway with their own hands, the chopped blanks must be processed to protect against insects and fungus. To this end, you can use:

  • special antiseptics, impregnation of deep penetration acquired in the store, applying them according to the instructions;
  • a homemade means in the form of a solution of copper sulfate (10-20%), in which the speakes need to withstand two days, then dry the same time in the shade;
  • retained almost to the boil Olif - it must be applied to the brush on all surfaces of the spell;
  • machine oil development - to apply like Olif.

The path from the "Aged" Wooden Speils

From the impact of copper vitriol, the tree quickly darkens. If there is a desire to achieve the effect of "aged" tree, such treatment is what is needed. With the desire to preserve the natural color of the material, it is more expedient to impregnating the oil. You can still take advantage of the ancient admission of residents of Taiga settlements - to impregnate the heap of a saturated decoction of the larch bark. It will give wood antiseptic properties and a pleasant red-brown color.

These sleeves are ready to lay

After drying the chumbachkov, it is necessary to apply a waterproofing layer on their lower part. For this, the bitumen needs to melt in the metal dishes and dip the bottom of the billets into it. This operation is unsafe: Cooking bitumen is not easy, and the temperature of the molten substance exceeds 200 ° C. You can use other methods of creating a waterproofing layer:

  1. Bitumen briquettes placed in a metal container, pour gasoline, leave for several days until a diluted bitumen mass is formed. Process in it, as in a hot bitumen.
  2. Cove the lower surfaces of Churbachkov Kuzbasslak.

Laying prepared chumbachkov on the basis

Breeding a stem speo track

Now until the moment when you can be proud of the wooden track made by your own hands in the country, it remains quite a bit. There is a fascinating, creative work Installation of sleep.

Scheme device trail from sleep

To fully implement your idea, you must do the following:

  1. While ready-made spins breathe after impregnation, to prepare the box under them according to the technology described above. Provide such a thickness of the rammed gravel-sand "pie" so that the top ends of the Churbachkovs are located in the surrounding soil or slightly opposed it. If curls are planned, their role will successfully fulfill higher spears, wooden fees.
  2. Make sure the bed is smooth, using the level.
  3. Start paving. Each element is installed in its place, indulging in the sand and aligning cautious tapping of a wooden or rubber hammer. Control by level so that all sections are in the same plane.
  4. Share your chumbachk for any selected scheme: from the single-row trail from the solils of a large diameter to the track, tightly paved with saws of different diameters and configuration. It all depends on the performer's plan and the presence of blanks.
  5. Flush the gaps between the sleeves with sand, the screening of rubble, small pebbles with the ground. Decorate such a wooden track sown between the spikes of the soil plants or moss.
  6. Place the edge: decorate with a decorative stone, flood with rubble, gravel or just soil and good tamper.

Ideas for registration of wooden sleepwood paths you can learn, having considered the photo below.

Woodwood Care

To use the spell track for a long time, it will have to take care of it:

  1. Annually consider the dirt with a metal scraper, then process the antiseptic, oil or (optional) with paint and varnish materials for external work.
  2. Delete weeds in a timely manner capable of disrupting the base of the coating.
  3. Do not allow flooding and erosion of the coating. For this purpose, special grooves can be installed on the paths or set the grooves.
  4. In winter, the snow is in a timely manner, prevent the formation of a hang on the coating. It should be abandoned from the use of salt or other reagents to clean the ice, which contribute to the gradual destruction of wood.

Have such a floor prestigious

Wooden sleeping floors are stylish

Having a margin of material for cuts and gaining some skills to work with them, you can make an unusual floor of the spikes of a tree - it is now fashionable. Depending on what will serve as the basis of the floor, various ways of laying and finish finish outdoor coating.

Ground-based wood sections floor

If you need a ground-based floor (say, for an open terrace), it is possible to build it exactly by the same script, like a track of sleeps. But there are differences:

  • Power must be made as thick as possible, applying the sleeves of different diameters.
  • The remaining gaps between the sleeves do not need to fill with bulk materials - they should be pressed the prepared mastic (about it is slightly lower), aligning the surface rubber spatula.
  • After drying the mastic and solidification of the surface, it is necessary to go through it in a squash machine. Then carefully remove dust and polish the floor linen Oil and wax or put parquet polyrolol.

Preparation of mastic:

  1. Two kg clay.
  2. Mix it thoroughly with 1 kg of hazed lime.
  3. Add 1 kg of technical fat and 4 kg of small sawdust.
  4. Stir until the homogeneous mass is obtained.

Laying sleep on a solid base

"Eternal" floor of wooden sleeps

The option is not cheap, but a truly durable floor mounted on a solid foundation. At the same time, the height of the sleeps stacked on concrete screed Or an old wooden floor can be significantly reduced. For such a floor it is necessary:

  1. Align and clean the base.
  2. Apply a polyurethane bulk floor to a small site of the foundation. Madely put wooden slots on this site. By the way, the greatest laying density will provide cuts made from bar residues.
  3. Go to the next site, repeat the previous operation.
  4. After gluing the sleeps throughout the base, wait for the solidification of polyurethane and embed the seams with a mixture of polymer and sawdust.
  5. Dried gender to treat grinders. Remove dust after grinding.
  6. Pour finish coating From polyurethane.

"Parquet" from end spins timber

Paths from lumber - simple and inexpensive

If the process of blanks and laying of sleep seems too complicated and long, you can quickly and easily build a variety of wood paths for the garden, using ready-made timber: boards, timber different size. The most memorable option is a shield flooring that does not require labor-intensive preparation of the foundation.

Wooden garden track

For such a track, planed cutting boards of the same thickness (preferably equal width) will be required, wooden bars, hacksaw, hammer, nails. The procedure for making flooring:

  1. Place the path, align the soil on the path of passing the trail (pumped up the holes, tamper, cut the tubercles).
  2. Split the timber on the length of the length equal to the width of the path. Boards thawed.
  3. Impust the boards and bars with antiseptic, dry.
  4. Treat the bottom of the boards and each surface of bars with bitumen coating (or covered with Kuzbassslak), give it to frozen.
  5. Bruks to place on Earth with an interval of about 1 m, to pinch the boards to them, hacking the hats of nails. Nails are better to use galvanized. Between the boards leave the gap to 5 mm for ventilation and water drain.
  6. Shields to sew among themselves with the help of the same bars. Joints to handle emery skins.
  7. Color the path, applying paint for outdoor work.

Step track from boards and gravel

Another design of the wooden track for the garden, easy to execute and does not require solid costs. For her you need:

  1. Prepare the basis of the above technology. But there is enough trenches with a depth of 5-7 cm, covered with a riding sand-gravel mixture.
  2. From the boards (timber) to heat the length of the length equal to the width of the track. Treat them in the same way that was used in the manufacture of shields.
  3. Place boards along the base length with an interval in a short step, push into the backup, paint.

Floiled from the board

As you can see, it is not required for creating simple, but spectacular tracks from wood with their own hands and skills. Consider the recommendations, take a look at the photos, turn on the imagination and decorate the territory in the country with peculiar paths.

Almost every owner of the house wondered how the garden path was made with their own hands, whether to create it for his site and how to choose the option of design. Of course, this design deserves the location on your site, because they will not only carry out a decorative role, but will help to be comfortable to navigate in the garden terrain. And for other questions, you will find the answers directly in the article itself.

Why are the tracks from sleep or lumber such in demand?

The question for this answer is very simple, people attract the advantages of a wooden track:

1. Available to everyone. Of course, the prices for wooden products are very high and grow rapidly, but wooden tracks are an exception. Their cost is at times lower than those of other options (for example, stone tracks, bricks from paving slabs etc.). Plus, it is possible to use lumber left after other repair work or trembled trees on your site.

2. Unique texture. It allows you to create extraordinary track designs, without applying additional efforts. In particular, such designs love to use in eco-style.

3. Easy to work. The construction of this type of tracks does not require possessions by special construction skills or availability of special tools.

4. Environmental purity. During the fullender, it is safe for the health of people, and also perfectly combined and interacts with the environment.

No matter how annoying, but this species The tracks also have disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting the exposure of the material to the appearance of mold or fungi. Also, wood can be corrupted due to insect activities.

Some note the short time of operation as a flaw. But, in fact, how much the track will be, depends on the set of factors. For example, type of wood, the correct processing of blanks, their installation, the reliability of the base. Therefore, when executing the rules during work and use in the future, tracks can serve until 40 years.

Prepare the foundation

Often people meet with such problems as a trimming, failure, weeds and scattering a garden path. All this are the consequences of improper preparation of the foundation.

Phased Lodge Preparation Instructions:

1. Apply the layout of the contours of the future trail. This stage does not carry any complexity, but still the process in itself is laborious. To create a markup, it is necessary to do the following: on the site using a cord stretched on the rowed rods, we plan the boundaries of future tracks. If the territory has a smooth surface, the rods are installed in a step of 2.5 m, in the case when the bends are present, the rods will have very often (about every 40 cm). Sometimes people have difficulty with such a markup method (especially if the trail is sufficiently winding), then you can use sand, chalk or lime. When planning a track with borders, it is necessary even before the markup starts to calculate the width of the foundation in accordance with the necessary incidents.

2. The next step, you need to pull the trench with a depth of approximately 25 cm. We constantly monitor so that the channel being created does not go beyond the markup boundaries, and its level was the same everywhere. Note that this stage needs to be performed exclusively in dry weather, because if the trench is filled with water, the quality of the bed is noticeably deteriorated.

3. If you plan to install borders, then you must pour sand, preferably compacted, and install them, aligning with the help level.

4. We will tamper the base and weathered it with geotextiles or can be seated with polyethylene film. This process will protect the track from the weeds ingrowth, and will also prevent sending.

5. In the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom we settle down a gravel or rubbine layer (with a shallow fraction and having a height of 5-11 cm, the value of which depends on the stability of the Earth). The use of sandy-gravel mixture is also allowed (8: 2). The drainage layer is tamped using a vibrating plate, a roller or manual (made by your own hands) Tamble.

6. There are types of tracks that need a sandy pillow, which is laid on drainage and has the same height. It is poured in stages, layer behind the layer. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget to moisturize and thoroughly tamper them.

Where you can get a speech

Of course you can buy ready-made sleepers from any breed in the building materials store. Some manufacturers even offer their products already treated with special solutions that can only be installed, compliance with the rules of installation. But this option is suitable only in the case when it allows this budget. After all, the purchase is not cheap.

Let us give an example from the price of one well-known manufacturer: the heap from larch, without preprocessing, having a diameter of 25 cm and a height of 15 cm cost 150 rubles per piece. That is, one meter of the track (50 cm wide) from this material will cost 8,000 rubles, not counting the cost of delivery and the processing solution. But you should not despair, because the sleeves can be made independently.

Creating sleeps with your own hands

To reduce the process, you can make a sleeve yourself. Ideally, if you have a fallen tree on your site or your acquaintances, which is just doing that to clutch the place. Then the blanks will be almost free. But such an opportunity is not all. In this case, you will need to purchase round.

For sleeps, any breed of trees is suitable, but the best option, of course, will become larch. Also, long serve the billet from pine, oak, alder, grab, acacia. But consider that the processing of larch and oak is very difficult for independent manufacture. Another important factor when choosing a tree is its dryness. If the wood is wet, then the sleeves can be swore, crack and the walkway will simply fall apart.

After purchase, proceed to the preparation of the necessary tools. Of these, they will need electrical or chainsaws, a tape measure, pencils for marking, templates and a stroke for a hawk.

For the manufacture of sleeps, you will need to perform the following steps:

1. Clean the trunk from all branches that are present on it.

2. Oktroil the trunk using a semicircle or a bra blab (you can open ready-made sleepers, depending on personal preferences).

3. With the help of templates, we make the stem mark with equal parts of 15-25 cm (depends on the thickness of the log, the greater the thickness, respectively, the height of sleep). Consider that at an altitude of less than 15 cm, the spell track will not be stable.

4. Flush the barrel at the marks.

At this stage, the sleep is ready.

Processing of billets with special solutions

Before starting the laying of the trail, you need to process blanks. She will protect the future track from the appearance of fungus and mold, as well as from malicious insects. For processing you can use different kinds solutions. For example, you can use special antiseptics, impregnations (in this case, you can use only those that have deep penetration and must comply with the instructions for use).

Also, it is possible to prepare a solution for processing. To do this, it will be necessary to mix copper vaporaza with water in a 2: 8 ratio, leave to set up on the 2nd day, and the same time to dry it into the shade. Applying this solution, it is necessary to take into account one important detail: copper sipop when interacting with the tree, makes it darken. This will create the effect of "compiled" sleeps. If that designer solution You do not like it, use another option.

You can prepare a solution with your own hands using olifa, for this I bring it almost to a boil. And you can also use the grandfather method: brew the bunch of larch and this solution to impregnate the workpiece, this will allow wood to obtain antiseptic properties, as well as a beautiful dark red shade.

In addition to applying a solution for processing, it is necessary to cover the lower part of the billets with a waterproofing layer. It is not so easy to do: we melm the bitumen (the temperature of melting reaches 200 degrees for Celsius), be sure to appear in the mind of the metal, and the heap is perch. The performance of the execution also adds unsuccession of this operation. But there is another way: bitumen briquettes are placed in a cue from metal and fill with gasoline. Next, it is necessary to leave the solution on a couple of days before the discharged bitumen mass is formed. In it, dip the bottom of the blanks.

Installing a spell track

We proceed to the most creative stage of our work - creating trails. Many are worried about how the track from sleeping photo we placed at the end of the article. So you will not only get rid of your experiences, but also you can choose the design you like.

Instructions for making a path of sleepwood:

1. Check the availability of sleep and the level of the bed.

2. We start paving.

3. Each item is installed on its rightful place, while pressing it into a sandy pillow and align, carefully tapping with a hammer having a wooden or rubber board.

4. Control the smoothness of sleep so that they are on the same level.

5. Put the spike for the planned scheme, which depends solely on the performers' ideas and the appearance of the billets.

6. In places of gaps between the spikes, it is necessary to get rid of emptiness. To do this, fill the data of the place with sand, dropping the rubbank or small stones mixed with the soil.

7. Decorate our trail, planting in the intervals decorative plants or moss.

8. Register the edges: decorated with decorative stone, fall asleep rubbed, gravel and thoroughly tamper.

Creating lumber track

Sometimes the workpiece and laying of sleeping for people seem to be a rather heavy and too long process, but the idea of \u200b\u200bindependently make a wooden track still falls like. In this case, the outlet will be a lumber track. The time for its creation is much shorter, and the materials applied do not need additional processing.

Lumber for track can be the most diverse: bars, boards of various lengths, etc. The easiest I. affordable option - Shield flooring, it does not require time-consuming preparation of the bed. That is why we consider this version of the track.

Instructions for creating a shield flooring:

1. We prepare all the necessary items: edged planks, one length, with equal width, bars from wood, nails. The main tool for the track from sawn timber is a hacksaw, but the hammer will also be required.

2. We make the markup of the trail.

3. Align the land in places where the future track will be located (pits are covered, cut off the tubercles, we will tamper soil).

4. We cut the bars on the parts having equal lengths.

5. Tilt board.

6. Covered everything wooden details Antiseptic.

7. The lower parts of the boards are treated with a bitumen with a bitumen, or cover them with Kuzbaslak, waiting for its full pouring.

8. Bruks to put on the base every and a half meters, we rush to them the boards, hacking the hats of nails. The best option Galvanized nails will be.

9. In places located between the tables, we leave the gaps up to 6 mm, it is necessary to ensure ventilation, as well as water drain.

10. Shields are stitching with the help of BRUSEV.

11. The joints of Okrinate using sandpaper.

12. Collect the resulting path using paint used in outdoor work.

Another simple trail design is a wooden chapter. In addition to the ease of execution, it is minted with low materials. To create this option you need to do the following:

1. Prepare the basis for the principle described above. The only difference is the depth of the trench for such a track is 6-8 cm.

2. Drink segments that have a length equal to the width of the trails, from BRUSEV.

3. Processing them for the same principle that was used during the manufacture of the shield flooring.

4. Place a plate across the area of \u200b\u200bthe bed making intervals to half the meter, pressing them into the backfill.

5. Pray.

Care track

In order for the wooden track to please the eye and was convenient to use for a long time, appropriate care for it:

1. Once a year to clean the mud using a metal scraper, and then process the wooden parts by an antiseptic and cover them with oil.

2. On time to get rid of weeds that have the ability to destroy the basis of the coating.

3. Be sure to prevent the possibility of flooding or erosion of the coating. So that this did not happen, you can use the services of special grooves or dug in the sides of the ditch tracks.

4. B. winter time For years, it is not allowed to count the snow and not to be on the wooden coating to appear.

5. Do not use salt and other substances for cleaning ice, which can contribute to the destruction of wood.

After reading this article, each owner of the country area will be able to independently make a track of sleep or lumber, while not sinking his wallet, without asking for extraneous assistance and without applying excessive efforts. Also after the article there is a photo different variations Road design. You can choose the one that harmoniously fit into your garden design.
