Most women, of course, dream of children. Therefore, the pregnancy for them is long-awaited and desirable. Many women, just suggesting the offensive of pregnancy, and not being completely confident in her offensive, begin to use all sorts of "indicators" of pregnancy, starting with home tests and ending with people. Many believe that to determine pregnancy and its flow, it is necessary to regularly measure basal temperature. And what can mean basal temperature 36.6 during pregnancy?

It is not only missing during the implantation of the fruit egg to the body of the uterus. Then, when pregnancy successfully develops, the amount of hormone changes and the temperature decreases.

Unfortunately, women focused on pregnancy, forget that each person is individual, and each of each occurs in its own way. And therefore, the measurement of basal temperature becomes simply mania and any deviation of the degree indicator from 37.2 degrees causes panic.

You can not panic when decreasing! You just need to contact a competent doctor who will examine the woman will hold the necessary examination. After all, very often many women know do not know about changing the basal temperature at the beginning of pregnancy, they do not measure it constantly and do not worry about its decline. So, most likely, and it is necessary to act, but at the same time observed regularly at your gynecologist.

There is nothing more difficult and at the same time easier than psychogenic infertility. His reason is not at all that a woman cannot become pregnant as a result of the wrong work of the organs, and that it constantly thinks about the likely pregnancy.

If we think about when pregnancy occurs most often in women, then you can observe the following pattern. Sexual intercourse is "productive" when a woman does not think about a potential child at all.

Consequently, to get pregnant, it is necessary to simply noticate thoughts about pregnancy.

As examples, you can consider several cases when women managed to achieve results:

  • Record queue on Eco. Waiting for artificial occupies 6 months, and women's thoughts about the likely child seems to be frozen for this period.
  • Messages from doctors about the fact that pregnancy will never come. As a result, the woman arms with thought, and stops thinking about the baby.
  • Long, but ineffective treatment during which the doctor proposes to make a little break. He offers a woman to visit some resort and in the process of rest she will prenten.
  • Child with artificial fertilization. After the appearance of the first baby, little woman will think about a new pregnancy.
  • Adopting baby. Reaction similar to the previous option.

Thus, psychogenic infertility is treated, and you can do it without a specialist, despite the difficulties. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Reduced basal temperature is a formidable sign: she can talk about the development of dangerous complications.

What you need to know about BT before and during pregnancy? The desire for a future mother to learn about pregnancy is quite natural. The basal temperature is one of the key concepts that determine the condition of the body in such a responsible period. At each of the periods of the monthly cycle, the level of hormones is changing, and the internal temperature also changes.

What does basal temperature mean 36, 9? Throughout the I-th phase of the cycle - it can talk about the version of the norm. It decreases before ovulation. If the basal temperature is 36.2 what does this mean? This suggests that the woman had an advanced temperature of the temperature and that in the body everything is in order. Many future mothers ask their doctors: if the basal temperature is 36.4 what does it mean? If it is before ovulation, the body works normally. But if such a state is found in the II-th phase of the cycle or in the early rates of embryo, it is dangerous: a patient may develop serious hormonal failure.

After ovulation, the temperature rises. If the temperature ovulation occurred, the temperature of Bazal 36, 9, this indicates the hormonal imbalance and the need for treatment. Pregnancy may be threatened (exactly the same condition happens in the case if the temperature is above 37, 5).

Especially one should be attentive to those women who have already encountered the problem of non-chicken embryo. For them, it should be measured constantly all the pregnancy, since in its II-th half there may be situations when a fading or miscarriage can occur. Controlling the schedule, you can make certain conclusions and, if necessary, begin treatment.

In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature increases slightly to 37 and two. If the basal temperature is 36.5 months no, it can talk about a serious violation of the hormonal background. Treatment in these cases is extremely necessary: \u200b\u200bif it is not necessary, then infertility can develop with a high probability. In any case, it should be remembered that the hormonal dysfunction of ovarian cannot be considered safe and that for its correction will have to make considerable efforts.

The basal temperature of 36.6 after ovulation can talk about the so-called anoint cycle. This means that the egg did not develop and did not occur. The level and type of hormones then the woman changes, which leads to a violation of the reproductive function.

If BT does not fall after ovulation and there is no stock of it in front of an alleged new cycle, it most likely that pregnancy has ever come. To confirm it, you should pass further diagnostics. You can make a simple pregnancy test at home. If he showed her presence, then you need to see a doctor for an additional examination. After ovulation, the basal temperature of 36.7 in the second half of the cycle can talk about progesterone dysfunction.

If in the morning basal temperature 36.8 What does this mean? If there is no pregnancy, then such an indicator indicates that the body is preparing for the occurrence of a new monthly cycle. But if this indicator is available during pregnancy, then you should urgently pass the analysis of hormones. Then the early start of treatment will help get rid of problems with having to wear.

If the basal temperature in the early periods of 36.9, this indicates the presence of different pathologies. It should be at the level of 37.1 - 37.2, and sometimes more - depending on the individual characteristics of the female organism.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo occupies an abnormal position, but at the same time progesterone continues to be allocated to the blood. BT growth still takes place. In no case cannot bind the temperature growth with the development of such anomalous pregnancy. The patient must undergo a comprehensive examination in the presence of the slightest complaints.

Why is BT falls? Women should remember that during pregnancy, any fall of BT less than 37 is a sign of pathology. So, in the body there are separate reasons complicating its normal flow. It should be referred to as a gynecologist and never start an independent treatment. You can try to measure the temperature again, may have been made separate inaccuracies in such an important procedure.

Sometimes the doctor can detect a reduced level of progesterone in the body. Such a patient is subject to hospitalization. If you do it on time, the pregnancy can be saved. It happens that the reduced BT testifies to a frozen pregnancy. The progesterone level is greatly reduced, which is displayed in the temperature indicator. If the basal temperature is 36.3 what does this mean? Such a state during pregnancy can be very dangerous.

What should the attention be paid to women when lowering BT? Here are some simple recommendations.

  1. You never need to measure BT repeatedly, it will still not give the desired result.
  2. If this indicator falls in the first half of the day, this does not give a reason for concern.
  3. Measure the temperature follows only in the morning, adhering to all necessary recommendations.
  4. The indicator of BT is influenced by such factors as stress, physical exertion, overwork, intermittent and short sleep. All this should be considered in case of continuous monitoring.
  5. If pregnant is sick, then the correct indicator of BT cannot be achieved. Many drugs can both lower and increase the temperature. Appeal to the doctor in such conditions will be the only right solution, since individual infectious phenomena may adversely affect the natural flow of pregnancy.

If, according to the measurement results, a decrease in basal temperature is established, this indicates the presence of serious deviations in pregnancy. The early treatment of such a state contributes to the preservation of the fetus and the normalization of the patient's impaired hormonal background.

In the future, in more detail, individual articles are planned to consider the following questions:

  • which means the basal temperature of 36.6 before month, after ovulation;
  • which means the basal temperature of 36.7 before month and after ovulation;
  • why is the basal temperature of 36.8 during the week, on 6 DPOs, on the 28th day of the cycle;
  • what does the basal temperature of 36.6 per 18, 25 day of the cycle.

The menstrual cycle is divided into phases, consistently replacing each other. Depending on the phase, the content of hormones in the body of a woman can both increase, so fall, together with this, the indicators of the basal temperature are changed.

Basal temperature values

The body of each person has individual characteristics. Therefore, each woman has normal basal temperatures different values. In this case, the main criterion is not a temperature indicator, but the difference in temperature values \u200b\u200bbetween the cycle phases.

If the female organism functions in normal mode, the minimum difference between temperatures in the first and in the second phases is at least 0.4 degrees.

In the normal state in the follicular phase (immediately after menstruation), the level of estrogen in the blood increases, as a result of which the basal temperature of 36.7 degrees is determined. In some situations, the values \u200b\u200bmay be slightly lower, for example, is not an impaired basal temperature of 36.4 degrees in the follicular phase. However, if during this period the basal temperature of 36.1 degrees is already a pathology requiring consultation with a specialist.

Before starting ovulation, the basal temperature is 36.6 degrees. What does basal temperature mean 36.8 during this period? The basal temperature of 36.8 at this stage of the cycle is also a normal indicator. On the day of the ripening of the egg, the temperature values \u200b\u200bincrease, and the basal temperature is determined 36.9.

What does it mean? This suggests that the level of hormones increased, and the body is ready for fertilization and fastening the fruit egg in the uterus wall. At the time of ovulation, temperature indicators can reach 37.2 degrees. After ovulation, the basal temperature is 36.9 degrees.

Then there is a decrease in temperature values. But here everything is individually - in some women, the basal temperature in the second phase is 36.8 degrees, in other basal temperatures of 36.9 in the second phase. Sometimes immediately before the monthly basal temperature of 36.9 degrees - it also does not go beyond the norm.

However, in some cases, the basal temperature of 36.9 degrees before the onset of menstruation can talk about pathology, so there will be no advice with a gynecologist.

Low values \u200b\u200bof basal temperature

As already noted above, the values \u200b\u200bof basal temperature is a purely individual indicator and strictly standard does not exist. For example, the basal temperature of 36 degrees and the basal temperature of 36.5 degrees is a normal individual phenomenon, provided that the difference between the phases of the minimum of 0.4 degrees are preserved.

If the difference in temperature values \u200b\u200bis less than 0.4 degrees or the average value of the basal temperature is low, it can talk about violation.

For example, low temperature indicators are observed with such pathologies:

Data of basal temperature during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the basal temperature is an essential indicator with which you can identify possible disorders at an early stage, up to the threat of miscarriage. Temperature indicators are particularly important when one-time delay.

The basal temperature is 36.7 with a delay, as a rule, means that the conception has not happened. The reason for the absence of menstruation in this case can be a gynecological disorder. The symptom of the disorder can be the basal temperature of 36.8 with a delay.

However, the cause of the delay does not always perform pathology. The shift of the menstrual cycle may be connected, for example, with a climate change. Therefore, in drawing up the graphic of temperature values, all factors must be taken into account.

If the conception occurred, the temperature indicators will be 37 degrees and more. Normally, there can be no 36.7 basal temperature during pregnancy. During the baby tooling, the progesterone content is increased, which means that temperature indicators are increased. However, in certain situations, the temperature may be reduced.

It should be noted that it is meaning precisely a resistant decrease in temperature values. If the basal temperature of 36.8 during pregnancy was revealed once, this is not a symptom of violation. A similar phenomenon rather indicates the general condition of the body of a woman.

Future mom must alert low temperature values, which are determined for some time. The basal temperature of 36.6 during pregnancy, in most cases, speaks of the threat of miscarriage.

In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately apply to the medical institution, especially if low temperature indicators are accompanied by such symptoms as pain, unproduction of uterine tone, bleeding.

The basal temperature of 36.9 during pregnancy is associated with a shortage of genital hormones. Reducing the work out of progesterone in the body of the future mother can lead to miscarriage.

After all, it is progesterone prevents cutting of the uterus and, as a result, a detachment of a fruit egg.

To install an accurate diagnosis, blood test is performed. If the reason for the decline in temperature indicators is the deficit of progesterone, the future mother is assigned special medicines containing progesterone.

With timely identification of rejection and conducting relevant medical manipulations, pregnancy can be preserved in most cases.

In order to obtain accurate data, measuring the temperature is necessary, taking into account the following recommendations:

When should I contact a specialist?

If, subject to the correct measurements of temperature indicators for a long time, significant deviations are observed from the norm, you should contact a gynecologist to fulfill an additional medical examination and setting the correct diagnosis.

Consultation of a specialist is necessary in such situations:

Basal temperature control is an effective diagnostic method when planning pregnancy.

Also, the graphs of temperature indicators allow you to identify hormonal disorders in the body of a woman (provided that the temperature is properly measured). Therefore, many specialists and today use this simple, but at the same time a reliable research method.

Women who have long planned pregnancy, know that basal temperature before ovulation must be lower than that, which was recorded in the second phase of the monthly cycle. The measurement of this value allows you to control the course of many physiological processes of the reproductive sphere. Temperature fluctuations on the chart and their deviations from the norm indicate problems from the female sexual area and even help to assume the causes of these violations.

What is this technique

The basal temperature (BT) is a temperature indicator of a woman's body, which is determined rectally. For diagnosis, it is necessary that the body is in a state of complete inactivity for a long time (at least 3 hours). That is why it is reliable to be BT, measured in the morning immediately after sleep, when a woman has not had time to get up.

The measurement of basal temperature is carried out by introducing a thermometer into the rectum. Most often, women practice such a technique during pregnancy planning to determine ovulation (an important process, when the egg leaving the burst follicle). If you have a study regularly and display results on the chart, you can keep the reproductive processes under control, thereby increasing the chances of productive conception. Such accounts should be kept, starting from the first day of the cycle (first day of menstruation) before the next menstruation.

There are many subtleties and rules for maintaining and drawing up a temperature curve (read a detailed article, how to lead).

What will tell BT in the follicular phase

As you know, the monthly cycle of each woman consists of two phases separated by ovulation, that is, the moment of the follicle break, from which the ready-made egg is coming out.

The first (or follicular) phase is characterized by a period of maturation in one of the ovaries of the sexual geamet. This process does not need high temperature indicators, therefore proceeds on the background of a reduced basal temperature. Its optimal values \u200b\u200bin the first phase is considered to be the mark on the thermometer at 36.3 - 36.7 degrees Celsius.

Measuring the basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle allows:

  • lead control over the reproductive function;
  • determine the approximation of probable ovulation;
  • diagnose the duration of the follicular phase;
  • to detect the deviations of the hormonal background.

BT before ovulation indicates the level of hormonal activity in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. The normal indicators of the basal temperature in the follicular period indicate sufficiently high tutors of estrogen and low indicators of the amount of progesterone in the body of a woman.

It is estrogens that affect the ripening of a normal egg and the adequacy of the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus to the likely implantation (introduction) of the fruit egg. The reduced level of these hormones is a sign of serious disorders of neurohumoral regulation and requires a thorough examination.


Approximately 2-3 days before the exit of the ovary of the mature gamet on the graph is recorded by the so-called ovulation price - a decrease in the basal temperature by 0.1 - 0.3 degrees. It is about 11-13 days of the cycle, when the follicle reaches its maximum sizes and is preparing to burst. Sept lasts the day (sometimes a few hours), after which the indicators are returned to the previous level.

Women do not always manage to fix the spare on the chart. It happens that it is too short in time, and does not coincide with the moment temperature measurement. It happens that it is not due to individual characteristics. So, a graph without ovulation vigor can also be considered normal, unless, of course, the remaining parameters do not go beyond the norm.

The ovulation itself is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature indicators in the rectum by 0.4-0.6 degrees, after which it is customary to talk about the occurrence of the second lutein phase. At all of its BT, it is held from 36.8 to 37.3 degrees, which averages 37.0 degrees Celsius.

Only in the case of the productive fertilization of the female eggs with a sperm of its partner to 7-12 days after conception, the temperature decline is noted with its subsequent raising, which in time corresponds to the attachment of the fetal egg to the endometry and is called implantation.

Normal and pathology

Changes in the normal graph of basal temperature indicate the development of disorders of the functioning of its sexual sphere in the body.

Increased BT after menstruation - the correct sign of the development of the inflammatory process in the uterine cavity or on the ovary. Also, the high basal temperature in the first phase may indicate a decrease in estrogen products, which inhibits ovulation and leads to secondary infertility.

According to experts, the ideal graphs of BT practically does not exist. Normally, each woman 1-2 times a year is found with annevulatory cycles, when a consistently increased basal temperature is recorded in the first phase without ovulation spare with a smooth transition in the second period of the monthly cycle.

In this case there is no reason for concern. To refer to the gynecologist should be if the high basal temperature is diagnosed after 3 months and more than 3 months and is accompanied by infertility, painful sensations in the field of small pelvis, disorders of menstruation and the like.

Not always the cause of "bad" charts are diseases of the genital organs and hormonal dysfunction. Measuring basal temperature is a process that needs strictly implementing all instructions, and any of their violation leads to a violation of the accuracy of the results obtained. The growth of BT indicators affect both external and internal factors, including:

  • psycho-emotional shocks and stress state;
  • increasing the total body temperature;
  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • use on the eve of measuring BT of alcoholic beverages;
  • bad sleep and frequent night trips to the toilet;
  • sexual intercourse, perfect less than 6 hours before the measurement of the results.

If the listed reasons for increasing BT in the first phase of the cycle are missing, the situation is a reason for excitement. With this version of the development of events, the patient is recommended to seek advice from a specialist and exclude with the help of ultrasound diagnostics. The presence of an inflammatory process in the cavity of a small pelvis.

Believe this method

Despite the fact that the measurement is one of the most affordable and popular methods, many specialists are not inclined to trust its results. The reliability of such diagnostics can affect a number of factors that are not related to the condition of the patient's sexual system.

It is important to remember that the final diagnosis of doctors always put, relying on the results of more reliable research:

  • analysis of the level of genital hormones in different phases of the cycle;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of small pelvis organs, in particular, folliculosis.

Rectal measurement of basal temperature is used by many women to determine the likely ovulation day, which allows them to plan their pregnancy. But to trust this technique is 100% not worth it, since it is not its results can negatively influence a huge number of factors.

Basal Temperature Body (BT) - the smallest temperature achieved after a long stay. This indicator is recommended to measure all women planning pregnancy because it is a method for calculating favorable days for attempts to conceive the baby.

The basal temperature during pregnancy helps to monitor the course of the baby to wear. Its changes can indirectly judge complications - the ectopic implantation of the embryo or the miscarriage. Also, the basal temperature helps to diagnose the occurrence of pregnancy before the delay.

Basal temperature to pregnancy

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. For about 12-14 days from the beginning of the last menstruation, ovulation occurs - the outlet of the female sex cell from the ovary. From this point on, the conception is becoming possible for 3 days. With a shorter cycle, it can be observed for 8-12 days. With a long cycle, the output of the genital cell occurs on 16-18 days, sometimes even later. Some women have 2 and more ovulation in the interval between the two menstruation.

To determine ovulation, you can use or special tests. However, the first way can have low reliability, since all women have days favorable for fertilization correspond to different days of the cycle. The use of the ovulation test is quite accurate, but quite expensive method.

Measuring BT is a free and effective method for calculating ovulation. Since the beginning of the cycle, the indicator is 36.5-36.8 degrees. BT depends on the activity of progesterone - than it is more in the blood, the higher the indicator. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the amount of hormone is minimal. Low temperature supports the process of ripening the female genital cell in the ovary.

During the day before the release of a female genital cell from the BT ovarian can sharply fall for several tenth of degrees, it grows to 37.1-37.3 for the next day. When ovulation, a new organ appears - a yellow body synthesizing progesterone. It is the increase in the number of hormone raises BT to title values.

With the help of the BT calculation, a woman can warn the offensive of pregnancy. However, this prevention method has no high efficiency, since spermatozoa preserve fertilizing ability within 7 days after sexual intercourse. For reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy, the BT calculation should be combined with other protection methods.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy?

Basal temperature before delay

Measuring basal temperature to determine pregnancy is one of the methods for calculating the conception of conception. However, its accuracy depends entirely on how correctly the procedure was carried out. When performing all conditions, the measurement of basal temperature will report pregnancy before menstruation delay.

In the absence of pregnancy, the yellow body synthesizes progesterone for 7-10 days, then it devies, and the amount of hormone gradually decreases. Therefore, after some time after ovulation, the basal temperature becomes below for several tenth of degrees, accounted for about 36.9-37.0 degrees Celsius. After the start of menstrual bleeding, these numbers again take values \u200b\u200bof about 36.7 degrees Celsius.

If the pregnancy happened, the yellow body does not die, but continues to synthesize progesterone, which supports the hatching. BT in this case does not fall, and sometimes even becomes higher for one tenth degree, accounted for 37.1-37.4.

Using the measurement of BT, you can judge the success of ECO. With an extracorporeal fertilization, the woman is stimulated by progesterone, which increases the values \u200b\u200bof the indicator above 37.1 degrees. With a successful flow of the procedure, BT will be in the range characteristic of physiological pregnancy.

The basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy is 37.1-37.4 and can serve as a method for determining the onset of conception and monitoring the process of having a child.

Basal temperature after delay

The offensive of the delay corresponds to the 5th week of pregnancy. When the future mother does not have an HCG test at hand, it can use the method of determining BT. If its numbers make up 37.1-37.4 degrees, with a high probability should be judged by the coming conception. When BT is less than 37.0-36.9 - the pregnancy is unlikely.

Progesterone responsible for maintaining BT continues to be actively synthesized with a yellow body in 1 trimester. Therefore, its normal values \u200b\u200buntil 11-12 weeks of gestational period exceed 37.0 degrees.

With the beginning of the second trimester, the yellow body begins to gradually decrease in size and produces fewer progesterone. That is why BT, component of 36.8-36.9 degrees on the 16-18 week of gestation is an option for the norm. From the middle 2 trimester, the yellow body does not function, which reduces the amount of hormone, so the measurement of the indicator does not have prognostic value from 20 weeks.

Table of BT values \u200b\u200bin the absence of pregnancy

Cycle Day

7 day - ovulation

Ovulation - 3 days after ovulation

4th day after ovulation - 2-4 days before menstruation

2-4 days before menstruation - 1 day of the new menstrual cycle

Table of BT values \u200b\u200bwhen pregnancy occurs

Cycle Day

7th day - ovulation

Day fertilization

Fertilization day - 4th day after fertilization

Implantation (7th day after conception)

8-10 day after conception

11 day after conception - end 1 trimester of pregnancy

The end of the first trimester - the middle of the second trimester

The middle of the second trimester - childbirth

Basal temperature measurement rules

The basal temperature in pregnant women can serve as a reliable sign of its normal flow only in the case of proper dimension. Failure to comply with the rules described below may cause the inconsistency of real numbers and unreasonable experiences in the future mother. For the correct measurement of basal temperature follows:
  • conduct it after awakening, not making movements in bed;
  • measurements should be carried out at about the same time daily;
  • duration of sleep before measurement should be more than 6 hours;
  • the thermometer must be entered into an anal hole by 20 millimeters;
  • the duration of measurement should be at least 4 minutes.
The slightest physical activity, sexual intercourse at night in front of the measurement may cause blood circulation in a small pelvis, due to which the thermometer will show the overestimated values. Also some drugs and infectious diseases provoke a raising of basal temperature. In the evening there is a physiological rise of the indicator, so even after a long day sleep, the figures will not correspond to reality.

To track the ovulation and monitoring the course of pregnancy, a woman can conduct a graph of basal temperature. The future mother should be taken a large leaf, distinguished into the cell and spend two lines perpendicular to each other.

On the vertical line of the future mother, it is proposed to note the temperature with an interval of one tenth degrees, ranging from 36.0 and ending 38.0. Horizontally, a woman needs to be placed the days of the menstrual cycle, ranging from the very first.

Next, the woman should be noted daily measurements of basal temperature, putting the point at the place of intersection of the day of the menstrual cycle and the value obtained. Then the future mother needs to connect the placed points, so that it will receive a linear schedule. For more careful control of a woman it is recommended to sign symptoms that could provoke an increase in basal temperature - stress, infectious disease, diarrhea, sexual intercourse, etc.

At the occasion of pregnancy, an implantation drop on the 21th day of the cycle may be observed (with the length of the menstrual cycle in 28 days). From 21 to 24 days will be observed a small rise. From 25 days of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature will take a linear form, small oscillations for one or two tenths of degrees are possible.

Causes of reducing or increasing

1. Endometritis.

With this disease, a small drop of basal temperature is observed before menstruation, as it should be normal. However, on the 3-4 day of the cycle, the indicator is more than 37.0 degrees (normally it must be reduced about 36.5 degrees).

2. Inflammatory process.

Most often, a strong increase in basal temperature above 37.4 degrees indicates infection. Inflammation can occur in any authority, but the pathology of the reproductive system (, chlamydia, etc.) has the greatest impact on the indicator.

3. Email pregnancy.

Not always this pathology can be detected by measuring the basal temperature. But sometimes due to the attachment of the inflammatory process, the indicator is observed above 37.4 degrees. Up to this point, the basal temperature corresponds to the norm, since the yellow body produces progesterone as in physiological pregnancy.

4. Threat interrupt.

Pregnancy at a low base temperature, which is less than 37.0 degrees, can talk about progesterone deficiency. With a bad work of the yellow body there is a constant threat. Such a condition is often accompanied by pulling or grapple-shaped pain at the bottom of the abdomen and lower back, sometimes bloody discharges are joined.

5. Measuring pregnancy.

Due to the presence of chromosomal anomalies or the actions of other adverse factors, the embryo may die and do not leave the uterus. The basal temperature at measuring pregnancy will be below 37.0-36.9 degrees, since the yellow body ceases to synthesize progesterone. Usually, intrauterine death is accompanied by other symptoms: a sharp disappearance of toxicosis, a decrease in the mammary glands.

With the help of measuring basal temperature, you can plan favorable days before conception, learn about pregnancy before delay and control the course of the first trimester. However, this method does not have one hundred percent reliability, since there are many factors affecting the correctness of the results.

For the accuracy of BT results future mother should comply with all the rules for measuring. It should be remembered that even a banal cold or increased physical activity on the eve of computation can provoke incorrect indicators. Also, the use of low-quality thermometers leads to unreliable results.

The basal temperature in a concrete future mother may not fit into the above mentioned norms. In this case, a woman should be observed over the dynamics of changes in indicators. If during ovulation basal temperature did not reach 36.5 degrees, it is likely that after conception it will not exceed 37.0. Such results are rare, but they do not talk about complications.

All women are advised to monitor the basal temperature indicator to detect its sharp jump in one direction or another. Any violations in the graph of basal temperature are not always talking about the development of pathology. But with a sharp fall or increasing the indicators of the future mother, it is recommended to consult a doctor for the passage of additional research. Sometimes regular measurements of basal temperature help in time to diagnose complications such as an ectopic or frozen pregnancy.
