In the early period of pregnancy, future mothers have not yet notice significant changes in their condition. The fact that in the tummy is a real miracle, it reminds only the morning nausea. At this stage, women are already starting with love to stroke another imperceptible rummy, talking to the baby, invent him the name and guess what color there will have to be ordered to order a close-old krochi day.

Despite the seeming ease of state, it is important to relate to their health as carefully and understand that each action may affect the condition of the baby.

Important: More than 15 percent of all cases of pregnancies end with miscarriages.

During the tooling of the fetus, you do not need to use:

  • cinnamon;
  • cedar;
  • cypress;
  • basil;
  • lemgrass;
  • juniper.

These flavors ways to tremble a pregnant woman and increase the tone of the uterus. In some cases, doctors also prohibit oils with the addition of chamomile, rosewood and sandalwood.

What really needs future mothers are herbal baths with calendula, mint and chamomile, which are added in any form. Some women pour grass into a fabric bag, which is tied to the edge of the bath. In the water, herbs are beginning to distribute their useful properties.

What to wear in the early pregnancy

Futive mothers are not recommended to acquire tight clothes that restrains movement. The wardrobe of the future mother should be free and very comfortable. It is impossible to walk in high heels, because they shift the center of gravity and increase the load on the spine. In no case should not acquire synthetic linen, it is worth a time to abandon the panties "String". You need to choose underwear from cotton material and wear special bodies.


In the early deadlines, the future mommy should be very closely approaching the choice of cosmetics. For the development of the kid, such substances are dangerous as:

  • vitamin A;
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • hydrocortisone.

Be healthy!

Video - food during pregnancy

Video - which can not be done pregnant

Many girls all associated with pregnancy and childbirth causes a panic state. And when it comes time to think about the offspring, fear interferes to focus on the main birth of a child, forces all thoughts to devote to the possible negative sides of both processes. There is another extreme - the conviction is that nature will do everything itself, it means that there is nothing to worry about. Both points of view are incorrect. Pregnancy and childbirth - natural processes. But a woman should prepare for them morally and physically, have enough knowledge about how this happens, to do everything from it depends for the prosperous tooling and the birth of a healthy baby.

The need for this is caused not only by the material features of the family. Here is the most important health of both parents, their preparation for the emergence of a child, creating favorable conditions for this. The process is worth starting 2-3 months before the alleged fertilization. It includes:

  • Refusal of smoking and alcohol;
  • Normalization of nutrition with mandatory use of a large number of vitamins, trace elements, fiber;
  • Healthy physical activity with frequent extension in the fresh air. This part of the preparation is particularly useful to a woman, because it is she who is tooling a child and childbirth that requires stamina and energy costs;
  • Avoiding stress.

Actually, there is nothing complicated in these requirements, such a way of life would be good to keep everything constantly.

What doctors you need to visit

Future parents are necessary to be examined by physicians. Woman should be visited by doctors of the following specialties:

  • Gynecologist. Well, that it was a specialist who will then observe all the pregnancy. He should be aware of the suffering diseases, childbirth, abortions. The gynecologist will need the results of analyzes for flora, cytology, viral infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis), PCR studies for venereal infections, cytomegalovirus, as well as information on the susceptibility of the body to rubella;
  • Dentist. Before pregnancy you need to get rid of infections in the oral cavity, caries;
  • Cardiologist;
  • Otorinolaryngologist;
  • Allergist;
  • Endocrinologist.

In addition to the mentioned analyzes, it is necessary to do more research:

  • Ultrasound of reproductive organs and mammary glands;
  • Blood and urine tests (general and biochemical);
  • Levels of hormones;
  • Ultrasound thyroid gland.

If a woman has no first attempt to get pregnant, perhaps a specialist will find it necessary to designate:

  • Solposcopy of the cervix;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Endometrial biopsy.

Reception of oral contraceptives, as well as protection using the Navy, it is necessary to interrupt 2-3 months before conception. If the family has genetic diseases or radioactive irradiation has one of the future parents, it is worth visiting the relevant specialist.

So that the conception occurred exactly when you want to future parents, it is necessary to calculate the most favorable days for it. Ovulation occurs by about 11-16, if you count from the first day of menstruation.

Most important during pregnancy

In this period there are many nuances that should be known to ensure that everything goes harmoniously and safely for a woman and the future infant. Proper behavior will help to avoid many probable problems.


Understand that pregnant, the woman can, based on his own well-being. But it will be a little later, but for now the first signs did not designate, a pregnancy test comes to the rescue. Whatever it is, its functioning is based on the definition of the human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which appears immediately after implantation of the embryo inside the uterus, that is, 7-10 days after conception. And if you make a test on the first day of the expected, but not sending menstruation, it will be informative. These devices are several species:

  • Test strips. Impregnated with a reagent, which, when immersed in the morning urine, issues the result with an accuracy of 95% in 5-10 seconds. If another, the woman is pregnant will appear next to the existing control line;
  • Tablet. It is able to indicate a pregnancy at a delay of less than a week. A drop of morning urine is placed in the window intended for this. After some time, the result is visible in a rectangle;
  • Jet. It will reveal pregnancy with high accuracy at the earlier period. The receiving tip of the device is substituted under the stream of urine, and the result will be visible in a few minutes in the designed window.

It happens that tests issue inappropriate reality information. The reason for the violation of instructions or reception of drugs containing hCG.

How to determine time

To track pregnancy, its term is needed and a doctor, and the future mother. This is a basis for appointing research, observation of the development of the fetus, the possibility of identifying pathology. Thanks to the knowledge of the term it is easy to determine the date of the upcoming birth. There are several calculation methods:

  • On the day of ovulation. It occurs around the middle of the cycle. If he is 28 days, the conception occurred 14 days after the date of the early menstruation. Research the day of ovulation can also be regular measurements of basal temperature;
  • With the help of ultrasound. On the screen, the size of the fruit egg is clearly visible, according to which the doctor will calculate the term. Most informative this method is up to 24 weeks;
  • Examination of the uterus. The gynecologist will determine the term for its size, starting from the 5th week, when the organ begins to increase;
  • According to the first movement of the fetus. As a rule, this happens on July 18-20, sometimes on the 16th. Little, but some inattentive women just learned about pregnancy.

How to live with pregnancy

Lifestyle should be aimed at ensuring the normal development of the future child and well-being of a woman. This does not mean that all the pleasures become inaccessible, but life in the future mommy becomes more ordered:

  • It is necessary to monitor the power so that the fetus get enough vitamins, trace elements. About coffee, green tea, seafood, legumes should be forgotten, smaller carbohydrates, from which weight grows. But in the diet, meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits are not rebiring;
  • According to the prescription, the doctor must be taken vitamins. Especially important folic acid. But vitamina and need moderate doses, otherwise the child threaten pathology;
  • Recreation and comfort are the main components of the routine of the day. It also applies to clothing and linen. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, mental, physical and emotional loads are reduced. 1.5-hour outdoor walks are important, exercises for strengthening the spine, abdominal muscles, crotch;
  • The use of transport should be limited due to possible shaking, which creates unwanted vibration;
  • Lifting weights and drum home work, especially with the use of chemicals, prohibited;
  • Alcohol and smoking are enemies of pregnancy. Even infrequent use can provoke a child from a child;
  • Medicinal preparations and plants are accepted only by appointment of a doctor;
  • It should be monitored carefully, but without the use of toxic cosmetics, acrylic and ammonia materials, solarium, hardware methods. Care and hygiene products are better to choose those that are specifically designed for pregnant women;
  • Breasts are prepared for future feeding with warm and cool water, air baths for 10 minutes 3 times a day;
  • With normally proceeding pregnancy, vaginal sex is not prohibited. With an increase in the period only you need to protect the growing belly from pressure on it.

Unimportant well-being - not uncommon at different periods of pregnancy. Typical women's problems:

  • Toxicosis. It manifests itself since the beginning of pregnancy with nausea, vomiting, disgusting to food and some odors. By the 12th week, toxicosis passes, but before that time, it is possible to ease his symptoms if in the morning to eat a piece of salt cookies with sweetened faded tea, drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day, reduce portions and increase the number of food intakes up to 6;
  • In the legs. The increasing uterus turns the vessels, so the blood supply to the muscles is broken. The body may experience a lack of calcium and potassium. Help products containing these trace elements, mini charging with compressing-squeezing toes;
  • Dizziness. They can occur for various reasons: stuffing, tesne, fatigue. You can cope with the problem, avoiding creating conditions;
  • Insomnia. It is caused by anxiety and changes in the body that provoke the need to often go to the toilet, the inability due to the belly to choose a convenient position. Sleep mode will help in the same clock, drink warm milk shortly before it, day rest;
  • . You can eliminate the problem, if you drink a glass of water after awakening, and before eating, add lemon juice to it, walk a lot, introduce prunes, dried into the diet.

Birth: Readiness №1

In the entire chain of childbirth, this woman is afraid of the most. Birth is a serious test, but the overwhelming majority of moms successfully overcome it. In addition, specialists are always ready to help nearby.

What to take in the hospital

Necessary things and documents should be prepared in advance. Before childbirth, you need to take with you only those that will be needed directly for a woman and a newborn. Everything else is going and left for later, these things will bring the happy father later.

  • Passport;
  • Exchange card;
  • The results of the latter today analyzes;
  • Medical policy;
  • Generic certificate;
  • The contract with the clinic (if concluded).

Things for childbirth and stay in the ward:

  • Spacious night shirt;
  • Socks, thin and thorough, but not woolen;
  • Hygienic accessories (soap, comb, brush and tooth pasta, napkins, toilet paper);
  • A pair of small terry towels;
  • Bathrobe;
  • Washing slippers with a non-slip sole.

Objects that will be needed after childbirth and at discharge:

  • Hygienic gaskets and disposable lingerie for mom;
  • 2 with a fastener in front;
  • Cream of cracks of nipples;
  • Laxative candles;
  • Pampers for the newborn 1 set. Another buy already in accordance with the size of the baby;
  • Children's soap, cream, soft towel;
  • Sterile wool;
  • Thin and thick sprawers, caps, diapers, mittens;
  • Blanket or "Envelope", a hat, overalls, socks for extracting. All things on the weather;
  • Clothes and cosmetics for mom. That in which the woman came to the hospital, most likely, will be great.

How to go birth

Healthy women produce a child in a natural way, that is, through the birthway. The process in which the midwife or doctor is helped is divided into 3 phases:

  • The first one is counted from the beginning of regular bouts until the cervical disclosure of the uterine is 4 cm. This is the longest part - 8-10 hours. Sometimes the process is stimulated by medicines;
  • The second lasts 3-4 hours. The fights are enhanced and expanded, the fruit bubble is revealed and water departs. The cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed to 6-8 cm, and the fruit moves to the level of the pelvic bottom;
  • The third is characterized by the disclosure of the uterine seva by 10-12 cm and continues from 20 minutes to 2 hours. It goes to the main part of childbirth, although in sensations the activity of the process is weakened. But this is not the case, it is after the full opening of the cervix the fetus head passes through the pelvic ring, and after the 8-10 swell of the mother's mother comes out. Sometimes, to facilitate this part of the way, the crotch of women dissect.

During the first two phases, the woman allows you to sit down, walk to stimulate generic activities. In some clinics, the process passes with anesthesia. The state of the feminine is controlled by measuring pressure, temperature, making vaginal studies.

After the birth of a child and stopping the pulsation in the umbilical cord, it takes it. From the uterus, it turns out of 2-3 contractions, the woman is introduced drugs for the prevention of bleeding.

Cesarean section

Must be appointed according to the testimony, but sometimes it is done at the request of a woman. Planned operation is carried out like this:

  • On the operating table, the woman make epidural or general anesthesia. Put a dropper and a pressure measurement device, as well as a urine removal catheter;
  • The belly of women wipe the antiseptic, the doctor dissects the abdominal wall and the front uterus, removes the child, cuts the umbilical cord. It takes 10-15 minutes;
  • The surgeon separates the placenta, explores the uterus cavity, sews the body. The sutures are then applied to the abdominal wall, above the dressing and ice;
  • A woman for a day is placed in the intensive care where saline and antibiotics are introduced.

After transfer to the ward, the seams are treated every day, an anesthetic stop pricking after 3-4 days.

  • Women's body is restored faster;
  • You do not need to spend time looking for a suitable baby food, money for its purchase, messing with the preparation and sterilization of the bottle.
  • Usually, the child is applied to the chest on the third day after childbirth, and before that the woman has to be imprisoned. It hurts, but it is necessary that then it was possible to feed at least 6 months, and better before a year. In this regard, the newly-made mothers are worried about two problems:

    • Lack of milk;
    • Cracks of nipples.

    The first is solved by frequent attachment of the child to the chest, the reception of stimulating the lactation of the means: the infusion of anise seeds, a grated carrot with sour cream. A woman will have to drink a lot of fluid and eat right to avoid the infant gas formation.

    Cracks of nipples need to be treated with special creams and air baths. It is also necessary to learn how to give the chest to the baby, so that he captures the nipple along with the AREOLA.

    Body after childbirth

    In this part, most of all the suffering of women gives the belly. He is no longer so flat, as before, during pregnancy, the muscles stretched out and slightly sought. But to put up with this optional. Some measures can be taken:

    • Change food. If you include in the diet of oatmeal, rice, vegetables, fruits, drink plenty of water, it will freeze metabolic processes. Fat from the belly slowly, but steadily starts to leave. Do not forget that a large amount of fiber is harmful to the baby if it is breastfeeding. And the starvation is unacceptable, because milk will disappear. Therefore, in his zeal to harmony, you need to know the measure;
    • Restore muscle tone. Great exercises will help: abdominal breathing, his tension on a walk, for household chores. It is necessary to increase the load gradually, it is possible to intensively in half a year after delivery, if they passed without complications.

    Postpartum discharge

    The uterus after childbirth is not restored per day. This process is stretched for a certain period, in continuation of the woman go lohi. In their composition, the first time is a lot of blood, then they gradually brighten up and by the end of the 6-8th week after childbirth acquire transparency or white color.

    Menstruation can come after 1.5-2 months, if the woman does not breastfeed. Lactation elongates the period without menstruation to six months. But on average and in breastfeeding, they begin at the 4th month after childbirth, because by this time the child is already introducing lures and apply less to his chest.

    Sex after childbirth

    It is still 4-6 weeks to refrain from it if the birth was normal. The calender of the Woman's sphere should fully recover, then sex will be in joy, and will not cause pain and infection.
    After the cesarean section or cringe breaks for recovery, you will need 2 months.

    With first sexual contact, a woman can feel pain and discomfort. This is due to the dryness of the vagina, which can be fixed with a lubricant, and better a long prelude to the act. The tone of the walls is almost always reduced. But this problem is also solving the vaginal training with the exercises of Kegel.

    Pregnancy is the period in life when you need to abandon many of your habits. But is it so critical to relate to the new position and deprive yourself of all the joys of life? The answer is "no". But the list of "taboi" still exists.

    Basic bans for pregnant women

    There are many myths and facts about this period of life Women: Some believe that it cannot cut hair, paint the nails, actively move, etc. It should be attentive to figure it out. Due to the change of the hormonal background, it is better to refrain from the curling and hair coloring procedures, as a result of which their condition may worsen. If you feel about the category of women who paint hair constantly, stop your choice on gentle options. The future mother is also prohibited by the wearing of synthetic linen. During pregnancy, it is impossible:

    Do not change climate

    In the early periods of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications, you can travel. But here are flights, because of which the climate change occurs and atmospheric pressure changes occur, in the later dates - are prohibited. In addition, some women themselves are hard to endure even simple weather differences, not to mention if they are in position. Therefore, it is better not to risk, but to care and yourself and your tummy, without changing the usual rhythm of life. We do not say that pregnant women are better not to leave the house. But in winter it is not recommended to change frost to the sun, even the ladies, the pregnancy of which flows calmly.

    Less than talking on the phone

    In the modern world of human communication are built mainly on communicating through such intermediaries as the Internet and a mobile phone. So refuse to use a mobile phone, even knowing its harm, is quite difficult. Only now it has been proven that the use of cellular communication is what it is impossible to do pregnant women. Therefore, if without mobile at all, limit it use and completely disconnect overnight.

    Do not take hot baths

    Everything that lifts the body temperature over 38.9s, regardless of whether it is a long bathing in a bath, or too long stay in the sauna, or exhausting work in the heat, or viral infection - it is potentially dangerous for the development of the fetus, especially in the first months of pregnancy . There is another important point: during pregnancy, a woman is very vulnerable to the vagina microflora. So, from this point of view, the hot bath for women is not very good.

    Better, take a shower for habit. And even better - a contrast, because this hardening, which is favorable affecting the entire body as a whole, since the redistribution of blood resulting from such a procedure is useful for the operation of such organs like the brain, liver, heart, as well as for the entire sexual system.

    Do not sit on foot

    The position of foot on the leg is one of the most beloved women. However, one of the main tasks of pregnant women - strive to reduce the load on the legs and give the opportunity to fully relax. Only here, if you sat down to relax and at the same time put the leg to the leg, then you do not give rest to your feet. Moreover, you worsen the condition of the legs, as there is an additional relocation of the veins and ejected fabrics. As a result, legs do not rest, swelling increases, and the possibility of the development of cellulite is aggravated!

    If in the first half of pregnancy swelling you do not bother you - it is very good! But in the second half, in addition to the growing abdomen and weight, the baby is growing, and the head of the kid, which gradually falls to the entrance to the small pelvis. And you, constantly putting my leg leg, prevent the correct flow of this process. Some women even occur at a fairly strong relaxation of ligaments, especially pubic, and the pathological mobility of the pubic articulation occurs.

    With the downstream head, in the foot foot position, the pressure on the baby's head is enhanced, and this can very adversely affect your child's health.

    Do not drink a lot, do not eat little

    At the insistence of doctors, pregnant women are not advised to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. And it is better if this figure does not exceed 1.5 liters. Moreover, soups, fruits and juices are also taken into account in them.

    As for the nutrition, there can be no speech on diet during pregnancy. Power simply should be right! We pay special attention to this issue, as it is one of the important conditions of the favorable flow and outcome of pregnancy, childbirth, the normal development of the fetus and the newborn.

    Do not smoke and do not breathe smoke

    Not news that smoking is dangerous for the smoker himself, and for a witness. And if you are also pregnant, then from passive smoking during this period there may be a delay in intrauterine development, the development of the fetus of cancer tumors, and is not excluded, the possibility of premature births.

    Smoking Officers are doubly at risk. Kids born with smokers, more often have problems with the central nervous system and weigh little. Therefore, it is not easy to quit smoking, but necessary!

    Of course, it is not easy to lose your favorite habits. But for the sake of the baby, because it is possible to try!

    Food. Pregnant can not eat:

    Undesirable to drink coffee and strong tea During pregnancy, because It contains caffeine, which has an exciting effect on the baby's nervous system. If you simply do not imagine your life without coffee, then it is necessary to reduce its number of up to two cups per day. It is also worth abandoning other products containing caffeine, replacing them to safer.

    Exercise, housework, health

    Pregnant woman can not have sex? It is possible in the absence of contraindications. Remember that sex during pregnancy should be as gentle as possible, avoid sharp movements.

    Pregnant can not be lifted in gravity? Extremely undesirable. Everything is individually, but theoretically, the raising of greater weight can provoke premature childbirth. In addition, it is detrimental for the back of the future mother.

    What exercises can not be done pregnant? Any exercises involving sharp movements, pressure on the stomach, the unnatural load on the back, and the like. If you wish to conduct a physically-active lifestyle during pregnancy, you should pay attention to various fitness programs for pregnant women, however try to choose a reliable instructor.

    Pregnant can not be erased manually? It is strictly prohibited. Washing manually can not only tire you, create an excess tension in the back, but also adversely affect your health and baby health at the expense of a long contact with water containing detergents.

    During pregnancy, especially in the first months avoid overwork. Try to work so as not to feel fatigue. Any heavy work on the house trust her husband, he will surely not ask why pregnant women cannot be lifted, and on the contrary carefully take part of the work. Moreover, it is also worth attributing packages with purchases and even young children.

    It is impossible to overturn legs. If you begin to feel discomfort in your feet, then be sure to take a break, pass. Best of all in case of overwork, lie down or use the chair so that you can pull your legs and give them to relax.

    Pregnant woman can't put vaccinations, root and take medicine? Of course, it is better to avoid diseases, since the reception of drugs during pregnancy is undesirable. In any case, this question should be decided by your doctor and nobody more.

    As for vaccinations, there may be particularly dangerous vaccinations against measles, pigs, rubella and tuberculosis. If you are going to go to the other country, it is necessary to clarify whether you need to make some vaccinations and consult them with a specialist.


    If necessary, go somewhere, you can use, perhaps, any kind of transport, except aircraft. When the flight, frequent pressure drops occur, which will negatively affect the state of health. For the same reason, it is better to forget about the time of attractions and extreme sports. Otherwise, when traveling, try not to overwork and take care of your back.

    Appearance and care

    Pregnant woman can not paint hair? More precisely, it is harmful, because using paint for hair, you inhale, allocated by it, pairs. It may not affect your health, and the future kid is desirable to protect against chemical smells.

    Pregnant can not sunbathe?It is possible, but in moderation. The excessive effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin can lead to oncological diseases, so no matter whether you are pregnant or not, sunbathing should be dosed.

    Pregnant woman can not take a bath? More precisely, the hot bath, it can provoke various complications up to the abortion of pregnancy. Warm baths are not only possible, but also need to be taken, as they help to relax tense muscles.

    Pregnant woman can not wear heels? Extremely undesirable. High heel shoes creates an additional burden on the spine, which is so overwhelmed during pregnancy.

    Folk signs that it is impossible to do pregnant

    There are many superstitions that prohibit various actions:

    • pregnant women can not knit, sew;
    • to cut hair;
    • buy things for baby before birth.

    Most of these will adopt and are purely associative. They should not pay attention. But some superstitions are not deprived of common sense. For example, approval " pregnant women can not be stroking cats"- the cat may well cause infection with toxoplasmosis. However, if you do not forget about the elementary regulations of hygiene and soaply wash your hands with soap, then the cats do not represent any threat.

    What pregnant women can not go to the funeral It is also quite logical. Future mothers are very impressionable, and any experiences negatively affect pregnancy.

    And the most important ban - pregnant women can not be nervous and thinking about bad. A good mood and a smile on the face will make much more than all the recommendations and tips.

    Before the birth of the baby do not need to recognize his gender

    The church opposes such predictions. Sometime, experts said that the procedure could cause the body to harm the child. But today, all future moms should pass the ultrasound. Naturally, if the baby hides in such a way that its gender is impossible to determine, then it is not necessary to often conduct this procedure.

    Pregnant woman should not keep long hands above his head

    A woman who is waiting for the baby is not recommended to hang the curtains, hang underwear, because the child can get confused in its own umbilical cord. A child can be stored in his umbilical cord in the event that it is very long or baby has very high activity. What length will be the umbilical cord in the baby laid at the genetic level, so the woman can not affect its length on its length.

    For a long time, gynecologists confirmed the fact that if during pregnancy a woman would often raise his hands high, then during the appearance of a child will throw the umbilical cord upon itself. But today, experts have proven that it is not completely interconnected. But, it is worth knowing that after the twentieth week of pregnancy and the truth does not need to often raise your hands so that the oily water waters have no strengthen and premature births began. This is not often found, but everything is better not to risk.

    You can not swear in the presence of a pregnant woman, because the child may have a birthmark

    Congenital pigment spots arise due to the fact that melanocytes are incorrectly developed - pigment cells. They are both on the skin and inside. Explicit reasons why such pigment stains occur, they are not clarified, but it is precisely proved that they are not developing as a result of scandals during pregnancy.

    But do not forget that all the negative emotions that a woman gets with someone with someone, and her baby is harmful. Therefore, any situations that negative emotions can be avoided.

    A woman who is waiting for a child is forbidden to sew, otherwise she can "sew" the path to the baby in our world

    This is invented superstition, absolutely not justified. He came up with nothing to do. This judgment has no smart justifications, because needlework is capable only to affect the future mommy positively. But it is important to remember that it is necessary to deal with needlework only in a position that will be convenient to mother so that all useful substances and blood can come to the fruit.

    If the mommy sews for a long time and notices that the baby suddenly began to move very actively or sharply, then she needed to change the situation in this case - to lie down or go a little stroll.

    Things for a child can not be acquired before childbirth

    Such superstition has existed for a long time. It was previously believed that the clothes prepared and acquired in advance, the future child can not belong to, as the otherworldly forces have already occupied. There is also another explanation - in ancient times in Russia, all families were many families, there were no need for new things in the acquisition of new things, since all things passed from senior kids to younger kids. But for the first child, it was customary to prepare clothes in advance.

    Mom needed to sew tiny clothes, and the father was making the cradle. In those days, special stores did not exist for small children, and the ability to purchase things a couple of days before the birth was not born.

    During pregnancy, a woman is forced to take care of not only his health and life, but also the health and life of the future child. It is responsible for the development of the fetus, its growth and livelihoods. And therefore, forced to adhere to many rules, refuse many habits and be particularly vigilant and attentive.

    What can not eat during pregnancy

    The first thing that will have to start changing your life is meal. It must certainly be useful and full. This means that the future mother must consciously approach the compilation of its diet. In the daily menu, animals and vegetable proteins, complex carbohydrates, useful fats should be included in the daily menu. A variety on the table during pregnancy is desirable and even necessary. But now you have to think about it several times before you eat. First, it is necessary to control weight gain so as not to gain extra; Secondly, a lot of things can not eat during pregnancy or at least limit quantitatively.

    So, there are categories of potentially dangerous for the future mother and child products that are capable of causing strong allergic reactions, lead to a reduction in the uterine muscles, cause stool disorders and constipation, ignite blood and threaten the start of bleeding, disrupt the work of the heart and worsen the blood circulation, provoke the appearance of edema.

    Mold cheeses, sharp spices, severe salty dishes and products, sushi, raw eggs and meat, alcohol, and others have been made to the list of products for prohibited during pregnancy. More information can be found in this section.

    What can not be done during pregnancy

    But the exception of some food restrictions during pregnancy are not exhausted. Now much will not be done from the fact that there are no big dangers in ordinary life. Doctors do not recommend future mothers to wear gravity, walk in high heels, smoke and be in the coastal premises, sunbathing and visit the solarium, nervous and polit, perform heavy physical work. Regarding many prohibitions, there is not only a medical, but also a folk view: is it possible to paint and cut hair, raise your hands, knit and embroider, go to church, take medicine, having sex and much more - here you will find answers to all these questions .

    Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to successful delivery, preserving the health of the most pregnant and appearance of a healthy baby. But what we need to eat during pregnancy, telling the watch doctor. It should not always be heard to the advice of their loved ones, recommending a food diet regarding their own needs.

    Nutrition pregnant

    The food diet of pregnant in the first months of the term is very difficult to regulate. In the first trimester, a woman may experience strong toxicosis, because of which it is generally entitled to refuse any food. In this period, even some completely non-aggressive smells annoy, not to mention dishes.

    Over time, when toxicosis retreats, and the appetite is returned, another problem occurs - a rapid set of excess weight, with which it is very difficult to fight. Extra kilograms provoke a number of serious problems accompanying a woman and after childbirth. It:

    • phlebeurysm;
    • leaning to constipation;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • heart failure;
    • renal failure;
    • disorders of the pancreas;
    • template to elevated arterial pressure.

    The food diet, which claims the watching doctor, can lead a woman in complete despondency. Food of pregnant woman is not too tasty, so as not to "warm up" appetite and at the same time saturate the body with useful substances.

    From the first trimester, portions sets the doctor. Now the food of the pregnant will vary on the weeks of development of the child. There are a number of necessary products that preferably use pregnant constantly. Cottage cheese and iron-containing products occupies a dominant role.

    Useful food for pregnant women

    Before discussing all sorts of dishes for pregnant, the general rules for the preparation of the edible diet should be taken into account. Products of plant origin should be ⅔ eaten for the day of food. Most importantly, such a menu in the last period of pregnancy, at least two or three weeks before delivery. Vegetables contain a large number of prostaglandin, ensuring the elasticity of the tissues of the genital tract.

    Dishes from vegetables have a beneficial effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract organs, eliminating constipation and holding back the growth of fat deposits. Kinging vegetable soups and honeycomb, pregnant women will not feel high load on the stomach and the pancreas, especially if the dishes are cooked on a pair without using a frying pan.

    However, no vegetables will be able to replace neither the parent organism or the future baby meat products. Refuse meat during pregnancy is just a crime. The growing embryo is simply needed by a protein of animal origin. Every day, a pregnant woman needs to include up to 100 grams of animal proteins. If at some days a woman wants to do without meat, it should be replaced by fish.

    A separate item can be distinguished fruit. Of course, the future mothers who had allergic problems even before conception should be extremely careful, choosing fruits in supermarkets. Most exotic fruits are preliminary treatment with liquefied gas or permissible herbicides to give them a commodity form for a longer period.

    Exotic fruits entering the local market overcome a big way from southern countries. Sometimes shipping leaves from a few days to several weeks. Usually, fruits and vegetables from abroad are transported by sea, since this is the cheapest type of delivery. It is not recommended to buy fruits and vegetables for pregnant women and vegetables sold in vacuum packages.

    It should also be remembered that freshly prepared food is much more tastier and more useful than the precedes and prepared in advance. Therefore, it is better to prepare for pregnant women with small portions at the rate of one reception. Food left overnight in the refrigerator can not be covered with polyethylene packages and for a long time to keep under the drop-down lids. It can multiply the pathogenic microflora, an invisible human eye, but carrying a high degree of danger of health.

    It should be excluded nutrition to dry and "on the go". You can not overeat, as well as going for a long time hungry. The feeling of thirst must be quenched as it occurs. An important meaning has what will drink pregnant and in what volumes. Increased fluid consumption will lead to edema that will cause shortness of breath, blockage of the veins of the lower extremities, prevent normal blood circulation. Drink must be room temperature. Not recommended by carbonated, tonic and alcoholic beverages. Food needs to be consumed slowly, in a relaxed atmosphere, carefully chewing. Air falling in a hurry can cause prolonged belongings, colic and general discomfort.

    What products are needed

    Useful cooking for pregnant women make up dishes prepared as follows:

    • Cooking food in a steamer or baking in the oven. This is the most useful way of thermal processing of products. Bake can be any products, from vegetables to meat and fish. To do this, use foil, polypropylene packaging or parchment paper. So you can prepare dietary meat, while retaining all the beneficial substances in it.
    • Food prepared with extinguishing method. This option involves long-term extinguishing of products in a closed dish with a small addition of water or vegetable oil. Meat, vegetables and mixed dishes are obtained very tasty and nutritious.
    • Food prepared in the way of fry. In order to preserve most in the frying products in the pan, useful substances, it is necessary to fry vegetables or meat with small pieces on a hot surface without adding fats. For such dishes, the frying pan is ideal, it has thin walls that heated evenly from the bottom to the upper surfaces. The flame of the burner should cover the entire surface of the frying pan, so the burner should be wide.
    • Food prepared in nature outdoor fire. This very first method of cooking in human society is gaining popularity and now. For the future Mom, it is desirable to select low-fat pieces of meat or fish. Small pieces can fry pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants, potatoes. Before meal, remove the crust formed during frying.

    From vegetable food, pregnant women can be all, individually excluding what can cause allergic reactions. Careful need to be with the use of citrus, tomatoes, strawberries, some exotic fruits. Salads are better to refuel with unrefined vegetable oil, trying not to abuse with salt and sharp spices. Salt and spices cause an increased sense of thirst, provoking swelling and accumulation of excess weight.

    The benefits of a beef language for pregnant women

    Beef tongue refers to dietary products due to the insignificant content of connective tissue cells. The dishes from the beef language are easily absorbed, without provoking in the digestive system of grinding processes, which is characteristic of other types of meat products.

    • takes part in the synthesis of hormones and amino acids;
    • improves the work of the nervous system;
    • eliminates anemia;
    • stabilizes fat and carbohydrate exchange;
    • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
    • improves the functions of the skin.

    In dishes prepared from a beef language, high protein content and microelements, contributing to the improvement of the work of the pancreas. Nutritionists believe that this product is able to fill about half of the daily rate of trace elements, the vital organism of an adult.

    Doctors observing pregnant women are strongly recommended to include a dish from a beef language in a food diet, which will exclude the development of anemia, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and will saturate the body of the mother and the future kid with the useful substances.

    Jelly during pregnancy

    The gelatin contained in jelly is not able to have influence on blood clotting. Therefore, you can use dishes in which gelatin is present, in full. For the preparation of food gelatin, the extract of marine Pacific algae agar-agar or cartilage and tendons of animal origin are used. Purchase tissues of animals are saturated with natural collagen, which will reliably provide the health of the cartilage of a pregnant and forming embryo.

    Gelatin is rich in glycine. This is necessary for the organism of the amino acid. It is thanks to her a person feels a tide of energy and mental activity. As part of gelatin, there are the following substances that influence the operation of the digestive and cardiac system:

    • alanine;
    • dicarboxylic acids;
    • peptides;
    • active proteins.

    Some fruits do not advise to take when pregnancy in raw form, since they are able to cause exhaust, stool disorders and heartburn. Preparing a tasty jelly with the addition of juices or fruit juices, you can finely fill the stock of trace elements and vitamins in the body of a pregnant woman, aligning useful with pleasant.

    Recommend pregnant dishes with the addition of gelatin doctors accounted for with indispensable taking into account the intestinal work of their patients, since it has a slight astringent action.

    Beer yeast for pregnant women

    Beer yeast have a beneficial effect on the body. The product is produced by pharmacological companies in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions. This is a real storehouse of trace elements and vitamins, which is an excellent biologically active additive.

    Yeasts are unicellular fungal organisms that persist under certain conditions in the "live" state. They are obtained in the process of cultivation of the following composition: malt, chips of hops and beer wort. After connecting the components, the fermentation phase begins with subsequent fermentation.

    Women in the period of gestation often have health problems caused by a shortage of nutrients in the body:

    • increased fatigue;
    • litness of nail plates;
    • hair loss on the head;
    • reduction of immune functions;
    • the appearance of skin rashes.

    Beer yeast prescribed pregnant women to maintain the body in such a difficult period. The additive does not contain substances dangerous for the embryo and the parent organism, so experts safely appoint it to women from the early terms of conception.

    Beer yeast differ in the following content:

    • Vitamins B, P and D. Contribute to the restoration of the functions of the nervous system, skin, nail plates, hair follicles.
    • Phosphorus. Updates bone tissue and stabilizes the work of the urinary system organs.
    • Copper. It takes an active part in the splitting of fats and carbohydrates, and also stimulates insulin production.
    • Potassium. Adjusts the acid-alkaline balance in the body and improves the transmission of nerve pulses.
    • Calcium. Forms structural material at the cellular level, creating healthy tuning of teeth at the embryo and bone.
    • Zinc. Provides regeneration of cerebral cord cells.
    • Magnesium. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, reduces tremor, stabilizing the function of the nervous system.
    • Silicon. Promotes the normal absorption of calcium by the body.
    • Sodium. Supports electrolytic balance in the body of a woman and embryo.
    • Sulfur.Improves the structure of the skin, hair and nail plates.
    • Selenium. Neutralizes hazardous decomposition products, increases the protective functions of the body.

    However, with all the beneficial properties of beer yeast, gynecologists are suitable for their purpose. Active enzymes can provoke dysbacteriosis of the mucous membranes of sexual paths and disorders of the urinary system organs. Therefore, the doctor carefully examines the history of pregnant and individual features.

    Necessary trace elements

    Most of the necessary microelements the body gets from food. This is iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. In cases where the lack of beneficial substances participating in metabolic processes, protein synthesis, improving blood circulation and digestion, makes itself felt, should be taken by the necessary trace elements additionally. Especially rich in microelements of seafood, vegetables and fruchtes.

    During pregnancy, the female organism often lacks the gland. Iron deficiency can lead to irreversible processes in the development of the embryo. Woman should keep track of the first symptoms of iron shortages and compensate for it. So, the most common iron deficit symptoms are as follows:

    • anemia;
    • increased fatigue;
    • drowsiness;
    • dizziness;
    • muscle weakness;
    • frequent sudden heartbeats;
    • a tendency to irritability;
    • depression;
    • dry skin;
    • litness of nail plates;
    • syndrome "Restless legs";
    • dyspnea;
    • decline in appetite;
    • inflammation or pain and lips.

    In most cases, it is possible to reimburse the lack of iron, if you adjust your food diet. Table number 1 shows products with a high content of iron.

    Table # 1. Iron-containing products and the level of the content of the trace element in them

    Dried mushrooms

    Rabbit meat

    Pork liver

    Wheat bran

    Meat turkey

    Brewer's yeast

    Cocoa powder

    Beef liver

    Egg yolk



    Fresh mushrooms

    Chicken meat

    Sea cabbage

    Egg white

    How to use vitamins

    The whole complex of the necessary vitamin organism is pregnant should receive in full. From berries you can buy cranberries, raspberry, currants, blueberries. All fruits contain vitamin C, which is perfectly retained for a long time in the places and are fluttered with sugar berries.

    Fruits can also be used in raw form if the pregnant woman does not suffer in high secretion of gastric juice and allergic reactions to some of them. When a woman feels that raw fruits cause increased irritation of the gastric mucosa, then the perfect version will be kirly and compotes from fruits. Apples can be baked in a brass closet or a double boiler, from juicy fruits you can prepare a filling for curd dishes.

    In addition to fruits, vitamins are contained in meat and dairy products, vegetables, offal. The most comprehensive list of the necessary vitamins and products containing them are given in Table No. 2.

    Table # 2. Required fat-soluble vitamins during pregnancy

    Name Vitamin


    A (Retinol + Bat carotene)

    Summary receptors, skin, mucous membranes

    Liver, egg, butter, dairy products

    D (calciferol)

    Calcium digestibility, bone growth, teeth

    Egg, butter, solid cheese, milk, fatty fish varieties

    E (tocopherol)

    Natural antioxidant

    Vegetable oil, olives, wheat seedlings

    Blood coagulation

    Liver, onions, spinach, cucumber, green peas, parsley, dill

    B1 (thiamine)

    Metabolic processes, nervous and muscular activity

    Liver, heart, tongue, beans, peas, beer yeast, whole grain porridge

    B2 (Riboflavin)

    Metabolic processes, heart work

    Liver, Heart, Red Meat, Grain Porridge, Dairy Products, Beer Yeast

    B5 (pantothenic acid)

    Metabolic processes

    Beef, liver, egg, beer yeast, cereal cereals

    B6 (pyridoxine)

    Metabolic processes, hemoglobin production

    Beef, chicken, pork, beer yeast, liver, cereal cereal

    B8 (Biotin)

    Metabolic processes, hair growth, nail plates

    Liver, egg, dried fruits, beans, beans, peas, fish

    B9 (folic acid)

    Division and growth of cells, the development of the bone skeleton

    Cucumber, spinach, parsley, zucchini, sunflower seeds, salad, solid cheese, whole grain porridge

    B12 (Kobalammin)

    Erythrocyte production, metabolic processes

    Beef, chicken, pork, fish, liver, heart, dairy products

    C (ascorbic acid)

    Natural antioxidant, wounded, resistance to viral infections

    Most fruits and vegetables

    RR, B3 (Niacin)

    Metabolic processes

    Beef, chicken, pork, river fish, oceanic low-fat fish, beer yeast, beans, pepper, peas

    What can and what can not

    Each organism is individual. It is possible that the food diet of one pregnant woman is categorically not suitable. The peculiarities of each body will be shown, from which it is desirable to abandon the period of tooling the child, and what to do the stop. However, special tables have been developed for pregnant women, whose tips should be adhere to. Table No. 3 shows the most frequently used in everyday life products and dishes from them, as well as benefit and possible harm to pregnant women.

    Table # 3. Recommended and unwanted products for pregnant women


    Bread and bakery products

    Bran bread, bread from coarse grinding flour, crackers, hacking baking

    Baking from the highest varieties of flour, layer and baked baking

    Vegetable soups on low-fat broth, lean borshs, beetter

    Fat broths

    Non-fat steam or boiled beef, rabbit meat, chicken meat without skins

    Fatty meat varieties, homemade fat sausages, dumplings, smoked fat, canned meat

    Non-fat varieties of fish (Mintai, Heck, Pelengas, Perch, Carp, Navaga, Grenader)

    Fatty fish grade, smoked, salt fish, canned fish, crab sticks

    Cereals, cereals, legumes

    Buckwheat, rice, wheat, pearl, corn, oatmeal

    Manna porridge, dishes with high content of beans, peas, beans

    1-2 eggs per day (boiled or in omelet)

    Fried or raw

    Fermented dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheesecakes, casserole, yogurt, sour cream low fatty, cheese

    Smoked cheeses, raw milk

    Fruits vegetables

    Boiled vegetables, fruits in compote or pussy; Cranberries, Blueberries, Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds

    Fruits and red vegetables, some citrus fruits, if you are allergic

    Fats and sweet

    Olive, sunflower, corn and butter, jelly, jam, in moderate quantity chocolate candies

    Baking with bold cream, too large chocolate portions

    Snacks, spices

    Vegetable salads, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar, fruit salads

    Sharp sauces, horseradish, mustard, sharp pepper, vinegar, salt

    Small volumes of natural juices, fruit kisins, dried fruit compotes, berry fruits, faint teas, rhylar blade, chamomile tea

    Alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea, tonic drinks with high sugar and gas content

    Food of a pregnant woman by months

    In each trimester, it is necessary to emphasize the products with a high content of folic acid, this contributes to the normal development of the fetus. It is not desirable to limit yourself in water consumption. However, too much drink fluid during the day, and especially for the night is not worth it. Water should be purified, without dyes and artificial taste additives, non-carbonated. It is not recommended to drink water at the time of meals or immediately after, it is better to do it before eating and a couple of hours after the reception.

    In the first trimester, you can plan your food daily diet in the type of how shown in Table No. 4. Depending on whether there are allergic reactions to various fruits and vegetables, each woman should regulate their consumption independently either by the advice of the observer doctor.

    Table # 4. Recommended daily food diet pregnant in the first trimester

    Day of the week



    Buckwheat or rice porridge (milk can be added), fresh juice (carrot, apple, orange)

    Puff with pumpkin or spinach

    Whole grain bun, pea soup with adding broccoli, tea from rose hips

    Apple or carrots

    Stew chicken with rice or pasta, mint tea

    Bran bread with cucumber or tomato and solid cheese

    Yogurt or Prostokvash

    Spaghetti with tuna, zucchilde with the addition of olive oil

    Curd Watrushka

    Baked in the oven potatoes with beans

    Oatmeal with milk adding kefir

    Grapefruit or Orange

    Newable beef casserole with beans

    Kuraga with prunes

    Boiled rice vegetable salad, eggs and sardines, tomato or cranberry mor

    Cheesecakes with adding low-fat sour cream, carrot juice with flesh

    Salad of white-coined or red cabbage on olive or corn oil

    Laminarium Salad with the addition of unrefined sunflower oil, fish cake, dried fruit compote

    Banana or Kiwi

    Bread of coarse grinding flour, boiled egg, lettuce leaves, milk and kefir

    Oatmeal on water or milk with the addition of kuragi or prunes, rippy or source

    Several walnuts, dried dried fruit

    Boiled pasta made of solid flour flour with low-fat meat sauce, carrot or cranberry juice

    Creamy butter toasts

    Lavash with soft or melted cheese with the addition of greenery, chamomile or rose tea

    Omelet with the addition of a small amount of vegetables and ham, croutons, fresh juice from orange or tomatoes

    Bran bread with low-fat salmon salmon

    Boiled chicken meat, avocado salad, prokobvash or kefir

    Several walnuts or peanuts

    Vinaigrette with bran bread, low-voltage herring, ion


    Pancakes or fruit or jam pancakes, yogurt

    Apple or Pear

    Bran bread, vegetables soup with slice of low-fat meat, compote or green tea

    Carrot salad with low-fat sour cream

    Boiled or stewed chicken sleeve, boiled potatoes, carrots or boiled beets, mint tea

    Table No. 5. Recommended average daily food intake of pregnant food in the second trimester

    Daily rate (g)

    Wheat bread

    Rye bread

    Wheat flour

    Macaroni or Spaghetti


    Vegetable dishes

    Fresh fruits

    Dried fruits

    Sweet flour products

    Fish, seafood

    Non-fat cottage cheese

    Sour cream, fatness not more than 10%

    Dairy products


    Vegetable oil

    Solid grade cheese

    Black tea

    Iodized salt

    Natural coffe

    Table number 6. Recommended average daily food intake of pregnant food in the third trimester

    Daily rate (g)

    Fish (boiled or stew)

    Meat (boiled or baked in sleeve without a crust)

    Non-fat cottage cheese

    Dairy products

    Non-fat sour cream


    Vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive)

    Coarse Flour Bread

    White bread from the top grade flour



    Color, white cabbage or broccoli

    Bulb onions

    Cucumber tomato

    Prunes, figs, kuraga, raisins

    Table number 7. The chemical composition of the necessary food diet per day in the second and third trimesters


    Daily rate (g)

    Vegetable proteins

    Proteins of animal origin

    Fat animal origin

    Fats of plant origin


    Total daily energy value

    2556 Kokaloriy

    Table number 8. The recommended number of food meals per day indicating the approximate volumes

    I trimester

    II trimester

    III trimester

    Meal 4 times

    Meals 5 times

    Meal 6 times

    The volume of breakfast is 30% of the daily diet

    The volume of breakfast is 20% of the daily diet

    The volume of the second breakfast is 15% of the daily diet

    The volume of the second breakfast is 10% of the daily diet

    Lunch volume 40% of daily diet

    Lunch volume 30% of daily diet

    The volume of the second dinner is 10% of the daily diet

    The volume of dinner is 10% of the daily diet

    Powder volume 15% of daily diet

    In a couple of hours, it is possible to drink a glass of fermented milk products in bedtime, approximate to 5% of the daily diet

    The volume of dinner is 10% of the daily diet

    In a couple of hours, it is possible to drink a glass of fermented milk products in bedtime, approximate to 5% of the daily diet


    Each pregnant woman is important to know what kind of dishes should be limited, and from what and at all to abandon the period of pregnancy. Everything that the woman does during this period is instantly reflected on the health of the future baby. The most vulnerable woman and the fruit itself during the first trimester. Increased salt content can enhance toxicosis, cause an increased swelling, which should be excluded from the rational dishes, seasoned with a large number of spices, and canned vegetables, replacing them with fresh.

    Fried food is undesirable not only during pregnancy, but in everyday life. As soon as the pregnant will reduce the consumption of fried foods, it will immediately be possible to note the decline in the strong feeling of thirst and the improvement of digestion. Fried provokes constipation, liver function disorders. Today there are many ways to cook "couple". This should avoid using pregnant food from a microwave oven. Although the products are not covered with a crust, as in frying, but can cause great harm to the organism of the mother and child.

    Fully exclude sweet from your diet is not all. However, it should be understood that "fast carbohydrates" do not bring any special benefits by putting the body only with extra kilograms.

    The carbonated sweet drinks have high content of all sorts of dyes, preservatives, flavors, flavoring substitutes. About alcohol in general speech is not necessary. It can only enhance toxicosis, irritating the mucous membranes of all organs of the digestive tract, as well as bring irreparable damage to the embryo.


    1. Sobolev A.N. "Nutting a nursing woman", 2009
    2. Yurkov A.S. "Daily consumption of vitamins by pregnant women", 2010
    3. Ivansky A.V. "Features of the nutrition of pregnant women, feminine and nursing mothers", 2009
