A really good staircase is both beautiful and comfortable. Before placing the stairs to the second floor in the house, in no case should you neglect the technical requirements and norms for the sake of only the external beauty of the product.


No matter how attractive such a design is, if safety standards are not followed, its use will be highly undesirable. Thus, such a structure in a private house performs three main functions:

  • constructive;
  • Utilitarian;
  • decorative.

To connect the floors of the house to each other, a staircase is constructed in the room. Moreover, she should have:

  • Strength;
  • Safety.

However, do not forget that such structures are at the same time an important element of the interior, which cannot be hidden or veiled.


At the stage of designing a staircase, it is necessary to think about its future location and design features. It depends on this appearance and the layout of the premises. The features of this piece of furniture can significantly affect the location of the hall and entrances to the rooms, as can be seen in the photo. Here are the main tasks that need to be solved during the creation of a staircase in order for it to meet the conditions of comfort and in harmony with the interior of the room:

  • how to fill the free space in front of the stairs;
  • how convenient to place the beginning and end of the structure;
  • how to arrange adequate lighting.

Thinking over the project of the premises, it is necessary to consider:

  • the size of the staircase in the overlap between floors;
  • as well as the way it is mounted and supported.

Concrete structures or natural stone can have a decent weight, so you need to think about how to provide additional strength to beams and ceilings.

Concrete structures

Concrete stairs are a constructive component of any private house, therefore they are built already at the construction stage:

  • if the room is not spacious, the staircase is built in between the main walls;
  • in the case when the staircase is lightweight, it is installed at the last stage of construction, namely during finishing.

Wooden or metal products are relatively lightweight.

Spacious hall

At all stages of creating a staircase, you need to take care of its safety, which can be achieved when the following conditions are met:

  • correct calculation of all the necessary parameters of the final product: the angle of ascent and descent, the width of the staircase and turning platforms;
  • providing reliable fencing of the product and its platform;
  • correct organization of staircase lighting even in the absence of natural light sources, as shown in the photo.

Right choice

To position the stairs in optimal location, certain factors must be considered. They are:

  • room area;
  • layout of rooms;
  • and vertical link design.

A small private house with limited space is unlikely to fit a large, solid structure. She needs a lot of space, and a house of this size does not have it. Therefore for small room will rationally stop at the choice of a wall structure or a neat screw structure placed in the corner of the room.

To maintain the silence of the living room, it is better to place the staircase in a room distant from it. For example, in the hallway. This will provide the owners with privacy and a relaxing stay over a cup of tea. After all, in order to find yourself in the rooms of the second floor, you do not need to go through the day zone.

For additional comfort, it is better to build the exit of the structure on the second floor in a common corridor. Thus, going up the stairs, you can go to all the rooms. But if the design will lead to a private room, then such a project of a private house will be irrational, as seen in the photo.

This way of saving money can turn a private room into a walk-through room.

Let's sum up

So to ensure comfortable accommodation and safe use of the staircase, each stage of its creation must be approached with special responsibility.

To understand how best to arrange a wooden or metal structure on the second floor and use the space under it, you should figure out what structures exist in principle.

A staircase in an apartment or house differs greatly in its configuration. And depending on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, one or another structure is chosen for the second floor.

The most simple option a wooden straight one-flight staircase with comfortable steps is considered, which lift to the second floor without inconvenient turns. This design is distinguished by its large dimensions, but also great safety.

A variant of such a staircase is also considered the easiest to create it yourself. The most important and obvious disadvantage is its bulkiness. However, in order to save space in the house and not burden the interior, various modifications of the structure are used. It can have a twist. The staircase design to the second floor with a 90-degree turn perfectly saves space at home. It can also be made at a 180 degree angle. The only nuance that should be taken into account is that in this case, the structure will have to be equipped with run-in steps, and this will slightly complicate the creation of a staircase with your own hands.

Where and how to arrange the stairs to the second floor also depends on its elements. Typically, the structure has steps, frame and railings. Frames may differ depending on the design of the stairs and the material of their manufacture. They are made in the form of stringers, bowstrings or support posts, if these are spiral staircases.

The frame in the form of kosour is two beams in the form of a ladder, on which the steps are installed. They can also be straight, and in this case the steps are fixed to them with the help of filly. Ladder-shaped braids are perhaps the most common option when creating a wooden staircase. Such frames are the most ergonomic, so if you want to arrange a marching staircase, then you need to use them in the design. However, it is important to keep in mind that they are less durable than, for example, bowstrings or stringers with filly. They are not suitable for large stairs.

A more compact design will be obtained when creating a flight of stairs on one central stringer. It is usually made of metal. Span layout:

In addition to kosour, there is another option for fastening steps - bowstrings. This frame consists of two beams, usually made of wood, into which the steps are inserted into specially made grooves. Stairs to the second floor on bowstrings take up a little more space than on kosoura.

If there is not enough space in the house, then spiral staircases will be a good option. Their structures are equipped with run-in steps leading to the rooms on the second floor along a predetermined radius. It is quite difficult to create it with your own hands, since a serious and complex calculation of the stairs in the house is required. But it is this option that is preferable to place in a house with a small area. Spiral staircases have another advantage over direct staircase options: they look very beautiful and can become a real decoration of the living space. A support post with winder steps fixed on it serves as a frame. Ideas on how to plan the spans:

The ladder on the bolts is a good combination positive qualities straight and spiral staircase. This design is a marching version, the steps of which are attached to the bolt. Usually it does not have a frame or is provided with it on one side only.

What to do when you want to save space small house and at the same time make an interesting version of the construction of stairs to the second floor with your own hands? You can pay attention to the construction of wood "duck step". It can be located even in very small rooms, because it allows you to combine safety and ease of lifting even with a steep slope. This is achieved due to the special structure of the steps, one part of which is created narrow and the other wide.

What determines the compactness of the staircase?

In addition to the competent choice of the construction option, the correct calculation of the staircase in the house, in which it will be reliable and compact, can help to save interior space.

How convenient it will be to place it in the house depends on the angle of its inclination. The smaller it is, the more compact the structure, but at the same time, and more dangerous for lifting. The most comfortable tilt angle is considered to be 30-40 degrees, but in this case, the design of the staircase will take up a lot of space. Alternatively, make it rotated at an angle of 90 degrees and place it next to the wall. However, if you create a “goose step” staircase with your own hands, then it may well be located in the house at an angle of 55-60 degrees.

The width and height of the steps of the structure can also determine the convenience of the location of the stairs in the interior. But in this case, it is worth remembering that there are ideal parameters that determine the ease of lifting. The optimal step height is 17 cm, and the width is 29 cm.

If you are going to place the structure of a straight staircase in your house, you will need straight steps, which are very easy to make yourself. To save space, when spiral staircases or straight staircases to the second floor with a turn are more suitable, it will be necessary to know how the structures with run-in steps are made. These elements differ in that their width is not the same, but in shape they resemble a trapezoid.

The width of the flight of the staircase should not be less than 80 cm. The optimal size is a width of 90-100 cm. Anything wider will eat up the useful space of the house. Too narrow a march will be inconvenient and not safe to climb.

How to arrange the stairs in the house?

To understand how much space the structure will take, it is necessary to make a competent calculation of the stairs and identify how and where it is best to place it.

For example, screw structures with winding steps will occupy an area equal to its diameter.

When calculating, it is necessary to find out how many steps the structure will have. To do this, its height must be divided by the height of the steps. The height of the structure is equal to the sum of the distance from the floor to the ceiling of the first floor and the ceiling.

If the length of the staircase is too long, then it will be very difficult to fit it into the interior of the house. To do this, it will need to be divided into two parts and make a turn with winder steps or a platform. In this case, the length of the structure will be equal to the sum of the distance between flights and the product of the number of lifting elements by their length. The calculation of a staircase with a turn also includes the width of the overall structure, which is the sum of the distance between its two parts. This distance should not be less than seven centimeters.

In total, you can understand how much space the structure will take in the house and how best to arrange it by calculating its area. For this, the values \u200b\u200bfound in the form of length and width should be multiplied.

Naturally, it is more convenient to place the structure leading to the second floor in the lobby of the house. However, not every home is spacious. If the hall is large, then the staircase in a private house can be made longer and wider. IN small space it is better to place it near the wall in the corner of the room. In this case a good option from the point of view of ergonomics and interior design, the design will be on the bolts. It is fixed to the wall without taking up much space.

For those who consider the staircase structure not only from the point of view of the convenience of location, but also the teachings of Feng Shui, you can also highlight some of the rules for its installation.

Firstly, the lifting structure should not be located in the center of the room and not in front of the entrance, but away from it. This is due to the fact that with such an arrangement of the structure, energy flows can freely move around the country house.

Secondly, on the second floor, the building should not rest against the door. As a last resort, the door just shouldn't be closed.

Thirdly, Feng Shui experts advise placing the structure in the southwest, west or south. It is forbidden to build it in the northeast, which can provoke a loss of money.

If feng shui is not for you useful instructions, then screw structures will look especially good in the center of the hall.

Usually the stairs leading to the second floor are located in the corridor. In the living room, it will look relevant only if the room is really large. Otherwise, it will take up the usable area, which will make the room cramped. On the other hand, this does not apply to expensive and beautiful stairs, the purpose of which is also to decorate the interior. The location of the structure must be thought out to the smallest detail.

The lifting structure in the apartment is not often found, but if the living space consists of two tiers, then you cannot do without it. It is better to use lightweight options in the apartment, which will save space as much as possible. Ladders on bolts or narrow marching options on kosoura are suitable. It should fit perfectly into the interior of the apartment, since usually in such a living space, the overall design is formed from each structure or thing in the apartment.

When positioning it, it is important to consider the safety of the lift. It is associated not only with the correct calculation of all its elements, but also in complementary measuresto take. For example, if the structure will be located on a rather dark side of the house, then it is important to consider lighting. Although the best option will be its location by the window. In the evening, you can illuminate the stairs led strip... It additionally colors any interior.

When organizing the safety of a ladder, it is important to take into account the material from which it is made. For example, if the steps are made of metal or glass, then you can easily slip on them. Therefore, it is best to put special silicone inserts on them. Wooden structures are often carpeted.

How to organize the space under the stairs?

If you decide that your house will have a straight one-flight structure to the second floor, then you will have many options for arranging the space under it.

  • You can organize a comfortable seating area by placing a sofa and a small bookcase, or you can create a small office by placing a table and chairs under the stairs.

In some cases, if space permits, small bathrooms are organized under the wooden or concrete stairs. This is usually done in order to save space. If a wooden staircase will pass next to the kitchen, then under it will often be organized dining area... In this case, cabinets can be built into the frame of the stairs itself so as not to load the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.

By the way, under such a staircase, if you make a niche in it beforehand, you can conveniently place an extra bed in the interior.

If the house will have a straight structure with several flights, then the space under it can also be used in various ways. Under the structure in the corridor, you can organize a dressing room by placing a shoe rack or a small wardrobe. The design with multiple flights against the wall allows you to use the space more efficiently. You can organize a space with the same sofa, table and lots of shelves.

Curvilinear structures with winder steps take up a lot of space in the interior, but even in this case, the space under them can be used quite rationally. For example, install a bookcase.

But if the structure is screw, then you will not be able to organize anything under it. Usually, large pots of plants are placed under them.

When placing stairs in different rooms of the house, it is important to keep in mind some of the complexity of the placement. So, when placing it near the toilet or when placing a bathroom under the structure, you need to carefully consider the connection of communications. When placed in a corridor, lighting must be considered. But the wooden stairs in the kitchen room should be protected from fumes and odors.

The exit to the second floor from the stairs should be convenient. But the design itself must also be beautiful in order to fit well into the interior. Its location will help you choose the design of the building.

Much in this case depends on the material. IN wooden house the usual option is a wooden staircase. Metal structures can also look good if they have wrought iron railings. If the general concept of interior design inside the house is high-tech or minimalism, then glass stairs are ideal. However, the structure can be made from several options. The frame and railings are often made of metal, while the steps are made of wood.

Construction two-story houses more preferably in a small area of \u200b\u200bland. During construction, some building materials are saved, and the functionality of such buildings is much higher. A very important point in the construction of two-story houses is the drawing up of a plan and the designation of stairs on it, without which existence in the house will be meaningless.

The project of a two-storey cottage with the original location of the stairs

Let's try to figure out the drawings of stairs for private houses and find out where and how to install them best.

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Information that may come in handy when planning a home

Anyone who has ever held it in their hands will be able to build a staircase to the second floor with their own hands construction tools... However, before starting construction, you need to understand the building codes and regulations that govern the design and installation of stairs to the basement. Here are some excerpts from SNiP 2.08.01-89:

  • The width of the flights of stairs should not be less than 90 centimeters;
  • The number of steps in one march should be within 3-18 steps inclusive;
  • The recommended slope of the stairs should be: 1: 1.25; 1: 1.5;
  • The designation of various types of stairs can be freely found on the Internet if you plan to draw them on the plan on your own.

Diagram of the structure and device of the stairs

The staircase in a residential building should not worsen the comfort of residents, therefore, if there are children and elderly people among the residents, then the steps should be made of low height, otherwise moving from floor to floor will be unbearable for them. It is very important that the plan provides for a hatch with a sufficient opening to the attic.

It is necessary to understand that the smaller the opening, the steeper the stairs should be placed. Steep structures, as a rule, are installed in summer cottages, where the movement from floor to floor is not too intensive, but for residential buildings such stairs can cause discomfort for residents.

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Varieties of stairs

By design, the following types of stairs are distinguished:

  • Marching straight lines;
  • Marching with a turn;
  • Screw;
  • Curvilinear.

Let's consider each type in more detail and find out their functional features.

Marching stairs

Diagram of a flight staircase

These stairs leading to the second floor are the most common and familiar in our opinion, however, they require the most usable space in the house. If, when designing, the staircase goes out too long, then the plan and the designation of the stairs on it are divided into several parts, and at the same time it is converted into a turning one.

Swivel stairs are divided into L-shaped and U-shaped. In the first case, the turn between flights will be a right angle, and in the second case, 180 degrees. To make the stairs more compact, the space between the flights is equipped with a step, which slightly reduces the comfort when moving. You should choose a specific option, taking into account the plan of the house and its design features.

Spiral staircase device

These ladders are considered the most compact and can be made of both wood and metal.

Existing types and types of stairs

Spiral flights allow such stairs to be placed literally on several square meters plan of a private house. In addition, the structure of the spiral staircase looks very attractive and gives the interior a special look. Of the shortcomings, some difficulties in operation can be noted due to the fact that the steps are run-in.

When creating a plan for a spiral staircase, it should be understood that the transportation of bulky cargo to the second floor along it will be impossible, and also that the space under it cannot be arranged in a useful way.

With respect to residential private houses, the design of a spiral staircase is rarely used. Much more often it is erected as an interior decoration or another place for transporting people to the upper level. It is also worth noting that with the help of a screw structure, two-story country houses and houses for temporary residence.

The finished project of a spiral staircase made of metal

The designation of a spiral staircase is somewhat different from what other types of stairs have, therefore, if the house plan is done by hand, it is necessary to understand this issue by studying the corresponding SNiP.

Curved stairs

This type of staircase is a hybrid between a spiral staircase and a flight staircase. By design, they, like a spiral staircase, provide for run-in steps, however, their turn is not so steep, which is more convenient when driving.

The designation of curved stairs takes a house plan much less than marching ones, however, the complexity of their manufacture is higher. Such stairs look very attractive and allow you to give the interior an exquisite look. In addition, the space under the structure can be used to a greater extent.

A really good staircase is both beautiful and comfortable. Before placing the stairs to the second floor in the house, in no case should you neglect the technical requirements and norms for the sake of only the external beauty of the product.


No matter how attractive such a design is, if safety standards are not followed, its use will be highly undesirable. Thus, such a structure in a private house performs three main functions:

However, do not forget that such structures are at the same time an important element of the interior, which cannot be hidden or veiled.


At the stage of designing a staircase, it is necessary to think about its future location and design features. The appearance and layout of the room depends on this. The features of this piece of furniture can significantly affect the location of the hall and entrances to the rooms, as can be seen in the photo. Here are the main tasks that need to be solved during the creation of a staircase in order for it to meet the conditions of comfort and in harmony with the interior of the room:

Structures made of concrete or natural stone can be quite heavy, so you need to think about how to provide additional strength to beams and ceilings.

Concrete structures

Concrete stairs are a constructive component of any private house, therefore they are built already at the construction stage:

  • if the room is not spacious, the staircase is built in between the main walls;
  • in the case when the staircase is lightweight, it is installed at the last stage of construction, namely during finishing.

Wooden or metal products are relatively lightweight.

Spacious hall

At all stages of creating a staircase, you need to take care of its safety, which can be achieved when the following conditions are met:

A small private house with limited space is unlikely to fit a large, solid construction. She needs a lot of space, and a house of this size does not have it. Therefore, for a small room, it is rational to choose a wall structure or a neat screw structure placed in the corner of the room.

Construction of a two-story private house, cottage or summer cottage - profitable solutionallowing to expand the living space. To save usable space in such buildings, small-sized stairs are installed. Such designs differ in the number of steps and forms of marches. Wherein compact ladder on the second floor must meet the requirements of practicality and safety.

Stylish and compact stair configurations

Small stairs are installed to save valuable space. When making them, they do so that the steps are located as close to each other as possible, but it is convenient to move along them. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of model in order to install the safest structure in your home.

Even such a compact staircase can look very organic.

Special meaning has the shape of the opening and its width. The choice of the type of construction of small dimensions depends precisely on these indicators. The dimensions of the steps and are basic data that should be considered. It is important to figure out which types of structures are best for small spaces.


Single-march models are the simplest. However, even when installing such stairs to the second floor, you can save space. The minimum required space for a 3-meter floor height is 80x180 cm.

Designers decide for this on various non-standard solutions... For example, these include models in which the treads are narrowed on each side.

Ladder structures with one flight can also be foldable and retractable.


Models with turns of marches are installed in a corner or against a wall. The platforms in them play the role of an element necessary for a U-turn. Turns are performed by 90 ° or 180 °. Two-flight stairs do not take up much space, but it is quite convenient to climb and descend along them. Zabezhnaya steps in such cases are simply irreplaceable. The minimum space required for a 3-meter floor height is 160x180 cm.

The right corner solution for a small area

Thanks to the installation of such a structure, the narrow passage to the second floor is more elegant. In comparison with straight flights, when moving, you have to change the direction of movement. There are other differences as well:

  1. Compactness. They do not take up much space, while the parameters remain optimal.
  2. Convenience - it is convenient to navigate along them even with a large object in your hands.
  3. Aesthetics. Corner products look interesting and neat.
  4. Safety. According to this indicator, rotary products are safer than screw ones.


Small-sized screw models are popular today. These structures are installed both in multi-level apartments and in country houses. The ease of operation of such structures lies in the observance of the rules of ergonomics - the movement up and down is carried out comfortably, and no dead zones are created under the steps. It is more profitable to place such a staircase to the second floor of a house in a small area. The minimum dimensions in the plan with a floor height of 3 m is 130x130 cm.

The steps are attached to the upright in a spiral. One of the main advantages of screw products is the elegance of their shapes. They are created from metal or wood - in any case, they are able to fit into a modern interior.

However, screw products have their own disadvantages. For example, if a person is carrying a large object, it will be uncomfortable to descend. Wooden models add a cozy atmosphere to the house.


If you rarely have to go upstairs, it is better to install a folding type structure in a country house. It is great for the attic. Its advantage is the ability to fold if necessary. Small-sized retractable models are attached to a hatch on the ceiling. You can easily tilt the structure and then push it back. For attic maintenance, a folding structure is ideal.

It is allowed to install such a model in any area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Its choice depends only on the location of large-sized furniture. In addition, the installation of the folding model does not affect the interior.

There are several types of such products:

  • telescopic;
  • retractable;
  • folding;
  • sectional.

The width is usually close to that of conventional attached structures. As a rule, it is 60-65 cm. With a large slope, it will be possible to descend along it only with your back forward.

When choosing suitable type small-sized designs look at the overall design of the room. The main thing is that it is durable, ergonomic and safe. Such a small staircase for a summer residence is mounted where the attic is rarely used. It is effective to install such structures in houses with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.

Small-sized solutions

If it is necessary to install a ladder that would not “hide” the space and would be as convenient as possible, pay attention to small-sized structures. There are several types of such products that can meet the requirements of practicality and reliability.

Modular designs

When installing modular lifts to the second floor, you can experiment with the interior and choose different options assembly. They can be made by hand, which is the main advantage. Modular designs are screw, spiral, L- and U-shaped. They can also be rounded. The modular system allows you to give the stairs any shape in plan, and adding the required number of elements allows you to gain an arbitrary height.

They are installed in openings of different widths and lengths. It is important to correctly install the modular staircase - the safety of the residents depends on it. At the same time, attention is paid to living in the house of persons with disabilities - children and the elderly.

Choose a modular staircase with a small opening to the second floor in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Before choosing, measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and find out the dimensions of the opening.
  2. It is better if the structure is equipped with a handrail that will ensure safe movement.
  3. For the convenience of ascending and descending, stairs without risers are chosen - this is how comfort is provided when placing the legs.
  4. The design of the structure is created taking into account the general style of the room.

With small platforms and compact bends, it is easy to save living space. First, they pay attention to the safety of the product and only then - to its appearance. Modular structures are installed in the house, where you need to move between floors quickly. Often this design is chosen for installation in a bath.

Ladder "goose step"

Among the single-march designs, it is worth highlighting the “goose step” staircase. It does not take up space, but it also does not restrict movement when going up and down. When resizing the run, it is important to maintain the optimal step width and slope range. If even when choosing extreme values, you cannot create a rise to the second floor, you should not save space for a staircase.

The design difference is the alternate narrowing of the tread on each side. This allows you to create comfort when moving, while leaving the length of the march relatively small.

This design can become a highlight of the entire interior.

The “goose step” ladder is designed for comfortable movement in confined spaces. For such models, the optimal slope is 50 ° - 60 °. Their width is reduced to 60-80 cm. At the same time, the ratio of the riser height and tread width in such structures is rather unusual. If you transfer it to a regular one-flight staircase, it would be unsafe to move along it.

Important convenience and safety issues

When installing stairs to the second floor of a small house, it is important to combine the structure with the background style of the interior. You also need to consider some requirements:

  • compact size;
  • safety;
  • comfort of movement.

The structure should not be too steep - no more than 60 °. The slope is calculated based on the possibility of its use by children and the elderly. It is better to equip the structure with handrails. The coating is chosen so as not to slip on it when moving. If the staircase is made of polished stone, you can lay a carpet runner on it.

Often, structures have to be performed with a large slope - up to 75 ° degrees. In this case, a rather large depth of the steps is set. The convenience and safety of the ladder can be increased by installing handles that you can hold on to when going up and down.

Safety regulations:

  • starting from the first meter, the staircase is equipped with a fence 90 cm high;
  • the gaps between the railing posts should not exceed 10 cm;
  • the width of the tread should be sufficient for a comfortable foot position - 25-30 cm;
  • for the convenience of a hand, the handrails are created with optimal diameter - 32-60 mm;
  • all steps must be of the same height.

Optimal dimensions fences and handrails

When designing a staircase to the second floor, it is important to take care not only of its ergonomics, but also of functionality. Therefore, such designs are created according to individual drawings. You can perform calculations yourself using free

In houses with several floors, a staircase is a necessary building and decorative element. The staircase in the house should be functional, but at the same time be combined with the main style in the interior. It is very important that the ladder is safe. To do this, before buying, you need to study the types of stairs, the materials from which they are made, as well as the types of structures. Ladders are divided into different types. It depends on their functional load, purpose, and also on the style of performance.

Most of the houses have several floors. That is why stairs are installed in them. Today consumers can choose from a wide variety of stairs. Different types are installed in houses different types... Their choice often depends on the size of the house and the style in which the interior is executed.

Ladders should be chosen taking into account the size of the room, as well as the ease of use in it.

For example, spiral staircases look very nice, but in most cases they are installed in houses with a small area. They are not very convenient when rearranging furniture, but they bring charm and elegance to the interior. Marching stairs are installed in houses with a large area, but avoid installation in small houses.

Types of stairs:

  • Screw... It is good to install them indoors to save living space. For correct installation you need to calculate the dimensions of the space. To correctly calculate the size of the stairs, you must take into account the size of the steps.
  • Marching... Such stairs are designed taking into account the mechanics of movement. That is why they are very functional and easy to use. They are ideal for large homes.
  • On the bolts... The staircase has this name due to the fact that its main elements are fastened with bolts during installation. This view it is convenient and expedient to install ladders in small rooms. They keep compactness.

Each type of staircase has its own characteristics and characteristics. If a renovation is planned in a house with several floors, it is important to know the points that will help you choose suitable option stairs for a specific room. You should also carefully consider the choice of materials and methods of fastening, since the safety of movement on the stairs largely depends on them.

How to install a staircase in the corner of a house

You can place the ladder anywhere. But it is important to consider the size of the room and the functional features of the stairs. Massive and multi-level structures are usually placed in the very middle of the room. Such a staircase acquires not only a functional, but also a decorative function.

If the house does not have a very large area, it is better not to clutter up the space, but to place the structure in the corner of the room.

In order for the staircase to be functional and at the same time safe, when installing the structure with your own hands, it is important to take into account the angle of its inclination. It is important to consider that if you make a gentle staircase, it will take up more space than a steep staircase, which can be a source of injury. To climb to the second or third floor, it is important to position the stairs as correctly as possible, as well as to choose the most convenient and safe design for this.

What values \u200b\u200bneed to be taken into account in the design process:

  • The height of the structure;
  • Horizontal projection length;
  • Tilt angle;
  • Amount of elements;
  • Riser height;
  • Tread width.

The height of the structure placed in the corner will correspond to the distance between the floors. It is important to take into account the width of the top floor. The horizontal projection length is determined by a more complex method. To do this, you need to determine the number of steps, their height and width. It is important to take into account the fact that the installation of a ladder for a garden house and for an apartment will differ significantly. Ideas for installing various types of stairs can be found on the Internet at specialized sites.

Staircase in the house: structural elements

The construction of any staircase consists of basic elements connected to each other. Different designs suggest the presence or absence of some of the elements, each of which fulfills its purpose. Knowing the basics of designing stairs will allow you to make and place the structure yourself.

Depending on the type of stairs, one step can have different sizes about two ends.

When choosing a structure and its elements, it is important to pay attention to their quality. Digging must ensure the quality of each element from which the structure will be assembled. If the choice has become between two types of structures, you need to choose the one that is the least dangerous type and the most functional.

The main elements of the staircase:

  • Steps... They are formed by a tread and a riser. When choosing a tread, it is important to consider the size of the foot and the convenience of its placement on it. You need to take measurements in advance. The riser is the vertical part of the step, but it may not be present.
  • Support beams... They serve as the basis for fastening steps. It is divided into three types. They can be a stringer, bowstring or pole. The first two options are suitable for the construction of mid-flight stairs, and the last one for the spiral type.
  • Railings... Allows you to safely climb stairs. They are characterized by two parts. The first part is a handrail, the second is a baluster.

An example of how all the elements of a staircase are formed into one can be found on the Internet. When installing the structure, you can ask for help from a professional craftsman, who will calculate the dimensions of the elements and their ratio to each other. After all the calculations have been made, you can proceed with the installation of the staircase.

How to install stairs in the house: the choice of location and material

Ladders vary in appearance. They can be installed outside, for example on a façade. And it can be installed inside the house between floors. In many ways, the construction of a house initially influences the choice of stairs. There are standards that must be followed when choosing the type of stairs and installing it.

Professionals advise making a choice of design and material even before building a house. For example, in a house made of timber or in a chopped structure, it is best to install a wooden staircase.

After choosing a design, it is important to decide on the installation site. To do this, take into account the size of the room, the place in which the exit is located, as well as the heating system, which should be located at a safe distance from the stairs. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the staircase can be placed in the middle of the room or in its corner.

Installation of a staircase using the example of a spiral structure:

  • Decide on the materials from which the steps will be made. They can be wood, concrete or stone. Wooden and concrete steps can be made by yourself. But the stone steps will have to be made to order. Modern production offers a variety of options and types of stone steps.
  • Install the upright post. Depending on the project of the stairs, the rack can be type-set or solid.
  • Extension of steps. To do this, the finished steps are strung on a special pipe, and a clamp is made from above using a wider sleeve. After installation, the steps are fanned out. Vertical brackets will strengthen the structure.
  • Installation of handrails. It is important that the handrails are curved and the balusters are made of solid material.

After installing the stairs, cleaning will take place - it will not take much time. Do not attach great importance to the installation of different types of stairs. It is important to decide on the type of construction in your home. It is important that the ladder is made up of good materials.

Modular staircase in the house 6 by 6

When choosing a staircase, it is important to pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For a 6x6 home, you can choose a modular staircase design. This type of ladder is widely used due to its ergonomics and ease of assembly.

Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the interior of the room. This will help you choose the most suitable location for the stairs.

The modular staircase can be positioned in the middle of the room or on the side. You can equip the hall using a modular design yourself. Thanks to their ergonomics, modular designs can be installed anywhere, change the distance between the steps and adjust the height of the steps.

Advantages of modular designs:

  • Design variability;
  • Easy transportation and installation;
  • The ability to make a purchase online;
  • Self-service collection.

The pricing policy of modular stairs is varied, since the structures differ in the quality of materials and the complexity of the structures. Our Ladder LLC offers customers a wide selection of high-quality designs for affordable prices... The company has a high reputation among consumers. Depending on the style in the interior, you can choose a staircase of a certain color. Black, white, wooden, etc. are presented to buyers' attention. design.

The location of the stairs depends on its type. One of the easiest types to install is a flight staircase. The reliability and aesthetics of the stairs depends on the quality of the installation.

It will not be a problem to install the staircase yourself, but it is important to strictly follow the instructions and not disrupt the sequence of actions, since it will take a lot of time to remake the staircase.

The flight staircase is usually located in the center of the room, although it can be attached to the corner. Each specific staircase must be installed individually, since the installation largely depends on the area and purpose of the room. The staircase will not only be functional, but will also help to refine the space and decorate it.

Step-by-step installation:

  • Make treads and steps.
  • Create support beams.
  • Install the beams.
  • Mount the steps.
  • Place handrails.

A beautiful marching staircase can be used to decorate not only apartments and residential buildings, but kindergartens and hospitals. And here is the entrance apartment building decorate with a staircase of reinforced concrete. When an idea arises to build a house on several floors, it is important to immediately decide on the type of stairs and its location.

Staircase to the house on the first floor

In two storey building you cannot do without installing a ladder. Such a structure assumes high walls, which affects the location of the stairs in a two-level apartment or house. The installation of stairs in residential buildings requires adherence to the norms (SNiP) and the rules for the installation of stairs.

Decorating a house with a staircase is important not only in terms of functionality, following the rules of Feng Shui, you can harmonize the space by placing the staircase in the right place.

Options for this design can be found on the Internet. Staircase decor can be done in different style... It is important to determine the color of the staircase so that the space is harmonious, the curtains should be combined with the style and color of the staircase or contrast harmoniously with them. If the staircase is dark, it is better to make the curtains light.

Ladder groups:

  • Household;
  • Ramps;
  • Attached;
  • Evacuation.

When installing, it is important to observe the angle of inclination. You can deviate from the rules if the building has a very small area, for example, a garage. But the slope of 23 degrees, when the ladder is almost lying, is not at all suitable for installing a ladder inside the room, except for a "dollhouse".

Types of stairs to the 2nd floor in the house: photo

In a multi-storey building, stairs should be placed according to certain standards. It is important to comply with the standards, since the safety of using the structure depends on them. Before placing a staircase in your own house, you need to determine its parameters, measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, draw up schematic drawings.

It is important that the ladder has a high level of safety. In particular, the marching staircase, which is called "on the kosoura", can "boast" of this.

It is important to be very attentive to the safety of stairs, no matter how many storey buildings it will be installed in, and what type of building: brick or wooden. It is important that it is safe and easy to use. Choose the right steps for your foot size.

Types of stairs:

  • Closed;
  • Open;
  • Semi-closed (convenient to install in a bay window).

Combined ladders have a high level of safety. When installing a staircase, it is important to take into account the "youth" of the structure. The old building needs more careful and neat installation of the stairs.

DIY staircase in the house (video)

This content could be expanded, since there is a lot of information about stair structures. You can do the installation of a staircase to your own home yourself. It is very important to install the staircase according to all the rules, since this will determine how strong the structure will be and how harmoniously it will fit into the interior, especially if it is in the field of view. And finally, you can talk about the stairs in an interesting way. For example, if a ladder is dreamed of in a dream, it means that personal growth and good luck awaits a person.

Any room that has 2 or more floors needs a staircase or elevator that will allow a person to climb to the floor he needs. As a rule, staircases are used for private residential buildings, which are much cheaper to build and do not require additional costs and problems in operation. The location of the stairs in the house plays a rather important role.

Types of stairs for home

House with a "second" light

All existing stairs cannot be of the same type. Starting from technical characteristics and direct use, stairs can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • Stairs input typethat can be placed outside a residential building or in a special recess on the porch;
  • Stairs of the basic type, which are a fixed structure, which can be located inside a residential building, and which serves to connect the residential floors of the building;
  • Auxiliary stairs designed to connect the house with the basement or attic.

Each type of staircase must be performed in accordance with all the rules and requirements that provide for the organization of a comfortable and reliable designthat will not threaten human life. In addition, the stairs must be of sufficient width so that furniture can be brought in along them, and in case of evacuation of the premises, at least 2 people must stand on the stairs. Pay special attention to requirements fire safety, because most stairs are made of wood materialswhich makes them highly flammable.

One of the most important points in the construction of any type of staircase is the choice of shape and design. From correct design this design depends general form private residential building, both outside and inside. In addition, the choice of the place needed to install the structure depends on the chosen style of staircase execution.


Any staircase can be divided into two main components: a landing and flights of stairs, the number of which depends on the type and size of the staircase itself. The staircase is also divided into two main types: storey areas (arranged in a level with the floor of each storey) and interfloor areas. The staircase is called structural element, which is designed to connect two landings.

The main focus of the flight of stairs is on both landings, which it connects. The staircase consists of a certain number of steps, which are interconnected by means of inclined beams, the number of which depends on the type of staircase and its location. Such beams can be located under the steps (such beams are called kosoura) or on each side of the steps (end beam).

Both landings and flights of stairs must be equipped with special handrails or fences. When organizing stair railings, it is necessary to observe their minimum size, which is from 80 to 100 centimeters. Depending on the configuration and size, the stairs can be made with one, two or three flights.

Spiral staircase

As a rule, for a private residential building, a staircase with two flights and a rotary type is used. But if the height to the second floor exceeds 4.5 meters, then the staircase must be chosen with three flights, which will make the staircase structure more rigid and durable. In order for the staircase structure not to be a thorn in a beautiful room, it can be made with a complex shape.

For almost every interior, you can choose your own type of staircase. The most common staircases are those that are straight, curved and pivotal. In some options for the construction of a private residential lady, you cannot do without a fan-shaped staircase, which is more often called spiral.

Design problems

As a rule, a staircase in a residential building takes up a lot of space, which makes its location very problematic. That is why many architects try to make the staircase as compact as possible. It is because of the shortage free space, most often use staircase structures of a rotary type, which are devoid of an intermediate type platform, designed for recreation.

In addition, such staircases are equipped with special run-in-type steps. Such steps are made in the form of a wedge, which gives the impression that such steps run over each other. When using a pivot-type staircase, do not forget about some of the nuances.

At the turn of the staircase, several steps will have a minimum width at the base. This width should not be less than 12 centimeters, which can lead to a hazard when descending or climbing stairs. Building codes provide for a limit on the number of steps on a flight of stairs.

The minimum number of steps on the march should not be less than 3 pieces. The maximum number of steps in one span is 18 steps. But few people adhere to such instructions, and on almost every flight of stairs there are more than 18 steps. As a rule, exceeding the norm of the number of steps leads to a smaller slope of the staircase, which saves a little free space in the house.

The width of the flight of stairs, which can be measured from handrail to handrail or from wall to handrail, should not be less than 90 centimeters. This is necessary so that people who have stepped onto the stairs from different ends of it can freely pass each other on the flight of stairs. The width of the landing should not be less than the width of the staircase itself.

Determining the required slope for the staircase is considered quite an important point. In order for a person to be able to climb the stairs without unnecessary effort, its slope should be about 27 degrees. In addition, the height of the steps should also be determined as correctly as possible.

Due to the limited free space in a private residential building, you have to make the minimum allowable slope of the staircase, which will help to save some free space for organizing a more comfortable interior of the room in which the location of the staircase is planned. It is for this reason that the ladder is made of lumber. In such a house, which has a fairly large area, staircase structures are made of reinforced concrete.


Depending on the type and location of the staircase, the required material for the manufacture of steps is selected. In old houses and at the entrance stairs, steps are made of stone, reinforced concrete or metal. Metal treads are ideal for fire-escape, facade or fan-type stairs.

In addition, the use of metal in the staircase structure allows for a more complex and attractive shape of the entire structure. Reinforced concrete structures can be used not only outside the building, but also inside. Modern ways finishes of concrete structures allow you to organize a reliable, inexpensive and attractive staircase, which will in no way be inferior to oak counterparts, which are considered the most presentable.

Wooden staircase structures

As a rule, for the manufacture of a staircase, which will be located inside a residential building, wooden construction Materials... The main advantage of this type of staircase is considered to be a rather low weight, which in private construction is considered a matter of paramount importance. In addition, the cost of a wooden staircase cannot be called prohibitive, given the fact that it will be manufactured on its own.

For the manufacture of wooden staircase structures, it is better to use oak, pine or larch, which are considered the most suitable types of wood for the manufacture of such a structure. Do not confuse pine with spruce, because spruce is considered to be a rather soft tree, which will lead to rapid wear of the staircase. Due to the fact that a wooden staircase has a rather low weight, there is no need to organize a foundation for such a structure.

Ladder from the designer

Instead of a foundation, it is enough to fix reinforced beams on the floor, which will bear the bulk of the weight of the staircase. It is not recommended to fasten the ladder directly to the floor covering. This can lead to subsidence of the individual floorboards that the ladder will rest on.

The supporting beams, on which the steps will rest, are made of edged boards, the thickness of which is at least 5 centimeters. The width of the support beam should not be less than 20 centimeters, which will allow the board to acquire the necessary strength and rigidity. Stringer type stairs are considered easier to manufacture and much more beautiful and practical in operation.

The treads of the steps are made of edged boards with a thickness of 3 to 5 centimeters. Such treads are laid on special triangular-type jambs, which can be made of both wood and metal. These jambs are attached to the stringers and the steps themselves.

In this embodiment of the construction of the staircase, the ends of the steps are of an open type, which leads to further preparation and finishing of this element of the staircase. When making a wooden staircase, you will have to abandon the use of nails, which can poorly hold the critical elements of the entire structure. For fastening individual elements stairs it is better to use special screws and wood glue.

From the inside of the end beams, it is necessary to make special grooves that will correspond to the shape of the steps. The depth of such a groove should be about 2 centimeters. Such grooves are needed to fix the tread and riser.

In order for the grooves to be as similar as possible, they need to be made according to a previously prepared template, which will negate all the indents from the original groove dimensions. The fence of the staircase must not be ignored. Fencing elements can be made of any material that is strong enough to support the weight of a person.

Place the railings on both sides of the steps when there is no wall on one side of the stairs. With some options wooden stairs the railing must be attached to the wall itself. This is not responsible for safety, but it gives the stairs a rather interesting appearance.

Closed stair railing made of transparent plexiglass is considered quite common. Less common is a solid fencing made of boards or plywood. Such fences are ideal for those cases when a small child lives in the house, who will not be stopped by thinned railings.

Location of the staircase

Ladder - shelving

The location of the staircase in a private residential building is considered quite important issue... The ladder should be located in such a way that the descent and ascent along it is as comfortable and well lit as possible. In this case, the design of the stairs should not interfere with the passage along the lower floor of the house, blocking access to certain areas of the room.

As a rule, internal staircases are placed against a blank wall, fixing one of the ends to the wall itself. Placing the stairs in the center of the hall is advisable only in cases where there is an abundance of free space in the room, and the structure itself will not block the entrance to one or another part of the room. In some cases, a special bay window is organized for such a staircase, which is planned at the beginning of the construction of the entire residential building.

The location of the staircase on the veranda of the house is typical of cottage houses in which no one lives in winter time years, because the staircase will be located in a cold place. Such staircase structures, as a rule, are intended for access to the attic space or living quarters, in which they live only in the summer season.

In order to minimize the cost of space for the staircase, it is necessary to use a fan-type staircase. This design takes up the minimum amount of free space and can be located anywhere. It is rather difficult to make such a ladder structure yourself.

Most often, such stairs are made from a combination of metal and wood, which leads to a rather high cost of the finished structure. But if you take into account all the positive aspects of this design, then you can spend a little. In addition, such a ladder structure is considered durable and as strong as possible.

The location of the staircase in a residential building is responsible not only for ease of use, but also for the organization of an attractive interior at the location of the staircase. In other words, an incorrectly positioned staircase can negatively affect the organization of the interior of the living space. It is for this reason that the location of the stairs must be taken seriously.

In order to correctly position the staircase in a particular room of a private residential building, you can resort to the services of an experienced architect who will not only find the most suitable option for the location of the staircase, but also design such a staircase structure that fits perfectly into new interior houses. The disadvantage of this option is the rather high cost of the services of a qualified specialist.
