Entrance doors are a kind of bastion that must reliably protect their owners from unauthorized entry, as well as provide full temperature and humidity conditions in the house. A good door panel prevents cold air from entering from the outside, but sometimes even professionally installed structures freeze over. What exactly should be the front door to private houseso that it does not freeze even in severe frost, and how to solve problems of this kind, you will learn from our article.

What is the problem?

In your private house, the entrance iron door freezes. This is a very unpleasant situation, but unfortunately very common. Of course, there is no point in panicking in this situation, but you should not let the problem go by itself.

Why is the front door freezing in a private house? There are a number of explanations for this:

  1. A sharp temperature jump. When there are frosts on the street, and heating devices are functioning in full force in the house, then in the end we get a huge difference between the temperature conditions on the outside of the door panel and the inside. From the side of the room on the door, due to the sharp temperature drop, drops form and, cooling down, they freeze.

A significant amount of condensation is the cause of freezing

  1. High rates of thermal conductivity of the facing material. Doors made of metal cool down quickly, thus becoming a source of cold. And due to the same condensate, it transforms into drops, which, accordingly, become rime.
  2. The presence of one door in front of the exit to the street. If the door leaf is fully in contact with outdoor weather conditions, then sooner or later, the problem of freezing will arise.
  3. Subsidence or absence of insulation material in the panel. High-quality samples must be insulated, but, unfortunately, not all models of such structures are equipped with thermal insulation layers. If low quality "consumables" are used, then after a while they lose their performance and cease to perform their functions.

The insulation should be placed in separate sectors, in this case, its subsidence or crushing is excluded

Much also depends on the quality of the insulation itself. If the work on the insulation of the entrance door is carried out independently, they choose a heater of well-known brands with a quality certificate.

An example of high-quality (left) and low-quality (right) insulation

  1. The presence of gaps in the door panel. Defects of this kind can remain after the installation of the product or arise during the operation of the structure. Cold air masses pass through the cracks. Moreover, sediments can enter through such defective areas.
  2. Poor sealing of butt joints. The rubberized sealing collar, which is glued over the entire perimeter of the trap, provides protection from drafts and frost, but over time this element becomes unusable and loses its performance characteristics. In addition, people do not always install a seal.

In addition, often a metal front door in a private house freezes due to deformation of the constituent parts of the opening. Due to prolonged use or improper handling, the elements of the opening can be deformed, which, in turn, leads to the formation of all the same gaps and gaps.

Often freezing door leaf occurs due to its thin walls. It is an insignificant obstacle to the path of cold air masses. When decorating your home with a metal door, be extremely careful about its filling. An unprepared door panel is not able to withstand severe winter frosts and will necessarily be covered with frost. And there is no escape from this, any model of domestic doors will sooner or later begin to freeze.

The main reason why the front door in a private house freezes is too thin. The thinner the sheets from which the panel is made, the more it will be covered with frost.

VIDEO: Condensation on the front doors. Causes of occurrence. Elimination methods

What is the danger of freezing the door leaf?

Most people who are faced with such a problem prefer to let things take their course and wait for the long-awaited warming. But at the same time, such a nuisance should be resolved immediately, since freezing can lead to other equally pleasant situations:

  • loss of thermal energy, which can lead not only to discomfort, but also to the development of colds;
  • the presence of frost on the door leaf leads to cracking of the outer panel, which in turn significantly reduces the service life of the structure;
  • if you do not fight freezing, then because of this phenomenon the lining will start to deteriorate;
  • the course of such a process determines the presence of frost on the slopes of the front door, which also quickly makes them unusable;
  • violation of the full functioning of the locking mechanism, as well as the handles;
  • the formation of excessive humidity in the room leads to the development of mold and mildew.

In addition, the frozen door leaf undergoes deformation during use. Even in warmer seasons, the year will shine from the door in the future, and over time it will simply stop closing.

As soon as freezing of the front door is detected, at the very first warm windows it must be removed and insulated. Even one very cold winter enough to change the entire block in the spring.

How to prevent freezing

If frost is detected on the door panel, every effort must be made to solve the problem as soon as possible. Qualified specialists offer three options for eliminating this trouble.

Insulation check

At the first signs of freezing, check the insulation

If the front door freezes, then this may be the problem. Either you became a victim of deception and you were given a sample that is not equipped with an insulating layer, or the heat insulator turned out to be of poor quality and eventually settled in the canvas or crumbled. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 doors freeze precisely because of the lack of insulation material or its poor-quality performance.

In this case, you need to remove the inner decorative leaf or upholstery and check the condition of the insulation. If it is not there or it has become unusable, then you need to replace it with a new one. Styrofoam, polystyrene, mineral wool, fiberglass cloth act as a good heat insulator. Such materials are placed in the inner cavity of the door leaf and fixed with a quick-drying adhesive base. A good alternative would be a self-adhesive insulation, which will protect the room not only from heat loss, but also from extraneous sounds and noises coming from outside.

It remains only to "sew" the structure with a decorative coating.

Replacement of interior decoration

Replacement interior decoration

Often, freezing of the front door in a private house occurs due to the insignificant thickness of the inner door leaf. If the structure from the inside is a 0.6-1 cm thick MDF canvas, then the cold will easily penetrate the room.

Loot check

Door frame seal

Often the reason for the formation of condensation and frost is poorly insulated loot. If the door system is equipped with a metal frame, then in order to protect it from the interior, you need to trim the frame with slopes or MDF. This method of resolving a problem situation is not difficult to implement and is financially beneficial in comparison with others. alternative options fix the problem.

At the same time, do not forget about the seal, which "passes" along the perimeter of the entire box and the outer edge of the door is tight. The presence of insulation will significantly reduce the number of cold bridges and make the door silent.

Adhesive rubber seal

Knowing what the front door should be so that it does not freeze, you can take care of its insulation in advance and prevent the formation of frost.

VIDEO: How to insulate the front door

What are the basic requirements for entrance doors? First, they must be durable and insulated. There are several features of the choice of such products. Typically, many apartment owners buy front doors based on a good promotional offer or a bargain price. Also, some are attracted by the beautiful external design of the product. However, if the front door to a private house is chosen according to these criteria, only big problems can be purchased.

Before going to the store, you should figure out which entrance doors have a lot of advantages, how best to install them, what rules of choice to rely on. This will help you buy a quality product that will protect your home from exposure. external environment and the penetration of uninvited guests. The article presents many photos of entrance doors for a private house.

Varieties of doors

Metal-plastic and metal structures are very popular. They are noteworthy because they have many benefits. Wooden doors are usually not used. This is due to their low fire safety... They also do not have high strength characteristics.

Most often, apartment owners face the following problems:

  • the appearance of ice on the street door for the house;
  • rust;
  • changing the appearance of the entrance structure.

It is better to deal with these questions in detail.

Metal doors

Most apartment owners in multi-storey buildings choose metal structures. Such products are distinguished by high fire safety, as well as less susceptible to bad weather and mechanical damage.

However, you should get acquainted with the design features of such products, as well as the characteristics of various models. If the door is made with high quality, it can protect the property of apartment owners from theft. It is necessary to take care in advance about the possible prevention of freezing of the product.


It is worth thinking in more detail about choosing a warm front door for your apartment in terms of structural reliability. The strength characteristics are influenced by many factors. Manufacturing technology occupies a special place among them. It is better to choose doors that are made of a steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. The thickness of the sheet is directly related to the stiffness and strength of the door.

Important! There must be sufficient stiffeners inside the door to maintain the geometry of the structure.

Stiffening rib patterns can be different:

  • transverse - when only horizontal elements are present;
  • longitudinal - with vertical ribs;
  • combined - as the name implies, both vertical and horizontal elements are installed in such doors.

The vertical ribs are designed to resist curling of the web. This makes the corners of the door impossible to bend. Horizontal ones are made to prevent the web from being pushed or squeezed out of the box.

The best option is to purchase a door with combined ribs. This will completely protect the door from possible mechanical deformation.

Entrance doors to a private house can be equipped with a sheet of metal not only from the outside, but also have a sheet of metal on the other side. Structural elements are attached to each other using a welding machine.

An increased level of security can be provided only by purchasing an armored door. Such models are produced using the technology of creating safes. Concrete is poured into the structure itself. This ensures the product is bulletproof. Usually, entrance doors for a private house of this type are also equipped with special high-strength locking mechanisms.

It is not recommended to buy a door made of sheet metal less than 1.2 mm thick. Often, such products are sold under the Chinese brand. This tin can be cut with a regular knife.

The strength and reliability of the structure is also determined by the design features of the box. It is better if the box is made of steel 0.3-0.5 cm thick.

Additional elements to provide protection

In addition to a reliable and sturdy door frame, it is necessary to provide high burglary protection by installing reinforced hinges. They may have different shape and be ball, safe, ordinary. The models with a support bearing are the most durable and efficient.

The number of hinges is influenced by the door design. It is necessary to take into account its size and material exterior decoration, the amount of insulation. Even with small size the door must be equipped with at least 3 hinges. This will provide maximum protection. It is better if the loops are internal.

Metal entrance doors to a private house are equipped with pins that provide resistance when trying to remove the structure by force. They are usually located at the end of the door. Such elements are able to fix the closed structure. Even with a successful attempt to cut the hinges and locks by an intruder, the door of all equal will not open.

Thermal insulation

In the harsh weather conditions of the Russian climate, special attention should be paid to reliable thermal insulation of the front door. If there is no external decorative finish, frost appears on the metal sheet every winter. However, even in the case when the door is equipped with a double cladding, and there is a vestibule in front of the entrance to the apartment, the room is not sufficiently protected from the penetration of cold air.

For the temperature regime to be optimal, it is necessary to insulate the door with special materials. Usually they use expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. Such materials have a low degree of thermal conductivity. To maximize thermal insulation, the insulation should be placed in a special frame. When choosing an entrance door, be sure to clarify this.

Freezing of the door is excluded in several ways:

  • Installation of a cold vestibule. The second door, which will go directly to the heated room, must be made of metal-plastic. This will maximize the protection of the room from serious heat loss.
  • At the same time, a cold door will not come into contact with warm air masses. This method of preventing frost penetration is more effective, therefore it is used by many owners of apartments or individual houses.
  • The use of insulated entrance doors for a private house with thermal breaks. A special insert is placed in such products, which is made of polyamide. The material has many advantages that effectively prevent freezing of the structure. For example, if on the outside the air temperature is -25 degrees, from the inside the structure will have an indicator of + 10 degrees. Usually these door models are quite expensive.
  • Installation of an electrically heated door. A heating cable is installed along the contour of the structure. This prevents condensation from forming. Electricity is consumed in the range of 2 to 8 kW per day.

Regardless of the option chosen, it is imperative to equip the door with a double or triple insulation loop. So the cold air masses will be blocked the way to the room.

External finishing

Before choosing a specific model of a street door, it is important to consider the features of the architectural style of the entrance. If it is in direct contact with the street, cladding should be made of a material that is not afraid of temperature extremes. It is also worth considering that the upholstery will be affected by various atmospheric phenomena and precipitation.

It is not recommended to use various particle boards as external upholstery for outdoor entrance doors. This rule also applies to products with a PVC coating. Such products are not able to withstand high humidity, they quickly become unusable under the influence of rain and snow, as well as high humidity.

Hammer painting will help effectively protect the door from moisture. This type of coverage is used for areas with harsh climates.

If a vinyl cladding is chosen, several features of the material should be considered. Such a coating does not have good frost resistance. After the temperature drops to -20 degrees, the coating becomes more fragile.

To give the door a sophisticated look, you can choose waterproof ship panels as the cladding material. They are usually made from such species as oak, pine, alder.


A definite answer, which door better fit for an apartment or private house does not exist. It is important to take into account factors such as the climatic conditions of the region, the intensity of operation, the architectural style of the entrance opening. You can buy a ready-made structure or insulate the door yourself. In the second case, you can save a lot.

Any door must be strong and reliable. And the street front door in particular. A wide variety of materials and models makes this choice very difficult.

There are many problems with front doors. These are low strength characteristics, a tendency to corrosion and condensation.

Helpful information:

Advice! The aluminum profile will increase the strength of wooden door leaves.

Metal doors

An entrance door made of metal inspires confidence among many by its name alone. It is widely believed that such blocks are the most durable and reliable. What are the disadvantages of using them and is everything that simple?

Characteristics of entrance door designs

How strong the front door will be is influenced by the following points:

  • Manufacturing process
  • Construction qualities

It is clear that the greater the thickness of the steel, the higher the door strength will be. Good properties will have surfaces with a thickness of 1.2 mm. dl 2mm. Steel ribs will increase rigidity and strengthen the structure.

Stiffening rib systems:

  1. Longitudinal (vertical reinforcement elements)
  2. Transverse (horizontal reinforcement elements)
  3. Combined (combination of several types)

The longitudinal rib system prevents the door from bending corners. Transverse - will make it difficult to push through the door surface. The combination of both stiffener systems will achieve optimum results.

You can achieve the highest web strength by booking. The manufacturing technology will be exactly the same as for bulletproof safes. Filling the structure with concrete solution provides the necessary strength.

If you can work with metal, you need a unique and sturdy door, then you can do it yourself. Follow the recommendations for.

Special protection

Using reinforced hinges - good way increase protection against penetration.

Hinge modifications:

  • Conventional
  • Ball
  • Safe deposit boxes

The most efficient hinges are with support bearing. This kind will support the weight of heavy metal doors... They are also used for swing gates and massive garage openings.

Anti-removable pins - bonus block resistance to burglary. Reinforcing passive crossbars connect the closed door leaf with the frame. The crossbar is a cylindrical retractable bolt that serves as a locking mechanism. They are mounted on the hinge side on the vertical frame of the frame or door leaf. If the locks and hinges are broken, the door cannot be opened or removed from the hinges. The pins will hold the door in place.

Insulation of metal door blocks

To save the door leaf from the appearance of frost and ice, a layer of thermal insulation is required. Up to 25% of the heat is emitted through doorways. The metal has a high degree of thermal conductivity and is prone to freezing.

Council. A canopy or canopy above the front door is additional protection from the elements.

Insulation materials

  • Fibrous (mineral and basalt wool)
  • Panel (extruded polystyrene foam)

The disadvantage of using mineral wool is vapor permeability. When moisture gets in, the material shrinks. In this case, the thermal protection will be incomplete and ineffective.

Basalt wool does not accumulate moisture and does not shrink. It has low sound transmission and good vibration resistance.

The closed foam structure will not absorb evaporation and moisture. Along with this, foam plates will be good sound insulation.

Not as economical as polystyrene, but more effective - extruded polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

Questions with freezing of metal entrance doors

Control measures.

  1. Cut off the possibility of contact of the front door with the warm air of the dwelling. If the house has a vestibule or veranda, install a metal-plastic door from the side of the heated room. The low thermal conductivity of metal-plastic will not allow cold air to penetrate inside and will solve the problem of freezing of the outer entrance door.
  2. You can opt for door structures with polyamide thermal inserts. The material dampens the effects of very low temperature regimes... For example, having -25 ° C outside, from the side of the room the canvas will have positive 10 degrees. Such a profile will cost twice as much as usual. But the castle area will still be prone to freezing.
  3. Electric heating system. A heating wire laid along the perimeter of the door, near the locks and inside the box itself will be an effective barrier against ice. Additional electricity consumption is a minus of this method. But even at the lowest temperatures, the door will always remain dry.

Council. Double, or better triple, insulation contour will ensure minimal heat loss through the gaps between the leaf and the door frame.

Finishing metal doors

Outside, the entrance door is constantly exposed to a number of external factors. These are sharp temperature changes, sun rays, precipitation. The finish must be able to withstand the impact without affecting the overall unit.

Finishes made of materials such as chipboard or MDF are absolutely not suitable. Even with PVC cover, this finish will not cope with rain and snowfall. The coating will become unusable and will not protect the metal from corrosion.

Hammer paint is a great way to finish your front door from the street side.
After drying, such paint will have an interesting "hammering" texture. Silicone resin and metal pigments in the paint will provide reliable protection from moisture. The paint dries quickly and is easy to apply. The ability to repel dirt makes the coating easy to clean. Painted metal doors look very nice. The color remains saturated for a long time. The paint is applied in several layers with a roller or a spray gun.

Vinyl cladding. Viniplast is a non-combustible thermoplastic material. It has good strength and elasticity. Viniplast will perfectly withstand various atmospheric precipitation. A serious disadvantage is weak frost resistance. At -20 ° C the material becomes brittle and can disintegrate with slight mechanical stress.

Water-resistant finishing made of ship panels of oak, alder, pine will give the doors a chic look. The panels are made of high quality wood using moisture resistant glue. The impression of natural solid wood will cost accordingly.

Door locks

About 60% of the heat loss through the doorway falls on the lock mechanisms. When choosing a door, you should pay attention to which locks are installed. The best option is two different types of mortise locks. The most reliable lever and cylinder types. Both of them are distinguished by a fairly high degree of protection against hacking. It is physically impossible to break the lever lock, and it is very difficult to pick up a master key to the cylinder lock. Disc and cruciform opening mechanisms are also quite common.

Locking mechanisms are divided into classes according to the degree of resistance to burglary. It is recommended to use 2-4 groups for entrance doors. The class of the lock is indicated in the product passport.

What to choose besides metal doors?

Reinforced-plastic doors have a fairly high performance in terms of strength, durability, reliability. Of course, a steel door will surpass these characteristics. But a doorway isn't the only way an intruder can enter a home. So one can argue about which material is better.

PVC doors are widely used in low-rise construction. They are not subject to condensation and icing in cold weather.

The choice of a metal-plastic entrance door

There are similarities in the production technology of PVC windows and doors. But in general, they differ significantly. High strength requirements for door structures, they can only be made from special reinforced PVC profiles.

Door block

For quality entrance PVC doors use a profile of five chambers. Its thickness should not be less than 70 mm. The metal frame reinforces the structure from the inside. The armature is located around the entire perimeter of the door. Strong fixings in the corners are responsible for frame rigidity. Such a frame will allow you to install powerful hinges and anti-burglar locks on the door.

Attention! When ordering a door, pay attention to the number of chambers.

A rubber seal is used for heat and waterproofing. It is located on all sides of the canvas and frame. Plastic doors for country and private houses are completed with additional profile reinforcement. This reinforcement provides additional protection against penetration.

Various options can be finished, triplex inserts or armored glass. Triplex is a laminated glass made by pressing. These materials will withstand strong mechanical stress from the outside. Will provide good overview Behind the door. Sometimes stained glass and tinted glass are found.

For reliability, give preference to models with a glazing surface of no more than a third. As a rule, the upper part is reserved for glass.

Doors from PVC profile may be:

  • Single leaf
  • Double-leaf (for wide openings to evenly distribute the load on the hinges)

The shape of the entire block can be either standard or arched or round. You can read it here.

For centuries, wood has successfully served as the material for the entrance doors to the dwelling: an affordable resource with low thermal conductivity. But the modern homeowner doesn't just look at design and insulation when it comes to choosing an entrance door. Important criteria are reliability, the ability of the door to increase the comfort of household members and serve as an obstacle for an intruder. Given the variety of proposals, how to choose an entrance door to a private house, you cannot decide based only on the cost of the options offered.

Doors, like the calling card of the house Source lv.aviarydecor.com

What are the functions of the entrance doors to a private house

The entrance door to a private house is a multifunctional attribute of the building, designed to serve for many years. Choosing her, the owner decides several important issues:

    Thermal insulation. The higher the latitude, the longer the winter and the more severe the frosts, the more important this characteristic becomes. The design should not only isolate the room from the outside cold, but also prevent heat leakage from the inside, preventing the formation of cold bridges (fragments of canvas with poor insulation). The problem is solved by seals and insulation, which at the same time improves sound insulation.

    Wear resistance. The fundamental factor that determines the practicality and resistance to weather whims, as well as accidental (from imported furniture) and intentional damage.

    Security. The entrance metal door to a private house meets modern safety standards (including fire safety) better than analogues made from other materials.

    Design. Entrance doors in a country house should not fall out of the general design concept. Thanks to modern technologies the structure fulfills its main tasks without violating the harmony of the architectural style. The choice is striking in the richness of decorative solutions - manufacturers offer models with mirror elements and inlay, with forging, glass inserts and a variety of fittings.

A door that adds lighting and visually expands the interior of the house Source erp-mta.ru

What materials can you choose from

The main entrance to the house draws the most attention from the street. When it comes to material selection, cost, functionality and visual appeal must be considered.


The material of such structures is sheet plastic and PVC profiles, with or without double glazing. The insulating properties of glass units reduce heat loss. Outdoor doors for a private house made of PVC have their advantages:

    relatively low cost and ease of installation;



    no corrosion.

Minuses: the structure can deform under prolonged exposure to the sun; when melted, toxic substances are released.


A popular option with many benefits:

    Resistance to environmental influences (higher than that of plastic and wood).

    Strong, durable, environmentally friendly, fit well into any interior.


    Thermal insulation. It is provided thanks to the technology of thermal break (polyamide insert separating the metal of the profile and eliminating the cold bridge).

The wooden model goes well with stained glass inserts Source hullcoexteriors.com


No matter what material appears in the home construction industry, there will always be consumers who will choose classic models from natural wood... A wooden front door to a private house is made either entirely from an array of different species (does not contain any additional elements), or from a combination wooden boards and metal elements. Their advantages are:

    Attractive appearance and variety of models.

    Low thermal conductivity.

Some serious disadvantages prevent enjoying the classics:

    High price.

    Expensive maintenance - wood inevitably cracks and deforms, therefore it needs periodic processing.

    Low security level (easy to hack).

    Low fire safety.

Fiberglass Uses Source pezcame.com


These structures, due to their high insulating properties, are among the most energy efficient doors on the market. The benefits don't stop there:

    Safety: they have the strength of steel structures, but without their tendency to corrosion.

    A variety of styles, the ability to imitate natural wood.

    Unpretentious in care, resistant to dents.

Metal (steel)

The most popular models, thanks to a variety of options, an optimal price / security ratio. In addition, they:

    have excellent thermal insulation;


    does not require maintenance (periodic lubrication of hinges and locks is carried out).

There are few disadvantages:

    possible corrosion in budget options;

    the canvas is prone to scratches and dents.

Option for finishing steel entrance doors Source erp-mta.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installing windows and doors. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

The features of the door leaf include:

    Thickness. Entrance doors for a private house are assembled from metal sheets with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. If the value is greater, reinforcement of the door hinges is required.

    Made of high quality steel. The design has stiffening ribs, protection of external hinges (anti-cut).

    Locks. Certified options are desirable. The castle area is reinforced with a metal plate or box.

    Noise and heat insulation. The space between the stiffeners is filled with a non-combustible sealant - mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

Video description

How to choose entrance metal doors in the video:

What should you pay attention to when buying, except for appearance

The quality of the materials. The quality of products must be confirmed by the manufacturer's certificates (product warranty).

Thermal insulation effective if:

    thermal insulation thickness is not less than 5 cm;

    the total thickness of the frame and the canvas is not less than 8 cm;

    the design contains thermal bridges and a perimeter seal.

Security and elements of external control. Burglary resistance of the structure is determined by 13 classes. The street entrance door for a country house, like all analogs for residential premises, belongs to the first 4 (better - to 3 or 4). It is equipped with a drill-proof lock and a pull-proof handle.

If model with glass is selected, use a multi-layer (shockproof) version. The peephole is matched to the thickness of the structure, the optimal viewing angle is 180 °.

Outdoor door hinges. The most reliable (and expensive) are cut-proof, adjustable hidden hinges. They are made of steel and can be adjusted (if skewed). If the weight of the product is relatively small, bearings are used for the hinges. For massive structures, the option on hardened balls is suitable.

Adjustable hidden hinges Source wareneinkaufen.me

Locks. The attachment point of the locks is ideally reinforced with an armor plate (protection against knocking out and drilling). It is more useful to install two mechanisms - a lever and a cylinder; they should be comfortable for all family members.

Vestibules and platbands:

    Platband. The task of this element is to mask the gap between the door frame and the wall opening, plus, to protect the door from burglary with a crowbar.

    Porch. A projecting part of the outer sheet that protects the gap between the closed structure and the frame.

Fastening the door frame to the wall. Door frame - the frame on which the door hinges and the structure itself are mounted. It is under heavy load, so the steel in its profile must be thicker than in the door leaf.

The planes of the box and the opening must match. When installed, this parameter is controlled by the building level.

The choice of swing iron structures in a private country house

Sometimes external doors for a private house are made in the form of swing double-leaf models, which have their own advantages:

    the sashes open easier due to the distribution of the load on the hinges;

    the design takes up less space when opened;

    the facade makes a solid impression.

Models are available with different sash widths or with symmetrical sashes, as well as with fixed lateral transoms to narrow down large openings.

Double-leaf entrance doors for a country house Source genduk.hk.access.ly

Entrance door manufacturers and cost

Experts say that up to 90% of the models sold are of domestic origin, which is understandable. The quality of the products of local manufacturers corresponds to foreign standards, as they are produced on imported equipment, but the price and delivery time are often significantly less. Buyers are provided with warranty service; companies willingly produce non-standard designs to order.

The price for street doors to a private house can vary within a fairly wide range, depending on the material of the canvas and the design solutions used.

  • Economy class:

    The price for standard economy-class metal doors with vinyl-leather trim starts at 4.5 thousand rubles.

    For models with laminate or spraying, they will ask for from 6.5 thousand rubles, and if the shape of the opening is non-standard (arched and the like), then from 9.5 thousand rubles.

    Doors with a reinforced leaf, albeit without any special frills, will already cost 11-15 thousand rubles.

  • Middle price segment:

    Doors with glass and forging - from 16.5 thousand rubles,

    Various models with MDF finishing, the cost of which will be in the range from 23 to 38 thousand rubles.

  • Premium class. They are divided into two main categories:
  1. Just doors made of natural materials - with solid wood finishes, or models of wooden entrance doors for a private house completely made of wood. The price ranges from 39.9 to 70 thousand rubles.
  2. Products of the "Elite" class, the cost of which depends entirely on your wishes. It is not uncommon here for a price tag of 100-120 thousand rubles and higher - this is the price for individual approach to the client and the original design, which is developed taking into account the entire space surrounding the door.

Doors from China are widely represented among foreign models, but their budget prices often mean lower quality than average domestic counterparts. The rest of the foreign manufacturers share a small part of the Russian market. Italian (MASTER, Panto, Dierre), Finnish (ALAVUS, Fenestra), Israeli (Super Lock) and Polish (Gerda) brands offer premium products using advanced technologies and natural materials.

Don't have to open doors to see who's outside Source kenneyandcompany.com

How is the installation

Whatever the street doors for a private house, the work is going according to the same plan:

    Dismantling old construction (optional) and preparation (alignment) of the opening.

    Checking the completeness and operation of the lock.

    Installation of the box (frame). The correct position (coincidence of the planes of the box and the opening) is checked by the building level.

The level checks vertical and horizontal planes Source bulgara-ny.com

    The frame is fixed using mounting plates, anchors or steel reinforcement and secured.

    The door is hung on the hinges, the course of the web is checked, the hinges are adjusted.

    Technological gaps are filled ( polyurethane foam or cement mortar) when the door is closed, protected by foil.

    Slopes, platbands, a door closer, locks and a handle are installed.

All gaps must be filled with polyurethane foam Source deco24.access.ly

On average, it takes 2-4 hours to install a steel street door. Installation can be done at any time of the year; the only limitation is polyurethane foam, which can be used down to -12 ° C (without warming up the cylinder).

An example of beautiful and original doors: photo and video

Video description

About the choice of doors from various materials in the video:

And a few examples in the photo:

Few people use door knockers, but they look very beautiful Source timgori.pw

Although half of the door area is occupied by glass inserts, it is quite difficult to break it. Source stroy-masterden.ru

Forged items will never go out of style Source formywife.info

The door design is ideal for a home with a second light Source deavita.fr

The door structure looks very "powerful" despite the transparent wall Source masterlad.prom.ua


The front door is usually the first and last thing people see when visiting a home; this design is intended to give a sense of the character and style of housing. On the other hand, an outer door is a thing that will last for years. It is important to remember that all the while, outdoor front doors for a private home will play a key role in keeping the home safe and energy efficient.
