IN modern houses almost every apartment has a balcony block. This is a balcony door with a window.

The window, as a rule, is single-leaf or double-leaf, located to the right or left of the balcony door.

There is also a so-called "eared" balcony block or "cheburashka". It is a balcony unit with single-leaf windows on either side of the balcony door.

Very often the windows at the balcony door are made deaf, which makes the cost of the balcony block very attractive. After all, on each opening of the sash, it is saved from 2800 rubles.

The question arises, how to ventilate the room? It's very simple! The balcony door, as well as the window, has the ability to open the sash in the tilted position, while using all the possibilities of discrete slot ventilation. Some pluses are economy and comfort.

The balcony door is increasingly made completely glass. It is recommended to make the door completely glass if the door dimensions are larger than the standard ones.

Prices for a balcony block of a typical size for various profile systems with a width of 60, 70 and 80 mm can be found in the table.

Balcony door protects against cold, heat and street noise. When it comes to an unglazed balcony, no one doubts its necessity. Nevertheless, the owners of glazed and qualitatively sometimes refuse to install a balcony door, increasing the room adjacent to the balcony. This is everyone's business, but the balcony door becomes a necessity when it is important to maximally protect the living space from negative effects. external environment, or when the balcony is used as a study or recreation area. Moreover, if you pay due attention to the choice and design of a balcony door, it can be turned into an interior decoration. We deal with materials, sizes, opening schemes, glazing methods and other points.

# 1. Balcony door profile material

An indecently high offer plastic doors can form an erroneous opinion in the buyer that there is nothing else on the market. Undoubtedly, PVC doors have a number of advantages and today they are the best in terms of value for money, they are universal, but the market offers and alternative options... Among them are wooden, aluminum and glass doors. The choice should be based not only on the price and appearance, but also on how well this or that option will fit into the apartment and whether it will match with already installed windows.

Plastic balcony doors

Let's start with the most popular option. By design and properties, a plastic balcony profile is not much different from a similar one with which absolutely everyone is familiar. Such structures are made made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and reinforced with steeltherefore the profile is lightweight and at the same time strong. The plastic profile is not a monolith, inside it is divided into several chambers, and the more there are, the better performance it will have in terms of heat and sound insulation. Durability and strength are determined plastic wall thickness: it is better to take class A structures with an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.5 mm.

To the advantages of plastic balcony doorswe will attribute:

  • durability;
  • high level of tightness, heat and sound insulation;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of care;
  • appearance... The traditional and most popular profile color is white, but if such a design does not fit into the interior, you can give it any desired shade or texture thanks to laminating films. Often the plastic profile imitates a tree pattern;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations and humidity;
  • low price.


  • plastic does not allow air to pass through. This is good in terms of retaining heat in the room, but bad in the sense that the exhaust air from the apartment will not pass through the structure, so a well-functioning system is needed;
  • scratches on plastic are almost impossible to remove.

Experimental data indicate that plastic multi-chamber profiles are practically not inferior in terms of thermal insulation to a wooden analog of the same thickness.

Wooden balcony doors

If the apartment is installed or residents value everything natural and environmentally friendly, then wooden doors Is your option. Modern production managed to get rid of many of the problems typical of old wooden windows and doors. Today, solid wood is almost never used for the manufacture of profiles - it has been replaced by glued laminated timber, which practically does not react to changes in humidity and temperature, which was achieved by the opposite direction of wood fibers in different layers. Pine and larch are usually used for production, the elements are connected with environmentally friendly water-repellent adhesives.


  • environmental friendliness and naturalness;
  • excellent appearance;
  • durability;
  • tightness;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.


Aluminum balcony doors

No. 7. Balcony door design

A balcony door is not only a way to protect yourself from the cold. With complete tightness and proper functionality, it should be aesthetically pleasing, so as not only not to spoil, but also to decorate the interior of the apartment.

  • door shape... The most popular solution is the usual rectangular door, but you can experiment and make it arched, or make the entire balcony block, together with the windows, in the form of an arch. You can go further and make the doorway even more bizarre, but all this, of course, will require additional financial and time investments. Doors of unusual shapes are made of wood and aluminum profiles;
  • profile color... It is considered standard white color, lamination with imitation of wood texture is catching up in popularity. But there are other options, because plastic profile you can give any shade - it all depends on the characteristics of the interior and your own desires. If the walls are painted in neutral light colors, then the profile can be bright and become color accent rooms, however, it will need to be supported by other elements. For an interior, for example, a dark profile with a metallic sheen is suitable;
  • decorative glass... Regular clear glass can be replaced with colorful or sandblasted glass. Such a solution will cost a lot, but it will transform the room and solve the problem of a not very attractive view from the window. A more budgetary alternative is the use of self-adhesive films with imitation of stained glass or vinyl stickers;
  • curtains - the most popular balcony door decoration. Simultaneously with the decorative function, they also perform a purely functional, therefore

The balcony door, which we use every day and which we hardly notice anymore, performs a lot of functions at once, and it depends on us how comfortable, airtight, durable and aesthetic it will be.

  1. Structurally, a window with a door to the balcony can be from any Rehau profile: Blitz, Euro, Estet, Sib, Delight, Brillant, Geneo or Edinburgh. When choosing, the parameters of the room are taken into account, for example, if the room is dark and you want to increase the light transmittance of the windows, then you can stop at Rehau Delight. Or, for example, if the balcony is not glazed, and you need to make the room as warm as possible (nursery, bedroom), then for a combined window construction the Rehau Sib profile will do.
  2. Double-glazed windows, which are equipped with a window structure, can be one- or two-chamber, energy-saving or with special properties (shockproof, sun-reflecting, self-cleaning, etc.), described in the section Double-glazed windows.
  3. Door leaf filling is performed in three versions: double-glazed unit + sandwich panel (in the lower part - the most common option), solid glass unit (completely transparent door leaf), two double-glazed windows with a horizontal lintel.
  4. A mechanism responsible for micro-ventilation can be installed on the door leaf - when the handle is vertical, the door will not open, but will swing back from above (like a transom). However, it is more practical to equip the sash of the window located to the right or left of the door with a swing-out mechanism.
  5. A balcony block with a window can be decorated in various ways: choose a color scheme, texture, stained glass or decorative layout on the transparent part.
  6. Keep in mind that slopes and thresholds can be made on the day the window is installed! It is enough to discuss this moment when measuring the opening, and our specialists will trim the slopes with sandwich panels after the main installation work.
  7. Easy to care for - distinctive feature plastic windowsopening onto the balcony. Usually, care comes down to removing contaminants as needed with traditional alkali-free formulations.

PVC doors are the most common design for balcony openings. There is a wide variety of PVC balcony doors on the market today. Plastic structures stand out not only for their beautiful appearance, but also for the warmth and sound insulation of the room, for a long lifespan, different options execution. Let's consider what plastic balcony doors are, their advantages, how to choose, and how to install

Varieties of balcony doors

This solution is especially in demand, because, as a rule, apartments are made in the same style.

  • The type of single-leaf PVC doors is distinguished by improved thermal insulation, which will ensure a stable temperature in the room;
  • In summer, the door can be used as part of the ventilation, opening the sash in full or in part;
Single leaf plastic balcony doors

Double-leaf doors are considered to be more efficient, they stand out in a larger, in comparison with single-leaf doors, width.

PVC double-leaf balcony door

Sliding system

The variant is a separate structure that is not included in the main room. Main advantage sliding doors in saving free space in the room, which is very important for small apartments.

Foldable accordion

An unusual option for mounting a balcony opening. The folding doors are easy to use and compact. Also, when compared with a standard glass unit, an increased tightness can be distinguished.

Construction of plastic balcony doors

Before choosing a model for your balcony, it is important to understand what structures exist. Several types can be distinguished:

  • "Harmonic";
  • Sliding;
  • Parallel Shift System;
  • Lifting and sliding;
  • Tilt and slide;
  • Lifting and sliding.

The "accordion" type is convenient for comfortable use. It provides smooth opening, even with the smallest available space. The main disadvantage of this system is that when closed, sunlight does not reach the room.

The sliding system also works well in small spaces. The structure is equipped with castors for optimal use space.

The parallel shift stands out for its heavy doors and easy operation, the ability to open the system completely and the excellent ability to transmit light rays.

Lift sliding doors function by lifting the sash. The rubber seal provides excellent sealing. The downside of this design is the inability to open it to the end, the doors move sequentially.

Steadily extending is a system similar to that of buses. She first moves forward, then slides behind the fixed part.

The design of the lifting slide makes it possible to install volumetric plastic doors to the balcony. In addition, the system has good heat retention and tightness.

Composition of plastic doors

For the production of plastic balcony doors, only 2 types of material are used: aluminum and plastic.

The sliding glass balcony door is made from a standard profile. The material was chosen due to the fact that it perfectly retains heat, is reliable and extremely tight. PVC balcony doors are usually white. However, there are also options in other shades, such as wood finish.

Aluminum doors to the balcony are made of profile structures. The main feature of such structures is the ability to perform in any form with a combination of various materials, which makes such systems an important element in the construction of expensive buildings. The aluminum balcony door is characterized by its fire resistance, harmonious combination with many solutions, corrosion resistance.

Features and benefits of balcony doors

As standard, ready-made PVC balcony doors are manufactured together with a window. The advantages of plastic structures are:

  • Tightness, due to the tight fit of the frame and profile;
  • Immunity to temperature changes;
  • Thermal insulation, due to which the temperature is maintained in the room;
  • Unpretentious maintenance.

The balcony door is identical in structure to the window system, therefore the same mechanisms are used in production. The customer may wish the outlet to be equipped with handles on both sides to avoid accidental slamming.

There is a balcony door completely glass or partially glazed. An open solution allows you to add lighting to a room.

The dimensions of the plastic balcony doors will depend on the parameters of the balcony opening. If it exceeds 90 cm, then a two-leaf circuit is mounted. Standard sizes: height from 1.90 m, width of the plastic balcony door - 60 centimeters. If it is necessary to reduce the parameters of the open alignment, the second part is made blind or closed with latches.

How to install a PVC balcony system

Before starting the installation of any structure, it is required to perform preparation work - measure, purchase tools and materials, etc. Installing glass doors on a balcony is not like working with wooden profiles and has a number of features.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare the opening. It is important to ensure that the dimensions correspond to the wall and profile.
  2. Then, before installation, the plastic door for the balcony will have to be disassembled. Initially, the design is sold assembled, but it is easier to install the system in parts.
  3. The frame is installed with anchors and brackets. If brackets are used to secure the system, then it must be ensured that they are mounted in a special slot on the back. Anchors are installed in pre-prepared holes by piercing the box through and through. Regardless of the method chosen, it is required to set 3 fasteners on the side.
  4. Further, nails or self-tapping screws are driven into the opening for an emphasis. For the correct plane, 4 dowels are enough.

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Most people live in old multi-storey buildings and in the process of improving their homes, many people replace balcony doors. Currently, the best alternative to a worn out wooden structure is a plastic balcony door.

Types of plastic balcony doors

The appearance of the doors and the entire room depends a lot on the type of the structure itself. So, a plastic door to the balcony can be:

  • Single leaf;
  • Bivalve;
  • Sliding;
  • Folding.

Single leaf

It is the most popular model. Such a door has the highest rates of sound insulation and heat saving. Often it is not necessary to fully open the sash to ventilate the room. Due to the functionality of the fittings installed on the door, most of the leaves have the function of opening in the window mode.

For high-quality protection from the cold, especially with an unglazed balcony, it is recommended to use a structure with a combination of double-glazed windows and a sandwich panel. However, in view of the possibility of making doors to order, if the client wishes, it is permissible to install glasses both above and below the canvas. But it is worth remembering that such a solution will significantly reduce the thermal insulation of the room.


Double-leaf plastic balcony doors are considered more convenient to use than single-leaf ones. First of all, this is due to the fact that the dimensions of the structure make it possible to easily move large-sized objects that are quite often stored on balconies.

Due to the large area occupied by the shutters of the structure, the ventilation of the room is performed many times faster and more efficiently.


The sliding balcony door is excellent solution for apartments with limited free space... The advantages of the products include the possibility of installing large sashes.

Plastic door leaf This type is manufactured both as a glass element with a sandwich panel and as a solid glass unit. At the same time, the use of full glazing of the door will make the room very bright due to the penetration of more sunlight.


The design of such a plastic balcony door, when opened, looks like an accordion. However, despite this, the product has high tightness rates. This is ensured by the presence of special seals and high-quality fittings of the original design.

But of course, the main advantages of this type of product are its quiet appearance and significant space savings during the opening process.

Features of plastic door designs

The main feature of these balcony doors is their versatility. Bright and at the same time harmonious appearance, as well as a wide range of colors will allow the door to be easily combined with any interior.

One of the most important advantages of plastic balcony doors is their tightness and, as a result, high-quality thermal insulation and noise absorption. Despite the rather large construction area, heat is very efficiently retained in the room. In addition, in fact, the only requirement for door maintenance is periodic lubrication of the hinge mechanisms.

The balcony door made of plastic perfectly resists increased level humidity and shifts temperature regimes, therefore it is suitable even for non-glazed balconies. To clean the canvas itself, no special agents are required, a conventional detergent is sufficient household chemicals... Moreover, in comparison with wooden structures, PVC balcony doors are much cheaper.

Due to the wide distribution plastic products, components for them are available in huge quantities on free sale. Based on this, the selection of fittings or the search for replacement parts will not be difficult.

Standard sizes of balcony doors

The most common single leaf door unit doors have a very specific size range. So, the width of the balcony PVC doors is from 70 to 90 cm. The height of the canvas can be from 200 to 210 cm. At the same time, the lower sandwich panel, in most cases, has a height of 70 cm.

Even with individual production, plastic balcony doors very rarely have dimensions that are not included in this range. This tendency is due to the fact that with excessive deviations from the standard parameters, deformation of the structure occurs very quickly.

The width of the plastic door depends on the overall size of the room, so in a room with a large area, according to engineering calculations, a large door will be installed. These norms are spelled out in the document GOST 11214-86 and 23166-99.

A significant increase in the balcony door is possible with the permission of the architectural commission, since the wall with the balcony is always load-bearing. For expansion, you can reduce or remove the window opening, which in most cases is present next to a single-leaf door. Subsequently, it is permissible to install a double-leaf or sliding plastic door.

Selection of fittings and profiles

When choosing hardware for PVC balcony doors, you should not save money, since the efficiency and durability of the entire system directly depends on its quality. The safest way is to opt for products from well-known manufacturers who give a guarantee of product quality. In addition, it is important for fittings to have various options and their appropriateness in each specific case.

When choosing a profile, you should also pay attention to the manufacturer. A well-known brand always values \u200b\u200bits reputation and will not produce low-quality goods. Before buying, you must read the instructions and pay attention to the depth of the profile. This parameter affects the ability to install various double-glazed windows, differing in the degree of noise absorption and thermal insulation.

Door replacement

To replace the old balcony door, it is necessary to dismantle the leaf and the frame using a carpentry tool. The freed doorway must be cleaned of dust and debris.

When making measurements for ordering a plastic door, it is necessary to take into account not only the necessary gaps, the dimensions of which should be minimal, but also measure the diagonals. These measures will avoid skewing the frame and the entire structure.

When installing a new frame in a balcony doorway, you should control the process of the appearance of gaps. When they are formed, the space is filled with polyurethane foam.


Correct alignment is essential for the structure to function efficiently and lastingly. If you have quality fittings, the procedure is quite simple. Adjustment along the contact plane is necessary to ensure protection against the ingress of cold air and is performed first.

Checking and replacing the seal

When inspecting the door leaf, in case of deformation of the seal strip, the door must be kept in open form couple of hours. If the seal is not aligned, then it must be replaced. The installation procedure is as follows:

  • Old sealing tape removed;
  • The new seal has adhesive tape on both sides. The gluing is performed first from one side, downwards from the top of the plastic balcony doors;
  • The second side is glued according to the same principle.

In the case of simultaneous gluing of the seal on both sides, the tape will take on the shape of an accordion and become unusable. In this case, it will be necessary to purchase a new seal.

Adjusting fittings

Elements of the fittings of plastic doors on the balcony allow adjustment with curtains. The canvas can move both along and across. For this purpose, hexagon # 4 is used, after which the protective cap is removed from the curtain. In the case of using a perpendicular screw, the blade will be displaced vertically. Using a socket screw will move the door horizontally.

It is important to remember that during the adjustment process it is necessary to ensure that the door closes under the force of its own weight. Tight closure contributes to the rapid failure of hardware elements.

The adjustment of the locking mechanism depends on its type of construction. The magnetic device is secured by matching the axis of the elements. Mechanical locking implies the primary fixing of the handle, and after the latch. In this case, the latch part must be located in the axis of the clamps. This will ensure that the plastic door can be easily closed by its own weight.
