Drinking just one cup of pomegranate tea from Turkey during the day will prolong the natural beauty and preserve the youthfulness of the skin, improve health, and create a positive attitude for the whole day. It does not matter when to drink a drink, in the morning, afternoon or evening, in a circle of friends or in solitude, the main thing is to be able to brew it correctly.


Pomegranate tea has excellent taste, aroma and thirst-quenching properties. It is extremely useful for humans due to its high concentration in the composition of vitamins and essential trace elements.

For the first time such a drink began to be made in Ancient Greece (Aristotle especially loved to enjoy it). In the East, pomegranate tea has been elevated to the rank of a national drink. And on the Turkish coast, there is even a special profession of a tea carrier - chaiji.

The drink is popular both in Europe and in the West. Even Hollywood divas like J.Lo prefer him.


Pomegranate tea has many benefits:

  • represents a storehouse of vitamins (including group B), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, silicon, chromium) and other microelements very important for humans (organic acids: malic, boric, citric , oxalic, wine, amber);
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to dangerous external stimuli;
  • improves the appearance of the epidermis and hair (smooth, elastic, silky);
  • strengthens the circulatory system and normalizes blood pressure due to the presence of vitamin P in the composition;
  • improves sleep, helps to get rid of manifestations of anxiety and stress;
  • eliminates foci of inflammation in the joints, ears, eyes, internal organs (liver, kidneys), gums and teeth (gingivitis, stomatitis);
  • acts as a prophylactic agent and a healing decoction during ARVI due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C;

  • improves metabolism, frees the body from toxins, radionuclides, which are the cause of poor health, the occurrence and development of chronic ailments;
  • reorganizes the gastrointestinal tract (the risk of the occurrence and development of pathologies is significantly reduced);
  • is used in terms of an additional stimulant for low hemoglobin, anemia, anemia, atherosclerosis, thyroid diseases, tuberculosis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, enteritis, dysentery, colitis;
  • contains fifteen amino acids which are essential for growth muscle mass, synthesis of enzymes and protein;
  • contains tannins necessary for the human body, essential oils, flavonoids, fiber;
  • recommended for people employed in hazardous industries or working in conditions of increased radiation activity;
  • well quenches thirst, is recommended in combination with physical activity (has a beneficial effect on the parameters of the figure).

What parts are used?

To prepare a pomegranate drink, you can use:

  • fruit flowers - in color and taste, the tea will be similar to red, but it will be noticeably different from the classic hibiscus;
  • the juice- the most popular ingredient;
  • peel- used in pomegranate infusions, which help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, as well as improve bowel function.

How to choose a quality fruit?

Before buying a pomegranate, it must be carefully inspected. The skin of the fruit should be dry and firm. If the pomegranate has soft bald spots, this indicates that it has begun to deteriorate or has been frozen. The peduncle must be dry brown... The presence of green spots on this part of the fruit indicates its immaturity.


There are many methods of brewing pomegranate tea. Let's consider the most interesting ones.


For a drink prepared according to this recipe, you will need:

  • freshly squeezed pomegranate juice or fruit grains;
  • freshly brewed tea (black or green);
  • two containers differing in size;
  • water.

All proportions are selected based on individual taste preferences.

Pour tea leaves and pomegranate juice (or grains) into a small container. Pour water into a large vessel and boil. After the water boils, put a small container on a large one (the principle of a water bath), and let the tea-fruit mass warm up for 2-3 minutes. Add boiling water to a small container, then leave in a water bath with a strong boil for another 7-8 minutes. With this approach to the tea making process, the finished drink will delight you with a mild, restrained taste.

Juice drink

You will need the following components:

  • tea brewing (variety - at choice);
  • pomegranate juice;
  • sugar (it is better to choose cane).

Make a strong brew. Add brown sugar and pomegranate extract. It is best to stick to the 1: 1 proportions, but they can be adjusted according to individual taste preferences.

For the recipe, you need to take exactly cane sugar, since it does not add its flavor notes to the tea, as its beet counterpart does. It is better to make juice for making a drink yourself, then the authenticity of the result will be 100%.

Pomegranate drink with lemon

To prepare a drink according to this recipe, you must:

  • 3 tbsp. l. pomegranate juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. black tea;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cane sugar;
  • 1 tsp lemon zest.

Pour the tea leaves, sugar and zest over 1.5 cups of boiling water, cover with a lid. Let it brew for 3-4 minutes. Stir the ingredients. Strain the broth through cheesecloth and add pomegranate juice. It is recommended to drink the drink cold.

Petal drink

Tea made from pomegranate flowers is considered to be very healthy. To prepare a drink, you will need 1 tablespoon of pomegranate petals, brewed in a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to infuse tea no longer than half an hour. During brewing, a bright aroma of an exotic fruit is revealed.

In order for the drink to be not only aromatic, but also useful, boiling water must be fresh, boiled for the first time, and not again after cooling.

Pomegranate Peel Drink

For tea you will need:

  • chopped dry peel of the fruit (it is possible to brew the whole pomegranate peel);
  • the black / green tea;
  • sugar (possibly replaced with honey).

Dip tea (optional) and fruit peel in cold water, boil. Let it simmer for 2 minutes. Cover and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Strain, sweeten (optional).

To prevent the drink from becoming bitter, before crushing and drying the peel, you need to remove the white pulp.


Although the benefits of pomegranate are undeniable, it is not recommended to consume this fruit too often. The maximum amount of pomegranate tea that can be consumed per day is 3 standard tea cups. If you violate the recommended rate, negative consequences will manifest themselves in the form of problems with the teeth (destruction of enamel) and vision (a sharp drop). Large amounts of tea can lead to vomiting and even muscle cramps.

There are also contraindications, following which you should not drink tea with pomegranate:

  • pregnant women (during lactation, the drink can be used only after consulting a doctor);
  • persons suffering from disorders of the digestive system, gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach, ulcers of the intestines and stomach;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • small children (up to 12 months);
  • persons prone to constipation, with cracks and hemorrhoids in the rectum.

Pomegranate - amazing healthy fruit... Per healing properties and a composition rich in vitamins and minerals in the east it is called the "king of fruits". Pure pomegranate and pomegranate juice are familiar to everyone. But it turns out that exotic pomegranate tea can be made on the basis of pomegranate. We will tell you about the beneficial properties of such tea, as well as share recipes for its preparation.

The benefits of pomegranate tea

Useful material

Turning into tea, the pomegranate transfers all its beneficial features... Boric, succinic, oxalic, malic, citric and tartaric acids - all this wealth is contained in pomegranate. Regularly drinking tea from an exotic fruit, you will delight your body with the necessary vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B15, PP and provide yourself with manganese, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, potassium, chromium, copper and so on. In addition, pomegranate is a source of amino acids. It contains 15 different amino acids, including six essential ones. Your body will definitely be happy with such a vitamin and mineral cocktail!

Beneficial features

Pomegranate tea drink has powerful healing powers. When consumed regularly, pomegranate tea has the following effects:

  • relieves inflammatory processes associated with diseases of the eyes, ears, joints, kidneys, liver;
  • improves metabolic processes and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • has a preventive effect against diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • removes radionuclides from the body;
  • resists viral infections, colds by strengthening the immune system.

If you brew tea on pomegranate crusts, then such a drink will have an astringent effect, which is especially useful in case of diarrhea, enterocolitis and colitis. Pomegranate tea promotes a speedy recovery with stomatitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, gingivitis.

Pomegranate seed tea is excellent for hormonal imbalance. Pomegranate tea can be brewed from the bridges separating the grains of the fruit. This drink will have a beneficial effect on sleep, eliminate manifestations of anxiety and stress. The drink also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin.

How to choose a pomegranate

The choice of pomegranate for our tea should be approached very carefully, because not only the taste of the drink, but also its beneficial properties depends on the quality of the fruit.

Primarily, appreciate the pomegranate crust... It must be firm. If the pomegranate is soft to the touch, then, most likely, it was slightly frozen or even slightly rotten. It is better not to buy such a fruit, because it will not bring either pleasure or benefit.

In addition to the crust, pay attention to Fruit "ass", that is, the part where the flower grew. In a good, ripe pomegranate, this place should not be green.

How to extract juice

So, we have chosen the pomegranate, now we need to get juice from it. How to properly squeeze juice from a pomegranate? At first glance, this may seem very difficult, but in fact, everyone can handle it. There are three ways to get pomegranate juice. You will definitely like one of them.

  1. Use a regular citrus juicer... This method has one small drawback: the juice will taste a little bitter, since it is squeezed out not only from the grains themselves, but also from the partitions between them. And not everyone will like this taste.
  2. This method is more time consuming and requires some effort on your part. We take a pomegranate in our hands and knead it thoroughly... After you feel that all the grains have released their juice, make a hole in the pomegranate and drain the resulting juice through it into some container.
  3. If the first and second options don't work for you, just go to the store and buy pomegranate juice. It should be juice, not nectar. However, you should be aware that the quality of the purchased juice can differ significantly from what you could make yourself from fresh pomegranates.

How to make pomegranate tea

There are many recipes, using which you can easily pamper yourself with an exquisite and healthy drink, preparing it completely yourself. Let's consider some of them.

Cooking according to Turkish traditions

Turkish pomegranate tea is brewed using a "steam bath". For this we need two vessels, black or green tea, pomegranate seeds, water.

So, we are preparing Turkish pomegranate tea.

  1. Place tea and pomegranate seeds in one of the vessels.
  2. In the second, we collect water and bring it to a boil.
  3. Place the vessel with tea leaves and grains over boiling water in the second vessel.
  4. When the water in the lower vessel has boiled, remove the structure from the fire and pour boiling water over our mixture in the upper vessel.
  5. We fill the lower vessel with water again and put our structure back on fire.
  6. The tea is ready when the water in the "steam bath" has boiled for at least five minutes.

Perhaps, someone will find such a recipe too complicated, so we offer another option for making pomegranate tea. Making pomegranate tea this way is easy!

Potential harm

It should be remembered that despite all the beneficial properties of pomegranate tea, you should definitely not abuse it. The peel of the “king of fruits” contains a small amount of alkaloids - poisonous substances. If you drink too much tea based on pomegranate peel, you can face such troubles as nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, and even seizures... In addition, drinking pomegranate tea too often can lead to deterioration of the teeth.


  • Pomegranate tea should not be consumed by people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • People with gastritis and pancreatitis will also have to give up the exotic drink.
  • Remember that this fruit can cause allergic reactions.
  • You should also refrain from drinking pomegranate tea and women during pregnancy.
  • If you are often constipated, then, unfortunately, pomegranate tea is not for you.

Pomegranate tea is an excellent drink for those who want to keep the body young and enjoy its exquisite, illuminating taste. This drink will be an excellent protector and helper of your immunity, as well as decorate any friendly gathering or party.

In conclusion, we bring to your attention a video about easy way extracting juice from pomegranate:

Reading time: 5 minutes


Pomegranate is one of the most delicious and healthy fruits. It contains many vitamins and minerals that our body needs. It is not for nothing that the Turks call him the king of fruits. We have a very popular pomegranate, we add its grains to various dishes, eat it neat and drink pomegranate juice. Now, more and more people are giving preference to natural products and teas, which are replacing black tea varieties. But not everyone knows about pomegranate tea. Today we will learn how to brew Turkish pomegranate tea, how is pomegranate tea useful?

A pomegranate tree that grows up to six meters in height. The fruits are large with many bright red or light grains. The color of the fruit has a burgundy or yellow-orange hue. One fruit can contain up to one thousand grains, so it was previously considered a symbol of fertility and a cure for infertility. Ripe pomegranate should be firm and heavy, the skin is one color, and the taste is sweet and slightly tart. Pomegranates are grown in Africa, Turkey, Asia and other countries. Fruit inflorescences are used for dyeing fabrics.

Varieties of pomegranate tea

  1. With the addition of pomegranate juice. This means that pomegranate juice is added to ordinary brewed loose leaf tea.
  2. Pomegranate flower tea. The drink made from dry petals of the fruit is aromatic and refreshing, the Turks invented it.
  3. Tea made from pomegranate peels. Brew ordinary tea and add pomegranate peel. But you can brew a drink only from the peel, and add the pulp of the fruit. You will get a beautiful tasty healthy drink.

Turkish tea

At first, the Turks came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bdrinking tea with pomegranate, then it became famous throughout the world. Due to its properties, it quenches thirst well and is well known in countries where it is very hot. Now let's determine how to brew this pomegranate tea from Turkey, its benefits for the body.

Useful properties of fruit tea

If you constantly drink pomegranate tea, its benefits are as follows:

  1. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. Helps with inflammation of the kidneys, liver, joints.
  3. Cleans the body of harmful substances.
  4. Restores the work of the heart and strengthens it.
  5. Acts as a prophylactic agent against diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  6. Strengthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects on the body.

The infusion made from the peel will help with colitis and upset stomach, due to the enveloping action. It will also help cure stomatitis, sore throat and pharyngitis.

Brewed tea from the partitions that separate the grains helps with insomnia, soothes well. This infusion strengthens the hair roots and makes the skin smooth and silky.

How to get juice from pomegranate

There are several methods for obtaining juice, and you can choose the one that suits you:

  • Use a juicer. Because the juice in this case is squeezed out not only from the grains, but from the partitions too, then its taste will be a little bitter. Not everyone will like the drink;

  • We squeeze out ourselves. This method, although it will take some time, but you will receive natural product... Take an unpeeled pomegranate, wash it and start kneading it with your hands. When you feel that there is already a lot of juice inside it, make a hole in the fruit and pour the juice into a cup;
  • From the store. If you cannot squeeze the juice yourself, buy it at the store. But, the quality of brewed tea from such juice will be lower than from the one that you prepared yourself.

How to make pomegranate tea

To make this pomegranate tea, you need the following ingredients:

  • Leafy green or black tea - 3 teaspoons;
  • Pomegranate juice - 50 milliliters;
  • Sugar-3 teaspoons;
  • Lemon zest - 1 teaspoon.

Pour 300 milliliters of boiling water over tea, sugar and lemon zest and let it brew for three minutes. Strain the infusion and add pomegranate juice to it. It is better to drink the infusion cold.

Pomegranate leaf and petal drink

To prepare a drink, you need:

  • Pomegranate leaves - one teaspoon;
  • Pomegranate flowers - one teaspoon;
  • Water.

Pour boiling water over the leaves and flowers, cover and let stand for ten to fifteen minutes. Strain and you can taste a delicious healthy drink.

Peel tea

This pomegranate drink is not very popular, and not everyone likes its taste. In addition, pomegranate peel contains harmful substances, the intake of which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and indigestion.

Pour boiling water over the crusts and leave for ten minutes. Add honey or brewed tea to the strained tea infusion.

The homeland of tea with the addition of pomegranate is Turkey. It is there that grow exotic trees with red fruits, unique in terms of vitamin composition. The sweet and sour drink is a great thirst quencher and is often served like a traditional Turkish pomegranate tea.

The warm climate promotes long-term flowering of the pomegranate tree, so it is often possible to see both flowers and fruits on it. Not all red flower lanterns turn into pomegranates; collecting barren flowers provides raw materials for tea production.

Almost all parts of the plant are used to make pomegranate tea: flowers, bark, leaves, fruits.

Pomegranate is considered a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, nutrients:

  • the fruit contains 15 amino acids necessary for a person for normal life support;
  • b vitamins improve the process of hematopoiesis, help to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, have a calming effect;
  • vitamin P supports the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • ascorbic acid strongly counteracts the entry of infection into the body, strengthens its protective qualities, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • the peel contains 2 times more antioxidants than the pomegranate seeds themselves;
  • pomegranate seeds help restore hormonal balance, relieve the condition during "critical" days and menopause;
  • the regular addition of pomegranate to the diet by women of any age prevents breast cancer;
  • bones contain a substance that helps maintain stability normal pressure human, pomegranate seeds are good for diabetes;
  • 79 kcal per 100 g of the product help to cleanse the body and supply it with nutrients and vitamins.

You should not consume pomegranate or drinks from it in large quantities, this can provoke an allergic reaction.

Pomegranate drink recipes

Pomegranate juice tea drink:

  1. prepare green or black tea according to your taste;
  2. sweeten with sugar syrup, honey, sugar (preferably cane sugar);
  3. cool the drink to room temperature;
  4. add pomegranate juice in a 1: 1 ratio or to taste.

You can drink pomegranate tea hot or cold. In hot weather, a cool drink perfectly quenches your thirst.

Turkish pomegranate tea on a steam bath:

  1. you will need a construction of two teapots stacked on top of each other. Below the bottom is a heating source;
  2. pour water into the lower container, preferably from a natural source;
  3. put tea leaves and fresh pomegranate seeds in the upper vessel (a teaspoon and 50 g, respectively);
  4. when the water boils, pour boiling water (200 ml) over the contents of the upper teapot;
  5. pour the next portion of water into the lower vessel, bring to a boil and keep it on fire for at least 5 minutes;
  6. pour tea into cups. For taste, you can add a mint leaf, a lime wheel, or a piece of cinnamon stick;
  7. sugar or honey is consumed to taste.

Tea made from pomegranate peels. To prepare an exotic drink:

  1. separate the pomegranate skins from the partitions and the white part (it is this that gives strong bitterness);
  2. dry until brittle in the oven or naturally;
  3. grind raw materials in a coffee grinder;
  4. half a teaspoon of powder should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, adding a pinch of green tea. Insist the drink for 5-10 minutes.

This tea made from pomegranate peels is taken in warm form as an antihelminthic agent or for stomach problems, in particular for diarrhea.

If you add dried pomegranate partitions to ordinary tea, you get a good natural antidepressant. This drink has a beneficial effect on nervous system and helps relieve stress.

Delicious pomegranate flower tea is a bit like pomegranate juice, and appearance - hibiscus drink. Preparation:

  1. mix flower buds and plant leaves in the same amount;
  2. place a teaspoon of the mixture in a glass dish and pour 150-200 ml of boiling water;
  3. insist 15 minutes, then strain;
  4. drink tea warm with added sugar or honey.

Honey changes the taste and drowns out the aroma of the drink, so you should only choose a sweetener based on your taste preferences.

Contraindications for pomegranate and its parts

The fleshy peel of the pomegranate contains a toxic substance alkaloid, and the bark of the plant contains toxins, which, when ingested in large quantities, cause seizures, an increase blood pressure, dizziness, muscle weakness, decreased visual acuity, irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pure pomegranate juice is rich in organic acids. In order not to destroy the tooth enamel, the juice is diluted with water or thoroughly rinsed the teeth after drinking the drink.

All parts of the plant have an astringent effect, so people who are prone to constipation should use pomegranate with caution. Pomegranate-based tea is not recommended to be taken in case of individual intolerance, hemorrhoids, violation of the integrity of the rectum, gastrointestinal diseases, with increased stomach acidity, pancreatitis.

During pregnancy, breastfeeding of the baby, it is recommended to consult a doctor before drinking pomegranate tea. For children under one year old, pomegranates are contraindicated in any form.

How to choose a ripe pomegranate fruit

The pulp of a ripe fruit has a rich sweet and sour taste. So that the quality of the pomegranate does not disappoint expectations, you must be able to choose the right one when buying:

  • the skin is dense to the touch without soft areas;
  • ripe fruit is heavier than "green";
  • a grainy pattern appears through the dried fruit rind;
  • the color of the peel from the side of the "crown" without green admixture;
  • the color of the pomegranate is bright, red-burgundy or brownish-orange;
  • the skin has no visible damage or flaws.

Best quality pomegranate juice - squeezed by hand. It is not recommended to store such a product; it should be used immediately. There are several ways to get juice:

  • Peel the pomegranate from the skin and partitions. Mash juicy grains with a crush. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  • Without peeling, soften the pomegranate with your hands, or by tapping the fruit on a hard countertop or other object. When the pomegranate peel is completely soft, a hole should be made in it through which the juice is drained.
  • For fresh juice, you can use a mechanical citrus juicer by cutting the fruit in half across. The resulting product will be slightly bitter, since the juice will also be squeezed from the partitions and from the seeds.
  • Cut off the top of the pomegranate, where the flower was, and cut in several places. Soak it in cold water for a few minutes. Under running water, break the fruit with your hands into several parts and separate the grains from the partitions. Pour them into a plastic bag and knead with any mechanically... Pierce the bottom of the bag and drain the resulting juice.

The exquisite taste of pomegranate tea is appropriate for any celebration: with a family or a friendly company. Regular drinking tea allows you to maintain excellent mood and youthfulness of the body.

Pomegranate enjoys well-deserved love due to its pleasant taste and abundance of useful properties. Most people are accustomed to drinking it fresh or as juice, but no less pleasure and benefit can be obtained by making aromatic pomegranate tea. This refreshing drink will give you strength, quench your thirst and fill your body with useful components. The homeland of this drink is Turkey, from where it spread throughout the world.

Types of tea with pomegranate

Pomegranate tea is a very versatile drink. This name can mean several different drinks that differ not only in the method of preparation, but also in taste:

  1. With pomegranate juice. This is regular tea, black or green, to which freshly squeezed or purchased pomegranate juice is added.
  2. From the peel. In this case, as a rule, ordinary tea is combined with an infusion of pomegranate peels. Although you can make tea only from the skins, and if you also add pulp, you get a drink similar to compote or herbal infusion.
  3. From flowers. A very tasty drink is obtained by brewing dried pomegranate flowers. The tea turns out to be very tonic.

The recipe for tea with pomegranate was brought from Turkey, because it was there that this drink was first prepared. It is an excellent thirst quencher, which is why it has become extremely popular in hot southern countries.

Each of these drinks has its own taste and aroma features, brewing rules, but all of them are united by the beneficial properties of pomegranate, which they generously share with humans.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of pomegranate were known to the ancient healers of Greece and Rome, since then it has been found in many recipes traditional medicine... Pomegranate tea from Turkey at correct use can bring many benefits to the body, and if abused - and harm. Therefore, you need to use it carefully.
Pomegranate is extremely rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, acids and amino acids (including those essential for the body). Details can be viewed in the tables below:

Thanks to this variety of ingredients, pomegranate can:

  • have anti-inflammatory effects, especially in diseases of the kidneys, liver, joints, ears or eyes;
  • speed up metabolism, thereby helping to normalize weight and improve overall well-being;
  • have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart due to the high content of potassium;
  • remove radionuclides, toxins, slags from the body;
  • improve immunity, prevent the development of colds (including ARVI);
  • have an antiseptic effect;
  • increase appetite;
  • have a preventive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the development of diseases;
  • fight anemia, increase the level of iron in the blood;
  • serve as a disinfectant for tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis;
  • have an astringent effect, quickly stopping all forms of diarrhea.

Pomegranate bones and jumpers are also useful. The seeds restore the disturbed hormonal background, and the jumpers help to improve sleep, relieve anxiety and stress. Also, regular consumption of pomegranate or tea made from it will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Pomegranate fully conveys its beneficial properties to tea, whether it is a drink made from the peel, flowers, or with juice. When pomegranate tea is included in the regular menu, it can have the following effects on the body:

  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • pain reliever (especially effective for abdominal pain);
  • anti-aging;
  • strengthening (especially for the heart);
  • antibacterial (it slows down and stops the development of pathogenic bacteria);
  • anti-inflammatory.

Also, this drink is able to improve the composition of the blood, cleansing it of harmful accumulations and saturating it with oxygen.

During pregnancy

Pomegranate is extremely rich in iron and vitamin B9 ( folic acid). These two components are vital expectant mother and the child. Pomegranate tea, juice, or pomegranate itself are an excellent source of essential nutrients, so doctors often recommend that pregnant women include them in their diet, especially in the first trimester.
Some doctors, however, tend to include pregnancy in the list of conditions for which pomegranate tea is contraindicated. However, if there is no individual intolerance to this berry, you can use it, while being careful and not overusing the drink.

Why pomegranate tea is harmful

Like most other natural drinks and medicines, tea made from pomegranate peels, juice or flowers, with great benefits for the body, can be harmful if used thoughtlessly. It can be caused by the same reason as the benefit - rich in nutrients. If you abuse tea, an overdose may occur, which will manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • increased pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • deterioration of vision.

Due to the high content of various acids, pomegranate tea in large quantities can worsen the condition of the teeth, as they destroy the enamel.

Despite the fact that pomegranate has long become a common berry for most people, it still remains an exotic fruit, so it can cause allergic reactions. In case of individual intolerance to pomegranate, tea based on it should also be discarded.

The following diseases are considered contraindications to the use of pomegranate tea:

  • a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

Also, people who are prone to frequent constipation should be extremely careful with this tea.

How to choose and juice a pomegranate

To get the highest quality drink with pomegranate juice, you must first of all take care of the quality of the juice. Ideal option there will be freshly squeezed juice obtained at home. It is an order of magnitude higher in quality than the one offered in stores, although it will cost more.

A ripe pomegranate can be recognized by three signs:

  1. Dry crust. If the skin is smooth, then the fruit is immature.
  2. The color of the "bottom" is the place where the flower grew. Green is a sign of an unripe pomegranate.
  3. The hardness of the garnet. It is best to choose hard fruits.
You can get juice from a purchased pomegranate in two ways: knead it with your hands or use a juicer. In the second case, the juice will be squeezed out together with the partitions, so it will turn out to be bitter. To avoid this, you can roll the fruit on the table or knead it with your hands, and then make a small hole in the peel through which the juice is squeezed out.

Pomegranate tea recipes

The simplest recipe will require tea, pomegranate juice, water, and sugar. It is better to use brown sugar, you can also replace it with honey. Tea leaves are brewed as usual, sugar or honey is added to them, and left to cool completely. When the tea becomes cold, pomegranate juice is added to it in a 1: 1 ratio. This is the recommended proportion, however, it can be changed to taste. You can add mint leaves, cinnamon or any other additives to the finished drink, focusing on your preferences.

Tea with juice - options

You can prepare tea with pomegranate juice in different ways, using not only different additives, but also preparation methods.

  • 3 teaspoons of black tea, the same amount of sugar and 1 teaspoon of dry lemon zest are poured with a glass of boiling water (300 ml). Tea is infused for about 3 minutes, stirred, filtered and 50 ml of pomegranate juice is added.
  • two parts of juice, the same amount of tea and 1 part of sugar syrup are mixed with a blender. Lime juice, cinnamon or mint leaves are added to the finished drink.

Pomegranate peel tea

The pomegranate skins give the tea a bitter flavor that many might not like.
In addition, they contain a certain amount of alkaloids, which are poisonous in large quantities and can cause nausea, dizziness and other symptoms of a pomegranate tea overdose. But if you follow the measure, this tea is just as healthy as other options.

Making tea from pomegranate peels is quite simple. To do this, pour boiling water over the chopped crusts and leave for about 10-15 minutes. Filter the finished tea and add honey, tea leaves or milk to taste.

Leaf and flower tea

Dried pomegranate leaves and flowers are used to make this tea. The easiest way to get them is in the form of ready-made tea leaves from Turkey, since it is there that everything you need is grown and collected. Flower pomegranate tea turns out to be softer, herbaceous in taste. You can brew it like regular tea or hibiscus, pouring a spoonful of the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for about 15 minutes, filtered and drunk like regular tea.

Pomegranate tea is a very tasty and healthy drink that can quickly refresh and revitalize in hot weather. Due to the rich composition of pomegranate, it saturates the body with useful vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids. Correctly brewed tea will become one of the favorite summer drinks, the main thing is not to overdo it.
