The thirtieth lunar day is like a flash - it can last for a few moments, or hours, but during this time so many incredible and beautiful events take place that it is difficult to refrain from delight and jubilation.

  • Wood is considered the element of today. It brings us wisdom, warmth and peace, the Tree gives us strength and courage. The tree aims upward and symbolizes growth, movement, and tenacity.
  • The symbol of the 30 lunar day Golden Swan. The Swan personifies purity and mercy, and the Golden Swan promises us a beautiful and sweet life, without lies and hypocrisy, without pain and anger. But will the Swan give us its strong wings, or will it fly by without even deigning to look? It all depends on our thoughts, so we will become wiser and better, and the bird will certainly bestow all sorts of benefits.
  • A color that represents holiness, health, warmth and energy will be a lucky color for the 30th lunar day. We are talking about the Orange color, which is identified with fun, optimism and youth. No need to offend and ignore Brown - today it is also useful to us, because this color symbolizes stability, loyalty and reliability.
  • The three, symbolizing the trinity and creation, will become a guide to good luck on the 30th lunar day. The number Three is influenced by Mars, which is why the Three gives us strength, courage, and helps to achieve what we want.
  • Magic White Coral will bring success on the 30th lunar day. Indeed, even in ancient Greece, this stone was considered a symbol of happiness and immortality. Magic Rhinestone will endow us with clairvoyance, and Tourmaline will add confidence to the wearer, and protect from bad and negative external influences.
  • In the East direction there is a source of inspiration - this is where we will be happy on the 30th lunar day. If fate has decreed that we need to head west or north, there is nothing to worry about. Let's prepare oriental talismans, and they will shower our road with rose petals. Even dried pieces of exotic fruits can cope with the role of amulets, and if we take sweet halva and airy marshmallows with us, we will definitely become lucky.
  • The guardian angels were dismantled by the previous days, and the defender of the twenty-ninth day waved his wing goodbye. But this does not mean that today we are left without protection - the Moon itself will help us, and will disperse all unclean spirits in no time.

Characteristics of the 30 lunar day

Unfortunately, the thirtieth day does not happen every lunar month, but when it comes, we can be sure that something unusual, bright and kind will certainly happen to us.

Today the Moon advises not to fuss, not to be nervous, and not to worry - all events are planned, and you just need to thank the Universe for arranging everything so wonderfully. Of course, troubles do happen, but here on the 30th lunar day we need a philosophical attitude - everything, as you know, passes, and any problem is just a lesson, or some kind of hint.

Although today the Cosmos, the Stars and the Moon give us mostly pleasant surprises. These are meetings with unusual people and acquaintances with fans. On the 30th lunar day, we can make peace even with sworn enemies, or with neighbors - everything seems to be filled with inner light, and it's a shame to swear and sort things out.

We can not be afraid of vampires today, because the air is permeated with tenderness, and there is so much good and beautiful around that the "bloodsuckers" are afraid to stick out their fangs, and howl at the moon, closing ten locks in their dark rooms.

But if we freak out because of nonsense, then we can easily lose our energy - the Moon does not forgive such antics, and it will certainly begin to arrange all sorts of tests and throw up temptations.

This day ends the lunar month, and it is very important to prepare for the onset of "a new era in our life." It is advisable to do good deeds, help people, do charity work - the Lunar Boomerang will certainly arrive, and we will feel the Universal gratitude in full.

By the way, speaking of good deeds, it is not at all necessary to give away all your savings in the hope of making humanity happy. Little things are enough, because even a coin given from a pure heart is much more useful than a bundle of bills that we handed, gritting our teeth with greed. A kind word, a gentle look - and now we are already on the Lunar pedestal, we receive gifts and heavenly surprises.

But it is contraindicated to be conceited on the thirtieth day - if we are drawn to brag and talk about our successes, we should retire and think: is it really only our merit, or did someone powerful help us?

All sad thoughts need to be destroyed in the bud, for this on the 30 lunar day there are many methods. But to be a magician, or to master a new type of meditation is absolutely useless - you can just go to visit loved ones, or go out of town.

Nature on the thirtieth lunar day is the best healer for any sorrow. We can wander through the forest and listen to birdsong, or admire the trees and flowers, or we can get out to the dacha, make a beautiful flower bed, plant plants, or tidy up the plot.

It is important to get rid of all that is superfluous and unnecessary. It is advisable to ruthlessly throw out the trash in the apartment, and with it the negative, and all the bad desires and thoughts will go away.

There is no need to look for the element of the day - “our” tree will find us by itself. Someone will feel the desire to hug the tree, someone will want to lean against the alder, and for some it is enough to stand near the linden.

The thirtieth lunar day is good for finding talismans. The house can be decorated with "useful things", it is important to listen to the tips of intuition, which today many of us will be at their best. And it doesn't matter what trinket we choose as a talisman - it can be an expensive elegant horseshoe, or a paper swan.

It is believed that on this day you can discover new talents in yourself. But if we have remained the same, and nothing miraculous has happened in life, do not despair. Perhaps in a second we will be transported to a fairy tale, where there is no place for fears and doubts - this is exactly how it should be on this beautiful 30 lunar day.

Haircut on the 30 lunar day

Hairdressers are running along the streets with banners on which it is written in large letters: You rather get your hair cut, and say goodbye to depression. Indeed, a haircut on the 30th lunar day brings good luck and attracts the necessary and useful cosmic energy.

Today we can choose any haircut, but Luna advises not to limit imagination - in general, the more creative the better. Shy women turn into rebel, and gray mice suddenly become princesses.

"Business Bob" will suit both housewives and business women, and the elegant "Kare" will adorn the heads of both young fashionistas and adult ladies. The main thing is to style your hair in a creative mess, and even if they are waiting for us at negotiations, a strand, supposedly accidentally knocked out of a strict hairstyle, will attract glances and play a positive role.

"Cascade" on the thirtieth lunar day will be torn - this haircut will add romance to the image. Well, if our hairdresser is on the right wavelength, then we will leave the salon ten, fifteen years younger.

Bangs on this wonderful lunar day will not be able to harm. A straight bang will attract energy from space, and so many brilliant thoughts will appear in our heads that we will rush to get a new and interesting job right from the hairdresser. The oblique bangs will attract new fans, and if we take the risk and make a torn bang, perhaps today we will be at the door of the nearest registry office.

The stars have no special recommendations regarding hair dyeing, but the Moon is silent, so we buy up all the tubes and bottles and experiment without fear.

Let's play with light and shadow and look for help with a new type of staining called strobing.

Lighten the hairs near the lower part of the face, and add a highlight around the neck - and the hairstyle is balanced and life is harmonious. Well, for ladies who dream of light curls, but are afraid of sudden changes, on the thirtieth day, expressive strobing will suit, with a soft transition from copper hair to blond color.

Balayazh is also appropriate today - we will choose two or three bright shades for coloring, and it will seem to others that moon rays are tangled in our hair (the Universe will certainly appreciate it).

For those who do not want to have a haircut and do not dream of a new color of hair, on the thirtieth day there is nothing to worry about - no one has canceled the styling either. And here, as in a haircut, originality comes first.

Let's be patient, and ask the master to style the hair in the form of flashlight bubbles - the process is laborious, but on the thirtieth lunar day it is worth it. Long strands decorated with ponytails in the "elven style" will add mystery to the look, and two braids decorated with colorful bows or hairpins will turn us into carefree girls.

By the way, about jewelry - on the 30th lunar day, our head will endure everything, so feel free to buy bulky crabs, light invisibility, chic tiaras, and bright headbands.

While combing on the thirtieth day, there is no need to read special conspiracies, but if you are in the mood, you can whisper: “The magic light of the Moon, the angels are in love with you. Energize your hair from ends to roots, your hair will become silky and tender. "

And for fidelity, the comb can be dipped in a magical decoction of three herbs. Sage, string and mint are friendly today, so we throw herbs into boiling water and say: “Mountain power, energy of the Moon, beautiful hair, no gray hair. My hair, do not cut, do not fall out, be strong and strong, grow up sooner. "

If we forget the words, then trouble will not happen - the Moon is really kind today, and will help our hair without any witchcraft lotions. Before the end of the thirtieth lunar day, you can stroke your head and tell your hair how beautiful and wonderful they are.

Also read: Haircut lunar calendar

Beauty on a 30 lunar day

Today we have no reason to complain about our appearance - we are all beauties, and it is pointless to argue with this Lunar statement. But this does not prevent us from improving ourselves - we turn into Madonnas, princesses, or queens, in general, we decide for ourselves (you can stay Cinderella if you already have a prince).

On the thirtieth day we will use homemade cosmetics, and invite sea buckthorn berries and hazelnut oil to visit - these comrades are suitable for the skin around the eyes, and in five minutes we will forget about crow's feet. Well, the little face will rejoice at the meeting with the curd mass, to which a spoonful of cream is added, and a drop of olive juice. We will smear the remains on the décolleté area - it is clear that the body will shine after such a wonderful procedure.

Make-up today should be given special attention. We will correct the oval of the face with the help of regular blush, on the thirtieth day we will need several shades. Let's not forget to emphasize the beauty of our lovely eyes - the eyeliner can be any, even bright blue, even pale pink.

The moon also looks closely at our eyebrows - we will give them a perfect shape with the help of a gel. There are only sponges left, and there are no restrictions for them today. A scarlet or wine shade will make lips luscious and seductive, while pearlescent and red lipstick will add passion and sensuality to the image.

Well, then we run for a manicure, we run, because on the 30th lunar day in the nail salons there is a real pandemonium. With short nails, we are not on our way today - we must turn into some kind of lionesses, or panthers, but not to protect and intimidate those around us (long nails will help to become extravagant and unusual, elusive and mysterious beauties).

It remains to choose the color of the varnish - the rainbow hangs modestly in the sky, because today the masters have such a variety of shades on their tables that the head is spinning.

Light green varnish with purple splashes will bring chaos into life, and make it bright and unusual, white nails will attract new fans, and if we draw black geometric patterns, then the suitors will not get rid of us until the next thirtieth day (you can have them longer near detain yourself if you want).

A newspaper manicure with cute cats will instantly turn the most boring lady into a frivolous girl, and a moon manicure with mysterious owls will improve the financial situation.

You can imagine that today is Halloween, and depicting skulls and bloody roses on your nails is scary, but stylish and unusual.

The main thing is that we like the manicure, and what others think is the tenth, or even the thirtieth thing.

Well, the story with a pedicure is generally simple - we buy rhinestones, cover our toenails with varnish, and pour out “precious stones”. As it sticks, it will, and the Moon will like any ideas, even the most delusional. But if it is winter and the stones cling to woolen socks, we can do without decorations and cover the nails with emerald, lilac and orange varnish (you can and at the same time, there will be no harm).

Today the moon is so generous that she even allowed her ears to be pierced (and not only). So we do piercing in all accessible places, and are not afraid of the consequences (if the doctor we know doesn't mind)

Legs on the thirtieth day do not need hair - everyone needs depilation, well, except for men. Fate today can bring with a half, so the smoothness of the skin should come first. Although, some people like legs with hairs - in general, we look at the situation, because you have to have time to take a bath before the 30 lunar day comes to an end.

Today we will have delicious, sweet and aromatic water with honey. There is no need to invite Winnie the Pooh to visit, so we will soak in the bath alone. If the bees refused us, then we add foam with the smell of chocolate or vanilla: “The body is young and tender, the skin breathes moonlit freshness. Wrinkles run away, they return youth ”. And who now dares to call us old women, or ugly?

Wedding on the 30th lunar day

The bride and groom barely have time to kiss and receive gifts, the poor toastmaster forgets all the anecdotes from excitement, and the guests fall on the steps, entangled in their own feet - the day is short today, and you can simply not fit into it. Therefore, Luna advises to postpone the wedding ceremony - there is a danger that family life will turn out to be as short as the thirtieth day.

Of course, the love between spouses will be strong, but the fire of passion will quickly go out, and the newlyweds will only have to wonder and shrug their shoulders sadly.

But people for whom marriage is not a miracle, in general, those who go to the wedding palace for the second, or even the third time, today may be lucky. A life-wise couple will be able to overcome all obstacles, and the ceremony will be successful. But it's better not to arrange a chic holiday - a couple of dozen guests, three waiters, and a minimum of alcohol.

It is advisable not to go on a honeymoon trip on the thirtieth lunar day - the bride and groom can quarrel while still on the plane or on the train, and the trip will be tiresome and boring.

But the Moon allows looking for outfits for a future wedding, and even insists on it - the prices will pleasantly surprise, and the young will be able to carve out funds for a rented apartment and even for furniture.

By the way, about joint housing - in the thirties you can move to a separate house. Nobody forbade civil marriage, and no matter what day it is for the moon, the young will begin the rehearsal of family life.

Acquaintance with the parents, scheduled for the 30th lunar day, will go off with a bang. Everyone will like each other, and future matchmakers will generally make an appointment secretly from their beloved children. The main thing is that the groom's father does not fall for the bride's mother - today everything is possible, because Cupid in the thirtieth day tries to shoot as many arrows as possible, not paying attention to either the age of the targets or their marital status.

The wedding ceremony on the 30 lunar day is quiet and calm. It is not customary in the church to rush and fuss, so lovers can accidentally capture the beginning of the first lunar day. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, and there will be no confusion in the Universe. On the contrary, this union will be guarded by all the Moon angels, and storks will not fly by. Children in the family will be born strong and healthy, and the thirtieth lunar couple will live a friendly, happy, and most importantly, long life.

Birthday on 30 lunar day

"Thirtieth lunar people" are amazing creatures - they bring goodness, light and mercy to the world. This day, alas, does not happen every month, and there are not so many “thirty” on earth as we would like.

The "thirties" differ from the rest already in infancy - they do not arrange hysterics, do not cry, and do not require attention to themselves. The Little Thirties lie in their cradles and silently glance at the midwives. The staff of the hospital tries not to meet their gaze - it seems that the "thirties" know something about life that is beyond the control of ordinary mortals.

But if the “thirties” have penetrated into someone's soul, we can assume that there is one more kind person in the world. Parents adore their "thirties" and try to protect them from troubles and sorrows. True, there is a danger of overdoing it and raising spoiled and lazy egoists (this, unfortunately, also happens).

The "thirties" study for round fives, but if they accidentally put a two in their diary, they will not get depressed, but will begin to study with even greater zeal. Teachers do not get enough of the "thirtieth lunar children", but the children have problems with discipline. They do not know the word "No" and always do as their heart, conscience and intuition tell them. The inner voice of the "thirties" does not stop for a minute, and their clairvoyance is simply off scale.

Usually the "thirties" achieve incredible success, they are able to succeed in whatever business they take up. Among the "thirty" there are people of various professions - from janitors to ministers. "Thirtieth Lunar People" know how to make money, they always save for something, and deny themselves entertainment. The people around would be very surprised if they found out that the accounts of the “thirties” have millions, while they walk in old suits and worn-out shoes.

But this is not stinginess, because the "thirties" love to help people, and can transfer all funds to an orphanage, leaving themselves a bill to buy a loaf of bread for lunch.

Among the "Thirtieth Lunar People" there are many creative personalities, however, their ideas are not always realized - they simply do not have enough time. Perhaps that is why the “thirty” fill every minute of their lives with important things, and try to comprehend the meaning of existence. "Thirty" can work in a car workshop, and attend philosophy courses in the evenings - it is not surprising that people follow them in herds, and people listen to non-fictional stories with open mouths. The guys are born orators, and if they wish, they can become leaders and revolutionaries.

"Thirty" are constantly studying, they can master English in a week, simultaneously studying Chinese and French.

Despite the fact that the "thirty" are indifferent to the outer gloss, they behave as if their ancestors were kings - their manners are above all praise. The "Thirties" have many fans, but it just so happens that they are monogamous. And if the “thirties” have found a half, there is no doubt: they will go all the way to the end, and will be next to the chosen one both in sorrow and, as they say, in joy.

"Thirtieth lunar creatures" are physically hardy, but at the same time they often hover in the clouds - these guys have good health, but they stumble at every step. Therefore, it is useful for the “thirties” to look more often at their feet and not count the cranes in the sky.

The "thirties" are wise and perceptive, but they trust people too much - scammers are often encountered along the way, however, the "thirties" are never disappointed in people, and give bad guys a second or even a third chance for correction and repentance.

But the "thirties lunar guys" are extremely demanding of themselves - in fact, they do not have a single flaw, and sometimes, the "thirties" come up with bad character traits for themselves so as not to be too conspicuous and not to show their glowing wings.

Dreams on the 30th lunar day

Tired vampires snore, monsters are asleep - unclean spirits have lost all their power, and evil creatures will not make their way into our sleep today, the Moon will take care of this. Even fair Ole Lukkoye repainted black umbrellas in light colors so as not to upset naughty and mischievous guys.

But we will need attentiveness in the lunar maze, so we will call the dreamcatcher to help, and place the Cat's Eye pebble in the center of our night talisman. Of course, we will not turn into prophets, but we will be able to unravel dreams.

Most often, in the thirtieth lunar dream, creatures from the animal world come to us. For example, a bear will dream of an early acquaintance with a new fan, a gray top will come running to notify of a good deal, and a hedgehog will roll in with good professional news. By the way, about the hedgehog - let's take a closer look, what is it on his pins and needles? Apples for success in personal life, acorns for the unexpected arrival of relatives, and berries will dream of those who are ready for radical changes.

Let's count the "catch" of the hedgehog - if three objects are stuck on the needles, we can exhale, because after such a dream the life strip will turn dazzlingly white. A two or four is also a good luck - the hedgehog will definitely not let us down.

The souls of the dead on the 30th lunar day rarely come, so those of us to whom they nevertheless came should think about it - in this dream there are solid tips and warnings, and you need to listen and look closely, in general, keep your ears on top.

If visitors behave strangely, grimace and giggle, it means that the unclean spirits did not give a damn about the lunar prohibitions, and nevertheless penetrated our subconscious. We are not looking for garlic in the dark, but simply throwing any objects at unwanted guests - in a dream there is a great many of all nonsense under our feet. You can tame harmful visitors on night thirtieth by throwing a magical bridle over them.

Of course, after such dreams, we are unlikely to wake up fresh and renewed, too much energy is taken up by such a struggle, and our subconscious mind did not subscribe to it. So, we chase the ghouls and sleep on.

A successful dream in which we admire the flowers, but pay attention to their name and colors. Scarlet and white roses pluck future lucky ones in love, soft lilac violets are sniffed by creative lucky ones, and bright purple or hot yellow exotic flowers are put in a vase by those of us who will be able to achieve incredible success in business.

Often the moon herself looks into our sleepy kingdom, and here a lot depends on the mood. If we meet the companion of the earth sad and dull, then the Moon will not linger, and will not tell us anything interesting. But if we are cheerful and happy with life, then the Moon will reveal all its secrets, and the thirtieth dream will become truly prophetic.

The element of the day The tree and the symbol of the day Swan are unlikely to come to our sleep - they do not want to overload our subconscious with their presence. But if, nevertheless, we saw a strange birch tree, or an unusual swan, we gaze into all eyes: important persons on the thirtieth night do not just appear, and we will certainly get a hint, or see some kind of secret sign.

Most often, the thirtieth moonlit night is full of meaningless plots, and the usual processing of daytime information occurs in the brain. Therefore, if we want to see a beautiful, light and good dream, we will reboot before we go to bed. And we will definitely wish the moon good night - who knows, suddenly she is peeping into our window, and merry fairy gnomes with magic baskets filled with amazing and wonderful dreams are already descending along the moon path.

Business sphere 30 lunar day

Businessmen, oligarchs, the rich and the poor got up in a round dance, and merrily sing songs about money. What else to do on such a short day ?! But the Moon and the Universe still advise to forget about laziness, because if we manage to change the situation in the professional and financial sphere in these minutes or hours, then we will continue to be lucky.

Therefore, we are urgently looking for a billionaire suit, buy an expensive watch, or a high-quality Chinese counterfeit, and sign an agreement. No, not with the devil, he is busy today, but with business people, or with themselves - well, what, sometimes this technique works (the contract is signed with a pen with a black rod, and we definitely won't need bloody ink).

It is better to refrain from starting new business, but the embodiment of old ideas can lead to an excellent result, the main thing is to correctly approach the implementation of plans, and not demand some fabulous wealth from fate.

It is advisable not to take loans today - the return can stretch indefinitely, we will get bogged down in debt, and the financial swamp will drag us along with a new watch and a beautiful outfit.

But charity events on the thirtieth day are going with a bang - admiring critics shower us with compliments, enthusiastic fans throw them in their arms, and all famous magazines write about us. But, according to the Moon, this is the worst option - it is better to be modest donors, because rich generous braggart will only lure all sorts of thieves and flattering swindlers to themselves.

We will not forget to return the money that we borrowed earlier, of course, the waterman from the fairy tale "Barbarian-beauty, long braid" will not come to us, and will not demand a favor from us, shaking a bony finger, but you need to hurry.

For study, the 30th lunar day is ideal, but lazy and mediocre people today will not be good - idlers will not even be able to skip classes, because strict lunar teachers will follow every step. Losers will be drawn to libraries, and they will not even notice how they reread all the textbooks on higher mathematics, and wake up only near the shelf with classical literature, when their hands frantically reach for the modest volumes of Tolstoy, Chekhov and Pushkin.

Students are superstitious people, and if tests or exams fall on the 30th lunar day, students have a place to turn around. You can call a Freebie by any means, but the Moon specially wrote out the most effective method. You need to buy a cheap chocolate bar, eat it, and write on the inside of the wrapper: “I study, I study, I strive for knowledge.

I hope for a freebie, but it won't be enough for me. Moon, moon, give me knowledge and intelligence. " Well, that's all - a piece of paper with the inscription is put in the record book, and you must pull it out before entering the audience. It is undesirable to throw out the magic chocolate assistant - let it lie, so long as no one spotted.

Money is a delicate creature, and on the thirtieth lunar day they need our care and protection. Let's open the wallet and stroke each bill on the multi-colored back - the pieces of paper, of course, will not purr with pleasure, but they will start working in full force. By the way, on the thirtieth day, you can "sew on yourself good luck."

Take a small teddy bear, or a wolf cub (anyone), tie a larger bill to one leg, and attach a thread threaded into a needle on the other leg (but you don't need to torment the animal and you don't need to pierce its legs). Let us stroke the animal on its soft head and whisper, looking into the sky: “I call the moon to witness, I sew luck with a thread. As there are many stars in the sky, so in my wallet money arrives before our eyes. I will work with joy and soul, and financial success will stay with me forever. "

If we are expecting money and fame, for example, in writing, then we will write a poem or story on a piece of paper and sew the money to the piece of paper.

The result from any magical manipulations is guaranteed, the main thing is to believe in the Lunar power, and in your talent.

Health on the 30th lunar day

If we are lucky and we learned about the thirtieth day in advance, we will try to live it according to the lunar rules. The day passes quickly, and you can go on the toughest diet - we will definitely endure a couple of hours without cutlets, crushed potatoes, and delicious herring with milk. But seriously, on the thirtieth day it is useful to starve, because the Moon has completed, so to speak, the cycle, and we will put a fat point (and let only the point remain bold, and we will turn into slender beauties).

On the thirtieth lunar day, orange juices are rushing to our aid and pouring - pumpkin, orange and carrot juices are ideal for any diet, unless the doctor, of course, shakes his finger and knocks the glass out of our shaking hands. Low-fat cottage cheese is also our friend today, and yogurt simply has to stand on the table.

Chickens are ready to pluck themselves, if only we try their tender and healthy meat. We will give the skin to the cats, give the bones to the homeless dogs, and devour everything else ourselves - not in one go, but in several tricks.

Smokers on the thirtieth lunar day crowd near clinics that say: effective treatment for tobacco addiction. Luna shrugs skeptically and advises to save money for caramels - today those who have been hatching this idea for a long time will quit smoking. And if the thought of parting with cigarettes has arisen only now, it is better to wait for a more appropriate moment. So, smoke and don't worry. But if a cough knocks others off their feet, and the nose because of the smell of tobacco does not feel the aromas of sausage and garlic, you can read an anti-smoking conspiracy.

It will definitely not get worse, and if it helps, then the Moon will only be glad. So, three cigarettes need to be tied with a blue thread (preferably woolen). We mercilessly set fire to the tobacco girlfriends and say loudly: “Burn, burn the fire stronger, do not spare my cravings. I quit smoking, I destroy nicotine addiction ”!

After these manipulations, you can go for a massage (relaxing). By the way, massage is useful not only for Former Smokers, but also for all those who believe in the power of the Moon and the advice of stars.

Despite the fact that the thirtieth day is considered one of the kindest and brightest days of the month, many are overcome with disturbing thoughts. Imagination can play out, and we find ourselves with a bunch of suspicious symptoms. Let the pills lie in their place, but we need to hurry to the therapist. If we don't make it before the end of the thirtieth day, it doesn't matter - we went to the appointment today, which means that the result of the trip will be as it should be.

It is advisable not to run to the dentists on the 30th lunar day. No, nothing terrible will happen in the chair, the drill will not break, and we will not be pulled out a healthy tooth instead of a sick one, but why spoil the mood by communicating with these creepy doctors called dentists?

Beauty procedures on the thirtieth day need to be minimized - the nose was tweaked, the lips pumped up, and on this they calmed down, because the Moon likes naturalness, and she does not like silicone dolls.

If we are drawn to stadiums or gyms, we will not resist the desire, but we will not be zealous either. It is better not to set unbearable tasks for yourself - we will leave the records to the athletes, and we ourselves will limit ourselves to a dozen squats and a circle of running.

Today our nervous system and brains are under threat, but this does not mean that Luna is distributing coupons for an appointment with psychotherapists. We will cure on our own, because herbs grow for free, and if it's winter, then you can spend money and stock up on useful "mental healers".

You can make "calm moon juice" or "serene star tea" - the choice is ours. Beet juice helps the intestines and the best friend, and the nerves, and seagulls made from oregano, birch leaves and lemon verbena will improve your mood after the first sip. But, reading the lunar recommendations, do not forget to consult with the familiar Aibolit - after all, the doctor knows the characteristics of our body better than all the Ecumenical doctors put together.


The thirtieth day flared up and disappeared into the lunar haze, leaving only beautiful emotions and pleasant memories. We will make it so that the day will bring not only positive, but also real benefit, and for this we will turn to our intuition for help.

If you want to retire, we boldly lock ourselves in a room and meditate, and if the soul is drawn to people, we call close friends or relatives and arrange fun gatherings. But remember that the words about the golden mean are especially relevant today - the very symbol of the Golden Swan day signed a decree on the observance of the measure.

On the thirtieth lunar day, you can take stock of the whole month - this day is like a New Year's fairy tale, when you want to get rid of everything unnecessary, say goodbye to the unnecessary, and start a new life from a clean sheet, as they say.

But if negativity penetrates our thoughts, we urgently need to look back - have the energy ghouls really sucked ?! Usually vampires on the thirtieth day do not rage, but sometimes this happens - we will pretend that we do not care, and unpleasant personalities will instantly disappear into oblivion (or into the nearest gateway, if they are not a figment of our imagination).

Today is a great day to search for "your" talisman. Our gaze can stop at an unusual snag, or we accidentally stop at a strangely shaped pebble - we do not look around, but carry our amulet home. The main condition is to wash the acquisition with some water and look for the right place. "Our" thing will find a room and a corner by itself, and we will certainly feel where to put, or hang a magical friend.

On the thirtieth lunar day, a trip to the bath is welcome. And it is not necessary to stock up on a bunch of brooms, call all your friends, and arrange, instead of a quiet wash, friendly gatherings with beer and other entertainment. We call our chosen one with us, settle down on the shelf, and steam ourselves, saying to ourselves: “Thirtieth day of the moon, become the beginning of a new life. You will fulfill all beautiful dreams, I know the word. There is tenderness and silence in my soul, and it is full of love. "

We will need the water in which we dipped the broom today. It is not necessary to pour it into a bottle, but it does not hurt to rinse the body - although the water is not magical, it is endowed with power. And who does not believe, can ask the Moon - she will certainly throw an asterisk and wink her yellow eye. Then the thirtieth and all other days will become happy and fabulous.

Today is a rare day, one might say - happy. It so happened that the 30th lunar day is not always on the calendar, and sometimes it lasts no more than an hour. Nevertheless, the thirtieth lunar day is a wonderful time that must be spent with dignity, and it will bring a lot of joy to the soul.

This day is filled with light, pure harmony and joy, the vibrations of this day are so healthy and pure that everyone can feel it for themselves. The characteristic of this day of the Moon is unusual and indicates that this is a magical time. A day when any miracles are possible. The period when there is no place in the world for evil and deceit. Here is his characteristic according to the calendar:

  • The symbol is a swan.
  • Good luck day - Tuesday.
  • Direction - east.
  • The lucky number is three.
  • Shapes are elongated rectangular.
  • The element is wood.
  • Stones - rock crystal and coral.
  • The colors of the day are orange, all shades of brown.

A truly magical time, the thirtieth lunar day, a time of rest, creativity, meditation and complete rest. Even if in this lunar month the 30th lunar day lasts no more than an hour, still spend it correctly, and it will bear good results.

How exactly is it done?

There are general rules that everyone should follow today. Namely - not to conflict, not to strain excessively, to work with emotions and tune yourself to positive, pleasant thinking. This period should pass lightly and joyfully, no matter what.

1. Today, on the thirtieth lunar day, one should not trust predictions, forecasts and all kinds of assumptions. In general, it is better to perceive the whole world as something whole and indestructible throughout the day, not to evaluate it as “bad” or “good”, just to be here and now.

Live this moment today, do not think about the past, do not analyze the past. And don't make any assumptions or guesses about tomorrow. Try not to believe today anything you hear, unverified information or guesses. Take everything as it is, without thinking.

2. The thirtieth lunar day is ideal for communication with yourself and privacy. If you succeed, be alone, but do not try to spend this loneliness usefully. These days are not for good, but only in order to live them calmly and happily. If your soul asks for communication, then communicate today only with those with whom you really want. Warm, sincere and sincere communication with family will benefit the relationship. Today it is possible to understand which connections are really important and dear to you, and which people are unnecessary in your life.

3. It is impossible to strain on the 30th lunar day at all. No amount of fuss and effort will be beneficial and will not bear fruit. The perfect day off is today! So relax. Let yourself be lazy. And if you want action, then get involved in creativity - whatever you like. Not for the result, but only for the process. The creative process today will enrich your soul and improve your psyche. Also extremely useful are work on the ground, communication with nature, creative, meditative activities: gardening, planting plants, simple contemplation of nature.

4. It is good to sum up today the results of the lunar month, which was left behind. But not pragmatic results, but simply to remember everything pleasant and good, to find something to praise and encourage yourself for. Arrange a small holiday for the soul! Allow yourself what was forbidden - a slice of high-calorie cake or going to a concert with expensive tickets.

You deserve to be pampered a little, and just today it will not cause pangs of conscience, but will bring satisfaction. You can take a break in everything: at work, the race for success, the pursuit of excellence, study. Just go through this period the way you want. Be in quiet and calm harmony with the world around you.

5. Don't start anything! Perhaps this is the most important and strictest rule of today. Even if, as it seems, a brilliant idea came to you or your hands are "itching" to take something, be patient. Tomorrow is the beginning of the lunar month, and everything can start with success. And today, unload your brain and rest. Nothing should be planned either. Feel how nice it is to just live the day, without any important and useful things!

There are many interesting and unusual things in this period. Let's find out whether it is worth getting a haircut and how to behave at work, whether a wedding will bring happiness and what kind of people are those whose birthday fell on the 30th lunar day. And many other useful things.

1. Things need to be completed. Business relations, communication, negotiations - all this is very unfavorable on the 30th lunar day, it is better to return today all debts (not only material ones), complete and resolve past conflicts born during the month, close cases that are "hanging". It is impossible to strain, overwork, perform feats at work.

2. In everyday life, you can do cleaning, rearrange furniture, improve space and harmonize it. A perfect day to bring talismans to the house, to learn feng shui. Hang a horseshoe over the door today if it is not there - and then it will always bring happiness to your family. Clean the house, tidy up, but only with pleasure, if desired, without stress and forcing yourself.

3. People born on the 30th day of the Moon are very interesting and unusual. They are a rare case, because this period does not occur in every cycle. Such people are unique from their very birth, they early reveal their extraordinary abilities, they came into the world with some kind of their own separate, special mission. People born during this period live not just like that, but for a great purpose. Some esoteric schools say that people born on the 30th day of the moon come to this earth for the last time, for some very important final purpose.

4. If a child is conceived today, a sage will be born. From his very birth he will understand and feel the secrets of the universe, deeply penetrate into the essence of the world. He will have a uniquely calm, happy and cloudless fate, a harmonious marriage and a life filled with quiet, bright joy.

5. This lunar day is short, and the marriage made today will not last long either. So the wedding during this period should not be played, but it is worth moving it to a more suitable lunar day.

6. You can not load the body, health is weakened. You need to relax, so massages, baths, spa treatments - all this is very favorable today.

Herbal baths are more beneficial than ever. But sports should be postponed, it is better to give preference to very calm yoga, meditative practices, to eliminate the load completely. Food today should also be light, plant-based.

7. A haircut is good, it will tune the whole body to accumulate energy. But dyeing your hair today is contraindicated, it will bring problems and troubles.

What about dreams?

Should dreams be believed in this unusual period, and what do dreams of the 30th day promise in general?

1. Dreams are unusual. Many of them do not matter, and certainly no dreams today speak of the future, there should be no forecasts, do not believe them. But analyze your visions from the point of view of spirituality - they can show what karmic tasks you need to work on.

2. A dream can show the results of the lunar month, depict in a metaphorical form what during this time you have achieved, what you have come to. If you decipher it correctly, you will understand what needs to be corrected, where to go.

3. If there were no dreams or they were light, without any bright and large symbols, then your subconscious mind is in order and it is better not to attach any importance to dreams at all.

Spend this unusual, rare day at your own pleasure, in harmony with the world around you. And you will feel how the Universe fills you with energy for the entire next lunar month, which is just beginning! Author: Vasilina Serova

Symbol: golden swan

Stones: white coral, rock crystal

The 30th lunar day does not happen in every month, and if it does, then most often it lasts only a few hours. But it is considered a full lunar day and carries its own energy.

As a rule, 30 lunar days are filled with beauty and love. Need to . It is good to analyze mistakes, forgive offenders and ask for forgiveness ourselves, distribute debts, and not only material ones. This is very necessary in order to enter the new moon of the moon with a pure heart.

This is the day of love, forgiveness, repentance and summing up the month. Often expressed by the equal amount of good and evil we receive. The less emotions on the thirtieth lunar day, the better. Emotions interfere with thinking sensibly, overshadow the mind. And if you are overwhelmed with emotions, then you cannot sum up the results of the month, analyze it objectively.

A good time to get rid of everything bad, but the main task of this day is to give other people joy and love, and in no case succumb to aggression, even aggressive thoughts are unacceptable, not to mention words or deeds.

If suddenly you have melancholy and gloomy thoughts, this is a sign that you have accumulated a lot of negativity and you need to urgently get rid of it. Use whatever method you like for this. That can be ablution in water, and burning, and mental study of the situation. In general, everything is at your discretion. If you are in a great mood, great! You have every chance to live the next lunar month harmoniously. It is necessary to clean the house, in particular, by introducing talismans (horseshoe). Food should be light, not meaty, not coarse.

The thirtieth lunar day is one of the calmest and happiest days of the entire lunar month. Today it is good to complete all the work started earlier, but it is too early to make plans. The last day of the lunar month is not at all suitable for starting new business. A great period for creativity. You can create beauty with your own hands. You don't have to be an artist, sculptor, hairdresser or beautician for this. It is enough to plant a flower on the lawn at your entrance, after clearing the lawn of debris. Perhaps your neighbor, upset by troubles at work, seeing this flower, will smile and come home in a good mood, leaving grief and worries behind the door. His wife and children will be delighted with the good mood of the head of the family, they will have dinner and go out for a walk all together, see a stray kitten and decide to take him to themselves ... So beauty gives birth to good, and good gives birth to beauty, and you, without knowing it, “start »« A chain of goodness ». Remember how it is sung in a children's song: "The saddest rain will stop crying from a sunny smile alone." Smile to the world on a cloudy day, and the world will smile back at you, sending a golden ray of the sun through the clouds. This is the highest wisdom of the thirtieth lunar day.

In general, 30 lunar days pass very harmoniously. Relations with all people are benevolent, cordial, but it is necessary to show more mercy. Esotericists often call it the day of learning the world through love and spiritual transformation. Nice day for charity.

On the 30th lunar day, intuition is very sharpened, true premonitions arise. Therefore, pay attention to the thoughts that come to you today: they can change your life.

It will be a bad sign of this day if a dog bites you. This means that you made some serious mistake in the outgoing lunar month. Once again, remember what happened in the last month, admit your mistake, and correct the situation.

Dreams promise joy.


The thirtieth lunar day is perfect for dating. As mentioned above, it is very short, and it does not happen in every lunar month. But if there is one, do not miss this chance, and spend it with your loved one.

Also, this day is suitable for breaking those bonds that have already outlived themselves and oppress you.

The day is not quite right for marriage. Love for all of humanity is awakening today. Therefore, on this day, it would be more logical to leave for a monastery.

If you have a first date today, it is best to postpone it. Instead of a new meeting, it is more useful to remember and analyze past events and meetings, to realize your true attitude towards this or that person, his attitude towards you.

Household chores

On the 30th lunar day, you can do any household chores that give you pleasure.
Unless you need to take on things that require a lot of physical activity. It will be very useful to carry out a general cleaning of the house, to cleanse your home of old, destructive energies, so that on the first lunar day new, life-giving energy will enter it.


On the 30th lunar day, the legs and feet are vulnerable, they cannot be treated, let alone operated. Heart surgery is also contraindicated. Many people have allergic reactions, primarily to odors. If you fall ill on the thirtieth lunar day, you need immediate medical attention. If this condition is met, the disease will be short-lived and harmless. It is best to treat it without the help of chemicals, folk remedies and Prayer. It will be useful to visit the sauna and steam room, various therapeutic and aromatic baths. If you have been going to quit a bad habit (for example, smoking) for a long time, then today is the perfect day for that.

In food today, preference should be given to soups, cereals, juices. Eat small amounts and limit your intake of meats, spices and hot seasonings.

Business and money

The thirtieth lunar day is favorable for financial affairs, especially for the distribution of debts. Nice day for charity projects. Everything you do today succeeds, except for new things: the start of a big business should be postponed for a few days. On this lunar day, you are also given the opportunity to see the results of your actions. What you have been working on during the lunar month is already ready to enter your life. It is highly likely that this will happen today.

Day symbol - Golden Swan

The 30th lunar day does not happen in every lunar month, but it's a pity: this is a wonderful day filled with beauty and light. He is like a flash of love and warmth. In general, it does not last long, sometimes even less than an hour, but it is considered a full lunar day, with its own special characteristics, and it must be spent with dignity.

It is on this day that astrologers are advised to be distrustful. Be sure to check dubious numbers and facts. Do not believe all kinds of forecasts: they are unlikely to come true.

For travel and business trips, the time is not right at all. It is best to spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, then you will get good results.

The 30th lunar day is a great time filled with unexpected pleasant surprises, meetings with old friends, gifts, joys; it can be called a day of rest. Accept it as it is and enjoy.

Do not bother yourself with active actions, be calm, do not fuss. Rejoice in the results of your labor! Try to turn this day into a quiet holiday: you can finally be alone with yourself or close friends. This day is auspicious for work on the ground. If you don't have a vegetable garden, go out of town, into nature, walk barefoot on the grass.

You should not bother yourself with active actions on these lunar days, be calm, do not flicker. Remember the great saying - "Vanity of vanities - all is vanity!"

The thirtieth lunar day is a period of enjoying the results of your labor, for the sake of which you have worked tirelessly all this time.

Sum up the lunar month, remember all the good things that happened to you. Don't think about bad things. Look around, find a reason for joy and rejoice. Thank the month for the pleasure it has brought you. Try to see only the beautiful and enjoy every moment of life.

Astrologers do not recommend starting new large-scale projects; in extreme cases, you can complete old ones. It is undesirable to enter the last day of the lunar cycle with debts. Pay off your creditors if possible. And no anger, aggression, quarrels and conflicts. Be considerate and kind to the people around you.

The influence is mystical: the day of summing up, working with talismans and drugs.
On the thirtieth day of the moon, you need to carefully analyze your path and try to wash away all sins from yourself. This is the day of making sacrifices, giving up everything unnecessary, superficial, the day of accepting spiritual initiation and the transition to a new circle of development. It is especially important to take stock before a solar eclipse.
Social influence: unfavorable for business relationships.
On this day, one should complete affairs, contemplate, learn beauty, give people joy, distribute debts, while showing mercy. It is necessary to cleanse the house, in particular, by introducing talismans (horseshoe).
Everyday influence: neutral.
Food should be light, not meaty, not coarse. Working with stone is recommended.
The day is dangerous for the sense of smell. The barking of a dog is a warning that a mistake has been made on the path of life - as a rule, for the current month.
Day of cleaning the heart muscle, rest.
Influence on those born: births are rare, as on the 22nd lunar day, but 30 is also shorter, and besides, it does not happen every month.
People born on this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, monogamous. This is one of the last incarnations at this level - maybe they will no longer be born on Earth.
Impact on conception: Life - rest awaits your child. He will have such wisdom that he will not want to talk about what they know in the Universe. In addition, a child conceived on this day will be characterized by harmony in marriage, peace, he will find his ideal, will be merciful to everyone and everything.
The stones are white coral, rock crystal and tourmaline.
Meditation: harmony of nature.

BUSINESS - 30th lunar day

For business, the thirtieth lunar day is not productive, due to the fact that it is short, it is better to fully devote it to rest from work.

MARRIAGE - 30th lunar day

Almost all astrological schools advise abstaining from marriage. It is believed that such a union will be short and short-lived, like the thirtieth lunar day itself.

HEALTH - 30th lunar day

Now it is useful to have a massage or take an herbal bath, or in extreme cases, just sit in silence and relaxation. It is not recommended to strain on the thirtieth lunar day. In training, it is better to conduct a theoretical lesson or reduce the load to a minimum.

SEX - 30th lunar day

It is better to spend the thirtieth lunar day without sexual intercourse.

DREAMS - 30th lunar day

Dreams of the thirtieth lunar day can be called resultant. They seem to draw a line under the work of the subconscious for the entire lunar month. With the correct interpretation, you can find out what karmic tasks you have to solve in the next lunar cycle.

Esoterica - 30th lunar day

This is the time when you should make offerings to your guru or teacher, the time to give alms, donate money to charity. It is also recommended to go to church or visit a temple.

Tibetan astrologers advise today to perform rituals aimed at achieving longevity and gaining health.

Energy of the day: passive day

Lucky number 30 lunar day: 3; element of the day: Wood.

Lucky color of the 30 lunar day: orange, chestnut, chocolate and brown.

Meditation: harmony of nature.

Stones: white coral, rock crystal and tourmaline.

Body part: pituitary gland.

Happy day of week 30 lunar day: Tuesday.

Happy direction 30 lunar days: East.

The predominant form of 30 lunar days: vertically elongated rectangle.

The symbol of the 30 lunar day: Golden Swan.

Key words: completion, rest, recuperation, altruism, love and harmony.

Basic properties of the day

The thirtieth lunar day does not happen in every lunar month, but it is a pity: this is a wonderful day filled with beauty and light. He is like a flash of love and warmth. In general, it does not last long, sometimes even less than an hour, but it is considered a full lunar day, with its own special characteristics, and it must be spent with dignity.

It is on this day that astrologers are advised to be distrustful. Be sure to check dubious numbers and facts. Do not believe all kinds of forecasts: they are unlikely to come true.

For travel and business trips, the time is not right at all. It is best to spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, then you will get good results.

The 30th lunar day is a great time filled with unexpected pleasant surprises, meetings with old friends, gifts, joys; it can be called a day of rest. Accept the 30 lunar day as it is and enjoy.

Do not bother yourself with active actions, be calm, do not fuss. Rejoice in the results of your labor! Try to turn this day into a quiet holiday: you can finally be alone with yourself or close friends. This day is auspicious for work on the ground. If you don't have a vegetable garden, go out of town, into nature, walk barefoot on the grass.

You should not bother yourself with active actions on these lunar days, be calm, do not flicker. Remember the great saying - "Vanity of vanities - all is vanity!"

The thirtieth lunar day is a period of enjoying the results of your labor, for the sake of which you have worked tirelessly all this time.

Take stock of the lunar month, remember all the good things that happened to you. Don't think about bad things. Look around, find a reason for joy and rejoice. Thank the month for the pleasure it has brought you. Try to see only the beautiful and enjoy every moment of life.

Astrologers do not recommend starting new large-scale projects; in extreme cases, you can complete old ones. It is undesirable to enter the last day of the lunar cycle with debts. Pay off your creditors if possible. And no anger, aggression, quarrels and conflicts. Be considerate and kind to the people around you.

Mystical influence

Day of summing up, working with talismans and drugs.

On the thirtieth day of the moon, you need to carefully analyze your path and try to wash away all sins from yourself. This is the day of making sacrifices, giving up everything unnecessary, superficial, the day of accepting spiritual initiation and the transition to a new circle of development. It is especially important to take stock before a solar eclipse.

Social influence

Unfavorable for business relationships.

On the 30th lunar day, one should complete affairs, contemplate, learn beauty, give people joy, distribute debts, while showing mercy. It is necessary to cleanse the house, in particular, by introducing talismans (horseshoe).

Household influence

Neutral. Food should be light, not meaty, not coarse. Working with stone is recommended.


The barking of a dog is a warning that a mistake has been made on the path of life - as a rule, for the current month.
Day of cleaning the heart muscle, rest.

Impact on those born on this day

Births are rare, as on the 22nd lunar day, but 30 is also shorter, and besides, it does not happen every month.

People born on this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, monogamous. This is one of the last incarnations at this level - maybe they will no longer be born on Earth.

Influence on conception

Life - rest awaits your child. He will have such wisdom that he will not want to talk about what they know in the Universe. In addition, a child conceived on this day will be characterized by harmony in marriage, peace, he will find his ideal, will be merciful to everyone and everything.

Business: 30 lunar day

For Business, the thirtieth lunar day is not productive, due to the fact that it is short, it is better to fully devote it to rest from work.

Marriage and wedding: 30 lunar day

Almost all astrological schools advise to refrain from marriage. It is believed that such a union will be short and short-lived, like the thirtieth lunar day itself.

Health: 30 lunar day

On the 30th lunar day, it is useful to have a massage or take a herbal bath, in extreme cases, just sit in silence and relaxation. It is not recommended to strain on the thirtieth lunar day. In training, it is better to conduct a theoretical lesson or reduce the load to a minimum.

Sex and erotica: 30 lunar day

It is better to spend the thirtieth lunar day without sexual intercourse.

Dreaming: 30 lunar day

Dreams of the thirtieth lunar day can be called resultant. They seem to draw a line under the work of the subconscious for the entire lunar month. With the correct interpretation, you can find out what karmic tasks you have to solve in the next lunar cycle.

Esoterics: 30 lunar day

The 30th lunar day is the time when you should make offerings to your guru or teacher, it is time to give alms, donate money to charity. It is also recommended to go to church or visit a temple.

Lunar ritual on the 30 lunar day

Tibetan astrologers advise today to perform rituals aimed at achieving longevity and gaining health.
