The foliage of these plants is rich essential oilswith bactericidal properties. They fill the room with a pleasant aroma, and also have a calming effect on its inhabitants, relieving irritability and nervousness, improving mood and normalizing sleep.

For planting exotic, first of all, it is necessary to select planting material, seeds or seeds. They must be taken from ripe, healthy fruits. They are planted in soil intended for cultivation. To disinfect the soil, it must be spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Pineapple can be grown at home... It is planted in late spring or summer. This requires a ripe fruit with fresh leaves. Cut off the top without touching the flesh. it can provoke rotting. Then from the bunch of leaves, tear off a few lower leaves, clearing the trunk three to four centimeters. Dry the top prepared for planting, and then immerse it two centimeters in water until the roots appear. After the roots appear, the plant must be planted in a pot, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the plant itself. Any soil will do. Watering should be done in moderation. For a couple of months, the pineapple does not need to be disturbed, rearranged and fertilized.

The pineapple fruit ripens in six months from the moment of flowering. Pineapple bears fruit once in a lifetime. Photo: Pineapple is a light-requiring plant. After two months, the plant needs to be watered rarely, but abundantly, pouring water directly into a leaf outlet. Also, this exotic needs constant spraying. The best fertilizer for pineapple is mullein. Using mineral fertilizers their dosage should be reduced by half. After a year, the plant can be transplanted into a more spacious container.
The optimal temperature for pineapple in summer is 22-25 ° C, and in winter 16-18 ° C. It propagates by side shoots, which are cut off at the moment when they have roots. Fruiting begins in three years. The fruit ripens in six months from the time of flowering. Pineapple bears fruit once in a lifetime, and then within two years it sprouts and dies.

Avocado moves to homes from the forests of South America. True, you will hardly wait for the fruits, but beautiful plant with proper care you are guaranteed. To get an avocado plant, you need to take into account that it is quite difficult for a weak sprout to break through the thick wall of the seed. Especially if, before sowing, she managed to lie down and dry out. Therefore, for some time it should be kept on moist soil or sphagnum, in a warm place without drafts. The air temperature should not fall below 20 ° С, and the earth should be warmed up to 25 ° С. Otherwise, the bone will die.

Avocado hates straight sun raysloves moisture. Overdried soil, on the other hand, can threaten to drop foliage. Photo: To maintain optimal conditions, you can cover it with a jar, glass or film. In about a month, a sprout will appear. In this case, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. After the sprout that appears has white roots, the bone can be planted in the ground. In this case, half of it should be above the ground level. Now the plant needs it.
The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, loves moisture, overdried soil can threaten with dropping foliage. Moreover, in the summer, watering should be more abundant. The leaves of the plant must be sprayed daily. The optimum temperature for its content is considered to be 16-20 ° C.

For planting kiwi it is necessary to carry out the correct preparation of the planting material. Seeds selected for planting should be well washed from the pulp. You can make this process easier if you leave them with the pulp on a flat dish for two days at room temperature. The pulp that has begun to deteriorate will more easily move away from the seeds. Then the planting material must be dried a little and planted in grooves 1 cm deep. The emerging seedlings must be thinned out, in a container with a diameter of 9 cm there should be no more than two seedlings. After they grow up a little, they are transplanted again, already seating the plants in separate pots, substituting them for each support.

Kiwi seedlings cannot stand the sun's rays, so it is best to keep them in the shade. Plants require abundant watering. Photo: Young kiwi seedlings cannot stand the sun's rays, so it is best to keep them in the shade. Plants require abundant watering, daily spraying and regular feeding. Due to the fact that kiwi has a shallow root system, you need to loosen the soil very carefully. The bush is formed through periodic pruning, leaving the most powerful and strong shoots.

After a lemon, orange, tangerine, or grapefruit is eaten, you can simply plant their seeds in moist, fertile soil and place them in a warm place. When shoots appear, let them grow a little, and then choose the strongest one and transplant into a separate pot. If you want to wait for your tree to bear fruit, do not forget to plant it at the age of 1.5 years. Then in 5-7 years you will be able to remove the first fruits from it.

The fruits may disappoint you a little: their taste and aroma will not be as rich as their counterparts, growing in natural conditions.


Wash the seed of a ripe pomegranate and plant it in moist soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Pinch the grown plant at the height that you consider optimal for your future pomegranate. Soon you will be able to form a pretty bush or multi-stemmed tree.

At the age of 3-4 years, pomegranate begins to bloom, flowers of three types appear on the branches - female, male and bisexual. In indoor fruit ripening takes a long time, in greenhouse - faster, but in both cases the plant is amazingly attractive in appearance, while it can please with its beauty for a very long time (some domestic specimens live up to 30 years).

Date palm

Avid florists are very fond of growing a date palm. To germinate faster, the bone can be cut a little with a jigsaw or a knife with small notches. It is important not to damage the seed inside. Plant the bone in the ground vertically, on top of it should be covered with a layer of soil 1 cm high.Water as the earthy coma dries up with warm boiled water. The sprout will appear in about a month and a half.

You can speed up the germination time even more if, before planting in the ground, soak the seed in hot water (38-40 ° C) for 2-3 days, changing the constantly cooled water to warm water. Then hold it in a water bath for half an hour and plant it in a warm, damp ground. Cover with plastic wrap on top, remove it when the sprout gets stronger. As the palm grows, repot it in larger pots.

Date palm grows fast enough, turning into a powerful pretty tree, but the fruits in room conditions never gives.


Carefully remove the seed from the fruit, remove the peel from it and stick it with a blunt end into the prepared one, i.e. moistened and warmed, nutritious soil. It is important that during the period of germination, emergence and initial development of the sprout, the ambient air temperature does not drop below + 18 ° C. Transplant the grown plant into a suitable pot and form a crown as it grows. In indoor conditions it is customary to form a bush, although in natural conditions it is a tree.


Rinse the bone of a ripe fruit, dry it and plant it in damp ground to a depth of 1-2 cm.Cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm place. Remove the film sometimes, let the soil "breathe". Water with warm water as needed. After 7-14 days a sprout will appear, then you can remove the film completely, because it grows very quickly, and cellophane can interfere. Place the plant pot in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight.

The main thing in growing a young home tree (or bush, it all depends on the variety) is timely in a larger pot. If there is not enough space for it, it may die. In October or November, the plant should be transferred to a place where the air temperature does not exceed + 5 ° C. This can be a cellar, basement, cold closet. Cover the soil with sawdust or dry grass. Sprinkle with boiled water occasionally. In the spring, remove from the shelter and intensify watering.

When the persimmon is close to 20 cm, vaccinate. The graft can be purchased in the botanical garden or ordered in a specialized store. 4-5 years after vaccination, you can expect fruit.

Are you ready to replace your favorite begonias or regular ivy in the kitchen, living room or office with other, more exotic flowers? World indoor plants much wider than the selection at your local store. Huge flower centers make you believe it. With online plant suppliers and the good, well-coordinated work of flower shop staff constantly monitoring remote areas looking for new specimens for our homes, you can grow specimens that are usually only found in places like Madagascar or South Africa. While these specimens are unusual, even rare, they are no more difficult to grow indoors than any other indoor plant.

Desert rose

A beautiful desert rose grows in the desert regions of Africa and the Middle East. The name speaks for itself: it thrives in hot, dry conditions. Although the plant is shaped like a bonsai tree, it has a wide trunk that stores water in case of drought. Make sure the flower is exposed to light and that there is good drainage in the pot. During the winter, plants enter what is called a dormant period, so don't worry if the rose leaves the leaves. Keep the flower cool sunny placeand when the outside temperature rises above 22 degrees, expose it to fresh air to stimulate growth.

Banana bush

The banana bush is known for its sweet tropical aroma, but it has nothing to do with the herb that produces the famous fruits. Brownish magnolia belongs to the Magnoliaceae family and forms typical cup-shaped flowers on compact bushes. The latter usually grow no more than a meter in height. Banana shrubs can be safely grown at home. All that is needed is to provide it with partial sun, moderate watering, and average room temperature. It will bloom calmly.

Bovieya curly

This specimen is an excellent example for those who are still completely new to growing indoor plants, as this flower is able to withstand a wide variety of conditions and will even endure poor care. In spring, the bulb pushes vigorous shoots with lacy foliage, and in autumn, the flowering process weakens. For the plant to develop better, you need to install a trellis that will support the foliage. Try to place it in a dry and sunny place.


This is not a very tall plant, but it fits perfectly into modern houses... Plown grows well in low light conditions, but requires a humid environment. it perfect plant for a mini-terrarium, it will also decorate the windowsill throughout the year.

A coffee tree

Arabica coffee is a product that gives the usual a coffee tree... This is a drink that keeps you on your toes. Although you can get a headache from waiting for enough berries if a specimen flaunts on your windowsill. The tree has beautiful glossy foliage and is a member of the Madder family, so you can expect fragrant white flowers to precede the red berries that produce the grains.

Coffee plants need moist conditions and moderate light. They are able to grow quite quickly, you can prune them and they will grow again within a year before flowering.


This is one of the most bizarre plants you can have in your home. The wax flowers look fake, but they are real and native to South Africa. Like other members of the Kutrovye family, guernias need sandy soil and scorching sun to better growth... Keep small plants on a windowsill where you can admire their strange anatomy.


This is a small and very unusual plant that needs rocky soil and a lot of light, conditions should be the same as in South Africa, because it comes from there. If you're lucky, your specimen may even bloom in small yellow buds, but they please only a couple of days.

Mimosa bashful

Unsurprisingly, this flower supported the belief that plants have nervous system and feelings. Although we now know that the sudden movement of leaves in response to touch is in fact the movement of water in plant cellsThe bashful mimosa's reaction still captivates the observer. This plant is considered a weed in tropical areas. A lot of sun and moderate watering are the best care for this unusual indoor specimen.


It is perhaps a one-of-a-kind flower with gloomy dark petals and long, hanging branches that are classified as bracts. They are thin strings that grow from a flower. If you can grow an orchid, you can grow this exotic specimen as well. The flower needs good lighting, high humidity and excellent air circulation.

So if you find yourself in a mall or visit an online store, do not look closely at the usual plants. Better pay attention to the exotic, which will please the eye.

Exotic fruitsthat end up in our supermarkets from across the seven seas, it turns out to be not so difficult to grow at home. No additional costs for planting material are required - you have already bought it with the fetus. You may not have to wait for a full harvest of kiwi or avocado, but is it not interesting to know how these fruits grow? Well, if you're lucky, the most patient in a few years, treating friends to tea, can casually quit: "I raised the lemons myself, on this windowsill." So, we grow exotic on our windowsill.

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are the first on the list of applicants - where can we go without them? Perhaps everyone has the experience of growing oranges or lemons - few people in childhood resisted not trying to grow a wonderful fruit on their own.

Citrus with correct fit and with proper care they grow quite quickly. But there is no need to wait for a quick harvest - it may appear not earlier than in 5-7 years.

In order for your lemon or orange to grow well and quickly, you need to prepare the seeds for planting. The seeds are washed with warm water, dried for one and a half to two hours, and then sown in the appropriate soil (for each type of citrus - its own).

The pot should be large enough - at least two liters, because citrus fruits cannot be transplanted in the first few years. Be sure to place a drain on the bottom of the pot.

After sowing, you need to build a greenhouse using a thin plastic bag - it is necessary to maintain the desired humidity level. Try not to allow the soil to dry out.

Different types of citrus sprout in different ways. On average, germination time ranges from 3 to 8 weeks. The most "unhurried" are tangerines.

And don't worry that the grown orange or lemon Tree will take up your entire room - citrus fruits grown from a stone in an apartment rarely grow more than 90 cm.

2. Pomegranate

Eating a pomegranate grown on a windowsill someday, you will hardly be able to - pomegranates (as the pomegranate fruit is scientifically called) ripen for a very long time at home. But enjoying the spectacle of beautiful delicate flowers is easy.

If you plant a pomegranate seed, then already in the 3-4th year your mini-tree will bloom.

You need to sow pomegranates in winter. We extract the seeds from the ripe fruit, and immediately, without waiting for drying, we plant it in fertile soil. Embedding depth - 1-1.5 cm.

With regular watering, seedlings will hatch in 1-2 months. When they get stronger, we transplant them into separate pots.

In the fall, the pomegranate pot must be placed in a cool place - in the winter it needs peace.

3. Feijoa

This fruit has become quite familiar to us. Many have seen how feijoa grows in nature (in Sochi, for example) and would like to have this plant at home.

Feijoa should be sown in February. The first stage is seed preparation. Separate the seeds of the ripe fruit from the pulp, wash in a weak solution of manganese, dry and sow in a medium-sized pot. The soil is a mixture of leafy soil, peat and river sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. The seeds are small, so the planting depth is no more than 0.5 cm.

After sowing, the soil should be moistened with a spray bottle and placed in a well-lit place. When good watering the seeds will germinate in a month. And in five to six years you will already be harvesting.

But in order to get it, you need to correctly select the varieties. Self-pollinating varieties are suitable for home cultivation - Crimean early, Nikitsky aromatic.

4. Kiwi

We take seeds for planting from a ripe fruit with an intact skin. We clean the extracted seeds of pulp (this must be done extremely carefully, the seeds are very small, they are easily damaged), rinse and dry several times on a napkin.

Put the dried seeds in a glass of water at room temperature and put in a warm place.

After 7-10 days, lay out the opened seeds on a damp cloth (gauze is best), place them on a saucer and cover them with plastic wrap. After 2-3 days, when the seeds hatch, we sow them in separate containers. The soil is a moist mixture of black soil, peat and sand.

Humidity for kiwi is one of the main conditions for good development, so you need to constantly monitor the humidity. But at the same time stagnation of water is not allowed. Good drainage from expanded clay will help prevent it. Seedlings are best sprayed with a spray bottle.

The best place for kiwi - the southern windowsill.

5. Avocado

Avocado is a rather unpretentious plant, so it is not difficult to grow it. First of all, you need to remove a large pit from a ripe avocado and peel it from the brown skin, and then plant it with the blunt end down, leaving the sharp end above the ground. The main thing now is regular watering.

You can also use another method: immerse the bone halfway in water with the blunt end down, fix it with a thread or a toothpick, put it on the windowsill and constantly top up the water to its original level.

The bone will hatch within three to twelve weeks. When a sprout appears, the seed is transplanted into a small pot filled with fertile soil. The bone should be half buried. If you water the avocado on time, after three months its height will reach 50 cm.

6. Passion fruit (passionflower)

But passion fruit for us is pure exotic. It is more difficult to grow it than everything mentioned earlier - special conditions must be created for this tropical vine. It will only grow in a warm and ventilated place, but without drafts. At the same time, passion fruit is very demanding on lighting and air humidity.

Passion fruit also needs a lot - it grows strongly and requires support to support the shoots.

You need to start growing passion fruit from the seed in the middle of spring. The seeds removed from ripe fruits should be laid out on a clean napkin and rubbed - this will open the juice bags. The seeds are rinsed with water and dried in a dark place.

The soil for passion fruit is composed of compost, topsoil and river sand in equal proportions. The seeds are sown in small grooves. The distance between the grooves is 5 cm.

The seeds are not buried, but only sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and moistened with a spray bottle.

After two to four years proper care your passion fruit will bloom.

7. Pepino

Pepino, or melon pear, is also quite exotic fruit for Russians. Pepino got its name from the fruit with the taste of melon, but outwardly similar to a pear.

Pepino seeds should be removed from the fruit, wrapped in wet toilet paper, placed in a shallow container, and covered with plastic wrap. Place the container in a warm (plus 25 degrees) and dark place.

Every 2-3 days, the seeds must be moistened with a spray bottle. As soon as they hatch, the container must be moved to a well-lit place. When the cotyledons appear, the seedlings dive and plant in a pot of fertile soil. Pepino needs a lot of light, so choose a place for it with this in mind.

8. Date

The date is wonderful and healthy fruit, but to grow dates at home, alas, will not work. Unfortunately, no one has yet succeeded in getting a harvest at home. But from a date stone you can grow very beautiful tree - date palm.

We extract the seeds from the dates, soak them for two days in water at room temperature and clean them of the pulp. Then we plant it vertically in a slightly damp soil for growing palm trees. We moisten the soil from time to time. It is important to choose the right size of the pot: it must be large enough, since dates do not tolerate transplanting well and can die if the roots are damaged.

Seedlings usually appear in two to three weeks.

The date palm does not like excess moisture, but it is also not necessary to allow the soil to completely dry out.

Try to diversify your home garden with exotic plants and your home will be filled with new colors and smells. And besides, this is an experiment, and the results can be deliciously unpredictable!

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The time has come for planting, the migration of seedlings from the windowsill to the garden and painstaking worries about the future harvest. Fresh, without unnecessary additives, fruits delight much more purchased ones. And for those who do not have their own land, website advises not to get upset, but to try to grow fruit directly from the seeds at home or even at work.

Of course, the fruit will have to wait, and in some cases more than one year. Growing fruit, however, is a good anti-stress, as well as an excuse to get closer to colleagues.


Citrus fruits, which include lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, etc., have a rich aroma and you can almost experiment with them. all year round... Sowing seeds must be fresh. Planting them is quite simple: we wash the seeds and plant them in a moist mixture of garden soil, peat and river sand, or special soil for citrus fruits. It is best to immediately plant each bone in a separate pot or glass.

It is very important to provide plants with sufficient light, but protect them from the midday sun and dry air. In addition, citrus fruits must be kept at a temperature of 12-16 degrees in winter.

Date fruit

Even a dried date bone can grow a palm tree. It is better to soak it for a few days before planting. Plant it in a mixture of peat and sand and remember to moisten it with a spray bottle every 2 days. In about a month, the future palm tree should emerge. Like citrus fruits, dates require a lot of light and a cool winter.


The seeds of this exotic plant should be picked from ripe and soft fruit. If the purchased feijoa is not yet ripe, you can put it in a warm place and wait a few days. The seeds should be washed from the pulp and dried. Without digging deep, we put the seeds in the ground with sand.

The plant can rise and germinate quite quickly. Therefore, do not forget to plant the shoots, pinch the main root and transplant it together with the old soil into a larger pot.


To grow a non-fig tree, you need to do the same as with feijoa seeds: rinse, dry and put shallow in moist soil. Sprinkle a little sand on the soil and cover with foil. Look for a warmer place for figs. The first shoots will appear in about 3 weeks, if you regularly moisten the ground and ventilate the room. In the warm season, keep the temperature at least 20 degrees, and in winter period - not higher than 14 degrees.

Passion fruit

If you plant passionfruit seeds, most likely, not a fruitful tree will grow, but a liana, which will delight you with its luxurious flowering. However, who knows, maybe it is you who will be able to achieve a juicy fruit at home. Passion fruit loves everything that tropical plants like: bright light, lots of air, warmth and high humidity.


There are two ways to grow this storehouse of vitamins from the bone. In the first case, we remove the shell from the bone, set the wide side to a depth of 2-3 cm so that the tip protrudes above the surface. The second method is called open: we leave the shell and at the level of the middle of the bone we drill 3 small holes at an angle of 120 degrees. 3 matches are inserted into them, which will be supports along the edges of the glass of water. The water level must be maintained exactly below the bone. Once there are enough roots, the seed can be planted in a pot.
