Planting garlic in spring - a good idea! The plant is unpretentious in care: it is fed only 1-2 times per season. Garlic is a perennial of the Amaryllis family, its homeland is Central Asia. This culture is grown in different countries, it is highly prized in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Garlic has a rich, spicy aroma. It is in demand in cooking and medicine: as you know, cloves are used to prevent colds and viral diseases. It is curious to note that garlic is planted not only in spring but also in autumn. For spring planting, the Yarovaya species is well suited.

Garlic is a small flattened vegetable with a complex structure. Sinuses are called babies. 1 fruit can have from 3 to 50 children. The bulbs are oblong, thickened towards the middle. The scales covering the bulb are predominantly white, but purple-pink is also common. The plant has narrow elongated leaves, their width is 1 cm, the length sometimes reaches 70 cm. The so-called false stem consists of leaves. The inflorescence is covered with a thin film, in shape it resembles an umbrella. Inflorescence flowers are white or bluish. Spring garlic, like other species, is not seed-propagated. Most varieties do not form seeds: they are planted with cloves. Some decorative species give seeds: they are common in Asia, they are rare in Russia.

Preparation for planting: soil selection, agrotechnical requirements

Can you plant garlic in spring? Much depends on the characteristics of the climate. It is important to choose the right time. In conditions middle band the cloves should be planted in early spring when the soil temperature is + 7 ° C. In this case, the horse system will develop well. If you pull with planting, the garlic will not grow well. Planting winter garlic in spring requires adherence to certain rules. If the temperature reaches high levels, the slices will not be able to take root in the soil.

It is important to comply with agrotechnical requirements. What should be the soil for garlic? The plant is grown on a fertile sandy ground, the pH should be neutral. The culture also takes root in loamy, sandy loam soil... It is recommended to make a bed in a lighted area. Garlic is not very fond of the wind. It is not recommended to plant it in lowlands, in areas where water stagnates. It is important to remember that this vegetable does not tolerate snow deposits.

How to plant garlic correctly in spring? The soil is prepared in the fall. It is necessary to dig it up by 20 cm. Organic fertilizers help to improve its properties. 4 kg of compost is applied per 1 m². Natural fertilizers should be combined with mineral fertilizers. Complex mineral fertilizers are taken at the rate of 15 g per 1 m². How to choose a bed for garlic, taking into account its predecessors? There are some rules to remember. The planted garlic feels good if there were cabbage, zucchini, squash in the garden before it. It can be planted after legumes, cereals.

Unsuitable precursors are carrots, potatoes, onions, and garlic itself. If you plant a plant near gladioli, tulips or roses, you can scare off annoying insects and keep the plants productive. The smell of garlic is bad for ants, weevils. If you plant a plant next to peas or beans, the latter will not be able to grow fully.

Planting garlic in the ground

How to land in open ground? First you need to select the bulbs taking into account their appearance... Only large to medium sized bulbs can be planted. It is better not to use small ones for planting: they are not strong. It is important to inspect the planting material for damage. Elastic teeth are planted in the ground, they must be clean. Keep the bulbs in the refrigerator 40 days before planting.

It is recommended to decontaminate the sown seed: for this, a 1% solution is used copper sulfate... The teeth can be warmed up by placing them in 40 ° C water. Keep the teeth warm for 8 hours. For disinfection, you can use a solution that is prepared from 400 g of wood ash and 2 liters of boiling water. This solution is boiled, the teeth are kept in it for 2 hours.

Important rules

Can you plant winter garlic in spring? There are no prohibitions in this case. Seedlings usually appear 2 weeks after planting. The slices must be planted in moist soil. You should have a flat, loosened surface. It is necessary to form small furrows on it. The approximate depth is 4 cm, the distance between the furrows is 30 cm. It is not recommended to press down the cloves to the bottom, this will lead to the death of the root system. It should be noted that garlic produces powerful, hardy shoots. They are not afraid of frosts at a temperature of + 3 ° C.

Planted plants need watering, it is important to apply fertilizers on time. To avoid weeds, as well as to improve plant nutrition, you need to loosen the soil. The plot is mulched using compost or rotted humus. Remember to loosen and weed the garden bed. First, the garlic is watered abundantly. If a plant has yellowing leaf tips, it means that it dries (this happens when there is a lack of moisture). Watering should be moderate: waterlogging of the soil is also harmful. If the weather in a particular region is rainy, you don't need to water the garlic. Fertilizers are applied when the first leaves are found: nitrogen formulations are applied.

For these purposes, a mullein solution is suitable: a ratio of 1:10. Fresh manure is harmful! A couple of weeks after the first leaves appear, the garlic is fed again. In June, teeth will form - it's time to apply potash-phosphorus fertilizer. Top dressing is applied until mid-August: it is worth combining mineral fertilizers with organic ones. A large amount of mineral fertilizers is harmful to the plant and your health. As you can see, planting garlic in the spring requires compliance with certain rules. Moderate watering, loosening the soil and timely fertilization will help you get a truly rich harvest.

Garlic is a culture that is respected in any home. The unpretentious plant is easy to grow and does not bring problems even to the most inexperienced gardeners. There are two main types of garlic - and spring. The first is planted, as a rule, in late autumn for the winter. Beautiful large garlic, unfortunately, does not tolerate winter well and deteriorates by spring. On the contrary, its “colleague”, the spring, is distinguished by its smaller size, but it is stored for a year. They are engaged in planting it after winter. So, we will tell you about how to plant garlic in spring.

How to plant garlic in spring - the preparatory stage

Like any other crops, garlic seed needs preliminary preparation. The culture cloves must be left for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. After this time, they are dried. You can also use special preparations, for example, "Maxim", created for the treatment of tubers and seeds.

Preparation is also needed for the landing site. The place is chosen sunny, open, with fertile, but loose soil. It is desirable that the site is not blown by cold winds. It is important that the precursors of garlic are not onions or tomatoes. When digging, make organic fertilizers and some sand to improve drainage properties. Ash will not hurt either, it needs about a liter can for each square meter.

Planting Garlic in Spring - Highlights

When planting spring garlic, it is important to choose the right moment. The crop loves moisture and reacts to it with rapid germination. Landing can be done as soon as the ground warms up to + 5 + 7 degrees. It is recommended to “catch” the moment when the soil is well moistened and gives all the moisture to the cloves.

If we talk about how to plant garlic in spring with cloves, then there are several options for planting this vegetable crops in the springtime. At the first, grooves are prepared with a depth of about seven to ten centimeters deep. It is necessary to place the cloves in it at a distance of about 7-10 cm. After that the grooves are covered with soil and mulched.

Another way is considered easier and simpler. For planting garlic, shallow holes are prepared, about 5-7 cm deep. They are made with a wooden or metal stick. Then, one clove is placed in each hole, bottom down. The depressions are covered with soil and trampled down a little.

It often happens that stored garlic sprouts. It can also be used as seed. The only thing that is needed is to sort out the cloves. Soft or spoiled ones are immediately removed, hard ones can be left for sowing. Sprouted garlic is planted either in grooves or in separate holes, it is only important to carefully steal the cloves so as not to damage the delicate sprouts.

How to plant garlic seeds in spring?

Often, gardeners use a different method of planting garlic - not by seeds, but rather by air bulbs. It is shown in the event that from year to year you planted cloves of the same variety and it began to degenerate. This is easy to understand for several reasons: garlic is sick and yields poor. True, such air coolies appear only in winter garlic. Therefore, we will tell you how to plant winter garlic in spring.

It is not difficult to get bulbs, from the most beautiful plants leave arrows. By autumn, the bulbs are collected, dried and stored in dry and warm winter.

In the spring, the seeds are planted to a depth of about 2-3 cm at a distance of no more than 10 cm from each other. In the middle of summer, they are dug out, receiving new seed in the form of single cloves. The resulting cloves are dried and stored in a dry place until late autumn. They are then planted like regular winter garlic.

Large garlic is the dream of any gardener. I planted it and forgot about it before harvesting. Traditionally, garlic is planted in our area in the fall. However, spring planting is no exception when you know how to plant and what seed to choose.

Garlic - bulbous perennial, which is grown in culture as an annual. All its varieties are divided into winter and spring crops. When you have to plant garlic in spring, you need to purchase heads of spring varieties.

Here are their differences:

  • Lack of a central stem in the bulb. This plant does not emit an arrow with airy bulbs, but reproduces only by teeth (the exception is the Gulliver variety).
  • Small heads consist of numerous (up to 30 pieces) small teeth growing in a spiral.
  • Spring garlic is inferior to winter one in yield, but it is stored much longer almost until the new harvest.
  • You can start planting as soon as the ground warms up to 5-6 degrees, usually in April.

Spring grows roots and leaves during a period when the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees and the soil is saturated with moisture. With the onset of stable heat in the range of +15 - +20 degrees, the plant lets all the forces into the formation of the bulb. At temperatures above 20 degrees, the growth of the bulb ends and it ripens. A delay in planting will negatively affect the size of the crop.

Soil preparation

The plant has a weak root system, which is located in the upper soil layer. Therefore, the fertility of this layer is critical to getting a worthwhile harvest.

It is better to prepare the garden in the fall by digging up 0.5 buckets of rotted manure or compost per 1 m2. Along the way, ash or 10-15 g of complex fertilizer is introduced. The place for such a bed should be well lit and protected from winds from the north side. In flooded lowlands, the plant is planted in raised beds.

Preparation of planting material

It is necessary to disassemble the heads of garlic into cloves before planting so that the bottom from which the roots grow does not dry out. Only large cloves growing outside the bulb are suitable as planting material. To accelerate the formation of roots, the powerful development of which is one of the conditions for growing large bulbs, the selected slices must be properly prepared before planting. First, they are soaked for 2 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or ash. This will not only saturate with moisture, but also protect the planting material from possible diseases. After that, the teeth are placed in a plastic bag and placed in a refrigerator or cellar for several days. If the planting time is running out, the plant can simply be soaked for 6-8 hours in a nitroammofoska solution (5 g per 10 liters of warm water).

Landing in the ground

The garlic is planted in rows. The interval in the row is 10-12 cm. The rows are placed every 20 cm. The depth of planting in the ground is 5-6 cm. When planting, it is very important not to damage the resulting roots, so you should not press the teeth into the ground. Better to make holes with a stick or tube required diameter with a sealed end. After all the cells are filled, the ground is leveled. Watering the garden bed after planting is necessary only if the ground was not sufficiently moist.

Watering and fertilizing

Regular watering is urgently needed during the growing season. After the formation of 6 leaves, bulbs begin to form and the frequency of watering should be reduced. From mid-August, it is not necessary to water it at all, since moisture during this period delays the ripening of the bulbs and reduces the accumulation of nutrients. After the emergence of shoots, it is better to mulch the garlic beds, this reduces the evaporation of moisture and retards the growth of weeds. Unprotected mulch beds must be loosened after each watering. After the appearance of the first leaves, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out. It is better to use organic matter - a solution of rotted mullein 1:10 or bird droppings 1:12. In June-early July, when the bulbs are formed, fertilizing is carried out potassium-phosphorus complex fertilizers. It is necessary to add food in liquid form and only after watering.

Can you plant winter garlic in spring?

Do not throw away the surplus of winter garlic unspent during the winter. They can be planted in the same way as spring varieties. Germination should be started a month before planting. The teeth are soaked for 7-8 hours in any stimulating solution, then wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator. The bag should be ajar and the cloth should be wetted periodically. After a month, 5 cm long roots will grow and the garlic can be planted.

A spacious furrow 5-6 cm deep is made in the ground, prepared teeth are laid in it and covered with earth. From above, the landing can be mulched with humus. Further care the same as for spring garlic. In the summer, when arrows form, you need to leave 5-6 pieces to control maturity. When the bulbs are ripe and the shell around them bursts, you can dig out the garlic.

Garlic is a very important crop as it is found in almost all recipes. If a autumn planting did not take place, you can plant garlic in spring and good harvest will be guaranteed.

Video "Planting garlic in spring"

In this video, you will learn how to properly plant garlic in a garden in spring.

Planting garlic in spring is good because the crop can then be stored for a long time in its original form. This garlic is called spring garlic. It not only matures later, but is also more adapted to storage in a cellar or closet. The shape of the head of spring garlic is more monolithic: the cloves adhere well to each other, while the winter garlic has a pronounced stalk in the center.

Advantages and disadvantages of spring planting

Planting garlic in spring is practiced by many gardeners. The main advantage of this method is the ability to get a crop with a long shelf life. The vegetable can be stored and eaten throughout the winter.
Another advantage of planting garlic in spring is maximum resistance to pests and diseases of bulbous plants.

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Plus, if you plant garlic in the spring months, the shoots will be friendly. This is due to the fact that the soil has already warmed up enough, and the risk of frost is minimal. Planting garlic in spring - perfect option for those who did not have time to do this in the fall due to rainy weather or early cold weather.

Garlic planted in the spring months has its drawbacks. Most often, summer residents call the following:

  • reduced yield;
  • lack of pronounced taste;
  • long ripening.

Despite this, spring varieties of vegetables are popular. To get high yields, you need to follow a certain planting technique. The choice of planting material should be approached responsibly.

When to plant garlic in spring

The preparation procedure for the spring planting of garlic is no less important than the planting process itself. But first, you need to understand a little about the subject of the conversation itself - spring garlic, it is also called spring garlic. It differs from winter crops (planted in the fall, "before winter") in a long shelf life (up to a year or even more, while winter crops are stored for only a couple of months), but in a smaller harvest volume. There are differences in the head of such garlic - its cloves are more densely planted to each other. Spring garlic has more cloves and is smaller in size than winter garlic.

Spring garlic does not like dry land, as well as dry weather. Therefore, it is correct to plant it soon after snowmelt. In the Moscow region, for example, this time comes in the third decade of April. In the northern regions, this time is shifted by two to three weeks, and in the southern regions, on the contrary, it comes a couple of weeks earlier. It is at this time that the soil warms up to five degrees above zero. Do not worry about possible low temperatures: garlic is considered a frost-resistant plant, and should develop without problems even in case of recurrent frosts.

Do not delay planting spring garlic - it takes time to ripen, and late planting may be unsuccessful.

Choosing a place to plant spring garlic

When the weather permits and the spring planting of garlic begins, you will need to think about the location of the garden and the quality of the soil. Chernozem, light, medium loamy soils are best suited for the plant. You should not plant garlic where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes or onion crops grew last season (they are bad predecessors and neighbors, do not plant garlic next to them). Since garlic is classified as an onion, this means that it is better to move its garden to a new place every year. But zucchini or cucumbers, cabbage or legumes - best predecessors... Choose locations that are exposed to the sun or lightly shaded, as the plant needs light and warmth. Dig up the selected bed, loosen it, remove all weeds and water it with plenty of salt solution (3 tablespoons of ordinary salt must be dissolved in a bucket of water). Garlic can be planted in two days - the soil will be ready.

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Preparing garlic for planting

Before planting, you need to calibrate, arrange small, medium and large cloves into piles. They all land at different depths. also, before planting, you need to disinfect the cloves. Although garlic helps with many diseases, it itself often suffers from various fungal diseases. For disinfection, it is enough to hold it in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Garlic will give good shoots if you keep its cloves in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

Planting garlic in spring

Planting garlic in early spring begins at a time that is different for all regions, but the months of April and May serve as a guideline, the main criterion for correct planting is a temperature rise of zero degrees. As soon as the snow thawed, the sun warmed up - it was time to plant the cloves in moist soil without watering, it is recommended to water the dry soil.

The distance in the aisles is 0.15-0.20 meters, between plants 9-10 centimeters, focusing on the subsequent convenience of processing garlic. It is advisable to increase openings and gaps between plants when planting overlapping. The depth of spring cloves placement is small, 2-3 centimeters. You can mulch garlic beds in the spring immediately after planting in the ground with peat, other materials - after germination.

The soil in the beds is equal, the plantings are mulched with peat, rotted sawdust. The use of straw as mulch is recommended in areas where there are no rodents, otherwise they will winter there. The layer of mulching material should be at least 2-3 centimeters.

Spring garlic care

Further care is the same, watering, loosening, removing weeds, but when the onions begin to form, you can feed the plants and feed them only with complex fertilizers. The dosage is usual, for example, phosphorus and potassium need no more than a tablespoon per bucket of water, but double superphosphate can be doubled. Depending on the type of your soil, additional feeding should be carried out, on poor soils you can repeat it at least every week, but on black soil once every 15 days is enough. The consumption rate of the solution is usually 3-4 liters per square meter of soil.
They usually start harvesting garlic in mid-September. You should not rush if it is dry and frost-free, then you can pull, this will have a positive effect on yield and keeping quality, and the garlic will be a little sharper than usual, which means it will be more useful.

They start cleaning as soon as the leaves turn yellow and begin to lay down. Do not pull out the garlic, it is better to carefully dig in, shaking a lump of earth on a shovel. This will prevent damage and keep the garlic well.

Garlic care is as follows:

  • Garlic is watered once a week, for the first time at the end of April, while the first feeding is carried out at the same time.
  • In early June, garlic is fed a second time.
  • The last, third time, garlic is fed two weeks before harvest.
  • Remove the arrows as soon as they grow a little and only begin to form seed heads.

Some of the heads can be left for seeds, and the rest can be cut off and put into canning (very tasty). Remove weeds and loosen the soil in a timely manner

Watering the garlic

An active increase in the aboveground mass of garlic takes place in May, June and the first half of July. During this period, it is recommended to water the garlic 3-4 times a month. If the soil is moist enough, no watering is necessary.

Spring garlic during the formation of the aboveground mass needs moisture, but at the same time its excess leads to the formation of fungal and bacterial diseases of the root system and leaf rust. Very often, such phenomena are observed when watering and the rainy season coincide. But there is a way out of this situation - mulching the soil. Mulching will help reduce the amount of watering you need and will practically save you the trouble of loosening the soil. And in hot summer, when the soil dries out quickly without mulching and you can't get a good harvest of garlic at all.

From the second half of July, watering is significantly reduced or stopped completely. But at the same time, you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out and does not take moisture from the cloves that are actively ripening during this period.

Garlic is a popular culture that can be seen on any personal plot... Helpful and unpretentious. Even a novice gardener can cope with growing it on his site. Most often, garlic is planted before winter. But sometimes it is impossible to plant garlic in the fall. Can you plant garlic in spring? You can, only for this you need to purchase not winter garlic, but spring garlic.

Garlic is a perennial bulbous plants... It is divided into two types: winter, which is planted in the fall, and spring, ready for planting in spring. The main differences between the two types of this culture are as follows:

  • They differ in terms of planting. You can plant winter garlic before winter, and in the spring it will sprout and begin to grow. Spring garlic can be planted only in spring, it does not tolerate wintering in the open field.
  • Winter varieties produce an arrow with air bulbs, they are called bulbs. They serve for reproduction. Spring varieties, except for the Gulliver variety, do not produce such shooters.
  • One bulb of spring garlic contains about 30 cloves, while winter garlic has less than a dozen.
  • The cloves in spring garlic are arranged in a spiral, smaller ones closer to the center; in winter garlic, all cloves are located around the peduncle in one row.
  • The winter variety has larger heads, like the cloves themselves, its yield is higher.
  • Spring garlic is propagated by cloves, and winter garlic can be obtained by planting single cloves, bulbs or cloves.
  • Spring varieties are easily stored all year round.

The main varieties of spring garlic

Spring varieties of garlic ripen on average in 80-150 days, this is how much it takes from the moment the first shoots appear to harvest. Bulbs of these varieties small size, medium and small teeth, slightly elongated. The crop can be stored until mid-spring and longer. What kind of garlic is planted to get a good harvest? We present several popular varieties.

Sochi 56 - early varietywhich gardeners like for its balanced taste. The pulp contains a large amount of sugars. 50 gram heads can be harvested 80 days after germination. The variety is different increased productivity and a shelf life of up to 2 years.

Abrek is a mid-season variety, the head of garlic is round, with white scales, weighing up to 30 g. The pulp is sharp, moderately juicy.

Victorio - has an average time frame. Differs in a light waxy bloom on the leaves. Heads weighing about 40 g, with creamy white scales. The harvest is easily preserved until spring.

Moskovsky is a mid-season variety. It is characterized by a slightly pungent taste. Resistant to disease.

Ershovsky - ripens in 4 months. Head weight up to 35 g. Taste - semi-sharp. Stored without loss for up to 7 months.

Garbos F1 - early maturing, high-yielding variety... Small denticles are completely absent. Suitable for long-term storage, as it is famous for its resistance to diseases.

Gulliver is the only spring garlic that shoots arrows. Its bulb is slightly flattened, weighing up to 120 g. The pulp is sharp. Differs in high productivity.

Flavor and Kledor are varieties of French breeders. They are planted in early spring.

Preparing spring garlic for planting

If you choose to plant garlic outdoors in the spring, you should consider storing the garlic in the fall. Garlic is a cold-resistant crop, but not frost-resistant. Before spring, you need to store the fruits in a windless, dry, cool place. If you plan to plant garlic in large quantities in spring, it is poured into bags, and then placed in deep pits. The shelters are insulated, they must be covered with straw, leaves, and covered with foil.

If the amount is small, the garlic can be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is that the future seedlings do not freeze. You can wrap the heads in perforated newsprint.

Some gardeners advise sprouting garlic. To do this, the heads are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a plastic bag. It is not necessary to wrap the bundle too tightly, it is necessary to provide oxygen access. Periodically, a cloth is moistened with water to maintain a moist environment in the roll. The garlic will begin to give roots, after two weeks they take it out, keep it in potassium permanganate for half an hour and start planting garlic in the open ground in the spring. Only whole teeth without damage are allowed for planting.

Preparing the soil for planting

How to plant garlic correctly in spring? First you need to choose a place for landing. Since the plant needs maximum light, you should not make the garden bed in the shade of a fence or trees. Progenitor plants matter too. Garlic grows well in the beds after legumes, melons, cabbage. But the plants of the nightshade family are dangerous for him. Loves garlic next to strawberries. You should not plant it after the onion, replanting in one place is also undesirable.

For best crop growth, medium, light loamy soils or chernozem are required. A place for planting garlic in the spring is dug up on the head, loosened, and all weeds are removed from the roots. Pour the bed with salt solution, for this 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt are dissolved in a bucket of water. After a couple of days, you can plant the garlic.

If the soil is bad, it must be fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers... It must be remembered that fresh manure is never added to the garlic beds. They can fertilize the soil for pumpkin or zucchini, in the place of which garlic will be planted in a year.

Preparing the beds for planting

There are two ways to prepare the beds.

1. We form the beds in the fall. They dig up the land for the beds in the fall. Fertilizers are applied to it. This is prepared compost at the rate of one bucket per 1 sq. meter of the garden. Also, 100 grams of wood ash and 10 grams of double superphosphate are crumbled.

2. We form the beds in the spring. In spring, with deep loosening of the soil, azofoska, humic fertilizers and wood ash are introduced. Top dressing with humus mixed with ash is effective. We plant prepared garlic in the beds.

Planting dates for spring garlic

When is garlic planted in spring? You can start planting after the snow melts, around April 20-25. Spring varieties do not tolerate a lack of moisture. Of course, you need to focus on soil temperature. It should be warmed up to 5 degrees.

In warm regions, garlic begins to be planted at the end of March, and in the Moscow region, the desired temperature is not established earlier than at the end of April. You can plant garlic in May, in spring the weather is unstable, and it all depends on the variety that you decided to plant in the spring. Frost-resistant varieties will be able to withstand cold spring weather, while the root system is forming, the soil will have time to warm up to 10 degrees. At this temperature, the ground part of the plant develops. It is not recommended to delay planting, otherwise the garlic will not have time to form heads before the onset of autumn.

Can you plant winter garlic in spring? There are cases of such a landing. But there is no need to wait for a high-quality harvest. This variety is not intended for spring planting, most often planting of winter garlic in spring is done to obtain green feathers, which can be eaten fresh, added to salads. When planting, you need to be guided by the same principles as when planting spring garlic: select only high-quality cloves, thoroughly prepare the soil, take good care of the beds during the growing season of the plant.

How to plant garlic in spring

How to plant a plant? Spring varieties of garlic are planted according to the following scheme: the distance between the cloves should be about 7 cm, between the rows - 20-30 cm. The cloves are planted large garlic to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Holes are made in the ground, cloves of garlic are laid in them, bottom down. If you plant them deeper, they will not be able to hatch to sprout. After planting, you should feed the garden with ammonium sulfate. Fertilizers are re-applied in the middle of summer. Then you will need to add fertilizer to protect the crop from pests. It is useful to feed the garlic while the bulbs are forming.

Planted garlic requires maintenance, it loves moisture, so it is worth watering it several times a week if the heat is intense. But you do not need to fill the beds, stagnant water can lead to rotting of the heads, and drying out of the soil can lead to a decrease in yield, a deterioration in quality. Be sure to weed the beds regularly, garlic does not like weeds.

We told how to plant garlic, when proper care it will ripen and give a rich harvest. When the leaves turn yellow, you can pluck the heads of garlic out of the ground. Then they are left in the beds so that the leaves dry up, and the bulbs have absorbed all the nutrients from the stem. You can collect small bunches and set to dry. When the leaves are dry, they can be easily removed.

Everyone decides for himself whether it is better to plant garlic in autumn or spring. Someone prefers to do this twice a year in order to always have a stock of tasty and spicy vegetables on hand.
