High, high in the mountains lived a shepherd. One rainy night, three knocked on him.

My hut is small, only one will enter. Who are you? The shepherd asked.

We are friendship, happiness and wealth. Whom to open the door to - choose yourself!

The shepherd chose friendship. Friendship came in, happiness came, wealth came.

What is friendship?

A friend reminded me yesterday

How much he did me good:

He gave me a pencil once

(I forgot my pencil case that day)

In the wall newspaper, almost in every one,

He mentioned me.

I fell and got wet

He helped me dry.

He's for a sweet friend

He did not regret the pie:

Once he gave me a bite,

And now I presented the bill.

Doesn't attract me guys

No longer attracts to a friend.




  • The lexical meaning of the word "FRIEND" (in the explanatory dictionary).
  • Relative words (same root).
  • Friends words (in the dictionary of synonyms).
  • Enemy words (in the dictionary of antonyms).
  • Word in Russian folklore

(in proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, songs).

Connect the proverbs.

Little friendship

better than a big fight.

Friendship is like glass:

you will break, you will not fold.

The clothes are good new

and an old friend.

Don't have a hundred rubles

but have a hundred friends.

The power of a bird is in its wings

human strength ...

in friendship.

A man without a friend

what earth

without water.

Task number 3

Natasha and Lena played ball. The ball rolled into a puddle. Lena wanted to get the ball, but could not stay on her feet and fell into a puddle herself. Natasha began to laugh, and Lena wept bitterly.

Sveta and Dasha are friends. Once in sports

competition Sveta took first place.

All the guys from the class were happy and began to congratulate her.

Dasha alone stood aside and looked angrily

in the Light.

Friendship laws

  • Help a friend (indulge; scream; in trouble)
  • Know how to share with a friend (laziness; joy; greed)
  • Stop your friend if he (helps elders; does something bad; takes care of animals)
  • (offend; do not deceive; call names) a friend.
  • Treat your friend like (to the toy; to yourself; to the closet)

What would you do?

  • Your friend couldn't solve his homework and asks you to cheat.
  • During the Fun Starts, your friend fell on the run and let the team down.
  • Your friend invites you to skip class. And he warns that if you do not agree, then he will not be friends with you.
  • Your parents found out that your friend is a poor student and forbid you to be friends with him.

  • Your friend is using bad words and expressions.
  • Your friend does a bad deed, and everyone will know about it, including you.
  • You walk down the street. Your two friends took the hat from your classmate.
  • You are in a hurry to play with your friend (friend) on the computer, and a group of classmates is coming towards you to do general cleaning in the classroom. What will you do


  • 1st line - one word, usually a noun or a person's name
  • 2nd line - a description of this in a nutshell - 2 adjectives
  • 3rd line - action description - 3 verbs
  • 4th line - a 4-word phrase showing the attitude towards the topic
  • 5th (last) line Is one word that repeats the essence of the topic.

I want to wish you: Never change friends! They cannot be exchanged like a coin. You will understand this later - There is no closer friend in the world.

Slide 1

Extracurricular activity "Me and my friends" 5, 7 "B" classes
Municipal budgetary educational institution "Semi-Kotelnikovskaya secondary school"
Compiled by: class teacher Narykova N.S.
2017 year.

Slide 2

"You will not go far in friendship, if you are not inclined to forgive each other's minor flaws." La Bruyère "The heat of friendship warms the heart without burning it." La Rochefoucauld "One of the most important properties of true friendship is the ability to anticipate the requests of friends." Socrates

Slide 3

There is no friend - look for, but found, ... take care. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have ... one hundred friends. One for all - and that's all ... for one. A man without friends is like a tree ... without roots. Friendship is like glass, you break it - ... you can't fold it. Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell ... who you are.

Slide 4

Modeling situations
1. If I offended my friend, then I ... 2. If my friend got an A, then I ... 3. If my friend offended me, then I ... 4. If my friend caught on a chair and fell, then I ... 5. If I had candies, then I ... 6. If your friend broke your favorite game, then I ... 7. If a friend told me a secret, then I ... 8. If I saw what my friend wants to offend someone, then I ... 9. If my friend does not know how to solve problems, then I ...

Slide 5

"The pencils"
Assignment: without releasing pencils, move your hands up and down, back and forth. 1. Raise your hands, lower them, return to their original position. 2. Stretch your arms forward, take them back. 3. Take a step forward, two steps back, step forward 4. Sit down, stand up.

Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, community of interests. Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov Friendship ... is disinterested affection. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary Unselfishness… unwillingness to use something to the detriment, resentment or loss of others; unwillingness to rewards and retribution ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary Friendship is ...

Do not quarrel Do not quarrel Give in Give in Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you have offended a friend Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you have offended a friend Be polite Be polite Do not be angry Do not be angry Do not be greedy Do not be greedy Help and protect your friend Help and protect your friend Be considerate Be honest Be considerate Friendship rules

“I know how to be friends, because ...”. “I know how to be friends, because ...”. "I can be friends with the guys who ...". "I can be friends with guys who ...". "You can be friends with me, because I ...". "You can be friends with me, because I ...". “I want to learn to be friends so that….”. “I want to learn to be friends so that….”.

I want to wish you: Never change your friends! They cannot be exchanged like a coin. You will understand this later - There is no closer friend in the world. Never Lose Friends There is nothing to measure that loss. An old friend will not return to you. You can't replace him with a new friend. And you should not offend your friends- Resentment will become a wound in the heart. Even though friends know how to forgive, the Door in their hearts will be closed. Friendship must always be protected, This feeling is longer than a century. The best friend will never betray, There is simply no more loyal person !!!

Zhanna, Ruslan and Timur were friends. They lived in the same yard and went to school together. Once, when they were returning home after school, their grandmother came up to them and handed them one chocolate bar. What do you think your friends will do in this situation? What do you think your friends will do in this situation?

qCorrectional educational:
-Repeat and consolidate the knowledge of children on the lexical topic "Me and my friends."
- Teach children to reflect, compare good and bad personality traits.
-Exercise children in the selection of nouns for the adjective.
- Formation of coherent speech of children.

qCorrectional - developing:
Develop thinking, memory, attention.

qCorrectional and educational:
1) Develop the ability to express your opinion.
2) Foster a sense of mutual assistance, support, responsibility.



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Slide captions:

Presentation "My friends" MADOU № 30 d / s "Zhuravushka" city of Kumertau Khismatullina Zukhra Ayratovna speech therapist teacher

Correctional educational: - To repeat and consolidate the knowledge of children on the lexical topic "Me and my friends." - Teach children to reflect, compare good and bad personality traits. -Exercise children in the selection of nouns for the adjective. - Formation of coherent speech of children. Correctional - developing: To develop thinking, memory, attention. Correctional educational: 1) To educate the ability to express one's opinion. 2) Foster a sense of mutual assistance, support, responsibility.

I have a lot of friends: Lena, Tanechka, Sergey.

We sing songs with Lena

We will go for a walk with Tanya,

And Seryozhka is not too lazy to tease Us all day!

We live together at school: We study together, we grow up, We learn about everything in the world, About other children of the same kind

Everyone needs to be friends - Anya, Vita, Nastya, Dima, We are all best friends, We cannot be without a friend.

What is friendship?

We are no longer friends, You are gone, I am offended. They quarreled in earnest, They called each other, Well, now I'm sad. Come, forgive you. Agree, because of nonsense this one grew up ... (quarrel) Now guess my riddles!

He shares his joy with me, Always a mountain for me. If trouble happens suddenly, a faithful one will help me ... (friend) What, friend, I suggest forgetting Our quarrel. I take a step towards you, I want to be friends with you. Stop, girlfriend, get angry, I suggest ... (make up)

"Pick a sign" Friend (what?) - ... Friends (what?) - ... Friendship (what?)

Friends should be: kind, fair, ... Friends should not be: evil, deceitful, ... "Tell the word"
