Making decorations for your own homestead, school yard or kindergarten playground is not so difficult. It is enough to have a little imagination and improvised material. In this master class, we will show how easy it is to make an elephant from a plastic bottle.

Decorations of this kind are not expensive. Maybe, required material lies idle at your home, although it can significantly revive the site and please the eye with cute crafts that can be made without much difficulty with your own hands.

Stylish and inexpensive

For work we need:

  • large plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters;
  • medium-sized bottle - 2, 1.5 liters;
  • small bottles, you can take them from under children's yoghurts. They are small and have an interesting shape. Or the usual small ones - 0.5 l, will also look good;
  • scissors, stationery knife;
  • watercolor paint, facade varnish;
  • rope or laces;
  • polyethylene insulation;
  • various elements for decoration.

During our master class, photos will be provided to help with the sequence of work.

Let's start creating a wonderful elephant

The main and largest part is the torso. To make it, you need to remove all unnecessary parts from 5 liter bottle: label, pen, labeled stickers, etc. We make a mark on one of the sides, 4 even circles, you can circle the jar of the required diameter. And cut out exactly the holes. In them we will fix the elephant's legs.

On a note! In order for our elephant to be stable and not to be carried away by the slightest breeze, sand or earth should be poured into the smallest bottles.

Smoothly insert them into a large bottle. To keep them stationary and not constantly displaced, we fix it with glue.

Cut out the ears from the upper part of the middle 2-liter bottle. You can cut by eye or make small sketches with a marker. Look only that the ears are in proportion to the body.

Svetlana Black

The children were delighted with the new "tenant" on plot!

For making large an elephant you need.

1) Four bottles 1, 5 liters (for legs)

2)1 bottle 10 liters(for the torso).

3)1 bottle 5 liter(for ears).

4) A utility knife, scissors, glue, and an old hose from a vacuum cleaner for a trunk.

5) Paint enamel, gray, brush.

6) Set for creativity "eyes".

We take the largest bottle(10 liters, on it we carefully make 4 small cuts cross, on a cross and parallel to each other (for legs) insert into each hole bottles 1, 5 liters. The elephant is already standing... Necessarily, for stability, we fill each bottle sand or fine gravel.

We make incisions for the ears from above on the sides. Cut out the ears from bottles of 5 liters, insert.

In the neck bottle insert a piece of hose, you get a trunk. We paint.

Glue the eyes (can be drawn).

That's all the elephant is ready.

The same is done for small elephant, only taken smaller bottles... Instead bottles 1, 5 liters 0.5 liters - small legs, and on the body bottle of 5 liters.

Many thanks to everyone! Who visited my page!

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For those who wish to decorate their garden or summer cottage with unusual, but at the same time budget figures, we offer several ideas for making such decorations with their own hands.

Particularly popular with amateurs landscape design enjoy crafts from plastic bottles. Craftsmen make all kinds of figurines of gnomes, pigs, swans, mushrooms and other crafts from recycled materials. Today we propose to make from plastic bottles an elephant figurine. Step-by-step instructions and simple master classes, available and described in detail in the article, will help to make an elephant out of bottles, even for a novice handyman.

Bottle elephant (simplified version)

To make such a craft, you will need the following:

  • one two-liter and two one and a half liter plastic bottles;
  • wire - dense enough to keep its shape;
  • 6-7 lids with through holes in the middle of the bottom;
  • thin foam rubber or gray foamiran and pink flowers;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • a pair of plastic eyes;
  • gray acrylic paint and a brush (to add color, you can use not only paint, but also adhesive colored paper (tape) or food foil);
  • sand (groats) as a filler.

Step-by-step description of working with photos:

  1. Cut from the top in 1/3 liter bottles of the entire length.
  2. To make the finished figurine more stable and not fall off even from a slight breeze, pour some filler into the cut parts. It can be ordinary dried sand, small pebbles, cereals, etc.
  3. In a two-liter bottle, make 2 holes along one of the sides, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the cut pieces.
  4. Insert filled parts into the holes and secure them with a glue gun.
  5. Put plugs on the curved wire and fix with hot melt glue.
  6. From foam rubber (foamiran), cut out the details of the ears (2 large blanks of gray and 2 small pink flowers), tusks (2 pieces) and nails (4 for each bottle - 8 pieces in total).
  7. Cover the body of the future elephant with gray paint. Such a craft will look good if you use ordinary food foil instead of paint. In this case, you just need to wrap the workpiece with 1-2 layers of foil and press firmly.
  8. Glue the eyes, ears, tusks and nails.
  9. Attach the tail from a short piece of wire and a foam rubber brush (foamiran) to the back.

As a result, you should have such a wonderful baby elephant. The figurine will decorate not only garden plot, but will also be a great toy for children.

Baby elephant for the garden

The second option for making an elephant figurine for decoration suburban area also does not present any particular difficulty in the manufacturing process and is financially available.

The work will need the following materials and tools:

  • 2 large plastic bottles with a volume of 6 liters;
  • 4 two-liter bottles;
  • half a meter of a hose or a corrugated pipe of a small diameter;
  • 60 cm thick enough (elastic) wire;
  • acrylic paint or spray paint (the color can be any, depending on how you want to paint the elephant);
  • large sharp scissors;
  • hot glue (for plastic);
  • sand for weighting the figure.

The work progress is quite simple and relatively fast:

  1. Cut off the tops from 2 liter bottles and pour sand into them.
  2. In a large bottle, make 4 holes for the elephant's legs and insert the pieces with sand. Fix the joints of the parts with hot glue.
  3. Bend the wire in the shape of a long trunk, put a hose (corrugated pipe) on it and glue it to the neck of a large bottle.
  4. From the second large bottle, cut out 2 parts of the ears and glue them with hot glue to the body of the elephant.
  5. Cover the glued shape with paint. Make sure that the body is painted evenly, without light spots. If light spots appear after drying, re-paint the surface.
  6. With a marker or a thin brush, draw the eyes and mouth, paint the hooves on the legs.
  7. You can decorate the elephant's trunk with a homemade flower from a yogurt bottle, and glue a funny crest on top of your head.

Large models

Depending on the purpose and area where the plastic figure of an elephant will be located, you can make a craft large sizes... This will require a huge amount of plastic bottles, hot glue (scotch tape) and, of course, creative inspiration.

The giant elephant can be a decoration for parks and playgrounds. This statue can also be used as a photo zone.

Crafts from plastic bottles are a great idea to decorate your apartment or household plot... All kinds of deer, piglets, frogs, swans, hedgehogs and elephants from plastic bottles are popular.

If you are eager to make such an elephant, then we offer two master classes on this topic. The first is a simplified version, it is suitable for those who do not want to complicate their work. Such an elephant can serve as a toy for a child or a decoration for a child's room. The second option is a more refined elephant. It is a little more difficult to manufacture, but it looks more noble and will fit well into the interior of the living room. So, the choice is yours!

How to make an elephant out of bottles?

1. In the figure you see a schematic of the process of making a craft. For the body, take an ordinary plastic bottle, for the legs of the animal - two more (cut them to the desired length). The trunk consists of a curved wire with bottle caps threaded onto it (you need 6 caps with holes pre-drilled into them).

2. Pour cereals (preferably rice) about ¼ of its length into the bottles that will serve as the elephant's legs (the craft should not be too heavy). Attach your legs to your torso with tape. The trunk is easier to attach: screw the last stopper to the neck of the base bottle.

3. Paste this entire structure with thin gray paper. Can be used corrugated paper or plain foil. The elephant's tail is made in this way: glue the wire with paper, and make a brush from the threads and tie it to the tip of the tail. The rest of the details (ears, tusks, fingers) are made of foam rubber in two colors: gray and pink. If you don't have such material, you can take regular foam rubber and sheathe it with colored fabric. Eyes are best taken "running", plastic.

4. You should get such an elephant from a plastic bottle as a result.

How to make an elephant with your own hands?

1. The frame of this elephant is made similarly to the first one, only for the body, five 1.5-liter bottles are used glued together, for the legs - four 2-liter bottles, for the ears and head - a cut 5-liter bottle. As for the trunk and tail of the animal, they are made of mint (twisted into bundles) paper, pasted over with tape. When all the parts are connected into a single whole, the frame of the craft should be pasted over with a bandage soaked in plaster solution.

2. Cut the eyes of the elephant out of a brown plastic bottle and glue in place with a bandage.

3. Form a smiling mouth from the bandage scraps.

4. You can paint the craft with any paint you have in stock. Shiny silver spray paint looks good. You can also use acrylic mixed with PVA glue in equal proportions.

5. Tint the mouth and eyes with acrylics of the appropriate colors.

6. Using paint or outline, paint a patterned pattern in a contrasting color onto the elephant's body.

7. Add eyelashes.

8. You can make a butterfly craft out of plastic bottles and put it on the elephant's trunk. To do this, cut out the appropriate shape of the wings, fasten them together with tape, and then wrap the butterfly with a bandage or paste over with papier-mâché, dry and paint in bright "tropical" colors.

The elephant turns out to be voluminous, but light. It can be installed on coffee table or on a glass shelf for your guests to admire this original handmade piece. You can also make an elephant as a gift. As a souvenir, it is a symbol of dignity, wisdom and prudence and can mean the following:

· An animal with a lowered trunk - peace and tranquility;

· An elephant with a raised trunk - good luck and victory.
