It will not be a secret for anyone if we say that each person has a different income. Some get more, others less, and this is the basis of the capitalist system. Moreover, the difference in the material condition of different people can sometimes reach not only thousands, but tens of thousands or millions of percent. Some live on a salary of 10,000 rubles, while others do not know where to spend a million dollars. And if you think that now I will begin to condemn the rich, then you are wrong.

In fact, if anyone can be judged, it is the poor, because they do not use all the opportunities that capitalism provides. How to make 100,000 a month? Do you think the answer is "no way" or "kill someone"? No and no again! That kind of money can be earned legally, you just need a desire and certain abilities.

I will not deceive you. Not everyone will be able to earn big money, otherwise there would be no workers, teachers and office clerks left in our country. In order to start your journey to big money, you must have certain inclinations and aspirations. The rest I will take upon myself and now I will try to explain to you how to earn 100,000 a month, and even more.

Rich and poor!

What distinguishes a wealthy person from a poor person? Of course, his capital, but there is something else - psychology. As a rule, the psychology of the rich is fundamentally different from the psychology of the poor. They do not think that they may not have enough money for something, do not make themselves a victim for a reason and without a reason. They understand that they are significant people in this world and make them reckon with their interests. And until you understand that there is no point in complaining about the world, about the system, but you need to act and fight for your interests, you can never call yourself a successful person. And no matter how much money you have, without the right psychology, you will sooner or later lose it.

Once again returning from work, ask yourself the question: “Who am I in this world?”, Remember what you really are and how important you are to society. And only when you respect yourself can you succeed and earn big money.

Why do the rich have money?

The overwhelming majority of people believe that big money can only be earned by criminal means, and they, of course, are wrong. I personally know many businessmen who legally get a good income and bring a lot of benefits to the whole society. And if you still think that you cannot earn more than 15,000 rubles without breaking the law, you will remain living from paycheck to paycheck.

To be successful, you must understand that the rich have money because they are smart people, financially literate, and purposeful. You do not need to scold the oligarchs for their failures, but strive to be like them in order to earn as much as they do.

How to make money?

There are two tools for generating income - these are capital and ideas. You can use the capital for investing in order to increase it and provide passive income, as well as for investments in your business. As for ideas, it is possible to make money exclusively on them alone, although the participation of capital significantly speeds up the course of affairs. It is advisable that you yourself believe in your idea and be ready to invest in its implementation.

As a rule, most of the income comes from combining an idea with capital, because money in its pure form cannot bring more than 25% growth per year, and it is not worth talking about ideas, because many of them remain unrealized without finding funding.

How to make money on an idea?

2. If you do not have money to implement an idea, and you don’t want to sell it for a pittance, you can try to attract investors. To do this, you need to prepare a presentation of a business plan, rent an office and invite large investors in your city there (you can find and make an offer to them via the Internet). If they appreciate the idea, they will finance the future business, in return demanding a portion of the company's profits. Be careful when signing the contract, because investors can take most of your business, leaving you as a nominee director.

3. If you have capital or your idea does not require large investments, then you can try to implement it yourself. It will be difficult in the first couples, but as a result you will build a successful innovative business that will bring you income almost automatically. The main thing at this stage is not to get depressed, because at first you can fail after failure, but then you will gain experience and become a full-fledged businessman.

How to make 100,000 a month? Real examples!

1. There was a case when a person raised good money through mediation. He supplied customers to private carriers who were parked in a local parking lot, and in return received a percentage of the profits. And it all started when a person came up with the idea to go to the habitat of truck owners and offer them the services of an intermediary between them and the consumer. After that, all that remained was to conduct a marketing campaign by placing ads in newspapers and on free Internet sites.

2. Today, on the basis of VKontakte, many online stores have been created, which earn good money and have a decent turnover. All you need is to register a VK group, find a supplier and create a description for each product. At the same time, you do not need to pay for a domain and hosting, only for advertising a group or page.

Afterword ...

So how do you make 100,000 a month? In fact, there are many options, but they have one thing in common: you need out-of-the-box thinking and an entrepreneurial streak. If you can think outside the box and find promising options for earning wherever possible, then you will become a successful person anyway. The only thing you need is the incentive and desire to change your life for the better.

Startup basics: a good financial plan, not drive and cats

What can I say, now is the time of opportunities, you just need to find your niche. So you can say "don't be like everyone else", act, and it may work out.

But in order to understand what's what, it's good to imagine a model of modern society. What's at the bottom? A broad base of unskilled and low-skilled workers. The most affordable job pays the worst. Further, the higher in this pyramid, the fewer people at each level, the more earnings, and the greater the quality of knowledge, labor or intelligence required to match. Somewhere in this mess are intermediaries. Then, the top - a few in-demand professionals in their field. The key word here is demand. The zone of personal responsibility ends behind them - this is everything that was below, and the spire of great responsibility begins. These are organizers - people who can use specialists of different qualifications to create new working (or not working) mechanisms. Startups, innovation, popularization of scientific discoveries, management ...

This is of course an extremely simplified, superficial model. In reality, there is also politics, capital, personal interests, other states, social and ethnic groups, etc.

Now closer to the topic. I'll take the data on Peter. For a full day, an unskilled worker receives up to 20k, cashiers in stores are 29k, a specialist who graduated from a university with no experience in the 25k region, with experience - usually the market average is about 40k (judging by the average temperature in the hospital). A good (ordinary) specialist in his field - up to 100k, excellent up to 150k ... 200k, I can't know further, tk. the offers are most likely individual, and they will not be seen on the market. This is all for the traditional path to personal responsibility and qualifications. In areas where you are your own master, everything can be anything. You may not earn anything, you may take off, you may crash, it all depends on your mind and creativity, on the ability to see and embody opportunities.

Now let's take schools and universities. What do they do to the person? They trim a person's personality to a form that suits the system. Those. turn an initiative person (possibly) into a non-initiative person (not quite so), but skillful, competent. With the same indifference, turning both slag and geniuses into people capable of performing some work, and not remaining a dependent on the body of society. Of course, these are not all universities, somewhere on the contrary, they develop flair and originality.

Therefore, in my opinion, freelancing is a lousy opportunity for a student to receive 100k per month. Yes, someone may be lucky, one in thousands. All sorts of blogs, channels, indie games, streams, non-trivial services and new trends look much more promising, but looking the truth in our eyes, there are also full of reefs and pitfalls, and even no one will share their bread and teach. All the bigwigs are yours, to choose from, in any field, and in some places your successes will also be appropriated with great pleasure if you do not bother to defend your own and know the legal right. And everywhere there is competition, in any existing niche, you need to be prepared for this. For example, Uber - while the niche was empty, anyone could take it, but now, try at least to squeeze the leader.

I'm not saying that everything is in vain, by no means. You just need to be aware that a non-trivial path will require non-trivial efforts. Read a book about any great man - and you will see for yourself how many times he was on the verge of defeat, what efforts his idea cost ... And do not forget about those who disappeared along this path.

This is a good sum for a hired employee even in Moscow or St. Petersburg. A good amount for a freelancer (almost "ceiling"). A very cool specialist with an accumulated client base, rich experience, good cases, etc. can earn more consistently.

Most likely, you will not jump above the earnings of 100-150k and the earnings will be wave-like. As soon as you reach this amount, it's time to get off the freelance needle. Start actively doing your projects, investing and so on. Freelancing is definitely not a business, you have to work hard, do it yourself.

How quickly can you reach this amount?
- If you have experience, some cases, etc. - in 3-5 months
- If you start with a complete 0, then longer. You will have to spend time learning the chosen specialty.

And now a small instruction on how to earn 100,000 rubles on the Internet, on freelancing.

I'll start from the very beginning, so all the tips will look a little obvious to people who know what freelancing is and how to work with it. All advice is given in a specific, correct order. At the end, there are order exchanges, from which you can immediately start working.

Choose your main specialization.

It's better not to be scattered among 1000 different services, choose your niche. And it already covers several directions / tools.

I tried to design, naming, finalize websites and everything else. In the end, I settled on what I do best - internet marketing. Other in-demand freelance specialties: designer (printing / web design), web developer (layout / back-end / CMS), marketer (contextual advertising / SEO / SMM), copywriting.

Examine inside and out.

Take courses, read case studies, subscribe to mailing lists, attend industry “hangouts”. Get to know all the experts in niche, terminology, novelties. Important! Work straight away, look for assignments and complete them. From the first day. You will learn from clients - it's cheap for them, experience for you. There is no need to prepare for freelancing for years, to be afraid of something. As soon as you finish reading, feel free to register an account on a freelance exchange.

Start blogging

Cover your training, work, write articles. This will be a good proof of competence. Customers will read and order. In addition, by describing your studies, you will better absorb the material. A blog can be made on, on a social network (VK / Facebook group), or create your own website. Blog readers are potential customers. You can get a steady stream of orders from several professional articles. Expert content sells great. I wrote in more detail about promoting a personal blog

Select sites for promotion.

It is better not to scatter and take 1-3 sites for the active development of your profile. How to choose: the more projects are offered and the less competition, the better. It is hard to do a hundred sites with high quality. But one pumped profile on one site will feed you on an ongoing basis. I will give recommendations at the end of the article.

To build a portfolio and reviews - work for a penny.

The first few projects can be done for free: for yourself, friends, participate in contests. Then do your best for cheap. You need clients, cases, reviews and recommendations. There will always be a greedy customer who will choose the cheapest offer - let this offer be you. Make more expectations.

Sell \u200b\u200b"subscriptions", do upsells.

Offer all customers subscription services: website support, advertising and other services with constant monthly payment.

Use affiliate programs of services. For example, you are developing websites. Connect a hosting partner program to host customer sites through it. Offer all customers to install a callback service for free and register it through the affiliate program. There are a lot of services that will be useful to your customers - recommend. Gradually, you will have a small (and maybe large) absolutely passive income.

Sell \u200b\u200bup. Immediately after successfully completed work. In a week / month you can ask how things are going and thereby remind you of yourself, offer the client some new useful services. This is how
1/3 of a freelancer's time is processing clients, negotiations. Therefore, loyal customers who have already bought are a golden asset. Selling services the second and subsequent times to such a client - you earn more, as you spend less time on it.

I am constantly working with freelancers. Nobody offers me anything. Not useful service, not additional services. Nothing. I also noticed a phenomenon when after 2-3 months a person becomes bored with working with one client. He begins to "fall off": does not fulfill the agreement, does not get in touch. Don't do that, it's stupid.


Apply automation tools at work. Keyboard shortcuts - take the time to learn and use. Formulas in Excel, ZennoPoster. Order or write your own templates, scripts. In some cases, prepared answers for clients help, but do not overuse them. I even buy email accounts so as not to waste time registering them.

It's time to raise prices

Raise prices carefully. expand the range of services. Promote to the point where you can hire an assistant and delegate some of the tasks to him and still remain in the black. And you still have to be more profitable than the market, the offers must have advantages. For a normal customer, there is no word dear - there is a word that pays off or your service does not pay off. Always keep this in mind.

Major projects

Don't be afraid to take on big projects. And rate them accordingly. If the case claims for half a month of work, take exactly that amount. Often experts are afraid to name adequate prices. Assess your man-hours appropriately. If they refuse, they will refuse. You can offer a price fork, "split" the payment into parts. Agree - great, give the appropriate result. Keep in mind the cost of your working hour.

Hire assistants

Train, provide automation tools and delegate tasks to them. Check it out.

Choose projects

Prioritize and start rejecting jobs that are not profitable, might not work for the client, and so on. But there is no need to "star". Just give honest advice. Of course, refuse inadequate clients. And remember: 2-3 large projects are better than 10 small ones.


Somewhere at this stage, I earned my 97k in a month. I saved up passive income from affiliate programs, income from subscription services, began to take large projects and delegate tasks to assistants. It's simple

Which site to choose?

Search for freelance exchanges, copywriter exchanges, and so on on Google. Compare by the number of orders in your niche and, most importantly, by competition. Offer your services to your friends, colleagues, tell them in your profiles on social networks. If you know English, you can immediately start looking for a job over the hill.

  1. Kwork
    Exchange with a fixed cost of services. The client chooses services like a product in a store. Register and create many different Quorks. The bigger, the better. This service has a good recommendation system. Clients themselves will write to you and order, you will only have to fulfill orders. Don't forget about the tips in this article. Analog - 5Bucks, few orders.
  2. Fiverr
    Foreign analogue of Kwork. More precisely, Kwork is an analogue of the Fiverr service. There are a lot of orders and a lot of performers. If you speak English, I highly recommend registering here and creating service offers.
  3. WorkZilla
    An exchange with lots of simple, cheap jobs. There is a list of tasks for which you can leave a response. There is not much to earn here (cheap, many performers). But it can be interesting for novice performers.

I named these sites. By the way, there are more links there. But in fact, the performer, following all the rules of this article, will be able to earn good money. For example, the same 100,000 rubles is quite an achievable figure.

Every person would like to earn enough for a living. Of course, everyone has their own idea of \u200b\u200ba suitable amount. However, it is obvious that 100,000 rubles is quite a good monthly income. In any case, most people would not refuse to have such a salary per month.

What can you do to earn 100,000 rubles a month? There are tons of options! The main thing is to choose the most interesting and suitable method for you.

  1. Resale of goods from abroad

The sphere of trade is one of the most profitable. If you properly organize the process of selling products, you can have a good profit. Business with China is especially profitable and popular. We recommend reading the following articles:

Another great selling option is dropshipping. Such a business does not even require an initial investment. The essence of this work is as follows:

  1. You display supplier products on your website (for example, from Aliexpress website)
  2. After the sale, purchase it and indicate the address of the final buyer.
  3. The buyer receives the goods, and you receive the profit for the so-called intermediary services.

You can also establish a business within your own country. For example, by organizing the resale of things on Read about it here -.
You can get good income in trading

  1. Earnings in the event-sphere

In this case, we mean various types of business associated with the provision of the following services:

  • Organization of holidays
  • Animators
  • Hall decoration
  • Photo, video filming
  • And other.

Interesting articles about business in this area:

For example, a host at a wedding earns about $ 400 per evening. The videographer gets the same amount for one shot. Therefore, it is certainly worthwhile to thoroughly study this direction.

A good host makes well over 100,000 a month

  1. Earning from your own website

Nobody will argue with the statement that you can make good money on the Internet. One of the most popular and effective ways is to have your own website. Having created and promoted such a resource, you can receive money from various sources:

  • Advertising of goods or services of third parties
  • Placement of contextual advertising from Google, Yandex
  • Partnership programs.

The first few months will take a lot of work to bring the site to the top position. But then you will have an excellent source of passive income.

  1. Currency exchange, binary options, PAMM accounts

On exchanges, you can earn 100,000 rubles or more under certain conditions:

  • You can competently analyze the financial situation
  • You have a savvy
  • You have the right amount of composure.

$ 10 is enough to get started. And then everything depends on the qualities listed above and the share of success.

To reduce risks, choose reliable brokers: Alpari, Alfa Forex and others.

Are you afraid to trade on your own, not confident in your abilities? Then invest in PAMM accounts. This means that you are transferring money to an experienced financier who will do everything possible to increase your capital. For this, he takes a certain percentage of the amount.
