
Education environment is considered by us as a system. influences and conditions personality formation as well opportunities for its developmentcontained in the social and spatial and subject environment.

AT this definition Special methodological importance acquires the concept of "opportunity", which involves the active role of the personality itself (ie, its subjective position) in the development of developing medium resources, since it is determined equally both the specific properties of the medium and the properties of the personality (J. Gibson). Possibility - bridge between man and medium. At the same time, "influence" and "conditions" suggest the impact of the "active" environment on a "passive" person, i.e. Predetermine the object position of schoolchildren.

The concept of "educational environment" acts as generics for such concepts "School environment", "Family Wednesday", Wednesday of the Teenage Club, Wednesday of the Sports Section, etc.

The technique of psychological and pedagogical examination of the school environment 4 allows us to analyze the educational environment at various levels:

educational environment of a single child,

local educational environment (school).

Analysis of the educational environment is carried out using the following descriptors: modality, latitude, intensity, consciousness, sustainability, generalization, emotionality, dominance, coherence, social activity, mobility.

Latitude The educational environment serves its structural and mean characteristic showing which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in it.

Intensity The educational medium is its structural-dynamic characteristic, showing the degree of saturation of the educational environment with conditions, influences and capabilities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation.

Yasvin V.A. Examination of the school educational environment. M, 2000.

Modality The educational medium is its qualitative and meaningful characteristic. While all other parameters give a quantitative characteristic of the educational environment, showing a high or low degree of severity of one or another indicator, modality characterizes the educational environment with a high-quality, typological point of view. As an effective tool for psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment, in particular, modality coefficient which reflects the degree of use by educational opportunities (medium resources). The coefficient of modality, firstly, the greater, the higher the activity and, secondly, with an equal degree of activity, it is larger in conditions of free activity and less in free passivity conditions.

Power resellers Educational environment - an indicator of conscious inclusion in it of all subjects of the educational process.

Sustainability The educational environment characterizes its time stability . If other parameters provide a synchronous description of the educational environment, the resistance parameter allows its diachronic description.

Generalization The educational environment characterizes the degree of coordination of the activities of all its subjects.

Emotionic The educational environment illustrates the ratio of emotional and rational components.

Dominacy The educational environment characterizes the importance of this local medium in the value system of the subjects of the educational process. The dominance shows the hierarchical position of the school environment in relation to other sources of influence on the identity.

Coherence (consistency) of the educational environment It shows the degree of coherence effect on the identity of this local medium with the influences of other habitat factors of this personality.

Social activity The educational environment is an indicator of its socially oriented creative potential and expansion of this educational environment on the habitat.

Mobility The educational environment characterizes its ability to organic evolutionary changes, in the context of the relationship with the habitat.

It should be especially noted that the methodological system "Designing - Expertise" developed by us largely eliminates the situation of "doomed for success", very characteristic of many design and diagnostic systems. This situation occurs when the design of the educational process, and its subsequent examination is carried out on the basis of the same parameters. If the educational project was aimed at achieving changes in certain indicators (from the development of thinking before changing the social organization of the study group), then the subsequent diagnosis for the same indicators is almost certainly ascertaining their positive dynamics. In our system, the design of the environment is conducted on the basis of an algorithm that includes the requirements for the effective organization of its organizational and technological, social and spatial and subject components, as well as a complex of environmental opportunities to meet the personal needs of the subjects of the educational process, while the examination is based on the use of the above system Environment parameters (latitude, intensity, etc.). The relationship between project and expert complexes is thus not a formal straightforward character, but reflects deep system correlations. Of course, such an approach places more stringent requirements for designers, but also performs a better design of the educational environment.

Periodically, conducting an examination of the educational environment (by the method of enabled expertise), the administration and teachers mentors can provide clear control of the dynamics of its development, purposefully correcting this development by redistributing resources if it seems necessary to increase the indicator of a parameter.

Having obtained a certain picture of the state of the educational environment, the head (teacher) determines the strategy of its further development. Of principled importance in re-examination has a quantitative increase (Delta) level of those parameters that were previously defined as strategically priority, the increase in the indicators of which was scheduled.

Fig. 3. Graphic representation of the results of the examination of the school educational environment.

3.3.1. Methods of examination of the educational environment

Blank examination school environment for administration and teachers

Examination of the educational environment at school

In accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", all children are entitled to education, including with disabilities. The main regulatory document defines the strategic goal of the formation of students with atypical development. Federal State Educational Standard of the initial general Education and approved standard for students with disabilities initiate teachers for creating special conditions Training, education and development for persons with disabilities. GEFs for students with disabilities are close attention is paid to the requirements for the results of the development of basic educational programs in the form of a set of "academic" and "life" competencies. In addition, the requirements for personal, subject and meta-delicate results of the development of individual sections of educational programs are established. The formation of meaningful for students, pupils with psychophysical violations of universal training actions is carried out in the educational environment of a special (correctional) institution. Our environment is understood as a continuous spatial-temporal aggregate, uniting targetedly designed and implemented conditions for the interaction of the subjective world of a developing personality and an objective world in order to implement personal potential and achieving the personal results of each subject of the educational process.

The educational environment and its focus on the mental and mental development of children, its role in the personal well-being of the child and significance in the establishment of interpersonal relations were considered by researchers mainly for normotype children (VS Biblel, G.A. Kovalev, Yu.S. Manuilov, V.I. Panov, V.I. Slobodchikov, V.A. Yasvin et al.). Studying the possibilities of a special (correctional) institution to achieve the educational effect so far, if it was indirectly mediated. These studies were aimed at a description of the components of its structure to organize educational work with students, pupils (L.S. Beilson, B.V. Bealensky, O.Yu. Burtorina, V.V. Mamaev, M.V. Matveeva, T.A. Solovyova, T.N. Shcherbakova, V.V. Yunina, etc.).

The purpose of the study There is a holistic assessment of the parameters of the psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment of a special (correctional) institution as a factor innovative processes In managing educational resources of the educational institution.

Material and research methods

The object of examination is a special (correctional) school for students with mental retardation.

The subject of examination is the psychological and pedagogical organization of the educational environment.

The purpose of the examination is the compliance of psychological and pedagogical conditions in educational organization And their hierarchies to achieve the main educational goal - "Introduction to the culture of a child with a special development for various reasons from it dropping."

Examination criteria - priority to achieve personality results by each student, pupil; the development of "academic" and "life" competences by consideration of the possibilities and abilities of each; Accounting for psychological and pedagogical and typological features of students for adequate modeling and designing an educational environment and development of working programs of educational disciplines.

The methodology for describing the educational environment as a complex system is based on psychodiagnostic parameters designed to analyze relations. The content of the examination was a generalization of his own impressions of the authors of the article - consultants of the educational institution, the study of the subject-spatial resources of the organization. In parallel, conversations were held with teachers, educators, narrow specialists, parents. Considering that even normally developing schoolchildren are prone to self-report, and not a generalization of objective data, the inclusion of students with mental violations as subjects of expertise was not conducted. During the examination of the educational environment, its latitude, intensity, degree of perceivability and sustainability, as well as emotionality, generalization, dominance, coherence, activity and mobility were evaluated.

Results of research and discussion

As a result of a pilot study and quantitative assessment of the parameters of the educational environment, we obtained the following results from three groups of respondents - administrations, teachers and parents (total of 45 participants).

The dominance of the educational environment characterizes the significance of this local medium in the value system of the subjects of the educational process. The dominance shows the hierarchical position of the school environment in relation to other sources of influence on the identity. Indicators of the dominance of the environment at the administration, teachers and parents, respectively, 6.71; 7.31; 8.19. This means that the school as a sphere of professional activity, a source of means of existence, as a social institution in the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bof respondents occupies a rather high position. Indicators of the dominance of the school environment for parents are expected. For children with special development, especially with mental violations, the Society still demonstrates an intolerant attitude. A special teacher takes a child as absolute value and knows how to teach and develop it with a support for "limitless" potential. The lifestyle of most families of students, one way or another, is due to the involvement of the school; Many change the place of residence to have the opportunity to visit this educational institution.

The generalization of the educational environment characterizes the degree of coordination of the activities of all its subjects. Teachers and parents have this indicator in second place in terms of severity: 9.52 and 5.95, respectively. A significant indicator of teachers means that most of the school staff essentially make up a single professional team, the school is a basic platform to improve the qualifications of colleagues from other educational institutions, conferences and workshops are held in the system, representatives of university science are working at school. Parents have a fairly high assessment of the generalization of the medium is connected, in our opinion, with the fact that parents feel the impact of agreed adequate actions on the "Parents-Teacher-Class Administration-Administration" line, the parent committee is actively working in the institution. No less significant that part of the parents is school teachers or is part of the technical team. The administration has a summary of the medium in the system in the fourth place: 4.03. We explain this in the lack of a serious concept for the development of the educational institution, declaration of new approaches to the goals, content, principles and methods of training and education of children with violations in the development, development of the regulatory framework and the lack of uniform methodological requirements for teachers from the administration. As it seems to us, and the administrative team agrees with this, a number of school teachers do not understand and do not take the specifics of the correctional and pedagogical process, they do not have defectological thinking.

The second place in the degree of importance for the administration (6.05) and the third - for teachers (6.22) and parents (4.65) occupies such an indicator as the intensity of the educational environment, showing the degree of saturation of correctional and developing conditions, influences and opportunities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation. This figure suggests that the educational environment quite actively declares the correctional-pedagogical context of the development of the personality of the student, the pupil in the urgent and extracurricular activities. Also, the environment is committed to setting conditions for professional growth of teachers. At the same time, in practice there is a discrepancy of modeled and implemented conditions.

The mobility of the educational environment as the ability to organic evolutionary changes is supplemented by our new content, taking into account the current conditions of education (integration and inclusion). Mobility is the ability of the components of the medium to hierarchically, taking into account new circumstances, conditions, technical capabilities, etc. Interesting results are interesting. Parents medium is not at all rated as mobile. This indicator is marked by the Administration (3.25) and teachers (5.44). A relatively high score obtained in the evaluation of teachers is determined by teachers' willingness to take new goals of education, vary the content and methods of education of persons with mental impairment, master new professional competencies. At the same time, it is not potential for the school administration, not a potential, but the actualized readiness of pedagogical personnel, which is not enough formed.

Results of the examination of the educational environment of a special (correctional) institution


Examination of an educational environment of an out-of-school educational institution

Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Crimean republican extracurricular educational institution

"Center for Ecological and Naturalistic Creativity of Judging Youth"

Examination of the educational environment

Outchard educational institution

(Instructive and methodological material for the diagnostics of the educational environment of the educational institution according to the method of V.A.Syasvina)

on working with gifted

children and students youth

outchard educational institution

creativity of students of youth "

^ Raises not only or not so much the educator, how much is the environment that is organized in the most favorable way.

^ Methods for assessing the educational environment of the educational institution V.A. Syasivina 1

1.1. The concept of "educational environment"

Under educational environment (or an education environment) We will understand the system of influences and conditions for the formation of a person according to a given model, as well as opportunities for its development contained in the social and spatial and subject environment.

^ 1.2. Typology "Railing Environment" Janusha Korchak

The dogmatic medium is characterized as follows: "Tradition, authority, rite, classification as an absolute law, the need for a vital imperative. Discipline, order and conscientiousness. The seriousness, mental balance and clarity arising from the hardness, the feeling of strength and sustainability, self-confidence, in its rightness. Self-restraint, self-suspension, work as a law, high morality as skill. Prudence, reaching passiveness, one-sided immediateness of rights and truth that tradition did not convey, did not consecrate the authority, did not fix the mechanical template of the actions. Dogmat may be the earth, the church, the depreciation, virtue and sin; May be: science, socio-political work, wealth, struggle, and God - God as a hero, a god or a doll. Not in what, and how do you believe. "

As an example, the organization of the dogmatic environment in the most pronounced form can be brought, above all, the monastery and the army. Of course, a family with strong religious traditions also generates a raising medium of dogmatic type. It is this environment that the basis of the psychological "processing" of the adepts of various sectarian trends and groups.

The identity of a child raising in a dogmatic environment is characterized primarily by a high degree of passivity when calm is transformed into extension and apathy. If in such a medium there is a significant personality, then it is usually hardened in his desire to resist someone else's evil will, in particular, directing their energy to any employment activity.

Idea Wednesday: "Its power is not in the hardness of the spirit, but in flight, impulse, movement. Here you do not work, but you happily peck. Clear myself, without waiting. No commandments - there is a kind will. No dogma - there are problems. No prudence - there is a heat of soul, enthusiasm. The restraining start here is a disgust for dirt, moral aestheticism. It happens, sometimes hate, but never despise. Tolerance There is no halfness of belief, but respect for human thought, the joy that the free thought is soaring at different levels and in different directions - facing, reducing the flight and shimmer - fills the expanses. Brave himself, you greedily catch the exhaust of other people's Molotov and are waiting for tomorrow, his new enthusiasm, bewilders, knowledge, delusions, struggle, doubt, allegations and denials. "

The ideological environment is formed, for example, in various creative groups, especially at the stage of their initial formation and development. It may be a music ensemble, and the design office, and the KVN team. The most important condition for the formation of the ideological environment is the absence of an authoritarian leader in the creative group, which imposes its own point of view, ignoring or rigidly criticizing the opinions of others. As soon as such a person or someone from the group members begins to show intolerance to the positions of its associates, the ideological environment ceases to exist, transforming into any other type of medium. The ideological environment is the most fragile and unstable, as evidenced, in particular, the frequent decays of various creative teams, so successfully starting their activities.

An identity is formed in the ideological environment, which is characterized by the activity of mastering and transformation of the surrounding world, high self-esteem, openness and freedom of its judgments and actions.

Environment of serene consumption

Wednesday of serene consumption: "Peaceful peace, carelessness, sensitivity, friendliness, kindness, the sobriety is how much it is necessary, the self-awareness that is produced without difficulty. There is no perseverance in anyone's desire, to last, neither in the desire to achieve, find. The child lives in an atmosphere of internal well-being and a lazy, conservative habit, condescending to modern trends, among attractive simplicity. Here he can be all what he wants: He himself - from the books, conversations, meetings and life impressions - a place for himself the basis of the worldview, chooses the path. " Korchak emphasizes that in the environment of serene consumption, work never serves any idea, is not considered as a place in life, is not an end in itself, but only a means of ensuring a comfortable amenities, desires.

As a characteristic example of a serene consumption environment, a lifestyle of a significant part of the provincial Russian nobility of the XIX century, which is described by the classics of Russian literature: "Oblomovshchina", "Manovshchina", etc.

According to Korchak, in a similar raising environment, a person is being formed, which, in principle, is always pleased with the fact that it has. The main feature of such an personality can be considered a vital passivity, inability to voltage and struggle. Meeting with difficulties and obstacles, such a person prefers to thoroughly from their permission, continuing to hide in his illusory world, as a snail hides in his sink.

Wednesday External Gloss and Career

Finally, the environment of the external gloss and career: "There is again perseverance, but it is caused to life with a cold calculation, and not spiritual needs. For there are no places for the completeness of the content, there is one shower form - the skillful operation of other people's values, the embellishment of the gaping void. The slogans on which you can earn. Etiquette to be submitted. Not advantage, and deft self-task. Life is not like work and rest, but sniffing and improving. Insatiable vanity, predation, discontent, arrogance and operability, envy, malice, gloating. Here children do not like and do not bring up, they only evaluate them, lose them or earn, buy and sell. "

The main features of the person who emerged in such an environment - False and hypocrisy - "skilled game" and "exactly fitted mask", the desire for a career due to tricks, bribing, high ties, etc.

Thus, according to the Tseliology, the dogmatic environment contributes to the formation of a dependent and passive child; ideological - free and active; serene consumption - free, however, passive, career medium active, but dependent.

^ 1.3. Methods of vector modeling of the educational environment

The technique of vector modeling of the educational environment involves the construction of a coordinate system consisting of two axes: axis "Freedom - dependence" and axis "Activity - passivity". To build in this system, the coordinates of the vector corresponding to one or another type of educational environment, it is necessary on the basis of the psychological and pedagogical analysis of this environment to respond to six diagnostic issues. Three questions are aimed at identifying the availability of opportunities in this environment for free development of the child and three issues - opportunities for the development of its activity. The answer to each question allows you to note on the appropriate scale ("activity", "passiveness", "freedom" or "dependence") one item. Based on the empirical pedagogical characteristics of the child's personality given in the works of Korchak and Lesgaft, "activity" is understood in this case as the presence of such properties as an initiative, the desire for something, persistence in this desire, the struggle of personalities for their interests, upholding these interests and T.B; "Passivity" - as the absence of these properties, in other words, a pole of "passivity" on this scale can be considered "zero activity"; "Freedom" is associated here with the independence of judgments and actions, freedom of choice, independence, internal locus of control, etc.; Finally, "dependence" is understood as adaptability, reflectivity of behavior, binds to external control locus, etc.

Following all the answers to the diagnostic issues in the coordinate system, the corresponding vector is built, allowing typologization and characterize this educational environment.

^ 1.4. Diagnostic questions and interpretation of answers

For the "Freedom - dependence" axis:

1. Whose interests and values \u200b\u200bare put in the first place in this educational environment?

a) personality; b) society (groups).

The statement of priority of personal interests and values \u200b\u200bover public is interpreted as the possibility of free development of the child, - respectively, the score on the Liberty scale is assigned; In the event of a statement of public interest priority, the score on the "Dependence" scale is assigned.

^ 2. Who adapts to the interaction process?

a) educator for the child; b) child to the tutor.

If it is noted that in this educational environment, situations dominate when the educator is adjusted to the child (or at least there is a desire of educators to such a position), it is also interpreted as the possibility of free child development, - respectively, the score on the freedom scale is assigned "; If it is stated that the child is forced to adapt to its caregivers, then the score on the "Dependence" scale is assigned.

^ 3. What form of education is mainly carried out in this educational environment?

a) individual; b) collective (group).

The orientation of the educational environment on the individual form of education is interpreted as the presence of an additional possibility for the free development of an independent child, - the score on the freedom scale is assigned; In the case of priority in the educational environment, collective education is assigned a score on the "Dependence" scale.

For the axis "Activity - passivity":

4. Is the child's punishment in this educational environment?

The absence of punishments is considered as a condition that contributes to the development of the activity of the child is assigned a score on the "Activity" scale, if there is a system of punishments in this educational environment (used as directly and indirectly) - a score on a scale "Passivity" is assigned.

^ 5. Is it stimulated in this educational environment a child's manifestation of any initiative?

If in the educational environment under consideration we can state a positive reinforcement of the child's initiative (both conscious and unconscious), then this is interpreted as an additional opportunity to develop its activity, the score on the "Activity" scale is assigned; If the initiative manifested by the child, as a rule, can turn into various kinds of trouble for him, then the score on the Passivity scale is assigned.

^ 6. Do any positive response find in this educational environment of certain creative manifestations of the child?

In the case when conditions in the educational environment, there are conditions under which the creativity of the child is stimulated or can be evaluated, such an environment is considered as promoting the development of activity, the score on the "Activity" scale is assigned; If the creative manifestations of the child are ignored, they remain, as a rule, unnoticed and unpleasant - assigned a score on a scale "Passivity".

Based on such a diagnosis, the analyzed educational medium can be attributed to one of the four base types (Fig. 1): "Dogmatic educational environment", which contributes to the development of passivity and the child's dependence ("dogmatic raising environment" according to I.Korchaka); "Career Educational Environment", promoting the development of activity, but also the dependence of the child ("Wednesday of External Slicer and Career" according to I. Korchaka); "The serene educational environment", contributing to free development, but also determining the formation of the passivity of the child ("medium of serene consumption" according to I. Cherchaku); Finally, the "creative educational environment" contributing to the free development of an active child ("ideological raising environment" according to I. Korchaka).

^ 1.5. Building vector

Thus, by the simplest mathematical construct, one of the twelve theoretically possible vectors can be obtained (three in each of the four sectors of the coordinate system) that simulate a specific type of educational environment.

For example, analyzing any educational environment, we get three points on the "dependence" scale and the scale of "activity" and the zero points on the Freedom scale and the scale of "passivity" (Fig. 3 A) - such an educational environment may Be marked as a "typical career educational environment."

In another example, we get one score on the scale of "Freedom", two scores on the "dependence" scale three points on the "activity" scale and zero points on the scale of "passivity". Since the points obtained on the "Freedom - dependence" axes were distributed on different scales, it is necessary to obtain their amount, taking into account the sign of each score ("+" or "-"): -1 + 2 \u003d +1, that is, as a result in the calculation There is one score on the "dependence" scale (Fig. 3 b). Such a vector simulates a "career" educational environment, stimulating high activity and involving a small degree of dependence. This educational environment can be designated as a "career educational medium of dependent activity."

An option is also possible when we get zero points on the scale of "Freedom", three points on the "dependence scale", two points on the "activity" scale and one score on the "passive scale" scale. Since the points obtained on the "Activity - passivity" axis were distributed on various scales, it is necessary to obtain their amount, taking into account the sign of each score ("+" or "-"): +2 -1 \u003d +1, that is, as a result in the calculation There is one score on the "activity" scale (Fig. 3 V). Now, the corresponding vector models the "career" educational environment that promotes the development of a high degree of dependence and a small degree of activity is the "career educational environment of active dependence." A similar picture of the possible construction of modeling vectors can be obtained in each sector of the coordinate system.

Finally, two points on the scale of "Freedom" and one score can be obtained - on the "dependence" scale: +2 - 1 \u003d +1, as well as two points on the scale of "activity" and one score - on the scale of "passivity": + 2- 1 \u003d +1.

^ 1.6. "Public Wind"

Obviously, with the exception of rare cases of complete insulation of the personality from wide social contacts (the monastery, sect, village wilderness, etc.) on the nature of its development in addition to the dominant raising environment of a family or educational institution, that is, the functioning environment will influence those Or other interactions with other people, with society as a whole, that is, habitat. In the real life situation, an influence of the child's personality is influenced, as a rule, not one type of educational environment, and several, in particular, inevitably affects the "Effect of Street". Let's try to simulate the effect of such an influence.

To determine the direction of the wide social influence on the nature of the development of the person, we conducted the simplest, but large-scale survey of various people (in Russia and Latvia). We asked: "The surrounding people, society as a whole, create conditions for increasing the level of your personal freedom or dependence; Activity or passivity? ". Based on, alas, the pessimistic data of our survey, finding them, however, not deprived of common sense, we introduced the vector of the effect of a wide social medium into our modeling methodology, calling it "Public wind". So, the public wind "blows" in the direction of dependence and passivity, coinciding in this with a vector that simulates a dogmatic environment, which is also not at all strange. People who formed in a dogmatic environment, freely or involuntarily continue to produce it.

^ 1.7. Educational Examination Options

For an examination of the educational environment, the device must be developed for its formal description based on the system of the corresponding parameters. As a methodological basis for such a description of the educational environment by us ( the author of the technique - approx.) A system of psychodiagnostic parameters is used, designed to analyze relations (meatsischev, 1960; Lomov, 1984; derybo, Yasvin, 1994). This set of measurements is based on general-term categories and, accordingly, can be used for characteristics. various systems, including such a complex system as an educational environment.

Five "basic" parameters are distinguished: latitude, intensity, modality, degree of consciousness and stability; as well as six parameters of the "second order": emotionality, generalization, dominance, coherence, principle, activity. The principalness parameter from the point of view of the methodological feasibility, due to the specifics of the analysis object, is kept "attached" by us to the stability parameter, and also additionally introduced a new parameter - "Mobility of the educational environment".

^ 1.8. The modality of the educational environment

The modality of the educational medium is its qualitative and meaningful characteristic. While all other parameters give a quantitative characteristic of the educational environment, showing a high or low degree of severity of one or another indicator, modality characterizes the educational environment with a high-quality, typological point of view. However, in the process of establishing modality of a particular educational environment, its quantitative analysis is often used on selected criteria.

The modality of the educational medium can be represented using the vector modeling technique. As a criteria indicator, the presence or absence in one or another educational environment of conditions and opportunities for the development of activity (or passivity) of the child and his personal freedom (or dependence) is considered.

Thus, the educational medium can be attributed to one of the four main types allocated by I. Negchal:

  1. "Dogmatic educational environment", promoting the development of passivity and the dependence of the child ("Dogmatic raising environment" on I. Korchaku);
  2. "Career Educational Environment", promoting the development of activity, but also the dependence of the child ("Wednesday of External Slicer and Career" according to I. Korchaka);
  3. "The serene educational environment" contributing to free development, but also determining the formation of the passivity of the child ("the medium of a serene
    consumption "according to me.kchakuka);

4) "Creative educational environment", which contributes to the free development of an active child ("ideological raising environment" according to I. Cherchaku).

As an effective tool of psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment, a modality coefficient can be used, which shows the degree of use of educational opportunities (medium resources).

Thus, in the dogmatic environment, not all possibilities are clearly used (that is, the modality coefficient should be less than 100% or less than one). You can bring a familiar situation when the student does not prepare homeworkbecause his "yesterday they asked." In other words, for the implementation of educational opportunities in this environment, total control of teachers is needed; With his weakening, students begin to "chealing", as they do not take out activity, they are dependent and passive, do not feel themselves with the subjects of their own development.

The degree of use of educational opportunities in a serene environment is even less than in dogmatic. Here students are not tightly controlled, provided by themselves and at the same time they are free in choosing a passive lifestyle.

A completely different situation occurs in a creative environment when students are free and active. Here, not only the personal development capabilities are used here, but the students themselves organize new developing opportunities for themselves (ask questions, decide the educational tasks in the process of informal communication, are looking for additional literature, etc.). Thus, the coefficient of modality in the creative medium exceeds 100% or more units.

So, the coefficient of modality, firstly, the greater, the higher the activity and, secondly, with an equal degree of activity, it is larger in the conditions of free activity and less in conditions of free passivity.

To determine the modality coefficient, the "vector of personality" is used, which is generated in this type of educational environment. The conditional unit adopted the average level of activity of the subject with external control (corresponds to the career medium of active dependence).

^ 1.9. Quantitative Educational Examination Options

For the estimated quantitative assessment of the parameters of the psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment, the following is necessary:

  1. In each block (for example, the block "Local excursions") to mark the line in which, in your opinion, the real state of affairs in the analyzed medium is most accurately reflected. For the mark of the corresponding strings, the first (clean) column of the table is served. ATTENTION! In some blocks (for example, "guests"), individual lines in the score column are marked with the "+" icon. This means that you can not be limited to the choice of one line in the block, and mark several "suitable" strings.
  2. Each unit is equipped with an additional clean string. In this line, you can record your content if it differs significantly from the given block offered in other lines. ATTENTION! This new block content should be considered only instead of those proposed in the table, but not to be summed up with them.
  1. Points obtained by this block (if necessary, they are summed up), recorded in the string with the name of this unit.
  2. Next, the scores obtained in all blocks of this parameter are added (this amount cannot exceed 10 points), and recorded in the "Final score" string called the corresponding parameter (for example, the "latitude of the educational environment").
  3. Using the scheme in fig. 13, determine the coefficient of modality for the analyzed educational environment and write it to the appropriate string of the table.
  4. Multiply the value of the "final score" to the "coefficient of modality" and the result obtained (which should be a number of no more than 13) to record a table next to the name of the analyzed parameter.

^ Educational Wednesday

The latitude of the educational medium serves as a structural and mean characteristic showing which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in this educational environment.

For example, it is possible to state an extremely low indicator of the latitude of the educational environment in a family, which adhere to any sectarian belief that limiting the social contacts of the child, up to the ban on the school visit. On the other hand, the most high indicator of this parameter of the educational environment can be marked by a young man from a secured family, which has the opportunity to receive education in educational institutions of various countries, travel a lot: for him the educational environment, essentially the whole world.

The pedagogical significance of the latitude of the educational environment understood another Yang Amos Komensky, who considered the highest level of education as the "Academy and the Travel". John Locke also prepared a young gentleman to get the opportunity to receive as much impressions as possible during future travel, because the world-tight swimming for the young Englishman from the highest light in those times was traditional. Locke took care of the latitude of the educational environment, also prescribing to its aristocratic pupils along with traditional sciences to engage in handicraft work: carving on a tree, cut minerals, painting, gardening, etc. Yanush Korchak expanded the educational environment through the participation of pupils in the Children's Court and Children's Parliament, cooperation with the national children's newspaper, etc. In the educational environment designed by Joom Jacques, the latitude is definitely low, since the pupil must live in the village under 15 years, in isolation from the "decomposing" society under the supervision of the only teacher.

It is possible to assume a relatively high indicator of the latitude of the metropolitan educational environment and relatively low - in the "lost" taiga settlement; relatively high - in the family of provincial actors, where the local creative intelligentsia is often assembled and relatively low - in the pedagogically launched metropolitan children's housewhere pupils are in conditions of social deprivation, etc.

^ Educational Intensity

The intensity of the educational environment is a structurally dynamic characteristic, showing the degree of saturation of the educational environment with conditions, influences, capabilities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation.

As an example, a highly intensive educational environment can bring well-organized courses when their participants in Marathon mode, let's say ten hours a day, work with various teachers using all sorts of shapes and methods of classes: lectures and round tables, viewing video footage and trainings, business Games and protection individual projects. In advertising texts, they write: "Intensive courses of a foreign language".

The high intensity of the educational environment may also be achieved in the summer children's camp due to the specific conditions for the interaction of teachers with schoolchildren and unique living environment. N.V. Dobretzova (1988) leads the following calculations. In the camp, children spend together with teachers up to 15-16 hours a day. For a week, the time of such interaction is already 105-112 hours, and for shifts (26 days) - from 350 to 440 hours. If we consider that, according to research, the class teacher communicates with children 10-12 hours, and for the entire academic year - 350-420 hours, it is obvious that the intensity of pedagogical communication month of the summer camp is equal to the school school year. In addition, under the conditions of the camp, creative, active educational forms are organically used: contests, quiz, sports, hiking, games, etc.

Bright examples of a low intense educational environment can sometimes be observed in pre-school educational institutions, when the tutor is simply "grazing" children, watching them only for their safety and compliance with the regime. At the same time, practically, it is not possible for the effective physical, intellectual and personal development of pupils. The same picture may certainly be observed in individual families, as well as in schools where a formal approach to the educational process is dominated.

^ Condivities of the educational environment

The degree of permissions of the educational environment is an indicator of conscious inclusiveness of all subjects of the educational process.

As L.S.Vigotsky noted: " The influence of the environment on the development of the child will be measured among other other influences also and the degree of understanding, awareness, understanding what is happening in the environment "(1934, p. 100).

The high degree of consciousness of the educational environment can, for example, to observe in the preparation of the school team to the Regional Substatement Olympiad. In such a medium, all subjects of the educational process are both teachers and schoolchildren are well motivated by the upcoming test, everyone is aware of the responsibility of both their own preparedness and the level of preparation of their comrades.

The high degree of consciousness of its environment can be found in friendly families, where every member of the family, including children, deliberately cares about the general well-being and development, seeks to enter new constructive ideas to the family environment, organize common life and leisure, create conditions for creative self-discharge of their loved ones and etc.

An increase in the permissibility of the educational environment can be the presence of traditions and rituals, symbols and attributes of the educational institution. When the school flag rises at the beginning of the school year, the school flag rises, the students willingly wear the icon of their educational institution and proudly speak others: "I study at the Lion School of Tolstoy," you can definitely state a high level of perceived by this educational environment.

The problem of increasing the permissibility of the educational environment was paid to a lot of attention in the pedagogical system A.S. Makarenko. We also give only a few illustrations: "Nothing fastens the team as a tradition. Rise up traditions, keep them - an extremely important task of educational work. A school in which there is no tradition, the Soviet school, of course, can not be a good school, and the best schools that I watched, by the way, in Moscow, are schools that have accumulated traditions "(1988, p. 248).

"Terminology is important. For example, I do not quite agree that you can call the school by an incomplete high school. It seems to me that you need to think about it. What does it mean: the student is studying at school, and his school is called an incomplete secondary school? Such a truncated name. The name must be attractive for him. I paid attention to this terminology "(ibid, p. 250-251).

"Despite the fact that each pupil stays in the institution temporarily, sooner or later leaves him, the future of the institution, its richer and more cultural life should always stand in front of the team as a serious and high goal that covers many of these people in today's life. As the experience showed, the guys do not at all relate to the distant future of their institution, if in the institution they are good and they love him.

In particular, this perspective is of great importance. If the institution does not break with graduates, supports a constant correspondence with them, invites them and takes them during vacation to visit "(ibid., P. 262-263).

Similar age-old traditions of Oxford and Cambridge are well known, and the high permissibility of such an educational environment is well known as their professors and graduates.

^ Generalization of the educational environment

The generalization of the educational environment characterizes the degree of coordination of the activities of all the subjects of this educational environment.

The high degree of generalization of the educational environment of any educational institution is ensured by the presence of a clear concept of activity of this institution. Moreover, this concept should be not only in the box of the director's written table, but constantly discussed with both teachers and students on the level accessible to them.

An example of a relatively low indicator of the generalization of the educational environment can serve, say, a newly created private university, in which most teachers work in other institutions and come only to "deduct their watches." And vice versa, in so-called copyright schools, where all educational work is carried out on the basis of a certain theoretical and methodological system, where the developers of this system themselves are constantly monitored and adjust the educational process, periodically conduct methodological classes with teachers, etc., can be unambiguously To state a high level of generalization of the educational environment. This, in particular, fully applies to the educational environment of many "academic schools" - experimental sites of research pedagogical institutions.

We illustrate the concept of the generalization of the educational environment by another radical quote from pedagogical works A.S. Makarenko.

"No educator has the right to act alone, on your own risk and on your own responsibility. There must be a team of educators, and where educators are not connected to the team and the team has a single work plan, a single tone, a single accurate approach to the child, there can be no educational process. Therefore, it is better to have 5 weak educators united in a team inspired by one thought, one principle, one style and working one, than 10 good educators who work alone, as who wants "(1988, p. 174).

^ Emotionality of the educational environment

The emotionality of the educational environment characterizes the ratio of emotional and rational components.

Obviously, a certain educational environment can be both emotionally saturated, "bright" and emotionally poor, "dry". Each of us, remembering their school years, can call the appropriate examples. Let's say, Teacher's geometry "Vasily Vasilyevich" who restrained himself, habitually inclined the magazine, and, finding out, "who today is the least estimates," called this student to the board to prove another theorem, asked the necessary issues, exposed the necessary assessment and going to the board explained laid Material- and so from the lesson in the lesson, from year to year. The educational environment in its lessons is definitely characterized by a low emotionality. Otherwise, there were classes from Natalia Borisovna, teachers in English: witty comments that cause a smile; Friendly tone; "Comics" artists-cartoonists as a visual material; Deep care on the face, if someone did not learn new words at home. Here it is already about the high indicator of the emotionality of the educational environment.

An indicator of the educational environment can be superimposed by the profile of the educational environment. If it is a Suvorov School or an old college for young gentlemen, then it is rather possible to assume a greater degree of rationalism and restraint than, let's say, in the educational environment of the sports dance section or a youth summer camp.

The emotionality of the educational environment is also correlated to a certain extent with the type of its modality. Higher indicators of emotionality as a whole are inherent in the active types of educational environment - creative and career, lower - passive types - dogmatic and serene.

^ Dominance of the educational environment

The dominance of the educational environment characterizes the significance of this local medium in the value system of the subjects of the educational process.

The dominance describes the educational environment by the criterion "meaningful - insignificant." This is an indicator of the hierarchical position of this educational environment in relation to other sources of influence on personality: the greater role is played by a certain educational environment in the development of a person, the higher, the "central" place it in this sense occupies, the more it is dominant.

For example, a rural school, which is often the only "area of \u200b\u200bculture" in this area, will have a higher dominance rate than the city school, whose students actively visit various out-of-school institutions, clubs, are strongly influenced by the media, have broad out-of-school social social contacts. In principle than greater degree The latitude has the educational environment, the lower dominance, as a rule, is characterized by its individual components.

The high dominance of the family educational environment can be marked in religious families, where the child is more focused on the perception of religious, rather than secular values. For a young athlete, strongly motivated to achieve sporting success, the most dominant educational environment can be the environment of its sports school or the "author's" educational environment of the beloved coach.

In principle, almost each of the outstanding classics of pedagogy considered a high degree of dominance of "its" educational environment with a prerequisite for its successful functioning. Usually this was supposed to be achieved by means of the "information blockade", as in Tyumen, physical isolation, like the Locke, or the combination of both Rousseau. Makarenko called the absolute dominance of the school educational environment: "Now about the most important thing about the family. Families are good, and families are bad. To vouch for that, that family brings up as it should not, it is impossible. It is not possible to say that the family can educate as you want. We must organize family education, and the organizing start should be a school as a representative of state education. The school should lead the family "(1988, p. 182).

^ Coherence of the educational environment

Coherence (consistency) of the educational environment shows the degree of coherence effect on the identity of this local environment with the influences of other habitat factors.

Coherence characterizes the educational environment by the "harmonious - non-harmonic" criterion. This is an indicator of the degree of coherence of all local educational environments, the functional subject of which is a given person. In other words, coherence shows whether this educational environment is solved in the person's habitat or it is closely connected with it, is highly integrated into it.

Enhance the coherence of the educational environment can contribute to the educational concepts and programs and programs jointly produced by all educational institutions; close cooperation educational institutions with cultural institutions, media, informal youth organizations, self-government bodies, etc.

The high degree of coherence of the educational environment may, for example, indicate a clear orientation of its educational goals for social order. For example, the Sunday School of the Religious Community will be highly coherent in relation to the relevant church environment and, at the same time, it may be low coherent in relation to the entire habitat of secular or, moreover, an atheistic state.

It is possible to state a relatively low level of coherence of the modern school educational environment as a whole in relation to today's, fundamentally changed, habitat. While in the current habitat, the most socially successfully successfully existed to exist "dependingly active career personality", that is, the identity of the "ambitious type" according to P. F.Lesgaftu, or a free and active "creative personality" ("normal ideal type" on the Lesgafete ), Most educational institutions continue to "form" (the expression of Makarenko) passive and dependent "dogmatic personality" - "scored soft" or "scored malicious type" on the LESGAFT system.

^ Social activity of the educational environment

The social activity of the educational environment serves as an indicator of its socially oriented creative potential and expansion of this educational environment on the habitat.

The educational environment in some cases can act exclusively as a social consumer operating in the process of its functioning of certain humanitarian or material values, without giving a society, including those educated at the modern level of its new members, - then it is legitimate to talk about a low degree her social activity; In other cases, she itself produces one or another socially significant product, it actively spreads it, in this way the effect on the habitat, that is, demonstrates a high degree of social activity. Such a socially significant product may not be not only educated people who have been obliged by their personal development of this educational environment, but also input intellectual and material values: public initiatives, computer programs, Methodical literature, radio and telecasts, artistic and literary creative works, souvenirs, soft toys, finally, vegetables and fruits.

However, the main "product" of the educational environment is socially active people seeking creatively changing the habitat in accordance with those value guidelines that they learned in their educational environment. "Today, only education turns out to be the main and the only one social InstituteThrough which is only possible to broadcast and the embodiment of basic values \u200b\u200band the development goals of Russian society. Under the conditions of radical change of ideological views, social representations, ideals and in general, the existence of tremendous masses of people, it is education that allows adaptation to new living conditions, to keep the process of reproduction of social experience, consolidate in public consciousness and practice new political realities and new public development landmarks " (From the concept of the Moscow Regional Program "Metropolitan Education").

Practice shows that far from each educational environment turns out to be able to "produce" such a socially active "product".

^ Mobility of the educational environment

The mobility of the educational environment serves as an indicator of its ability to organic evolutionary changes, in the context of mutual relations with the habitat.

We can talk about the high degree of mobility of the educational environment when a teacher in his lessons creatively uses new methodological development; conducts lessons in the context of certain events occurring in the habitat; Easily varies the lesson plan depending on the specific situation in the class; He gets acquainted with the works of psychologists and, accordingly, rebuilds the nature of its pedagogical communication with students, etc.

Naturally, no educational environment can continuously function, without correlating its educational strategy with changes in the conditions in the habitat. We are talking about well-thought-out and planned adaptation to the inevitable public changes, such a restructuring of the educational environment, which, on the one hand, took into account a new social order, and on the other - did not lead to destructive situations in the educational environment.

In recent times, when the real threat to the nuclear war was hung over the world, the educational environment could not ignore this reality, and today's relative nuclear safety of humanity is largely due to the results achieved in the field of education. Currently, an active orientation of the universal educational environment towards global environmental problems is observed.

As a rule, the establishment of a non-state education system has a greater degree of mobility. In particular, the low mobility of the state educational environment directly noted in the concept of the development of non-state education in Russia, which emphasizes the objective impossibility of the rapid response of the state education system for the changing socio-economic and political situation in the country. "

The high mobility of the educational environment will be able to "ensure the adequacy of education to the requirements of the world, which changes quickly and deeply and that needs not to adapt to the present, but that it anticipate the future"

^ Educational Stability

The stability of the educational environment reflects its stability over time. If other parameters give the characteristic of the educational environment at a particular point, "here and now", in other words, its synchronous description, the resistance parameter allows a diachronic description of the educational environment.

Thus, the above-mentioned Oxford and Cambridge, like other European universities, leading their own history from the Middle Ages, of course, proved the high stability of their educational environment. Also, for example, one can consider a highly stable educational environment of a children's summer camp, which actually functions only three weeks per year, but this is already happening for many years, based on a stable organizational and educational technique, the pedagogical composition, the kernel of which remains constant, etc.

The low degree of sustainability of the educational environment is stated, for example, in the school, in which constant changes in the pedagogical composition are occurring - "Teaching of frames" or every year the director changes. On the low stability of the educational environment, it is possible to say when the educational institution with long and durable traditions strongly changes the concept of its pedagogical work, adjusting to "new trends". With the divorces of parents and their entry into new marriages, of course, the indicator of the stability of the family educational environment will also disastrously. The same applies to the situation when the teenager "in search of herself" changes one by one different circles, sections and clubs - in this case, against the background of the decrease in the indicator of stability, the indicator of the latitude of its educational environment is growing, etc.

There is a tendency of a certain dependence of the stability of the educational environment from its modality. A dogmatic educational environment can be attributed to the most stable type, which is functionally not much different from its medieval embodiment (for example, in the version designed by Komensky) and remains dominant in educational institutions on the threshold of the XXI century. At the same time, the creative educational environment, no doubt, refers to the least sustainable type. For example, the Yaspolyansk School of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, created by him on the basis of the methodology for the development of the activity and personal freedom of peasant children, existed only a few years. A few practical followers turned out to be at Korchak, although his pedagogical system received world recognition.

You can also note a curious situation with the pedagogical theory of Rousseau, which is studied by all students of pedagogical educational institutions, but, apparently, has never been practically implemented by anyone. Thus, the roller-based Russian educational environment has a "zero indicator" of stability.

The stability of the educational environment may manifest itself in extreme situations, show its ability to "stand out" without losing its essence in the conditions of "external pressure". As experience shows, it depends not only on the subjective position of the administration, but largely on the systemic stability of this educational environment as a whole.

To determine the stability of the educational environment necessary:

  1. Note the corresponding lines in the left ("Strengthening") and the right ("weakening of sustainability") columns. In the intervals between the fatty features of the table, you can choose no more than one positive and one negative factor. If none of the assertions in this gap is suitable for the analyzed educational institution, then naturally should not be marked.
  2. To obtain a quantitative indicator of stability, it is necessary to summarize with Number 10 all obtained positive (not more than 5) and negative (no more than 10) points.

For example, a +2.5 (positive) score and -4 (negative) score is obtained. Sustainability: 10 + 2.5 - 4 \u003d 8.5 points. Attention! The resulting result should not be multiplied by the coefficient of modality.

^ 1.10. Comprehensive rating of indicators

The selected parameters of the educational environment are definitely to be in a certain extent associated with each other, and at the same time each of them can have its own low or high indicator regardless of the level of other parameters. For example, the educational environment of the children's ecological camp of the creative type of modality can be characterized by a relatively low latitude rate, and at the same time high intensity; high degree of consciousness and low stability, high emotionality and low generalization; High dominance and low coherence, low activity and high mobility.

This system of parameters of the examination of the educational environment allows its system description, provides the ability to monitor the development of the educational environment of the educational institution. Psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment based on the presented complex of diagnostic parameters makes it possible to more clearly see the potential of its organizational development (Fig. 14).

Let's start with the fact that the technique presented here is a tool, the effectiveness of the use of which depends on the user itself. Obviously, such a tool, such as an ax, usually chopped firewood, but sometimes they are cut off. It seems that performing comparisons of the quality of the work of various teachers (or entire educational institutions) with this technique, and especially with subsequent administrative conclusions, just an analogue of using an ax for cut-off. Moreover, such a comparison is incorrect due to the inevitably different "starting potential": different children, different parents, different premises, different material opportunities, different time Joint activities of the teacher and students, etc.

As already noted, the most adequately use the expertise methodology for monitoring the development of the educational environment. As the ancient Chinese wise men considered, it is pointless constantly try to compare themselves with others. After all, there will always be those who will be ahead of us, and will definitely have those whom we yourself managed to get ahead. Is it worth it to nimble? It is much more important to "compare yourself with me yesterday"!

Having received a specific "picture" of the educational environment, the head defines the strategy for its further development based on its ideas about the purpose of education. You can, for example, focus the available resources on a radical increase in the level of quantitative parameters having the lowest values \u200b\u200bon the cyclogram. You can evenly distribute the effort, reaching a small increase in the values \u200b\u200bof all parameters. You can strive to bring one or more parameters to maximum values, which are presented in the most important specific conditions, etc. At the same time, it is not always necessary to strive to achieve theoretically possible maximum: let's say a sharp increase in the level of intensity of the educational environment may be undesirable due to too large loads on students, which will negatively affect the state of their physical and mental health.

Thus, a quantitative increase ("delta") of those parameters that were previously defined as strategically priorities were already fundamental importance during re-examination.



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1 Institute for advanced training and retraining of employees of the Education of the Kurgan Region ψ Issue 1 N.P. Badin, V.N. APTENKO DIAGNOSTICS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL Guidelines For Education Workers Kurgan 2004

2 is printed by the decision of the editorial and publishing council of the IPKIPRO of the Kurgan Region Methodical recommendations contain a description of the methodology for diagnosing the psychological conditions of the school educational environment, as well as procedures for processing and evaluating the results. With minor changes, the technique can be used in vocational education institutions, as well as the diagnosis of the psychological conditions of the educational environment of individual class teams. Methodical recommendations are addressed to school psychologists, social teachers, teachers, OU managers and other pedagogical workers. Authors-compilers: Badinin N.P., Aphtenko V.N., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology IPKIPRO; Pedagogian psychologist of the highest qualification category Reviewers: Voroshilov A.K., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology IPKIPRO; Mikhalchuk G.M., teacher-psychologist of the highest qualification category of gymnasium 31 than Kurgan. Badin N.P., Axtenko V.N. Diagnosis of psychological conditions of the school educational environment: Methodical recommendations for education workers. Kurgan, p. N.P.Badina, V.N. Aftenko Institute for advanced training and retraining of educators of the Kurgan region 2

3 General characteristics of the methodology for diagnosing the psychological conditions of the school educational environment in the context of the modern school education system and other educational institutions are becoming increasingly freedom in the choice of direction, methods and means of their development: various types of schools appear, innovative technologies are being implemented, copyright programs are being developed and implemented. .P. In this regard, it becomes increasingly problematic determination of the effectiveness of the educational environment of specific schools and predict its influence on various categories of participants in the educational process. Currently, there is a number of approaches to the question of the educational environment in pedagogy and psychology. Most domestic authors consider the educational environment as a set of interrelated, mutually enriching and complementary factors (material, spatial and subject, pedagogical, social and phlegm, etc.), which have a significant impact of the nature of the educational process. Moreover, these authors indicate the need for an examination of the effectiveness of the educational environment to pay special attention to the analysis of its psychological component. The purpose of the procedure proposed below is the assessivity in the educational environment of a particular educational institution of the following psychological factors: 1) the intensity of the educational environment; 2) emotional and psychological climate; 3) satisfaction with the educational environment; 4) democraticness of the educational environment; 5) promoting the formation of cognitive motivation (educational, professional, creative), the development of cognitive interests; 6) satisfaction with the quality of educational services provided by the educational institution. In relation to various participants in the educational process, these psychological factors have a different meaning (Table 1). 3.

4 Table 1 Manifestation of psychological conditions of the educational environment for students, parents, teachers Factors Intensity Emotioninosnociological climate Participants in the educational process Students Parents Parents are manifested in the amount of difficulty manifested in the training tasks made by the volume of educational students in classrooms and at home, and teachers' loads are also in The level of requirements for as well as in the level of the quality of these tasks of the requirements for the content and quality of their work is manifested as the degree of psychological comfort of the participants in the educational process, in the peculiarities of their relationship, in the prevailing mood in the team, etc. Satisfaction is manifested in the degree of satisfaction with the educational institution, its importance and place in the system of values \u200b\u200bof participants in the educational process Democraticity Promoting the formation of cognitive motivation. Satisfaction with the quality of educational services is manifested as a degree of democratic administration, the ability to participate in school management, to make decisions regarding the personal interests of the participants in the educational process manifest itself in The degrees of pedagogical assistance in children's learning motivation, cognitive interests and cognitive activity is manifested in the degree of support and promoting the administration of professional growth and professional development of teachers manifests itself in assessing the level of teaching at school of various subject disciplines, to the degree of confidence of participants in the educational process in the adequacy of educational services for graduates in universities. four

5 The procedure for diagnosing the method is convenient for use in the group of respondents who receive the texts of the questionnaire and the summary of the responses (the answers are the same for all participants in the educational process). Respondents read the question, choose from three options for answers by the one that most consistent with their opinion, and make an appropriate letter in the answer form next to the number of the issue number. Processing results Answers "A" are estimated at 1 point; "B" - 0.5 points; "B" - 0 points. Each psychological factor of the educational environment is represented by three issues, the numbers of which are located in the vertical columns in the replies form. The degree of severity of a certain psychological factor is determined by calculating the average value for each column. For example, the respondent answered questions questionnaires as follows: Answer form 1. B 2. A 3. B. 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. In 11. at 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. b. 18. A and U to in this case, in this case, the intensity of the learning medium will be equal to: and \u003d 0.83. 3 Indicator of the emotional and psychological climate: E \u003d satisfaction rate (y) 0.67; Democratic indicator (D) 0.17; An indicator of promoting the development of cognitive motivation (M) 0.33; An indicator of satisfaction with the quality of educational services (KO) \u003d 1. 5

6 Evaluation of results The closer the result obtained to 1 is the stronger in this educational environment the corresponding psychological factor: 0 0.40 is low; 0.41 0.70 medium; 0.71 1 high level. The results of the test responses in the above example can be generalized as follows. This respondent notes: high load intensity in OU; high level of emotional psychological comfort of the participants of the educational process; sufficient (average) degree of satisfaction with his school; low degree of democraticness of the educational environment; Low level of promoting the development of cognitive motivation. The technique was tested and standardized on the basis of secondary schools of Kurgan in the Russian Federation. 6.

7 Questionnaire for students 1. Are you tired of the lessons? a) yes; b) on some; C) No. 2. Are you experiencing a sense of security and psychological comfort in the school walls? 3. Are you satisfied that you are a student of this particular school? a) yes; b) sometimes; C) No. 4. Do you have the opportunity to participate in school management, make proposals for improving the educational process? a) yes; b) in some cases; C) No. 5. Are teachers in your school are able to interest students in the lessons? a) yes; b) sometimes; C) No. 6. Rate the level of knowledge that you get at school. a) high; b) sufficient; c) low. 7. Evaluate the amount of homework. a) excessive; b) optimal; c) insufficient. 8. Do there have a place in the relationship between teachers and students of your school sincerity, friendliness, mutual respect? 9. Are your teachers in the circle of authoritative people for you? a) yes; b) not all; C) No. 10. Do teachers show democratic communication with students? a) yes; b) not always or not all; C) No. 7.

8 11. Are your own learning interests are implemented in the process of school sessions? a) yes; b) not always or not fully; C) No. 12. Do you enjoy the services of tutors? a) no; b) rarely; c) systematically. 13. Do you think that too high demands are presented to the level of knowledge of students in your school? a) yes; b) the level of requirements is optimal; c) the level of requirements is insufficient. 14. Is it possible enough, in your opinion, teachers and students communicate on personal topics (not related to study) in an informal setting? a) yes; b) I would like more often; c) almost never. 15. Do you have great importance to events taking place in " school Life"? a) yes; b) not all; C) No. 16. Do you have the right to vote in solving issues affecting your personal interests? 17. Does the support and assistance of teachers find your desire to in-depth to study the items you are interested in (organizing electives, circles, individual classes, etc.)? 18. As far as you are sure that after graduation, you can enter the university? a) Almost sure that I will do; b) not sure what to do; C) Almost sure that I will not do. 8

9 Questionnaire for parents 1. Evaluate the degree of intensity of the learning load at school, where your child learns. a) high; b) optimal; c) low. 2. Do you satisfy the relationship between teachers and your child? a) yes; b) not completely; C) No. 3. Are you satisfied with what your child is learn in this school? 4. Do you have the opportunity to participate in school management, make proposals for improving the educational process? a) yes; b) in some cases; C) No. 5. Is your child who visits training activities? 6. Evaluate the level of knowledge that your child gets at school? a) high; b) sufficient; c) insufficient. 7. Rate homework a) excessive; b) optimal; c) insufficient. 8. Do you find an understanding and support of teachers in solving problems related to learning and education of your child? 9. Do you appreciate the opinion of teachers, are you trying to fulfill their recommendations? 10. Evaluate your participation in the school's activities. a) high; b) average; c) low. nine

10 11. Evaluate the level of motivation of your child's training. a) high; b) medium; c) low. 12. Do you have to resort to the services of tutors? a) no; b) sometimes; c) systematically. 13. Evaluate the requirements of teachers who are presented to your child. a) overestimated; b) optimal; c) understated. 14. Do you communicate with teachers in informal (extracurricular, extracurricular) atmosphere? a) yes; b) sometimes; c) never. 15. Is a school in which your child is learning to an authoritative educational institution for you? a) yes; b) in some cases; C) No. 16. Do you have the right to vote in solving issues affecting your child's interests? 17. Does extracurricular work satisfy the school (mugs, electives, etc.) of your child's interests? a) yes; b) not completely; C) No. 18. Is your child ready to enter the university? a) yes; b) not completely; C) No. ten

11 Questionnaire for teachers 1. Do you think your learning load is too big? a) yes; b) sometimes; C) No. 2. Is it taken in the pedagogical team of your school to share not only professional, but also personal problems? 3. Are you satisfied with what you work in this school? a) yes; b) in some cases; C) No. 4. Do you have the opportunity to participate in school management, make proposals for improving the educational process? a) yes; b) in some cases; C) No. 5. Is active methodical work, aimed at increasing the professional skill of teachers in the educational institution? a) yes; b) I would like more or not always suits; C) No. 6. Evaluate the level of teaching in your school. a) high; b) sufficient; c) insufficient. 7. Do you have enough time to prepare for classes, check notebooks, etc.? a) no; b) it happens that time is not enough; c) yes. 8. Do you think that the relationships of teachers, students and parents in your school are distinguished by sincerity, friendliness, mutual respect? 9. Do you think that in this educational institution you have realized as a professional and as a person? eleven

12 10. Do you think that the administration is quite democratic in your school towards teachers? 11. Is the support and assistance of the administration of your desire to improve your own qualifications (certification for the qualification category, development and implementation of new technologies, copyright programs, etc.)? 12. Are the students of your school to help tutors? a) no, this is not necessary; b) rarely; c) systematically. 13. Do you think that for the volume, content and quality of teachers work in your school is too high demands? a) yes; b) the level of requirements is optimal; c) the level of requirements is insufficient. 14. Are the teachers of your school in an informal setting both in the "School Walls" and beyond (celebrate together the birthdays, go to visit each other, visited concerts, etc.)? a) yes; b) this sometimes happens; C) No. 15. Does the educational institution use in which you work, thanks to you and your colleagues authority in the city? 16. Do you have the right to vote when solving issues affecting the interests of you and your students? 17. Do you have the opportunity to attend advanced training courses? a) Yes, including for b) yes, within B) No. limits of the region; areas; 18. Is the level of knowledge that the school gives for admission to the university? 12

13 Appendix Conclusion According to the results of the diagnosis of the psychological conditions of the educational environment in the Lyceum of Kurgan, the diagnosis of the psychological conditions of the educational environment in the Lyceum of the city of Kurgan was held in 200 g. As respondents were involved: - Students - 80 people. - Parents - 62 people. The diagnosis was carried out through the questionnaire (Badin N.P., Axtenko V.N., 2004). As a result of the analysis of respondents, the following data were obtained for the questions of the questionnaire: 1. The indentivity of the educational environment (see histogram 1)% 8 9% of the hour and e s i r about d and t e l and g and% in s o to and y about p t and m and l n y yth histogram 1. Distribution of respondents in levels of estimation of the intensity of the educational environment in the lyceum data histogram 1 suggests that for the overwhelming majority of participants in the educational process of all categories, the level of training load seems to be optimal. A group of students (12%) has been revealed, which consider the intensity of the educational environment high. thirteen

14 2.Social and psychological climate (see Histogram 2) %% u h and e and me r about d and t e l and n e d and g and% 1 1% 2 8% 5% in s From about to and y about p t and m and l n y n e d o t a t about h n s histogram 2. Distribution of respondents on the levels of evaluation of the degree of emotional comfort in the lyceum as seen from the histogram 2, most students (89%), parents (80%) and teachers (72%) note a high degree of emotional - psychological comfort in an educational institution. 3. The formation of the educational environment (see histogram 3)% 9 2% 9 3% of h and e s i r o d and o l and n e d and g and% 8% 7% in s About thek and y about p t and m and n y y n e d o t a t o h n s a histogram 3. The distribution of respondents on the levels of assessing their own satisfaction with the educational medium in the Lyceum data of histogram 3 indicate a high degree of satisfaction Students and parents with an educational institution. 14

15 4. Democraticity of the educational environment (see histogram 4)% 8 8 %% 5 5% y and u and with me r about d and t e l and g about g and in th 1 5% 1 o p t and m and l n s 6% 1 2% of the histogram 4. Distribution of respondents on the levels of evaluation of the democratic environment of the educational environment in a lyceum as seen from Histograms, most parents and students point to a high and average democratic level of the educational environment. However, the survey revealed a group of parents (10%), students (6%) and teachers (2%), according to which a low level of democracy is characterized for the educational environment. 5. Promoting the formation of cognitive motivation (see Histogram 5)% 8 7% 9 2% of h and e and with me r about d and t e d and g about g and in s about to and y 1 3% 8% 3% 2% o p t and m and n y n e d o t a t o h n s n s a histogram 5. Distribution of respondents on the levels of assessment of promoting the formation of cognitive motivation in a lyceum 15

16 According to 95% of students, facilitating the formation of cognitive motivation and the growth of cognitive interests in the lyceum is at a high level. From the point of view of 87% of parents - at a high level, 13% of parents are at the average level. Evaluation of teachers The possibilities of their professional growth is also high. 6. Satisfaction with the quality of educational services (see Histogram 6)% 9 4% 9 7% 8 6 in h and e and with me r about d and o l and p e d and g and% 6% 3% in s about to and y about p t and m and l n y y n e d o t a t o h n s histogram 6. Distribution of respondents in the levels of assessing the quality of educational services provided by the filling as seen from the histogram, The overwhelming majority of participants in the educational process are assessed by the quality of educational services provided by a high-level lyceum. Thus, in general, the results of the survey indicate the presence in the lyceum of favorable psychological conditions for the implementation of the educational process. Recommendation: 1) Attracting parents to the organization of the educational process; 2) Optimization of the distribution of training loads taking into account the cognitive needs and capabilities of different categories of students. 16

17 Literature 1. Lebedeva V.P., Orlov V.A., Panov V.I. Psychoddactic aspects of educational education // Pedagogy, N 6. - with McLufflin K. Study of the pedagogical care system and support in the schools of England and Wales // New Values \u200b\u200bof Education: Care Support Consulting. - Vol. 6.: Innovator. - M., with Pilipovsky V.Ya. Efficient School: Successful Success In the Mirror of American Pedagogy // Pedagogy N 1. From Rubtsov V.V., Polivanova N.I., Yermakova I.V. Educational environment and intellectual development of children // Experimental sites in Moscow education. - Vol. 2. M.: MIPKRO, Rubtsov V.V., Ulanna I.M., Yarkina O.V. Psychological climate as a characteristic of the educational environment of the school // Experimental sites in the Moscow education. - Vol. 2. M.: MIPKRO, Slobodchikov V. Wednesday: The realization of the objectives of education in the space of culture // New Values \u200b\u200bof Education: Cultural School Models. - Imnnova-Bennet Colledge. - M., with Ulanna I. M., Polivanova N. I., Yermakova I.V. What is the educational environment of the school and how to identify it? // Questions of psychology, Yasvin V.A. Educational environment: from modeling to design. - M.: CFC RAO, REID K., Hopkins D. et al. Towards The Effective School: The Problems and Solutions. - Oxford,

18 Contents General characteristics of the methodology of diagnostics of psychological conditions of the school educational environment.3 Diagnostic procedure 5 Processing results..5 Evaluation of results. 6 Questionnaire for students 7 Questionnaire for parents. 9 Questionnaire for teachers..11 Annex.13 Literature

Diagnosis of psychological conditions of the school educational environment Currently, there are a number of approaches at the issue of educational environment in pedagogy and psychology. Most domestic

The diagnosis of psychological conditions of the school educational environment 2008 2 The presented material contains a description of the methodology for diagnosing the psychological conditions of the school educational environment, as well as

Monitoring the satisfaction of the educational environment of participants in the educational process www.adm-edu.spb.ru Scientific and Methodical Center for the Admiralty District of St. Petersburg in the contemporary system

An analysis of the satisfaction of the participants in the educational process in the whittes created a system of interaction of a technical school with its consumers. Constant tracking of the state of satisfaction of consumers of educational

Complex target program "Social and psychological adaptation of students" passport Program 1. Name Program "Socio-psychological adaptation of students 2. Base for development

High level of knowledge Development of cognitive interests Preparation for the choice of professions Education of feelings of self-confidence education in solving life problems Analysis of parents' opinions

The results of sociological surveys within an independent quality assessment educational activities In 2016, satisfaction of participants in educational relations with the quality of preschool

Questionnaire 19 "Questionnaire for studying the opinion of colleagues about the socio-professional status of a social teacher" Instruction Respondent You are offered a questionnaire to evaluate social professional aspects

Appendix 1. P / p report on satisfaction with the educational process October 16g. In September-October 16 years, survey for satisfaction with the educational process in three categories

Questionnaire Questionnaire for students "Psychological Diagnostics of the Educational Environment" we ask you to take part in the study of the educational environment of the lyceum. Possible options Your answers in most cases

1.1. Ensuring the vocational guidance of curricula, 1 collective, parental public, specialists of relevant organizations and institutions; 3.2. Organization of systemic, qualified

The results of monitoring satisfaction learning, parents and teachers in the quality of educational services provided by MBOU SOSH 2 as of 05/20/2016. The quality of education is a comprehensive

The results of monitoring the satisfaction of students, parents and teachers in the quality of educational services provided by the MBOU "Connegeneskaya SOSH" as of 05/31/2016 the quality of education

Municipal budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk District "Secondary General School P.Gornopravdinsk" Help for the results of questioning parents "Quality Satisfaction

1 study of the psychological safety of the educational environment of the School of School 331 Nevsky District of St. Petersburg psychologically safe educational environment can be considered such in which most

The results of monitoring satisfaction learning, parents and teachers with the quality of educational services provided by MBOU SOSH 2 as of September 20, 2017. The quality of education is a comprehensive

Questionnaire for students. Purpose: Determine the degree of satisfaction with school students and its position in it. The work answers to questions allow: 1-2 - the level of friendly relations and conflicties

Appendix 7. Materials demonstrating the activities of the Center for Creativity Satisfaction of the parents with the quality of educational results in the center of creativity into the monitoring system, we included such an indicator,

Monitoring the degree of satisfaction of the participants in the educational process by various parties to the vital activity of the educational institution. The purpose of the study: study of the satisfaction of participants in the educational

Satisfaction of the participants of the educational process as a criterion for the effectiveness of the work of the educational institution E.N. Stepanov, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Scientific Director, A.A. Andreev, associate professor,

Motivation of educational activities, analysis of the situation L.A.Lashkareva "All of our plans, all searches and constructions turn into dust if the student has no desire to learn" (V.A.Sumlinsky) every teacher wants

Comparative analysis of the social and psychological climate of the class on the example of general education and sports schools A.I. Korotaeva Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky

Pedagogue-psychologist Schavedro E.S. The aim of psychological support is to create social and psychological conditions for the development of the personality of students and their successful learning. Tasks: - systematically

Results of parental satisfaction with the quality of educational activities MBOU "SS 76" Including in the system of monitoring of such an indicator as the satisfaction of parents by various parties to the educational

State Autonomous Establishment of Additional Education of the Republic of Komi "Republican Center for Additional Education" Results of a questionnaire examination of teachers of additional education,

Questionnaire "Satisfaction of the School Work" for the participants of the educational process Objective: Identifying the degree of satisfaction with the work of the school in the participants of the educational process in various areas of activity

Analysis of the Parent survey on the school educational system and the interaction of teachers and parents of 2016 by the GBOU School of School 454 was a survey of parents of students on school issues

Questionnaire "Satisfaction with the work of the school" for the participants of the educational process. Purpose: Identifying the degree of satisfaction with the work of the school in the participants of the educational process in various areas of activity

The structure and content of the teacher's portfolio Title list of the portfolio includes the name of the educational institution and its founder, surname, name, patronymic of the teacher, position (Appendix 1). 1. Section

Adopted by the Pedagogical Council Protocol dated August 29, 2013 1 approved by the order of the MBOU "Raduga's" Progimanasia "from 02.09.2013 1/19 Regulations on educational work 1. General provisions 1.1 The situation is developed on

Report on the results of the monitoring of the formation of personal universal training actions of students 1-3 grades The new standard makes substantially high requirements for graduates

State budgetary educational institution of Lyceum 265 Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg Department of Additional Education Children Monitoring the level of satisfaction with the quality of additional

Professional orientation at school is a system of training. educational work aimed at mastering the learning necessary knowledge of knowledge about socio-economic and psychophysical characteristics

School provided. Determining the effectiveness of the educational process, the effectiveness of curricula, their compliance with the standards and requirements of standards; o forecasting education in education in

Individual program For self-education teacher. Explanatory note Everyone is a person. Education is a medium, stretching personality. The main task of modern school is the formation of personality,

Municipal budgetary general education institution "School with in-depth study of individual items 176" Samara urban district agreed on the pedagogical council of the School Protocol 3 from "January 19"

1 Management of education quality - systemic, coordinated impact on both the educational process and a complex of other related main, managerial and maintenance processes related to it

Help on the results of the survey of students and parents of general educational institutions of Shuryshkar district on the topic "Satisfaction with the quality of educational work". According to the work plan

State budgetary educational institution Average comprehensive school 83 With in-depth study of the Japanese and English languages \u200b\u200bof the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg. Regulations on educational

Monitoring the degree of satisfaction of the participants in the educational process by various parties to the vital activity of the educational institution. Inclusion in the monitoring system of such an indicator as satisfaction

Has high results of professional activities; - enjoys respecting its commodity colleagues, teachers and school administration; - has a high communicative culture; - Can be

State budgetary educational institution Secondary school 644 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Analytical report on the work of the teacher-psychologist Sargsyan M.A. For 2016-2017

Monitoring the satisfaction of the work of the Pedagogov Institutions Date: 12.12. 2018 Goal: Determine the degree of satisfaction of teachers by the work of the boarding school and its position in it. Number of respondents:

Adopted by the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the GBOU Lyceum 395 Protocol from the Chairman of the Pedagogical Council S.P. Sergeeva approved by the order from the city of Director GBOU Lyceum 395 S.P. Sergeeva Regulations on Methodical

Self-education teacher's self-education plan 2015 2018. Professional experience: Since 2009 - Teacher of English Classes. Education Higher P / n Educational Institution Year End Specialty 1

The program of assessing the quality assessment of the MOU "Secondary school 47" 1. Establishment. For the modern stage of the development of society, the formation of fundamentally new priorities in the educational

Considered at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council of MBOU "SOSH 30" Protocol dated 04.29.2013. 10 Approve director of MBOU "SOSH 30" T.N.Ziziev order from 29.04. 2013 Regulations on the methodological association of subject teachers

Report on the topic: "The teacher is not a profession, but a lifestyle." Prepared Geography Teacher MBOU SOSH 2 G. Lebedeva Victoria Alekseevna. School address :, Moscow region, Stupinsky district, Stupino G., ul. Andropova,

1. General provisions 1.1. Local on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2006. 814, Order of the Ministry

Report of the teacher-psychologist Kachan E.E. For the first half of 2015-2016 academic year, the main purpose of the psychological and pedagogical service at school is: the creation of favorable social and psychological conditions providing

1. General provisions Methodical association as a structural division of the methodological service of the educational institution is created to solve a certain part of the tasks assigned to an educational institution.

Documentation required for the work of the Deputy Director for Methodological Work 1. Charter of the School. 2. Educational program. 3. Regulatory documents (external) "Laws on Education" and RB;

Questionnaire for students - courses of the Faculty of Sports and - courses of the Faculty of VPO of the Volgograd Conservatory. P.Serbryakova for an answer in the right column. Put the digit on the proposed scale, circle a circle.

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The results of the diagnosis of the MOU "High School 44" for the 2016-17 Uch. Year 1 Study of the inclusion of parents in educational and educational processes of school for 2016-2017. year inclusiveness of parents in educational and

"Approved" director of MBOU SOSH 5 g. Pushkino N.P. Morozova "01" September 2017. Plan of measures to improve the quality of education in the MBOU SOSH 5 g. Pushkino for the 2017-2018 educational year of grounds for development

Administration of the Municipal Education Tikhvinsky Municipal District of the Leningrad Region Committee on Education Order of March 27, 2014 177 on the monitoring of participants' satisfaction

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Administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod Department of Education Municipal budgetary institution "School 140" approved by order of the School Director 218 from "30" August 2017

Analysis of the work of a methodological association for 20-20 uchiv.

GBOU Secondary School 143 St. Petersburg Analysis of the questionnaire on the topic "Studying the opinion of parents about the quality of the school of educational services" in 2013-2014 academic year. Purpose: Study of parental opinions on

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In the concept of "educational environment of the school", we allocated three main aspects, which characterize it. The first aspect is effective. It allows you to answer the question: "What does the school reach, creating, supporting and developing its specific educational environment?". The main result of the impact of the educational environment on schoolchildren is the effect they receive in their development. At the same time, as we have already noted, we are talking not only about the development of the intellectual abilities of children, but also on the influence of the educational environment on the features of the social and individual-personal development of students. The second aspect can be called procedural. He answers the question: "What means a particular school reaches its developing effect?". These funds can be the most diverse, they cover all the parties to the internal life of the school. These include the organization of the educational process and the interaction methods in the system of "Teacher - students", the psychological climate and relations in the pedagogical team, the socio-psychological structure of classes and the criteria for the formation of interpersonal relations between students, the design of the school and its equipment, the extra-educational life of the school, school attitudes and parents, etc. The third aspect of the educational environment is targeted. It allows you to answer the question: "Why?". Why does the school conduct additional physical education classes or requires active participation in the Olympiad on history, why introduces a form, organizes an embroidery circle or a hike in the mountain? This aspect is characterized by school in terms of those internal tasksThe solution of which is really aimed at its efforts, time and money. The diagnostic procedure is obvious that the informative diagnosis of the educational environment of the school should be based on the analysis of all three dedicated aspects. Therefore, such a diagnosis requires a rather long stay in the school walls, the possibility of observing her life both during lessons and after their completion, as well as a whole complex of research and tests.

1. Executive aspect. The diagnosis of the educational environment in terms of the effectiveness of its impact on development is based on a specially developed set of psychological tests and procedures. 1) To assess the intellectual abilities of children, the data of two types of tests are compared: the first allows you to identify the basic intellectual abilities, which, as it is considered in psychological science, is minimally dependent on the content of training and the type of organization of the educational process; The second is associated with those mental actions that are developing precisely in the learning process and may be indicators of the effectiveness of the organization of educational activities. Comparison of the results according to the methods of both types allows you to identify and evaluate the role of the school itself in the development of intellectual abilities of children. To determine the basic intellectual abilities (general intellectual development), we use the kettella test for CFT2 children. It makes it possible to evaluate the ability of the child to solve mental tasks (establish links, allocate rules, etc.) on a non-verbal graphic material of different 10 diagnostics of the educational environment of the school first-hand of complexity. The characteristic that was measured by this test can be considered "own" intellectual abilities of a child who are independent of the specific features of the educational environment of a particular school. For a qualitative assessment of the formation of mental processes associated with the specific features of the inclusion of children in the educational process of a specific school, we use two techniques (author A.Z. ZAK). One of them (the technique of "Who did what?") Is aimed at identifying the level of development of mental actions of analysis and substantive reflection. In another (Methods "Omoclision"), the development of mental activity is assessed by the criterion of holistic decision planning. The technique includes tasks in which the initial combination of geometric elements is necessary for the specified number of mental transformations to lead to a finite specified in the form of a sample. According to the total number and quality of solved problems, the level of formation of planning and analysis actions is estimated. These techniques allow you to distinguish between the two basic levels of development of thinking: empirical and theoretical, as well as to allocate and evaluate the development of individual mental planning, analysis, reflection. 2) In the analysis of social aspects of development, we allocate "objective" and "subjective" levels. The objective level characterizes the real relationship between children in the class, as well as the relationship of teachers and students. The subjective level characterizes the child's attitude towards the environment in which it remains (to the environment of his school). To study the real relationship between children, we use a sociometric test. In it, students produce a conscious choice of classmates preferred or rejected by them on criteria specified in the form of situations or types of joint activities. In our version of the sociometric questionnaire, in addition to the total, the business (training) and emotional selection criteria are also included. Sociometry allows you to judge the adaptation of each student in the system of business and informal interpersonal relations, as well as the preferential motivational orientation of the class on learning activities , Communication or other fields of group activity. The real competence of children in communicating with adults is rated by two research procedures. Observation using a specially developed lesson analysis scheme allows you to describe the methods of business interaction of the teacher with students. Analysis of the psychological climate of the school allows you to evaluate the style of children and adult relations in informal situations. Below both of these procedures are presented in more detail. To identify the subjective side of the socialization of schoolchildren, a content analysis of children's essays on the topic "My School" is carried out. We use four groups of categories: teachers (teacher as a person, teacher as a professional, my attitude to the teacher, the attitude of the teacher to me), lessons (like / do not like; you need / do not need; how comfortable I feel at the lesson), classmates (like / do not like; their attitude towards me; my attitude to them; friends / enemies; how I feel in class), I myself (I want / do not want to go to school; how I feel at school; how do I feel at school). 3) Evaluation of the characteristics of an individual of alolytic development is made on the basis of the following diagnostic procedures: definitions of self-assessment and level of claims; identifying the hierarchy of motifs; Estimates of school anxiety levels. Research of self-assessment and level 11 1/02 `What didactic techniques and means are used (work with models, discussion, exercise). The organizational level describes how the work of children is being built by the teacher: - What are the instructions for organizing work; - What forms of work are presented in the lesson (individual, group, frontal); - as a teacher organizes a group discussion; - How, when and for which the schemes or model agents use; - How is the analysis of the results, knowledge control, etc. Interpersonal level: - describes a teacher's communication style with children; - ways to stimulate teacher students' activity; - forms of assessment, promotion and punishment; - Requirements for the discipline and personal reaction of the teacher on the behavior of children in the classroom. Analysis of observation results allows you to identify the specifics of the organization of the educational process at a specific school. The procedure involves monitoring the same class among various teachers, as well as at the same teacher in different classes. The lesson analysis scheme allows you to create a "objective" picture of interactions in the System "Teacher - Pupils". Additionally, in addition to obtaining a "subjective" picture of children-adult interactions, we use, firstly, a special questionnaire for teachers and, secondly, we detect the type of students' preferences when choosing a favorite and unloved teachers with the help of the content analysis of children's work. 2) Important, although the least daily formalization of the specific characteristics of the educational environment is the psychological climate of the school. Schoolchildren claims (in this technique we use scales of various personal qualities, competence in communication and social success) allows you to directly assess the basic characteristics of personal development and indirectly (through the choice of relevant self-assessment criteria, as well as comparison of self-esteem for different criteria) - the type of school motivation and The general personal orientation of children. To identify the content of preferential school motivation (ie, the answer to the question why the child goes to school) is held a content analysis of the writings of children on the topic "My School". School anxiety is determined by the questionnaire method of parishioners. This technique allows you to assess the emotional attitude of the child to school, the level of school anxiety and the degree of cognitive activity.

2. Procedural aspect. To determine specific funds by which the educational environment of a particular school sells its developing impacts, we have developed original diagnostic procedures. 1) To analyze the organization of the educational process and methods of interaction in the "Teacher-students" system, a special lesson analysis scheme is used. It allows you to analyze the learning process at three levels: the subject (main), organizational and interpersonal. The subject level shows how the teacher unfolds in the lesson the study content: - How the problem is set; - at what level of generalization and in what form information is submitted; - What questions arise and what answers to them are given (issues of problem, concrete, their number and place in the process of transferring and learning knowledge); 12 To fix objective manifestations of the psychological climate, we have developed a special monitoring card. It includes 16 topics (type of school design, opportunities for additional education, extracurricular communication of teachers and children, parents at school, information availability, leisure at school, equipment, administration and pedagogical team, administration and children, etc.). The data obtained using the surveillance card are compared with the results of the survey of the pedagogical team and the school administration (the questionnaires presents the subjective position of the "creators" of the educational environment), as well as the results of the analysis of children's works (they expressed the subjective position of "consumers" of the school educational environment).

3. Target aspect. To determine the internal tasks of the school, we use a special questionnaire. Questions in it relate to the tasks of the school, teachers and students. The survey procedure suggests that the School Administration, teachers and students are responsible for the same questions: once - expressing his own opinion, then expressing the opinion of other participants in school life. Comparison of answers to questionnaire questions, data "for yourself", with answers data on behalf of other participants in the educational process, as well as a comparative analysis of the results of the survey with other procedures allow to identify: a) declared goals and school tasks; b) the degree of unity of the pedagogical team in the awareness of the internal tasks of the school; c) satisfaction of each teacher psychological climate of the school; d) the compliance of the declared and real internal tasks that determine the work of the school as an educational institution. The procedure for the diagnosis of the educational environment of the school, presented in this article, was tested by us in 24 schools. In 4 schools, the survey was conducted twice in different classes. This allowed in some schools to confirm the stability of the qualitative characteristics of the educational environment, and in others - to evaluate the effectiveness of work on changing the target and procedural aspects of the environment that the school wanted to adjust. Careful quantitative and qualitative analysis of a huge data array that we received in the process of testing allows you to make several generalizing remarks. 1. A set of data obtained by the described method of methods makes it possible to comprehensively and fully characterize a separate school as a holistic education in terms of the specificity of its educational environment. 2. With all the diversity of specific manifestations and qualitative features The educational environments we have observed in different schools, statistical analysis allowed all schools to divide all schools into several basic types that differ in internal objectives and tasks. 3. Development indicators that (according to test results) demonstrate schoolchildren, and quantitatively, and qualitatively depend on the type of school, i.e. From those internal tasks that the school puts and solves in their activities.

Monitoring the psychological safety of an educational environment based on rapid diagnostics allows you to monitor the quality of psychological conditions in which training and education is carried out.

Research methodology:"Psychological diagnostics of the School of Educational Environment". Author Baeva I.A. (Application)

The results obtained after treatment give feedback from all subjects of the educational process, allow you to identify positive and negative trends in the educational environment of the gymnasium.

Questionnaire questionnaire for students

"Psychological diagnostics of an educational environment"

We ask you to take part in the study of the educational environment of the gymnasium. Possible options for your answers in most cases are given in the questionnaire. Select and notify that one of them that matches your opinion.

1. What do you think it requires training in your school to continuously improve your opportunities?

Perhaps yes

Can not say

Probably not

2. Note the scale below: the number "0" characterizes stay at school that really does not like; "9" - which very much. Which of the cells would you indicate your stay?

3. If you moved to another area of \u200b\u200bthe city, would you drive to your school?

4. Do you think that school training helps development:

a) intellectual abilities?

Perhaps yes

Can not say

Probably not

b) Life skills?

Perhaps yes

Can not say

Probably not

5. If you had to choose from all areas of the district, would you choose your own?

Can not say

6. What mood most often happens in your school?

7. From the following characteristics of the school environment, select only the five most important, from your point of view, and evaluate them on a 5-point system.

educational programs, qualifying professional characteristics ...
  • Educational program of primary general education for the period 2011-2015

    Educational program

    Elementary school must be created psychologically Comfortable educational wednesday For the development of the person, ... E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, S.A. Kozlova, O.V. Chinkdilova " Diagnostics Meta-reported and personal results of primary education ...

  • Educational program of the state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

    Educational program

    October) Individual procedure diagnostics "Fourth Exception" Diagnostics formation level of logical ... educational environments: creating environmental and psychological comfort educational environments; Creation of gaming developing environments; ...

  • Educational program of the municipal budgetary general education institution

    Educational program

    In creating such psychologically Comfortable educational wednesdaywhere the quality of education is combined with accounting ... forms of work are: psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, individual consultations for students, organization ...

  • Characteristics of the school environment

    The degree of satisfaction of the selected characteristic

    in a very large extent

    in a large extent

    to a small degree

    not at all

    1. Transportation with teachers

    2. Incidentiality with students

    3. Modern comfort

    4. Ability to express your point of view

    5. Supplied attitude towards yourself

    6. Personal advantage

    7. Possibility to apply for help

    8. Possibility to take the initiative, activity

    9. Near personal problems and difficulties

    10.The following requests and suggestions

    11. Power in choosing your own decision

    Familiarization with the basic methods of monitoring the effectiveness of educational microscient and mesosred - departments and faculties. The study of the characteristics of a synergistic approach, which is relatively new in assessing the effectiveness of the educational process.

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    FGBOU VPO "Kuban State Technological University"

    Diagnosis of the effectiveness of educational environments (on the example of the departments and faculties)

    Loyko Valery Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation

    Romanov Dmitry Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Programming

    Kushnir Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems and Programming

    Kushnir Alexander Valerievich, graduate student of the Department of Information Systems and Programming



    The purpose of the study is the development of models and methods of multi-parameter diagnostics of the effectiveness of educational environments. It is known that the criterionally diagnostic apparatus has been developed for monitoring the effectiveness of universities - educational macroshros, which cannot be said about the monitoring of the effectiveness of educational microscient and mesosred - departments and faculties. Research issues - an increase in productivity (efficiency) of the functioning of educational environments. The problem of research is the question: how objectively and comprehensively diagnose the effectiveness of educational environments? The relevance of the decision of this problem is due to: the need to ensure the effective functioning of educational institutions, their sustainable innovative development; Increasing requirements for general and vocational education, as well as its transition to a multi-level system. Methodological foundations of research: a competence approach (considers the formation of competences and personality-professional qualities of students, integrating knowledge, skills and readiness for their effective use in solving vital, professional and educational tasks), a metasystem approach (considers the educational environment as the most important target as a metasically comprising relatively independent subsystems - educational environments of the lower level of the hierarchy), a qualimetric approach (considers the effectiveness of the educational environment as an integrative indicator, which is diagnosed on the basis of the assessment of the set of relevant criteria), a synergistic approach (considers the educational environment as a self-organizing system, and its effectiveness Functioning - as an indicator of the success of the use of resources for further development). The synergistic approach is relatively new in assessing the effectiveness of the educational process and the educational environment as a whole.

    Keywords: educational environment, micro level, meso-level, monitoring, diagnosis, efficiency, department, faculty, indicator.

    It is known that since 2013, the annual monitoring of the effectiveness of state educational institutions is carried out in Russia. The purpose of this monitoring is to increase the competitiveness of Russian universities, their potential in the formation of competitive graduates, which, in turn, will provide a high level of development of Russia in the future. At the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission, six indicators of the effectiveness of universities were approved, as well as the threshold values \u200b\u200bof these indicators (the university is recognized as effective when the threshold values \u200b\u200bare reached at least three indicators). In other words, a criterion diagnostic device for monitoring the effectiveness of universities has been developed. The approved performance indicators of universities are: educational activities (the average score of students adopted on the results of the EGE), research activities (the average amount of income from the implementation of R & D per teacher), international activities (share of foreign students), financial and economic activities (annual income per teacher), infrastructure (area of \u200b\u200bpremises per student), employment (share of graduates who did not apply to the employment service during the year after the release).

    But it is known that from the standpoint of Sociology, the university is educational macro, and its structural divisions - departments and faculties - educational microenvironment and mesosredes, respectively. Recognizing the importance and timeliness of the introduction of monitoring the effectiveness of universities (educational macrostrum), we note that, in contrast to it, the criterionally diagnostic apparatus was not developed to monitor the effectiveness of educational microiner and the mesosred. This makes it difficult to manage the educational environments of all levels, an assessment of the effectiveness of the use of the potential of educational macros of the university in the department of departments and mesosredes of faculties. It should not be forgotten that the functioning of the social systems of higher order largely depends on the functioning of the lower level of the hierarchy. Educational Department of Faculty

    Research issues - an increase in productivity (efficiency) of the functioning of educational environments. The problem of research is the question: how objectively and comprehensively diagnose the effectiveness of educational environments? The purpose of the study is the development of models and methods of multi-parameter diagnostics of the effectiveness of educational environments. The relevance of the decision of this problem is due to: the need to ensure the effective functioning of educational institutions (effective functioning is to successfully solve pedagogical and socio-economic tasks), as well as their sustainable innovative development; Increasing requirements for general and vocational education, as well as its transition to a multi-level system (under these conditions, it is necessary to ensure continuity between levels and steps in a continuous educational space).

    According to modern views, the educational environment is a hierarchical social system; At the same time distinguish educational microenvas, mesosredes and macros. For the educational environments of all levels of the hierarchy, universal parameters are allocated: modality, latitude, intensity, permissibility, generalization, emotionality, dominance, coherence, activity, mobility, structure, stability and safety. For the authors, it is obvious that with the effectiveness of the educational environment, it is primarily related to its such parameters, as activity (influence on the social system of higher order), latitude (a plurality of objects with which the educational environment interacts), dominance (degree of importance of the educational environment in the formation Personal students, because the latter depends on a huge set of factors), mobility (ability to continuous development). It should be noted that the high-scale educational environment is a social system in which innovation is the factor of its development. At the same time, the intensity of the educational environment (the number of actions per unit of time) is unambiguously related to efficiency, because Actions may be ineffective (ineffective can be their systemic aggregate). There is also no unambiguous relationship between innovative processes in education and ensuring the effective functioning of educational environments: on the one hand, the use of innovations does not always lead to an increase in the efficiency of scientific and educational processes, on the other hand, it is possible to carry out effective activities and on the basis of "old" methods. At the same time, it is obvious that there are "the limits of growth" quality and productivity (efficiency) of activity without innovative processes (the use of innovation).

    An objective diagnosis of the effectiveness of educational environments is a problem that cannot but excite the scientific and pedagogical community. The paper presents an interesting idea that the diagnosis of the effectiveness of educational environments must be two-stage. From the point of view of the authors of this article, alternative indicators of the effectiveness of educational macrosystems proposed in work are more applied to mesosredes and microenads. After all, the provision of a number of conditions (and the degree of their security and reflect the indicators) - the task that exactly macros can solve, i.e. educational institutions. For example, hardly the faculty or department can provide students with expressions.

    It should be noted that the Russian education moved to a multi-level system. The main purpose of such a transition is to provide learning freedom to choose the trajectory of personal-professional development. It is enough to say about the steady increase in the popularity of the training and retraining of specialists in a shortened time limit (on the basis of university complexes). But under these conditions it is necessary to ensure the continuity between the steps (stages) of the continuing education system. So, for example, it is quite difficult to prepare a competitive bachelor's training for three years from a graduate of a medium-sized vocational education institution (according to a reduced program). Another reason that causes the problem of improving the effectiveness of the educational process is to reduce the time allocated for full-time training, with increasing requirements for the results of the educational process (according to a competent approach, such a result should be not knowledge and skills, but competences and personal-professional qualities as symbiosis relevant knowledge, skills, motives for relevant activities and experience in it).

    The authors of this article also conducted earlier research on scientific and educational environments. For example, in the work, indicators of the interaction of scientific and pedagogical groups, as well as productivity of their research activities were presented. From the point of view of the authors, an indicator of the effectiveness of the research activity of the scientific and pedagogical team, it is possible to consider the degree of application of its results in the development of information and methodological support for the educational process (in textbooks, electronic educational resources, etc.).

    No less interest are the methods for the formation of indicators of the effectiveness of social (including socio-pedagogical) systems. The least humane methods involve the design of the indicators "from the numerator and denominator." This means that if it is impossible to improve the parameters reflected in the numerator, it is necessary to reduce the denominator to "improve" the indicator. But the consequence of such "improvement" is the deterioration of the situation of people, which is contrary to the mission of management of social systems (improving the lives of people, ensuring its high quality). One of the authors of the article was proposed a method for the formation of monitoring performance indicators based on the method of rocky use. The essence of the method is that the objects under study sort (descending) for some quality indicator, and objects are selected with the highest values \u200b\u200bof this indicator. Note that in the scientist classic example Such an indicator is the famous Hirsch index.

    The diversity of points of view on the problem of the effectiveness of educational environments caused authors to turn to a classical understanding of efficiency: efficiency - the ratio of the result (effectiveness) of activity and costs (all sorts of resources - financial, labor, time s x, etc.). The same point of view is the authors of the work. From their point of view, where x is the parameters of the system at the output, x in the entrance, z norms - the resources that need to be expected according to the approved standards, z ZAPT - actually spent resources. This formula is due to the fact that "input" is the most important factor for "output". But it must be remembered that the "entrance" multi-pane. If we are talking about the personality-professional development of the student and functioning of the educational environment, then it is necessary to remember the dependence of the states of the system under study at the next time of time from the previous ones. For example, the higher the student level of development of competencies and personal-professional qualities at a certain stage of personality-professional development, the higher the likelihood of achieving their higher level at the subsequent stages.

    It is also difficult to agree with the authors of the work that the effective social system should have many direct and inverse relations. For example, the interaction between the student and the teacher is non-linear, because During this process, the personal development of both participants in the social and pedagogical interaction occurs. From the point of view of authors of this article, continuous and systemic, the interaction between the educational environment of a lower and high level of the hierarchy should also be, to improve the quality and efficiency of both operations. According to the authors of the work, the nonlinear interaction can be reflected by the "Ignition of Fire" model. Indeed, effective functioning is most often associated with synergistic processes.

    It should not be forgotten that social systems (both individual individuals and educational environments) are open, non-equilibrium, non-linear, stochastic and self-organizing (self-developing) systems. From the point of view of the authors, the property of nonlinearity is particularly interesting to study the problem of the effectiveness of social systems. For example, in the first case, costs may be equal, and the result; in the second case - respectively; Therefore, in the second case, efficiency is 2.5 times higher than in the first. On the other hand, there are both cost increasing limits - their critical value, the excess of which does not lead to an increase in the result (or to a weak increase), i.e. effectiveness falls; Hence, it is clearly the problem of optimization. At the same time, the timing of training (bachelors and masters) is defined by educational standards, therefore, it is necessary to improve the result of the educational process.

    Thus, the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and the practice of management of educational environments made it possible to identify contradictions between: the increasing requirements of the Company and the state to the functioning of educational institutions, on the one hand, and the insufficient development of mechanisms for monitoring the effectiveness of educational microscient and mesosred, on the other hand; the increasing role of innovative processes in education, on the one hand, and insufficient learning of their relationship with ensuring the effective functioning of educational environments, on the other hand; The need to ensure continuity between stages (steps) of a continuing education system, on the one hand, and insufficiently developed synergistic approach to assessing the effectiveness of the educational process, on the other hand. At the same time, there were currently objective prerequisites for the allocation of criteria and levels of efficiency of the functioning of educational environments.

    To achieve the goal, complementary research methods were applied: modeling; multiparameter analysis of systems; Methods of qualimetry (theory of latent variables).

    Methodological foundations of research: a competence approach (considers the formation of competences and personality-professional qualities of students, integrating knowledge, skills and readiness for their effective use in solving vital, professional and educational tasks), a metasystem approach (considers the educational environment as the most important target as a metasically comprising relatively independent subsystems - educational environments of the lower level of the hierarchy), a qualimetric approach (considers the effectiveness of the educational environment as an integrative indicator, which is diagnosed on the basis of the assessment of the set of relevant criteria), a synergistic approach (considers the educational environment as a self-organizing system, and its effectiveness Functioning - as an indicator of the success of the use of resources for further development). The synergistic approach is relatively new in assessing the effectiveness of both the educational process and the educational environment as a whole.

    From the point of view of authors, for effective educational systems Synergism is characterized by functioning, i.e. Self-development, self-organization, and most importantly - the strengthening of the processes due to the activity that had previously. In other words, such an educational environment effectively uses external and internal resources (and the use of domestic resources is leading in relation to external) for its development; Previous activity experience is the most important factor in accumulation and multiplication of the subsequent (this trend must be sustainable). As can be seen, for an effective educational environment, the main factor of its successful functioning is the previous experience (previous results), as well as the personal and professional qualities of participants in socio-pedagogical interaction. In other words, in a synergistic (effective) educational environment, the formation of the personality of its subjects (both teachers and students) and all sorts of conditions (organizational-methodical, psychological and pedagogical, socio-economic, etc.) is interdependent.

    Let us give an example. The faculty of the department actively forms electronic educational resources to improve the quality of learning to various academic disciplines. But thanks to the informatization of the educational process, students better master the material of the relevant learning disciplines, form information competence. Thanks to this, the best students can participate in the replenishment of information and methodological support for the educational process (electronic educational resources), therefore, to improve its conditions that, in turn, are the factors of its quality (quality of education).

    For socio-educational mesosculats or microenvas, the first (and basic) indicator The effectiveness of educational activities (the number and denominator of the first factor correspond to the completion and the beginning of training; the actual time of preparation T is 4 years old, if the student is prepared by the full program, 3 years - if on the abbreviated ). Wherein

    where N 1, N 2, N 3, N 4, N 5 is, respectively, the number of students with creative (higher), high (education), average (literacy), low (situational) and lower (zero) levels of social and professional competence. This model of calculation is explained by the fact that only the highest levels of social and professional competence (creative and educational) have the meaning, since It is in this case that the individual is a self-organizing self-developing system (education cannot be considered successful if it did not create internal, psychological prerequisites for self-development). Of course, the parameter W could be evaluated by a different formula:

    where n is the total number of students. But the above formula, on the one hand, does not require a reduction in the denominator, on the other hand, makes it a meaningless increase in the number of students with lower levels of socio-professional competence (provable on the basis of mathematical theory of limits). Also evaluation swelling (Shares) students puts educational environments to an unequal position: the greater number of students, the harder it is to individualize and differentiate training, as well as to provide learning effective support in vital self-determination.

    But it is known that the socio-professional competence of the student (integrative personality-professional quality and main target reference point of a competenced oriented educational process) is a multicomponent system, the structural components of which are competencies (related competencies can be combined into personal-professional qualities, for example, in information competence, Tolerance, etc.). It is known that the formation of competences and personal-professional qualities of students is a multifactoric process (depends not only on the initial level of competence and activity of the educational environment). Therefore, the second performance indicator (more precisely, the group of indicators) is the conjugacy (synchronization) of the increase in interconnected competencies or personal-professional qualities.

    This is due to the fact that the combination of high levels of some competencies with a low level of others can lead to sad consequences; And, on the contrary, the combination of proper levels of interrelated components of socio-professional competence is a factor of prevention (for individual) of all sorts of deviations, and in general - the success of vital activity and professional activities. For example, a combination of a high-level individual personality physical culture with a low level of individual social experience, tolerance and conflict competence - "guarantee" of deviant behavior, an intolerant attitude to the "lagging" (and when combined with legal nihilism - low levels of legal competence - and involvement in criminal activity). Or, for example, a combination of a proper level of discipline (at the heart - volitional qualities) and the most important professional competencies - a factor of successful internship in enterprises, adaptation to the production environment, overcoming the difficulties of professional activity. The conjugal (synchronization) of the formation of the competencies of students can be reflected by the correlation coefficients between the promotion (for the period of professional training) of the relevant competencies. For example, it is very important to monitor (for groups and streams of students) The correlation coefficients between the promotion of such pairs of competencies (or personal-professional qualities), as "physical culture of the personality - tolerance", "Physical culture of personality - social responsibility", "tolerance - conflict competence "," Tolerance - Communicative Competence "," Discipline - Professional Competence "," Information Competence - Social Responsibility "(for the prevention of information dependence)," Ready for research activities - professional competencies "," Readiness for vital self-determination - Legal competence "," Legal competence - tolerance ", etc. Then the integral indicator (for a group or stream of students) will be the correlation Pleiada fortress - the sum of the correlation coefficients.

    The third indicator is the effectiveness of personal-professional growth of students:

    where N is the number of students, - the effectiveness of the personal growth of the I-th learning. The averaging model is due to the fact that external (in relation to the educational environment) factors of the personality-professional development of the student can be multidirectional. For example, one studying not only conscientiously works in classes in physical culture (for the formation of physical culture of the person), but also further engaged in sports outside the educational institution, and his colleague in the group lives in a dysfunctional area and has "friends" leading an unhealthy lifestyle. The effectiveness of the personality-professional development of the student. Here: T /, T // - accordingly the regulatory and actually spent time on the training of training, Q is the level of his personal development. For example, if the bachelor in engineering is trained in the abbreviated program (has a secondary vocational education), then the preparation period is 3 years instead of standard 4 years. It's obvious that

    where M is the number of competencies of the Individual, Z I is the level of formation of the I-th competence on the R-point linear scale. The number M may vary, for example, in connection with the receipt of additional education.

    From the point of view of the authors, the effectiveness of the educational medium is evidenced by the positive dynamics of a number of its parameters, correlated over time. Obviously, safety, stability, permissions, generalization, intensity, coherence and structure of the educational environment are associated with the quality of education, i.e. With its ability to meet the needs of society and participants in social and pedagogical interaction (modality - the integrative characteristics of the educational environment). But the growth rate of the latitude and activity of the educational environment - accordingly the fourth and fifth indicators of its effectiveness (such parameters correspond to the synergistic approach, or the "ignition of fire"), the mobility of the educational environment - the sixth indicator. The breadth and activity of the educational environment can be estimated according to a linear scale, given the importance (weight coefficients) of various parameters.

    It is known that the latitude of the educational environment serves as a characteristic showing which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in it. The breadth of the educational environment can be estimated on the basis of the interaction of scientific and pedagogical groups (presented in the work), many enterprises and organizations that are business partners of the educational environment (department or faculty), a plurality of graduates with which stable contacts are supported, etc. For example, in 2013, the team of the department supported business relations with 20 employees of other departments, in 2014 - from 30. Or, for example, for the faculty, which prepares bachelors and masters in the field of construction and management of real estate, business partners will be enterprises-developers of the city and region .

    The social activity of the educational environment serves as an indicator of its socially oriented creative potential and expansion of this educational environment on the habitat. From the point of view of the authors, in assessing the activity of the educational environment, it is necessary to take into account its role not only for society as a whole, but also for the educational environment of higher order, as well as for itself. Thus, for example, the team of programmers of the Faculty of Computer Technologies can develop or modify the site of the educational institution. Or, for example, students of the profile department can participate in replenishing its electronic educational resources (for example, creating multimedia materials), and this also indicates the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational environment. In assessing the activity of the educational environment, it is necessary to take into account the role of its scientific and pedagogical workers for the scientific community of different levels of the hierarchy (first of all - to evaluate indicators based on citation, the technique is presented in the work), the level of promotional activities of students (a typical example - the activities of volunteer movements) and T ..

    It should be emphasized on the parameters of the research activity of the scientific and pedagogical team (proposed by the authors in work). If the social valence and the degree of broadcast of the results of the study can be attributed to the parameters of the latitude, then significance - to the parameters of activity (significance is assessed not only on the citation of publications, but also on the implementation of research results in the information and methodological support of the educational process, etc.).

    The authors of this article fully share the opinion expressed in the work, which indicators on the research activities of students, sports and physical education work, as well as cultural and massive activities, should be attributed to the activity of the educational environment. But for the diagnosis of the effectiveness of the educational environment as an ability to effectively use its resources (as well as resources of social systems of a higher level of hierarchy, because the educational environment is also a society) is needed another interpretation of indicators. Efficiency of physical education and wellness and sports work

    where PPS is the number of stacking units of the faculty staff working at the Department of Physical Education for the analyzed period of time, R FOSR is the rating of achievements of all students in physical education and wellness and sports work. The settlement model is explained by the fact that the personnel resource of the educational environment - educators of physical culture - should effectively carry out sports and valetology of physical education of students. Similarly, it should be assessed (but for the faculty) the effectiveness of cultural and socio-oriented work.

    In other ways to evaluate (both for the department and faculty), the effectiveness of student research activities in the educational environment (the effectiveness of the research activities of a separate student and the social environment should not be confused). First, it should be excluded from the settlement model the number of faculty (in order to exclude artificial "improvement" by reducing the denominator, as well as diagnostic dehumanization). Secondly, it is necessary to remember that the parameters characterizing students' research activities and its results can be divided into two categories: amenable to artificial increase. To the first one should include the number of educational and research works, the number of reports at the student scientific conference, etc.; To the second - awards for all sorts of competitions, articles and objects of intellectual property with the participation of students, scientific and practical and research work, etc. It is known that scientific and practical activities of students are an intermediate link between educational and research and research activities; Its essential difference from the first is the continuity of the results at various stages of the educational process. In accordance with the synergetic approach (the "Ignition of fire"), in the diagnosis of student research efficiency, it is necessary to take into account that the experience gained at the previous stages of the educational process is "training", on the following - testing (ie, research experience Activities at the previous stages of the educational process is the most important factor of its accumulation on the following).

    Integral indicator (cumulative index, rating) of students' achievements in research activities :. Here: K I is the weight coefficient of the I-th achievement (a rating point for one I-E achievement), M I is the number of achievements of the i-th form. A more accurate model of calculation should take into account the classification of indicators (achievements) in the aspect of the possibility of artificial "improvement", therefore

    Here: L - the number of medals won in external competitions of student scientific works, S is the number of works of the first category (research work), D is the number of works of the second category (scientific and practical work), F is the number of works of the third category (educational research works), G - the number of speeches with reports without a presentation at the student scientific conference, N is the number of reports of reports with presentations at the student scientific conference, W is the number of speeches at scientific conferences (not lower than the regional level), Q is the number of scientific articles with participation Students in magazines or collections. Recall that one of the authors of the article was previously proposed by the method of calculating the monitoring indicators, making an artificial increase in input parameters meaningless.

    For a "weighted" assessment of the process of studying students, we introduce a speed parameter. Here: T - the time of learning students (for the preparation of bachelor - 4 years, the master is 2 years, etc.). Training time can also be measured in semesters.

    At the same time, it is obvious that the success of the research activities of students depends on the knowledge and skills accumulated by them, provided for by the curriculum, from the operating component of readiness for research activities (knowledge of research methods and the ability to apply them), accumulated by their research experience (behavioral component). Within the framework of the problem presented, improving the performance and improvement of students research mechanisms are depending on its volume and level in the past.

    Thus, by means of the relationship of the performance of student research activities in later periods of training P (C) 2 to the share of performance in earlier periods of P (C) 1, we obtain the value of the accumulation of its experience:

    As a result, the bachelor preparation occurs within 4 years, one can submit options for accumulating the experience of independent creative activities (Table 1). Experience accumulated in earlier periods, let's call "training", in a later - "credit".

    Table 1. Revision of the accumulated and accumulated experience

    Table 1 implies that the first option is the most complex, since the time of accumulation of research experience is only one year, and its application is the next three years, the least complex - the third option with three years of experience and one year of use. Thus, the accumulation coefficients of experience in the order of reduction of complexity will look like this:

    It is known that the less research experience gained, the more difficult it is to develop and accumulate it. Mathematically, the development of research experience can be represented through the relationship of the most difficult accumulation to the least complex:

    what reflects the effectiveness of student research activities in the educational environment.

    The mobility of the educational environment includes the mobility of the objectives and technologies (methods, means) of the educational process, the mobility of the content of education and its information and methodological support, mobile personnel composition, etc. The level of innovative processes in the educational environment can generally be considered an indicator of its mobility.

    The results of this study allow you to put forward a practical recommendation for improving the management of educational environments (in order to improve the effectiveness of educational mesoser and microcrin). It is necessary in the framework of educational institutions to create an information environment, which is a multibasic system, combining heterogeneous information environments of the Department and faculties. The unity of the university information environment should be provided by the maintenance of the general ventilation database, the processing of which will allow to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of various educational microscole and the mesosred, as well as to produce its factor analysis. It is necessary to establish socio-pedagogical interaction between the management of educational environments of various levels, in order to influence the critical and significant factors of the effectiveness of the microne and the mesosred. Of course, this recommendation is implemented under the condition of the effectiveness of the university (educational macros). Such a recommendation fully complies with modern modeling views on strong-level complex systems, in which many direct and inverse relations are the basis of their synergistic development and effective functioning. In addition, the upgrade wage system should take into account all the results of the work of the faculty.


    An objective diagnosis of the effectiveness of educational environments is one of the most pressing and difficult tasks at present. The complexity of this problem is due to both the multidimensionality of the very functioning of educational environments and their complexity, as well as the ambiguity of the relationship between the quality and productivity (efficiency) of the functioning of educational environments of various levels of the hierarchy. For example, the educational macro crystal or mesosred can function inefficiently, and the microenvironment is effective (and vice versa).

    The question arises: why indicators of the effectiveness of educational mesosred and microsudes (faculties and departments) differ from the performance of macrocarism (i.e. universities)? The fact is that the university is a legal entity and socio-economic object (the structural unit of the national economy), which has the charter, budget and other attributes (the departments and faculties with legal entities are not). And it is for the university that is characteristic of the authority in society (including the international community). For example, all the world knows the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Oxford University, Sorbonne, etc. In addition, the quality and productivity of educational mesosred and microcoued can differ significantly within the macro. Let's give an interesting example. The leading university of Russia - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - is estimated ambiguously on various scales (on a London scale it is not in a hundred the best universities in the world, and in Shanghai - enters). But also in Shanghai, and in the London scale, mathematical education in the leading university of Russia is included in its level in the top 100, and the biological and chemical - no.

    Research Prospects - Analysis of the actual data on the activities of educational microscient and mesosred, as well as the study of the relationship with the indicators proposed by the Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.A. Yasvin. Another task is to create on the basis of synergistic and probabilistic-statistical approaches of self-development models and an increase in the effectiveness of educational environments (mesosred and microsudes). Analysis and synthesis of the results of this study allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

    1. An objective diagnosis of the effectiveness of educational environments is one of the most complex metrological problems. The relevance of its decisions is due to an increase in the requirements of society and the state to the education system, the need to create conditions for its innovative development, transition russian education The multi-level system and the need to ensure continuity between the stages.

    2. Sets of indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the functioning of educational environments differ for educational macrocers, mesosred and microcoupe. The differences are due to the fact that the university is a legal entity and a unit of national economy (like any enterprise and organization). At the same time, the sets of characteristic parameters for the diagnosis of the effectiveness of the mesosred and microscole are universal, i.e. Invariant in relation to the profile of educational and scientific activities.

    3. The effectiveness of educational environments is inextricably linked with the synergism of their functioning, with their self-organization and self-development. This means that the results of the functioning of the educational environment at the previous stages are the most important factors of even greater productivity of functioning on the following. In effective educational media, synergistic growth is characteristic, primarily for such parameters, as the latitude and social activity of the educational environment.

    4. Modern information technologies make it possible to obtain primary information on the results of the functioning of educational environments and comprehensively (comprehensively) to process it. Monitoring the effectiveness of educational environments is unthinkable without the following information technologies: network technologies (especially corporate information systems and computing networks), database technologies, computer simulation and automated system-cognitive analysis.


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    Posted on Allbest.ru.

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