The FSES of the second generation was developed within the framework of solving the strategic, socially significant task of identifying, aggregating and consolidating in the form of a conventional norm (social contract) modern requests to the field of education on the part of the individual, family, society and the state.

When developing the standard, education was considered as the most important social activity, a system-forming resource underlying the development of civil society, it is based on a target setting that provides for the transition from "catching up" to "advanced" development model russian education.

This attitude presupposes a refusal to directly copy Western educational models. The priority in the creation of the Standard was the Russian value, scientific and cultural component, taking into account the national characteristics of the domestic education system. The standard was developed as a tool for the implementation of state policy in education, providing:

  • equality and accessibility of education with different starting opportunities;
  • preserving the unity of the educational space of Russia;
  • continuity of levels of general education.

When developing the standard, the process of formation of a new didactic model of education based on the competence-based educational paradigm, assuming an active role of all participants, was fully taken into account. educational process... The main educational result in this paradigm is the formation of a motivated competent personality capable of:

  • quickly navigate a dynamically developing and updated information space;
  • receive, use and create a variety of information;
  • make informed decisions and solve life problems based on the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

The main purpose of the standard is the normative consolidation at the federal level of the requirements for the conditions necessary to achieve the strategic goal of Russian education, to fulfill the social order - to educate a successful generation of citizens of the country who possess: adequate knowledge, skills and competencies, on the ideals of democracy and the rule of law, in accordance with with national and universal values.

The standard establishes interrelated requirements for the results of development, the structure and conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education.

This allows:

  • simultaneously provide for both the results of general education and the most general (framework) features of the modern educational process, as well as the conditions for its implementation;
  • to outline the conditions for effective legal regulation of general education;
  • turn the standard into the most important means of ensuring the systemic development of general education.

A key component of the standard is the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, formulated on the basis of generalizing and agreeing on the expected prospects and needs of the individual, family, society and the state in the field of education. These requirements represent the specific and operationalized goals of education. The standard significantly broadens the understanding of educational results. If previously subject results were subject to standardization, then the proposed Standard is also focused on metasubject and personal results.

The standard enshrines new methodological foundations for building a system for assessing the achievement of educational results - from assessing the achievements of students and teachers to assessing the effectiveness of all participants in the educational process. Expanding the range of assessment objects, the standard simultaneously expands the range of assessment procedures, providing for the use of both personalized (for the purpose of final assessment and certification of students) and non-personalized or anonymous procedures in order to assess the state and development trends of the education system as a whole.

The main reference point for building the content of education is the fundamental core of the content of education (FYaS), which has the necessary scientific categorical apparatus, on the basis of which the value orientations of students, the scientific picture of the world and the scientific worldview, as well as generalized methods of cognitive and practical activity, are formed.

The structure of the basic educational program of primary general education provides for a program for the formation and development of universal educational actions (ULE), which is an integral part of the fundamental core of the content of education. The program is considered in unity with the exemplary programs in academic subjects and offers a list of ECDs presented in the form of recommendations for organizing student activities for solving specific problems in the structure of academic disciplines.

The standard for the first time defines such a component as the health of schoolchildren as one of the most important results of education, and the preservation and strengthening of health - as a priority area of \u200b\u200bthe activity of an educational institution. At the same time, a methodology and methodology for assessing the health-preserving activity of an educational institution has been developed.

The standard proposes a new structure of the basic curriculum (educational) plan, which includes extracurricular activities as a component. At the same time, the ratio of the parts of the main educational program with the allocation of the invariant and variable parts has been established, which makes it possible to significantly expand the rights of participants in the educational process to satisfy their educational needs, including regional, local, ethnocultural, confessional, etc.

The main factor acting in the design of the content of education is the needs of society and the goals it sets for learning. Education content is one of the factors of economic and social progress of society and should be focused on ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization, development of society, strengthening and improving the rule of law. The content of education should ensure an adequate world level of the general and professional culture of society, form a picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge, integrate the individual into the national and world culture aimed at improving and at reproducing and developing the human resources of society.

Close to this approach can be recognized the view of the content of education G.M. Kojaspirova. The content of education is a system of scientific knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience creative activity, the mastery of which ensures the versatile development of the mental and physical abilities of students, the formation of their worldview, morality, behavior, preparation for social life and work. The source of the content of education is the entire diversity of culture.

Also in the pedagogical literature there is a definition of the content of education as a set of motivational means, methods and techniques in obtaining knowledge for adapting students to life. In accordance with this, the development of educational content in an institution can be defined as creating a motivational atmosphere in an educational institution.

In the context of this approach, the following problems are seen in the design of the content of education: 1. The problem of search optimal ways motivation in the education of the child and the teacher; 2. The problem of the possibility of inconsistency between the moral norms of modern society and the moral guidelines of the teacher; 3. The problem of the discrepancy between the student's health potential and the means, methods and techniques used by the teacher in the content of education (valeological aspect); 4. The problem of weak interaction between all participants pedagogical process (parents, students, teacher) in search of optimal methods, techniques and methods of teaching; 5. The problem of the teacher's own lack of full adaptation to modern society, its social security. From the statement of these problems in the content of education, it is clear that in this approach the emphasis is placed on the very way of implementing the content of education.

V.V. Kraevsky defines the content of education as a pedagogically adapted social experience of mankind, identical in structure (of course, not in volume), human culture in all its structural completeness. Content that is identical to social experience consists of four basic structural elements:

  • experience cognitive activities, fixed in the form of its results (knowledge about nature, society, technology, thinking and methods of activity. The assimilation of this knowledge ensures the formation of a correct picture of the world in the student's mind, equips him with the correct methodological approach to cognitive and practical activity);
  • experience in the implementation of known methods of activity (in the form of the ability to act according to the model. The system of general intellectual and practical skills and abilities that make up the content of this experience is the basis of many specific types of activity and ensures the ability of the younger generations to preserve the culture of the people);
  • experience of creative activity (in the form of the ability to take non-standard solutions in problem situations. This experience requires the independent implementation of previously acquired knowledge and skills in new situations, the formation of new ways of acting on the basis of already known ones. This type of social experience provides the young generation with the development of abilities to further development culture);
  • experience in the implementation of emotional-value relationships (in the form of personal orientations, manifested in relation to the world around, to oneself, to other people. This element of the content of education does not consist in knowledge, not in skills, although it presupposes them. Norms of attitude to the world, to oneself and others like themselves presuppose not only knowledge of ideological ideas, but also conviction in their truth, a positive attitude towards them. This attitude is manifested in human behavior, in activities of a practical and intellectual nature. This is an alloy of knowledge, beliefs and practical actions).

The assimilation of the listed elements of social experience will allow a person not only to function successfully in society, to "fit" into the social system, to adapt to it, but also to act independently, creatively.

The assimilation of these elements of social experience by the student is aimed at transforming the latter into personal experience, "Transfer" of the social into the individual on the basis of a specially organized activity of students.

All the listed elements of the content of education are interrelated and interdependent. They are interconnected in such a way that each previous element serves as a prerequisite for the transition to the next. For example, skills are formed on the basis of knowledge, and creative activity involves mastering a certain amount of knowledge and simple (reproductive) skills in a given area of \u200b\u200bcreativity.

It is clear that each of the elements of the content of education perform certain functions in upbringing and teaching. Education, organized on the basis listed above: first, it really prepares for life - as it is, for the existing order of things; secondly, a person is able to make his own contribution to this order, right up to its reform.

Thus, the content of general education: is the most important condition for the educational and cognitive activity of students, as it reflects the current and future needs of society; acts as a toolkit for the design and implementation of this activity by students and thereby is the content of the individual's personal needs in learning.

Directly in an educational institution, the content of education is determined by the educational programs implemented in it: “The content of education in a particular educational institution is determined by the educational program (educational programs) developed, adopted and implemented by this educational institution independently. State educational authorities ensure the development of model educational programs based on state educational standards ”(Art. 14, p. 5).

“The educational program determines the content of education of a certain level and orientation. IN Russian Federation educational programs are being implemented, which are divided into:

1) general education (basic and additional),

2) professional (basic and additional).

General education programs include:

1. Preschool education.

2. Primary general education.

3. Basic general education.

4. Secondary (complete) general education ".

Principles for the selection of educational content

I. The principle of conformity of the content of education (in all its elements and at all levels of its construction) to the level modern science, production and the basic requirements of a developing humanistic democratic society. It is from this principle that the need to provide in the content of not only traditionally distinguished elements (knowledge, skills and abilities), but also those that, in accordance with the personal orientation of education, reflect the experience of creative activity and personal attitude to universal values. II. The principle of taking into account the content and procedural aspects of training in the formation and design of the content of educational material. It opposes a one-sided orientation that considers content in isolation from pedagogical reality. The implementation of this principle presupposes the representation of all types of human activity in their interconnection in all academic subjects of the curriculum. III. The principle of the structural unity of the content of education at different levels of its formation, taking into account the personal development and formation of the student, which implies mutual balance, proportionality and harmony of the components of the content of education. It follows from this principle that the content of education should not be regarded as a simple sum of educational subjects or curricula created independently of each other. Selected academic disciplines already at the starting point of their construction should be focused on a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition and structure of the entire content of education. The meaning of this principle is to ensure a uniform approach to the construction of each academic subject and to all teaching materials.

These generalizing principles are the main guidelines for what should and what should not be included in the content of education.

With regard to content additional education there are a number of conceptual developments concerning:

  • strategic meanings of this type of education in the development of the mentality of a modern person (Yu.V. Gromyko, V.I.Slobodchikov, L.G. Loginova, G.P. Budanova, A.K. Brudnov, L.N.Builova)
  • his cultural self-identification, the acquisition of personal meanings of life and the development of abilities (Boguslavsky M.V., Isenko S.P., Kargina Z.A., Leontovich A.V., Shchurkova N.E.)
  • the role of non-standardized education for the development of economic and humanitarian potential of Russia (V.I. Panov, V.I. Kozyr, N.F. Trubitsin, I.N.Semenov, etc.)

But only some of them define the mechanisms of the declared meanings entering the real practice of additional education or attempts are made to describe the didactic model of additional education (L.G. Loginova, G.P. Budanova, A.K. Brudnov, L.N.Builova, N. V. Klenova, A. V. Leontovich).

In accordance with the law "On Education", supplementary education is an independent type of education, therefore its content must differ from the content, for example, of basic general or vocational education.

Basic and additional education have two different functions: the main general - the reproduction of the culture of the nation, additional - the development of the potential for self-realization of each person in this culture. Today, these functions reflect the most important aspects of human existence in the world: his self-identification as a representative of a certain culture, belonging to a certain society and community; and his awareness of himself as a unique person with a unique set of qualities, which allows a person to build their own life trajectory and solve creative problems; to become the subject of one's own activity. "In this logic, additional education of children is not just an element, a structural part of the existing system of general education, but a component of the subjective formation of the personality and its internal growth (self-determination and self-development of the individual)."

This suggests that the basic general and additional education of children should be arranged differently, both at the level of goal-setting of educational activities and at the level of educational programs, methods of their implementation. If there is a number of conceptual developments in relation to the first task (see above), in relation to the second, additional education often follows the path of the general secondary, tracing its methods and means (time-limited training module (lesson - study group occupation), information unit (section curriculum), methods of student certification (test, exam), etc.). This path is certainly technologically advanced; it allows to determine the content and record the results of the ongoing educational process on a massive scale; however, it does not define the basic characteristics of continuing education as a species.

At the same time, it often turns out that a lesson in a group of additional education is no different from a lesson, in fact, it is a lesson, either not included in the basic curriculum, or given in depth or extended. At the same time, the result of education is supposed to be the mastery by students of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, that is, within the framework of the study groups of additional education, the content is reproduced and the result of basic general education is achieved.

The main phenomenon of educational activity is “a meeting between a student and a teacher, during which cultural heritage, models and norms of human activity, experience and traditions ”. It is here that the content of education is realized, while basic general and vocational education is "responsible" mainly for the intellectual and competence components of a person's education. Supplementing education to its "completeness" (including the emotional-volitional sphere, the ability to become a subject of one's own activity) is called upon to supplement education. This task should determine what we mean by the content of additional education. At the same time, a significant problem is the need to identify common, invariant components of the content of additional education for all directions, all educational programs, be it sports or a physical experiment.

1. General orientation in the main thematic sections of the chosen direction of additional education, which allows you to set independent creative tasks, choose means of solving them from several possible ones, offer non-standard solutions based on knowledge of related areas and creative associations;

2. Experience of self-realization different types activity based on mastering the main existing methods of solving problems and constructing their own methods, means of achieving and presenting results;

3. The ability to acquire personal meanings of one's own activity, to build an attitude towards its course and results, to reflect them as a means of acquiring goals and meaning of an individual life;

4. Ability to enter into meaningful connections and relationships with others in order to achieve creative goals, organize activity communities and enter as an equal participant in already existing communities.

Based on this, the content of education within the framework of the direction of additional education can be depicted as follows:

  • Mastering the information field of orientation
  • Gaining experience in performing activities
  • Mastering the skill of activity reflection
  • Development of the ability to build communications and cooperation

Within the framework of any direction of additional education, the indicated content is implemented, which is the essence of the educational process. In other words, mastering sportsmanship, performing research work, the creation of a work of art is a means, the material on which the transmission of the four listed universal (for all directions) components of the content to the younger generation takes place. At the same time, mastering material of a specific orientation can also be of decisive importance for a child as a means of professionalization, socialization, etc., but this is not central to the tasks of additional education. Educational program of additional education for children

Educational programs of additional education for children are a type of additional educational programs and are outside the main educational programs defined by the state standard:

"An educational institution, in accordance with its statutory goals and objectives, can implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services (on a contractual basis) outside the educational programs that determine its status" (Article 14, clause 6).

The above provision of the Law indicates that additional educational programs are taken out of the state standards and, thus, are regulated by the Model Regulations on the Educational Institution of Continuing Education for Children.

Determination of the focus of additional education

Determination of the specifics and content of the concept of direction in the system of additional education for children, determination of the structure of direction urgent task, since in this way it becomes possible to identify and fix the specifics of additional education for children as a special type of education.

Currently, the regulatory documents define the classification of additional education programs by direction. In Art. 26 of the Law "On Education" it is written "Additional educational programs include educational programs of various orientations, implemented ... in educational institutions of additional education (in educational institutions of continuing education, in courses, in vocational guidance centers, music and art schools, art schools, houses of children's creativity , stations for young technicians, stations for young naturalists and in other institutions with the appropriate licenses ... through individual pedagogical activities. ”Obviously, the concept of the orientation of educational programs in children's institutions, the system of advanced training, and tutoring has a different meaning.

“The focus of educational programs is a set of certain beliefs, ideas, characteristic of a group (class) of educational programs. The focus of additional educational programs implemented by institutions is determined in the field of a particular educational field or professional activity. " "The focus of educational programs for additional education of children is determined by its goal or by that" core of values \u200b\u200b"called the mission." "Direction - general aspirations, guidelines, ... value-semantic" alignment "of the process and the line of development to a given goal ... Direction of development - a vector of change, a route with specific internal stages, "Steps", methods, techniques, conditions of movement towards a specific goal based on the main values, common aspirations and priorities. " "Orientation is a subject-thematic or typical activity area within which the content of additional education is implemented in the real practice of the institution of additional education."

The specification of the model for each direction sets the content of this direction and is fixed in the programs of additional education (PDE).

1. Subject-thematic area, limited by certain frameworks (subject content, its nature and level, correspondence and differences from basic educational programs of basic general or vocational education in the relevant field). Subject content is divided into:

Invariant (basic) - ZUNs, basic skills common to all PDOs of this orientation;

Special - unique for each of the PDOs of this direction, determined by the development potential, vocational guidance and specialization, technological and methodological solutions, etc.

2. Priority educational goals, characteristic for each direction (preferential orientation to the tasks of teaching, upbringing, vocational guidance, personality development, compensatory learning, etc.). These goals are determined in accordance with the specifics, for example: physical culture and sports - health promotion, physical improvement; natural science - in-depth study of a specific scientific area; ecological and biological - ecological education, in-depth study of ecological systems, etc.

3. Priority educational technologies and methods of work (reproductive, design, research, creative, etc.). Determined in accordance with the specifics of the direction. For example: natural science - reproductive lecture-seminar, research; physical culture and sports - preparation for competitions, etc. It should be noted that in almost all PDEs at the stage of mastering the subject-thematic content of the orientation, reproductive technology is used.

4. Specificity of performance assessment criteria (development of motivation, special skills, structure of achievements - the method of recording them). In different directions, the effectiveness can be assessed based on: the results of examinations and tests; results of participation in competitions, competitions, olympiads; participation in a credit event (for example, a hiking trip), etc.

5. The principles of interaction with the relevant professional field, which determines the inclusion of educational groups in the corresponding cultural and professional tradition. For example, for the artistic and aesthetic orientation, it can be cooperation with a professional theater, for natural science - with a research institute, etc.

The basis for attributing PDO to a particular focus is the correspondence of the content of PDO to the content of this focus. In the case of PDO integrated orientation, the content of one of them acts as a basic one, and the content of the other as a special one.

An organizational-content program of this orientation can serve as a unifying framework for all PDEs of one direction, which unfolds a generalized model in conditions of a specific focus, determines goals, objectives, functions, forms of educational activity and final certification, invariant content common to all PDEs. Such programs determine the face of the institution of additional education and the specifics of the implementation of directions in it. Concretization of the model can be carried out in each specific PDO.

The specificity of additional education allows for various schemes for the child's progress from one educational result to another. The mastering of any educational program can begin with any level of readiness achieved by the child for the perception of the proposed material, for solving the proposed problem or for completing a task. (Based on materials from Builova L.N., Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Continuing Education for Children, Moscow Institute of Open Education, Ph.D.)

Event completed

Round table is carried out with the aim of informing specialists of educational, cultural and sports authorities at regional and municipal levels, heads and specialists of organizations providing additional education for children about the current results of the implementation of projects that contribute to the achievement of the indicators of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020. *

Round table organizers:

electronic portals PEREMENKA. CHILDREN and POSSIBLE-MIR. CHILDREN, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics.


Sergey Gennadievich Kosaretsky, Director of the Center for Social and Economic School Development, Institute of Education (CSERS), National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Boris Viktorovich Kupriyanov, Leading Analyst at the Central Economic School, Higher School of Economics;
Semyon Vasilyevich Yankevich, Head of the Center for Applied Legal Research, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Issues for discussion:

Actual problems of the system of additional education for children;

Priority areas of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020 in the field of additional education for children;

Innovative practices in the field of additional education for children.

Location: Moscow, Potapovsky lane, 16/10, room 309

For full-time participation register, please follow the link. The building has an access system - don't forget your passport.

For those who cannot attend in person, a on-line translation... Registration by link.


for participation - Andrey Vasilievich Petlin: 8-962-921-8487;
media accreditation - Maxim Nikolaevich Petrov: [email protected]

* In 2016, for the first time, a competitive selection was held for the right to receive grants in the form of subsidies from the federal budget to organizations implementing pilot projects to update the content and technologies of additional education in priority areas within the framework of event 3.1 "Updating the content and technologies of additional education and upbringing of children", task 3 " Implementation of measures for the development of the scientific, educational and creative environment in educational organizations, development effective system additional education for children ”FTSPRO for 2016-2020. The winners of the competitive selection were 16 organizations implementing additional general education programs from 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Additional education has a number of qualities: personal orientation of education; personal orientation of education; profile; profile; practical orientation; practical orientation; mobility; mobility; multifunctionality; multifunctionality; multilevel; multilevel; a variety of content, forms, methods of education as a result of the freedom of the teacher working in such a system; a variety of content, forms, methods of education as a result of the freedom of the teacher working in such a system; individualization of educational methods as necessary condition demand; individualization of educational methods as a necessary condition for demand; the implementation of the educational function of training through the revitalization of students; the implementation of the educational function of training through the revitalization of students' activities; implementation of the orientation function through the content of the educational material. implementation of the orientation function through the content of the educational material.

The meaning of the development of the system of additional education consists primarily of: preserving and cultivating the uniqueness of each child in a constantly changing social environment; in preserving and cultivating the uniqueness of each child in a constantly changing social environment; in satisfying the natural need of children in knowing themselves, understanding themselves in the world around them, gaining the ability to maintain their freedom without disturbing others; in satisfying the natural need of children in knowing themselves, understanding themselves in the world around them, gaining the ability to maintain their freedom without disturbing others; in the formation of sustainable resistance of the developing personality to destructive influences. in the formation of sustainable resistance of the developing personality to destructive influences.

The development of additional education involves the solution of the following tasks: studying the interests and needs of students in additional education of children; studying the interests and needs of students in additional education for children; determination of the content of additional education for children, its forms and methods of working with students, taking into account their age, type of institution, characteristics of its socio-cultural environment; determination of the content of additional education for children, its forms and methods of working with students, taking into account their age, type of institution, characteristics of its socio-cultural environment; creating conditions for creating a single educational space; creating conditions for creating a single educational space; expanding the types of creative activity in the system of additional education for children in order to fully meet the interests and needs of students in associations of interests; expanding the types of creative activity in the system of additional education for children in order to fully meet the interests and needs of students in associations of interests; creation of conditions for attracting a larger number of middle and older students to classes in the system of additional education; creation of conditions for attracting a larger number of middle and older students to classes in the system of additional education; creation of maximum conditions for the development of spiritual and cultural values \u200b\u200bby students, fostering respect for the history and culture of their own and other peoples; creation of maximum conditions for the development of spiritual and cultural values \u200b\u200bby students, fostering respect for the history and culture of their own and other peoples; addressing the personal problems of students, the formation of their moral qualities, creative and social activity. addressing the personal problems of students, the formation of their moral qualities, creative and social activity.

The main task of the teacher of additional education is to develop in children the feeling of a citizen of their country, a person who can not only appreciate the spiritual and cultural values \u200b\u200baccumulated by mankind, but also strive to multiply them. It should not be about imposing certain samples of culture on a person, but about creating adequate conditions in which knowledge, values, samples will be "appropriated" and "experienced" as their own achievements and discoveries.

The interpenetration of basic and additional education can ensure: the integrity of the entire educational system of the school with all its diversity; the integrity of the entire educational system of the school with all its diversity; a certain stability and constant development; a certain stability and constant development; required level ZUN schoolchildren and the development of their emotional-figurative sphere, the formation of spiritual and moral qualities; the necessary level of ZUN of schoolchildren and the development of their emotional-figurative sphere, the formation of spiritual and moral qualities; maintaining a certain conservatism of the system and more active use of innovative pedagogical ideas, educational models, technologies; maintaining a certain conservatism of the system and more active use of innovative pedagogical ideas, educational models, technologies; support of existing school traditions and the search for new ways of organizing the life of student and teaching teams; support of existing school traditions and the search for new ways of organizing the life of student and teaching teams; preserving the best forces of the teaching staff and inviting new people who are ready to work with children. preserving the best forces of the teaching staff and inviting new people who are ready to work with children.

The first model is a random set of a random set of circles, sections, clubs, the work of which is not always combined with each other. All extracurricular and extracurricular activities of the school completely depend on the available personnel and material resources; strategic lines for the development of additional education are not being worked out.

The second model of internal organization is distinguished by the internal organization of each of the structures of additional education available in the school, although it does not yet function as a single system. Quite often in such schools the sphere of supplementary education becomes an open search area in the process of updating the content of basic education, a kind of reserve and an experimental laboratory of the latter.

The third model of close interaction is based on the close interaction of the school with institutions of additional education. Such cooperation is carried out on a regular basis. The school and the specialized institution develop a joint program of activities, which largely determines the content of additional education in this school. Moreover, in practical implementation additional educational programs, the role of specialists from these institutions is significantly increasing.

A fourth pricing model exists in prices). To date, the model is the most effective from the point of view of integrating basic and additional education of children, since it organically combines the possibilities of both types of education. At UVK, a solid infrastructure of extracurricular additional education is being created, on the basis of which conditions are created to meet the various needs of the child and his real self-affirmation.

Additional education is represented by a number of areas. artistic and aesthetic; arts and crafts; scientific and technical; sports and technical; ecological and biological; fitness and health; tourist and local history; military-patriotic; socio-pedagogical; culturological; economic and legal.

Organization creative work in the system of additional education solves the following tasks: To align the starting opportunities for the development of the child's personality. facilitate the choice of his individual educational path. Development of creative abilities and creative activity of schoolchildren. Development of their cognitive interests. Formation of motivation for success. Creation of conditions for self-affirmation and self-realization .. Creation of conditions for the all-round development of personality.

Innovative forms of organizing additional education Optional courses Circles Sports sections Elective courses for pre-profile training and specialized training Computer center Research activities Center for the preparation of preschoolers for school Children's public association Studios Clubs Museum pedagogy Workshops Publishing activities Comprehensive training program in the university Work of self-government bodies of the State Pedagogical Agency Psychological Service

Additional education GOU SOSH 1096 Artistic and aesthetic direction Artistic and applied direction Sports and technical direction Scientific and technical direction Ecological and biological direction Physical culture and health improvement direction Tourism and local history direction Military and patriotic direction Cultural direction Psychological and pedagogical direction "Puppet theater" "Kumparsita" "Choir" "Handyman" "Soft toy" "In the world of art" "Fantasy and the world of hobbies" "Minifootball" "Handball" "Table tennis" "Basketball" "Mathematics around us" "Informatics around us "" Chemistry and medicine "" Introduction to the Internet "" The world of flowers "courses" ABVGDeyka "GPA" Yunkor "" Ethics "" Culture of communication "club" Vympel "museum" Terem "" Fortune "summer health camp" Sun "

GOU SOSH 1096 Youth Center Children of the streets Swimming pool SVOUO on the street. Kasatkina Children's Art School. SI Mamontova Psychological and Pedagogical Center at Snow Theaters Psychological Center Renaissance Children's Clinic 9 Young Technician's House Interaction with organizations

Diagnostics of the interests of students in grades 5-7 n / a Direction% 1 Physics and mathematics 18 2 Chemistry and biology 30 3 Radio engineering, electronics 30 4 Mechanics, design 16 5 Geography, geology 27 6 Literature, art 42 7 History, politics 15 8 Pedagogy, medicine 33 9 Entrepreneurship, home economics Sports, military affairs 54

Diagnostics of the interests of students in grades 8-11 Biology Geography Geology Medicine Light and food industry Physics Chemistry Engineering, mechanics Electrical engineering, electronics Material processing Information technology Construction Transport, aviation, naval affairs Psychology Military specialties History Literature, philology Journalism, advertising Sociology, philosophy Pedagogy Law, jurisprudence Service industry Mathematics Economics, business Foreign languages, linguistics Fine arts Performing arts Music Physical education, sports

The work provides the development of an activity for the vocational guidance of adolescents, which is very positively perceived by the participants, and also serves as actively used methodological development for class teachers during educational activities.



Methodical development of the event in the form of a "round table"

on vocational guidance for high school students

in the system of additional education for children

Loginova N.N., Ph.D., methodologist,

Explanatory note.

The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" states that additional education of children ensures their adaptation to life in society and professional orientation. To meet the interests of a teenager outside of school learning activities in the system of additional education to himpsychological, pedagogical and informational support can be provided in choosing the path of further education, as well as in choosing a profession.

In carrying out this task, various forms of work can be used. The experience of the TAC "Akademicheskiy" in St. Petersburg in the implementation of educational programs for adolescents shows that the most effective and interesting group form of work with the children's team, in particular during career guidance events, is the "round table". The main feature of this form of work is a collective conversation dedicated to a specific problem. The optimal number of participants in such a meeting is 15 people, which provides a free exchange of views on topical issues in a roundtable discussion, allows without pressure from adults to approach a conscious solution to the problem, for example, to choose your educational route.

When developing an event (lesson), first of all, the problems that are brought up to the "round table" are clarified, their own experience, the experience of colleagues and literary data are analyzed on the possibilities and conditions of using this form in practice. Then the materials are systematized and a plan and outline of the lesson are drawn up. When planning and conducting an event (lesson), we pay great attention to reflection, which allows the participants to realize how close and interesting they are to the ideas that they discussed.

As an example, we cite a vocational guidance event, which is very positively perceived by the participants, and also serve as an actively used methodological development for class teachers during educational activities.

Round table: “My choice future profession»

Prepared for holding within the framework of the regional event of the department of technical creativity of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education of the Central Exhibition Center of the Kalininsky District of St.

  1. Loginova N.N., methodologist,
  2. Lavrinenkova I am A., teacher-psychologist, methodologist.


Additional education in the professional self-determination of students

Group characteristics:

  1. children of senior school age (different age group of senior teenagers of 8-11 grades). Number of people - from 10 to 25,
  2. class teachers;
  3. students under the program "Printing production";
  4. guests, representatives of UDOD and technical school.


To acquaint schoolchildren with the basics of choosing a profession and interest in obtaining additional information on the issues of professional self-determination in the system of additional education for children.


  1. to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic concepts of vocational guidance;
  2. to acquaint with the main factors of choosing a profession;
  3. to acquaint with the typical mistakes in professional self-determination;
  4. to acquaint with the possibilities of additional education in pre-vocational training.

Material and technical support:

  1. room with tables and chairs,
  2. multimedia equipment,
  3. pens,
  4. markers,
  5. sheets of paper,
  6. handouts, questionnaire forms, etc. - according to the number of participants.


  1. 45-50 minutes - round table,
  2. 30 minutes - presentation of the project "World of technology and modern technologies in my future profession. "
  3. 10 minutes - summing up, reflection.

Event structure

  1. Greeting. Acquaintance. Introductory part.
  2. Discussion of basic concepts (profession, position, specialty, specialization).
  3. Discussion of the possibilities of additional education for children when choosing a profession (speeches by the deputy director of the technical school, students in the network learning system).
  4. Summing up the results of the lesson. Reflection.

1. Greetings. Acquaintance. Introductory part.

The teacher welcomes the guests, introduces himself, invites each guest to write his name on a piece of paper, make a house and put it in front of him for the entire duration of the lesson, so that it is convenient and easy to address the person (pieces of paper, markers must be prepared in advance). (The screen displaysslide 1 "The world of professions»).

As a warm-up, the teacher conducts a mini-conversation. The interpretation of materials can be used as an example.Gretsova A.G. (Choosing a profession. Advice from a practical psychologist. - SPb .: Peter, 2005):

“How many professions are there?Before moving on, I suggest you pause ... and write down the professions you know on a piece of paper.

So how many are on your list? Usually in the range of 20-30. if you remember 50 or more, it means that you are guided in the world of professions much better than most teenagers. How many are there? In the "International Standard for the Classification of Professions" (there is, it turns out, such a document!) 9333 professions are described ... As technical progress and changes in the social structure, many new professions appear.

In fact, a young person living in an average Russian city chooses from about 700 professions, and in large metropolitan areas such as Moscow and St. Petersburg - 2000 - 3000. What percentage of this number can you name? Most likely only 3-5%. So how to choose, if you don't really know from what?

Of course, it is extremely difficult to train in such a huge number of professions and specialties ... But ... many professions and specialties have similar requirements for the basic training of workers, and various subtleties and nuances are successfully mastered directly at the workplace. Preparation in educational institutions carried out on the so-callededucational professions and specialties. Each of them is more or less generalized and corresponds to several real professions and specialties. There are about 1000 such educational specialties ... They, in turn, are combined into larger groups (for example, such as “construction, installation and repair and construction work”).

There are thousands of professions. Want to choose the one that works best for you? Try to get to know as many of them as possible. It is difficult to make a choice if you do not know from what! ".

With the help of leading questions, the teacher leads the guests to formulate their own goals.

For example, you can ask: “What do you expect from the work of the round table“ My choice of a future profession ”(and you can ask a question to everyone, or you can address a specific participant - a schoolchild, referring to him by name), or the question:“ Are there those who have not yet decided on your professional future? ", or:" Have any of you encountered difficulties in your self-determination? For example, parents say one thing, but you want something completely different, or you would very much like to become such and such, but do not know if you have the ability and talent for this. " Or another kind of questions, answering which, the guys, together with the teacher, voice the purpose of this lesson, why it is held, what it can give useful children.

The teacher distributes the “Route of Continuing Education” to the students and offers to indicate their proposed route. He suggests saving the schemes for further work.

2. Discussion of basic concepts (profession, position, specialty, specialization).

The concepts are displayed alternately on the screen. Children are invited to describe their understanding, idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of this phenomenon. The assistant records the guys' ideas on the sheets. Using the language of the children, the teacher leads to a clear definition of this concept.

After working on each stage, the definition (slides 2-9): Profession - occupation, which is usually a source of livelihood and requires certain qualifications (slide 3).

Specialty -a functionally separate area of \u200b\u200bwork within the same profession (slide 5).

Specialization -1) concentration of activities on relatively narrow, special areas, individual technological operations or types of products; 2) the acquisition of special knowledge in a certain area (part of the specialty); 3) division of labor according to its individual forms, types (slide 7).

Position - official duty, official place. This is a circle of actions assigned to a specific person and unconditional for execution (slide 9).

Then thewith teacher's comments:

- slide 10 "Examples",

Slide 11 "Choose a specialty",

Slide 12 "Choose a profession",

Slide13 "Answers".

  1. Discussion of the main factors in choosing a profession and typical mistakes in choosing.

The teacher askswhat qualities are professionally important, together with the participants formulates an answer (these are the qualities of personality, character, features of the cognitive sphere that are necessary for a person to successfully master this profession) (slide14).

Then he asks on what basis they usually choose a profession and leads toincentives when choosing a profession (slide15).

Incentives are discussed(slides - 16-interests, 17-inclinations, 18-relevance).

Addressing the students, the teacher asks, on the basis of what the students are going to choose a profession. Children think and discussthe main factors in choosing a profession, the children's suggestions are recorded by the assistant. Based on their proposals, the teacher, together with the children, draws conclusions(slide 19).

At the same time, the teacher conducts such work with the guests (teachers), inviting them to determine typical mistakes when choosing a profession, then formulates the results (slide20).

Ignorance of the world of the profession

Not knowing yourself

Ignorance of the rules

choice of profession

Outdated ideas about the nature and conditions of work in a particular profession. Prejudice about the prestige of the profession.

Biased assessment of one's abilities (overestimation or underestimation), ignorance of one's health. Inability, and sometimes unwillingness to correlate their abilities with the requirements of the profession.

Identification of a subject with a profession. Transferring attitudes towards a person to a profession. Choosing a profession “for the company”. Inability to determine the ways of obtaining a profession.

The facilitator shifts to the role of additional education, which can help avoid mistakes.

4. Discussion of the possibilities of additional education for children when choosing a profession (speeches by the deputy director of the technical school, students of the network learning system

The assistant shows the audienceselection card, compiled on the basis of data received from children, and comments on the general trend.

Teacher's story (main positions):

"Initial vocational education -training of skilled workers (workers, office workers) in all main areas of socially useful activities on the basis of basic general education in educational institutions of primary vocational education (vocational schools, etc.)

Secondary vocational education– training of specialists of the middle level of education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education in educational institutions of secondary vocational education or at the first stage of higher vocational education.

Higher professional educationprofessional training and retraining of specialists on the basis of secondary (full) general, secondary vocational education in educational institutions of higher professional education (universities)

Basic general, secondary (complete) education and additional education deals with pre-vocational training, i.e. gives children the so-called general labor skills, abilities and personal qualities important for any work. So, to the field of general labor general production skills, skills include, for example, planning, organization of their work (educational activities), self-control, calculations, etc. Strictly speaking, some of what a student does at school or during extracurricular activities actually contains original (albeit simplified) models of this or that work "

The teacher discusses with the children the possibilities of studying in the additional education system. This conversation ends with the fact that the teacher leads the participants to the idea that in institutions of additional education it is possible to implement programs that acquaint schoolchildren with a specific profession and even specialty. Such an acquaintance makes it possible to make the right choice in life.

It is proposed to return to the scheme "Route of lifelong education" and mark with colored felt-tip pens at what stage of education students see help in vocational guidance of additional education for children. The assistant collects the diagrams.

The teacher gives the floor to the representative of the technical school and students of the technical school.

5. Presentation of the project of networking of educational institutions for vocational guidance of schoolchildren

6. Conclusion. Reflection (event evaluation)


  1. as a relaxation, asks to fill out a comic questionnaire "Find a profession for a familiar character", using the matrix;
  2. asks participants to rate the level of novelty of the information received;
  3. thanks the participants for their active work, asks to fill out the assessment sheets and answer the questions, which was interesting and useful during the round table;
  4. invites schoolchildren to take with them the "Matrix for choosing a profession."

Lilia Gumerova, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Education and Science, held a round table "On the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education for children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation"
Gumerov. Changes in the law made it possible to see what we have. Per capita financing.
Provide preferences for businesses that support additional education.
Moscow Institute of Open Education Department of Pedagogy of Extracurricular Education Lyubov Nikolaevna Builova. We do not have standard programs, but there is a common position of teachers to develop. The number of additional education programs is growing, but this does not mean that their quality is changing. Not all teachers have the skills to develop programs. The concept of an educational program is legally fixed. New regulations for additional educational programs. Additional education is of the student's choice and does not have a federal standard. We implement them in numerous webinars, they are posted on YouTube. The teacher does not need to determine the novelty of the programs. And we demand that the searched compare. In the regions, it is necessary to organize multilevel assistance to teachers. To the best of our strength and capabilities, we provide assistance to the regions. Development of network and distance programs. And, of course, engage in advanced training.
Ivanov, Samara. Withdraw additional education from school so that general education can take place there. From September 1, the standard for teachers of additional education comes into force. Teachers work without higher education teacher educationand engineers are techies. So that teachers of additional education have the same teacher status.
Rostov region. If the school transfers the hours of the students to the additional education, then it transfers the finances. The school bus cannot use additional education. How to count the children involved in our education.
Stavropol. Please do not rush to finalize the introduction of normative per capita financing. Our center has five branches in six cities.
Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Children and Youth Education Alexander Eduardovich Stradze. In no case will we remove the responsibility for the development of additional education, but the regions should too. Prioritize and resolve the issue. Additional education at the enterprise is what preferences are. It will be in demand in the future. The issue with the load in the Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, the load is different. It is impossible to teach a child to play the harp for 20 people, the teacher will work with one. I worked as a swimming coach there alone, he can't be sad. Better to work in a team of 20 people. Thank you so much for the Gifted Children portal. We are creating a state resource for gifted children. Of course, vouchers to children's centers are a painful problem. Eaglet Artek Smena are operating at full capacity, this year 67 thousand free tickets compared to 53 last year. Among all, this is few. Astronomy, even plotting, is a huge platform for additional education. Additional education should be in demand and variable. Must have domestic equipment and toys.
Gumerov. You are a man of your word. Great work, funding doubled. More than 11 million covered. Someone will become a world champion and someone will simply learn to take care of their health. Creation of an open, understandable system of registration of children and improve the quality of additional education. Everything will be fine with children's musical education.
L.M. According to a source in the Duma, free children's music education is being closed while they are being cut. The parliament assures that everything will be fine, but there are no musical questions on the topic of additional education. It is suspicious that this is being done in parallel with the liquidation of regimental bands as part of a program to suppress patriotism.

st. B. Dmitrovka, 26, Moscow, 103426
Recommendations based on the results of the "round table" on the topic "On the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education for children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation"
Having heard and discussed the implementation of the Concept of Continuing Education for Children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the participants of the round table recommend:
1. To the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation:
1.1. Analyze the law enforcement practice of legislative and regulatory legal acts aimed at developing the system of additional education for children.
1.2. Support the draft federal law No. 984375-6 "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation "in terms of organizing the provision of additional education for children in federal state educational organizations and private organizations that implement additional general education programs for children", providing its expert legal accompaniment.
2. To the Government of the Russian Federation:
2.1. Continue work on the implementation of the action plan for 2015 -2020 on the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education for children.
2.2. Consider the issue of allocating subsidies from the federal budget to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the development of the material and technical base of resource centers for additional education.
2.3. To consider the issue of creating a Federal Resource Center for the training of teaching staff for innovative areas in the system of additional education.
3. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
3.1. In order to improve the activities on the development of the system of additional education for children, to work out the issue of quarterly holding video conferences with representatives of the subjects
3.2. Solve the issue of developing and implementing a unified methodology for calculating the indicator "The share of children aged 5 to 18 years enrolled in additional educational programs in the total number of children of this age."
3.3. Continue work on advanced training (retraining) of management and teaching staff on the basis of federal resource centers for the development of additional education for innovative additional general educational programs.
3.4. Develop and implement unified criteria for assessing the quality of the activities of organizations of additional education for children.
3.5. To form a national bank of additional general educational programs of a technical orientation, summarizing the experience of their implementation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Promote the dissemination of best practices, models and teaching methods.
3.6. Continue the practice of holding all-Russian conferences and seminars on the development of additional education for children.
3.7. To promote the development of professional skills of teachers in the field of upbringing and additional education.
3.8. To promote the participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the All-Russian competitions of professional skills of teachers in the field of upbringing and additional education ("I give my heart to children", "Raise a person", etc.).
3.9. Initiate the development of educational programs for bachelor's and specialty educational institutions of higher professional education "Teacher of additional education"
3.10. Develop and implement regulatory mechanisms network form implementation of additional general education programs.
3.11 In order to develop the personnel potential of the system of additional education, ensure measures to identify and disseminate advanced pedagogical experience in the field of additional education for children.
3.12. Develop and introduce modern tools for monitoring and assessing the quality of additional education for children, including public expertise with the participation of consumers and employers.
3.13. Continue work on the methodological support of the system of additional education for children, paying special attention to children with disabilities and children with disabilities.
3.14. Monitor the effectiveness of the organization and support of recreation and health improvement of children, including children with disabilities, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
3.15. To improve the mechanisms for the formation of specialized and specialized shifts and the direction of children to federal state educational institutions "All-Russian child Center "Eaglet" and "All-Russian Children's Center" Ocean ", federal state budgetary institution" International Children's Center "Artek".
3.16. Organize and conduct seminars for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including with the use of information and communication technologies) on the application of the Rules for identifying children who have shown outstanding abilities, accompanying and monitoring their further activities.
4. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
4.1. Organize an assessment of the accessibility, quality and satisfaction of students and (or) their parents ( legal representatives) provided by additional general education programs.
4.2. When implementing additional technical educational programs, pay attention to the use of distance learning educational technologies, including in the field of programming, robotics.
4.3. Ensure the creation of regional “resource centers” for methodological support, organization of additional professional education for teachers of additional education and coordination of the activities of educational organizations that implement additional general educational programs of various orientations.
4.4. Monitor the implementation of the action plan for 2015 -2020 on the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education for children, submit a report to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
4.5. To intensify the work on the implementation of measures aimed at improving the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of organizing additional education for children in technical programs, taking into account the age characteristics of students.
4.6. To develop and ensure the implementation of "road maps" for the implementation of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education" in the activities of educational organizations.
Chairman of the Committee Z.F. DRAGUNKINA
