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1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Collection of curricula and programs for vocational training and advanced training of workers Profession Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment Qualification - 2nd 6th category Profession code Moscow 2007 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Approved by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision from June 19, 2007 g / 1730/2 Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Center for Professional Education of the Federal State Institution "FIRO" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Minutes No. 3 dated June 21, 2007

2 Collection of curricula and programs for professional training and advanced training of workers Profession Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment Qualification - 2nd 6th category Profession code Moscow 2007

3 Collection of curricula and programs for professional training and advanced training of workers in the profession "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment", developed by senior researcher Shmelkov Stanislav Vladimirovich. Scientific consultant: Malysheva V.A. Head laboratory of vocational training and additional vocational education of the Center for vocational education FGU "FIRO", doct. ped. sciences, professor. Reviewer: Aleksandrovsky O.A. - Lecturer, GOU SPO Electromechanical College 55, Ph.D. V.A. Malysheva, S.V. Shmelkov, 2007. Reprinted only with permission from FIRO.

4 3 EXPLANATORY NOTE This collection is intended for professional training and advanced training of workers in the profession "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment." The collection includes: qualification characteristics, an approximate curriculum, thematic plans and programs for special technology, industrial training, labor protection, approximate thematic plans for a general technical course for vocational training of workers for the 2nd category. In the section "advanced training", taking into account the specifics of a specific production and possible variable terms of training, only qualification characteristics and a curriculum for the 3rd 6th grade are given. At the end of the collection, there is a list of recommended literature and sample exam tickets. The duration of training for new workers is set at 5 months, in accordance with the current List of vocational training professions. The duration of training for advanced training of workers is determined locally by the educational institution or educational unit of the enterprise on the basis of which the training is conducted. Training can be carried out both by group and individual methods. Qualification characteristics are compiled in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Professions of Workers of 1990 (issue 1, section "Workers' Professions Common to All Branches of the National Economy"). Programs in other subjects of the curriculum common to a number of professions are published in separate editions. 4 Economic training can take place in a variable course, which provides for the study of one of the subjects that is most appropriate for specific conditions: "Economics of the industry and enterprise", "Fundamentals of management", "Economics of the industry", etc. Changes can be made to the thematic plans of the studied subject and additions, taking into account the specifics of the industry, within the hours established by the curriculum. Industrial training is carried out, as a rule, in two stages: the first in training workshops, and the second in the workplaces of the enterprise. The master (instructor) of industrial training must train workers in an efficient and safe organization of work, the use of new equipment and advanced technologies at each workplace and site, consider in detail with them ways to increase labor productivity and measures to save materials and energy. In the training process, special attention should be paid to the need for a solid assimilation and fulfillment of all labor safety requirements. For these purposes, a theoretical teacher and a master (instructor) of industrial training, in addition to studying the general labor safety requirements provided for by the current rules, should pay considerable attention to the labor safety requirements that must be observed in each specific case. By the end of the training, each student must be able to independently perform all the work provided for by the qualification characteristics, technical conditions and norms established at the enterprise.

5 Students are allowed to independently perform work after training and testing knowledge on safe methods and techniques for performing work at the appropriate workplace in the amount of the requirements of the "Rules for working with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation", instructions and other regulatory documents included in the approved in the prescribed manner list. Workers trained in the slinger program are allowed to sling loads. Qualification exams are conducted in accordance with the Regulations on the final certification of graduates of primary vocational education institutions and the regulations on obtaining primary vocational education in the form of external studies (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia 563). Qualification (trial) work is carried out at the expense of the time allotted for industrial training. Updating the technical and technological base of modern production requires the systematic inclusion of educational material on new technology and technology, saving materials, improving product quality, eliminating outdated educational material, terms and standards into existing programs. Programs should also be supplemented with information on specific economics. The number of hours allotted for the study of individual topics of the program, the sequence of their study, if necessary, is allowed to change, provided that the programs are completed in full in terms of content and the total number of hours. Changes, adjustments or the need to study these topics are considered by the educational and methodological (pedagogical) council and approved by the chairman of the educational and methodological or pedagogical council of the educational institution.

6 6 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING of workers in the profession "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment" 2nd grade QUALIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS Profession electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment Qualification 2nd grade Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment must know: - the device and the principle of operation of generators , transformers, switching and control gear, batteries and electrical appliances; - the main types of electrical materials, their properties and purpose; - rules and methods of installation and repair of electrical equipment in the scope of work performed; - name, purpose and rules of using the working and measuring instrument used and basic information about the production and organization of the workplace; - Techniques and methods for replacing, splicing and soldering low voltage wires; - rules for first aid in case of electric shock; - safety rules for servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group 2; - methods and sequence of production of rigging works. 7 An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment should be able to: - carry out some simple work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment under the guidance of an electrician of higher qualifications; - to carry out installation and repair of junction boxes, terminal blocks, safety shields and lighting fittings; - carry out cleaning and blowing with compressed air of electrical equipment with partial disassembly, washing and wiping of parts; - clean the contacts and contact surfaces; - to carry out cutting, splicing, insulation and soldering of wires with voltage up to 1000 V; - lay installation wires and cables; - carry out simple locksmith and installation work when repairing electrical equipment; - connect and disconnect electrical equipment and perform the simplest measurements; - work with pneumatic and power tools; - carry out rigging work using simple lifting equipment and cranes, controlled from the floor; - to check and measure the insulation resistance of distribution networks, stators and rotors of electric motors, transformer windings, cable inputs and outputs with a megohmmeter; - to service power plants with a capacity of up to 50 kW.

7 Total hours for a course of study 8 EXAMPLE CURRICULUM for professional training of workers in the profession "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment" for the 2nd category of p / p Subjects Weeks hours per week 2 1 Training period 5 months 1 Theoretical training 1.1 Industry economics and enterprises Electrical materials science Reading drawings and diagrams Electrical engineering Labor protection Special technology Industrial training Reserve training time Consultations Qualification exam Total: n / a Topic 9 I. THEORETICAL TRAINING EXAMPLE THEMATIC PLAN of the subject "Electrical materials science" Number of hours 1 Basic information about metals and alloys 4 2 Heat treatment of metals and its types 2 3 Protection of metals against corrosion 1 4 Conductive materials and products 4 5 Magnetic materials 1 6 Electrical insulating materials 3

8 7 Brief information about radio components 3 8 Auxiliary materials 2 TOTAL: 20 p / p EXAMPLE THEMATIC PLAN of the subject "Reading drawings and diagrams" Topic Number of hours 1 Basics of projection graphics 1 2 Practical application of geometric constructions 1 3 Sections and reserves 2 4 Drawings parts 2 5 Assembly drawings (machines and devices) 2 6 Schemes (kinematic, electrical) 6 TOTAL: 14

9 p / n Topic 10 SAMPLE THEMATIC PLAN of the subject "Electrical Engineering" Number of hours 1 Direct current. DC electric circuits 2 2 Electromagnetism and magnetic circuits 2 3 AC electric circuits 4 4 Electrical measuring instruments and electrical measurements 4 5 Transformers 4 6 Electrical machines. Electrical control and protection equipment 8 7 Fundamentals of industrial electronics 2 TOTAL: 26 p / p THEMATIC PLAN AND PROGRAM of the subject "Labor protection" Themes Thematic plan Number of hours 1 Introduction 1 2 General labor safety requirements 2 3 Labor safety during the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 6 4 Fire safety 4 5 Basics of industrial sanitation and personal hygiene 4 6 Environmental protection 2 TOTAL: P R O G R A M M A Topic 1. Introduction The main tasks of the subject "Labor protection". The main measures for the prevention and prevention of accidents and hazards in the process of repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. The impact of hazardous and harmful production factors on the health of workers (in accordance with the SSBT standard "Dangerous and harmful factors. Classification"). The main legislative acts on labor protection, their content and requirements. Topic 2. General labor safety requirements Basic provisions of labor protection legislation. State supervision services for labor safety, safe operation of equipment, installations and structures in

10 growing. Responsibility of managers for compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection. Responsibility for failure to comply with labor safety instructions. Safety requirements for the repair and operation of electrical equipment. Use of workbenches, special stands and lifting devices. Worker hand protection. Safety requirements for punching nests, holes, furrows. Use of protective equipment when soldering and welding. Safety requirements when working with paints and varnishes and other toxic and combustible materials. Storage rules. Safety requirements when working on moving cable drums, installing end fittings and couplings using blowtorches, gas torches and thermite cartridges, working at height. 12 Electrical safety. Danger of electric shock. The effect of electric current on the human body. Types of electrical injuries. First aid rules for electric shock. Qualification of electrical installations and premises. Basic requirements for electrical installations to ensure their safe operation. Features of the fencing of electrical installations and power lines. Touch voltage, step voltage. Allowable voltages of power tools and portable lamps. Electrical protective equipment and rules for their use. Grounding of electrical installations (equipment). The use of portable grounding. Protective grounding. Blocking. Requirements for personnel performing repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Qualification groups for electrical safety. Safety rules when inspecting electrical installations, operational switching, performing work with full and partial de-energization, as well as without de-energizing and in emergency situations. Technical measures to ensure the safety of work. General rules for safe work with power tools, devices and portable lamps. Topic 3. Labor safety during the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment Latent danger of electric shock. Types of electrical injuries. First aid to victims of electric shock and other injuries. 13 Rules for electrical installations (PUE). Classification of electrical installations by voltage (up to 1000 V and above 1000 V). Open and closed electrical installations. Classification of premises according to the degree of danger of electric shock to people. Factors that determine the degree of danger of the premises. Classification of machines and devices according to the degree of their protection from the action of adverse factors. Ensuring the safety of electrical installations. The use of proper insulation, protective fences, blocking of devices, automatic shutdown, grounding of electrical installations and electrical installation elements, warning notices and alarms, protection

11 tools. Transfer of electrical installations into operation. Carrying out acceptance tests. Technical operation rules (PTE), safety rules for the operation of electrical installations (PTB). Personnel tasks, responsibility, supervision over the implementation of the rules. State and energy supervision. Staff training. Appointment procedure for independent work or transfer to another job related to the maintenance of electrical installations. Classification of protective equipment, the requirement for them. Definition of protective equipment. Basic and additional protective equipment. Periodic testing of personnel knowledge on PTE and PTB. Safety qualification groups, the procedure for their assignment. Insulating and current-measuring clamps, voltage indicators, insulating and measuring rods, insulating ladders, rubber dielectric gloves, personal grounding, warning posters, etc., their structure and purpose. 14 General rules for the use of protective equipment, condition monitoring and testing. Technical measures to ensure the safety of work with partial or complete stress relief. Production of outages in installations with voltages up to 1000 V and over 1000 V. Warning posters depending on the types of work performed and the fencing of the workplace. Checking the absence of voltage, its methods, depending on the magnitude of the voltage. Stationary devices signaling the disconnected state of devices. Safety requirements in measurements with megohmmeters when working with measuring rods. Residual discharge protection when testing large-capacity objects (cables, capacitors, etc.). Grounding of electrical installations. Appointment of grounding conductors and grounding devices. Parts of an electrical installation to be grounded. Requirements for them. Diagram of the spreading of the earth fault current and the potential distribution on its surface. Touch voltage and step. Resistance of grounding conductors and grounding means and devices. Electrodynamic and thermal action of short-circuit current on the resistance of electrical devices and buses. Short-circuit current limiting methods. Electrical installations with insulated and solidly grounded neutrals. Four-wire AC networks. Zero wire. Installation of fuse links. Topic 4. Fire safety Determination of the process of combustion and fire. Necessary conditions for combustion and fire processes. 15 Causes of fire in electrical installations and measures for their prevention. Statistics of fires at energy enterprises. Classification of explosive and fire hazardous areas. PUE requirements and rules fire safety during the installation and operation of electrical installations (electrical wires, equipment, lamps and electrical machines) in explosive and fire hazardous areas.

12 Ensuring fire safety when performing work by profession, carrying out hot work (electric gas welding, soldering, heating bituminous mastics, cable termination). Fire safety in the territory and in workshops. Rules of conduct in the event of a fire or on the territory of the enterprise. The procedure for reporting a fire to the fire brigade. Features of extinguishing fires in electrical installations. Primary fire extinguishing media, their care and scope (fire hydrants, foam, carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers, etc.). Stationary fire extinguishing systems used in cable rooms, on transformers and oil tanks. Fire alarmused in electrical installations. The inclusion of stationary fire extinguishing installations. Evacuation of people and property, first aid to victims of fire. Providing assistance to fire departments. Topic 5. Basics of industrial sanitation and personal hygiene Industrial and sanitary legislation. Sanitary inspection bodies, their importance and role in labor protection. Basic concepts of occupational health. Hygienic standards. Rational mode of work and rest. Working hours - 16 working days. Hygienic requirements for work clothes, their care and storage rules. Industrial sanitation, its tasks. Sanitary and hygienic standards for industrial premises and work area. Sanitary and technological measures aimed at the maximum reduction of air pollution in working rooms in workplaces. Views ventilation devices, heating and lighting of industrial premises, the rules for their operation. Sanitary maintenance of production and other premises. Prevention of occupational diseases and industrial injuries. Brief sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions at the workplace of an electrician. Measures to eliminate occupational hazards and occupational hazards, to eradicate the causes of occupational injuries. Indicators and methods for determining the assessment of the state of working conditions. Electrician workplace certification. Self-help and first aid in case of accidents. Topic 6. Environmental protection Law of the Russian Federation "On environmental protection". Environmental rights and obligations of Russian citizens. Administrative and legal responsibility of production managers and citizens for violations in the field of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection. Sources and types of environmental pollution. Creation of a normal ecological state of the environment in areas with sources of environmental pollution. Personal opportunities and responsibilities of workers in this profession in the field of environmental protection.

13 18 THEMATIC PLAN AND SPECIAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM Thematic plan Qty. Subject hours 1 Introduction 2 2 Information about the parts of electrical equipment and their connections 22 3 Information about electrical installations 10 4 Electrical measurements 12 5 Basics of electrical work 24 6 Organization of the system of maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of an industrial enterprise 10 7 Device, installation, maintenance and repair of lighting installations 24 8 Device, maintenance and repair of electrical devices with voltage up to 1000 V 26 9 Device, maintenance and repair of transformers Device, maintenance and repair of electrical machines and batteries Basic information about rigging 8 TOTAL: 160 P R O G R A M M A Topic 1. Introduction The importance of the electric power industry for the national economy. The history of the industry, its development prospects. 19 The importance of the profession of an electrician. The role of the worker's professional skill in ensuring the high quality of work. Labor and technological discipline. Familiarization with qualification requirements and the prospect of advanced training in a market economy. Topic 2. Information about the details of electrical equipment and their connections The concept of a part, an assembly unit. Basic requirements for machine parts. Groups of connections of parts used in electrical equipment. Locksmith assembly technology.

14 Classification detachable connections... Threaded connections. Fasteners. Assembly of threaded connections. Assembly of bolted and screw connections. Setting nuts, screws, studs. Appointment of locking devices for threaded connections. The concept of keyed connection. Splined, wedge, pin connections and their purpose. One-piece connections of electrical equipment parts, their purpose, classification. Connection using fixed landings. Types and purpose of fixed landings. Methods and rules for joining parts with a fixed fit. Flare and flare connection. Methods and techniques for making connections, used tools and devices. Riveting. Riveting tools and devices. Purpose and types of riveted joints. Rivets, their shape and material. Choice of rivet length and shape. Preparing the rivet hole. Formation of the closing head. Riveting quality control. 20 Welded connection. Purpose and essence of welding. Types of welded joints. Equipment and tools used in welding. Surface preparation for welding. Reasons for welding defects and measures to prevent them. Application of welding with electro installation works... Bonding by gluing. Scope of bonding in electrical work. Adhesives. Adhesive bonding technology for electrical work. Parts and assembly units of rotary motion transmissions. Appointment of axes and shafts. The concept of transfers between shafts. The concept of bearings of axles and shafts, types of bearings, their application. The simplest plain bearings. Details of the bearing assembly. Rolling bearings. Scope, design. Assembly and adjustment of bearings. Types of lubricants and bearing lubrication. Installation of seals. Bearing adjustment. Assembly defects of rotating joints and their prevention. Deformation of bodies under the influence of external forces. The main types of deformation, the reasons for its occurrence. Conditions for the safe operation of parts and structures. Organization of the workplace and labor safety when performing locksmith and assembly work. Topic 3. Information about electrical installations Electricity production at power plants. Types of power plants and their brief characteristics. Energy conversion efficiency at thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power plants. 21 Production, transformation, distribution and consumption of electrical energy. Rated voltage. Scale of rated voltages for receivers and power sources. Organization of power supply. Definition of the concept of "electrical installation". Installed power and operating modes of electrical installations. Maintenance of electrical installations. Power lines, their characteristics and classification. Overhead power lines, their main elements (foundations, disputes, cable, fittings, insulators). Maintenance of power lines.

15 Cable power lines, their purpose and application. Classification of cable lines, their main elements. Ways of laying and maintaining cable lines. Information about the rules for the device of electrical installations (PUE). Classification of premises according to PUE. Features of the device of wind and solar power plants. Maintenance and repair of wind and solar power plants up to 50 kW. Topic 4. Electrical measurements The concept of measurement. The role of electrical measurements. The role of electrical measurements in various areas of production and consumer services. Measured electrical quantities. Units of measurement and their designation. The main types of electrical measuring instruments. Characteristics of electrical measuring instruments of direct assessment and their general structure. Errors and accuracy classes of electrical measuring instruments. Measurement limits and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the measured quantities. Symbols applied to electrical measuring instruments and auxiliary parts. 22 Accessories, spare and auxiliary devices, providing additional possibilities of using electrical measuring instruments. The use of electrical measuring instruments for measuring electrical quantities. Schemes for switching on devices when measuring various electrical quantities in DC and AC circuits (current, voltage, power, energy, resistance, etc.). The concept of measuring non-electrical quantities by electrical methods. Occupational safety during electrical measurements. Topic 5. Basics of electrical work Organization of the workplace and labor safety when performing electrical work. Electric installation work. The main electrical tools and accessories, their purpose. Mounting materials, products and parts. Insulators, their purpose. Tinning and soldering. Purpose and application of tinning. Materials for tinning, its methods. Tinning defects, their prevention. Tinning quality control. Workplace organization, labor safety requirements. Soldering tools and fixtures. Soldering methods. Solders and fluxes, their brands and applications. Soldering defects, ways to prevent them. The sequence of work when connecting parts by soldering. Rational organization of the workplace for soldering and labor safety requirements. Methods of termination, connection and branching of conductors of wires and cables. Rules for cutting wires and cables. Methods of termination by crimping using ferrules, forming the tip of their 23 single-strand core by stamping with a pyrotechnic press, soldering using ferrules, bending the ring of a single-strand core into a ring. Tools and fixtures. The sequence of execution operations. Connection methods: crimping using sleeves, various methods of soldering with irrigation, fusion of solder, double wrapping with a groove. Tools and fixtures. The sequence of execution operations.

16 Methods of branching: crimping using GAO sleeves, soldering different types... Tools and fixtures. The sequence of operations. Features of the connection of insulated wires with aluminum and copper conductors. Labor safety requirements when performing work. Basic information about the performance of auxiliary work. The sequence of punching work. Methods for obtaining nests and holes. Mechanisms, tools and devices for punching work. Installation of supports, fasteners and wiring structures without binding solutions and adhesives. Tools and fixtures. Fixing lamps. Mounting methods. The main methods and technology for laying cables inside buildings. Installation of busbars. Purpose of busbars. Busbar marking. Basic information about the installation of busbars. Installation of grounding devices. Appointment of grounding, their types, areas of application. Grounding conductors. Basic information about the implementation of grounding. 24 Topic 6. Organization of the system of maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of an industrial enterprise. Tasks of the maintenance service in the structure of the department of the chief power engineer. Service structure. Rules of technical operation and safety of maintenance of electrical installations of industrial enterprises. The main responsibilities of the working staff. Organizational arrangements for the organization of maintenance. Types and principles of electrical equipment wear. The concept of the system of planned preventive repairs of electrical equipment. Types of repairs and their characteristics. Repair schedules. Organizational forms repairs and their characteristics. The structure of the repair shop and the composition of its equipment. Topic 7. Arrangement, installation, maintenance and repair of lighting installations. The concept of lighting electrical installations. Types of lighting: electrical light sources, devices, lamps for lighting electrical installations, their classification, purpose, designs. Incandescent lamps for fluorescent lamps. Schemes, switchgears for lighting electrical installations. Designs of lighting panels and their types depending on the nature and operating conditions. A method of marking the installation sites of lamps, installation devices and group shields. Rules for charging and installing lighting fixtures. Installation of electrical wiring. Appointment of electrical wiring. Types of electrical wiring, areas of their application. Requirements for wiring. Basic information. Types of electrical wiring and ways of laying them. Wire brands used for various types of electrical wiring. Tools and fixtures. Checking new transactions. Drawings of lighting networks. The sequence of operations during the installation of lamps, devices and switchgears of lighting electrical installations.

17 The main activities carried out during installation work on the arrangement of illumination of structures and buildings, the requirements for them. Rules for the technical operation of lighting electrical installations. Monitoring the insulation condition of various types of wiring. Lighting control of the main premises. Cleaning glass of skylights. Change of burnt out lamps. Monitoring the state of the contact system in sockets, plug or clamp connections, insulation of switching wires, ballasts, all kinds of fasteners. Systematic control of a constant voltage level in individual sections of the network. The frequency of checking the operation of the emergency lighting machine, its serviceability. Replacement of defective starters. Replacement of individual sections of the network. Replacing switches and sockets. Replacement of staples and fasteners. Complete disassembly and inspection of luminaires as a whole. Replacement of defective parts of lamps, ballasts and lamps in general. Reasons for repairing electrical wiring of various types. Necessary products, materials, tools and devices for performing renovation works... Exercises. Calculation of wire cross-sections depending on the current load. 26 Topic 8. Design, maintenance and repair of electrical devices with voltage up to 1000 V Definition. Purpose and basic concepts. Classification of devices. Scope of their application. The main elements of the apparatus. Electrical non-disconnectable and non-disconnected connections. Types of contacts, their classification. Contact materials. The main parameters of contact systems (solution, contact failure, contact pressure, etc.). Arc extinguishing. The nature of the origin and burning of the arc. Arc extinguishing methods. Arc-extinguishing devices and their design for various extinguishing methods. Electromagnetic mechanisms of electrical devices, their purpose, main types and devices. Polarized electromagnetic systems. Braking devices, their purpose. Design. Electromagnet windings. Electrical apparatus with voltage up to 1000 V. Fuses, design examples. Non-automatic switches, resistors, rheostats, control panels, controllers, command devices, fuses. Electrical relays, purpose, classification according to the principle of operation. Basics options. Examples of device and application. Installation of devices. Preparation of devices for installation. Panel layout and processing. The sequence of mounting operations for manual control devices. Rules for the installation of circuit breakers, packet switches, control keys, control buttons, etc. Adjustment of contact pressure and simultaneity of contact closure. Installation and adjustment of manual drives. Installation of controllers and command controllers. Checking and adjusting the operation of contacts. Installation of fuse links. 27 Installation of limit switches. Adjustment of the position of the switches and the travel of their moving part. Features of installation of control and protection relays. Installation of thermal relays. Determination of the technical condition of devices without disassembly. Diagnostics of various types of devices. The main types of control equipment malfunctions.

18 Checking and tightening of fasteners, cleaning and filing of contacts, their replacement and lubrication, replacement of arc suppression devices. Repair of control buttons, control keys. Topic 9. Device, maintenance and repair of transformers Purpose of power transformers, their area of \u200b\u200bapplication, classification. Power transformer designs, their analysis. Cooling systems for transformers. Winding connection diagrams. Features of the device of dry transformers. Autotransformer. Fundamental and schematic difference from the transformer. Advantages and disadvantages in comparison with a transformer, applications. Basic information about measuring and welding transformers. The procedure for checking and maintaining transformers. Typical faults power transformers, their reasons. Frequency of inspection of transformers. The procedure for checking instrument transformers. Repair of power transformers: adding oil, tightening fasteners, disassembling and cleaning the oil gauge, measuring insulation before and after repairs, removing dirt from the 28 conservator, wiping all insulators, checking the operation of the voltage switch. Repair of current and voltage transformers. - cleaning the insulator, checking the busbar connections, checking the grounding bolts and bridging straps. Typical faults of the welding transformer and how to fix them. Welding service inspection methods. Workplace organization and safety requirements for the maintenance and repair of transformers. Topic 10. Device, maintenance and repair of electrical machines and batteries General information about electrical machines. Types, designs and classification of electrical machines, forms of their execution and modes of operation. Dependence of the design of electrical machines on environmental conditions. Analysis of designs. General information about DC and AC generators. Maintenance of electric motors. Frequency of inspections. Checking the heating of the case, general condition, absence of excessive dustiness, contamination. Engine load monitoring. Rules for turning on and off the electric motor. Control of the collector cleanliness, the condition of the surface of slip rings and brushes. The main types of malfunctions in electric motors and their causes. Repair of electrical machines. Electric motor assembly and disassembly technology. Equipment, tools and fixtures. Inspection of various parts, determination of damage. 29 The concept of repair of windings of DC and AC electrical machines, repair of the current collecting system, repair of the mechanical part. Causes of bearing failures. Occupational safety requirements for the maintenance and repair of electrical machines.

19 Design and principle of operation of batteries. Characteristics of batteries. Battery connection. Maintenance of storage batteries. Topic 11. Basic information about rigging work Requirements for the production of work on the movement of goods. Markings and safety markings on loads. Regulation of the position of the load during lifting. Application of braces, brake ropes. Ensuring the stability of the load when lifting. Roofing of goods. Commands, alarm when moving goods. Vertical and horizontal movement of cargo with simple lifting equipment and cranes controlled from the floor. Requirements for the workplace, rigging equipment, fixtures and tools. Organization of the workplace and labor safety requirements for loading, unloading and moving goods.

20 p / n 30 THEMATIC PLAN AND PROGRAM OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Topic Thematic plan Number of hours 1. Training in training workshops 1 Introductory lesson 2 2 Labor safety, electrical safety and fire safety in training workshops 6 3 Familiarization with the enterprise, training workshop, workplace electrician and the types of work performed 8 4 Locksmith and locksmith work 72 5 Electrical installation work 80 6 Electrical measurements training 16 7 Practical familiarization with rigging 8 2. Training at the enterprise 8 Instruction on labor protection and fire safety at the enterprise 8 9 Performing simple work for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment Independent performance of work by an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 2nd category 200 Qualification (trial) work TOTAL: 552

21 31 P R O G R A M M A 1. TRAINING IN TRAINING WORKSHOPS Topic 1. Introductory lesson Training-production and educational tasks of the course. The scope of the knowledge and skills acquired during the course. Production labor is the basis for mastering the course. Content of labor, stages of professional growth. The importance of compliance with labor and technological discipline in ensuring the quality of work performed. Familiarization of students with the work schedule, forms of work organization and internal regulations, the procedure for receiving and handing over tools and devices. Topic 2. Labor safety, electrical safety and fire safety in training workshops. Typical labor safety instructions. Work safety in training workshops or at the training site of the enterprise. Types and causes of injury. Measures to prevent injuries. Basic rules and instructions for labor safety and their implementation. First aid for injuries. Electrical safety. Types of electric shock and their causes. Occupational safety requirements when working with electrical equipment. Rules for the use of protective equipment. Provision of first aid in case of electric shock to a person. Fire safety. Causes of fires in training workshops and training areas of the enterprise. 32 Rules of conduct in case of fire. Use of manual fire extinguishing equipment. The device and rules for using fire extinguishers. First aid for burns. Calling the fire brigade. Topic 3. Acquaintance with the enterprise, training workshop, electrician's workplace and types of work performed. Acquaintance with the structure and nature of the enterprise. Acquaintance with the work of enterprise services. Economic indicators of the enterprise. Familiarization of students with the workplace of an electrician. Familiarization of students with the training workshop and the types of work performed by an employee of this profession in the process of work. Familiarization with equipment, tools and devices used in the process of performing educational work. Acquaintance with the qualification characteristics and the industrial training program in the training workshop. Briefing on the organization of the workplace and labor safety. Placement of students in their workplaces. The procedure for receiving and returning tools and accessories. Topic 4. Performing locksmiths

22 and fitting and assembly work All theoretical issues (the purpose of operations, the design and purpose of tools, equipment and devices, work technology, control and measuring tools, workplace organization and safety requirements for the performance of work) are set out by the 33 master (instructor) of industrial training in introductory and ongoing briefings for each subtopic. Markup. Preparation of parts for marking. Exercises in drawing randomly spaced and mutually perpendicular straight lines. Creation of closed contours. Transfer of dimensions from a measuring ruler to a part using a marking caliper and a planer. Marking the contours of parts with measurements from the edges of the workpieces and from the center lines. Marking the contours of parts using templates. Draw flat and round parts. Sharpening of center pins and devils. The felling. Chopping different metals in a vice Exercises in setting the body and legs when chopping. Exercises in holding a hammer and chisel in movements, with a blow. Cutting sheet steel at the level of the vice jaws in the vice and on the plate. Cutting (blanks of various shapes from sheet steel) grooves with a cross cutter depending on the material being processed. Bending and straightening. Bending of strip and bar metal manually at various angles. Metal bending using bending devices and mandrels. Bending of rings made of wire and strip steel. Pipe bending. Bending of copper busbars at a given angle. Bending of insulating materials. Straightening round copper bar. Editing of round and rectangular winding wires. Cutting. Installation of the blade in the knife frame. Exercise in the correct positioning of the body, in holding the knife frame, working movements with it. Cutting metal of various types with and without markings. Cutting various types of insulating materials, insulated and non-insulated wires. Metal filing. Exercise in the correct positioning of the body and legs when filing, in holding a file, in movement and balancing when filing 34 Sawing flat surfaces mated at various angles, checking with a square and a ruler. Drilling, countersinking and reaming. Exercises in operating a drilling machine (when placing a workpiece in a vice, on a table, depending on the length of the drill and the depth of drilling, etc.). Drilling through holes according to the marking and the jig. Drilling blind holes using stops, measuring rulers, limbs, etc. Drilling holes. Drilling with hand drills. Drilling with mechanized hand tools. Refueling of cutting elements of drills. Selection of countersinks depending on the purpose of the holes and the accuracy of the processing. Countersinking holes for screw heads and bar tacks. Selection of reamers depending on the purpose of the hole being machined. Manual reaming of cylindrical through holes. Reaming the tapered pin holes. Thread cutting. Acquaintance with threading tools (round dies, plugs with sliding dies, taps). Cutting external right and left threads on bolts, studs and pipes. Threading through holes.

23 Assembly of detachable connections. Assembly with threaded connections. Connecting parts with bolts and screws. Tightening bolts and nuts in a group connection. The structure of threaded connections. Inspection of threaded connections. Assembly of keyway and spline connections. Selection and fitting along the groove, pressing of fixed keys. Assembly of permanent connections. Connections of parts with guaranteed tightness in various ways (manually, using presses, by heating or cooling 35 parts). Mastering the techniques of working on various types of presses. Preparation of parts for riveting. Overlapping by hand and on a press using rivets with semicircular and countersunk heads. Surface preparation for bonding. Selection of adhesives. Bonding of parts and individual elements of products from dissimilar materials. Bonding fasteners to building substrates. Checking the quality of gluing. Assembly of parts and assemblies that transmit rotational movements. Performing operations when assembling composite shafts. Checking the alignment of the shafts. Assembling the friction clutch. Adjustment of the clutch discs. Assembly of split plain bearings. Mating the bearing shells to the housing. Checking the alignment of the bearing sliding surfaces. Adjusting the fit of the working surfaces. Adjusting the required mounting clearance. Shaft packing in the bearing. Assembly of units with rolling bearings. Preparing the bearing for assembly. Pressing the bearing onto the shaft journal using hand tools. Checking the pressed-in bearing. Assembly of mechanisms for transferring rotational motion. Mastering the techniques for assembling spur gears. Checking spur gears. Assembly of worm gears. Checking the correct engagement of the worm wheel with the worm teeth. Topic 5. Performing electrical work Instructions on the organization of the workplace and labor safety. Acquaintance with the set of electrical installation tools - 36, the order of their receipt, storage and delivery. Rational placement of tools, fixtures and parts of electrical equipment on the assembly table. Storage of materials, devices, parts, products and technological documentation. Study of the brands of wires most often used in the installation and repair of electrical equipment. Exercises in determining the brand and cross-section of the wire by appearance... Connection and branching of conductors of wires and cables. Accession aluminum wires and cables to the contact terminals of electrical equipment. Mastering different ways of joining. Making connections of network wires with copper wires of lighting fixtures. Execution of branches from trunk wires with aluminum and copper conductors using special clamps. Crimping of single-wire aluminum conductors in GAO sleeves. Termination of aluminum conductors by crimping in tubular lugs. Connection of aluminum conductors by crimping in sleeves. Termination of stranded conductors of large cross-section by crimping. Execution of bolted busbar butt joints and laps. Connection of copper and aluminum wires and buses to the terminals of the devices.

24 Implementation of separate operations for cutting power cable with lead, aluminum and PVC sheaths: cutting the cable with sector shears; applying bandages, removing armor, cutting off armor tapes with scissors and an armored cutter; making annular and longitudinal cuts on the lead sheath. Stepped cable end cutting according to specified dimensions. 37 Overlay of grounding conductors on lead or aluminum hermetic sheath and cable armor. Cutting of the control cable with wiring of conductors in rows of terminals according to the specified scheme. The use of banding sleeves and plastic end fittings for sealing the spine. Installation of marking tags on cables and conductors. Marking them (according to the scheme). Soldering of aluminum and copper conductors. The choice of solder for soldering aluminum conductors. Preparation of tools and accessories. Connection of stranded aluminum conductors by direct fusion of solder. Forming the ends of a stranded copper core into a ring with subsequent soldering. The choice of solder and flux for brazing copper conductors. Preparation of tools and accessories. Termination of copper conductors of wires and cables by soldering with lugs. Connection and branching of copper conductors with a soldered twist. Auxiliary electrical work. Preparation of tools for work. Marking of routes of electrical wiring of various types. Marking the installation locations of the lamps. Marking of installation sites for installation devices. Familiarization with the installation of fasteners and wiring structures without binding solutions and adhesives. Topic 6. Training in electrical measurements Instructions on the organization of the workplace and labor safety when conducting electrical measurements. Familiarization with the basic designs of electrical measuring instruments and symbols on the scales. 38 Measuring the current in the circuit with an ammeter. Using a shunt for current measurements. Measuring voltage at various points in the circuit. Measuring the voltage drop across the circuit. Using an additional resistance to measure voltage. DC and AC voltage measurement. Measuring the resistance of a circuit using a voltmeter-ammeter. Measurement of insulation resistance with a megohmmeter. Measurement of parameters of electrical circuits with combined universal devices. Exercises in measuring the main parameters of the electrical circuit, insulation resistance of distribution networks, stators and rotors of electric motors, transformer windings, as well as inputs and outputs with a megohmmeter. Topic 7. Practical acquaintance with rigging works Instructions on the organization of the workplace and labor safety. Exercises for mastering the methods of slinging loads. Determination of the volume, mass of the transported cargo. Exercises in adjusting weights while lifting.

25 Exercises in signaling and commands during the movement of the load (in the vertical and horizontal direction) using simple lifting equipment and cranes, controlled from the floor. 2. TRAINING AT THE ENTERPRISE Topic 8. Briefing on labor protection and fire safety at the enterprise Briefing on labor safety and fire safety. Requirements for the organization and maintenance of the workplace. Protective devices, fences, signaling and communication equipment. Safety requirements for handling electrical equipment and electrified tools. Responsibility for violation of labor safety requirements. Receiving tools, devices and workwear from the warehouse. Familiarization with the workplace. Visiting zones (workshops, sections) of repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in workshops, power and lighting networks, cable facilities. Topic 9. Performing simple work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Briefing on the organization of the workplace and labor safety. Execution of laying of installation wires and cables. Replacement and installation of fuses and circuit breakers in switchboards and distribution boxes. Installation and repair, maintenance of junction boxes and shields. Connection to the network of luminaires with up to 5 lamps, as well as lighting fixtures: switches, sockets, sockets, etc. Electrical apparatus. Installation. Inspection of the condition of the apparatus and its assessment. Dismantling the device, determining the type of damage, checking and tightening fasteners, cleaning and filing contacts, replacing and lubricating them, replacing arc suppression devices. Inspection of rheostats, replacement of damaged resistors, contact parts, insulating parts. Mastering of operations for maintenance and repair of relays. 40 Acquaintance with the circuit for switching on the control gear. Transformers. Inspection of the condition of power transformers and their assessment in performing individual maintenance operations and minor repairs. Mastering the test of measuring transformers. Mastering the methods of maintenance and minor repairs of welding transformers. Electric cars. Inspection of the condition of electrical machines and assessment of their condition. Checking the heating of the housing, bearings, the condition of the covers under the input contacts. Cleaning contacts of starting equipment. Change of grease in bearings. Monitoring the condition of the brushes. Grinding the surface of the brushes, washing copper brushes in gasoline. Performing repair operations on AC motors. Assembly and disassembly of the electric motor. Cleaning of windings, ventilation ducts. Checking the condition of terminals, slip rings, replacing brushes. Determination of the insulation resistance of the windings and the degree of their moisture. Mastering the operations of drying windings.

3.9. Basic information about rigging works 2 1 1 4. Practical training 80 80 4.1. Labor protection briefing. Basic rules for electrical safety. Fire-fighting 4 4 measures 4.2. Familiarization

PROGRAM for retraining workers in the profession of "electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment" (qualification 2, 3rd category, profession code - 19861) (program name) Purpose Category

"APPROVED" Director of St. Petersburg State Educational Institution "Malokhtinsky College" T.M. Bezubyak 2016. Professional training program (advanced training) based on a related profession. New profession and professional development.

PROGRAM for retraining workers in the profession "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment" (qualification 2, 3rd category, profession code - 19861) (program name) Purpose:


PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM FOR WORK TRAINING 19861 "Electrician repairing electrical equipment" Engels 2017 1 Professional training program by profession 19861



Educational private institution of additional professional education "Training Center" Amulet "Additional professional EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM for retraining and advanced training

Agreed Acting Head of the Department for Technological and Environmental Supervision of Rostekhnadzor of the Chuvash Republic V.V. Podolyan 2009 Approved by S.V. Pastin, Director of the FGOU SPO "ChekhMT"

140446.03 Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment (by industry) Qualification - Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment (3rd grade) Description of work. Performance

APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF LAGORGAZ TE KHIRSKY The program for the training of workers in the profession "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment" Profession code -19861 The program was checked by: At the head of the training and production

ANNOTATION TO THE WORKING PROGRAM PM.01 "MANAGEMENT OF LIFTING CRANES AT METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION" The work program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal State

Professional module PM.01. Maintenance of equipment for electrical substations and networks 1. Scope of the program The work program of the professional module is part of the main

Unified tariff and qualification reference book of work and professions of workers Issue 1 Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy (approved by the decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions from

1. Objectives of the practice The objectives of the educational practice are: systematization, expansion and consolidation of theoretical knowledge on the construction of electrical and power equipment; graduate training

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Republic of Khakassia "Sayanogorsk Polytechnic Technical School" CONSIDERED AGREED

1 2 CONTENTS 1. Passport of the educational practice program 4 2. The results of mastering educational practice 6 3. The structure and content of educational practice 7 4. Conditions for the implementation of educational practice 11 5. Monitoring and evaluation

CHOU DPO TRAINING COMBINE (Sofiyskaya, 17) 192236, St. Petersburg, st. Sofiyskaya, 17, tel. 706-13-11. APPROVED Director of the CHOU DPO Educational plant N.V. Troitskaya January 27, 2017 p / p 1.1. 1.2. 2.1.

1. PASSPORT OF THE PROFESSIONAL MODULE PROGRAM Installation and assembly of medium complexity and complex assemblies, blocks, electronic equipment, wire communication equipment, elements of pulse nodes

ANNOTATIONS OF WORKING PROGRAMS OF PROFESSIONAL MODULES training program for middle-level specialists (PPSS) of secondary vocational education of basic training in the specialty of secondary vocational

Open Joint Stock Company Chusovoy Metallurgical Plant AGREED Head of the West Ural Department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, WWTP.

PROFESSIONAL STANDARD 1 APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 20, Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in the chemical industry

Approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 2013. DRAFT PROFESSIONAL STANDARD ELECTROMONTER 2 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD 1 Electrician (name) I.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND YOUTH POLICY OF THE VORONEZH REGION State budgetary professional educational institution of the Voronezh region "Voronezh Aviation College named after

ANNOTATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING in the profession "EXCAVATOR MACHINIST" Explanatory note The set of educational and program documentation is intended for the preparation, training of the second


ANNOTATION OF THE APPROXIMATE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROFESSION 23.00.11 (190623.04) Electrician for the repair of electrical equipment of rolling stock (electric locomotives, electric trains).

CONTENTS Introduction ............................................ 3 Chapter 1 Organization operation and installation of electrical equipment 1.1. Transportation and storage of electrical equipment ................. 6 1.2.

19861 "Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment" Form of training full-time Standard training period 3 months (468 hours) on the basis of basic general, secondary general, secondary vocational

Ministry of Education and Science of the Kaluga Region State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the Kaluga Region "College of Transport and Service" WORKING PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE


THE PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE GENERAL TECHNOLOGY OF ELECTRICAL WORKS 2011 Program academic discipline developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards (hereinafter FSES) by profession

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian state University Telecommunications and Informatics "College of Telecommunications and

Approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 2013. PROFESSIONAL STANDARD "METAL CONSTRUCTION MANUFACTURER" PROFESSIONAL STANDARD 2 Assembly locksmith

CHELYABINSK INSTITUTE OF WAYS OF COMMUNICATION branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Ural State University of Railways" (CHIPS URGUPS)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE CHELYABINSK REGION GBPOU "CHELYABINSK MECHANIKO TECHNOLOGICAL TECHNICUM" Approved by the Cyclic Methodical Commission 3 minutes of the meeting of the CMC dated 05 Y / L. Zakharova / APPROVED:

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TYUMEN STATE OIL AND GAS UNIVERSITY"

FUNCTIONAL CARD 15.01.30 Locksmith Qualification: Locksmith - repairman 2-6 grade Form of study full-time Normative period of study 2 years 10 months Type of activity Content of competence Knowledge skills

ANNOTATIONS TO THE WORKING PROGRAMS OF PRACTITIONERS PPSSP 13.02.07 Power supply (by industry) UP. 01.01 TRAINING PRACTICE (Electrical) The work program of the training practice is part of the training program

ANNOTATIONS OF WORKING PROGRAMS OF TRAINING DISCIPLINES OF THE GENERAL PROFESSIONAL CYCLE (01.13.10 "Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment (by industry)") "TECHNICAL DRAWING" Work program

MAIN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND YOUTH POLICY OF THE ALTAI KRAI Regional state budgetary professional educational institution "Biysk Industrial and Technological College"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Lyantorsk Oil Technical School (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Yugorsk State University"

Explanatory note This educational program for vocational training in the profession "Elevator electromechanic" is intended for the vocational training of workers or specialists with an average,

140446.03 Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment At the end of the 19th century, there was a rapid development of electrical engineering. Scientists continue to work on the problem of using electricity for

EDUCATIONAL PLAN for the training of workers in the Regional State Administration of the POU "Novgorod Chemical Industrial Technical School" of qualified workers in the profession "Toolmaker" Training period 4 months Code 18452 Qualification

APPROVED by order of the State Budgetary Institution additional education of the city of Moscow "Children's School of Arts" Rodnik "dated January 09, 2017 1/5 Training PROGRAM for employees of GBUDO

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Federal Agency for Railway Transport Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State

Appendix LIST OF TYPES OF TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS PERFORMED BY ETL LLC "Energoproekt-Povolzhye" 1. DC machines up to 200 kW. 1.1. Determination of the possibility of switching on without drying DC machines.

1. General instructions STATE ELEMENTAL ESTIMATE RATES FOR REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS Collection 67 Electrical installation works HPESNr-2001-67 TECHNICAL PART 1.1. This collection contains the norms

ANNOTATION OF AN EXAMPLE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROFESSION 13.01.06 (140443.01) Electrician lineman for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and contact network... Copyright holder:

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Vladimir region "Vladimir Industrial College" Work program of industrial practice of the professional module PM.01

Abstract of the main professional educational program 01.23.08 Repairman construction machines General provisions Federal state educational standard of primary vocational

APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation from the city of PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Specialist in the adjustment and operation of relay protection and in municipal electrical networks

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

04/25/2000 N 186 / 17-11

The state standard of primary vocational education defines the "Qualification structure of vocational education in the Russian Federation".

The qualification structure is represented by the levels of qualifications (there are 5 of them), the levels of general education that are required to obtain a profession and the levels of vocational education.

The first stage of qualification includes professions in which workers are trained with a training period of up to 1 year.

For such professions, for this period, State educational standards have not been developed.

For the development of educational and program documentation, the "standard" is the requirements of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS), these recommendations and other documents.

The need to create a new document - Recommendations for the development of curricula and programs for short-term vocational training is dictated primarily by the emergence of a number of new regulatory documents that make significant changes and additions to the "passports" of blue-collar occupations. Among them:

1. All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, positions of employees and wage grades (M. 1999).

2. The list of professions for professional training of workers (M. 2000).

3. Additions and changes to the ETKS released in 1995-1998. At the same time, the current "List of professions for training workers in () production" (M. 1987) requires revision.

New professions have appeared. A number of professions are outdated and are not included in the state nomenclature of professions. Many professions were previously charged for categories, now they are charged for classes; the range of wage grades has changed in a number of professions.

I. General provisions

1.1 The system of professional training of personnel for blue-collar occupations at the 1st level of qualification provides for:

- training of new workers from persons without a profession;

- retraining with the aim of mastering a new working profession outside the scope of their previous professional activity;

- retraining of workers in a profession related to their professional activity;

- retraining of specialists with secondary specialized and higher education in a profession related to their previous activities;

- advanced training of workers.

1.2 Curricula and programs must meet the following requirements:

- to ensure the formation of professional knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of qualification characteristics and the customer for training;

- to create the possibility of a differentiated approach to the organization of training, taking into account educational and professional training, life experience of students;

- ensure the continuity and interconnection of vocational training;

- provide for the possibility of combining industrial training with productive labor.

1.3 Curricula and programs are developed in accordance with:

- List of professions for professional training of workers;

- the requirements of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS);

- additions and changes to the ETKS (published in 1995-1998);

- a model of the curriculum (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia N 407 dated 21.10.94);

- the all-Russian classifier of workers' professions, office positions and wage grades;

- these recommendations.

II. Curricula and programs for training new workers

2.1 The state nomenclature of professions for which vocational training of workers is carried out is given in the "All-Russian classifier of professions for working positions of employees and wage categories", as well as in the List of professions for vocational training of workers (training period up to 1 year).

2.2 Work curricula for training new workers are developed on the basis of the Model Curriculum (Appendix 2).

Working curricula should contain: economic course; general technical course; special course; practical training.

The economic course is variable and may include one of the subjects: "Industry Economics", "Fundamentals of Market Economy and Entrepreneurship", "Fundamentals of Management" and others.

At the same time, no matter which of the subjects is chosen for local study, the issues of the economics of a specific production and their connection with the work of a given worker should be reflected in the training program.

The decision on the choice of a subject is made by an educational institution (department), depending on the purpose of training, the profile of training, the scope and organization of the activities of enterprises and organizations that order personnel.

Subjects revealing the theoretical foundations of professional activity are included in curricula depending on the specifics of the profession being prepared and can be either general technical in nature (drawing, electrical engineering, materials science, etc.), or general industry (general professional) nature (general production technology, labor protection, production automation etc.), or their combination.

2.3 When organizing training for workers in professions common to all sectors of the national economy (ETKS issue No. 1), as well as those related to the operation and maintenance of facilities subordinated to state supervision bodies, one should be guided, as a basis, by programs developed by the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education (IRPO ) Of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It is allowed to specify the content of special course programs and industrial training in relation to the specifics of enterprises, organizations and firms for which workers are trained. Specification is carried out at the regional level by the services directly involved in the training of workers with a training period of up to 1 year.

Curricula and programs for a special course and industrial training are developed for all skill levels within a given profession, are drawn up in the form of a collection and can be used in vocational training and advanced training of workers.

The structure of the collection and the requirements for the content of each of its sections (Appendix 1).

2.4 The programs of subjects of economic and general technical courses are developed by the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education (IRPO). And can serve as a basis for the development of work programs at the regional level

III. Curricula and programs for retraining workers and specialists

3.1 When retraining workers in a profession related to them professional qualifications, the training period should be reduced depending on the skill level of the trainees. At the same time, practical training should preserve the amount of basic knowledge and skills necessary for a worker with a given qualification. An approximate curriculum for this category of trainees (Appendix 3).

3.2 When retraining workers and specialists with secondary specialized or higher education, in order to obtain a working profession, which turned out to be not related to their previous activity, the training period should also be reduced, without prejudice to practical training. For this category of trainees, their own curriculum is offered (Appendix 4).

3.3 When retraining specialists with secondary specialized education in a profession related to their previous specialty, or higher education, it is envisaged to study theoretical issues of special technology (special subjects) that are directly related to practical training, and a course of practical training, which allows to form skills and abilities corresponding to a specific work qualifications.

An approximate curriculum for this category of trainees (Appendix 5).

3.4 Reduction of the period of study during retraining is carried out mainly due to the inclusion in the curriculum of the integrated course "Theoretical Foundations of Professional Activity". It should contain in a concentrated form educational material of general technical and industry-wide subjects.

An introduction to the curriculum of an integrated course allows for overview lectures to revisit and update previously acquired knowledge. To train new workers and retrain people with higher secondary specialized education, the integrated course is not included in the curriculum.

Partial reduction of special technology (special subjects) is due to "" typical topics "and other material that is determined locally.

3.5 Specific (work) plans and programs for single professions for retraining are created by educational units of services directly involved in retraining workers, using sample curricula (Appendix 3, 4, 5).

IV. Curricula and programs for professional development

Educational and program documentation for advanced training of workers is focused on the consistent improvement of their professional skills in the existing profession.

The duration of training for advanced training is established by the educational institution, the training unit of the enterprise, on the basis of which workers are trained, taking into account the goals and objectives of training, the complexity of the material being studied, the level of qualifications of the trainees.

A benchmark for the creation of local training programs can be exemplary curricula and thematic plans for advanced training, placed in collections of training programs developed by the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education (IRPO) for training workers.

Appendix 1. Curricula and programs for professional training and advanced training of workers

Attachment 1




for professional training and advanced training of workers

Name of the profession


Profession code

City, year

Explanatory note

The explanatory note was drawn up taking into account the specifics of the profession, industry, on the basis of a standard explanatory note developed by the IRPO of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The explanatory note sets out the main tasks of training workers arising from the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", industry normative documents that guided the developers when drawing up this program. It focuses on the need to train workers in new technology and technology, on the formation of economic knowledge in relation to this production and this profession.

Are given general recommendations on the implementation of the curriculum and program, the organization of the educational process, the allocation of time for consultations, and also indicates the permissible changes in the sequence of studying the program material, the procedure for making additions and clarifications to it.

Qualification characteristic

1. The qualification characteristics developed by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation are given in special collections, as well as additions to them, published in 1995-1998.

In connection with significant changes in the characteristics of professions that have passed over the past 5 years, there is a need in some cases, a slight revision of educational and program documentation, in others - a fundamental one, which is what these requirements are aimed at.

2. Qualification characteristics contain:

- the name of the professions in strict accordance with the ETKS, the List of Occupations and the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades;

- qualification level (rank, class, category);

- the amount of knowledge, including on labor protection and safety rules, production skills and basic types of work, which students must master.

3. Qualification characteristics for the professions of workers associated with the maintenance of facilities, supervised by the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, should provide for special requirements (PTE, PTB, etc.) established by these bodies.

4. It is allowed to make adjustments to the qualification characteristics in terms of clarifying the terminology, equipment and technology in connection with the introduction of new GOSTs, as well as the specifics of a specific production for which a worker is being trained.

Academic plan

1. Curricula for training, retraining or advanced training of workers provide for the name and sequence of studying courses and subjects, the distribution of time for theoretical and practical training, consultations and qualification examinations.

2. Theoretical training in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of workers contains economic, general technical (industry-wide) and special courses.

3. The ratio of study time to theoretical and practical training in training new workers, retraining and raising their qualifications is determined depending on the nature and complexity of the profession being mastered, the timing and specifics of vocational training of workers.

4. Studied issues of economics (especially issues of specific economics) should be organically linked with the professional training of workers in the course of teaching special disciplines and practical training. Economic training curricula are differentiated, supplemented and concretized locally, taking into account the specifics of enterprises and the characteristics of the composition of students. The economic course must be oriented towards a specific enterprise.

5. The time to study labor protection issues is determined taking into account the specifics of professions, working conditions and training periods.

6. The reserve of time is allocated for the study of new technology or technology of a specific production, but can be used for other purposes. The curriculum provides for a reserve of time, starting with a 3-month training. This time may vary depending on the specifics of a particular production.

7. The number of hours for consultation is determined locally, depending on the need for this work. The hours for consultation are given in the sample curricula for different periods of study.

8. Time for the qualifying exam is provided for the oral survey and is allocated at the rate of up to 15 minutes per student. Time for qualifying trial work is allocated through hands-on training.

Theoretical training programs

1. The main task theoretical teaching is the formation of a system of knowledge among students about the basics of modern technology and production technology, the organization of labor in the amount necessary for a lasting mastery of the profession and further growth of the professional qualifications of workers, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and an active life position.

2. Theoretical training programs for training and advanced training of workers are drawn up on the basis of qualification characteristics, curriculum and thematic plans.

3. Each topic of the program must have: a title and content, which lays down the basic concepts, phenomena, laws, principles, a possible list of compulsory laboratory and practical work, and more.

4. The educational material of special and general technical (industry-wide) courses in the preparation of new workers must be coordinated in time and in content with the educational material of their general education.

The content of theoretical training programs for advanced training of workers from the initial to the highest level is a logical continuation of the previous stage of training.

6. In cases where the specifics of the profession requires knowledge of the device and operation of a large number of equipment of various types, brands and modifications, a special course should provide for the study schematic diagrams device and operation of typical equipment, typical technological processes typical for this group of enterprises.

7. Model curricula for the subjects of the general technical course are developed by the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, with the participation of other ministries and departments, and are published in separate issues. They can form the basis for the development of field programs.

Practical training program

1. Practical training is the basis of professional and economic training and education of students. It should create conditions - economic and organizational, to stimulate high-quality productive labor, initiative and enterprise in the new economic conditions.

The content of practical training should provide for the organic relationship of the formation of professional sustainable skills of a high work culture, thrift, economic attitude to tools, civil responsibility for the environment, the implementation of labor and technological discipline.

2. The program of practical training for training and advanced training of workers is drawn up on the basis of qualification characteristics, curriculum and thematic plans.

3. The program should disclose the content of training in training workshops, workshops, training grounds, etc., as well as at workplaces of enterprises.

4. The material of the program should be disclosed in clear and concise formulations that reflect the essence of the skills and abilities formed in students, taking into account the requirements of the current standards, rules, instructions, as well as the time allotted for the study of the subject. Particular attention in each topic of the program must be paid to the safe performance of work in the profession, rational organization workplaces, economical use of raw materials and materials, increasing labor productivity and production efficiency, respect for equipment, technological equipment, tools.

The content of the program should provide for the implementation of educational and production work using new equipment and technology, using advanced techniques that ensure the formation of the foundations of professional skill and professional mobility of the worker.

5. When preparing new workers, the content of the program should provide for familiarization of students with the requirements for work in the profession, the Internal Labor Regulations, sanitary standards and labor safety rules, labor protection instructions, production (job) instructions, the need for advanced training in various forms of vocational training ...

6. When improving the qualifications of workers, the practical training program should take into account deeper specialized knowledge of the profession, previously acquired production skills necessary to work on more complex equipment, as well as to perform more complex types of work of the corresponding category (class, category), taking into account the advanced learning.

Appendix 2. Sample curriculum for training new workers

Appendix 2

Training time (months)


hours per week

Economic course

Fundamentals of Market Economy and Entrepreneurship

Other items

General technical (industry-wide) course

Drawing (reading drawings, diagrams)

Electronics (radio electronics)

Materials science (electrical materials science)

Tolerances and technical measurements

General production technology

Occupational Safety and Health

Other items

Special course

Other items

Practical training

Training in workshops or training area


Study time reserve


Qualifying exam

Appendix 3. Approximate curriculum for retraining or obtaining a second profession by workers with a related profession

Appendix 3

Courses, subjects

hours per week

Theoretical training by profession

Economic course

Theoretical foundations of professional activity

Special course

Equipment and technology for performing work by profession

Other items

Practical training


Study time reserve



Qualifying exam

Appendix 4. An approximate curriculum for retraining or obtaining a second profession by workers or specialists with secondary specialized or higher education, whose previous profession or specialty is not related to the new profession

Appendix 4

Courses, subjects

Terms of training for new workers in accordance with the List of professions (months)

Adjusted duration of study (months)

hours per week

Theoretical training by profession

Economic course

Theoretical foundations of professional activity (integrated course)

Special course

Equipment and technology for performing work by profession

Other items

Practical training

Industrial training in workshops or on a training site


Study time reserve



Qualifying exam

Appendix 5. An approximate curriculum for the retraining of persons with secondary specialized education related to their future activities or higher education

Appendix 5

Courses, subjects

Terms of training for new workers in accordance with the List of professions (months)

Adjusted duration of study (months)

hours per week

Theoretical training by profession

Special course

Equipment and technology for performing work by profession

Other items

Industrial training

Industrial training in workshops or on a training site



Qualifying exam

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curricula and programs

Profession code - 13583

Moscow 2007





Approved by the Department Approved by Scientific and Methodological

scientific and technological policy by the Council of the Center for Professional

and education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Federal State Institution FIRO

No. 13-04-1 / 1191 Ministry of Education and Science of Russia


curricula and programs

for training

and advanced training of workers

Profession - bulldozer driver

Qualification - 4th - 6th grade

Profession code - 13583

Moscow 2007

Collection of curricula and programs for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the profession "Bulldozer driver", the author of Art. n.s. ...

Reviewer: senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences.

Ó Federal Institute for the Development of Education, 2007

Reprinted only with permission from FIRO.


This collection of curricula and programs is intended for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the profession of "Bulldozer driver".

The collection includes: qualification characteristics, curriculum, thematic plans for the subjects "Economics of the Industry and Enterprise", "Materials Science", "Reading Drawings", "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering", thematic plans and programs in the subjects "Special Technology", "Labor Protection" and industrial training.

Since the programs in the subjects "Traffic Rules", "Basics of Management and Traffic Safety", "First Aid" are common for training and obtaining the right to drive self-propelled vehicles, they are studied within hours of the approximate curriculum of training programs for tractor drivers of the category "C" and "E" developed by the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education in 2001, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and agreed with the Main State Inspection for Supervision of the Technical Condition of Self-Propelled Vehicles and Other Types of Equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the collection there are examination tickets and a list of recommended literature.

The duration of training for new workers is set at 4 months in accordance with the current List of professions for vocational training of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2001.

The duration of training for retraining (obtaining a second profession) for persons with a related profession (tractor driver, driver of self-propelled vehicles, etc.) and advanced training is, as a rule, at least half of the training period for new workers in this profession and is determined on the ground by training a division of the enterprise on the basis of which the training is conducted.

Qualification characteristics taking into account the current Unified tariff and qualification reference book of work and professions of workers in 1986 (issue 03, section "Construction, installation and repair and construction works").

Examinations in the subjects "Rules of the road" and "Basics of management and traffic safety", credit on the subject "First aid" are held at the expense of the time allotted for this subject.

In the advanced training section, taking into account the specifics of a particular production and possible variable training periods, only qualification characteristics, curriculum and thematic plans for the subject "Special technology" and industrial training for the 5th-6th categories are given.

Machinists engaged in the management and maintenance of construction machines and mechanisms must know plumbing and be charged by the profession "Construction locksmith" one rank lower than the main profession.

Changes and additions can be made to the thematic plans of the studied subject taking into account the specifics of the industry within the hours established by the curriculum.

Industrial training is carried out in two stages: the first - in training workshops, the second - at the workplaces of the enterprise.

The master (instructor) of industrial training must train workers in the effective organization of labor, the use of new equipment and advanced technologies at each workplace and site, consider in detail with them ways to increase labor productivity and measures to save material and energy.

In the training process, special attention should be paid to the need for a solid understanding and implementation of labor safety requirements. To this end, the teacher and master (instructor) of industrial training, in addition to studying the general labor safety requirements provided for by the programs, should pay considerable attention to the labor safety requirements that must be observed in each specific case.

when studying each separate topic or moving to a new type of work in the process of industrial training.

By the end of the training, each student must be able to independently perform all the work provided for by the qualification characteristics.

In accordance with the current rules for admission to driving self-propelled vehicles (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 000 dated 01.01.2001), students are allowed to independently drive bulldozers after training at an educational institution and passing theoretical and practical exams in state technical supervision bodies and issuing a tractor driver-driver license (tractor driver) with appropriate permissive marks.

Updating the technical and technological base of modern production requires the systematic inclusion of educational material on new technology and technology, saving materials, improving the quality of work performed, advanced techniques and methods of labor, as well as eliminating outdated educational material, terms and standards. Programs should be supplemented with information about a specific economy.


Profession - bulldozer driver

Qualification - 4th category

The minimum age for employment is 18 years.

Medical restrictions are regulated by the List of Medical Contraindications of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Bulldozer driver of the 4th category must know:

1) purpose, principles of operation and technical characteristics of tracked and wheeled bulldozers;

2) the device of bulldozers;

3) methods of assembly and disassembly of attached bulldozer equipment;

4) malfunctions of bulldozers, the reasons for their occurrence and how to eliminate them;

5) manual for the operation of bulldozers;

6) methods of metalworking of parts, concepts of tolerances and technical measurements;

7) methods of disassembly and assembly of assembly units and components of the bulldozer;

8) the range and consumption rates of fuel, oils, greases and other operating materials used in the operation of bulldozers;

9) a system of maintenance and repair of earth-moving vehicles;

10) advanced methods of organizing the work of the driver during the maintenance and repair of bulldozers;

The concept of labor discipline, the work culture of the bulldozer driver.

Topic 2. Occupational health, industrial sanitation and injury prevention

Occupational hygiene. Creation of healthy working and living conditions in production conditions.

Industrial and sanitary legislation. Physiological and hygienic foundations of the labor process. Hygienic standards. Rational mode of work and rest. The concept of fatigue. Correct working posture. The importance of correct body position during work to increase labor productivity, prevent spinal curvature and fatigue.

The student's working day. Work breaks, their purpose and proper organization. The role of industrial gymnastics and physical education in health promotion and performance improvement.

Hygienic requirements for work clothes, their care and storage rules.

Industrial sanitation, its tasks. Sanitary and hygienic standards for industrial premises: noise level, lighting of workplaces, air temperature, relative humidity, maximum permissible concentration of dust and harmful substances in the air, etc.

Sanitary requirements for production facilities in training workshops. The importance of cleanliness of industrial premises, training workshops and dormitories for the protection and promotion of health and increased productivity.

Sanitary and technological measures aimed at the maximum reduction of air pollution of working premises with harmful substances. The importance of proper lighting of premises and workplaces. Lighting requirement. Types of ventilation devices, their correct operation. Sanitary maintenance of production and other premises.

Sanitary-technical passport of the state of working conditions in training workshops.

Prevention of occupational diseases and industrial injuries. Brief sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions at the enterprise. Medical and sanitary services for workers at the enterprise. Prevention of occupational diseases (on the example of a specific production). The importance of periodic and preliminary medical examinations.

Influence of noise and vibration on the human body. The concept of acoustic trauma. Measures to combat noise and vibration.

Dust and its effect on the body. Disease arising from exposure to dust. Dust control of industrial premises. Eye injury and eye disease. Causes of eye injuries. Eye injury prevention measures.

Electric shock and protective measures against it.

Methods of storage, transportation and delivery of lubricants. Technology of filling cars with fuel and technical fluids.

Mobile maintenance equipment.

Requirements for the organization of the workplace and safety when servicing bulldozers.

Maintenance of bulldozers

Organization of car repair. Basic information about the current repair of machines. Aggregate repair method. Material and technical base for current repair. Maintenance area. Mobile workshops.

Technological process of current repair. Diagnostics of the tractor.

General requirements for disassembly of units and assembly units. Fault detection and marking of parts.

Equipment and tools for disassembly and assembly works.

Bulldozer maintenance technology.

General requirements for disassembling the main engine. Repair of the cylinder head, cylinder-piston group of the engine. Assembling the engine.

Repair of the water pump and fuel equipment. Engine break-in.

Repair of the starting motor and transmission mechanisms.

Repair of transmission mechanisms, running gear, hydraulic systems, drive and brake mechanisms of tracked and wheeled tractors.

Checking and adjusting electrical equipment.

Running machines.

Requirements for the organization of the workplace and labor safety during the routine repair of bulldozers

Topic 12. Transportation and storage of machines

Rules for loading, installing and securing bulldozers on railway platforms and trailers, on the sea

sky and river vessels, air transport. Methods of transporting machines.

Transportation of cars on dirt and highways.

Features of transportation of cars on their own. Fastening of machines during transportation on vehicles.

Transportation of cars across wetlands and through ice crossings.

Transportation of cars around railroad... Temporary storage of cars. Loading cars onto railway platforms.

Transportation of machines by air. Features of loading cars onto ships.

Transportation of cars by air to hard-to-reach areas.

Storage and preservation of machines. Places and conditions of storage of cars. Preparation of machines for long-term storage. Protection of nickel-plated and painted machine parts. Features of preservation of individual assembly units. Documentation for the preservation and storage of machines.

Topic 13. Quality control of earthworks,

carried out by bulldozers

Technical regulation. Law on technical regulation.

Metrology. Tasks of the metrological service to create and improve standards and exemplary measuring instruments. The importance of ensuring the unity of measures and methods. Basic metrological terms and definitions. Systems of units. International system of units SI. Basic units of physical quantities used in the industry. Measurement methods. Measuring. Measures. Measuring instruments.

Earthwork quality management system. Forms and methods of quality control of earthworks; assessment of their quality level. Earthwork quality planning; assessment of their quality level. Planning to improve the quality of earthworks. Organization of technical control in construction. Cost-effectiveness of improving the quality of work performed and incentives for improving quality.

Organization and control of earthworks using a bulldozer

Measures to prevent industrial injuries

Industrial hazards in construction and means of protection against them

Sanitary and household services at the construction site

Labor protection at the construction site

Electrical safety at the construction site

Environmental protection

Fundamentals of fire safety in construction


Topic 1. Basic requirements for labor protection and industrial safety

The main provisions of the Federal Laws "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" from 01.01.2001, 3, "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation" from 17.07.99, the organization of supervision and control over compliance with the requirements for labor protection and industrial safety.

Topic 2. Fundamentals of labor protection legislation

Tasks and role of labor protection at the enterprise. The main acts on labor protection.

A system of legal, technical and sanitary standards to ensure safe working conditions.

Labor legislation, safety and industrial sanitation.

Responsibility for the implementation of the entire range of measures for labor protection.

State supervision and public control over labor protection. State supervision by specialized bodies. Gas inspection, energy supervision.

State supervision by the prosecution authorities.

Responsibility for violation of labor protection rules. The structure and organization of work on labor protection at a motor transport enterprise. Tasks and main types of control over the state of conditions and labor protection. Operational control of the work manager, administrative and public control, control of the labor protection service of the enterprise.

Methods and tools for monitoring the parameters of working conditions, safety of production equipment and technological processes.

Topic 3. Organization of labor protection service in construction

Organization of labor protection and safety engineering services for construction organizations.

The composition of the labor protection service in a construction organization. Responsibilities of the administrative and technical personnel of construction organizations for labor protection. Duties and rights of the work contractors, the foreman of the production site to ensure the fulfillment of tasks, observance of labor protection, safety measures and industrial sanitation.

Responsibility of engineering and technical workers and workers for violation of labor legislation and labor protection rules.

Topic 4. Measures to prevent industrial injuries

Characteristics of the labor of builders. Industrial hazards and hazards.

Organizational, technical and psychophysiological causes of injury and occupational morbidity.

Types of injuries. Classification of industrial injuries and causes of accidents (in relation to the specialty). The concept of social and economic damage.

Methods for analyzing the causes of industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

The order of investigation and registration of accidents in construction. Documentation for their accounting.

Special cases of investigation. Legal rights of injured persons. Organizational and technical measures to improve work safety. Organization of training workers in safe working practices, types of instruction, organization and methodology for conducting instruction in safe working practices, registration of instruction. The procedure for testing knowledge. Special requirements for training and certification of persons admitted to operation, maintenance of machines and equipment with increased danger. Organization of labor protection propaganda: offices and corners of labor protection, warning labels, signs, posters.

Development and implementation of measures to eliminate industrial hazards and occupational hazards, eradicate the causes that give rise to industrial injuries.

Indicators and methods for determining the assessment of the socio-economic efficiency of improving working conditions.

Organization of promotion of safe working methods. Introductory and production briefing. Safe working methods teaching method.

Topic 5. Industrial hazards in construction and means of protection against them

Meteorological conditions of the working environment affecting the human body. Protective equipment against high and low temperatures.

The concept of industrial dust at a construction site. Maximum permissible concentration of dust in the air of the working area of \u200b\u200bproduction sites. Devices for its determination and means of protection.

The maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area. Methods and devices for the determination of poisonous vapors and gases, means of protection against them.

Industrial noise and vibration, their effects on the human body. Sources of noise and vibration at construction sites.

Maximum permissible levels of noise and vibration. Instruments for measuring noise and vibration levels. Means of protection against the effects of noise and vibration during construction and installation works.

Industrial lighting, its impact on safety and productivity. Types of industrial lighting. Sources of artificial light. Illumination standards for premises and workplaces.

Radioactive and ionizing radiation, their effects on the human body. Maximum permissible levels (doses) of ionizing radiation and concentration of radioactive substances. Organization of work in radiation hazard zones. Instruments for monitoring and measuring radioactivity in working area... Means of protection and rules for their use.

Overalls and safety footwear during construction and installation works. Personal protective equipment of the respiratory system, eyesight, hearing, skin from the effects of poisonous gases. Control over the use of personal protective equipment in construction.

Topic 6. Sanitary and domestic services at the construction site

Organization of a temporary housing estate for builders.

Temporary buildings and structures, their placement in residential settlements and the requirements for them.

Sanitary service at the construction site. Classification and purpose of sanitary and household

premises, their equipment and placement. Temperature regime in industrial and sanitary premises.

Organization and forms of service for workers.

Topic 7. Labor protection at the construction site

Occupational health and safety requirement at the construction site.

Safety requirements for the movement of vehicles on the territory of the construction site.

Dangerous zones at the construction site, their types and a brief description. Fencing of hazardous areas with construction signs.

Labor safety when performing earthworks with bulldozers.

Norms for carrying and lifting loads manually. Maximum permissible loads.

Labor safety rules for loading, transporting, unloading and storing heavy (assembly) equipment, structures, pipes, cylinders.

Topic 8. Electrical safety at the construction site

The effect of electric current on the human body. Types of electric shock. Safety rules with electrified tools.

Safety regulations when using a temporary power grid, portable pantographs, inventory devices for connecting pantographs, as well as portable step-down transformers. Methods of protection against electric shock.

Electrical and personal protective equipment against electric shock.

First aid in case of electric shock to a person. Artificial respiration.

Topic 9. Environmental protection

General concepts of the environment, nature, technical ecology, the sphere of interaction between man and nature. Unity, integrity and relative balance of the biosphere as the basic conditions of life. RF Law "On Environmental Protection". The meaning of nature, rational use its resources for the national economy, human life and future generations.

Organizations providing control over the state of the environment. Environmental protection regulations.

International Organization for the Conservation of Nature. Greenpeace.

The harmful effects of working machines and mechanisms on the environment: external noise, exhaust gases, smoke, the ingress of fuels and lubricants on the ground and into water bodies, damage to the vegetation layer and green spaces, dust formation. Acceptable noise levels, concentration of harmful substances in the air and other harmful effects emanating from a working bulldozer. Constructive and technological solutions and measures to reduce the harmful effects of running machines and mechanisms on the environment. Devices and measures to reduce the level of external noise, emission of harmful substances. Devices and devices that reduce or exclude the ingress of fuels and lubricants on the soil. Dust suppression devices. Methods and techniques by which the bulldozer operator can reduce the harmful impact on the environment. The main activities to reduce

the harmful effects on the environment during the technical operation of the bulldozer.

Topic 10. Fundamentals of fire safety in

The concept of combustion and flash, their brief description. Conditions of occurrence and causes of fires at the construction site.

Fire safety requirement for the maintenance of the territory and premises at the construction site.

Rules for the use of electric heating devices, flammable and fuels and lubricants.

Voluntary fire brigades and their role in ensuring fire safety.

Fire extinguishing means at the construction site, their placement and rules for their use.

Fire communication and alarm, device and principle of operation.

Procedure in the event of a fire. Methods for evacuating people and material values.


Thematic plan

Number of hours

I. Training in training workshops and at the training ground


Labor safety, fire safety and electrical safety

Excursion to the objects of operation of bulldozers

Training in basic plumbing and repair work

Familiarization with the device and working equipment of the bulldozer

Bulldozer Driving and Driving Training

II... On-site training

Acquaintance with the construction site. Labor protection and fire safety briefing at the construction site


Topic 1. Introduction

Basic information about the organization of industrial training in the training center.

Familiarization with the work schedule, forms of work organization and internal regulations in training workshops

Topic 2. Labor safety, fire safety and electrical safety

Occupational safety and fire safety in training workshops.

Familiarization with the rules and regulations of labor safety in training workshops.

Labor safety in the production of land works.

Study of safety requirements for production equipment and production process. The main hazardous and harmful production factors that arise when working in workshops (electric shock, falling, sharp parts, etc.).

Familiarization with occupational safety when moving goods.

Study of the causes of injury, types of injuries. Injury prevention measures.

Familiarization with fire safety, causes of fires, fire prevention.

Familiarization with precautions for the use of flammable liquids and gases.

Mastering the rules of conduct in case of fire, the procedure for calling the fire brigade. Use of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Familiarization with measures to ensure fire safety, evacuation routes.

Studying the basic rules and norms of electrical safety, rules for using electric heating devices and power tools; grounding of electrical installations, power outages.

Possible effects of electric current, technical means and methods of protection, environmental conditions, safety signs and notices, protective equipment. Types of electrical injuries. First aid.

Topic 3. Excursion to the objects of operation

Safety briefing during the excursion to the construction site.

Familiarization with construction works at the facility, quality control systems.

Familiarization with the territory of the construction site, with the placement of buildings under construction, temporary structures, mechanisms and materials on it.

Familiarization with workplaces, with tools, mechanisms, machines used in road construction work.

Summarizing the results of the excursion.

Topic 4. Training in basic plumbing and repair work

Acquaintance with the qualification characteristics of the construction locksmith of the 3rd category.

Locksmith work.

Planar marking.

Preparation of parts for marking.

Exercises in performing basic marking techniques. Creates closed paths formed by straight line segments, circles and radius curves. Centerline markings. Marking of the contours of parts with the measurement of dimensions from the edge of the workpiece and from the center lines, marking by templates. Sharpening and refilling of marking tools. The concept of spatial markup.

Metal cutting.

Briefing in basic felling techniques.

Cutting blanks of various configurations from sheet steel on a plate. Chopping off weld edges, ridges and irregularities on the surfaces of cast parts or welded structures. Tool sharpening.

Quality control of the work performed.

Metal straightening and bending.

Straightening of strip steel, round steel bar on a plate using a hand press and using prisms. Checking with a ruler and a plate. Straightening of sheet steel.

Bending of strip steel at a given angle. Bending of steel sections on a hand press and using devices. Bending of wire rings and steel strip shells. Bending of pipes in fixtures and with filler.

Quality control of the work performed.

Metal cutting.

Fastening the blade in the hacksaw frame. Exercises in setting the body and working movements when cutting with a hand-held hacksaw.

Cutting strip, square, round and angle steel with a bench saw in a vice. Cutting pipes with a hacksaw.

Cutting pipes with a pipe cutter. Cutting sheet material hand scissors. Cutting metal with lever shears.

Quality control of the work performed.

Metal filing.

Exercises in working out the basic techniques of filing flat surfaces.

Sawing of wide and narrow surfaces with a flat straight edge. Sawing of open and closed flat surfaces, mated at an angle of 90º, at an acute and obtuse angles. Flatness check with a ruler.

Checking angles with a square, template and goniometer.

Exercises in measuring parts with a caliper with a vernier accuracy of 0.1 mm.

Sawing parallel flat surfaces. Sawing the surfaces of cylindrical rods and

chamfers on them. Sawing curved convex and concave surfaces. Checking with a radius meter and templates.

Quality control of the work performed.

Drilling, countersinking and reaming.

Exercises in operating a drilling machine and setting it up. Drilling through holes along the markings and in the jig. Drilling blind holes using stops, measuring rulers, limbs, etc. Drilling with hand and electric drills. Drilling with mechanized hand tools. Refueling of cutting elements of drills.

Countersinking screw and rivet head holes. Selection of reamers depending on the purpose and accuracy of the hole being machined. Manual reaming of cylindrical through holes. Reaming the tapered pin holes.

Quality control of the work performed.

Thread cutting.

External thread cutting on bolts, studs, pipes. Cutting of threads in through and blind holes. Inspection of threaded connections.

Quality control of the work performed.

Preparation of riveted parts. Assembly and riveting of the lap joint by hand and on the press with rivets with semicircular and countersunk heads.

Quality control of the work performed.


Drilling and punching openings and holes.

Processing holes of straight contours manually with files, as well as using power tools.

Checking the shape and size with universal tools, templates and inserts.

Quality control of the work performed.


Briefing on the content of classes and occupational safety.

Preparation of flat surfaces, fixtures, tools and auxiliary materials for scraping.

Scraping of flat surfaces. Scraping of curved surfaces.

Sharpening and threading of scrapers for processing flat and curved surfaces.

Quality control of the work performed.


Preparation for grinding the surfaces of parts, grinding materials, devices. Manual lapping of flat surfaces of various parts. Control of treated surfaces with a curved ruler, measurement of dimensions with a micrometer.

Assembly lapping of working surfaces of valves and valve seats, taps with a conical plug.

Quality control of the work performed.

Soldering, tinning, gluing.

Preparation of parts for tinning and soldering. Preparation of solders and fluxes. Soldering of ferrous and non-ferrous metals with soft solders using soldering irons and a torch. Tinning of surfaces by dipping and rubbing.

Preparation of parts and solders for brazing. Brazing. Solder surface finish. Soldering wire connections.

Preparation of surfaces for bonding. Selection of adhesives. Bonding products with various adhesives. Quality control of gluing.

Renovation work.

Training in simple repair work. Cutting, preparation, annealing of gaskets, seals, their installation in units and parts. Determination of spring stiffness and their selection for valves and other equipment.

Methods for cleaning and flushing units and parts. Repair work training. Disassembly and assembly of robust construction machines and engines.

Topic 5. Acquaintance with the device and working equipment of the bulldozer

Familiarization with the equipment of the bulldozer driver's cab.

Acquaintance: with crank, gas distribution and decompression mechanisms, cooling and lubrication systems, with the power supply and ignition systems for engines, with a clutch, gearbox, creeper, with driving axles of basic tractors, with chassis and steering, electrical equipment for bulldozers, worker drive equipment with bulldozer equipment.

Topic 6. Driving training

and dozer control

Briefing on the content of classes, organization of the workplace and labor safety.

Acquisition of bulldozer driving skills. Mastering the techniques of landing in the bulldozer cab. Practicing the skills of controlling the mechanisms and systems of the bulldozer when the diesel engine is not working.

Carrying out a control examination of the mechanisms and systems of the tractor before starting the diesel engine and starting the tractor.

Mastering starting a starting engine with a starting handle and a starter. Stopping the starting motor. Starting and stopping the diesel engine.

Working out the techniques of starting the bulldozer from a place and stopping it.

Driving the bulldozer in a straight line and cornering in low gears. Driving the bulldozer at higher speeds. Working out techniques for changing the direction of the machine using reverse gears. Mastering the techniques of moving the bulldozer in reverse. Mastering the techniques of moving the bulldozer in the transport and working position, with orientation along a given line, direction.

Driving a bulldozer over rough terrain with overcoming ups, downs, slopes. Techniques for driving a bulldozer when crossing streams and small rivers, railway crossings, bridges.

Driving a bulldozer at night and in poor visibility. Mastering the methods of transportation of tractor trailers, trailers without cargo and with cargo.

Carrying out control examinations of the bulldozer during work breaks (short-term parking).

Practicing the techniques of starting a diesel bulldozer and stopping it at low temperatures.

Study and use of a set of tools and accessories supplied with the bulldozer. Refueling the bulldozer with fuels and lubricants, cooling and working fluids.

Topic 7. Acquaintance with the construction site. Labor protection and fire safety briefing at the construction site

Briefing on labor protection and fire safety at the site of operation of bulldozers.

Acquaintance with the construction site, placement of temporary structures, inventory means, mechanical and repair shops; with the technology of car repair, the organization of work in the repair and construction of highways, the safety of the bulldozer driver.

Familiarization with the workplace, the driver's work schedule, the procedure for accepting and returning the shift, the rules of the labor schedule. Filling in the necessary documentation.

Briefing on the organization of work and safety rules at the workplace.

Topic 8. Installation and dismantling of working equipment

Preparing the machine for the installation of working equipment. Preparing the machine for dismantling the working equipment.

Acquaintance with the general structure of drive winches. Dismantling the winch. Assembling and installing the winch in place. Installation and dismantling of attachments. Removal and installation of the blade. Removal of knives on bulldozer dumps, inspection and installation in place. Removal and installation of push frames, blade, shield armor and guards. Removal and installation of the blade hydraulic cylinder. Check-

ka and adjustment of the tightening of fastening blocks of the lifting chain hoist. Preparing the bulldozer for long-term storage and transportation.

Topic 9. Mastering techniques and methods of performing work performed by a bulldozer

Briefing on the organization of the workplace and labor safety on bulldozers.

Checking the unit and preparing it for work. Starting the engine. Improvement of bulldozer control techniques on the spot and in motion.

Execution of work on the construction of embankments with transverse passes from reserves and longitudinal passes from excavations.

Development of grooves with longitudinal and transverse passes in two directions. Layout of excavations with cutting off bumps and filling in depressions with parallel passes and moving large masses of soil.

Development of terraces and shelves on slopes with transverse and longitudinal aisles.

Backfilling of trenches with parallel passes perpendicular to the trench and oblique parallel passes.

Mastering the techniques of lowering and burying the blade into the ground, cutting techniques, accumulating and moving soil, returning the bulldozer to its original position.

Mastering the techniques for planning the area.

Transportation of cars to the parking lot.

Performing monthly maintenance of the bulldozer.

Quality control of the work performed.

Topic 10. Work on the maintenance and repair of bulldozers


Instructions on occupational safety and workplace organization during machine maintenance.

Performing maintenance on the main engine. Maintenance of the cooling system, air cleaner, turbocharger, power supply system, lubrication system, crank mechanism.

Performing transmission and brake maintenance. Maintenance of the main clutch, gearbox, rear and front drive axles, wheel tractor brakes, etc.

Performing maintenance of hydraulic systems and electrical equipment.

Maintenance of bulldozers.

Briefing on the organization of the workplace and labor safety.

Performing repair work on the main engine. Engine diagnostics.

Partial disassembly of the engine. Checking the condition of the bearings and crankshaft journals. Replacing the main and connecting rod bearings of the engine crankshaft.

Repair of the engine block head. Repair of valves and valve seats.

Repair of the cylinder-piston group. Measurement of wear of liners, pistons, piston rings. Replacement of worn and damaged parts. Selection of parts by size groups. Assembling the engine.

Water pump repair. Repair of stuffing box packing, replacement of worn out bearings.

Repair of fuel equipment. Determination of the technical condition of the injectors and the high pressure fuel pump on the engine. Repair of precision mates.

Repair of fuel priming pumps. Adjustment of the high pressure fuel pump at the stand. Adjusting the injectors for the pressure of the beginning of fuel injection and monitoring the quality of fuel atomization on the device.

Testing the engine. Cold and hot engine break-in.

Repair of the starting engine. Replacement of piston rings. Repair of transmission units. Clutch repair. Repair of mechanical and hydromechanical transmissions.

Regulation and repair of the rear axle of the tractor (tractor).

Repair of the front drive axle of a wheeled tractor (repair work is carried out under the guidance of a highly qualified repairman).

Adjustment and repair of the power steering. Repair of the pneumatic drive of the tractor (tractor) brakes. Checking and adjusting the electrical equipment of the tractor. Running in the tractor.

Repair of assembly units of bulldozer equipment.

Topic 11. Independent performance of work in
as a 4th grade bulldozer driver

Implementation of the whole complex of bulldozer works by the students, provided for by the qualification characteristics of the 4th grade bulldozer driver.


Preparing the bulldozer for work.

Definition by external signs type of soil;

Work as trainee bulldozer driver;

Work as a bulldozer driver;

Performing maintenance work on the bulldozer;

Identification and elimination of malfunctions found during the operation of the bulldozer;

Execution of work on the current repair of the bulldozer;

Pits for buildings and structures;

Development of soils during the construction of excavations and embankments, reserves, cavaliers and banquets during the construction of roads, railways, etc., at specified marks.

A detailed program of industrial practice, taking into account the specific conditions of the organization and specialization of students, the mastery by students of modern technology and technology, techniques and methods of work are developed by the educational institution.

Qualification (trial) work.



by profession "Bulldozer driver" on the 5th - 6th grade

Profession - bulldozer driver


5th grade - must be able to operate a bulldozer with a capacity of more than 43 to 73 kW (from 60 to 100 hp).

6th grade - must be able to operate a bulldozer with a power of more than 73 kW (100 hp).


by profession "Bulldozer driver"
on the 5th - 6th category

Training period - 2 months

Courses, subjects

Total for the course


Economic course

Industry and enterprise economics

General technical course

Materials Science

Technical mechanics

Special course

Special technology


Industrial training


Qualifying exam

1.3. Special course


subject "Special technology"
on the 5th - 6th category

Number of hours


Industrial sanitation, occupational health and injury prevention

Labor protection, fire safety and electrical safety at the enterprise

General device and classification of bulldozers

The device and workflow of an internal combustion engine

Work equipment

Organization and technology of work with bulldozers

Operation, maintenance and repair of bulldozers

Environmental protection



Number of hours

Introductory lesson

Instruction on labor safety, electrical safety and fire safety in training workshops

Locksmith and repair training

Bulldozer control training

Bulldozer maintenance training


Acquaintance with the construction site. Briefing on labor protection, fire safety and electrical safety at a construction site

Installation and dismantling of working equipment

Maintenance and repair works of bulldozers

Improvement of techniques and methods of performing work carried out by a bulldozer

Independent performance of work as a bulldozer driver of the 5th or 6th grade

Qualification (trial) work


to train workers by profession

"Bulldozer driver"

Examination tickets are approximate, their content, if necessary, can be adjusted by the teacher of the educational institution, considered by the methodological commission and approved by the director of the educational institution.

Ticket number 1

1. Design and operation of the hydraulic attachment system of the tractor, attachments and trailers of tractors.

2. Technology of earthworks production in moist soils.

3. Types of work performed by the bulldozer driver.

4. The main fire-fighting measures when working on a bulldozer.

Ticket number 2

1. Purpose, structure and operation of the tractor transfer case.

2. Maintenance of the diesel engine power system. Checking and adjusting injectors.

3. Maintenance starting device tractor.

4. Safety requirements when working on a bulldozer.

Ticket number 3

1. Basic technological operations during earthworks.

2. The device of the transmission mechanism of the starting motor.

3. Maintenance of the power steering.

4. The procedure for accounting for work performed. Measurement of the scope of work per shift.

Ticket number 4

1. Basic properties of soils. Construction qualities soils. Stability of the soil on the slopes of embankments and excavations.

2. Design and operation of the starting engine carburetor.

3. Repair and restoration of the balancers of the suspension carriages and track bogie frames. Assembly of carriages.

4. Safety measures when loading the bulldozer onto vehicles, transportation and unloading.

Ticket number 5

1. The device of the tracked propeller with a balance suspension.

2. Repair of hydraulic equipment for bulldozers. Assembly and regulation of elements of hydraulic equipment.

3. Shift maintenance.

4. Safety requirements when working with electrical equipment.

Ticket number 6

1. The device of the tracked engine with a semi-rigid suspension.

2. Adjustment of the single drum winch.

3. Maintenance of the engine power supply system.

4. Labor safety during bulldozing work.

Ticket number 7

1. The device of the transmission of tractors. Transfer scheme.

2. Routine repair of the bulldozer blade. Maintenance of the undercarriage of a wheeled tractor.

3. Maintenance of the diesel engine lubrication system.

4. Safety requirements for disassembly and assembly of assembly units of the cooling system.

Ticket number 8

1. Construction of improved dirt roads. Materials for the construction of road bases

2. Design and operation of the turbocharger.

3. Purpose and device of the final drive (reducer) of the tractor.

4. First aid for injured persons.

Ticket number 9

1. The construction of the road. Earthen bed. Driving part of the road.

2. Design and operation of the tractor clutch. Clutch servo mechanism, its structure and action.

3. Maintenance of the undercarriage of the caterpillar tractor. Track tension adjustment.

4. Safety requirements during inspection, adjustment and repair work of the working equipment of bulldozers.

Ticket number 10

2. Purpose, general structure and interaction of parts of the engine gas distribution and decompression mechanisms. Adjustment of mechanisms.

3. Technology of current repair of a bulldozer.

4. Safety requirements when working with bulldozer equipment.

Ticket number 11

1. The device and operation of magneto. Installation of ignition on the starting engine.

2. Repair of the gas distribution valve mechanism of the diesel engine.

3. Requirements for the organization of routine repair of the bulldozer. Scheme technological process routine repair of the bulldozer by the aggregate method.

4. Safety requirements when moving and installing machines near pits, trenches and ditches.

Ticket number 12

1. The device of the water pump. Diagram of the operation of the diesel engine cooling system.

2. Repair of the crank mechanism of the diesel engine. Specifications for the assembly of the connecting rod and piston group.

3. Safety requirements when monitoring the level of liquid cooling in the engine radiator and when filling the tank with fuel.

4. The main causes of injuries during bulldozing operations, measures to eliminate them.

Ticket number 13

2. General arrangement of bulldozer equipment. Adjustment of the depth of cut in the soil.

3. Maintenance of tractor transmission mechanisms. Adjustment of the gearbox locking mechanism.

4. Safety requirements when monitoring the level of liquid cooling in the engine radiator and when filling the tank with fuel.

Ticket number 14

1. Organization of earthworks in hot climates.

2. Device and scheme of action of hydraulic control of a bulldozer.

3. Maintenance of the tractor electrical equipment.

4. Safety requirements when loading a bulldozer onto vehicles, transportation and unloading.

Ticket number 15

1. Peculiarities of excavation work in permafrost conditions.

2. The device of diesel engine air cleaners and their operation.

3. Purpose of the engine lubrication system. Ways to lubricate engine parts. Engine lubrication system diagram. Engine crankcase ventilation.

4. Safety requirements when working bulldozers near cable and overhead power lines.


Roninson, scrapers, graders. - M.: Higher. school, 1991

and other Automation of building and road machines. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1991

A set of training instruction cards for the course "General locksmithing" (24 double-sided instruction cards), 2004.

Rolin labor in construction. - M.: IC "Academy", 2003

Konstantinov nature (teaching aids for vocational schools). - M .: Higher. school, 1986

Pokrovsky deed, 30 posters (A1 format), 2002

Horse case. Set of 10 albums (A3 format) and 30 posters (A1 format), 2002

Polosin road and construction machines. - M .: "Academy", 2002

Roninson for road construction machinery and tractors. - M .: ITs "Academy", 2007.

Roninson road construction machinery maintenance and repair. - M .: IC "Academy", 2005

Horse training general locksmith work. - M .: IRPO, 2005

The device of road-building machines: a textbook for initial vocational education (album of 30 posters) (comp., P.

The device and operation of road-building machines: Textbook for primary vocational education Ed. 2nd, stereotypes. (Professional education)

Textbook on the Rules of road driving for drivers of tractors and self-propelled vehicles of categories B, C, D. - M .: Rus Autobook, 2005

Shmakov, scrapers and graders in road construction. - M .: Transport, 1991

Explanatory note ................................................ ......

Qualification characteristics of a bulldozer driver for the 4th grade …………………………………………

Approximate curriculum. Thematic plans of the general technical course …………………………………………

Thematic plan and program of the subject "Special technology" …………………………………………………

Thematic plan and program of the subject "Labor protection" ……………………………………………………………

Thematic plan and program of industrial training …………………………………………………….

Retraining and advanced training of workers in the profession of "Bulldozer driver" for the 5th - 6th grade ………………………………………………………………

Sample exam tickets …………… ...........

Literature................................................. ..........................

A collection of curricula and programs for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the profession of "Bulldozer driver".

Responsible for release

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2013 N 292
"On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on basic vocational training programs "

With changes and additions from:

A combination of various forms of education and training is allowed.

4. The content and duration of vocational training for each profession of a worker, an employee's position are determined by a specific vocational training program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, based on professional standards (if any) or established qualification requirements, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When undergoing vocational training in accordance with an individual curriculum, its duration can be changed by the organization carrying out educational activities, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student.

5. Training according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated training, within the framework of the vocational training program being mastered, is carried out in the manner prescribed by local regulatory acts of the organization carrying out educational activities.

6. Persons of various ages, including those who do not have basic general or secondary general education, including persons with disabilities health (with various forms of mental retardation).

8. The start and end dates for vocational training are determined in accordance with the curriculum of a specific main vocational training program.

9. Educational activities for basic vocational training programs are organized in accordance with the schedule, which is determined by the organization carrying out educational activities.

Vocational training in production is carried out within the limits of the student's working time according to the relevant main vocational training programs.

10. The implementation of the main vocational training programs is accompanied by intermediate certification of students. The forms, frequency and procedure for the intermediate certification of students are established by the organization carrying out educational activities independently.

11. Vocational training ends with a final certification in the form of a qualifying exam * (2).

12. The qualification examination is conducted by an organization carrying out educational activities to determine the conformity of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to the vocational training program and to establish, on this basis, persons who have completed vocational training, qualification categories, classes, categories for the relevant professions of workers, positions of employees. * ( 3)

The qualification exam, regardless of the type of vocational training, includes practical qualification work and testing of theoretical knowledge within the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards for the relevant professions of workers, positions of employees. Representatives of employers and their associations are involved in the qualification exam. * (4)

13. Persons who have successfully passed the qualification exam are assigned a category or class, category based on the results of vocational training and issued a certificate of the worker's profession, the position of an employee.

When determining the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing a certificate of the worker's profession, the position of an employee, it also provides for the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing a duplicate of the said certificate.


* (1) Article 17 § 5

* (2) Part 1 of Article 74 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598).

* (3) Part 2 of Article 74 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598).

* (4) Part 3 of Article 74 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598).

In this regard, the general rules for the organization and implementation of educational activities for the main vocational training programs are spelled out. We are talking about programs for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of workers and employees.

Vocational training is carried out in educational organizations and in the form of self-education. The organization determines the forms of training independently. A combination of various forms of education and training is possible.

Education of minors should provide for the compulsory receipt of secondary general education.

Moreover, it is possible to train women and persons under 18 only in the professions (positions) permitted for them.

The educational organization determines the forms, frequency and procedure for intermediate certification of students. Final certification takes the form of a qualification exam (practical qualification work and testing of theoretical knowledge). Representatives of employers (their associations) are involved in the examination.

Those who successfully pass the exam are assigned the appropriate category (class, category) and are issued a certificate of the profession (position).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2013 N 292 "On approval of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities in the main vocational training programs"

This order comes into force on September 1, 2013.

This document is amended by the following documents:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of October 27, 2015 N 1224

The changes come into effect on July 1, 2016.

Changes come into force of the official publication of the named order

The changes come into force 10 days after the day of the official publication of the said order

The changes come into force 10 days after the day of the official publication of the said order

  • 2. Personality of a bachelor of vocational training: personality orientation, professional competence, professionally important qualities.
  • 3. System of continuous professional and pedagogical education: essence, structure. Types of vocational pedagogical educational institutions, their name and features.
  • 4. The concept of general and professional pedagogy. Object, subject, functions of general and professional pedagogy. Branches of pedagogy.
  • 5. Methods of pedagogical research. Theoretical, empirical, mathematical, instrumental methods.
  • 1. Theoretical.
  • 2. Empirical.
  • 4.Instrumental
  • 6. Formation of general and professional pedagogy (stages of formation, founders and outstanding scientists).
  • 6. Formation of general and professional pedagogy (stages of formation, founders and outstanding scientists). (2)
  • 8. The essence and specific concepts of professional pedagogy (profession, specialty, qualifications, professional competence, competence).
  • 10. The main trends in the development of the vocational education system.
  • 11. Legislative and legal base of vocational education. Federal Law "On Education" as a state document regulating the development of the education system.
  • Normative basis of education
  • 12. Education as a social and pedagogical phenomenon. The place and tasks of vocational education in the education system of the Russian Federation. Education as a social phenomenon
  • 2. By type, story, work. Details:
  • 3. Classification by purpose:
  • 14. Purpose as a category of pedagogy. Types of pedagogical goals.
  • 15. The essence of pedagogical principles and their role in building the pedagogical process. General didactic principles and their characteristics.
  • 17. Methods for the implementation of the pedagogical process.
  • Classification of methods for implementing a holistic pedagogical process:
  • 19.Innovative technologies in vocational education
  • 3. Types of educational technologies.
  • 2. Choosing an individual educational trajectory
  • 5. Situational learning
  • 6. The principle of educational reflection
  • 21. The essence and characteristics of pedagogical technology (as 20)
  • 22. Functions, principles and structural components of educational technologies.
  • 23. The essence of pedagogical tools. The relationship of teaching aids with methods of implementing the pedagogical process.
  • 24. Forms of the organization of the pedagogical process. The relationship of pedagogical forms with pedagogical methods and the content of the pedagogical process.
  • 25. Lesson as the main form of organization of the pedagogical process.
  • 27. Methods and forms of education in a professional educational institution.
  • 1 Classification of educational methods by orientation (according to Shchukina):
  • 2 Classification of methods of education (according to Pidkasistom):
  • 30. Pedagogical design: essence, functions, objects, technology.
  • 31. Educational and design activities of a bachelor
  • 32. Research activities of the bachelor of vocational training
  • 34. Essence, functions of vocational training.
  • 35. Regularities and principles of vocational training
  • 36. The structure of the vocational training process
  • 38. Educational and program documentation of vocational training: qualification characteristics, federal state educational standard, curriculum, curriculum.
  • 39. Federal state educational standard of SPE: concept, structure, content. Didactic characteristics of the disciplines of the professional cycle.
  • 40. Curriculum as a model of a specialty: concept, structure, types. The concept of an academic subject. A cycle of academic subjects.
  • 41. The curriculum as a project of an academic discipline: concept, types, structure.
  • 42. Designing vocational training goals. Types of pedagogical goals. Taxonomy of goals. Goals and objectives of vocational training.
  • 43. The content of theoretical training in professional educational institutions. The concept of educational material, academic subject. Levels of study and assimilation of the content of academic disciplines.
  • 44. Designing the content of the disciplines of the professional cycle: principles, criteria for the selection of educational material, structuring.
  • 45. Means of instruction in the activities of the teacher: concept, classification, formation.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bMethods and methodological techniques of vocational training. Classification of methods by the nature of cognitive activity, didactic goals. Student activity level
  • 47. Forms of organizing the educational process in a professional school.
  • 48. Preparing a teacher for training in a vocational school.
  • 49. Methods of planning and conducting a seminar.
  • 50. Methodology for planning and conducting a combined lesson.
  • 51. Methods for planning and conducting a didactic game.
  • 52. Methodology for planning and conducting a practical lesson.
  • 54. Methodology for diagnosing knowledge and skills of students.
  • 55. Methods for developing tests of control of professional knowledge and skills.
  • 56. Evaluation and accounting of the results of educational activities of students.
  • 57. Comprehensive methodological support for the academic discipline.
  • 60. Methodical activity of a bachelor of vocational training
  • 38. Educational and program documentation of vocational training: qualification characteristics, federal state educational standard, curriculum, curriculum.

    Qualification characteristic. Its main purpose is to serve as a standard of qualification of a specialist in this profile. Therefore, the qualification characteristic must specifically indicate:

      requirements for the personal characteristics of the future specialist and for the components of his labor activity,

      levels of performance of their respective work processes.

    Qualification characteristic is an official and fairly stable document, along with the educational standard and curriculum, valid for a relatively long period of time. Qualification characteristics are created to describe the goals of training qualified personnel and serve to assess the degree of skill of specialists and the assignment of wages to them.

    In general, KX contains the following provisions:

      activity purpose of a specialist with an indication of his qualifications.

      requirements for knowledge and skills, which must meet a graduate of the university.

      requirements for the level of training of specialists express the characteristics of the specialty and establish the required volume of professions, social and social tasks and functions that university graduates must be able to solve in practice.

    State educational standard (GOS) - a set of requirements for the level, content and quality of education, reflected in the relevant regulatory documents.

    On the basis of the state educational standard, educational institutions are certified.

    GOS includes the following components:

    - federal - reflects the requirements that ensure the equivalence of education throughout the territory of Russia and represents a set of regulatory documents developed at the federal level;

    - national-regional - reflects national and regional requirements for the quality and content of education and represents a set of regulatory documents developed and approved at the regional level.

    The list of professions and the nomenclature of specialties can be specified and supplemented at the level of the national-regional component, taking into account local specifics, provided that the qualification structure and the main provisions of the SES are observed.

    Functions of the state educational standard:

    - SES ensures the development of the continuous education system;

    - GOS ensures the competitiveness of the individual;

    - SES ensures free interaction in the labor market;

    - GOS meets the requirements of the regions.

    Academic plan - a normative document regulating the general direction and main content of specialist training, the sequence and intensity, the timing of the study of academic disciplines, the main forms of organization of training, the forms and timing of testing the knowledge and skills of students.

    Includes 2 parts:

      the schedule of the educational process - periods of theoretical studies, educational and industrial practice, examination (or laboratory-examination) sessions, thesis (or diploma design), vacations and their alternation during the entire period of study;

      curriculum plan - a list of compulsory, alternative and optional disciplines indicating the volume of each of them in academic hours and the distribution of these hours by weeks, semesters, academic years, the timing of exams, credits and coursework (projects) and the number of hours allocated for lectures , seminars, laboratory works and exercises in each subject.

    Typical curriculum - the main document establishing the state component of the corresponding educational and professional program. It establishes at the state level the minimum amount of study hours and cycles (blocks), a list of compulsory disciplines in them, thus providing independence to higher educational institutions in developing the university component of the working curriculum of this specialty.

    Working curriculum is a curriculum for a specialty of a specific higher educational institution, developed on the basis of a standard curriculum with its additions and adjustments (in accordance with regulatory documents), taking into account local conditions, specialization, specifying the calendar structure, stages of the educational process.

    Training program is a normative document that defines the purpose and place of an academic subject in the system of training specialists, the goals of its study, the content of educational material, and the forms of organization of training.

    Curricula in subjects that provide professional training of specialists are developed in close interconnection with the aim of ensuring a holistic mastery of educational material necessary for the successful implementation of professional activities, preventing possible duplication, taking into account interdisciplinary connections when determining the sequence of studying academic subjects.

    The curriculum includes: "exemplary (typical) curriculum", "author's program" and "work program of the training course".

    Typical curriculum - a document that discloses in detail the mandatory (federal) components of the content of education and the parameters of the quality of assimilation of educational material in a specific subject of the basic curriculum. It is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is of a recommendatory nature.

    Working programm Is a curriculum developed by a teacher based on the Model for a specific educational institution and a specific class (group), with changes and additions in the content, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of training, etc.

    Author's program Is a document created on the basis of the state educational standard and the Model Program and having the author's concept of constructing the content of a curriculum, subject, discipline (module). An author's program is developed by one or a group of authors. The Author's program is characterized by an original concept and structure of content.
