When finishing the roof of an outbuilding, it would be nice to ask in advance how to glue the roofing material to the roofing material - it is with this material that the roof of ancillary buildings is most often laid.

It is clear that a thoughtful owner will select a more modern material for a residential building, more consistent with his ideas about the coziness of living, comfort, aesthetics and reliability (for example, metal tiles or soft roofs - which have now become very popular among a wide part of the population).

Moreover, the flammability and low refractoriness of roofing material has long been alarming for almost all homeowners, especially those with real estate in the southern territories of the country, where the weather cannot be called cool in summer. But for a shed, warehouse or garage, especially not heated, roofing material, as a finishing material, still remains quite attractive and suitable for mass use as a roof decoration.

Many of the homeowners do not disdain them even when roofing worksah, for example, in a summer cottage - in winter the house is still empty, so special thermal insulation and a noble look from the roof is not required. Working with roofing material is only physically difficult - no special knowledge and professional skills are required from you. And one more big plus that attracts people to itself.

The material is one of the cheapest for the price, if we are talking about its traditional performance, and not about newest options products like roofing material made of modified bitumen based on polyester (this one is much more expensive).

How to glue roofing material to roofing material when arranging a roof? Roofers offer a variety of options, from traditional to modern. What you prefer is up to you, based primarily on the calculated budget of the construction site: both the type of purchased roofing material and the way it is attached to the roof depend on the amount of funds.

Classics of the genre: bituminous homemade mastics:

Most of them are used when renovating old roofs or roofing small buildings. They are tempting for their extreme cheapness; scared away by the need for preparation, and associated with a very likely injury.

There are two types of bituminous mastics.

Cold: Bitumen grade BN-90/10 is placed in a suitable container and melted to a liquid state. The most important thing at this stage is to catch the right moment when all the mass has melted and there are no solid fragments left in it, but the coking process has not yet begun - in this case, bitumen is no longer suitable for gluing roofing material. The formation of steam at the initial stages is normal, it is the water accumulated in bitumen that comes out. Grayish smoke is also common. But when the hissing stops and the first bubble appears, the tank is removed from the fire.

The molten bitumen cools down to about 85 Celsius (as it stops boiling after removing from the fire - you can continue on).

A solvent is added to it, and the mass is kneaded until completely homogeneous. Diesel oil, kerosene or gasoline are usually used as a solvent. Its 7 kilograms is taken for every 3 kilos of bitumen.

Cold mastic is used for bonding in a warm, but not hot state. It remains liquid even when cooled down to 20 degrees. Therefore, it is safer to work with it, although the degree of adhesion of layers of roofing material is considered lower.


  • It will take at least three hours to cook hot mastic, a thicker-walled cooking vessel and a scoop, usually built from a tin can screwed to a long pole.
  • Pieces of bitumen are loaded into the tank so that they fill slightly more than half of its volume.
  • When the foam stops forming, filler additives are introduced into the molten composition: talc, asbestos, peat chips, chalk, limestone, etc. By weight, for every 8 kg of bitumen, 1.5 kg of additives are used. Before the introduction, the fillers must be sieved, so as not to accidentally add too large pieces.
  • The mass is regularly kneaded; floating debris is caught with a scoop.
  • At the end of cooking, oil is poured in at the rate of half a kilo per the above ratio of the remaining components.

After mixing, the mastic can be used, but only hot. Therefore, they prefer to cook it right on the roof and keep it on fire to avoid cooling. The risk of scalding or scalding on the "pan", as you know, is very high.

Nevertheless, despite the laboriousness and unsafe preparation, bituminous mastics are popular and widely used.

Modern options

Note that the insecurity of ancient bituminous mastics prompted the construction industry to develop alternative ways of joining layers of roofing material. Today the market offers a wide variety of mastics and adhesives for this material, which do not require a hot cooking stage.

They are also based on bitumen, however, it is supplemented with rubbers or other polymers, already mixed with a solvent and completely ready for use. They are usually sold in a pair with primers, the action of which is similar to the action of primers when carrying out paintwork. The use of bitumen-rubber mastics greatly simplifies the roof overlap.

  • If an old roof is being restored, all the protruding remnants of the previous coating are cleaned off, the surface gets rid of dirt and is degreased.
  • The base is coated with primer and left to soak. This takes 2.5 to 3.5 hours, depending on the manufacturer.
  • The mastic is applied to the roof without any gaps. Every centimeter should be missed. The thickness of the mastic layer is again determined by the manufacturer.
  • Roofing material is rolled over the surface with pressing along the entire plane. Separate stripes are overlapped; The edges overlapping each other are also coated with the composition and rolled.
  • Mastics can be used with cold or hot methods. In the latter case, the entire structure, consisting of bitumen-rubber mastic and roofing material, is heated by the burner. It is more convenient, no doubt, to use the cold one, which does not require additional equipment, even if it is somewhat more expensive.
Super modern way: In order not to think about how to glue the roofing material to the roofing material, not to look for the necessary compositions, not to stock up on firewood with thick-walled containers and not to rent special equipment, you can spend money on a self-adhesive roofing material. It initially has a sticky layer, protected by a film. And the only thing you will need to take care of is to gradually remove the protection so that the layer of applied glue does not dry out prematurely.

With a large number of modern roofing materials offered on the building materials market, roofing material traditionally occupies one of the leading places. This is due to its following advantages over others:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of installation;
  • small costs for sealing joints;
  • the possibility of using it for waterproofing.

The disadvantages include the relatively short service life of this coating.

The laying of roofing material and the sealing of joints were previously carried out by the most in a simple way: a roll of roofing material was rolled out and the joints were nailed through a wooden plank. The connection turned out to be loose and short-lived. They also used molten resin, which made the work very dangerous.

The appearance on the market of modern compounds for performing this type of work has made it possible to perform such coatings even by non-professionals and with less risk. For this, they began to use a special glue for roofing material. For laying and sealing roofing material modern materials you need to know what this glue is, what types of it exist, how to properly prepare the composition before use and some other features of use.


Roofing material glue is an adhesive mass that consists of several components. Typically a solvent, filler and various additives. It is used for gluing roofing material to various surfaces, as well as for sealing the joints of this material. The main advantage of using this material is the absence of air pockets at the joints of roofing felt.

There are a large number of adhesive manufacturers on the market. Each brand has its own advantages, but the main task does not change. Here are a few of them:

  • TechnoNIKOL.
  • Lepik na zimno.

Types of material

Distinguish between cold and hot glue.

Adhesive for roofing material for cold use is used at low heating. If the temperature is below the specified one, then before use it must be kept in a warm room for at least a day.

Hot should be used only when heated and used very quickly, before it solidifies.

Glue for roofing material "TechnoNIKOL" does not require preliminary preparation, it can be used at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees.

Preparing the adhesive for use

Preparation of the composition before use for different types of glue is different. Cold glue for roofing felt is sold almost ready for use. It is heated to a low temperature, the solvent is added and mixed, after which it is ready.

Hot is prepared as follows: bitumen is placed in a thick-walled vessel and heated over low heat. After the main substance has melted, the necessary components are added and cooked at low temperature according to the instructions.

How to glue roofing material?

To use any type of glue, it is necessary to prepare the surface: clean it from dust, dirt, crumbs, putty pits, irregularities on the surface. It is advisable to apply a primer for a good result. Allow to dry.

Bitumen glue for roofing material is applied to the prepared surface, roofing material is laid on top, smoothing from the center to the edges so that there are no bubbles. If there are bubbles, you need to pierce them, release the air and press this place tightly. After solidification, release.

Hot glue is more difficult to work with. It must be used before hardening.

To create an airtight connection between the laying sheets, you need to make an overlap, not end-to-end connection, leading one sheet onto another by about 10 cm. The seam should also be coated with glue. In this case, a reliable leak-tight connection can be obtained.

In all cases, when working with glue, regardless of manufacturers and types, it is necessary to follow the general rules:

  • do not work near open flames;
  • perform work with the use of respiratory protection;
  • when using hot glue, wear protective clothing against burns.

For a more reliable fit of roofing material, you can use a hand roller. This will create a stronger fit and eliminate the possibility of air getting inside.

Roofing material refers to roll materials for waterproofing the roof and foundation by sticking to the base. Roofing material glue is a special bituminous mastic from various manufacturers. There are two ways of laying Technonikol roofing material: hot and cold. The first method involves heating the mastic immediately before gluing the waterproofer. Installation by the second method is performed on cold glue. This is the easiest way to install waterproofing. Roofing nails are not used for fastening material in modern construction.

Used glue mastic (click to enlarge)

Roofing material laying methods

Bituminous mastic is a liquid mixture of several components, which includes bitumen and a solvent, various technical additives and fillers. Manufacturers offer two types of glue: for hot and cold installation. The first type of mastics allows slight heating of the adhesive mixture during the gluing process. The second type of glue for euroruberoid needs mandatory heating to a certain temperature for maximum adhesion. Mastics for laying waterproofing with a hot method must be warmed up to 200 ° C. They are suitable for gluing soft roof, waterproofing walls, floors and other structural elements of buildings.

Find out more information in the video:

Fastening to the roof with roofing nails does not create sufficient adhesion between the layers of roll materials. At the joints, gaps with air layers are formed. Such fastening requires the use of several layers of a waterproofing agent, while the quality of the finished coating is much worse than when laid on adhesives. Mastics carefully glue roll materials, reliably bonding layers to each other and to the base, forming a single monolithic coating with high waterproofing characteristics. When laying waterproofing with a cold method, the best temperature is + 6-35 ° С, with a hot one - within + 5-15 ° С.

Most often, roofing material is heated (click to enlarge)

Mastic for laying roofing material

The cost of mastics for cold stickers is more expensive than that for hot flooring. "Cold" glue is ready for use immediately after opening the container, it does not freeze for a long time. For laying waterproofing, a lining material and roofing material are used for external laying. In the process of repairing a roof, they are often interested in how to glue roofing material more reliably? The assortment for this purpose includes mastics:

Advice! When working with any type of mastic, it is imperative to use a respirator, goggles and gloves. When using an adhesive in the room, it is imperative that high-quality ventilation is provided.

Features of work

How to glue roofing material? Laying roofing material on mastic is possible only on clean and even surfaces. Laying on bricks, concrete, cement screed and other solid surfaces is allowed. The surface is thoroughly cleaned from dust and dirt, rust, then dried. All irregularities must be eliminated, cracks are closed cement mortar... The old exfoliated roofing material is removed, and the swollen places are cut crosswise.

Tools for working with mastic must be prepared in advance. If you have any difficulties with installation, you do not know how to apply the glue correctly, use these tips. If the mastic has been stored at temperatures up to + 5 °, it is brought into a warm room for a day for uniform heating. Apply the adhesive in an even layer on the prepared substrate using a notched trowel. The layer thickness is controlled by the approximate consumption specified by the manufacturer. Thoroughly coat the joints of the canvases with each other, with the wall and other structural elements, otherwise leaks are possible. A sheet of roofing material is glued only after glue is applied over the entire surface of the base, sufficient in area for its laying.

You can learn about the features of the work from the video:

The material is placed on the roof across the slope on cold mastic and pressed over the entire surface with a roller so that it fits snugly to all structural elements... Work is carried out from the bottom of the ramp, the joints are carefully controlled. At the joints of the strips, the canvases are laid with an overlap of 10 cm. If necessary, the glued roofing material at the joints is additionally coated with mastic.

DIY mastic for roofing material

Cold mastic is prepared from bitumen and solvent in a ratio of 3 kg to 7 kg, respectively. Previously, petroleum bitumen is heated until complete dissolution, after which it is allowed to cool to 85 °. A solvent is added to it. Gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene will do. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. Such glue is ideal for minor roof repairs, as it has an increased consumption compared to the hot analogue.

By watching the video you will find out more information:

Hot mastic is prepared differently. Bitumen in the amount of 8 kg is placed in a container. The reservoir must be large enough to only fill up to 60%. Pieces of bitumen are gradually heated. Then add 1.5 kg of filler.

Talc, peat chips, alabaster, limestone, chalk and other materials are used as fillers. Fillers are pre-sieved to exclude debris from entering the container. Then add 0.5 kg of used oil and mix thoroughly. The bucket is kept at 200 ° C. The resulting mixture will reliably glue any roll material, including soft roofs.

Important! Hot mastic needs constant heating throughout the entire process of laying the roll material. It is cooked in a thick-walled container. A standard bucket is unusable and will burn out quickly.

Mastics for cold and hot stickers of roofing material on technical parameters are not inferior to each other. "Hot" adhesives require additional preparation time for application. Subject to the technology of laying the flooring, the roof with new waterproofing is guaranteed to last over 5 years without the need for repairs. The service life of such a roof with timely maintenance and in-line repair is 25 years or more.

Roofing material among builders is considered the most reliable roofing material among low-price products. It is made on the basis of durable roofing board impregnated with petroleum bitumen and then sprinkled with armor chips. At the moment, manufacturers are producing several dozen brands of roofing material, which is used to overlap utility and industrial buildings, garden and country houses... If you decide to use this material for roofing, you will need a mastic for roofing material. In this article we will tell you what this composition is, what types it is, and also how it is used.

Roofing material belongs to roll roofing materials, it is made on the basis of special cardboard with a density of 200-420 g / m2 and petroleum bitumen. It is used to create a reliable, strong and durable waterproofing coating, each layer of which increases the protective functions of the material. Roofing material is laid in 3 main ways:

  • Mechanical. Laying and fixing roofing material with roofing nails is called mechanical. Previously, this technology was popular due to the lack of worthy alternatives. However, it is irrational to fix each layer of material, violating the integrity of the roofing material. This method of fastening reduces the durability and waterproofing properties.
  • Fusing. Laying roofing material using fusion requires the use of special equipment, it cannot be performed on combustible substrates. This technology involves the use of grades of roofing material, on the underside of which low-melting bitumen is applied, which is melted by a gas burner during installation.
  • Bonding. The roofing material is laid by the gluing method using special compositioncalled mastic. Each layer of the waterproofing coating is coated with this bituminous substance, and after drying it is reliably glued. Currently, this method is considered the most reliable, since it results in a seamless, monolithic roof.

Note! Using homemade bitumen mastic or purchased in a store allows you to get a reliable waterproofing coating that does not allow moisture to pass through. Each glued layer of roofing material increases the protective properties and service life of the roofing material.

Types of mastic

Bituminous mastic is an irreplaceable composition with which roofing material is laid. It is used to glue the layers of the roofing cake together to form a monolithic, durable, durable waterproofing coating. The price of bituminous mastic is low, however, if desired, it is easy to prepare it with your own hands. There are 2 forms of release:

Please note! When making mastic with your own hands, you need to monitor the temperature and condition of the bitumen. If it bubbles and emits yellow smoke, the coking process has begun. It is not recommended to use such bitumen. When maintained at the optimum temperature, the bitumen will fizzle slightly, giving off a gray smoke.

Composition and use of mastic

The composition of bituminous mastic is simple, it consists of bitumen, solvents and various structuring additives (chalk, asbestos, peat chips, talc). It is used for the installation of roofing material by gluing. There are 2 types of mastic, cold and hot, which are distinguished by price, composition and form of release. They are considered multifunctional tools for performing the following tasks:

Important! Mastic based on petroleum bitumen is an additional waterproofing in the roofing cake of roofing felt. With this composition, the layers of the material are reliably glued together without the formation of air bubbles, bumps, forming a monolithic, seamless "carpet".

Video instruction

Roofing material has been used for roofing work for a very long time and during this time has gained fame as the most reliable budget material. Roofing material is based on roofing board impregnated with petroleum bitumen and covered with special crumbs. This material is successfully used for roofing works at household or industrial facilities.

For the installation and repair of roofing material, it is necessary to use special mastics, available on the market in the widest range. About how to glue the roofing material on the roof, and will be discussed in this article.

Roofing material laying technology

Roofing material is rolled roofing material, for the manufacture of which special cardboard with a density of 200-420 g / m2 and bitumen are used. The combination of these materials allows you to create a fairly reliable waterproofing material, the efficiency of which increases with the number of layers laid.

Installation of roofing material can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Mechanical... This technology of laying roofing material on the roof is the most traditional and has been used for a very long time, which is due to the lack of alternatives. Mechanical installation of roofing material consists in fastening the material with roofing nails. The method is quite simple to implement, but not very effective in terms of the durability of the structure - the presence of holes in the roofing material negatively affects its waterproofing properties.
  2. Fusing... The technology of roofing felt roofing material by fusion has some limitations: firstly, special equipment is required for coating, and secondly, this method is not suitable for combustible substrates. The installation technology involves the use of a gas burner, which heats up the adhesive layer on the underside of the roofing material.
  3. Gluing... To implement this method, various mastics are used with adhesive properties. All layers of roofing material to be laid are coated with bituminous mastic and reliably adhered to the roof surface. This method is considered to be the most effective today, since the result is a monolithic overlap of roofing material on the roof.

Classification of mastics

Mastic for roofing material is an adhesive composition that allows you to reliably and tightly lay layers of roofing material. There are many branded mastics that can be purchased ready-made, and if necessary, you can make a similar composition yourself. However, this does not make much sense - most mastics have a fairly low cost.

Mastic for roofing felt on the roof is made in two forms:

  1. Cold... Cold mastics are distinguished by the fact that they can be applied without preheating. In addition to bitumen, such mastics contain a solvent (gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel). To prepare such compositions, you yourself need to take bitumen and solvent in a ratio of 3: 7, melt the bitumen and mix with the solvent. After cooling, the resin for roofing material retains a liquid consistency. As a rule, cold mastics are more expensive, and their consumption is higher, therefore, it is advisable to use such compositions only for small repairs or installation of roofing material on a small roof.
  2. Hot... For the manufacture of hot mastics, hard bitumen is used, which must be preheated during application. The manufacturing process looks like this: a thick-walled container is filled with bitumen by about half and heated over low heat with the gradual addition of additives and oil. It takes more time to create hot mastic, and you can only work with it while it is warmed up. Such compositions are optimally suited for treating surfaces with a large area - this is much more economical than cold mastics.

When creating mastic with your own hands, you need to carefully monitor the temperature and consistency of bitumen. If the material is handled correctly, it will emit gray light smoke and a slight hiss. In the presence of yellow smoke or bubbles, it is better to refrain from using such a composition.

Roofing mastic

Roofing mastics are required to perform the following tasks:

  • Bonding roofing material... The mastic applied to the underside of the roofing material ensures its fixation on the roof. It is necessary to process each layer with mastic, and when laying, the material must be smoothed so that bubbles do not form under it. Roofing material laid on bitumen mastic provides reliable waterproofing of the roof.
  • Base priming... Bituminous mastic is well suited for priming roof subfloors to improve adhesion between materials. Such processing is especially important if the roofing material will be laid on a concrete surface, which is characterized by the presence of pores and a not very smooth surface.
  • Roof repair... If the roof was made of roofing material, then bitumen mastics are quite suitable for repairing it. The fact is that during operation, the roofing material acquires small damage, to eliminate which a small amount of bitumen composition will be enough.
  • Coating waterproofing... Mastics can be used as a separate material to create a waterproofing layer that protects a specific surface from moisture.


For laying roofing material, bituminous mastics are actively used, which increase the waterproofing properties of the coating and ensure its seamless connection. It is very simple to work with such compositions, and if necessary, you can create them yourself, observing the necessary proportions and maintaining the optimal temperature.
