One of the purely Western base oils that we have recently appreciated as an aromatherapy agent is night primrose oil, or evening primrose. Despite the fact that it is still considered exotic in our country, the period of its use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes goes back several thousand years, going back to the culture of the American Indians.

Primrose seed oil, a cute biennial that opens its flowers only in the dark, was appreciated by North American Indians more than two millennia ago, while evening primrose was considered one of the main medicinal tools of shamans as a healing culture. Enotera has fleshy roots, oblong toothed leaves and greenish tubular flowers with four yellow petals in the corolla. Evening primrose unfolds only in the evening, while the flowering period covers only a day. It grows not only in American territories, but also in Europe, Asia and even Australia. The main purpose of evening primrose and paste from its crushed seeds was to heal wounds and various injuries, to treat asthma and women's problems.

Enotera was appreciated not only in North, but also in South America: the Incas and Mayans also actively used this culture, and the Peruvian Indians called it “blood drinker” and used it as a universal plant for wounds, digestive problems, and headaches , colic, to regulate the menstrual cycle, to stop internal bleeding. The Mexican Pim tribes considered evening primrose to be the best remedy for fever and colds, and the Chinateca - for infertility and for healing the skin.

Already with the active development of aromatherapy practices, evening primrose oil began to be actively studied, while it was fully appreciated only in the 70s of the last century, in particular, its unique ability to enhance the healing properties of other base oils was revealed.


Oil from evening primrose seeds collected in leguminous fruits is extracted by simple cold pressing, while the oil yield is quite large - from 20 to 30%, but since the seeds themselves are very difficult to extract, primrose oil is one of the most valuable and rare.

The composition of evening primrose oil is quite unusual. It contains to a lesser or greater extent all the leading vitamins and minerals, but the main advantage of the oil is its fatty acid composition... Up to 80% of the total oil is linoleic acid, whose action is enhanced by gamma and alpha-linoleic components, activated by rare eicosenic acid, supplemented with oleic, stearic and palmitic acids. The combination of components in oil is unique not in terms of concentration, but in terms of a mutually reinforcing ratio, which plays the role of a kind of activator of biological processes. The composition of evening primrose oil is also distinguished by the fact that it is the only vegetable oil that is similar in characteristics to fish oil.

The color of the oil is luminous, golden, iridescent, pale yellow. The smell is very light, similar to nutty, with a hint of fish oil. But the taste is not very pleasant, but also not repulsive, it is a bit like pollen.

Primrose oil is never used concentrated, only for very serious skin lesions: it is always used in a mixture with any other liquid base oil with the desired characteristics and properties in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Primrose oil does not leave visible traces on the skin, but since it is used in combination with other bases, the properties after applying the mixture to the skin depend on the second oil, which is 90% in the mixture. Enotera plays the role of an activating additive in mixtures, that is, it enhances all the qualities and effects characteristic of other oils. Due to this unique quality, the oil is recommended to be added as an enhancer to increase the effectiveness of treatment and therapy, especially for chronic, chronic or serious problems with the epidermis.

Pure evening primrose oil has the ability to instantly relieve irritation, provide a noticeable softening effect, especially noticeable on flaky and dry skin. Evening primrose gives the skin beauty and health, internal radiance, while it protects it from aging and changes, has a regenerating, moisturizing and cleansing-whitening effect. She also exhibits all these properties in a mixture.

Healing properties

The healing properties of evening primrose oil are manifested when used internally, while in the West it is so popular that evening primrose oil is sold already packaged in capsules.

  • The most valuable qualities of evening primrose oil are considered to be regulatory in the genitourinary system. Enotera not only helps to relieve premenstrual syndromes, but also softens the menopause, has a normalizing effect on all types of menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, cystic fibrosis, eliminates dyshormonal disorders, regulates the level and ratio of sex hormones, restoring their optimal production.
  • The evening primrose oil is also pronounced in its properties to regulate blood pressure, in particular to lower high blood pressure.
  • As a preventive and therapeutic agent, evening primrose oil is used for multiple sclerosis, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis and its consequences, including strokes, thrombophlebitis, pain syndromes and discomfort in the heart, as well as for allergies, eczema, arthritis and diabetes.
  • In the role of a means that regulates the balance of hormones and normalizes the state of the central nervous system, evening primrose oil is recommended to be taken for mental disorders and nervous disorders.
  • The regenerating effect is manifested in the weakening of vision, for healing wounds, in recovering from diseases, after plastic surgery or for skin recovery after weight fluctuations to maintain tone and turgor.

Use in cosmetology

Cosmetological properties are most pronounced on sensitive, allergic, dry and irritated skin, on which the oil after application has an instant soothing and soothing effect of irritation and redness. Primrose oil, added to any base, matched to skin type, is suitable for regular or special care as a nutritional supplement - softening, restoring beauty, tone and health. This base has pronounced anti-aging characteristics, in particular, the ability to prevent aging and sagging skin. Ideal for restoring healthy skin condition disturbed by hormone imbalance.

With constant use, it has a beneficial effect on varicose veins, helps to restore and maintain skin tone with a sharp decrease in weight and other changes. In addition to restoring, evening primrose also has a cleansing effect, which allows you to achieve an even texture and color, including helping to remove age spots.

This is one of the best oils for massage, because due to its ability to enhance the qualities of other components, it allows you to achieve deeper relaxation and increase the therapeutic effect.

Primrose oil is also recommended as a nutritional supplement to make them strong, healthy and radiant. Acting as an additive that improves the structure and appearance of the hair, parallel to evening primrose with the oils used as a base, it can effectively solve any hair problem - from dandruff to hair loss.

As a vitamin and nutritional supplement, evening primrose and c.


Primrose oil has no restrictions on use, with the exception of psoriasis, for the treatment of which it is necessary to limit the duration of exposure and carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Since evening primrose actively affects the genital area, regulates hormones and activates regenerative processes, it is better not to use it during pregnancy except when approved by the attending physician in cases of emergency.

Evening primrose oil- biologically active additive.
Enotera is a herbaceous plant native to northeastern China. It is also called primrose, since its leaves bloom only at nightfall. Evening primrose oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant using a modern method of cold extraction.
The main elements of evening primrose oil are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Until now, no plant is known that would contain such a large amount of gamma-linolenic acid (10%)
Gamma-linolenic acid is an important condition for the balance of prostaglandin metabolism, which maintains normal physiological processes in a woman's body.
Fatty acids contained in evening primrose oil inhibit the activity of the sebaceous glands and help to improve the quality of the skin, hair, nails. The oil contains a large amount of vitamin E, therefore it is even more valuable for skin care (rejuvenation and tightening) and hair. Helps fight age spots, acne and acne.
- Improvement of skin, nails, hair
- Fights hormonal disorders
- Relieves symptoms of the period of menopause
- Improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which promotes fertilization
- Helps reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol
- Stimulates the work of brain and central nervous system cells
- Promotes weight loss
- Improves immunity
One capsule contains the optimal daily dose of linolenic acid - 1000 mg.

Indications for use

A drug Evening primrose oilrecommended to be taken as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidant.

Mode of application:
A drug Evening primrose oiltake 1 capsule 1 time per day.

Storage conditions

A drug Evening primrose oilshould be stored in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

Release form

Evening primrose oil - capsules.
The package contains 30 capsules.


1 capsule Evening primrose oilcontains: evening primrose oil 1000 mg, vitamin E 15 mg.

Main settings


Evening primrose oil is a biologically active additive used as a source of polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E. The drug is also used in gynecological practice, in cosmetology for the treatment of hair and skin. Evening primrose oil is available in capsules of 500 mg and as an oil solution for cosmetic procedures.

Composition and pharmacological action

The evening primrose plant belongs to the Cyprus family, the oil is obtained from it by cold pressing the seeds. The oil contains vitamin E, gamma-linolenic acid, fatty acids.

Vitamin E, which is rich in evening primrose oil, is an antioxidant that affects human reproductive function. Also, this vitamin is a good immunomodulator. Vitamin E is obtained from food, a lack of this vitamin can lead to violations of many functions of the human body.

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of red blood cells, improves the transport of oxygen to organs and tissues, protects against blood clots, regulates the reproductive system, effectively affects cell division and growth, therefore it is often prescribed during pregnancy.

Vitamin E is a beauty vitamin that rejuvenates skin and improves nails and hair.

Gamma-linolenic acid, which is part of evening primrose oil, is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that has anti-atherosclerotic, angioprotective, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. This acid is also an immunomodulator. Not being synthesized in the body, gamma-linolenic acid takes part in the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances that play a huge role in the regulation of vital body functions. Gamma-linolenic acid is necessary for diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, it is used in the treatment of hypertension, coronary heart disease, joint disease, migraine of unknown origin. Also, this acid is actively used for the prevention of cancer and the normalization of the patient's condition after surgery.

Indications for use

Evening primrose oil is used to improve reproductive function, normalize metabolic processes in the body, to improve the condition of the skin, hair, and to lose weight. Reviews of evening primrose oil confirm its effective use for normalizing blood pressure, preventing cardiovascular diseases. There are suggestions that the use of evening primrose oil treats malignant and benign neoplasms, but this has not been scientifically proven.

Method of administration and dosage

Evening primrose oil is used one to two capsules twice a day. The course of taking the drug is four weeks. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking the capsules.


The main contraindication to the use of evening primrose oil is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Evening primrose oil is a highly refined product rich in unsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-6 family. The lack of these compounds affects the metabolism, which in turn provokes the appearance of hormonal disorders.

Evening primrose oil (in another way the plant is called primrose or evening primrose) is more recommended for women, since their health in general, both mental and physical, is strongly tied to hormones. Fatty acids of primrose seeds shift the process of synthesis of active substances towards balance, thereby helping to get rid of unpleasant symptoms associated with reproductive disorders.

High quality oil is obtained by cold pressing the mature seeds of the plant. Such a product does not contain chemical impurities and retains the greatest amount of useful components.

Evening primrose oil, the benefits of which have been known for a long time, are used for medicinal purposes.

Examining the composition of the oil, linoleic acid (73%) and to a lesser extent γ-linolenic acid (10%) are found in it. The plant product also contains about 7% oleic acid (Omega-9), but it is not as interesting as the above substances, since it is widely distributed in everyday products: pork, beef, fish oil, olive, sunflower and other oils.

Linoleic and γ-linolenic acids belong to the Omega-6 family. The beneficial properties of these compounds are the ability to stimulate the production of prostaglandins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Lack of prostaglandins leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. The lack of unsaturated fatty acids provokes the appearance of premenstrual syndrome and discomfort associated with menopause.

  • Omega-6s are the precursors of sex hormones. Consuming evening primrose oil can help improve your cycle and relieve painful symptoms during your period.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids prevent blood clots. They play an important role in preventing heart attacks by lowering cholesterol levels and protecting the heart from the effects of adrenaline.
  • Evening primrose oil inhibits the synthesis of cytokines and leukotrienes, which are produced by inflammatory reactions. Thus, the unsaturated fatty acids relieve pain.
  • Evening primrose seed oil supports the immune system by promoting the production of antibodies.
  • Evening primrose herbal preparation is an excellent antioxidant. It protects cells from premature aging. Nourishes the skin from the inside, maintains a normal moisture level.
  • The product is suitable for fighting skin diseases. It reduces the severity of the symptoms of dermatitis. Promotes early scarring of long-not healing wounds and abscesses.
  • Evening primrose is good for the nervous system. The oil is used to treat psychoemotional disorders, diseases caused by impaired transmission of nerve impulses. The remedy relieves irritability and tension.
  • This oil can be taken as an adaptogen. It removes heavy metals and toxins. Increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

Evening primrose oil heals both externally and internally. After a course application, many notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Some see positive changes not only in appearance, but also in mood.

Benefits during pregnancy and how to take?

The benefits of oil are manifested in preparation for pregnancy. It evens out hormonal levels and creates conditions for early conception.

With the onset of pregnancy, use should be discontinued. It can be renewed no earlier than 24 weeks.

During pregnancy, you need to use oil with caution.

Unsaturated fatty acids prepare the cervix for childbirth. To achieve the effect, the oil must be taken for a long time. To avoid premature birth, you should start with small doses: 1000 mg per day, divided into three doses.

In the normal course of pregnancy, from week 30, the dose is increased to 1500 mg per day. And after 34 weeks, the oil can be consumed at 3000 mg per day.

Choosing a product in the form of capsules is easier to comply with the dosage. For better absorption, gelatin tablets should be taken with food.

If up to 34 weeks complications occur in the form of pulling pains or regular uterine contractions, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

The oil is used for conceiving, maintaining pregnancy and preparing for childbirth.

Given the normal susceptibility, evening primrose oil during pregnancy:

  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • stabilizes blood pressure (prevents the development of gestosis);
  • improves intrauterine nutrition of the fetus;
  • reduces the risk of premature maturation of the placenta;
  • increases the elasticity of tissues, including scar tissue, which is especially important for women who have undergone a cesarean section.

Evening primrose oil is used both to maintain pregnancy and to prepare for childbirth.

Oil before childbirth - all the pros and cons

There is no scientific basis for the use of evening primrose as an obstetric aid. Obstetricians and gynecologists are more likely to refer to professional experience in their recommendations.

The oil will prepare your body for easy labor.

It is noticed that the oil increases the elasticity of the ligaments and tissues of the birth canal, thereby reducing the likelihood of tears. And since this drug is a hormone-like substance, it accelerates the maturation of the cervix and in general prepares the body for a successful childbirth.

Being the precursors of sex hormones, prostaglandins, produced under the action of the oil, activate labor, preventing cross-walking. Most doctors agree that the clear effect of the oil can be felt only by taking it for several months.

To prepare for childbirth, you should start drinking it from 24-30 weeks. In a shorter period of time, the remedy will not have time to work.

However, each organism is individual, therefore, in some women, oil can provoke early softening of the cervix, which is associated with the threat of maintaining pregnancy. Therefore, at the slightest ailment, it should be canceled. The advisability of using oil as a preparation for childbirth should be confirmed by the opinion of a doctor.

Use in gynecology

Evening primrose seed oil creates a favorable hormonal balance and helps the body fight gynecological diseases. It cures the erosion of the cervix caused by infections and prevents further development of pathology.

Evening primrose oil can solve many women's problems.

The food supplement can be used to prevent cancer, including preventing breast swelling. Plant oil is a good adjunct in the treatment of endometriosis.

Instructions for the use of oil in capsules

The product is available in dosages of 500, 1000 and 1300 mg. Depending on the situation (for the prevention of a deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids, or with an acute shortage of substances or as an intensive preparation for childbirth), it is recommended to take from 3 to 6 pills per day.

You must follow the course of taking capsules.

The capsule oil is best absorbed when consumed simultaneously with food. For a uniform intake of substances, the daily rate should be divided into 2-3 doses.

The tool is used in courses of 30 days at intervals of 3-4 times a year.

How is it used in cosmetology

Primrose oil is added to all kinds of skincare products: creams, lotions, balms, serums, masks. It moisturizes the skin perfectly. Supports turgor. Fights signs of aging: tightens the oval of the face and removes flabbiness.

The oil is especially effective and beneficial as a component of cosmetics for skin and hair care.

Hair products nourish the bulbs. Supplement in the form of evening primrose oil improves elasticity and reduces hair breakage. Makes curls more manageable, and also solves the problem of excessive oily scalp.

Hand creams soften cuticles and make nails stronger. Prevents plate delamination and reduces brittleness.

Overview of dietary supplement manufacturers

Among the drugs available in pharmacies, the most common are:

  • evening primrose oil from Solgar;
  • ginokomfort capsules;
  • BAA Natures Bounty.

The first and last drugs are in the highest demand. They are produced by reputable American manufacturers. These dietary supplements are sold both through a network of pharmacies and through the Internet. However, if Solgar oil is easy enough to get, then Nature's Bounty is a rather rare drug, but it is he who is in the greatest demand.

In pharmacies you can buy preparations, one of the active ingredients of which is evening primrose oil.

Both types of oil are obtained by cold pressing. Solgar is slightly cheaper. You can get it for 900 rubles, while the price for capsules of Natures Bounty starts at 1100 rubles.

The consumers' assessment of the first drug was 4.8 out of 5 points. As a rule, it is perceived positively or neutrally. Very rarely, Solgar capsules do not have any effect. All buyers unanimously rate the drug Nature Bounty at five.

Gynokomfort oil is a product made in Russia. Dispensed from pharmacies at a price of about 600 rubles. The quality is not inferior to imported analogues. Its effectiveness is confirmed by a consumer rating of 4.7 out of 5.

Evening primrose oil analogs

A similar effect to evening primrose oil is exerted by drugs:

  • Femikaps;
  • "Ginekol";
  • Weleda oil.

Femikaps capsules are manufactured in Finland. Our pharmacies cost a little less than 2,000 rubles. These are complex plant vitamins from Vitex fruit extract, evening primrose oil, passionflower flowers with the addition of tocopherol and pyridoxine.

Femikaps is used as a general tonic, an additional source of vitamins B6, E and magnesium.

They are used to restore hormonal balance, prevent cancer and treat gynecological inflammation.

A package of Ginekol tablets is sold for 160 rubles. The food supplement contains extracts of boar uterus and yarrow. The drug is used to align the cycle due to hormonal imbalance, as well as for inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Gynekol solves some female problems.

German remedy Weleda is made on the basis of almond oil and wheat germ oil. Relaxes the ligaments of the birth canal. Prepares the body for childbirth. Can be used as a preventative stretch marks. Sold in pharmacies at a price of 700 rubles.

Contraindications and possible harm

In rare cases, evening primrose oil causes indigestion and nausea. Like any herbal preparation, it can provoke allergies.

The drug is used only after consultation with your doctor.

Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of poor health in women. Changing the background leads to problems with the heart, nervous system and joints. However, to resolve the situation, it is not always worth resorting to hormone replacement therapy. Fortunately, there are natural remedies such as evening primrose oil that have been proven to be effective in many patients.

Evening primrose oil is a flower find for lovers of herbal cosmetics. The most valuable substance is obtained from the seeds of a perennial flower. With evening primrose oil, you can take care of your inner as well as outer beauty.

This is a truly feminine oil for women. Many beauties love and appreciate flaxseed, sea buckthorn, almond, coconut and other vegetable analogues. But the oil of evening primrose or evening primrose, oddly enough, they simply do not know. But this is one of the most powerful plant substances! It has a complex impact, therefore it solves many problems.

Why is evening primrose oil for women?

To answer this question, you need to look at the chemical composition, which is the unique property of the plant. Evening primrose oil is an amazing source of polyunsaturated gamma-linolenic acid. This acid is irreplaceable, it is not produced by the body on its own, and only breast milk is an excellent storehouse of GLK. But, it is impossible, for obvious reasons, always drink, unlike natural evening primrose oil.

GLK - belongs to the Omega 6 class and is considered to be overhealing. Besides evening primrose, borage oil is a source of this acid. GLA (gamma linoleic acid) plays an important role in the production of a number of garcons and hormone-like substances or prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are involved in the proper functioning of organs and tissues, as well as physiological processes such as fighting inflammation, relieving pain, controlling the level of bad cholesterol, and also regulating the menstrual cycle. They increase immunity and activate the brain.

This magic oil helps to reduce PMS, fibrous pain in the breast area, and relieves pregnancy and menopause. Regulates weight, normalizes the general hormonal background, reduces nervous irritability and causeless irritability, fights free radicals and premature aging.

What kind of evening primrose plant? And a little history ...

The homeland of the flower is North and South America. The indigenous people treated many diseases with evening primrose flowers. The great historian Christian Rätsch devoted himself to the study of the culture of American Aborigines. He discovered that evening primrose was popular long before the arrival of Columbus.

The plant got to European countries only in the 17th century thanks to the botanist Kaspar Bauhin from Switzerland, who sowed seeds in the small Italian town of Padua. A century later, primrose was actively used as a medicinal plant in France. After some more time, the beneficial properties of the rest of the plant were discovered: leaves and roots. They were actively added to various dishes, drinks, desserts. The evening primrose plant and oils from it have made serious medical discoveries relatively recently: in the 80s. Since then, essential fatty acids and their importance for the body were already discovered.

Today evening evening primrose, evening primrose, evening primrose is a recognized medicinal plant. Collect raw materials from roots, grass and flowers, or seeds after flowering. Oil yield from seeds is low - up to 20%.

Evening primrose seeds can be used like the usual flaxseeds, as a food additive to food. The oil, which the seeds contain, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, promotes the elasticity of blood vessels, restores optimal blood pressure, and increases the body's immune defenses.

With the daily use of evening primrose seeds, the growth of hair and nails improves, the skin rejuvenates and tones, and the weight is regulated. Since seeds improve digestion, especially bowel function, prevent constipation, and also make bones stronger and denser.

A decoction of evening primrose helps to get rid of various lung (asthma, bronchitis, etc.) and kidney diseases, promotes early healing of wounds, and eliminates diarrhea.

Amazing evening primrose oil: application and composition

Every woman living on the globe dreams of staying forever young, beautiful, slim and energetic. What is stopping her?

The answer is trite and simple: today's lifestyle. It is no secret that today there is a shortage, and someone has no desire, to find time to take care of themselves. Hours of work, stress, chronic fatigue, gassed air, depression lie in wait at every step.

How to keep the central nervous system intact and safe? After all, unfavorable external factors can always be, but our reaction can be prolonged, you and I need to react to everything carefree and easy!

Nature cares about women, men, children - about all of us. Nature, unlike synthetic drugs, simply has no side effects. Its task is to restore, give strength to the body to improve its health.

All bio - chemical processes that occur in the body occur with the participation of fatty acids. There are essential, and there are essential fatty acids, which the body receives only with food. Their banal shortage weakens, first of all, immunity, and then along the chain “where it is weak there and it breaks” - the person looks bad and is sick. Evening primrose oil is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It regulates both hormonal levels and accelerates metabolic processes. And if everything is good with the metabolism, then there are no problems with external beauty: with hair, nails, skin.

Choose only cold-pressed evening primrose oil. Its color is light yellow, and the taste is somewhat reminiscent of fish oil. And the smell is like a rancid sunflower, but very light.

Evening primrose oil: application in cosmetology

Suitable for all skin types. It has a cleansing, analgesic, tightening, moisturizing, wound healing, emollient, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic effect.

Evening primrose oil is especially effective for mature skin that lacks moisture. It regenerates cells, smoothes wrinkles, oxygenates cells and prevents dehydration.

Phospholipids provide an elastic cell membrane, which, if the cell does not function properly, can lose plastic. A coarse cell membrane does not allow nutrients to pass through well, in particular hormones and vitamins. The use of evening primrose oil internally and externally, has a protective effect on each cell, prolongs its life, improves its nutrition, and speeds up its metabolism.

Also, phospholipids are natural powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent acidification of the body due to the excessive formation of free radicals, which damage the protective cell membrane and lead to cell death. This means evening primrose oil protects the body from aging and other physiological disorders.

External use:

To soften, nourish, rejuvenate the skin: enrichment of the night cream at the rate of 3-4 drops per 1 tbsp. l. the basics.

Dry, inflamed, rough skin: Apply neat. It is not recommended to apply pure evening primrose oil to oily skin, as it improves the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

For massage: (1: 2) with another herbal analogue. Primrose relaxes muscles, helps calm thoughts.

For nails with cuticles: fortifies, strengthens, promotes the growth of the nail plate.

Evening primrose oil: application for hair

Evening primrose has long been used by cosmetologists, dermatologists, and also trichologists. This product is rich in tocopherol - a substance that improves the condition of hair follicles and has a strengthening effect on the hair roots.

Evening primrose oil: the effect of regular use on hair:

  • Eliminates scalp irritation.
  • Softens dry, inflamed skin.
  • Regenerates cells.
  • Helps treat dandruff or seborrhea.
  • Revives, restores, strengthens the roots.
  • Heals brittleness, fading, dry ends.
  • Prevents uncontrolled hair loss.
  • Gives shine, softness, silkiness.

The most important thing for hair treatment is the simultaneous application of evening primrose oil internally and externally. But before drinking, make sure your oil is suitable for internal consumption! Internal use balances hormones and metabolism.

Night primrose oil or evening primrose oil has a specific flavor, but today many manufacturers prefer capsules. Like, fish oil from capsules, primrose is easy to swallow, so its taste does not play such an important role anymore.

The simplest use of cosmetic evening primrose oil for hair is in oil applications. It is enough to apply a pure product to the hairline with the ends, tie a ponytail or pigtail. Keep for 5 to 8 hours. It is convenient to do this procedure at night. When applying evening primrose oil to the scalp, I advise you to keep it for 2 to 4 hours. After the hair is washed off with shampoo 2 - 3 times. There is no need to use the balm.

If your type of curls is oily or normal rather than dry, I recommend mixing primrose with a lighter oil. This will speed up and facilitate absorption. A combination has proven itself well: evening primrose + (or) apricot + (or) almond + (or) jojoba + (or) peach. Make a combination of your choice. Natural essential oils enhance the effect well. Most popular for hair: lavender, mint, rosemary, bay, ylang - ylang.

Add evening primrose to your favorite shampoo, balm, cream, mask, that is, absolutely any cosmetic product to enhance its healing effect.

Internal use of evening primrose oil: medicinal properties

You can drink inside only food, not cosmetic. Oil capsules have worked very well.

What tasks does evening primrose oil solve?

  • Regulates the production of hormones in women and men. Again, the oil is responsible for the formation of the first group of prostaglandins - the "chiefs" of all other hormones. Their correct production guarantees the well-coordinated work of the whole organism. Evening primrose oil stimulates the formation of sex hormones, which helps to cope with PMS, delay menopause, and overcome male weakness in men.
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system. Evening primrose oil is a natural regulator of the cardiovascular system in general. It improves the flexibility, elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevents the adhesion of blood cells and the formation of cholesterol plaques, blood clots, and atherosclerotic formations. Prevents blockage of blood vessels and their narrowing.
  • Evening primrose oil is a magical contrast agent. Since ancient times, it is for this quality that evening primrose has been valued. The primrose also managed to establish itself in Russia. The plant was treated for external as well as internal replenishment. It turns out that gamma - linolenic acid, which is rich in evening primrose and its oil, produces T - lymphocytes. it is their main task to block the centers of replacement. GLA also has a beneficial effect on the cartilage tissue, protects it from dehydration, from which the joints are not injured, but always remain healthy.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Evening primrose oil has a high phospholipid activity, due to which the activity of the central nervous system is normalized. Phospholipids play an important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system, are involved in the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Evening primrose oil is a natural weight management product. Helps to reduce weight easily, without side effects. Already familiar to us phospholipids promotes the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Triglycerides are broken down by primrose into glycerin and fatty acids, and these two components are easily absorbed by the body.
  • An excellent component for diabetics, for people with kidney problems, heart attack or stroke, arthritis. Evening primrose oil gently cares for the body and reduces the risk of relapse.

Contraindication to use:

Individual intolerance to the product. Consult with schizophrenia, as well as when taking epileptogenic drugs.
