Normative base:

One of the most important tasks of the educational policy of the state at the present stage is the organization of a comprehensive partnership. This means, among other things, development networking at various levels of the education system.

Today, network interaction is understood as a system of horizontal and vertical ties, ensuring the availability of quality education for all categories of citizens, variability of education, openness of educational organizations, increasing the professional competence of teachers and the use of modern ICT technologies.

Networking allows:

  • allocate resources for the general task of the activity;
  • rely on the initiative of each specific participant;
  • to carry out direct contact of participants with each other;
  • build diverse possible paths of movement with a common external goal;
  • use a common network resource for the needs of each specific participant.

Currently, networking is one of the powerful resources of innovative education based on the following principles:

First, the network is an opportunity to promote innovative products on the educational services market and, thus, to receive additional funding.

Secondly, networking allows you to strengthen the resource of any innovative institution at the expense of the resources of other institutions. The network helps to find precedents, get an examination of their own developments, expand the list of educational services for students, including through the implementation of educational programs in a network form.

The network is created on a voluntary basis, it is held by the common problems and interests of all network members. Thus, the network is always the result of a design concept, since the participants must participate in a single goal setting, agree on mechanisms and schemes of interaction, and agree on the results of activities.

Relevant discussion papers

Dear colleagues! The content of this section of the portal is aimed at the development of regulatory and methodological support for network forms of implementation of educational programs. The expert groups present in this section the document models, the content of which is aimed at the development of network learning forms. Anyone can join the discussion of documents through the forum "Online Forms" or via contact by e-mail [email protected]

Materials for acquaintance

The system of organizing network educational programs (academic mobility programs, joint educational programs, double degree programs) at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University


The necessity of productive network interaction between the university and the institution of secondary vocational education has been substantiated, which is determined by the specific requirement of the educational standard, providing for the acquisition of a working profession for bachelors of education. The analysis of the network model "SPE - higher education institution" is carried out, the results are summarized and the conditions for the partial integration of educational programs of practice-oriented training of teachers of vocational education and modern metalworking specialists are considered. The possibility of consolidation and cooperation of participants has been established educational process with the joint use of human, material and information resources of different-level educational organizations. The article, in addition, outlines the legal and educational framework for cooperation, as well as the experience of creating a network model "SPO - University" on the basis of a regional resource center for mechanical engineering.

regional resource center


integration of educational programs

professional competence


1. Bayborodova L.V., Repina A.V. Organization of network interaction of educational institutions in the implementation of innovative projects // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. Science Magazine. - 2013. - No. 3, v. 2 (psychological and pedagogical sciences). - S. 21-25.

2. Vesna E.B., Guseva A.I. Models of interaction of organizations in the network form of implementation of educational programs // Contemporary problems science and education: electronic scientific. magazine. - 2013. - No. 6; URL: - (date accessed: 12/14/2014).

3. Savina S.V., Magomedov R.M. Prospects for the use of network interaction in the educational process of the university // Sat. scientific works of the II All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Information technologies in education of the XXI century." - T.1. (Moscow, 22-23 October 2012). - M .: NRNU MEPhI, 2012 .-- P.104-109.

4. Sinkina E.A. Designing the competence-oriented content of professional disciplines for training bachelors of technical universities // Modern problems of science and education: electronic scientific. magazine. - 2014. - No. 6; URL: - (date accessed: 01/19/2015).

5. Chikildina N.A. Models of network interaction of educational institutions of vocational education (cluster type) on the basis of universities. Experience of the Stavropol Territory // Problems modern education: materials of the III international. scientific and practical. conf. (Penza, 10-11 September 2012). - Penza: Scientific Publishing Center "Sociosphere" LLC, 2012. - pp. 108-114.

6. Shvetsov M.Yu., Dugarov A.L. Network interaction of educational institutions of vocational education in the region // Uchenye zapiski Zabaykalsky state university... Series: Pedagogy and Psychology. - 2012. - No. 5. - S. 33-38.

Preparation of bachelors in the direction 44.03.04 "Vocational training" (branch "Mechanical engineering") in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) provides for the development of such a specific type of vocational training specifically for a teacher, as training a working profession. At the same time, among the professional competencies (PC) that a graduate who has mastered the bachelor's program must possess, there are also such as the ability to perform work of the appropriate qualification level, the readiness for productive work and the use of advanced industry technologies in the process of teaching the working profession (PC-31, PC -32, PC-36).

The purpose of this scientific and practical work is to create a model for the interaction of educational institutions of various levels in the formation of future bachelors of education professional competencies associated with the use of advanced production technologies in teaching a working profession.

The filling of these competencies is explained by the fact that the field of professional activity of bachelors of education includes not only teaching students the professions and specialties of a mechanical engineering profile in institutions of secondary vocational education (SVE), but also work in training centers for training and retraining personnel at engineering enterprises. Advanced training of machine operators provides for training them in advanced techniques for processing parts on metal-cutting machines of various types (turning, milling, drilling and grinding) and types (universal, special and programmed), developing technology for manufacturing parts increased complexity, rules for the use of progressive cutting tools, special and universal devices.

Hence follows the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary vocational education in the profession 151902.03 "Machine operator (metalworking)" that in the implementation of the basic vocational educational program (OBEP), the institution should be provided with teaching staff who have secondary vocational or higher vocational education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module ). At the same time, industrial training masters must have 1 - 2 categories in the profession of a worker higher than that provided for by the educational standard for graduates. In addition, the experience of working in organizations of the relevant professional sphere is mandatory for teachers who teach disciplines of the professional cycle. These teachers and industrial training masters must undergo an internship in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.

When drawing up programs of technical disciplines, it is necessary to analyze the structure and functions of professional activity, i.e. to transfer the model of a specialist's activity to the content of bachelor's education in accordance with modern ideas about the organization of the educational process, its practical focus and the formation of professional competencies.

However, the implementation of this requirement in relation to the receipt by a student of a higher educational institution of a qualification category in a working profession in the practical educational activities of a higher educational institution is difficult, and in most cases is completely impossible. For the effective assimilation of the basic educational program and the successful completion of the state final certification with the subsequent assignment of the 3-4 grade to the graduate in the profession "Machine operator", in addition to qualified teaching staff, the university must have a well-developed material base. This means metalworking workshops (locksmith, turning, milling) with a line of 12-15 machines, demonstration devices of one or more main machines (at least a universal lathe), simulators for practicing skills in controlling the main units (for example, a support) of the machine. The formation of a well-developed infrastructure that allows for the purposeful preparation of students for obtaining a qualification category requires capital financial investments of about 30-40 million rubles, which is difficult task for most budget educational organizations.

A way out of this situation is possible in the creation of a network form for the implementation of the educational program in conjunction with regional resource centers. Analysis of scientific sources in pedagogical research recent years shows that networking is an important element in the development and support of innovative educational technologies... This form of cooperation is carried out through the organized and targeted involvement of educational, informational, methodological, human and other resources of several one or different-level organizations. So, M.Yu. Shvetsov notes that "the network interaction of vocational education institutions and universities in the regions represents stable and orderly social actions between vocational educational institutions that differ in their types, types and forms of organization, regional vocational education authorities and specific participants in this process."

The purpose of such interaction in relation to teachers of vocational training is the parallel development of OBEP HPE with the simultaneous mastery of a working profession. The vertical type of integration of the content of educational programs in the preparation of teachers of vocational education is based on the fact that the learning process mainly takes place in the base organization - the Yaroslavl State Technical University, and for its full implementation, the educational organization of the SPE is involved - the Yaroslavl Automotive College, which carries out, among other things, training of machine operators. On the basis of this educational institution as part of the program innovative development In 2008, a resource center was created in the region for the priority for the Yaroslavl region in the direction of training a machine-building profile, which trains workers in metalworking professions. The center is equipped with modern laboratory and industrial equipment, has an extensive information educational environment... College graduates meet the requirements for modern workers and specialists in high-tech clusters of diesel and power engineering.

Cooperation between the university and the college is based on the model of network interaction "educational organization - resource organization", which is based on the parity cooperation of these institutions and involves the joint use of available educational resources. The regulatory and legal basis for this type of cooperation was the partnership, enshrined in the agreement between the network participants, as well as their charters and constituent documents. The agreement establishes the conditions and procedure for the implementation of educational activities, including the distribution of responsibilities between institutions, the procedure for the implementation of the educational program, the type and amount of resources allocated by each of the participants. In accordance with the agreement, the participants assumed the responsibility for organizing network interaction, coordinating activities, exchanging personnel, information, scientific and technical and educational and methodological resources. In addition, logistics issues related to the organization of the movement of students within the educational routes were also resolved.

Before proceeding with the creation of a mechanism for interaction and implementation of the joint educational program "SPE - University", the curricula for the training of teachers and machine operators, respectively, in each of the cooperating organizations were analyzed, the content and labor intensity in credit units of individual modules and disciplines, the period of study and a number of others specific questions. The basic part of the university curriculum was the discipline "Industrial training" in the amount of 324 hours, and in the curriculum for training machine operators, special attention was paid to the professional cycle in the amount of 1245 teaching hours. This cycle is based on two professional modules: "Software control of metal-cutting machines" and "Processing of parts on metal-cutting machines of various types and types", as well as two interdisciplinary complexes: "Technology of processing on machine tools with program control" and "Technology of processing on metal-cutting machines ".

In addition, an agreement was reached on the recognition of learning outcomes, with the harmonization of the assessment system and assessment criteria. On this basis, credits are recalculated in a number of disciplines of the general professional cycle ("Technical measurements", "Fundamentals of materials science", "Technical graphics"), which were successfully passed by university students as part of the implementation of the main educational program.

State (final) certification includes the protection of the final qualifying work in the form of final practical qualifying work and written examination work... An obligatory requirement is the correspondence of the subject of the final qualifying work to the content of one or several professional modules. In addition, the final practical qualification work should provide for the implementation of operational actions that, in terms of complexity, meet the requirements of the category for the profession of a machine operator provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Practice-oriented training under the applied bachelor's program contributes to the successful adaptation of students to the upcoming educational and pedagogical activities in educational organizations. They gain their first professional experience while undergoing pedagogical and pre-diploma practice in colleges and technical schools.

For six years of networking, about two hundred university students have been trained at a car mechanic college in full-time and part-time, mastered the necessary professional competencies and received the third, and some of the fourth category in the working profession. A significant part of graduates successfully work in vocational education institutions in the region. The efficiency of using the educational, upbringing and personnel potential of educational institutions - participants in network interaction has significantly increased.


  1. The introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard has created a condition for the active implementation of basic professional educational programs in the mode of network interaction, since the structure of the content of the programs is organized according to a modular principle.
  2. One of the most important results of the work done was the accumulation of experience in the implementation of network interaction mechanisms, the consolidation of the participants in the educational process and the creation of a system of connections between them, which makes it possible to effectively solve the educational, methodological and organizational tasks facing the university.
  3. The quality of labor potential and the qualifications of engineering and pedagogical personnel, sent by the university to educational institutions of the region, have increased. This circumstance has a beneficial effect both on the development of the regional labor market and on expanding the range of educational services and increasing the competitiveness of the university.


Shevchuk VF, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Vocational Training, FSBEI HPE "Yaroslavl State Technical University", Yaroslavl;

Serebrennikov LN, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics, Technology and Management, FSBEI HPE "Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky ", Yaroslavl.

Bibliographic reference

Modnov S.I., Malanov A.G. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NETWORK MODEL "SPO - UNIVERSITY" WHEN TRAINING BACHELORS OF EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 1-1 .;
URL:\u003d17658 (date of access: 18.09.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Secondary vocational education


Results of the V Open Regional Championship "Young Professionals" (Worldskills Russia) of the Voronezh Region - 2018

V Regional Championship of Young Professionals was held in Voronezh
This year, the World Skills competition was named the largest in its five-year history. During 5 days, young specialists competed in 35 competencies. Last year there were 25 of them. Veterinarians, fashion designers, confectioners, agronomists, designers - more than 250 contestants competed for the title of the best in their specialty.
There are also new competencies for the Voronezh participants this year. There were many competitors at the World Skills Championship in Voronezh, but even more visitors. Volunteers conducted excursions for schoolchildren and guests.

Results of the V Open Regional Championship "Young Professionals" (Worldskills Russia) of the Voronezh Region - 2018

Results 100-point scale % D1% 82% D1% 8B-100-% D0% B1% D0% B0% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% BD% D0% B0% D1% 8F-% D1% 88% D0% BA% D0 % B0% D0% BB% D0% B0.pdf
Results 500-point scale

The Research Institute for the Development of Vocational Education (NIIRPO), together with the Public Academy of Vocational Education, colleges in Moscow and the constituent entities of the Federation, provides scientific support for the topic "Formation of mechanisms for network interaction between resource centers of vocational education institutions with industry employers."

At the first stage, a practice-oriented concept of resource centers, a conceptual apparatus, a model of network interaction were developed educational institutions various levels and industry employers, as well as mechanisms for ensuring the quality of vocational education. Research has been carried out on various aspects of the organization and efficiency of the regional resource centers of secondary vocational schools and NGOs.

In the second phase of the study, the scale was increased. Several interregional experimental sites were formed on the basis of colleges, the current conceptual apparatus was clarified and Internet conferences were held, in which the Academy of Professional Education and leading scientific institutes of Kemerovo and Chelyabinsk took part.

There was also a round table discussion.

The analysis of the first experience of networking allowed us to identify three priorities for activity.

First, educational, aimed at ensuring that professional training, advanced training and others are implemented in one unit.

Secondly, certification, aimed at solving in one division the tasks of certification and external assessment of the quality of vocational education for the sectoral group of specialties of vocational education and training. In this case, the self-assessment of the quality of graduates' training will be carried out by the colleges themselves, and the final, external (public and professional) certification will be carried out by the regional branch resource center.

The proposals of Rosobrnadzor on the development of an external assessment of the quality of vocational education with the participation of industry employers have already been published and are being actively discussed. It is assumed that it can take place like the Unified State Exam and cover graduates of secondary vocational schools and applied bachelors.

I would like to note that the active development of social and professional assessment of the quality of education is possible under several conditions. First of all, it is necessary at the state level to determine the place and role of these procedures. Will they be considered for state accreditation? If so, how? It is also necessary to train a sufficient number of experts involved in the external assessment of vocational education, since experts who work within the framework of state accreditation are unlikely to be able to carry out an external audit in a quality manner without special training. Further, there is no answer to the question, to whom at present can SEE institutions be entrusted with conducting an educational audit? It is necessary to create organizations that will be able to do this important job and develop criteria for their recognition by society and the state. And, finally, the preparation of public opinion is needed. So far, we can state a general lack of readiness for external assessment of the quality of education. In the current conditions, one of the most important tasks of the institute for the development of vocational education is the formation of public opinion and the training of experts, including representatives of employers and public organizations.

It should be noted that the new state educational standards introduce the responsibility of the heads of secondary vocational schools for the quality of graduate training and learning outcomes. Therefore, it is very important to fulfill one of the main requirements of the Copenhagen and Turin processes - to introduce mechanisms internal assessment quality and better prepare for external evaluation. Educational audit is a procedure that contributes to the formation and development of the internal education quality system. However, the process of establishing a social and professional assessment of the quality of education is likely to be both difficult and slow.

NIIRPO came to the conclusion that as part of the experiment, middle-level institutions have the opportunity to receive independent assessment guarantee the quality of education and communicate the results to the public. These goals are not achieved during the standard procedures of state accreditation.

The third priority is a network one, aimed at stimulating the creation of networked professional communities of specialists, the formation of innovative functions of teaching staff, as well as new positions: network teacher, network methodologist, network curator-tutor, network psychologist, network administrator. Science must have its say by forming categories such as “network professional education”,“ Networked pedagogy of vocational education ”,“ networked educational program ”,“ networked schedule ”,“ networked ethics ”,“ networked examination of the quality of professional education ”and others.

Conclusions at the round table

Resource centers are innovative structures in which new models of training the demanded mid-level specialists should be formed. The main activities of these structures are aimed at creating an effective mechanism for networking with social outsourcing partners and ensuring the competitiveness of educational institutions, their graduates and regional VET systems in general. How far has the work begun, and how can we make it even more effective?

The participants of the interregional round table, which took place on February 29 in Moscow, tried to answer these questions. The audience consisted of 80 people, among whom were practical workers from colleges and resource centers in Moscow and Moscow, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk regions, The Chechen Republic, Udmurtia, Mari El, as well as representatives of the capital's business communities, corporate structures of in-house training, manufacturing organizations of technological equipment for resource centers and foreign partners of educational institutions.

The event was organized by the Research Institute for the Development of Vocational Education (Moscow), the Academy of Vocational Education, the Union of Directors of VET institutions in Russia and self-regulatory organizations of the construction industry.

The main conclusions reached by the participants in the discussion are interesting. Assessing the effectiveness of the emerging mechanism of network interaction between industry resource centers and employers, the speakers emphasized its particular importance for ensuring the competitiveness of educational institutions. It is in the process of networking that active approbation of the preparation of the
qualified workers, foremen, technicians-technologists in corporate structures, including the introduction of educational programs common with foreign colleges (the "Network College" project, the project of double diplomas, and others).

The most significant components of network interaction were the modules of educational programs, the classification of assignments and their funding standards, focused on the quality of the competencies of specialists, the technology of training with the assessment of competencies with the participation of external certification structures, an integrated (with the participation of self-regulatory organizations) system of grading of teaching aids, practice-oriented textbooks and electronic publications.

In Moscow, experimental testing of the mechanism of networking between building colleges, a scientific institution (Research Institute for the Development of Vocational Education), self-regulatory organizations and general education schools has shown that the main advantage of the network is to ensure the general availability and mass scale of primary and secondary vocational education programs. The model of an interregional sectoral resource center, based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba voluntary exchange of resources between VET institutions, works for the interests of the most motivated group of students: schoolchildren, college students and employees of enterprises, ensuring the quality of professional qualifications.

Monitoring of the practice of network interaction of resource centers with industry employers confirms the conclusion that horizontal integration of educational institutions of general, primary and secondary vocational education allows eliminating duplication in personnel training and rationally using financial resources, teaching and laboratory, material and technical, information and methodological and human potential. educational institutions. The core of horizontal integration is a multidisciplinary college surrounded by mini-networks.

Directly for the resource center, the establishment and strengthening of ties with enterprises, employment services, territorial government bodies opens up many additional opportunities, namely:

  • easier access to labor market information;
  • taking into account the requirements of employers for the content of training specialists (professional profile, qualification characteristics);
  • simplifies the procedure for adjusting old and developing new training materials and programs that meet the requirements of employers;
  • there are ample opportunities for organizing the practice of students and short-term internships for teachers, getting acquainted with the latest types of equipment and technological processes;
  • job opportunities for graduates are expanding;
  • new joint commercial projects are being initiated to replenish the extra-budgetary funds of educational institutions: the opening of refresher courses for employees of enterprises, the creation of joint workshops, shops, public service centers, etc.

The intermediate results of the activity of the resource centers prove the economic efficiency of training in integrated programs of primary and secondary vocational education. The training time is reduced by seven months, or 15 percent.

According to the audience, Russia's entry into the WTO, EurAsEC, the implementation of the requirements of the Copenhagen and Turin processes imply the establishment of priorities for accreditation indicators of international associations before the state accreditation of the college, which implies that the educational institution should bear responsibility for the quality of education and its guarantee.

The round table participants believe that it is necessary to develop scientific support for network interaction (conceptual apparatus, principles, tasks, models, indicators, effects, programs, technologies), recommendations for the formation of network tutorials (a network practice-oriented textbook, control and measuring materials for diagnosing the quality of network training, etc.) and prepare practitioners who will perform innovative functions (network methodologist, network teacher-tutor, teacher-librarian, network administrator, network psychologist). All this with the participation of the business community.

Follow-up agenda

Suggestions for improving the efficiency of resource centers are reflected in the recommendations, which can be considered a kind of program of activities for the administration and staff of colleges, scientists and employers.

For educational institutions in this program, the task is first to hold thematic teachers' councils, at which to discuss the formation of network educational resources: programs, technologies, forms. Then organize training consultations on the development of network curricula and programs based on distance technologies: for methodologists, librarians, teachers, masters. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a set of organizational and methodological documents for the formation of network communities.

A great deal of work remains to be done by the Research Institute for the Development of Vocational Education and the Training and Methodological Center for Vocational Education. These institutions should prepare a new version of the practice-oriented Concept of networking for SVE resource centers, develop recommendations for improving their effectiveness and indicators for international accreditation of colleges, as well as practice-oriented tutorials for networking. They also proposed to conduct an experiment on the certification of department heads, teachers, masters of industrial training to perform the functions of a network teacher (tutor), network methodologist, network manager, head of the resource center.

Considerable hopes, judging by the recommendations, are pinned on business communities (sectoral self-regulatory organizations of employers, associations of small and medium-sized businesses, committees for promoting vocational education of chambers of commerce and industry, sectoral trade unions). First, these organizations are expected to help enshrine in corporate acts, and later, possibly, in the current legislation, such a concept as a “resource center for professional qualifications”.
Secondly, it is assumed that they will formulate proposals for the formation of patent, diagnostic and metrological services on the basis of scientific institutions, colleges and interregional resource centers. Third, they will develop a mechanism for creating economic societies with the participation of research institutes and colleges, based on federal law № 217.

The round table showed how great the possibilities of resource centers are and how much needs to be done to realize these opportunities.

Art. 60, FZ-273 "On education in Russian Federation"," The procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities in the educational program of secondary vocational education ", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2013 No. 464, and the Charter of the college.

1.2. Concepts and definitions:

Netis a set of actors (agents) occupying certain positions and connections between them. The main components that describe the network are structural and resource.

Structural component networks - the spatial arrangement (configuration) of actors and the connections between them due to this configuration.

Resource network component- types of exchanged resources and differentiation of positions based on such an exchange.

Online learning resources are qualified in five areas:

Human resources - highly qualified teachers and masters of industrial training, who own modern industrial and pedagogical technologies; including practical skills in the management of high-tech equipment, specialists in educational technologies, teaching methods in the VET / SPE system, private methods in training technical personnel, experts in the field of assessing professional qualifications.

Informational resources - databases accumulating information about the latest production technologies, trends and developments in technical areas production of goods and services, labor markets for medical professionals and trends in their development, changes in employers' requirements for the quality of vocational training in this segment of the labor market; electronic libraries; depositories of multimedia products, etc.

Material and technical resources - laboratory facilities, specialized premises (workshops and polygons), training and production equipment, tools and materials, including real production equipment used for educational purposes, as well as training equipment analogues (computer models, simulators, simulators, pro-emulators, etc. .).

Educational resources basic and additional professional educational programs, professional modules on modern production technologies and methods of their development; teaching materials (manuals, recommendations for teachers and students, etc.); diagnostic tools for assessing the level of mastering educational material; computer training and diagnostic programs.

Social resources - established partnerships with enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the region's economy; "Horizontal" ties in the professional pedagogical community of the region; relations with public associations and non-profit organizationsexpressing the interests of employers in this segment of the labor market, professional communities, etc.

Network organization of educational resources , within the framework of which the joint use of various resources available in individual network units by other educational organizations on the basis of mutually beneficial agreements, is one of the strategic decisions within the framework of modernization of the regional vocational education systems of the city of Moscow.

1.3. The network can be formed from the following participants in legal relations:

- educational organizations (by district or district);

- college as the central organizer of the networked form of education;

- base organizations of practices;

- other educational organizations of secondary vocational education;

- educational organizations of higher professional education;

- profile employers of state and commercial structures.

1.4. The college can also join the online programs of other educational organizations.

1.5. The network form of education is a mobile structure that effectively responds to any economic and other innovative processes.

1.6. The use of a networked form of education in college is dictated by the requirement of an economically feasible target distribution and use of all types of resources.

1.7. Key stages of creating an online learning form:

Concentration of unique educational resources in specialized units of the network;

Ensuring the use of resources concentrated in one unit of the network by other educational organizations (intra-network interaction);

Organization of interdepartmental networks of interaction of vocational education institutions with external structures and agents (primarily with employers and their associations, professional communities).

1.8. The networked form of college education can be organized in the following forms:

1.8.1. through the formation unified supporting infrastructure educational system, including information services, shared by all (most) units of the network;

1.8.2. by implementing network educational programs, in which the content of education is mastered by students in several educational institutions (at least two) on the basis of a single (network) curriculum.

1.9. Internet sites and regional educational portals with open interactive access for all participants in network interaction are recognized as effective formats of information exchange in the college network system.

1.10. The main tasks of the network form of education:

Creation and maintenance of the functioning of the corporate network of the education system in order to ensure technologically consistent college access to global information resources using traditional and new technologies in this area;

Cataloging, consolidation and monitoring of regional educational information resources by means of a regional educational portal;

System development distance learning within the framework of the functioning of the corporate network of the education system with reference points in specialized resource centers;

Support for educational, methodological and technological support for the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process.

1.11. General information services are used within the framework of mastering programs of additional professional education (advanced training and professional retraining of educational workers). Moreover, on information portal organizations - participants in network interaction, information is provided on the implementation of this type of activity (program, requirements for its passage, didactic support, control and diagnostic tools, etc.).

1.12. The implementation of joint advanced training programs in a distributed structure involves the use of distance learning technologies. Listeners are given the opportunity to receive online consultations, hold seminars, conferences, forums, provide consulting support using information and telecommunication technologies.

1.13. The created network with direct horizontal connections between the participants is characterized by the appearance of positive externalities. A unified information field is emerging, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of organizing new projects for any of the network participants.

1.14. The network form of the implementation of educational programs is carried out by agreement of educational organizations or by decision of the authorities in charge of educational institutions. Students, parents (legal representatives) of underage students may also act as initiators of the organization of relevant activities.

1.15. Educational organizations participating in the implementation of educational programs within the framework of network interaction must have the appropriate licenses for the right to carry out educational activities.

1.16. The procedure and conditions for the interaction of educational organizations in the joint implementation of educational programs is determined by the agreement between them ( Attachment 1).


2.1. General rules for the organization of the educational process and the implementation of educational programs.

2.1.1. The main educational programs can be implemented by the college, both independently and together with other educational organizations through the organization of network interaction (hereinafter referred to as the network form of implementation of the educational program).

2.1.2. Organizations of science, culture, sports and other organizations that have the resources necessary for the implementation of training, educational and industrial practices and other types can also participate in the network forms of the implementation of educational programs. learning activitiesprovided by the relevant educational program.

2.2. The networked college education system may include:

Educational organizations, i.e. organizations that carry out educational activities on the basis of a license as the main type of activity in accordance with the goals for the achievement of which such an organization was created;

Educational organizations, including foreign ones, i.e. educational organizations and organizations carrying out training (organizations carrying out on the basis of a license, along with their main activities, educational activities as an additional type of activity);

Other (resource) organizations, such as: scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical culture and sports, etc. possessing the necessary resources to implement training, practice, etc.

2.3. Educational programs that can be implemented online:

Pre-professional training of students in grades 8-11 of secondary schools using the educational resources of the college;

Professional development programs for the personnel of the NGO / VET industry on the basis of two educational organizations: college and institutions of additional vocational education / institution of higher professional education (professional development of specialists);

Industrial training programs for blue-collar occupations based on two educational institutions (college and professional organizations),

Internships and training for the adult population.

2.4. Network programs for pre-professional training of students in grades 8-11 of secondary schools.

2.4.1. In this case, the participants in network interaction are a general education school (several schools) and a college equipped with modern educational resources for certain working professions (employee positions). High school students who are pursuing a general education program within the college profile are given the opportunity to undergo pre-vocational training, the result of which is the mastery of a working profession. The list of such professions is determined by the Instructional Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

2.4.2. In the organizational model of college interaction, the issue of "offset" of educational achievements of students is essential.

2.4.3. The system for assessing the educational results of students using the resources of the school and college is consistent, and the assessment criteria are unified.

2.4.3. To solve this problem in the practice of network interaction, they most often use a permanent methodological commission (council) of the network program with representation of school and college specialists. The regulation on this public body for educational and methodological support of network educational programs is included in the list of local acts of both organizations.

2.5. The job responsibilities of certain categories of workers and the administration of organizations should be adjusted. If necessary, changes are made to the agreement between the founder and the institution.

2.6. If the participation of the college in the implementation of network educational programs affects the rights and interests of employees, changes are required in the collective agreement concluded between the employer's representative (head of the educational organization) and a representative of the collective of its employees.

2.7. The agreement on the network form of implementation of educational programs specifies:

1) the type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of the educational program of a certain level, type and focus), implemented using the network form;

2) the status of students in organizations, the rules for admission to training in the network educational program, the procedure for organizing academic mobility of students mastering the network educational program;

3) the conditions and procedure for the implementation of educational activities on the educational program, implemented through the network form, including the distribution of responsibilities between organizations, the procedure for the implementation of the educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization that implements educational programs through the network form;

4) issued document or documents on education and (or) on qualifications, document or documents on training, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities that issue these documents;

5) the term of the agreement, the procedure for its amendment and termination.

2.8. The network educational program is implemented jointly by educational, scientific, industrial and other organizations on the basis of an agreement on a unified curriculum. Calendar-thematic plans are developed jointly by all participants in the educational process.

2.9. In the curriculum of the network educational program, the organizers of the partner organizations are indicated, responsible for specific modules (disciplines, cycles of disciplines).

2.10. Recruitment for the network program is carried out by the base Institution, which coordinates the activities for the implementation of the program, monitors the implementation of the curriculum, organizes the final certification.

2.11. Based on the results of training, the student is issued a diploma from the basic institution.

2.12. The appendix to the diploma lists professional modules, disciplines, practices that the student has passed in other educational organizations.

2.13. The total duration of study in a basic institution must be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) of mastering the entire educational program.

2.14. The term of study for the network educational program cannot exceed the period for mastering the educational program of the corresponding field of study (specialty).

2.15. In the case of training in a joint or double degree program, two curricula are drawn up for two different educational organizations, where a number academic disciplines are mutually counted, and a number of disciplines can be implemented jointly (research work, final qualification work, etc.).

2.16. Based on the results of training, the student is awarded two diplomas. In this case, the duration of study in each institution must be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) of mastering the educational program, and the total increase in labor intensity for a student does not exceed 25% per year.

2.17. Single-level dual programs are implemented as two educational programs of different directions at the same level of training, while two degrees are awarded in different areas of training. In this case, an integrated curriculum is formed, where the basic disciplines satisfy both areas of training and are interchangeable (mutually readable). Variable disciplines allow you to develop flexible training programs in two areas at the same time.

2.18. For each educational program, an academic ( theoretical training) and research components. The research component includes the research work of students, different kinds practitioner, preparation of final qualifying work, etc.

2.19. With the network form of training, taking into account the types of interacting organizations and their educational licenses, the following types of educational activities can be distinguished, which can be implemented jointly: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of an internship; internship practice; research work in the form of an internship.

2.20. In the case of implementation of an educational program jointly by several educational organizations and (or) organizations providing training, they draw up a general curriculum, which additionally indicates the distribution of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) at the place of development (implementing organizations).

2.21. The class schedule is formed taking into account the form of training, the main types of educational activities provided for by the educational program, and includes classroom and other forms of classes conducted by a teacher with students.

2.22. The form of classes is determined in accordance with the curriculum, educational technologies and teaching methods used, based on the need to ensure the effective development of the relevant training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules). Classes can be conducted in a group or individual form.

2.23. When teaching according to an individual curriculum, an individual class schedule is drawn up for the student.

2.24. The class schedule does not include training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) that are mastered by students using distance learning technologies without participation teacher (yourself).

2.25. State authorities exercising management in the field of education and local self-government bodies are not entitled to change the curriculum and the annual calendar of the educational organization after their approval, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.26. The language (languages) in which teaching and upbringing is conducted in an educational organization is determined by its founder (s) and (or) the charter of the educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.27. Educational and industrial practice, provided for by the curriculum, is organized by educational organizations on the basis of agreements with organizations carrying out activities in the profile of the corresponding educational program.

2.28. Assessment systems, forms, procedure and frequency of intermediate attestation of students in the educational process are determined and consolidated by the organization carrying out educational activities in the corresponding local act. The form and procedure for monitoring the progress of students are determined by the teaching staff independently.

2.29. The institution maintains an individual record of the results of the development of educational programs by students, as well as storing data on these results in archives on paper and (or) electronic media in the manner approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education ...

2.30. Parents ( legal representatives) minor students should be provided with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the course and content of the educational process, with information about the progress of students and the results of their intermediate certification.


3.1. When implementing basic professional educational programs, a credit-modular system of organizing the educational process can be used, based on the block-modular principle of presenting the content of an educational program and building curricula, using a system of credit units (credits) and corresponding educational technologies.

3.2. The introduction of such a form of organizing the educational process in each area of \u200b\u200btraining and specialty of basic professional educational programs is provided for by the corresponding federal state educational standard.

3.3. The system of credits (credits) is used to determine the volume of the study load and the time required to master the course, subject, discipline, module or educational program as a whole. A credit (credit) is a unified unit of measurement of the labor intensity of a student's academic load, which includes all types of his educational activities provided for in the curriculum, including classroom and independent work, internships, practice, etc.

3.4. To organize the educational process on the basis of a credit-modular system, along with the basic curriculum for each area of \u200b\u200btraining (specialty), a working curriculum is drawn up, designed to form the annual calendar educational schedule and calculate the labor intensity of the educational work of teachers, on the basis of which, with the personal participation of students, they are developed individual study plans.

3.5. In the working curriculum, the labor intensity of each academic course, subject, discipline, module is indicated in academic hours (classroom) and in credit units (credits).

3.6. Students are required to master training courses, subjects, disciplines, modules, practice, internships in strict accordance with their individual curricula.

3.7. Upon completion of the mastering by the student of the training course, subject, discipline, module by the organization carrying out educational activities, certification is carried out, according to the results of which the level and quality of the student's mastering of the corresponding training course, subject, discipline, module in the assessment system adopted in this organization is assessed, and its labor intensity in credit units (credits).

3.8. Credit points (credits) are awarded only when satisfactory attestation results are obtained for a given course, subject, discipline, module, while the number of points scored that determine the quality of their development does not affect the number of credit points (credits).

3.9. The specifics of organizing the educational process with the use of credit units (credits) are determined by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

3.10. The procedure for crediting the results of the development of additional educational programs by students in third-party organizations, documented in the established order, is determined by the local act of the college, in which the student was enrolled in the basic educational program.

3.11. The final certification of students and the issuance of educational documents to them is carried out in accordance with the general procedure established for students of the educational organization in which the student was enrolled in the basic educational program.

3.12. The peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the network form of implementation of general education and professional educational programs are established by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.


4.1. Distance educational and (or) electronic educational technologies are used in online learning in order to provide students with enhanced learning opportunities directly at the student's place of residence or temporary stay (location), including for medical reasons in connection with disabilities health.

4.2. Distance learning technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or not completely mediated interaction between a student and a teacher.

4.3. Electronic educational technologies are understood as distance educational technologies that provide the learning process in electronic form via the Internet.

4.4. The lists of educational programs, the implementation of which using or through distance educational and (or) electronic educational technologies is not allowed, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4.5. The ratio of the volume of classes using distance educational and (or) electronic educational technologies and through direct interaction of the teacher with the student during the implementation of the main educational program is determined by the partner organization independently.

4.6. The college has the right to use distance educational and (or) electronic educational technologies in the educational process if it has necessary training pedagogical workers and educational support personnel, educational and methodological documentation (on paper and electronic media) and access to electronic educational and information resources necessary for mastering the corresponding educational program, as well as specially equipped rooms with appropriate technical means and software and hardware.

4.7. The federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education establishes the procedure for using distance educational technologies and (or) electronic educational technologies in educational organizations with state accreditation in the implementation of basic educational programs (including requirements for the conditions of the educational process, the procedure for establishing the compliance of classroom lessons with their infocommunication counterparts (telelections, testing, teleconsulting, television forums, work with training programs, simulators, etc.) and calculating their labor intensity, as well as the specifics of using such technologies in teaching disabled children and other persons with disabilities in basic educational programs).



5.1. In the college, in order to ensure the educational process for the educational programs being implemented, electronic library systems are formed containing basic and additional educational literature, scientific literature, official, reference-bibliographic and specialized periodicals in print and (or) in electronic forms, as well as providing access to modern professional databases, information reference and search engines.

5.2. Each educational organization, which is a Party in online learning, itself determines the amount of information resources that it is ready to provide.

5.3. The library fund for cooperation in the online form should be completed with electronic editions of the basic educational literature (textbooks, teaching aids), as well as educational and methodological documentation for all training courses, subjects, disciplines, modules included in the main educational programs being implemented.

5.4. Partner organizations provide students with access to the electronic library system and free use of printed and electronic publications and other resources that are included in it, which are necessary for use in the educational process in the basic training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) of the educational program they are mastering.

5.5. Partner organizations, in order to expand the capabilities of their electronic library systems and improve the quality of the educational process, conduct an operational exchange of information with Russian and foreign educational, scientific and other organizations that have the necessary information resources, in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and international treaties of the Russian Federation. Federation in the field of intellectual property.


6.1. When mastering professional modules in different educational organizations and passing qualification exams at the place of their development, the state final certification is carried out in the Institution where the student was enrolled.

6.2. Other forms of state (final) certification of students who have mastered educational programs of secondary general education may be established by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education for students with disabilities who have mastered educational programs of secondary general education.

Attachment 1


about networking and collaboration (framework)

(double sided)

moscow city

"___" __________ 20 ____

An educational organization, hereinafter referred to as "Party 1", represented by the director ......., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and _________________________________________________________________, called "Party 2", represented by _________________________, acting on the basis of _________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as jointly, the "Parties", within the framework of networking for the purpose of implementing educational programs, have entered into this Agreement on the following:

  1. Subject of the contract

1.1. The parties agree on networking to resolve

the following tasks:

Development of models of network interaction of educational institutions of various types for the implementation of innovative educational programs.

Ensuring optimal concentration and targeted use of modern educational resources;

Improving the professional competence of leaders and pedagogical workers of the Parties, providing them with free access to obtaining professional information related to modern technologies training and education of students;

Providing the opportunity for students to master the educational program using the resources of several organizations carrying out educational activities, including foreign ones, as well as, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations

Improvement of analytical activity in terms of identifying and forecasting the needs of citizens in educational services.

1.2. This agreement is a framework agreement, i.e. defining the structure, principles and general rules relations of the parties. In the process of network interaction and within the framework of this agreement, the parties additionally conclude contracts and agreements providing for detailed conditions and procedures for the interaction of the parties. Such additional contracts and agreements become an integral part of this contract and must contain a reference to it.

1.3. In their activities, the Parties do not set the main task of making a profit, but also carry out activities to attract additional financial and material resources to ensure the conduct of joint activities of the parties and their qualitative improvement in strict accordance with the legislation on the possibilities of conducting income-generating activities of partners and the provisions of the constituent documents. All additionally attracted financial and material resources are spent on the statutory activities of the parties.

1.4. The Parties guarantee the availability of a license to conduct educational activities and accredited programs that they offer to use as part of the online form of education.

1.5. The parties shall ensure the following standards of joint activity:


Concentration of educational resources in order to use them most efficiently;

Openness in purpose optimal use educational resources based on contractual relationships with other educational institutions;

Equal access of students to education on the basis of the resource center.

1.6. The parties ensure that the joint activities comply with legal requirements. Each partner guarantees the availability of legal opportunities to fulfill their obligations, provide financing, staffing, the availability of the necessary permits (licenses, permits of the owner of the property in the event that property is provided for the use of the other party) and other circumstances that ensure the legality of the party's activities.

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties

2.1. When conducting educational and educational activities, the parties have the right to transfer the implementation of a part of the educational or educational program to the other party under this agreement. The college promotes _______ in the conduct of educational and educational activities to provide basic general and additional education for children.

2.2. The parties have the right to transfer to the college the implementation of a part of the main general educational program in terms of extracurricular activities of students. The implementation of a part of the educational program is transferred under an additional agreement of the parties, which determines the procedure for interaction between the parties regarding such implementation, resolves the financing of these activities, and also determines other issues of interaction. The parties independently ensure the compliance of this activity with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, with the requirements for licensing educational activities. The implementation of part of the general education program may be funded by the college at its own expense. In this case, the relationship of the parties is formalized by an additional contract for the provision of services free of charge, which defines the requirements for the types, quality, quantity of educational services provided, as well as for the size, timing, and procedure for paying for college services.

2.3. The parties assist each other in implementing projects, attracting grants, charitable donations and other gratuitous receipts through the provision of information support, consulting services.

2.4. The parties provide mutual assistance in matters of staffing the partner's activities under this agreement. The parties undertake, upon receipt of a request for the need to attract relevant specialists from a partner under the contract, to bring information about the partner's search for a contractor with appropriate qualifications to their employees.

The request is sent in writing, indicating the required qualifications of the employee, the estimated time frame and mode of attracting the employee to work, as well as the conditions for formalizing legal relations with him

2.5. In the course of joint activities, the parties mutually use each other's property.

The use of property is carried out in compliance with the requirements and procedures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of additional agreements for the lease of property or gratuitous use of property, which determine the procedure, limits, conditions for the use of property in each specific case.

The party transferring the property for use to the partner under the contract is responsible for the legality of such a transfer, in particular, independently ensures that the founder's consent to the disposal of the property is obtained, an expert assessment of the consequences of the contract for the provision of education, upbringing, development, recreation and health of children, compliance with other necessary procedures ...

The parties, using the premises, equipment, other property of the partner under the agreement, ensure the safety of the property, taking into account natural wear and tear, and also guarantee intended use property if the purposes of providing the property were specified in an additional agreement on its provision for use.

2.6. The Parties shall facilitate information support of the activities of the contractual partner. Specific obligations of the parties can be established by additional agreements.

2.7. The Parties shall promote scientific, educational and methodological, consulting support for the activities of the contractual partner.

Specific obligations of the parties may be established by additional


  1. Organization of the educational process within the network form of education.

3.1. In the case of implementation of an educational program jointly by several educational organizations and (or) organizations providing training, they draw up a general curriculum, which additionally indicates the distribution of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) at the place of development (implementing organizations).

3.2. The schedule of classes is formed taking into account the form of training, the main types of educational activities provided for by the educational program, and includes classroom and other forms of classes conducted by a teacher with students.

3.3. The form of classes is determined in accordance with the curriculum, educational technologies and teaching methods used, based on the need to ensure the effective development of the relevant training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules). Classes can be conducted in a group or individual form.

3.4. When teaching according to an individual curriculum, an individual class schedule is drawn up for the student.

3.5. The class schedule does not include training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) that are mastered by students using distance learning technologies without the participation of a teacher (independently).

3.6. The language (languages) in which teaching and upbringing is conducted in an educational organization is determined by its founder (s) and (or) the charter of the educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.7. The organization of the educational process by the Parties must ensure the creation of conditions necessary for students to receive a quality education.

3.8. An organization carrying out educational activities that has state accreditation keeps an individual record of the results of the development of educational programs by students, as well as storing data on these results in the archives on paper and (or) electronic media in the manner approved by the federal executive body in charge of developing state education policy and legal regulation.

3.9. When implementing basic professional educational programs, a credit-modular system of organizing the educational process can be used, based on the block-modular principle of presenting the content of an educational program and building curricula, using a system of credit units (credits) and corresponding educational technologies.

3.10. To organize the educational process on the basis of a credit-modular system, along with the basic curriculum for each area of \u200b\u200btraining (specialty), a working curriculum is drawn up, designed to form the annual calendar educational schedule and calculate the labor intensity of the educational work of teachers, on the basis of which, with the personal participation of students, they are developed individual study plans.

3.11. In the working curriculum, the labor intensity of each academic course, subject, discipline, module is indicated in academic hours (classroom) and in credit units (credits).

  1. Other conditions

3.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of signing this Agreement and is valid until ________________________________________.

3.2. The Parties undertake to fulfill in good faith their obligations under this Agreement, as well as to bear responsibility for non-fulfillment of this Agreement and additional agreements concluded for its implementation.

3.3. Changes and additions to this Agreement are concluded in writing.

3.4. The contract is drawn up in 2 copies, one for each of the parties.

  1. Addresses and details of the parties:
