The answer to the increased demands on the education system was the emergence of the concept of open education. The global goal of open education is to prepare learners for full and effective participation in the public and professional fields in the information society.

Prospects and problems of e-learning development

Sayfullina D.Kh .., teacher of informatics

MOU Secondary School No. 54, Ufa

We live in a new era where our lives are becoming more and more dependent on information technology. Many changes taking place in our world are associated precisely with the emergence and development of information technology. And education is no exception. If we evaluate the most significant changes that have occurred in the educational industry over the past ten years, then most of them are associated with the widespread introduction of information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process.

IN modern conditions children from the very early age develop in a new information environment: television, the Internet, computer programs... The computer has become an indispensable assistant in study, work and leisure, simplified the search and receipt of necessary and timely information, communication between people, accelerated decision-making. And traditional methods and teaching aids are losing their importance and are insufficient to meet the increased requirements for the level of training of graduates of higher education. The high rates of scientific and technological progress lead to the rapid obsolescence of the knowledge of specialists. And thus, a modern person simply needs to constantly update his knowledge, seek and find necessary informationin order to solve certain problems, to use various sources of information to solve their problems, to constantly acquire additional knowledge. And this necessitates the continuation of the educational process for them throughout the active period of life. But the nuance is that the learning process itself in this case should be carried out without interrupting the main work, and not create problems in production.

It is also no secret that in some schools (especially in small towns and villages) there are not enough qualified teachers, and the level of education does not always correspond to the requirements that will then be presented to their graduates entering universities. And many simply need to fill these knowledge gaps on their own. And for this, along with printed educational materials, electronic resources are needed, the use of which significantly speeds up the process of finding the necessary information, expands the choice of information sources.

The process of development of information technologies is also associated with intensive processes of the formation of a new educational form, which is replacing the classical one. It is based on a change in fundamental ideas about man and his development through education. The traditional form of education is beginning to lose its significance, because it does not take into account the growing need for continuous human development in the dynamically changing modern world.

The answer to the increased demands on the education system was the emergence of the concept of open education. The global goal of open education is to prepare learners for full and effective participation in the public and professional fields in the information society. The implementation of the principles of open education leads to qualitative changes in all elements of the pedagogical system, including the nature of knowledge itself, the forms and methods of organizing education, the role of teachers and students in the educational process.

Consequently, e-learning technologies are becoming increasingly popular today. Of course, the Internet played a decisive role in its development. An acute shortage of time forces us to use any free minute to gain new knowledge: a break at work, evening hours, weekends and holidays, so people are increasingly turning to “non-traditional” pedagogical methodspurchasing training programs based on CD-ROM, popular science videos, mastering the principles of e-learning over the Internet.

Schematically, the stages of development of learning using computer technologies can be represented as follows:

1) courses based on CD-ROM;

2) distance learning;

Additional professional education implemented through e-learning is in demand for many social groups of the population.

What is its advantage?

E-learning provides an opportunity to increase productivity, reduce the level of costs associated with conducting face-to-face classes, improve knowledge sharing, the quality of knowledge, and minimize training costs. It makes it possible for people to study without restrictions on age, status, and people for some reason or complexes who have lost the desire to study in public places.

As well as specialists who need to improve their qualifications, seeking to find or change a profession without interrupting their work, people with disabilities who are allowed to receive education without leaving home by means of e-learning. With the help of comprehensive e-learning programs, young mothers in maternity leave, workers of industrial enterprises working in shifts, servicemen - contract soldiers, people who were in such remote places, schoolchildren from small villages, etc.

In addition to solving its primary task - distance learning through the Internet - e-Learning is also an excellent addition to full-time education and can be a good help to improve the quality and effectiveness of traditional learning. With e-learning, many people will start new lifediscovering new possibilities. This will help people develop comprehensively, using their free time purposefully, try themselves in various fields. E-learning in schools will enable students who missed classes due to illness or for other reasons, as well as during the imposed quarantine in schools, to independently study the material, and thereby prevent lagging in the curriculum. Children who want to study some subjects in more depth can be offered an additional electronic learning option.

Today in Russia the demand for online education is growing, but there are also a number of specific problems.

The biggest problem will be the big difference in the level of training of the trainees. Insufficiently trained learners stop learning or simply quit. At the same time, it is still necessary to develop a flexible assessment system that would take into account the level of training of students.
Of course, a teacher using e-learning technologies can teach more students. But at the same time, we must not forget that in the traditional face-to-face learning process, the teacher has the necessary feedback immediately, reacts to it, in which case, by rearranging the educational material, has the opportunity to make this material more accessible in front of the students. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the e-courses are of high quality and are constantly updated.

It is obvious that e-learning is not a temporary hobby, so today you need to start thinking about a comprehensive solution to the listed problems. It is likely that online courses will become very popular, both as a primary source of knowledge and as a complementary one. But one thing is certain: online learning offers incredible opportunities for educational institutions that can redefine the learning process, attract more people who want to learn, and slow the growth of the cost and quality of education.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the development of information technologies, in addition to the obvious benefits, also brings harm, giving rise to a set of interrelated problems, for the solution of which you have to sacrifice something. Despite all these pros and cons, we hope that we will still be able to find that golden mean for effective and high-quality education of our population, which will allow us to keep up with the times ...


  1. Pavlov A.P. New information technologies in higher education in the USA and Russia // Information technologies and education - M., 1996 - p. 64-82.
  2. A.E. Suvorov Telecommunication systems, computer networks and the Internet.-Rostov on Don, Phoenix, 2007.-387 p.
  3. Stroganov M.P. Information networks and telecommunications. M.: Higher School, 2008.
  4. E-learning: tools and technologies / W. Horton, K. Horton, M: Kudish-image, 2006.
  5. Open education: preconditions, problems, development trends / Ed. By V.P. Tikhomirova // M: Publishing house of MESI, 2000.

Essay on "Prospects for the development of e-learning in my school"

Asalkhanova Lyubov Mikhailovna

teacher of geography and biology

MAOU "Secondary school No. 2 with UIOP of Ulan-Ude"

ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia

E-learning - involves different shapes and learning methods based on information and communication technologies (ICT).

E-learning has revolutionized learning. Today, e-learning is at a high stage of development, so there are many forms of online learning and education on the market. There are such forms as "Rapid Online Learning" (using PowerPoint and Flash technologies), simulation of work with applications, simulation of business processes, use of animated characters, audio, video, and many other interactive elements of the educational process. In many secondary schools, the Internet is used extensively for the distribution of class materials, communication between teachers and students, and for the distribution of key training tools.

E-learning is learning using computers and computer networks. Unlike distance learning (for example, sending materials by mail), e-learning takes full advantage of modern desktop PCs: graphics, sound, 3D scenes and animations, virtual simulators, etc.

In contrast to computer-based training (CBT, computer-based training, when a user works one-on-one with a PC), e-learning implies the use of network capabilities: transfer of learning outcomes, opportunities for collaboration, consultation and discussion, exchange of experience.

In my opinion, the use of e-learning will have a positive effect in the framework of school education among high school students. Based on this, we will consider how e-learning can be used in the educational process of the school in more detail.

As a rule, students are concentrated in a compact area of \u200b\u200bresidence, near an educational institution, and geographic disunity and remoteness ceases to be a factor affecting the effectiveness of the educational process. The need to use e-learning technology at school requires:

As joint collective learning using network technologies, teleconferences, audio chats, which will significantly expand the circle of communication and opportunities for students to receive a more complete education.

Organization of remote control of students' knowledge.

Within the framework of an educational institution, a knowledge base and a base can be formed test items, as a result of which the process of knowledge verification is unified and standardized, and also makes the control of knowledge massive and permanent.

Organization of additional elective courses.

This system can be the result of integral interaction educational institutions the whole region. Thus, the efforts of teachers from all educational institutions are united, and the range of courses offered is expanding, the student has the opportunity to choose a teacher for a specific course.

Electronic lessons for children who miss school due to illness.

A student can replenish knowledge only with the help of additional lessons with a tutor, or through independent mastering of the missed material. E-learning technology could fill this gap in the education system.

The organization of school virtual communication systems.

It should be noted that as a result of the inclusion of schoolchildren in an open educational process using electronic educational technologies, they develop skills in working with information technology and prerequisites for continuing education through e-learning throughout life.

It is obvious that the education of the future is closely related to the development of computer technology. Therefore, the use of e-learning technologies in the educational process of the school is an urgent problem of modern education.

E-learning technology education is becoming popular, in addition, it has a perspective in development, since telecommunication technologies are improving every day, which play a large role in the application of e-learning technology.

Benefits of organizing the educational process

For the student

For teacher

Open information resources.

The ability to build up educational resources.

Animation, multimedia components of educational materials.

"Automatic" monitoring of student learning activities.

Learning outcomes that are student-defined.

Regulation of delivery of educational materials.

Own learning speed.

Replacing lectures with communicative forms.

Opportunity to learn from previous experience.

The ability to adjust the educational process in accordance with the needs of each student.

Broad and regular communication with the teacher and other students in a subject context.

Increasing the time allotted for practical classes, for communication with students.

We would like to see the organizational and pedagogical capabilities of e-learning in our school implemented using almost all available telecommunication services, such as email, thematic mailing lists, ezines, Usenet conferences, chat, ICQ, web conferences.

On the basis of the listed telecommunication and information facilities, it is possible various forms pedagogical activity. For example, remote business games, laboratory works and workshops, virtual visits to inaccessible objects, virtual excursions, computer correspondence between schoolchildren and teachers with each other.


1.GOST 7.83-2001. Electronic publications. Main types and output information; entered 01.07. 2002. - IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002.

2. Agafonov SV Means of distance learning. Methodology, technology, tools / S.V. Agafonov, Z.O. Jaliashvili, D.L. Krechman. - SPb .: "BHV-Petersburg", 2003, 336 p.

3. Demkin V.P. Principles and technologies for creating electronic textbooks / V.P.Demkin, V.M. Vymyatin. - Tomsk, 2002.

4. Khutorskoy A. V. Internet at school. Workshop on distance learning / A.V. Khutorsky. - IOSO RAO, M., 2008, 304 p.

5. Khutorskoy A. V. For a lesson - on the Internet! All-Russian competition "Distance Teacher of the Year". // Ed. A.V. Khutorsky. IOSO RAO, M., 2005, 299 p.

6. "Encyclopedia of Internet Users" on CD-ROM by "Demos".

Internet resources:

7. Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" [electronic resource]. - Access mode:

8. Technology for creating electronic learning tools [electronic resource]. - Access mode:

distance learning, or rather, e-learning (from the generally accepted term e-learning; in reality, the concepts of distance learning and e-learning are not equal, but in Russia they are usually interpreted the same way, so we will not break traditions) occupies a strong position in the modern education system, organically complementing full-time training and a variety of face-to-face trainings and courses. E-learning is actively used both in educational institutions and in enterprises and, according to IDC, in terms of popularity, it will soon catch up with full-time. The world's leading analytical companies predict a great future for it and argue that the global distance learning market is a source of great opportunities for sellers and investors. In the best higher educational institutions of the world, e-learning centers have been created, which allow to undergo distance learning with the receipt of an appropriate diploma; corporate training centers of companies and government agencies are actively developing, and the annual income on the e-learning market in a number of countries is already in the billions.

This great interest in e-learning can be easily explained. In the last decade, there have been significant changes in the labor market: requirements for personnel have increased, IT technologies have begun to be widely implemented in almost all areas of activity, and the personnel themselves have become more mobile. Such changes have necessitated the creation of conditions for continuous, fast, flexible, and at the same time high quality training, and since traditional training systems are not able to meet these needs, it was necessary to search for alternative systems.

Main advantages of e-learning versus traditional face-to-face training

once again, the educational process in distance learning is focused and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can independently determine the sequence of mastering subjects, study in a convenient place, at an individual speed, and in some cases at a convenient time for himself. Therefore, the main advantage of e-learning should be considered a certain freedom in terms of location, learning time and its pace, which makes distance learning attractive for those users who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to study full-time, but want to improve their educational level.

One of the most important advantages of e-learning is the lower cost of education, which, according to the Cedar Group, is on average 32-45% lower. In exceptional situations, an even more impressive decrease in cost takes place - in this sense, the calculations of the specialists of the corporate training center REDCENTR are of interest. Taking as a basis a certain conditional company with a total of 280 employees, 80 of whom are subject to training, REDCENTER specialists made calculations and came to the conclusion that, if properly organized, distance learning can cost the company seven times cheaper than attending full-time courses on similar topics (Fig. . 1). Therefore, it is not surprising that companies are increasingly choosing this training option as a priority in improving the qualifications of personnel. This moment is also important when receiving an education in a higher educational institution - if the payment for traditional full-time education on a commercial basis is not affordable. However, one should not consider the lower cost of distance learning as the main argument in its favor when receiving basic education at an academic university. The fact is that not every student, due to their personal characteristics, is able to receive distance education: there is a certain percentage of people for whom the only possible way the perception of educational material is the classroom form of training, and someone may simply not have enough discipline and perseverance when organizing independent studies.

(source - REDTSENTR, 2005)

An important advantage of distance learning is its greater efficiency - according to the Cedar Group, the learning time is reduced in this case by 35-45%, and the speed of memorization of the material increases by 15-25%. True, this advantage does not always work - it all depends on the material being studied and on the method of its presentation. For example, it is problematic to develop the correct pronunciation by studying foreign languages remotely and without sufficient conversational practice - if the grammar of a language can be mastered remotely, then face-to-face communication is necessary to master oral speech. In addition, many specialists, including Igor Morozov, the rector of the IT Academy, draw attention to the fact that greater efficiency of training can be achieved only "with careful consideration of factors such as the structure of the course and the methodology for presenting the material being studied."

Online learning allows you to improve the quality of education through the widespread use of world educational resources and an increase in the proportion of independent mastering of the material, and the latter is especially important, since it gradually ensures the development of such qualities as independence, responsibility, organization and the ability to realistically assess one's strength and make informed decisions, without what a successful career is unthinkable. In addition, according to Vladimir Tikhomirov (Chairman of the Expert and Advisory Council on e-learning, open education and the introduction of new educational technologies under the Education and Science Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation), e-learning automatically leads “to early mastery of the skills of using information and communication technologies, which allows in the future to significantly increase the efficiency of the use of knowledge in the economy. "

We must not forget that distance learning is the only way to get an education for those who, for a number of reasons (lack of time, the need to combine study with work, territorial remoteness from the university, etc.) cannot study in the usual full-time manner.

In general, according to Igor Morozov, distance learning turns out to be most relevant in those cases "when the task is to train a large number of employees of an organization in a minimum period of time, and the organization itself has a geographically distributed structure and organizational changes are often carried out in it."

At the same time, distance learning and face-to-face training should not be opposed to one another - these are different, but complementary forms of education, between which “lies a fairly wide area of \u200b\u200bmixed solutions, which often turn out to be much more productive,” says Igor Morozov. In practice, this means, for example, supplementing full-time basic education with the necessary online courses or using a combined form of education, in which a part of the theoretical material that is more accessible for independent development is studied by the listener remotely, and practical work and the development of complex theoretical material are held in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher.

State support

uNESCO experts and the governments of developed countries agree that it is possible to meet the requirements of the information society to the level of qualifications of people only through the use of e-learning as a technology that guides students towards a new style of education and develops their skills for further learning throughout their lives. Therefore, e-learning, which makes it possible to train the personnel necessary for society in the required quantity in the shortest time and at the lowest cost, has been recognized as a priority in the course of reforms of educational systems in such leading countries of the world as the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, France, etc. UN level.

The latest report from the Commission on E-Learning for the President and the US Congress identified the creation and development of educational Internet resources, training teachers and administrators of the educational process, and the development of quality e-learning content among the main tasks, and $ 6 billion were allocated for their implementation.

The final report of the European Commission for Education and Culture for 2004 noted that 77% of European universities already have the necessary technical solutions and the right faculty for conducting e-learning, and for 65% of universities the development of e-learning is a top priority today.

The European Parliament adopted many decisions on e-learning, including the decision of 05.12.2003 No. 2318/2003 / EC on the adaptation of long-term programs for the effective integration of information and telecommunication technologies into educational European e-learning systems.

A UN report on the state of e-learning in the countries that joined the European Union in 2004 listed universities and training centers promoting e-learning solutions and considered opportunities for cooperation in this area.

In Russia, the legal grounds for the introduction of distance learning are the laws "On education", "On higher and postgraduate vocational education" and the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 18.12.2002, No. 4452 "On the approval of the methodology for the use of distance learning technologies (distance learning) in educational institutions of higher, secondary and additional professional education of the Russian Federation ”.

Areas of using distance learning

today, distance learning is firmly occupying its niche in the education market and one can clearly identify areas where it is confidently positioned as an alternative to traditional education. Basically, we are talking about the corporate sphere and the field of education - in the first e-learning there is no equal in terms of initial training of company employees, their certification and advanced training, and in the second online training is attractive for applicants as possible variant getting an education.

Distance learning is becoming more and more widespread today in government agencies, where it is indispensable for organizing and supporting a permanent system of continuous professional development of civil servants. Besides,

e-learning has gained recognition in various training centersspecializing primarily in online courses in information technology and business.

In companies, enterprises and government agencies, online training allows you to solve the issues of training and retraining of employees, which is especially important in the context of the introduction of new, including information, technologies, when training a large number of employees is often associated with significant costs. The relevance of e-learning grows even more when a company has remote branches, when the organization of traditional trainings on site not only increases the cost of training by almost an order of magnitude, but also turns out to be technically more difficult - if only due to the lack of the necessary specialists locally. In the public sector, in this sense, it is even more difficult - the remoteness of certain structures is the norm here, and when introducing any technology or innovation in one or even several areas at once, the corresponding retraining of employees can turn into a highly costly task in terms of effort, money and time. ...

It is no less important for companies to maintain a certain level of competitiveness - after all, according to the very correct statement of Henri de Geise (The Living Book), “the ability to learn faster than competitors is the only source of competitive advantage above them". This circumstance also determines the emergence of a significant number of consumers of educational services interested in distance learning.

In addition, in a number of industries (especially in the service sector, retail and wholesale) there is a high turnover of personnel, as a result of which there are constantly many new employees in companies who need to undergo training, and the organization of routine trainings in this case will actually mean throwing money down the drain.

In educational institutions and training centers, distance and blended forms of education allow training to cover remote regions and reduce direct training costs.

The popularity of online learning for all kinds of structures and in different fields is very different. In corporate business, online courses are clearly preferred. As for higher education, most students prefer full-time education to obtain a bachelor's degree, and complete any additional courses remotely. With further education, the percentage of those choosing online education increases, and with the development of both basic and additional disciplines (Sloan Consortium, 2005).

There is an ambiguous attitude towards distance learning in different spheres. At the moment, it is most in demand in the corporate sphere as a replacement for traditional trainings and in the field of education when studying individual courses. In addition, this training option is gaining more and more solid positions in the financial and IT spheres, in the retraining of civil servants, in health care (Fig. 2).

Figure: 2. The degree of popularity of e-learning in different areas
(source - Sloan Consortium, 2005)

E-learning in the world

the development of the global distance learning market continues very actively, which is facilitated, on the one hand, by an increase in demand for educational services, and on the other, by the development of information technologies and an increase in the number of Internet users.

The largest number of consumers of e-learning solutions today are concentrated in the USA and Canada, and among European countries - in the UK, followed by Germany, Italy and France. In the United States, distance learning is offered by more than 200 universities and thousands of colleges, and the number of online courses is growing by about 30-40% annually. Over 50 universities in the UK offer a variety of distance learning programs.

The number of online courses offered by other entities and targeting the corporate sector is growing even more rapidly. For example, according to a recent press release from British Telecom, the company alone offers over 1,700 e-learning programs for staff training.

The growth in popularity of e-learning is relatively steady. In the United States, for example, a recent report from the Sloan Consortium found that the vast majority of tertiary institutions surveyed confirmed an increase in the number of students taking one or more online courses. The number of school leaders who acknowledge the promise of online learning is also growing, albeit at a much slower rate — in the United States, it increased from 48.8% to 56% in three years (Figure 3), while the number of opponents remained virtually unchanged.

Figure: 3. The attitude of heads of educational institutions to the prospects of e-learning
(source - Sloan Consortium, 2005,%)

In total, according to Brandon Hall (, at the end of 2003 there were about 100 million students of various e-learning programs, and the total volume of the distance learning market was $ 9 billion. At the end of 2005, the number of distance learners had grown to 130 million, and the total volume of the global e-learning market, according to preliminary estimates by Gartner, reached 33.6 billion dollars.

At the same time, the US share occupies more than half of the market - about $ 18 billion (IDC data). Canada has a significant market share, but in the Asia-Pacific region (including Japan), the distance learning market is still in the stage of formation and is growing at an insignificant pace - for example, in Japan, according to IDC forecast, in 2005-2009 the market growth will average 16.6% per year. For comparison: in the American corporate sector in medium-sized companies, the e-learning market grew by 30% in 2005, while the growth rate in large companies was close to 35%.

According to forecasts, the positive dynamics in the global e-learning market will continue in 2006 - according to the company Bersin & Associates, the volume of distance learning will increase in 77% of companies, while in the rest it will remain at about the same level. Growth will continue in the education sector, although the growth rate, according to some analysts, will decrease slightly.

E-learning in Russia

once we note that it is impossible to name the exact data characterizing the volume of the Russian distance learning market due to their absence. There are several reasons for this. First of all, this market is only just beginning to form, so analytical companies do not take it into account and, therefore, do not conduct official research on it. And this market does not differ in transparency, since the Russian companies operating there do not openly declare their income. Therefore, it will be necessary to judge the features of the development of the Russian e-learning market indirectly, analyzing data from various sources.

The year 2004 can be considered a turning point for the development of distance learning in Russia, when significant successes of a number of projects became noticeable. In 2005, the positive dynamics of the e-learning market development continued, and at the moment, distance learning of personnel has been successfully implemented at such large enterprises as Russian railways"," SeverStal "," Norilsk Nickel "," RusAl "," VimpelCom "," UralSib "," Svyazinvest "and others. Distance learning opportunities were used in the retraining of employees of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of Russia, Vneshtorgbank and a number of other organizations.

In 2005, Russia was able to attract attention at the international level - on October 14, 2005, the International Association ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning) officially announced the successful completion of tests of the domestic distance learning system REDCLASS for compliance with the international standard SCORM 1.2. This standard is an internationally recognized standard in the field of e-learning and is supported by almost all leading manufacturers of distance learning systems, and REDCLASS SDT became the first and so far the only one of the internationally certified Russian e-learning systems.

As noted in one of the press releases of ROCIT, in Russia at present, about 40% of universities provide the opportunity to receive education by distance. Leading Russian universities and large training centers (IT Academy, REDCENTER, etc.) are offering an increasing number of courses in a variety of subject areas, an active process of localizing foreign content from leading suppliers is underway, and Russian distance courses are being developed.

However, the main factor holding back the pace of development of the e-learning market, according to Igor Morozov, rector of the IT Academy, is still “the lack of good Russian-language electronic content, the need for which is very high among large companies”. In addition, inadequate infrastructure and cultural barriers are serious obstacles for the regions.

The lack of data makes it difficult to estimate the total number of consumers of distance learning courses in Russia. We can only say that their number is growing quite rapidly. For example, in the System of Distance Business Education for Entrepreneurs (SDBO is a joint project of the National Business Partnership Alliance Media and the International Institute of Management LINK,, the growth rate in 2005 was over 170%, and in total At the time of this writing, almost 22 thousand students were registered in it (Fig. 4).

Figure: 4. Change in the number of users in the RBSS system, in 2001-2005,
(source - SDBO, 2005)

Information on the popularity of distance education in the center and in the regions is very contradictory. For example, according to the data of the IT Academy for 2004, 64% (that is, the majority) of distance learning students at this academy came from the regions, which is quite logical due to the independence of e-learning from place of residence. At the same time, according to the latest data from the SDBO, it turns out that almost half of the students of this distance learning system live in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. True, this can also be explained by the center's great capabilities in terms of access to the Internet and greater awareness of e-learning opportunities.

The intensive growth of the IT market and the rapid introduction of information technologies in many areas, along with the willingness of enterprises to change, the lack of highly qualified personnel and the rather high needs of Russians in education, suggest high growth rates in the distance learning market. According to forecasts of the IT Co., the effective combination of traditional types of education and the latest developments in the field of IT will allow the distance learning market to occupy at least 30% of the total volume of training, and in some industries even up to 75%.

The most promising in terms of introducing e-learning should be considered the corporate sector, government agencies and retraining centers. The educational sector uniting higher educational establishments, is also quite interesting, although not for obtaining basic education (full-time education is preferable for this), but for the implementation of combined training options, when full-time students will study some of the subjects remotely. For obtaining basic education in Russian universities, the e-learning option is apparently not very promising so far, primarily due to a significant decrease in the number of applicants. In 2010, their number will be only 62% of the 2005 level, and it is easy to guess that the overwhelming majority of applicants will prefer the familiar and long-proven option of full-time education.

Prospects for the development of e-learning

In the future, or rather by 2010, according to experts from the American Educational Research Association, two thirds of all training will be carried out remotely. Most likely, this forecast should be considered too optimistic, but one thing is certain - e-learning has become a worthy alternative to the traditional one and in certain areas, primarily in corporate and government, it will be given a clear preference, since this is the only way to learn quickly at minimal cost.

In the educational sphere, as well as in commercial training centers, e-learning will continue to complement the traditional full-time study option, and in most cases blended learning will remain the most appropriate, when some courses, depending on their specifics, are taught in a traditional way, while others - remotely.

"E-learning: experiences, challenges and perspectives"

Norova Larisa Anatolyevna, educator, MBDOU village Pervomaisky Sterlibashevsky district,larisa. norova@ mail. ru

Currently, there is an active process of informatization of preschool educational institutions, as our society is rapidly developing towards the transition to an information society, in which information resources play a key role. An effective mechanism for improving the quality of education, upbringing, management of preschool educational institutions is the introduction of modern information educational technologies, including the use of the latest electronic educational resources.
Informatization of preschool educational institutions is the process of providing preschool educational institutions with methodology and practice for the development and optimal use of modern ICT tools, focused on the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical goals of training, education and their use in management activities.Informatization of education in Russia is one of the most important mechanisms affecting all the main areas of modernization educational system... Its main task is to effectively use the following major advantages of information and communication technologies:

the possibility of organizing the cognitive process that supports an active approach to the educational process;

individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity;

creature effective system management of information and methodological support of education.

The key directions of the process of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

1. Organizational:

modernization of the methodological service;

improvement of the material and technical base;

creation of a specific information environment.

2. Pedagogical:

improving ICT - the competence of preschool teachers;

the introduction of ICT into the educational space.

I want to consider the use of e-learning in the educational process.

The upbringing and educational process includes:

organization of direct educational activities of the pupil,

organization of joint developmental activities of the teacher and children,

implementation of projects,

creation of a developing environment (games, manuals, didactic materials).

In children preschool age visual-figurative thinking prevails. The main principle in organizing the activities of children of this age is the principle of visibility. The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic, allows you to quickly achieve the intended goal during direct educational activities and joint activities with children. The use of Internet resources makes the educational process information-rich, entertaining and comfortable.

In our preschool educational institution we useonly one computer as an “electronic board.” At the stage of preparation, electronic and information resources are analyzed, and the necessary material is selected for conducting OOD. Sometimes it is very difficult to find necessary materials to explain the topic of the lesson, therefore, presentation materials are created using Power Point or other programs.

One personal computer (laptop) and speakers are used to conduct such classes. The use of presentations allows you to make OOD emotionally colored, interesting, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good performance of OOD.

We also often arrange for children to watch educational animated films. Watching cartoons relevant to the topic (for example, PB, traffic rules, rules of conduct on the water, prevention of terrorism, etc.), contributes to the speedy consolidation of knowledge and skills in preschool children. In April 2018, in our preschool educational institution, the Ecology Week was held, within the framework of which the OOD was carried out on the topic "Separate collection of hazardous waste in the Republic of Bashkortostan". The use of ICT was the basis of the OOD.

In conducting OOD with children with disabilities, we use games from the Internet site "Mersibo" ... A very large collection of educational and educational games is presented for children with disabilities and children with normal development. Teachers, for advanced training, have the opportunity to receive free education on the same site. This greatly contributes to raising the level of e-learning for both children and educators.

The use of ICT in the process of teaching children (in my opinion) has the following advantages:

1. Implementation of polysensory perception of the material;

2. Possibility of demonstrating various objects using a projector and a projection screen in a multiply enlarged form;

3. Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation

helps to compensate for the amount of information received by children;

4. The ability to demonstrate objects more accessible for perception

sensory system;

5. Activation of visual functions, eye abilities of the child;

6. Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and promotes

increase their interest in the material being studied. High class dynamics

promotes effective assimilation of material, development of memory, imagination,

creativity of children.

7. Provides visualization that promotes comprehension and better memorization

material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children

age. This includes three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

8. Slideshow and video clips allows you to show those moments from the surrounding world,

which is difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of the planets

around the sun, the movement of waves, here it is raining.

9.It is also possible to simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult

show and see in everyday life (for example, reproduction of sounds of nature;

work of transport, etc.).

10. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.


It is convenient to use computer presentation slide films to display information in the form of printouts in large print on a printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers.

With all the invariable advantages of using e-education in preschool education, the following problems arise:

Recognizing that the computer is a powerful new tool for the development of children, it is necessary

remember the commandment “DO NOT HARM!”. Using e-education in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the OODs themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

When computers and interactive equipment operate, specific conditions are created in the room: humidity decreases, air temperature rises, the amount of heavy ions increases, and electrostatic voltage increases in the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's hands. The intensity of the electrostatic field increases when finishing the cabinet with polymer materials. The floor must be antistatic and the use of carpets and rugs is not permitted.

To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static electricity and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bairing the office before and after classes, wet cleaning before and after classes. Lessons

with older preschoolers we spend once a week in subgroups. In his work, the teacher must use sets of eye exercises.

The use of electronic education in preschool educational institutions requires large financial investments. At the moment, we do not have such funding at the preschool educational institution, so we use only one monitor. This makes it very difficult to fully implement e-education, and this is our main problem - the lack of financial support. Hopefully, the situation will be improved soon.

It is undeniable that in modern education a computer does not solve all problems; it remains only a multifunctional technical teaching tool. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each child some stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of his cognitive activity.

Information technologies, in conjunction with correctly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of teaching and upbringing.

The use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool education and increase its efficiency.

List of used literature .

1. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. - M., Sphere, 2008
2. Gorvits Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten... Preschool education, 1991, No. 5
3. Kalinina T.V. Office of the preschool educational institution. "New information technologies in preschool childhood." M, Sphere, 2008
4. Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technologies: educational - toolkit... - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000
5. Motorin V. "Educational possibilities of computer games". Preschool education, 2000, No. 11
6. Novoselova S.L. The computer world of the preschooler. M .: New school, 1997

Zagorodnyaya Elena

E-learning develops innovation

"Technologies of e-learning: reality and prospects" - an international conference on this topic was held on October 15-16 at the Moscow state university Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI). The event brought together leading experts in the field of educational policy, representatives of major companies, rectors of universities in Russia and the CIS countries.

The use of e-learning technologies in Russia has already moved into the work plane. However, domestic education still lags significantly behind many foreign countries in this area. This is largely due to the lack of active government support. In this regard, the experience of France is indicative. The country occupied one of the leading places in the development of the Internet, but one of the last in its use in social life. With the support of the French government, a project was implemented, during which 100% of the training materials were converted into electronic form. According to the results of an official experiment conducted in the country, the use of e-courses provided the same level of assimilation of knowledge, regardless of the initial level of the student and the social status of his parents.

Electronic Abroad

Teija Lehto, Project Manager of the Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences, spoke about the experience of using e-learning in Finland. The country has a Federation for Unified Identification, thanks to which students have a single username and password for free access to e-courses of Finnish universities. In particular, the Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences has a database of over 680 courses. Ms. Lehto admitted that she is interested in organizing a joint exchange of electronic courses between Russian and Finnish students. In Europe, she noted, they are ready to cooperate with Russian electronic universities. “I see that e-learning in Russia is developing dynamically. You have been doing this for several years and therefore you are already a reliable partner. I assess MESI as a modern European university ”.

The Republic of Korea is currently one of the world leaders in the use of information technologies in education. In January 2004, the country passed a law on the development of the e-learning industry, and today e-learning acts as a catalyst for all educational innovations. “E-learning goes beyond technology and benefits. We are already dealing with u-learning - all-pervasive e-learning, ”ex-president of the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) Dr. Dae-Joon Hwan said at the conference. Today Korea holds 5.9% of the global e-learning market. For comparison: the US share is 79%, the EU - 16%, Japan - 5.5%. 100% of Korean schools are connected to the Internet. The Cyber-House project has been implemented in primary and secondary schools (almost 3.5 million listeners). 970 Korean institutes (5.1% of all educational institutions) use e-learning "in its pure form" in teaching. 21% of all corporate training in the country (over 1 million students) is implemented through the use of e-learning. According to research results, 61.7% of students are satisfied with the training.

Knowing in comparison

At the moment, the first place in Europe for the introduction of e-learning is taken by the United Kingdom: 60.2% of teachers use computers in the classroom. In general, in Europe this figure is about 40%. In Russia, according to research by Microsoft, 80.1% of teachers use Windows in their activities. 73% of respondents feel the need to use ICT. 74.9% of respondents believe that ICT improves the effectiveness of learning. Students declare the following: "Only 14% of my teachers allow me to create something new with the help of technology, 63% never do it."

At the same time, the simple addition of technology to classical education does not make a revolution. “We need deep integration in all areas: we need a new pedagogy, transformation of people, methods, organization of the educational process,” said Alexander Khvilon, Vice-Rector for Coordination of International Projects at MESI.

What else is hindering the development of e-learning in our country? According to the conference participants, this is a lack of content and a regulatory framework for assessing the quality of e-learning. Another important circumstance is the necessary investments. The average initial investment for the introduction of e-learning is 100 billion rubles. The creation of one course costs 0.9 million rubles and takes over 100 hours. To reduce costs, speed up the implementation process, use the accumulated and enriched experience, turnkey solutions allow: e-courses, turnkey e-universities, connection of library automation systems. The idea of \u200b\u200bconverting universities into knowledge parks, according to which only 30% of the income of universities brings in educational activitiesand 70% - knowledge created for further advancement. The knowledge park has existed at MESI for 3 years. “The knowledge management system of the second version implemented at the university and Web 2.0 technologies open up the possibility of generating knowledge for small, medium and partly for large businesses,” said Vladimir Tikhomirov, scientific director of MESI.

Employers' needs

Russian business needs specialists who are able to carry out continuous self-education - the conference participants came to this conclusion. The shortage of personnel in the field of IC was noted by the executive director of the Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises (APKIT) Nikolai Komlev. “The Russian IT sector employs 1 million people - 1.3% of the working-age population. For comparison: in the USA - 3.8%, in Germany - 3.4%. According to the research of APKIT, universities meet the need for personnel by less than 40%. Training and professional development of specialists in the workplace is required. However, it is impossible to put even half of the working contingent at their desks. The only possible solution is to use e-learning technologies. They make it possible to learn autonomously and at your own pace, take into account individual needs when developing content and quickly (within 1-2 hours) correct it. “This becomes especially relevant in an era when business is carried out“ at the speed of thought, ”said Vladimir Tikhomirov. "Information technologies have revolutionized not only business, but also education, developing most effectively in adult education." The philosophy of lifelong learning is being continued in the e-life-long-learning format and requires the formation of a new science of adult education - electronic andragogy.

Summing up the results of the conference, the participants came to the conclusion that it is necessary to change the licensing procedure for Russian universities that use e-learning. Modern methods and means of electronic pedagogy require development. Recommended for widespread use are Web 2.0 technologies, knowledge management technologies, and social networks. Integration is a pressing issue russian education into the global educational space. This requires a connection to international university networks, the creation of open international educational resources. Solving these issues requires joint and coordinated actions of the authorities, the education system, the business community, and the public.
