1.1. Positive dynamics of the level of training of students over the past three years.

Over the past three years, the overall performance of students in the Russian language and literature has remained unchanged and corresponds to 100% indicator(Appendix 1, Appendix 2).

The main result of the work:

  • the growth of independence among those students who were passive;
  • increasing interest in the subject;
  • there is a positive dynamics of educational achievements over the years.

100% level The level of proficiency was shown by graduates who passed literary exams in the traditional form for the 2004-2005 academic year (Appendix 3).

1.2. Positive dynamics of the "quality of knowledge" of students over the past three years

Since the 2004-2005 academic year, there has been an increase in the quality of knowledge of individual students at the end of the academic year in Russian. The number of students grading "good" and "excellent" has increased... (Appendix 4) .

Since the 2004-2005 academic year, there has been a tendency for the quality of knowledge to grow at the end of the academic year in Russian language and literature by 10%(Appendix 5).

The results of the control sections in the Russian language in 5A classconducted by the school administration (Appendix 6).

  • 1 quarter "Word combination"
  • 2 quarter "Letters З and С at the end of prefixes"
  • 3 quarter « Letters E-I in the roots with alternating "
  • 4th quarter « Letters O-A in the roots -ROS-, -GRAST-, -RASCH-

The optimal level of training shows that the quality of knowledge ranges from 59.9% to 63.5%.

Positive dynamics of the quality of knowledge literature (20%) are characterized by the following data for the 2004-2005 academic year (Appendix 7) .

The positive results of the final attestation show a high level of formation of vital communication skills among graduates, necessary for continuing education:

  • to extract information while listening and reading, to adequately understand and interpret the text, arguing their own point of view;
  • interpret in writing the information extracted from the read text, making the choice and organization of linguistic means in accordance with the topic, style and functionally semantic type of speech;
  • observe the basic language norms (lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation, stylistic) in writing practice (Appendix 8).

These guys turned out to be competitive, confirmed their knowledge gained at school, study at prestigious universities.

We are especially proud of Maksutova Anastasia and Apkhalikova Vera,enrolled in philological faculty.

1.3. Increase in the number of students (in percent) participating in subject Olympiads at school and municipal levels.

The number of students participating in Olympiads and achieving high results is growing.

Participated in the Russian language and literature Olympiads:

  • at school level (as a percentage of the total number of students) (Appendix 9) . Growth dynamicsthe number of participants was in Russian language and literature 11%
  • at the municipal levelthe number of participants doubled (Appendix 10).
  • at the regional level:2006-2007 - 1 person (Pavlova N., 8kl.)

1.4.Increasing the number and improving the quality of students' creative works in the Russian language and literature (projects, research).

Educational and research activities Is a process of joint activity of a student and a teacher to identify the essence of the studied phenomena and processes, to discover, systematize new knowledge.

My goal is to create conditions for the development of students' creativity, self-determination and self-realization.

To achieve this goal, I decide the following tasks:

  • to form an interest in knowing the world;
  • to develop the skills and abilities necessary for conducting educational and research activities; the ability for independent creative thinking; the ability to use the knowledge gained in practice.

The number of those wishing to engage in research activities is growing from year to year (Appendix 11).

The topic of each study is relevant. Students try to qualitatively analyze the state of the problem, learn to use known results and facts, knowledge beyond the school curriculum. They study a special and scientific apparatus on this topic. They also substantiate their own conclusions and competently answer questions in the process of protecting the research results. Abstracts, research papers, reports, presentations, poster reports recommended for presentation at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, defense at the exam.

The creative works of students, including those created in the form of multimedia presentations, are qualitatively decorated and are part of the educational and methodological complex of the Russian language classroom, serve as handouts in the classroom, and are productively used by me to educate and develop the personality of students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities ...

1.5. An increase in motivation to study a subject (an increase in the percentage of students in a class who are interested in studying a given subject).

The following were carried out with the students of the school psychologist methodologyquestionnaire survey: "Teacher and student", "My learning outcomes", "Self-analysis involvement, interest and emotional well-being in the classroom ”,“ My life and professional values \u200b\u200b”.

A task: determine the motivation for learning in children, find out if they have an interest in learning, as well as for the purpose of career guidance and choice of a future profession.

Interpreting responses received showedthat the learners of these classes:

  • purposefully prepare for passing the intermediate and final certification in the Russian language in the form of the Unified State Exam;
  • listen to the teacher with interest;
  • willingly engage in research activities;
  • pose problematic questions and independently find answers to them, using reference manuals and sources of information;
  • are preparing to enter universities - 92%.

Also over the past three years there has been positive growth dynamics level motivation to the study of the Russian language and literature. (Appendix 12)

Testing "The nature of the interaction between teacher and students in the lessons of Russian language and literature" showed:

  • the teacher treats all students with respect, takes into account real learning opportunities, educational needs;
  • 89% students are satisfied with the knowledge acquired in the lesson;
  • 11% - partially.

The teacher strives to ensure that her students learn the Russian language as deeply and firmly as possible, learn to use the Russian word, understand and feel its accuracy, accuracy, and expressiveness. Everything that happens in the lesson arouses a sincere interest in children, develops creativity.

Colleagues think:

  • “Children together with Marina Yuryevna go to fairy tales, make unforgettable excursions into the past and exciting journeys into the future; measure their strength in tournaments and brain-rings, hold knowledge auctions. Other people also contribute to instilling interest in Russian language and literature lessons. unconventional forms lessons: lesson - conference, lesson - debate, lesson - wisdom, lesson - revelation, lesson - presentation, lesson - panorama, lesson - judgment, lesson - competition, lesson - business game, lessons in the form of various TV programs. " Teacher of the Russian language and literature: Putintseva E.A.
  • “For Marina Yurievna, each student is personality, so she seeks to create in the lesson success situation... Success, the philologist believes, gives rise to an additional impulse to active work, contributes to the development of the student's dignity, this is the key to a positive attitude towards learning, school, and work; the situation of success becomes a factor in the development of the child's personality, because it is experienced by both a student of poor academic performance and a student of high productive activity. The atmosphere of goodwill, attention, interest in each student in the classroom, friendliness, real help in progressing to success, support in the process of doing the work, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation promotes high motivation of students' activities». Teacher of Russian language and literature: Bayburina L.F.

2. Positive results extracurricular activities on academic subjects.

2.1. Leading circles, sections, electives in the last three years.

Improving the general language culture, deepening and expanding the knowledge gained in the classroom, developing the creative abilities of students, identifying gifted children - this is not a complete list of tasks that I solve in extracurricular activities. For optimal solution I run a big extracurricular work. (Appendix 13)

2.2. The results of extracurricular activities ( creative work students, participation in conferences, competitions, concerts) over the past three years. (Appendix 14, Appendix 15, Appendix 16)

Joint work with students was not slow to bring positive results.

3. Positive results of the teacher's activity as a class teacher.

My dear hearts

“… Only the heart is sharp-sighted.
You cannot see the most important thing with your eyes ”.
A. de Saint-Exupery

Every day I plunge into the wonderful world of childhood, reveal the secrets of human hearts, I am learning to be kinder and wiser.

Five commandments: love, understand, accept, compassion and to help in my educational work, they provide freedom of choice in decision-making, create a climate of mutual trust, kindness and harmony, and most importantly - accept the child as he is.

My students are my comrades-in-arms, we have equally divided the responsibility in the upbringing process. I do not need to loudly prove my case, go to the tricks, seek understanding, authority, since the main thing in our relationship is mutual respect.

I think it depends on me whether every child will have success in learning. I have no right to doubt the achievement of a positive result. Unlimited faith in a child helps me deal with problems. It is important for a child to always feel successful.

Awaken the inherent in every child creativity, learn to work, find yourself for a joyful, happy and fulfilling life - this is what we and our students strive for to the best of our strengths and abilities.

It is not easy to educate, and it is not easy to be a person, and to live is also not easy. But let there always be school, September 1, bell. "What do you expect from me, my dear hearts?" I will answer this question all my life!

3.1 Favorable psychological climate in the classroom (atmosphere of camaraderie, mutual assistance, tolerance).

3.2. Constant interaction of the class teacher with the parents of the students.

3.3. The absence of offenses among students (or positive dynamics for this indicator).

3.4. Development of self-government in the classroom.

3.5. Active participation of students in the life of an educational institution.

In 2006-2007, I carefully studied these issues.

Developed a program for the development of the classroom "Eternal values" (Appendix 17).

The program "Eternal Values" at the regional level reached the final and received a positive assessment when defending in full-time form (Presentation).

3.6. Participation of students in solving problems of the local society.

She took part in the competition for socially useful initiatives of schoolchildren "100 class projects" (Appendix 18).

4. The use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, in the process of teaching the subject and in educational work.

4.1. The use of ICT in the process of teaching a subject.

Use in the classroom information and communication technologies ensures the personal development of students by reducing the share of reproductive activity in the educational process, reduces the load, and allows more efficient use of study time. I have the skills to work with a personal computer, which allows:

  • prepare well for lessons;
  • timely update the didactic handouts;
  • expand the use of visibility;
  • independently prepare slide films for lectures;
  • use in the work of educational electronic manuals, in particular, "Punctuation Tests", "Spelling Tests", a teaching aid on the World Art Culture, an electronic educational tool "History of Art", art encyclopedias, educational films.

Under my leadership, the guys prepare creative works using information technology, presentations for reports, abstracts, research work, publish the school magazine "17 Moments".

Along with traditional control methods, I have planned test control in the computer version on almost all topics.

4.2. The use of design, research and other developmental educational technologies in the process of teaching the subject and educational work.

I use elements of technology. (Appendix 19)

Creating conditions that ensure the identification and development of gifted children and the realization of their potential is one of the priority social tasks modern society.

I successfully use an alternative technology for teaching children with signs of giftedness (Matyushkin A.M.).

I am guided by the following principles:

  • the principle of developmental and educational training;
  • the principle of individualization and differentiation of training;
  • the principle of taking into account age opportunities.


  • formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of "philology";
  • creating conditions for the cognitive and personal development of students, taking into account talent.

In teaching the gifted, I use four main approaches to developing curriculum content:

  • acceleration,
  • deepening;
  • enrichment;
  • problematization.

I consider the leading and main methods of a creative nature:

  • problematic;
  • search engines;
  • heuristic;
  • research;
  • design

4.3. Development and use of publicly recognized author's methodology, incl. new digital educational resources, methods of recording and evaluating educational achievements, control and measuring materials.

Creatively adapting alternative programs in rhetoric (Kokhteva N.A., Ladyzhenskaya T.L., Lvova M.R.), made work programs for teaching rhetoric of students comprehensive school 5-9 grades... Currently tested in grades 5-7. The experience is summarized in the school and city \u200b\u200bMO.

Setting the goals and objectives of the Rhetoric course, I define a multi-level approach - the formation of eloquence skills (maximum program) and the development of public speaking skills, the ability to argue, discussion, the development of creative abilities, the formation of moral qualities of a growing person's personality (basic level).

The program defines the main forms, methods, techniques of teaching rhetoric: exercises for practicing speech techniques, solving communicative-situational tasks, analyzing and correcting texts, both oral and written, reports, student speeches.

4.4. Effectiveness of using modern educational technologies.

The use of the above technologies gives positive results. Over the past three years, there have been fairly stable levels of academic achievement - 100% and the quality of knowledge - at least 35%. Students show interest in the subject in extracurricular activities (circle "Fundamentals of Journalism"), engage in creative activities (design and research), constantly participate in Olympiads.

5. Generalization and dissemination of their own teaching experience (master classes, seminars, conferences, round tables).

I am constantly generalizing my own pedagogical experience. I am the head of the school MO for teachers of the Russian language and literature, I advise on theoretical issues, a member of the city commission on the Unified State Exam, a member of city Olympiads, I am a teacher-methodologist of trainees at a pedagogical college, institute. I conduct open lessons, extracurricular activities.

At the school level:(Appendix 20) 2004-2007 - seminars - workshops on succession, in the framework of school pedagogical councils

At the municipal level:

  • 2004-2005 academic year - methodology of noospheric learning
  • 2006-2007 academic year - workshop - workshop "Development of key competencies in Russian language lessons"

At the regional level:

  • 2006-2007 academic year - workshop "Development of key competencies in Russian language lessons"
  • November 29, 2007 academic year - alternative technology of teaching children with signs of giftedness (Matyushkin A.M.);
  • december 2007 academic year - consultation for the deputy. dir. on educational work within the framework of the "Coolest Cool" competition.

6. Participation in municipal, regional and all-Russian professional competitions.

At the city level:2007 - competition "The best teachers of the city" (5th place)

At the regional level:2006 - 2007 - competition "The coolest cool".

At the all-Russian level:

  • 2006 - 2007 - All-Russian Festival "Open Lesson"
  • 2007 - 2008 - All-Russian Festival "Open Lesson"

Nomination "Classroom Leadership"

7. Advanced training and professional retraining.

  • 2001 - Tomsk Regional Institute for Teachers Improvement on the topic "Cultural approach to the study of Russian literature at school"
  • 2005 - Kuzbass Regional Institute "Information Technologies in Education"
  • 2005 - RANS (Moscow) “Theory and practice of noospheric education in the light of the laws of the world. Bioadequate technologies and health preservation ”.
  • 2005 - PC courses
  • 2006 - Kuzbass Regional Institute "Theory and Practice of Humanitarian Education"
  • 2007 - Exhibition Consulting Agency. Seminar - training "Effective stand assistant".

Appendices 16-18, 20 and a presentation can be obtained from the author of the article.

Analytical reference

Onoprienko Natalya Anatolievna educational process is guided by the ideas of a developmental and personality-oriented approach. One of the priority tasks of her activity is the creation of conditions for revealing the motives of the pupils for the development of cognitive activity. The teacher uses health-preserving technologies, problem learning technologies, game technologies, project activity technologies, personality-oriented and information and communication technologies.

Technology name

Usage level

Health-saving technologies.

Problem learning technologies.

Game technologies.

During the whole day.

Technology of project activities.

In daily activities, during the day.

Personality-oriented technologies.

In daily activities, during the day.

Information and communication technologies.

IN educational activities.

Modern health-saving technologies, used in the system preschool education, reflect two lines of health-improving work: familiarizing children with physical culture, the use of developing forms of health-improving work. Natalya Anatolyevna uses the following health-preserving pedagogical technologies:

~ dynamic pauses;

~ outdoor and sports games;

~ relaxation;

~ technologies of aesthetic orientation;

~ finger gymnastics;

~ gymnastics for the eyes;

~ breathing exercises;

~ invigorating gymnastics;

~ physical education.

The essence problem learning in kindergarten lies in the fact that the educator creates a cognitive task, situation and provides children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills. Problematic learning activates the thought of children, gives it criticality, teaches them to be independent in the process of learning. The statement of the problem problem and the process of solving it takes place in the joint activity of the educator and the children. The teacher carries the pupils into a joint mental search, assists them in the form of instructions, explanations, questions. Cognitive activity is accompanied by heuristic conversation. The teacher asks questions that encourage children, on the basis of observations, previously acquired knowledge, to compare, compare individual facts, and then come to conclusions through reasoning.

Game technology the educator uses in direct educational and daily joint and independent activities. A game is a method of organizing children's activities in educational activities or a set of methods built in logic, both for studying a given program material and organizing an interested cognitive activities preschoolers.

Games or play exercises used by the teacher provide an interested perception of the studied material by children and involve them in mastering new knowledge. They help to focus the attention of children on the learning task. The game allows you to make complex learning tasks more accessible and contributes to the formation of conscious cognitive motivation of preschoolers.

Project technology focused on joint activities of participants in the educational process: educator-child, children-parents, educator-parents. These technologies are diverse: they can be entertainment, develop into learning, into creativity. Also, one of the advantages of design technologies is that each child is given recognition of the importance and need for a team. The concrete result of work for children can be a drawing, album, concert, etc. During the implementation of the project, children develop activity, responsibility, independence, a sense of trust in each other, an interest in learning.

Natalya Anatolyevna carried out the following projects:

~ "This is Victory Day!" (short);

~ Road Safety (short term);

~ "Healthy baby" (short term);

~ "In the world of toys" (long-term).

Personality-oriented technology includes the humanistic direction of the content of the activities of the teacher and children. Provides comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for the development of the child's personality, realizes his natural potentials. The emphasis is on the priority of personal relationships, individual approach to children.

Self-education of a teacher in 2012-2013 was conducted on the topic "Personality-oriented approach in the upbringing of preschoolers."

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are used by the teacher to improve the efficiency of the educational process.

Natalya Anatolyevna uses the above technologies in accordance with the age characteristics of children. In the process of introducing these technologies into the pedagogical process, the teacher conducted a diagnostic examination in each age group. After analyzing the results of pedagogical diagnostics for the period from 2010 to 2013, it can be noted that there is a dynamics of assimilation of program material in all sections of educational areas.

Thus, we can conclude that the use in work modern technologies and methods, helps to increase the level of development of children, helps to make the material more interesting for perception, to diversify the information that is used in work with parents.

The results of diagnostics of the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods

Dynamics of the effectiveness of the application of modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process

Based on the diagnostics of the effectiveness of the application of modern technologies and techniques, the following results of the level of development of children were identified:

2010-2011 academic year.

Middle group.

Start of the year:

high level of development - 46%;

average level of development - 17%;

low level of development - 37%.

The end of the year:

high level of development - 60%;

low level of development - 20%.

2011-2012 academic year year.

Preparatory group.

Start of the year:

high level of development - 61%;

average level of development - 22%;

low level of development - 17%.

The end of the year:

high level of development - 69%;

average level of development - 20%;

low level of development - 11%.

Valeria Fadeeva
Materials for certification. Analytical report on the possession of modern educational technologies and methods

Analytical report on the possession of modern educational technologies and methods.

Throughout teaching activities Valeria Alexandrovna tries to keep up with the times, studies and applies educationally - educational works both traditional and new. Using modern educational technologies in the practice of educational educational work is a prerequisite intellectual, creative and moral development of children. Therefore, the teacher effectively uses in joint activities with children, as well as when interacting with families of pupils, various modern educational pedagogical technologiescorresponding to the main directions of educational - educational workwhile observing principles: non-interference, maintaining interest, order, freedom of choice, creativity, success. So way, Fadeeva Valeria Alexandrovna educational activity applies the following technologies:

-Technologies developmental education,

Problematic learning.

TRIZ (creative solution visual tasks, with the help of which children learn to find positive solutions to emerging problems, thinking and creativity, fantasy and speech develop

Health-saving technologies,

-Technology student-centered learning.

The teacher successfully uses game technologiesaimed at developing children's communicative and social competence, creativity and individual self-expression.

Effectiveness of data application technologies can be seen in the form of positive dynamics of educational achievements of her pupils.

Fadeeva Valeria Alexandrovna actively uses in educational - educational the following electronic materials:

educational - methodological kits"Lessons from Aunt Owl": "Lessons from Caution" - Basics of life safety for babies; program "Seasons" - an educational disc with fairy-tale characters will easily and quickly teach children to distinguish the seasons; Complexes: "Sparrows", "Winter", "A trip to the forest", "Clock", "The circus" and others from the series "Game gymnastics" Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznovs, "Get on the charge!" clown splash.

Children's electronic presentations from the site http://viki.rdf.ru/

Power Point Multimedia Presentations to Improve Efficiency educational activities with children.

It also uses the Internet in search of additional information to work on the following sites:

http://dob.1september.ru/; selection materials from the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas http://festival.1September.ru/; Social network of workers nsportal education.ru, http: //nsportal.ru/; and etc.

The teacher has created on the Social network of workers education, for communication with colleagues, exchange of experience, placement of their own developments, personal site http: //www.site. The teacher's website contains a digital portfolio ( http: //www.site/users/FV1980)

The use of ICT helps to activate the cognitive activity of pupils, stimulates and develops mental processes, develops thinking, perception, memory, creativity of children, forms an active life position in modern society.

Help following a thematic check on the topic: "Using
modern educational technologies in mathematics lessons, as one of
conditions for improving the quality of students' knowledge "
In accordance with the school work plan and intra-school control at
2015-2016 academic year Deputy Director T.V. Moiseeva and Petrova L.P.
lessons were attended in 24 grades with the aim of examining teacher use
modern technologies in mathematics lessons
When attending lessons, we tracked such parameters as: organization
educational work of students, an individual approach to students, methods and means
activation of educational and cognitive activity.
Analysis of attended lessons
Belozerskaya L.L., Murzaeva G.I.,
Fedorishina T.M., Isaeva S.V., Kosmonene V.V., showed that teachers own
subject at the program level, but it is not always possible to find ways to
and a means to enhance the attention of students in the lesson. Student activity
low, the same students work. Most of the lesson says
teacher. Homework often teachers give after the call, from which you can
to conclude that the lesson plan has not been thought out, not everything has been taken into account when preparing the lesson. Have
students are poorly developed independence in the acquisition of knowledge. Teachers,
by giving independent work children, help them, give advice. explanations
for each question. The work in the lesson is mostly frontal. On visited
lessons were not observed personally
oriented individual and
a differentiated approach, which affects the quality of students' knowledge.
The lessons of T.B. Arsentieva, V.V. Agibalova, T.G. Ivanova are based on
based on the Federal State Educational Standard. Teachers actively use the technology of systemic activity
pedagogy, problem-based learning and student-centered learning. IN
as a result of which they skillfully plan their activities and the activities of students
according to requirements modern education... Student activity,
parity in answers, competent mathematical speech in parsing and solving
assignments, the ability to find a way out when performing a task, differentiation
the learning process is fundamental when working in the lesson that
contributes to improving the quality of students' knowledge. Teachers practice work
in groups, pairs, problem dialogue. ICT is actively used in the lessons.
Ivanova T.G. uses methods of comparison, analysis in the classroom,
comparisons, methods of problem learning. Forms of organizing activities
students: frontal, individual. The purpose of the lesson is determined in conjunction with
children. The lesson material was varied and reflected the main tasks of development and
teaching younger students on the topic under study. Structure
appropriate to the type and purpose of the lesson. Verbal counting was carried out using
ICT, which contributed to the mood for further work. Students decided
logical mathematical expressions. I would like to note that the teacher is
high-quality work on the formation of the ability to solve problems. Students in the lesson
have shown that they can analyze tasks, take a short note, solve
yourself. There are strong students in the class, for whom the
individual work on cards. All the work that Tatiana is doing
Gennadievna contributes to improving the quality of knowledge.
Lessons Tsetsurenko S.V. always clearly organized, discipline in the lesson
good. In order for students to have an interest in the lesson, so that

mobilize the attention of the whole class, a poem was read. The purpose of the lesson
was determined jointly with children. The lesson material was varied and reflected
the main tasks of the development and training of younger students.
The structure of the lesson matched the type and purpose of the lesson The teacher reinforced in the lesson
computing skills. This was facilitated by the tasks offered by the teacher,
especially verbal counting at the beginning of the lesson. The verbal account was held in the form
mathematical dictation. The studied material is clear, feasible, interesting
children, has a practical focus. Rational and efficient
lesson time is used. Students have a good command of terminology
subject, active, initiative. After analyzing the lesson of Svetlana Vasilievna
it should be noted that all
techniques used in the lesson, technologies
contribute to improving the quality of students' knowledge.
student activity,
In the lessons of Bondareva L.T. on the topic "Division by a two-digit number" should
note the low
not literate enough
mathematical speech in the analysis and solution of tasks. Organization of assimilation of new
methods of action require improvement. The studied material is clear, manageable,
interesting for children, has a practical orientation. Time to self
student work is more than 50% of the lesson time. Preparation for
the perception of new material was carried out with the help of oral counting. Students clearly
formulated the purpose of the lesson. Acquaintance with the division algorithm took place under
guidance of a teacher who, using dialogue technology, teaches students
pose and address questions. The style, tone of the relationship, set in the lesson, creates
atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, psychological comfort. Teacher
systematically teaches children to carry out reflexive actions. But together with
it should be noted that the teacher does not use differentiated teaching,
ICT technologies, which affects the quality of students' knowledge.
Conclusion: the lessons attended showed that not all teachers know the methodology
construction of modern occupations (Belozerskaya L.L., Murzaeva G.I., Fedorishina
T.M., Barbasheva I.A.). When forming tasks, the following words do not sound:
symbolize, generalize, choose a solution or solution, investigate,
rate, change. (Isaeva S.V., Belozerskaya L.L.). And this is important for the organization
cognitive activity and the formation of UUD.
1. Consider at the methodological meeting "Methodological techniques
organizing an activity-based approach to learning "
2. Murzaeva G.I., Isaeva S.V., Fedorishina T.M., Belozerskaya L.L.,
Kosmonene V.V., Barbasheva I.A., Fedorishina T.M., more effective
introduce personality-oriented technologies.
3. Given the age characteristics of students, use more
various forms of work in the classroom (individual, group).
Deputy Director L.P. Petrova

The productive use of new educational technologies and methods qualitatively changes the nature and goals of learning, the relationship between the participants in the process. Innovative techniques contribute to the activation of reflection and self-development. The use of new ones contributes to an increase in the intensity of the learning process. It is accompanied by the increasingly complex actions of children. Through them, students learn discipline, improve their individual qualities. This kind of training is very productive.

Use of new educational technologies: justification of choice

Within the national curriculum the teacher is presented as a person who thinks creatively. He must possess modern educational methods, methods of means of independent modeling of the process in the conditions of practical activity. The ability to predict results is also important. The productive use of new educational technologies, on the one hand, shows the level of preparedness for the teacher's professional activity. On the other hand, the results obtained show to what extent the individual characteristics of children, their priorities and interests are taken into account.


The main principle on which the productive use of new educational technologies is based is systematic use. To reveal the potential of each child, the teacher shifts the emphasis to active forms of the process. They are, in particular, cooperation, interaction between the teacher and the children. The productive use of new educational technologies by the educator and teacher involves the formation of certain stages:

interactive whiteboard

The productive use of new and high grades has a close relationship with the level of equipment educational institution... The use of modern means of presenting information is impossible in the absence of appropriate equipment. For example, an electronic board allows you to introduce interactive learning elements not only directly in the classroom, but also at conferences, as part of extracurricular activities. With this tool, the teacher and the children themselves can demonstrate various student products. Information appearing on the surface of the board can be broadcast on screens installed in the cabinets. In this case, data transmission can be carried out online.

Research competency building

The productive use of new educational technologies makes it possible to form one of the key abilities of the child. It is expressed in the presence of interrelated skills, knowledge, skills that are required for effective activities in the field of learning (including independent), self-development. Technologies aimed at the formation of research competence are used in the implementation of practical and laboratory work on exact sciences (astronomy, physics), preparation for regional, all-Russian scientific and practical conferences.

Assessment of the quality of the pedagogical process and the achievements of children

The level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students is shown by the final certification. The productive use of new educational technologies is aimed at the formation of criteria for self-assessment of the child's creative, cognitive work. Portfolio creation is one of the modern methods of assessing and taking into account the achievements of children. This, in turn, allows you to increase the level of preparedness for the final exams in subjects, improve skills and knowledge, and focus on the most priority areas. individual development... This embodies a qualitatively new learning culture.

Transformations in teaching practice

The productive use of new educational technologies is expressed in rethinking and changing the teacher's existing approaches to quality update content of training. This, in turn, changes the role and tasks of the teacher. Today, the main goal of the educational institution is to teach children to be educated throughout their subsequent life.

Versatile skills and abilities

The productive use of new educational technologies involves the formation in children:

Individually oriented models

They contribute to the purposeful development of children. Their introduction is accompanied by the formation in each child of the ability to manage the individual learning process, the transformation of the student's independent activity into self-development. The productive use of new educational technologies at school is expressed in the transition from external (by the teacher) control and assessment to the child's individual internal self-analysis. This, in turn, changes the motivation of children. They begin to form a need for knowledge, stimulate interest in studying material in disciplines. The productive use of new educational technologies at school also implies giving children a certain freedom to choose the time frame in which certain planned results should be received and presented. Students have increased responsibility for their actions, organization individual plan learning.


This is one of the most productive educational technologies. It contributes to the improvement of the child in the learning process. In addition, the teacher himself develops, increasing his professionalism. The dissemination of knowledge and the inclusion of children in independent work begins with the developed portfolio modules. Educational equipment is selected so as to reduce the dependence of children on the teacher. They should try to master the topics on their own, get involved in research activities. The mastered methodology of independent management of the educational process, in which the portfolio acts as a tool, has a long and positive effect on the child. To accomplish the tasks set, the teacher must be ready to use the technical resources available to the school.

Student activities

The development of the portfolio structure can be carried out in group sessions. This allows children to be included in the process of self-assessment and self-management in the course of studying disciplines, planning their achievements. Each child in difficulty has the opportunity to receive clarifications or advice not only from the teacher, but also from classmates. The work on self-assessment of one's own achievements should be organized in a strict time frame. This interval is given to children for solving problems, analyzing their actions and results. Assessment is carried out according to jointly developed criteria. Children are free to choose various projects to participate in olympiads, conferences, individualization of their training programs.

Portfolio tasks

Technology formats allow:

Opportunities for the teacher

The portfolio model implementation allows the teacher to:

  1. Correctly place emphasis on improving critical thinking and learning ability, increase children's motivation, expand the scope pedagogical process.
  2. To form students' ability to set goals, model, organize individual work.
  3. To develop the ability of children to independently control the process and assess their own level of knowledge, to determine the dynamics of mastering the material on the subject.

Benefits for the child

New educational technologies in general allow the student to:

  1. To form the skills to study independently throughout life, to improve in the chosen professional activity.
  2. Increase your own motivation and responsibility for work results, develop a conscious attitude towards education.
  3. To assimilate not only a certain amount of information, but also to develop creative and cognitive abilities.
  4. Confirm in the correctness of the chosen field of study.
  5. Become competitive on modern market labor.
  6. Choose the areas of vocational training and specialization that correspond to your skills.
  7. Adapt to constantly changing conditions.
  8. Develop key personality traits.

Analytical reference

The productive use of new educational technologies is one of the key tasks of a modern teacher. Introducing certain approaches, techniques, the teacher must ensure:

Control over the activities of the teacher himself is carried out by the methodologist or director of the educational institution. Based on the results of the assessment, an analytical report is drawn up. The productive use of new educational technologies can be represented additionally in the diagram. Of no small importance in achieving the set goals is the teacher's introspection, his own assessment of the effectiveness of work. Based on performance indicators, the teacher carries out long-term planning. Using educational technologies, the teacher must proceed from the fact that each student during the entire educational period must work on each methodology. It is necessary to take into account:

  1. Age characteristics of children.
  2. Continuity of technologies and techniques.
  3. Features of groups in parallel classes.
  4. Increasing the degree of independence of children.

The teacher must constantly educate himself. Each teacher should take individually-oriented educational technologies as a basis. This is the only way to achieve the goal of methodological improvement.
