Poptsov Egor, Maximov Alexey

This educational project was presented at the First School Scientific and Practical Conference and delighted all the students. because the working model of the fountain, made by the hands of children and parents, delighted everyone throughout the conference. In this work, you will get acquainted with the basics of designing the simplest inventions with a minimum of knowledge in physics.



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Creative project "Fountains" Completed by: Poptsov Egor Maximov Alexey, 7 "A" class Physics teacher: Bukhalova MN

Project objectives: To get acquainted with the principle of the fountain. Using the properties of communicating vessels, construct a fountain model.

Project objectives: To study the physical foundations of the fountain's work.Construct a fountain with your own hands

The first stage of the project: informational. They say there are three things that you can look at endlessly - fire, water and stars. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. And it is not in vain that they say that water “cleans”, “washes” not only the body, but also the soul.

The history of the emergence of fountains begins in Ancient Greece and continues in Ancient Rome. Also fountains were used in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The proof of this is the drawings on the ancient gravestones. Fountains were originally used to water gardens and plants. According to the Eastern canons, the garden was supposed to reflect four substances: water, plants, flowers and music. History

Thus, already in antiquity, people thought about how to create artificial reservoirs, they were especially interested in the riddle of running water. The word fountain is of Latin-Italian origin, it comes from the Latin “fontis”, which translates as “source”. In its meaning, this means a stream of water beating upward or flowing out of the pipe under pressure.

Natural Naturally occurring fountains known as geysers (Yellowstone Park) Man-made An artificially created fountain is a gushing oil well. Batteries from a variety of hot water fountains are used to cool it in thermal power plants. Decorative In everyday life, a fountain is a specific hydraulic structure, which usually performs a decorative function. Types of fountains

There are water fountains of natural origin - springs gushing with jets.

In nature, there are giant fountains of hot water and steam. They are called geysers. They can often be found near volcanoes.

From an architectural point of view, a fountain is a structure that serves as a base or a fence for streaming up and down streams of water. The fountains were originally built as a public source of drinking water. Later, the combination of green spaces, moving water from fountains and architectural compositions became one of the means of performing unique artistic and figurative solutions in modern architecture.

A modern city cannot be imagined without a fountain. Light and music fountain in the city park of Almetyevsk. A dynamic light fountain on the square near the Neftche recreation center in Almetyevsk (reconstruction).

Fountain in the park of Leninogorsk. The upper bowl of the fountain composition of the YAN sanatorium of the Almetyevsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Communicating vessels Vessels that have a message or a common bottom are usually called communicating. In life, such vessels are often found. Various kettles, watering cans, water-measuring glasses for steam boilers, a bent pipe with a knee - all these are examples of communicating vessels.

The free surfaces of a liquid at rest in communicating vessels of any shape are at the same level. Water poured into a watering can, into a kettle, fills the spout of these vessels, because columns of the same liquid of the same height produce the same pressure. If the liquid in the communicating vessels is at different levels, then the so-called liquid pressure is created. Head is the pressure that produces the weight of a liquid column with a height equal to the level difference. Under the influence of this pressure, the liquid, if the clamp is removed, will flow into the vessel where its level is lower, until the levels are equal. Water falling from a height, for example, in mountain rivers, near a dam, has a natural pressure. The higher the dam, the greater the pressure of the water lifted by this dam. In technology, the water pressure is often called the difference in water levels in communicating vessels.

What is the use of them? The perfect fountain is your first step to a new level of relaxation and awareness. Your goal is to achieve a higher sense of peace, tranquility and serenity. There are many fountains that can relieve your stress. Relaxation and stress relief.

Accomplishment and decor. A fountain can become a vibrant center that draws people's eyes to itself and enhances the beauty of any room. It serves as a functional decorative piece that can be enjoyed while contemplating and listening. Fountains are often found in gardens, hallways, offices, waiting rooms, lobbies, living rooms and bedrooms.

The device The device of the fountain is based on the principle of communicating vessels known to us from physics. The water is collected in a container located above the fountain basin. In this case, the water pressure at the outlet of the fountain will be equal to the difference in water heights H1. H1 Accordingly, the greater the difference in these heights, the stronger the pressure and the higher the jet of the fountain beats. The diameter of the fountain outlet also affects the height of the fountain jet. The smaller it is, the higher the fountain beats.

In order to build a model of a fountain, you need a reservoir of water, for example, a wide can, a rubber or glass tube, a pool from a low can. The higher the tank is raised and the thinner the outlet, the higher the water jet will hit. Therefore, it is better to use a pipette for the fountain tube, removing the rubber band from it. The rest of the device can be masked by creating a model of a beautiful corner of the garden with a fountain.Second stage of the project: practical work.

Today, as at all times, our urgent task is the protection of nature and respect for it. Fountains will help us with this. And not only this: the use of tools at hand makes learning and the development of creativity effective. The most important thing: physics is not scary, physics is interesting!

Resources: Internet articles http://jtdigest.narod.ru/dig1 "Geronov's fountain in your apartment" SN Ozhegov. Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80 thousand words and phraseological expressions / Russian academy sciences. Institute of the Russian language. V.V. Vinogradov. - 4th ed .; supplemented.-M .: Azbukovnik, 1999.-944 p. soviet encyclopedia... –M., 1977.-t.27 Technique: Encyclopedia / Design. Series L. Yakovlev. - M .: LLC “ROSMEN-ISDAT”, 2000.-399p. - (Children's encyclopedia). Ya. I Perelman "Entertaining physics" book 2, TRIAD-LITERA Moscow, 1994.

Thanks for attention!

Scientific research project

Section: Scientific and technical creativity

Theme:"Creating a fountain model"

Academic Supervisor: Ryazanova Tatyana Nikolaevna


Table of contents:

    Introduction ……………………………………………………. …… 3

    Main part

    The history of the fountains ………… .. …………… 4

    Operating principle ………………………………………… 6

    Varieties …………………………………………… ... 6

    Fountains of the city of Podolsk and Podolsk region ........ 8

    Experimental part ……………………………… .... 9

    Conclusion …………………………………………………… ... 10

    List of used literature ……………………….… 11

    Appendix …………………………………………………… ..12


Relevance of the problem: dthe effect of water on a person can be called truly magical. The murmur of the fountain relieves stress, soothes and makes you forget about anxiety.Feng Shui experts will say that the water element "lures" health and even provokes career growth. Practical people know that the fountain humidifies the air and also works as a natural ionizer.

Research objectives: to expand the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge on the topic "Communicating vessels", to consider the operation of the law of communicating vessels using the example of the work of a model of a fountain.


1. To study material about fountains: their types and principles of operation.

2. Design a model of the fountain and use it to carry out experiments that explain the principle of the fountain's operation.

3. Create a list of fountains in the city of Podolsk.

4. Analyze the information received and draw conclusions about the structure and operation of the fountains.


Study of literary and other information sources, conducting experiments, analyzing information and results.

Main part

The history of the fountains

A fountain is a stream of liquid or gas thrown up from a pipe or hole by pressure. The first fountains originated in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia , as evidenced by the images on the ancient gravestones. Initially, they were used not so much for beauty as for watering crops and ornamental plants... The Egyptians built fountains during orchards near the house where they were installed in the middle of a rectangular pond. Similar fountains were used in Mesopotamia and Persia, famous for their beautiful gardens. Here in the East, they gained even more popularity. According to certain canons, the Persian oriental garden was supposed to reflect four essences - water, flowers, plants and music, which can be seen in ancient images and carpet drawings. Muslim gardens were surrounded by terraces of multi-colored tiles, the spray of the fountain, reflecting from them, created an extraordinary play of light and shadow. Later, in their likeness, gardens were built in Toledo, Granada and other cities.

In gardens of a different type, unity was created - water, flowers, trees, light and shadow. Gardens are a prime example of such landscape architecture.Taj Mahal in India and Shalimar Gardens ... In such gardens, an important accent is the deep springs running down from the mountains, where at the foot of their beds they are artificially turned, creating reservoirs and waterfalls. Fountains were of great importance in China and Japan. Most famousjapanese garden Kyoto - Buddhist monks participated in its creation. Each element of this garden carries with it special meaning and evokes a certain mood and state of mind in visitors. The landscape and architectural basis of fountains and gardens in Europe were Persian gardens. In the Middle Ages, gardens appeared at monasteries and, like a Persian garden, were divided into four parts - for flowers, herbs, vegetable crops and fruit trees. In the middle of the garden there was a well or a fountain - a place of solitude, meditation and prayer for the novices of the monastery. But basically, as in Ancient worldDuring the Middle Ages, fountains were used as sources of water supply - for watering and drinking. Only with the beginning of the Renaissance era, fountains in Europe become part of the architectural ensemble, its bright accent, and sometimes the main element. The Roman style became dominant.

Pumps came to the rescue of natural springs, and instead of underground springs, fountains started flowing in the Roman hills. An example of the Italian Renaissance isvilla Lante ... Gradually, new trends in architecture spread throughout Europe. The greatest dawn of landscape and park art was achieved in France in the 17th century, its crown wasVersailles - the king of regular parks, which became the basis for the creation of such palace and park ensembles all over the world. It was the Versailles fountains that inspired Peter I to the idea of \u200b\u200bPeterhof.

It must be admitted that the fountains of Peterhof have somewhat surpassed their French prototype. This is a grandiose museum of fountain art of the 18th-19th centuries. There are many single and multi-jet fountains, solo, paired, grouped in rows, fountains in the form of water bells and pillars. The patterns of streams are not repeated, these are fans, bouquets, curtains, etc. The Peterhof fountains are also different in sound - from a barely audible rustle to a deafening triumphant roar.

At the end of the 17th century, with the advent of "romanticism", landscape art also changed. Came into fashionparks in english style» , when everything is closest to the "wild" nature, without chic and pomp. The architecture of the water sources was also distinguished by natural naturalness and simplicity.

Modern fountains compete in height.King Fahd fountain located on the Red Sea, it rises to a height of 260 m, in good weather it can reach a height of 318 m (for comparison, the height of the Eiffel Tower is 300 m). Advanced technologies and new inventions play a significant role in modern fountains.

The most expensive and largest fountain complex in the world - "Dubai Fountain" (Dubai Fountain). The fountain is 275 m long, and its area is comparable to the area of \u200b\u200bthree standard football fields. The original height, to which the jets rose, was 150 meters, later the height increased to 275 meters. It belongs to the type of dancing fountains. His repertoire includes classical, Arabic and pop music, and to each of the melodies the fountain "performs" a different dance. The Dubai Fountain complex consists of an artificial reservoir located at the foot of the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, hundreds of jets that can rise to a height of 310 m, 6,600 spotlights and 25 colored floodlights. True, the most powerful water cannons require recharging after use, so they are turned on only in the brightest moments of the performance. The facility has its own pumping and water treatment system. A year after the opening, the fountain was modernized, adding smoke generators and gas nozzles to the design, and now the water symphony can be accompanied by the effects of smoke and fire. The largest and most expensive fountain on Earth has set another record - it is the brightest point in Asia that can be seen from space, and on Earth, during performances, a light show is visible from 32 km away.

Now the ideas of art have received a new embodiment - combining the ideas of architects, artists and specialists in high-tech fields. The enchanting play of color, the art of lighting, the combination of music, light, dynamics became a new trend. Progress does not stand still, who knows what the fountains will be like by the middle of this century ...

Operating principle

Over time, eras and styles have changed, and with them fountains, as their reflection. But the principle of the fountains is practically the same. They work on the principle of communicating vessels [Appendix 1]. From the beginning of the 17th century, fountains began to be driven by mechanical pumps, which gradually replaced steam installations, and then electric pumps.

It is believed that the fountains owe their existence to the famous Greek mechanic Heron of Alexandria, who lived inI- II century AD It was Heron who directly pointed out that the flow rate, or the rate of the distributed water, depends on its level in the reservoir, on the cross-section of the channel and the speed of water in it. The device invented by Heron serves as one of the samples of knowledge in antiquity (20 years BC) in the field of hydrostatics and aerodynamics.

Types of fountains

Fountains are artificial and natural. Natural geysers, springs and artesian waters.

Hot water with steam, gushing from a hole in the ground, is called a geyser. Such fountains gush out of the ground on the island of Iceland, in Yellowstone Park in the United States, on the North Island of New Zealand and in Kamchatka. "Geyser" in translation from Icelandic means "to pour out".

Geysers are always located where volcanoes are. Hot magma rises to the surface of the Earth and strongly heats the rock, which contains groundwater. Water accumulates in small and large cracks, finding no way out, heats up and finally boils. In this case, a lot of steam is generated, which is under high pressure and makes its way upward, into the neck of the previously formed geyser. There is a strong eruption of first steam, and then water, and it lasts until the underground "reservoir" is empty. The next release will occur only when underground water again accumulates underground and warms up to a boil.

Spring, source, key - natural outlet of groundwater to the earth's surface. The man liked the springs gushing in small jets. Over time, architects and architects began to frame springs decorative stone... The craftsmen showed miracles of ingenuity in decorating the springs.

Artesian waters- pressurized groundwater, enclosed in aquifers of rocks between water-resistant layers. Usually found in depressions, forming artesian basins. When a borehole is opened, artesian waters rise above the aquifer, sometimes gushing.

Let's now get acquainted with artificial fountains. For a long time, people not only enjoyed waterfalls and streams, rivers and seas, but also created artificial reservoirs and fountains to admire them. Water has such a beneficial effect on nervous system a person that in some clinics contemplation of streaming water flows is used as one of the methods of treatment for depressive disorders.

Street, square fountains. Fountains have always been one of the most beloved hydraulic engineering structures of mankind. Fountains were invented in hot countries - for a purely practical purpose: in the summer heat, streams of water, beating upwards, bring a saving coolness. They have not lost their popularity to this day.

Landscape fountains. A fountain near a house usually becomes a very attractive place for its inhabitants. A beautiful fountain is best medicine from stress and fuss everyday life... Listening to the soothing sounds of pouring water, contemplating its smooth streams, a person gets the opportunity to forget about everyday problems and troubles, to escape from the worries and experiences that fill life in a modern city. The fountain becomes an oasis of peace and joy, a place for relaxation and self-contemplation.

Color and music fountains Are complex complexes with the use of automation. The height and shape of the jets, the color scheme are set using software.

Interior, indoor fountains ... Placing a fountain in your home becomes the center of the interior of your living space, beautiful fountain usually turns into a favorite vacation spot for the whole family. After all, there is nothing more pacifying than the calm contemplation of pouring water.

It is especially important to create the right effect for the water structure. Types of fountain jets:







There are fountains: jet, cascade, mechanical, fire fountains (for example, in Peterhof), of different heights, shapes, and each has its own name. Previously, all the fountains were direct-flow, that is, they worked directly from the water supply, now they use “recirculating” water supply using powerful pumps.

Fountains of Podolsk

Singing fountain in Podolsk. Fountain series "Tornado" with RGB LED floodlights applied for the first time in Russia. Creates a unique water-light musical extravaganza.

Fountain in the park. Talalikhina

Podolsk, st. Working

Sculptural composition in combination with the fountain "First Ball of Natasha Rostova".It was opened on October 5, 2014 on the Day of the city of Podolsk. A rotating dancing couple - Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, with a fountain makes a fantastic impression.

Podolsk, Leo Tolstoy Boulevard

Fountain on the territory of the estate ensemble with the Church of the Sign Holy Mother of God in Dubrovitsy.

Fountain on Lenin Square. It was opened in the summer of 2004 for the 223rd anniversary of the city. Reconstructed in 2006

Experimental part of the work

Research and problem identification

Making a fountain is a problem, or a task that needs to be solved. Naturally, development problems arose immediately. The first question that I asked myself was how to do it, from what material and with what tools? How to decorate a fountain decoratively.


    Try to use the fact that a homogeneous liquid is at the same level in communicating vessels to make a fountain.

    Improve the fountain with a mini water pump (pump).

Results of work: i considered different types fountains. It is within my power to build indoor fountain... Based on the proposed principles of fountains, I built a fountain using a mini water motor. To do this, I needed a small motor (in my case, this is an expansion pump for a windshield washer barrel in a car), a tube from a dropper system, a base container for a fountain, three containers for shaping a fountain, a power supply. And for visual effect and beauty, I decorated it with decorative elements. [Appendix 2, 3]


I really enjoyed working on the fountain. It turned out to be pretty pretty. But the most important thing is the pleasure of work. It was a very big and difficult practical work, and of course, there were things that I didn’t work out, or did, but not the way I wanted. I learned a lot about fountains and their history. As a result, I was satisfied with the work done. I used the principle of communicating vessels in practice.


1. Almost all fountains use communicating vessels.

2. In communicating vessels, a homogeneous liquid tends to be at the same level.

3. The fountain beats due to the difference in the heights of the water in the communicating vessels.

List of used literature:

    S.I.Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. N.Yu.Shvedova. - M.: Russian language, 1981.-760 p.

    Alex Cooper. The interior of a cozy garden / 3rd edition. -Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.-267s.



Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Stages of creating a fountain

Appendix 3

Finished fountain

Gerona. This water device was known 2000 years ago. However, few people these days think about how it works. After all, now there are many home fountains of various types on sale. But the peculiarity of this fountain is that it works without any engine, and you can make it yourself.

No need to buy

DIY enthusiasts will be glad to know that this device can be made quickly and easily. How to make the fountain of Heron? First, you need to prepare materials and understand the principle of its work. A simple fountain of Heron with your own hands is not difficult to make. And it consists of only two water containers, pipes and a bowl. All these objects are connected to each other and, thanks to the gravity existing on the Earth, a stream of water is pushed out above the surface of the bowl. The fountain of Heron also operates in full compliance with the laws of hydropneumatics.


Each container of the fountain serves a specific purpose. Heron's fountain begins with a bowl. It is a bowl filled with water, from which a thin tube extends to the lower container. It is along it that the water begins to move. This container is empty. Water accumulates in it, which, rising upwards, creates air pressure that rises through a thin tube and enters the upper container filled with water. From here, the air pushes the water, which moves through the tube into the bowl of water and creates a jet that is visible above the surface of the liquid. Heron's fountain can work for a very long time, but the containers have to be interchanged. Because the lower one is gradually filled with water, and the upper one - with air, which means that the required pressure ceases to be created.

What's the secret

You may be surprised to read now how you can make a fountain with your own hands. After all, this model uses plastic, and 200 years ago it was not invented yet. It's simple. The Greek inventor used glass containers. To begin with, he conducted an experiment. He poured water into a glass bottle, then plugged it with a cork, in which he made a hole. He inserted a tube into this hole that reached the bottom of the bottle. Having placed this structure in the sun, Heron began to observe it. The sun began to heat the bottle, and the water rushed up the tube. Moreover, the more the sun warmed, the more water flowed out. Then Heron took a magnifying glass and pointed it at the bottle to enhance the effect of the sun's rays. The heated water burst out of the bottle in a high stream through the tube. This prompted Heron to think that water can move in a circle, rising from the bottle and returning to it. Then he began to think about how to make the water flow back into the container on its own.

What's next

The inventor came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bplacing two more inside one vessel. The third vessel was empty, and the second was filled with water. Water enters the third vessel, creating air pressure, from which it rises up the tube located in the middle of the third vessel. From the second vessel, water begins to move into the third, expanding when heated sunbeams... As a result, viewers see the gushing stream of the fountain over the surface of the bowl. Heron placed his first fountain in the temple. At that time it looked like a miracle, because no one could explain how this fountain works, because there were no mechanical devices or pipes that could be used to pump water.


Heron's invention is still interesting to our contemporaries. It especially surprises children who are not yet familiar with the laws of physics. Modern inventors are gradually improving Heron's project. They add something new to it, improve its properties and, of course, come up with something of their own. For example, you can increase the height of the jet by connecting several containers, then the pressure is added up and pushes the jet of water over a long distance. They also come up with various ways to recharge the fountain. It would be nice to make sure that the person does not have to take part in this process.

Nowadays, even a schoolboy can make his Gerons - you read it in our article. You can decorate this invention and install it in your country house or apartment, surprising your guests.

District open scientific conference of schoolchildren

Section: physics

Job title: Creating and studying the model of Heron's fountain


I. Introduction 3

II. Main part

2.1. History and purpose of fountains 4

2.2. Fountain of Heron 4

2.3. Creation of a fountain model, carrying out and results of experiments 5

III. Conclusion. Conclusions 7

IV. Bibliography 9


They say there are three things that you can look at endlessly - fire, water and stars. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. Probably everyone noticed how much easier it is to breathe near the water, how fatigue and irritation disappear, how it invigorates and at the same time pacifies being near the sea, river, lake or pond. And it is not in vain that they say that water “cleans”, “washes” not only the body, but also the soul.

Relevance of the topic

Of course, we cannot always afford to go to the bank of a stream or mountain waterfall. Unfortunately, there is not a single active fountain in our village! In no building, be it an office, a cinema or a palace of culture, have I met even small decorative fountains.

But you can make the "indoor fountain" yourself, which will improve the microclimate in the house, give us joy, a feeling of coziness and comfort.Moving water that gently splashes or splashes upward will have a calming effect on hearing, vision and psyche.

The main goal of this project:build a model of the fountain and find out what physical parameters the jet height in it depends on.

This goal provides for the solution of the following tasks:

  1. Select, study and process various sources of information on this issue.
  2. Get acquainted with the history and purpose of the fountains.
  3. Study the principle of the Heron's fountain.
  4. Organize and conduct experiments to establish the dependence of the height of the fountain jet on various parameters.
  5. Draw the necessary conclusions.

Hypothesis: I suppose that after studying the structure and operation of Heron's fountain, I will be able to assemble a model of the fountain.

Object of study:fountain of Heron.

Research methods: theoretical, experimental, practical, analysis, generalization.

Practical significance:having collected and studied the model of the fountain, in the future, based on the proposed idea, using additional funds, it will be possible to make a fountain on summer cottage or in country house... There is a recreation area in any apartment, and, of course, a fountain can become its decoration. Such a fountain can also decorate the hall of a school, office or hospital.

Fountains are necessary for man, because they:

Economical humidifiers have a beneficial effect on health, especially in case of diseases of the respiratory system, have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, reduce the accumulation of statistical electricity in carpets associated with the radiation of computers.


2.1 History and purpose of fountains

A fountain is a natural or artificially induced phenomenon, consisting in the outflow of liquid (usually water), under the influence of pressure exerted on it, upward or to the side. Or you can also say a fountain - a device in which water flows from a source, enters a bowl of some kind and, as a rule, is used again. Fountain - the Latin word "Fons", which means source, spring, beginning, root cause.

Already in ancient times, people thought about how to create artificial reservoirs, they were especially interested in the riddle of running water.

The first fountains (VI century BC) appeared in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, as evidenced by the images on ancient gravestones. Initially, they were used not so much for beauty as for watering crops and ornamental plants. The Egyptians built fountains in orchards near the house. The first fountains had a very simple structure and did not at all look like the magnificent fountains of our time. In Rome, fountains were built as sources of drinking water and in order to refresh the air in the heat. The Romans significantly improved the arrangement of fountains. For fountains, they made pipes from baked clay or lead. During the heyday of Rome, the fountain became a must-have for all wealthy houses. Jets of water gushed from the mouths of beautiful fish or exotic animals.

The fountains of the modern world are real masterpieces of engineering and design ideas: these are the most diverse structures that attract tourists with their beauty and grandeur, height and impressive decor.

2.2 Fountain of Heron

The works of a Greek mechanic have been preserved since ancient timesHero of Alexandria, who lived in the 1st - 2nd centuries. n. One of the devices described by the scientist was Heron's magic fountain. The main miracle of this fountain was that the water from the fountain gushed by itself, without using any external source of water.

Geronov's fountain consists of an open bowl and two sealed vessels located under the bowl.Each container of the fountain serves a specific purpose. Heron's fountain begins with a bowl. It is a bowl filled with water. A completely sealed tube runs from the upper bowl to the lower container.It is along it that the water begins to move. From the upper bowl, water begins to flow through the tube into the lower container, displacing air from there. Since the lower container itself is completely sealed, the air pushed out by water passes through a sealed tube air pressure into the middle bowl. The air pressure in the middle tank pushes the water out and the fountain starts to work.

Heron's fountain can work for a very long time, but the containers have to be interchanged. Because the lower one is gradually filled with water, and the upper one - with air, which means that the necessary pressure ceases to be created.

2.3 Creation of a fountain model, carrying out and results of experiments

Having studied the theory, I had to assemble a model of Heron's fountain. For this I used 2 droppers, 2 plastic bottles (with a capacity of 1.5 liters), a plastic bowl from under the cake, a tip from the handle, plasticine to create a tight fitting and paint to touch up the water.

Dependence of the jet height on the water level in the middle vessel

(tip hole diameter is the same in all experiments)

Experience number

Water level height

in the middle vessel

Fountain jet height

25 cm

8 cm

20 cm

6 cm

11 cm

4 cm

Conclusion: the higher the water level in the vessel (water tank), the higher the stream of the fountain is.

Dependence of the height of the fountain jet on the diameter of the tip hole

(the height of the water in the vessel is the same in all experiments)

Experience number

No tip

Handle tip

8 cm

20 cm

4 cm

12 cm

Conclusion: the smaller the diameter of the outlet of the tube, the higher the stream of the fountain beats.

There is no cost to operate such a fountain! It does not consume electricity and works without a pump. But the running time of my model of the fountain was only 7 minutes. During this time, the lower vessel (plastic bottle) was filled with water, and the upper vessel became almost empty. For a long-term operation of such a fountain, you have to swap the vessels (plastic bottles) and rearrange the tip from the handle in a bowl of water.


As a result of the work done, I learned how the Heron's fountain is formed. The basis of its operation contains the principle of operation of communicating vessels, and the rise of water occurs due to the difference in the height of the water in the communicating vessels. I made a model of Heron's fountain and conducted several experiments to study the properties of the fountain. Having investigated what determines the height of the fountain jet, I came to the conclusion:

the stream of the fountain will be higher if

  • higher water level in the water storage (water tank),
  • smaller diameter of the tube outlet,

The fountain is simple in design and affordable, although it was necessary to struggle with some difficulties in creating the tightness of the vessels. Having extraordinary materials at hand, you can easily create this little "masterpiece" and (not without the help of imagination, of course) turn it into a real work of art. It is good both indoors and outdoors. After all, it works without electricity. It is also convenient in the role of a visual representation of some physical laws, because, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. It works completely silently and does not distract. Heron's fountain may still be relevant today, although it was invented two thousand years ago. This is not just a visual representation of some physical laws, it is, if desired, a decorative and useful interior decoration, a "highlight" of your home or site.

My hypothesis is that after studying the theoryabout the device and the principle of operation of the Heron's fountain, I can assemble a model of the fountain - it was confirmed.

I learned from literature that fountains have a positive effect on almost all human senses. Scientists managed to scientifically explain the fact why, being near a fountain, a person experiences positive emotions, and often a real delight. This spray from the fountain brings negative ions into the air, which have a beneficial effect on our body. Physicians call them health vitamins. Fountains delight us with their coolness, the play of their crystal jets, the shine of the sun in every drop of water, the murmur and splash, the feeling of freshness and purity. By this, the fountains have a beneficial effect on the mental attitude of a person, ensuring the psychological health of people. Fountains, finally, reduce the amount of dust in the air, increase the humidity and ionization of the air, maintaining the microclimate of the surrounding areas, preventing the occurrence of a number of respiratory diseases.

I concluded that fountains are an important part of measures to create a comfortable, environmentally safe human environment, so I really want our village to have functioning fountains, which will not only give aesthetic pleasure, but will also have a beneficial effect on health and well-being. residents and guests of our area!


  1. http://www.mirfontanov.ru/fountain_history.html - the history of the creation of fountains

How many interesting things are around us.

At all times, people have decorated their homes with flowers. And we have a lot of flowers in our house, which are placed on window sills, shelves and even stand on the floor. They require a lot of attention: watering, spraying. Some require a lot of water, others a little. Once I noticed that the earth in flowers dries out very quickly. Mom said that the air in the house is obviously rather dry. I wondered if it was possible to humidify the air in the house and thereby help the plants?

Ways to humidify the air in the apartment.

There are many ways and devices for air humidification. Household appliances that increase the humidity in the air in the home are beautiful and effective, but very expensive. there is folk methods humidification of air in the room. Most of them boil down to the fact that water must evaporate naturally. These can be open containers of water or a damp cloth. However, for this method of moisturizing to bring a noticeable result, you need to regularly moisten the cloth and add water to the container. The amount of evaporated liquid will be small, which means that it is necessary to hang more than one piece of cloth and put more than one container with water. Should I turn a room into an exhibition of vessels with water and wet pieces of cloth? I suggest using a model of Heron's fountain for humidifying the air.

Fountain of Heron.

Even the ancient Greeks paid attention to the miracle of nature - springs. They decorated the springs with greenery and flowers, and covered them with stones. The water flowed in a trickle, and it was convenient to fill the dishes with it. IN ancient Rome began to build artificial springs. This is how the first fountains appeared.

The ancient Greek mechanic Heron of Alexandria created the most ingenious fountain in design. It consists of three vessels: the upper, open A and two spherical B and C, hermetically closed. The vessels are connected by three tubes.

When there is a little water in A, the ball B is filled with water, and the ball C is filled with air, the fountain begins to act: water pours through the tube from A to B, displacing the air from there into the ball B; under the pressure of the incoming air, the water from B will rush up the tube and spill over the vessel A. When the ball B is empty, the fountain ceases to function.

Assembling and testing the model of Heron's fountain.

I tried to create a simplified construction of Heron's fountain at home. Instead of balls, I took two plastic bottles, vessels B and C, from under carbonated water with a capacity of 1 liter, with two holes in the lid and bottom. A flat vessel was made from the bottom of a plastic bottle with a larger capacity. Instead of glass tubes, I took nylon tubes from the medical system of transfusion of solutions. Vessel A was connected to vessel B using a tube, and vessel B was also connected to vessel B using a tube. Vessel B was connected to vessel A, in which a special device was made to obtain a jet. She placed all three vessels at different levels one above the other. Vessel C is filled with air, water was poured into vessel B, and water was poured into vessel A to the level of the device for forming a jet. Water is poured through a tube from A to B, displacing air from there into vessel B; under the pressure of the incoming air, water from B moves up the tube and a fountain jet is formed. When all the water from vessel B is poured into vessel C, the fountain ceases to function.

Houseplants will benefit from my fountain.

By placing the structure of the fountain next to the flowers, we significantly improve the microclimate, and the flowers respond with abundant flowering. To increase the efficiency of the fountain, you can use larger bottles and increase the jet height. When vessel C is 35 cm lower than vessel B, the stream of water in vessel A has decreased. We measured the stream with a ruler - it turned out 5 cm. We tried to put all three vessels on the same level, then water from vessel B stopped flowing into vessel A, and there was no jet.

And when vessel C is lowered 60 cm below vessel B, a good stream of water is formed.

Calculation of economic costs for building a fountain layout.

This design of the fountain does not require material costs.

To make my fountain, I used used plastic bottles and a system for pouring solutions:

1. bottles of carbonated drink with a capacity of 1 liter. - 3 pieces;
2. medical system for transfusion of solutions - 1 set.

I did not take into account labor costs, since I did not make the product for sale, but as a gift to my mother. For my mother, my work, I think, will be priceless, but for me happiness and pride that this model will delight the eyes of our guests and be useful. I will be very proud when my mother tells me that I made this model of the operating fountain.

Conclusions and self-esteem.

A fountain can be built at home from improvised means.

In order for the fountain to flow, pressure is needed, and for it to appear there must be a difference in water levels.

The model of the fountain, made by me, turned out. But the work was not easy. It was difficult to design and manufacture the model itself: to make holes in the bottles and achieve a good stream of water. It took me a lot of time to work on the project, but I am very pleased with my result. And I am sure that the knowledge, skills and abilities that I have acquired will be useful to me in the future.

I believe that I coped with the task I set for myself.

Although the task was difficult, luck came to me!
I answered the questions, so I read a lot.
With a calm soul I am sending you my report.


1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. –M., 1977.–t. 27
2. Technique: Encyclopedia / Design. Series L. Yakovlev. - M .: OOO "ROSMEN-Izdat", 2000. – 399 pp. - (Children's encyclopedia).
3. Ya. I Perelman “Entertaining physics” book 2, TRIADA – LITERA Moscow, 1994.– 117p.

Chuprova Polina Petrovna,
7th grade student.


Chuprova Natalya Alexandrovna,
Physics teacher.

MOU Vosyakhovskaya secondary school
from. Vosyakhovo
