The social significance of pedagogical departments in the training of specialists in the educational system of the changing Russia [Text]: collection of articles. Art. / Ros. state ped. un-t them. A.I. Herzen. - SPb. : Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University, 2006 .-- 423 p. : ill. - From the content: The Department of Pedagogy as a Center for Innovative Activity of the Pedagogical University / A. P. Tryapitsyna, E. V. Piskunova, S. A. Pisareva. The influence of the department of pedagogy on the development of educational activity in the system of continuous education / R.U. Bogdanova. History of the creation of departments of pedagogy in Russian universities in the XIX century / N. V. Karnaukh. Department in the upbringing and educational space of the university / LK Grebenkina. Department of Pedagogy as a subject educational process / V.I. Ginetsinsky. The role of the pedagogy department in solving the problem of the relationship between pedagogical science and educational practice / A. A. Kochetova. Department of Pedagogy of Smolensk state university: past and present / I. V. Baburova. The role of the department of pedagogy in continuous pedagogical education / T.V. Luchkina. Educational services for the system of continuing education as a factor in the quality of the activity of the department of pedagogy / N.I.Enalieva. Commonwealth of theory and practice in the implementation of a culturological approach: (on the example of interaction between the Department of Pedagogy and Lyceum N 101) / TB Alekseeva [and others]. Internet support of the educational process in the pedagogical magistracy as a means of training a modern teacher-researcher / A. A. Akhayan. History of teacher training at Herzen University / E. M. Kolosova. The mission of the Department of Pedagogy in the modernization of higher education teacher education / N.V. Chekaleva. Educational and research work of the department in the problem field of the history of pedagogy and education / M.A.Zakharishcheva. Problem-reflective model of pedagogical education / V. G. Ryndak. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the activity of the department of pedagogy in the conditions of modernization of education / E.E. Krieger. The relationship of scientific and educational functions of professional pedagogy as a factor in the development of professional pedagogical education / S.M. Markova. The role of the pedagogy department in the professional training of the future teacher / GA Karakhanova. Traditions and innovations of pedagogical departments in training personnel for general education and higher education / V. I. Revyakina, E. N. Mikhailova. Teacher training for rural schools in terms of the program of modernization of pedagogical education / V. N. Pravdyuk [and others]. Preparation of future teachers for the implementation of the activity approach in the pedagogical process / T. A. Chernikova. Professiological knowledge as a basis quality update pedagogical education / E. V. Balakireva. Formation of scientific research competence of a teacher as a priority direction of the activity of the Department of Pedagogy IPKRO / E.V. Nabieva. Logic of building tasks for intermediate certification of students on pedagogical courses / I.E.Kondrakova. Master's education: some aspects of development / L. I. Lebedeva, I. S. Batrakova. Organization independent work undergraduates in a pedagogical university / O. V. Akulova, L. K. Naumova. On the polysemy of the concept of "pedagogy" / N. A. Vershinina. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of pedagogical education / N.F. Radionova... Theoretical prerequisites for the development of a conceptual model of the system of practical training of students in a pedagogical university / I. A. Bochkareva. Methodological training of teaching staff and the development of the system of pedagogical education / S. A. Ermolaeva. Department of Pedagogy at the University as a Center for Research Work in the Field of Media Education Problems in School and University Pedagogy / L.A. Ivanova. Classification of indicators of the development of professional knowledge and skills necessary for media teachers educational activities / A. V. Fedorov. Professional pedagogy and didactics in the structure of modernization of pedagogical education / N. M. Aleksandrova. Research on education and general vocational training students of pedagogical universities / Z. And Vasilyeva. Methodology of a systematic approach and ways of scientific research in the field of didactics / GD Kirillova. Prognostic potential of the scientific school of Professor E. G. Osovsky / T. I. Shukshina. Activity of the Department of Pedagogy on the organization of scientific and pedagogical creativity of students / S. Yu. Shalova. The place of pedagogy in the professional development of a modern student / I. V. Gladkaya. The contribution of the pedagogy department of a regional university to the development of domestic pedagogical science and practice / I.A.Churikov. - ISBN5-8064-0918-X: 78.00 rub.
BBK74p3 (2Ros) + 74.03 (2)

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Modernization of the education system is invariably associated with the rethinking of theoretical and methodological ideas, principles, content and methods teaching activities... It was this process that put us before the need to comprehend the interaction of existing systems and a special didactic system for the development of auditory perception, which is based on a systematic approach to teaching.

In this regard, in our study, the systematic approach acts as the initial methodological position. In this logic, we will consider the interaction of both didactic systems. Classical systems theory contains the idea that all systems, mechanical and organic, are composed of a set of interacting systems.
Development modern science is urgent task time. Any science cannot develop without a system. Therefore, the various fields of science that use systems research represent a wide and constantly evolving field of scientific knowledge.
However, the system is not a product of modernity. System, consistency, systems approach arose in the history of human thought along with the development of society, its culture, according to the founder and theorist of the general theory of systems L. von Bertalanffy. He argues that systems theory is applicable in modeling, in particular in biophysical and other processes. In the mainstream of these systems, the development of cybernetics, social sciences, information theory, theory of games and decisions took place. This means that general systems theory is a conceptual analogue of any science and pedagogy, in particular. Any model cannot be created haphazardly. Therefore, modeling and the system are inextricably linked. General systems theory, systems approach represents the methodology of any modeling.
Philosophers point out that there are differences between general systems theory and the systems approach. With the help of the general theory of systems, the foundations of a systemic study of any type are formed, when general laws, universal principles,
which can refer to any system. At the same time, the general theory of systems is not always applicable to a separate real phenomenon, to a smaller system, to a subclass of systems. In this case, it is advisable to use a systematic approach as a methodology.
The systems approach, according to E.G. Yudin, is a general scientific, not a special scientific methodology. At the same time, the methodological effectiveness of the systemic approach, like any general scientific methodology, is measured by how much it is capable of playing a constructive role in the construction and development of specific research subjects, i.e., its applicability to a certain type of study objects.
An example is the interaction of the teacher training system and a special system for children with hearing disabilities.
The systems approach is increasingly penetrating pedagogy. There is not a single significant phenomenon in pedagogy that is not considered from the position of a systems approach. In the field of surdopedagogy, the systematic approach has not yet found its sufficient reflection. Therefore, a systematic approach to the creation and understanding of the didactic system for the development of auditory perception determined the methodology of our research.
The significance of the systematic approach is that it allows us to identify the components and connections, the structure of the system, the interaction of the part and the whole, the development of the phenomenon as a whole. Hence, the interaction of elements in the system is a form of interconnection, interaction, relationship. The system cannot exist without this. This means that the system and interaction are interconnected. They directly and indirectly affect each other.
The category "interaction" is a philosophical category that reflects the processes of objects' influence on each other, their mutual conditioning and the generation of one object by another. Interaction is an objective and universal form of movement, development, determines the existence and structural organization of any material system. " This understanding of the category of interaction is reflected in the Universal Encyclopedic Dictionary.
A more detailed formulation of this category is offered in the Philosophical Dictionary, where interaction is considered as a process of mutual influence of bodies on each other by
transfer of matter and motion, universal form and changes in the states of bodies. Interaction determines the existence and structural organization of any material system, its properties, its unification along with other bodies into a system of greater order. Without the ability to interact, matter could not exist. In any integral system, interaction is accompanied by the mutual reflection of the properties of each other by the bodies, as a result of which they can change. There are many forms of interaction in the objective world. These include the "General sphere of phenomena", "Movement", "Change", "Functional dependence".
Scientists characterize interaction in different ways. V. G. Afanasyev considers this phenomenon as a form of communication between systems. This point of view appeals to us, because we are interested in
the interaction of two systems - the learner, aimed at preparing the future teacher, and the teaching, related to the system, which the future teacher will implement in his practical activities in working with children with hearing disabilities.
In the works of A. N. Averyanov, I. I. Zhbankova, Ya. L. Kolomensky interaction is considered as a process. The process of interaction is characterized by the presence of regular connections between systems, the coexistence of two systems, the impact of coexisting systems on each other.

NF Radionova considers interaction as the interconnection of actions, which assumes that the action of one side generates the action of the other, and those, in turn, again the action of the first.
According to E.S.Zair-Bek, pedagogical design is associated with human relationships, which are realized in the process of pedagogical interaction.
Analysis of the existing formulations allows us to conclude that interaction is related to both material and conditional phenomena, both to static and dynamic processes, both to long-term and short-term relationships, to both the living and inanimate world ... Interaction is characterized and always associated with integrity, unity, system, with its structure, properties, movement, development, influence. At the same time, interaction is considered as a process and as an activity, when both of these moments organically merge. Hence, it is legitimate when in the literature (philosophical, pedagogical), interaction is understood as interaction, relationship, interconnection.
The regularity of interaction as a process is due to the presence of objective properties in material systems. Signs, conditions; the presence of certain conditions, one of which is a real communication channel; the repetitive nature of the process (beginning, steps, pace, scope of implementation, time of implementation) and the presence of a stable repeating result.
In contrast to the philosophical understanding of interaction, which is understood as the interaction of natural, social phenomena, laws, processes that determine human behavior,
ways of thinking, communication, learning, education, own development, pedagogical interaction covers only subjective mutual influences.
Thus, pedagogical interaction characterizes only one of the sides of the philosophical understanding of interaction. Interaction processes are observed in both living and inanimate nature. But, one way or another, they are influenced by a person in those forms, types, conditions that a person needs. But at the same time, interaction can be carried out without human intervention. We are interested in pedagogical interaction.
In our study, pedagogical interaction is considered as a process of mutual influence of subjects, their activities and the relationship of didactic systems.
The greatest contribution, from our point of view, to the theory of interaction was made by N.F. Radionova, who believes that the interaction

teachers and schoolchildren should be considered as developing and developing. According to N.F. Radionova, organizing interaction means “ordering, connecting in a certain way all its components (purpose, content, methods, forms of organization, results and positions of teachers and schoolchildren in relation to the specified elements of the process to each other), them into a unity that ensures the achievement of goals. This ordering can be carried out in the form of interrelated actions, interconnected activities, joint activities and interpersonal communication at the level of the school collective, its individual associations, and the personal level. It can be spontaneous and purposeful, external and internal.
Thus, pedagogical interaction is a process, activity, mutual influence of two subjects of the educational process.
NF Radionova considers interaction as the interconnection of activities, where the subject of activity is interaction. Interaction can be based on different types relationships: joint activity, "division of labor", cooperation, subject-subject relationship. In this case, the relationship between the teacher and the student can be built from the standpoint of functional-role and personal relationships. Interaction can act in different formsah (individual, group, collective) and options (teacher - a group of students, a group of teachers - a group of students, etc.). Interaction as a special type of relationship appears as a process of information exchange, which represents the content of interaction in the form of a practical one.
We are interested in the interaction of two systems - the teaching one, which is implemented by the future teacher and the student, which is mastered by the student in the process of studying at a higher educational institution.
In this aspect, we consider didactic interaction from the standpoint of preparing a future teacher as a learner in terms of mastering general pedagogical and special didactic systems, that is, both as an object of professional training and from the standpoint of a teacher capable of realizing didactic interaction with students in accordance with the content of a special didactic system ...
Thanks to this form of movement, development of matter, as interaction, a person learns the phenomena of the surrounding reality, realizes the needs for self-development, self-education and education in general.
So, interaction is understood as the process of influence of people on relations with each other in different types life activity.

To disclose the interaction of systems, it is necessary to consider the concept of "system". A system as a phenomenon of a dialectical process is an interaction, an interconnection of elements characterized by internal orderliness and relative stability. The relative stability of the system remains within certain boundaries of its development. The connection between the elements of the system represents its structural structure. Therefore, any system can act as its element, i.e., a subsystem, or in a more extended form - a system.
The role of dialectics in the development of systemic research is to create a theory of systemic opposites and a theory of interaction between existence and change of various systems. Thus, Yu. A. Urmantsev uses the law of unity and "struggle" of opposites as an initial methodological principle, as well as dialectics as a whole as a doctrine of development. His theory of systemic opposites is based on categories such as system and chaos. Harmony and disharmony, symmetry and asymmetry, polymorphism and isomorphism, change and preservation, dependence and independence, nationality and rationality, etc. ...
We consider the pedagogical system as the interaction of two didactic systems through the activities of the subjects of the educational process in the form of teachers and future teachers, the probabilistic and dynamic nature of which is due to the motivational determination of the behavior of its participants. The nature of this determination is determined by the subject content of the motives of the participants in pedagogical interactions.
For the existence of educational activities, certain organizational, technological structures are required that interact with each other. Maintaining an organizational subsystem requires the interaction of its components,
including the interconnection of four internal components:
goals of the organization - the planned results of the activities of the participants, adequate to the goals of training;
the structure of the organization of the system of actions ordered in a certain way, representing a set of interrelated roles, ordered relations;
technologies of the organization that determine the program-target coordination and the sequence of operations of the educational process;
organization of employees performing specific job responsibilities.
The pedagogical system is based on the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process, the pedagogical activity of a specific teacher, educator, student. This activity is

purposeful nature and is based on the laws and patterns of the pedagogical process, is realized through the content with the help of certain methods, special and specific techniques and teaching aids.
For our research, it is important to reveal the systemic, procedural nature of the phenomenon "Development of auditory perception", which includes two mental categories - development, perception.
In pedagogy, development is understood as the accumulation of quantitative changes and their transition into qualitative ones; improvement of existing and acquired personality traits, implementation
genetic fund and mental activity as a result of education and upbringing in a narrow and broad pedagogical and social sense.
Auditory perception is the perception of speech and surrounding sounds by the human auditory analyzer. Hearing in the pedagogical process acts as a diverse and multifunctional systemic phenomenon. It can serve as a source of knowledge, the basis for mastering speech and its production, is the basis
for the functioning of learning technology, for mastering the content. In the case when there is a hearing impairment, which is a systemic impairment, the activity of the auditory analyzer is possible when mastering special techniques for the perception of speech and sounds of the environment. We believe that auditory activity as a systemic phenomenon is a set of actions to activate one's auditory potential, physical (genetic) code, combined with the assimilation of specific techniques for accepting speech and surrounding sounds by an individual with hearing loss. This is the formation of a new principle of the auditory analyzer's activity in terms of listening to sounds of speech and the environment. This principle of activity is based on the active participation of preserved hearing in the process of speech perception and support of this process with a visual analyzer. Auditory-visual perception with an increase in the share of auditory perception is the most effective process that ensures the vital activity of children with hearing loss.
Thus, by the development of auditory perception, we understand the complex act of perceiving speech and sounds of the environment by a disturbed auditory analyzer as an auditory activity, as a result of which there is a qualitative change in perceived objects (speech, non-speech sounds), clarification and improvement of these objects by means of sequential differentiation of sounds from simple to complex, developing the act of listening and educating auditory attention to the sounds of speech and the sounds of the environment.

The development of auditory perception is purposefully carried out in the educational process, an essential part of which is a special didactic system for the development of auditory perception. This system is organically included in the pedagogical system of teaching children with hearing disabilities.
Currently, in regulatory documents, definitions such as “a person with disabilities health ".
From the standpoint of a systematic approach, a special didactic system is part of the pedagogical system, has all its features, but it solves narrower specific goals and objectives.
The didactic system for the development of auditory perception is characterized by its own goals, objectives, principles, methods, content and technology, the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process. Hence, we consider it as a special didactic system.
In our opinion, a special didactic system for the development of auditory perception in children with hearing disabilities is a system of scientific and practical
concepts covering the learning process with its characteristic object, subject, content, peculiar principles of teaching, specific technology for the implementation of content, with distinctive feature use of generally accepted methods and forms of organizing the learning process.
A special didactic system for the development of auditory perception in children with hearing disabilities has a systemic quality. She is developmental
hearing acuity, expanding the ability to accept information, developing the student's mental activity. The development of auditory perception as a special didactic system "permeates" the entire educational process correctional school Type II, as it is implemented in special classes, general education lessons, educational activities. In system additional education the development of auditory perception is carried out inadvertently. However, the informal way of developing acuity
hearing is possible, especially in cases where the acquired skills are consolidated in the learning process.
The pedagogical and special didactic systems function in a single educational space.
Thus, we believe that the systematic approach represents the methodological basis for modeling the interaction of teaching and learning didactic systems, which is implemented in the process of training a teacher-defectologist at a university.

List of references
1. Afanasyev V. G. Scientific management of society. System research experience / V.G. Afanasyev. - M., 1973 .-- 520 p.
2. Bertalanffy L. von History and status of general systems theory // Systems research. - Moscow: Nauka, 1973. - pp. 20–38.
3. Zair-Bek E. S. Pedagogical landmarks of success / E. S. Zair-Bek, E. I. Kazakova. - SPb .: RGPU im. A. I. Herzen, 1995 .-- 234 p.
4. Radionova NF Interaction between the teacher and senior students. - L .: LGPI im. A.I. Herzen, 1989 .-- 57 p.
5. Radionova NF Educational standards / Innovative processes in education. Integration of Russian and Western European experience // Materials of the international. seminar. - SPb: RGPU im. A. I. Herzen, 1997. - pp. 27–46.
6. Universal encyclopedic Dictionary... - M .: BSE, 2002 .-- 1550 p.
7. Urmantsev Yu. A. Beginnings of general systems theory / System analysis and scientific knowledge. - Moscow: Nauka, 1978. - P. 7–41 p.
8. Philosophical Dictionary. - M .: Politizdat, 1987 .-- 589 p.
9. Yudin EG Methodological nature of the system approach // System research. - M .: Nauka, 1973. - S. 38–52.

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Radionova Maria Sergeevna

Department: Clinical psychology and psychotherapy

Position: associate professor (full-time)

Academic degree: PhD in Psychology

Experience of scientific and pedagogical work: since 1996.

Pedagogical experience: since 2000.


Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, specialty - psychologist, teacher of psychology (1994), PhD defense in specialty 19.00.01 "General psychology, history of psychology" at the Research Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education (1997).

Additional education

At the Center for Psychology and Psychotherapy F.E. Vasilyuk, attended a cycle of psychological counseling and psychotherapy programs. Graduated from the 3-year program of Lopukhina E.V. training cycle on psychodrama. Participated in the course on process psychotherapy A. Mindell. Participated in the training program on Jungian psychotherapy K. Kesh. She has a certificate of an advanced training course in the cycle "Fundamentals of Forensic and Medical Psychology" at the State Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after V.P. Serbian.

Academic disciplines

Pathopsychology (bachelor's degree, specialty)

Addictive Behavior Psychology (BSc)

Psychological prevention of addictive behavior (specialty)

Leadership of coursework and theses (specialty)

Research work (specialty)

Scientific interests

Psychological aspects of addictive behavior; psychology of pregnancy and childbirth; study of various aspects of the effect of drugs in the treatment of personality disorders; the application of fairy tales, metaphors and elements of theatrical art in psychotherapy

Practical interests

Addiction psychotherapy; psychological and psychocorrectional work with pregnant women and women in labor; diagnosis of personality disorders

- Filippova E.V., Baenskaya E.R., Budinaite G.L., Bulygina M.V., Venger A.L., Gavrilova T.P., Goncharova E.L., Dmitrieva D.V., Kalina O G., Kedrova N.B., Libling M.M., Morozova E.I., Nikolskaya O.S., Obukhov-Kazarnovitsky Ya.L., Paponova A.I., Radionova M.S., Tomilova A V.V., Ulanov M.A., Fazleeva A.M., Fedunina N.Yu. and etc.Child and adolescent psychotherapy.Textbook and workshop / Moscow, 2015. Ser. 61 Bachelor and Master. Academic Course (1st ed.)

Radionova M.S. Fairy tale group in a neuropsychiatric sanatorium //Clinical and special psychology... 2016. T. 5.No. 1 (17). S. 127-147

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Pedagogical process - one of the main categories of pedagogy, which has not yet received an unambiguous interpretation in science. The pedagogical process is, on the one hand, a model, abstraction, theoretical generalization, reflecting the principles, laws, and features of promoting human education. On the other hand, this is a manifestation of the real interaction of subjects - teacher and learner, teacher and student, educator and pupil.

« Traditionally, the pedagogical process is understood as specially organized, purposeful, consistent, systematic and comprehensive impact on the student in order to form a personality with given qualities. However, such a definition not only identifies the pedagogical process with the activities of the teacher, but also does not reveal the mechanism for changing states, acquiring significant variable characteristics. Progressive understanding ... is the consideration of the pedagogical process as a two-sided one, as a joint activity of teachers and pupils, aimed at achieving a specific goal. " Based on this position, we will define the pedagogical process as a purposeful process of promoting education and human development, carried out by adapting the cultural experience of humanity into the cultural experience of a student, pupil in specially organized pedagogical conditions. Summarizing the results of many studies, as noted in the previous section, V.A. Slastenin defined the pedagogical process as a consistent solution of pedagogical problems that arise in the real process of interaction between a teacher and a pupil, a teacher and a student. The essence of the pedagogical process lies in the purposeful and organized interaction of an adult and a child.

Interaction in this context is seen as an exchange of activities and "personal funds" of a teacher and a pupil.

The exchange of activities is carried out through the relationship between the activities of teaching and learning, the activities of the educator and the pupil; their joint activities; cooperation, presupposing the achievement of the set goals as expected results.

The exchange of personal funds is carried out through a monologue, a dialogue, during which the birth of new knowledge, the value coordination of positions, the formation of a positive emotional background and psychological comfort take place. An exchange of personal funds can be viewed as a “meeting different worlds”- Adult and Child. teacher and learner, teacher and student, educator and pupil.

Process in the generally accepted sense means: 1) successive change of states, the course of development of something; 2) a set of sequential actions aimed at achieving a certain result.

By the time of the implementation of the pedagogical process, we can talk about different time stages of a person's life: the stages of general and vocational education, the academic year, a certain thematic period of the training course, the school day. A person finds himself in an organized process quite early, getting into a nursery, kindergarten, general education school, vocational school. The pedagogical process also covers postgraduate education, as well as the education of people of the third age.

Determination of the process by concrete historical time manifests itself in a variety of ways, first of all, by its conditionality by a certain culture, formed and recognized by this society. This, in turn, determines the characteristics of the interaction of subjects and the values \u200b\u200bthat underlie them, as well as the content on which it is built.

The pedagogical process is implemented in a certain space of class, school, society. Therefore, the pedagogical process can be considered as the integration of processes, interaction of teachers with students, parents, the public, children's organizations, etc. to achieve the set goals (N.F. Radionova). Like any social phenomenon, the pedagogical process experiences and uses the influence of various socio-cultural factors that determine changes in the goals, content, relations of the pedagogical process. At the same time, the creative potential of the pedagogical process makes possible its positive impact on the environment, the circumstances in which it takes place. This phenomenon was defined as the pedagogy of the environment.

Procedurality manifests itself in a different way. It is associated with the possibilities and characteristics of the development and transformation of both the process itself and the interaction of subjects. The interaction of a teacher and a student, a teacher and a pupil in the pedagogical process, we can consider through a system of various connections: functional-role, interpersonal, as well as positive or negative influence subjects of the pedagogical process against each other.

The given theoretical provisions, revealing the multidimensional nature of the pedagogical process, convince of the complexity of understanding this category of pedagogical science. M.A. Danilov wrote in this connection that the objects of pedagogical science are not a direct reflection of reality. They are the results of certain processes of generalization, schematization, idealization. Therefore, when studying pedagogy, it is necessary to remember the difference between the objectively existing observed pedagogical process and the theoretical object of pedagogical science. So far we are only at the beginning of the most interesting way of comprehending the pedagogical process and, as an initial level of understanding, we will fix the following: the pedagogical process as a process of promoting human education is a purposeful, two-way process that forms a variety of relationships, connections and results of the teacher and student, teacher and student, educator and pupil.

SLASTENIN. - M .: Publishing House MAGISTR-PRESS, 2000, p. 208

The peculiarity of the modern professional activity of a university teacher lies in the fact that the true meaning of the purpose of the teacher's activity is returning: leading, support, accompanying the student. Help each student to realize his own capabilities, enter the world of culture of the chosen profession, find his life path - these are the priorities of a modern university teacher.

In the traditional model of education, such attributes of a person and her psyche as consciousness, activity, subjectivity, attitude, purposefulness, and motivation are not in full demand, therefore university teachers turn to such a phenomenon as facilitation. In Western human history, this phenomenon was revealed in the works of K. Rogers in the last century. In our time, the essence of the term facilitation - the actuation of numerous interaction situations - is considered in one of the monographic studies of R.S. Dimukhametova. He identifies such attributes of the concept of "facilitation" as truth, openness, acceptance, trust, empathic understanding. Facilitation performs the functions of stimulating pedagogical activity, the principle of teaching and managing the educational process, which contributes to the constructive interaction of the subjects of the educational process [Dimukhametov, 2006].

The teacher-facilitator provides pedagogical assistance and support to students, which is expressed in increasing the productivity of an individual student or a group of students. This support is soft, undirected, not imperative, but nevertheless causes certain changes in the student's personality. Providing such support, the teacher encourages the student to realize their ideas in concrete actions as forms of manifestation of the subject's activity, the responsibility for which is borne by the subject himself. This kind of undirected influence of the teacher on students contributes to a change in mental activity (increase the level of creativity), perception, shifts in emotional manifestations. The teacher-facilitator puts students in the position of assistants, companions on the path to finding joint solutions, gives students complete freedom in this search and the right to choose their own decision. At the same time, the function of a teacher-facilitator is realized as pedagogical support of self-knowledge of students on the basis of establishing value-related connections between subjects of interaction while maintaining their personal uniqueness and integrity.

The professional position of each teacher changes in the course of interaction. Thus, representatives of the St. Petersburg scientific school (V.A.Kozyrev, N.F. Radionova, A.P. Tryapitsin), in addition to the teacher-facilitator, highlight the following positions of the teacher, which consist mainly in accompanying and supporting the student's activities.

The teacher is a consultant. The essence of the proposed model is that there is no traditional presentation of the material by the teacher, the teaching function is implemented through consulting, which can be carried out both in real and remotely. Counseling focuses on solving a specific problem. The consultant either knows a ready-made solution that he has to offer, or has a way of doing things that point the way to solving a problem. The main goal of the teacher in such a learning model is to teach the student to learn.

The teacher is the moderator. Moderation is an activity aimed at revealing the potential of a student and his abilities. Moderation is based on the use of special technologies that help to organize the process of free communication, exchange of opinions, judgments and leading students to make decisions through the implementation of internal capabilities.

Moderation is aimed at revealing the student's inner potential, at identifying hidden opportunities and unrealized skills. The main methods of work of a teacher-moderator are those that encourage students to take action and activate them, identify their problems and expectations, organize a discussion process, and create an atmosphere of comradely cooperation. The teacher-moderator acts as a mediator who promotes the establishment of relations between students.

The teacher - tutor provides pedagogical support for students. He develops group assignments, organizes group discussions of any problem. The activity of a teacher-tutor, as well as a teacher-consultant, is aimed not at reproducing information, but at working with the student's subject experience. The teacher analyzes the cognitive interests, intentions, needs, personal aspirations of each. He develops special exercises and tasks based on modern communication methods, personal and group support, thinks over ways of motivation and options for recording achievements, determines the directions of project activities. Interaction with tutors is carried out through tutorials, afternoon seminars, self-help groups, computer conferences.

The tasks of the teacher-tutor are to help students get the most out of their studies, follow the progress of their studies, provide feedback in the process of completing assignments, conduct group tutorials, advise students, maintain their interest in learning throughout the study of the discipline, ensure the possibility of using various forms of contact with him (personal meetings, e-mail, computer conferences).

The teacher is a coach, which in English means a tutor, an instructor. Based on the translation of this concept, consider its functions in the educational process. The teacher-trainer acts as a teacher not just a specialty, but the mastery of a student's future professional activity, through a system of assimilating certain knowledge. The teacher-trainer helps students in passing certain training courses, in teaching, in preparing for public speaking during seminars and practical classes, making reports and presentations at educational and then scientific conferences [Perelomova, 1997].

The educational process of the university is implemented in the interaction of its subjects - teachers and students. The considered professional positions of a teacher of a modern university contribute to both the development of the subject position of the student and educational interaction generally.

The interaction of teachers with students is one of the most important ways of the educational influence of adults. The teacher, in principle, is sufficiently prepared to organize and maintain relationships with students. However, in practice, teacher-student relationships are not always optimal. This largely depends on the style of the teacher's leadership (that is, on the characteristic manner and ways the teacher performs the functions that make up his interaction with the students).

The central problem in the interaction of teachers and students is the problem of their relationship. Each of the participants in the educational process enters a social situation with some accumulated experience and cultural background. Cognitive and normative prerequisites shared by all participants are the basis for interaction.

In the field of higher education, the prevailing attitude towards all students is the same. This procedure is institutionalized. Fostering a respectful attitude towards the teacher is a mandatory rule of expecting a polite attitude from the student. A similar rule should also be followed by teachers when interacting with students. The mutual refraction of social norms and values \u200b\u200bin the minds of participants in the educational process, its understanding and reflection in the real actions of teachers and students determines the dominant of the personality-oriented approach in educational activities.

The social world of students is formed as a result of social interactions with each other and with teachers. At the same time, the symbolic environment has a decisive influence on students, since it contributes to the formation of their consciousness and human "I". From the standpoint of symbolic interactionism, the interaction between teacher and student is seen as a continuous dialogue, during which they observe, comprehend each other's intentions and react to them. To create sustainable and comfortable interaction, both teachers and students have to make a lot of effort. Thus, considering the problem of social interaction between teachers and students is a search for answers to a variety of questions: what are the conditions for the emergence of social interaction, how it develops, what needs to be done to make the interaction effective, what factors influence it, etc.

In a modern university, the role of the teacher is increasing, the range of his psychological and pedagogical influence on students is expanding. A teacher can no longer be only a conductor of knowledge and information, he must be a teacher, psychologist, psychotherapist. The success of his teaching activities and authority largely depend on this [Dimukhametov RS, 2006].

The authority of a teacher is an integral characteristic of his professional, pedagogical and personal position in the team, which manifests itself in the course of relationships with colleagues, students and influences the success of the educational process.

The authority of the teacher consists of two components: the authority of the role and the authority of the individual. If a few years ago the authority of the role prevailed, now the main thing is the personality of the teacher, his bright, unique individuality, which has an educational (pedagogical) and psychotherapeutic effect on students.

The authority of a teacher is formed at a sufficiently high level of development of three types of pedagogical skills: "subject" (scientific knowledge); “Communicative” (knowledge about their students and colleagues); "Gnostic" (knowledge of oneself and the ability to correct their own behavior).

1. The ratio of the teacher's self-esteem with the assessment of his personality by students and colleagues.

2. Ability to perceive and process contradictory and complex information, find a decent way out of a difficult pedagogical and life situation.

On the basis of psychological research, complexes of characteristics of an authoritative and unauthorized teacher were identified.

¾ high pedagogical observation,

¾ respect for students,

¾ stimulating their activity and intellectual activity,

¾ flexibility and non-standard in making pedagogical decisions,

¾ satisfaction from the process of communication with students.

¾ presence of communicative stereotypes in the teaching process,

¾ monologue of communication,

¾ failure to respect trainees regardless of their academic success.

Personality traits (in order of preference) on which the teacher's authority is based:

¾ Professionalism and deep knowledge of the subject.

¾ Ability to express your thoughts in a figurative and accessible way.

¾ High general culture and erudition.

¾ The speed of reaction and thinking.

¾ Ability to defend and defend your own point of view.

¾ Ability to use expressive (non-verbal) means.

¾ Ability to understand the psychology of the student, his merits and demerits.

¾ Attentiveness towards the interlocutor. Kindness and patience.

¾ Austerity combined with justice.

¾ Psychological stability and resourcefulness in difficult situations.

¾ Neat appearance.

Qualities contraindicated in teaching include:

¾ Arrogance, rudeness, ill will;

¾ Narcissism;

¾ Mentoring;

¾ Shyness;

¾ Slow reaction, conservatism;

¾ The desire to suppress the student;

¾ Incompetence, laziness;

¾ Excessive emotionality, explosiveness;

¾ Lack of teaching excellence.

The creation of interaction between the teacher and the student must be guided by increasing the activity of students, establishing feedback with them, creating a friendly atmosphere for joint solution of the assigned tasks, strengthening the authority of the source of information.

Individual styles of teaching psychology.Speaking about the individual style of pedagogical activity, they mean that the teacher takes into account his individual inclinations, characteristics, his individuality. Teachers with different personalities, from a variety of educational and educational tasks, can choose the same ones, but they implement them in different ways. Let's consider the main features of the individual style of pedagogical activity. It manifests itself:

¾ in temperament;

¾ in the nature of the reaction to certain pedagogical situations; in the choice of teaching methods;

¾ in the selection of means of education;

¾ in the style of pedagogical communication;

¾ in response to actions and deeds of children; in demeanor; in preference for certain types of encouragement or punishment;

¾ in the use of means of psychological and pedagogical influence on children.

Therefore, any pedagogical experience should not be literally copied; perceiving the main thing in it, the teacher should strive to remain himself. This will not only not decrease, but will significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching and upbringing of children based on borrowing advanced teaching experience. Attempts to directly copy the advanced pedagogical experience of some teachers are futile, because such experience is practically inseparable from the personality of the teacher, and the psychological individuality of the teacher is difficult to reproduce; without it, the results inevitably turn out to be different.

Teacher guidance styles:

· Autocratic (autocratic style of leadership), when the teacher exercises sole control over the collective of students, not allowing them to express their views and critical remarks, the teacher consistently makes demands on students and exercises strict control over their implementation;

· The authoritarian (domineering) style of leadership allows for the opportunity for students to participate in the discussion of issues of educational or collective life, but the decision is ultimately made by the teacher in accordance with his attitudes;

· The democratic style presupposes the attention and consideration of the students' opinions by the teacher, he seeks to understand them, convince, and not order, conducts dialogical communication on equal terms;

· The ignoring style is characterized by the fact that the teacher seeks to interfere as little as possible in the life of students, practically eliminates himself from their leadership, limiting himself to the formal performance of the duties of transferring educational and administrative information;

· Conniving, conformal style is manifested in the case when the teacher is removed from the leadership of a group of students or goes about their desires;

· Inconsistent, illogical style - the teacher, depending on external circumstances and his own emotional state, implements any of the named styles of leadership, which leads to disorganization and situationality of the system of relations between the teacher and students, to the emergence of conflict situations.

Everyone knows that controlling others begins with controlling yourself. Everyone needs to have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir own characteristics, abilities, i.e. you need to know yourself to make your own psychological picture, learn pedagogical communication.
