To get a high yield of tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, you need to organize full care of this plant culture. High-quality watering is one of the main requirements for growing a good and fruitful crop. Tomatoes without timely watering grow small, dry, with a thick peel, not at all the result that every summer resident achieves. How to organize the correct watering of greenhouse tomatoes and with what devices.

General rules for the organization of irrigation

To begin with, there are generalized recommendations for watering tomatoes in open ground, as well as in a greenhouse.

First of all, I would like to note that this vegetable culture fully develops exclusively in moist soil, but at the same time it prefers dry air.

In order for the watering of tomatoes to be of high quality, it is not recommended to loosen the soil immediately after irrigation. Better to cover it with mowed grass. This will keep moisture in the soil for a long time and prevent its rapid evaporation.

Water only in the root zone

Watering tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse or any other building material is carried out under the root system, trying not to erode the soil. It is also highly undesirable for moisture to get onto the deciduous system.

It is forbidden to water the foliage - only in the root zone

How often to water tomatoes in the greenhouse? This process is recommended to be carried out in the morning or evening. And the temperature of the water used for irrigation should be within 22-25 ° C. Therefore, in the cool season, do not be lazy, and heat the water to the specified values. This approach will help improve the ripening process of the plant and increase the number of ovaries.

Irrigation of seedlings during the day can lead to foliage burns (especially in summer), which will reduce potential fruiting.

When a vegetable begins to bear fruit en masse, during this period it is necessary to provide the culture with abundant, but not too frequent watering. Regular, but not plentiful irrigation leads to a disruption in the normal development of fruits and to a decrease in yield. At this stage, it is best to use drip irrigation when growing tomatoes and cucumbers.

In the event that your greenhouse shelter is erected from polycarbonate canvas, humidification is carried out twice a week. If we talk about the norm of watering tomatoes in a greenhouse, then it is 5 liters per bush.

It is highly undesirable to use tap water as a liquid. For these purposes, either a liquid that has been settled for three days or rain is perfect.

VIDEO: How to water tomatoes and help pollination of tomatoes

Frequency of soil moisture

From the frequency with which the introduction of water under the roots of a plant of this group will be carried out, the assimilation of nutrients and trace elements by them and, accordingly, fruiting depends largely. When the vegetation grown in greenhouse conditions receives all the necessary microelements, and moisture indicators reach the border of 90%, this will ensure a timely and high yield.

How to properly water tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse? First of all, it is worth noting that irrigation activities are carried out no more than twice every 7 days.

Increasing the frequency of application of the liquid will help curl the foliage. Hence, the deficiency of trace elements that the plant receives through the leaves and, as a consequence, a decrease in the rate of development of seedlings and a decrease in the volume of fruiting.

Many gardeners place a water tank directly in the greenhouse structure, which leads to an excess of moisture. Of course, this makes the irrigation process easier (there is no need to run far to fill the containers with water). In order to eliminate such consequences, experienced gardeners cover the tank with plastic wrap.

In the event that, after carrying out such moisturizing procedures, you notice that moisture is absorbed too slowly into the ground, you need to pierce it in several places. Many experienced specialists combine the processes of ventilation and irrigation, which has a beneficial effect on the development of vegetation.

The liquid application stops exactly 20 days before harvest. This will speed up the ripening of the fruit.

Do not forget about the need for ventilation and access to sunlight. Photosynthesis is the most important condition for plant nutrition, for the flow of which it is the sun that is responsible.

Irrigation options

Adding liquid to moisturize this vegetable crops can be done in several ways:

  1. Watering tomatoes through plastic bottles. This method is simple and cost effective. To implement it, you need to dig in a plastic bottle of any capacity with holes made with an awl near each bush. Water is poured into the open neck, which goes exclusively to moisten the root system.

Convenient and economical watering

  1. Through hoses. The most common option, but at the same time during the ripening of seedlings it is extremely difficult to adjust the water rate. And after the procedure, a crust remains on the soil. And besides, there is a possibility that plants will be damaged while pulling the hose.

  1. Bucket and bucket use. This method is excellent for organizing an irrigation procedure during the fruiting of seedlings. But at the same time, you need to choose the right bucket volume. Disadvantages - the need to carry a heavy bucket.
  2. Drip irrigation mode for tomatoes. Most suitable option introduction of moisture. It allows you to adjust the volume and frequency of soil moisture. And besides, there is no need to walk with a heavy bucket or drag a hose. Disadvantages are a waste of money.

Organization of irrigation at different stages of seedling growth

Moistening the soil during tomato cultivation depends on the stage of development of the plant.

Sprinkling seeds

The first introduction of moisture is carried out at the emergence of seedlings. The procedure is performed on the second day after most of the sprouts hatch. At this stage, it is best to spray and try to do it so that drops do not fall on the sprouts themselves.

Even small sprouts should be watered at the root.

The following moisturizing measures are carried out regularly and carefully. Drying out and waterlogging of the soil is not permissible. Once a month, the liquid is saturated with organic fertilizers.

Two days before the pick, the seedlings are watered for the last time. This helps to keep the ground moderately moist during this procedure. The first watering after picking is carried out after four days.

In order to improve the growth of the root system, the pre-growth pots are placed in trays. This approach will stimulate the elongation of the rhizome and its full development. After the first introduction of liquid into the soil after a pick, the moisture saturation schedule is reduced to once every 7 days.

How to determine an excess or waterlogging of the soil

To organize the correct application of moisture, it is necessary to understand how moist the soil is at the time of the procedure.

A vegetable crop does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, as well as its drying out. Therefore, it is very important that tomatoes are received strictly required amount moisture.

In the event that the foliage of the seedlings twists along the central vein, and in appearance resembles a "boat", then this indicates a lack of moisture in the soil. In this situation, you need to add liquid to the ground, slightly loosen it up and mulch.

When the stem of the plant and the fruit cracks, this indicates the presence of excess liquid in the ground. If the problem is not solved, this will lead to a decrease in yield and to a deterioration in the taste of tomatoes.

Now you know how to water quality tomatoes in a greenhouse. With the advice above, you can grow good seedlings and get a high yield.

VIDEO: Tomatoes - watering, garter

Every gardener knows that growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is very convenient and proper care you can get enough early harvestif it's a seasonal greenhouse or even have this vegetable on your table all year round... But tomatoes, although they are familiar to us vegetables, native to our territory, can still be capricious. To get a good greenhouse harvest, you will need to make a lot of effort, and pay special attention to watering - first the seedlings, and then water the plants with high quality during the flowering and fruiting period.

Growing tomatoes is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Although today there are various hybrid varieties that grow quickly and are not susceptible to many problems and diseases, they require special conditions in the greenhouse. The optimal greenhouse climate is observed when the soil moisture does not exceed 85%, and the air moisture does not exceed 50%. All these nuances depend on the watering processes. Watering tomatoes in the greenhouse follows a specific schedule. Every gardener knows that plants absorb vitamins and minerals better if they come to him in liquid form. Therefore, ordinary water is not enough here. It is necessary to prepare a special solution - this is watering and feeding at the same time. Why is it necessary to know the measure and not overdo it in this lesson? Excess moisture for a tomato during flowering and fruiting can lead to the vegetable losing its juiciness, becoming sugary, and instead of dried juice, we get ordinary water. In addition, the fruit itself may burst and fall, due to waterlogging and an excess of water, without ripening. The plant itself - the stem, the leaves, being in conditions of constant excessive moisture, can also crack or get sick with fungal diseases. The fungus multiplies very quickly in a humid environment and is quite difficult to deal with. But you should not rush to the other extreme - watering tomatoes in the greenhouse is quite rare. Too dry soil will also not benefit the plants. In such conditions, the fruits of the tomato will crack and be affected by rot. This is a fairly common problem and many farmers know that such a disease can destroy an entire crop in a few weeks.

Therefore, in order for your tomatoes to grow correctly, and you can get an excellent harvest, it is necessary to irrigate the seedlings in the greenhouse according to a certain system, observing all its norms. There are generally accepted facts and rules to take note of. Water the tomatoes in the greenhouse regularly, abundantly, but not often. What does this mean? Forget about watering your seedlings every day. Plants will not withstand such an excess of water and will die. Excessive watering of tomatoes will lead to the fact that the temperature indicators of the soil will fall, and the humidity of the air will rise sharply. For a tomato, this is simply fatal, inflorescences and already existing fruits will die. Therefore, firmly understand for yourself that you need to water the tomatoes 2 times a week. Watering should be abundant, do not spare water, or better yet, prepare a vitamin solution.

Top dressing for tomatoes is important not only when the plant is in a seedling state, but also during flowering and fruiting. Tomatoes in a greenhouse grow and develop slightly different principles than on open ground... Therefore, it is necessary to treat them somewhat differently. You can alternate between watering and feeding. The main thing is that the soil has a high level of moisture absorption, then the dressing will go deep into the roots of the plant, and not spread in a puddle over the surface. For one watering, up to 5 liters of water can be poured under each plant. After feeding for the first time, observe the plant for several days. So you can understand whether the plant liked the vitamin solution or whether it is not suitable for your tomatoes and then it needs to be changed.

Watering rules and technique

Tomatoes in a greenhouse live their own life and develop according to their own system, which is different from other vegetables. Therefore, you should not think that the irrigation system for tomatoes and, for example, cucumbers, is the same. In addition, the period of flowering and the appearance of the first fruits makes the plant very sensitive to environmental conditions. Practice shows that it is necessary to water tomatoes in a greenhouse exclusively at the root or in grooves specially created for this purpose between the rows. Do not water the plant on top of the bush. Try to make sure that not a single drop of water gets on the leaves or fruits. The point is that under the influence sun rays, destructive processes can form in wet leaves and fruits in a few days, which are known to all gardeners under the name late blight. This is a real disaster for tomatoes, which will destroy them in one week.

The period of both flowering and fruiting is the most crucial for obtaining an excellent tomato harvest. It is necessary to water the tomatoes exclusively with pre-separated water, and it should be the same temperature as the ground in the greenhouse. These are approximate figures of 25-26 degrees. You should not water the tomatoes during fruiting with water directly from the hose - it will be too cold. Thus, you can cause serious damage to the roots, which will affect the process of their growth and assimilation of nutrients, and also make the soil very cold. This is detrimental to plants, and then it makes sense to grow them in a greenhouse. Many experienced gardeners say that the most effective watering of tomatoes is carried out with the help of rainwater. It is distinguished by its softness and the presence of carbonic acid in its composition. But, of course, it is not always possible to use such water. Therefore, in order for tap water not to harm the tomato with its increased hardness, it is necessary to prepare a special solution: just add a little compost or manure to it. It will not only be soft water, but also a natural, absolutely harmless top dressing.

If the weather is clear, sunny, it is necessary to water the plants in the greenhouse early in the morning, when the sun is not so active, or in the evening after it sets. In cloudy weather, tomatoes can be watered at any time. But it is better, of course, if you develop a system: you will water the plants at certain times and certain days. If tomatoes in the greenhouse lack moisture, then their leaves darken very quickly - in a few days - become lethargic. Pay attention to these symptoms. Remember that in the seedling state, tomatoes need one amount of water, but when the fruits appear, the liquid consumption needs to be increased. Each plant will have enough moisture in a volume of 3-5 liters.

Watering tomatoes correctly during fruiting in the greenhouse can significantly increase your yield, make it better, more flavorful and incredibly tasty. Therefore, if you want your efforts not to go to waste, follow the rules and regulations for growing tomatoes and then you will certainly be rewarded for your efforts and diligence.

Well organized watering tomatoes in the greenhouse will allow you to get the maximum yield from each planted bush. The moisture requirement of tomatoes differs as the plant grows, which should be taken into account when adjusting the watering intensity.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse at all stages

The optimum temperature for irrigation water for tomatoes is 20-23 ° C. In hot weather, water should be pre-cooled, if it is heated above 23 °, in cold weather, water must be pre-heated. Tomatoes do well when the soil is moist and the air in the greenhouse is dry. When installing the irrigation barrel in the greenhouse, cover it with a film or lid to avoid moisture evaporation.

Basic rules for watering tomatoes

  • Watering should be done under the roots.
  • Avoid getting water on the leaves.
  • The best time to water in the heat is in the morning.
  • Watering should be uniform.
  • Tomato foliage should not curl or sink between waterings.
  • Avoid overflow, in which the leaves begin to evaporate droplets. Working as lenses, the drops cause burns at air temperatures of 30 ° C and above.
  • The optimal irrigation water is rainwater. You can collect water under drains and use it for watering tomatoes.
  • Organic fertilizers are added to the water for irrigation once a month.
  • The greenhouse is ventilated after each watering.
  • To avoid cracking the soil, the soil in the beds is mulched.

Watering seedlings

The first watering is carried out the next day after the mass emergence of seedlings. It is best to gently spray the soil to keep moisture out of the plants. Subsequent watering is done in moderation, but often, making sure that the soil does not dry out.

In greenhouses for seedlings, a dosage for watering is used in the amount of about 5 ml for each plant. During transplanting, watering should be abundant, about 5 liters per plant, and after transplanting seedlings to greenhouse beds, it is not watered for about 2 weeks.

Watering before and after picking

Two days before the pick, the seedlings are watered for the last time. This achieves optimum soil moisture. After picking, watering is not performed for another 4 days. Optimal irrigation doses: 4 l / m2 before flowering, 10-12 l / m2 after flowering.

Watering tomatoes during fruiting

During this period, abundant, but rare watering is needed. The optimal flow rate for each watering is 1 bucket of water per bush. The frequency of watering in greenhouses is once a week. If the penetration of moisture to the roots is difficult, the soil is pierced in several places with a pitchfork, without damaging the roots.

Watering tomatoes before harvesting

Watering is stopped three weeks before harvest to speed up the ripening of the tomatoes.

How to diagnose watering quality

The appearance of tomato bushes and fruits can signal that the irrigation process is not properly regulated. With a lack of moisture, the leaves on the bushes will begin to curl, as in the photo below. In this case, the soil should not only be watered, but also loosened and mulched.

With excessive watering, the fruits begin to crack, as in the next photo. The abundance of moisture causes, by the way, a deterioration in the taste of tomatoes.

If you are using surface watering, you can easily determine the time needed for the following: As soon as a crust forms on the soil, water immediately.

Ways to water tomatoes in a greenhouse

Drip irrigation

With this method, water is supplied directly under the roots in small doses and has time to be well absorbed by the soil. Leaves are excluded. In general, this is the most beneficial method if you maintain the right amount of moisture for each shrub. One of the main advantages of the method is extremely low labor intensity, especially if automatic watering is used in the greenhouse.

Watering with a hose

Not the best way to water tomatoes in a greenhouse: it is difficult to control the dosage, it is easy to damage the plants when the hose is pulled, it is difficult to work with a heavy hose in a large greenhouse, a crust is easily formed on the ground.

Bucket watering

The most time consuming method, since you have to manually move the entire volume of water. In this case, the dosage is easy to observe, but the disadvantage is the formation of a crust in the beds.

Watering from plastic bottles

The method is also manual, but has the advantage that moisture reaches the plant roots without forming a surface crust. For watering, the caps are unscrewed at the bottles, the bottom is cut off and pressed into the ground with the necks down towards the roots.

In order to provide good harvest tomato at the end of the season, it is necessary to ensure correct and timely watering of the seedlings. When growing this vegetable crop in a greenhouse, certain rules should be followed, as they require a special approach to care. In this article, you will learn how

water the tomatoes

in the greenhouse, in what ways it can be done, with what frequency, and at what time of the day it is best to do it.

Growing features

To answer the question: "How often to water tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse?" you need to know about some of the features of growing tomatoes. This vegetable crop grows best of all in the southern regions, as it loves the sun very much.

If you plant tomatoes in middle lane or in northern latitudes, it is best to do this in polycarbonate greenhouses. Thus, during cultivation, it is possible to maintain a more stable air temperature, humidity, cover the seedlings from wind, dew, and protect them from excessive moisture ingress into the ground during rains.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse will create the right optimal conditions for the growth of a vegetable. One of the problems in growing tomatoes is the preparation of planting material. After the seedlings are planted in the ground, it will only be necessary to properly care for the bushes, so that the tomatoes begin faster, starting a more intensive growth.

Video "Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse"

A video about the features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse.


Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse involves several factors. To do this, you need to water the seedlings regularly and depending on the stage of growth of the bush. It is also important to determine the most appropriate time to water, the frequency of the procedure, and pay attention to the variety of methods that can be used to apply water to the soil.

Watering at different stages of development

It is very important to understand how much water needs to be applied to the ground at different stages of tomato growth.
If, after planting the tomatoes, you do not water the soil, then there is a great risk that the seedlings will not be accepted. It will gradually begin to bog down, the root system will quickly weaken, and it will take a long time to recover. Therefore, it is very important after planting to provide favorable conditions so that the bushes quickly get used to new conditions, moving into intensive growth.

Before planting, it is also advisable to moisten the soil a day, and apply top dressing in one week to improve the properties of the earth.

Tomatoes require the most water during growth, until the flowering period, when the plant is gaining more green mass, preparing for fruiting. During the emergence of fruits, the need for moisture will be constant, and much will also depend on the variety of tomato. To get a good harvest, you need to ensure correct and uniform watering at all stages of tomato growth, as well as constant access to sunlight.

The ways

Experienced gardeners know that tomatoes need to be watered at the root. It is necessary to prevent moisture from getting on the surface of the foliage, as this can provoke diseases. Polycarbonate greenhouses are often equipped with special irrigation systems that prevent cold water on the leaves.

The drip irrigation system is very effective. It allows cold water to be applied evenly closer to the root system. Also, this method is very economical, since moisture will not get on the ground where there is no vegetation. Also, the drip system will not compact the soil when watering, and the gardener will not need to loosen it regularly. Experts recognize that drip irrigation is the best. There are other systems with a similar operating principle.

Mechanical methods are still common. You need to be more careful when using these methods.

Hose watering often produces a high pressure of cold water. This leads to the fact that the soil near the bush is broken, the bottom layer of the earth is compacted. Water will flow worse to the root. Also, a strong jet can damage it, and spray will fall on the entire plant. For this reason, be sure to monitor the water pressure. When watering with a hose, it is more difficult to calculate the required amount of water for each tomato bush.

Mechanical irrigation takes significantly longer and requires more energy than others.

When the humidity rises in a polycarbonate greenhouse, ventilation must be done. Musty air, which is often found between the rows of tomatoes, directly affects the growth of the crop.


After planting seedlings in the ground, you need to water it often - on average, it is enough to pour 4-5 liters per bush. After that, you can wait about 10 days until the next watering. During this time, the seedlings must take over and adapt to new conditions.

Then the seedlings should be watered as the topsoil dries out, periodically loosening it. Usually you need to water 3-4 liters of water per bush every 2-3 days. Otherwise, you should focus on other related factors. In hot weather and low humidity, more water can be injected, and the frequency should preferably be increased. It's important to avoid over-watering so that the plants don't start to rot.

When an ovary appears on the tomatoes, and the fruits begin to ripen gradually, it is enough to limit watering to 2 times a week. Not much water is required, but it needs to penetrate the ground to a depth of 20 centimeters. At this point, sunlight is more important so that the tomatoes can pour and ripen faster.

Subject to correct watering you can achieve a good harvest at the end of the season.

The best time to water

It is advisable to choose the most suitable time for proper watering. This is best done early in the morning or in the evening at sunset. This is because the sun will not dry out most of the moisture entering the ground.

When growing a tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse, watering time is not important. You can decide on this immediately after planting the seedlings in the ground in order to correctly and timely water in the future.

Lack or excess of moisture

Tomatoes are moisture-loving plants, but they tolerate drought, which is very common in summer. Novice gardeners should know that young seedlings should be watered more often and more abundantly than during the ripening of the fruit. You can understand by the appearance of the seedlings whether there is enough water in the ground.

If the tips of the upper foliage on the bushes begin to dry out and curl, then this means that there is not enough moisture. Therefore, urgent watering is needed, and it is possible to add additional fertilizing to the soil. If there are signs of rotting on the lower part of the stem or foliage, then stop watering or reduce its intensity. When the fruits of a tomato begin to ripen, then with an excess of moisture in the ground, they begin to crack.

Also, a large amount of cold water at the root system can lead to the development of late blight on seedlings, which can lead to the death of the entire crop within a week.

Video "About watering tomatoes in a greenhouse"

Video on how to properly water tomatoes in greenhouse conditions.

It is important to know how to water your tomatoes in a greenhouse. This determines whether nutrients reach the plant roots. If they do, the vegetable will begin to develop correctly and give a good harvest, which is what the gardeners are trying to achieve.

General rules

  • Tomatoes prefer moist soil, but dry air. Loosening the soil after watering is not worth it, it is better to mulch it with mowed grass.
  • Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse should be carried out under the roots, without eroding the soil. Avoid getting moisture on the leaves.
  • How to water tomatoes properly? It is better to carry out the process in the morning, and it is important that the plants do not lower or fold the foliage between waterings.
  • When the weather is cool, it is best to warm up the water. In hot weather, the water temperature should be 23 degrees.
  • If tomatoes are irregularly watered, the leaves begin to slowly evaporate moisture. As a result, tomatoes overheat when the temperature reaches 30 degrees.
  • During fruiting, watering tomatoes in the greenhouse should be abundant, but not too frequent. Watering often in small doses will negatively affect the plant, so it is recommended to use the drip method.

In a polycarbonate building, watering is carried out 2 times a week. 5 liters of liquid should be applied to the plant. The best option - the use of rainwater, however, it is quite difficult to store it in the required amount, so you can use ordinary water.

How often to water

It is important to know how often you need to water your tomatoes. The assimilation of nutrients by the plant and, accordingly, the yield depends on this. If the greenhouse plant receives microelements in full, and the soil moisture reaches 90%, the fruits will receive everything necessary for development.

How to water tomatoes properly? Firstly, watering is carried out no more than 1 time a week. If you increase the frequency of application of the liquid, the leaves begin to curl. You should not spare the water, a bucket of liquid should be spent on the bush. It should be cool - 18-22 degrees.

A barrel of water is often placed in a greenhouse, which can create excessive moisture. To prevent this from happening, the barrel is covered with a polyethylene film. The ideal option is to use drip irrigation.

When water is applied at the root, the plant should not be sprayed. Sometimes moisture penetrates the soil too slowly. In this case, you should pierce the soil with a pitchfork in several places. Immediately after watering the tomatoes in the greenhouse, it is necessary to open all the doors and vents for ventilation. You can simplify the task by installing automatic watering. 20 days before harvesting the fruits, the introduction of moisture should be stopped - the ripening of vegetables will accelerate.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Watering methods

During fruiting, watering can be done in several ways:

  • Using plastic bottles. This method is simple and economical. Near each bush, a plastic bottle without a lid with a cut bottom is dug into the ground. As a result, water will evenly flow to the roots, and not wasted on moistening the soil.
  • With a hose. The method is traditional, however, it is difficult to dose water during the maturation of crops. It is unsafe to extend the hose over long distances: the seedlings can be damaged. The method is inconvenient because a crust forms on the soil.
  • With a bucket and bucket. The method can be used during fruiting. But it is important to choose the right bucket - it must be of the required dosage. The disadvantage of the method is the need to transport heavy buckets, in addition, a crust can form on the surface of the ridges.
  • Drip irrigation. In this case, physical activity is absent, and the top layer of the soil retains its structure. The moisture application rate depends on the settings and the selected variety. Water is supplied in small portions.

Watering at different stages of development Watering seedlings

Watering tomatoes in the open field at the first stage is after the emergence of shoots. This must be done the next day after the mass emergence of seedlings. In this case, it is recommended to spray. The procedure should be carried out carefully, moisture should not get on the plants.

Watering dived seedlings

Two days before picking, the seedlings are saturated with liquid for the last time. This means that during the dive, the soil will be saturated with moisture, but not too much. After picking, watering is not needed for 4 days.

In order for the root system of seedlings to be well developed, they are placed in containers with pallets. So the roots will tend to get moisture and begin to elongate. After 5 days after the dive, the ground must be watered. Then a moisture saturation schedule is set - once a week.

Signs of excess and lack of moisture

It is necessary to strive to ensure that the tomato receives the strictly necessary amount of moisture. Culture does not like lack and excess of water.

  • If tomato leaves curl along the central vein, as a result of which a "boat" is formed, this indicates a lack of moisture. In this case, it is necessary to shed and loosen the soil, to mulch it.
  • Watering tomatoes abundantly in greenhouses will lead to cracking of the stem and fruits, and will also negatively affect the taste of the crop. Overflow will also affect root development.

In order for the liquid to flow in the right volumes, it is recommended to use the drip method.

  • In a polycarbonate structure, the seedlings need to provide moderate watering. For each plant, it is enough to add a teaspoon of moisture. The water should be enriched with a manganese solution.
  • How much moisture do tomatoes need? It depends on the weather: less when cloudy, more when hot.
  • When do you need to apply moisture under the tomatoes? The process is carried out as the soil dries up. If a crust has formed on it, it's time to water.
  • How much water is required outdoors? In this case, the crop is watered infrequently, but abundantly.
  • In the process of the appearance of the ovary, it is better to use the drip method, since the earth during this period should always be moist. From the beginning of flowering, the soil should be moderately moist.
  • In hot weather, watering is carried out early in the morning.

You may also be interested in the article in which we talk about the reasons for the appearance and how to eliminate the appearance of spots on the leaves of tomatoes.

How to properly care for tomatoes (video)

Now you know how often to water tomatoes and what rules to follow. Remember: Tomatoes are a moisture-loving crop, but overflowing will not do them good either.

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Watering plays an especially important role in growing tomatoes. With proper soil moisture, ninety percent of full crop maturation is achieved. Based on the observations and experience of vegetable growers, every beginner will be able to use a number of recommendations on how to water tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse correctly. In addition, it will be useful to know what allows you to get high yields in greenhouse conditions.

    Non-shielded microclimate in the greenhouse

    How to ensure high-quality watering of plants in a greenhouse?

    The dependence of watering on the stage of plant growth

    Possible ways glaze

    What is the best time for watering greenhouse tomatoes?

    What to do with a lack and excess of moisture?

    Useful advice from gardeners with many years of experience

Necessary microclimate

This issue must be dealt with first. On fine summer days, the humidity in the greenhouse is in the range of sixty to eighty percent. On hot, dry days, its indicators drop to around forty percent. When rains alternate with drought, they rise to ninety percent.

These values \u200b\u200bindicate that greenhouse tomatoes must be carefully moistened, taking into account their condition, the microclimate inside the building and practical recommendations. If the irrigation procedure is performed incorrectly, the water exchange of the plant will be disrupted - the ratio of the moisture received by the seedling and its consumption. The water balance must be maintained so that evaporation through the green mass is offset by root uptake. When the root processes dry out, a moisture deficit is formed, as a result, the leaves and stems wither.

With an excess of moisture in the greenhouse, physiology is disturbed in the plant organism, the pollination process does not occur, diseases develop, powdery mildew, brown spot, rot. Excess condensation on the walls of the structure impairs lighting, contributes to the development of harmful microflora.

It is important to remember that although tomatoes need watering, they cannot stand high humidity. Dry air is required for their full development.

Many people think that a lot of water is needed to develop the root system of tomatoes. It is impossible to fill them, but it is also unacceptable to forget that the culture that is grown in closed ground will disappear without moisture.

Wet soil provokes root rot, plant death, and dry soil - a meager ovary with small fruits. Twisted leaves indicate insufficient moisture in the soil.

How to ensure high-quality watering of plants in a greenhouse?

The basis of this procedure is:

  • Number of waterings
  • Consumption rates
  • Required humidity in the greenhouse and in the soil
  • Maintaining optimal humidity levels
  • Implementation of useful recommendations
  • Suitable methods
  • Best time of day
  • Optimum water temperature

In order for the culture in the greenhouse to fully develop, it is necessary to maintain the optimal indicators of air humidity - 50-60%, soil - 90%. These parameters can be achieved if you know how many times to water tomatoes in the greenhouse and how much water. The procedure is carried out regularly - once or twice every seven days. Each bush of water needs up to five liters.

To control the humidity in the room, the gardener should purchase a hygrometer. The moisture of the earth is checked simply - by firmly squeezing it in the hand. It is characterized by - light compaction, giving to any shape. The lump of earth quickly disintegrates, which indicates good moisture.

It is also important to perform watering strictly in the root circle. The water caught on the shoots, leaves provokes burns under the influence of sunlight, the occurrence of diseases.

It is water that is the engine of life processes in the plant. It is she who carries nutrients to all organs of culture. With its lack, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted, vitamins, minerals are not distributed correctly. Moreover, they turn out to be useless and even harmful. The culture stops growing and, as a result, there is no flowering, no ovary, the long-awaited fruits are not formed.

The volume and quality of the crop depends on watering. Insufficient moisture of the seedlings after planting in the greenhouse leads to their poor development, they may not survive until fruiting. An excess of moisture provokes a rapid growth of green mass, and the roots remain underdeveloped due to oxygen starvation. In this state, they are unable to properly nourish the plant, as a result, the flowers fall off, the ovary is scarce, small fruits ripen badly and for a long time.

The regularity of watering also plays an important role in growing greenhouse tomatoes... After long breaks between procedures, the culture does not bear fruit well, after frequent breaks, ripe fruits crack.

The dependence of watering on the stage of plant growth

In the cultivation of greenhouse tomatoes, it is necessary to achieve a balance of soil moisture with the temperature in the greenhouse and light. The plant's need for moisture at certain stages of the growing season is also important. You need to know how to properly water tomatoes in a greenhouse, taking into account their biological characteristics.

To reduce the level of humidity, the number of waterings is reduced, the room is ventilated, the air temperature inside is increased.

To increase the humidity, the number of irrigations is increased, spraying of rows, plants, heating devices, roofing (if it is glass) is carried out.

The creation of optimal humidity is correct - regular, timely watering, the achievement of the humidity indicators necessary for the full development of the vegetable in the room, taking into account ventilation.

Throughout the growing season, the culture uses water in different ways. The moisture content of the earth should not fall below eighty percent, not rise above one hundred percent.

Tomato seedlings need moderate (2-3 liters), but frequent watering. The plant needs strength to adapt, it must take root, develop good roots. With a weak root system, it is not able to absorb the required amount of moisture for proper development. With a regular flow of water, it should not be allowed to stagnate under the surface layer of the earth.

At the stage of active growth of the main stem, the mode of water application changes. To feed and develop new shoots, the bushes are rarely watered, but abundantly (once every five days). A dry layer of soil at a depth of up to five centimeters will tell you about the need for moisture. If the watering frequency is not changed, only superficial root formation will occur. They, in turn, will not be able to fully nourish the entire ground part of the plant.

It is important to water greenhouse tomatoes at the stage of ejection of flowers and fruit setting. Over-saturation of soil with water has a detrimental effect on the plant. The flowers may fall off or the ovary may not form. Therefore, the soil moisture regime is regulated up to once every seven days, the rate is five liters for each bush. In the root zone, the soil should be moderately moist. If it is constantly wet, only the number of waterings is reduced (three times every two weeks), the volumes remain the same.

In the phase of redness, ripening of fruits, the culture does not need frequent moistening. It will be enough once every ten days with a consumption of ten liters per square meter. They get rid of stagnant moisture by airing. It should be remembered that the bushes are not in a draft.

In the last days of July, watering the tomato in the greenhouse is reduced. At this stage, the lower stems have already been freed from the fruits, pinching of the tops of the shoots is carried out to stop the growth of the stems.

In the last month of summer, the fruits complete ripening, the lower leaves on the bushes fall off. Humidification of tomato plantings at this stage is significantly reduced - eight liters per square meter... If there is constantly wet soil under the bushes, the taste of the fruits will be watery, they will crack, they will not tolerate transportation due to defects.

For the ripening of greenhouse tomatoes, which are at the tops of the stems, watering is stopped completely.

Possible watering methods

There are several methods for moisturizing crops in a greenhouse:

  • Hands - with a watering can

Yes, the method is difficult, especially inconvenient for older gardeners. But it is easy to control the amount of water poured out. Only the root zone of the bush is moistened with it, so that the spray can be removed from the spout of the watering can. There is nothing complicated when using a bucket, it is impossible for them to exceed the dosage. Its minus is that a crust appears on the ground, which must be constantly loosened, but it is better to just mulch. Watering with a hose is intended for large areas; vegetable growers resort to it most often. Its disadvantages: it is not possible to use warm water, when watering you cannot control the volume of water poured out, damage to the bushes occurs when the hose is moved, an unwanted crust also appears. Do not use the hose sprinkler method on tomatoes

  • Drip

It is carried out by a drip system - the method is the most optimal, with obvious advantages - saving water, increasing productivity, the land in the bush zone is not salted, nutrients are not washed out of it, no time or additional effort is required from a person, therefore such work can be performed when free time appears.

Less way - the purchase is costly, funds are needed to establish

  • Budget option - using ordinary plastic bottles

Several holes are made in the lids, the bottom is cut off. The bottle is buried in the ground so that the neck is at a depth of fifteen centimeters, and at a distance of twenty centimeters from the tomato bush and with a slope of forty degrees. The water in the bottle penetrates directly to the roots in a measured manner and in certain doses.

The advantages of this method: easily accessible, simple in execution, there is no overconsumption of water, which is supplied purely for the intended purpose, humidity does not rise in the greenhouse structure, as a result, the likelihood of infectious diseases in plants is low. In this case, you need to make sure that the container is emptied gradually, and this depends on how many holes are made and what size they are

  • Auto

Designed for industrial scale cultivation of crops. Such irrigation on a private plot requires serious financial investments, but automatic irrigation is provided throughout the entire growing season of the crop. With the help of such a system, sprinkling (unacceptable for tomatoes), drip moistening of the soil and subsurface irrigation are carried out.

Advantages of the method: moisture goes directly to the roots, there is no risk of disease. In addition, the programmed timer delivers the required amount of water and only at certain times. Continuity, uniformity, no manual labor is required, autonomous mode allows irrigation with water at the required temperature.

Whichever method you choose, you should avoid getting water on the stems and leaves.

What is the best time for watering greenhouse tomatoes?

The optimal time for such an event is early morning or late evening. The greenhouse effect is not created due to the absence of direct sunlight, moisture does not evaporate, increasing the humidity in the greenhouse, but is quickly absorbed by the root system.

Experienced gardeners prefer morning watering, because evening watering can provoke the onset of diseases. The maximum moisture intake of plants falls during the period from twelve to fourteen hours. If morning watering is impossible, evening watering is best done two hours before sunset.

What to do with a lack and excess of moisture?

Each plant, with improper care, signals its poor health. For tomatoes in dry soil, curl upwards. Then they dry out and fall off, and an insufficiently moistened culture will not be able to survive the lunchtime overheating in the greenhouse.

You should not immediately fill the bush. The soil near the roots must be moistened gradually, adjusting the regularity and the necessary volumes of water.

Drying of leaves after the establishment of an irrigation regime can signal a lack of nutrients. In this case, fertilizers are applied.

Constantly wet soil provokes the emergence of late blight in tomatoes, fusarium, alternaria. With the wrong choice of water temperature, late blight occurs, which threatens to lose the entire crop. Roots, lower stems begin to rot, cracks appear on tasteless fruits. In this case, the amount of water and the number of irrigations are reduced.

For beginner gardeners who decide to grow tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses, it will be useful to know that:

  • An overall container with a large volume of water installed in a structure must be tightly closed so as not to provoke an undesirable increase in humidity due to excessive evaporation
  • The ground around the bush, which does not absorb water well, is pierced with a pitchfork
  • Watering is carried out with open doors and transoms to restore air circulation
  • In the greenhouse, loosening of the soil in the root zone of the plant is not recommended; it is better to initially mulch it with straw or hay
  • Temperature parameters of irrigation water in warm weather - plus 18-20, in cold weather - plus 22-24

Tomatoes are a moisture-loving and heat-loving culture cultivated in open and closed ground. She is not very demanding, but in a greenhouse she needs special care - watering is sufficient and timely. The volume, number and regularity of soil moisture depends on the local climate, the selected variety, and the growing season at the time of irrigation. These are the main components of obtaining a high-quality and abundant tomato crop in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Before deciding how often and correctly to water tomatoes in the greenhouse, let's figure out the peculiarities of the microclimate that is created inside the greenhouses.

Air humidity in summer period is approximately 60-80 % ... Exceptions are periods that are too hot and dry, when the humidity drops to 40 % ... At the same time, hot weather can alternate with rain, and then the humidity reaches 90 % .

With improper watering in the greenhouse, these indicators can be even higher, and this is detrimental to tomatoes. A feature of this culture is demanding for moisture in the soilbut prefers while dry air for the successful development of the aboveground part. It is these conditions that must be provided for the tomatoes in the greenhouse with proper watering.

Both too abundant and poor watering are harmful to tomatoes.... If there is too much moisture in the soil, the roots are unable to absorb it and begin to rot. Lack of moisture leads to active dehydration of foliage, and plants can overheat and die.

IMPORTANT. If you notice that tomato leaves have begun to curl along the central vein, it means that they lack moisture.

Soil and air moisture standards for tomatoes

Watering tomatoes in the greenhouse should provide ninety percent soil moisture and fifty percent air... These conditions are able to ensure the normal growth and development of the bush, and optimal protection from fungal diseases.

How often and at what time should tomatoes be watered in the greenhouse? In order to achieve a similar microclimate in a greenhouse, watering tomatoes must be carried out subject to the following rules:

  • you need to water the plants no more than once or twice a week, depending on the level of humidity and air temperature;
  • every bush should receive 4-5 liters;
  • you need to water the tomatoes strictly under the root, without falling on the bush... Drops of water in the sun become a kind of lenses and cause burns;
  • the recommended time is morning or early eveningso that the sun does not create a greenhouse effect and all moisture goes into the soil and does not evaporate.

IMPORTANT. Don't water the tomatoes with cold water, they get stressed out. The water temperature should be at least 23-24 degrees.

Types of watering

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse? There are several ways to organize watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse:


This method is most acceptable in small buildings... Using simple devices - watering cans or hoses - water is poured strictly under the root.

When watering with a hose, water often comes from a well and a water supply system, so there is risk of hypothermia of the roots... The disadvantage of hose watering is the inability to control the amount of liquid per plant.

It is more expedient to organize manual watering from a watering can with settled water... To do this, it is better to put a barrel next to the greenhouse, which must be filled with water in advance to heat it.

ATTENTION. If the barrel of water is directly in the greenhouse, be sure to close it with a lid or plastic wrap. IN open form a container with water in a greenhouse creates excessive air humidity, and this is harmful to tomatoes.


Its organization is effective in large greenhouses, since manual watering in this case requires a lot of time and effort. It is better to simplify it by building a drip irrigation system in the greenhouse. Benefitssuch watering are obvious:

  • water flows directly to the roots without evaporating from the surface and without increasing air humidity;
  • the danger of water droplets getting on the leaves, stems and flowers of plants is excluded;
  • watering can be done at any convenient time;
  • the soil is not washed out or salted.

In order to organize drip irrigation of tomatoes in the greenhouse, a special system is installed that provides the flow of moisture through special pipes to the roots... Such a system can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores or assembled by yourself. The advantage of such watering is the additional possibility of plant fertilization.

If it is not possible to build a drip irrigation system, you can use a very original and in a simple way -. To do this, bottles with holes are dug into the ground next to the tomato bushes with their necks upside down. Water is poured into a bottle and gradually flows through small holes to the roots, since one tomato bush in a greenhouse requires up to 5 liters per watering, it is better to use plastic bottles of the appropriate volume.

Another option for homemade drip irrigation is to dig a tube into the ground, onto which the bottle is put upside down. A hole is made in the bottom for water inlet. The filled bottle gradually delivers water to the roots through a tube.


Most often this method is used in industrial greenhouses, since at the household level its cost is too high. But if the owner can afford such a structure on his site, then using it most optimal.

Features of watering at different stages of tomato growth

Moisture requirement for tomatoes depends on the stage of their development... Therefore in different periods they need a special frequency of watering and the amount of moisture used.

  1. When planting, it is watered abundantly ( 4-5 liters. in one hole) and left for rooting for 7-10 days... Tomatoes do not need additional watering during this period.
  2. A week after planting, tomatoes begin to grow actively. But their root system is still weak, and is not yet capable of extracting moisture from the depths of the soil. therefore before flowering tomatoes watered two times a week, spending on each bush 2-3 liters of water.
  3. During flowering amount of moisture increase to five litersbut the frequency is cut up to once a week.
  4. Once on the bushes fruits begin to appear, the frequency of watering is increased up to twice a week... But do not pour too much water under each bush, so as not to cause waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the roots.
  5. The signal to reduce watering is the appearance of the first tomatoes starting to blush. During fruit ripening the procedure is started again once a week and a little water... Heavy watering during this period can lead to cracking of the fruit.

When to water?

When and how often to water tomatoes in the greenhouse? Gardeners do not have a consensus on this issue, but still it is recommended to be guided by weather conditions and the structural features of your greenhouse.

If the weather is warm and dry, watering time does not matter. Especially if you carry it out carefully and the possibility of sunburn of the leaves is excluded. Better to water in the afternoon, since the water is already warm enough by this hour, while in the morning it is still cool.

Watering late in the evening is also not recommended.... Since a greenhouse closed at night creates excess air humidity, and this is harmful to tomatoes.

If watering is carried out in the evening, after it, long-term airing of the greenhouse is required in order for excess moisture to evaporate and the tomatoes to remain healthy.

In wet and cool weather it is better to water the tomatoes before noon, so that the space is well ventilated during the day and the excess moisture evaporates from the air.

IMPORTANT. At whatever time you do the procedure. Leave the vents and doors open after it. If you close the greenhouse immediately after watering, excess moisture in the air will encourage fungal growth.

The correct organization of watering tomatoes when growing them in a greenhouse will allow you to get a large harvest of healthy and tasty fruits.

Useful video

You can more visually see the organization of simple and effective watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can watch the video:

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Growing a tomato requires special care: it is necessary to follow the planting rules, water it correctly and feed the plants on time throughout the growing season. For them, both excessive watering and a lack of moisture in the soil are harmful.

Watering tomatoes in the greenhouse in the morning and in the evening is not recommended. In the morning, the water is not warmed up enough, and in the evening after watering, moisture condensation on the walls of the greenhouse increases - this has a detrimental effect on vegetables. Daytime watering allows moisture to be completely absorbed into the ground, and excess moisture to evaporate before nightfall. In addition, during the day, you can control the ventilation process in case of high air humidity.

When to water tomatoes after transplanting them to the greenhouse

To obtain a high yield of tomatoes in greenhouses, some watering rules must be followed:

  • before flowering, apply per 1 sq. m - up to 4 liters;
  • during flowering - up to 12 liters;
  • warm settled or rainwater - at least 20 degrees;
  • avoid getting water on the leaves.

The first watering of a tomato after planting in a greenhouse is carried out no earlier than 10-12 days. By this time, the plants have time to take root in the soil and require abundant watering for intensive growth.

Reference! Excessive soil moisture leads to root rot disease of plants. High humidity in the greenhouse provokes the appearance of late blight.

You can artificially control the humidity in a closed ground: ventilate the room, loosen the ground, spray in hot sunny weather. In order to avoid the appearance of diseases and to obtain high yields, certain rules should be observed:

  1. Tomatoes prefer dry air and moist soil. It is not recommended to loosen the soil immediately after watering; it is mulched with grass, sawdust, and bark.
  2. Watering as carefully as possible: avoid getting water on the stems and leaves.
  3. Do not spray with cold tap water.
  4. Water every week, the rate depends on the growing season.

Watering tomato seedlings is carried out by any convenient method; organic and mineral fertilizers can be added to the water. Most often, vegetable growers practice the use of volumetric containers for settling water. They are placed in a greenhouse, covered with a lid.

After planting seedlings, the soil near the plant is watered abundantly. Rate per 1 sq. m - at least 4-5 liters. This volume is sufficient to strengthen the root system in the soil.

How often should tomatoes be watered in the greenhouse

In order not to harm the plantings, you need to add water at different stages of tomato growth in different volumes.

Advice! Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly at least a day before the proposed work.

Plants are watered especially intensively during the period of growth, flowering and fruit setting. Excess moisture during ripening leads to cracking of tomatoes, especially in tomato varieties with thin skin. In addition to watering, you need to monitor temperature regime, humidity in the room. Tomato seedlings in the greenhouse should not be placed too densely, this also provokes the appearance of diseases.

As the topsoil dries out, water is added taking into account the air temperature outside. In hot weather, plants need extra water. You can water more intensively when the first signs of a lack of moisture appear: curling and yellowing of the leaves. The soil must be soaked at least 20 cm.

Vegetable growers determine how many times to water the seedlings, taking into account several factors: air temperature, appearance plants, soil moisture.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse in cold weather

Water the vegetables very carefully in cold weather. If the soil is moist enough, no watering should be done at all.

Dry soil is moistened no more than 1 time per week. Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. When the temperature drops, tomatoes are more susceptible to disease. During such periods, it is necessary to carry out preventive procedures: to spray the plants in order to avoid root rot with the preparation "Previkur", to crush them with wood ash.

Root watering of tomatoes in the greenhouse in such weather is carried out carefully, do not allow the plants to get wet, control the level of humidity in the greenhouse.

How to water tomatoes in a hot greenhouse

When watering in hot weather, one should take into account the fact that drops of water, falling on leaves, are refracted in the sun and cause burns in plants. At this time, it is worth watering the tomatoes in the greenhouse at dusk, when the sun is no longer active.

The layer of mulch must be regulated under the bushes, it should not be less than 5 cm. This will retain moisture for a long time.

Distinctive features of polycarbonate greenhouses are high strength and increased thermal insulation. They perfectly transmit sunlight and retain heat for a long time.

Tomatoes should be watered in such greenhouses 2 times more often, because the temperatures in the room are higher than in structures with a film coating. In hot weather, polycarbonate structures must be ventilated more often than usual.

How to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse

When planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, the soil is watered abundantly with water. It is first defended. Rainwater is preferred.

To avoid stress of plants, such preparations as "Epin" and "Zircon" are added to the water. Some vegetable growers use potassium permanganate for disinfection. For tomato growth, various growth stimulants are used, they are dissolved in water and watered with each bush.

What water to water tomatoes in a greenhouse

It is categorically contraindicated to water tomatoes with cold water, this provokes plant disease. Warm and settled water is obtained by placing containers in the greenhouse. You can additionally heat it up to the required values.

The water temperature for watering a tomato should be at least 18-20 degrees. It is recommended to collect rainwater in reservoirs. It is considered the most suitable for watering vegetables.

How to water tomatoes with iodine in a greenhouse

In small amounts, iodine is harmless to both humans and plants. Such feeding has a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of tomatoes.

  1. Fruit formation is improved. Iodine stimulates the formation process, accelerates the growth and size of the tomato.
  2. Significantly improves immunity. A sign of iodine deficiency in plants: sluggish and pale leaves. Timely watering with iodine will restore the appearance and reduce the likelihood of diseases.
  3. Such "tomato diseases" as brown spot, late blight and mosaic disease in the early stages can be stopped with regular irrigation with iodine.

Reference! The first feeding of plants with iodine is carried out when the first two true leaves appear in the seedlings. In 3 liters of warm, 20-22 degrees, diluted 1 drop of iodine.

After that, tomatoes are able to withstand problems such as root rot, fungal and viral diseases.

The next iodine feeding is carried out during the period of tying the brushes on the plants. For this, 3 drops of iodine are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Watering rate - 1 liter. one bush.

In the ripening phase, a solution of 5 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water is used for irrigation. This will speed up the process and stimulate the formation of new ovaries. It has been found that when watering with the addition of iodine, the fruits increase in size up to 10 percent. To enhance the effect, wood ash and boric acid are added to the solution.

For prevention, foliar feeding is also used. For this, a solution is prepared from 1 liter of water, a glass of skim milk and 5 drops of iodine tincture. Tomatoes are sprayed in the morning or evening hours. Do not allow the solution to accumulate on the leaves to avoid burns.

Watering a tomato in a greenhouse with yeast

After planting a tomato in a protected ground, experienced vegetable growers recommend a natural remedy for feeding tomatoes - yeast. Using this recipe guarantees intensive plant growth.

After the yeast, tomatoes gain strength, the stems become powerful and firm, the leaves become wide, intense green. The root system is strengthened, fruits are intensively formed.

The recipe is simple: 1 kg of baker's yeast is dissolved in 5 liters of water and infused for at least a day. For processing a tomato in 10 liters. water is diluted with half a liter of infusion. Water the root code of each plant. If desired, you can simultaneously use herbal infusions, natural organic fertilizers.

Another recipe for making yeast feeding:

  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 100 g yeast;
  • 3 liters of warm water.

The prepared solution is left in a warm place for fermentation for several days. Before use, 1 glass of the prepared mash solution is diluted in 10 liters of water. Application rate - 1 glass per one bush.

Is it possible to water tomatoes with potassium permanganate in a greenhouse

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is used by the common people as a strong available antiseptic. Watering a tomato with water with the addition of potassium permanganate provides:

  • disinfection;
  • the formation of ions in the soil necessary for the root system;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • accelerated growth;
  • disease prevention.

To use potassium permanganate for watering and spraying should be very careful, adhering to the recommended dosage, so as not to burn the plants.

Drip irrigation of tomatoes in a greenhouse

For watering vegetables are used different methods... The most effective is drip irrigation. This method allows you to significantly save water consumption, the soil remains loose. It is quite possible to assemble a drip irrigation system for a greenhouse with your own hands.

There are a variety of drip tape options commercially available where the irrigation holes are at different distances. For each individual vegetable crop, it is necessary to choose the right option correctly. For a tomato, it is enough to put "droppers" with 10-15 cm between the holes.

In the greenhouse, the main plastic pipeto which the drip tapes will be attached. Their number depends on the rows: for each row of plants - one irrigation tape. At the junctions with the main pipe, special couplings and taps are mounted to regulate the irrigation regime. If the row with seedlings does not need watering, the tap is closed. The edges of the droppers at the end of the row are closed, fixing with special clamps or wire.

With the help of a pump, water enters the drip irrigation system and in a short time provides soil moistening in the right place, directly on the rows with plantings. Setting up such a system is easy, even a novice vegetable grower can handle the task.

With this method of irrigation, the soil is not compacted and does not require regular loosening. The earth remains light, loose, oxygenated. The new automated irrigation system "Signor Tomato" is gaining popularity. This unique device makes it easier to water and feed plants. Minimizes manual labor, allows you to control the process using special timers and sensors.

Such a reliable and proven method has long been used by summer residents for small greenhouses. Watering through plastic bottles has several advantages:

  • availability and simplicity;
  • saving time;
  • local moisture under the root of the plant;
  • low water consumption.

Empty clean bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters are cut to the desired height. The bottomless side is buried next to the plant. Water is poured into the neck of the bottle, the water is gradually absorbed into the soil directly next to the tomato.

Advice! You can optionally add fertilizer to the bottle while watering.

To prevent damage to the roots of a tomato when dropping in a bottle, it is recommended to install such an alternative watering at the same time as planting seedlings.

So that the water is absorbed as slowly as possible, another method is used:

  • holes are made in the bottle cork with an awl;
  • the bottle is filled with water;
  • dig into the ground with the neck down.

The method of watering with plastic bottleswhen it is pierced evenly from all sides. It is buried so that the neck is on the surface. For the deepest possible moistening of the soil, pipes are pre-dug in, plastic bottles are mounted on them.
