Concrete structures are considered to be the standard of strength. It affected not only the priorities of builders in many cases, but even on a massive culture. The problem is that no mechanical strength allows buildings from an artificial stone and with their separate parts to withstand the destructive action of water.


Concrete waterproofing is often carried out when repaired, construction and reconstruction work. The goal is to improve the quality parameters of the construction and increase its water resistance of various origin.

Along with rolled materials, penetrating waterproofing is widely used. It does not stop the fluid on the approach, and does the stratum of material impenetrable for it. The advantage of this option is to protect the entire surface immediately, the ability to guarantee the cover even with continuous action of water (in the pool, tank).

Rolled material is unsuitable for the protection of constantly wet surfaces. But he also has advantages compared to penetrating decisions, such as:

  • the ability to protect those walls and parts that already have cracks or may have them in the future;
  • covering brick parts not only in the surface layer;
  • protection of porous concrete;
  • fitness for finishing the foundation.

The penetrating material is mixed with water and cover the wet surfaces. Waterproofing is provided by the systematic penetration of the solution inside. Crystallization forms a continuous cover strip, guaranteeing the stability of the construction to water. The depth of seeping of waterproofing under favorable conditions can reach 0.3-0.4 m. If initially there are microscopic pores and capillaries, as well as microcracks saturated with crystals, treatment lowers water penetration several times.


Foolish waterproofing Now it is used more and more actively and successfully displaces older solutions based on bitumen. The advantage of it is that the formable coating initially has high adhesion to concrete surfaces and actually becomes uniform with them.

The most advanced variations of the coaches provide waterproof to the clamp and on the separation - they are suitable for protecting the walls of pools and tanks. Other positive parties are the following:

  • the possibility of applying in a swallowed and basement;
  • resistance to cracks under dynamic load;
  • passage passing out;
  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of using wet concrete.

Cement coating is divided into plaster and penetrating. The average flow rate is 3500 g per 1 kV. m at a layer of 0.2 cm. Such coatings can be used when protected both vertical and horizontal structures. But mineral mixtures often lack elasticity, the ability to withstand the effect of vibration.

The addition of liquid glass is used for concrete waterproofing at no less often than cement formulations.

Such processing allows you to form a monolithic circuit without a single seam, confidently opposing not only liquid, but also mold, and other fungi. Glass option Suitable for geometrically complex architectural details and hard-to-reach areas. A small light layer effectively replaces several heavy windings at once. There is no slightest risk of ignition, poisoning. The coating will not collapse even at high temperature.

Glass protection is so effective that it is used in tropical, and in Arctic conditions, and for bulk basins.

But still there are weaknesses. Thaned by liquid glass fragile film, should be covered outside with different materials. It is necessary to work with the mixture quickly so that it does not frozen prematurely. Therefore, other waterproofing compositions of deep penetration are often used along with liquid glass.

They work for the most part on such three principles as:

  • osmosis (introduction of molecules by diffuse method);
  • brownian motion;
  • surface tension of the liquids entering the capillaries of concrete.

The necessary effect is also achieved at the expense of various chemical reactions occurring in the thickness of the stone. But all this is interesting mainly to specialists, and for ordinary builders and household owners Actual is that the concrete impregnated with special mixtures remains permeable for steam. Practice shows that penetrating waterproofing is acceptable for prefabricated and monolithic structures equally. Has no of particular And resistance to cracks - just a material brand was not lower than M100.

The experience has proven that penetrating processing is effective for the following:

  • hydraulic and port complexes;
  • foundations, cellars and basements;
  • fire tanks;
  • mines of elevators, balconies, parking complexes;
  • air transitions between buildings housings;
  • tunnels and bunkers.

Penetrating insulation is made of dry mixtures, on the basis of which a single-component binding solution is mixed, or with the help of ready-made liquid reagents.

Strictly speaking, liquid glass and liquid rubber Refer to the same category. Dry waterproofing attracts the attention of builders by the fact that it will not require complex equipment or sophisticated work skills. Except for this rule are only rolled coatings. Concrete dry mixture easily sticks to any surface, but after drying can be covered with cracks.

The solution is formed from fractions less than 0.5 cm. The chemical base is quartz sand and some other mineral substances with additives of polymers. In addition to protection against water, such compounds help to make a stronger wall. Again, the steam mode of construction is not disturbed. With the help of dissolved waterproofing, it is possible to insulate the foundations for the depth of the soil.

The impregnating waterproofing system is attractive in that it can be used selectively on those constructive elementswho are experiencing a particularly powerful load. It is allowed to use both on completely new and on the already used objects. Most often for impregnation take bitumen or synthesized resins.

Attention: Despite the relative simplicity of the method, the best results are achieved when using finished products manufactured at the factory. With all the desire, ensure comparable indicators using the sealant directly on the construction sites, it does not work.

Scope of application

Waterproofing of the surfaces of concrete floors is required for such elements as:

  • the gaps separating the belt base from the pole basement;
  • carrier parts of the foundation;
  • plate ceiling.

Apply waterproofing or bottom, or on the external walls. In most cases, mixtures of deep penetration are chosen. Their goal is not limited to the blocking of capillary water movements, it is important to still strengthen the technological seams. In some situations, polymer plastering formulations are used. Sometimes it is technologically justified by combining the processing of mastic and laying of rolls, bottled on the surface and the material being introduced into the thickness.

Important: penetrating waterproofing requires great caution.

Any manipulation with it is permissible only when wearing personal protective equipment, namely:

  • impermeable points;
  • respirators;
  • rubber gloves.

It is unacceptable for the surface of dust particles and heaps. Loose concrete should be shot down. All seams and cracking places are covered with strokes so that the penetration on these sites is even deeper than in the whole wall.

The penetrating mixture is applied in two receptions, and the second processing is carried out when the initial portion grab a little, but it will not have time to dry. Further, 72 hours the finished surface will have to continuously moisturize. The slightest mechanical effects on it or a decrease in temperature to negative values \u200b\u200bare unacceptable.

Its features is to protect against water of aerated concrete blocks and structures in external work. Aerated concrete absorbs moisture extremely intensively, much more than the main construction Materials. On the walls, the required degree of isolation provides plaster with a thickness of 0.8 cm. As in the preparation of other surfaces, it is very important to remove all dirt and extraneous deposits. Maximum carefully cleaned profile ties.

Aerated concrete in front of hydrophobic treatment must be primed.

The choice of composition for this purpose is determined mainly by possible expenses and climate of certain locality. The primer is always applied at least at +2 degrees. Mandatory condition Success is to protect the cold seams of concreting. It is these sections of both aerated concrete and other species of artificial stone, are the most weak links.

The choice of the seam waterproofing method is determined by the following features:

  • category of underlying soil;
  • the magnitude of temperature drops (seasonal and daily);
  • the chemical aggressiveness of water;
  • load magnitude;
  • variant of the mobility of the seam;
  • the quality of the designed building materials and so on.

You can use acrylate composition, hydrochrapon, gel on acrylic basis and other injection mixtures. Many experts prefer to use several options at once, but each combination should be selected individually for all houses. After all, any method of insulation seam from water has both positive and negative sides. So, the swords poorly carry high hydrostatic pressure, only fixed seams can be protected.

If you want to adjust the problems that have arisen during the construction of houses from aerated concrete, foam concrete, or repair without dismantling, injection techniques are recommended.

The special technique is needed for waterproofing the joints of the floor plates under the laminate. Typical solutions are the following:

  • linking liquid materials;
  • forming a screed from waterproof concrete;
  • layout of rolls;
  • placement of polyethylene (from 50 microns only as an addition of other protection options).

Concrete bases are preferably covered with polyethylene, plug (autonomously and combined with bitumen) or EPPS.

Initially, all the joints, intersections with walls and borders of the plates are cleared. It is categorically unacceptable to leave weakened plaster or the slightest sediments of the garbage. Waterproofing is preceded by the application of deep primer. The nestling of rolled blocks is exactly 100 mm. For smoking bitumens, polymers or asphalt apply spatulas with a wide blade. A raid of plastic films to each other is 150 mm, without a plastic supplement, no protection can be considered complete.

All ties on the street are subject to mandatory waterproofing, because they are open to weather elements. In those places where the level of groundwater is very high, it is imperative to be allotted, and the tie to do the most powerful as possible. Under the waterproofing layer usually placed the rammed clay. Bituminous materials are put in three layers, with the use of polymer coatings, one line can be limited to.

Constantly wet walls, foundation, basement - how to protect yourself from this? We will tell you about relatively new on our market waterproofing mixtures, which they happen, consider the features of their use.

Previously, almost all works on waterproofing were performed using bitumen and bitumen-polymer rolled and tag materials. Over the past few years, new technologies came to our country. One of these new products became waterproofing mixtures that are becoming increasingly popular with a hydraulic protection layer device. concrete foundations, walls and basement.

There are several varieties of mixtures for waterproofing:

  • mixes for penetrating waterproofing
  • mixes for improving waterproofing
  • mixtures for plaster waterproofing
  • mixes for suture waterproofing
  • mixes for repairs of active leaks

The composition of dry mixtures for waterproofing includes cement, sand, chemical and polymer additives, which enhance the hydrophobic characteristics, frost resistance and the plasticity of the finished composition.

The leaders of the domestic market of waterproofing mixtures are Russian trademarks "Hydrothex", "Lakhta", "Calmatron", less frequently buy foreign Sika, BASF.

Waterproofing mixtures have a number of benefits:

  1. Applied on a wet or wet surface. There is no need to wait until the concrete is dry.
  2. Do not require special learning to perform work.
  3. Formulations can be applied both with external and on the inside of the building.
  4. The compositions eliminate microcracks during operation.
  5. The term of their service is equal to the service life of the entire concrete structure.
  6. Do not combustible, not toxic, environmentally friendly.
  7. Allowed for use in all sectors, including food.
  8. The waterproofing properties of the composition are preserved even with mechanical damage to the concrete structure.

Mixes for penetrating waterproofing

Waterproofing compounds of penetrating action are used in the device of the hydraulic protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. They cannot be used in combination with brick, foam and aerated concrete, since the pores of these materials are too large. In contrast to other waterproofing compositions, a mixture of penetrating action form a waterproof barrier is not on the surface of concrete, but in its thickness. The penetration depth of the composition can be up to 400 mm.

Concrete treated with this composition becomes more frost-resistant and durable, it increases sulphate resistance. In this case, air permeability does not suffer.

Mixes for penetrating waterproofing can be used in waterproofing foundations, basements, balconies, bathrooms, pools, water tanks and other chemicalsas well as underground storage.

Works on the device of the waterproofing ball can be carried out from the inside and outside the premises. For application of the composition, conventional tools and equipment for finishing works are used. The mixture is applied only on a moisturized surface. After the completion of the work, the processed concrete must be wetted every 6-8 hours for 3 days.

For a penetrating type waterproofing device, the following mixtures are used: "Lacht penetrating waterproofing" (cost 156 rub. / Kg), "Calmatron" (80 rubles / kg), "Hydrothes-y" (56 rubles / kg).

Compositions for coating waterproofing

The waterproofing mixtures of the coating type can be used when the hydraulic shore device is both concrete and brick surfaces. The thickness of the bathing of waterproofing is 2-6 mm.

There are two types of compositions: a dry mixture (one-component composition) and a polymer cement (two-component composition of a dry mixture and polymer water dispersion). The second option is used in the device of waterproofing surfaces of structures that are subject to increased formation of cracks, deformations, vibrations and sediment.

The composition is applied to a wet surface of 2-3 balls depending on the application method. Moreover, the second and third approach should be done, without waiting until the previous ball is dry, perpendicular to the penultimate.

Processed surface should be closed from direct hit sun ray for 24 hours. Finishing facing works can be carried out after 24-48 hours after the waterproofing device.

Important! Cannot be applied on top of the bulk sex and plaster plaster.

The most famous mixtures for coating waterproofing: "Lahta Refractory waterproofing" (cost 77 rubles / kg), IVSIL Vodostop (22 rubles / kg), "Alfapol go" (25 rubles / kg).

Plaster waterproofing

A simple way to simultaneously align the surface and arrange it with hydraulic protection. It can be used on the inner and outer surfaces of walls and foundations, on a dense concrete, on brickwork, on top of the already applied plaster. The mixtures provide increased waterproof, while maintaining vapor permeability.

Applied to one or more layers ordinary hand tool For finishing: spatula, spatula, cielma. To lay the next layer, it is not necessary to wait until the previous one dries, but there is a period of at least a period of at least between two arrivals. The thickness of the laying of the mixture in one occur - at least 2.5 mm. The composition is carefully smoothed in one direction.

In the process of work and after laying the surface should be protected from sun rays and drafts.

The most popular brands of mixtures for plaster waterproofing: Ceresit CR 65 (cost 35 rubles / kg), "Lachta plaster waterproofing" (54 rubles / kg), "Alith G-1" (38 rubles / kg).

Suture waterproofing

Mixtures for suture waterproofing are designed to seal joints and seams and their protection against the effects of aggressive media. First of all, they are used in pools, wells, balconies, foundations and walls.

The composition is applied to a wet surface. Before applying in embroidered gates, the solution should be applied and thoroughly close them. The applied mixture is necessary for 48 hours to protect against frost, drafts and sunlight. If there is a need, the surface is subjected to additional moisturizing and is protected by a polyethylene film. It is necessary to avoid drying.

Tile laying can be performed after 3-4 days after work.

For suture waterproofing, the following types of mixtures are used: IVSIL GIDROLINE (Cost 67 rubles / kg), "Lachta Suture Waterproofing" (99 rubles / kg), "Hydrothex-sh" (80 rubles / kg).

Comparative characteristics of waterproofing mixtures:

This table allows you to compare the main characteristics of the most popular waterproofing mixtures. With it, you can decide on their choice for the device waterproofs of your home.

Waterproofing mixes comparative new Material In the domestic market, but the demand for them is constantly growing. This is due to the constant process of improving the material, improving the characteristics and production of new types of mixtures both in our country and abroad. Mixtures and compositions for waterproofing when proper selection And drawing guarantee an excellent result.

Andrei Badovsky,

In order for the construction of the building did not cause any discomfort, at the construction stage it is worth taking care of the foundation waterproofing. What is needed for this? Limit, but it is better to eliminate the impact of moisture into the structure. For this purpose, special materials for waterproofing concrete are used.

A bit of history

As an initial waterproofing, a fat was used, which people were obtained from the internals of animals. But due to the high cost of this material I had to look for a replacement: the ancient builders began to use vegetable fats. The cheapness of production and getting a couple with high performance did their job, this material began to be used everywhere. The brightest representatives of this type of insulators - bitumen and tar. For concrete waterproofing materials of this kind have a lot important. They marked the beginning of the creation of coating and rolled technology Waterproofing.

Due to its simplicity in creating and applying, such isolation is still very popular, even though she, of course, is hopelessly outdated. Its production is pretty simple: vegetable oil Heat confused with tar. Today, new, much more modern impregnations with excellent protection indicators are used: silicone, polymer, acrylic, and so on.

As an alternative to oil-based impregnations, oligomeric isolation were developed. In their compositions, oil refining products are dominated, with which there have never been problems in Russia. Properties are similar to machine oil, the composition, by the way, too. Protection in this case is carried out using the fact that carbohydrates are practically not wetted. The minus is that such protection is applied only on dry surfaces. Buildings that are soaked in moisture during operation are not suitable for this kind of isolation, and the smell of it comes not the most pleasant - this is still a organic.

Emulsions were created from the odor of the smell of the solvent: they were uniformly wedging particles of organic substances across the solution evenly. The essence of the functional operation of the emulsions is simple: when it gets into a design with a wet surface, water sends a drop of fat deep. Inside the same concrete there is an adhesion of organic parts, as a result of which it becomes moistureproof. The most popular from emulsions - silicone and acrylics.

The materials are based on acrylic, it is difficult to call impregnations. A little polymer still remains on the surfaces in the form of a film. Acrylic styrenes, metacrips are "pumped" acrylic impregnations. This category belongs to Polyrema VD-2624, "Ceresit CT17" and some others.

Hydropobizers in their properties are similar to previous types of impregnations, but in fact they pass into the concrete deeper and the film they have much thinner. Silicon impregnations include silanes and similarities for the properties of siliconates. There are elements of silicon in their composition. The differences in the composition are quite weighty, but they are very similar to the functional action. Silicone quickly combines sand, glass, varnishes and other construction substances. These impregnations are better used when applied to a horizontal surface. The most important advantage of impregnations, which is based on Silicone, is that they, closeing the cracks, irregularities and pores in concrete and brick, form one whole with the materials of the construction.

To date, the main and frequently used materials for the waterproofing of concrete - mixtures with penetrating effect. Types of such isolation can be both liquid and powder, or as a paste. Water-soluble waterproofing mixtures penetrate the structure to a depth of 10-13 centimeters, and create a crystallized structure after contact with lime, without which the concrete simply cannot exist. As a result, severely soluble elements sent inside cracks and other defects appear in the solution. The liquid, under the action of the tension force, it is simply not able to spread between the beams of these elements. Such crystalline occupy a very insignificant part inside the pores, but perfectly protect it from the penetration of moisture. Thanks to these properties of isolation, concrete dries very quickly and gains stability to further exposure to moisture.

Trademarks of this type of isolation: "Hydrothex", "Viatron" and others. In order to absorb the impact of moisture into cracks, joints and other defects, it is customary to use Penetron's materials and consonant with it by the name "Penecrit": they consist of sand, chemical additives and cement.

Refractory insulation: Properties

It may seem that in terms of its facilities of impregnating and coating type is similar. But the mechanics of work are actually different they have. Impact insulation acts on hydrophobic exposure to cracks and other deformations. Caution waterproofing works directly on the surface.

Such materials for concrete waterproofing are distinguished by the following properties:

  • increased clutch with the material being processed;
  • high water resistance indicators;

The requirements are much and often they contradict each other: it predetermined the appearance of a huge amount of insulation and other mixtures.

There are two types of this kind of waterproofing: organic and mineral. If the cement is based on, then such isolation is supplied in dry form, packed in bags or buckets. The working condition in such a mixture is pasty, and to obtain this base, the dry composition is simply mixed with water. After the preparation of the mixture, you can begin work on it. Latex components are used to enhance the binding properties. Such insulation was called "two-component", it is sold in the form of a set (in different tars). "Promotive formulations" are also used: their task is to prevent emergency situations. A large plus of such mixtures is their rapid hardening.

Many are popular and materials are based on bitumen. It has moisture-repellent properties, so suitable for concrete. Waterproofing materials based on it contain rubber or latex compounds (these insulation is called "modified mastic").

Rolled concrete waterproofing materials also in honor. They are represented by a bitumen-polymer base applied to fiberglass or non-woven material. The upper part is usually closed by protective mineral powder, sand or simple polymer film, for the bottom of a single polymer film. For a fiberglass base, elevated elasticity is characterized, which provides greater stability in non-unault deformations. For example, the polyester can easily lend by 40%, and rolled waterproofing based on this material is often used in structures that can potentially be subjected to strong deformations.

Before applying on one or another waterproofing layer, raw material It should be subjected to primer. The total number of waterproofing layers depends on the possible force of water load. In the Russian market today you can find the domestic waterproofing of such brands as "technoplast", "glassobit", from foreign products it is recommended to use polyethylene geomembranes from NAUE.

In addition to popular water-repellent mixtures, it is often used for waterproofing and a large number of additions for concrete (waterproofing materials of this kind improve water-repellent and general physiological properties of the base). High-quality waterproofing mixtures of polymers begin their "strengthening work" after adding them to concrete fluid, filling with small cracks and possible hydro-tunnels. When choosing such additives, you need to focus on the technology of waterproofing. Some dry mixtures are used in combination with additional, increasing the functionality of the substance modifiers (plasticizers, frost-resistant additives and so on).

Information on the ratio of the dry composition of the mixture to water is usually placed in the instructions attached to the goods, so it is difficult to make a mistake.

In the process of operation and wear of concrete structures, cracks and other damage are formed in monolith. The situation is exacerbated by the environmental impact and constant contact with moisture. To increase the service life of the construction and protect the concrete from negative influence The precipitation and temperature drops, when installing concrete structures (or after the construction), the penetrating waterproofing is used, which protects cement surfaces much better than insulating mats and rolled rubberoid.

Before choosing a protective penetrating coating for concrete, it is necessary to consider the principle of operation, pros and cons of this agent.

Principle of operation of waterproofing impregnation

Penetrating waterproofing for concrete is a portland cement-based material, which includes special chemical additives (polymers, alkaline earth metals and salts). This solution to protect concrete from moisture was developed back in 1952 in Denmark, but he received widespread quite recently.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing is as follows: the protective solution applied to the concrete surface penetrates the inside of the cement mass and moves along the capillar polishes filled with water. Due to this, the moisture reformable coating is formed not only on the surface of the monolith, but also inside it. At the same time, the mixture clogs all empties without disturbing the vapor permeability of concrete.

If liquid rubber is used for waterproofing, it will be impossible to achieve such an effect. The fact is that the degreasing materials, being applied to the concrete surface (inside which the moisture already contains) form a very dense and non-breathing film on it. Because of this, there is a so-called greenhouse effect - moisture inside the concrete is converted to a pair to which it is not necessary to exit. As a result, liquid rubber for waterproofing "provokes" the formation of mold on the walls and the ceiling of construction. The lack of waterproofing has the same disadvantage.

If you use the impregnation for the penetrating action concrete, then its components will join the reaction with the cement, due to which the crystals displacing pairs on the surface are formed. When moisture remains in the concrete mass, the growth of crystals stops.

Waterproofing of the penetrating action is able to fill the concrete thickness by 30-40 cm, while the moisture protection composition can be sealing cracks with a width of up to 4 mm.

The service life of the impregnation for concrete is up to 100 years (depending on the manufacturer and the composition of the means). In turn, coating or rubber mastic retains its properties not more than 30 years. In addition, the material has a mass of other advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of penetrating waterproofing

If we talk about the advantages of the means of penetrating type to protect concrete from water, then it is worth highlighting the following advantages:

  • Waterproofing of deep penetration is suitable for almost all categories of structures (overhead and underground).
  • It is possible to apply the waterproofing material on a concrete surface even after years of operation of the structure (often such waterproofing is used in the restoration of buildings).
  • Since the material is anti-corrosion, then the reinforced concrete design will not be subject to rust formations. Protection of concrete from corrosion allows three times to increase the life of the construction.
  • Concrete does not need to be preheated before applying waterproofing.
  • Facilities for waterproofs are easily applied using a sprayer or manually.

  • Material is environmentally friendly both for people and for the environment.
  • After applying the composition, the walls do not require primer, so you can immediately apply paint for concrete and other finishing materials.
  • Waterproofing is used for temperature mode From -30 to +75 degrees, and some specialized mixtures withstand up to +105 degrees, so they are allowed to use for a hot concrete surface.
  • The waterproofing impregnation for concrete forms a strong film on the surface, which remains resistant to chemical and mechanical exposure throughout the entire operational period.

However, such protection of concrete from moisture has both definite disadvantages:

  • If it is known that the design will be subject to strong mechanical impacts that will lead to the formation of deep cracks, even when using specialized protective agents, the construction will be collapsed.
  • Not all penetrating fluids are suitable for brick surfaces, since there are no components that are missing for a reaction with bricks.
  • It is not suitable for porous concrete structures, as well as for buildings from a ceramzite concrete, Pojips, polystyrene foam concrete and other coarse blocks. Therefore, the protection of the moisture aerated concrete is rarely performed using penetrating compositions. For foam concrete, it is better to use rubber or other coating material.

To repair and protect concrete were produced efficiently, you must select best Material penetrating action.

What impregnation for waterproofing to choose

The greatest popularity today is a mixture of water and additive penetron. Such waterproofing works more active with high humidity of concrete. It also increases the frost resistance of the concrete building up to 400 cycles. It is worth such penetrating waterproofing of concrete from 300 rubles per kg.

  • Polynekrit. This composition is suitable for the processing of joints, seams and stages. The tool is distinguished by increased strength, good adhesion not only to concrete, but also to brick, natural stones and metal elements. Penekrit does not give a shrinkage and is often used together in Penetron. It costs about 250 rubles per kg.
  • Pedeplag. This tool also needs to add water. Peneplag applies if it is necessary to eliminate the fountaining lechy in concrete as soon as possible. In contrast to the analogs, this material is seized and dials the strength very quickly (for 30-90 seconds). There is also about 300 rubles.
  • Penebar. This is a good protection of concrete from destruction, especially if the monolithic cables and seams of cold type are located.

  • Ocked. Waterproofing from the Italian manufacturer is sold in a finished form and is used for both internal and external protection. Suitable for drainage systems and premises with high humidity (bathroom, shower). Used used for concrete and brick grounds. The only drawback is to apply the wall before applying the material. Also, the mixture can withstand temperatures in the range from -35 to +85 degrees, but the composition should be applied at a temperature of more than +5 degrees. Osmiol is sold in packs of 25 kg, costs 3,500 rubles.
  • Hydrotect. This "waterproofer" includes cement, sand and special penetrating additives in concrete. Thanks to special fillers, this composition can be used even for those buildings that will be subjected to a strong shrinkage and vibration. Hydrotect can be two types: hydrotex B is used for internal waterproofing, and hydrotex y - for external. Manufacturers argue that this composition is capable of penetrating into the concrete mass per 1 m.

Useful! If the construction is exposed to shrinkage or vibrations, it is also recommended to pay attention to the compositions in which Latex is present.

How to apply penetrating waterproofing

For application waterproofing material Deep penetration Perform the following:

  1. Prepare the surface. To do this, it must be cleaned from drowshes, dirt and dust. If you are working with polished concrete, it must be treated with a sandblasting solution with a solution of hydrochloric acid (proportion of 1:10). This is necessary in order for the pores to be opened. If there is a mold on the surface, then it must be treated with an antiseptic agent.
  2. Do at the base of the shots in the fields of joints and increase the crack to 2.5 cm deep and up to 2 cm wide. This will improve adhesion.
  3. If you are processed brick wall, Throughout the masonry, you need to drill the sheets with a depth of 3 cm. The distance between the spurs (drilled at an angle of 45 degrees) should be about 5 cm. After that, the recess is washed with water under pressure and filled with plaster.
  4. Moisten the surface with water using a roller or sprayer.
  5. Divide the solution as indicated in the instructions. It is better not to cook at once the whole mixture.

  1. Apply waterproofing on the wall, ceiling or floor with a conventional brush or roller. At the joints the most convenient to work with a spatula.

The compositions are usually applied in 2 layers with a thickness of 1 cm, with a break of 1-1.5 hours. The material does not need to rub or smear.

Knowing how to protect the concrete surface from moisture, you not only increase the service life of the construction, but also increase its frost resistance.
