When does a child begins to grow, do there be a deadline for this stage of children's development? Let's try to answer this question. The process of formation and development of speech is quite long. It begins with birth when mom speaks with baby. The child begins to smile and go, causing mom on the conversation. The process of forming speech is about three years. After this age, the development of speech skills begins. And the first stage of this big way is a hug.

What is bustling?

Already at the age of 2-3 months of stay in this world, Kroch is trying to speak. True, he begins with the simplest - pronunciation of vowels. Singing pull "A", "U", "O" and other sounds are very easy. The kid receives an inexpressible pleasure, trying to utter "UA", "AE", and seeing an emotionally painted adult response in response, is inspired and the new forces are started into the conversation. This game is vowels and is called humming. So the child will be done, only being in the serene rest of peace and satiety, next to mom. Up to three months, voice activity and the auditory analyzer are not interconnected. After this time, the situation changes. Kroch hears his vocalization, listens to his own sounds, repeating them.

Gradually pronounced sounds are complicated, a long chain appears, for example Amma-Ma-Am-AA. Interested in how much the child begins to go, sometimes think that the compilation of syllables also refers to the same period. It comes here the next stage of the formation of speech, which is called tinets. When heredes, the child utters vowel sounds, and when they are braced - syllables. Interesting fact: the children of all the peoples of the world at this stage make the same sounds. The most active phase accounts for 4-6 months. At this time, the child is mastered by specific nationality. So, the Chinese, Americans, Swedes, Russians can already identify their compatriot in the sounds published during the mercy. They are able to copy the intonation of others, mastering their speech apparatus.

What to do parents?

Answer the crumb, to encourage his attempt to go. On his excess "Gaaa" with a smile to answer, repeating his sounds. Clear, even sometimes extended articulation. The child will be funny to watch the parents lead the tongue or smack. He will try to repeat all movements, leading to these adults in the state of delight and dignity. Over time, conversations will be longer and more interesting: new sounds and combinations of them will appear. "Yeah, AGU, Yeah, Ama" - all this indicates the full development of speech skills. With the appearance in the mother's room or dad, the buzzing becomes louder and expressive. This proves the need to join the baby in a dialogue, stimulating the emergence of new sounds.

The first step on the way to the conscious speech of the baby will be the syllables of "AGU" and "GU", and it will happen quite soon if you help him in this. Try to communicate more often with the baby, singing him songs, sentenced fun.

There are different opinions of parents about when the newborn begins to hear. Someone is convinced that this happens only in a month of independent life. However, experts argue that the baby hears literally 2-3 days after the appearance of the light. And the speech of adults, the baby quickly begins and pursue himself in his child. The first step on the way to conscious speech will be the syllables of ASU and GU, and it will happen quite soon if you help him in this.

First attempts baby talk

And yet, when does a child begins to grow and adagge? At some, this happens in 1.5 months (and even before), others - in 3. Pediatricians believe that if the first sounds did not appear after three months, it is worth paying attention to the development of speech. Show baby Pediatrician, neurologist, Laura. It may well be that the delay is not related to specific diseases and in the near future the child will shine together with you. But it is still better to be renounced, turn to childhood doctors and exclude pathologies. It is important and timely start the treatment if the doctor deems it necessary.

When there are no serious reasons for concern, try to communicate more often with the baby, sing him songs, sentenced fun. And the child will thump. Here, for example, such quadruses:

  • Our ears can listen
  • Nose breathe, but the mouth is eating.
  • Can blink
  • Handles soon grab.
  • This finger is large, thick, let's call him - big!
  • This finger is like a pointer, and on the handle it is the second!
  • Middle finger, the longest, is located in the middle!
  • This finger is unnamed, named after it is strange!
  • And the Misinchik fifth got up, although it was small, but removed!

Different fun and sayings are a lot. Children are delighted with such echkov and listen to them with a smile.

The baby will certainly have a desire to answer, imitate the speech of adults and communicate with the closest man. And then you will definitely hear "AGU", and "Ba", and PA, and even a full "dad". According to statistics, the word that the first pronounces most of the children is "dad". And this should be taken to understanding and smile.

Do I need to teach the crumb to adhesive

It turns out yes. There are several simple techniques that contribute to the development of child's speech centers.

  • The kid uttered the first syllable, for example, "Pa", add to him still the same and tell the word "dad". In the same way, act with the syllables of "Ma" and "Ba", and the first, such important words for the baby - Dad, Mom and Baba will be practically ready for use. A little bit of hazardous, the child utters them without much difficulty.
  • Do not suck, speak with the baby as ordinary words, as with an adult, but with a softer intonation. So he will begin to memorize the correct competent speech from the youngsters.
  • Singing, use simple melodies with a repeated rhythm. Try to fulfill them for your baby and be sure to notice that the crumb is interested, began to listen, and then try to repeat the sounds of the melody.
  • Our grandparents were not in vain with us in Sokok-Crow "and" Ladushka ". It has been scientifically proven that many points developing the child's speech centers are concentrated on the palm. Also substantiated and the connection between and the features of the brain. Therefore, such, it would seem, simple games help utilize the first sounds, and then words. When the baby is aguchet, he still actively waves with handles and legs, probably from the joy of communicating with his favorite adults. This is so touching!

I agree to grieve when I'm in the mood

And do not forget another obvious rule. The desire to talk, soaring appears in a child when he is full, dressed in dry underwear and does not hurt anything. In a timely manner, satisfying these simple children's needs, you also create the mood at the kid to communicate and develop.

Closer to 6 months, the child will begin to utter more complex syllables. By the first year of life - ordinary words. While he does not know how, talk to each other, awesome. Do not forget to take pauses so that the baby has the opportunity to insert his word. Enjoy every moment of beautiful childhood pores, because it passes so fast.

Thematic material:

And do not attach too much value to the waiting for "AGU" - a few weeks earlier or a little later than familiar. It often happens that the babies arguing from the first month of life begin to clearly utter words a little later than peers who did not show such early spoken erudition.

And kids who quickly learned to be broken, do not always begin to read less than sociable peers. The main thing is to ensure that the child's development does not stand still, and there was progress. If necessary, at a later age, contact your speech therapist. And be optimistic!

After the appearance of the baby, his parents look forward to the manifestation of new skills. When do children begin to adugging? If you first say such a long-awaited word as "mother" he can not, then adhere to the baby begins fast enough.

When the baby has not yet turned month, it can only be heard from crying, without selection of tear liquid and groove. And only after 6 weeks it begins to make sounds. As a rule, these are vowels, because they are made easier. However, adults hear his first conversation training as Agukane, since pronunciation is Gundy.

What does "ASU" mean

When the baby begins to roam and adagge, then he speaks himself at the beginning of himself. Before that, the child carefully listens to foreign sound sources, and is actively trying to repeat. A little later, the child is already starting to apply Agukane as a conversation with his toys or adults. During this period, it can be noted that the baby actively makes sounds under your favorite melody. The impression is as if he sinks.

When the croche is 5 months old, and some this happens for 4 months, some consonants are joined to vowel sounds. It is easiest than the baby to pronounce their lips, so the first consonants are b, p, m. As they grow and the development of speech, as well as the formation of nervous systems, the first tintties turns into words consisting of repeating syllables.

In fact, the Agucanization process can be defined as an important effect for further formation of the speech apparatus. To teach therefore a child is specifically impossible. But the development of speech can be accelerated by tracing the baby to communicate with its surrounding it.

How to help baby

  1. As often as possible and more communicate with your child. Best of all, if mom or father will accompany any sense of explanations. It should be accepted during hygienic procedures, feeding, games. Appeal to the child must be soft, affectionate, and do not contain negative emotions.
  2. When a child begins to repeat the first sounds and words, mom should do the same, but at the same time add new ones. Since children are very well developed imitation, they will definitely try to repeat the sound. Well, if between the baby and mom there will be dialogs that are clear only by the two of them.
  3. During communication, the positive result will give simultaneous stroking and light massage of the palm. The fact is that in this place there are certain points that are directly related to the central nervous system, and are responsible for the development of speech. For the same reason, the game where the child's fingers are involved, not only develop a shallow motorcy, but also help the baby faster learn to speak correctly.
  4. Some moms when communicating with their kid prefer to suck, or a cavity of words. This can not be done. Very well contributes to the development of speech reading special children's poems, sweetes and proverbs.

What problems may be

What time do children begin to adugging? We should never forget that every baby is an individual. For this reason, not each of them begin to adversely at the end of the first month of their life, since this question is a purely personal. If you observe the children, it becomes noticeable that for one of them, after three weeks, the desires arise to say their first sounds. And the other may be pierced by nature, and will begin to talk a slightly later conventional timeline.

Strong excitement occurs at Mom, if a child stopped in a 3 month. This is not considered pathology, since sometimes the preparation of the kid to the next level of development of the speech is accompanied by a break. It should be understood that then everything will return back, but at the same time something new in the form of laughter or piscus is added. In some cases, temporary lull in the kid may be caused by an internal disease, or such an external factor as stress.

When a child at the age of eight months continues to be silent, then with this problem, you should contact your pediatrician. It is impossible to exclude that in this situation, the baby has some problems from the development of the nervous system, or a hearing impairment. Most often, the doctor at such a situation will recommend consult with a otolaryngologist or a children's neurologist who knows well when the child begins to adversely, and will make it all to identify the cause and appoint treatment.

If the baby began to agreed on time, followed by individual syllables, and then words, it testifies to its normal development, both in physiological and emotional plan.

In parental life, much more joys than fears and troubles. Perhaps with a baby, parental life became much more difficult - there were sleepless nights and days of anxiety for the completely rapid baby. But all the bad memories and sadness go instantly when the child begins to lie. The first sounds that the baby pronounces in attempts to interact with the world, admire and die all relatives, acquaintances and friends in the district, turning into an event of paramount importance.

What is bustling?

But the process is actually very important. The bouquency is called the Duchoe period of the child, only a cry is available to the baby. And believe me, if the baby has already found this pleasant alternative to scream and began to agreed, it will no longer cease up to the lepture, and then a full-fledged speech.

We do not remember our infancy, and therefore we cannot imagine how difficult it is for the child. What seems elementary to us, the baby perceives as an endless set of sounds, a little less than any systematization. The only thing that the newborn catches the unmistakable - intonation.

Baby speech development stages:

You can't influence this process. It begins in all babies inevitably, and in all countries and cultures of the kids begin their study of speech from the same sounds. It is quite simple to explain - the children are selected the simplest voice sounds, which are often found in speech adults who are easy to repeat. The kids usually sincerely enjoy their poverty, and the time of consideration often coincides with the time when the child begins to smile.

Everything has its time

So, when's your baby should start to go? In fact, the clear period began to be quite blurred and it is difficult to say how many months a child begins to make such primary sounds. First of all, do not hide in panic. If your child does not aguca in 3 months, there is a reason for concern, but small - the individual development of each child allows such cases.

It is seriously worried since 4 months - during this period a child must learn to adhesively. If this does not happen, there is a big chance to get a violation of speech development, the child will not switch to the next stage - it will not be broken, put the sounds into the syllables and speak, naturally. Komarovsky, for example, advised until three months of children do not touch at all, only indirectly helping the baby to start acquaintance with the speech.

Watch the smiles of the child. The emotions of the baby are normal, because it is not a monthly baby who can only notify about his needs scream. When a child begins to adhesion, make sure that he mean it. It would be stupid to demand such communication from three months old, but the baby in 4 months is quite capable of engaging in meaningful - so he expresses his emotions, or simply imitates the behavior and communication of adults.

When children begin to adversely, many parents hurry events and think that the child is already on the way to this speech. Yes, he is on the way, of course, but still very far - no one month will pass before the child will try to try to fold the syllables, and he will start not less than 2-3 years.

The gender of the baby is also important. Remember that girls in the early stages develop much faster than boys.If your baby started to be broken and smiled earlier earlier than a boy's peer for a few weeks, there is nothing surprising in this - so our development is arranged in infancy. Therefore, the parents of girls are especially fascinated if the baby does not try to pronounce sounds - the probability of the problem is a little more.

If you want to see personal examples of other parents and find out how many months other things are kids begin to adagge, look at thematic videos - happy parents lay them out with packs.

What if the baby is not agucheet?

It is possible that he needs an inspection from the speech therapist. To teach him the kid will not be able to anything until he is in such a small age, but must diagnose the possible problem. But this is an extreme case, you can easily understand yourself. To begin with, think about - your child stopped to steer or did not know how to sleep at all?

If the baby has already started to grieve, but stopped, you can not think about the reason. The baby could distract something, he could survive some event (too joyful or sad), and for a time to "forget" about his new acquaintance. Remind him about it - make light voice sounds while playing with a child or just stay close to, show what they appeal to it.

Do not think about why the child stopped adagging - if your baby is healthy, cheerful and smiles, then there are no development anomalies, just take patience and wait.

Another thing if you, armed with knowledge about when a child begins to grow and adhere, waited until 4-5 months, and nothing happened, you may not hide suspicions that have already begun to appear. Remember how you and the surrounding behave next to the baby - is there any loud frightening sounds around him, swearing, permanent muttering on elevated colors?

The kid is guided exclusively positive sentiments when he starts to grow, therefore negative intonations and cry can scare it. The same effect may be if the child lacks examples of living human speech around. If you do not speak with the child, do not play with him, but leave to the care of toys and televisions, it doesn't matter at what age he should start to go on the rules - he is just nowhere to take experience. When the baby begins to publish such sounds, he hopes first of all to communicate with their adults, as it seems to him - do not disappoint it and support it.

How to teach a child to adhesion if he could not?

Only practice. All these predish instincts are very deeply embedded in us, do not be afraid to wake them up. The kid will gladly imitate you to do not do - this is his "program" of behavior for years to three. Publish similar sounds, encourage him with a laugh and smile, turn the process in a fun game - it's not at all difficult when the baby is so small.

Ask parents or other senior relatives who and how to taught you. The older generation is a changeless, but has an invaluable experience of self-solving the problems that we sometimes lack.

In the event that the fifth month is already coming, and your child still does not give signs of at least no meaningful speech, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician and speech therapist. They will be able to correctly identify the error of development and, most importantly, to correctly eliminate it.

In the infancy of violations of speech corrected almost in all cases, so the cause for panic is dubious. The main thing is not to put this question for the flow, hoping that the baby will figure it out.


Talk with baby! Yes, he will not understand you, but the intonation, warmth and joy in his voice, it distinguishes very well, as well as opposite emotions. Surround it with a pleasant speech, show that you are glad to be glad much more than shouting, and the child will certainly want to try.

Do not be afraid to show clearly - the instinct of copying behavior of parents will play your hand. Connect to learning grandparents, any relatives and friends who communicate with Croha - he will remember everyone and everyone will take some kind of sound or the reason for which it wants to communicate like that.

Watch out for the development of a particular child and do not look back on other people's kids to torture to understand how many children begin to agreed - they are all different are individuals even at such a young age.

Finally, the long-awaited kid was born. There are a lot of worries, experiences and joy from his success. It is still very far from the long-awaited word "mother", but the first sounds published by the baby can be heard very soon. And every mammy is looking forward to the moment when the child will begin to adagge.

Table of contents [show]

The first sounds or how many months children begin to adugging

The first four to five weeks from the newborn can be heard only grocery and crying. Only by the beginning of the second month of their lives of kids are beginning to publish the first sounds. It all begins with uncomplicated vocabulary: "A", "U", "O", "E". We hear "ASU" at the expense of the gentle pronunciation of these sounds by a child.

The first time when children begin to adversely, they "talk" with themselves, trying the new skill for themselves. They watch the sound source for a long time and try to reproduce it. Then the baby begins to apply a new skill for a dialogue with parents or toys. Often, kids are starting to steer the melody, as if to sign it.

At the fourth-fifth month, children begin to try to pronounce the first consonant sounds. First, the so-called lip, "m", "p", "b". Gradually, individual syllables will sound more and more clearly, from which the first babe of child will begin. By the end of the first year, the baby is already starting to try to pronounce the first words consisting of the same syllables.

Learning to adhesive

Agukane is an important process for further formation of speech. Of course, it is impossible to specifically to go around the child. However, some actions will help the baby faster begin to communicate with the outside world.

  1. First, with the child you need to talk more. Any action parents must accompany the explanation that they do. It is necessary to talk with the baby during a swelling, morning toilet, feeding, bathing, that is, at all time wakefulness. Speech must be soft and affectionate, without sharp bursts of emotions.
  2. Secondly, repeat his sounds behind the baby and add new, uncomplicated. Children in their essence imitators and they will try to repeat said. Let the AGU dialogue with a smile be held between the child and Mom.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to stroke and gently massage the child's palms. Here are the acupuncture points associated with the brain areas with responsible for speech development. Finger games and palms massage develop fine motility and contribute to the further development of speech.

When communicating with a small little man, in no case should not covert words and suck. Reading short children's poems, folk speeches and booms will have a beneficial effect on the development of the kid.

Already a month, but the child is silent

Do not worry if the baby does not begin to adversely by the end of the first month. Kids are not mechanisms with a strictly specified development program, each of them has its own temp. What how many children begin to agreed - the question is exceptionally individual. One already in the third week tries to say "AGU", and the other, by nature, Molchun, will pay the first sounds somewhat later adopted.

There are cases when the child began to agreed in time, but then suddenly silent. The fact is that the baby is preparing to master the next portion of speech skills. After some time, the roeing will return, but it will also be added to the voice, cavity and squeal. Sometimes the cessation of Agukania is caused by external factors, such as stress, or poor child well-being.

With long-term "silence" (after eight months), the kid should turn to the district pediatrician. Perhaps your child has any problems of a neurological nature or disruption of the hearing aid. The doctor will send a child to a narrow specialist (neurologist or a otolaryngologist) to establish the reasons for the development delay and their treatment.

The kid is gulit and smiles at the sight of familiar adults with his torsion smile and fills the happiness and joy of the heart of the parents. This means that its physiological and emotional development goes to his man.

On the subject of development:

  1. How to understand that the child is about to speak: the main signs
  2. Child development up to a year to months
  3. When does a child begins to see?
  4. When does a child beging to hear?
  5. When does a child begins to smile consciously?

In the first months of the life of the baby, parents look forward to what he speaks. They liefly when the child begins to speak - aguchet or repeats behind the parents syllables, trying to understand, this is a full-fledged word, or just heard. Many mammies are afraid that the baby began to speak late or wrong.

How and when children start talking

The child begins to communicate from birth with a cry - putting emotions into it. So he attracts attention to himself, expresses his demands. It will be necessary to begin to teach him to talk already from this age, then it will be too late.

Reflex voice reactions - first words

In the first months of life, predic reactions are reflex. They appear in normally developing children at the same time, and do not depend on learning.

  • bustle;
  • swirl;
  • based.

Boring appears for 1.5 months. It happens even in the deaf from the birth of children. At first, the child utters U-Uu, Aaa, by 2 to 3 months Agu, Bu, Shl, Agu. At this age you need to help him pronounce. Talking with him, responding to his call.

After a swirl, the child begins to be broken. Pronounces frequently repeating syllables of Ba Ba, Mom, yes - yes, accompanying speech by rhythmic movements. During this period, freedom of action is very important for the child.

After conducting many experiments, scientists have proven that those children who can freely move to talk earlier, better.

At the age of 8.5 - 9 months, a modulated bowel is manifested. Begins to call the parents of Mom, Dad. The child repeats the syllables with different intonation and if you ask him who he confidently calls mom, dad,

Congenital reactions include manifestations of sound resistance in children from 2 to 7 months. Bullet, pushet and the sweater are playing. If you start talking to the baby, he is trying to repeat the sounds for adults. Such a game brings pleasure.

It's important to know! The kid is gulit and mischievous when it is in comfortable conditions. He is warm, dry and he is fed. It is especially interesting for him to repeat the sounds of adults. But in order for him to develop the right articulation, it is necessary that the child has seen the facial character of the speaker adult. It is necessary for mom, talking to him, looked at him. In addition, the room should be quiet.

In the crumbs, which is in a noisy environment, all voice reactions are developing with a large delay.

Development of conscious speech

Many parents are interested in how much the baby should know words at a certain age. When he must say, others understand it. Basically, it is all individually and depends on various factors - physiological and psychological features, education. But basically the difference in normally developing children is relatively not large.

In 1 year

The kid utters the first words that repeats adults. Girls start talking for a couple of months earlier than boys. Vocabulary is about 10 words (here includes its own options for the names of various items, such as a machine - BIP-BIP, clock - tick-so, walk - top top). First, children utter words in the nominative case (mother, dad) and sound-resistant (Gav Bi-bi, Ko-Ko).

For a year and a half, already trying to say proposals from two words. Understand the impertling of verbs (give, go).

To the 2nd year

Begin to use the shapes of the plural. Vocabulary consists of 300 words. At 1.5 - 2 years, the first period of questions "What is it?" Begins. Thus, the baby knows the world around him, forms his vocabulary.

In 3 years

The child begins to talk proposals, uses words in various cases. He knows how many items (many or one). Often, pronounces words incorrectly, or he comes up with a new form. Very often, the boys use the verbs of the past time in feminine. With age it passes.

In 4 years

The child should already talk with full proposals. Does not use sound-powders or defective words. Can retell a fairy tale or household history. Talking so that he understood not only mom. Usually at this age, the children do not correctly pronounce -, -r-. To the question "How much?" Answer calling the figure showing on the fingers. More often responsible wrong.

It's important to know! In order for the baby to start talking correctly, on time and knew so many words how much it is necessary by age, you need to do it.

Start with the birth of a child. You need to talk to him, what should he see the face of the speaker. When the baby begins to speak, an audience has a great importance for him, he can talk to himself, but very quickly ships. If adult will talk to him, the baby will begin to repeat him. Do not forget for a child this game.

Why children start to talk late

In children, the reason for the delay of speech development (VRC) can be:

  • non-recognition of the sensing sphere;
  • incorrect education.

If a child has a VRR associated with the imperfection of the sensorotor sphere (disease, generic injuries), then correction is very difficult. In this case, only specialists (neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist) can help.

Rising her baby, parents very often allow mistakes that lead to a VR.

The most common:

  • lack of motivation;
  • persistent training;
  • an overabundance of emotions;
  • lack of freedom of movement.

The VRR may be observed not only in children with whom the parents did not do. Very often the cause is a hyperopka. When parents, predicting the desires of their baby, immediately give him the desired thing, it is only to point to him with a finger. In this case, the child has no motivation to develop speech. Why speak, if enough just to show and cry.

Very often parents, teaching their child, require the word repeat. But if the baby does not want he begins to be silent, capricious, adults are angry with him, shout, or demand the word correctly.

Thus, the child does not help, he will develop dislike for spoken speech. In addition, to make a child repeating any word is useless. Children remember better during the game.

An error in excessive emotionality occurs when the child said the word, parents were delighted, laughed. When he said him again, he did not understand the meaning of the word, did not associate the name and item. For him, this is just a set of letters, which caused positive emotions from his parents. Children remember only those words whose meaning is understood.

Oddly enough, but the lack of freedom of movement plays a significant role for the VIR. Motor and speech activities are closely related, and this is due to the physiology of the brain. It is noted that children who are more mobile, are starting to talk faster. The development of small motorbers contribute not only to the formation of speech skills, but also learning reading, writing.

The experiment was held with children 1 - 1.3 years. Created two groups. The first group constantly showed the same book, repeating the word "book", 500 times. In another group, this book was performed. They said "give a book", "Take a book." In the second case, the word "book" was used 300 times.

Then in the first group laid various books and toys, putting the book between them, which was shown. After that, the experimenters asked for children to give them a book. Immediately, the children fulfilled correctly, allowing the book that they showed them. But when they were asked to give another book, the guys were lost, gave various toys. In the second group, children, after they were asked to give books, began to submit other books.

Output: Making manipulation with various objects, children not only remember the name better, but begin to summarize the concepts.

How to help your baby talk

If the crumb is talking poorly or wrong, it should be found out for the reason why it happened. It is desirable to consult a speech therapist. If there is a suspected disease, you should seek help to a neurologist.

So that the child began to speak, you need to constantly do. Only classes should be in the form of the game. In no case should it not be forced "Tell me, say it." Everything should occur in the form of a free dialogue.

Also, if the child points to the subject, it is not necessary to serve it right away. Immediately it is necessary to name the subject, wait for the child's response - even if he does not call it correctly, or will come up with his name.

For the development of speech very useful games, developing a small motorcycle (Mosaica). With children under 3 years old need to play for adult surveillanceTo avoid swallowing or shocking in ears or the nose of small details.

So that the child speaks to you need to answer all his questions "What is it?", "Why". Often talking to him, what so that the baby is not a passive listener. For example, taking a child from kindergarten to ask what he did that he had driven. At first, you will need to suggest him, but over time he will begin to tell that he ate, what was playing who was put in the corner.

The appearance of the long-awaited kid is joy for young parents. However, there are still many happy moments, success, worries and unrest.

The newborn will not yet soon begin to pronounce the words, but the first sounds of parents will hear after a few months.

This moment, many moms are waiting with impatience. So, when does the newborn begins to adverse?

When to wait for the first sounds

During the first month, the crumb just cries and grind. Other sounds from the newborn, parents will not hear. Creek is the first stage of speech development. If you listen carefully, you will hear different shades of vowels in a scream. Creek pain will sound more long and similar to the letter "O". The cry of joy and pleasure about meeting with mom has a similarity with the letter "A".

At the beginning of the second month, the baby begins to try his voice.

During this period, Kroch utters uncomplicated vowels: "E", "U", "A", "O", "I", "UA". Parents hear not separate letters, but Agukane. It turns out this because of the gentle pronunciation.

Initially, the crumb is pleased to adhesive in full silence or seeing a familiar face. Agukane is an important period in mastering the speech to maintain and develop.
At the reception at the doctor in 1 month, you will definitely ask what sounds your child says, how often he is aguchet. Do not fall into bewilderment and answer as you hear your child.

Stage Agukania is a brief, and is 3-4 weeks. Agukane coincides with the overall level of hearing and vision, the development of the voice apparatus.

The baby can follow the sources of a variety of sounds for a long time, and then try to reproduce them.

Gradually, child begins to apply his skill to communicate with others.

How does Agukane differ from the rustle?

Agukane is the predominance of vowel sounds in the child's speech, and the consultation is a more complex speech form that appears about 1.5 months.

Consonants begin to appear in the sounds: k, g, x and their combinations with vowel sounds: ASU, Ke, Khy, Gu.

The rustic stage lasts up to four or five months. Sometimes the bustling occurs in a child spontaneously, most often when viewing toys. But gradually, the child begins to go in response to communication or smile of an adult and a loved one.

The child begins to communicate, which is an important indicator of the correct and timely development of the child. The peak of the walking is three months.

This is the age when your camera or video camera should always be at hand to capture the wonderful little songs of a beloved baby.

Often the newborn begins to steer under a certain song, as if the sinking.

The first kid syllables are trying to pronounce on 4 -5 month of life. All begins with lifting sounds: "B", "M", "P". Gradually acquired skill will improve and work out.

As a result, Kroch will begin to express his desires and emotions with separate syllables. After some time, children's bowls formed from the sounds.

By 12 months, Chado will begin to pronounce separate words that consist of the same syllables: "Mom", "Baba", "Dad" and so on. How many months the child will begin to adversely depends on the parents.

Learn to talk

Agukane may seem simple fun for many. However, it is from this that the formation of speech begins. Of course, it is impossible to adversely specifically to teach Chado. But if you wish, you can speed up the process.

This will allow newborn to learn quickly and without any particular problems to communicate with the world around. How to teach a child to adhesive?

  • More communicate with baby.

From this the perception of sounds and the concentration of attention begins. Each mother's effect must be accompanied by comments and explanations. Parents must tell the child what exactly they do.

It should be accepted with a chance during swimming, swaddling, applying to the chest and morning toilet. At the same time, the mother's speech should always be affectionate and gentle, without sharp bursts of emotions.

  • It is worth adding new vowels.

If Kroch began to agreed, then you can help him develop your skill. To do this, mom should repeat the pronounced sounds behind the kid, adding new ones.

You need to start with simple vowels and consonants. Children love to imitate adults. The newborn will try to repeat the mom.

  • Should start with massage palms.

In addition, you can interest the child with finger games. They allow you to develop a small motorcy from the kid.

If the newborn is not aguchet

Many parents begin to panic, if a month after birth, they are not aguchet. It should be noted that the newborn is a living organism, and for the development of a certain skill, he takes some time.

This depends on the kid temperament. Some children begin to publish the first vowels on the third week of life, and some are mildly in nature, only after 8 weeks after birth.

There are situations where the child begins to adversely, but after a while she fell silent. It's quite normal.

Perhaps the baby is preparing to master new syllables. It is renewed after some time, but some changes occur in it. The newborn begins to squeeze, squeak and laugh.

Agukane may stop and because of external factors. It happens with children who feel bad or experienced stress. It is difficult for them to start communicating with others.

What if the child is not agucheet?

If within 8 months we did not recover, then the crumb should show a pediatrician.

Perhaps the baby has neurological disorders.

Do not rule out problems with the auditory. Specialist of a narrow profile will help determine the causes of speech development: a otolaryngologist or neurologist.

In conclusion

Now you know how many children begin to adagge. The first sounds are very important for the further development of speech. If the child refuses to adversely, then you can push it to this.

Parents must spend more time with their baby and carefully follow its development. If the baby began with pleasure to adagge and smile, seeing familiar faces, then these are the faithful signs of normal development.

At such moments, parents should not botherly react. It can scare a baby. So that the crumb is normal and tried new sounds, it is worth surrounding it with caressing and tenderness.
