Author unknown:

Here are two more opinions about life in the former USSR.

So, the opinion of the blogger Mr Wednesday:
I am quite often telling others about life in the Union. I tell me how, especially young people, does not know almost nothing and thinks about the union with some kind of propaganda blanks. I will immediately make a reservation that I am not a fan of communism, moreover, in those years, I was to some extent the dissident who did not like the Soviet system. Nevertheless, I want to write about the USSR, about the good country that we had, under the influence of what I see now) on the one hand, such memories are nostalgic and pleasant, on the other hand, I write, because sometimes I hear well Just nonsense, at the level that then there was nothing to eat ITP. I do not pretend to complete the coverage of the whole Union, as now, and then there were many different places, perhaps with our own characteristics, the country was big)

I am not sure that I will put in one article, because there is a lot of impressions and if inspiration, I will write parts, to put on my blog. Nevertheless, I think it is important that people would not have a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bthose times. I will write the same thing too bad that it was in the USSR in my opinion. I am writing about the period since the 70s since, then I was already quite conscious) I will also be glad to objective additions) My experience of those years belongs to the central cities of some republics and smaller cities, it does not apply to Moscow and Leningrad, because there I got it later) Although I lived part of the Union and in St. Petersburg also met the restructuring, but about it later.

Let's start with the main thing -

Food in the USSR))

The first and most important thing is that I want to say - all the main types of products have always been, and they were good quality in contrast, from modern time. These were really real milk, which formed cream, good oil .. The tips were in what are in good faith and not so gone to fake products) Now attention - it was difficult to buy or "get", as they said, only certain delights - deficit, give you several examples of them, appreciate the importance of these products themselves (someone can add)

In the first place I will put sprats)) Well, who does not remember how to opened and often put this precious product right in the jar, which is probably the cheapest of all fish)) Sprots sometimes uttered a reverent and cherished jar appeared on the holiday table)) Next go - dry sausage, Bulgarian canned food, candy grill, bear in the north ... I was told that there was no meat, I am not a meat lover, but I don't remember that it was not, some meat was always, maybe there was no clipp Maybe the meat was not super, he could offended by the evening, but I remember, for example, the soup was not without meat, the very concept of "soup" generally meant that someone's remains were swimming there) in the canteens, and then a lot were fed in the canteens, It was in its fashionable, the meat was always. It was believed that "without meat it's not food," I disagree with it)) But I write objectively, the people ate meat)) And well, I even learned the fish day in the urchopuit, it was Thursday in my opinion) but it's clear that on Thursday, For your money it was)

There were all kinds of seasonal vegetables. There was a normal potato, cabbage and more. Nobody bought apples on the things)) I think if at that time some approached and said - "Weigh 2 apples me", you would think that a person mocks or moved by the mind, how can I buy 2 apples?)) Well, they took a kilogram at least. All these products were not expensive, milk apples and the other, I do not remember the prices now, well, everything is in pencils. Prices were fixed, no one could sell more expensive, the price has rarely changed, remaining the same years. I'm not saying that there was a paradise or that there were no problems, there were problems, but many then problems look just cute, on the background of modern problems) there was always to eat (pun), it was not expensive and accessible to everyone.

There was always a black, white, buns, ice cream, simple sweets ... Cabacco caviar)) Here is a red and black caviar, there was a deficit) from bakery, deficit I do not remember. There was still a lack of chewing) it was simply not in the Union. Well, for children, it was the limit of dreams and every child knew that foreigners had a chewing) Western life for children were associated with a chewing, adolescents were associated with jeans and reservoirs (vinyl records).

Now about clothes

In the USSR there were all types of clothing. Clothing assortment would be small, it was sometimes non-zeys, but in principle quite good. It was not afraid of either with the shoes with no other, the only thing that was a shortage of Western clothes mainly from the social countries, since the cap of the country was distant at that time from us. In general, the West seemed like a certain paradise, where everyone goes in jeans and listen to cool music and each in the coveted headset) where every car is !! (Oh wow). A lot of people listened to Western voices and secretly or clearly, dreamed of their clothes or to take to Bulgaria or Poland ... A trip to Germany and especially in the USA, this was completely unrealistic and those who were there, they were perceived as gods. America seemed to be a paradise, by the way I did not understand why we thought so)) aaaa Well, because there were jeans there)) a cool guy, it was the one who had jeans, long hair, and "Japanese" cassette tape recorder (Chinese soap " This really was "value", but that most of us had an apartment, milk and so on, well, no one thought about it as it was the norm. Well, I'll tell you a little later about the apartment.

The biggest mistake of the Soviets, I think was that they did not show a real life in the West. If the advice really showed or gave to feel that there was no West, there was no restructuring. Perestroika began mainly due to the fact that everyone was in the illusion that "here" is good. We must pay tribute to the CIA, they worked qualitatively, one of the main causes of the collapse of the USSR was not the lack of housing products and other things, and there was just a stupid dream, faith in the USA. How it is not ridiculous or not paradoxically. Now, the ether of abroad is no longer perceived as something mystical wonderful. In the West, it is full of difficulty and very controversial to say that there is good, it is very controversial, although it is clear that someone lives, but many and returned, and someone simply tritely can not return, blaming there.

The restructuring did not begin as a revolution, no one actually was waiting for her, even the USA)) the restructuring did not begin with that there was nothing to eat in the country, everyone lived. Perestroika began as a positive cry, as the beginning of a new era, as an improvement in what is, and not as a struggle with what is. We are accustomed to stability, I didn't like much, but it did not touch the life, mainly. The new generation has grown on the "Voices of America" \u200b\u200bincluding Gorbachev)) People simply did not know what real USA is what the ITP market is, everyone thought "what, we will heal well." I will later write my attitude to this, because, probably need a whole chapter. Now, the new generation simply does not know what was, of course, if people think that there would be nothing, well, then now really paradise) But I lived then and what is happening today in everyday life ... it's very difficult to say what is better now ... I will say that life was rather better then, not now. This is objective. There are those other advantages of disadvantages, it may later be summarized, but in general was better then.

As for the deficit, remember it very touching and cool) You see, as Rainkin said, "Let everything be said, but let something not enough" the deficit was the highlight of the Soviet society)) you understand that it did a lot of life.) The deficit was not something goded, causing, it was a certain philistine dream and actually, if not destruction a lot of good things, the dream is quite harmless) In fact, everything was in the USSR, there was a necessary furniture clothing and so on, just did not have something unusual) from the memories - one woman "Bloomy", went abroad in the cap (oo dream ...) And I bought a beautiful negotiable in the bath in the currency) That's about such a level, there was a need for the USSR) or in the movie "With a light steam" when it measures boots, that's it It was very, very typical. In the same way as very typically, getting a new apartment, this is not a New Year's tale, it really happened.

Apartments in the USSR

People received accommodation from the state for free. Of course, all this was not easily, the apartment is serious, stood in the queues for years, but the receipt of the apartment was reality. Just as it was really an increase in the area of \u200b\u200ba growing family - getting a larger apartment instead of existing. The apartment could have been in fact almost anyone and they received them all - young professionals, in many cases they were given benefits, families, young families, mother's mother, director, and so on. And 250 percent of the apartment received builders, just going to the construction site, work, get a salary and in 5 years there will also be an apartment, well, at least I knew such a situation and real people who were so received apartments. It is as smaller, but cooperatives, a single mother, 120 p salary paid a cooperative even not so long and paid somewhere 10-15 years, 2 bedroom, in the center, the major city of the Union.

So, in general, the apartments did not make, the apartments received from the state. Municipal services were quite reasonable prices. The highlight with the apartments was according to the following scheme - how quickly it can be obtained (but my boss, Prokhindee, has already received it, and we all stand in line). "What kind of area it will be (we have two children, we need a three-room). Next, there was already conversations, who has some floor, a balcony of the IPU (they have a loggia there ...) there were many new buildings and the newsnel the situation in with a light steam was very common in those years. Typical house - yes, typical construction, in which everyone is mostly living and still.

At the apartments did not copy, copied to cars ...

(End of the first part)

Of course, a lot of things can tell - school, institute, army, work, factories, trade units, vouchers to the pioneer camp, holiday homes, treatment, dissidents, communication of different nationalities ITP, what children were, everything really causes light memories) well, and To tell me what I did not like in the Union for this) But to say that there was a bad life, it seems to me very difficult) in the end, there were also rich, which lived richly)

But the opinion of another blogger, Eduard R.:

What we ate in the USSR

I wanted to attach a hand to the memoir texts about the Soviet past. Just it became interesting to refresh my memory. On the moment of the death of the USSR, I turned 21 years old, remember, in theory, I must have a reasonable interesting thing that we were drone. I was born in that The outback. Shahtirsky town in the Urals, 50 thousand lifts. It didn't seem to be anywhere.

The supply of citizens was headed by the department of the working supply (ORS). In it, it was included: vegetable bed, vegetable store, the workshop of the beerobal and alcoholic and all stores.

I remember myself with a four years. I went to the "bread" with a kindergarten Foil. Konfette with white sweet as it did not like. Hispolate parents alternated with hematogen, but also nothing. The large red circles of cheese are remembered from that time. (In the shell).

Closer to school (76-77 somewhere) chocolate and cheese of the ending the Erzatz "Alenka" and Iris in the tiles. But the "petrel" and "chamomile" were. With the same time I stopped being sweet.

What is with fruit? Watermelons, melons, grapes in the season were always. And the ORS supplied and guests from Yuga. Not there. Half their own - "Northerkhan".

In general, the natural economy was developed extremely. All kept the "gardens" and planted potatoes. Cartoofel is a separate song. Called in many ways, the first thing we planted 8 acres and happened. Potatoes distributed pig breeders.

The pig breeding was also ubiquitous. Therefore, with meat really there was no problem. When the grandfather Colole Khrushchka she completely went into the case. From the head of Buzhenin, the bones on the keepen, Liver on the pies, stomach and intestines went to the delicious blood sausage. With the proximity of living things That was not. Mean-perched canteens with the fear were the chefs of animals. And the feeding plants in the surrounding collective farms and gray bread for 14 kopecks for loaf.

I still kept rabbits. Something meat. And I passed all my childhood in rabbit hats. The amount of the skin was gone. There were no trendy rabbit whether?

My holy duty was the delivery of milk home. I dragged six bottles. If there are beer in the states from refrigerators, my father and I drank milk from the refrigerator, quenched thirst. And in the family drank only mom.

The most popular dish we had fried potatoes on salee with meat for some sores of Krenovina. After such food, milk was not recommended, I had to drink juice from black currant.

Another mystery of the time. I didn't have a mayonnaise. Whether it was easier-vinegar and egg powder. He was. And the sour cream was.

In the queues, it was of course that there. When "thrown out" sausages in the sausages of smoke. In some hands, they gave one and a half, they gave me out of the fun of street moms, grandmothers.

By the way, they did not pain. Zima under -25, throw off my own taughty trash and checkered clutch, maybe anyone, from schools will be launched and further in hockey. Nofiga, bummer.

In short, they lived as not worse, but otherwise than now. The public atmosphere is also interesting, but this is another story.

Thank you for reading.

Today a new nostalgic wave is raised at the time. And the grinding of the generation, which is already in forty, can be compared with the utter pronounced by phrases: "Previously, the sugar was sweeter," "In our time, young people were better," and so on. What has changed?

Yes, there were advantages during the existence of the USSR. There were free training, including higher education, was free treatment, when there was no need to take a policy of medical insurance and a certain amount for paid procedures. Everywhere there was an invisible spirit of the All-Timing Party, guiding the aspirations and thoughts of workers in the right direction - treatment and training were high-quality.

The production also conducted an active struggle for the quality of products - SOC was arranged. Competitions, there was a hard control of the air condition of the produced parts or products, brought up workers who are addicted to the use of alcoholic beverages or related negligence. The trade union worked realially, taking care of the health of employees: he highlighted them the tickets in the holiday homes and the sanatorium, and their children are the tickets in the summer holiday camps. Only, of course, it was not always possible to get a ticket - sometimes people waited for her years.

But there were cons. The equalization of all workers who occupy the posts of one level. Yes, there were honorable letters, assignmentthe titles - but this is a small share of encouragement, practically not adding material well-being. Many will smile: why some extra funds, if the required minimum is free. The main thing is that there was enough nutrition, there was enough money for living. But not a single harbm Also man is needed spiritual development. For some, it was in reading books, which at that time it was difficult to get, someone had to create a good designhousing, adding coziness in the apartment, and with construction materials, too, trouble.

And if you take a trip to, the option was one - our south. Foreign trips were available to a limited circle of persons, and the possibility of visiting abroad got with difficulty.

You can list the positive and negative sides of life in the USSR. And, most likely, they were equalized - people adapted, sought the opportunity to improve life, found various opportunities to get a scaffolding thing or organize any trip, and a chocolate, given to the doctor, add confidence as treatment.

However, there is something lost by us. This is the unity of the peoples living in the territory of the displeased USSR. Today, they try to diligently overlap the story, issuing the speculation for reality. But many people remember how together living next to people of different nationalities. And there was no division into Ukrainians and Russians, Armenians and Azerbaijanis. Most likely, this explains the nostalgia on a broken state when the friendship of the peoples helped themselves.

How we lived in THE USSR?

People tend to memorize in life, mostly, only good. And this is a very useful evolutionary acquisition. Thanks to him, we live like people, and not as evil dogs, barking on everything around without any visible reason. Almost everyone who shares their memories of life in (these are those who have already been adults 25 years ago), they write that they have the most good feelings about that time; Causes a storm emotion memories of careless childhood, about the first love, about the ice cream for 9 kopecks, about the funny student life and many others, of course, pleasant and positive events. Not denying the pleasant of good feelings and remember that the estimates of the same events can be completely different if analyzing them with various purposes, I will try in this article to understand not with feelings that various events caused different people, but with what was the USSR actually.

It is necessary to do this because today many public and political figures are very persistent, rather even obsessively, praise the USSR, without tired, repeating that there we had supposedly free education, free medical care; supposedly free housing, free or very cheap rest; And there is a lot of other, the same delicious, beautiful and also allegedly free. This enemy Zionist Propaganda, struggling with enemies, is designed primarily on the youthwhich at one time did not have time to look at all the "delights" of Soviet life and therefore forced to believe such clever oracles for the word.

In order to understand how the USSR was in reality, we need quite a bit:

  • Find out who and when did communism come up with?
  • Find out why the USSR was created?
  • Find out who received the main benefits from this project?

Here, let's and write the answers to these questions, especially since there is more information to reflement today than enough.

Who and when did communism come up with?

It is considered generally accepted that communism came up with two Jews: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.. In 1848, they published the "Manifesto Communist Party", in which such lines are allocated: "Communists consider a thoughtful thing to hide their views and intentions. They openly declare that their goals can only be achieved by a violent overthrowing of the entire existing social system. Let the dominant classes shudder before the communist revolution ... " However, it is known that these works of "German" philosophers were generously paid.

"Communism - the brainchild of the Jews!"

In 2001, the American historian and publicist book appeared in Russia David Dyuk. called "Jewish question through the eyes of an American". The author describes how he, still as a schoolboy, accidentally stumbled upon the truth about the creators of communism in America, working as a volunteer in the office of one public organization. But he did not believe what was written in the newspapers and decided to check everything ... now he has been many years loudly says the truth On the actual role of Jews in many social processes on the planet, ranging from the organization of the worker, and ending with wars, revolutions and environmental catastrophes. Dr. David Duk. Contains its website on the Internet (in English) and constantly lays out on its channel in YouTube. The video devices dedicated to the next exposure of the subversive role of the "Chosen People" on Earth. We translate these small, unique films into Russian and lay out on the "advisor" and at the "Male" ...

"CPSUs created Jews!"

On April 24, 2013, Nikolay Starikov on its website very well described who, how and when established the party RSDRPwhich later became known KPSS. This can be read in the article. The author writes that in Minsk there is a house museum, in which 1-3 March of 1898 passed constituent The first congress of the RSDLP (the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party - predecessor KPSS). All software and other necessary documents of this party were accepted later, at the second congress in 1903 in London. And this congress was only to create a party. The founders of the future were the following Jewish comrades:

  • Eidelman Boris Lvovich (1867-1939)
  • Vigdorchik Nathan Abramovich (1874-1954)
  • Motoon Abram Yakovlevich (1868-1930)
  • Katz Shmuel Schneerich (1878-1928)
  • Tucupian Pavel Lukich (1869-1922)
  • Radchenko Stepan Ivanovich (1868-1911)
  • Vannovsky Alexander Alekseevich (1874-1967)
  • Petrusevich Kazimir Adamovich (1872-1949)
  • Kremer Aaron Iosifovich (1865-1935)

This is an exhaustive answer to the question: " who came up with communism? ". I repeat, communism was invented by persons of Jewish nationality having a Jewish religion. Why is it so important? Because this people had a misfortune to be elected definite forces to achieve certain purposes. Information about which forces they were elected, and what tasks they put in front of the Jews, is considered in detail in the book of Academician Nikolai Levashova .

This is more or less clear. Now - the next question is: " for what came up with communism?».

This question gives the answer "Manifesto Communist Party"in which the text has turned "Project of the Communist Symbol of Faith", written in early 1847, the son of the Fritrich Engels merchant and his partner, the son of Rabbi Karl Marx - members of the "Union of Communists", based in. Here is a suitable quote from Manifesta: "The history of everyone still existing societies was the history of the struggle of classes ... Contemporary bourgeois private property is the last and the most complete expression of such production and product assignment, which is kept on class antagonism, on exploitation of some others. In this sense, the Communists can express their theory with one position: destruction of private property…»

I hope everyone understands that if somewhere private property is destroyed, i.e. take away, in another place (at customers who paid the work of the authors), it arrives, i.e. Increases. Who does not understand this "law of preserving the property", may recall how Jews conducted privatization in Russia at the beginning of the dashing 90s. That's the whole answer. Although, you can add it a bit, for expansion, so to speak, the horizons ...

If at least a little bit to look at revolutions organized, in France and in other countries, and compare the technique with modern so-called. "Orange revolutions", then we will see a striking coincidence! Moreover, communist slogans "Equality, fraternity, happiness" used by Jews in the organization of the first revolution (state coup) in Persia in the 4th century BC! And then - once again during the second coup and robbery of Persia in the 5th century AD. (They then set themselves instead of the Mazdak Viser).

Why was the USSR created?

The USSR Education Agreement was signed on December 29, 1922, and the next day, on December 30 of the same year, the All-Union Congress of Soviets quickly and unanimously approved it.

Knowing who and for what purpose created a communist idea and embodied it in life, the answer to the questioned question can be obtained almost automatically: the USSR was created by Jews for enslaveSubsequent robbery and destruction Russian Empire, Russian People and Subsequently white race on the planet. About how in fact the founders of the ideology of communism treated the Slavs in general and Russian and Russia, in particular, can be found in Article A. Ulyanov. Hate the highest degree and wild desire to destroy these "non-historical", the reactionary peoples standing on the world of the world revolution as "special enemies of democracy."

It is for this to this in Russia with a bunch of money, with weapons and hired bandits arrived from New York Laba Bronstein (Leo Trotsky), on the conscience of which there were millions of ruined lives of Russian people. Money, weapons and gangsters provided Labery Trotsky, among many others, his distant relative Jacob Schuff - American banker and pathological Russophobe.

Comrade Bronstein was the ideological enemy of all Russian and did not hide this, expressing the aspirations of his sponsors: "... we have to turn Russia in, inhabited by white blacks, which we will give such tyranny, which never dreamed by the most terrible despot of the East. The only difference is that this tyranny will not be right, but on the left, and not white, but red, for we are shedding such blood flows, in front of which they shudder and pale all the human losses of capitalist wars ... "

During the civil war, the Americans and Europeans were actively helped by the Chairman of the Revuencoensuit Labez. They even sent him a special armored train equipped with the most modern communications with many other wonders at that time. This is how Leib Davydovich himself wrote about this miracle: "... He was a volatile control unit. The train worked the Secretariat, Typography, Telegraph, Radio, Power Station, Library, Garage and Bath. The train was so heavy that went with two steam locomotives. Then I had to break it on two trains ... "

Trotsky managed to do a lot for the time he was actually at the helm of the USSR (Trotsky's revisions was the authority, parallel to the Council of Lenin). And he would have brought his work to the end - to the last Russianif, on our happiness, he did not stop him Joseph Jugashvili (Stalin). Comrade Stalin, having consisted with other his comrades, rightly judged that, since they captured power in Russia, it's no one for the country and everything is good to give away to American and English, and it is better to try to bother to bother themselves, especially since the banksters are all investments in the "Revolution" returned, and even with huge percentages.

Were from Stalin with comrades and plans to hold the world. They sought to create the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the world ( USSRM). Speaking to the delegates of the V Congress of the Comintern on July 17, 1924, Chairman of the executive committee Comintern Grigory Zinoviev, said: "Victory is not yet, and we still have to conquer five sixth earthly sushi, so that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is". It is clearly seen that the name of the state does not even contain a hint of nor to the national or territorial affiliation. And the goal of this state was quite clearly pronounced in the declaration of his education, it is: "... it will serve as a loyal stronghold against world capitalism and a new decisive step towards uniting the working people of all countries to the global Socialist Soviet Republic". The slogan of the USSR was the call: "The proletaries of all countries, connect!", And the hymn until 1943 was "International".

This is how the country appeared, which will soon be called the USSRand in which everything Guidelines always belonged to the Jews, some of which were accomplices of comrade Trotsky (Trotskyists were mostly Jews sefard), and part was accomplices of comrade Stalin (these were mostly Jews ashkenase). In order to get documentary evidence of who actually led the Union, I recommend to read the wonderful book of Andrei Wild "Jews in Russia and the USSR."

What was wrong in the USSR?

Sefarda Trotsky was constantly fought with Stalin Ashkenazs. It was a long-standing war that levitov managed to arrange to be able to somehow manage their hyperactive tribesmen. And although in 1937, Comrade Stalin was slightly broke through the ranks of the Trotskyists, this struggle did not subside until now and has a decisive influence on the majority of events occurring in Russia. We need to understand well that the USSR Created by Jews Not for Rus, and for yourself. In addition, it must be remembered that Sefard Trootskists still fulfill the task of total destruction on the planet. Ashkenazase does not interfere with this, but only try to make enough slaves for them in Russia. Those. In fact, the Russian people are hostile and trotskyists (Sepharda) and stalinisti (Ashkenazy). But the first wanted to destroy the rules completely, and the second agree to leave a little rusts to the service. That's the whole difference between true creators the USSR!

Now briefly on the items will analyze several specific allegations about what and how it was in the USSR, especially since the author lived in and personally watched and was a member of a lot what happened there. Let me remind you that I try to analyze what really happened to us in the USSR, and not that today it seems to someone or what some circles want to seem to us.

1. Multiple property for the means of production. It is clean water further (enemy propaganda), because, besides these words, there was never anything more from the "community". The Constitution really had such a common phrase, but there was no clarification, what kind of people In the Soviet Multiethnic State is this owner, and it has not been written anywhere, as this common form of ownership is implemented. In fact, none of the people had even the slightest opportunity to dispose of any parts of nationwide property, which means that it was actually its owner or co-owner! CPSS simple punched brains The semi-limited population, masking the fact that the real owner of Russia was, which has long lived in communism, even during the war. So, no "nationwide property" in the USSR did not have anything, and Nikolay Levashov quite rightly wrote that "Socialism is state capitalism, plus the slave-owned system!"

4. Free housing. And this is a brilliant example of communist ingenuity and Jewish noticelessness! If in the West, almost the entire population has long been buying housing, cars and much more on credit (with a lot of credit - their big problems, because the loan is paid 200-300%), then it was done in the USSR all the opposite! Workers received allegedly free housing, but defending in line for 15-20 years, and in fact forward paying Cost and housing, and education, and honey. Maintenance, and everything else "free" with its difficult work throughout life. Here is such a tricky "Challenge" Was in the USSR. And the quality of the built housing was shown and written in his time so much that they didn't know about it only blindly-deaf-dumb. By the way, to say, today the housing is built almost the same as sometime in the Union. And not because they do not know how, but because we are deliberately deceiving apartments buyers, trying to save everywhere where it is possible and not, ranging from the thickness of the walls, and ending with the lack of ventilation, central heating, bad windows and doors! But the prices of this shame are appointed as if everything is made of pure gold ...

5. The country management system was truly democratic. Many, probably, remember that the country was called Soviet, i.e. All power is formally focused in all sorts of council, ranging from settlements and rural, and ending with the Supreme Council. It was done so that the official could avoid personal responsibility for the decisions made: they say, the Council decided so, and "from him bribery". And the real power belonged everywhere party Organs. The small party apartments of the district scale was the most real king in his faith, but at the same time completely obeyed another Godhead, who was sitting above; And so on, before. So they lived: decisions took some, performed - others, and folk discontent, which very often had a place in the USSR, suppressed third. Reading newspapers with various decisions and decisions, it was impossible to understand anything, as today, and only a lot later, the picture began to clarify ...

6. The most real poverty reigned in the USSR! Of course, not everywhere! In the Union, except for party secretaries and instructors, workers lived well, and most importantly - a crowded caste of trade workers. More or less, ends of the heads of enterprises and organizations, workers of harmful professions and very few artists and writers could be reduced. And the bulk of the population (interest 90-95 ) With great difficulty, the ends have reduced the ends. For example, my parents were doctors with higher education. But they were honest and decent people and did not go down to the extortion of gifts in patients, i.e. we lived on salary. Therefore, I remember that, although we lived very modestly, for many years mom could not reduce the ends with the ends of the family budget and constantly occupied several rubles from the neighbors "To pay". And this is despite the fact that Dad never spent money on, because he did not drink because of the stomach ulcers, obtained in the student. The salaries in humans were extremely low, and such a wage system was specifically lowered both in a professional plan, and in moral, and in ethical. In order to live more to be worn, people forced to "chemist" - steal, i.e. crime law becoming criminals! This is the most Juda Soviet government, following the covenants, reduced the speed or even completely stopped the evolutionary development of the population, slowly, but correctly turning it into a large flock of Aries (Baranov).

7. Traveling and protectionism reigned in the USSR. On all guidelines could only be hit (!) On protection. And in position, conventionally speaking, above the head of the housing, it was possible to get only jewish Protectionwhich is not intude to get in principle. The exception is only those cases when without a goy-specialist could not be done when he had to pull all the work. And basically, how many significant positions were occupied by persons of revolutionary nationality. One of the confirmations of this may well serve as the following example, which I made a few years in the main building of the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute, in which I had to learn at one time. There on a long wall near the recoor cabinet hung big portraits All former rectors This, once a very distinguished university. And passing by hundreds of times past this gallery, I gradually read almost all the names of the "Patriarchs", which, of course, all turned out to be. Then I did not see anything unusual in it, we were taught to internationalism from the pellery. And now, remembering this little barcode of my student life, I remembered that all the vicectors, all the deans and all the heads of departments at the time were also jews and… communists. And then I noticed that the secretaries of the district schools, the towns and communities, and the chairmen of the councils of all levels, and the rest of the "bosses" was either Jews (in most cases) or representatives semitic peoples (Armenians, Georgians, Chechens and others (more than 30 nations)).

8. In the USSR, it was a complete lawlessness and total. It was inevitable in conditions when all power focused in the hands of party functionaries, not anyone no responsibility For your actions. Therefore, the law reigned in the USSR, but the real tyranny of party secretaries and punitive organs. And the whole population was forced to submit this evil will. Because, with any disobedience, any person could simply destroy, having deprived him of work and, accordingly, livelihoods or putting into prison or a psychushos for fabricated bases or even without it. Party bonsides of anyone and were not afraid of anything because they diligently performed "Party Line"which has sufficient forces to quickly neutralize any person or organization. You can get some idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of corruption in the USSR from articles, and many others.

9. In science, culture and art Almost everything was occupied by Jews. The exact estimates someday will probably appear, but the cavity can be said that about 90% of all figures in these areas were Jews. One of the documentary evidence said is the text of the report of the Agitprop Tsk M.A. Suslov "On the selection and alignment of personnel at the USSR Academy of Sciences" From October 23, 1950, where direct test also says that the Academy sabotes work on the most important areas ... To clarify the situation with culture, you can read a small article "Russian Culture with Jewish Mixed". And be sure to read the wonderful books of this Russian writer Ivan Drozdov, who began his writing activities immediately after the Great Patriotic War, and who became a victim of victorious wars Jews For Russian literature.

This is not a complete list of what people do not know or forget those people who sincerely regrets the collapse of the USSR. As very met and accurately noticed recently Vladimir Putin: "Who is not regretting the collapse of the USSR, there is no heart, and the one who wishes his revival, no head!" But after all, in addition to the CPSU, there was another KGB, it was the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there was an obsss, there was an army in which everything steering posts Always occupied people who defended the interests of the ruling, and not Russian people. Recall at least in August 2008, organized by the United States and Israel: the military authorities of Russia resist the Zionists and did not decide! Vladimir PutinWhile at that time the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (the Supreme Commander was then President D. Medvedev, urgently left the Olympics in China and flew to organize the aggressor! And only then Russia began to fight ... Those who wish can always find themselves a lot of additional and confirm materials on the network and make sure that it was truly slave ownership, Only slavery was organized not as shown in the cinema - with chains and shackles, but in modern, when slaves consider themselves free people and work independently on the slave owner! ..

Who and how to destroy the USSR?

The USSR was the creation of the Jewish financial mafia, very well performed its functions of content in slavery of a huge country, and, of course, no one was going to destroy him! The imitation of the confrontation of the "two systems" was necessary for the separation of the peoples of the planet and the prolongation of the hate to the nations of the whole world to the Russians, whom the Jews put the creators. And, of course, neither Sephards run by the Rockefeller family, nor Ashkenazas, who are commanded by Rothschilds, nor Levites nor other clans of higher level did not have plans for the destruction of the Socialism SystemWith the help of which he held in slavery a good half of the white race of the planet ...

Children's memories of the USSR
kotichok. :
my grandmother told me a lot about the 30th, 40th and 50th year
especially in memory, the story crashed, as in 39, when Soviet power came, Paul Sela came running to see how tips drank Vodkaran
grandma told that earlier with a bottle of vodka, a wedding could play - and everyone had fun
* * *
my Father built Moscow, Kharkov and Kiev Metro
worked a lot, it seems and earned, but the Bolta did not have
everything had to get
i remember when "delivered" tangerines, bananas and candy "Evening Kiev", the parents looked at all I did not eat and not covered with diathesis)))

tOPOF. , "Orlenok 1988 year stew Chinese wall":
Among the lucky ones was in the All-Russian Eagle Camp in the summer of 1988 ... there were many children from all over the country ...
there were only 2 people from my city, after a large Chinese stew in the All-Russian camp, a Great Wall was given to us ... I realized that the USSR would not be 100))) ... At that time, our still knew how to do a normal stew .. .
the second shock I experienced a couple of years later, when he arrived in the village to relatives instead of cream from his cow in a 3-liter bank as usual, began to smear the oil frame from a plastic jar ... Agriculture was lost))))

tres_a. :
Kiev, end of the 80s.
White bread could only be bought in one store and only within an hour after the delivery - in the morning and at lunch. From where he among loaf was worn - I do not understand before.
The ice cream filling in chocolate was rarely brought and only in the milk (special. Shop with dairy products, in other grocers, the milk was brought rarely and stupidly).
In all stores stood the smell of Chlorks and Gnill (even in the central).
Children in public transport stood if there was someone adult (from 4-5 years old).
Few complete people, from children in general one or two for the whole school (in those schools that I know, there were up to 1000 students).
For a cigarette could be pulled out for the ears and take to parents. Militia 150% did so.
Saturdays and other voluntary forced events (I still do not understand why I have to clean if someone gets salary for it).
Policy and adult topics did not discuss in children.

tOL39. (1975):
We could buy bread before lunch, after lunch it was possible and fly, because the bread was usually understood during a lunch break, which was with a hour to two in enterprises, and from two to three in stores. We had four varieties - in waffle cups, we did not have on sale, my father brought him out of the city. Escimilly, expensive and not very common, still weighted, very tasty, in such sleeves. And the products of our local dairy - in paper cups and ice crystals. In stores stood a specific smell, only this is not rot, so the barrels smelled, which had to stand in the roads.
Well, first, it was a childhood, and it was good, I am born in 1975 Until 87-88 years, everything was completely wonderful, and then the word "deficit" appeared. In fact, it was before, but it was the category of things not very significant in everyday life. There was a feeling of close change, exciting, as it happens when you roll down on the springboard, to takele, but the takeoff did not happen. On all the go cut into a dirty porridge of the nineties. Black T-shirts, chains, nunchaki, alcohol "Royal" and all that. As I survived, he knows hell.

true_FROG. (1952):
My year of birth - 1952. So, the whole conscious life fell on the USSR.
Childhood. All the most interesting was on the street and in the yard. In the apartment of children it was impossible to drive. In the evening, windows and windows opened: the mother convened children from the yard. Played in calm and moving games, tennis, volleyball. On rainy days played in the entrance. Even in winter, in the dark, we, girls, not forbidden to walk. We moved a lot. We went to school only on foot, no matter how far she was. For some reason, ride a bus was not accepted. Full children - "Zhyattrasts" - were rare and all despised.
Starting from the first class, schoolchildren first made small cleaning in the classroom, and then the soaps themselves floors in the cabinets.
They were collected by scrap metal, then empty bottles, then waste paper. It was not scary to send children by unfamiliar apartments.
Different circles were mass. Only in the music school learning was paid, all the rest (sports and artistic) were completely free. A huge house of pioneers, where you could have been able to do anything for free - even though ballet, at least boxing. Each child could try himself in any lesson.
Even preschoolers sent to the pioneer camps. We lived there in single-storey daches, half - a boy, half - a nurse. Toilet with a hole in the floor on the street, water is only cold in the streets, too, on the street. In the morning mandatory overall charging. Children themselves duty at the gate to the pioneer agreed and in the dining room. The dishes are not soapy, and the bread cut and put the dishes.
Yes, "key under the rug" - it was everywhere in childhood, even in the city, and in the late 70s, in his youth, in a small village in the extreme north we were inserted into a tag, when they left the house. In the early 80s, in the city, the entrance doors on the castle closed only overnight, sometimes forgotten, and not closed all night. When they moved to a new apartment, then the door was moved to the washing machine, until the lock was inserted.

From youth. At the first two courses of the university - cleaning. I am somewhat wondering why the collective farmers bent the back on their gods, while we throw grain on the current, but actually spend fine: learn to drown the stove, cook your food on it, ride horses, drive a motorcycle, arrange concerts.
In the 70s, the dance is still found a brass orchestra, not replaced by electric music.
Girls and girls are laid walking with the collected hair. Konsky Tail is cool. And loose hair - well, it's only in overseas movies.
Dressed, of course, sir. On the first cleaning, I went back in the tag, because the jackets were rare, I sewed our first jacket in the studio. It was strange to look at the cinema on the bright clothes of the Soviet heroes of films: in life did not dress so much. I remember how the bright red jacket of the daughter of the professor from the "Gentlemen of Good luck" was amazed.
It's not like everyone else to dress in a studio, but it was not easy to get there: the same turn. Good, but unscrewed things could be bought in commissions.
Well, I will contribute to the discussion of the food program. In the 60s we lived first in the Far East. There were no problems with products. In 1963, the year lived in Tuva. That's the queue for milk occupied from night. In 1964 moved to Tyumen and saw the grocery paradise. Condician banks were decorated with counters, the sausage was bought by 200 grams, freshly, all sorts of compotes in the banks in bulk. I do not remember when it all disappeared.

razumovsky4. "Key - under the rug ....":
That's right. 1951. Hyperships, catch-up, lapta, table tennis, badminton, swords, swords, toy guns, bicycles, river in the weather, and, of course, the king of all games is football. From morning to evening. On the small gate.
And also girls in the "classics" and in "Rodder." And so to dark. And hemnelo is so another thread of games with running with lanterns with Chinese or German daimons. On the legs or sneakers Chinese, Vietnamese or Czech. Sports pants type sharovar and shirt. Always in abrasions, bruises and scratches. In winter, skates - from Snow Maiden - to knives, skiing, sled, hockey.
There was no time for time. Maximum hour - and then somehow, it is necessary to run into the courtyard, to chase the ball.
Circles - full of pioneers in the house. In the summer - yes, the pioneer camp, with hikes and river and forest and amateur in the same game - the same games and competitions. Not boring.
That's right, there was practically thick. Slender and movable. And Mat almost did not swear (until a certain age) and nothing about the girls and there is nothing to say. Did not smoke on such scales. And about pedophiles and drugs - did not hear at all. You are flying home, in the door of the note - "key under the rug"))))

But Cherkna. A little bit. (63-76 last century)
I was born and lived in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Father was a pilot and flew often to our capital. From there brought all sorts of goodies. There were no goodies in Krasnoyarsk (more precisely, they were, but some "coronal".)
Under the "corruption" it means that ... Butter butter everyone wanted not salty, and the shops were slaughtered salty. Bananas and oranges were not. There were no batteries for the flashlight either ("Old Easternists" came and changed batteries, piston and other nonsense).
Bread and buns in the shop "Bread" have always been fresh. Vegetables, pasta (long such, such as modern ballpoint handles), sugar, salt, matches, soap, etc. Always been in stores. Even if rumors crawled - "tomorrow - war, will not be salt." She was.
The deficit of course was not to buy. This is toilet paper (important), glazed raw materials, bird's milk type cake, Bear Candy in the North or Squirrel. This dad from Moscow brought. Ice cream was always. "Leningrad" quite rarely appeared (once a week, everyone knew in advance when they brought). Crupes - it was a bomb. Here and sausage and sausages - trouble. But it was sometimes not lying on the floor. With alcohol, I was not familiar with the alcohol, so I will not say anything. Cigarettes were always on sale (although I did not smoke, but I remember).
Shmouth me somehow did not interest. Pioneer tie every day I did not stroking. There was no single form at school.
That's what was interesting. On the streets you could walk at any time. Without feasible, that you will be stopped and put out the whole trifle from pockets. If some incident happened in the area, then she was shuffled for months. Children could walk in all sorts of "mugs", "studios", etc. Is free. I went to the "aircraft model". Sela-Pali, Gazprom financing such a mug to this day did not dream (toad wanders).
And the machines were there, and the material was provided (pleasure is expensive), and they drove us different competitions.
In the summer it was possible (again for free) to go to the pioneer camp. Feed "to slaughter." No "grandfather" I did not watch there.
About life. In the evenings, the neighbors gathered in the yard and played in Domino, Lotto ... Well, just chatted in a friendly. Neighbors (who had children), we were satisfied with theatrical performances (with our participation). The puppet theater arranged slides-shows on sheets, etc.
Yes. There were no cars for everyone (someone had certainly).
From a material point of view (sausage, delicacies, clothes, cars, roads) everything was quite regrettable. I do not deny this. But it was a lot of advantages.

General impressions and reasoning

alexandr_sam :
1965 USSR. Mama Railways, Dad Electrician in the mine, then by the state of health, I left the refrigerant engineer. Salary for the whole family 200 r. I am 7 years old, sister 5. No one ever gave us any apartments. All my life lived in our Halup and still built something like a house if it could be called - convenience in the yard.
I bought the refrigerator when he was married himself in the mid-80s. We just dreamed about smoked sausage. There was never enough money. Ice cream bought us once or twice a year. Kept their chickens - eggs, meat. Sits in the garden (outside the city) potatoes, corn, seeds. Oil (unrefined) was obtained from seeds.
The TV appeared in the late 60s. "Zarya" was called. Black and white. The size of the screen, as IPAD has now. ;-)
I don't even want to remember. Dreamed about Great "Penza". True used "Orlock" still bought. I went to the state farm in the summer evening. I wore water and watering the cucumbers. About 40 rubles paid a month. I bought a clock. And the stupid teacher banned them to go to school. Insensitive, mole luxury.
We lived and lived in our city only the workers of the town, the city executive committee, and the entire trade and audio extinction. Up to 1974, we went through the streets until 1974. Mother usually gave them a piece of bread, and a pair of eggs. And there was nothing more to give. In the stores of Zhvata until 1977, it was not enough money. And by the end of the 70s and everything began to disappear. They dragged the sausage and oil from Ukraine, the benefit was near.
Kralya all. The state could have steal - no one condemned. Nonunun country.
Then the army. Sedovshchyna, Vanoe about Afghanistan, CPSU, Politzanyaty, Muttra and Dumb.
Finally, restructuring and publicity. Glory Gorbachev! He delivered us from the shameful and gray life.
I fondly felt only in the late 80s - early 90s. It was difficult, I do not argue, but it is better so at councils.
Now Russia lives in the way I have never lived before. Putin is a chance for Russia. At the same time, I ask my future critics to notice, I never occupied public advocacy and I have no relation to oil and gas. Not a single budget ruble stole and no relation to budget money ever had.
That's so brief. I lived 55 years old and I know what I am talking about. She won a lot on his life path. And laugh with thirty-year-old assholes, who praise the Soviet power and the Soviet Union. You would not live there and the weeks. Would be broken from there like Sawy!
I do not need this USSR. Appear of my children from such an artificial and false country.
Everything was involved in lies and hypocrisy. Still downloads. Do you think today's corruption is the invention of Yeltsin and Putin? Horseradish! The foundation was laid by Lenin with Stalin. Just dig deeper, gentlemen and do not nod to the kings. Of them, little left after October 1917 ...

mariyavs. :
I won't be original. Those of my grandmothers who did not have problems with food and clothes due to their positions and grandfathers, only joyful memories have. Sanatoriums on trade union trips, free travel to vacation venue and back, children's tickets to camps, tables of orders, officer's industrial shops ... And who was "easier" - a deficit, queue, give - take (it is necessary or not, then you will figure it out) , "sausage tours" in Moscow time. But, of course, something was and good. Children's leisure was organized and accessible to most, the atmosphere of friendship and confidence in the neighbor. All sorts of reptiles were enough, of course, and then. But children went to the courtyards and were not afraid.

It was a lot of bad and a lot of good things - as, however, always and everywhere in the world. But about bread - it was significantly better than the current one. Then there were no bars, flavors, taste improvers, etc. Especially I miss a rhyma from rude flour for 16 kopecks - now there is no such thing in Moscow. And, of course, underground white - 28 kopecks. and gray - 20 kopecks. There are no them too, unfortunately.
Yes, in bakeries were tied or simply lay special, large double forks or spoons - check the "softness" of bread and many of them pokeled and miles bread. Although almost always bread was from one car and all the same, but once the plug was lying, then they used many it. True, it was mainly old. In our bakery in the neighboring department - in the "Grocery", it was possible not only to buy a gingerbread batteries, but also drink a glass of tea or coffee (black or with milk) near the standing table. Tea with sugar - 3 kopecks. Coffee - 10-15 kopecks. The taste is not super, of course, but quite deign. And if you buy a bun - from 10 to 15 kopecks, it was quite possible to eat. Banalches, but now there is no such thing, and sorry. All this is Moscow. In Leningrad - about the same. And in the other places with the products it was not so good, unfortunately. Although, never hungry. Naturally, in the period from the end of the 50s - early 60s. Up to 89-91 years old, I will not resist - and the ice cream was not on palm oil.

raseyskiy. :
In the Soviet times, chocolate chocolates were not in the stores, the line was occupied for dairy products at 6 in the morning (Moscow does not count). Meat in stores was not, and sausages too. There was such a term "thrown out" a deficit for sale, well, for example, instant coffee is a hundred people in a hundred people, although for coffee stood in line in Moscow.
... A number of cities supplied relatively well, in others, even the sprats in Tomat were rare. ... 70s and 80s. In those years, mostly, everyone bought everything in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk ... i.e. on vacation, business trip, etc.

tintarula. :
I spent my childhood in a private house on the working outskirts of Vladivostok, and, like every childhood, it was full of riding on sledding, the garment in the garden, vegetables and berries "from the bush", games, friendship and betrayal - in general, everything is fine. The books in the house were not enough, but I was discharged for children's magazines, a school library, a TV - the neighbors. Then there was almost no deficit, there was a small amount of money.
More or less conscious age is the end of the 60s, and there and the 70th. I studied by this, I worked. In general, "what they do not know - they do not feel." I all satisfied me in general. Well, yes, the sausage began to disappear (dry - almost completely, but Vlad - the city of the sea, in bulk there was a fish (she never ended, so we were not starvated in the time of "Gaidar hunger", and I strange strange stories from Russian centers as It was difficult to get food). In 74th or 75th, it seems to be brought to Moscow, and we (three friends) went to watch it - in the total car there and back. In Moscow rushed around a month, went to theaters, drove away In Leningrad and meadow (where they were familiar, including familiar acquaintances - it is necessary to live somewhere).
The shortage of books, but the sister of my girlfriend worked in the research institute of the biology of the sea, and there the people were advanced, the Strugatsky took to the manuscript, and the girlfriend and sister rewritten them from hand. And I rewrote "Masters and Margarita". That is, we were "in the courses."
And anyway, it was youth, and therefore it's good. And in general, in my opinion, "good" and "bad" are personal private sensations that are not very dependent on the circumstances of life. "Lichy 90s" for me was also not a dashing, in the 90th role-playing games arose - and just as we went to Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk (in Khabar - in a common car), and was good.
Yes, and now good.

uLAR76. :
bearing from two specifically counter-revolutionary families.
therefore, I have no complaints about Soviet power.
childhood was happy and carefree.
restrictions in education, sports, food, rest and happy time did not experience.
for which I have deep gratitude to all of the Soviet people.
i do not suffer with any illusions to the libeid-threat domestic politics of modern Russia, and calmly observe the natural course of change and transformations.


belara83. :
50% of some nonsense is written, the queue is the phenomenon since 89, until then, there was a 5-10 person there, I sat down something like. Nobody was hungry, everyone was working, yes Shika was not, imported things deficit, but now with a lot of choices in people have problems above the roof .. I lived in the village, my mother's ice cream bought us for children to children ... Bread was always and cost 16 kopecks , and white 20 kopecks !!! Sausage 2.2 rg, 2.8 kg, is a booze.
But people lived calmer, they understood that there were everyone in nervous tension tomorrow, do not know that there will be tomorrow with them. Nothing happened to us without imported clothes and everything else, I didn't need to handle the whole country, you could change something and leave a lot, there is no "before the foundation and then" as a result, ordinary people were injured ....

Yes, living people who remember the 30s here are hardly written. But I remember what the grandmother told me, then confirmed the aunt.
They lived at the Krasnoselskaya, in the house where the rocks lived. The house was from the railway. My grandfather worked there. Well, telling what 37 is - I think it is not necessary. Around everyone !!! I do not know why, maybe it is why, but my grandfather did not work. And every day went to skate to Sokolniki. Grandma said that the "funnel" was waiting for every night. Torbochka with farewells stood at the door, waiting for arrest. I warned Kaganovich. (honestly, I don't know these relationship, I didn't have a grandfather at that time, why Kaganovich was close to this "boy" - my grandfather - I don't know, but my aunt prays himself, says he Savior's life, and hence And me, my father was already born in 44) and "sent" the family of my father's parents in Kaluga. Something like that…
I have many more memories of life in Moscow from my ancestors.

Life was not Malina. Father returned from the 4-year-old German captivity at the end of the war. They met him in the village of the hungry wife and two children. And I was born in 46. Feed the family, the father with the same hungry five fellows stole a bag of wheat during sowing. Someone laid, search at the father. Poshelniki, more gloomy, advised the Father to accept everything, otherwise, they say, put on the group for 25 years of all. Father served 5 years. I hurt the current mind, Hitler held four years, well, and Stalin could not give less, so I planted for five years. In the 50s, I did not go to bread, so, probably, I am all it with bread, even pasta, sometimes joking friends about this, that I am even bread with bread!

In the second year (1962) in Ufa in the department store, absolutely on the occasion, by luck, bought melting nylon Japanese! Then our were rag with two laces on the side for tie on the hip. Japanese were in shape as shorts, beautiful, vertical stripes, tight. I wore them for a very long time, they are now somewhere lying around. Here is the memory of my student life!

yuryper, "About Bread Deficit":
somewhere in 63 or 64 g. In Moscow, flour was distributed through the house management, according to the number of prescribed. There were no stores. In the summer we went to Sukhumi, it turned out that white bread is only for local, according to cards.
In Moscow, bread did not disappear, but a variety, characteristic of the early 60s, gradually decreased, and by the beginning of the 70s this difference was already very noticeable.

The beginning of 70s, my mother-in-law is a single mother, a red village, paying 90r.
Each (!) Year exported her son to the sea. Yes, savage; Yes, sometimes we were brought with canned food and they were fed and eat. But now my husband tells me about those journeys. This is his childhood.
Which cleaner today will be able to bring a child for a month to the sea?

pumbalicho (8-10 years):
For some reason I crashed into my memory of the 70s ... Good years were. And not only economically (I suspect that the abundance was not everywhere. But I still can't forget the showcases of the stores of the pore), but also some special cohesion or something ... I remember, the death of three Soviet cosmonauts at once - no one Not ordered, but people really sobbed on the streets ...

We walked in the yards of the years from 4-5 alone. I was 8 years old (early 70s) When a schoolgirl was killed in a specific park in the neighborhood. Children continued to still walk alone. Well, such was life.

matsea (1964):
I remember the expectation of the first spring salad (I am 64 years old). There was no fruit in the winter. In the fall of apples, a lot and inexpensive. By November, they are sold in brown specks and expensive. For January there are no them. If you're lucky, you can see on the occasion of Moroccan oranges. Infrequently. Peter, Winter Darkness, Avitaminosis. And to play tomatoes at night with sour cream, so red. And here Mart and happiness - the hydroponic cucumbers threw out. Longs such, dark green like crocodiles. Three pieces in a kilogram, kilo in one hands. Enough - not enough? Stopped! Defended minutes forty, brought. Salad with onions, egg, and hydroponic cucumbers - Hurray, Spring came! Well, everything, you can now calmly wait for tomatoes. This is no earlier than June.

the leading engineer in the late 70s of the 80s had a salary of 180 rubles - this is me about myself personally.

michel62 (born in 1962):
In 82 m, I went to Donetsk by bus behind sausage and butter from Rostov on Don. At my mom at the time plant organized these trips. In Donetsk, in Voroshilovograd.
When I came to a young specialist in the Penza region and, working as a road master, dulls in the villages, containing local roads, saw so many diverse imports in rustic stores that the spirit captured. I bought my wife's shoes there, coat ... I looked at me on me as an awesome. You know, it is impressive when the Italian shoes are standing on one counter, and on the hanger for clothes hanging alongside a fuffy and a Finnish coat ... We have simply impossible to buy something in Rostov. The queues were engaged in the evening. All only from under the floors or though. I have such a feeling that if at the time of the USSR, jeans were free or something like that, then there would be no restructuring and subsequent decay.
Born in 62nd in Rostov on Don
Of course the USSR for me is this childhood, youth, growing, first child ...
I look now on how my son lives (16 years old) and it seems to me that we were happier in childhood. Let even I did not go with the parents by scales and the first jeans I bought when I studied in the first year of the Institute. But everything was somehow saturated. This is my personal opinion and I'm not going to argue with anyone. I remember how, already working, Patorg asked me at the reporting meeting (I worked as an article by the engineer of one commune. Sharagi): "How did you rebuilt? ..." How and what I was to answer the party dolemoe (by the way first Lododr and " Dining "Demagog")? What did I need to rebuild in myself if I was a young guy - worked in conscience and wear? ... in the family, when I was a boy, there was a cult food. Food stood in first place. But here Father I changed my father from my. Father, by the way, was the head of the enterprise, but there was no chic in the house. But the attitude of the Father to the USSR was this: "If I had been told to the officer of the Soviet Army - shot for Stalin - I said it silently would be a gun and shot ... ". I remember in 72 -74m on the street a rumor was held that they sell the pepsicking .... I defended two hours two and scored two cars ... I still worry when I remember how I remember how Pen of her home. Memories of the pioneer camps are very warm. Every summer is three shifts in different camps. Vacation at home was only days to fuck L-ten before the 1st September ....
And working, adapting like everything, to have an opportunity to drive his wife to the kebab on the left bank of the Don and go on vacation in summer. Now I have a visit to the maximum week, if you are lucky ... I remember how Mom came from a business trip to Moscow. We met her with the whole family. Poor - how she is a pearl all these bags with sausage and oranges ....
And I remember the store "Diet", where we came to my mother when she took me out of the kindergarten. She bought grams of three hundred sausages (of course not Moscow and not Servelat) doctoral or amateur and asked to cut a little bit for me. And near the bread, where we bought fresh bread. So I walked, chewing a sandwich with sausage. I did not meet more than such task sausage and bread. Of course, delicacies were always a deficit, but for the holidays parents got. I remember turns for carpets, dishes and shmoth ... I lived back to the department store "Sunny" and remember all this well. The line occupied the crowd from the evening and the homosexual crowd was all night (I lived on the second floor and all this happened under our balcony). I remember the "Ocean" store on Semashko, where Sazans and sturgeon floated in the aquarium. And then the same "ocean", where, in addition to the briquettes of shrimps and some kind of chroniclel type of nautical cabbage there was nothing. I remember the coupons on vodka and oil. But this is at sunset of the USSR. But I worked in the road organization and "spinning." (Just do not say that because of such as I have bad roads). Who wanted to live, then spinning. Everything was - and bad and good. Now, of course, I remember good. Poor is forgotten. It was forgotten that the tape recorder was not in my childhood. But the New Year's gifts from the Christmas tree in DC are remembered. The queues for beer are forgotten, but I remember his taste and the fact that it proceeded in a day and not in a month. I remember with a smile how drove from work in a bit of a bus, holding a plastic bag with a beer in my hand, and such as I was a lot ... everything was - and bad and good. About this time you can argue to the carrot funeral, but it was and remembered with a smile.

I remember my first business trip to Vilnius. It was about 1982. He was shocked by the marriage seen. Then scored coffee in the grains, for the whole year ahead.
At the same years, for the first time in Moldova, where he struck the abundance of imports in stores. And books! So many deficient books I have not seen since childhood!
I also remember my trip to Kuibyshev, in the late 80s. In the evening settled in the hotel and decided to buy food for dinner in the grocery. I didn't have anything from this - there was no local coupon ...
I remember a lot about those years, but mostly with warmth. After all, it was youth :)

Second half of the 80s
I remember, fartsy worked, just somewhere 89-90s)
You go there - "Kaugumi, Chungam", but since it is ashamed - sometimes just, time is asking, in Russian, of course. And foreigners do not understand, and something gives - candy, chewing, handles. Now it seems - little things, however, at school, I walked Kum king with these colored handles, and for chewing gum (!), Odnoklassniki just did not kiss.

Secondary school number 1 near Moscow Zvenigorod. I am 10 years old (1986), there is some meeting in the assembly hall. The director broadcasts: "Vote. Who for?"
We are all like one raise your hands. "Who is against?" Two single hands are raised by some high school students. The director begins to shout: "How can you? Hooligans! Vaughn from the hall! Shame School!"
In the evening I tell my mother's story and add from myself that high school students behaved shamefully. "Why?" She is interested, "maybe they had a different opinion. What's the shame?" I remember very well that at that moment I first understood what to be one of the wonderful rams in the herd.

Children's memories of the USSR
rOOSICH (in 1988 it was 10 years old):
Something about the stories of this lady, rushing along the abroad, about the absence of the USSR (apparently it is not about 20-30 years, and about the 70-80s) bread does not inspire confidence.
My childhood was in the 80s. Born and still live in a small town near Moscow. With parents (more precisely) with the father) often went on weekends to Moscow. But not behind the products, as supposedly the rest of the USSR, and just walk - the VDNH, the park of Gorky, museums, exhibitions, etc. And products and our local stores have enough. Of course, such an abundance on the counters was not now, but nobody went hungry. Here, of course, it may argue here that the small one, but the near Moscow town is far from the same thing as the same small town, but somewhere in the deaf province .... but most still lived in harnesses in distant villages. The deficit has become quite actively manifested by the year in the 88th.
Continuing the shopping topic now about the industrialists. I remember somewhere the mid-80s - in our local industrial store I saw on the shelves and televisions, and refrigerators, and washing machines, and players (cassette tape recorders only in the late 80s began to appear), and radios, and clothing with Shoes, and stationery .... Another thing is that by the standards of the average then salaries (this is for the mid-80s somewhere with small rubles) cost this household appliances quite expensive. I remember our first color TV - a hefty and heavy "ruby", bought only by year in the 87th, cost well for 300 rubles.
But if you compare with today's day, the most radical difference from that time is people. Then, of course, of course, different people could meet in life, now - the man is a wolf. Today's parents are afraid of their children to let go for a walk even to the next courtyard, and then they were not afraid to let go. And not only in the next courtyard. And until late evening.
The USSR of the sample of the 88th year is no longer the country as it was one more years in 83-85th. Although it would seem just for several years, and there were already quite striking differences.
So I say that the patient deficiency is all and all with absolutely empty counters and kilometer queues to them with coupons and cards came only at the very end of the 80s! And the author / means the author of the VG_SAVELIEV project) apparently thinks that in the USSR, people lived as in the Stone Age, and how the democrats came, so immediately came happiness. That's just the Russian people did not believe this fortune and began to die out 1 million a year.
Yes, I also remember in the 88th year we went in the summer on vacation with the aunt and her son (that is, by my cousin) in the village to her family somewhere on the border of the Moscow and Tula regions. The village was alive. There was a job in the village. And many middle-aged people who workers, and a bunch of children .... I think now in most such rural places only a few old people remained, but dacms appeared.

General impressions and reasoning
lamois (1956 R.):
Tell me, and memories must necessarily be negative? Judging by the laid out - yes, you started such a selection.
And if I write that happy that was born in 1956 and saw many difficulties, but a lot of happiness, like at any time. My parents of the teacher, opened high school in a cynic settlement. People were sincere in their enthusiasm and unusual love to each other. I do not regret that those times have passed, everything is very early or late. But I will never throw a stone in the history of my country. And you will not be ashamed.
They write how the school rules hated, and I remember the cheerful and exciting gamble game, hiking, songs under the guitar. Every person has its childhood and youth and they are good at any time. And now many are infinitely difficult, the current difficulties are not much easier, but for many difficult, than then. For most loss of cultural identity, a big tragedy than the then shortage of sausages for individuals especially hungry, although it was not that hungry was then, but now they are. But I do not believe people who remember their childhood with hatred or regret. These are unfortunate people, and they are always biased, like you, in fact.
I am sure that my opinion you will never publish.

Well queues, well, deficit.
A man with a backpack, coming to any village, in any village, and in any town could find shelter and overnight. Familiar acquaintances gave the keys and left in the apartment where money and crystal lie on the shelf.
And to compare. I know those who are now money and the bread is missing. The ceiling yes - rose. But not for everyone. The population declined, and oil prices soared. Union and collapsed when oil ceased to grab the import of goods and export of communism. And party-household boses then lived in the twist of the current oligarchs.
The only problem of the Union was the zone from where not to go out. This is yes.

No, party-economic bosses then did not live in the twist of the current oligarchs. Party and economic bosses were just as unavailable that for most people in developed countries was a lot of energy.
... My grandfather was a "economic boss", the head of Yuzuzlavsnab, the organization engaged in the supply of three Kazakhstan regions.
But he just like all the rest of the townspeople could not buy a normal coffee, he could not repair the TV (there was no necessary spare parts). He had to remake his own Boyca's own Boyku.
He had a dream - he wanted to grow lawn in the country. And even the seeds of lawn grass he managed to get. But it was not able to get the simple electric lawn mower - someone decided that the lawn mowers were not needed by Soviet citizens.

There will still be a rubric "Without accurate designation of time" and "discussions". While these materials did not fit.
There are a lot of stories without a clear indication of time and age. Try to be defined in time.
