Your baby has already mastered a lot of useful skills: I learned to sit on your own, crawl and even speak my first words.

Now the child is preparing for a new great achievement - the first independent step.

And during this period, parents need to be very attentive to their kid.

It is the concern for moms and dads will help the baby more likely to master this important stage, denoting the transition to an active study of the surrounding world.

What time do children begin to walk?

Like other levels of development, the start of walk is very individual. Pediatricians determine the conditioned age frames for the first steps: from 9 months to 1.5 years. In most cases, children are first in full growth with a support for 8-9 months, and without support - by 10-12 months.

The first steps made by the baby up to 8 months should alert parents. After all, at this age, the muscles and the skeleton of the baby are still quite weak. And so strong load on the spine is harmful for infants.

When a child starts to walk, there are several factors:

1 genetics. A genetic factor has a very strong impact on the start of the depression. If mom or dad once started walking later than the last time, then it's not worth waiting for the kid too early success.

2 The floor and the physique of the child. Girls are a little ahead of boys in development, and chubby kids begin to walk later slender.

3 Type of temperament. Moving children learn walking in the process of fun: such kids do not stop at crawling and by all means they try to climb the legs.

If your child is more interested in calm games, then he will walk a little later.

4 tonus muscles. It must be developed with gymnastics and massage. Muscular tone does not appear in itself, it will have to strengthen every day. Also, the exercises will be useful for the development of equilibrium in the kid - another important factor in teaching the child.

How to help your child learn to walk?

Apply the moment of the appearance of the first steps is unlikely to succeed, but in the forces of the parents to contribute to the development of this skill, create favorable conditions for training. To begin with, consider the fact that in no case should parents do at this stage.

The main "not" during the teaching of the kid by the goal:

1 Do not hurry and do not impose the child learning. Do not hurry the events, the kid himself will feel readiness for walking. If the child is forced to put on legs, then it may have problems with the formation of the musculoskeletal system.

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2 No shoes! The kid must move as much as possible. Footwear will not give the child to feel the balance, but rather it will be even stronger to flicker his movements.

The first shoes for the child should be purchased only when walking learning happened beyond the apartment.

3 No need to care about the child. Of course, parents should be as possible with the baby as much as possible and be prepared for any minute to help him.

But this does not mean that it needs to be kept constantly. If you see that the kid himself stands on the legs and slowly, but still trying to take a step, stop supporting it.

4 Do not criticize the child. The baby with great difficulty is given first steps, and without falling and blows this stage is almost never anyway.

Do not focus on the failures of the child, and even more so scold it. Negative experience can strongly affect the crumb: a child can even give up for a while.

Start training is standing with prophylactic. For a quick result, it is better to apply to a professional massession. The doctor will also show you some techniques that can be performed at home yourself. The effect of a good massage can be noticeable after 2 weeks after the first lesson.

Exercises from the complex of recreational parents can do with the baby at any convenient time. The main exercises for children from 9 to 12 months will be such:

1 "sliding steps". Lay the baby on the back, take it carefully for the legs. Make alternate bends and extensions, as if imitating walking.

Gradually, you can increase the pace, turning the movement into cross-country. Figure from 4 to 10 times per session.

2 lifting bodies. The kid lies on the stomach, turn to his mother. In the palm of the child you should invest gymnastic rings.

Take the kid's hands first to the side, then slowly pull up to the level of his macushkin. The child should lift the head and, stretching behind the handles, become a knee, and then in full growth. This exercise is quite complicated, it should not repeat it more than 2 times.

3 Body slopes. Such an exercise is suitable for children who are already able to stand without support. Put your baby back to myself by pressing it to your chest.

In order to prevent the child's feet bending, hold his knees. The second hand hold the baby for the stomach. Before the child we put a bright toy and ask to reach it, making the slope of the body.

This exercise is a powerful workout for the muscles of the back, and perform it enough 2-3 times.

It is important to motivate the child, to cause interest in walking. Excellent assistants for parents will be bright toys located in the room on the ground, to which it is difficult to reach the support.

Interesting! Child development in 4 months

Also should take into account the love of children for imitation. Well, if the kid has the opportunity to communicate with older children or peers, who already know how to walk.

At the time when the kid studies walking, on the floor in the nursery you can scatter the pillow or lay a soft carpet. This will help soften the blow with inevitable drops.

The child goes on the socks: what to do?

It happens that the first steps the child does, standing on tiptoe. Sometimes children are simply trying to draw attention to themselves in this way, and sometimes walking on the socks becomes a sign of uneven muscle tension.

The kid experiments, looking for itself the most convenient way of walking.

If the child is completely healthy, then over time it will walk just like adults.

In cases where walking on socks is due to the weak tone of muscles, active gymnastics and a special massage will help.

For very moving babies, ticking due to an overaffect of energy, it is worth increasing physical exertion. It will be useful for example, swimming.

Walking on tiptoe is one of the symptoms of children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy). If the crumb does not begin to become heels to 2 years, it is necessary to conduct a survey from a neuropathologist.

The child does not go per year: what to do?

The reasons why the child does not go to the deadline may be such:

1 Mastering other skills. Some kids are difficult to master several skills in parallel. This is especially true of the formation of speech and walking: some of these skills can be a priority of another.

From the very birth, the baby lies only on the back and its main activity is the food and sleep.

Then the kid takes place the following stages of development:

  1. The child learns to lie on the tummy.
  2. Grab toys.
  3. Turn over.

Each time parents look forward to the next new skill of their baby.

An important indicator of development is the ability to sit. When does the child begins to sit? All this process occurs in different ways. It is important not to hurry to crumb and specially not sit down, but only to support and direct it in a new beginning.

When does a child begins to sit down?

Most children have a desire to rise and see something new manifests itself aged six months. Starting sitting, baby sees more interesting around.

Breastfish can pull the neck forward to the chest, lying on the back, as if he wants to sit down. At this point, parents want to help the crumb and take root for the handles. Do not do this.

At first, the child must grow muscles of the back and this will not happen immediately. Baby learns to turn over, turn from the back on the stomach and back, thereby training their muscles and back.

Then from the position of "lying on the side" and leaning on the hand, it will try to raise the housing. It can happen and so that at first the child will learn to crawl, and already from the position on all fours will begin to sit.

No need to rush the baby and plant it, this process can stretch to nine months, which is considered the norm.

Is it possible to sit down a child?

You should not put the baby in the pillow, if it does not make attempts to rise, or easily falls on the side. Sitting, he has more opportunities for the game, but afterwards the posture can be spoiled and an excessive load on an unprepared spine will arise.

Only people have such a disease as scoliosis, from walking vertically. There is no need to load the rapid children's organism in advance.

In the hands of an adult child, it is better to have half a litage, without sitting.

The myth that it is early to plant girls - is dangerous and fraught with the wrong formation of female physiology, was refuted by doctors. Nevertheless, it is better not to risk and wait until the girl sits herself.

You do not need to try to sit down until the age of six months, if the Kroch has not started to turn over. It is better to develop handles and strengthen the back with:

  • special gymnastics
  • proper wearing on hand, in accordance with the age of the child,
  • stimulate the child's favor on the stomach, setting up interesting toys and conversations.

To understand when a child is ready to start sitting independently need to see how he does it. Early sit down the baby, if it falls on the side, strongly rounds his back at the seat.

According to the doctors, the later the body will take a vertical position, the better for the spine.

What stages of mastering the skill of the seating passes?

Some kids are developing faster than their peers, others a little later. Doctors believe that age when the child begins to sit, hesitates from 6 to 9 months. This skill is followed by other skills in physical development.

Breasts learns to stand on her knees, pull up the body, keeping behind the support, stand and then walk. All these actions are associated with the ability to keep the equilibrium, which is not immediately achieved:

  • At 6 months, the baby most often still does not sit on his own.

Lying on the stomach, raises the chest. May keep his head on a par with the body. Without support fell on the side, because the muscles are still not strong enough.

It can be tightened by handles for a while, as a workout. Krochu Gulit and Aguchet, playing with a rattle for a long time.

  • At 7 months, the infants sits more confidently.

Maybe some time does not fall asleep, play, turn to the sides with the whole body. Pulling snorting sounds. Kroch is capable of sitting on his own position lying, pushing out his hands.

  • In 8 months most children are sitting on their own.

Spin, spinning from the abdomen on the back. Easily sit down from the position of "lying on the side". Put the toy from hand in hand.

  • At 9 months, the child makes an effort to reach up to the rattle of the rattles lying at a distance.

Plays in the ladies, sits without support and trying to get up on all fours. Tightened from the sedent position in standing. Inechily utters "Mom", "Dad". I am pleased to play "Ku-ku".

Alarms Mom: What to do if the child does not want to sit?

Many mothers begin to worry if the crumb does not fulfill generally accepted norms in physical development and think how to teach a child to sit on their own. Should you start to sit down a baby?

Most often, the kid himself learns next skills and it just needs time. If the crumb will not sit for 11 months, you should contact a good pediatrician.

Until that time, you should not worry, it is better to help the children's body to strengthen. It is regularly engaged in gymnastics with a child, properly worn on his hands, allowing the backs of the backs of the back.

Sitting at the table, and feeding the child, you can keep it in a position that helps your back training. How to do it right, you will learn from the course for the introduction of the baby's babies.

You can easily lay out the baby on the stomach and lay out toy toy so that he can reach them.

Parents should help develop the baby physically from birth. Often learning how to sit the child helps the course of a secreting massage.

Conduct it better by a specialist. The results will be visible immediately. Such a massage is carried out for the necessary shock in the physical development of the child.

Tips for experienced mothers:

  • you should not sit even on your knees, it is better to keep it half a walk;
  • pillows will be useful to protect the child from shocks about the corners of the furniture;
  • it is necessary to carry out massage and gymnastics daily, which will help in strengthening the muscles of the whole body and the baby will begin to sit;
  • approve the crawling of the crumbs, laying out your favorite toys around him so that the baby tries to reach them.

When is it still worth alarming?

Sometimes the reason why the child does not sit in 8 months, serves a delay in psychomotor development. Then it is necessary to urgently turn to a neurologist. The inability to sit is not the only sign and most often there is a consequence:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • early childbirth;
  • malokrovia during pregnancy;
  • prematurity of the fetus;
  • intracranial pressure.

How to help your child learn how to sit?

It happens to the crumb sits well, but it is hard for him to do it yourself. Many parents do not know how to send a child and teach him to sit. There are a number of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back.

Gymnastic exercises should be carried out every day, along with bathing and massage:

  1. Tightening the handles for 30 degrees. It is necessary to squeeze the baby's thumbs, so that he grabbed them. From the position of "lying" slowly raise, but not to sit down. In this way, the muscles of the press and hands are trained.
  2. From the position of "lying on the stomach" help turn over the back and back. This exercise will be easier to fulfill, interested in a bright rattle.
  3. Hold the crumb on the knees of midsets to rest on the palm of the adult. So the body balance is developing and muscles are given in tone.
  4. Strengthen the back will help exercise "Airplane". Setting the child to the tummy, should put hands under the chest and under the stomach. The legs at this time must rest in the parent. The head is raised, the muscles of the back and priests in tension. Reliable so a few seconds.

Council of experienced mothers:

  • First crawl! Put a child on all fours and learn to move. When he learn to stand on all fours from this position and push to sit down.
  • In order to teach crawling, you can lift under the breast on the rolled fourly diaper, as if teaching it stand on all fours. And the child is good - it is supported, and my mother is not necessary to lean much.
  • Do not interfere in the natural process, in order to boast how early your child is sitting. You do not need to teach this baby.

Remarkably strengthen the muscular skeleton of infant classes on phytball. This ball for fitness exercises. It is necessary to choose smooth phytball without eats and bulges, large diameter.

Exercises should be performed after half an hour after eating:

  1. Shacking. In position, the belly on the ball is quietly punishing the crumb in directions forward, holds for the lower back. Later you can put a toy in front of him so that he can reach it when swaying.
  2. Shaking to the right to the left, slowly increasing the tilt.
  3. Place out on the ball.
  4. Shaking in a circle in one and in another direction.
  5. Spring back to the ball.
  6. Perform swaying back to the ball.

With a regular massage with light strokes in combination with gymnastics and aquatic procedures, the baby will learn to sit on their own.

Do not customize the child after all, all children are different and do not fit into clear standards. The main task of parents is always next to the baby and maintain it at every stage of development.

Hello, dear readers. It's time to talk about how much a child begins to stand on the legs. Each mother is looking forward to when this moment comes, the baby will learn the first time to stand confidently, and there is not far from the mountains and the first steps of crumbs.

Features of physical development

First of all, it is necessary to deal with what age, what level of physical development corresponds to how consecutive achievements of the baby are taking place on the way to the first attempt to stand in full growth.

  1. In two or three months, the child begins to hold his head independently.
  2. In four or five months - the baby knows how to turn the back on the stomach and back.
  3. At five months - lies on the stomach, raises the top of the body, resting on the elbows into the surface.
  4. In six months, the first attempts to sit on their own.
  5. At seven months confidently sits, begins to crawl.
  6. In eight-monthly age begins to stand, holding the support.

What promotes timely development

Each child does not look like another, they are all individual. Therefore, it is not necessary to be upset if your baby does not correspond to generally accepted standards. If the karapuz develops normally, but, for example, at 6 months, it is not yet able to sit in himself - this is not a reason for excitement.

There are factors that the presence of which favorably affects the timely development of certain motor skills in the kid:

  1. An important component is the psychological health of the child, so it is very important that the baby has no stress, including the family scandals, in the presence of crumbs. It is also necessary for affectionate communication with the Karapuz.
  2. General Physical Health: No Chronic Diseases, Serious Pathologies.
  3. The presence of examples for imitation. Ideal if the child has an elder brother or sister, especially if the difference at the age of two.
  4. The temperament of the baby is very important (active kids learn to walk faster), as well as the physique (the child's normal physique has more chances to learn more than that of the toddler).

What time is the child begins to stand

Starting from the seven-month age, some kids can start to get up. But it concerns more than the kids of active and skinny. It is necessary to understand that at the first time the Karapuz will stand, keeping the support, and on the knees. Then the baby will learn to rise on one leg, and after and on the second. The first attempts to stand will be short. The child is still very hard to hold for a long time in this position. The Mine support is important here, because many kids, learning to climb, then fear to sit down. Therefore, if she sees that the child first rose, but for four minutes it does not sit down, it is necessary to approach and help him sit down. Perhaps the baby is just scary to return to the usual position.

If you are interested in when a child begins to stand up with a support, then the optimal age for this event is 8-9 months. But do not forget that this is all individually. The baby gradually rises and can slowly move, for example, on the crib, holding the crossbar. And when's a child begins to stand without support? After Karapuz learned confident to stand, for something holding at the same time, it comes the time to move towards the next stage. So, starting from 9 months to the year, the kids begin to stand on their own. Such a large range is due to personal skills and characteristics of the character and physique of each child, therefore it will be the norm if your karapuz learns to stand without support, as in 9 months and, if he learns to stand at 12.

My son has risen for the first time, holding a crossbar in the crib when he was 8 months old. For me, it was very pleasant sensations of joy. It seems that age has already been very suitable, but I, for some reason, did not yet expect it to rise on the legs. It should be noted that a week before that, I noticed that my son learned the first time to stand on his knees, keeping all the same crossbar in the crib. Lifting, he loved to throw toys on the floor. For the first time to climb without support, my son was able at the age of 10 months.

When a child begins to stand prematurely

There are cases when some kids make the first attempts to rise much earlier than the generally accepted norms. It is not always bad. If your baby has learned to sit before the peers, it is quite expected that he will begin to get up earlier. If your child is already greater than half a year, then you should not prevent the progress of the crumbs. You must understand that the baby will still try to get up, and you can not control it 24 hours a day. But the rise of the legs before reaching the six-month age is not allowed, such actions of the Karapuz will violate the correct development of the musculoskeletal system and can cause irreparable harm to its health. That is why it is very important to stimulate the child to crawl, show that it can move around the apartment in any corner, and it is not necessary to get up vertically - there is no need yet.


Very often, when the baby has learned to take a vertical position, Mama wants, so that Carapus began to go as soon as possible. For this purpose they buy walkers. It is believed that they not only stimulate the baby to begin to move independently, but also give the opportunity to be near the mother and walk behind her tail, a new entertainment appears at the child.

However, there are adherents that walkers do not play a positive role in the development of the baby, in addition, they can slow down its development, because the child can decide that it is so much more convenient to move to him, why still make their efforts and walk on their own. Everything should be natural and karapuz himself will start walking when the time comes.

So, each mommy will have to independently make a decision that for her child is better.

I did not use walkers. My son independently made the first steps for almost 12 months. But my daughter-in-law used this device. The niece really liked the niece, in the literal sense, run on the walkers and this did not in any way affect that she began to walk in a timely manner. So the choice is yours.

We teach the baby to get up

Parents should understand how important it is correct and timely physical development of the baby. Therefore, they can take an active part in the process of growing crumbs, stimulate him to commit new achievements, develop the motor activity of the child.

  1. It is important to make a baby massage and simple gymnastic exercises. Be sure to dedicate this time in the daily routine of the baby, better before lunch.
  2. You can teach the Karapuz to keep your equilibrium. To do this, you will need to raise the child into a vertical position, to hold it, and then let it go for a while, it will be enough that the baby understand that it is necessary to keep himself in space.
  3. It is better if the process of teaching will be constantly in the same place, for example, in the crib or near it.
  4. Make sure the place where you stimulate the child climb enough safe enough. Do not forget that in the first times the kid, most likely, will fall on the ass.
  5. It is important to show the karapuzu that he can climb, holding the support. It is important that the role of support acted anything, but not my mother's mom. The baby must understand that this is his independent path and he should stand himself, without anyone or help.
  6. When the child learns to get up at a low support, let him make such actions and at a higher support.
  7. If the baby is already standing, keeping behind the support, you can offer him to take something in the handle, such as your favorite toy. Karapuz will dyate to her and let go of one handle to start. Then you can give him two toys, you will need to use both hands. So he will learn on the support, without holding his hands.
  8. Very often, rising, the baby is afraid to sit down. Mamino Presence at this moment is simply necessary. It is possible to facilitate this situation, putting a bright toy near the baby on the floor. The child will try to reach her and comes. Of course, at the first time, the mother must force the Karapus.

After reading this article, you learned when the child comes to the legs in the life of the child, at first holding the support, and then stand on your own. Remember that you can stimulate these undertakings. However, it is not necessary to think that without such actions, the baby will not learn to get up, everything is ready and when your karapuz will be ready enough, it is physically strengthened and matures, then it will rise to straight legs. This moment is remembered for a long time in your memory, because we are so rejoice when our kids are doing progress.

Approaching the age of 4-5 months, significant changes are coming in the development of the infant. The rapid development of the senses and motor abilities, the baby reaches success in new opportunities, pleaseing his parents. This is no longer peaceful upcoming newborn. Krocha begins to grab the toys, turn over and at some point you notice that he is trying to rise and sit down. At what point the child starts to sit on his own, is it worth accelerating this process with the exercises? Consider when the child should start sitting, according to the rules of healthy physical development.

Sitting Condition - Terms and Skill Development

An independent ability to sit the child is reassuring no earlier than 6-8 months. It is difficult to give a more accurate answer, because the development of each individual breast child takes place at an individual pace. You can navigate the table of the development of the infant. In accordance with age, the kid must have the average movement skills.

When does a child begins to sit on his own?

Hold the back in the sitting toddler position begins when the muscles of the top of the torso are quite strengthened.

  • In 6 months, the infants can take a position sitting with support, resting with the handles, but quickly loses its balance and falls on the side. Kroch himself is not able to rise from the position lying, only when tightening adults by adults.
  • The average age when kids begin to sit and crawl themselves, it is 7 months. The child is already able to hold the housing in equilibrium and even can sit on to turn to the right / left.
  • Stepping threshold at 8 months, the child already takes a sedentary position on its own of any position (sitting, lying).

Most parents begin to worry when familiar children from the environment are ahead of their child. The planned inspection of the neurologist in 6 months will tell if it is worth worrying and resorting to therapeutic physical education, other auxiliary exercises and massage to master the seating skill.

Clean the skills and walk - when?

The ability to crawl develops in most kids in parallel with the skill of the seating. Active desire to crawl the baby will be shown already from 5 months, the first movement "reverse" is 5.5 months, and at six will be ready to pass forward. The child is full of desire to study the world around the world, so it is necessary to create a secure environment around it.

Walking the baby will begin after 8 months of age, it is at 8-9 months old, the kids make their first steps along the crib and Maneja. Full walking should be expected not earlier than 11-12 months, although it is noted that some kids prefer the ability to crawl immediately to learn the ability to walk.

Parents can independently track signs for which you can determine whether their infants are ready to hold the body in the sitting position:

  • lying on the tummy, the baby high raises the chest and is able to hold in this position at least 5 minutes;
  • kroch skillfully and without problems turns over in both directions;
  • the kid tries to raise the back in the lying position on his back, pulls up his head (behind the toy in your hand) and may somehow stay in this position.

It is necessary to watch your baby throughout the day, and if you notice the above actions, you can be sure - the child will soon please you with its successful skill development.

Confident landing: how to strengthen your back muscles

Parents can independently help their baby practicing in the ability to sit well. It is important to understand how babies begin to sit so as not to harm the rapid spine baby. Any exercises to strengthen the backrest and formation of a confident landing can be started not previously 5.5 months.

  • There is an excellent exercise that my liking is active. The crocha is desperate enough for the hands of an adult to try to sit down? Tighten it and allow you to stay in a sitting position on half a minute. Then gently lower on the surface. Repeat the lesson 4-5 times a few times a day.
  • Perfectly strengthens and develops the muscles of the back the development of the ability to roll over from the abdomen on the back. Put the child to the tummy often and help him turn over to the back. It is important to teach the baby to be able to roll over in both directions, even if he chose a "favorite" and is lazy to turn over to another.
  • The ability to sit also develops thanks to another skill - crawling. Crawling stimulates the muscle tension. Put something bright and rustling before the baby, let him in the lying position try to reach the subject.

On a note! Take the rule to spend the daily lightweight back massage. Regular massage actions contribute to the strengthening of the muscular corset.

Boys Earlier Girls - Myth or Reality

The numerous forums of discussion of parents do not subscribe to the fact that in the development of boys and girls there are significant differences. According to mothers, mothers girls sit on average at the age of 6-7 months. The boys sit in 5.5-6 months, although they can take attempts to rise before (for example, from 4.5 months), but independent skill comes often at this age.

Research has not been confirmed that a certain gender has an advantage in physical development. The development of the muscles of the back and the strengthening of the spine is the only principle that is worth navigating when evaluating skills to sit and walk.

The most long-awaited moment of all young parents is the first steps of crumbs. At this time, the child is so important love and support. What should mom and dad know about this development phase? What time start to walkkids and how to help your child learns to walk? All answers here.

When children start walking

When does a child begins to walk? Typically, the first independent steps of the baby makes at the age of one year, but this process can occur both before and later. Each child is individual, so the estimated period is distinguished - from 9 to 18 months, in which kids must learn to walk. This difference depends on some factors and features of the development of the child.

  • Heredity. Do not panic that Baby began to walk after a yearIf mom or dad babes also later made the first steps.
  • Paul and the Constitution of the Body of the Child. As practice shows , boys start walking2-3 months later thangirls. And the babies are harder with heavy weight, it is harder to balancing with their body weight and therefore the stage of walking for them is postponed for a while.
  • Features of the knee temperament. An unhurried, calm and quiet child will most likely start walking later. And more active and movable - earlier.
  • Psychological aspects. Often, after unsuccessful, the kid is afraid to try to take a step again and in order to the child began to walk on his own It will take time.
  • Individual reasons. There may be many of them: early childbirth, generic injuries, diseases, disorders, stress, etc.

How to teach a child to walk

When can I start walking? Parents need to remember one thing: children start walking on their own when they are physically ready for it.

How to understand that the karapuz is ready for walking? Signs.

  • May stand on the legs for a long time, keeping the heater.
  • He learned to stop, adhering to the furniture.
  • It is capable of standing to squat and climb, this skill is a sign of the developed muscles of the back.
  • The child learned to walk in his own way: on his knees, tiptoes, socks.

Tips parents who are waiting for the child to start walking independently

  • Maging Croche. This contributes to the strengthening of the entire musculoskeletal system, the proper development of the muscles of the child, normalizing the muscle tone. Massage also improves metabolism, positively affects the psychological development of the baby. More often stroke, knead and rub the back, legs and feet of the baby.

ATTENTION! Perform massage movements gently and easily, it is impossible to grasp the fabrics and the joints of the crumbs. It is better to entrust this process to a professional.

  • Engage gymnastics with a child and make light exercise. This contributes to the development of coordination of movements and the articular and ligament system. Respiratory gymnastics is very useful.

Exercise examples are shown in this video:

  • Stay toddler from a player and walkers, After all, using them it is impossible to teach the baby to walk, you can only prepare for this stage. Help your son or daughter to take the initiative: Think about the situation in the house and do so that the baby can get up onto his feet and take the first steps, sticking to the furniture, place toys at different corners of the room, ask for a little firm to go to meet you.

Council! Conduct classes with the baby in the form of the game, it will help from an early age to instill a child's love for physical education.

  • If there is an opportunity purchase special devices that develop coordination At the kid and help crumbs to keep their weight when walking (renting, leashes, and others).

To the child began to walk, try as much as possible walking with the baby for the handle, keep it. After all, this is novelty for the crumbs, it will be much more comfortable if mom or dad will be side with him, so the kid will feel safe. If he is tired and does not want to do more, do not load a children's body and make a few more steps. Otherwise, children's desire and ride for walking can quickly disappear.

Footwear - An important component of the beginning of the first steps. How to choose it? First of all, buy orthopedic models, check availability of quality certificates. The use of poor-quality shoes can cause negative consequences, such as flatfoot. Some experts believe that even in the house, the baby must make his first steps in shoes, which reliably fixes the foot. Other professionals claim that Karapuzu will be more useful to walk barefoot, provided that the surface of the floor in the apartment is flat and warm.

When choosing shoes, some tips should be followed:

  • the sole must be an elastic, not slippery and moderately tough;
  • the presence of a small heel is welcomed;
  • the size should be selected by 1 cm more than the sizes of the baby, so in winter the legs will not be frozen;

ATTENTION!Do not save on your own child's health, buying large shoes.

  • shoes should be with a flat insole and a rigid high back, which will help well fix the leg of the baby;
  • the presence of light and strong fastener will simplify the life of parents, since children at this age do not know how to wait;
  • you should select boots with a round, wide and durable toe to reduce the risk of trauma of fingers;
  • the material must be natural: suede or skin will help the leg breathing and not sweat.

Do you need shoes with a supinator? There is no uniform opinion among pediatricians and orthopedists in this matter. But, the majority claims that such shoes can harm a healthy foot, so without the recommendations of the orthopedic shoes with the supinator should not be purchased.

Pediatrician tips about how to choose the right shoes in the moment, when a child starts to walk on his own, Team in this video:

The most common mistakes of parents

  • Frequent use of Manege, Waldunks, Jumpers. Some moms and dads mistakenly think that by purchasing these devices, they did everything possible to teach the child to walk. But when using these devices, the child will not be able to learn to walk on its own.
  • It is too early demand from the child first steps.
  • Hyperopka, most often from mom. Yes, the baby steads uncertain and, in the absence of parental support, he can fall. But there is nothing terrible in this, without such experience, the child can never learn to walk on his own. Parents need to remove all dangerous things in the house, as well as stick special protection on sharp corners of furniture.

In this video, advice for young parents who teach their child to see the world.
