The time has come, and the long-awaited new family member of the family has declared himself. Happy parents with heads plunged into the care of newborn karapuse. The first months of the life of the kid - the period when others come to change one exciting expectations. Let's talk about the time when the child begins to agreed and go.

When a child begins to steer and adagge, everything is filled with a sense of pride and excitement. These are the initial attempts of full-fledged communication. Pronounce the first sounds, the crumb is active in motion with handles and legs - the means of contacting their attention of parents.

The child is gulit and smiles, it means that we understand that in the development of his psyche everything is in order, the process goes in due course. That is why inexperienced parents are so careful to passing these processes from his beloved Chad: When for the first time, the sounds are different from grinding and crying, began to keep the head on their own, sit, walk.

The age in which children begin to adversely, quite individual, but mostly this process is launched after the first month of life. The child makes a variety of vowel sounds: "A", "and", "U", "O", their combinations. The baby utters them and long and abruptly, and sharply. We perceive these attempts, as said AGU.

At first, the karapuz is honing a new skill alone with him. As far as many months, the child neither began to adversely, a little earlier or a little later, this action causes the lunizing and feeling of pride, as well as confidence in the normal development of their beloved Chad.

For babies, it is important to satisfy physiological and emotional needs. If children start to grow, therefore, they are very satisfied and configured to communicate. What happens later? Parents begin to respond to the sounds published by the child, setting it with their voice, toys. Gradually, the crumb in the process of observing the outside world seeks to repeat the heard sounds, talking to parents and toys with their tongue.

Thus, the development of the voice apparatus occurs, which over time, by the fourth-fifth month, will allow the baby to pronounce the first consonant sounds: "M", "P", "B". Closer to the first year of life, the bastard will acquire the appearance of some words folded from simple syllables: "Give", "Mom".

How can parents encourage children attempts to grieve and adagge? To create conditions for further development, a child of such communication must first be satisfied with all its needs:

  • timely nutrition and hygiene;
  • shift clothes;
  • fresh air;
  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • baths, including air;
  • maximum attention and communication.

It is necessary to talk to the baby constantly: the entire period of its wakefulness should be covered. In this case, the tenderness and smile are the necessary and mandatory attributes, and the extra emotional bursts are not needed. The repetition of sounds, pronounced by a child, songs and poems will stimulate the karapuz to play hearing heard. Massage of small palms and fingers is obligatory - it contributes to the development of shallow motility, which stimulates the formation of speech.

Baby does not gulit: What is the reason?

Experts allocate three stages of speech development in the first year of life:

  • creek;
  • bustle;
  • based.

But comes to the end of the first month, and the baby is not rulit. Panic aside. The development of children passes individually. In some cases, Agu sounds a month and further - silence a few weeks, in others - a long silence and a sharp beginning of the walking and tinet.

See also:

In this case, the analysis of the previous situation is needed - too much communication, violation of the usual regime, the overwork of the kid. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of problems with hearing, that is, to check whether the child hears appeal to him, whether the mother's voice is applied to him.

It is also necessary to ensure the most comfortable conditions for the baby - a calm and benevolent environment in the family, first of all, to suppress their own anxiety, which can be transmitted and crumb. Quite often, the child begins to steer when it remains alone. Parents must try to catch these moments.

You need to communicate with the baby, a clear but not harsh voice. The intonation must be soft and calm, and the speech is as simple as possible. Parents should show how to pronounce the chains of syllables. In the event of anxiety related to the development of speech in a child, a consultation is needed by a neurologist. When identifying problems or suspiciousness associated with hearing, you need to contact Laura.

Game how to make meat

The game for a baby when the child has already begun to adagge and smile, will be a stimulant to its successful development and growth. As often as possible you need to apply role-based games. It will develop articulation, auditory attention, contribute to emotional communication.

You need to talk to the baby, accompanied by active and clearly pronouncing repeating syllables. Conversations should be emotional, accompanied by visual contact and responding in response. It is necessary to give a crouch to understand what they listen to and understand. The favorite sound of the Karapus should be actively used in such conversations.

Knowledge of what how many children begin to adversely, smile, lept, are needed by parents, especially if this is the first child. They will help judge the development of the baby. In the event of any deviations from the norm, first of all, it is necessary to consult with its pediatrician and eliminate the presence of pathologies.

The first sounds of speech The newborn learns to pronounce after eight weeks from the birth. As a rule, several stages occur "vocal" skills. In the first stages of early development, the baby gives only a cry and only after you can hear the rustling and agucan. If, by 2-3 months, these psycho-emotional indicators have not appeared, it means that something is wrong with a cloth. It is possible that it does not hear or there are neurological disorders.

The manifestation of reflexes and skills to manage their speech apparatus is the main task of just starting a babies. Initially, he learns to pronounce vowel sounds: "A" "O", "N" "U", and a little later, repeat the syllables for adults. So let's consider when the child begins to adverse and go? How do the forms of sound reproduction in children? How many months changes are changing the pronunciation of sounds and begins to bete? We will answer all questions in our article.

Toddler speech abilities

The development of speech and the ability to communicate the kid can be divided into the following age groups:

  • From birth to 1.5 months - The newborn expresses its dissatisfaction with cry, crying. At the fourth week, the crumb clearly hears the sounds and words, but the development of speech is still too early.
  • From 1.5 to 3 months - Breasts can pronounce some vowel sounds, often groan. In the third month, the child begins to root and adagge. He is already able to distinguish between intonation, rhythm and community of speech.
  • 4-6 months "The baby exhibits joy when communicating, begins to lie, imitate the tones of speech mom and dad, pronouncing uncomplicated syllables. At this age, the baby makes predominantly elongated sounds (vowels "AAA-A", "UUU-U" "LLC-o").
  • 7-9 months - Caught to recognize tones and repeat individual syllables. The child easily imitates adult gestures and begins to speak simple words ("Ma-Ma", "Pa Para", "Ba-Ba"). In the repertoire of the crumbs, you can still hear the lip phonetics - "Hoole and Agukane", which is more similar to the adult speech language.
  • After 1 year - Children continue to speak "ASU" and can already give whole words. They imitate the phrases of loved ones, and their rico-like sounds are more meaningful and understandable to parents. Closer to 12 months in their vocabulary contains from 10 to 12 words.
  • 1.5-2 years - In speech you can hear the first adjectives. As far as the child is active and talkative, it all depends on his physical and mental development. As Mama and Dad are often talking to him, and the same intensity will be given his anatomical vocal tract.

When the child begins to go

Coupled and Agukane as a form of speech manifestation can be heard when the infant is 2 months old. Until this period, the newborn expresses his emotions with a smile, crying, loud laughing, swinging legs and pens. Eight weeks, the kid begins to reproduce the first sounds "A" "y" (more similar to ASU), facial expansion on the face appears.

Consciously and deliberately baby begins to adagge closer to 4 months. Basically, these are the consonants "g", "x", which are easiest to reproduce lips. For crumb faster to memorize short words and pronounced sounds, begin to communicate first. Speak slowly by syllables, sfall children's cradle and songs.

Most often, the kid is gulitis with vowels, which most often hear from the mouth of parents. As the baby grows and develops, the pronunciation of lip sounds is changing. By 12 months, Kroch knows how to pronounce the recognizable syllables, although the roaking, Agukane and the letteen continues for a while.

Hugging in deaf children

Low-impaired children lagging behind the reproduction of typical vocal sounds. Although the meal may appear at the same age and the same speech forms that hearing children. However, if the child does not hear himself, then Agukane ceases at some stage of development. In these cases, parents need to be alerted, and it is better to contact a neurologist who examines and adjusts psycho-emotional indicators of your child's development.

Remember! There are situations where the newborn began to adversely and then stopped. It's quite normal. After all, the deaf children cease to be pushed before their peers - hearing kids. In addition, due to the lack of auditory experience, they are significantly lagging behind in developing spoken speech. Therefore, it is very important to regularly engage with such a category of children.

Child's speech development up to 6 months

  • Create the conditions in which the crumbs appear the desire to communicate. These include: feeding on demand, frequent street walks, pronunciation of simple syllables, sounds, massage, gymnastics, bathing before bedtime.
  • For classes with a child, more often use pictures with images of birds, animals. Speak out loud, which is depicted on the card ("Ku-ku", "Meow", "GAV"). In their stories, use facial expressions, gestures, emotions. Mom's mood is transmitted to the baby, he listens with interest, therefore, in addition to the ability to adhere and grieve, his speech apparatus develops even more.
  • Repeat the sounds for 6 month old, "A-A-A-A", "U-U-U-U", "B-B-B"), add new melodies to his repertoire. In each case, when the child is gulitis, answer reciprocity, gently smile and praise your firstborn.
  • Make the point massage palms, it contributes to the development of speech abilities, shallow motility, and also removes fatigue and muscle tone.
  • In the development of the speech of the infant child, musical toys help well. Do not worry if the crumb has not thorn in 5 months. Everything has its time.
  • When communicating with the child, turn on visual contact, try to watch him in the eyes, and not turn away to the side.
  • Sugle songs, read poems, fairy tales, such communication will be interested in your crumbs.

When children begin to adagge, to be gluable and go - this indicates the preparation of a new form of speech consisting of several words (for example: Mom, Dad, Baba). However, the variation of the complexity of the resulting syllables depends on the characteristics of the development and nature of small Chad. Therefore, with the baby you need to constantly communicate, tell and explain about your actions. Such actions will be useful for the development of infant language skills. The main thing is not to scream, but to say a calm, balanced tone.

At what age, children start to go

When a child begins to agreed, parents are pride and dignity. It usually happens on the second month of life. Publishing sounds, the crumb actively moves with its tiny handles and legs, attracting the attention of parents. If the child begins to smile and adversely, it means that it can be concluded that its mental and emotional development corresponds to age standards. Why young parents are so carefully monitored for the norms of development: when began to lie, sit down, walk? It is better to identify the problem in a timely manner than then it is treated.

How does Agukane crumbs manifest?

These are a variety of sounds "A", "O", "and", "U" and their combinations. The baby pronounces his vocalization standing and abruptly, gently and sharply, alternating, trying to "taste" the pronunciation of vowels. Later they will be folded into the syllables, then in words. In the meantime, Chado Aguches, lying in a soft and cozy bed.

Newborn and babies have two main needs - physiological (food, sleep, fresh air, cleanliness, soft painless tummy) and emotional (be near adults: mom or dad). If physiological needs are satisfied, it means that the baby will be benevolent, active. And indeed, such sincere conversations begin when the duct-free, clean and dry.

If children begin to go to go - it means they are completely satisfied with life and are configured to communicate. And it fills the heart of parents with joy - my child is good! His serenity and playful mood is transmitted to mom and dad. What then happens? That's right, parents begin to respond to the baby with the same sounds. It warms the interest of crumbs, its vocalization is complicated. Consequently, the speech apparatus develops.

How do parents stimulate childhood attempts to agreed?

1. Create conditions for this phenomenon, satisfy its needs. And they have the baby while very simple: in time feed, dress up, walk, take on the handles, laying sleeping, make a massage and gymnastics, create positive emotions. Response reactions will certainly be the desire of the child to communicate.

2. After the conditions are created, and the crumb makes the first attempts to go, it is important to encourage it. To pronounce with him simple sounds, syllables, necessarily making pauses, giving a young interlocutor to "answer."

3. Show clear articulation, exaggerate sounds. One day it will be possible to notice that the baby tries to "catch" the sounds uttered by the mother and dad, as if they could touch them.

So what time does the child begins to agreed? On average, this is due to the period from 2 to 4 months. Then, by half the sounds, the sounds are complicated, acquire the form of syllables. In the meantime, you should enjoy these unforgettable moments!

Finally, the long-awaited kid was born. There are a lot of worries, experiences and joy from his success. It is still very far from the long-awaited word "mother", but the first sounds published by the baby can be heard very soon. And every mammy is looking forward to the moment when the child will begin to adagge.

The first sounds or how many months children begin to adugging

The first four to five weeks from the newborn can only be heard. Only by the beginning of the second month, the kids begin to publish the first sounds. It all begins with uncomplicated vocabulary: "A", "U", "O", "E". We hear "ASU" at the expense of the gentle pronunciation of these sounds by a child.

The first time when children begin to adversely, they "talk" with themselves, trying the new skill for themselves. They watch the sound source for a long time and try to reproduce it. Then the baby begins to apply a new skill for a dialogue with parents or toys. Often, kids are starting to steer the melody, as if to sign it.

At the fourth-fifth month, children begin to try to pronounce the first consonant sounds. First, the so-called lip, "m", "p", "b". Gradually, individual syllables will sound more and more clearly, from which the first babe of child will begin. By the end of the first year, the baby is already starting to try to pronounce the first words consisting of the same syllables.

Learning to adhesive

Agukane is an important process for further formation of speech. Of course, it is impossible to specifically to go around the child. However, some actions will help the baby faster begin to communicate with the outside world.

  1. Firstly, with a child you need to talk more. Any action parents must accompany the explanation that they do. It is necessary to talk with the baby during a swelling, morning toilet, feeding, bathing, that is, at all time wakefulness. Speech must be soft and affectionate, without sharp bursts of emotions.
  2. Secondly, Repeat his sounds behind the kid and add new, simple. Children in their essence imitators and they will try to repeat said. Let the AGU dialogue with a smile be held between the child and Mom.
  3. Thirdly, I must definitely stroke and gently massage the palm of the child. Here are the acupuncture points associated with the brain areas with responsible for speech development. Finger games and palms massage develop fine motility and contribute to the further development of speech.

When communicating with a small little man, in no case should not covert words and suck. Reading short children's poems, folk speeches and booms will have a beneficial effect on the development of the kid.

Already a month, but the child is silent

Do not worry if the baby does not begin to adversely by the end of the first month. Kids are not mechanisms with a strictly specified development program, each of them has its own temp. What how many children begin to agreed - the question is exceptionally individual. One is already trying to say "AGU"And the other, by nature, Muschun, will pay the first sounds somewhat later adopted.

There are cases when the child began to agreed in time, but then suddenly silent. The fact is that the baby is preparing to master the next portion of speech skills. After some time, the roeing will return, but it will also be added to the voice, cavity and squeal. Sometimes the cessation of Agukania is caused by external factors, such as stress, or poor child well-being.

With long-term "silence" (after eight months), the kid should turn to the district pediatrician. Perhaps your child has any problems of a neurological nature or disruption of the hearing aid. The doctor will send a child to a narrow specialist (neurologist or a otolaryngologist) to establish the reasons for the development delay and their treatment.

The first month of life of the newborn baby is filled with round-the-clock care for its calf, long feeding, anxious mammage by his regime. However, in the second month, parents are already starting to the pedagogical process of crumb development and immediately ask the question "And when a child begins to adagge?".

Indeed, after 5-6 weeks, a newborn baby suddenly is accepted to publish gentle sounds, uttering some vowels, and mom is no longer wailing as soon as possible to start communicating with his chad.

The first sounds can be heard at 1.5 months. These will be vowels "A", "O", "U", taken by many adults for all the favorite children's word "AGU."

First, the baby trains a new skill alone with himself. He waves his handles, pulls the legs and in the beat of his movements pronounces new sounds. Baby at that age any movement perceives as an object of observation, so it sometimes sometimes has enough of his own sharp waves to start a cheerful conversation with a flammable item.

When the child begins to adversely and deliberately

3-4 months - This is the age of conscious walking. He is already able to add to his sounds and consonants. Most often it is the sounds produced while cutting the muscles of the sky, close to the gentle. Sounds "g", "g", "x", "k" - such actions are given to the crumb of everything.

Much later, after half a year, the baby will learn to publish lip sounds "M", "P", "B", which is why it turned out that almost all the peoples of the world the words "Mom" and "Dad" have a lifting phonetics - parents just called themselves Sounds that were the first to get in the kids. However, about this later.

If the baby is stubbornly silent

First, under no circumstances should you start worrying from scratch. If a neighbor carappusion is more developed, and the sound "o" he utters more clearly, do not rush to run to the speech therapist. It's just that your crumbs have not yet come a moment of eloquence.

Speech centers in the brain in different children are in various hemispheres. That is why the time of manifestation of speech activity may be different.

If your older kid thugged before, do not worry, it's just a desire of nature - she knows better when your child start to adagge.

How to help your baby, if it does not start to go?

On the palms, the crumbs are arranged acupuncture points affecting the development of speech abilities. Developing a shallow motility of an infant, you first help him thoroughly.

What ways you can develop a petty motorcy for infant:

  • Massage palm.
  • Laying on the tummy, under the hands of laying structural mats.
  • Play with a bluer in the ladies, clap the palms from the inside, tapping with your finger.
  • Bending and blending fingers, forcing blood to stick to them and feed the nerve endings.
  • Constantly touch his palms.
  • Crying in a dream with noise.

How can you determine that the kid hears you and understands, although it is silent:

  • Smile in response to a tender mother's mom.
  • Change of facial expressions as a reaction to unexpected sounds.
  • Crying in a dream with noise.
  • Manifestation of positive emotions at the sight of toys.
  • Exacerbation of the attention of the baby at the moment of the melody's melody.

These minor little things that are repeated day-to-day testimony of the right development of the baby.

The manifestation of reactions is the main task only to live crumbs. But what kind of individual reaction is, this is his personal choice! The time when the child begins to adversely, it always comes unexpectedly and everyone is different.

If you want to quickly start communicating in your crumb, start the dialogs yourself. Peel to him children's songs with short words and pronounced sounds, talk to him by syllables, just pull out separate vowel sounds. The kid will first be just beless to smile, then try to turn the sponge into the tube, and one day the first sounds will appear!

The crocha will very quickly learn how to manage his speech apparatus, and his mom will be the main assistant in this!
