Signs of normal child development
from 1 to 12 months

Quite often, young parents do not quite imagine, why do you need an inspection of a newborn neurologist. Meanwhile, it allows you to promptly notice the slightest deviations in the development of the baby. Only a doctor can evaluate the degree of maturity of the nervous system of the baby, the potential capabilities of its body, features of reactions to the conditions of the external environment, prevent violations of development or their consequences. The foundations of the health or unhealthy of a person are laid at the earliest age, so timely diagnosis and correction of existing disorders are one of the main tasks that the neurologist solves when the first inspection of the newborn.

By the middle of the 1st monthSometimes before, children begin "meaninglessly" to look around, and stopping a look at the stakeholders concerned longer. The first "objects" of increased attention is the faces of the closest people - Moms, Pope and those who are caught by the child. By the end of the 1st month, the child begins to smile quite consciously at the sight of his favorite people, turn the head to the sound source, shortly follow the moving object.

Most of the day the newborn spends in a dream. However, those who believe that the sleeping child does not perceive the sounds of the surrounding world. The baby reacts to sharp, loud sounds, turning the head to the sound source, closes his eyes. And if they were closed, the child is still stronger than the eyelids, the forehead wrinkles, the expression of fright or discontent appears on the face, breathing, the baby begins to cry. In families, where parents are constantly talking on elevated colors, children have a dream, irritability appears, the appetite is worse. Sveta Mom's lullaby, on the contrary, will help the child to calmly fall asleep, and a gentle friendly tone, adopted in the family, forms a sense of security and confidence in a further adult life.

On the 2nd month, the child significantly decreases the tone in the muscles-flaying limbs and increases the tone in the muscles-extensors. Movement of the baby becomes more diverse - he raises his hands, spreads them to the sides, pulls, keeps the toy embedded in his hand and pulls her into her mouth.

The baby begins to be interested in bright beautiful toys, for a long time he looks at, hurts and pushes them with their hands, but it can not yet capture the palm. Lying on the stomach, and then in a vertical position, the child raises his head - this is the first conscious movement that he mastered. Soon, being in his hands at Mom, he is already confidently looking around, and at first his attention is attracted by fixed items located at a high distance. This is due to the features of the structure of the visual apparatus. Then the baby begins to consider and closest items, turn the head and follow the eyes behind a moving toy. During this period, children prevail positive emotions - a smile, motor recovery, a hug at the form of a mother's face, in response to affectionate appeal.

On the 3rd month, the child becomes even more active, begins to turn first from the back on the side, and then on the belly, confidently hold his head. The baby really likes to lie on the stomach, while he relies on the forearm, raises his head and the upper part of the body, carefully examines the surrounding items, toys, makes attempts to reach them. Move hands are diverse. Lying on the back, the child quickly and accurately captures the subject embedded in the palm, pulls it into his mouth. He already has his own preferences - some toys please be happy more than others, as a rule, these are small rattles that he can independently hold in his hand. He distinguishes the faces and voices of his and strangers, understands intonation.

At 4 months, the kid is improving in the ability to turn from the back on the stomach and from the abdomen on the back, sits down with the support of the hand. The infant fully fasses a grabbing reflex, and it comes to a change arbitrary capture of items. At first, when trying to take into my hands and keep the toy, the baby woven, captures her with both hands, makes many extra movements and even opens the mouth, but soon the movement is becoming more accurate and more accurate. In addition to toys, a four-month baby begins to feel the hands of a blanket, diaper, his body and especially hands, which then carefully considers, holding a long time in sight. The meaning of this action is to consider the hands - in the fact that the child is forced to hold them for a long time in one position, which is impossible without a long-term reduction in individual muscle groups and requires a certain degree of maturity of the nervous system, the visual analyzer and the muscular apparatus. The baby begins to compare his tactile sensations and visually perceived images, thereby expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around.

By 5-6 months, the kid confidently takes and holds various items in the field of its reach. All that falls into the hands of the child at this age, after feeling and viewing inexorably turns out to be in the mouth. Some parents are disturbing and even sadness, as it seems to them that the baby appears bad habits, which will be difficult to wean. But the fact is that the baby, exploring the world, in addition to the usual adult person of view, hearing and smell, actively uses the touch and taste, whose value for the process of knowledge at this age is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, in no case cannot prevent the research interest in the child, seeking to "try tooth". However, parents must ensure that there are no small or sharp items dangerous for the baby nearby.

When communicating with adults, a 4-5 month-old child develops a complex of revitalization, which includes emotional, motor and speech reactions - smile, energetic movements, long-term consideration with a multitude of vowel sounds.

The child turns on his side and, leaning on his hand, sits down. Lying on the back, he quickly and defrines his hand for a toy and confidently captures her. Speech is actively developing, the baby pronounces the consonants, syllables "Ba", "Ma", "Yes," missed, begins to react differently to mom, dad, relatives and strangers.

At 7-8 months, as the equilibrium reactions develop, the baby begins independently, without support, sit down from the position on the back and on the stomach with the help of hands. Lying on the stomach, he relies on the forearm, his head is raised, the look is directed forward - this is the most optimal position for crawling, which is still carried out only with the help of hands on which the child is tightened forward, the legs in motion are not involved. With the support of the baby, it stands on his feet and stands for a short time, and at the beginning it can rely "on socks", and then on a complete foot. Sitting, he plays for a long time with rattles, cubes, examines them, shifting from one hand to another, changing places.

The child of this age is gradually trying to attract the attention of adults, clearly distinguishes all family members, stretches to them, imitates their gestures, begins to understand the meaning of words addressed to him. In the povet, the intonations of pleasure and discontent are clearly distinguished. The first reaction to others is often negative.

To 9-10 months of age Crawling on the stomach is replaced by crawling on all fours, when cross-hand and leg are simultaneously moving, it requires good coordination of movements. The kid moves at this speed in the apartment that it is difficult to follow him, grabs and pulls everything in his mouth, which comes across to his eyes, including electrical appliances and equipment buttons. Given the possibilities of this age, parents need to ensure the safety of an ubiquitous baby in advance. By 10 months, the child rises from the position on all fours, strongly pushed his hands from the floor, it stands and crosses his legs, holding the support with two hands. The child will gladly imitate the movements of adults, waving his hand, pulls out of the box or collects scattered toys, takes small items with two fingers, knows the name of the favorite toys, finds them at the request of the parents, plays in "Ladushka", "Soroka", "Hires". He repeats the syllables for a long time, copies various speech intones, the voice expresses emotions, performs some demands of adults, understands the prohibitions, pronounces individual words - "Mom", "Pope", "Baba".

On the 11th and 12th months Children appear independent standing and gait. The kid crosses his feet, holding the furniture or railing with one hand, squats, takes the toy, gets up again. Then he leaves his hand from the barrier and begins to walk one. Initially, he walks, tilting the body forward, on widespread and semi-bent in the hip and knee joints of the legs. As the coordination reaction improves, its gait is becoming increasingly confident, during walking it stops, turns, leans behind the toy, while maintaining the balance.

The kid learns parts of the body and learn to show them at the request of adults, keeps a spoon in his hand and trying to eat independently, drinks from a cup, supporting it with two hands, nods heads as a sign of approval or denial, with pleasure, performs simple parents of parents: find a toy, call a grandmother , bring your shoes.

In his vocabulary, as a rule, there are already a few words. However, it should not be disappeared if your baby still does not argue individual words, because it is one of the most complex higher mental functions and its development is very individual. Boys usually begin to speak a few months later than girls, which is associated with the features of the formation and ripening of their nervous system. Speech delay is often observed in children whose parents belong to different language groups and communicate with a child each in their own language. Members of such families are recommended for the interests of the baby to choose a single language of communication until the child does not completely defeat him, and only then teach him the second. Most children have a speech short phrases from year to two, and then its complication and improvement occurs.

The skills and skills of the child are directly related to its age.

Walking, crawling, talking to all parents.

After all, you need to know what age is guided.

Usually, children are starting at the age of one year.

But what to do parents, if the child is already 1.2, and he does not go himself?

When need to worry and how to help the baby master the skill?

What time is the child begins to make the first steps, depends on its individual characteristics.

Some children are more active and movable begin to get up to 5-6 months, and at 7 months they make the first steps along the crib, holding the side, and a little later go on their own.

Others and at 13-15 months are not solved walking without support.

Most often, the skill of self-conceived kids are seized between the ages of 9 and 16 months. In many respects, it depends on the temperament of the baby, its constitution, the features of development.

The premature child begins, as a rule, walk a few later peers.

Girls on statistics make the first steps earlier than boys.

Opinion expert

Polyakova Lyudmila Igorevna - Medical Worker

Assistant doctor of obstetrician-gynecologist, mom two children

It happens that the child has already made the first unsure steps, but then stopped walking again. So it has not yet come his time. It is necessary to give the baby the opportunity to gain sustainable skill, interest it, help strengthen the muscles of the body.

Actively crawling children often do not rush to walk, because they can move on all fours. No need to rush. Crawling is useful for health and will help the child to prepare the body to straight. Give the baby some more time.

The long-awaited moment came and the child made his first independent steps. The gait of the baby is very different from the adult.

He puts out the legs wide, puts the feet in parallel to each other.

When walking the foot of the child is not rolling from the heel on the sock, and it becomes completely completely, so the kid "is tolete".

The center of gravity at the kid is shifted, so its position when walking is not yet steadily, it often falls. Over time, the child will learn to walk correctly and confidently.

If the baby began to walk early - is it necessary to rejoice?

Parents whose child went to 9 months often very proud that their baby was ahead of peers. Is it really good?

If a mobile and active child got up without any help and began to walk in 7-8 months, then he is already ready for this. But you should not allow him for a long time in such a position.

So early walking can negatively affect the rapid spine and the bones of the baby's feet, cause their curvature.

Especially one should not be actions from parents aimed at ensuring that the child go so early. Gymnastics, massage, exercises with a child are important, but must correspond to the age of the child.

It is better to direct the efforts of the baby on mastering crawl, it at this stage is more useful for health.

Usually, the baby begins to go after learned to crawl well, and if the development of this skill is larenched, most likely your child will go a little later. Want to know on all fours? Read our new material.

If the baby started going late

If the child began to go to the year, then parents begin to worry about this.

However, the doctors say that if before 1.3 years old can not walk on his own, but gets up, crawling, walks with support, it is not worth worrying.

If the child began to go late, then this does not mean that he is lagging behind in development, and that he will speak later, and will continue to lag in everything. He has its own pace of development and these skills are not connected.

Perhaps he will speak before other children.

If the process of mastering independent walking has dragged up much longer than the norm, then it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Parents' Help - Exercises and Massage

How can parents help their child in learning to walk? First of all, create conditions for mastering the skill:

Main movements with massage stroking, rubbing, easy kneading muscles, tapping and stroking again. Direction of movements - bottom up.

Read more about Gymnastics to strengthen the back and legs in our video:

Choose first shoes

Usually the first steps of the baby makes the house barefoot or in socks. Nevertheless, it will necessarily need shoes.

It depends on its amenities, whether the child can walk in it. After all, uncomfortable shoes will shove the feet of the baby, to make it heavy.

Therefore, when choosing the first shoes, such moments must be taken into account:

  • Shoes should be made of natural breathable materials;
  • The sole must be flexible and as thinner as possible;
  • The foot should be well fixed: a solid back, good clasp;
  • Well, if the shoes have a supinator and a small heel.
  • Shoes should be easily dressed, because the baby can not stick his foot yet. And of course be by.

Launching skill

For more than a year, he should start walking, and does not go, although all his peers have already mastered this skill. Why does a child get the development of this skill? The reasons for the backlog may be several:

In this situation, you will need a survey and treatment of specialists.
If parents have doubts about the health of the child, it is worth consulting with the doctor.

More tips for parents you will find in this video:

When it is worth worrying

If it does not get up and does not go even with support, or he has already been 1.5 years old, and he does not walk on his own, then it is worth consulted with a doctor about this.

If the baby gets up and moves, keeping behind the support, it does not bother him, he is cheerful and full of strength, it just did not come to his time.

If the baby goes on tiptoe

Sometimes there are situations that the child begins to walk on tiptoe. It does not put a foot completely, but walks on the socks. The reasons for such behavior may be different:

  • Most often it can be associated with an increased tone of the legs.
  • It is believed that such a condition is associated with the hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth. The problem is correct to independently.

    When a child moves a lot, crawling, climbs and peels off the sofa, beds, chairs, gets up, walks, then his muscles are strengthened and the elevated tone leaves. In some cases, massage and gymnastics helps;

  • kid can to attract attention to become above.
  • It is necessary to adjust such walking, correcting the child;

    Was your baby on tiptoe?


  • Sometimes the child walks on the socks, if he studied to walk in walkers.
  • In them, the kid is more on the socks than on the whole foot;

  • This may be due to diseases of the nervous system or musculoskeletal systemBut then the child will have other violations that cannot be noticed.

The pediatrician will definitely pay attention to the inspection of the child.

In any case, it is necessary to adjust the child's gait to avoid problems with the spine and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

And a little more about the walkers, they are in great demand among many parents, but more and more often the pediatricians oppose this device, arguing that it can prevent the formation of the skill of the right walk.

Komarovsky about walking and walkers

Look at the video that Dr. Komarovsky thinks about the walkers.

Already behind the first smile mom, the first sounds, the first skills of the coups, we are already sitting on the ass, we already have the first tooth - the turn has come to wait for the first independent, although the uncertain step. Many mothers look forward to this step! Remember (!) - Clear temporal indicators when your child (how many months) will start walking independently without support. As in everything that concerns the life of the kids to the year, the time of independent movement is exclusively individually ...

How many months children do the first steps

Age in which the child should start walking himself, on average for about a year. However, this does not mean that all babies begin to make the first steps in 12 months. The norm is considered a period of 9 months and about 1.5 years. First, the kid tries to get up, then makes trial steps, holding the furniture or hand of an adult. And only after doing independent attempts to walk.

Since how many months, children start walking depends on many factors:

The genetic factor strongly affects the time when the baby goes. If someone from the parents went very late, then you should not wait for early steps from the baby; The Constitution and the Child Gender also affect the time when the baby will make the first steps. Chubby kids will go somewhat later slim peers, and girls begin to walk before boys; Toddler temperament affects the time when the child goes. Calm, balanced observers do not hurry to walk. It is convenient for them to learn the world slowly and they feel great and sitting or crawling. Independent fidgets on the contrary faster seeking to learn more and make the first steps very early.

When a child starts to walk on his own, you will notice that the process of his walking is noticeably different from the walk of an adult for several peculiarities:

Foot, the child puts in parallel to each other; Children walk as if "typing step", without knowing how to ride their feet with a heel; Children still do not know how to keep the center of gravity and therefore often fall.

Given these features, parents need to carefully look after their children and be alert. It is especially dangerous when the child falls the plafhmy forward or backwards - he does not know how to soften the drop in his hands and can break the face or head. However, it should not be panicked before madness fear falls. The bones of children at this age are very elastic and the risk of fractures is minimal.

The reaction of parents is very important at frequent kid drops. Do not rush every time to the child with horror on the face and raise it. It is a gentle and calm voice to pick up the novice "walker" and wait until he himself rises and continues the steps.

As soon as the child becomes mobile, all dangerous items in the house must be removed, sharp corners secure, the parent must be constantly on the check, do not let a child from the zone of his control. Very important article: We read how to secure a house for a child

If the child began to go early? Better before or later?

In case the child early began to walk should not be very happy. The muscles of the spine and the legs have not yet become completely strengthened and the load provided when walking while there is a mixture. In large, replete kids can have problems with the formation of the bone muscular system of the legs. Especially if the baby did not stand on the legs himself, and his parents have forced this event. The baby's shin does not withstand his weight, which leads to their curvature and improper setting of the stop. Subconsciously kids know when it is best to take the first step; The child begins to walk for several reasons late. Perhaps he is not yet ready muscles of the legs and spine to shine. Or there is a weakening of immunity by the suffering disease or generic injury.

Help the child in walking - exercises and massage

Is it possible to stimulate the baby to make the first step quickly if the appearance of this skill is delayed? - The most important thing to adhere to the sense of measure in the desire to quickly teach your baby to walk. Ways to help the child learn a new skill for him somewhat.

We must provide the child the necessary enough space for movement. The kids who are constantly in the Manege will go very late. It is worth exploring the room different stable furniture items for support. Beloved baby toys should be placed so as to reach them, the child had to break away from the support. Over time, the distance from the support to the support should be increased. Massage. Massage is to strengthen and relax muscles working when walking. Stroking, rubbing and tapping in the footsteps and lower legs will bring a good positive effect (we read about the massage here). Daily gymnastics and stimulating exercises. The set of exercises should include bending and extension of legs, squats and sipping with an adult, bouncing on his knees at mom, classes on phytball (reference to useful articles Massage and charging above). Sustainable rental toys will help the baby feel confident. The child pushes a toy in front of him and moves almost independently.

We read in detail a very useful article - How to teach a child to go 10 right advice

Do not use walkers and jumpers. They not only do not stimulate independent movement, but on the contrary, they contribute to walking delays. We read: For and against the walkers and read: For and against jumpers

First shoes for baby beginner walk

From the point of view of the orthopedic, the kid shoes must meet the following requirements:

footwear should be selected from genuine leather and suede, so that the leg of the baby breathe; The sole of the first shoes is fine and flexible, otherwise the kid will stumble; Handberry shoes for a child need to choose hard so that boots or sandals do not fall down when walking from the legs; A small and stable heel will save the child from bumping back; The upper and lateral part of the shoes should be soft and easily form folds; To form a foot of the foot in shoes it is worth picking up a flexible supinator.

We look at the video about what shoes it is better to choose:

Walking on tiptoe or socks

It happens that instead of ordinary walk, the child begins to walk on the socks. If the baby simply wants to attract the attention of loved ones or tests a new way of movement, then everything is normal.

When the baby is constantly moving on a tiptoe-eyed ballet gait, not even trying to fall on the entire foot, then measures must be taken. You do not need to try to correct the situation. In such an important case, it is better to confine a doctor who will advise what to do. Most often a special massage, special gymnastics and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Read more: Why is a child walks on tiptoe - what to do?

You can beat the alarm if the baby did not start walking after one and a half years. Yes, and that, only in the case of the low activity of the child and the unsatisfactory overall state of the kid. When the child is cheerful, active, hesitantly crawls with a good mood, but does not go - you should not worry, he will go all his time.

We also read:Why is a child afraid to walk on his own?

On the subject of development:

Development up to a year per month (from birth to year); When the child begins to crawl; When a child starts to sit.

Video Consultation: At what age do children begin to walk and how to teach them it correctly?

In the first year of life, the child develops intensively and gradually masters various skills. So, for example, by the month, the kid holds the head and smiles. To six to seven months he must learn to sit on his own. Very many parents are looking forward to the moment when the favorite child will make the first steps. Especially moms and dads spur the stories of relatives and acquaintances that their child first went when he was only seven or eight months old. And then parents begin to worry, thinking that it is possible that their karapuz is lagging behind in development. "When does a child begins to walk on his own?" This is exactly this question that worries them.

When should a child start walking?

Usually kids make the first independent gums by the year. However, each child develops in different ways. Mastering the skill of walk depends on such factors, such as temperament. Children with a calm temper are not in a hurry to walk, because they are enough to move around the house crawling on all fours. Some kids satisfied sitting. Active karapubuses strive to know the world around faster, and therefore they please their parents with early steps. Often there is a situation where the child first learn to walk (aged 9-10 months), and then only crawl.

At the time of mastering walking, the development of children's muscles affects. A child who mothers regularly performed massage and gymnastics, usually begins to walk before. By the way, the slender guys begin to move faster than their chubby peers.

In addition, the sexuality of the crumbs is taken into account. Parents of the daughters are interested, what girls start walking. In general, in its development, small representatives of beautiful sex a little ahead of boys. Many babies are already moving away by 9-10 months "on their two." Regarding how much boys begin to walk, then it happens more often for 2-3 months later than girls. Of course, all this averages. Therefore, you should not worry if your daughter began to walk later the Son.

In general, pediatricians consider the time to master the spending in the age range from 9 to 15 months. The first steps after a year do not give grounds to assert that the child late began to walk. Do not raise the alarm, hurrying to the pediatrician or orthopedist, if by 12 months your karapuz is still caught by crawling. Another thing, if the child began to walk early, for example, by 8 months. The fact is that the bones of the baby are not yet strong enough, so additional load can lead to their curvature and violations. By the way, most often for early walking of kids stimulate mothers, prematurely putting the child on the legs.

How to help your child start walking?

In its intention, it is important to teach crumbling to go, because all efforts can make the opposite effect. In such a case, unobtrusion is important that the baby is not frightened. If he wants to walk with you for a handle, help him in this. But as soon as the child shows discontent, do not press.

Install the support room (for example, chairs), with which the child will move. Gradually increase the distances between them so that the crouch overcomes fear. Karapuza can be stimulated, for example, scattering his favorite toys in those places where he will have to break away from the support to get them. Purchase a wheelchair or tolokar with a back, keeping the child who can push the toy and move. It is better to abandon the use of walkers, because they contribute to walking delay.

If you wish, you can buy special shoes for beginners to walk, equipped with an orthopedic insole, a stable sole and a small heel. It will allow the child to feel more confident and stumble more rare.

If, despite all the efforts, by one and a half years, Favorite Chado did not please you with a top of you, you need to contact an orthopedic to clarify the cause.

The newborns are surprisingly quickly trained in a new one: first recognize parents and smile, then crawl and get a toy, a little later - play, sitting on the floor. And parents, not having time to look back, they notice with surprise that the baby is no longer just standing near the sofa, but trying to make the first steps. About when a child begins to walk, which is permissible from parents, and what should not be done - in useful information below.

Question number 1: When?

Parents whose baby seeks to a one-year-old mark, often wondering how many months the child starts to walk.

Sometimes it seems to them that its own crocha is developing this skill for a long time, compared with the peer-nephew. But this is an erroneous attitude: all children are different, someone will go before, someone later.

Normal age is from 9 months to an incomplete year.

It is at this time that the child begins to comprehend the complex science to walk. Major pay the duct attention: sometimes children know how to stand firmly and move from place to place, and it's not always to sit down and rest. As a consequence - a strong load on the spine and fatigue;

For the "Early" travelers "Day of X" may occur earlier than the term designated above.

It also happens that the baby begins to go in incomplete 9 months. Such an early development is a big rarity, and it does not represent a reason for anxiety, in the event that it turned out the crumbs spontaneously, without the intervention of parents.

Very often, on request about how to teach a child to walk, you can find videos with nine-month babies, smartly running from parents;

"Flashlights" in the development of walk - these are children who stood and went at 7-7.5 months.

Yes, it also happens. If the child from the first week of life shows energy and activity, the faster peers begins to turn over, keep his head and crawl, then, most likely, it will also begin to walk early.

There is an opinion that too early motor activity does not promise anything good: the spine is experiencing a large load, it is not yet ready to fully hold the baby vertically.

In this case, it is better to just watch the baby. If he is strong, physically active, he likes to walk, while he does not have discomfort, then there is nothing terrible that the child began to walk early;

The moment causing a strong alarm: the crumb was already the year, and he still does not want to walk.

Of course, it can disturb, but a physically healthy child can go later by his peers. According to pediatricians, the lower border is one and a half years. It can be atypically, but not catastrophically.

Important! Do not force a child to early walking, everything will come in due time, the baby feels better feeling his body. Everything has its time.

Question # 2: Possible problems and their decision

In the development of walking skills, there are "pitfalls", these are circumstances that can slow down their development.

The first point is physiology.

Often the cause of the fact that the child late began to walk, his physical condition becomes. Farthers-kids with a large body weight are harder to get on their feet, the first steps are also much more difficult for them than the more slender peers.

Moderate, but regular loads, balanced nutrition and consultation of the specialist will help solve this problem;

The second paragraph is genetics. The baby usually repeats the development of parents in the early period. Therefore, it makes sense to ask grandparents about your own success in the field of walking; Third point - type of temperament.

Calm, melancholic child prefers to lie more or sit. He is more interesting to observe anything, and in a smaller one - to move.

So that the phlegmatic kid wanted to walk, you have to come up with fun fun entertainment, able to stir and cause interest in motor activity;

The fourth point - the baby runs in the walkers, but can not or does not want to walk on their own.

This problem is solved the easiest way - no walkers, there is no problem. Kroch will be forced to "work" on his own, when the "assistant" disappears;

The fifth point is psychological.

If the baby has already started walking, and, several times falling, stopped, then it is necessary to help him overcome the fear of new drops.

For example, feed your hand, suggest walking together. Play with him: Widely swallowing hugs at some distance from the crumbs, catch when the child makes the first steps. The kid will feel more confident when it will understand that Mom always caught him and support;

About other possible reasons, read in the article The child is afraid to walk on their own \u003e\u003e\u003e

Sixth point - individual circumstances.

Premature children are a little behind the peers, and it needs to be understood. A child who born 2 months earlier will develop in accordance with its biological age.

At first it will be difficult to "catch up" those who are his peers, but born on time.

Therefore, if the baby begins to walk later for this reason, then this should not be a reason for the disorder, and the incentive is even more physically developing a child. As a rule, by the year and a half "early" babies are aligned with those born in the correct term;

Seventh point - diseases, stressful situations and neurological disorders. How to teach a child to walk independently in these cases?

After the disease, the time is required to kid remember everything that managed to learn before the disease. If the reluctance to go to the crumbs is associated with stress, then he will need support for loved ones so that he felt in maximum security.

If walking inhibit other reasons associated with violations in the organism in an orthopedic or neurological part, then the best option is to seek qualified help to doctors.

Previously, it existed that belonging to a certain sex also matters. However, now the specialists who ask the question: "What time girls start walking," answer: "Just like boys. Differently."

How to teach the baby to walk and what shoes choose for the first chambers, look in the video:

Non-easy science: learning

To learn something new - it is always difficult, especially when your height is less than a meter, you still be firmly kept on your feet, and your favorite parents want you to go as soon as possible. In order for the baby to learn to go correctly, it is often necessary to help his closest people. Tell in order:

First of all, how to teach a child to walk, you need to think about the young nails - almost from birth. The fact is that the daily strengthening procedures, gymnastics, massage are the basis of developed muscles and strong spine. More information about this in the article: how to teach a child to walk \u003e\u003e\u003e The second important point is large spaces. It is not necessary to limit the world of the baby with a mesh and motherboard sides - only on freedom it will be faster all learned to walk. Attentive choice of shoes - an important point, practically key.

After all, a lot is when and how the child begins to walk confidently, depends on the shoes. Ideally, made of natural materials having a high-quality backdrop and sole. It is necessary for the presence of a supinator - this is necessary so that the stops of the foot are correctly formed.

Very often, when the baby has problems with footsteps, you can observe how the child walks on the socks. In such a situation, the child needs consultation of the neurologist and orthopedic, and he also needs special shoes.

In this case, it is necessary to immediately seek help from specialists who will be able to identify the cause and prescribe a complex of medical procedures. At the rest of the moments you should not lose your head, let the kid develop harmoniously.

Approaching the age of five months, the baby becomes very active and inquisitive. The baby stresses around, turning the head in different directions, confidently grabs and keeps toys, easily. Some kids even try to sit down that for parents becomes a reason for pride and admiration, because every mommy is looking forward to a happy time when their child begins to sit on the ass.

When a child begins to sit down alone

According to pediatricians, the child must develop and sit in about the following indicators:

  • at 6 months. - Sits with support;
  • at 7 months. - Sits without support;
  • at 7. 5 - 8 months. - Easily sits on their own and can lie from this position.

Russian pediatrician Union: the transition of a child from the position lying on his back to the sitting position

It happens that active and physically strong kids sit earlier for a month and a half. In other kids, this happens a little later. According to doctors, such indicators are also considered normal.

If an experienced doctor ask a question, how many months children are usually starting to sit down, he will answer that every little man has its own time, because the path of development of every baby is individual and unique.

Is it possible to plant a child specifically

Pediatrician and Orthopedic Opinion about the popular question from young parents "Is it possible to help and sit down a child" Definitely: the vertical position of the spine is unnatural for a child to the six-month age. Artificially sitting toddler Mountain-parents can harm the little health. Already at school age, it can be aware of serious problems with the spine. If the muscles of the back are not sufficiently sufficiently, the Kroch himself will not sit down because it is not yet ready for such a serious load.

Another thing, if the child sat on his own earlier than he was half a year. But even in this situation, the baby can not be in the "Sitting" position for more than 1 hour per day.

The moment when you can plant a child, it comes when it is small to last 6 months. We emphasize, do not sit down, but to sit down.

Consults Dr. Komarovsky: When to sit down a baby? How many months?

A series of exercises with a child to strengthen the back

What should parents do to help the kid to master the new and necessary skill for him?

Every day from 3 months of age, to perform gymnastics and massage with a child, swim in the bathroom or pool (in large cities there are swimming pools for a joint visit with young children). Thus, a muscular corset will well strengthen.

Exercise 1. A child is lying on the table. As soon as he dares his handles to her mother, stretching his thumbs. The kid will try to sit down, grabbed her fingers for her mother's fingers. The back of the child is breaking away from the surface on the 45th, in such a position of the crumb is held for a few seconds and again returns to the "lying" position.

Exercise 2. "Plane". Put the kid on the tummy. Raise the child, holding it with one hand under the chest, the other - under the legs. The legs rest in the adult breast, buttocks and the back are tense, the head is raised. Secure a position for a few seconds.

Valentina Yershova: how to teach the baby to sit

It is recommended for the physical development of crumbs to hang over the crib ring, for which he can grasp and try to rise. During the lad out on the belly at a short distance in front of the baby, put a bright object (toy), to which he will try to try.

Each young mother is important to know how to sit down the child correctly (this has already been said above) and what can not be done.

If the child does not fit independently, then it is impossible:

  1. Seat it in the pillows;
  2. Carry in a stroller in a sitting position (you can fix the back of the stroller by 45潞)
  3. To transfer to the "Kangaroo" type in the "Sitting" position;
  4. Seat on your hands (you can keep on your knees in the "middlehouse" position).

Baby girl first sit (video) 馃檪

Boys and girls: assumptions and facts

In the philistine environment there is an opinion that boys can be ascended earlier than girls. In fact, regardless of sexual signs to plant earlier six months, both those and others are harmful.

In addition, when girls begin to sit down early, then in the future this can lead to deformation of pelvic bones and serious problems of the female sexual system. Therefore, the pediatricians of the older generation often express the opinion that the girl cannot be seeded at all while the baby is 6-7 months old. Modern sources adhere to a less categorical position: it is believed that there is no big fear if the little princess decided to sit on their own earlier than half a year, and the fears of grandmothers are not even exaggerated.

Read more about (will the harm from early sitting?)

Also on the floor does not depend on the age in which the baby will sit down himself. Everything is individually, only the physical development and mental maturity of crumbs have meaning.

When the boys or girls suddenly sit before the semi-annual age, then this event serves as a reason for parental pride and even boasting to other moms. Do not hurry the events. Your baby is unique and unique, so the path of its individual development will also be unique and unique.

Healthy and intelligent kids and happy motherhood, dear moms!

Video Consultation Mom Lara on the topic when a child begins to sit

Probably, every mother knows how the breast child should develop, how many months to keep the head, and what time to sit on their own. The situation is changing when the child reaches the age of 1 year. Only a few parents can answer the question, like "when a child must learn to ride a bike or tie the shoelaces?" In this article we tried to answer the most common parent questions.

It must be remembered that each child individually and your baby's skills may differ from the regulatory. If only your child does not lag behind some skill for several months or lags behind several skills at once, there are no reasons for concern. Children born ahead of time can a little lagging behind children born on time. As a rule, this difference is smoothed to two years. But if, in addition to the fact that the child is "lagging behind" in several points, he has other disturbing symptoms: he rarely smiles, overly capricious, pronounces too few sounds or too rarely, the parents should pay attention to this.

At the age of 1 (12-14 months), the child is usually:
It goes, or makes 2-3 steps without support.
Good worth it.
Puts the object in the box.
Puts two cubes on each other.
Reacts to a simple team, not accompanied by gestures (for example, "Give!").
In addition to the "ma-ma" and "pa-pa" speaks from 1 to 6 words.
Much love.

Study: Already at this early age, you can start learning a child with letters, numbers, colors and forms. Do not think that it is too early. Even if a complete understanding comes a little later, this information is somehow postponed into the baby's brain. Of course, the study should be unobtrusive and occur in a game form with the help of pictures, poems and toys.

In 1.5 years (16-18 months) Child:
It goes well and runs.
Loves climbing the stairs.
Drinks out of the cup.
Tries on your own spoon.
Indicates the familiar items called adults.
Understands a few simple phrases.
Shows the toy nose, mouth and eyes.
Chimps pencils.
Rises, leaning, toy and transfers it from place to place.
Expresses with gestures or sounds love, pleasure, excitement.
Gives preference to your favorite toys.
Says at least 15 words.

Dummy: If you gave a baby to a pacifier, then it is better to remove it from the child not later than a half years. Prior to this age, the use of dusting is considered in general, harmless. In children who are sucking a pacifier for up to 3-4 years, may subsequently have problems with speech.

First duties: At this age, start tearing a child to - to clean up toys, laying underwear in a basket for dirty clothes or bring napkins to the dining table. And if you first need your help, you will be surprised how quickly he will learn to do it all on his own. As the child grows, add new responsibilities to this, such as: Water, wipe, if the glass has tilted with water, lay your bed and attach a dirty dishes (plastic) into the washing.

The first visit to the dentist: The first visit of the child to the dentist should take place about 6 months after the first tooth appears. In the future, attend a doctor once every six months old, especially if the child has problems with teeth - spots on the teeth or the wrong bite.

First bike: It can be bought by a child now. And even if the ability to twist pedals will come later, the child can gladly ride back and forth, pushing his legs from the ground, or enjoy the ride when you pushe bike yourself.

In 2 years, a child:
It runs well and jumps.
Builds a tower of 4-6 cubes.
Throws and kicks the ball.
"Feed" with a spoonful doll.
Self rises and descends on the stairs.
He knows his name and speaks about himself in the third face, calling by name.
Shows her nose, mouth and eyes.
Looks at pictures in the book.
May independently remove some clothing items.
Speaks from 15 to 50 words (deviations from these numbers are quite normal).
In his speech, uses several phrases of two words.
Begins to control the bladder and intestines.

The first "creativity": By two years in the child, the coordination of the "Hands" coordination is significantly improved. Therefore, at this age, many kids love to draw ("Kalakat"), paint, build from cubes, make pictures of simple puzzles and cubes.

"Adult" bed: At the age of two, it's time to relocate a child from a cot on a large bed. At this age, many children are trying to get out of their baby bed, throwing the leg through the handrail. It may be dangerous.

The first four-legged friend: Do not start pets until the child is 2 years old. At this age, the child can follow, for example, for fish in aquarium, without much harm for them and for themselves. With such pets, like a cat or, it is better to wait until the child learn to be more careful and dirty, that is, until he is at least 3-4 years old.

At 3 years old child:
Going down and climbing the stairs, alternately rearranges the legs.
It can dress and undress independently (with varying success).
Rides on a three-wheeled bike.
Understands and performs combined teams of two parts ("Raise a shovel and put in a bucket!").
Build phrases from 4-5 words.
Uses in his speech pronouns ("I", "You", etc.)
A self-consistent and understandable pronounces most of the words.
Good understands about the address facing it (within the reasonable limits of complexity).
Indicates a book at least 4 familiar subjects.
He knows the names of at least 6 parts of the body.
Plays and / or communicates with other children.
Accustomed to the toilet (small incidents are quite acceptable).

By 3 years, the child has significantly improved speech skills. Pay more attention to learning the risers and the song, read more books with a child carefully examining and discussing pictures.

At 4 years old child:

Already well controls its body. It becomes a real "specialist" in the field of fastening and unbuttoning buttons, shoelaces, lightning, scaring you by the desire for full independence and independence. He also skillfully uses a spoon and fork. At this age, it is completely normal if your chubby kid will turn into a lanky "List". Do not be afraid, gradually for several years children's fat people "melts" and replaced with muscles. The growth and weight of the child should increase evenly. If the weight grows faster than growth, the child may be inclined to complete. Pay attention to the inner thighs and the upper forearms of the child - if the alone hangs there with folds, this is also a sign of excess weight. In this case, it is worth reconsider the child and give it more useful and healthy food, as well as more active in moving games. If a child did not grow noticeably for half a year, consult your doctor: some children may lack growth hormone.
The four-year dictionary may contain 1000 words! It can already build phrases out of 6-8 words, and his speech already understand suspicious people.
At this age, children begin to be interested in their body and differences between men and women. Therefore, the game "in the doctor" becomes such a popular.

Laces: The child should be able to tie the laces by the time when he starts attending a kindergarten, in any case by 4-5 years. Boots on velcro, of course, more convenient, but then the development of small motility of your child's hands (for example, the ability to write) will take much longer.

Swimming: The child can learn to swim on their own already at 4 years old. At this age, you can write it to the pool. Up to 4 years in a child, on average, the appropriate skills and coordination are still not developed.
