Any organism for full-fledged work is needed. It is obtained by a person thanks to the exchange of substances, which is possible, provided that the necessary number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is coming. This process is constantly going on. If the balance between the resulting and estate energy is not disturbed - it means the metabolism is in order. Its failure can lead to poor worsening - from changing mood to hospital bed.

Why violates metabolism

The reasons for the deterioration of metabolism a lot. To find out the main one, you need to analyze your lifestyle:

  • food must be regular and balanced;
  • sleep - strong and full;
  • movement - regular and active;
  • air - fresh and clean;
  • mood - good;
  • a set of vitamins and trace elements - complete.

People who are engaged in sports are aware of the need to comply with the power regime and the benefits of fresh air. This is their lifestyle. The diet also has the right to exist. But the quality of products consumed often does not comply with the standards. And the volume is not always possible to calculate accurately. But it is the food that is the main source of human useful elements necessary for the normal work. Due to insufficient, untimely and unbalanced nutrition, failures occur during the metabolism.

What do you need vitamins and trace elements

Unfortunately, the human body is not able to produce vitamins. Their main function is to regulate the metabolism, ensuring the normal flow of a variety of processes. The blood formation, cardiovascular, nervous and digestive system, the formation of enzymes, resistance to harmful effects of the environment - all this is ensured by the normal level of vitamins in the body. Each of them is responsible for its plot.

Like vitamins, microelements (chemicals) are needed by the body in small quantities, but their drawback strongly affects the functioning of all vital systems. They are constantly outlined from the body, so they need to be regular replenishment.

How to replenish the stocks of vitamins and trace elements

In a person's life there are special periods of increased demand for useful substances. If you exclude the seasonal avitaminosis, then this is the time of growth and large physical exertion (i.e. all the best children and athletes). It is not always possible to replenish the reserve by the natural use of high-quality products. Adopted drugs specially developed by leading pharmaceutical companies. So, more than fifty years their production is engaged in the family American company NOW Foods: Natural, Organic, Wholesome, i.e. natural, organic, useful.

If there are problems with nervous or cardiovascular systems, when the immunity is reduced and the work of the endocrine system is broken, it is worth paying attention to the drug in tablets "Vitamin B6".

Any additives are not medications, they only contribute to the prevention of the disease or accelerate the recovery process. Therefore, you should not wait for the disease. If you feel that there is an insufficient amount of vitamin, then a preventive course can be supplied.

What useful vitamins group B

The meaning of these elements for the full functioning of the body is difficult to overestimate.

Tiamine (B1) Positive affects the assimilation of food, normalizes the operation of all systems.

Riboflavin (B2) Helps in all metabolic processes, excellent antioxidant.

Niacin (B3) It acts primarily on blood vessels.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) It is capable of synthesized in the intestine, regulates fat and carbohydrate exchanges. He is one of the most important factors of normal growth, it serves to prevent nervous disorders, is responsible for reproductive abilities in men.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin) - One of the most sought-after in this group, because::

  • takes an active part in the metabolism and assimilation of the protein, helping the increase in muscle mass;
  • reduces cholesterol and blood lipids;
  • improves the work of the heart muscle;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, because it is involved in the development of serotonin;
  • normalizes the work of the liver;
  • performs antioxidant functions, slowing down aging processes;
  • reduces muscle cramps and spasms.

With severe physical exertion, the vitamin B6 rate must be increased twice. In this case, stocks are easiest to fill with artificial way. It also includes complex drugs.

For example, NOW Foods produces the ZMA vitamin complex, which, besides B6, has a magnesium and zinc, which are beneficial affecting all human systems. This Bad is specifically designed to replenish the deficit of elements in the body of athletes. Magnesium helps increase muscle strength, changing the level of testosterone. Unfortunately, there is an insufficient amount of this substance with food. And its deficit inhibits the formation of the protein, slows the brain processes and causes violations in the work of the nervous system. As a result:

  • the convulsions and spasms of the icon muscles appear;
  • pressure increases;
  • cardiac rhythm is broken;
  • fast fatigue and depression manifest.

The change in magnesium volume leads to a decrease in the amount of zinc, which is involved in the formation of amino acids in muscles, the production of testosterone and growth hormone. The immune system and the synthesis of sex hormones suffer from its insufficient number. It increases the level of firing decay, warning problems with the liver.

All components of the Bada interact perfectly, contributing to a more effective influence on the human body. ZMA complex is an excellent means for building muscle mass.

How to support the balance of vitamins and minerals

Sometimes the huge loads of athletes lead to the weakening of the body. The reason for this can be improper nutrition, stress and other factors that violate the balance of substances necessary for the normal functioning of all human systems. Therefore, few people refuse compensating drugs, because the vitamin complexes are shown to a person from childhood, and their correct application gives only positive results. Do not think that the reception of elevated doses will help achieve a better effect. Excess vitamins and minerals can lead to negative consequences, so the manufacturer conducts careful studies and calculates optimal doses.

The dietary supplements offered by the online store NOW Foods are not drugs. It is not worth counting on the cure of the launched forms of disorders in the work of the body. Biologically active complexes are an excellent way to speed up the recovery process or prevent the disease. All of them are designed with care for health.

    Milk acid (accumulating in muscles can cause pain) is delivered by blood into the liver, where in the process of gluconeogenesis turns into glucose.

    Alcohol forms in yeast cells with alcohol fermentation.

    acetyl-CoA is used on the synthesis of GWC, ketone bodies, cholesterol, etc. or oxidized in the Krebs cycle.

    Water and carbon dioxide are included in the overall metabolism or are derived from the body.

    Pentoses are used on nucleic acid synthesis, glucose (glucongenesis) and other substances.

    PREDPNUE in the synthesis of substances of LFS, purine bases, etc. or used to form energy in the CPE.

  • Energy is intensified as ATP, which is then used in the body for the synthesis of substances, heat isolation, muscle contractions, etc.

Transforming glucose in the body is quite complex processes that flow under the action of various enzymes. So the path from glucose to lactic acid includes 11 chemical reactions, each of which is accelerated by its enzyme.

Scheme number 8. Anaerobic glycolysis.


Adf Hexokinase, Iong

Glucose-6 phosphate



Adf phosphofrukinase, MG ions



3-phosphodioxyacetone 3-phosphoglisseroaldehyde (3-FGA)

Nadn + H 3-FGA-dehydrogenase

1,3-dithosphoglycerin acid

ATP phosphoglyceratmutasa

2-phosphoglycerin acid

H2O Enhaza

Phosphoenolpirogradic acid

ATP Piruvatakenaz, MG ions

Pivorogradic acid PVK.

Over lactate dehydrogenase

Lactic acid.

Glycoliz flows in cytoplasm cells and does not need a mitochondrial respiratory chain.

Glucose is one of the main sources of cell energy of all organs and tissues, especially the nervous system, erythrocytes, kidneys and seeds.

The brain is provided almost completely due to diffuse enclosing glucose, because GWK in brain cells do not penetrate. Therefore, with a decrease in the glucose concentration in the blood, the functioning of the brain is broken.


In the anaerobic conditions of glucose is the only source of energy for the operation of skeletal muscles. Milk acid formed from glucose is then entered into the blood, into the liver, where it turns into glucose, which is then returned to the muscles (Corey cycle).

The process of transformation of non-reliable substances in glucose is called glukegenesis.

The biological value of gluconeogenesis is as follows:

    Maintaining glucose concentration at a sufficient level with a lack of carbohydrates in the body, for example, with starvation or diabetes mellitus.

    The formation of glucose from lactic acid, peyrogradic acid, glycerol, glycogenic amino acids, most of the intermediate metabolites of the Krebs cycle.

Gloundogenesis proceeds mainly in the liver and cortical substance of the kidneys. In the muscles, this process does not proceed due to the lack of necessary enzymes.

Total gluconeogenesis reaction:

2 PVK + 4ATF + 2GTF + 2NANDN + N + 4N2O

glucose + 2NV + 4ADF + 2GDF + 6N3RO44

Thus, in the process of gluconeogenesis on each glucose molecule, up to 6 macroergic compounds and 2nadn + N.

Consumption of large quantities of alcohol inhibits glukegenesis, which can affect the decrease in the brain functions. The glukegenesis rate may increase in the following states:

    With starvation.

    Enhanced protein nutrition.

    Disadvantage of carbohydrates in food.

    Diabetes mellitus.

Glucous glucose exchange path.

This path is minor in quantitative terms, but very important for the function of neutralization: the final products of metabolism and alien substances, binding to the active form of glucuronic acid (UDF glucroy acid) in the form of glucuronides, are easily derived from the body. The glucuronic acid itself is an integral part of glycosaminglecomers: hyaluronic acid, heparin, etc. In humans, as a result of this, the decay of glucose is formed by UDF glucuronic acid.

Energy exchange - This is a phase decay of complex organic compounds, which flows with the release of energy, which is inhibited in the macroeergic bonds of ATP molecules and is used later during the life of the cell, including biosynthesis, i.e. Plastic exchange.

In aerobic organisms allocate:

  1. Preparatory - splitting biopolymers to monomers.
  2. Oxless - Glycoliz - cleavage of glucose to peer-breed acid.
  3. Oxygen - splitting of peyrogradic acid to carbon dioxide and water.

Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage of the energy exchange, there is a splitting of the organic compounds received from food to simpler, usually monomers. So carbohydrates are split to sugars, including glucose; Proteins - to amino acids; Fats - to glycerol and fatty acids.

Although the energy is released, it does not reserve in ATP and, therefore, cannot be used subsequently. Energy is dissipated in the form of heat.

The splitting of polymers in multicellular complex animals occurs in the digestive tract under the action of enzymes standing out here. Then the resulting monomers are absorbed into the blood mainly through the intestines. Already blood nutrients are spread through cells.

In this case, not all substances decompose to the monomers in the digestive system. The splitting of many occurs directly in cells, in their lysosomes. In single-cell organisms, absorbed substances fall into digestive vacuoles, where they are digested.

The resulting monomers can be used both for energy and plastic metabolism. In the first case, they are split, in the second, the components of the cells themselves are synthesized.

Heavy-minded stage of energy exchange

The oxygen-free stage occurs in the cytoplasm of cells and in the case of aerobic organisms includes only glikoliz - enzymatic multi-stage glucose oxidation and its splitting to peer-breed acidwhich is also called pyruvat.

Glucose molecule includes six carbon atoms. With Glycolize, it is split up to two pyruvate molecules, which includes three carbon atoms. At the same time, part of the hydrogen atoms are cleaved, which are transmitted to the coenzyme over, which, in turn, will then participate in the oxygen stage.

A portion of energy released during glycolysis is intensified in ATP molecules. Only two ATP molecules are synthesized on one glucose molecule.

The energy remaining in Piruvat, stored in the above, aerobes will further be extracted at the next stage of the energy exchange.

In anaerobic conditions, when there is no oxygen stage of cell respiration, the pyruvate "neutralizes" into the milk acid or subjected to fermentation. At the same time, the energy is not covered. Thus, here useful energy output is provided only by little effectary glycolysis.

Oxygen stage

The oxygen stage occurs in mitochondria. It highlights two sub-step: the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Oxygen coming into cells is used only on the second. In the Krebs cycle, the formation and separation of carbon dioxide occurs.

Crebs cycle Person in matrix mitochondria, is carried out by a variety of enzymes. It does not receive a molecule of pirogradic acid (or fatty acid, amino acids), and the acetyl group separated from it with the help of it, which includes two carbon atoms of the former pyruvate. For the multistage cycle of Krebs, the acetyl group is cleaving up to two CO 2 molecules and hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen is connected to above and chapel. The synthesis of the GDF molecule, which leads to the synthesis then ATP.

One molecule of glucose, from which two pyruvate is formed, there are two Krebs cycles. Thus, two ATP molecules are formed. If the energy exchange was completed here, then the total splitting of the glucose molecule would give 4 ATP molecules (two from glycolysis).

Oxidative phosphorylation It flows on crists - the inner membrane of mitochondria. It provides a conveyor of enzymes and coefficers, forming a so-called respiratory chain ending with an ATP synthetase enzyme.

By the respiratory chain, hydrogen and electrons arrived in it from coenzymes over and phased. The transmission is carried out in such a way that hydrogen protons accumulate from the outside of the inner membrane mitochondria, and the last enzymes in the circuit transmit only electrons.

Ultimately, the electrons are transmitted to oxygen molecules that are from the inside of the membrane, as a result of which they charge negatively. The critical level of the electric potential gradient arises, which leads to the movement of protons through the ATP synthetase channels. The energy of hydrogen protons movement is used to synthesize ATP molecules, and the protons themselves are connected to oxygen anions to form water molecules.

The energy output of the functioning of the respiratory chain, expressed in ATP molecules, is large and summed up from 32 to 34 ATP molecules to one source glucose molecule.

From the food consumed, the energy is produced, which is necessary for the implementation of any functions of our body - from walking and ability to speak to digestion and respiration. But why do we often complain about the lack of energy, irritability or lethargy? The answer is which food is our daily diet.

Energy generation

In addition to water and air, our body constantly needs regular food inflows, which provides energy reserves required for movement, respiration, thermoregulation, heart work, blood circulation and brain activity. It is amazing, but even at rest, our brain consumes about 50% of the energy stored from the absorbed food, and the energy consumption increases sharply during intensive brain activity, for example, during exams. What way is the conversion of food into energy?

In the process of digestion, in more detail in the corresponding section (-79), there is a disassemble of food to individual glucose molecules, which then fall through the intestinal wall in the blood. With blood flow, glucose is transferred to the liver, where it is filtered and postponed about the supply. The pituitary gland (located in the iron brain of the internal secretion) gives the pancreas and thyroid gland a signal to emissions of hormones that cause the liver to throw out accumulated glucose into the bloodstream, after which the blood delivers it to those organs and muscles that need the need for it.

Reaching the desired organ, glucose molecules penetrate into the cells, where they are converted to a source of energy that is available for cell use. Thus, the process of constant supply of energy organs depends on blood glucose levels.

In order to increase the energy reserves of the body, we must use certain types of products, in particular, capable of raising the level of metabolism and maintain the required energy level. To understand how it all happens, consider the following questions:

How does food turn into energy?

In each cell of our body there are mitochondria. Here, the components included in the composition of food products undergo a series of chemical transformations, as a result of which energy is formed. Each cell in this case is a miniature power plant. It is curious that the amount of mitochondria in each cell depends on energy needs. With regular physical exercises, it increases to ensure greater development of the necessary energy. Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle leads to a decrease in energy generation and, accordingly, a decrease in the amount of mitochondria. To convert into energy, different nutrients are needed, each of which causes the various stages of the process of obtaining energy (see Energy Food). Therefore, food consumed should be not only saturated, but also contain all types of nutrients needed to generate energy: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

It is very important to limit the content in the diet of products that select energy or impede its formation. All similar products stimulate the emission of adrenaline hormone.

For the normal functioning of the body, it is important to maintain a permanent level of glucose in the blood (see maintaining the normal level of blood sugar, - 46). To this end, it is desirable to give preference to food with a low glycemic index. By adding proteins and fiber to each meal or snack, you thus contribute to the accumulation of a sufficient number of necessary energy.

Carbohydrates and glucose

The energy that we remove from food is more from carbohydrates than proteins or fats. Carbohydrates with greater ease turn into glucose and are due to this most convenient source of energy for the body.

Glucose can be spent on energy needs immediately, or postponed about the supply in the liver and muscles. It is preserved in the form of glycogen, which, if necessary, easily turns into it again. In the "Bey or Run" syndrome (see), glycogen is released into the bloodstream to provide the body with additional energy. Glycogen is reserves in soluble form.

Proteins should be balanced by carbohydrates

Although carbohydrates and proteins are necessary for everyone, their ratios can fluctuate depending on individual needs and habits. The optimal ratio is selected individually by the method of samples and errors, but can be guided by the data presented in the table on page 43.

Be careful with squirrels. Always add high quality complex carbohydrates to them, for example, dense vegetables or grains of cereals. The predominance of protein food leads to acidification of the inner environment of the body, whereas it should be slightly alkaline. The internal system of self-regulation allows the body to return to the appointed state by the release of calcium from the bones. Ultimately, it can disrupt the bone structure, lead to osteoporosis, in which fractures often happen.

Wellness drinks and snacks containing glucose provide a quick influx of energy, but this effect is fleeting. Moreover, it is accompanied by the exhaustion of the reserves of the energy accumulated by the body. During sports, you spend a lot of energy, so you can "feed a soy curd with fresh berries in front of them.

Good food, good mood

Try slightly increase the consumption of proteins, at the same time reducing the amount of carbohydrates, or vice versa, until you determine the optimal level of energy.

Energy needs for life

The need for additional energy occurs in our various stages of life. In childhood, for example, energy is necessary for growth and study, in adolescence - to ensure hormonal and physical shifts during puberty. During pregnancy, the need for energy is growing both in the mother and in the fetus, and when stress, excessive energy is spent throughout life. In addition, a person who leads an active lifestyle is required more energy than ordinary people.

Energy Rosses

It is very important to limit the content in the diet of products that select energy or impeding its formation. These products include alcohol, tea, coffee and effervescent drinks, as well as cakes, biscuits and sweets. All similar products stimulate the emission of the adrenaline hormone, which is formed in the adrenal glands. Faster than adrenaline is formed with the so-called "Bey or Run" syndrome, when something threatens to us. The emission of adrenaline mobilizes the body to action. The heart begins to beat the rapidly, the lungs absorb more air, the liver releases more glucose into the blood, and the blood sticks to where it is needed - for example, to the legs. A constantly increased formation of adrenaline, in particular, with appropriate nutrition, can lead to an incredible feeling of fatigue.

Stress is also considered one of the energy rates, since in stress, the storage glucose from the liver and muscles will be released, which leads to a short-term surge of energy with the subsequent state of long fatigue.

Energy and emotions

With the "Bey or Run" syndrome, glycogen (stored carbohydrates) comes from the liver into the blood, which leads to an increase in the level of sugar in it. In view of this, a long stressful state is able to seriously affect blood sugar levels. A similar effect is caffeine and nicotine; The latter contribute to the secretion of two hormones - cortisone and adrenaline - which interfere in the digestion process and encourage the liver to throw out stored glycogen.


The richest in energy are products containing a complex of vitamins of the group in: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, B9 (folic acid) and biotin. All of them are abundant in the grains of millet, buckwheat, rye, Quinoa (South American Zlak, very popular in the West), corn and barley. In germinating grains, energy value increases many times - the nutritional value of the seedlings increase the enzyme contributing to growth. Many vitamins are also contained in fresh greenery.

For the body's energy, vitamin C is also important, which is present in fruit (for example, in oranges) and vegetables (potatoes, pepper); magnesium, which is a lot in greenery, nuts and seeds; zinc (egg yolk, fish, sunflower seeds); Iron (grains, pumpkin seeds, lentils); Copper (Brazilian Sheath, Oats, Salmon, Mushrooms), as well as a Q10 coenzyme, which is present in beef, sardines, spinach and peanuts.

Maintaining a normal blood sugar level

How often did you have to wake up in the mornings in a bad mood, feeling lethargy, a breaking, and experiencing an urgent need to sleep another hour or other? And life seems like a joy. Or, perhaps, under the afternoon, you wonder if you will reach lunch. Even worse when the fatigue overcomes you after lunch, by the end of the working day, and you can not imagine how to get home. And there it is necessary to cook more dinner. And then - eat. And do you ask yourself: "Lord, and where only the last Silenses have become shaved?"

Constant fatigue and lack of energy can be caused by different reasons, but are most often due to poor diet and / or irregular nutrition, as well as abuse of stimulants that help "hold out".

Depression, irritability and sharp mood swings, along with premenstrual syndrome, outbreaks of anger, excitement and nervousness - may be the result of imbalance in the process of energy formation, power failure and frequent seats on bizarre diets.

Having received an idea of \u200b\u200bhow and from what the energy is formed in our body, we can increase our energy in a short time, which will allow not only to maintain a working capacity and good mood throughout the day, but also provide a healthy deep sleep at night.

The body is constantly related to the exchange of energy. The reactions of the energy exchange are constantly, even when we sleep. After complex chemical changes, food substances are converted from high molecular weight into simple, which is accompanied by the release of energy. This is all energy exchange.

Energy demands of the body during running are very large. For example, about 2,200 calories are consumed for 2.5-3 hours, (this is a marathon distance), which significantly exceeds the energy consumption of the leading small lifestyle of the person per day. During the race, the energy is drawn by the body from the reserves of muscle glycogen and fats.

Muscle glycogen, which is a complex chain of glucose molecules, accumulates in active muscle groups. As a result of aerobic glycolysis and two other chemical processes, glycogen is converted to adenosynthosphate (ATP).

ATP molecule main source of energy in our body. Maintaining the energy balance and energy exchange occurs at the cell level. The speed and endurance of the runner depends on the breathing of the cell. Therefore, in order to achieve the highest results, it is necessary to provide an oxygen cage for the entire distance. For this, you need training.

Energy in the human body. Stages of energy exchange.

We always get and spend energy. In the form of food we get the basic nutrients, or ready-made organic matter, it Proteins fats and carbohydrates. The first stage is digestion, there is no energy release, which our body can stock.

The digestive process is not aimed at obtaining energy, but to break the large molecules into small. Ideally, everything should break up to the monomers. Carbohydrates cleaved to glucose, fructose and galactose. Fats - to glycerol and fatty acids, proteins to amino acids.

Breathing cells

In addition to digestion, there is a second part or stage. This breath. We breathe and inject air into the lungs, but this is not the bulk of breathing. Breathing, this is when our cells using oxygen, burn nutrients to water and carbon dioxide to get energy. This is the final stage of the production of energy that passes in each of our cage.

The main source of human nutrition is carbohydrates accumulated in muscles in the form of glycogen, glycogen usually grabs 40-45 minutes. After this time, the body should switch to another source of energy. These are fats. Fats are an alternative glycogen energy.

alternative energy- It means the need to choose one of two sources of energy or fats or glycogen. Our body can receive energy only from a single source.

Running long distances differs from running on short distances by the fact that the body of the styer inevitably moves to the use of muscle fats as an additional energy source.

Fatty acids are not the most successful carbohydrate substitute, since there is much more energy and time to be used and use. But if glycogen is over, the body does not remain anything, how to put into the course of fats, producing in this way the necessary energy. It turns out that the fats are always a spare option for the body.

I note that the fats used when running are fats contained in muscle fibers, and not fat layers covering the body.

When burning or splitting any organic matter, production waste is obtained, this carbon dioxide and water. Our organizing agent, these are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Carbon dioxide exhales along with air, and water is used by the body or is displayed with later or urine.

Digestive nutrients, our body is some kind of energy loses in the form of heat. So heats and loses energy into the emptiness engine in the car and the muscles of the runner spend a huge amount of energy. turning chemical energy into mechanical. Moreover, the efficiency is about 50%, that is, half of the energy goes in the form of heat into the air.

You can allocate the main stages of the energy exchange:

We eat to get nutrients, split them, then with the help of oxygen there is a process of oxidation, as a result we get energy. Part of the energy always goes in the form of heat, and we stock part. Energy is stored in the form of a chemical connection called - ATP.

What is ATP?

ATP - adenosinerphosphate, which is of great importance in the exchange of energy and substances in organisms. ATP is a universal energy source for all biochemical processes occurring in live systems.

The ATP body is one of the most frequently updated substances, so in humans the life expectancy of one ATP molecule is less than a minute. During the day, one ATP molecule passes an average of 2000-3000 RESINTEZ cycles. The human body synthesizes about 40 kg of ATP per day, but it contains approximately 250 g at each specific moment, that is, the stock of ATP in the body is practically not created, and for normal livelihoods it is necessary to constantly synthesize new ATP molecules.

Conclusion: Our body can stock energy in the form of a chemical compound. This is ATP.

ATP consists of a nitrogen base adenine, ribose and trifosphates of phosphoric acid residues.

It takes a lot of energy to create ATP, but, when it is destroyed, you can return this energy. Our body, splitting nutrients, creates an ATP molecule, and then, when he needs energy, it splits the ATP molecule or breaks the connection of the molecule. Uncoveed one of the residues of phosphoric acid can be obtained about-40kj. / Mole.

This is always happening, because we constantly need energy, especially during running. Sources of energy input to the body can be different (meat. Fruits. Vegetables, etc.) . The inner source of energy one is ATP. The life of the molecule is less than a minute. Therefore, the body constantly splits and reproduces ATP.

Splitting energy. Energy cells


We obtain the main energy from glucose in the form of an ATP molecule. Since we need energy constantly, these molecules will come to the body where it is necessary to give energy.

ATP gives energy, and at the same time split to ADP - adenosine diaphosphate.ADF is the same ATP molecule, only without one residue of phosphoric acid. Di is two. Glucose, splitting gives the energy that the ADP takes and restores his phosphorus residue, turning into ATP, which is again ready to spend energy. So it happens constantly.

This process is called - dissimulation. (Destruction). In this case, it is necessary to destroy the ATP molecule to obtain energy.


But there is another process. You can build your own substances with considerable energy. This process is called - assimilation. Of the smaller creating larger substances. Production of own proteins, nucleic acids, fats and carbohydrates.

For example, you ate a piece of meat, meat is a protein that should break up to amino acids, from these amino acids, their own proteins will be collected or synthesized, which will become your muscles. This will take some part of the energy.

Getting energy. What is Glycoliz?

One of the energy production processes for all living organisms is glycoliz. Glyicoliz can be found in the cytoplasm of any of our cell. The name "Glycoliz" comes from Greek. - Sweet and Greek. - dissolution.

Glycolizis is a enzymatic process of consistent cleavage of glucose in cells, accompanied by a synthesis of ATP. These are 13 enzymatic reactions. Glycicizsis aerobic Conditions leads to the formation of peyrogradic acid (pyruvate).

Glyciciziz B. anaerobic Conditions leads to the formation of lactic acid (lactate). Glycoliz is the main way of catabysses of glucose in the body of animals.

Glycoliz is one of the most ancient metabolic processes, known for almost all living organisms. Presumably glycoliz appeared more than 3.5 billion years ago at the primary prokaryotov. (Prokaryotes are organisms, in the cells of which there is no decorated core. Its functions performs a nucleotide (that is, "such a kernel"); unlike the nucleus, the nucleotide has no own shell).

Anaerobic glycoliz

Anaerobic glycoliz is a way to get energy from a glucose molecule without using oxygen. The process of glycolysis (splitting) is the process of glucose oxidation, in which two molecules are formed from one glucose molecule. pirogradic acid.

Glucose molecule sires to two halves that can be called piruvatThis is the same as pyrovinoic acid. Each half of the pyruvate can restore the ATP molecule. It turns out that one glucose molecule during splitting can restore two ATP molecules.

With a long run or when running in anaerobic mode, after a while it becomes hard to breathe hard, the muscles of the legs are tired, the legs are becoming heavy, they are like you cease to obtain a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Because the process of obtaining energy in the muscles ends on Glycolize. Therefore, the muscles begin to root and refuse to work due to lack of energy. Forms lactic acid or lactat. It turns out that the faster the athlete runs, the faster it produces lactate. The level of blood lactate is closely related to the exercise intensity.

Aerobic glycoliz

Glycoliz itself itself is a completely anaerobic process, that is, does not require the reactions of the presence of oxygen. But agree that the receipt of two ATP molecules during Glycolize is very small.

Therefore, in the body there is an alternative version of the production of glucose energy. But already with the participation of oxygen. This is oxygen breathing. which each of us possesses, or aerobic glycoliz. Aerobic glycoliz is able to quickly restore ATP stocks in the muscle.

During dynamic loads, such as running, swimming, etc., aerobic glycoliz occurs. That is, if you run and do not suffocate, but quietly talk with a nearby companion, you can say that you run in aerobic mode.

Breathing or aerobic glycoliz occurs in mitochondria Under the influence of special enzymes and requires the cost of oxygen, and respectively, the time for its delivery.

Oxidation occurs in several stages, first glycolizizes, but formed during the intermediate stage of this reaction, two pyruvate molecules are not transformed into molecules of lactic acid, but penetrate into mitochondria, where they are oxidized in the Krebs cycle to CO2 carbon dioxide and the water of H2O and give energy for production Another 36 ATP molecules.

Mitochondria- These are special organides that are in the cell, therefore there isthere is a concept as cellular breathing. So breathing occurs in all organisms that are needed oxygen, including us with you.

Glikoliz - catabolic path of exceptional importance. It provides energy cell reactions, including protein synthesis. Intermediate glycolysis products are used in fats synthesis. Piruvat can also be used to synthesize alanine, aspartate and other connections. Thanks to Glycolize, the performance of mitochondria and the availability of oxygen do not limit the power of the muscles during short-term limit loads. Aerobic oxidation 20 times more efficient than anaerobic glycolysis.

What is mitochondria?

Mitochondria (from Greek. Ίίτος - thread and χόνδρος - grain, grains) - two-grated spherical or ellipsoid organoid diameter usually about 1 micrometer .. Cell energy station; The main function is the oxidation of organic compounds and the use of energies released during their decay to generate electrical potential, synthesis of ATP and thermogenesis.

The number of mitochondria in the cell is inconvenient. Their especially many in the cells in which the need for oxygen is large. Depending on which parts of the cell at each specific moment, an increased energy consumption occurs, mitochondria in the cell is capable of moving along the cytoplasm in the zone of the greatest energy consumption.

Mitochondria functions

One of the main functions of mitochondria is the synthesis of ATP - the universal form of chemical energy in any live cell. Look, at the entrance two molecules of pyruvate, and at the exit a huge number of "a lot of things." This "a lot of things" is called the Krebs cycle. By the way, for the opening of this cycle, Hans Krebs received the Nobel Prize.

It can be said that this is a cycle of tricarboxylic acids. In this cycle, many substances are consistently turned into each other. In general, as you understand, this thing is very important and understandable for biochemists. In other words, this is the key stage of respiration of all cells using oxygen.

As a result, we get carbon dioxide, water and 36 ATP molecules. Let me remind you that Glyicoliz (without oxygen participation) gave only two ATP molecules per molecule of glucose. Therefore, when our muscles begin to work without oxygen, they are much losing efficiency. That is why all workouts are aimed at ensuring that the muscles can work as long as possible on oxygen.

The structure of mitochondria

Mitochondria has two membranes: outdoor and internal. The main function of the outer membrane is the separation of the organoid from the cytoplasm of the cell. It consists of a bilipid layer and proteins that permeate it through which the molecules and ions are transported by mitochondria for work.

While the outer membrane is smooth, internal forms numerous folds - Crystowhich significantly increase its area. The inner membrane for the most part consists of proteins, among which there are enzymes of the respiratory chain, transport proteins and large ATPs - synthetasic complexes. It is in this place that ATP synthesis occurs. There is an intermembrane space between the outer and inner membrane with enzymes.
The internal space mitochondria is called Matrix. Here are the enzyme oxidation systems of fatty acids and pyruvate, the enzymes of the Krebs cycle, as well as the hereditary material of mitochondria - DNA, RNA and an anti-industrial apparatus.

Mitochondria is the only source of cell energy. Located in the cytoplasm of each cell, mitochondria are comparable to "batteries" that are produced, stored and distribute the energy required for the cell.
Human cells contain an average of 1,500 mitochondria. They are especially many in cells with intensive metabolism (for example, in muscles or liver).
Mitochondria is moving and moved to the cytoplasm, depending on the needs of the cell. Due to its own DNA, they breed and self-suite independently of cell division.
Cells can not function without mitochondria, without them life is not possible.
