Pain in Susta in medical language is called arthralgia. This is a very significant symptom for the diagnosis of multiple diseases, is one of the first symptoms reflecting the lesion of the joint at the organic level (more often irreversible biochemical and immunological violations), with the subsequent development of arthritis (with the exception of medicinal and meteopathic arthritia).

Possible causes of pain in the joints.

Arthralgia arises as a result of irritation of neuroreceptors, which are in all the structures of the joint, various factors depending on the underlying disease. One of the reasons for pain in the joint can be a sustav and the formation of hematoma, not visible to the eye.

The main diseases in which pain in the joints occur.

Osteoarthrosis - the most common chronic diseases of the joints (often hip, knee, interfalance joints of the brushes), based on the degenerative - dystrophic disorders (violation of metabolism) of articular cartilage, bone tissue, synovial shells and a binder joint (elderly age, overweight, broken exchange substances, injuries, lack of vitamins C and D, professional harm).

Symptoms - pain and stiffness in the joint amplifying during exercise and decreasing at rest (with mechanical pain), constant stupid nightaches - disappear in the morning with active movements (with vascular pains), starting pain - quickly occur and disappear at the beginning of the load and returning With intensive and long load, blockade pains - jamming or infringement of the damaged cartilage between the joint surfaces.

Soft tissue edema and local temperature increase in the joints. Signs of Gebreden and Bushara nodules are characteristic (solid small formations) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe interphalating joints of the brushes.

Ankylosing spondylitrite (Bekhtereva-Marie's disease) - Chronic inflammation of the axial skeletal joints (intervertebral, sacratling, iliac, riberno-vertebrates) is based on the immuno - inflammatory process in the body, followed by the formation of scarring fibrinous tissue in the joints, on which trace elements and salts are deposited, which leads to the limitation of joint mobility. The symptoms are the first to arise at a young age, a permanent pain in the field of buttocks, a sacrum and a lower back, amplifying at night.
Pain in the chest in the field of roother attachment to the spine, amplifying with deep breathing, cough.
The stiffness of the muscles of the back, arising at night and alone, decreasing with active movements.
Violation of posture - the pose of the petitioner.
Sweating during the daytime.
Subfebrile temperature - 37.0-37.5.
The defeat of the internal organs (hearts, aortic, kidneys, eyes).

Jet Arthritis - Inflammatory acute disease of the joint (mainly the joints of the lower extremities). The reason - occurs after transferred acute infection (intestinal, ORVI, ORZ, urogenital). Symptoms. Permanent acute pain in the joint amplifying during movement, efficiency and hyperemia (redness) of soft tissues over the joint, fever (38,6 - 40.0). Empting manifestations - eye damage (conjunctivitis), heart damage (myocarditis, pericarditis, arrhythmias), damage to the central nervous system (neuritis, encephalopathy), kidney damage (pyelonephritis), violation of the trophics of nails, skin and mucous membranes (ongoing).

Regarding infections, arthralgia may be a symptom of Zika virus.

Reuters' disease (A separate type of reactive arthritis with genetic predisposition) - manifests itself after transferred chlamydial or intestinal infection. Manifested by reactive arthritis (mainly the joints of the lower extremities), pain in the joint, characteristic embracing manifestations (urethritis or prostatitis, conjunctivitis or will, damage to the skin and mucous membranes - ulcerative stomatitis, erosive balanitis,), damage to the cardiovascular system (arrhythmias, blockades, Aortitis), fever (38.6 - 40.0).

Rheumatoid arthritis - chronic progressive systemic inflammation of the connective tissue (autoimmune inflammation in the joint). Mostly small joints of the brushes and stop, less often knee and elbow, are affected. Symptoms - pain in the joints constant, deformation of the joints, the focus of the joint, stiffness in the joint in the morning, the symmetry of the lesion of the joints, weakness, fatigue, a decrease in body weight, an increase in body temperature and over the joint area, resistant joint deformation, rheumatoid nodules on extensive surfaces, lesion bones (bone pain and fractures), skin lesion (dry, pallor, subcutaneous hemorrhages, bright pink or blue skin color, finely food necrosis of soft tissues under nail plates), lesion of nails (brittle, is the allocated to nail plates), lymphadenopathy (increasing subsoine The cervical, inguinal and elbow lymph nodes), Felty syndrome (joint lesion with a combination of splenomegaly - an increase in spleen and leukopenia - a decrease in the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood), the defeat of the broncho-light system (interstitial fibrosis of lightweight fabric, one-sided pleurisy, rheumatoid nodules in lungs) , lesion of gastrointestinal tr Act (associated with the reception of drugs in the treatment of the main disease without covering the gastric mucosa -Expection gastritis), the defeat of the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, coronary arteritis, aortitis, arrhythmia), kidney damage (amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis, drug kidney), nervous lesion Systems (neuropathy with sensitive or motor disorders), eye damage (scarce, keratoconewitivitis).

Psoriatic arthritis - Arthritis developing in genetically predisposed patients with psoriasis, exacerbation of arthritis coincides with the exacerbation of psoriasis. Symptoms. Pain in the joint (mostly interfalane joints of the brushes and stop), bugvo-blue skin with an edema over the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint, asymmetry of the lesion of the joint, pain in the lumbosacral spine, pain in the heels (talalgy), skin psoriatic plaques, the defeat of the nails ( Lyubility, achettility and clouding of nail plates).

Gout (Gouty arthritis) - Microcrystalline arthritis, the hereditary disease is based on the metabolic disorder (with a violation of the diet), namely purin metabolism, resulting in deposition of ultrasonic crystals (uric acid salts) in the okolossertive and joint tissues. Symptoms. The pain in the joint (more often in the first PlusNef balance foot of the foot), bright hyperemia (redness), soloity and peeling of the skin over the joint, fever, raising the local temperature of the affected joint, skin manifestations in the region of the oars, elbow joints, stop, brushes, in the form of Tofusov (local accumulation of urates salts surrounded by granulomatous fabric), heart damage (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, coronary arteritis, aortitis, arrhythmias), kidney damage (amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis).

Pseudopodag - (Pseudo-Press arthritis) Microcrystalline arthritis, the disease based on the metabolic disorders (local metabolic disorders of calcium pyrofosphate in the tissues of the joint), namely calcium metabolism, resulting in calcium pyrophosphate crystals (calcium salts) in the okolosorny and joint tissues. Symptoms. The pain in the joint (the knee joints are more affected), bright hyperemia (redness), skin soloity over the joint, fever, increase the local temperature of the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected joint, the deformation of the joint. Internal organs and other systems are not amazed.

Medicine Arthralgia - a temporary state characterized by mining pains in the joints (mostly small joints) against the background of the reception of certain drugs in high daily doses. It is not a disease, and are not classified in the ICD-10 on WHO. Groups of drugs capable of causing drug arthralgia - antibiotics of penicillin rows, barbiturates and lightness drugs and tranquilizers (on a chemical basis), hypotensive drugs, contraceptive preparations and anti-tuberculosis, proton pump inhibitors. Causes, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and diagnostics of this state are not studied, due to the active promotion of drugs in the pharmacological market and the absence of the severity of the state with respect to functional violations of the joint and individual tolerance of drugs.

The same can be said about meteopathic arthralgiy (joint pain arising from meteopathic people sensitive to precipitates of atmospheric pressure).

Survection in joint pain.

Clinical blood test In most cases, evidenced by various deviations depending on the nature of the lesion of the joints and the degree of its severity, the increase in ESP, which reflects the level of the inflammatory process, in the normal number of leukocytes are characteristic of rheumatic diseases. An increase in the number of leukocytes with inflammatory diseases of the spine, and the joints may indicate the presence of a focus of infection in the body, etc. Biochemical blood test for the diagnosis of certain inflammatory diseases of the joints and the spine, the determination of the C - reactive protein (CRH) in the serum, diphenylaminic reaction (DFA), determination of the content of the general protein and fibrinogen, serumcoid, and others, are of great importance. Although all these tests are Do not point to the specificity of the pathological process, when comparing with other clinical and radiological data, they provide assistance in diagnosing in the early stages of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and allow us to judge the level of activity activity. Of great importance is attached to the change in the content of lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase, acid proteinase, deoxyribonucleosis, cathpsins) in serum and synovial fluid is often observed in rheumatism, Bekhterev's disease, psoriatic polyarthritis.

Immunological research. For early diagnosis of rheumatoid damage, a rheumatoid factor is of particular importance - antihylobulin antibody. It is formed in lymph nodes, spleen, synovial sheath lymphoplasemic cells. To identify the rheumatoid factor in the serum and synovial fluid, the reaction of the Waaler - Rose is considered positive if there is a concentration of 1:28 and more. The rheumatoid factor is detected in 75-85% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In early stages and in the sernegative form of rheumatoid arthritis, the immunocytidency reaction is used to release the rheumatoid factor at the level of the lymphocyte.

Sample with anti-stocktolesin O (ASL-O) reflects immunological reactivity with respect to streptococcal infection. An increase in the SSL-0 titer is observed in rheumatism patients, infectious-allergic polyarthritis.

Leukocyte Migration Braking Reaction. Normally, leukocytes have the ability to migrate into the environment with the formation of conglomerates. If there is a sensitization of the body to a specific antigen, then at a meeting of sensitized leukocytes with a given antigen, the lymphocytes are distinguished by an inhibiting factor inhibiting leukocyte migration. This reaction is positive in rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.

Blood on the HLA system - The possibility of early diagnosis of Bekhterev's disease, the definition of HLA B-27 is of great importance. The HLA complex is detected in the cell membrane and is allocated using immunological methods.

Study of synovial fluid - On any pathological process arising in the joint, inflammatory, degenerative or traumatic, the synovial shell reacts and can produce a large number of exudate. It is mixed with a synovial fluid constantly contained in the cavity, and therefore it acquires new immunobiochemical and histochemical properties. The change in the histological, physical and biochemical properties of the synovial fluid depends on the nature of the lesion, stage and the severity of the pathological process. Especially important is the study of the synovial fluid in the differential diagnosis of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints. The acute inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in the number of blood formation elements in the synovial fluid.

ImmunoElectrophorosis - reveals immunoglobulins of classes A, G, M, which are of great importance for the development of the pathological process with rheumatoid arthritis.

Radiography - Reliable method of studying joints. In fact, without her, the doctor cannot make a diagnosis and conduct differential diagnosis. Radiographic research allows you to determine the stage and forecast of the disease, and in the dynamics objectively assess the effectiveness of therapy. It is necessary to compare X-ray data with a clinical picture, the prescription of the disease and age of the patient.

Tomography Allows you to more accurately identify focal lesions or separate vertebra segments.

Mielography - a contrasting method for studying the spine, with the help of this method you can clarify the localization of the pathological process, especially in cases where operational intervention is necessary.

Intraight phlebography - To study the venous blood flow of the peridural space. This method allows you to judge the condition of blood circulation in the oil-buttable space and indirectly about a possible degenerative lesion.

Arthroscopy. - The study method that allows you to view the visual structure of the knee joint and take the biopsy of the desired site, the contours, painting and capillary network of synovial shell, cross-shaped ligaments, meniscus and a fat cushion are found.

Discography - The introduction of a contrast agent into the intervertebral disk with subsequent radiography makes it possible to judge the state of intervertebral discs, localization and degree of lesion.

Radionuclide scanning - An important objective method of early diagnosis of lesions of the joints.

Arthrography - With the help of intra-articular administration of various contrast substances, it allows you to more accurately determine the pathology into deeply located articular parts.

Biopsy synovial shell - biopsy material for various diseases of the joints is decisive in the diagnosis of early forms of Bekhterev's disease, rater disease, gouty arthritis.

Symptomatic treatment: how to remove pain in the joints

Independent treatment and treatment with folk remedies is not recommended under what kind of pains to the preliminary or final diagnosis by the doctor due to an incorrect independent assessment of its condition, which can lead to persistent irreversible functional disorders of the joint - ankylose, rigidity, contractures (in this and There is a danger of symptom). Today, the most popular means for removing pain in the joints are drugs from the NSAID Group. They are really effective, but have a number of contraindications and are not recommended for long-term use.

To which doctor to contact with joint pain

Therapist, surgeon, orthopedist, traumatologist, artist, rheumatologist. Consultation of the doctor is obligatory, with the first appearance of pain in the joint and the ongoing more than 2 days.

In the human body, only 230 joints. The largest of them are hip, small interphalangeal. Over time, a person begins to bother such a phenomenon as pain in the joints. She is happens exhausting and unbearable. Why is the whole body hurt? Only a specialist can answer this question. Often this phenomenon indicates a serious deviation. Prerequisites are considered age, gender, heredity, bad habits. People for 50 begin to suffer from such phenomena due to dystrophy and tissue destruction. More susceptible pathology female floor. In a state of menopause, female hormones are ceased to be produced properly, resulting in calcium deficiency and microelements. Bones become fragile and brittle. Heredity plays an important roleSo, for example, if the family had sick joints at grandparents, moms, dads, then the future generations could begin with time.

The harmful habits of tobacco and alcohol make the body vulnerable to various kinds of infections, a person suffers more from stress, environmental conditions.

The reasons

The main sources why all the joints of the body are sick and the reasons will be the following:

  • arthritis (including rheumatoid);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout, psoriasis;
  • bursit, tendenit;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of internal organs;

Hypodynamia or limited movement, yes, as the first factor causes pain in all joints. Injuries, bruises, tensile ligaments and tendons, intoxication, excess weight, long-term intake of glucocorticosteroids, osteoarthritis, behterev's disease.

Localization of pain

By species, articular pains arise in;

  • clavicle;
  • shoulder;
  • elbow;
  • brushes;
  • hip;
  • knee;
  • foot;
  • fingers;
  • jewish joint;

We will analyze each in more detail, as well as cause cause and treatment.
Watch the video of Dr. Bubnovsky about pain in the joints


The harbingers of malfunction with acromi-clavical joint will be inflammation, redness of the place, swelling under the hotker.

Phenomena of injury, bruises, fracture, dislocation, osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculopathy, squeezing cervical roots, periartrite shoulder blade. The broken bone, as a rule, swells, begins hemorrhage, red, raising the temperature of the hearth. The displacement of the acclaimed joint can be seen from the side, it repels from above. The patient cannot take the hand to the side, is observed by the keys syndrome.

Character of pain

Acute with a fracture, volatile pain pain in arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, neuralgia. Periatritis is divided into light, sharp and heavy. The initial stage of practical does not bother a person, sharp accompanied by temperature, clavicle edema, redness, increases at night. In the chronic phase of the patient, long-term pain in the joints is tormented.


Circumstances will be contributing to the ailment will be tendinitis, bursitis in the suppressive bundle. Symptoms Redness, pain in the muscles and in the joints, discomfort during palpation, swelling, hemorrhage. Bacterial infections Tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, candidiasis, streptococcus, chlamydia are always accompanied by temperature, acute flow. Additionally, the pain in the joints provoke arthrosis, neuritis shoulder nerve, periatritis blade. Myocardial infarction, angina, unnecessary physical exertion, salt deposits, osteochondrosis, between the spine hernia.

Character of pain

Suspension with inflammation of the articular shell. Testing in the case of hemorrhage in muscles. Sharp-bursitis, tendinitis, osteochondrosis, periatritis.


The factors affect the development of pathology include dislocation, diffuse fasci, pinching nerve endings, bursitis, chondromatosis, arthritis. Dislocations lead to a tissue, seals, bursitis and arthritis provoke bumps on the elbows, diameter can increase to 10 cm, the area becomes red, hot to the touch.

Character of pain

Burste permanent, increasing after physical activity in arthrosis. Number, biting in arthritis, frequent bursting of bundles and tendons.


Prerequisites, when the joints sick in the wrist are the compression of the nervous fiber, the dystrophy of fabrics, synotic, osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, tendovaginitis, fractures and stretching. In the event of a strike on the wrist, the crack in the bone occasionally, or the fracture of the site quickly swells, blushes, damage to the vessels contributes to the hematoma, it becomes impossible to move the hand. Arthritis and other degenerative states of tissues and bones are manifested in the form of stiffness in the morning, swelling, the temperature of the hearth, uric acid deposits, kidney lesions, hearts.

Brush hands shares on:

  • wrist joints;
  • crowded-mill;
  • interpoints;
  • mispan-phalange;
  • interphalangeal;

These are degenerative changes in the cartilage and articular mass, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases. For example, arthritis in the heavy phase leads to stiffness of the entire phalanx, there is a painful of fingers. They rolled out, a person cannot even break them down. Deposits of uric acid lead to an increase in bones, strain.

Character of pain

High with a crack, strong injury, broken bone. Blossing, unbearable in arthritis, osteartrosis. Strong with osteoarthritis With an increase in malaise during loads. Pokes at rest.


Reducing the movement, shortening one leg is determined by dislocation or sublink. Moreover, sometimes this condition is called dysplasia, too, congenital dislocation. Arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis is accompanied by inflammation, increase in the temperature of the plot, redness, hyperemia.

Character of pain

Sharp during sublifting, crack, fracture. High in dystrophic disorders of the femur, with influx after movements, at night. Fast deterioration in the infectious process with increasing sensations after loads.


May be sick due to feet
, damage to meniscus, gonarthrosis, gonaritrite, periatritis, coxarrosis. Signals of strong blows will be bruises, hematoma. The knee swells, the damaged area changes in color, the temperature of the hearth rises. The pathology of the tendons is detected by pain from the inside of the leg, especially this benefit is hampered by the ladder, long walking, exercise.

Character of pain

Pulling, moderate when injured. Strong, with influx when meniscopathy, eats also suddenly. Coxarthrosis practically proceeds asymptomatic, only reflected painful sensations appear in the femoral territory.


The perpetrators are considered to consider podlings, gout, arthrosis, fractures of a taranne, bones of plus, arthritis incl. and rheumatoid, rheumatism. Subways are characterized by the inability to fully move, hot plot, redness, swelling. A fracture is talking about himself attacks of acute pain, complete loss of the end of the limb. Arthritis provokes stiffness, especially in the morning, inflammation, infectious and jet starts rapidly with an increase in temperature, deterioration of the patient's condition.

Character of pain

Acute in case of trauma, high in arthritis, increasing with gout bounty. The latter in the hard stage is so painful that it causes strong discomfort at night.


To the question of why the joints of the jaw apparatus are sick, it is possible to suspect neuralgia, or the neuralgy of the nerve of the larynx. She meets infrequently, but the attack lasts up to 3-5 minutes, together with the cough, dry mouth, oral spasms. Carotinide or migraine attack provokes pain in the joints, muscle spasivation. Erythrotalgia goes along with edema, swelling, violations of vessels. Infectious colors go together with a temperature increase, the lymph nodes are increasing. The disorder of the function of the temporo-jaw-aircraft with it is characterized by a grinding or a click, which hears the patient when moving the jaw, chewing. Extremely after influenza, ORVI, colds can develop arthritis accompanied by temperature, malaise, general weakness. Subsequently atrophy muscles.

Character of pain

Neuralgia-burning, pulsating. Neuralgia of the Gundy, Langual nerve ending-parole, with pulsation. Bruise, dislocation, fracture-sharp, unbearable. With carotenia, a sharp pain continues wave-like and lasts up to 2 hours. The temporal arteritis is strong, it can get a part of the face, neck.


Drawing sensations in the joints causes can be wound not only in the pathologies of the body, but also appear during pregnancy, after it, Klimaks. So why do the joints sore when the woman is pregnant? Due to the additional loads that the female organism is experiencing a pulling, squeezing lubricants manifests itself, as a rule, in the hip joint, the lower back. An increase in body weight gives a load on the tummy, it particularly affects mummies of osteochondrosis. 3 Trimester of pregnancy is caused by swelling, first the small articular fabrics of the phalange of the fingers, ankle, ray-beyond, hand, are exposed. Strong pressure entails stupid pain, numbness, weakness. The lack of calcium, strengthening the production of relaxic, the pathology of the bodies, the symphyzit here is some more premises to the disease. Symphysuit is often complicing. Symptoms are stupid, pulling sensations in the pubic area, clicks when walking, difficulty in lifting limbs in a lying position.

The body has not replenished in full extent with the useful substances and microelements, which gave impetus to the development of sleep illness. 9 months of carrying heavy, especially when the baby grows large, the subsequent worries give the load on the feet, the spine.


What do the joints sore during the menopause? The main source is a decrease in the production of genital hormones, estrogen. Calcium deficiency begins in the bones, they are destroyed, become fragile and brittle. Additionally, the climax leads to irritability, migraines, weakness, total fatigue, tides, squeezed, and the heating of heartbeat. It is at this time that frequent fractures occur during falling. The disadvantage of estrogen contributes to the emergence of osteoporosis deforming osteoarthrosis.

Why is the bones at the same time?

This is often found in the elderly to change the weather. It seems that every bone twists, because of what it happens sometimes not to fall asleep at night. If they hurt the joints throughout the body, then physical overvoltage is likely. The muscle area covers nearby places. The state why all the joints sore simultaneously speaks of tumors of fabrics, osteomyelitis, malignant, benign processes, tuberculosis.


Based on the diagnosis formulation, the attending physician prescribes appropriate treatment.

and mechanical damage to medicines of non-steroidal type analgin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen. Anti-inflammatory ointments Voltaren, indomethacinic, warming capsicles, fast gel. Compresses with Dimeksid. The lining with Dimeksid and the New Year is done if the hematoma is observed in the joints in the joints, a strong tumor. Sometimes analgin is added to this therapy scheme. Swipping resorption passes faster. Physio procedure laser, warm, magnet. Cold dressings on the hearth.

Degenerative articular valves provide NSPSSP tools to pyroxics, nimesulide, ketorolac, diclofenac. Crims into ampoules diprospan, Flosterone, Metipred. Mazi Arthrozin, long, chondroxide. Assigned chondprotectors of the arter, don, structum. "Chinese" plasters became the newest development of pain in the joints. Act only in the plot, without bypass on the body. Thanks to the natural composition, allergic reactions are minimized. Suction of substances occurs quickly, the duration of use contributes to deep penetration into tissue layers.

It is important to power with pain and lubrication in the joints. It is necessary to eat food enriched with calcium, magnesium, potassium. We systematically use vitamin complexes. A good outcome gives therapy with a laser, ultrasound, magnet, electrophoresis, healing physical culture, massage. Heavy form is treated by a surgical method when conservative does not help. Part of the affected joint is excised using arthroscopy, sometimes endoprosthetics are used.

Estrogen fill the hormonal substitution therapy. Medicines are produced both in the form of pill Angelik, Kliten, Divine, Primarin, and candles, creams, hormonal plasters. If it is impossible to be treated with hormones, then the specialist will addate the phytolacia of the Rensus, Klimaksan, Estrovale, Climadinon. Commitable additives containing calcium villas, aquadeurm, ahead, nicomed, calcinova.

What to do at home?

If you fell on your hand, the foot, then to stretch, attach the cold. Take analgesic analgesics ibuprofen, Naz, Analgin. To relieve rheumatoid syndromes, Babushkina Razrina helps well. It will require 300 ml of alcohol, 10 ml of camphor alcohol, 10 ml of iodine solution, 10 analgin tablets. All ingredients are mixed, not less than 21 days. Then the drug received neatly rubbed overnight in the zone, the scarf is observed from above, the scarf. Course about 10 days.

It is necessary to grasp the root, attach to the problem area. Top to tip a cloth from cotton, flax. Walking with a bandage for 2 hours. With strong slug, root replace on the leaves. The method of reception is the same.

Practice has shown that systematic use of gelatin facilitates indisposition in the limbs. The basis of the product collagen, which is obtained from the cartilage and bone of animals. Collagen perfectly feeds cartilage, articular content. Increases their elasticity, strength. Of the shortcomings, the duration of reception, about 2 months.

Despite the fact that the amanita is considered to be a poisonous mushroom, he can treat the diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The ointment is made from dried mushrooms, and fresh, vaseline is suitable. The drug is rubbed into place. The tincture is prepared from crushed fungi and alcohol. Stored in a dark, cool place. Course from 7 days.

When do you need help doctor?

If they hurt the joints, what to do in such a situation? No need to pull a visit to the doctor. Any manifestations in the form of temperature, strong discomfort, fever, greater edema, hemorrhage serve as a reason for the examination. Not passing painful sensations after the fall require a physician consultation in order to avoid suspicion of a crack, complications.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the true source of illness recognizes only a specialist, because many symptoms are similar to each other.

Possible causes of pain in the joints.

Arthralgia arises as a result of irritation of neuroreceptors, which are in all the structures of the joint, various factors depending on the underlying disease. One of the reasons for pain in the joint can be a sustav and the formation of hematoma, not visible to the eye.

The main diseases in which pain in the joints occur.

Osteoarthrosis - the most common chronic diseases of the joints (often hip, knee, interfalance joints of the brushes), based on the degenerative - dystrophic disorders (violation of metabolism) of articular cartilage, bone tissue, synovial shells and a binder joint (elderly age, overweight, broken exchange substances, injuries, lack of vitamins C and D, professional harm).

Symptoms - pain and stiffness in the joint amplifying during exercise and decreasing at rest (with mechanical pain), constant stupid nightaches - disappear in the morning with active movements (with vascular pains), starting pain - quickly occur and disappear at the beginning of the load and returning With intensive and long load, blockade pains - jamming or infringement of the damaged cartilage between the joint surfaces.

Soft tissue edema and local temperature increase in the joints. Signs of Gebreden and Bushara nodules are characteristic (solid small formations) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe interphalating joints of the brushes.

Ankylosing spondylitrite (Bekhtereva-Marie's disease) - Chronic inflammation of the axial skeletal joints (intervertebral, sacratling, iliac, riberno-vertebrates) is based on the immuno - inflammatory process in the body, followed by the formation of curtain fibrinic tissue in the joints, on which trace elements and salts are settled, which leads to limiting the mobility of the joint. The symptoms are the first to arise at a young age, a permanent pain in the field of buttocks, a sacrum and a lower back, amplifying at night.
Pain in the chest in the field of roother attachment to the spine, amplifying with deep breathing, cough.
The stiffness of the muscles of the back, arising at night and alone, decreasing with active movements.
Violation of posture - the pose of the petitioner.
Sweating during the daytime.
Subfebrile temperature - 37.0-37.5.
The defeat of the internal organs (hearts, aortic, kidneys, eyes).

Jet Arthritis - Inflammatory acute disease of the joint (mainly the joints of the lower extremities). The reason - occurs after transferred acute infection (intestinal, ORVI, ORZ, urogenital). Symptoms. Permanent acute pain in the joint amplifying during movement, efficiency and hyperemia (redness) of soft tissues over the joint, fever (38,6 - 40.0). Empting manifestations - eye damage (conjunctivitis), heart damage (myocarditis, pericarditis, arrhythmias), damage to the central nervous system (neuritis, encephalopathy), kidney damage (pyelonephritis), violation of the trophics of nails, skin and mucous membranes (ongoing).

Regarding infections, arthralgia may be a symptom of Zika virus.

Reuters' disease (A separate type of reactive arthritis with genetic predisposition) - manifests itself after transferred chlamydial or intestinal infection. Manifested by reactive arthritis (mainly the joints of the lower extremities), pain in the joint, characteristic embracing manifestations (urethritis or prostatitis, conjunctivitis or will, damage to the skin and mucous membranes - ulcerative stomatitis, erosive balanitis,), damage to the cardiovascular system (arrhythmias, blockades, Aortitis), fever (38.6 - 40.0).

Rheumatoid arthritis - chronic progressive systemic inflammation of the connective tissue (autoimmune inflammation in the joint). Mostly small joints of the brushes and stop, less often knee and elbow, are affected. Symptoms - pain in the joints constant, deformation of the joints, the focus of the joint, stiffness in the joint in the morning, the symmetry of the lesion of the joints, weakness, fatigue, a decrease in body weight, an increase in body temperature and over the joint area, resistant joint deformation, rheumatoid nodules on extensive surfaces, lesion bones (bone pain and fractures), skin lesion (dry, pallor, subcutaneous hemorrhages, bright pink or blue skin color, finely food necrosis of soft tissues under nail plates), lesion of nails (brittle, is the allocated to nail plates), lymphadenopathy (increasing subsoine The cervical, inguinal and elbow lymph nodes), Felty syndrome (joint lesion with a combination of splenomegaly - an increase in spleen and leukopenia - a decrease in the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood), the defeat of the broncho-light system (interstitial fibrosis of lightweight fabric, one-sided pleurisy, rheumatoid nodules in lungs) , lesion of gastrointestinal tr Act (associated with the reception of drugs in the treatment of the main disease without covering the gastric mucosa -Expection gastritis), the defeat of the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, coronary arteritis, aortitis, arrhythmia), kidney damage (amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis, drug kidney), nervous lesion Systems (neuropathy with sensitive or motor disorders), eye damage (scarce, keratoconewitivitis).

Psoriatic arthritis - Arthritis developing in genetically predisposed patients with psoriasis, exacerbation of arthritis coincides with the exacerbation of psoriasis. Symptoms. Pain in the joint (mostly interfalane joints of the brushes and stop), bugvo-blue skin with an edema over the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint, asymmetry of the lesion of the joint, pain in the lumbosacral spine, pain in the heels (talalgy), skin psoriatic plaques, the defeat of the nails ( Lyubility, achettility and clouding of nail plates).

Gout (Gouty arthritis) - Microcrystalline arthritis, the hereditary disease is based on the metabolic disorder (with a violation of the diet), namely purin metabolism, resulting in deposition of ultrasonic crystals (uric acid salts) in the okolossertive and joint tissues. Symptoms. The pain in the joint (more often in the first PlusNef balance foot of the foot), bright hyperemia (redness), soloity and peeling of the skin over the joint, fever, raising the local temperature of the affected joint, skin manifestations in the region of the oars, elbow joints, stop, brushes, in the form of Tofusov (local accumulation of urates salts surrounded by granulomatous fabric), heart damage (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, coronary arteritis, aortitis, arrhythmias), kidney damage (amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis).

Pseudopodag - (Pseudo-Press arthritis) Microcrystalline arthritis, the disease based on the metabolic disorders (local metabolic disorders of calcium pyrofosphate in the tissues of the joint), namely calcium metabolism, resulting in calcium pyrophosphate crystals (calcium salts) in the okolosorny and joint tissues. Symptoms. The pain in the joint (the knee joints are more affected), bright hyperemia (redness), skin soloity over the joint, fever, increase the local temperature of the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected joint, the deformation of the joint. Internal organs and other systems are not amazed.

Medicine Arthralgia - a temporary state characterized by mining pains in the joints (mostly small joints) against the background of the reception of certain drugs in high daily doses. It is not a disease, and are not classified in the ICD-10 on WHO. Groups of drugs capable of causing drug arthralgia - antibiotics of penicillin rows, barbiturates and lightness drugs and tranquilizers (on a chemical basis), hypotensive drugs, contraceptive preparations and anti-tuberculosis, proton pump inhibitors. Causes, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and diagnostics of this state are not studied, due to the active promotion of drugs in the pharmacological market and the absence of the severity of the state with respect to functional violations of the joint and individual tolerance of drugs.

The same can be said about meteopathic arthralgiy (joint pain arising from meteopathic people sensitive to precipitates of atmospheric pressure).

Survection in joint pain.

Clinical blood test In most cases, evidenced by various deviations depending on the nature of the lesion of the joints and the degree of its severity, the increase in ESP, which reflects the level of the inflammatory process, in the normal number of leukocytes are characteristic of rheumatic diseases. An increase in the number of leukocytes with inflammatory diseases of the spine, and the joints may indicate the presence of a focus of infection in the body, etc. Biochemical blood test for the diagnosis of certain inflammatory diseases of the joints and the spine, the determination of the C - reactive protein (CRH) in the serum, diphenylaminic reaction (DFA), determination of the content of the general protein and fibrinogen, serumcoid, and others, are of great importance. Although all these tests are Do not point to the specificity of the pathological process, when comparing with other clinical and radiological data, they provide assistance in diagnosing in the early stages of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and allow us to judge the level of activity activity. Of great importance is attached to the change in the content of lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase, acid proteinase, deoxyribonucleosis, cathpsins) in serum and synovial fluid is often observed in rheumatism, Bekhterev's disease, psoriatic polyarthritis.

Immunological research. For early diagnosis of rheumatoid damage, a rheumatoid factor is of particular importance - antihylobulin antibody. It is formed in lymph nodes, spleen, synovial sheath lymphoplasemic cells. To identify the rheumatoid factor in the serum and synovial fluid, the reaction of the Waaler - Rose is considered positive if there is a concentration of 1:28 and more. The rheumatoid factor is detected in 75-85% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In early stages and in the sernegative form of rheumatoid arthritis, the immunocytidency reaction is used to release the rheumatoid factor at the level of the lymphocyte.

Sample with anti-stocktolesin O (ASL-O) reflects immunological reactivity with respect to streptococcal infection. An increase in the SSL-0 titer is observed in rheumatism patients, infectious-allergic polyarthritis.

Leukocyte Migration Braking Reaction. Normally, leukocytes have the ability to migrate into the environment with the formation of conglomerates. If there is a sensitization of the body to a specific antigen, then at a meeting of sensitized leukocytes with a given antigen, the lymphocytes are distinguished by an inhibiting factor inhibiting leukocyte migration. This reaction is positive in rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.

Blood on the HLA system - The possibility of early diagnosis of Bekhterev's disease, the definition of HLA B-27 is of great importance. The HLA complex is detected in the cell membrane and is allocated using immunological methods.

Study of synovial fluid - On any pathological process arising in the joint, inflammatory, degenerative or traumatic, the synovial shell reacts and can produce a large number of exudate. It is mixed with a synovial fluid constantly contained in the cavity, and therefore it acquires new immunobiochemical and histochemical properties. The change in the histological, physical and biochemical properties of the synovial fluid depends on the nature of the lesion, stage and the severity of the pathological process. Especially important is the study of the synovial fluid in the differential diagnosis of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints. The acute inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in the number of blood formation elements in the synovial fluid.

ImmunoElectrophorosis - reveals immunoglobulins of classes A, G, M, which are of great importance for the development of the pathological process with rheumatoid arthritis.

Radiography - Reliable method of studying joints. In fact, without her, the doctor cannot make a diagnosis and conduct differential diagnosis. Radiographic research allows you to determine the stage and forecast of the disease, and in the dynamics objectively assess the effectiveness of therapy. It is necessary to compare X-ray data with a clinical picture, the prescription of the disease and age of the patient.

Tomography Allows you to more accurately identify focal lesions or separate vertebra segments.

Mielography - a contrasting method for studying the spine, with the help of this method you can clarify the localization of the pathological process, especially in cases where operational intervention is necessary.

Intraight phlebography - To study the venous blood flow of the peridural space. This method allows you to judge the condition of blood circulation in the oil-buttable space and indirectly about a possible degenerative lesion.

Arthroscopy. - The study method that allows you to view the visual structure of the knee joint and take the biopsy of the desired site, the contours, painting and capillary network of synovial shell, cross-shaped ligaments, meniscus and a fat cushion are found.

Discography - The introduction of a contrast agent into the intervertebral disk with subsequent radiography makes it possible to judge the state of intervertebral discs, localization and degree of lesion.

Radionuclide scanning - An important objective method of early diagnosis of lesions of the joints.

Arthrography - With the help of intra-articular administration of various contrast substances, it allows you to more accurately determine the pathology into deeply located articular parts.

Biopsy synovial shell - biopsy material for various diseases of the joints is decisive in the diagnosis of early forms of Bekhterev's disease, rater disease, gouty arthritis.

Symptomatic treatment: how to remove pain in the joints

Independent treatment and treatment with folk remedies is not recommended under what kind of pains to the preliminary or final diagnosis by the doctor due to an incorrect independent assessment of its condition, which can lead to persistent irreversible functional disorders of the joint - ankylose, rigidity, contractures (in this and There is a danger of symptom). Today, the most popular means for removing pain in the joints are drugs from the NSAID Group. They are really effective, but have a number of contraindications and are not recommended for long-term use.

To which doctor to contact with joint pain

Therapist, surgeon, orthopedist, traumatologist, artist, rheumatologist. Consultation of the doctor is obligatory, with the first appearance of pain in the joint and the ongoing more than 2 days.

Today we will talk about pain in the joint, the causes of pain. For our lives, about 80% of the adult population, one way or another, experience pain in the joints, pain can be both minor and strong and causes of pain in the joints may be hundreds of diseases.
As a rule, pain in the joints can appear in various injuries and diseases, but most often it is associated with the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, the joint pain may not rarely occur during tension.

For the whole of our life, our skeleton is withstanding heavy loads that fold from our weight and weights that we raise and wearing. The maximum load falls on the joints and the spine, that is, on the moving parts of the skeleton. Active sports, any injuries, stretching, all this can lead to various joint diseases.

The joints may be hurt due to:

  • Development of the inflammatory process in the joint itself or in violation of the degenerative-dystrophic change.
  • Mechanical factors, this is a stretching of the tendon-ligament, physical exertion.
  • Vascular disorders are venous stasis, muscle spasm, neurocirculatory dystonia.
  • It happens that the joints begin to root, "unscrewing" to change the weather, there is a sharp change of weather and we can feel pain in the joints.
  • With an angina, flu and other infectious diseases, we feel bad, high temperatures rise, pains in the joints appear. What's happening? There is no inxication of the body and precisely because of this may appear in joints. Often, starting to treat an infectious disease, as we begin to recover pain in the joints pass.

One of the reasons for pain in the joints is our nutrition. Food products that we now consume contain very little vitamins, macro and micro elements, and some do not even contain anything useful for our body. Therefore, for the normal vital activity of our body, trace elements are closed from the bone-upscreen, it is calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, silicon. Thus, the bone-articular apparatus is depleted and this leads to various diseases of the joints, diseases such as osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, osteosclerosis occur.

Another reason for which the joints may occur in the joints is a sedentary lifestyle. The joints can hurt if you are moving a little, since only with our movement in the joints, the synovial fluid is produced, the "stacking" of the joints occurs as the exchange processes do not occur and there are no full-fledged "nutrition". So our joints are arranged that their nutrition occurs only when they are moved.

Sustains can be sick with a violation of the synovial shell of the joint, what happens? The joints of the joint synovial liquid occurs and the ability to restore cartilage tissue deteriorates and the destruction of the artician cartilage begins, this destruction is accompanied by pain, that is, the body gives us a signal, you need to take action.

On the blog I have an article "What to do if the joints hurt", you can read it, recipes in the article from my grandmother, she makes a tincture on lilac, on chestnut, in general the article describes what she uses when she hurts the joints . You can treat the joints by folk remedies, but it is better to consult a doctor, so that the doctor finds out the causes of the joint pain.

Urgently need to contact a doctor if:

  • For fever and elevated body temperature, in the absence of influenza symptoms.
  • With very strong pain in the joints, which is accompanied by severe symptoms.
  • During swelling, when reddening the joint.
  • With loss of appetite.
  • With sweating.
  • With pain in the joints within 3 days, which, do not pass and get worse.
  • With a loss of 5 kg of weight in a month.

Causes, symptoms and characteristics of joint pain

Articular pains are sufficiently common and may occur for various reasons. According to various studies, up to a third of the adult population complains of pain in the joints. The pain may occur in any parts of the body, but most often the patients are concerned with pain in the knee, hip and shoulder joints.

As agreed and aging, the likelihood of the appearance of painful sensations increases.

Even a minor swelling and soreness of the joints can have a negative impact on the quality of life. Regardless of the cause of the articular pain, you can fight with medicines, physiotherapy methods or other, alternative methods. We will consider all these options below.

The frequent cause of the articular pain is all sorts of damage to the ligaments or tendons surrounding the joint, as well as inflammation and some infectious diseases. The inflammatory diseases causing pain in the joints include arthritis and its varieties (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis).

In addition to pain, the above reasons may cause the following symptoms:

  • redness in the patient joint;
  • softness and swelling;
  • general body weakness;
  • chromoty (in case of pain in the joints of the legs);
  • reducing the mobility of the joint.

The pain in the joints rarely requires immediate hospitalization. In most cases, with mild or middle pain, you can cope at home. But if there are the following symptoms, then should consult a doctor:

  • swelling or swelling in the joint area;
  • redness;
  • heat and softness around the sore joint.

Immediate Recognition to the doctor demand The following signs:

  • sustain deformation as a result of injury;
  • strong pain;
  • sudden swelling;
  • the impossibility of moving the joint.

At the reception, the doctor will examine the history of pain - asks about the symptoms associated with it, which preceded its occurrence, which reduces or enhances the soreness of the joints, etc. After conversation, the doctor will appoint the necessary examination. As a rule, it is necessary to pass the blood and urine tests, pass the x-ray examination and, if necessary, MRI. After passing all the tests and surveys, treatment will be prescribed.

Methods for treating pain in the joints

Any treatment method is aimed at reducing painful sensations, lifting inflammation and maintaining the functioning of the sore joint.

Medications. Pills

With mild and moderate pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help - "Aspirin", "ibuprofen" or "naproxen" (and other means with these active substances). They are especially effective with inflammatory pain.

A new generation of similar drugs, selective COF-2 inhibitors, also cope well with articular pain. But some of them increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases, so they must be appointed only by the doctor. Among the effective and least "dangerous" drugs leading "Kebreks".

In case of non-peculiar pain, preparations based on paracetamol "Tileylene" and "acetaminophen" are also effective. These medicines negatively affect the liver, especially if you combine them with alcohol.

Sometimes the pain happens so strong that anti-inflammatory nasteroids do not help. Then the doctor may appoint stronger analgesics. Such drugs are sold only by recipe. Opioid drugs can cause drowsiness, so it is necessary to observe the doctor if they are received. Another adverse reaction - constipation.

The following drugs also facilitate pain:

  • Miorlaxants, they are sometimes prescribed along with non-steroidal analgesics to strengthen their effect. These drugs remove spasms in the muscles.
  • Antidepressants and anticonvulsants that suppress pain.

Ointment, creams and plasters

Funds with local exposure are applied at the initial stage of treatment. They are quite effective, although they do not have a comprehensive impact. But they act on the focus of inflammation, reducing the increased sensitivity of the nerve endings, removing the swelling and inflammation. As a result, damaged areas around the joint are better restored, and microcirculation is adjusted.

Among the most effective means you can note the external ointment, napkins and plasters. Active substances are various analgesics and anti-inflammatory components (ibuprofen, indomethacin, paracetamol, dimexide, ketoprofen, methylsalicyate).

Also, creams, plasters and ointments containing capsaicin ("Capsaicin", "Espol", "Nicoflex", "capsits") are also very effective. This substance is contained in the acute pepper chili. Local preparations based on it can cause some burning in use, but help to eliminate pain during arthritis and other diseases of the joints.


With stronger pains, when tablets or local means do not help, the doctor may assign painkillers in the form of injections. Active substances are the same as contained in tablets or means for local applications. The most effective components for injection are ketoprofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, dimexide.

In addition to painkillers in the treatment of pain in the joints, injections of steroid drugs are helped. They are entered into a sick joint in combination with anesthetic. These procedures are most effective in arthrites, but most often the effect will be temporary.

With osteoarthritis, the doctor may prescribe an intramuscular administration of hyaluronic acid, which is close to the articular fluid.

Other methods

Often, in addition to medicines, the doctor appoints physiotherapy courses. Thanks to physiotherapeutic methods, you can return the ability to normal movements, strengthen the surrounding muscles and stabilize it. Effective methods - cold and heat therapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation.

Useful with pains in the joints and physical exertion. But it needs to be approached with the mind - it is worth avoiding the exercises that directly use sore joints. It is best to go swimming or ride a bike. Exercises in water remove part of the load from the joints and at the same time help develop them.

First aid at home in joint pain

In case of light pain, the following tips will help:

  • Take one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - for example, based on ibuprofen or sodium naproxen ("Ibufen", "Nurofen", "Naproxen", "Nazigazin"). These painkillers have antipyretic and painful actions.
  • Avoid load on the joint causing or aggravating pain.
  • Several times during the day for 15-20 minutes apply to the area with painful sensations with ice package.
  • Relax muscles and strengthen the blood circulation will help the warm heater, applied to the painful joint, as well as a warm bath or shower.

Folk remedies for pain in the joints

There is a lot of people's ways to alleviate or remove pain in the joints. Below we consider the simplest and most effective of them.

Tea with ginger and turmeric. These spices help with articular pains during rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The active substance Kurkumin contained in turmeric recognized as a strong antioxidant. Due to this, the use of turmeric helps remove inflammation in the joints. You can add it when cooking dishes, and you can enjoy fragrant and spicy tea. For its preparation, it will take a 0.5 teaspoon of the hammer of turmeric and ginger. In the container, bring to a boil 2 glasses of water, pour spices, reduce the fire after boiling. After 10-15 minutes, resolve, and add honey to taste. Cooked tea is enough for two receptions.

"Magnies" diet. Magnesium - mineral, which is involved in a variety of biochemical reactions of the human body. Thanks to him, the muscles and nerve endings are relaxing, the heart works like a clock, pain relief and tension is removed. Magnesium is also very important for strong bones. You can take it in the form of tablets, but also should be included in your diet products in which it is contained. This is legumes, dark greens (arugula, spinach), different nuts.

Olive oil. According to studies, the cold press olive oil contains a substance similar to the analgesics. So, 1.5 tablespoons of oil are similar in the anesthetic properties of 200 mg ibuprofen. Such an effect is achieved due to the content in oleokantal olive oil.

You can use olive oil into food to achieve an analgesic effect with pain in the joints. Daily dose - 2-3 tablespoons of oil. At the same time, make sure that the use of oil does not affect the daily amount of fats and calories. If necessary, refuse other fats, such as cream oil.

Another effective way to use olive oil is rubbing it into sore joints. This must be done twice a day, gently massaging the desired area before the oil is absorbed.

How to prevent pains in the joints? (video)

From this video you will learn how to prevent pain in the joints, especially in the spring. Effective exercises for the prevention of articular pain.

Applying the above recommendations and turning to the doctor for advice on time, it is possible not only to eliminate pain manifestations, but also cure the cause of pain in the joints. A healthy diet and moderate physical exertion is recommended as the prevention of repeated pain attacks.

Most often joint pain Appears in old age, but sometimes accompanies diseases that arise from young people and even in children. Sustains hurt at different ages, but more often - in women than in men. The pain can occur only at night or disturbantly, to be a good or very strong - in any case, pain in the joints delivers a lot of trouble to a person.

The pain in the joints may occur with inflammatory diseases in the joints (arthritis), exchange or dystrophic disorders (arthrosis), diseases of the soft tissues surrounding the joint, with various allergic, infectious diseases, blood diseases, internal organs, nervous and endocrine systems. That is why if you have a joint hurt, you need to consult a doctor to find out why they hurt and only then begin treatment.

Causes of joint pain

Pain in the joints - as a manifestation of general intoxication of the body. With different acute diseases (for example, with influenza, angina), as well as in chronic (chronic tonsillitis, cholecystitis, etc.) can periodically occur volatile pain in one, then in another joint. This is one of the manifestations of general intoxication (poisoning) of the body. Such pains usually decrease or pass with the successful treatment of the underlying disease.

Pain in arthritis

With inflammation of the joint (arthritis), pain reinforcement with prolonged immobility of the joint appear. They are enhanced late at night and in the morning and make the patient move to alleviate the pain. These are the so-called "inflammatory" pains, their appearance is associated with the accumulation of the joint cavity of the inflammation products irritating the nerve endings.

Treatment of arthritis arthritis is directed to the removal of inflammatory phenomena in the joint (antibiotics, glucocorticoid hormones, etc.) and the strengthening of the protective forces of the body. After removing inflammation, pain decreases. For removal of severe pain, various painkillers and removable drugs of drugs are used, including means for outdoor use, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

Pain in the joints with rheumatic polyarthritis

Rheumatic polyarthritis usually occurs after a sore throat or influenza. The disease begins acutely with high temperature. The joints (usually large) are amazed symmetrically, they are eaten and sharply painful to the touch. Pains are held after appointing anti-inflammatory treatment (antibiotics, nonspecific anti-inflammatory funds).

The reason for the development of rheumatoid polyarthritis has not been fully studied. The most characteristic of the gradual, slow development of the disease. Punching, stiffness and moderately pronounced pains first affect small joints of the brushes and feet, then larger joints (knee, shoulder, hip) are involved in the process. The joints change their shape, the muscles located around them dries (atrophy). Pains become permanent and very worried patients.

Pain and edema decrease after taking non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs, including means for outdoor use. If the NSAP does not bring relief, as well as with the valipation of the damage to the internal organs and the general serious condition is prescribed hormone therapy (prednisolone). Hormones are applied in extreme cases when all other features have been exhausted. With severe pains, the buses are applied to the joint, fixing the limb in a convenient position for a patient. The pain is also facilitated by heat.

Pain in the joints in arthrosis

In the dystrophic disorders in the joint (arthrosis), which may occur after the joint injury or in the elderly, as a result of exchange disorders, the intensity of the joint pain is usually small, it increases with the load, especially by the end of the day, and disappears at night or at rest. This is a "mechanical" type of pain, it occurs in mechanical irritation of the shell of the joints with salts formed in the process of exchange disorders.

To remove pain during arthrosis, the affected joint periodically needs to give rest. The painful tool is also warm to the joint area (warming compresses, baths, paraffin, ozokerite, dirt). Paintal medicines (paracetamol, diclofenac) are also used. Effective is the local appliqués of the drug, for example, Voltren Emulgel.

Massage and special exercises, strengthening muscles and reducing the load on the articular surfaces also contribute to the removal of pain.

Functional articular pain

In stress and nervous loads, functional articular pains may occur. They have an indefinite rhythm and different intensity, can enhance with mental and emotional voltage and disappear during sleep. Such pains do not decrease from painkillers and physiotherapy procedures, but they can pass from the use of soothing funds or when changing working conditions and life.

Functional pains arise due to the transient blood supply disorders (spasm of blood vessels as a result of nervous voltage). It is important to keep in mind that pain in the joints is not always a sign of the disease of the joint, often this is a sign of a systemic disease (the defeat of the joints is only one of the manifestations of the disease).

In order to deal with what is the cause of pain in the joint and to designate the right treatment in each particular case, consultation of a qualified specialist is necessary.

Treatment of joint pain

When constant pain in the joints of the lower extremities should not be engaged in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. There is always a risk of incorrect to assess the degree of damage arising, and therefore provoke the development of complications and chronic process. You need to visit the expert consultation. In pain in the joints of the legs, you need to turn to a traumatologist, a rheumatologist, a neurologist or a vertebrol. Only a qualified doctor, after a thorough inspection and all necessary instrumental examinations, is able to accurately diagnose and assign adequate treatment.

Treatment of joint pains by folk remedies

For the most part, folk remedies are not able to save up problems with joints once and forever - they can only slow down the wear of cartilage tissue, that is, they have a prophylactic effect, and not therapeutic. For example, gelatin for joints is useful in that it itself is a product of the recycling of the connective tissue, and therefore acts as a collagen "feeding". But there are several real recipes against pain in the joints.

Pet Pets

Suitful pork, beef, barracks and even chicken fat - the main thing is that it is fresh, unsalted, and its quantities were enough to cover all sore places. Fat is superimposed on the joints, turn on with them with polyethylene on top (it is possible to use an elastic food film) and a wool scarf or handkerchief. Once every two days, the fat is replaced by more than fresh, the compress is kept around the clock for a week, after which the pains are noticeably weakened. Even cases are known when people because of strong pains could not move, and the course of treatment with fat helped them to return the joy of movement.

Egg shell compress

The shell of raw eggs was washed in cold water, dried and crushed to the state of the powder. Then mix it with the procurest or skis milk in the ratio of 1: 1 (for example, 2 tablespoons of powder - 2 tablespoons of prostruck). The mixture is spread directly on the sore joint, covered with a polyethylene film from above and wrapped with a wool handkerchief. The next day, the compress is changed, and so for the week. Then it will be necessary to make a weekly break, and after it to spend another week. The effect of such compresses will be faster if simultaneously taking an egg shell with lemon juice - about this homely "biologically active additive" is described in one of our publications.

Iodian Rubrota

The traditional iodine mesh in the joint pain is hardly helped, although a little relief will bring. There is a more effective way: iodine and pure alcohol are mixed in equal amounts, drain the mixture into the glass dishes and are kept in a warm place for days. The solution should become light, almost transparent - this feature and testifies to its readiness. The cooked means are smeared the joints twice a day. Next to warming dressings are not needed on top. If there is no clean alcohol at hand, the triple cologne is suitable.

Kerosene and salt compress

A glass of salt is connected with a half cup of dry mustard and add kerosene there - exactly so much so that the viscous cashem is. It is rubbed into patients with joints and impose a warm dressing with a woolen handker or a terry towel. It is recommended to conduct this procedure for the night. It should be repeated until the joints are weakened.

Treatment of joints by cabbage brine

A good method, but it is possible to use it only in those periods when sauerkraut is present in the everyday diet. It is measured in the amount of 1 tbsp. Spoons are diluted with water (1/4 cup) and drink this "cocktail" 1-2 times a day for a month. You can also rub the undeveloped cabbage brine directly into the joints.

Diet with joint pain

General nutritional requirements for pains in the joints:

  • restriction of carbohydrate content, especially sugar;
  • reduction (maximum) salt;
  • fractional, frequent meals (5-6 food meals per day);
  • exception from the diet of sharp, salt dishes, extractive substances (strong broths, roasted dishes), strong drinks, strong tea, coffee.

The dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - in boiled or slightly roasted (after boiling); Vegetables must be well ruled.

  • Soups are mainly vegetarian, as well as cereal, dairy, fruit, faint meat or fish soups - 1-2 times a week.
  • Meat or bird of non-fat varieties is preferably in boiled or baked. It is advisable to eliminate the liver, language, brains, chickens, veal.
  • Fish is a variety of varieties, with the exception of salt and smoked.
  • Eggs Skump, Omelets.
  • Vigrets and salads with vegetable oil from various vegetables, vegetables in the form of garnings. Limit (up to exclusion) beans, peas, beans, spinach, sorrel.
  • Fruit dishes, berries: any, limit grapes.
  • Dishes from croup, dairy products are not limited.
  • Fats: butter creamy, vegetable (1/3 of the total).
  • Sweets: Sugar - up to 30 g per day (4 pieces), honey, jam, jam.
  • Drinks: fastening tea, coffee drink, vegetable, fruit, berry juices (except grapete). Alcoholic beverages are excluded.
  • Spices, seasonings: bay leaf, dill, parsley, cinnamon, carnation.

Questions and answers on the topic "Main in the joints"

Question: After the bite of a mosquito or some midge at Mom, the leg was swollen, after the launch, the worst passed, but heaviness and pain went to the thigh because of what sleepless nights, Rengen and injections did not change anything!

Answer: Hello! Perhaps the condition of your mom is not connected directly with the bite. The pain and gravity in the legs can occur for various reasons: diseases of the liver and kidney, pathology of internal organs, diseases of the joints and spine, disease of the cardiovascular system, neurological diseases, infections (ryph, osteomyelitis).

Question: Hello, I am 61 years old, I have been working as a driver all my life. I'm silent (professional), after a long stay on my feet and, when walking, the muscles of the legs hurt (burns, ears) from the hip joint and almost to the knee, forcing sit down and give my feet for some time, while the muscles are strongly tense and absent on a certain area Sensitivity, if you attach a cold item to the body. In addition, at intensive work, the joints of the right hand hurt, it hurts even with a slight pressure. I rub the Gel "Doluben", but I do not feel better improvements. Are my sores are heduced?

Answer: Hello! With your problems you need to contact a neurologist. Only with direct inspection it is possible to estimate the degree of weakness or force of the legs, to carry out the necessary tests. After that, appoint an additional examination in your case most likely the MRI of the lumbar-sacrive department. It is also necessary to exclude the defeat of the foot vessels.

Question: Hello! I'm 22. I want to consult. Sustains are hurting, and always one (then left, right). It may be sick once a month, or maybe not one time a week. It seems not to scatter, just whining, pulling feeling. But sometimes the pain is strong and distributed on the thigh and the shin. It happens that something interferes in the knee. When walking about pain forget. She was engaged in more than 10 years volleyball, therefore he was constantly filed on his knees. And on one knee there was a break of the ligaments, which was not treated for the doctor's omission and now the leg can be touched down, the ligaments are stretched. And on the other I do not know for what reason the cartilage thigh formed many years ago (then the knee hurt, could not completely bend it and get up too). Advise how to cope with pain? Mazaal Nurofen - does not help. Is it pain in the investigation of past injuries or may be other reasons? Thanks in advance!

Answer: Hello! In fact, then ointment will not help. You need to make MRI of the joints and turn to the orthopedist.

Question: Hello! After an angina, the weeks are sick in the elbows after 3. Not strong, after some time passed. A week ago, the brushes began to hurt much: the joints on the fingers and periodically pain goes into the elbow. Sometimes they don't fingers. It hurts to press the dice of the fingers. Other pains: in your knees, do not bother. I am 23 years old. I work at the computer constantly. There were no chronic diseases. It is not atrocably predisposed to diseases of the joints. Is it with an angina that I got sick? Delivered blood test. The result is good. Tell me, please, what can it be?

Answer: Hello! What you describe may be a manifestation of tunnel syndrome (of the lock channel) - the state at which the nerve area in the wrist channel area occurs (often such a problem appears when the joints of the brushes of the hands (in particular, with long-term work with the keyboard and mouse)) . There may be other options: Indeed, it is impossible to eliminate the connection with the moved angina, + when the joints are affected by the hands of hands always finish in terms of rheumatoid arthritis. To clarify the diagnosis of income, most likely it will be necessary to perform: biochemical blood test for CRH (C-reactive protein), the Russian Federation - (rheumatoid factor), ASL-O - (anti-Latrotolysin-O), ultrasound of ray-exclusive joints, radiographs of brushes and bright joints.

Question: Good morning. I have such a problem: after childbirth (Cesarean), after a couple of months, pains in the joints of the legs appeared. Up to the fact that it hurts to get on your feet. As well as on hand. When you take the baby on the hands afraid if not to drop. Tell me, please, what it is, and whether pain in the joints is related to the lack of calcium.

Answer: Good day! Yes maybe. Complete a clinical examination course. Contact a rheumatologist or therapist.

Question: Hello. With loads, the joints are hurt (with 5 kg dumbbells) and knees (when run, no excess weight). At rest, the joints do not bother. I walked to the rheumatologist - they advised to remove the glands (there was chronic tonsillitis) and then it was the assumption that the joints would be restored. Glands removed in early February, until the end of April did not give the load. Week two I give small loads - the joints hurt. The pain is not acute, tolerant, but I want to get rid of it and not to launch a disease. I do not even know what doctor to turn - therapist, rheumatologist, surgeon?

Answer: Hello. Here it is necessary to exclude rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is better to turn to a rheumatologist and orthopedist, to make a radiograph of affected joints, pass clinical and biochemical blood tests on the reversal test. And according to the results of the surveys undergo treatment.

Question: Patient: Woman, 54 years old. Symptoms: The increase in the joint on the hands on the index finger (the first joint of the index finger) and the same on the legs, as well as on the legs, the thumb started crossing the index finger. Plus accompanying periodic pain. Applying the therapist, handed over the tests that appointed the therapist, but the therapist did not find anything. These symptoms began 10 years ago. The treatment was not applied, because There was no diagnosis. Tell me, please, what it is MB Disease and how to treat, and what kind of doctor should you contact? Thank you.

Answer: You need to consult a doctor with a rheumatologist for a comprehensive examination: rheumators, CEC, sermochoid, x-ray joints, only after receiving the survey results, the doctor will present an accurate diagnosis and will prescribe correct treatment.

Question: Hello, I would like to clarify such a question: my husband was 20 years old, in his childhood he got sideways, after his illness, he was refused his legs, he could not get up, just lay, but everything cost him feet, but now he is tormented by pain in the knee joints , he says as if the legs are not him, they prevent him, he sleeps bad at night, turns around. He went to the army, he headed for a rheumatologist, he was prescribed a snapshot of the joints of the brush. Please tell me if it can be rheumatism? What are the appointment of a doctor in this situation? The results of the ECG are clean. Thank you in advance

Answer: It can be like a manifestation of rheumatism and arthrosis. Doctor will conduct all the necessary surveys? CEC, ASL-O, SEROMOKOID, SRB, X-ray of the affected joints. Only after receiving the results of the survey will be given an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment is appointed.

The pain in the joints occupies one of the first positions among painful symptoms that deliver painful sensations and problems with the musculoskeletal system. According to the calculations of doctors, such a problem is developing almost in half of the world's population. Often, violations in the work of the joints begin in people after 40 years. According to statistics, the joints hurt in 50% of people after 40 years, and in 70 years old, the symptom is diagnosed in 90% of cases.

The joint is a movable part that is present in all limbs. It is located on the combination of two bones, and the movement occurs at the expense of muscles and tendons. Painful sensations in any of these parts are considered by the doctors as pain in the joints.


Pathological processes, such as inflammation, stretching, breaking, or problems with metabolic processes can be formed in the joints. Symptom characteristic of such diseases:

  • or ;
  • benign and malignant ailments.

To provoke pain syndrome in limbs can various irritating factors, according to these indicators, you can also determine the risk group:

  • age - over 60 years;
  • genetics;
  • congenital vices;
  • excessive sports;
  • excess weight;
  • injuries and fractures;
  • sexuality.

Shoulder, hand or other places where there are connective tissues, can develop from the impaired blood circulation of the synovial sheath of the joint. This contributes to the deterioration of the regeneration of cartilage tissue. The articular cartilage begins to collapse and then the bone, muscles and neighboring joints are damaged.

Another frequent reason that the doctors are distinguished when diagnosing the ailment is nutrition. So that the pain in the joints from this factor manifested itself less, the doctors advise to adhere to a diet, in which there will be a lot of calcium, manganese, boron, phosphorus, silicon and zinc.

Chronic joint pains often become the result of a sedimary lifestyle, microtraums or inflammatory process. In addition to drugs for the removal of inflammation and gymnastic exercises, it has proven to the food of the "glucosamine-maximum" line from Naturba, which contains two active components: glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances are natural structural elements of healthy cartilage tissue, directly participate in metabolic processes. Due to its natural nature, they are well absorbed and stimulates the metabolism in the cartilage cells, contribute to restoring the structure of the cartilage tissue after the inflammatory process.

A person may have a functional articular painful syndrome, which is formed from stress and nervous tension. Why sore joints, the doctor will be able to find out after inspection and diagnosis.


It is manifested by a symptom in diverse forms and types, so the doctor brought a classification that allows you to quickly determine the type of sign:

  • on the nature of the damage - inflamed and unreleased;
  • the progression of progression is mono-, oligo- and polyarticular;
  • localization is common and localized.

During the development of many diseases, patients feel painful syndrome of different character and manifestation time. Clinicians singled out 4 major types of pain:

  • mechanical;
  • starting;
  • night;
  • reflected.

Pathology in joint pain

Often, if the person hurts the joints of the fingers of the hands, then this may be due to the development of arthritis. Observe a patient about the development of pathology can both other signs:

  • flying fabrics;
  • heat in the joints;
  • severity when moving.

The disease is formed in the form of mono- and, in which one or several joints are damaged.

Gout recognize on the signs of monoarthritis. When relating inflammation, the patient is affected and neighboring joints. The entire body is involved in the pathological process. The gout differs in the way that pain in the elbow joint is manifested sharply and intensively.

Another frequent disease of the fingerties of the fingers is. In the elderly, people have elastic cartilage, which protects the joint from damage, gradually hardens, loses its former elasticity and goes into a more vulnerable stage. In the process of damage, cartilage erases, bundles and tendons are stretched, which provokes an increase in pain. Osteoarthritis can develop in any joint regardless of its initial state. The disease can give in to the fingers, elbow, spine, shoulders, knees.

You can quickly recognize such pathology according to some specific features:

  • pain syndrome and sensitivity of the affected zone;
  • bone bumps.

To eliminate the symptom, the patient will need to reduce body weight, reduce the load on the inflamed joints, to play sports and take painkillers.

Another common illness, which is manifested in pain, is considered. It belongs to the group of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of cartilage tissue. Arthrosis is distributed on large joints:

  • shoulder-painting;

NEUCH develops gradually. In this case, the patient can feel a light crunch and pain in the hip joint when walking. At Hyalin, microcracks appear, which lead to a rough surface. With the development of pathology, it is completely destroyed. The joint is lost for the same mobility, stiffness and pain increase. Neurological signs are added to general symptoms.

Bursitis on its manifestation is similar to arthritis, so at the first inspection of the patient, doctors often confuse these ailments. If such pathology is detected, the patient does not need to be wondering why the joints sore, since the focus of inflammation is in the articular bag. In the development of the disease, the patient feels such additional signs:

  • discomfort;
  • stiffness of movements.

Often, illness is formed in the knee, shoulder or hodges. It can be provoked by inflammation of the synovial shell due to damage, compression or injuries.

The disease manifested from incomprehensible etiology. Characterized by the ailment of strong pain in the muscles, in the zone of joints, head and failure of sleep mode. In progression of pathology, patients may feel fast fatigue and impaired intestinal functionality.

Developing osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone density. As a rule, pathology is formed in women in the postclamaic period. The manifestation on the change in the structure of bone tissue is based.


In order to establish why pain in the shoulder joint, foot, hip joint or brushes, a patient must be consulted for a consultation to the doctor. A full-fledged body examination and identification of pathology can conduct a traumatologist ,. Diagnosis of the reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant feature is to carry out laboratory and instrumental examinations:

  • blood test;
  • immunological study;
  • sample for the definition of anti-rampolized;
  • synovonic fluid sample;
  • radiography;
  • tomography;
  • myelography;
  • intraight phlebography;
  • arthroscopy;
  • discography;
  • radionuclide study;
  • arthrography;
  • biopsy.

To form an accurate diagnosis, the doctor is immediately important to collect anamnesis. It includes information about the clinical picture, infectious process, psoriasis, injuries, diet violations and other data that can tell about the etiology of the symptom. After that, the patient is appointed to conduct the following surveys depending on the presumptive diagnosis.


In the development of the ailment, the protective cartilage of the joint is destroyed. Due to this process, the surface of the joint is deformed and moved by a certain part of the body is limited. Pain in the knee joint or other limbs when walking is enhanced and the atrophy of the muscles of the limb is gradually developed.

Doctors prescribe various drug pain and ointment patients, so treatment consists exclusively from conservative methods:

  • power balance - reduce the amount of meat, salt and acute ingredients, increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, less consuming;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • play sports - gymnastics in water, swimming;
  • do cold and warm compresses.

  • compresses from cottage cheese, mustard flour, bran, therapeutic dirt, potatoes;
  • tinctures, juices and tea from dandelion, horseradish, buzzins;
  • baths using anti-inflammatory essential oils.

Also, mixes and ointments from nettle, hunter, yarrow, potatoes and cabbage are perfectly helping to eliminate pain.

As for traditional therapy measures, the doctors recommend starting treatment for such principles:

  • the use of painkillers;
  • lifting inflammation;
  • stop degenerative processes;
  • restoration of the musculoskeletal system;
  • control the lifestyle.

Choosing the perfect drug pain in the joints, the patient is provided with drug, surgical, physiotherapeutic and rehabilitation methods. The effectiveness of the technology also depends on the stage of pain syndrome and formed alend.

An important component of complex treatment is the reception of chondroprotectors - for example, the drug alflutop. The injection form ensures the maximum bioavailability and speed of the drug, which helps to stop the progressive destruction of cartilage, relieves inflammation and stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Thanks to the rapid effect, there is no need for long-term courses of the drug. The addition of the treatment of arthritis makes it possible to reduce the dosage and duration of the use of NSAIDs.

For example, in acute diseases, the patient is made blockade of nerve endings, which is an injection with strong drugs. After this procedure, the patient has all the symptoms and discomfort when driving.

This method of the doctor is resorted in rare cases. The component of any therapy is medicines. They are prescribed to the patient in any situation and in the development of various pathologies. A person is recommended for use such drugs that improve the overall condition of the patient and painkillers with pains with pains:

  • nonteroid drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • hormones of bark and adrenal glands;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamins.

You can eliminate pain attack by various drugs that are administered intravenously, orally or local. To quickly deal with the symptom, it is recommended to use ointment of pain in the joints based on natural components. Of the above ingredients of traditional medicine, you can make a natural painkiller at home. It needs to be applied when an unpleasant feeling appears, as well as sometimes in preventive purposes.

Medicinal preparations for pain in the back and joints often reduce pain and inflammation, but do not help restore the structure of cartilage.

As a means of improving the structural condition and metabolism of cartilage tissue, it is possible to apply BAD to the food of the "glucosamine maximum" line, which contains two active components: glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances are natural structural elements of healthy cartilage tissue, take direct participation in metabolic processes.

Due to its natural nature, they are well absorbed and stimulates the metabolism in the cartilage cells, contribute to restoring the structure of the cartilage tissue after the inflammatory process.

For local elimination, the plaster from pain is also used. It works on the same scheme as ointment. It is necessary to apply it to the inflamed place and preferably for some time not to do sharp movements, in order not to inflate the joint.


Preventive measures from pain in the shoulder joint, legs, hands or hip apparatus are in the simple compliance with the right way of life. In order to reduce the chances of developing heavy pathologies, the doctors advise on sports several times a week for half an hour. Thanks to such minor classes, you can prevent inflammation of the joints.

It is also recommended to choose the right food products that are filled with useful trace elements and can fill the bones and joints of the organism with the necessary substances. With the slightest manifestations of discomfort in the limbs or the musculoskeletal system, you need to immediately apply for advice to the doctor in order to prevent the development of pathology on time.

There are contraindications. Before use, consult your doctor.

Bad. Not a drug.

Is everything correctly in the article from a medical point of view?

Answer only if you have confirmed medical knowledge

What to do when the joints hurt - this question is worried about many people, since the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, physiological or pathological, are found in the lives of all people and repeatedly. The diseases of the joints occur, then last a long time, manifesting extremely painful symptoms.

In the organism of an adult, there are about 230 joints. They are a unique mechanism due to which the bones are connected, and people have the ability to change the position of the body in space. It is thanks to the joints that a person has the opportunity to walk, move, keep objects in hand (cutlery, mobile phones, etc.).

When the joints are healthy, few people pay attention to their functioning, but over time the situation changes not for the better. The joints are losing their mobility and begin to root, forcing a person to think and start taking measures to correct the situation.

The main thing is when the joint hurts, do not engage in self-medication, but contact a specialist. It is he who will help in the diagnosis and will prescribe the right treatment that will help get rid of painful symptoms and improve the operation of the musculoskeletal system.

What you can not do with pain in the joints

When a man hurts a joint, he does not always turn to the doctor, trying to solve the problem independently. There are all sorts of drugs and folk drugs recommended by friends, colleagues or advertising. Such treatment will not only bring any benefit, it may aggravate the problem.

What should not be done with articular pains:

  1. Use warming ointments. Frequently, if all the joints or pain are rooted in a particular place, people begin to apply warming ointments, which is in the root is the wrong tactic. The main reason for an unpleasant symptom is inflammation and edema. When using warming ointments, the blood flow occurs, the extension of the vessels, which further increases the inflammatory process and the edema itself. For a short time, burning, which occurs after the use of warming facilities, distracts a person from pain and it seems to him that the ointment helps. This is a false opinion and subsequently the problem is only aggravated, therefore, to use warming ointments in the event that the joint hurts, is strictly prohibited.
  2. Use chondroprotectors as treatment. Preparations designed to initially protect and restore cartilage from damage, are effective only at the initial stage of disease treatment. Use them as an independent therapy is inappropriate, which is a confirmation by clinical experiments and research. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine (included in the preparations) - chemical compounds that make up the basis of cartilage tissue, are designed to restore cells and intercellular lubrication, as well as to rid a person from pain syndrome. For a long time, chondroprotectors were used as independent treatment of joints, but after conducted some studies that have proven that chondroprotectors are not effective in serious diseases, and they can only be used at the initial stage of the disease or as prevention.

What to do when the joints sore and how to get rid of pain, only a doctor knows. Many drugs that are sold in a pharmacy as a panacea from articular diseases are considerable money.

Applying them for ignorance, a person will spend big money for the purchase of such funds and precious time, which will be lost absolutely in vain on incorrect treatment.

Many diseases of the joints at an early stage are successfully treated, the main thing is to continue diagnosis and begin treatment appointed by a qualified specialist.

The main reasons for pain in the joints

The causes of arthralgia (joint pain) are irritation of neuroreceptors in the structure of cartilage tissue, the most different factors arising from the main disease. If the joints of the knees and elbows hurt, then this may be due to both the pathological process in them, and with the usual injury and the occurrence of internal hematoma.

The most common diseases of the joints that proceeds in chronic form is osteoarthritis. As a result, hip, knee joints are affected. There is a disease due to degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the joint tissue, the intermediate liquid, the ligament.

The disease is often developing in adulthood, against the background of obesity, as a result of injury, with a shortage of some vitamins. The main symptom of the disease is strong pain, increasing when performing physical exertion and decreasing at rest.

With spondylitritis, intervertebral, rebell-vertebrates and sacratsovochny joints are affected, a person feels a number of a constant pain in the field of back and buttocks, which is intensified at night. Over time, the patient disrupts the posture (spine twisted), the body temperature is slightly increasing, the internal organs are affected - the heart, kidneys, eyes.

As a result of reactive arthritis, the joints of the legs are affected, which is expressed in acute pain, ethony, hyperemia, fever. There is a disease often after transferred infections - intestinal, colds, urogenital. The disease is quite serious and requires immediate treatment.

With rheumatoid arthritis there is a damage to the small joints of the brushes and stops, knee and elbow. Symptoms of the disease are the strong painful sensations in the joints, deformation of the cartilage, the painful pain in the morning, etc. The disease is dangerous by its complications, as a result of which almost all internal organs and systems are affected.

If a joint hurts, the reason may hide in psoriatic arthritis. The disease amazes those people who have a genetic predisposition to the occurrence of psoriasis.

Almost simultaneously in such patients there is a damage to the skin and joints. Symptoms of disease - pain in the heels, lower back, brushes and fingers. In addition to pain, there are signs of redness and tissue waste.

When gougraning and pseudopodagra, the metabolism is disturbed, as a result of which salts from the body are not removed, but are deposited in the okolosuxtaous tissues. Symptoms are pain in the field of knees, inflammation, tissue edema, deformation changes of the joints, etc.

If all the joints hurt, the reason may be short-term, associated with the admission of some medicines. Such a manifestation is not a disease and often passes after cancellation or reduction of drug dosages. There may be a similar condition against the background of the reception of antibacterial drugs, barbiturates, tranquilizers, lungs, contraceptives, etc.

Traditional treatment of pains in the joints

When they hurt the joints than to treat to eliminate not only pain, but also the reason for an unpleasant symptom? If the joint hurts and it lasts quite a long time, first of all you should visit the doctor and examine. There are several basic rules that are recommended to comply with all patients suffering from diseases or physiological disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

  1. Gentle mode. What to do when the joints hurt to learn pain? First, it is necessary to fix the damaged joint using various bandages, gauze cuts, or the overlaying gypsum bandage.
  2. Impact cold. If the joint is damaged as a result of injury, you can apply to the damaged place of the ice or a container with cold water. It is possible to use this only if the joint is damaged and never in diseases of the cartilage tissue.
  3. If the joints hurt, what to take to eliminate pain? The best preparations for this are NSAIDs. You can take them into short time so that there is no side effect, and only by appointing a doctor. The components of these drugs act at once for two reasons for pain - inflammation and edema. The most popular of these are ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac, etc. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds are produced in the form of tablets, injections and are part of many ointments for the treatment of joints.
  4. The use of NSAIDs in the form of ointments helps when knees and shoulders hurt, as well as the lumbosacious spine. There are several types of ointments, which contain ibuprofen (nooofen or long), diclofenac (diclac gel, diclovit, etc.), ketoprofen (fastum, festum), etc. Despite the fact that ointments are funds for outdoor use, they have There are a number of contraindications, so before buying it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the drug.
  5. The use of local manipulations on the joints. With pain in the ankle, damage to large joints, injections with anti-inflammatory means are prescribed. Such therapy gives a fairly good and long-lasting result.
  6. Chondroprotectors can be fairly effective in diseases of the joints, if applying them at the initial stage of the disease or in a complex with other means and procedures. Since many chondroprotectors are high-cost drugs, it is better to take them to appoint a doctor.
  7. The use of folk remedies. As an auxiliary therapy, folk remedies can be used at home, but as an independent treatment of the musculoskeletal system, they are not suitable. It is good to use folk remedies between courses of drugs, but strictly after consulting a doctor.

What to do with pain in the joints so that she is as soon as possible? To do this, you can drink an anesthetic drug from the analgesic group to eliminate the pain and then take the funds assigned by a specialist, according to the scheme. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts at least 6 months. For complete cure, it will take a change in lifestyle, nutrition correction, treatment of physical education.

Treatment with folk remedies

When they hurt the joints than to treat at home? To do this, you can use medicinal plants, making them ointments, decoctions, infancy and rubbing. If the joint hurts, but there is no inflammation and the edema, you can attach to a damaged place the tincture of the leaf leaves.

To do this, fresh-insulated leaves are crushed with a meat grinder, poured with alcohol, and insist for 1 week. After the tincture is used as a compress or rubbing. Such a tincture helps well with their knees.

It is possible to quickly take pain in the shoulders can be an alcohol tincture cooked from the Golden Usa. A tincture is preparing in advance, after which it is applied directly to the affected place and rubs away. It is better to do the procedure before the outstanding to sleep.

If the joints of the hand or fingers are hurting very much, while there is no possibility to visit the specialist, you can prepare your hand baths every day with the addition of soda. This will help quickly remove unpleasant symptoms and reduce inflammation.

Saltighs on the joints are well eliminated by black radish. Fresh and juicy vegetable must be cleaned, cut and attached to a sore joint. Radish can be attached by gauze or bandage for about 3-7 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

The area of \u200b\u200bhip joints is well applied to the compress from the branch of the laurel sheet. 7-8 leaves are poured into the capacitance to prepare the decoction, 200 ml of water is flooded and boiled for 5 minutes. In the finished brave you need to make a gauze cut and apply to the location of pain.

In addition to the use of folk and medication, it is necessary to reconsider their lifestyle and normalize sleep and recreation mode. The joints often hurt in people who are long sitting and moved little, so you need to make hiking daily, make simple exercises. This will help not only during the treatment period, but also at the prevention stage of problems with joints.

Many of the people somehow met with such an unpleasant, and sometimes a very painful state as pain in the joints. The reasons for this phenomenon are a great set - from changing weather to systemic diseases. But what about doing this and is it worth worrying? What does pain in the joints of the hands, legs, as well as shoulder, hip, knee and other joints? Why arises in the joints? What are the means against this type of pain? All this today will be speech. So…

Arthralgia - Scientific name of pain in the joints, characterized by the absence of obvious signs of their defeat. Very often, pain in the joints is the only symptom of the start of development or the course of the unfavorable process in the body, which cannot be identified even by means of radiography and other diagnostic methods.

The pain in the joints may also be lowered, in the form of "lobs", which usually indicates the presence of any, for example, when infected with the body or act as an implication of injury or other pathologies. Strong pain in the joints most often indicates the flow of an acute pathological process of an inflammatory or non-inflammatory nature, and directly in the joints or other components of the musculoskeletal system themselves, osteomyelitis, brussit, arthritis, fracture, bruise, etc.

Arthralgia - ICD

In the event that the exact cause of pain in the joint cannot be established, arthralgia in the international classification of diseases 10 (ICD-10) refer to the heading - F45 (somatoform disorders).

Why do the joints hurt?

The main causes of pain and losses in the joints:

The pain in the joints may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • - is considered a marker of the presence in the body of the inflammatory process, often infectious nature;
  • Pares and paralysis.

Diagnosis of arthralgia

Diagnosis with pain in the joints includes the following examination methods:

  • Visual inspection;
  • Densitometry;
  • Arthroscopy;
  • If necessary, from synovial bags with the help of puncture, a synovial liquid is taken to examine.

Treatment of joint pain must first of all be aimed at eliminating the root causes of this state, and therefore, the timely examination of the body is one of the key points necessary to achieve a positive result.

The very essence of pain relief in the joints is symptomatic treatment - i.e., therapy is aimed at suppressing unpleasant sensations and in no case replaces the need to treat the main disease.

The main drugs against pain in the joints are included in a group of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, among which can be allocated -.

Package for pain in the joints

Medicinal preparations from the NSAID Group - have a property to remove pain syndrome, swelling, redness (), lower the body temperature, minimize, and sometimes completely stop inflammatory processes. However, remember, the basis of all NSAIDs is different acids (depending on the specific drug) - salicyl, amino-auction, propionic, indole and others, in connection with which, by the side effect of the reception of these drugs is irritation of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) Blood coagulation, impairment of renal blood circulation, etc., because of which it is necessary to take them only in the absence of contraindications, and even better, after consulting with the doctor! Side effects from the reception of the NSAID are -, internal bleeding, allergies.

Among the NSAIDs, the sodium diclofenac (Diclofenak, "Voltaren", "Ortofen"), "Indomethacin", "Analgin", "", Nimesulid, "", "Nimes", "", "", "nimesen", "", can be separated.

The list of the above drugs is performed by the power of an anesthetic effect - from greater than the smaller. Sometimes preparations are combined with each other.

Strong pain can be removed using drugs based on - Ketorolak ("", "Ketorol", "Ketalgin"), tenoxicam ("Artocksan").

If the reception of the NSAID is accompanied by a gastrointestinal disorder, the doctor may appoint proton pump inhibitors - "omens", "nonxium", "parieta", which reduce the production of hydrochloric acid.

Other painkillers for pain in the joints

In the case of the presence of contraindications to receiving the NSAIDs can be appointed - "Catadolon".

Some painkillers can be used as gels that need to rub in a sore place. Gels for the anesthesia of the joints usually have fewer contraindications and side effects, therefore are considered safer to relieve pain syndrome.

Among the painkillers can be allocated - "Voltaren", "Kathetonal", "Gevkamen", "Olfhen".

If there is severe pain in the joints, and drugs from the NSAVS do not help to remove it, the doctor may assign the reception of hormonal drugs (glucocorticoids), which have more pronounced anti-inflammatory activity.

Among glucocorticoids can be allocated - "hydrocortisone", "prednisone".

Physiotherapeutic procedures

If pain in the joints is poorly expressed, physiotherapeutic treatment can be applied to relieve it - magnetotherapy, shock-wave therapy, electrical therapy, ultrasound treatment, leaf, massage.


In many cases, the removal of pain in the joints must be combined with a diet, since some are based on a cluster in the joints of a large amount of salts (gout), or (violation of the structure of intervertebral discs).

In case of chronic pains, minimize the use of a cook salt, as well as avoid the use of acute, oily, fried, smoked and the other. Refuse to eat alcohol.

Pain in the joints - folk treatments

Important! Before applying folk treatments, you will definitely consult with the attending physician!

Berez, Iva and Buzin. Make a collection of 1 t. Spoons of birch leaves, 1 h. Spoons of elderberry flowers black and 1 tsp. Willow bark. The resulting mixture fill 250 ml of boiling water and leave under the covered lid at night for insteading. In the morning, the means strain and drink during the day, for 3 approaches. This infusion can also make compresses for sore joints. Course treatment - 2 weeks.

Money pain in joints. Dissolve in 1 l of water 1 tbsp. Salt spoon. In a separate container, you thoroughly mix 10 g of camphor alcohol and 80 ml of 10% of ammonia alcohol. After connecting together the hydrochloric and alcohol mixture together. After, at the bottom of the tank, you must detect white "flakes". It is necessary to take the tank until the "flakes" will not disappear. The resulting mixture can be used as compresses - impose a moistened tissue on the sore joint, apply the cellophane on top and tied with a handkerchief. Make 2-3 such compresses per day. By the way, this tool can also be used against headaches, only for this solution must be pre-severely warm at the water bath.

Cabbage. Start slightly cabbage sheet, after which he heat it over fire and while it is warm, lubricate one side of it with a thin layer of natural. Apply the honey side to the leaf to the sick joint, wrap it with it with cellophane and reincute on top with a warm scarf or scarf. Well such a procedure to do for the night.

Alcohol, iodine and analgin. Make a mixture of 300 ml of medical alcohol, 10 ml of camphor alcohol, 10 ml of iodine and powder of 10 tablets "". All thoroughly mix and retain for insteading for 21 days in a dark place. Press the sick places obtained in infusion while smacks in the joints will not pass.

Ointment of pain in the joints on a vegetable basis. Grind into powder 2 h. Spoons of grass and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of grass, after mix the resulting mixture with 1 tbsp. A spoon of vaseline melted on aquatic bath. Mix all thoroughly and process the pains with the resulting paint joints before bedtime until the pain is passed.

Chalk and kefir. Grind the chalk to the state of the powder, after adding a little kefir to it, so that it turns out a thick cashem. Apply the resulting mixture to a sore place, impose with it with cellophane, and on top of the tie warm handkerchief. Make such procedures for the night, until complete recovery.

Magnet. Some folk healers for lifting lobs in the joints are applied to the patient a magnet or copper products.

Prevention pain in the joints

To prevent pains in the joints, follow the following recommendations:

  • Try to move more;
  • Eat mainly products enriched with vitamins and
