The Orthodox tradition pays great attention to the memory of the deceased. Dead Christians in the temples commemorate several times a year on Saturdays. But there is a special, parent SaturdayWhen fancy services are served in the church, paying attention to the deceased relatives, and people satisfy the commemoration and attend cemeteries. Because of the many years of negative attitude of the Soviet power to religion, when traditions and rites were banned and some customs were forgotten, now many are lost in guesses, how to hold parental Saturday.

In particular, people are worried about what is needed, and what can not be done on this day that it is necessary to carry with you to the cemetery and to church. Our ancestors tried to hold parental Saturday worthy, as filled with events as filled as possible, since, according to tradition, it was necessary to have time to perform a lot of affairs and rituals. We figure it out more detailed how to remember the deceased in the parent Saturday, and how it differs from other days.

AT orthodox calendar There are several points of commemoration of the year. But the most revered among the people are those preceded by major religious holidays, as before the Trinity, Carnival, cover. Despite the name "Parental", this does not mean that this Saturday is intended to commemorate exclusively its deceased fathers and mothers. This name is happening, rather, from the root "Rod", since traditionally people first commemorate their closest relatives, but it follows - all the dead acquaintances.

These key memorial days are allocated:

  • Meat supine saturday;
  • Radonitsa;
  • Troitskaya;
  • Dimitrovskaya.

On the eve of the celebration of the Maslenic Week, before the Great Post, the Universal, or the Big Parent Saturday, the day of the ancestors, is happening in all Orthodox churches. This parent is still called meat. This name is due to the fact that this Saturday comes before meat-minded day - the last in a year before the great post, when believers can afford to eat meat.

Also separately allocated the date that is not in front, but after the Great Christian holiday. This is a parent called yet Radonitsa. She is celebrated on the ninth day after a bright Sunday, and he always has to Tuesday, but folk tradition In the cemetery they want on Saturday. As a rule, this day is celebrated in April, if only Easter is not late (then Radonitsa falls in May). The concrete number of Radonitsa can be found in the calendar, as it is directly tied to Easter, which, as is known, every year it happens in different dates.

The next large Saturday is celebrated on the eve of the trinity celebration. This parental memorial day differs from the rest of the fact that traditionally people used a large number of greenery and flowers in rituals. Major people also attach to the Dmitry Parental Saturday, which is celebrated in early November. This is the last special Saturday A year, and therefore, people were preparing especially carefully.

Dmitrievsky Parental Remembrance Day is also traditionally intended for a special issue of the soldiers who fallen over the homeland.

Important moments of the parent Saturday

The key event of any parent Saturday is a campaign to church and then in the cemetery. In the temples served the Supreme Divine Liturgy, the priests commit memories on the grave, and people in the church and at home read special prayers for peace of the souls of the dead. To spend the parent Saturday correctly, you need to go to the church a little earlier service. It is necessary in order to have time to apply in the church. In this note, specify the names given by the deceased family and close when baptized (sometimes they do not coincide with the worldly names of people).

In addition, the parent Saturday to the church is not customary to go with empty hands. Upon long tradition, a special table for offering is installed in the temple. To this end, the church is made to carry food, as a rule, lean, as well as red wine korger, which is then used to make a liturgy. Note that other types of alcohol, somehow vodka or brandy, it is impossible to carry in the house of God. Interestingly, it was previously the custom of collecting products and wine to collect all the world, and after serving in the courtyard of the temple, one large table was covered, behind which the parishioners then remembered their relatives. Now this tradition can still be found in small towns or villages, but mainly it has already disappeared from modern life. Nowadays, products that were brought by parishioners to the parent Saturday are used for the needs of the arrival and to help the poor.

According to the Orthodox church rules, it should be correctly remembered in this way. You need to arrive in the church twice - first on the eve of the parent Saturday and then in the morning in a memorial day. On Friday, go to the evening worship, during which the Great Panhid and Parastas is committed. Then go to the church in the morning to attend the Divine Liturgy and the General Panhide. According to the priests, it is very important to pray for the dead, since only a prayer can help them find a rest. Few people predicted their care from life and managed to communicate with the priest who let them go. And therefore, only live relatives can remove the cargo of sins from them, which their hot prayers scratch from the Most High forgiveness for the deceased.

After serving in the parent Saturday, it is customary to immediately go to the cemetery. There you need to put in order the grave and territory next to it, change the colors on the grave. Permissible to remember the dead on the cemetery, having a little alcohol and biting. But the official church performs categorically against the large feasts in the cemetery. The main memorial lunch into the parent Saturday must be arranged after returning home. There you can get together relatives and be remembered behind the table good word His deceased relatives and close friends.

Do not forget on the way to the cemetery and suck with it and treat the food of the beggars who can often be found at the gate of the disease. This gesture of mercy corresponds to one of the key dogmas of Orthodoxy - help your neighbor.

Controversial questions

Many people are experiencing about whether it is permissible in the parent Saturday to engage in their familiar household matters - to wash or work on the household. At this expense, the priests have no prohibitions. Moreover, a special Saturday initially assumes that a person must certainly go to the cemetery to:

  • remove the territory there;
  • if necessary, correct the cross;
  • repair the fence;
  • touch the tombstone.

Women need to cover the commemorative table, which is also a type of work. And it is necessary to treat the cake of the beggars so that they pray for the deceased. Therefore, you can safely do everything planned and not worry about prohibitions on physical labor in the parent day. On the other hand, the priests point at the time that no work should be a barrier to visit the Church and listen to it on the parent Saturday.

There are also a number of issues relating to other worldly affairs falling on the parent Saturday. In particular, there are such situations where the newlyweds prescribe a wedding date without referring to the church calendar, and in the end their marriage falls on the parent Saturday. When they find out about it, they begin to worry and score their head unpleasant superstitions to this expense. Although the priests on this question are a loyal look, which could be imagined. The priests say that on Saturday, the wedding in the church is not carried out, and it is possible to sign in the registry office. Another thing is that it is not entirely convenient to play the wedding on the eve of large religious holidays, such as in the Trinity Parent Saturday. The first days of summer are considered the beginning of the pores of weddings, and therefore many newlyweds turn out to be in a double situation in the Trinity Parental Day. According to the priests, believers on this day should be absorbed by the preparation for the celebration of the Trinity - one of the largest religious holidays. So, people need to go on the eve of the evening and confess. Therefore, the wedding in this parent Saturday may be unacceptable.

If the date of the wedding on the Trinity Parent Saturday has already been appointed, and it is not possible to change it, the folk wisdom seized several rituals who will help to reconcile with it. It was believed that in the morning the eve of the celebration of the newlyweds each should visit the cemetery to put fresh flowers on the graves of the nearest relatives. In the event that someone from the parents of the newlyweds did not live to this solemn day, it is important to come to the grave to come to the grave in order to collapse from the late blessing.

Ancient traditions of parent Saturday

Up to this day, a huge reservoir reservoir is preserved related to the holding of parental Sabbath. There is also a lot of admission to which people still pay attention. For example, rain has been waiting for Radonitz. A rain or a small rain meant that a rich harvest would be collected on the autumn. People even tried to call rain, looking at the clouds. If the heavens have walked over their requests, and the first drops fell, they all hurried to get rainwater in the palm to wash her. It was believed that this ritual brings happiness and good luck. And young girls and women used rainwater even more intricate. They gained it in the container intended for this and then put gold or silver rings into the water - who had any prosperity. Our ancestors believed that this ritual retained the girls youth and Milosity.

Even more unusual traditions have been preserved on the Trinity Parent Saturday. Our ancestors were confident that their deceased native Saturdays could go to the world of living to chat with their loved ones. It was believed that on the eve of the Trinity of their spirits were burned in greenery - flowers, bushes, herbs and trees. Therefore, people were in a hurry on this day to visit the cemetery to decorate the graves of the deceased fresh green herbs and bright colors.

Like on Radonitz, the Trinity's memorial Saturday was divided into three parts.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then what happened in the evening of the parent day? The elderly people stayed at home and spent the evening for prayer, but the youth was going for fun. It should be noted that the parent Saturdays represented not only the days of the mercy of the departed, but also a kind of holiday, praising life. In the Trinity Parent Saturday, young people gathered together near the reservoir. On the shore of the lakes or rivers, they lit up large bonfires and having fun.

But Dmitrievsky Saturday was famous for feast. If in the parent Saturday after Easter, the commemorated table should be touched by Easter dishes, then a variety of cakes was a variety of cakes. By tradition, cooking on this day began from Friday. Friday night the hostess after the completion of the dinner completely removed the table and stood up with a fresh tablecloth. Then the table was covered with a new snack. This symbolic gesture of the soul of the deceased was invited to the table. After that, all family members had to thoroughly wash in the bath. The last of the parigue parigue left the water and broom in the tub, so that the late relatives could refresh.

For the parent Saturday, after the traditional visit to the Church and the cemeteries, people proceeded to a great memorial meal. On this day, the hostess covered a rich table. The main dishes were the favorite food of the deceased relatives. Also, certainly put on the table;

  • pancakes;
  • uzbar (compote, cooked from dried fruits);
  • bucket;
  • jelly;
  • roast;
  • pies.

By tradition, the pies on this day were to be certainly oblong. Also, another tradition related to cakes concerned people recently entered into marriage. Those who had thought in October were to prepare a special memorial cake and take it with themselves in the cemetery.

There was still a special ritual to this parent Saturday. The table with a memorial lunch was put a clean plate, intended for the deceased. Each of the participants in the commemorative meal put on this dish on a spoonful of food from its plates. This plate was not cleaned overnight. It was believed that the souls of the dead at night were treated with dinner.

Modern people partially continue to follow the traditions of their ancestors. A bright example is the fact that an empty plate and a glass is always standing on the memorial meal, covered with a piece of bread. From the point of view of clergy, it is nothing more than a relic of pagan traditions, since there is no such rite in the Christian faith. But many priests condescertainly refer to such actions of members of their arrival. But the fact that, in their opinion, must be done in the parent Saturday, it is to visit the temple.

In the event that a person cannot come to church due to illness or on this day, he is on the road, then you just need to pray for the souls of the dead. Prayer is key, and come to the cemetery to remove the grave of the deceased relatives, it will be possible on any other convenient day.

Parent Saturdays - the days of special mercy of the departed when we can provide great help with our relatives and friends who left the earthly life. Five of them are assigned to commemorate the deceased relatives, two more and those committed by the memories are called universal. Parent Saturdays suggest compliance with certain rules that all believers should know.

The deep meaning of the parent Saturday

Please note that strong alcoholic beverages, for example, vodka or brandy, not accepted as a donation.

If you wish and possibilities, you can order a package and after making a prayer is allowed to visit the cemetery, put in order to the grave, replace flowers, thereby showing that keeping the memory of the close person.

How to spend the rest of the day to the parent Saturday and is it possible to be removed? Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko for the Internet publication "Orthodoxy and the world" is responsible for this question: the ban on cleaning at home on this day is nothing more than superstition, day, of course, you need to start with a visit to the temple, committing prayers, visits the cemetery, and after If necessary, you can perform the usual home affairs.

One more important question, causing believers - is it possible to baptize the child into the parent Saturday? Igumen Alexy (Vladivostok Diocese) and other priests of the Russian Orthodox Church remind a simple rule - you can baptize a child on all days without restrictions.

For the period of the Great Post in 2019 such Parent Saturdays fall:

  • March 23 - Parental Ecumenical Saturday of the Second Week of the Great Post
  • March 30 - Parental Ecumenical Saturday of the Third Week of the Great Post
  • April 6 - Parental Universal Saturday fourth week of the Great Post.

P.S. Prayer for the deceased is the sacred duty of every Christian. A big award and great consolation awaits who with their prayers will help you sooping to get the forgiveness of sins.


Special mismatch of the perceived canons of the Orthodox Church in 2018, parent Saturdays, and not only, by day. Features of every day of the commemoration, what to do in the parent Saturday.

Most of the days of particular commemoration of the dead are shifted relative to Easter, there are memorial days, are not tied to the celebration of Easter Christ - all the numbers for 2018, their features and traditions.

February 10 Parental Saturday 2018 What do you carry in church, whether in the cemetery: the deep meaning of the parent Saturday

a special day in the Orthodox calendar, when it is customary to remember those who have left loved ones and make prayers to help them. First of all, the late parents, and after the rest of the dear to the heart of people. A good attitude towards parents in Christian families should be formed in a child in childhood.

Only, in this case, the already matured person will be a faithful and complete understanding of the fifth commandment "honor of your father and Mother Your Mother", on which the father of Augustine will focus in their thematic sermon.

"Chti Father and Mother, and good to you on earth and longevity" - in this simple offer There is a deep meaning and the key principle of successful life in the life of the earth, and after and eternal life, both a separate person and all of his kind.

A true understanding of the meaning of honoring parents allows you to reveal the parent Saturdays, which in the calendar seven. Two of them are designed to honor memory and pray for all Christians, which means to make a prayer to the Ecumenical Parent Saturday.

February 10 Parental Saturday 2018 What do you do in church, whether they go to the cemetery: what should be done in the temple?

Believers often ask priests question: what to carry to the church to the parent Saturday and what other important actions need to be made in the temple. Before the start of worship, you need to put a note with the names of the deceased relatives. Scores on the rest can be served in those days when the liturgy of John of Zlatoust or Vasily of the Great is served. This is: Saturdays and Sundays, Annunciation Blessed Virgin Mary, Thursday and Saturday on the passionate sadmice.

After that, you can put candles for a memidory table for them, and after, listening to church chants, sincerely pray for the deceased. You can use such a short prayer: "God, Lord, the soul of the departed slave (s) of yours (name), and forgive him all the sins of his free and unwitting, and give him the kingdom of heaven."

In memory of loved ones, it is also customary to commit alms and create good deeds. Believers who do not have large means can sacrifice products. On the days of the Great Post, which also accounts for the parent Saturday, lean products and Cahors are carried in the temple. They are accepted to leave on a special table, which is faithful or before or behind a dirt table.

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During the Great Post, there are Saturday days of special prayer commemoration of the dead - the parent Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week of the Holy Fourteen.

Christian love encourages our prayer for the dead, which we are mutually connected in Jesus Christ and make up spiritual wealth. The deceased are our neighbor, whom the Lord will make loved like themselves. God does not say: love the neighbor, while they live.

Parent Saturdays in 2019

In the holy quarter-days - the days of the Great Post, the Emight of the Spiritual, the Rady of Repentance and the Benefits - the Church encourages believers to be in the Teson Union of Christian Love and the World not only with alive, but also with the dead, to make prayer commemorages from of real life. In addition, Saturdays of these sadmits are appointed by the Church to commemorate the deceased and for the reason that on the saddemic days of the Great Waist of Sound Returns are not committed (here are requisitioned objects, lithium, memoirs, amendments of the 3rd, 9th and 40th day By death, fortysts), since every day there is no complete liturgy, with which the mumage of the deceased is connected. In order not to deprive the deceased Saving Representation of the Church in the days of St. Fourteen, and the specified Saturdays were allocated.

In the pre-revolutionary time, each family had a list of the names of all the departed members of this kind - "Pelimber". So, they prayed even for those who did not remember the highest of healthy family members. Now this tradition is lost by the majority of families, and when making the commemoration, many believers do not know how to correctly remember the deceased. The priest Andrei Nezruchko, the abbot of the Nikolsky Church of the city of Voskresensk, the cleric of the church of the Resurrection of Christ the village of Voskresensky responded to questions concerning the mercy of the deceased.

For which the Orthodox Church is introduced special days Returning - Parental Saturdays, because, remembrance, so, is accomplished on the liturgy?

The fact is that liturgies are committed in parish temples not every day, there is no such, in modern language, technical capabilities. In order to make the liturgy, it is necessary that in addition to the priest there were singers, Pohomari and, of course, praying. Therefore, among the week, a service is made in every temple, it is, Liturgy. But on Sunday, liturgies are performed in each acting church. To commemorate the departed, this is not enough, because this day happens only, once a week. Therefore, the parent Saturdays and the commemoration days of the deceased, in which a special prayer about the departed are allocated for special commemoration.

In the great post, complete liturgy can not be performed among the week, therefore, there can be no accurate these days. From Monday to Friday (on weekdays) of the Great Post, a complete liturgy is not performed in any temple - not allowed, performed on Wednesdays and Fridays or on large holidays liturgy of the required gifts. On this liturgy, neither remembrance for health, or about the rest, because the days of the post - the days of repentance, the days of a special prayer, when a person deepens inside himself and the church service itself does not leave time for long commemoration of the departed, except for a brief surprise lithium, which is released after 1- hours. And, therefore, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays are determined in the Great Post, which are called the days of remembering the deceased - these days a special time is paid to the prayer about the departed. The day before, 17 cafes are read (this is when they pray about the departed). It refers to the righteousness and sinners from God, about their response before God for their affairs, and therefore, this caffery in Psalti is the most suitable on this day and the church charter determines it to read on the eve of Saturday. And already on the Sabbath day of the mercy of the departed, a liturgy and a memorial lobster takes place, as a funeral prayer, where the deceased.

When the calendar is the parent Saturdays, and what else Orthodox Church Installed special days to commemorate the deceased?

Parent Saturdays are called several days in church calendar: Meat support, Trinity and Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturdays. The rest of the church calendar is days to remember the departed. Although, all these days commemorate, and the parents of the departed, and close and familiar Orthodox Christians, Orthodox killed soldiers, but differ in the name of the service itself, that is, it is in the name of the removal of deployment of the deceased determines the system of passing this clock prayer. For example, if the parent Saturday, Trinity, meat and Dmitrievskaya, then these days worship is more filled than on other days to remember the deceased, extensive prayers, including pathpar, poems, canons.

In addition to the familiar days of the mercy of the deceased: the three parent Saturdays, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays in the Great Post, there are other days of remembering the deceased - Radonitsa (Tuesday of the second week after Easter), because on the most Easter week there are no clock prayers of big, there is only a secret prayer, which is happening in the altar, but there is no common clock prayer. They are transferred to Radonitz, although, the service of the service performed on this day is not so richly filled with funeral prayers.

Days of the departed of the departed - this is September 11, on the day of the court of Head of John the Forerunner also committed mercy of the deceased, the date came historically - on this day it was customary to remember the Orthodox soldiers who died in the Patriotic War of 1812, this day was remembered, and so this day remained for commemoration, And not only the deceased warriors.

Also today on May 9, the deceased warriors commemorate in the Great Patriotic War. On this day, warriors commemorate, although it is possible to remember other dried enterprises.

Another day to commemorate the dead is the day of the mercy of the departed who died in the years of persecution for faith of Christ, repressed people in the 30s, in godless time. Among the millions, there were many Orthodox Christians, they all commemorate in a special prayer on the day of new martyrs and Russian confessors - this is the last Sunday of January (after January 25). On this day, after the prayer commemoration of the saints, we appeal about the rest of the shower of the deceased.

There are other days of remembering the departed, there are no them in the church calendar, but they are committed by the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch. For example: about those killed in an accident, about the dead liquidators of the Chernobyl NPP, etc.

What should be done in the parent Saturday a believer in order to remember the dead close?

First of all, prayer about them, prayer in the temple, homely prayer, because there are people who for a good reason can not visit the church on this day. Therefore, they can at home hot and cordially pray for their deceased products - in the celon home prayer. In the usual prayer, there is a "prayer about the departed". On the eve you can transfer notes with the names of the deceased those who go to the temple on this day. You can on the eve of visiting the church shop and transfer the note to the day that the candle was remembered, because the burning candle is like a symbol of the combustion of the human soul during prayer. We pray about the departed, and they feel our prayer and their afterlife fate from our prayer becomes better, becomes blissful. Of course, it depends on the strength of our prayer, and although we cannot work out such a prayer, as the saints made sure that overnight the crashed at our prayer were immediately in paradise, but as we needed in prayers, we commemorate them, rooting their gravity fate .

In the "Prayer about the departed" there are words "Out, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave: parents ..." What words need to be pronounced if the parents of the praying alive?

It is possible to say the progenitor, they include grandfathers, great-grandfathers, all the dead members of the kind, therefore the parent is called Saturday, because we pray about the departed of our kind.

How to write in the notes of names, if the name is Yuri, Svetlana and Eduard?

All names in the notes must be given in church spelling, for example, George, not Yuri, Fotinia, and not Svetlana. Some people, pronouncing a name in Greek, can calmly pronounce it in Russian, there are no barriers between languages \u200b\u200bbetween languages. But, nevertheless, you need to be guided by the local charter: if in the temple, apply with this name, if not, then nothing is terrible if you fix the name.

But there are rare names that there is no interpretation in church saints, for example, Eleonora, Eduard, Ruby, etc. .. Therefore, you should write a name set by baptism, and if it is unknown - to solve this issue with a priest.

Does the parent Saturday or the day of remembering the departed man think about the afterlife?

A person about the afterlife should be thought of not only on this day, but also every day of his life. In the parables of Solomon, it is said: "In all the cases, you remember the end of yours, and I will not sink out forever ..." is the path to the sinless life of a person. If we wonder what we have to appear before God and give an answer for our affairs, we will try to spend a pious in our lives every day, make less sins.

On the days of remembering the departed, you need to think about our afterlife, and about the afterlife of the deceased enterprises. Of course, all these thoughts normal manThat understands his spiritual path, goes on him, seeks to rise in the hierarchical staircase of virtue.

What is the point of remembered meal?

Present, tasting on the meal, commemorate the deceased affinies for which this meal is preparing. This is an important point, because there is such a saying "Filty Hungry does not ugly." We are when they are fed, do not think that there are people who are hungry for which you need to feed. Often, when commemoration gather, many people come there in order to eat - there is no room at home. Therefore, attending this meal, they will pray for our departed as a prayer. The meal itself is a gracious, creatible for the deceased relatives, because those expenses that went to her, this is a victim.

The question of those present. This should not be a circle of people who are interested in us in favorable purposes, in order to get benefit from them. Therefore, we must invite to the commemoration of the poor people who need to feed.

Of course, the main thing in the mudith of prayer, but, nevertheless, the memorial meal is a continuation of this prayer. Trapeza in church charter continued worship, his integral part. Therefore, attending a memorable meal, a person is present in worship.

Are the commemoration of alcoholic beverages allowed?

The church charter does not prohibit the use of alcoholic drinks on the memorial meal. But sometimes commemoration turn into drunkenness, from the commemoration - in sin. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. The use of alcoholic beverages can be used, but they advise them to those who refrain - not to drink, but by those who want to drink - do not remember alcohol, but to remember the meal, and to drink alcohol, so as not to raise glasses, remembering the deceased friend.

Is it right to leave candy in the cemetery, cigarettes (if the dead was smoking man) or even a glass of alcohol?

Some people think that if the deceased smoked during his life, then after his death, he needs to bring cigarettes, then following this logic, if a person loved to drive a car, then it turns out the cemetery. What else loved? Dance - dance on the grave. Thus, we return to paganism, then there was triction (rite), which was not worked there. We must understand that if a person had some terrestrial addiction, it remains on Earth, and in eternal life it is not. Of course, there are inappropriate cigarettes to lay or glasses with alcohol. You can leave candy or cookies, but not on the grave, but on the table or bench, so that the person came and remember this person. And scold, for example, children are in that. What they collect sweets should not be - they are for it and put to remember.

The grave must be kept clean, and at the very grave, I don't need to put anything from the products. In the absence of a person, the birds sit there and shy, and it turns out - the grave is well-groomed, the fence is painted, and the birds or dogs break the order - they scatter the candy, etc.

The best way out: distribute candy and sweets to those who need as alms.

How to say that "the kingdom of heaven to him" or "Let the Earth be Pooh"?

The Orthodox Christian will always say: "The kingdom he is heavenly," and the atheist says: "Let the earth be a fortune," because he does not believe in the kingdom of heaven, but, although, wishing something good, let his concern still say so . But the Orthodox Christian needs to talk correctly: "Kingdom he is heavenly"

What kind of people in the temple can not remember?

The temple does not commemorate suicides and unresolved names. AT total prayerWhen we come to the church to pray, we can love any petitions in your heart, in your mind. Of course, when a person has departed unresolved, or deceased suiced, in mental prayer cannot be prohibited to contact the Lord - the Lord knows who, how to define in the afterlife.

There are such cases when suicides are blessed in absentia. And when they fan in absentia, in the diocesan control after the accumulation of the departed they say so that the commemoration in the temple about this man at the discretion of the rector of this temple.
In the church charter, to solve controversial issues, there is an expression "Increases the rector", and this is understood that if the rector is allowed - you can apply notes if not - it means, the father is guided by the statutory principles.

Is it possible to remember their home prayer?

Nobody limits in prayer, though, it should be understood that the Lord himself will judge in the terrible court. At home we can pray about everything, not only about people, but also about the dispensation in the family and affairs.

If a person dies during the great post, how can I remember it on the saddemice?

In the Great Post there are some deviations from the rules of ordinary commemoration. The church charter says that if a person dies during the Great Post, then on the saddemice, nor on the 9th, none of the 40th day is not coming, and they are confronted, or in proper Saturday, following this afternoon or for the preceding resurrection . For example, if on Tuesday you need to mark 9 days, then it is better to collect a comment to the preceding resurrection.

Father Augustine says that the child is born from two parents not only physically, but also a soul. As the physical body of the child at the Gennel is a carrier of the departures of two parents and his soul. That is why the connection is so strong inside each kind, which is why it is so important to keep the memory of their ancestors and make it to help prayer. In the church, the word "deceased" understand how "asleep", and attending the grave of a close man - remembering the place of his last earthly refinery.

The soul itself is where there is no space and time. That is why it is so important in the days of the parent Saturday to correctly remember loved ones: not only to visit the cemetery, but also to visit the service in the temple to pray for the souls of relatives.

First of all, because in your power to assist an expensive and beloved person for you. If a person crossed the face of life, no longer in his power to change fate and he extremely needs prayer support for members of his family, a kind that is still being on Earth.

The priest Nikolai Guleiko in answers to questions for the Internet publication "Orthodoxy and the world" clarifies a very important point: Do I need to ask for forgiveness from dead relatives? It is necessary to ask for forgiveness in a person's life, and after his death in Orthodoxy, it is only customary to pray for him.

In turn, the priest of the temple in the name of St. Dimitria Solunsky in Sulaggore Father Konstantin Savander reminds: "The church prays about the rest and the forgiveness of the sins of the departed, hoping on the mercy of God. Although the man was sin and received the Retreat of God, but when the last trial will be over humanity, then the prayers will be dismissed by God, and he can be pardon. "
