Among the decorative trees of coniferous breeds, juniper is especially popular. Landscape designers highly appreciate its appearance, resistance to climate change and unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil. Attracts the variety of needles colored, bush forms. When growing, newcomers often arises regarding the methods of reproduction. About how the juniper breeds at home will tell the article.

Before you understand how juniper breeds, the characteristic of this culture should be given. He is a representative of a cypress family. Kush coniferous, evergreen. There are varieties having a tree shape. It grows mainly in Europe in the territory with sandy soil. It has a number of healing qualities. From this plant make bath brooms.

The Juniper Juniper is often called - this is the Latin name, in Russia, the culture was known as Vespers and Mozy.

Below is a detailed characteristic of the coniferous shrub:

  1. The maximum height is 12 meters.
  2. The crown is first narrow-colonnovoid, but over time it acquires a keglet shape with hurried branches.
  3. Coloring is different: from gray to reddish-brown tone.
  4. The needles are sisaya, often combined. On one plant can be needle and scratched.
  5. Sugorates of dark blue tone. They are brilliant, as if covered with the other.

The plant is considered a long-lived: his decorative species can be delighted for several thousand years. There are many species and varieties. All of them are unpretentious in cultivation and decorative qualities. For landscape design, juniper is the perfect option.

How to breed a culture?

Sutting the juniper at the country site, for sure, after some time, a desire to propagate it will appear. A plant in specialized stores is sold. But why spend money, if there is a chance to propagate a bustard yourself? From one plant it is easy to get so much seedlings as it is enough to improve the territory near the house. Here, novice gardeners arises the question of how juniper breeds disputes or not, what methods are considered the most effective.

For reproduction, the following methods are used:

  • Shining.
  • Seminal.
  • Diggers.

Each of these options has its pros and cons. The most preferred is a method of reproduction with cuttings. It can be realized almost throughout the country. Yes, and no difficulties usually arise. Even newcomer will cope with such work. Consider each other methods.

Plant Breeding

Knowing how the juniper is breeding, it is possible to rejected the material to land as quickly as possible. In many ways, the process of rooting depends on the variety and type of plant, type of cutting. The most unpretentious considered such varieties as ordinary, low-spirited, Siberian and.

In this way, it is allowed to multiply the culture all year round. The main thing is to create all the necessary conditions. Optimal time is considered spring. At this time, cuttings are rooted in greenhouses. But in the summer season, the procedure is allowed to do and in the garden, which is covered with a film. Suitable cuttings 10-15 centimeters long. They are placed in a special solution, stimulating growth. Then they plant in the drawers with sandy sand to a depth of 1.5 centimeters.

Seeds for growing seedlings

This method is used quite rarely. Since it is difficult to obtain a decorative plant plant. But to obtain ordinary cultures, the method is quite suitable. Collect seeds with 3-5-year-old plants, germinate and seed into the ground. Close up deep enough. Shoots appear three years later. Therefore, it is better to grow a juniper with a seaside method. For this purpose, the material is soaked for an hour in a growth stimulator. Then planted in soil from the leaf land and needles. When the seedlings grow and grow strengthened, performing picking.

Reproduction of juniper by challenges

More often used for precipitating species. Plant branches tilted to the surface of the Earth and fixed with spills. The location of the fixation periodically watered, plunge. Need usually young shoots. It leaves half a year before this year. When the process has developed well and began to grow vertically, it is separated from the maternal bush and transplanted into the garden to a permanent place.

How do different varieties spread?

In landscape design, the juniper is very in demand. Therefore, breeders are constantly working to create new species and varieties of this decorative culture. Choose a suitable option for the garden will not be difficult. Consider the most popular varieties of this plant.

The following types of juniper are distinguished:

What is the variety of juniper and what method is better to multiply?

Prefers preference to a certain variety of juniper, it is necessary to understand what method for its reproduction is most suitable.

Most often in landscape design, such varieties are used: Meiyi, Holger, Dream Joy, Kurivao Gold, a hat, juniper Middle Mint Julele, Gold Mordigan, Gold Star, Gold Coast and Lime Gloh. Consider how each of these varieties will be multiplied.

Attracts Juniper Scaly Meii with its thick blue-green or steel cheese. Often the plant is used to create bonsai, because height grows from 30 centimeters to a meter. We usually determine the shoots-cuttings, but fits the seed method.

But Juniper Harger is better breeding with cuttings. Bucket is quite attractive. The height is about 0.8 meters. The needles are painted in Beleso blue tone. The variety is valuable for having the ability to purify air from pathogenic microorganisms.

By choosing Juniper Scaly Dream Joy, you need to be prepared for the fact that the plant is breeding seedlings. In principle, nothing complicated in it. And subject to all rules and recommendations, you can get a decorative plant with a height of about 40 centimeters. The culture is growing pretty quickly. It is distinguished by long escapes, strong branchiness, asymmetric and flatted crown.

A high-resistant coniferous juniper Kurivao Gold usually breed only with stalling. From seeds to get decorative forms almost unreal. Plants planted at a distance near the meter from each other.

Different juniper coastal hike with its kind. Its height does not exceed 25 centimeters, and the diameter of the crown is 1.5 meters. Thanks to shiny and long needles, it looks very attractive. The reproduction of the variety is carried out by drains, semi-resistive cuttings and seeds.

Having considered the description of the juniper Mint Julele, probably the gardener wants to decorate their site with such a variety. The bush is distinguished by an unusual shape of the crown. Branches are wide, abundantly covered with a mint tone. And even in winter, the color will not fuss. We breed in a vegetative way: cuttings either by chain.

Elegant juniper Mordigan Gold is considerably popular with landscape designers. The needles are soft, yellow-golden. The plant has insecticidal, bactericidal and phytoncidal properties. Often the grade is used for greening parks and squares. Split seedlings.

Wenthous juniper is characterized by silver-blue needle cheese. It is suitable for reproduction. The seed method is better not to choose: in this case, varieties are lost.

The low-spirited juniper Gold Stark breeds predominantly stalling. The height of the plant does not exceed 60 centimeters. The branches are pretty thick, are located horizontally. The needles are wide and spread.

By choosing the Gold Coast juniper, you can significantly transform the territory near the house. The needles has a characteristic yellow-green color. We define this variety usually with gag.

Beautiful dwarf juniper Lime Gloa is very popular with landscape designers and gardeners. The needle has a pleasant yellow color. In the fall acquires a reddish-bronze tint. Reproduction is carried out with cuttings.

Juniper has excellent decorative qualities and is often used in landscape design. The bush is breeding, cuttings or seeds. There are many varieties of culture. And for each variety, it is recommended to use a certain method of reproduction. Providing good conditions for growing, there are all chances to grow a beautiful shrub that will transform even the most unsightly plot.

There are several methods for reproduction of juniper plants at home. For this purpose, seeds are used, shilling, receive new copies of the branches and grains. But not all of these ways are equally effective and allow you to quickly get young plants. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and also requires compliance with the necessary conditions for successful juniper breeding.

Popular views of junipernikov

In modern landscape design, juniper is very popular. Juniper plants are distinguished by a variety of shapes, colorful, plasticity and unpretentiousness. They are suitable for the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigners, as they feel great haircut. Depending on the view, the juniper may have a shape of a spreading tree, a lush bush or step by land. Several species use the greatest popularity.

Juniper Cossack in nature is found in the wooded part of the European territory and in many areas of Asia. Typically, the plants of this species are winter-hardening splashing shrubs. They are undemanding to the composition of the soil, they love light and perfectly transfer the lack of moisture. Thanks to these qualities, their parts are used to strengthen the slopes.

Juniper is also called horizontal. In nature, the plants of this species dwell in North America. This soil plate is used as decoration of retaining walls and slopes.

The varieties of juniper ordinary are distinguished by their endurance and the ability to adapt to adverse conditions. They are well tolerated frost, lack of light and water. These plants are distinguished by high decorative properties, and their slow development is an advantage to solving some designer tasks, for example, such varieties are suitable for growing bonsai.

Juniper rock in nature lives in North America. These plants have an attractive conical shape, thanks to which they won popularity in landscape design. They are used for greening parks and squares, as well as to create live elevations.

Growing from seeds

The reproduction of juniper from seeds is a complex process. Even in natural conditions, this method is rare. Plants appear only a few years after seeds enter the soil, and fruiting is possible after 10 years.

In practice, such reproduction of juniper is practically not used due to the duration and difficulty of the process and a low germination.

At home, for successful growing plants in this way, the seed material is first stratified, that is, we are subjected to cold processing. To do this, in the autumn they need to be sowed in boxes with soil and stored under the snow until spring (at least 4 months). Then, if the seed shell is very dense, which happens in some types of juniper, it must be said to accelerate the germ, that is, to damage mechanically or affect acid. The easiest way to do this by taking two boards, upholstered by sandpaper, and lose material between them.

In May, the prepared seeds sow on the bed, closeing on a depth of 2-3 cm. Then mulch and watered as needed. After the appearance of shoots, they are covered with the first 2 weeks. Be sure to loosen the soil and straighten the weeds. When the seedlings reached a three-year-old age, they can be digging together with a lore land and sear for a permanent place.

Reproduction of cuttings

At home, it is most often used for breeding juniper plants. They are better leaving, successfully acclimatized and develop faster.

The most successful time for shilling - in the spring, in this case, by the end of summer, the seedlings are formed strong roots. In the autumn, young plants can be placed in an open ground, setting up a small shelter for wintering. If the shilling is made in the summer, the root system will not have time to grow. In this case, in winter, plants should be at home or in the country in a closed room.

For successful reproduction, the following actions perform:

  1. 1. The workpiece of cuttings is produced in cloudy or rainy weather. For this, the branches are taking a length of 10-15 cm and separate them with a sharp knife together with a piece of wood timber.
  2. 2. It is removed from them all the hive and branch at a height of 3-4 cm from the slice location. Prepared cuttings is allowed to immediately fall into the ground. If this is impossible to do, then for some time they are able to stand in a jar with water, but not more than 3 hours.
  3. 3. To root the cuttings, they are planted into high drawers with drainage holes filled with a mixture of peat and humus in equal parts. The bottom of the drainage layer is placed on the bottom, and the sand (3-4 cm) poured over the soil. The cuttings are plugged at 3 cm at an angle of 60 degrees, observing the distance between them at least 7 cm.
  4. 4. Boxes have so that they are illuminated by scattered sunlight. Juniper does not like too high humidity, so watering is rare. The feeding during this period is also not needed.
  5. 5. When planting into the ground to the permanent place, the cuttings are treated with growth stimulants. If a flip juniper breeds, then it is located horizontally, all the other varieties are vertically.

Juniper - a group of coniferous shrubs and trees having a different appearance. Belong to the family of cypress. Culture is often used in landscape design due to the abundance of forms and varieties. Many novice gardeners are interested in the peculiarities of growing juniper, in particular, as it reproduces at home. It is not difficult to do this if you know some features.

Plant Description and Features

Juniper differ extremely long life expectancy. They can grow up to 500 years. Culture is used to decorate parks, gardens, household plots. It is planted:

The needle in juniper is basically needed, cisoid, tough. The length of each chewing ranges from 1 to 2.5 cm. They are located 2-3 pieces in the mutters along the escape. The older plants needles are small, scratched. The bumps are similar to berries, because they have a fleshy outer shell. Ripen for 2-3 years.

The size of the bush depends on the variety. There are pyramidal, empty or pinching varieties. Height reaches 1.5 m.

Culture is slowly developing. The exception is only a few species of fast-growing juniper, in particular, Cossack. It has many beautiful forms that are most common in Russia, Europe and Asia.

Note! Juniper - light-minded, durable and drought-resistant plants. Most of the types of winter hardware are not demanding of the quality of the soil and are successfully developing even on poor soils. The root system is well developed. It improves the structure of the Earth, breaking it and ensuring air circulation.

As juniper breeds

The reproduction of juniper is possible by several methods. Each of them has features and disadvantages.

How can you sear juniper:

  • with the help of seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • grains;
  • dividing bush.

The last 2 methods are not suitable for all types of juniper. Warm grains are obtained, and only a young bush can be divided.

Seed breeding is a very laborious process:

Because of this, the vegetative method is popular. The reproduction of cuttings is the easiest and most effective way. He has a number of advantages:

  • the seedlings are fully transmitted varietal properties;
  • a full-fledged bush is formed in 2-3 years;
  • saplings are quickly adapted to the conditions of cultivation;
  • cuttings demonstrate high growth rates.

Juniper has an unusual feature. The direction of growth of the new bush depends on where the cutlets came from:

  • from the top - the plant will stretch up;
  • from the BOK - shrub will accepted by stitching.

Many gardeners arise a logical question, how to grow juniper from the twig at home so that it will quickly take root and actively grow. And about it below.

How to multiply juniper with cuttings

To successfully breed juniper with cuttings, you need to comply with the correct sequence of actions. Errors made at any stage will affect the further development of the shrub.

Shining juniper

Selection and harvesting of planting material

Before multiplying the juniper, it should be competently pick up the planting material. Then healthy and powerful plants will grow out of the cuttings.

There are several rules:

  • for the billet, the cuttings use juniper bushes, which turned at least 8 years so that the seedlings retain the characteristics of the donor plant;
  • the cuttings are cut from the middle part of the juniper, if they want to get splashing bushes, with the top - vertical. This nuance is especially relevant for colon-shaped varieties, because it allows you to fully preserve the qualities of the parent plant. From one bush, you can collect so many seedlings as it is necessary to reflect the territory;
  • choose green cuttings, and not unreserved. Early in the morning is proceeded to work when all parts of the shrub are saturated with moisture;
  • when trimming, a small piece of the branch is captured, on which Ros stalk, the so-called "heel". Thanks to her, plants are rapidly rooted;
  • the best length of the cutting - 12 cm. It is permissible to use the branches of bigger, but not more than 25 cm.

Important! For drawing, use of sharp and disinfected tools.

If the cutting is required, then after cutting it wrapped in a wet fabric and put into a plastic bag. So it can be stored a couple of days.

How to prepare a cutlery

Preparation of the cutter to rooting takes place in three stages:

  • Celebrates carefully removed with a sharp knife, trying not to hurt the bark. Leave only the most upper breathing.
  • The lower part is treated with a growth stimulator to increase the likelihood of rooting. Some gardeners place the cuttings into the nutrient solution. To this end, in warm water you need to breed sugar in the proportion of 2: 1. But with this method, the bark may be composed, therefore it is better to use the stimulating drug in the form of a powder or pasta. In exceptional cases, it is permissible to simply pour a substrate in which the cutlets will grow, a solution for improving the root formation.
  • After 24 hours, the cuttings move to the prepared ground.

The more responsibly, the gardener will suit the preparation, the higher the likelihood of successful rooting.

Important! Juniper can not be rooted in water. From a long stay in a wet environment, they hovers the bark, which adversely affects the viability of the cutting.

How to root a cutlery

To answer the question of how to propagate the juniper, quickly and easily, one should familiarize themselves with some tricks of steel rooting. Success largely depends on this stage.

First prepare the nutrient substrate. Source should be:

  • loose;
  • breathable;
  • moisture.

The substrate is made of sand and peat mixed in equal ratio. To provide good air exchange and moisture intensity, lay a small amount of charcoal and perlite.


How to propagate juniper:

  • In the soils, a hole is formed by a depth of 3-4 cm and a diameter of 1 cm. It is placed in it. If several cuttings are planted into one pot, then between them leave a distance of 6-8 cm.
  • For speedy rooting, a temperature of 18-23 ° C is maintained. At higher indicators, the roots are leaving and dries soil, and with too low - cuttings begin to rot.
  • Pots are cleaned in a greenhouse. If there is no such possibility, then they are simply covered with packages.

After landing, care is reduced to maintaining optimal lighting and periodic watering. The soil is moistened as drying, not allowing excess water. Saplings require scattered light, on the straight sun they develop much worse. When growing in the package requires systematic ventilation. If you do not open plants on time, condensate will begin to gather, and the seedlings will die.

Important! In the pot, the plant should have a chance for 2-3 months. But the first roots appear after 25-30 days.

With the cultivation of the juniper Cossacks, reproduction is used not only with cuttings, but also with giving. At varieties, the crown of which should be turned on the ground, root down the lower shoots. They are not cut off the bush, but tilted to the soil. The future seedling is fixed on the surface of the soil with a metal hook, and the place of contact is sprinkled with the earth.

Such a procedure is carried out in spring. In about August, the roots are formed on the brass. After that, it is separated from the maternal bush and move to a permanent place of growth.

Shining time

Juniper can be multiplied from spring to autumn. However, experienced gardeners note that the procedure conducted at the beginning of the season gives the best results.


The shifting deadlines are largely dependent on when it is planned to land a cutting into the ground:

  • the reproduction of juniper with cuttings in the summer is carried out if it is planned to plant a plant in autumn. But they are harvested no later than June. Otherwise, they will not have time to root and freeze in winter;
  • planting material is prepared in early February for landing in the soil in spring.

So that the plant takes place in a new place, you need to give it to form the root system. It takes about 70 days. Previously, it is not worth landing, because the likelihood of death is great.

Cuttings, prepared late in the fall or at the end of winter, move to the soil in the spring. If they were cut in the summer, it is important to have time to spend the procedure before cooling. At the occurrence of early frosts, seedlings continue to grow at home until the next season.

On a note! The transplant is carried out immediately after the snow. In hot weather, the needles burns out, so it is not necessary to wait for strong warming.

Means for stimulating rooting

The modern market offers gardeners a huge amount of drugs for stimulating the root formation. Previously, folk remedies were widely used:

  • yves water;
  • potato tubers;
  • yeast.

Now there is no need to spend time on the preparation of solutions with your own hands. Purchased preparations are characterized by simplicity of circulation and budget value.

The greatest popularity is:

It is impossible to exceed the dosage indicated by the manufacturer, because the opposite effect will occur - the oppression of the planting material.

The cuttings are immersed in a solution about a third. The remaining fluid is used for watering.

Rules landing cuttings in the ground

Under juniper, the illuminated area is removed, permissible half. The cuttings move to the ground along with the ground and try not to damage the rapid root system.

To plant juniper, dig a pit, the size of which is 2-3 times the volume of the roots. Down must be laid down drainage.

The location of the seedling depends on the variety:

  • colon-shaped juniper placed vertically;
  • busty - with a slight inclination.

The plant is plugged along the root neck, watered and mulched.

On a note! In the early years of growth, young bushes are hiding for the winter and protect against the bright sun. Juniper drought-resistant, does not tolerate the oveurgement of the soil. It is watered approximately once a month.

At the beginning it is desirable to hold the nitroammophos (50 g per 1 m²). In the summer, organic and mineral fertilizers contribute.

To decorate the garden, you should know how juniper breeds. This is not a challenging, but requiring the compliance with the process of certain rules. With strict consequences, the instructions from the cutter will definitely grow a powerful bush, which preserved the varietal qualities of the parent plant.

A neighbor has a chic juniper, and you have no. Want the same thing - take a stalk. If you do not know how to plant, read the details of the reproduction of juniper.

The best way to breed a juniper

All cultural varieties of juniper can be multiplied with stalling. According to experts, this method is the most effective and superior to the seed. Plants obtained by a similar method have high vitality, actively develop. Have high resistance to negative phenomena and diseases. Do not react to temperature differences and are well rooted.

According to statistics, the seedling from the cutter is 50% more successful to the transplant. 80% are better adapted and climate. And do not require special attention and care. Landscape designers and experienced gardeners apply landscape designers.

How to choose a favorable time?

Get a good result wish everything for this you need to follow the rules. The best time is considered when temperatures decrease in the autumn period. Nights become wet, with the loss of abundant dew and frequent rains.

In the middle strip of manipulation with cuttings, spend from the third decade of September to the last days of November. Why? With increased humidity and cooled of the soil in the plant, changes are occurring favorable for reproduction. Many gardeners recommend choosing April-May, explaining this time to active growth, which is favorable for the root formation. It is not recommended to consider the summer months.

In each region, its climate features. You can navigate on temperature indicators. Successful rooting occurs at + 5 ... + 20. Deviations from these values \u200b\u200bnegatively affects the cutting and leads to a "shock fading" or death.

Shining rules

The success of the event depends on the properly prepared soil and selection of the cutlets. A high-quality material will be a branch of an adult plant, which is not less than 8-10 years old. Get 90% rooting juniper can be used by ordinary and low grades.

How to cut a cutlery

Using in the form of a "donor", only side branches are suitable for a slice. On the crown growing vertically, consider the shoots exclusively vertical. Regardless of the grade, the length of the cut branch must correspond to 10-15 cm.

The billet for landing cannot be long-term. Try to produce an "operation" within 3 hours after cutting.

How to prepare a cutlery

The resulting instance needs to be prepared: remove the housing from the bottom. This is necessary to eliminate the possibility of their decomposition in wet land and the appearance of rot. Clean the whole part that goes into the ground from the chewing - segment 4 cm. The upper part does not touch, it is important for future growth and aeration seedlings.

The cutlets need to enrich moisture. Put for a day into the water or wrap with a damp cloth. It is better to use a widely known stimulator "Korninen" or folk remedy: sugar solution (1: 2).

Soil preparation for juniper

It is important to create a soft landing ground. The best way is to mix sand with peat. Stick 3: 1 proportions. Turn the resulting mixture by a dark solution of manganese. Mix thoroughly.

Landing juniper

At the selected place, create a hole, fill it with a cooked ground, put sand (2 cm) from above. Do not strongly blow the cuttings. It is enough to put in the soil of a centimeter by 4-6. And the direction of the seedling depends on the variety. Colon's sazing strictly vertically. Copy - it is better to root in the inclined position.

For the suspension, it is better to put several branches. Therefore, wanting to get a guaranteed 100% result, make it at once 3-5 landings. Place a hole with a step of 70 cm. Blooming the cuttings, degenerate the earth and moisturize. Then climb ashes and chopped pine bark. Create a film shelter to get a greenhouse effect. If the place is sunny, you need to create shading.

The rate of formation of roots depends on soil moisture. Regular irrigation is needed: as drying, it is usually twice a week. The rooting requires 2-3 months. With disembarking, you do not need to rush to the designed place. Give the plant to strengthen and enter into force. If the pavement was carried out in the spring, then the disembarkation is intended to plan only on the next fall. In any case, it is better to wait for the emergence of annual growth.

Juniper is a bright spokeswoman of the coniferous community, he can decorate any garden and therefore enjoys a special honor from landscape designers. This plant has a huge variety of forms, from peeling to colon-shaped, it has shades from bluish-green to golden. It grows slowly, keeps the form well, it greatly strengthens the soil, especially on the slopes, is a long-lived plant: in nature there are specimens, the age of which comes to three thousand years! On average, the lifetime of the juniper is 500 to 600 years. The plant is a thermo-loving, light-affilome, drought-resistant, non-carrying moisture.

Due to the variety of species that differ in both height, shape and shade, the juniper can be used as a living hedge, for decorating tracks, rockers and borders, soliters on flowerbeds and lawns, large dark spots on the far backdrop of the garden. In addition, juniper possesses therapeutic, and first of all - bactericidal, properties, and this allows them not only to decorate the gardens and parks, but also to perform an important wellness function.

In nature, juniper is very poorly multiplied by seeds, since the seeds require a long (until six months) stratification, young seedlings grow very slowly. Only for the tenth year of life they give the first fruits. The artificial breeding of juniper from seeds is low-performance, so most often resorted to its reproduction by rooting cuttings. The rooted cuttings give a faster increase, they can be much earlier than seedlings, use in decorative gardening. Although the percentage of rooting and depends on the variety of the plant (some are rooted worse), but, nevertheless, it remains high enough.

It is possible to root a juniper cuttings from early spring to late autumn, but the best time for this is considered April and May - the time of the most active growth and development of the plant. For rooting, it is best to use semi-respected shoots from old branches from the middle part of the plant. The cuttings, taken with young branches, are rooted much longer and the percentage of rooting is significantly lower. Very important moment in reproduction of juniper: cuttings, taken from the ends of the side branches, will continue to continue the life of the "side branch", that is, to strive for the growth of styre, and not up. If you need to get a seating material for coloniform forms, then you need to choose cuttings, located closer to the central trunk, which have a tendency to vertical growth. Cut the cuttings best of all with a sharp gardening knife along with the "heel" - a small thickening in the place of the cutting of the cutter to the main branch. Do not be upset if it was not possible to cut a cutlery with a "heel", such cuttings also have a good chance to give roots. Harvested cuttings need to be released from twigs and cheops to a height of 3 - 4 cm from the base - this section of the stem is just to be formed a future root system. Before boarding the cutting, it would be good to treat any stimulant of root formation, for example heteroacexin, rhoin. You can hold the cuttings before planting during the day in a weak sugar solution.

The soil for rooting cuttings should be loose, breathable. You can use a mixture of peat and sand in equal parts. It is important to remember that coniferous love the soil with an acidic reaction, so it is not worth adding lime, ash, anterorable egg shell into a juniper substrate for juniper and other soil decks. It is best to root the cuttings of juniper in a dry warm greenhouse, or in the ridge covered with a film. But if the conditions do not allow, you can make rooting and in a conventional flower pot. With the help of a pencil or wands, it is necessary to make a hole in the soil at 3 - 4 cm deep at a distance of 5 - 8 cm from each other, then in these holes to insert the prepared cuttings of juniper into these holes, seal the soil around them, is good to pour and cover with a film. If direct sun rays fall into the greenhouse, then the shading must be built. Juniper is vitally needed a large amount of light, but in the period of rooting the cuttings, the direct sun can become destructive for them. If the cuttings are rooted in a pot or a bang, then the pot on top you need to wear a plastic bag, then install the pot on the window with multiple lighting. Watering the cuttings no longer follows their complete rooting.

If you have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to your seedlings, then it is better to root a juniper cutlets without using a cursing film, because under the film, the plants grow more weak and less hardened than outdoors. When rooting cuttings without films, they need 5 - 6 times a day spray from a water sprayer to maintain optimal air humidity. Since the open ground will evaporate a lot of moisture, then the cuttings will need small watering as the soil drying. But, in no case, the soil should not be too wet, since juniper can not endure an excess water.

The first roots of Chenkov will appear after 50 - 70 days after landing. Saplings immediately after rooting should not be, since the roots are still very gentle and thin and can be easily injured during transplantation. Therefore, if possible, it is better to leave rooted cuttings in place until next year to enable the root system to grow and strengthen. If there is no such possibility, the transplant of rooted cuttings should be made extremely carefully, with the help of small tools, taking out the seedlings along with the land of land and placing it with it in the prepared pits on a permanent place.

A few more words should be said about rooting the quenching varieties of juniper. It is somewhat simpler: sufficiently chosen to root the branch to the ground and be covered with a small amount of soil from above, freeing the place of rooting from small twigs. Behind the growing season, the sprinkled section of the branch will give roots and, after separating the branch from the mother plant, it will become an independent plant.
