Mother's Day in Panama

This day is the most significant and important holiday in Panama. On this holiday, many people do not go to work, but are at home, with their families, and with great love they prepare a real holiday for their beloved mothers. On this holiday, everything revolves around mothers, but the traditions of celebrating this day still largely depend on each individual family. But only one thing remains unchanged in all families, this day carries only joyful emotions, because its main goal is to pay tribute to his own mother, who is the most important person on earth. Many people are interested in: when, how and thanks to whom or what, this holiday will appear. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this interesting question, but there are many versions of how and when this holiday was first celebrated. IN different countries and different cultures celebrate Mother's Day at different times. Therefore, depending on the country and culture, in accordance with local traditions, this holiday is celebrated everywhere in different ways. There is a widespread belief that the traditions of Mother's Day originate in ancient Greece. Because it was there that the custom existed, they bow to the mother as to the goddess.

Student's Day in Bulgaria

On December 8, Bulgarian students celebrate their "professional" holiday. This date is inextricably linked with the Sofia University named after Kliment Ohridski. In Bulgaria, this university was the only academic educational institution at the beginning of the twentieth century, therefore the academic council of this university dared to declare the day of December 8, the day of the university. The celebration of this day coincided with the day of the righteous Clement of Ohrid, who was one of the followers of Cyril and Methodius who survived in Bulgaria. He organized an educational and cultural school at the monastery, in Ohrid, where the entire Bulgarian elite was brought up. Clement transformed the verb words of Cyril and Methodius, and became a steady follower of his teachers. He brought the graphic design of the letters as close as possible to the Greek. It was Clement of Ohridsky who very quickly translated all the religious and liturgical books of the city into the Old Slavonic language, and sent them all over the country. When World War II ended, this holiday was postponed to the seventeenth of November, but in 1962, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Sofia University, the holiday was celebrated with an old and dear date. Since then, all students of higher educational institutions in Bulgaria celebrate their favorite holiday with pleasure.

Feast of the goddess Ischel

Ishchel was an ancient Mayan goddess, she was considered the patroness of the rainbow and the light of the moon. The goddess helped women to safely give birth to a child, took care of doctors and weavers. There was a belief that if this goddess was greatly angered, she would send a hurricane or flood. Sculptors and artists of that time portrayed this goddess as a very beautiful girl, a rabbit was sitting on her lap, and, oddly enough, a snake was depicted on her head. People were very afraid of Ischel's anger, so they tried in every possible way to appease her. Maya offered to the goddess as a sacrifice of young beauties. People came to the temple of the goddess and prayed for healing from diseases. The feast of the goddess Ischel is still celebrated in southern Mexico. On December 8, the priests perform the corresponding rituals, and various solemn processions stretch through the streets. The ancient Maya called the goddess Ischel Lady of bloody spots, Lady of the night, Lady of extraordinary darkness.

Celebration of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

The veneration of the day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is very popular in Catholicism; this day is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and is one of the main holidays. In the ancient church tradition, nothing was said about the sinless conception of Mary by her mother Anna. The famous version of the Immaculate Conception was officially enshrined in dogma by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854, without taking into account the fact that in 1476 the Feast of the Immaculate Conception was established by Pope Sixtus IV. According to the Catholic doctrine, Mary was the only one of all people who was freed from original sin and at the same time protected from the very possibility of sinning. The Orthodox Church supports the Catholic Church in this and also says that Mary did not commit a single sin in her life. However, he claims that the reason for this was because Mary had moral purity, intelligence and willpower. In turn, the Catholic Church says that the vocation not to sin was laid with Mary at conception. On this holiday, solemn services are held in churches.

Constitution Day of Uzbekistan

The Constitution of Uzbekistan was adopted at the 11th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan. On the same day, the basic law of the country was signed by the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov. The new Constitution of Uzbekistan has passed a detailed review by the specialists of the United Nations Organization. All provisions of the basic law have been reviewed by US state legal institutions. Many specialists from European countries also closely studied and approved the basic law of the young state. According to the new version of the Constitution, Uzbekistan is an independent democratic republic, the state ensures the realization of the will of the people and serves its needs. Only the people can be the source of power in the state. All its inhabitants are citizens of Uzbekistan, regardless of their nationality. However, despite the good intentions laid down in the new Constitution, the main law in Uzbekistan is more a formal than a really valid document.

December 8 in the folk calendar

Klim cold

This day was named Klim Kholodny, because real frosts usually began from that day. According to tradition, all mothers on this day turned to Klim with prayers and asked him to protect their children from future frosts. People believed that frost from November to March was gaining insane strength, and even the sun, not to mention a person, was shy before these frosts. However, the harsh spirit does not like those who complain about the cold, he severely punishes them various diseases... And those people who were cheerful and cheerful on a frosty day were rewarded by the frost with good health and a bright blush on their cheeks. We all know the fairy tale "Frost", remember how a stern old man punished a wayward and capricious girl, and endowed an unpretentious stepdaughter with expensive gifts. The peasants said that the evil spirits of the cod were the servants of the frost. These spirits slept in the summer, and with the first cold snap they wake up and fall to the ground with the first snow. When winter comes, these spirits run through the fields and blow into their fists, then people feel the cold north wind. People believed that codfish knocked with their bare heels on the frozen ground and on the trunks of trees, which is where the expression "crackling frosts" came from. In honor of the harsh winter spirit, idols were erected in the villages, now we call them snowmen, children and adults love to sculpt them. On this holiday, any important business could be started strictly on an empty stomach. The women and girls sat down to spin yarn closer to the windows, outside the windows lay white snow, and in the parlor it became brighter.

Historical events on December 8

1991 year the USSR was "buried" in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The agreement on the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States was signed in Viskuli, near Brest. Leaders of the three former Soviet republics; Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislav Shushkevich, with their decisions not only formed the CIS, they destroyed the great superpower - the USSR. The persons involved in the treaty recognized that the USSR, as a subject of international law, had completely exhausted itself, the government of the country and the president of the Soviet Union were absolutely discredited both in the eyes of their people and in the eyes of the international community. In view of all this, such a state cannot exist as an object of geopolitical reality. The reason for the creation of the CIS was the close historical and cultural ties of the peoples of the post-Soviet space and the desire to continue peaceful and democratic coexistence. However, the former union republics called not the interference of the members of the community in each other's affairs, mutual respect and recognition of the sovereignty of the members of the union as a condition of their entry into the new formation. Despite loud slogans and good intentions, the CIS does not look like any kind of union, it even went beyond the framework of confederal relations and is currently a formal interstate union.

1980 year the murder of John Lennon

The famous musician died at the hands of a mentally ill fan. The killer fired several direct shots in the back of John. The doorkeeper immediately called the ambulance and the police, and the singer was urgently taken to one of the nearby clinics. However, all the efforts of the doctors were in vain, at 23:15 John Lennon died. The reason for such a rapid death was the great loss of blood. Lennon was cremated, and his ashes were given to his wife Yoko Ono. Killer M. Chapman was sentenced to life in a maximum security prison. Champen has been in prison for more than thirty years, during the entire period of imprisonment, the convict has repeatedly submitted and is still submitting petitions for early release. But the judicial authorities of the state and the United States constantly deny him this. Lennon's wife has officially applied to the Parole Department, asking not to pardon Mark Chapman, and it seems that this will never happen.

1987 year USA and USSR agreed to reduce the contingent of medium and short-range missiles

On this day in Washington, the leaders of the two superpowers, M.S. Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan, signed an agreement to eliminate intermediate and short-range missiles. The treaty has been gaining strength since June 1, 1988, according to it, it was planned to destroy up to three thousand missiles from both sides, with a range of 1,000 to 6,000 thousand kilometers and from 500 to 1,000 km. The agreement provided for the destruction of land-based and sea-based launchers and missiles within three years. This is the first time such an agreement between the two superpowers has been ratified. The main goal of the agreement was partial nuclear disarmament of the two nuclear states. It was also supposed to create special inspection commissions that would control the process of the destruction of nuclear weapons. Both Reagan and Gorbachev attached particular importance to the treaty, in connection with which the heads of the two states addressed their peoples with special televised addresses. Both Presidents dreamed of complete nuclear disarmament, but could not accomplish this, due to various political and legal reasons.

1992 year creation of the federal treasury of Russia

The treasury of the Russian Federation is undoubtedly a particularly important federal authority. The main function of the treasury is the technical and legislative execution of the state budget. The Treasury, together with the FSB, exercises special control over financial transactions and flows, if they involve funds from the state budget. In addition, the strictest control of the distribution of budgetary funds at the federal and regional levels is carried out. The entire life of the state depends on the well-coordinated and well-organized work of the treasury, from financing kindergartens to the implementation of space programs. The state service was established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin. And on August 27, 1992, the government of the country by its decree streamlined and regulated the activities of the new civil service. Currently, the bulk of government agencies are funded through the RF Treasury.

1941 year Japanese invasion of Thailand (08.12.)

To implement plans to invade Thailand, Japan was forced to spend a huge preparatory work... After all, Thailand recently emerged victorious from the Franco-Thai conflict, and this greatly alerted the Japanese militarists. If the Thai army is capable of withstanding European forces, then the Asian army can be dealt with without much difficulty. The Japanese leadership concentrated all its forces on conducting the most informative reconnaissance in Thai territory. And only after that the Japanese began to pull military units to the borders of Thailand. The invasion began on December 8, in eastern and central Thailand. To the surprise of the Japanese, the Thais did not put up any resistance, only in the south of Thailand, the Japanese troops received a powerful rebuff. Despite the fact that the Thais did not provide a full-fledged rebuff, the Japanese nevertheless carried out their military operation with caution and did not even dare to enter the capital of Thailand, but nervously awaited the start of peace negotiations. By forcing Thailand to agree to a humiliating truce, Japan was able to convince the Thai government of the benefits of a military alliance between Japan and Thailand. On January 25, 1942, Thailand declared war on Britain and the United States, in alliance with Japan.

Born on December 8:

Mary Stuart (1542-1587), queen of Scots

Queen of Scots, Mary became almost immediately after her birth, in connection with the sudden death of her father. At the age of six, Mary was sent to be raised at the French court, where at the age of 15 she married Francis, who soon became king of France. However, the new king ruled the country for a short time and died a year later, Mary returned to Scotland. At home, she again marries Henry Darnley, the couple has a son, Jacob. But the queen was not happily married for long and was soon carried away by a new man, Earl Hepburn. Mary's new lover, did everything to become the Queen's husband and even went for murder ex-husband Mary, Darnley. As a result, there was a coup in the country, the mutinous lords overthrew Mary, and she was forced to flee to her relative in England. Her cousin, Queen Elizabeth of England, greeted her niece coldly. After all, there were insurmountable obstacles between them: Mary the Catholic, Elizabeth the Protestant, Mary claimed the English throne, while Elizabeth was concerned about the good of England and did not participate in dynastic intrigues. By order of Elizabeth, Mary Stuart is arrested. In captivity, she had to arrive before clarifying the circumstances regarding her life and work. The sister secretly offers Mary a deal: "Liberation, in exchange for Mary's renunciation of the Scottish throne." However, Maria refuses and is imprisoned for long eighteen years. In conclusion, Maria continues her backstage games, she maintains correspondence with the French and Spanish courts, and even tries to organize the assassination of Elizabeth. However, Mary's rebellious ideas were known to the Queen of England. Soon Mary was convicted of her crimes and executed.

Kim Basinger (1953), American actress

The future actress was born into the family of a musician. Kim began her career in the modeling business. In 1970, she became the winner of the Miss Georgia beauty pageant, and after this event, the actress's photos are almost constantly present in fashion and fashion magazines. However, Kim's main dream was to be an actress, so she begins her acting courses. Since 1976 he has made his film debut in subtle episodes. A little later, the actress gets her first leading role in the film "Cathy". Her participation in the film "Nine and a half weeks" brought Kim incredible popularity. And soon a new success in the movie "Batman". And there were also films: "Never Say" Never "," Blind Date ", etc. The actress was married to actor Alec Baldwin, the marriage broke up after eight years. In 1997, the actress was awarded an Oscar for her role in the film "Los Angeles Secrets". Currently, Kim is raising a daughter and doing charity work.

Alisa Freundlich (1934), People's Artist of the USSR

The actress was born in Leningrad, in a family of hereditary artists. Since childhood, Alisa dreamed of becoming an artist and therefore tried to actively participate in theatrical circles and amateur performances. Teacher Maria Aleksandrovna, helped the girl prepare for entering the theater institute and in 1953 Alisa became a student at the Leningrad theater institute. After graduation, the actress became a member of the troupe, the oldest Leningrad theater named after V. F. Komissarzhevskaya. She made her film debut in the film "City Lights the Lights". In 1961, the actress went to work at the Lensovet Theater, where she quickly gained immense popularity and became the main actress of the theater, its hallmark. Here she plays the main roles in performances by Shakespeare, Brecht and Shaw. Soon Ali marries Igor Vladimirov, their daughter Varvara is born. The film career of the actress, which brought her all-Union fame, is becoming no less successful. Her participation in the films: "Office Romance", "D'artagnan and the Three Musketeers", "Straw Hat" made her a People's Artist of the USSR. The great actress continues to act now, delighting the audience with her talent.

Lev Borisov (1933-2011), actor

Lev Borisov is the younger brother of the outstanding actor Oleg Borisov. Lev Ivanovich graduated from the Shchukin School, after which he was immediately invited to the Theater of the Movie Actor. From 1960 to 1974, the actor worked in the Drama Theater on Spartakovskaya, and from 1974 to 1981, Lev Borisov played in the Stanislavsky Theater. Since 1987, Lev Ivanovich settled down and stayed forever at the Yermolova Theater. He first appeared in films in 1954 in the film "Certificate of Maturity", followed by shooting in the legendary films, "Height", "Ballad of a Soldier", "The Fate of a Man". From 1960 to 70, the actor practically did not act in films, and devotes all his time to the theater. Lev Ivanovich returned to the cinema again, in the 70s and appeared in the films "12 chairs", "Citizen Nikanorova awaits you", "And again Aniskin", "Visit to the Minotaur" and others. For his long acting career, real national recognition, Lev Borisov received after the film "Gangster Petersburg", in which he played one of the main roles. Borisov was married twice, from both marriages he had two daughters, Nadia and Tanya. The amazing acting talent of Lev Ivanovich amazes the audience with his sincerity and persuasiveness

Vladimir Gilyarovsky (1853-1935), writer, journalist

While still in the gymnasium, Volodya writes poetry and epigrams, makes acquaintances with political dissidents. In parallel with the gymnasium, Vladimir attended circus courses, but failed the exams at the circus school. Then he ran away from home. He worked as a laborer in the port, in the fire brigade and even as a herdman, and in 1875 he was hired in the theater, as an ordinary actor. In 1977, Gilyarovsky took part in the Caucasian war, where he also writes poetry and makes sketches. After serving in the army, he settled in Moscow and worked at the Brenko Theater. But soon he leaves the theater and begins literary activity. Has successfully published in the "Russian newspaper", works as a reporter in the "Moskovsky leaf". After the revolution, Gilyarovsky wrote for the leading Moscow newspapers: Izvestia, Vechernyaya Moskva, Ogonyok. In 1922 he wrote the poem "Stenka Razin", the writer wrote a number of famous works of art, "Moscow and Muscovites", "My wanderings", "Friends and meetings." By old age, the writer was completely blind, but continued to work. Streets in Moscow and Vologda are named after the poet.

What holiday is today?

It is known that the Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is quite actively celebrated in Catholic churches. Indeed, this is one of the most important holidays dedicated to the Mother of God. And he tells how Anna conceived Mary in an immaculate way. Moreover, it is interesting that this version appeared only in 1954 on December 8 through the adoption of the dogma by Pope Pius IX, despite the fact that the holiday was introduced back in 1476.

In Catholicism, the teaching is widespread that Mary was the only person who, while still in her mother's womb, was freed from original sin, and was also protected from the possibility of committing sinful acts. By the way, the Orthodox Church also teaches that Mary lived an absolutely sinless life, however, she sees the reason not so much in God's help as in the fact that since childhood Mary was distinguished by willpower, moral purity and wisdom, and the ability not to commit sinful acts was laid in it even at the stage of conception.

In churches on December 8, services dedicated to the memory of the Mother of God are necessarily held, where believers come to pray.

In southern Mexico, on December 8, they celebrate a holiday dedicated to an ancient goddess named Isçchel, whose image was present in the Mayan religious beliefs. Even today, despite the centuries-old history of the holiday, it is celebrated traditionally: boats float along rivers and water bodies, songs are sung, in which a request to the goddess to bless ships and fields sounds.

It should be said that Ishchel is the patroness of the surrounding darkness. She had many names. So, for example, the Maya called her the Lady of the Night, the Lady of the bloody spots, the All-Encompassing Lady. The cult of the goddess first spread throughout Mexico (it was especially popular in its southern part), and then moved to the Yucatan Peninsula, after which they learned about Ishchel in El Salvador.

It must be said that the most important role in the formation the Russian state in recent centuries, the treasury played at the end of the twentieth century - in the 90s, when it was necessary to ensure the transparency of budget expenditures and all government operations. Naturally, the treasury retains its relevance today, which is not surprising, because the efficiency of the state financial system directly depends on the development of this structure. Today, the Federal Treasury Department shows all the advantages of the treasury system in budget execution. On December 8, Treasury employees accept congratulations, participate in corporate events and even receive straight and diplomas at special events dedicated to the best workers.

On December 8, 1542, the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart was born, who initiated the uprising of the royal nobility, fled to England, where she was imprisoned, convicted and executed

On December 8, 1626, Queen Christina of Sweden was born, who was known for her thirst for knowledge and philosophy, contributed to the development of printing, initiating the publication of the first Swedish newspaper

On December 8, 1865, the Finnish composer Jan Sibelius was born, who is also known as the largest symphonist and head of the national music school.

In 1992, the President of Russia signed a decree that recreated the system of bodies of the Federal Treasury of Russia.

The treasury system ensures the transparency of budget expenditures, which was extremely important in the turbulent 90s of the last century and has not lost its relevance today. The development of the treasury largely determines the efficiency of the financial system, both of the entire country and of a separate territory.

Currently, the Federal Treasury Department demonstrates all the advantages of the treasury system of budget execution. The team of specialists of the Department successfully fulfills its duties and does everything possible to ensure the timely passage of budgetary funds coming from the federal center to the regions.

Events that happened on December 8th.

1905 - a general strike in Minsk.
1941 - In Poland, the Nazis used poison gas for the first time to kill Jews.
- Japanese invasion of Thailand, Malaya, Philippines and Hong Kong. Beginning of the Thailand Operation, the Malay Operation, the Philippine Operation and the Hong Kong Defense.
- The 20th Army liberated Krasnaya Polyana, the closest settlement to Moscow occupied by the German army.
1968 - It was planned, but the world's first manned flight around the Moon by the Soviet spacecraft "Zond-7" was canceled.
1987 - Ron Hextall of the NHL Philadelphia Flyers became the first goaltender in league history to score a goal (against the Boston Bruins).
1991 - in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich signed the Belovezhskaya Agreement on the establishment of the CIS and the end of the existence of the USSR.
1992 - Presidential decree issued Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin on the creation of the Federal Treasury.
2005 - the end of the use of locomotive traction in China. On Jitong railroad all the locomotives remaining in the country were extinguished.
2006 - the Russian military contingent is withdrawn from Lebanon.

December 8, 2017 - Friday, 342nd day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar. December 8 corresponds to November 25 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Christmas post

Holidays December 8, 2017 in Russia

  • Day of the formation of the Russian treasury. The formation day of the Russian Treasury can be considered a professional holiday for all employees of the Federal Treasury (Treasury of Russia). It is celebrated annually on December 8th. On December 8, 1992, the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin signed the Decree "On the Federal Treasury", which became the starting point in the creation of a system of bodies of the Federal Treasury of Russia. This date is considered to be the date of creation of the Russian Treasury. On December 1, 2004, the Regulation on the Federal Treasury was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Federal Treasury". In 2002, most of the federal institutions were transferred to services through the federal treasury. Until 2004 inclusively, the Treasury was part of the Ministry of Finance, but on January 1, 2005, it was transformed into a federal service under the jurisdiction and accountable to the Ministry of Finance.

Also read:

Holidays December 8, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Holidays on December 8, 2017 in Ukraine are absent.

World and international holidays 8 December 2017

  • International Artist's Day. December 8 marks the International Day of the Artist, which was established in 2007 by the International Association "Art of the Nations of the World". This is not the only date associated with the profession of an artist.

Orthodox holidays December 8, 2017

December 8, 2017 in orthodox Church: Week 27 after Pentecost, Christmas fast, fast day.

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Leaving the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Clement, Pope of Rome, and Peter the First of Alexandria, Archbishop;
  • Memorial Day Saint Peter of Galatian, the Silent;
  • Memorial Day the Monk Martyr Magdalene (Zabelina), nun;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Hieromartyrs Seraphim (Ostroumov), Archbishop of Smolensk, Grigory Voinov, John of Vladimir, Vasily Pariisky, Kosma Korotkikh, Ioann Tarasov, Simeon Afonkin, Ilarion Solovyov, Yaroslav Savitsky, Andrei Vershinsky, Ioann Yanushev, Viktor Smirshnev elders, martyrs Pavel Kuzovkov, Nikolai Kopninsky;
  • "The Nativity of the Virgin" by Isaakovskaya; Dvinskaya - icons of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays 8 December 2017

  • Klim Cold.The folk holiday "Klim Kholodny" is celebrated on December 8 (according to the old style - November 25). In the church calendar, this is the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Clement, Pope of Rome, disciple of the Apostle Peter. In Orthodoxy, he is revered as one of the first Christian preachers in the Russian lands (according to legend, he was exiled from Rome to the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Sevastopol). Other names of the holiday: "Clement's Day", "Clement's Day", "Klim", "Klim the Frostbite". In the yard there were already real frosts, which is why Klim was called cold. On this day, mothers turned to the saint with a request to protect their children from the coming cold weather. There is little historical evidence of Clement. According to the Orthodox Life, written later, Clement came from a noble Roman family. Soon after the birth of the boy, his parents and their three sons went by sea to Athens, but were shipwrecked. All five survived but lost each other. Growing up, Clement began to look for an answer to the question of what happens to people after death (because he considered his relatives dead), and so he came to Christianity. After the baptism, the young man managed to find his brothers, father and mother. The people believed that Clement brings with him a harsh winter. “On Klim, winter knocks out a wedge like a wedge," said our ancestors and prepared for severe cold weather. For this day there were several specific sayings: "Frost poured white roses on Clement"; "Clement makes a peasant cry with frost." However, if the roosters began to sing early that day, this foreshadowed an imminent thaw. The peasants believed that the servants of the frost were the evil spirits of the sailors, or codfish. In summer, these spirits sleep, but they wake up with the first cold snap and fall to the ground with the first flakes of snow. With the onset of winter, sailors run through the fields and blow into their fists. Their icy breath is the cold north wind. It was believed that sailors knock with bare heels on the frozen ground and tree trunks. Hence the expression "crackling frosts" came from. On Kliment'ev day, any important business was supposed to start only on an empty stomach. This custom was associated with the continuation of threshing: it was inconvenient to do this work on a full stomach, the movements became heavy, constrained. The women sat on Klim to spin by the window - the white snow in the hut became brighter. A special belief was associated with people who were born on December 8. It was said that wolves gather at the hut who was born on Klim. Therefore, such a person tried once again not to leave the house, especially with the onset of darkness.

Holidays December 8, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in KyrgyzstanDecember 8, 2017 - Day of radio and television workers. The professional holiday - the Day of Radio and Television Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic - was established by the Decree of the Government of the Republic No. 566 of December 23, 1995. The date of celebration - December 8 - was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1958 the first television program aired on Kyrgyz television.
  • Holiday in UzbekistanDecember 8, 2017 - Constitution day. Constitution Day in Uzbekistan is one of the national holidays. It is celebrated annually on December 8, since it was on this day in 1992 that the basic law of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted.
  • Holiday in RomaniaDecember 8, 2017 - Constitution day. Constitution Day in Romania is not a public holiday, but it is one of the important memorable dates. It is celebrated annually on December 8, since on this day in 1991 a referendum was held, at which the Constitution of Romania was finally approved.
  • Holiday in BulgariaDecember 8, 2017 - Student's day. Students in Bulgaria celebrate their holiday - Student's Day - on December 8. This date is associated with the history of the Sofia University named after Kliment Ohridski. In 1903, when Sofia University (SU) was the only higher educational institution in Bulgaria, the Academic Council under the SU decided to declare December 8 a patron holiday of the university. By church calendar it was then that the day of St. Clement of Ohrid was celebrated.
  • Celebration in PanamaDecember 8, 2017 - Mothers Day. Mother's Day in Panama is celebrated annually at the state level on December 8. It coincides with the Catholic holiday of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Mother's Day celebration was proposed by Herzilia Arias Velazquez, wife of the former President of Panama, Florenzio Arosemena. The holiday was officially established in 1930. But there is another version of the passage of this holiday. According to this version, the celebration of Mother's Day was an initiative of the Rotary Club in Panama. In 1924, the Rotary Club asked for the holiday to fall on May 11, but politicians changed their proposal and moved the date to December 8. The third version of the origin of the holiday says that it has religious roots. The Catholics of Panama wanted to bring the holiday of the Immaculate Conception to the state level, which the laity opposed because of their unwillingness to unite the state and the church into a single whole. They came to a compromise in which Mother's Day became a public holiday and coincides with a religious holiday.


International Artist's Day.

Day of the Constitution of Uzbekistan.

Day of Radio and Television Workers of Kyrgyzstan.

Bulgaria student's day... Students in Bulgaria celebrate their holiday on December 8th. This date is associated with the history of the Sofia University named after Kliment Ohridski.

Celebration of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. The Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, whose cult is very popular in Catholicism, is one of the main holidays dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In all European churches on this day, solemn services are performed.

Mother's Day in Panama.

International Festival of New Latin American Cinema. In the first week of December, the International New Latin American Festival opens in Havana, which lasts 10 days.

In 1955 The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approved the official flag of this organization, which was later inherited by the European Union.

In 1980 an attempt was made on the life of John Lennon, one of the legendary "The Beatles". On December 8, 1980, John Lennon was killed in New York by a mentally unstable fan, Mark Chapman.

In 1987 in Washington, a Treaty was signed between the USSR and the United States on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles.

In 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha an agreement was signed on the collapse of the USSR and the creation of the CIS.

In 1992 a decree of the President of Russia on the creation of the Federal Treasury was issued. The Treasury of Russia is a federal executive body that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out law enforcement functions to ensure the execution of the federal budget.


Russian Treasury Education Day... December 8, 1992 Russian President B.N. Yeltsin signed decree No. 1556 "On the Federal Treasury", according to which a system of bodies of the Federal Treasury of Russia was created.

In 1832 the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces was founded The Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces is the oldest educational institution countries in the system of higher military education.

Name day. Alexander, Andrey, Vasily, Victor, Gregory, Ivan, Hilarion, Clement, Kuzma, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Semyon, Yaroslav.

Were born on this day... (1542) Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542-1567). (1844) Émile Renaud, French inventor, artist and popularizer of science, forerunner of animation. (1864) Anatoly Durov, Russian clown and trainer, founder of the famous circus dynasty. (1929) Klara Rumyanova, Soviet and Russian theater, film and radio actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. (1934) Alisa Freindlich, Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, singer, People's Artist of the USSR. (1953) Kim Basinger, American actress, Academy Award winner.

According to the folk calendar... Klim Cold. On Kliment'ev day, any important business was supposed to start only on an empty stomach. This custom was associated with the continuation of threshing: it was inconvenient to do this work on a full stomach, the movements became heavy, constrained. The women sat on Klim to spin by the window - the white snow in the hut became brighter. A special belief was associated with people who were born on this day. They said that wolves gather at the hut who was born on Klim. Therefore, such a person tried once again not to leave the house, especially after dark.

By lunar calendar ... Moon phase: Third quarter, Waning moon. It is believed that the day carries a heavy, tense and dangerous energy, it is just in the air. Often, one careless word or glance is enough to be at the center of a conflict. Therefore, to maintain your balance as much as possible, be mindful of maintaining a state of calm. Look back, remember with whom you were unfair and who hurt you, forgive the offenders and ask for forgiveness from the offended. This is how on this day you can correct the mistakes made in the past that distort our present and create problems.
