When by church calendar Oleg's name day: October 3 - Oleg Romanovich of Bryansk (in monasticism - Vasily), prince, reverend.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Oleg:

From the Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200b- sacred, holy, prophetic, seer. Among the Varangians - Olgred (Helgi), Oleg is smart and principled, knows how to defend his opinion, even if he does not like it. Oleg's birthday once a year. Stubborn in achieving the goal. Oleg is disinterested, gifted and stubborn. Sometimes he is arrogant. Attached to his parents, especially his mother. Sexy, outwardly cold. Prone to alcohol consumption, drunkenness is difficult to control.

Secretive, indecisive choleric The usual state of the body is a "boiling cauldron". He constantly solves global problems. Therefore, he strongly needs to communicate with his own kind. Lives a rich inner life, has a strong will. Will not succumb to other people's influence. Loves to argue, to prove his point of view. In response to all the evidence of his opponents, he says weighty and concise “no”. He prefers to keep the last word. Likes to speak at various meetings with capacious speeches and reports.

However, in business, he prefers to solve all issues with the help of his mind, not relying on the sixth sense. As for the intellect, it is very strong, but ... nevertheless, by and large, it is somewhat superficial. So, he solves all questions, seemingly and quickly, but somehow as a whole, in a generalized way, without going into details. Great importance Oleg has a family in his life. In private conversations, he with great pleasure repeats the words "my wife", "my house", "my children", "my car". Some see him as an opportunist who is good at adapting to circumstances.

Oleg's health is surprisingly very good. And yet he should take care of his liver, pancreas, kidneys, because Oleg - slowly, little by little - is poisoning his body with alcohol. Don't be alarmed! Not all Olegs have such a passion. Most of them drink alcohol only occasionally, on big holidays and super-significant events.

IN intimate life he is compared to the sex giant. According to P. Rouge, Oleg “has unlimited needs. He is always ready to enter into a love affair in order to extinguish his heat. IN sexual life, always very stormy and starting early, goes ahead to the goal, which usually ends with big troubles. " Many believe that Oleg deliberately spreads such rumors about himself. So you don't have to believe everything. There is a big difference between what Oleg wants and what he actually does.

What you can believe is only that Oleg is a cheerful guy who loves to joke, eat delicious food, and also drink something “foreign” in the circle of good friends.

Congratulations on Oleg's birthday:

Do not forget to celebrate Oleg's name day and congratulate Oleg on the day of the angel.

Oleg, I'm on these name days

I want to wish you health

And every moment in this world

Find love and happiness.

Let there be a lot of luck

Do not be afraid of obstacles on the way.

The wide road of life

I wish you go!

Happy birthday, Oleg!

You are a wonderful person,

You are smart and romantic

And we are very cute!

The name "holiness" means

But in you attracts us

Artistry and a certain charm

You are the favorite of many ladies.

Be happy in your destiny

Don't lower your prices!

There is enough strength and will in life -

You deserve a better life!

Happy Angel Day, Oleg, you!

Happy holiday, congratulations

After all, you can't forget about the name day,

I wish you from myself:

Clear sky and sunny days,

Kind, sympathetic, loyal friends,

In the house - prosperity, comfort always,

Let no trouble knocking at his door.

Health, success, smiles in your eyes,

Faith, hope, good luck in business,

In the family - understanding, warmth and love.

Let the flame of youth not go out in blood!

Interestingly, the male name Oleg is derived from the Old Scandinavian word Helga. The paired female name for him is Olga. The name Oleg became widespread in the days of pre-Christian Russia and is associated with the princely dynasty of Rurikovich, in particular, with the prophetic Oleg, who became the first Kiev prince. That is why in those days and many centuries after that commoners were not called by this name. Oleg still sounds somehow potent, solid, so the parents of little Olegs come up with the most incredible - variants of the name from the traditional Olezhka, Olezhek to the unusual types Oles, Lega and Lezhik. The name also gained popularity in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. In Germany and Austria, the female version of the name - Olga - is as common as their native Helga. Oleg's birthday is celebrated on October 3 - on the day of memory of the Holy Blessed Prince Oleg of Bryansk.

You can contact your patron saint with daily prayer: "Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Olezha, as I zealously run to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul."

Life of Oleg Bryansky

The patron saint of the name Oleg The holy noble prince Oleg of Bryansk was the grandson of the holy martyr prince Mikhail of Chernigov. He was brought up in deep faith and distinguished himself from others in piety and striving for God. In 1274, Prince Oleg, together with his father Roman Mikhailovich, took part in a military campaign against Lithuania. Returning from it, Oleg founded a new monastery in Bryansk at his own expense, which still exists today under the name of Peter and Paul. A few years after the death of his father, he took monastic vows, becoming a monk of this monastery, and left his brother to rule. In monasticism, he took the name Vasily. He lived in the monastery all his life, being a strict devotee of the cause of God, where he died in 1285 and was buried at the monastery church.

Long years orthodox Church She refused to baptize children with the name Oleg, because despite the fact that Oleg Bryanskiy was canonized as a saint, he himself was named Leonty at baptism.

The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Oleg Bryanskiy shortly after his death. The relics of the saint were in the church of the Peter and Paul monastery. However, when the church was desecrated in 1930, Bishop Daniel - the abbot of the monastery - secretly buried them. For more than six centuries the servants of the monastery searched for the relics, and only in 1995 the search was crowned with success. Today they rest in the Resurrection Church of the monastery, where pilgrims can come and worship them.

By orthodox calendar bearers of the male name celebrate the name day on October 3. The Orthodox saint revered on this day is Oleg (in monasticism) Romanovich Bryanskiy. Also, this day is the day of memory of the Prophetic Oleg - the blessed Russian prince. In the church form, the name Oleg does not change and remains in the usual variation for us.

In early childhood, Oleg tends to accumulate only bad habits. Wise advice from parents, teachers, and other adults is carelessly ignored. In his preference when choosing friends, greed is traced - Oleg often lets those in his circle of friends who, in his opinion, may be useful to him in some way in the future.

Fortunately for his parents, he gets good grades during his school years, if he does not get into a very bad company, which will take away his interest in studying and instill other, much less useful interests. In this case, he can pick up deuces in all subjects.

It is often difficult to interact with this man, so he chooses the same friends for himself - outstanding personalities. In Oleg, two seemingly contradictory traits are surprisingly combined - pride and self-criticism. Despite the fact that he is usually self-confident, he can often be demanding of himself and criticize his ideas and actions.

Thanks to innate caution, it often comes out dry from the water. Even if you are sure that you are doing the right thing and generally acting correctly, you will still be reinsured once again. This quality often saves him from trouble.

Oleg's characteristic

A man named Oleg is often called a jack of all trades, which he really has gold. He rarely finds like-minded people who can share his views and beliefs, since he is difficult to communicate. Throughout his life he will be accompanied by such qualities as neglect of household affairs, imperiousness and determination. Oleg's inner strength is set for good - it does no harm to anyone, does not humiliate anyone.

This man maintains a strong affection for his mother throughout his life. When choosing a life partner, he will also be guided by his mother, trying to find a woman that best suits her image. The chosen one will have to accept the fact that his mother will always be in the first place for him.

Oleg's marriage will be lasting because he is a faithful spouse. However, the question of raising children will have to be entirely on the shoulders of the wife. This man does not know how to find a common language with them, and in general is not skilled in the intricacies of the educational process. Often his children inherit the hard and intractable disposition of their father.

Saint's story

Saint, revered on October 3 - Bryansk Oleg Romanovich. Mention of him can be found as one of the participants in the campaign against Lithuania in 1274. In 1286 he also took part in the campaign against Smolensk, organized by his father, which ended in failure.

Subsequently, he left the throne, leaving him to his brother Mikhail, taking monastic tonsure at the Bryansk Peter and Paul Monastery.

Saint Oleg has been venerated since 1900. Initially, this decision was made in Bryansk. The local duma declared the day of his memory not a trade one. Memorial Day of Prince Oleg of Bryansk Since 1903, it has been included in the Monthly Words of Russian Saints.

In the early 30s, when Orthodoxy was undergoing severe trials, the relics of Saint Oleg, fortunately, were saved from desecration. They were safely hidden in the Vvedensky Church and have survived to this day.

The people who took part in saving and preserving the relics vowed to keep this action and the location of the relics a secret. Only in the mid-nineties this secret was made public, and the believers again got access to the sacred relics.

Day of the angel Oleg

Orthodox priests are advised, when congratulating the birthday person on the day of the angel, to present him with gifts that are in one way or another related to orthodox faith or the church.

The most appropriate and appropriate gifts are:

  • Nominal icon;
  • Church candles;
  • Spiritual books;
  • A vessel for holy water.

Honest and sincere words spoken from the heart are most suitable for congratulations. You should not strive for the beauty of the syllable.
