Genital piercing is an integral aspect of sexual freedom, an opportunity to complement and beautify yourself and your sex life
It is equally important that it is made by an experienced, reputable professional in a safe environment and that the jewelry is made from safe material.

What you need to know about intimate piercing:

1. Intimate piercing - does it hurt or not?
Clients notice that the pain during genital piercing is the same as when piercing other parts of the body, if not less.
Some piercings (clitoral and glans piercings) can be more painful. But in general - any piercing is tolerable and done in the blink of an eye!

Jellyfish piercings are not yet popular with body modification fans, so it might be a good choice for those looking to step out of the ranks and choose a different type of piercing. Anyone who fears the pain of a piercing jellyfish can calm down. Because it is a thin area, perforation is rapid and pain can range from mild to moderate, depending on the person's sensitivity. In addition, the swelling, which can cause discomfort, should only last for 3 and 7 days.

While the outside of the piercing appears to be on the skin, on the inside, it has contact with the oral mucosa. Therefore, the main concern is in cleaning up food debris and should be done daily. Jellyfish piercing scars should take 8 to 12 weeks to complete.

Toxic addicts, alcoholics and people with mental disabilities should also not get pierced in intimate places. Be sure to check for allergies to the materials from which the jewelry is made.

How to protect yourself from possible complications?

  1. Only professionals who are licensed and properly educated should trust the piercing in intimate and other places.
  2. Make sure the instruments in the salon are sterile.
  3. Choose quality jewelry made from biologically inert metals - surgical steel, titanium, gold, platinum.
  4. Follow all specialist recommendations for puncture site treatment and healing time. It is not necessary to resume sexual activity until the wound is completely healed. This will take about a month.
  5. At the slightest discomfort in the puncture zone, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When deciding to pierce the genitals, you can watch videos about this process. You can find them through a search engine by entering a query, for example, "how do intimate piercing". Also read reviews of the procedure on various forums. One more thing. This decision should be discussed with your sexual partner. Who knows, what if this innovation will not be to his liking ...

Female piercing is the piercing of soft tissue in the genital area and the placement of jewelry in order to improve aesthetic appearance and physical pleasure. This is an extreme type of piercing that is associated with a range of painful sensations, limitations, and can cause serious health problems. The procedure is carried out only by qualified specialists.

Features and types of genital piercing

A genital or intimate piercing is a puncture of the skin with a needle. The fashion for punctures in this area appeared during the sexual revolution in the 1960s. Every man and woman who sought to demonstrate their freedom to the world made a puncture on their genitals.

Types of piercing in an intimate place for girls:

  • Nefirtiti. A beautiful erotic option for decorating a female organ. The earring is located deep under the clitoral nerve. Rejection rarely occurs, healing is quick without complications. You can use a large bright stone as a decoration.
  • Triangle. The holes are made with a triangle in the labia minora and the clitoral hood. The jewelry is inserted under the clitoris, lifting it up and making it more accessible for stimulation during sex.
  • Ladies' frenulum. Piercing is rare. It is done in the area of \u200b\u200bthe frenum located between the anus and the vagina.
  • Isabel. A rare and difficult piercing option. The adornment adjusts to the body, going deeply around the clitoris. A bioplastic or titanium curved bar with smooth fixing balls is inserted into the hole, which allows it not to cling to the laundry and not injure the channel.
  • Christina. The earring adorns the place where the pubis and the labia majora meet. Many women note that with Christina, they constantly feel discomfort when wearing tight clothes.
  • Clitoris piercing. This option is not suitable for all girls; it requires a special anatomical structure. If the clitoris is open and large, a horizontal puncture is made. If the organ is small, completely closed, it is shown a vertical puncture. If safety is paramount, then it is best to prick the hood. Nerve endings are not affected. The balls on the earring can provide additional stimulating pleasure.
  • Hole in the labia majora. The place is chosen individually, depending on the wishes. The first option is to be located near the clitoris, the second is in the place where the vagina is. The lip heals for a long time - 3-4 months.
  • Puncture of the small lips. The easiest to perform and quickest to heal.

The bikini area is a place of accumulation of nerve endings and blood vessels, so punctures in it should be done carefully so as not to provoke infection and bleeding.

Puncture rules

There are many dangers to female intimate piercing. Not every salon is licensed for this type of service. The vagina and surrounding tissues are not the navel, they have many functions, and damage can lead to serious health problems. If you decide on a genital puncture, select a master responsibly.

How is a puncture done in an intimate place:

  1. The site of the future puncture is chosen, marking, disinfection is carried out.
  2. The master injects the anesthetic. Sterilizes instruments.
  3. A canal is formed with a special needle with a catheter.
  4. A jewelry is inserted into the empty edge of the catheter and inserted into the puncture.
  5. The earring is fixed in the wound.
  6. Re-treatment is carried out with an aseptic solution.

At the end of the procedure, the master must tell you in detail how to care for the piercing.

What are the dangers of puncture and does it hurt

Before going to the master, you need to find out in detail what dangers lie in wait.

  • Rejection of jewelry due to the development of an allergic reaction to the metal from which the product is made.
  • Nerve damage and, as a result, loss of sensation.
  • The development of bacterial infections due to a violation of the sterility of the working tool and poor hygiene.
  • Unaesthetic scar after earring removal and canal overgrowth.

In order for vaginal and clitoral piercing to bring pleasure and not become a mistake in life, you need to properly prepare for it. An important condition is a preliminary check for genital infections.

Do not carry out the procedure yourself! A home puncture is dangerous to health, there is a high risk of damage to the nerve plexuses, the development of bleeding.

To reduce pain, the master proposes to anesthetize an intimate place. If the client has a high sensitivity to anesthetics, then the procedure is carried out without the use of medications. The pain is severe, but lasts a few minutes. For several days, you can take analgesics.

Intimate Piercing Care

In order for the wound to heal quickly and without complications, it is necessary to properly care for it. In this case, the key to a successful outcome is compliance with simple hygiene rules.

  • Treat the hole with a disinfectant solution twice a day.
  • Do not use greasy creams.
  • In the first three days, it is forbidden to take a hot bath, replace it with a warm shower.
  • For two weeks, exclude the pool, sauna, sports, solarium.
  • For 10-14 days, a ban on sexual contacts.
  • If you have a pubic piercing, gently work the tissues around and the belly underneath.

Red skin around the wound, burning, pain are indications for seeking medical attention. If an allergic reaction to the earring develops, you will have to remove it and replace it with another one or overgrow the puncture.


Female genital piercing is a medical procedure with contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • reduced protective function of immunity;
  • diseases of the skin;
  • diseases of internal organs in the acute phase;
  • mental disorders;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • increased body temperature;
  • viral disease.

If at least one of these symptoms or conditions is observed, skip the procedure. Failure to comply with all conditions threatens long-term healing and problems with the engraftment of jewelry.

How it affects your sex life

Why are intimate punctures done? Many couples believe that there is nothing more erotic and exciting than having a pair piercing, for example, Prince Albert and the clitoral piercing. In the photo, gold in the intimate area looks beautiful, but does it really help improve the quality of sexual relations?

There are two sides:

  1. Many owners of vaginal jewelry notice an increase in sensitivity and receive additional stimulation of erogenous zones.
  2. Not every girl is able to have fun and relax, knowing that an earring with an awkward movement can injure both partners.

When making decisions about your genital piercing, consider all factors and think carefully about your decision. Experts recommend consulting with a partner to choose the best solution for both. If both are open to experimentation, you can try one of the simpler options and then move on to something more serious and extreme.

The article contains materials for adults. By reading, you agree that you are over 18 years old. Due to its unusualness, this view

The article contains materials for adults. By reading, you agree that you are over 18 years old.

Due to its unusual nature, this type of puncture is not as popular as piercing of lips or ears: someone is afraid of pain, someone worries that the puncture will heal poorly, someone simply does not like it. In a spicy article, we dispel fears associated with intimate piercings, talk about the types and what should be considered when preparing for the procedure.

Why pierce intimate places

One word: pleasure. Such piercing brings rich notes to the sex life and delights both partners - the sensitivity increases, the sensations from intercourse become brighter. People around you do not see an intimate puncture, so beauty is in second place, but the variety of jewelry - bars, rings, pendants with rhinestones - will satisfy the taste of both a feminine lady and a daring girl with a twinkle in her eyes.




Types of female intimate piercing

Puncture of the labia minora

The simplest and fastest healing puncture. Virtually no inconvenience. Another name is Inner Labia.


Puncture of the labia majora

It is performed along the entire length of the labia, but it is important not to do it close to the perineum, so that it does not hurt when sitting. Another name is Outer Labia.


Puncture of the skin fold (hood) above the clitoris

The most popular type of intimate piercing is performed vertically or horizontally. Stimulates the clitoris when walking or having sex. Another name is Hood.



Clitoris puncture

Vertical or horizontal piercing, due to the structure of the clitoris, is difficult and difficult to perform - you can disturb the sensitivity instead of increasing it. Contact the professionals! Another name is Clitoris.


Female bridle puncture

The most unpopular type of piercing due to its complexity is not suitable for everyone, heals for a long time, it is easy to damage, difficult to care for. Another name is Fourchette.


“My hood is pierced over my clitoris. It looks very nice, the earring is like in the navel, only smaller. It hurts to stab, but the pain is second, only at the very moment of the puncture. It is unrealistic for them to catch on, except perhaps on a washcloth, but you need to carefully wash your intimate zone :) The sensations become sharper, I do not regret anything! "

- comment from the women's forum in the topic about piercing

Preparation for the procedure

It is important not only to decide on an extravagant type of piercing, but also to take the preparation responsibly - the puncture site is gentle and requires more attention.

    Wash and shave on the day of your procedure.
    This is a must, we think no explanation is required :)

    Do not take alcohol or blood thinners 3 days before the procedure.
    This is very important, otherwise the puncture will become very painful and bleed for a long time.

    Free up time.
    The procedure takes about half an hour, to feel comfortable during the session, take care of your free time.

We do not use pain relief for this type of piercing to avoid anaphylactic shock (acute allergic reaction). Don't worry - the pain threshold is different for everyone, but in 8 out of 10 cases, female piercings are no more painful than a piercing of the ears or tongue.

Sanitary standards and contraindications

We take a responsible approach to sanitary standards in any procedures: everything happens with gloves, in the process we use disposable sterile consumables and needles, we insert hypoallergenic jewelry made of titanium, surgical steel or bioplast.

We do not make intimate punctures if

    Have cardiovascular, venereal or skin diseases

    Mental disorders present

    You are drunk on the day of the procedure

    You are under 18 years old

    Due to anatomical features

The master communicates with each client at a consultation before the procedure in order to find out about individual contraindications. Be ready to show your passport or license if you suddenly need it.

It is possible to pierce through the soft tissues of the body and place any objects in the resulting holes for a variety of reasons: the ancient Romans, for example, quite practically used rings threaded into the nipples to fix their cloaks. And the famous "avant-garde" Prince Albert, whose name bears one of the most popular options for male genital piercing today, once pierced his own glans penis in order to "tie" the latter to ... thigh: this was required by the style of his favorite tight-fitting trousers, " conflicting "with the anatomical features of the royal person.
What is intimate piercing for?

To understand the psychology of installing a piercing on your body, you should remember that piercing is, first of all, decoration. Sex takes a significant place in our lives, and therefore it is not surprising to want to use earrings to stimulate your partner and yourself. In this case, piercing is done on parts of the body that are actively involved in love games. This is primarily the tongue and directly the genitals. For example, piercing the clitoris enhances the sensation of stimulation. For this, the clitoris is usually pierced, or the fold above it. Such a piercing is most often done by those who are over 35 years old and who already want new sensations, impressions for themselves and their partner. Moreover, a person does not necessarily have a complex of insufficient sexual attractiveness. Just additional attention among potential partners expands the opportunities for acquaintance, and helps some to find a reason to start a conversation. Piercing of the labia is also sometimes done, but it is more of a decorative function. Such a puncture heals for a very short time - about a month. It is contraindicated to engage in sex until complete healing.

Male intimate piercings are much more diverse, piercing the foreskin, glans, frenulum and testicles. Healing takes place in the same way as with a female intimate piercing. The goal is to evoke a special sexual sensation in the partner. When performed by women, piercings in intimate places are completely safe. In men, it can cause a violation of physiological functions, including due to the formation of scar tissue. As a rule, intimate piercing is the desire for a more abundant range of sensations in sex.
Contraindications for intimate piercing

First of all, intimate piercing is contraindicated for people with blood diseases, systemic diseases of internal organs (kidneys, lungs, heart) and skin diseases (psoriasis, furunculosis, eczema). A common chronic disease such as diabetes is also a contraindication. Decreased immunity, delayed healing is also a contraindication for piercing. You can not deal with punctures and people with mental pathology, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics. The question of the presence of an allergy to metals is mandatory: if there is an allergic reaction, then piercing is contraindicated.
Healing time of intimate piercing

Every body deals with the healing period of a piercing differently. The healing time for an intimate piercing varies from 1 week to several months. Taking into account the characteristics of the organism of each client, the master issues a memo indicating the drugs that contribute to the speedy and safe healing, as well as how to use them correctly.
Types of intimate piercing in men
Prince albert

This type of piercing has been known since the Victorian era. The eccentric Prince Albert, whose name this method is named after, had a ring threaded into the head of the penis to maintain a flaccid organ, not wanting to offend his wife, Queen Victoria. A puncture was made into the base of the head through the urethra. The procedure is performed quickly and does not lead to complications. The punctured skin is very thin and heals quickly. Despite the fact that both partners like this piercing, after the procedure it is better to refrain from intercourse for two weeks. Supposed jewelry: ball ring.

It is still not very well known in the West and not many have experienced it on themselves. Popular in the Indonesian islands, where it is performed as a boy-to-man initiation. The puncture is made horizontally through the head. The bar can pass both through the urethra and next to it. Intended decoration: barbell.

This is a vertical piercing. Crosses the head so that the bottom ball is under its base. This method of piercing is even mentioned in the Kamasutra (an ancient Indian treatise on love), because it brings pleasure to both men and women. This is one of the most difficult genital piercing options. In order for the canal to heal ideally, it is necessary to refrain from intimate relationships for several months. Intended decoration: barbell.

This type of piercing is of recent origin. Usually, a pair puncture is made on both sides of the head. Small surgical steel bars are inserted. Many owners of this piercing say that during intimate relationships they were able to regain the sensations lost both by themselves and by their partners. Intended decoration: barbell.

Piercing of European origin. Used as a stimulant to ensure long-term enjoyment. A puncture is made into the skin at the base of the head, the ring passes through the skin and bends around the penis. During intercourse, the ring compresses the organ and delays ejaculation. The size of the ring is selected individually. The procedure is quick and easy. One of the easiest types of genital piercing. Supposed jewelry: ball ring.
Types of intimate piercing in women
Inner Labia

Performed on the labia minora. It is the simplest female genital piercing as the thin skin of the labia minora is easily pierced and heals faster than any other body piercing. Brings variety to intimate relationships. A prerequisite is to keep clean until complete healing. Supposed jewelry: ball ring.
Outer Labia

The labia majora forms the outside of the vulva. Punctures can be performed along the entire length, but if they are too close to the perineum, they can cause pain when sitting. The labia majora are thicker than the labia majora and take longer to heal completely. Modern women who choose this type of piercing like the fact that the rings additionally stimulate sexual sensations. In ancient Rome, as well as in Persia, India and Africa, such punctures were widespread, albeit for other purposes: a puncture was made in two lips in the form of a lock in order to prevent sexual intercourse and maintain innocence. In Europe, on the contrary, a ring in the genitals becomes a gift to a partner. Supposed jewelry: ball ring.

Piercing is very trendy among modern girls. A thin fold of skin is pierced above the clitoris. Can be executed both horizontally and vertically. It stimulates the clitoris during walking and intercourse. Intended jewelry: micro rod, ball ring.

This piercing is intense, but the procedure is very risky and difficult to perform. Can be performed both horizontally and vertically in the center or base of the clitoris. Supposed jewelry: ball ring.
Intimate piercing care

The area of \u200b\u200bintimate piercing is very rich in blood vessels, so drilling it can lead to serious complications - severe bleeding, subsequent infection. In addition, pain may occur when urinating. Sometimes this kind of problem is forced to resort to ambulance surgeons.

Fresh piercings require consistent care in order to exclude inflammation: For two weeks at least twice a day, wash the wound with a special disinfectant, until complete healing, use only fat-free disinfectant creams and abandon the sauna, pool and solarium, swimming in natural waters and, especially at sea - salty sea water interferes with healing.

In case of complications - such as severe redness, pain, etc., you should immediately consult a dermatologist who may remove the jewelry. If everything went without inflammation, the first jewelry should be worn until the wound is completely healed; otherwise, dirt can get into the wound, then inflammation cannot be avoided. Do not use other than recommended preparations for wiping.
Materials used for intimate piercing

Surgical steel
Gold plated titanium
Black titanium
Intimate piercing rules

1. In no case should you trust the piercing to your friends, even if they have a diploma in medical education, or do the piercing yourself.

2. Do not treat the puncture site with alcohol-containing substances, unless such care is recommended by a specialist.

3. Before visiting the piercing salon, it is recommended to eat to avoid dizziness and weakness, but in no case drink even low-alcohol drinks.

4. Having come to the master, it does not hurt to ask how he sterilizes his instruments.

5. Make sure that the jewelry, which will soon take place in the skin or other soft tissues, is made of biologically inert metals - gold, platinum, titanium or surgical steel (there is no need to "save" here).

6. The piercer must provide all necessary guidance on "management", both "preoperative" and "postoperative" periods. Including explanations on the "pluses" and "minuses" of piercing a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and the peculiarities of hygienic care for them.

And, of course, do not forget that if something suddenly goes, not quite smoothly, or even not at all smoothly, you should see a doctor. It is better to do this as early as possible - in this situation, even one single hour may be important.

Genital piercing is an integral aspect of sexual freedom, an opportunity to complement and beautify yourself and your sex life
It is equally important that it is made by an experienced, reputable professional in a safe environment and that the jewelry is made from safe material.

What you need to know about intimate piercing:

1. Intimate piercing - does it hurt or not?
Clients notice that the pain during genital piercing is the same as when piercing other parts of the body, if not less.
Some piercings (clitoral and glans piercings) can be more painful. But in general - any piercing is tolerable and done in the blink of an eye!

2. Does an intimate piercing take a long time to heal?
The genital tissue is extremely elastic and has a large number of blood vessels - this promotes rapid healing of the piercing.
With rare exceptions, genital piercings will heal completely within a month or two, while other tissues (ear cartilage, navel, nipples, cheeks) may
heal for six months or more.
Rapid healing minimizes the possibility of various infections getting into the puncture.

3. Is it easy for such a puncture to get an infection?
No, clothing protects genital piercings from dirt in the air, which can cause infection and irritation of facial piercings.
The main cause of infection in genital piercings is unprotected sexual intercourse. Rapid healing reduces infection to intimate punctures to almost zero.

4. Can I have sex after an intimate piercing?
The piercer must explain not only the rules of piercing care, but also emphasize
that during healing all sexual and oral contact should be safe in terms of fluid exchange: either barriers (such as condoms) should be used,
or abstain.

5.Can intimate piercings be done to minors?
No, before the age of 18, even with parental permission, this is unacceptable! It is advisable to wait even 20-21 years.
But in fact, these punctures are most often done by adults in search of new sensations.

BOTTOM LINE: genital piercings are safe and easy to heal if done correctly by an experienced and skilled artisan in a sanitary studio,
if the client cares for him and refrains from unsafe contacts.
Punctures of intimate places are now chosen by many people of different ages, professions and mores in order to discover new facets of sensations, to be liberated and to love themselves and their bodies even more.

Types of female intimate piercing

1. Vertical puncture of the clitoral hood.
One of the most popular intimate punctures and for good reason: the time for complete healing is fast (6-8 weeks), the puncture itself is no more painful than a puncture of the earlobe!
This type of piercing is anatomically suitable for most girls and looks very cute, because you can put beautiful jewelry with crystals or opals,
which will not only stimulate the clitoris area, but also decorate it!
Microbananas or J-bananas are inserted into a fresh puncture, choosing the length depending on the individual anatomy and personal wishes.

2. Horizontal puncture of the clitoral hood.
This type of piercing also completely heals from 6 to 8 weeks, causing a minimum of discomfort and discomfort.
However, it is mainly done for aesthetic purposes, since due to anatomy it is rather difficult to achieve organ stimulation.
A horseshoe jewelry or ring is placed in a fresh puncture

3. "Christina"
Perhaps the most beautiful puncture! But, alas, it carries only aesthetic goals.
It is not suitable for everyone, but mainly for girls who have large labia "cover" the head of the clitoris. But for an exact verdict, you must definitely contact the master for advice.
If the anatomy is suitable for a classic piercing, then the jewelry must be L-shaped (Christina L-Bar). Only this shape of jewelry is suitable for primary piercing!
The L-bar can be made in a standard metallic color with metal balls, or with crystals, beautiful natural stones or opals.
Such a puncture takes longer to heal due to its location - from 6 to 8 months.

4. Punctures of the labia minora.
Healing is just as fast - about 4-8 weeks
Often they are made in pairs (symmetry of punctures), sometimes single or vice versa - numerous.
Such a puncture can stimulate the partner's penis during sex.
Basically, for primary piercing, they choose an ornament - a ring.

5. Punctures of the labia majora.
Complete healing takes a little longer than in small ones - 2-3 months.
Such punctures can also bring new sensations to the partner, if properly positioned.
Decorating with a fresh puncture - rings.

6. Triangle.
Healing time is 2 to 3 months.
This type of piercing is not suitable for everyone due to the anatomical features, but those who do are very lucky!
This piercing helps to obtain satisfaction during intercourse or masturbation.
A ring with a ball or circular, suitable in size, is placed in such a puncture.

7. Puncture of the clitoris.
This puncture is done very rarely, for two reasons:
Firstly, for a puncture you need a large enough clitoris and the ability to "bare" it for a puncture, and secondly, this puncture is quite painful, which frightens off many women.

Remember that in order to choose your puncture, first you need to contact the master for advice, trust his experience and recommendations.
Intimate piercing is absolutely nothing terrible, very painful and embarrassing, often everything is exactly the opposite!

Juliana Ralph
