With the correct calculations, the electric telfer can withstand the double load. But this does not mean that it is necessary to exploit it at full capacity. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the operating mode specified in the passport of the mechanism.

At the time of installation, the work of the workshop stops. Preliminary checking the technical condition of the suspension path. The monorail path must have grounding. If there is no such, the masters should produce the inclusive metal parts. Grounding wire should be of another color so that it can be distinguished from the power wire.

Mount the electric telfer on the monorail path can be in any part of it. But in the case of installing the device, it is not necessary to disassemble the carts. Also, for more convenient execution of all works, you can remove the hook suspension and the switch panel. After mounting the trolley, the panel and the hook are collected again and mounted on the lifting mechanism.

After the telfer is mounted on the monorail path, it connects to the power grid. By connecting all cables, check. The lifting mechanism hook should move in the direction indicated on the switch. The correctness of the connection of the phases is determined by the position of the rod-stage. He must remain in the middle of the drum.

If you want to use the talfer on the open area, where it is not provided for the power supply, then alternative option serve tal manual.

Preparation for commissioning

Telfer can not be commissioned immediately after installation. The whole mechanism is necessarily subject to checking and debugging. First produce visual inspectionduring which:

  • the reliability of all compounds and the oil level is checked;
  • adjusts the operation of starters and switches;
  • checked electromagnet, ring collector and brush holder.

When you first start the mechanism, the load is not given. The telfer performance is checked, the brake system is configured, check the "Stop" button. If everything works properly, the nominal cargo is supplied to the hook. With a positive result and confirmation that the installation of the telfer is made correctly, the mechanism is put into operation.

This Labor Protection Instructions when working with an electrothelter is available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. The worker is allowed to work with the electrothelfer, which has the necessary theoretical and practical training, which has passed a medical examination and not having contraindications for health reasons, which has passed the introductory and primary instructions for labor protection and training, certified by the Qualification Commission and received admission to independent work.
1.2. An electric worker working with the electroteller (hereinafter - the employee) must periodically, at least once a year, to undergo training and verify knowledge of labor protection requirements and receive admission to the work of increased danger.
1.3. The worker, regardless of the qualifications and experience of the work, at least once every three months should be repeatedly instructed on labor protection; In case of violations of the requirements of labor protection, as well as during a break in work for more than 30 calendar days, it must pass an unscheduled briefing.
1.4. An employee allowed to control the electrothelfer should know: the rules of the device and the safe operation of the load-lifting cranes (in the part it relating). Instructions for the manufacturer of the manufacturer of the operated electrotelfer. The device and appointment of its mechanisms and safety devices. Safe taking straps and cargo hooks. Ways to determine the suitability of ropes, removable lifting devices. Rules, norms and instructions for labor protection and fire safety. Terms of use of primary fire extinguishing means. Ways to provide first aid for accidents. Rules of the internal employment regulation of the organization.
1.5. An employee, who showed unsatisfactory skills and knowledge of the safe control of the electrothelfer and hanging the cargo on the hook of such a machine, is not allowed to independently.
1.6. An employee working with the electrothelfer should be aware that an electrothelfer should be subjected to a periodic technical examination.
1.7. An employee, aimed at participating in the unusual profession of work, must undergo targeted briefing on the safe performance of upcoming work.
1.8. The employee is prohibited to use the tool, fixtures and equipment, which is not trained in safe handling.
1.9. While working with the electrothelfer, an employee may have an adverse effect, mainly the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
- incident cargo (for example, with incorrect loading of cargo or cliff of a string);
- electric current, the path of which in the event of a closure can pass through the human body;
- unprotected movable (rotating) elements, parts, electrical assemblies;
- sharp edges, burrs, roughness on the surface of steel ropes, electrothelfer moving goods.
1.10. An employee operating an electrothelter during operation should use the means of individual protection against the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors.
1.11. To prevent the possibility of fire, the employee must comply with the requirements of fire safety himself and prevent violations of these requirements by other employees; Smoking is allowed only in specially designated places.
1.12. The employee is obliged to observe the labor and production discipline, the rules of the internal labor regulation. It is not allowed to perform work, being in a state of alcohol intoxication or in a state caused by the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other foaming substances, and drink alcoholic beverages, use drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other foaming substances in the workplace or in working time;
1.13. If an accident happened to anyone from the workers, then the victim need to provide first aid, to report an incident that happened and maintain the situation of the incident, if it does not create dangers for others.
1.14. An employee, if necessary, should be able to provide the first help to the victim, use a medical aid kit.
1.15. To prevent the ability of diseases, the employee should comply with the rules of personal hygiene, including, before taking food, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.
1.16. The worker who made a violation or failure to comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions, is considered as a violator of production discipline and can be attracted to disciplinary responsibility, and depending on the consequences - and to criminal; If the violation is associated with the causing material damage, then the perpetrator can be involved in the material responsibility in the prescribed manner.

2. Requirements for labor protection before work

2.1. Before starting work, we should wear overalls, footwear and other necessary means of individual protection against the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors.
2.2. Overalls must be appropriate, clean and not shy movements.
2.3. Before proceeding to work on the electroder, you need to make sure of the health of all its mechanisms.
2.4. Before starting work with the electrothelfer, you must perform the following:
2.4.1. Inspect the machine mechanisms, their mount and brakes.
2.4.2. Check fit of flexible electric cable and control panel.
2.4.3. In the available places the state of the ropes, their lubrication.
2.4.4. View the hook and its fastening in the clip.
2.4.5. Check availability and serviceability of safety devices (limit switches, etc.).
2.4.6. Check availability and functioning of the grounding conductor to the starter box, as well as the serviceability of the start buttons, the serviceability of the insulation on electric wiring.
2.5. Before starting work, you should check the compliance of removable lifting accessories of mass and the nature of the cargo, their health and availability of information about the date of the last test.
2.6. The inspection of the flexible electrical cable should be made when the switch is disconnected.
2.7. After an inspection of an electric device before it starts, it is necessary to test the operation of its mechanisms at idle and check the operation of the action: electrical drive electric drive, safety devices, brakes, lifting limiter in height.
2.8. When detecting during inspection and testing of the electric faults or disadvantages that prevent safe operation, and the impossibility of eliminating their forces on its own, prohibit operation on such an electrotelfer.
2.9. You can not start working on the electroteller if the following faults are available:
- cracks or deformations in the metal structures of the electric device;
- the number of cliffs of cargo and cable wires or superficial wear exceeds the established norm, as well as a torn strand or other damage;
- Defects of the mechanism of lifting cargo, threatening work safety;
- damage to the parts of the brake of the cargo lifting mechanism;
- hook wear in Zeva, exceeding 10% of the initial height of the section;
- the absence of fence mechanisms and the presence of naked current-carrying parts of electrical equipment.
2.10. The electrotelfer control button housing must be made of insulating material or grounded by at least two conductor.
2.11. The electrothel fleet must have a device for self-return to the zero position; When using contactors for this, the hold of them should be possible only when you continuously press the start button.
2.12. The suspension of the control apparatus should be carried out on the steel cable of such a length, which would allow the employee that controls the mechanism to be at a safe distance from the lifting load; The control apparatus must be located at an altitude of 1000 to 1500 mm from the floor.
2.13. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the absence of foreign objects on the way of moving the cargo and ensure the free passage for the person controlling the electrothelfer from the floor.

3. Requirements for labor protection during work

3.1. While working with the electrothelfer, it is impossible to be distracted from the fulfillment of their direct duties.
3.2. Before carrying out any movement of the electrothelfer, it is necessary to make sure that there is no lifting machine putting people.
3.3. While working on the strapping and accessory of cargo, the following security rules should be followed:
3.3.1. When lining the cargo, the ropes and chains must be superimposed on its main array (body, bed, frame, frame) without knots, twist and loops.
3.3.2. To protect the slings from damage, under the ribs of the cargo should be put on a special lining.
3.3.3. Turning the cargo in such a way that during its movement, the drop in its individual parts was excluded and the stable load position was provided when moving.
3.4. When strapping and hooking goods, the following is prohibited:
3.4.1. Production of the load, the mass of which is not known or if the weight of the cargo exceeds the carrying capacity of the electric device.
3.4.2. Use damaged or unmarked shipping devices.
3.4.3. Apply for strapping and engagement of cargoes not intended for this tools (wedge belts, wire, lows, pins and other random items).
3.4.4. To correct the hands of the nodes and loops in the tensioned ropes and chains.
3.4.5. Strong hammer blows, scrap slings on the lifted cargo.
3.5. When lining the cargo, it is necessary to select slings (ropes, chains) of such a length so that the angle between the branches of the slings when the cargo suspension on the hook was not more than 90 degrees.
3.6. Before lifting the cargo, you must perform the following operations:
3.6.1. Ensure that the load is securely fixed and no one is held.
3.6.2. Check, whether there is no unfinished details and tools on the load.
3.6.3. Make sure that the cargo during the lifting can not be cling for anything.
3.6.4. Make sure there are no people near the cargo, between the raised cargo and walls, columns, stacks, equipment.
3.7. When lifting and moving the cargo, the following security requirements must be performed:
3.7.1. Ensure that the mass of the lifted cargo does not exceed the carrying capacity of the electric device.
3.7.2. If the weight is close to the permitted loading capacity of the electric device, then the load should be raised to the height of 200-300 mm, check the correctness of the lines, the uniformity of the tension of the slings, the effect of the brakes, and only after that you can raise the load to the necessary height.
3.7.3. If you need to correct the lines, the load must be omitted.
3.7.4. Before horizontal movement of cargo, you need to make sure that the cargo is at a height of at least 0.5 m above the objects found on the way.
3.7.5. When moving the cargo, it is necessary to accompany it and ensure that it cannot be clinging for anything.
3.7.6. Lifting a bulk and small cargo should be produced in a specially designed container.
3.8. To avoid accidents, when lifting and moving, cargo is prohibited:
3.8.1. To be on the cargo during lifting or movement, as well as allow the rise or move the cargo if other people are located on it.
3.8.2. To be under the raised cargo or to allow other people under it.
3.8.3. Pull the load during its lifting, moving and lowering.

4. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

4.1. If the electrothelfer malfunction will be seen during lifting or movement, then it is necessary to immediately stop climbing or moving the cargo, lower it to the floor and report an happening person responsible for the safe production of works by cranes.
4.2. With a sudden stop of an electric device due to the disappearance of electrical voltage on a network or jamming of moving parts, it is necessary to immediately disable the electrothel fleet from the network.
4.3. In case of accident, poisoning, a sudden disease, you must immediately provide the first assistance to the victim, call a doctor or help to deliver the victim to the doctor, and then inform the manager about what happened.
4.4. When a fire is detected or signs of burning in the territory working area (Skurning, smell Gary, temperature rise, etc.) It is necessary to immediately notify the fireguard on the phone 101 or 112 and take measures to extinguish the focus of ignition using primary fire extinguishing facilities.

5. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

5.1. After the end of the work, you can not leave the cargo in limbo.
5.2. Upon completion of the work, it should be cleaned of dirt and put on the order of loading devices, a tool and other snap.
5.3. At the end of the work, we should remove the workwear, footwear and other means of individual protection and remove them to the installed place of storage, if necessary, go to washing, cleaning.
5.4. The problems of electrothelfer, shipping devices and auxiliary tools seen in the process of work and malfunctions, as well as other violations of labor protection claims should be informed with its direct supervisor.
5.5. At the end of the work, you should thoroughly wash the hands with warm water with soap, if necessary, take a shower.

1.1. Persons not under 18 years old, specially trained and certified in accordance with the above-mentioned rules may be allowed to control the waist and rigging work, and having a mark on this.

1.2. The load-lifting mechanisms (tali, winches) must be kept and operated in accordance with the "rules of the device and the safe operation of lifting cranes" and "the rules of safe operation with the tool and adaptations."

1.3. The name of the enterprise, the inventory number, carrying capacity and the date of the next technical inspection should be indicated on the Washing Tale.

1.4.Mont and the maintenance of electrotals should produce electrotechnical personnel with a group not lower than III. Working basic professions, which, by the nature of the work being performed, are related to the operation of Talya, the adjacent profession should be trained in a special program. They must be certified in the qualifying commission and the certificate has been recorded on admission to the execution of solo work.

1.5. Electrical tale housings must be grounded. The housing of the floor control control unit must be made of insulating material, or grounded by at least two conductors, a cable on which a push-button device is suspended as one of the grounding conductors.

1.6. The launching machines of manual thawami should be suspended on the steel cable of such a length so that the mechanism can be controlled by being at a safe distance from the lifted cargo. In the case of the location of the control apparatus less than 0.5 m from the floor, it should be swapped on the hook, reinforced on the cable at an altitude of 1-1.5m.

1.7. Electrical etchers must be equipped with limit switches to automatically stop the mechanism of lifting the lifting organ. When lifting the cargo with electric hoists, bring the hook hook to the end switch and use the latter to automatically stop.

1.8. Electrical etchers should be equipped with two brakes: electromagnetic and cargo-resistant. The coefficient of braking the electromagnetic brake must be at least 1.25, and the cargo-resistant 1.1. Electric hoists must be equipped with a load limiter and the lower position limiter of the hook suspension.

1.9. The manual lifting mechanism must be equipped with an automatic freight brake. The brake must provide a smooth lowering of the cargo when the traction wheel is rotated under the action of the thrust force and the automatic stop of the cargo during its termination. 1.10. Farm manual Tali It is prohibited to pipelines and their suspensions.

1.11. Stationary Taly tests are carried out at the site of their installation, portable tali testers are suspended to a tripod or any other design.

1.12. Tali, at least 1 time in 12 months, should be exposed to a complete technical examination.

1.13. An extraordinary complete technical inspection of load-based mechanisms should be made after their reconstruction, repair metal structures mechanisms with the replacement of settlement elements or nodes, overhaul Or changing mechanisms, replace the hook.

1.14. Technical inspection should carry out an engineering and technical worker who exercises the supervision of lifting mechanisms at the enterprise, with the participation of a person responsible for their serviceable state.

1.15. A static testing of load-lifting mechanisms is carried out by the load, by 25% exceeding their nominal capacity in order to test the strength of the mechanisms and their individual elements. With a static test, the test load rises to a height of 100 mm and is held in this position for 10 minutes.

1.16. A lifting mechanism that maintains a static test is subject to dynamic test.

1.17. Dynamic testing of the load-lifting mechanism should be carried out by cargo, by 10% higher than the nominal load capacity of the mechanism, in order to verify the action of its brakes.
The inhibition reserve coefficient, depending on the mode of operation and the generation of the mechanism, should be 1.5-2.5.

1.18. Dynamic tests are repeated (at least 6 times) rises to a height of at least 1m and lowering testing.

1.19. Dynamic tests are checked brakes, limit switches, smooth operation of cargo and traction chains. In case of detection of inciges, skips or sliding chains over an asterisk and traction wheels, the hoists are married.

1.20. With a dynamic testing of electrotals, brake operation should be checked separately. To check the brakes during operations, mechanisms must be at least 3 times stopped in each direction.

1.21. With a dynamic test, all operations should be carried out 2 times, the valve of the lower position of the hook suspension should be checked.
After the end of the test, the load capacity limiter must be adjusted and checking its action.

1.22. When testing tags, there should be no spontaneous lowering of cargo. When cracking, breaks and deformities are branded.

1.23. A dynamic test of electric tale with a cargo in excess of 25% of their nominal load capacity is allowed. In this case, a static test is allowed not to conduct.

1.24. The date and results of the technical inspection of the load-lifting mechanism, the person who produced the survey records the mechanism into the passport with an indication of the term of the following examination, as well as information about the repairs performed.

1.25. Before starting to work, after major repairs and periodically, but at least 1 time per year, the insulation resistance of electrical equipment was insulated with a stress of 500 V. The insulation resistance should be at least 0.5 MΩ.

1.26. Electrical equipment of tale, having insulation resistance less than 0.5 MΩ must be dry.

2. Safety requirements before starting work.

2.1. The place of work of the Tali should be determined so that the space is sufficient to review the working area and maneuvering.

2.2. The mass of cargo subject to the lifting should be determined to lifting. Load for lifting mechanisms should not exceed their carrying capacity.

2.3. For goods that have available special devices (hinges, trimps, frames) are designed to lift the cargo in various positions, the schemes of their lines should be developed.

2.4. The status of Taly should be checked before each application.

2.5. Before the start of production, the electrostal must be examined.
At the same time, attention should be drawn to their purity, the presence of lubrication, the state of chains, ropes, gears and sprockets, the maintenance of glues or rolls at the ends of the main axis, the reliability of the chains on asterisks and securing the rope on the drum, wear the rolling roller surface, the distance between Roller waistbands and extreme edges of the monorail path, the serviceability of electromagnetic electric brakes and the degree of wear of the friction pads: the state of the electric motors, wiring and contacts, control devices, current receiver and the end switch, the absence of mechanisms and chain slippers, as well as to the noise level occurring during the operation of Talya .
The tooth of stars and gears, as well as chains do not have to have on the surface of cracks, burrs and dents, lamellar chains must be movable in all hinge connections.

2.6. When defects are detected, defective nodes and parts should be replaced before the work began.

3. Safety requirements during operation.

3.1. The place of production of work on the rise and movement of goods should be well lit during operation.
In case of insufficient lighting, place of work, heavy snowfall, fog, as well as other cases when, the face of the serving tel is poorly distinguishes the signals of the solver or moved cargo, the work of the Tali should be discontinued.

3.2. The supply of electrical voltage on the load-lifting mechanism from the external power grid should be carried out using an introductory device having a manual and remote control to remove the voltage.

3.3. Cargo hooks for goods Over 3 T must be made rotating, with the exception of special purpose hooks.
Cargo hooks, from the occurrence of which, when working, it is possible to fall out removable lifting devices should be supplied with a safety lock.

3.4. The lifting of the cargo, which is not developed by the charts of the lines should be made in the presence and under the leadership of the employee responsible for the safe carrying out of the work of lifting cranes.

3.5. Loads suspended to the hook of a load-lifting mechanism must be securely rided with ropes so that during their movement there is an extraction of individual parts (boards, forests, pipes, etc.) and the sustainable position of the cargo was ensured when moving. The sling of the long cargo must be performed by double sling, and in the case of a vertical lift - a sling with a safety clamp.

3.6. In the cargo movement zone, all openings should be closed or fenced and warning safety signs are posted.

3.7. The load when it moves in the horizontal direction must be pre-raised by 0.5 m above the objects found on the paths.

3.8. Lowering cargo is allowed to the pre-prepared place where their fall is excluded. For the convenience of extracting slings from under the load on the site of its installation, it is necessary to put a durable gasket under it.

3.9. Lower cargo on overlapping, supports and platforms without prior calculation of the strength of the structure and overload them above the permissible loads is prohibited.

3.10. Leave the load in suspended state, as well as raise and move people with lifting mechanisms that are not intended for their lifting is prohibited. In the event of a mechanism malfunction, when the cargo cannot be omitted, the place under suspended cargo should be fenced and posters "Dangerous zone", "Pass is closed".

3.11. Work when disabled or faulty safety devices and brakes are prohibited.
It is forbidden to simultaneously raise or lowering two cargoes in close proximity to each other.

3.12. Before lifting the cargo, it is necessary to raise a height of no more than 300 mm to check the correctness of the sling, the uniform of the tension of the slings, the stability of the load-lifting mechanism and the reliability of the brakes, only after that the cargo should be raised to the required height, to correct the sling, the load should be lowered.

3.13. Lifting the load should be produced smoothly, without jerks and swinging.

3.14. All rubbing parts of Taly should be lubricated at least 1 time per month.

4. Security requirements at the end of work.

4.1. After completing the work to put in order workplace, turn off all electric motors of the mechanisms involved in loading and unloading works,
Remove all devices, slings, auxiliary ropes and put the rest inventory, tool.

4.2. The end of the work is to report to the head of work.

4.3. Put in order overalls, clean from dust and dirt, take a shower.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

5.1. When an accident or emergency occurrence, take measures warning and eliminating the danger.

5.2. Immediately inform your direct supervisor about any accident that happened in production, on signs of the disease, as well as about the situation that creates a threat to the life and health of people.

5.3. With lesion electric shock It is necessary to immediately release the currently affected by the current, observing the requirements of electrical safety, to provide trial aid and cause a health care worker, to inform the leadership.

5.4. In the emergence of a fire to inform the fire charm by calling 01, the head of work and proceed with extinguishing.

5.5. If the accident is incident, it is necessary to provide the first trial assistance to the victim, to report on the guidelines and, if necessary, call for ambulance.


1.1. Persons not under 18 years old, specially trained and certified in accordance with the above-mentioned rules may be allowed to control the waist and rigging work, and having a mark on this. 1.2. The load-lifting mechanisms (tali, winches) must be kept and operated in accordance with the "rules of the device and the safe operation of lifting cranes" and "the rules of safe operation with the tool and adaptations."
1.3. The name of the enterprise, the inventory number, carrying capacity and the date of the next technical inspection should be indicated on the Washing Tale.
1.4.Mont and the maintenance of electrotals should produce electrotechnical personnel with a group not lower than III. Working basic professions, which, by the nature of the work being performed, are related to the operation of Talya, the adjacent profession should be trained in a special program. They must be certified in the qualifying commission and the certificate has been recorded on admission to the execution of solo work.
1.5. Electrical tale housings must be grounded. The housing of the floor control control unit must be made of insulating material, or grounded by at least two conductors, a cable on which a push-button device is suspended as one of the grounding conductors.
1.6. The launching machines of manual thawami should be suspended on the steel cable of such a length so that the mechanism can be controlled by being at a safe distance from the lifted cargo. In the case of the location of the control apparatus less than 0.5 m from the floor, it should be swapped on the hook, reinforced on the cable at an altitude of 1-1.5m.
1.7. Electrical etchers must be equipped with limit switches to automatically stop the mechanism of lifting the lifting organ. When lifting the cargo with electric hoists, bring the hook hook to the end switch and use the latter to automatically stop.
1.8. Electrical etchers should be equipped with two brakes: electromagnetic and cargo-resistant. The coefficient of braking the electromagnetic brake must be at least 1.25, and the cargo-resistant 1.1. Electric hoists must be equipped with a load limiter and the lower position limiter of the hook suspension.
1.9. The manual lifting mechanism must be equipped with an automatic freight brake. The brake must provide a smooth lowering of the cargo when the traction wheel is rotated under the action of the thrust force and the automatic stop of the cargo during its termination. 1.10. Mounting manual hoists to pipelines and their suspension forbidden.

1.11. Stationary Taly tests are carried out at the site of their installation, portable tali testers are suspended to a tripod or any other design.
1.12. Tali, at least 1 time in 12 months, should be exposed to a complete technical examination.
1.13. An extraordinary full technical inspection of load-based mechanisms should be made after their reconstruction, repair of metal structures of mechanisms with the replacement of calculated elements or nodes, overhaul or change of mechanisms, replace the hook.
1.14. Technical inspection should carry out an engineering and technical worker who exercises the supervision of lifting mechanisms at the enterprise, with the participation of a person responsible for their serviceable state.
1.15. A static testing of load-lifting mechanisms is carried out by the load, by 25% exceeding their nominal capacity in order to test the strength of the mechanisms and their individual elements. With a static test, the test load rises to a height of 100 mm and is held in this position for 10 minutes.
1.16. A lifting mechanism that maintains a static test is subject to dynamic test.
1.17. Dynamic testing of the load-lifting mechanism should be carried out by cargo, by 10% higher than the nominal load capacity of the mechanism, in order to verify the action of its brakes.
The inhibition reserve coefficient, depending on the mode of operation and the generation of the mechanism, should be 1.5-2.5.
1.18. Dynamic tests are repeated (at least 6 times) rises to a height of at least 1m and lowering testing.
1.19. Dynamic tests are checked brakes, limit switches, smooth operation of cargo and traction chains. In case of detection of inciges, skips or sliding chains over an asterisk and traction wheels, the hoists are married.
1.20. With a dynamic testing of electrotals, brake operation should be checked separately. To check the brakes during operations, mechanisms must be at least 3 times stopped in each direction.
1.21. With a dynamic test, all operations should be carried out 2 times, the valve of the lower position of the hook suspension should be checked.
After the end of the test, the load capacity limiter must be adjusted and checking its action.
1.22. When testing tags, there should be no spontaneous lowering of cargo. When cracking, breaks and deformities are branded.
1.23. A dynamic test of electric tale with a cargo in excess of 25% of their nominal load capacity is allowed. In this case, a static test is allowed not to conduct.
1.24. The date and results of the technical inspection of the load-lifting mechanism, the person who produced the survey records the mechanism into the passport with an indication of the term of the following examination, as well as information about the repairs performed.

1.25. Before starting to work, after major repairs and periodically, but at least 1 time per year, the insulation resistance of electrical equipment was insulated with a stress of 500 V. The insulation resistance should be at least 0.5 MΩ.
1.26. Electrical equipment of tale, having insulation resistance less than 0.5 MΩ must be dry.

2. Safety requirements before starting work.

2.1. The place of work of the Tali should be determined so that the space is sufficient to review the working area and maneuvering.
2.2. The mass of cargo subject to the lifting should be determined to lifting. Load for lifting mechanisms should not exceed their carrying capacity.
2.3. For goods that have available special devices (hinges, trimps, frames) are designed to lift the cargo in various positions, the schemes of their lines should be developed.
2.4. The status of Taly should be checked before each application.
2.5. Before the start of production, the electrostal must be examined.
At the same time, attention should be drawn to their purity, the presence of lubrication, the state of chains, ropes, gears and sprockets, the maintenance of glues or rolls at the ends of the main axis, the reliability of the chains on asterisks and securing the rope on the drum, wear the rolling roller surface, the distance between Roller waistbands and extreme edges of the monorail path, the serviceability of electromagnetic electric brakes and the degree of wear of the friction pads: the state of the electric motors, wiring and contacts, control devices, current receiver and the end switch, the absence of mechanisms and chain slippers, as well as to the noise level occurring during the operation of Talya .
The tooth of stars and gears, as well as chains do not have to have on the surface of cracks, burrs and dents, lamellar chains must be movable in all hinge connections.
2.6. When defects are detected, defective nodes and parts should be replaced before the work began.

3. Safety requirements during operation.

3.1. The place of production of work on the rise and movement of goods should be well lit during operation.
In case of insufficient lighting, place of work, heavy snowfall, fog, as well as other cases when, the face of the serving tel is poorly distinguishes the signals of the solver or moved cargo, the work of the Tali should be discontinued.
3.2. The supply of electrical voltage on the load-lifting mechanism from the external power grid should be carried out using an introductory device having a manual and remote control to remove the voltage.

3.3. Cargo hooks for goods Over 3 T must be made rotating, with the exception of special purpose hooks.
Cargo hooks, from the occurrence of which, when working, it is possible to fall out removable lifting devices should be supplied with a safety lock.
3.4. The lifting of the cargo, which is not developed by the charts of the lines should be made in the presence and under the leadership of the employee responsible for the safe carrying out of the work of lifting cranes.
3.5. Loads suspended to the hook of a load-lifting mechanism must be securely rided with ropes so that during their movement there is an extraction of individual parts (boards, forests, pipes, etc.) and the sustainable position of the cargo was ensured when moving. The sling of the long cargo must be performed by double sling, and in the case of a vertical lift - a sling with a safety clamp.
3.6. In the cargo movement zone, all openings should be closed or fenced and warning safety signs are posted.
3.7. The load when it moves in the horizontal direction must be pre-raised by 0.5 m above the objects found on the paths.
3.8. Lowering cargo is allowed to the pre-prepared place where their fall is excluded. For the convenience of extracting slings from under the load on the site of its installation, it is necessary to put a durable gasket under it.
3.9. Lower cargo on overlapping, supports and platforms without prior calculation of the strength of the structure and overload them above the permissible loads is prohibited.
3.10. Leave the load in suspended state, as well as raise and move people with lifting mechanisms that are not intended for their lifting is prohibited. In the event of a mechanism malfunction, when the cargo cannot be omitted, the place under suspended cargo should be fenced and posters "Dangerous zone", "Pass is closed".
3.11. Work when disabled or faulty safety devices and brakes are prohibited.
It is forbidden to simultaneously raise or lowering two cargoes in close proximity to each other.
3.12. Before lifting the cargo, it is necessary to raise a height of no more than 300 mm to check the correctness of the sling, the uniform of the tension of the slings, the stability of the load-lifting mechanism and the reliability of the brakes, only after that the cargo should be raised to the required height, to correct the sling, the load should be lowered.
3.13. Lifting the load should be produced smoothly, without jerks and swinging.
3.14. All rubbing parts of Taly should be lubricated at least 1 time per month.

4. Security requirements at the end of work.

4.1. After completing the work, put in order workplace, turn off all electric motors of the mechanisms involved in loading and unloading work,
Remove all devices, slings, auxiliary ropes and put the rest inventory, tool.
4.2. The end of the work is to report to the head of work.
4.3. Put in order overalls, clean from dust and dirt, take a shower.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

5.1. When an accident or emergency occurrence, take measures warning and eliminating the danger.
5.2. Immediately inform your direct supervisor about any accident that happened in production, on signs of the disease, as well as about the situation that creates a threat to the life and health of people.
5.3. With electric shock damage, it is necessary to immediately release the current-affected current, observing the requirements of electrical safety, to provide a trial aid and cause a health care worker, to inform the leadership.
5.4. In the emergence of a fire to inform the fire charm by calling 01, the head of work and proceed with extinguishing.

Telphers are widely used in construction and industry for carrying lifting and mounting work. They are electrically driven devices that work from the engine and can lift loads weighing up to 10 tons to a certain height. Telfers are installed on single-grayscale bridge cranes or on a monorail path. The design of the equipment includes a movement mechanism, with which the horizontal movement of cargo is produced.

Installation of the Telfer should be conducted by a specialized organization or qualified specialisthaving a certain preparation. For right mounting Equipment It is important to consider the following conditions:

  1. load capacity and telfer lifting height;
  2. speed of mobile mechanism;
  3. beam profile parameters;
  4. terms of use of equipment;
  5. compliance of the voltage of electricity with the requirements of the manufacturer;
  6. compliance with the installation and connection to safety requirements.

Telfers are usually shipped assembled. Before installing, you need to make sure that the power supply voltage corresponds to the equipment parameters. Many types of professional equipment work from an industrial power supply, but there are also models for nutrition from a regular 220V network.

When choosing an equipment, you also need to pay attention to the beam profile numbers. In the passport of the equipment, it is indicated on the tracks of which size can be installed cartridge. It is not allowed to use the telfer on beams with a profile smaller than indicated in the passport.

Before installing, it is important to carefully inspect the equipment.

  • It should not be dust, dirt and moisture, so the telpher needs to clean, dry and smear in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer.
  • It is necessary to check the health of all bolted, contact compounds and locking mechanisms.
  • An experienced electrician should check the condition of the wires and measure the insulation resistance.

The telfer is installed on the track with bolts and fasteners, studs and a set of washers included in the equipment kit. The telfer must be installed so that the distance between the wheel of the cart and the rail is 4 mm on each side.

It must be traced that anything prevented the movement of the trolley. To do this, it is not recommended to paint the rail track, as the paint creates resistance. Lubrication track can also interfere with the trolley. In addition, the track should be regularly cleaned from dust and dirt, dried from moisture to avoid corrosion. The railway must be free, and the slope must be at least 3%. There are special security requirements that the railway must match. Below we give some of them.

  • The distance from the telfer to the ceiling or to the lower point of another equipment operating above should be at least 100 mm.
  • The distance from the Telfer to the walls of the building or to the columns and the rail is at least 60 mm.
  • From the bottom of the telfer to the floor or to another working platform - at least 2000 mm.
  • The distance from other equipment running next to the telfer is at least 400 mm.

Connecting Telfera

It works from the power supply, but before connecting it to the network, you need to pre-check.

  • All separate parts of the telfer should be inspected for rust. If on the brake wheels, the engine cover and the brake cover will be rust, then after connecting the power, the engine can tan.
  • You need to check the reliable connection of the electrical block. This uses an ammeter.
  • It is also important to check the phases by supplying the voltage. You need to suspend the telpher and pressing the control buttons to check the direction of the hook and trolleys movements.

Electric telphers are connected to the power supply by a specific scheme specified in the equipment passport.


The network voltage must correspond to the Telfer parameters. When choosing a power cable, it should be borne in mind that voltage drops should not exceed 10%. The length and diameter of the cross section of the cable must coincide with the power of the telfer engine.

Safety requirements

Telfers should be operated by people who fully own all knowledge according to safety rules. In addition, specially designated people must regularly inspect the serviceability of the equipment.

Before the first exploitation, the telpher should be tested with loads weighing 25% higher than the nominal capacity. The test should last a maximum of 10 minutes.

Warning is prohibited to exceed the nominal capacity when working with the Telfers. In this case, all ropes, hooks must be appropriate. Failure to comply with the rules of security is dangerous to life near people and for the safety of cargo.

In the passport of the equipment should be indicated how many times you can use the telfer for an hour. You need to strictly follow this requirement to avoid engine overheating. When using the telfer, you can not leave the cargo in the suspended state. It is also not recommended to press multiple buttons simultaneously. After using the equipment, it needs to be disconnected from the power supply.

Inspection of equipment should be carried out at least once a month. During the inspection should be checked:

  • the condition of all individual parts;
  • reliability of fasteners;
  • state of the rail track;
  • brake work;
  • the state of insulation of electrical wiring, etc.

The results of the check should be recorded in the inspection log. All detected faults are subject to immediate repair or replacement.
