In the choice of profile for the glass package, every little thing is important. It would seem that all plastic windows are the same. However, it is discovered that the service life of approximately the same products is different, and the qualitative characteristics of some often leave much to be desired. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of profile with full responsibility.


PVC profile is a plastic frame for the glass package. Despite the seeming simplicity, this design is difficult. In the transverse section of the profile, a variety of aircases can be seen. The maintenance of heat is ensured. Than they are more, the better the level of heat shields.

For stiffness and reliability, the profile is inserted metal carcass. This process in production is called reinforcement. Due to reinforcement, the profile becomes stronger, eliminates the possibility of its deformation and resistance to the change in the structure under the influence of negative environmental factors (for example, rain, impetuous wind and frost). Profile material is polyvinyl chloride.

Regardless of the type of profile, the metal strips inside it are an important factor to which you want to pay attention to when ordering. Precisely because of them the profile is called metal-plastic

Longitudinal chambers in frame structures are responsible not only for the preservation of heat. They are ramp amplifiers. External sections are discharged condensate, which can occur inside the cavities due to the temperature difference in the room and on the street.

At the bottom of the design they have a connection to the atmosphere. Due to this drop, when they appear on the street. The presence of such holes does not affect the level of heat in the room: heat in the room does not decrease. Externally, such elements do not spoil the aesthetic type of windows, as they are in most cases closed with plugs or simply are not visible against the background of the entire design. The presence of data holes speaks about a high-quality window. It will be more durable compared to the modification without them.


Plastic profile (PVC) is the basis of windows. It is from him that the reliability and durability of the whole design depends. Sashes and accessories are made from this material, glass windows are installed in it. It depends on the main characteristics of the window structure, including the level of noise insulation, as well as tightness. It also affects the preservation of heat indoors.

Metal-plastic profile is a sash and a frame with a different number of cameras (up to 8). The most popular products for buyers are options for 2-3 compartments. The fundamental factor in the technical characteristics are the size of the windows. Thus, the species of panoramic type are characterized by smaller noise and thermal insulation properties in comparison with the analogues of smaller sizes.

Due to the increase in the conservation of heat in such structures during installation, you have to resort to the mounting foam when the cameras are filling. In addition, the designs may have a fiberglass coating with rigidity ribs. One of the meaningful characteristics during installation are the thickness of the overlap and the assembly width. They are responsible for the rigidity of the profile design and the reliability of the sash themselves.

A modern plastic profile for windows is different from the analogues of its appearance. Today, its qualitative characteristics are quite high, as well as decorative features. The technological and functional frames have long fastened analogs of wood, making glazing reliable and ergonomic. Unlike wood, polyvinyl chloride does not give a shrinkage. Such windows will not be deformed during operation.

PVC windows can be installed in buildings of different types. They can replace wooden frames in homes, the active shrinkage phase of which is already over. At the same time, tenants will be protected not only from cold and noise, but also from dust. Typically, such structures pull any, even the boring design of the premises and harmoniously look in the architectural context of the buildings of different types. Plastic capabilities to mimic any texture allow you to use such frames in any design style.

The profile surface can be matte, glossy and even three-dimensional.Color solutions of such products today are diverse and can satisfy every taste. For example, you can choose a profile under the expensive variety of wood (wenge), show imitation of the aged tree.

When more luxurious solutions are needed, they choose plastic under stone and even the skin of reptiles. The drawing depends on the client's preferences: trademarks are often ready to accomplish today. individual order Buyer.


Among the main characteristics of such a profile can be noted:

  • resistance to oxidation, exposure to high temperature;
  • resistance to moisture and water;
  • security for the health of households;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • variability of forms of structures;
  • fitting in any historical design of architecture;
  • different degree of complexity of designs and mechanisms of windows;
  • rich color palette.

In the care, such a profile is easier for wood analog. It does not need to cover the veil or other paint over time. To cleanse the surface in most cases it is enough to use a damp cloth or a semi-dry sponge. However, in the case of significant mechanical damage, it may form scratches, which will not be able to hide in any way. This is the main disadvantage of such structures.

Options with different number of cameras differ in operational characteristics. For this reason, their choice is often based on the climatic conditions of the region. If winter in it is cold and windy, the cameras are trying to choose with a large number of compartments. At the same time give preference to a greater glass thickness.

The profile is environmentally friendly. It is far from harmful plastic, which produced in production earlier. Such a frame with flaps will not distinguish toxic substances during the operation of the window. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the number of cameras. If the glazing is cold, there must be no less than 3. Such profiles can be used for balconies, loggias and industrial facilities. When you plan to glazed heated buildings (school, house, apartment, restaurant), the number of necessary cameras increases to 5.


In addition to polyvinyl chloride, in the design of the PVC profile, aluminum or steel are used for windows. Metal is used in horizontal and vertical elements. . Profile production is subject to the requirements of GOST 30673-99 in our country and EN 12608 SR in Europe.

The first group profile is the best option And designed for buildings of residential type. It is characterized by a thickness of the outer walls of about 2.8 mm and more internal - from 2.5 mm. This variety is more resistant to random mechanical damage. The analogue of the category "B" is characterized by a smaller wall thickness.

The inner walls have a thickness of 2 mm, while the outer thinner is 1/3 mm. It seems to be a little, but that is why such options are less resistant to mechanical loads. They can be used for the premises of the heated and unheated species. The profile with marking "C" is characterized by smaller indicators of the thickness of both walls. In the language of experts, it is called objects.

In contrast to the two previous options, it does not have a normalized thickness (it is clearly less than categories "A" and "B"). The disadvantage itself is the structure of this type: it does not have opening flaps. The monolith of such windows makes them less demanded from buyers. Apply these varieties in the premises of the unheated type.

In fact, all existing varieties of plastic profile for windows can be divided into 3 types:

  • economy;
  • standard;
  • suite.

Window plastic profile is the main and stupid. On store shelves today you can buy a profile:

  • connective;
  • coaching;
  • reinforcing;
  • expansion;
  • P- and F-shaped.

These are tubular structures with blocks inside, of which the window frame is folded. Cameras are different in shape and volume. Some of them are not connected with each other or with an external environment. They are sealed, while others serve for ventilation. Depending on the size, filled with air and the number of cameras, such profiles have a different purpose. Some of them are used for industrial premises, others can be used for residential buildings.

A g-shaped species is characterized by the gain of two walls of the profile. P-shaped type is the reinforcement of three walls. In a closed form, all parts are hardened. In this case, the choice of profile depends on the number of glasses in the design. From this, the chambers in the frames directly depend.

Varieties are distinguished by the degree of frost resistance. Thus, options for frost-resistant design with the mark "M" are calculated at temperatures up to -50 degrees C (check load). Analogs of normal performance are suitable for regions with a minus temperature up to -20-40 degrees C. The difference depends on the type of base material used.


Profile parameters are determined by its width and thickness. In this regard, manufacturers try to stick to standard values. A common frame rate may have dimensions of 58x63x43 mm. The sash dimensions are 58x77x57 mm, the imposed is 58x87x47 mm.

When the profile accommodates 6 cameras, its thickness can be 85-90 mm. At 70 mm, it usually has up to 5 cameras. In the first case, the profile is thick and fits not for each window opening. 70 mm is considered the best option if up to 5 cameras.

The thickness of the facial wall of the class "A" is average of 3 mm. Analogs of the category "in" this indicator is reduced by half a millionth. Not the facial side of the classes "A" and "B" thinner by 0.5 mm each from the values \u200b\u200bof the facial wall. In the category "C" manufacturers do not indicate data. The assembly width of the profile in some varieties can be 104, 110 and 130 mm.

How to choose?

On the modern market Such materials PVC profile is presented in a wide range. Buyer is easy to confuse. However, to do right choice It is quite possible, not being a specialist in the field of construction and installation. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the material itself. The appearance of the plastic can tell a lot about his quality.

When there is no decorative laminated film on the profile (imitation of the desired texture), just one attentive look. Qualitative material is characterized by structure monolithium. It should not have roughness, inhomogeneities. Any stains are excluded, irregularism. A noticeable graininess will indicate a fake product.

Buying such a PVC profile is impossible. Typically, such samples may occur from one-day firms. Such companies offer installation of windows from their material. It is made from cheap and harmful raw materials. Therefore, it is impossible to expect any qualitative characteristics from such a profile.

Yes, and about the manufacturer before buying components you need to know. For this you can find out more about the company's reputation based on feedback.

It is important to understand that profiles have some differences between themselves. They are cut on special machines under certain sizes of structures. This applies not only to the flaps, but also racks and cross. Therefore, when buying, you need to purchase the entire set at one brand. Otherwise, you can not count on an impeccable docking of the elements, whether it is a connection with special welding or mechanical hardware.


Before buying it is important to ask the number of cameras. Usually, the quality products of the famous trademarks are more than 5. This is enough, while 7 cavities will be surprised. In this case, it is impossible to forget that not the number of cameras, and the wall thickness is more important. After all, they will be responsible for the level of heat to a greater extent.

In addition to options with air chambers, a PVC profile can be found on the market today, in which emptiness is not filled with air, but to heat insulator. This is predominantly material based on foam (polystyrene foam) or fiberglass. Such a profile appeared on the market relatively recently.

However, experts believe that it is more effective regarding the conservation of heat. The disadvantage is the cost of modification, which is noticeably above the traditional options.


Since the choice of profile provides comprehensive analysis, it is worth paying attention to the PVC-profile width. It is often called the assembly depth in the language of experts. In the standard profile, its indicator usually varies in the range of 50-80 mm. It depends on the number of cameras inside the element. Usually with a smaller width, the design has no more than 3 cavities. When the width exceeds 70 mm, their number increases from 4 to 5.

However, it is impossible to assume that the wider the profile, the more cameras in it. This is not always true, because depending on the design features, the profile can be wide (for example, up to 9 cm), but with a minimum amount of cavities. Such options may differ excellent heat insulating characteristics, since the value in this case has a stock of air and the dimensions of the cavities themselves.

In some cases, the mounting depth can be 10 cm. Such options overlap the window opening, so often do not need to install external slopes. Them a distinctive feature is a cross section in the form of a trapezium. These windows are called "Dutch", "Danish". They are definitely better than the usual analogs, although their installation is not every pocket.

Planting place

It is impossible to buy a plastic profile, not knowing the depth of planting a glass package. It is this factor that is responsible for the type of glass package, its quality, as well as heat-shielding properties. A good profile frame is a design where the glass can be found from the front slice at least 1.5 cm, overlapping the folding profile.

If you plan to mount the frame to a depth of 5-7 cm, the landing place for the installation of glass should be 1.8 cm. Few people pay attention to this aspect when buying a profile. However, if it is ignored and relying solely on the width of the profile and the number of cavities in it, you can not be surprised in the future, that the double-glazed windows stuff or freezes.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to 4 factors:

  • Linear expansion.It must be minimal so that the emptiness is not formed during installation. The higher the lower the window frame size.
  • The coefficient of elasticity.The presence of steel is a mandatory criterion for choosing a profile. At the same time, the thickness of the internal walls (rigidity rigs) is important.
  • Resistance to the temperature differenceand UV rays. The composition of polyvinyl chloride should be stabilizers that allow you to maintain inertia to loss of color and structure.
  • Sealer.Of thermoplastic, thermopolymer, silicone and rubber, it is worth providing preference to silicone products. It is racks to abrasion, inerton to the temperature difference.

Each profile is provided with a certificate. It indicates the data on the type of product and its place of production.


White color frame today is considered old-fashioned. He replaces profiles with a laminated film that can imitate any texture. These may be neutral options (gray, black), as well as tone under the wood. Of course, such a solution for the window design will cost more, but by paying 15-20% more, the buyer can equip its home, taking into account the choice of a specific design.

If the choice is made in favor of the colored frame, the shade is selected with the interior and exterior. The frame should look beautiful outside and inside. You can start from the color of the existing furniture, doors. The color profile may have a sick-related shade, but the different color of the color is undesirable. However, the choice of color profile has its own nuances.

Light tones will not be warm under the sun as, say, dark stony or wood brown shades. This means that when choosing a color profile, the presence of metal in the frame is necessarily regardless of the size and shape of the frame. In addition to lamination, manufacturers are stained with a PVC profile by acrylic spraying, complement it with metal overlays or wood. The decorative reception is the form of elements that today is more encouraged and may have a complex relief.

To date, you can order a window plastic profile under oak, alder, fir, mahogany, malachite, marble. For more creative design In the palette of shades there is yellow, turquoise, blue and wine shades. Due to lamination, you can decorate the frame frame with the effects effect. If you wish, you can choose and coatings with a three-dimensional effect creating a feeling of volume and relief.

Manufacturers and reviews

To date, many companies are ready to offer a PVC profile buyer for windows. Several companies included in the rating of the high assessment of professional masters:

  • Rehau;
  • Veka;
  • Proplex.

Their products are characterized by high performance and meets the established standards of European standards. Such frames do not arouse the complaints of professional masters, they are easy to install and are not deformed during operation. According to customer reviews, these products are characterized by a high cost. However, the goods are worth it, since the profiles of these brands are durable, the stands for mechanical impacts and are not destroyed over time.


German Profile Manufacturer with a wide range of products. The brand is focused on all sectors of society, the production of economy-class products, standard and elite. Options are designed for different climatic conditions. The number of cameras in the profile varies from 3 to 6. In this case, the mounting depth has a range from 6 to 8.5 cm. The products are characterized by a high level of noise and thermal insulation. They are suitable for gray seals.


Profile russian productionmanufactured by German technology. Corresponds to the class "A", intended for use in any regions of Russia with different climatic background. Today it is represented by 8 different species with a different range of mounting depth (58-90 mm). The number of air chambers inside the profile is from 3 to 6. Equipped with a durable metal frame, it looks stylish, beautiful and modern.


This profile has the best quality indicators and technical specifications in comparison with the analogues of other brands. Products are resistant white colorwhich does not fade in the sun and for a long time. The profile is represented by three options: "Etalon", "Expert", "Expert +".

These are products "A" class with a service life of about 40 years. Cameras in the frame and sash can be 3 or 5, 3-4 in the impost. Establish such products can be placed with a critical temperature of the region (up to -60).

Depending on the model, the profile may have additional horizontal jumpers, which ensures reliable attachment of the rivers and loops.


The domestic manufacturer offers the attention of buyers a profile created in the Austrian technology. Podolsky plant produces varieties with three and five air chambers with a system width of 5.8 and 7 cm. The width of the glass unit, depending on the profile model, can be 4-34 and 12-42 mm. Approximately the service life of the product is about 60 years. The heat transfer profile resistance is 0.78 and 0.81 m2c / W. Constructions are different whiteness and shock viscosity.

The ranking lists the best manufacturers whose products are checked by installers. In addition to the main companies, it is possible to distinguish the products of Mont Blanc stamps, Trocal and Salamander. Not bad products can be purchased from Aluplast, Funke, Artek. In the absence of brands profile in the range, you can pay attention to these options.

If the choice seems to be a difficult task, you can consult with the seller, noting the necessary questions in advance. For example, if the buyer lives in the southern region, there is no need to order a six- and seven-chamber profile. In this case, there will be enough analogue to 3 cameras.

For effective protection From the cold, a resident of the high-rise building cannot be installed a product of more than 4 cameras. In his house enough five-chamber design. However, it is worth repelled from the reliability of the foundation, since the weight of the glass package will be tangible.

In order for the window with time not to be deformed, it is necessary to clarify the presence of a profile to enhance the framework. With its absence, the window will eventually close with time. In addition, his tightness will suffer. In addition, it is necessary to understand that the cheap profile does not happen. In an attempt to save you can lose on quality. And this will affect the reduction of the window operation.

When buying a profile, you need to pay attention to how the frame is sealed. In order to avoid the accumulation of condensate at the bottom of the sealer frame, there must be 2. If at least 1 of them will be absent, with time the mold will appear on the profile. At the same time, the material and material of the sealer itself, which is reflected in its quality characteristics.

For installation, more often buy varieties with a width of 58 mm. This option is relevant for apartments in high-rise buildings and is present in each line of brands. Options with greater width are considered premium products. They are more durable, reliable and distinguished by the possibilities of noise and thermal insulation compared to the first analogues. However, it is not always possible to establish such structures in high-rise buildings from the point of view of their loads on the bearing overlaps.

Finally, it is worth noting an equally important nuance: the manufacturer and the installer can be different companies. So that in the future they did not discount responsibility for the poor-quality window on each other, it is important to initially select the material correctly. You need to go through each item of the article and note what is suitable in a particular case. In addition, the planning of the installer will have to study and the profile is set as it should be.

In order not to run into the counterfeit brand, it is worth entering the manufacturer's website and ask the address of a particular store. Information about the official suppliers will allow you to understand whether the brand profile is truly sold in the store of your city. If the site administration gives an affirmative answer, you can buy products. When buying a color version of the profile, it is important to view each element for the subject: the window should look monolithically.

Installing PVC windows instead of old wooden frames, apartment owners want to protect their home from cold, dust and noise. Therefore, the choice of profile types for plastic windows The task is serious.
Windows from modern PVC give the facilities to the room, for many years retain the original appearance. They are comfortable in care, quickly installed and the above features are performed better.
How to choose the right profile for plastic windows, how do the quality with the brand of the manufacturer and the price of the product relate?

The profile in the plastic window is the basis of the structure. It is made of sash, glass windows are installed, form fitness. The choice of PVC profile affects the characteristics of the window structure as a whole - the ability to sound insulation, tightness and maintenance of heat in the room. An important aspect of the choice is the types of external design of the window frame.

Structure and material profile

Plastic frame for window- complex design. The transverse section gives it the opportunity to see the set of air chambers inside the design, which retain heat. Naturally, the more cameras - the thermal protection better.

In PVC, a metal frame (reinforcement) is inserted. It provides a strength of the profile, is the key to preserving its forms when exposed to plastic rain, wind and frost.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - material for the manufacture of plastic windows.

Main characteristics:

  • does not oxidize in air;
  • no moisture is afraid;
  • not destroyed from severe heat;
  • harmless to human health;
  • it is better washed than a wooden frame;
  • it has greater color gamutBut mostly used in white color. But you can choose and order the lamination "under the tree" or marble.

Select the type of profile follows in accordance with those conditions in which it is intended to operate it. If the winter windy and frosty, you need to choose a camera with a large number of air compartments and a thick glass. But air chambers in the frame should not be less than three.

PVC profiles are classified into three types - economy, standard, suite. The most popular and well-proven types of type today are the German profiles of the brands "Rehau", "Veka", "Kbe" and "Trocal". You need to choose the types of profile carefully. Special stickers on corporate products indicate their quality and authenticity.

The production of high-quality plastic for the manufacture of windows has been established in Russia. These are NOVOTEX PVC profiles from the Moscow region, "Exprof" from Tyumen. These are cheaper models. Montblanc brand is resistant to temperature drops and strong frost.
The rigidity of the frame depends on the thickness of reinforcement in the profile. It is performed from the steel liner covered with galvanized, it is closed and P-shaped. It is a cold profile element.

Installing the window

Little to choose a high-quality PVC profile. It is necessary to professionally install the design of it to avoid freezing, condensate window glass and draft. This work is performed by specialists in measurement and installation, which know many features and subtleties of the installation in different types houses. Here it is necessary to take into account the choice of material, the thickness and structure of the walls, accurately calculate the size of the frames, to establish them strictly horizontally and securely secure in the simpleness. Cavities and cracks flooded mounting foamTo exclude air from entering, the installation seam is placed on the side of the street, and on the inside, the installation seam is closed by slopes.


PVC profile certificate gives full technical information about it. Not all subsidiaries of firms with advanced brands have the right to issue such a document on their products. Meaning RAL certificate.

For manufacturers Veka, Rehau, such a quality passport is issued at all enterprises, including in Russian factories in the Moscow region and Novosibirsk. Products with such a certificate are trying to choose consumers. The certificate guarantees compliance with technologies in the production of frames, high quality source material. It's a good choice.

How does the profile width affect the design

The degree of stability and thermal insulation frames depends on the selection of the width of the plastic structure. What size it happens:

  • Profile 58-60 mm thick is used for glazing residential, small office space, balconies.
  • 70 - Millimeter profile is installed in country houses, when insulating loggias.
  • 80 - millimeter frames are used for windows in high-rise buildings.
  • The maximum profile width is 90-mm is used in frames in northern latitudes for improved heat insulation.

The profile of 58-60 mm thick is the most popular among others. We advise you to choose it for installation in the apartment, as it is easier to install it and it meets the requirements that are presented to home windows.

Installing a window from a maximum width profile will cost more, but remember that the coldest place in the window is a double-glazed window, so focusing on the maximum width of the two-chamber glass package, adding energy-saving glass and external 6 mm, which will pay off at the expense of heat and noise insulation.

Number of cameras in the profile

The thermal conductivity, the ability to noise insulation depends on the thickness of the frame profile. It determines the number of aircases in the design. They should be at least three. The first serves to remove condensate, reinforcement is inserted into the second, the third camera additionally insulates. In the most popular and widely used model with a thickness of 58-60 mm - three air chambers. In thicker frames, they can be from four to six.

It is important to note! The thermal insulation characteristics of the profile depend on the number of partitions, and on what size of the aircases, that is, from the thickness of the frame. The thicker the frame and the glass on it, the designer is harder. This requires a high-quality professional installation.

Classification of profiles by type of cameras

Plastic structures only in appearance are similar. For different purposes, special types of frames are used. After all, plastic make not only windows, but also input and interior doors, indoor partitions, balcony groups and so on. Functions and requirements for the thickness of such frames are different. Which of the two types to choose?

"A" class - profile with thickened outer walls. This species is used both for glazing windows and for mounting doors and frame partitions.

"B" class is a lightweight profile with a thin outer wall. This cheaper option "object". The budget value attracts buyers, but it must be remembered that the thin walls of the plastic can not always cope with the tasks assigned to them.

Quality, profile rigidity depends not only on the material - polyvinyl chloride, not only on the size, but also the number of aircases. The joints of the profile parts in the corners should be strong, withstand temperature loads and mechanical resistance. The quality of the compounds provides an additional resource for using profile frames. In pursuit of favorable price, it is important not to lose the quality of the product.

Each enterprise, in addition to the certificate, accompanies its goods with warranty obligations. If the angular fasteners are weak, then the finished window base with time can lose form or angles separated. The life of the product will decrease and its depressurization will occur. It will not be warm with such windows, the glass will foggle, the condensate will accumulate on the windowsill.

Leaders in production

Plastic windows have gained popularity, they are installed in offices, residential premises, in production facilities. A certain list of companies leaders - profile manufacturers has been compiled.

  • The best line of specialized systems produce Rehau, Veka, as well as TROCAL and SALAMANDER. This is the top quality plastic, the production of structures is made in compliance with all technological standards. And as a result of this, the quality of windows and other structures from this material never causes complaints from the side of installers and consumers. The price of the types of profiles listed firms is sufficiently high. But this choice is justified by a long service life.
  • Quite high-quality profiles for windows are made by Aluplast, Funke, Artek, Proplex and Kwe.

Summing up the analysis of the quality of window profiles, we can say that the most the best choice - These are the frames of brands known in Russia. They are reliable and high quality. In the width, the optimal options are 58 mm and 70-mm profiles. By the number of aircases, it is better to buy three-chamber structures. Such windows are not very heavy by weight and affordable. We pay attention to the surface - glossy is more convenient to wash. Seals should provide for the possibility of replacement.

The choice of component design and installation is better to entrust the specialist who is responsible for the quality of choice, work and is warranty.

We will analyze each of the types of profile, as well as describe the properties in more detail so that you can make a choice for the better and that plastic windows please you for many years.

The advantages of modern plastic windows before the former wooden structures Many understood. Plastic windows are incomparably more sealed than wooden, which is supplied with good thermal insulation and sound insulation of the window, as well as inside the unpleasant odors from the street.

Even two-chamber plastic windows are much warmer wooden, their installation will lead to a significant decrease in heat loss, and therefore to save. How to choose correctly window profile and acquire the best windowsSo that the price corresponds to the quality. This article will help to deal with this issue.

Helpful information:

In addition, from the plastic window, namely the preservation of heat in the apartment of course depends on its quality. However, the installation of the PVC window also plays an important role.

The profile for the PVC window now meets certain standards, and the best among them simply does not exist. It is divided into three classes: "Economy", "Standard" and Premium. The main thing is between classes there is a difference, but there is no difference inside the class.

  • Economy is the main task of the window, show that it is plastic. Advantages and advantages have no such profile. Such windows are installed in most new buildings. At the same time, according to experts, the windows from the profile of economy class place in the garbage container.
  • "Standard" - has an optimal value for money. That is, it is the windows whose quality is already at the height, but there is no overestimated self-esteem. This species The profile complies with the Euro standard when repairing repairs in apartments. The profile has elastic seals, durable fittings and an excellent appearance.
  • Premium - emphasizes first of all the status of the owner, for those people who have no limit on the family budget.

All stories about the fact that my profile is whiter, and my warmer, and my smaller is just a marketing course, or an attempt to pull out of you as much money as possible.

Video optional profile for PVC windows

Glass seal

The glass unit is not part of the window profile, but the assembly of the window as a whole depends on the quality of its seal. Here, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account several circumstances:

  • Even in the budget window, the sealing cuff must be without cuts and solid. The cut does not affect heat transfer, however, will be a kind of nursery for breeding infection, as with single seal. Many are recommended to close the incision with silicone, however, at temperature deformations, microcracks will soon appear.
  • The seal itself, the frame and glass package must be rubber. Often, manufacturers put polyurethane compensators, they are flattened when the window deformations are flattened, which leads to the glass package in the frame and all the problems described above appear. You have to more often.

A few words about windows accessories

When choosing high-quality plastic windows, in addition to the above profiles and double-glazed windows, it is necessary to pay attention to the accessories of the window, which should be made according to the unified European standards. Then in any weather there will be no problems with the opening / closure of the window.

Furnitura should not be oxidized and rust. In the device window, all hinges must be hidden, which means the profile should not allow water to be allowed. If there is a single seal, condensate will still be assembled on the hinges, so the seal must be double.

The windows frame must have adjustable ventilation gaps, due to which the window itself will be less open, which will increase the service life of the plastic window.

Whose profile for the window is the best

The knowledge of the manufacturer of plastic windows that value by their name is important. This is definitely serves as an additional guarantor of wind quality.

The market shows a huge number of firms for the production of window profile. The most famous: Montblanc, Salamander, Aluplast, Velux, Exprof, Provedal, Gealan, Vitrage, Brugmann, Veka and others. They won their credibility thanks to the manufacture of high-quality windows.

The first series of windows from PVC was released in Germany. To this day, German profiles, in particular Kve and Rehau, are of great popularity among buyers. Below will try to compare the profiles of plastic windows of some leading manufacturers and note their advantages and disadvantages.

At the profile of Kve. From German manufacturers there are three main modifications: a budget option "Expert", optimal option Extra and more expensive energy efficient option "Etalon". All windows of the Kve profile are very durable, aesthetic, environmentally friendly, have high indicators of sound and thermal insulation, resistant to different temperature fluctuations, climate control systems in the "standard" modification can be used. The minimum price size for this profile begins from 12 thousand rubles. The disadvantages of the Kve profile include its gray color, which is not always harmoniously approaches the interior of the room.

Very popular now rehau profilesAlso from German manufacturers. Such profiles are very aesthetic, durable, environmentally friendly, also easy to care, have low thermal conductivity, such structures can be provided with a special locking system that will make the penetration into the room it is impossible through the window. Also, these profiles have a very convenient function of climate control. The price for these profiles begins from 13.5 thousand rubles. An insignificant disadvantage can be attributed to the fact that the reinforced chamber has a small size, and, as a result, the height of the window sash decreases.

VEKA profiles Were very common in our country and have already proven their longevity. However, recently, the demand for these profiles has fallen significantly. This happened after discovering in the profiles of high lead content, negatively affecting people's health.

Profiles of the Belgian Concern DeceunInck. Proven to be their reliability and excellent quality. Two types of data "Favorite" and "Butek" profiles are offered. Profiles are popular in the modern construction market, are not inferior in all indicators of premium systems. The price of these profiles from 14.5 thousand rubles. The disadvantages include what is not suitable for each home system "Butek".

Not uncommon that sellers know only the name of the manufacturer's company, and in specifications The window profile is completely not disassembled. Hence the lies begins: a cheaper product is issued for better and expensive.

When choosing, remember that the best manufacturer simply does not exist, do not be fooled by the seller's persons to purchase best Profile - Specify the class. Otherwise, you will sell an "economy" profile with a single seal for the price "Standard" class. The choice of profile for the window is not only the quality of the window as a whole, but also comfortable accommodation In the apartment where good plastic windows are installed.

Now, based on the stated material, and, paying attention to the advantages and disadvantages of profiles of well-known firms, you can try to choose the quality profiles of plastic windows that are suitable for your home.




The window profile is a frame that holds the glass. Different kinds Window profiles are characterized by material manufacturing and indoor structure. Consider in detail the differences and benefits of profile designs, their quality, cost, and operational characteristics.

What are windows of windows?

Modern window profiles for double-glazed windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), wood or metal (aluminum profile). Each of the above materials has its advantages that determine its popularity and cost.

Wooden window profile

Wooden frames are most expensive, prestigious design window Piece. Natural wood A long drying is required, careful impregnation with an antiseptic and moisture protection. Therefore, the cost wooden window An order of magnitude more plastic profile. If the wood is not sufficiently dried or incorrectly processed, then expensive windows can collapse a year after they are installed.

The type of natural wood creates a prestigious design, an attractive aesthetics. With high-quality preparation, the tree is quite durable and reliable. The best tree for the manufacture of window profiles is oak, larch, more accessible to the wood of alder and pine.

Let's summarize the advantages of wooden profiles:

  • aesthetics and prestige;
  • natural environmentally friendly material;
  • good heat capacity.


  • The possibility of warping, swelling, cracking and other types of destruction;
  • High cost;
  • A high professionalism of the mast manufacturer is needed.

The use of wood for double-glazed windows is wood-aluminum profile. It is covered with metal plates in it outside. From the inside, from the living part, the frame demonstrates natural wood, from the outdoor side of the frame is protected from moisture metal.

Aluminum profile

Aluminum window profiles are manufactured with a small number of chambers (two or three). Metal itself is an insufficient heat insulator, because of this, metal windows are cold. They are mainly used to glazing large shopping areas, airports, but also balconies and loggias. "Warm" Metal windows are equipped with thermal label, increasing the heat capacity of the profile design. The cost of such windows is much higher than "cold".

The metal window is characterized by the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • low flammability;
  • durability.


  • little heat capacity (from "cold" profiles);
  • high cost (refers to "warm" structures).

The two main types of aluminum alloy profiles are in demand in various buildings. The "cold" aluminum profile is used where an inexpensive frame is necessary, good strength, without any special demands on the conservation of heat. "Warm" expensive profile is installed in heated premises for durable functioning in cold winters.

PVC - profile

PVC profile is called a plastic window. His characteristics:

  • high heat insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • diverse design (thanks to laminated film sticking).

Thermal insulation properties are provided by the presence of hollow cameras inside. Due to the resistance of the plastic to the effects of atmospheric precipitation, he does not absorb moisture, does not swell, does not rot and does not crack.

PVC has some drawbacks:

  • flammability (characteristic of most plastics);
  • the more cameras, the greater the weight of the design, the more high demands are presented to the installation window.

Due to the available cost, the PVC profile has become the most popular material for the manufacture of windows with double-glazed windows. Tens of different manufacturers are engaged in the release of PVC. Their profiles are characterized by the number of chambers and a thick plastic wall. Consider what characteristics are used to evaluate PVC profiles.

Characteristics of the window profile PVC

Popular window profile manufacturers

  1. Rehau is the German manufacturer, has its own production in Russia. The Russian market supplies six profile models: 3-6 cameras, the width of the standard double-glazed windows 32-40 mm, special windows are installed in wide double glazing (86 mm), fiber-fiber is installed. The heat transmission rate coefficient is from 0.64 to 1.05 (for profiles from fiberolok). The manufacturer regulates that the coefficient from 0.95 corresponds to heat capacity brick wall One meter thick.
  2. KBE is a German manufacturer who has two subsidiaries in Russia. Releases 8 models of profiles with various characteristics: 3-6 cameras, glass thickness from 32 to 52 mm. The heat transfer coefficient of the Kve profile is 0.7 - 1.04.
  3. VEKA - Russian-German manufacturer, Veka Rus is a subsidiary of VEKA AG. Releases typical blocks and non-standard design designs for window Operas and balconies in accordance with the European standard RAL. Basic models: Softline (for double-glazed windows from 4 to 42 mm, five cameras, heat transfer resistance coefficient 0.75), SoftLine 82 (width of doubletage 24-52 mm, seven cameras, coefficient 1.0), Euroline (three cameras, double-glazed windows 32 mm, the coefficient of 0.64), Proline (four chambers, 4-42 mm, the coefficient of 0.75), swingline (6-42 mm, five cameras, the coefficient of 0.77), AlphaLine (elite 6-chamber profile with high coefficient 1.04).

  4. Montblanc is the German manufacturer, supplies four types of profiles from 3 to 6 chambers to the territory of Russia (Eco, thermo, Nord and Grand). Width of glass windows 32, 42 and 52 mm. The heat transfer resistance ranges from 0.6 to 0.82 mm. Frame thickness from 60 to 80 mm. Six aircases are stacked in a width of 80 mm. High heat-saving functions make a profile popular in Russia.
  5. Salamander (also Germany) - produces profiles of 3, 5 and 6 chambers with a frame thickness from 60 to 92 mm. Dimensions of mounted double-glazed windows: 32 mm, 48 and 60 mm. The widest profile of Salamander BlueVolution has a heat transfer resistance of 1.0. The manufacturer regulates high burglary windows (Thanks to a closed reinforcement system).
  6. Schuco is a German manufacturer, produces 3 - 7-chamber PVC profile for standard and energy-efficient construction. Maximum coefficient The heat transfer resistance is 0.94. Double glazed windows up to 36 mm thick. In wide frames with a thickness of 82 mm, it is possible to install anti-burglar fittings. Also Schuco Releases warm aluminum profiles with the number of cameras from 3 to 7, steel profiles For cold glazing.
  7. TROCAL - German manufacturer, source of industry, which introduced the first plastic window to the construction market (in 1954 ODU). Engaged in the release of window profiles for almost 60 years. Width of glass accommodation from 30 to 58 mm. Four-five chamber profile, 70 and 88 mm mounting width. The heat transfer coefficient is 0.82. The lead-free technology allows you to establish a profile in children's institutions (kindergartens and schools).

http: //set/idei-dlya-dizayna/variantyi/frantsuzskiy-balkon-chto-.html.

Finally: accessories

Accessories are called a combination of metal parts that provide a moving connection of various elements in the overall design of the window. Durability of the window product depends on the quality of the accessories. It is important to know that the famous branded producers have a cheap line of less high-quality fittings for Eastern European countries.

Types of window fittings:

  • Rotary-folding (for swinging the window and frying folding).
  • Castle and handle - a multifunctional design that locks the frame in any position using the axis paved inside.
  • Parallel-sliding (for retissions).
  • Contact-sliding.
  • Vertical sliding.

In addition to accessories, the design of windows with double-glazed windows uses. They provide the necessary isolation from noise and cold.

The selection of the window profile, its main characteristics and accessories is carried out in accordance with the windows required by the heat capacity and with the level of prices for its manufacture. The quality of the profile and accessories determines the appearance of the glass package and its operational characteristics: thermal insulation, sound absorption, strength and durability.
