Currently, more and more people give their choice in favor of the metal plastic windows. Such double glazing equipment and ordinary apartments, I. country houses, and gorgeous country mansions. And quite often, people set new windows with their own hands. Depending on the selected method of installation and installation skills, the installation process of one window will take from one and a half hours to half a day. Technology installation of windows is extremely simple and understandable. It does not require the use of any complex tools. The main thing is to adhere to the order of installation and comply with all the requirements that dictates the installation technology.

Necessary measurements before ordering plastic windows

The correct installation of new windows requires the execution of accurate metering of the window opening. In addition, it is important to know the features of the installation of windows in openings with a quarter. Such window openings are usually found in foam concrete buildings. They help significantly reduce heat loss. The main difference - in the opening of a quarter, is set to a window with a length of 50 mm less than the length of the opening. From the measured width, it is necessary to take 30 mm. By contour of the opening, leave the gaps of 15 mm on the march. In accordance with the current gtales, it is necessary to leave 20 mm around the perimeter. Below additionally leave 35 mm under the windowsill.

In the event that the installation of windows from PVC will be performed in the window opening with a quarter, measure the most narrow place. When ordering a window width, add 30 mm. You do not need to change the length.

As a rule, the window is not installed in the center of the opening, but at a distance of about 1/3 deep into the outer plane. If the installation of PVC windows is performed with their own hands, then the owner can shift the design into any convenient side for it. Treat offset in advance and take into account this parameter when ordering low tide and windowsill.

To certain in accordance with the location of the window and the windows and the windowsill, add 50 mm. When calculating the width of the windowsill, take into account the addition of such an indicator as the location of the battery.

The windowsill must close the radiator half. Add 20 mm for the product of the product under the base of PVC windows. The stock in length should be at least 80 mm. But it is better not to save and add 150 mm so that in the future there is no problem to cut the windowsill. Together with the sump and the windowsill you will be offered the side plastic plugs. No need to refuse them.

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What is the method of fastening the frame to choose?

The installation of windows from PVC does not depend on the chamber of the glass package, or on the number of internal cameras in the profile. The procedure for installing the product may vary only with the material of the design of the walls and the size of the window. Suitable fastening and method installation PVC The windows are selected in accordance with the parameters listed. For consolidation window construction you can use:

  1. Dowel or anchor, cut into walls by means of existing or previously prepared through holes.
  2. Protective plates. They are pressed into profile. Mascuses are attached to the wall and are fixed with the help of screws.

Practice shows that the most reliable is the first option. It is most often used when installing heavy and large windows. In the case of end-to-end mount, the window will normally withstand multiple shock loads, inevitably occurring when turning and folding the window sash. In addition, with the help of anchors, the installer gets the possibility of the most accurate adjustment of the horizontal and the vertical of the product being installed.

Those who install windows with deaf glazing, i.e. Without swivel and folding flaps, it will be more interested in installation using anchor plates. These products are hiding under the slopes, so appearance They will not spoil. If the walls of the house are made of brick or concrete, then for plates it is recommended to pre-prepare small recesses. They will get rid of the need to apply an alignment layer in front of the devil.

Sometimes both methods are applied in the complex. Through the bottom profile and side parts of the frame in the walls, anchor is plunged, and plates are used for fixing the design. In case the windows are installed in the structure of the tree, the use of plates is better to refuse, because They are overwhelmed after a short time. In this case, galvanized screws are more preferred.

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What do you need to know the owner of a wooden house?

The process of installing PVC windows is very dependent on the material manufacturing material. In the case of brick designs and foam concrete, the differences are reduced only to the magnitude of the anchors perch. With the openings from the bar and the cut, everything is a little more difficult.

If the walls of the house are made of wood, you need to remember a number important rules. First, begin to install PVC windows in wooden house It is recommended not earlier than in a year, and even better 2 years after the completion of the construction of the house. This requirement is dictated by the fact that during this time the material gives shrinkage. The smallest value and the shrinkage period is characterized by glued bar. Secondly, the windows are not installed directly in the opening. The product can be mounted exclusively in a wooden box. It will protect the PVC window from the deformation. The block should not have any defects, traces of the defeat insects and rot, etc. Before starting any work, wood must be processed by an antiseptic.

After 1-2 years, the shrinkage does not stop completely, but is no longer so strong. After pVC installations windows and completion finishing work It will also happen. That is why at the top between the box and the opening you need to leave the gap of 30-70 mm. The size of this clearance is selected with the type and humidity building materials. After completing the installation, this gap must fill in the jute and close with platbands.

Construction standards do not establish any clear recommendations for materials for the windowsills and swells. As a rule, standard flows are used, complete with PVC window. The windowsill can be made wooden or polymer. The bottom profile can be described directly to the windowsill of a tree, i.e. This product can if you want to install before mounting the window. Or you can not get rid of the old window sill, if it is normal.

Experienced builders give very useful recommendationnot in regulatory documents, but it will be useful to anyone who decided to fulfill self installation PVC windows. Wood misses evaporation. If you do not take any action on this, evaporation data will gradually worsen the properties of the mounting foam. And in order to prevent foam moisturizing, the polyethylene foil ribbon should be pasted along the line of its application.

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Preparation of the opening and installation windows

Before you begin further work, prepare tools for mounting PVC windows. You will need the following:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Pistol for applying foam and directly foam.
  3. Level.
  4. Electrolzik.
  5. Perforator.
  6. Set of hexagon keys.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Yardstick.
  9. Stationery knife.

After you dismantle the old window, clean the opening from the paint and garbage. In case the walls of your home are made of wood, you will have to additionally comprite the top layer if the new window is mounted in the box already served. Such preliminary processing provides a stronger foam clutch with a top layer.

Builders recommend applying to fill the foam gap only if the slot between the opening and the frame does not exceed 40 mm in size. In the event of the gaps have a larger size, it is better to partially fill them with foam, plasterboard and other affordable materials. For example, in the house from the bar you can use the segments of the same timber.

First you need to remove the sash frame. To do this, pull the pin from the top loop. You can carefully pick it up with screwdriver or pliers. After that, remove the leaf from the bottom loop. If the window is deaf, it needs to take out the glass. First get longitudinal staps, after them - transverse. The strokes are easily removed using a spatula or a wide knife. It is enough to insert auxiliary tool into the gap and start it gradually shift. Be careful, do everything so as not to damage the glass.

If window small sizeYou can insert it using mounting plates without the need to pre-remove the glazing or sash. If there is a possibility not to disturb the integrity of the factory structure, then it is better not to do. Take the sash or glass and lean the product to the wall at a low angle, putting on a flat horizontal surface, pre-covered with a dense cardboard or some soft material.

In no case, do not put the double-glazed windows and sash plafhmy. It is also prohibited to put them with disk. Even because of the smallest pebble, a crack may appear under the foundation in the product. Remove the protective film from the outer side of the frame. It is better to do it immediately, because In the future, this process will require much greater effort.

Make places to install fasteners. Builders recommend installing fasteners in a step of 40 cm. In accordance with the current gtales, the step should not exceed 70 cm. Standard indents from the impost and angles are equal to 15 cm. If you install the PVC window using the plates, attach them in advance to the frame in advance. For this, self-tapping screws are used. Prepare holes for long screws or anchor bolts. Use for this drill on metal. Drill from the outdoor side of the frame.

Most instructions indicate that before starting the installation, you need to fix with the help of a protective psyl. However, the practice shows that it is quite uncomfortable before installing it. Therefore, you can do it after the completion of the installation, nothing terrible will not happen.

The company "Ploxt" manufactures windows and makes them assembling to the highest standards in accordance with GOST and with a guarantee of 5 years. We offer the installation of plastic and aluminum windows as well as glazing balconies.

Prices for the installation of plastic windows

* Dismantling is free only when ordering and installing windows
** Minimum installation cost 2500 rub.
** The cost of mounting for the non-standard windows is calculated individually.

To get a durable and high-quality installation, it is necessary to cause a measurer, which will measure the window opening, not only taking into account your wishes, but also taking into account the characteristics of the building itself and increase the opening after dismantling. Under all the rules of dismantling and installing a plastic window - you will receive durability, quality, reliability, warmth and comfort in your home.

Video Montage Process

The main stages of the installation of plastic windows

Plastics company performs high-quality installation using modern tools and materials. Mounting brigades consist of prepared qualified professionals . The company conducts systematic training courses for employee skills.
Ploxt is quality assurance produced mounting work.

Preparation of access to the window work

Checking the compliance of the size of new PVC windows and prepare them to install

Before installation, a control check for the sizes of the window of the window to be controlled is required, the order configuration and its compliance is checked.

Folds are removed from the loops and allocate the deaf windows. Drilling holes in the frame or fixing the anchor plates in accordance with the requirements approved by GOST, taking into account the type of house and the indicators specified in the measurement sheet. When determining the location of the fasteners, the installers are guided by the following requirements:

  • the distance between the fasteners is not more than 700 mm,
  • distance OT inner corner Boxes of the window block to the mounting element - 150-180 mm (but not less than 2 fastening elements for one direction),
  • the distance from the exemption to the mounting element is 120-180 mm.

Dismantling of old window frames

After moving off slopes from the window opening, old frames are removed. During the installation, the workspace is maintained clean and retains large construction trash.

Before installing the frame in the opening, 3 types of ribbons are installed on it, which provide hydro, heat and sound insulation of the room.

  1. Ribbon psul - self-disruptive pre-compressed sealing ribbon.. The material is a self-adhesive polyurethane foam ribbon, which is impregnated with a special neoprene composition. It is easy to glue and has the property to expand, filling all the defects and irregularities of the window opening. The tape not only hides these defects, but also remarkably protects the installation seam from the impact of weather phenomena. The psyral tape passes on the side and upper parts of the frame, taking into account the row of a quarter.
  2. Vaporizolation ribbon. Made from aluminum foil, reinforced with high-strength synthetic thread, is intended for internal vaporizolation of mounting seams.
  3. Waterproofing tape will reliably protect the external installation seam from aggressive atmospheric influence. It is made on a polypropylene basis with butyl adhesive strip, firmly enclosed with opening or slope, and adhesive mounting stripes are easily fixed on the window or door profile.

Preparation of window opening and installation of frame and sash

Before installing the new window, careful cleaning and the preparation of the opening is made. After that, with the help of technological wedges, taking into account the gaps on the sides, the frame is set relative to the vertical and horizontal. Fixed plates or dowels on the sides of the window box. During the installation process, the control measurement is carried out. Window flaps are installed and the deaf parts are glazed.

When the frame is fixed, the sealing of the plane of the mounting seam is carried out, between the frame and the wall.


Plastic windows have won the fame of good-free, reliable, functional and aesthetic structures, in view of which their distribution today can be observed everywhere.

But if until recently, it was believed that the installation of metal-plastic window blocks could be made exclusively specialized organizations, today more consumers are inclined to the possibility of independent installation operations. This circumstance is due to the possibility of substantially (at 60-70 cu) to reduce the costs of installing window blocks. Considering the foregoing, we offer a phased description of technology, how to install plastic windows properly.

Determination of the size of the future window block

Of course, having decided to install the PVC window with their own hands on the artist of work the whole responsibility lies not only for the quality of installation work, but also for the correct selection of the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to take full responsibility to the removal of measurements.

By performing the specified procedure, it should be borne in mind that the window openings are two types: with a quarter and without it, and the sizes determination itself has some distinctive features.

In the first embodiment, the size of the window block is defined as follows. The width of the window opening between the quarters is measured in the most narrow place, and 30 - 40 mm is added to the obtained size to obtain the value of the design width. In addition, it is desirable to check that the width of the window block is more than the greatest distance between the vertical quarters of the opening.

To obtain the height of the window, it is necessary to measure the distance from the upper (horizontal) quarter to the bottom plane of the window opening - the resulting size is just the desired value.

For an option, when a plastic window is scheduled to be mounted in an opening of a quarter, to obtain the overall values \u200b\u200bof the window block from the vertical size of the opening, 50 mm are taken away (for the possibility of installing the window sill) and from horizontal 30mm.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the size of the window slope and the windowsill. And although this operation does not provide special difficulties, it is advisable to consider the following factors when implementing it:

  1. The hoist width should be calculated taking into account the intended insulation or the objective of the enclosing structures (the sump must speak from the wall plane by 50-100 mm).
  2. The width of the window sill is taken on the basis of its functional destination (flower pots will be installed, etc.). Usually the windowsill are selected in such a way that its free part is overlapped by heating radiators.
  3. The length of the window sill is taken at 80 - 100 mm more width of the window opening, so that the edges of the windowsill were accumulated in at least 50 mm.

Order window module

The next step is to order a metal-plastic window in a specialized organization. However, in addition to overall dimensions Block, it is necessary to determine the indicators:

  • Glass type type (1; 2; 3 chamber);
  • A type window profile (3; 5 chamber);
  • The presence of fastening elements and concomitant fittings.

And subsequently it will be necessary to order a window with the most suitable technical characteristics.

By the way to order metal-plastic windows At the bases of specialized systems KBE and REHAU at excellent prices, you can directly from the manufacturer of the "Domka".

Disassembly window block

If it is necessary to install a plastic window in an already exploited placement by the start of installation work will be deleted old construction. It is necessary to make this procedure very scrupulously and neatly, in order not to be injured and not allowed to fall out of the product (especially relevant for a multi-storey building). The technique of removing the old window design itself is as follows.

  1. The window block is exempt from opening flaps and forces.
  2. With the design, all the glass is removed (for which it is necessary to remove the retaining strokes).
  3. Applying the hacksaw or a grinder (with a cut-off circuit in concrete) in vertical and horizontal elements of the frame are made of propuls.
  4. Using a healthy tool (hammer, scrap, mount) The design is extracted from the opening.

In some cases (if the consumer is desired, keep the integrity of the window frame) is allowed to remove it without deformation. However, this technique requires the performer of a certain experience and high time costs.

In addition to the frame itself, at the specified stage it is necessary to remove the windowsill and external low-end. And the finals of the operation will be cleaning the window opening from the traces of construction garbage and dust.

Basic installation of plastic window

Now let's talk about the most important thing - the process of installing the window. But be that as it may, the method of conducting installation work implies the implementation of a number of events.

First of all, it will be necessary to prepare the PVC window to install. For which, from the side and upper side of the frame to the end, it is necessary to fix the fastening plates, which subsequently and will hold the entire design in the specified position. And although many installers for these purposes are used wall suspensions (intended for installation of plasterboard systems) yet more the correct option This respect will be the use of reinforcing installation plates (due to their greater mechanical strength).

Mounting planks should be securely fixed to the end part of the window frame, so if they are installed, such a condition should be achieved so that the fastening element goes into the body metal profile The window block, but at the same time did not deform the glass. The diameter of the screws for fasteners of the plates should be selected based on the overall size of the window block.

For a standard design, a completely acceptable embodiment will be the use of screws with a diameter of 4 mm, whereas for the window block large sizes (2 x 2 m) It is better to use products with a diameter of 5-6mm.

It is necessary to record the anchor strips in the end part of the window frame in such a way that the step of their location was in the range of 60 - 80 cm, and the indentation of the construct angles was 100-150 mm.

Further action will be the exhibition of the prepared window block. And although at first glance, this procedure is not complicated, the entire outcome of the event depends on the correctness of its implementation.

It is best to exhibit a block in a pair, when one of the performers holds the design, and the second performs the required operations.

To make an exhibition of the window frame, you must install the unit into the prepared window opening and applying the wedges prepared in advance to adjust the position of the entire module. Of course, the result of the specified operation must be a high-quality units of the block, both horizontal and vertical plane. Therefore, fulfilling this work it is necessary to comply with the following recommendations:

  • Obtain the design not only from the bottom, but also on the sides;
  • Compare all vertical elements of the window frame in one plane;
  • In the presence of an impost, place the wedges and under it.

After the PVC window is set according to the level, you can start it to fix it, for which the anchor plates with dowels or anchor bolts are fixed to the cavity of the window opening. It is very important to fix items to enclosing structures that may require the removal of the plaster layer at the location of the anchor plates.

When the plastic window is securely recorded, the sealing of the mounting seams using a special foam. It is very important to take into account the properties of the material to increase in the volume when hardening, in view of which all the work should be carried out with a closed sash (open the window, after 24 hours from the installation date). It is also necessary to take into account the features of the use of foam on the basis of temperature and humidity indicators.

But in any case, before applying the foam, the seam surface should be moistened with water, and when the seam thickness of the seam is more than 30 mm, the procedure should be carried out in two passages with a 30-minute break.

Installing the window sill for the PVC window

It implies its fixation using the mounting foam. For which the product is reproduced in the required size (a bulgaria or handbrake can be used with small teeth) and is installed close to the coaching profile. Next, with the help of wedges, the windowsill is exhibited by level (a small bias from the window (3 degrees) is allowed to remove condensate from the glass unit) and the free plane between the opening and the irrigation part of the element is filled with foam. In order to exclude the deformation of the window sill (from the expansion of the foam) before the fission, the load should be installed at three points (5kg). To achieve high-quality installation the windowsill, performing it to install it is desirable to adhere to the following recommendations;

  • For dense fit to the product to window frame Previously to the coaching profile fix z --shaped plates;
  • In order to locate the windowsill outside the slopes by 50 - 100 mm do the corresponding recesses in the opening;
  • With the presence of a gap between the windowsill and window block Sealing it with silicone;
  • Face caps of the window sill glue superclaim.

Installing a lowbow for the PVC window

The final operation of the correct installation of plastic windows is the mounted installation. For which it is first cut into the specified size (scissors for metal are used), and after a minimum of 3 screws is fixed to the window frame. Whereas, as finishing works should not forget about the design of outdoor slopes, after which the window is considered suitable for use.

Installation of plastic windows with your own hands: Preparation of the window block and installation process, windowsill installation

Installation of plastic windows with your own hands: Preparation of the window block and installation process, windowsill installation

Plastic windows are currently very popular. And this is due, first of all, with the fact that they have a number of benefits before traditional options: have a longer service life, perfectly protected from street noise, cold, sun rayAlso very comfortable and practical.

In contact with


The installation is carried out, as a rule, experienced professionals who know all the subtleties of the process and have experience in practice. However, it is not always possible to take advantage of their services, but it is necessary to study how to make installation with your own hands. This work is not complicated and passes in several stages.

Necessary materials and tools

To remove the old window and install the new, we will need:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Lom-novelter;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Dowel, selflessness;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Screwdriver - Slot;
  • Hammer and chisel;
  • Roulette, level;
  • Mounting foam.

Preparatory work

Before starting the installation of windows with your own hands, it is necessary to clear the space near the window, cover the heating radiators and the floor of the film, make the exact measurements of the window opening, remove the old designs and then contact the selected company to order. Determining the window size is a very responsible procedure that it is better to entrust the exit specialist - the measurer.

Remove the old window

Dismantling of the old window

Remove the unnecessary design without the destruction of the frame is quite difficult. Most often there are only sash. First of all, they are revealed and further, raising, removed from canopies or burst with holding screws. If the windows are completely old and sash, so to say "baked", it is recommended for security to remove the strokes and glass in advance.

Using Bulgarian or manual saw need to cut old Rama In several places, after which it will be possible to remove it easily, using a lomik, a nail, perforator, and other tools. Next to remove the outer metal tump.

The windows board is dismantled in the same way as the frame: first is cut, it is raised and then removed in parts with the help of improvised tools.

The windowsill, made of, remove a little more difficult, to remove it as it will not work. You can smash it with a jackhammer or perforator. However, if it has a decent appearance, it can be simply renovated.

All these work processes are the dirty, so the window openings are well cleaned from garbage, dirt, unnecessary paint, insulation, dust. Be sure to the surface is ground.

Preparation of window block

Before installing windows, metal plastic structures are pre-prepared.

If the installation of the plastic window is done without unpacking the glass package, then it is closed and mounted in closed video. Otherwise, there is a deformation.

After the bounce, the window is left for 12 hours, during which it cannot be opened. In order to avoid a random discovery, when the foam still did not have time to frozen, the handles are recommended to do not immediately be screwed to it. It is also advised not to remove until the end of the installation and finishing of slopes, which the window is stuck. She will protect him from foam from entering, which, after the frozen, easily shakes together with the ribbon.

Prepare the outlook

Features of the installation of plastic windows with their own hands

When all preparatory work, Begin to start directly to the installation of the window.

  • First of all, the windows are prepared, fasten the fasteners with the side and upper side of the fastening elements - the so-called special anchor (plates), which will continue to hold the entire design. Previously, after setting the design, the substrates are stacked on the lower end of the window opening.
  • Then the frame is placed and attached to the opening on the sides of wooden pegs, which are harvested in advance. They are driven between the wall and the window. This stage of work is the most responsible. Using the water and clins, the frame is set strictly both vertically and horizontally. After the window is aligned, the frame is rigidly fixed in the opening of the anchor plates.
  • The gaps that are formed between the window and the wall are filled with the mounting foam (polyurethane foam). Before performing this work, the surface of the seam must be moistened with water, which will allow the foam to grasp the wall structure as much as possible. If windows are installed in winterwhen the air temperature decreases to 5 degrees, use winter or demi-season mounting foam. When it dries and freezes, the excess is cut off with a knife.
  • At the end of the installation of the plastic window, with your own hands, if necessary, you need to adjust window fittings (Closing density of window shutters and doors) and install a mosquito net.

It is very important to remember that the design should be quite reliably and firmly fixed to the walls, as well as gaps and gaps should not be present in it. It is necessary at mandatory after installation to plaster foam and inside and outside the room. Some of the finishes are forgotten and exposed danger windows, since after some time the foam can settle, from which the window can simply fall out.

Secure the window

Installation of the window sill

Before installing the windowsill predetermine and cut an excess length from the edges in such a way, so that it can enter the window opening and go to the window frame. For this, Bulgarian, electric jig or ordinary hacksaw fit perfectly. Next, using the level, set a tilt away from the window for the outflow of condensate, substituting the prepared wooden bars, brick or other materials. In the case when after alignment, the gap is formed between the opening and the windowsill, this space is foaming or filled with a solution. He is attached to the window frame with self-draws. It is very important not to forget to glue the side plugs from plastic superclosure.

It should be borne in mind that the windowsill have it so that he can only close the radiator and came a little under the base of the window.

Check exactly the window installed

Installation of plastic slopes and swells

Sucks are made only after installing the windowsill, and it is desirable to do them no later than 3 days after installing the window. This type of work is not hard to produce yourself. Before their installation is removed with a knife for an extra foam from all sides of the frame, after which the PVC is cut off - the panels of the required length and are attached to the mounting foam. In the slopes of plastic there are enough advantages over standard plaster - the work is less dirty, and the slopes are obtained beautiful, smooth and smooth. They do not require staining and complex care. With the right manufacturer, the thermal insulation of the window increases significantly.

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